over 1 year ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

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2s foreign
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827s foreign
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1814s hello everyone good evening Bo annoichi
1818s to our Portuguese viewers out there it
1821s is an exciting time for you guys welcome
1824s back once again to the season 8 Lumia
1826s Marathon finals this time of course for
1828s South America I am once again sir Acadia
1831s joined by my brother-in-arms Mr suvi
1834s Senpai good evening brother how are you
1836s doing doing pretty good it is a Saturday
1839s you know feeling good it's the start of
1841s our weekend here but we're doing all
1843s right and I'm super excited for the
1844s games here tonight yeah it is gonna be a
1847s ton of fun after oh man after all the
1849s action last weekend we had ERM going we
1852s had the other season 8 Lumia Marathon
1853s finish is going there has been so much
1857s action here going on on Lumia Island but
1859s today guys it's gonna be a fun one for
1863s sure of course let's just get right into
1865s it I'm sure most of you have been here
1866s before we're gonna be talking about the
1867s overview of the event if this is your
1869s first time though if you do not know it
1871s is a squad format with five rounds of
1874s course the prize for a total of twelve
1876s hundred dollars there U.S with the point
1878s system first place getting 32 points
1881s second will be 16 so on and so forth
1883s four points from The Kills in minus four
1885s points with the death from non-players
1887s of course if you die to something like
1890s timer and shuvi would you be so kind as
1892s to possibly read over our teams coming
1894s up for this event
1896s of course you know we have six wonderful
1898s teams that have worked so hard
1900s throughout the entire course of the
1901s Season here to get to where they are
1902s here today of course similarly to the
1905s last time this is going to be a squads
1906s format that means we have six overall
1908s teams here today first up is going to be
1910s momentos joining us with Junior treasure
1913s as well as link no flame with Superior
1915s aenot and Frankie doodle not August with
1918s Caius as well as Leon and Martin h
1922s I have no idea how to say that you want
1924s to try that once you want to try that
1925s one
1927s there you go I'm about to condo I'll go
1929s with that one I'm gonna trust you on
1930s that one sir since uh of course you know
1932s a little bit more than I do on this one
1934s it means it's drumming oh there you go
1937s you see I like that name you know what I
1938s like that name but they're going to be
1940s joined us with Chiron on just as well as
1942s Sunshine losing egirls with Lily pedal
1945s usma and Nico Niko Sushi and the kit is
1947s going to be rounding out our top six
1948s with seven strike Christian as well as
1951s goal yeah a lot of great teams coming
1954s out here some of them maybe from Beyond
1956s the borders of South America but I think
1958s that's completely okay for today they
1961s have been playing wonderfully all season
1963s in those South American tournaments
1964s we've had a lot of great times great ups
1967s and downs coming out of here oh man so
1969s many great memories coming from South
1971s America one of my favorite regions such
1973s great players great people in general we
1975s love them all so much don't we should be
1977s they always talk to us yeah we do and I
1980s I will say you know South Asia that has
1982s taught these oh my goodness South
1983s America there we go there is the correct
1985s region that I want to talk about yeah
1986s South America ever since kind of like
1988s the induction of him we started seeing
1990s them a little bit more in these
1991s tournament formats I have always said
1993s that this region is one of the most
1994s interesting to look at because while all
1996s the international regions outside of
1998s South America has a lot of really cool
2000s matters going on I feel like South
2002s America has one of those like very
2004s unique style of gameplay that really
2005s allows for even more outside of the box
2008s style gameplay too and because it is
2010s squads here today I would not be
2012s surprised if we start seeing any like
2014s immensely crazy things coming out from
2016s these guys here today so very much
2018s excited to see what our teams are going
2020s to be able to bring out here and we have
2021s three whole teams from South America
2023s here with us today those teams of course
2025s are going to be the main highlights that
2027s I want to be looking at here today yeah
2029s exactly we're really going to be paying
2030s attention to those teams more than
2032s anything I want to say we can't discount
2034s our other teams of course they're going
2035s to be playing it a little bit of a
2037s disadvantage when it comes to paying but
2038s that's okay we know it honestly just
2041s makes things even more exciting you know
2043s what I mean maybe yeah yeah I think it's
2045s kind of fun in that regard but we will
2047s see how they will be doing here of
2049s course we're going to be getting into
2050s Lobby here relatively soon but I am
2053s wondering a lot of what the comps are
2055s gonna be like it's been a while uh since
2058s we've been watching South American
2059s squads so you know there's been a ton of
2061s change ups when it comes to balance uh
2063s you know the patch notes of course been
2064s throwing us every which way we have the
2067s bounce patch the other day recently this
2069s is our uh first tournament on the most
2071s recent patch actually the Vania patch so
2074s I'm curious to see how those Balance
2075s changes are going to kind of impact us
2077s obviously uh as they stated in the patch
2080s it wasn't the most flavorful impactful
2083s whatever you want to call it you know in
2085s terms of balance changes just due to the
2086s fact they're kind of saving everything
2088s for the pre-season nine patch so not
2091s really surprised on that end but is
2092s there anything you're kind of looking
2093s out for here so far shuvi hmm well just
2097s kind of remembering the patch off the
2100s top of my head I think one of the
2101s biggest things that there was the cowboy
2103s hat as well as yeah great transition
2106s into it which actually started you know
2108s in The Meta like now for eternal return
2110s I feel like there's a lot of characters
2111s that can actually make use of that item
2113s because it kind of feels that one little
2116s niche spot that a lot of headpieces
2118s didn't have before where you do get
2119s attack power where you do get the attack
2121s speed whereas before most of the time
2123s you're kind of stuck with the Tactical
2124s Ops helmet as well as the mithril Home
2126s Instead where you don't get these
2128s offensive style of stats going in with
2130s you only got the defense health or even
2132s just like cooldown reduction alongside
2134s the attack speed I'm wondering if that's
2136s going to be a factor here today because
2137s we are seeing some people here running
2139s characters that can make use of
2141s additional attack speed as well as
2142s attack power on the helmet but there's
2144s just so many things you can build it is
2146s season eight the amount of item
2148s diversification is absolutely off the
2150s charts I do wonder if anyone wants to go
2152s for the cowboy hat here today
2153s and look at our comps out here already
2156s as we can see we are in the pick phase
2158s uh trades are gonna be on that Barbara
2160s which you know not surprising at all
2162s there they rank when I believe still in
2164s South America right now and they're the
2166s best Barbara possibly in the world they
2168s are absolutely disgusting at that
2170s character but the comp I'm interested in
2172s is not a God's team for sitting there
2174s with Alex Martina and Nikki that's a new
2178s one for me yeah you know I was actually
2181s just about to talk about Martina because
2183s I was looking at Martin's name and I'm
2185s like you know if they want to spice
2187s things up they could bring out the
2189s Martina but I decided against it because
2190s it's a little bit far-fetched the recent
2192s changes to Martina makes it very
2194s difficult for her to get to her very
2196s strong part which is that broadcast
2197s Forum now you need 12 snacks instead of
2200s 10 before and while there were
2201s additional changes to make it a little
2203s bit easier for you you can stack off a
2204s body corpses like a little bit more now
2206s compared to before it's still very
2208s difficult you're gonna have to rotate
2209s their ultimate cooldown more than before
2211s and that doesn't even guarantee the fact
2213s that you're gonna stay alive live in a
2214s lot of those confrontations too so very
2216s excited about that one as soon as that
2218s Martina gets that broadcast form though
2220s that team has a ton of crowd control and
2223s lockdown damage on anybody that they
2225s really want to go for so as long as
2227s Martin can do what they want to do
2228s throughout the course of the game here
2230s that should be an absolutely deadly
2232s Comfort almost anyone in the game to
2233s fight against yeah I'm looking forward
2235s to it but of course they're gonna have
2236s to look out for some of these other
2238s teams that uh you know the the classics
2240s no flame gonna be on their you know just
2244s original the the good old you know
2247s Sylvia along with the Fiora oozing e
2250s girls as well gonna be joining them
2252s except replacing the Fiora with a Nadine
2254s it is going to be the amp variant of
2256s course coming out from Lily pedal with
2257s the red Sprite
2258s oh man we're gonna we are in for some
2261s games today yeah it's a little bit
2264s different than what we would normally
