5 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s no flame a team of North America's
2s Finest all bundled into one a dominant
4s force in the region for seasons on end
6s they're finally ready to take the world
7s stage as they go to Korea to play in the
9s pran global invitation no flame is
11s headed by three players Superior Frankie
13s doodle and Dan first up is the team's
16s Captain Superior as the ruling King at
18s the rank ladder in North America he
19s claims his rightful first place in the
21s region for three St straights with sua
23s in hand Superior heavily pressures his
24s enemies with his sheer presence alone
26s this time around he looks to expand his
28s regime by proving himself on the global
30s stage alongside him joins Frankie the
32s notorious trump card of no flame
34s consistently at the top of North America
35s his In-N-Out play style lets him run
37s laps around his opponents on Sylvia
39s while he may be a joker to his fans He
41s Still Remains the steadfast Ace of the
43s team last but not least we have anog who
45s has been the player to melt the play
46s styles of his teammates into one the
48s Jack of all trades the master of all his
50s Flex picks allow for no flame to adjust
52s to any meta and play accordingly as
54s these three step into foreign land for
55s the first time they finally have the
58s chance to prove themselves and are
59s prepared to walk into the center of the
60s spotlight make sure to join us on
62s December 9th to show your support as we
64s bring together representatives from all
65s over the world to Face Off ask for no
68s flame we'll let the result speak for
80s itself