over 1 year
ago -
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We will be rolling out the 1.0.0e Hotfix at 00 AM (PT).
*Some changes may not be applied to tooltips or Practice modes.
[Fixes] Gameplay Bug Fixes & Improvements
*Some changes may not be applied to tooltips or Practice modes.
[Fixes] Gameplay Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Loading will now correctly finish during tutorials.
- Skill Icons will now correctly show the Cooldown.
- The Operator guide will keep working when joining a Battle Zone.
- You will now be able to receive rewards through the Operator after a Battle Zone win.
- The Operator guide will now work normally upon entering the 2nd targeted area in your Saved Plan.
- An error pop-up will no longer appear and you will no longer be taken to the lobby when moving on the timeline during replay.
- Using Mai’s Exclusive (R) on yourself will not additionally reduce your Cooldown.
- Celine’s Detonate(W) will now work correctly.
- Celine will be able to correctly detonate other bombs when using Magnetic Compulsive - Detonate (R-W).
- Sissela’s Wilson will no longer be affected by some skills from other Characters.
- Jan Bob and Weave(E)’s enhancement effect will now be correctly applied.
- Eva’s Telekinesis(P) will revive allies only at the established range.
- Jackie’s Chainsaw Murderer(R) will no longer stay activated after using it in the Briefing Room.
- All members from a team will now be able to join matches normally.
- The preparation screen will no longer skip the strategy map.