2265s expect when we come to you know I would
2268s say joining The Fray with South America
2270s and na teams also joining together here
2272s as well but again this is the kind of
2274s gameplay that kind of brings out that
2276s unique side of South America we can
2278s already see here right now as well
2280s Chiron though kind of I will say you
2283s know for Kyron this is pretty much is
2284s normal right like he just does what he
2286s wants to do on the Nadine especially
2288s with the adrenaline he's gonna be
2289s consistently Auto attacking he has
2292s anjits on that Leon especially with the
2294s healing Factor as well so that most
2295s likely means it's going to be a bit more
2297s focused towards the shielding part of
2299s the Leon here as well just trying to get
2301s that Nadine as powered up as possible
2304s safe as possible as well so you know
2306s small things here and there although
2308s four oozing girls they're running
2309s something very you know kind of standard
2311s for what they usually want to run Lily
2313s pedal as we have noticed before pretty
2316s much I call her the American Sniper
2318s she's so good
2320s just wants a little bit more of that
2322s consistency consistency throughout the
2324s fight whereas Lily pedal they want to
2326s poke a little bit more and then get that
2327s one up on the battle before they
2329s actually go in
2330s not too shabby there shuvi but you know
2334s this crafting phase we always
2337s talk about these teams and honestly oh
2340s man I said it uh last weekend during the
2342s Lumia Marathon finish for the other
2343s regions but just how far we've come
2346s throughout the season is you know kind
2348s of been it's been a fast season too I
2351s don't know about you but it's been super
2353s fast I don't know I'm surprised we're
2355s already halfway through March you know
2356s what I mean I was like oh my goodness
2357s into April it's gonna be the end of the
2360s year by the time we know it which I you
2361s know I don't want it to be of course but
2362s like
2363s oh man turnover turn should be only a
2366s few more months until our full release
2368s here yeah I'm getting excited you know
2372s yeah and it feels like season eight in
2374s general has been the type of season for
2376s us to kind of understandably not realize
2378s that we've already come this far in the
2380s season or even in the year because there
2382s was just way too much action packed for
2384s you and I which you know of course you
2385s and I are never going to be complaining
2386s about but the fact of the matter is
2388s there's just so many things going on
2390s here that it's difficult for us to keep
2391s track of what the heck is going on as we
2394s do see a little bit of early scuffles
2396s here a good Garden reverse coming out
2398s from Leon but as soon as they see
2399s nikuniku Sushi they're gonna have to
2400s turn tail but it's not going to matter
2402s as Lily pedal picking up an early kill
2404s on the Nadine should be an absolutely
2406s amazing start there Martin H will also
2408s get taken down not exactly sure if they
2410s did it end up getting those Stacks that
2411s you see that record off on cooldown
2413s right now just wasn't sure if it all the
2415s way went through but that's the
2417s initiation here Julie getting taken down
2418s but they do have the play dead access
2420s available seven striking they get taken
2421s down here as well Junior actually
2423s dodging against the first attack and the
2425s Haymaker two goodbye over towards that
2428s Jenny getting away from Seven strike but
2430s this is a honey in the early stages of
2431s the game their main goal here is to try
2433s to get that tree of life pushing away
2435s everybody as much as possible Christian
2436s trying to do whatever he can Junior's
2438s actually going to get taken down here
2439s too with treasure trying to chase down
2441s Christian will he be able to get it one
2443s more laser maybe should be enough but I
2445s don't think it's gonna be there we go
2447s Christian should be getting out here
2448s Juni will most likely get picked up and
2450s that's gonna be a trail of life going
2451s over to the momentos
2453s yeah that is very nice for them great
2457s first fight coming out there the play
2458s dead really saving them there Juni just
2461s great plays overall a not also able to
2464s build that glacial ice over there going
2465s straight into the Almas I'm pretty sure
2467s once they're able to there it is online
2470s still needing to finish up that arm
2471s piece but don't worry that could come to
2473s mind at any time you got you got the
2475s you got the RNG piece at this point it's
2477s all good but now it looks like Christian
2479s needs a bit of a problem again hold on
2481s Sunshine going after them right now that
2483s ultimate from Fiora
2485s a bit more damage or they could be able
2487s to do it there it is Unfortunately they
2490s gonna will be found this time and going
2492s down but now this time it's on team in
2495s battle combo yeah you can see the
2498s changes to Fiora really making it a
2500s priority for you to actually be popping
2502s that fifth hit of the passive on the
2505s correct skill that you want to be
2506s hitting off of that outer ring of the
2508s Fenty just did like what 400 damage just
2510s now
2510s not something you see often especially
2513s one with Burger uh not burgundy sorry it
2515s was the uh oh man I forget what that
2517s item name is called because I don't see
2518s it much anymore but it was that a
2519s headpiece that gives you the skill
2521s damage reduction another big fight over
2523s in hospital here Superior is actually
2524s going to be the first one to get taken
2526s down this a not getting taken pretty low
2527s here as well Frankie's just gonna try to
2529s heal up his teammate as these two from
2531s no flame are going to be completely
2532s booking it seems like game one is all
2535s about the south american team sir
2536s because they are all dominating the
2538s North Americans right now yeah they are
2540s going a little bit crazy already a
2542s killing spree for a traja three kills
2545s out there for them and they're looking
2547s possibly for another one Frankie's
2549s trying to run away right now A not right
2551s ahead of him oh man this is gonna be a
2556s fun one like we said you guys are
2558s getting a little bit of poke back damage
2560s there and it looks like we also have our
2563s Alpha going down already down over there
2567s so easy girls Martina trying to get some
2569s stacks of course were they able to just
2572s get them yeah yeah they were able to get
2574s some very lovely job but you know
2576s Martinez squads we already know what
2577s their job is should we run around get
2579s some stacks for a while come back and
2580s then you are insanely strong to
2582s currently sitting only at four Stacks
2583s but still Stacks are stacks yeah and the
2586s thing is they kind of readjusted Martina
2588s to make sure that her late game is a
2590s little bit more kind of um consistent
2593s right because they changed her early
2594s game so that in Cobalt or damage isn't
2597s as too problematic for teams but leaking
2600s her damage actually as a matter of fact
2601s I think got increased also struggling
2604s here a little bit as well will get taken
2605s down so yeah just like one at a time all
2608s of our teams that want to be scaling
2610s towards late game we have teams within
2611s the Nadine we have teams with the
2612s Martino they're all getting these small
2614s advantages towards the early stages of
2616s the game almost on top of sunshine as
2618s well like this is not looking good for a
2620s lot of our teams right now that don't
2622s have that late game snowball unless they
2624s do end up having that early game setup
2626s and that seems to be a lot of our teams
2628s that we usually tend to see succeeding a
2631s lot in the early stages especially in
2632s North America so we'll see how they
2634s managed to kind of cope with that as
2636s well throughout the course of the game
2637s here Christian trying to run away from
2639s the no flame Squad as he's gonna run
2641s himself down towards school and the rest
2643s of his team will be following through in
2644s just a moment as decide to go to factory
2646s but they're gonna have to do this
2647s quickly
2649s really really fast for them hopefully I
2652s do think Christine's probably gonna run
2653s over the hotel or the Avenue teleporter
2655s go meet up with them ASAP and I see a
2658s Martina on our radar again trying to get
2660s those stacks
2662s oh man I love watching those Martinez so
2664s much fun I think they just used their
2666s ultimate don't actually know what ended
2668s up happening but hopefully hopefully it
2670s goes well for them you know we love
2671s watching Martinez in the late game
2672s especially just I don't know I I love it
2675s personally I don't know how other people
2676s feel about it but Martinez I know I
2679s complained about Martin a lot but holy
2681s Lord another fight going over here and
2683s of course Judy actually gonna go down to
2685s those reign of arrows
2687s oh passive there right now linked down a
2690s bit of trouble here's the bike coming in
2691s from she's trying to run it linked now
2694s they're gonna split off but razor needs
2695s to get out of here right now they'll be
2697s running but that's two huge kills there
2700s for easy me girls yeah and this is the
2703s first time ourselves we're gonna be
2704s struggling a little bit here that's
2705s going to be a really really nice f-stop
2708s to lock down Sunshine but there's a lot
2709s of low health bars on the side of the
2711s kids right now Christian needs to rest
2713s up a little bit or they might be looking
2714s for an equally beautiful first attack in
2716s towards the Fiora no Perry to speak up
