about 1 month ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s and the hero of justice At Your
6s Service
13s oh don't worry I'm
18s here agent Aiden I came here to rescue
22s you in the name of
25s Justice take this
31s agent Alex you're safe now why because
34s I'm
38s here yep smells like the villains were
41s around
43s here full
47s blast
51s fire who do you think I am I never give
56s up Assemble
62s with great power comes great
67s responsibility my name is eusa protector
70s of the people and I will become the
73s greatest
75s hero Astra
82s birst I got the power
87s now someone once told me all they wanted
90s is to go back to a peaceful normal
94s life I I'll become the hero who makes
97s that
103s possible you Seena here to the rescue