2 months ago - GM_Goddess - Direct link
We're rolling out the 1.25a Hotfix at 11 AM (UTC).
*Some changes may not be applied to tooltips or Practice modes.

VLS Since the release of the VLS, we've received a flood of feedback for improvements. As a major gameplay-changing feature, we're committed to making rapid updates based on your input.
One key concern raised is the overly significant vision advantage provided by the VLS without any risk. We're thus reducing the timing and range of vision gained, and increasing the stun after landing. These adjustments are likely to be further refined during Preseason. Additionally, starting with next week's Season start, we'll make improvements for responses to the VLS. vision indicators for enemies spotted by the VLS. We're planning to implement a feature where gliding enemies detected in your vision will trigger a vision marker, and their position will be indicated on the ground.

The replacement of Hyperloops with VLS devices on Day 3 has also added some frustration due to reduced long-distance movement options. While this limitation was intentional, it may have been too abrupt a change. To address this, starting next week, VLS devices will be replaced by Hyperloops while inside Restricted Areas.

Another common feedback we've received is that the VLS makes chasing enemies too easy. The ability to purchase Mobile VLS devices from the V-Pad quick slot for 100 Credits allowed players to secure returns by successfully chasing enemies. While this purchase was intended as a Preseason-only trial, it will be removed in today's hotfix. The vision advantage mentioned earlier should also be significantly reduced without the Mobile VLS.

We're also making some improvements to the VLS devices control. However, since control adjustments directly impact Host benefits, these changes will be introduced gradually alongside reductions to strategic advantages.

We'd also like to sincerely apologize for the VLS animations and visuals falling short of your expectations. We are actively working to enhance various aspects, including the transition from vertical launch to gliding, the gliding visuals, overlapping issues when teammates board together, and individual character animations. While these improvements will take longer compared to other adjustments, we aim to present meaningful improvements by mid-season.

We'll continue monitoring and implementing your feedback to make the VLS a better feature for everyone.

  • We're improving control during gliding.

  • Gliding

    • Altitude for terrain visibility 40m → 30m

    • Player vision range while using the VLS 12m → 11m

  • After landing

    • Stunned Duration 1s21.5s

    • Nearby enemy target's Stunned Duration 0.5s → 1s

  • Purchase Mobile VLS from V-Pad (REMOVED)

Secret Labs This new area currently has excessively high rewards. To balance this, we're lowering the overall value of their rewards. The Loop Card Key - γ for the Blue Secret Lab, where you can find Gamma, will now be only included in Air Supply Boxes.
We've also identified that the vision gained upon leaving Secret Labs has been overly valuable, particularly for high-tier players. To address this, we're restricting the use of vision information from Exit Loops on Day 5 . We're also exploring options to limit the type of vision information provided upon exiting labs in future updates.

  • All Labs

    • Time until becoming a Restricted Area

      • From entrance 80s → 70s

    • Exit Loop Availability

      • From entrance 40s → 50s

    • Loop Card Key not available from Day 6→ Day 5

  • Mutant Lab

    • We're slightly reducing the chance mutants have of dropping special materials.

  • Blue Lab

    • Loop Card Key - γ

      • Rarity Change: Rare → Epic

      • No longer dropped by Mutant Ravens.

      • Will be included in 1 Epic Air Supply Box dropped during Night 3.

    • Items obtained from Gamma

      • Before: 1 Tree of Life, 1 Meteorite, 1 Tac. Skill Module

      • Now: 1 Random Item: Tree of Life, Meteorite or Mythril, 1 Tac. Skill Module, Credits++

Restricted Area Counter

  • At Game Start Restricted Area Counter 20s → 25s

  • Until before Safe Zone Preparation Max Restricted Area Counter 30s 35s

  • Enemy Kill Effect: Restricted Area Counter Restoration 10s → 8s

Wild Animals Raven

  • We're reducing the drop rate of Mobile VLS.

  • We're increasing the drop rate of Loop Card Keys for Secret Lab.

Augments Chaos

  • Siphon Maelstrom

    • Melee Movement Speed Increase 10% → 15%

    • Ranged Movement Speed Increase 5% → 7%

Tactical Skills

  • Blade of Truth

    • Movement Speed Increase 15% → 20%

    • Max Movement Speed Increase upon hitting multiple enemies 35% → 40%

Character Luke

  • Elbow Grease(W)

    • Cooldown 8s → 9s

    • Recovery based on Lost HP 18%(Max 40%) → 14%(Max 33%)

    • Evolved: Cooldow Reduction upon basic attack 1s → 0.8s

  • Pressure Washer(R)

    • Mark Damage 10/35/60(+Attack Power 10%)(+Target's Max HP 2%) → 10/35/60(+Attack Power 10%)(+Target's Max HP 1%)

    • Damage 100/200/300(+Extra Attack Power 80%) ~ 200/400/600(+Extra Attack Power 160%) → 150/250/350(+Extra Attack Power 80%) ~ 300/500/700(+Extra Attack Power 160%)


  • Thorn Lilac (Q)

    • Damage 80/110/140/170/200(+Skill Amp 60%) → 60/90/120/150/180(+Skill Amp 55%)

Item Special Consumables

  • Credits++

    • Earned Credits (Self/Ally) 30/5 → 15/5

Item Skill

  • Streamlined

    • Movement Speed Increase 20% → 25%

    • Items: Mythril Crop, Mythril Shield, Mythril Quiver, Emerald Tablet

  • Quickstep

    • Movement Speed Increase per Stack 2% → 3%

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • The Midwinter Quest Book has been updated to remove the Log in Daily and Golden Thumbs Up missions.

    • If you currently have these missions, they will now be automatically marked as complete.

  • The VLS device will no longer unintendedly take you to the Briefing Room when using it from Beach.

    • Further actions will be taken following the identification of players who engaged in abnormal gameplay.

  • Áo Dài's Deferral item skill will now correctly apply the split damage taken for ranged.

    • Split damage for Ranged Weapon Characters: 15% → 10%.

  • Luke: Clean Sweep (Q)'s tooltip will now correctly display the Defense Reduction stat for the Evolved effect.

  • You'll now be able to see Raven corpses normally.

  • You'll now be able to open Raven inventories normally.