2718s at all on just however right on top of
2720s these two at the moment gold trying to
2721s get himself away a beautiful tournament
2723s attempt there from Seven strike it's not
2725s gonna find anybody and that means a ton
2727s of people because they're getting taken
2728s down here but yet again no real
2730s conclusive fights happening pretty
2732s consistent from what we have seen so far
2734s throughout the course of Lumia season
2735s finals here and you know what I mean
2738s this is shaping up to be a really great
2740s game one and let's look at how many
2742s stacks here on Martin it is night number
2744s two only seven Stacks so it's not the
2746s greatest that you could be asking
2748s foreign but we'll find two more as they
2751s do get one on that meter right now as
2753s well they're gonna get taken down here
2754s yet again now three more Stacks left on
2757s Martin there's simply a lot of corpses
2759s flailing about in the rest of the map
2761s right now but it is almost day number
2763s three any more deaths and they're not
2765s gonna be able to revive here so Martin's
2766s running out of time yeah hopefully they
2769s will be able to get it like you said not
2771s a lot left
2772s oh cranky and Superior I don't know wait
2776s oh man actually let's see Enoch's trying
2779s to get on in the back line right now
2781s well those two are gonna be fighting
2783s themselves let's see Audrey's taking out
2785s to a porterhouse right now I see who's
2787s going down somewhere else as well wow
2790s holy Lord Sunshine having to run away
2792s you iron
2794s not able to do a lot there oh my
2797s goodness the damage coming out from no
2799s flame kind of what we expected but still
2801s shoot me yeah throughout the whole
2803s course of that fight Frankie used radar
2806s gun twice and it healed literally all
2808s the damage that Superior took throughout
2810s the whole course of that fight so you
2811s can see how much sustainability there is
2813s and the moment you let your back line
2815s just get kind of jumped like that by the
2817s fur that's already running on us they're
2818s gonna get taken down most likely you
2820s just have no answers for the rest of the
2822s front line too so I think that should be
2824s a bit more of a wake-up call here for
2825s that team to figure out how they're
2827s gonna have to deal with this uh it was a
2829s uh the Sylvia as well as the zoo
2831s composition because whatever they just
2833s did over in Factory was definitely not
2835s it but again good wake-up call at a
2837s really nice time because now that it's
2839s day three you know now you have no more
2841s res attempts here at least they bought
2843s right around that night too Mark before
2845s they had that last chance to fight
2848s now here we go like you said day three
2851s online no more revives at all all of our
2854s teams coming up we have Martin coming up
2857s once again of course let's hope the
2859s Martina is going to be able to do enough
2861s I'm really praying for them still at
2863s those nine Stacks it's gonna be a little
2866s hard they need to find those dead bodies
2867s and fast UV having a Martinez scales not
2872s have it oh my goodness here we go here's
2874s a fight oh no I think accidentally Auto
2876s attack the camera there now Christian
2878s there's the half stops gonna be able to
2882s um
2883s they're all trying to fight out right
2886s now there's the reflect damage going on
2888s to some strike I believe Sunshine from
2891s ghoul looking for anything there I don't
2892s believe it's really gonna be able to
2893s find one dive as well
2895s oh wow seven straight going down as well
2898s as whoa now not what you want to see our
2902s first very big impactful fight of this
2905s game Christine unfortunately gonna have
2907s to run away for themselves is our very
2909s first single player here in game one
2912s that was such a good fight though I mean
2915s Chiron did everything correctly as in
2916s the dean dodging out on literally
2918s everything that the honu and the Yuki
2920s wanted to do that was a beautiful
2921s reflected Dodge out on the damage there
2923s the Pompa skill making use of it right
2925s now here on top of it on just doing
2927s everything correctly and sunshine
2929s sitting up in the front line as that
2931s Fiora just kind of dissuading the nap
2933s upon from ever jumping on the Nadine too
2935s like this is a team fight that you are
2936s looking out for and that's the team
2938s fight that you do want to be seeing
2940s especially at this stage in the game so
2941s a great setup right now seven kills on
2944s that team at the moment too and for the
2945s kids three kills so far in game number
2947s one and you have to kind of think that
2949s that is gonna be the end of it for this
2951s game for them
2952s yeah it's going to be a little bit hard
2954s hopefully Christian able to get some
2956s good placement points there coming out
2957s which can be impactful on the scoreboard
2959s as well three points like you said not
2962s too bad at all
2964s let's see what they're gonna be able to
2965s do
2966s everybody's kind of moving around the
2968s map right now we can see Chrissy and
2969s trying to hide from everybody the camera
2972s will spot him I believe the Martina but
2974s doesn't look like they're going to be
2975s turning at all for him I'll fight over
2978s here in force on G so much damage coming
2981s out my God now they're gonna have to be
2984s on the run as fast as possible Sunshine
2986s oh my goodness the damage I don't think
2989s they're gonna be able to get out the all
2991s the pair it's a light though it hits the
2998s losing one of their big damage sources
3002s there in the Fiora that is unfortunate
3004s but now it looks like they're going to
3006s be found by Chrissy and again kind of in
3008s a way third partied over here by team
3011s nargas oh my God
3015s dude this really stalks for a lot of our
3017s teams here man like as up against the
3019s Silvia as well as sewer you can't run
3021s from that so at this stage of the game
3023s you have to fight into them and you have
3024s to win any mistakes are not going to be
3027s tolerated at all from these teams and
3028s the moment they want to change you have
3029s a Sylvia with their gauges constantly
3031s coming up you have a sewer consistently
3033s chasing you down as well there is no
3035s room for error for these guys but as the
3037s game goes on the Sylvia and the sewer
3039s teams just get stronger and stronger and
3041s stronger you have to deal with them one
3043s way or another regardless of whether or
3045s not you want to so if four is now
3047s becoming an absolute death trap for a
3048s lot of these teams is we have two of the
3050s teams that I'm talking about here
3051s sitting inside the snow Zone
3054s absolutely terrifying on that Sylvia
3056s right now I do wonder what Frankie's
3058s looking like as well these two teams
3060s have been very very quiet throughout the
3062s course of the game but again they're
3063s lethality kinds of coming toward the
3065s later stages of the game yeah it's the
3067s same thing for Frankie too this is this
3069s is scary man yeah it is really scary to
3072s go up against them right now but let's
3074s see who's actually gonna do it there
3075s actually doing Wick but I think that
3079s just means they're gonna hand it right
3081s in to the loving arms of no flame only 3
3085s 000 Health we do see oozing egos here as
3087s well and we have I believe that is
3090s that's gonna be mementos pulling up well
3092s he's gonna be able to secure it three
3094s teams here here you're trying to get it
3096s right now they're trying to pull Wick
3098s back but it is not gonna happen
3100s unfortunately that's no flame a second
3103s VF blood for them that is with a line oh
3106s no link now in a bit of a unfortunate
3109s place here but I think no flame doesn't
3112s one at the moment not knowing where
3113s these other teams are positioning
3115s themselves which I think is a fair call
3117s but oh my God if anything that's a good
3121s uh that's a good setup for you and I
3123s because that means a lot of our teams
3124s here their priority is going to be that
3126s wickliness that's a really nice Arc for
3128s you and I to kind of talk about
3129s throughout the course of the games here
3131s tonight we have a total of five and a
3133s lot of our teams should be focusing down
3134s that object given it's a good thing here
3136s right we've seen no flame always being
3138s on top of that objective almost no
3140s contestion in a lot of our Squad games
3141s here but this time around it's going to
3143s be a bit more interesting than that so I
3145s do love to see that and there it is
3147s Chiron sitting on that upgraded cowboys
3150s hat as well like this is this is a game
3152s this is a game it's 0.0 and 0.80
3156s yeah it is crazy and I believe let's try
3158s to remember the name of it already isn't
3160s it the uh what is it Star of the West
3162s thing there you go
3165s Star-Spangled Banner about me
3167s oh but here we go Leon actually deciding
3170s to go in we do have Martina on that
3173s broadcast form as well which is what we
3174s wanted to see
3176s and I'm excited for it this is where
3178s narga starts really kicking off against
3180s the rest of these teams not really
3182s having anything early unfortunately of
3184s course they were trying to get that
3186s Martina online let's see if they're
3188s gonna be able to do anything with it you
3190s know they invest a lot of time and
3192s resources not really resources because
3195s it's just Martina kind of running it but
3196s you know of course they're just
3198s investing that time to wait for Martina
3200s you're kind of relying on that player to
3202s be able to do something and let's hope
3204s they're going to be able to pull it off
3205s or else I don't know if they're going to
3207s want to run it again and here we go
3208s actually Oozma so much damage there
3211s actually that's what we talked about
3212s committed the EMP as well so it's a
3217s little rough now if they want to take
3218s another fight they still have Nikki but
3220s I don't know if it's gonna be enough
3221s mean while it looks like Mentos actually
3225s gonna chase down on just here on the
3227s Leon and I believe that is a done deal
3229s right there lots of condo losing another
3232s one of their players and here we go
3233s another fight shooty oh this could be
3236s pretty big we don't have the emperor
3238s damage this is way too massive the
3240s lockdown potential way too high Leon's
3242s gonna get taken down here but the damage
3244s of Lily pedal the broadcasting hit the
3246s middle form onto the Nadine that's way
3248s too damage uzma in a little bit of
3250s trouble here as well he's going to be
3251s trying to run away he is the sewer but
3253s Kai's is on the chase right now the
3255s additional damage Buffs over onto the
3256s Alex might cause a little bit of issues
3258s for us but they are a sewer regardless
3260s trying their best to run away but going
3262s straight into an death wall as they're
3263s going to be stuck inside of the
3265s restricted areas and when you're the
3266s last one alive that's not a good news at
3268s all uzuma will have to run into the red
3270s eat a lot of timer but a beautiful fight
3272s from Team Nautica and this is what we
3274s wanted to see from a Martina that hit
3276s that broadcast form and then we saw it
3278s perfectly
3279s oh how wonderful is that I loved it so
3283s much but now another huge fight looks
3285s like Frankie and them want this a Trader
3287s trying to do as much damage as possible
3288s hey not having to use the Perry it's
3290s gonna be the first one to go down in
3291s this fight everybody else on mementos
3293s right now sitting at half hell severe
3295s trying to put out as much damage as
3297s possible play dead is out there no more
3300s play dead for Juni unfortunately they're
3302s gonna have to kite this insanely well
3303s there's so much healing and everything
3305s going on right now do they have the
3307s damage the amputators out of Frasier I
3309s don't think has the damage Wick but for
3312s these characters doing so much UV holy
3316s no mistake is what I said and they made
3319s too many mistakes it was a beautiful
3320s kill up against a not I will definitely
3323s say that but then afterwards you gotta
3325s kill the Sylvia but they went for the
3327s suo instead I'm not such a big mistake
3329s here the sustain from the Sylvia is
3331s still way too much for these teams to
3332s deal with right now even with the
3333s healing cut so a massive loss there I
3336s will say for team momentos it was a
3338s great fight that they fought but the end
3339s end result was not in their favor at
3342s that point and we do hit our final Zone
3344s as it is going to be school here 55
3346s seconds until we do start hitting that
3347s temp so on the trayser trying to revive
3349s their teammates no avail Juni will get
3351s taken down here and that means we have
3353s two full teams left this could be
3355s naughty guys as well as team no flame I
3357s mean this is the fight that I've been
3359s wanting to see right now right how can
3360s my Martina actually hold up against all
3363s of these guys uzma is gonna feel the
3365s pain of that as well Superior just kind
3367s of you know dashing a little bit in
3368s towards the corner there that's
3370s understandable sometimes those pixels
3371s are a little bit pesky so cool things
3374s there Usman will keep himself a little
3375s bit alive for a bit longer here but
3378s again more timer being burnt by our solo
3380s players not looking good at all oh no
3382s uzma getting caught out there by nargas
3384s let's see no more dashes left of course
3387s not gonna get stunned up or anything
3389s because you know that is just how it
3391s works it was still taking a lot of
3393s damage there it's almost all just so
3395s close uzma and we'll commit the Martin
3398s old but of course that ultimate is on
3399s such an insanely low cooldown it doesn't
3402s really matter right now they're going to
3403s be getting into the Zone maybe they
3405s chase a little bit too far there as we
3406s can see Leon only having 13 seconds of
3408s timer left so oh God here we go atresia
3411s is going to pull up uzma as well only a
3413s few seconds left they need to actually
3415s get that timer right there they will be
3417s getting it uzba is gonna pop even with
3419s the totem and now it's rage is here as
3421s well that is another kill for an Argos
3423s but guess who's walking over we see no
3425s flame uh oh Leon you guys gotta run
3428s right now here we go 40 seconds for all
3431s of them he only has five seconds of
3433s timer this one's so unfortunate there's
3435s the EMP as well where Tina's trying to
3437s get off as much as possible but it's
3440s just not enough it was a timer dip no
3443s flame your winners of game number one
3447s shooby
3448s three oh man that was such a good fight
3450s taken from Naughty guys too but yeah
3452s exactly as you said timer is the big
3455s issue there and to be fair as well a
3457s very tight Corridor where ultimates have
3459s already been blown just to knock down
3461s the treasure and the treasure did too
3462s too much damage over on the side of
3464s naughty guys that's such a thing quarter
3466s or Barbara can constantly throw out
3468s those lasers and I mean at that point
3470s you kind of have to call it quits right
3471s yeah right for too long especially as
3474s that team especially when you have Alex
3475s as well and you know for what it is he
3477s did hold on to the EMP barrage and he
3479s did use it at the end but the health
3480s bars were way too it was at that point
3483s so it was just so unfortunate there no
3486s flame coming in it quite literally the
3488s perfect time right there to just swoop
3491s and get all those kills but of course
3494s man that was still a great game from all
3497s of our players wow everybody looking so
3500s fantastic you just love to see game ones
3503s like that everybody's on their a game
3505s ready to go so many Fantastic fights to
3508s talk about we had notagats with the
3510s Martina actually coming out still huge
3512s which you wanted to see it's a little
3514s bit of a timer difference more than
3515s anything unfortunately there for them
3517s but just so much great action there out
3520s of game one oh man it's gonna be a fun
3523s day again how's shuvi yeah and I was
3525s worried for team not against especially
3526s after Martin that didn't hit that
3528s broadcast for him post day number three
3530s but they managed to you know get those
3533s three final Stacks that they've managed
3535s to get at the end of the game and you
3537s can see how much damage that Martin was
3539s actually outputting with them Martina as
3541s soon as they hit that broadcast form as
3542s well you cannot let that happen as a lot
3545s of other teams and they try to prevent
3547s it for the most part but you know what
3549s the amount of dead corpse is on the
3551s ground especially in squads when
3552s Infinity Vibes are on until day number
3554s three you have a lot of leniency as that
3557s Martina and it seems like it was just
3559s barely enough for team nargas to get
3560s that Martina to that point which now in
3563s the end definitely helped there you swap
3564s over onto the vicg after hitting that
3566s broadcast form oh my God damage coming
3569s out from that character is insane yeah
3570s exactly it just goes up exponentially
3573s doesn't it now shuvi and I believe we do
3577s have our scores already and oh man they
3581s were cooking in the oven there for a
3582s while and don't forget guys the scores
3585s of course are not going to be there
3587s numerically properly just because it is
3589s due to how the circuit points everybody
3591s got seated and everything so you know
3594s it's not it's gonna maybe look a little
3595s weird to you guys but of course like we
3597s said mementos had the most circuit
3599s points so they will be going first on
3600s the scoreboard but in first place
3602s currently right now with 76 points there
3604s is no flame in second will be using egos
3607s we actually have a three-way tie four
3610s second place between oozing e girls
3613s mementos and nargas all with 32 points
3615s and batokando sitting there with 29
3618s Points and then the kids in six with 14
3620s points I don't remember the last time
3623s I've seen a three-way time for a second
3625s of course that is gonna get changed
3627s there after game two but uh wow a
3629s three-way tie after game one yeah that
3632s is a fun one and this really kind of
3634s goes to show that even if you don't
3635s really have good placement getting those
3638s kills really matters here and especially
3640s for you know foreign who got first and
3642s 11 kills on top of it you can see how
3644s big the differences between them and any
3647s of the other teams more than double the
3649s points of second place right now and of
3650s course that won't stay consistent
3652s throughout the whole course of the event
3653s here or maybe they will because no flame
3656s is one of those teams that definitely
3657s loves to kind of take that tidal wave
3660s and just kind of ride it all the way
3661s till the end of the tournament but this
3664s is a South American region and we saw
3666s how well the South American teams were
3667s holding up to our North American teams
3669s in the first few minutes of the game if
3671s they can carry that Title Wave all the
3672s way to the end of each individual game
3674s then maybe the North American tide is
3677s going to get cut short and we'll see
3679s South America their own tournaments hey
3681s I'm ready for it that's what I'm hoping
3683s for here we need our Brazilian players
3686s to get on up to the stage and do their
3688s thing like we said you know I love
3691s watching them so much suvi and let's get
3694s right into our picks for game number two
3696s I don't believe we're gonna have any
3698s changes at all everybody looked really
3699s comfortable there and as far as I could
3702s see and yeah I just believe it's gonna
3703s be no changes whatsoever
3705s yeah there absolutely doesn't have to be
3707s at all all of our teams here and you
3709s know what for what it is I thought a lot
3711s of these teams were going to be very
3712s ultimately Reliant but it doesn't seem
3714s to be the case they know how to rotate
3716s through all of their skills individually
3717s to not have to rely on any of them and
3720s even for Chiron as well as the Lily
3722s pedal where you know wolf facility is
3723s usually the time and they also tend to
3725s hold on to that utility until the very
3727s moment they actually need it which these
3729s two are so good at doing they're willing
3731s to fight outside of those regions as
3733s well they're willing to fight whenever
3735s they I think they have the opportunity
3736s to do so they're the ones looking for
3738s opportunities trying to make sure that
3740s they're fighting on their own terms this
3742s is what I love to see here and the fact
3744s that we're seeing all the same comps
3746s they're confident in these
3748s yeah honestly I don't expect many
3751s differences like you said coming out
3753s today everybody is really confident when
3754s it comes to the characters that they're
3755s playing I don't think we're gonna see no
3757s flame at oozing Eagles at maybe actually
3760s oozing e girls might change out the
3762s Nadine because I believe they like the
3764s Aria we did see that in the North
3767s American finals so would not surprise me
3769s if something like that came out as far
3771s as no flame uh like I was saying I don't
3773s think we're gonna be seeing anything
3773s different out of them as far as some of
3776s the South American teams I know
3777s Australia's most likely not going to
3779s change at all off that Barbara of course
3781s uh but you know that's completely fun
3783s with me uh I sometimes really like it
3786s you know I know a lot of people are like
3788s oh well nobody's changing T you know
3789s nobody's changing characters it you know
3791s it's kind of boring to watch the same
3792s character but the whole thing is you
3793s know these people are the best at them
3796s you know what I mean it's great to watch
3798s them just do their thing basically on
3801s these characters I don't know that's
3802s kind of how I feel personally about it
3804s I'm completely fine with it but let's
3805s see what happens with the rest of the
3807s day yeah and even for people like Aina
3810s who plays a lot of different characters
3811s they play those characters to the top of
3813s the levels when you when it comes down
3815s to it so I have absolutely no qualms
3817s about watching people like that being
3819s able to play characters like the Fiora
3821s so you know it's exactly as you
3823s mentioned the gains that you're gonna
3824s get are so high class that in the long
3827s run it's not really going to matter and
3828s we saw after game number one that all of
3831s these fights are really really close
3832s none of them were kind of game ending
3834s for any of these guys until like post I
3836s think day number four the ones over in
3838s day three were definitely game defining
3840s especially for the kids as well as and
3842s bought the condo but
3844s you know those were fights that could
3845s have gone either way with just small my
3847s new micro decisions that's what it
3849s really comes down to in the end so this
3852s is what we want to watch right it's just
3854s good games of eternal return
3856s yeah exactly I am here for it so many
3860s great things coming out recently and man
3862s we have less than two weeks left of the
3864s Season should be it's crazy like you
3867s know I've talked about the last game
3868s that we've come this far but yeah guys
3870s don't forget to get those ranked games
3872s in of course to get your goals if you
3874s want to get gold silver diamond platinum
3876s heck of mortal do whatever you want to
3878s do you know what I mean the lumio island
3880s is open and ready for you guys if you
3883s want that accion skin as well which you
3884s know I believe was uh shown again the
3886s other day it looks really nice to get
3887s that key on yeah and you know what I
3890s feel like the art is it just kind of
3892s resembles the art style from black
3894s survival which I actually don't like
3898s I do agree it really did remind me of
3900s that I was like this looks both old and
3902s new at the same time you know what I
3904s mean like not in a bad way at all of
3905s course but I really loved it personally
3908s it is one of my favorite Arts that I've
3909s seen for any of the cadetskins if not my
3911s favorite so far I really like it and now
3914s you know I I hope the uh the effects are
3916s really nice you know you have that uh
3917s like the golden VF I guess you could say
3920s for action on this which I'm excited for
3922s it's gonna be so nice UV oh yeah and for
3926s all these guys it should almost be
3927s guaranteed at this point that they're
3928s able to get it right there just playing
3930s so well that you know their skill levels
3932s like we don't even have to look at their
3933s rank they're definitely gold or higher
3934s at this point of course they are if they
3937s aren't I'd be rioting man who you think
3939s is uh who do you think is gonna be the
3940s cadet for next season
3943s oh my God wait this is actually pretty
3946s big Sunshine's even joining The Fray
3948s here as well this could be really bad
3949s for team hopefully right now Superior
3951s getting oh he's gonna take it down
3953s Frankie stuck in the middle of everyone
3954s here too oh my God no flame is dead no
3958s flame is gone that is the first team God
3960s here that's how you deal with that team
3962s I overhead Tree of Life all you have to
3964s do is just sandwich them two South
3965s American teams just say no you are not
3967s taking that tree of life for free this
3969s time around and knocked them out of the
3970s game completely a beautiful sandwich
3972s coming down for your momentos as well as
3975s a batikado and goodbye to one of our
3977s North American teams for game number two
3979s what the heck
3981s that was
3982s surprising what happened juvie they got
3987s third partied that that is the
3990s definition of a third party we saw in
3993s battle condo teleport in and the second
3996s I saw that I was like oh it is done
4000s unfortunately there for no flame wow it
4004s looks like one of our second place
4005s Victors is now gonna have to work their
4008s way up for that first place UV oh dude
4011s this is this is so good for every single
4013s one of our other teams right now because
4014s remember sir we had a three-way tie for
4017s second place and their performance
4018s wasn't even that bad either right like
4020s the point density wasn't even all that
4022s favorite towards no flame at all so this
4025s is a really really big opportunity that
4027s all of our teams in this game can
4029s definitely take advantage of so A
4031s beautiful set of events that happen for
4033s our kind of Homeland players of South
4035s America and that's exactly what you want
4037s to see we always talk about finding
4039s answers to things but that is an answer
4041s and a half if I've ever seen one yeah
4043s that was in Dane oh my goodness like you
4048s said it is the the great no flame
4050s question how will it be answered answer
4053s South America
4055s we haven't seen that happen in any other
4057s regions other than this one that was
4059s that was beautiful welcome to Brazil
4062s guys we're sending you there and you got
4064s sent hard we also have 10 seconds here
4067s we go possibly another fight goal gonna
4069s be teleporting on in to possibly
4070s helpless teammates out there sunshine
4072s gonna be using that Ferry that's a lot
4074s of damage though f-stop out as well they
4076s have a little bit of an opportunity here
4077s the coup de gras it's gonna hit that's
4079s actually gonna be on Jeeps going down
4081s first it is a battle zone now so these
4082s players are gonna revive of course Tyron
4085s going down as well but now Sunshine is
4087s gonna be taken down that's about to
4089s condo down but guess what unfortunately
4091s the kids were in the wrong place at the
4093s wrong time they are now gonna die as
4096s well but that doesn't mean a free Battle
4099s Zone just yeah Barton's here to get off
4101s this many stacks as possible oh poor
4105s Martin let's go brother can you do it
4108s you should be able to get a couple more
4109s too I mean they're sitting on yeah
4111s that's way better than last game too and
4113s by the way I don't think I've ever seen
4115s a Barbara overdrive onto their turret
4118s get two tails like that at once but a
4120s Trader just knocked out both Christian
4121s and seven strike in that fight that was
4123s the funniest thing to watch oh my God
4128s it looks like maybe they'll try and get
4130s one more I believe but now they're
4132s actually gonna try and fight get a
4134s little bit of Mastery off but there's
4135s the play dead out right now
4137s trying to do as much as possible
4141s maybe one kill no but that's still
4144s honestly I believe what four Stacks
4146s there yeah uh in the Battle Zone not too
4147s bad at all Nautica is going to come back
4150s they'll get online faster than usual
4152s which I think would be a great Boon for
4154s them yeah imagine grouping up as you're
4156s grouping up with your teammates early
4158s game and uh getting a couple of stacks
4159s as a Martina well that's what battle
4161s zones allow you to do now and you know
4163s what a great opportunity taken here from
4165s that team not because it's getting a
4167s really really good start and a really
4168s really solid star for Martina as well
4170s and she just did broadcast as soon as
4172s she restore revived as well this is a
4174s very very early broadcast I don't know
4176s if you've even seen this fast except for
4178s like once in ERM Sunshine's gonna get
4179s taken down here as well I'm just trying
4181s his best to run Martinez by themselves
4183s but that this point like they've already
4185s hit the broadcast they don't care at all
4186s they don't have the vicg just yet but
4189s they've already reached the point where
4191s they want to they don't have to bother
4192s going for those snacks anymore they can
4194s get those kills if they want to chiron's
4196s gonna get taken down here as well but oh
4198s this is looking good for nargus
4200s and you know what's actually funny here
4203s uh the Martina Nerfs that happened this
4206s patch are gonna come in a little oh my
4208s God yeah because they are not level 11
4211s yet so that level one ultimate's still a
4213s bit weaker they're gonna hit Level 11
4215s pretty soon but for for the next half
4217s second those uh those Martina Nerfs are
4219s gonna go and come in a little bit uh
4221s it's a whole yeah yeah the Martinez
4223s did happen if you guys are unaware they
4225s did decrease the ultimate damage at the
4227s lower level but they actually increased
4229s it I Believe by 60 base damage at level
4231s 16 if I'm not uh I'm not mistaken I
4233s think it went from 300 to 360 or
4235s something like that which is that's a
4238s lot of damage there but I think let's
4240s see how they're gonna do this actually
4241s link might need a little bit of time
4243s just to get some health back but they
4245s will be taking food of course 30 per
4247s second 31 30 somewhere around there you
4249s know low 30s now they're gonna decide to
4251s go in uzma and the shield on themselves
4254s Nico popping the diamond shark she's
4257s gonna try and back up Lily pedal looking
4258s herbal
4262s let's see they're
4265s Landing
4268s link actually trying to go in on this
4271s possibly but it was gonna be the one to
4272s engage in lane going down like it's
4274s nothing there's the acceptance speech as
4276s well going out and I don't know if
4278s they're gonna be able to survive this
4279s one should be it's gonna be hard Nico
4281s she is going crazy on that Sylvia
4283s they're gonna have that bike there's the
4285s red carpet as well now they're all gonna
4287s try and run they have to separate here
4289s and Nico
4290s you're going after a treasure juvie I
4292s don't know if the cooldowns are there
4293s for four treasure there's the radar gun
4295s as well it looks like actually Juni
4298s gonna be able to live for themselves
4299s right now so that is Memento Sing To
4301s Live Another Day yeah I mean dude that
4304s was such a good fight taken there from
4306s oozing Eagles and again as I said before
4308s you can't make mistakes when you're
4310s fighting up against these Sylvia and
4312s suicons you're never going to be able to
4313s run away from them or for a good part
4315s You're Gonna Lose yet another person and
4317s the fact of the matter is the Frailty
4319s was popped a little bit too early from
4320s the side of Lincoln once you lose that
4322s your damage potential is way too low
4323s link got hit by a couple of those
4326s Odysseys and then immediately just goes
4327s in to buy that uh by the suit as well
4330s uzma just kind of Frontline in that
4332s fight as best as they can and afterwards
4333s it's just free pickings for the rest of
4335s their team so good stuff coming out from
4337s oozing girls they even managed to secure
4339s the tree of life that they were fighting
4340s for as well so a massive team fight that
4342s they managed to take here and a solid
4344s mid game set now for that team is
4346s they're going to call in I think yet
4347s another one or maybe they just kind of
4349s gave it to me Sushi we'll see what they
4351s go with that yeah let's see oh actually
4354s going in hard already the diamond Shard
4357s is pop the three man insane are they
4362s gonna be able to do anything with it
4363s though
4366s Martina coming out oh my God they were
4369s able to turn the three-man f-stop
4372s Christian gonna be going down it's day
4375s three as well but it's a battle zone now
4377s so you know they're gonna come back of
4378s course but still oh my goodness shooby
4382s look at this Martin actually going down
4384s as well and this is about the condo just
4386s gonna be chasing them like crazy oh guys
4389s didn't go inside of the battle so that
4391s means that Alex is just not there at all
4393s it's a 2v2v3 at this point and Leon's
4396s gonna get taken down here as well Chiron
4397s should be able to pick this up or what
4399s were the rest of their team who knows at
4401s this point then at the pawn slowly but
4402s surely farming their own stuff over
4404s towards the wolf area they're just
4406s trying to stay alive as long as they can
4407s there we go Leon gets taken down here
4409s seven strike their time is going they
4411s don't have any more answers towards that
4413s team and they will pop in just a moment
4414s here as well not able to pick up a kill
4416s either so good stuff coming out there
4418s for embarkado and I will say you know
4422s what I mean I really thought that this
4424s Martino was going to be doing amazing
4426s but they have gone over my expectations
4428s with how amazing they're doing on that
4430s character right now Martin just giving
4431s us a show
4433s yeah great job to them honestly they're
4436s recording the show at the same time
4438s ashuvi but a man I am honestly exciting
4441s you know Nathan was able to get a little
4443s little bit of Mastery there seven strike
4445s I think that was that that was probably
4446s the play of course in that Battle Zone
4448s but now I'm curious as to how the rest
4451s of this Lobby is going to function about
4453s the condo is probably going to be the
4454s team that really needs to get up there
4456s right now mementos as well you know
4458s after a crazy ending to the last game I
4461s am kind of wondering who is gonna come
4463s up in that first place momentum we're
4465s the ones with all the oh my goodness
4467s what is happening here in archery that
4469s is a huge Yuki ultimate over there the
4471s coup de gras coming on out it looks like
4473s momentos doesn't really want anything
4475s else right now having all those kills
4477s and everything they're trying to save it
4479s a little bit don't know how many of
4480s those are gonna be Battle Zone kills
4481s right now but we are they
4485s I believe they're gonna be the team that
4488s might come out on top after this
4489s depending on how many placement points
4491s they get unbox a condo though as well
4493s they weren't in Thai for a second but
4495s they were only three points below so at
4497s that point that's not even that much
4498s yeah they're effectively second at this
4501s point too I mean look at the amount of
4502s kills that they haven't you know they
4505s just got a ton of them off of the Battle
4506s Zone over in the hotel because they were
4507s able to pick off a couple of stragglers
4509s that just kind of came along their way
4510s but again it's a Nadine right they're
4513s still scaling towards the latter stages
4514s of the game there's still plenty of prey
4516s left for them in this game alive too
4518s only one team gone into his team no
4519s flame map fell down in the first couple
4521s minutes of the game holy crap that is
4524s not exactly the bullseye that you want
4525s to be seeing here Judy gonna get taken
4527s down really low they need to build up
4528s those Stacks so that they can at least
4530s go into the play that if it comes down
4532s to that atresia all over the place
4533s linked exactly the same cases here as
4536s well Junior's gonna get taken down no
4538s play that available for that person this
4540s time around Chiron eating a lot of
4542s damage for themselves but again this is
4544s the poking game that Lily pedal wants to
4546s go for and it seems like they are able
4548s to push away a lot of people the items
4550s on this Nadine absolutely ballistic here
4552s as well
4553s yeah it is crazy now they're gonna be
4557s going for Wick
4558s let's see who else is gonna be there for
4561s it oh man this is gonna be this is gonna
4565s be close I feel like shooby it's gonna
4566s be really close hold on
4569s there goes the aggro as well but they
4571s got hit by the BullsEye unfortunately
4573s Sunshine could be sitting there around
4574s half Health we also see mementos here
4576s everybody's trying to take this Wick who
4579s is actually going to be able to take it
4580s they will aggro it oh it's only a 2 000
4583s Health at this point I'll think just do
4584s a little bit of damage to it they can
4586s get away with it the great Heist and
4588s that will be in bakugano grabbing it but
4590s are they gonna be able to get out is the
4592s card on jeans is super low this is gonna
4595s be really close they get hit oh no juvie
4598s I don't know actually the duck dive is
4600s allowing them to get out oh my God has
4602s Diamond shot oh my God it looks like
4605s they're actually gonna be able to get
4606s away with it
4607s they got away with murder and Lily pedal
4610s Falls along suit as well Link in the
4612s trades and trying to knock the rest of
4613s that team down here as well we will get
4615s stunned multiple times but look at the
4617s damage that Usman is taking it's not
4619s gonna be enough for Treasure and the
4621s lake and knocking down two members of
4623s Team using girls and oh my God the
4626s two-man Squad after Juni Falls they are
4628s still inactive right now they're picking
4630s up items from Lily pedal a ton of
4632s amplification going down for both of
4634s these two players who also want
4635s amplification items too so now Miku niku
4638s Sushi the last remaining alive over on
4640s oozing Eagles but look at team and
4642s bought the condo they just got away with
4645s murder at this point wiggling the items
4648s and then they get away with their lives
4649s too this is absolutely incredible as
4651s Nico nikusushi has to burn their own
4653s timer to try to get themselves away I
4655s mean this is just not what you want to
4657s be seeing here from losing you girls
4658s yeah it's really unfortunate there oh
4662s man the what is happening shuvi this
4665s game really got flipped upside down with
4668s those two picks great job to mementos
4671s especially we usually see two players
4674s not able to do that much but oh this
4676s might be the end of them if they are
4677s going to get chased like this by the
4679s kids but yeah that was just crazy able
4682s to take down Usman Lily pedal just like
4685s that wow the wick was going on that is
4687s insane I'm dodging out on the f-stop as
4690s well let's see if they're gonna be able
4691s to get out the dash is ready from link
4693s and everything but Christian is running
4695s at them like a train should be it's
4697s disgusting looks like they might
4699s actually just try and decide to turn and
4701s fight here a lot of damage actually on
4703s the goal Thrifty in in the back now what
4705s is this oh my God the damage they're
4708s actually forced to back off
4709s what is this man Lincoln dude imagine if
4713s Junie still was alive right the amount
4715s of damage impressed without a treasure
4716s and Link is already putting out that was
4717s without emergency surgery by the way the
4720s overdrive and this could be a huge fight
4722s as long as the leak is able to do things
4723s but they are not able to getting hit
4725s directly by the Martina and this is the
4728s lockdown that we do want to be seeing
4729s coming out from this team but now
4730s they're stuck in the corner right now
4732s without a lot of ultimates EMP barrage
4734s has been invested deeply because Sushi
4735s sitting in the corner also buying a
4737s little bit more time for Sunshine to
4738s catch up but that's going to be the
4740s broadcast coming through I don't know
4741s how that's done actually landed over
4742s onto Sunshine But Sunshine maybe you're
4744s going a little bit too far by yourself
4745s buddy the Perry is pretty good A lot of
4748s damage coming out with the venti as well
4749s in the place but that's not gonna be
4751s enough there we go all over the place
4752s chiron's gonna get taken down here as
4754s well on just absolutely nowhere to be
4756s seen and that's a little bit over
4757s aggression and a little bit too much
4759s push there from sunshine and it seems
4761s like our Wick team gonna get taken down
4763s here yeah that is unfortunate as well
4766s with all those kills right now that is
4768s really sad and now it looks like our two
4771s full teams left are nargas and the kids
4774s that is
4775s crazy what a game shooting this is just
4779s like
4780s this game is everywhere it's Insanity I
4784s I don't know it's it's gonna come down
4786s is it wait is it a school final Zone
4788s again it is and this is gonna be so sad
4791s especially for our melee players they're
4793s not gonna have that many way out and I'm
4795s just trying his best to get away here
4797s too but that f-stop is gonna land and we
4799s just saw that they used their skill too
4801s on just trying his best but there is
4803s nowhere left to go for that Leon goodbye
4806s to impotocado and our WIC team just
4808s falling apart especially after the lead
4811s that they just managed to pick up for
4812s themselves a sushi oh my God Staying
4815s Alive by themselves oh my goodness she
4818s will just barely get out of vision of
4820s this team on our screen naughty Gus the
4823s one that is honestly at this point in my
4825s opinion very well favored to take the
4828s game because of how strong this Martina
4830s is going to be and how early this
4831s Martino was able to set up so the kids
4833s have a lot of work to do in the
4834s remainder of this game I do wonder what
4836s their timer is looking like 15 seconds
4837s on Kai so it's not looking good yet
4839s again but there's not that many teams
4842s left in this game so those stragglers as
4844s as long as they're able to knock them
4845s down early and not lose any more timer
4847s they should be completely fine here in
4848s the next couple of moments exactly 30
4851s seconds until these zones close as well
4853s oh man it's gonna be close hopefully it
4856s is not another timer to scam this game
4858s that was really unfortunate last time
4861s you and I see Christine with 30 seconds
4863s on their time or though so let's see
4865s what ends up happening everybody's going
4867s to be taking their places here knocking
4869s us deciding where they want to go if
4871s it's going to be in the school or in the
4872s gym building
4874s oh this is gonna be fun two seconds here
4876s we go it is gonna close up and here we
4879s go juvie
4881s final Zone
4882s gonna be able to do it at church walking
4884s around not knowing where to go right now
4887s all these teams gonna be outside the
4889s zone seven strike trying to actually
4890s just Zone them out of there it's gonna
4892s be a little hard for a treasure to walk
4894s in the kids will be setting up in the
4897s gym a trays are going to be right around
4899s the corner not a lot of timer left for
4901s them though unfortunately only 13
4903s seconds they're gonna have to find a way
4905s in here before it's too late I believe
4907s Nico Sushi she's trying to also
4909s get on the other side of school we can
4910s see the health bar at the bottom about
4911s to drop it looks like yeah there goes
4914s the go falling down to nadagas and let's
4917s see who a treasure will actually fall to
4919s if it's gonna be the kids or if it's
4920s going to be I guess this is gonna be fun
4924s I mean the Tracer is just kind of
4926s running around the world they managed to
4929s stay alive so you know what third place
4931s at this point better than what they I
4933s feel like should have been getting
4935s considering how pressured they were by
4937s the kids right now and they're gonna be
4938s able to knock down the treasure so three
4940s seconds left we do have the temp zones
4942s that did pop here but for the kids right
4944s now they do have ample amount of time
4946s but they don't know about the timer on
4947s the side of team nargos they will just
4950s go back directly inside of their own
4952s temporary Zone as let's take a look at
4954s how these teams are oriented right I
4956s mean we see that Alex he does have the
4958s devil's March missiles as well as the
4960s totem Martinez sitting on three
4961s transitions with weapon level 18 and the
4964s vicg that we would normally expect Leon
4966s sitting on an incredible set of items as
4968s his Frontline Nikki as well but on the
4970s side of the kids I mean these items are
4972s pretty solid on their side too except I
4975s will say seven strike missing out on
4977s that ultraviolet might kind of lack a
4979s lot of the damage that we are looking
4980s from the snap the pawn as he's gonna
4982s have to land a lot of crucial skills to
4984s try to lock down the front line of team
4986s nargos in that final Zone let's see what
4990s they're gonna be able to do 15 seconds
4992s left this is gonna be so close should we
4995s I'm like oh man N A versus sa the final
4998s fight again you know what I mean it's
5000s gonna be let's oh this is gonna be so
5003s close I'm praying for nagas they're
5005s gonna move early over to the call
5007s Council trying to get a little bit of
5009s just you know
5010s they're trying to be proactive with it
5012s of course it's going to be set up for
5014s cameras and everything trying to take
5015s down the animals around not wanting any
5017s and any third parties from these you
5019s know large animals the dog and the bat
5020s you know the amount of damage that they
5022s do should we could be really a game
5023s changer
5024s yeah yeah definitely dude how many traps
5029s does our South American team have right
5031s now because I saw a couple of double uh
5033s what is it double Guillotines on the
5035s side of the kids who sell a couple of
5037s pendulum axes on their side as well but
5039s as the EMP drones start coming out this
5041s is going to be where these traps are
5042s going to be completely useless in the
5043s next couple of moments and this is where
5045s you have to knock them down as well one
5046s of the Claymore is gonna hip-hop but
5048s look at how much traps are coming down
5050s from the kids right now it seems like
5051s that's it for themself but the South
5052s America team right now Evan strike he's
5054s gonna get taken down here an incredible
5056s amount of damage coming down from Martin
5058s that Yuki is not going to be doing any
5060s damage oh my God for the south of
5062s American Squad look at the amount of
5066s damage that seven strike took and you
5068s don't have Mobility as a nav Department
5070s and he sets up perfectly for himself the
5073s center of the broadcast landing on
5075s towards the net upon Gigi no re calls
5078s out nadigas and this is what we wanted
5080s to see from them starting from game
5082s number one they're able to finish it in
5083s game two yeah exactly great job almost
5087s the same end to get everything Martin
5088s not getting the best Ultimate there but
5090s a 4-7 strike and Christine are
5093s completely dead that's gold joining them
5095s in the grave not a god takes game two
5099s with that Martina on Deck shooting yeah
5102s who cares if that second ultimate didn't
5104s do what they wanted to do you know what
5106s they got that crucial ultimate off on
5108s the crucial Target that they desperately
5110s needed to go for and you know what a
5112s successful game for team not August a
5114s beautiful final ending there for those
5116s guys even without that many traps too
5118s they fought into a ton of traps but they
5120s didn't care they had the damage and
5122s Martin just going in very very brave as
5124s well very very confident in managing to
5127s land all of his skills directly on
5128s towards seven strike knocking down the
5130s priority
5132s goodbye to the damage right after that
5134s one a little bit opposite there that was
5137s the priority Target of the kids remember
5140s yeah I guess yeah there you go oh well
5142s true or well no I guess I it's it's
5145s English you know it's it's both the same
5146s thing we're trying to say the same thing
5148s but of course you know it doesn't matter
5150s at the end of the day but of course man
5151s that was a great play for Martin there
5153s like you said just taking down seven
5154s strike like it was nothing too you know
5156s what I mean it was what like half a
5159s second before I just I saw him on the
5161s ground unfortunately they're seven
5163s strike oh man but wow Christy and also
5167s getting taken down like that on the
5168s hyunu is just man that was unprecedented
5171s I feel like you know we knew how much
5172s damage the Martina did but it was a
5174s little little bit more crazy I guess the
5176s level 16 buff you know really did come
5178s through for them in that game as well
5180s but man Martina Barbara what an
5183s interesting region we have you know what
5184s I mean we don't get to see a lot of
5185s these characters that often uh I want to
5188s say also mementos with the barber you
5190s know a treasure going crazy the Kathy
5192s and Barbara just by themselves doing so
5194s much damage our sa teams looking great
5197s today
5198s yeah and I will say a very big change in
5202s the recent times definitely making a bit
5203s of a difference here right I think the
5205s biggest change here for the kids
5207s especially is the fact that the tree
5208s doesn't go into the totem anymore and
5210s mithril is very limited in Lumia Island
5213s I think that's one of the things that a
5215s lot of people kind of didn't anticipate
5216s when a lot of these crucial items are
5218s now starting to become built out of a
5220s mithril there's not that many on the map
5223s the only way you can actually get it
5224s actively is going to be through the
5226s alpha and then after that its transfer
5227s consoles are just straight up RNG out of
5229s boxes or bears at that point too so
5233s the ways to get totem is not that
5235s accessible for these guys and imagine if
5238s seven strike actually had totem there
5240s and they managed to completely block out
5241s a single rotation of the Martina you
5244s don't have broadcast form well you do
5246s have broadcast form you don't have
5247s broadcast ultimate skill and even you
5250s know despite us talking about how
5251s broadcast has very low cooldown if you
5253s have totem that you're still fighting
5255s until you get that cooldown back so
5257s again not having totem especially on the
5260s side of Christian definitely hurting a
5262s lot there on that we can already see
5263s being impacted here in the South
5265s American Lumia season finals oh man
5269s shoot me and speaking of impacts let's
5271s actually talk about the scoreboard after
5274s this game because they are ready and as
5277s we can see nadigas actually taking first
5279s place here coming up with 96 points 12
5283s total kills right now for them second
5286s place will be no flame with 77 points in
5289s batokando coming in third right now with
5291s 55 momentos in fourth with 52 the kids
5295s in fifth with 50 and oozing Heroes right
5298s now in sixth place with 44 points nargos
5300s man let's see if they're going to be
5302s able to keep that lead or if no flame
5304s will get the flame back because after
5306s that game that was a little bit
5307s unfortunate that we saw them go down
5309s that early up in Temple but man it looks
5313s like those tree fights aren't going to
5314s be as easy as they thought they were
5315s before hashuvi yeah guys this is going
5318s to be a moment that all of us are going
5320s to kind of commemorate at this point for
5321s the South American players it's not
5323s every day that you get to see Team No
5325s Flame or even just Circa not circadia
5327s Superior and Frankie there you go hello
5330s that is you
5331s um it's not every day that you get to
5332s see circadia oh my goodness I did it
5334s again Superior there we go I keep seeing
5336s your name right there and I and I'm
5338s thinking your name instead yes okay I'll
5339s go with barrier and Frankie there we go
5342s those are the two names that I wanted to
5343s talk about it's not every day that you
5345s get you get to see the loose two falling
5347s down at the very bottom of the
5348s leaderboard and especially on top of
5350s ADOT being added to that team but that
5352s was just like a perfect sandwich in a
5354s corner that is one of the reasons why
5356s Temple Tree is like one of the worst
5358s ones to take especially if you're in
5359s that situation because you saw Frankie
5361s just kind of like struggling to get out
5363s of that corner especially with that
5364s level run shift gears you don't have the
5367s leniency with the fuel at all so you
5369s just can't get out of there Enoch was
5372s also stuck Superior just surrounded by
5373s everybody can't Don Quixote out of any
5375s of those angles either so
5378s a golf clap a golf clap and a half I
5381s would say for the South American teams
5382s they just blew it out of the park I am
5385s wondering uh you know maybe season nine
5387s we get some uh tree of life switch-ups
5389s you know what I mean maybe we get uh any
5391s and any locations you know you're
5393s wanting to see maybe you know for a
5395s season oh wait but hold on we have Laura
5397s oh Juni bringing out Laura instead of
5400s the Jenny this time there for team
5402s momentos and actually I'm about to condo
5406s hold on a second are we gonna have
5407s almost a complete calm change it is
5410s gonna be sunshine and Angie it's gonna
5411s be switching from Leon and the Fiora
5414s over to Adela Yuki Tyrone gonna be
5417s staying on that Nadine but okay a few
5420s little switch-ups here I like it so far
5422s yeah this is a bit more of the pig style
5425s composition I think from about to condo
5427s because as soon as the Yuki lands a stun
5429s on somebody the Adele just kind of
5431s follows up and then Chiron just does
5433s damage right this is a lot more of a
5435s straightforward composition than I think
5436s what the other team comp wanted to do
5438s you where the Fiora was kind of running
5440s around doing our own thing and the Leon
5441s just kind of sitting around the Nadine
5443s trying to give her Shields and stuff
5444s like that this is a lot more
5446s straightforward in what they want to do
5448s and I feel like especially in this game
5450s right now in this series that we are
5452s seeing at the moment pick compositions
5454s are working really really well because
5456s there's that one person doing their own
5457s stuff as long as you're able to kind of
5460s peel for the T for the person that that
5462s front Miner is just doing their own
5463s stuff against and making sure that
5465s they're the ones that get picked out
5466s afterwards it's a pretty easy fight so I
5469s really like this team composition change
5470s up here from embato condo it's actually
5472s double Frailty by the way for Chiron as
5475s well as Sunshine too so this is going to
5477s be a lot more focused around picking
5479s somebody off and making sure that they
5480s have another source of royalty to
5482s continuously try to jump onto other
5484s players remaining on that team
5487s yeah oh man I'm I'm looking forward to
5490s this though the Adele like I don't know
5492s I you know it's funny I was talking
5495s about this last night uh when I was uh
5497s casting myself
5500s um
5501s it's kind of funny the bat Adela change
5504s is well you know how do you feel about
5506s battle now it's got you know let me
5507s that's the question I want to ask you
5509s here how do you feel about it though I
5511s know we're not getting it right now but
5512s like you know
5513s it's gotten better right the
5515s amplification scaling has only gotten
5517s buffed in recent times and they buffed
5519s it again in 0.80 and it makes sense
5521s right like you really don't see anybody
5522s running batadella unless it's just for
5525s stylistic purposes or that one-time
5527s g-word granted an ERM but we don't
5529s really talk about that one that one
5531s really clean combo that you did like
5533s that's ideal Adella but how often are
5536s you really gonna get that kind of
5537s gameplay from it though it's really not
5539s that often so
5541s the fact that the amplification scaling
5543s is kind of catching up to the rate beer
5544s is really nice because you do have a lot
5546s of utility on the side about and a lot
5548s of really nice kind of weapons that you
5550s can run especially you know having
5551s access to the uh what is it oh man I
5554s keep forgetting the name of that
5555s specific one what's the one that they
5557s usually run it's the one all the time
5559s wait uh the the wait the what's fine
5563s umbrella in the what are you talking
5564s about the um
5566s yeah there is go yeah there we go so
5568s that weapon and even spy umbrella too
5571s right because we see multiple versions
5573s also one where they do end up running oh
5575s that's really nice uh Dash away they're
5577s from Martin but oh
5579s get the stacks and get the stacks here
5581s get the sticks
5583s he got the stack so it doesn't even
5585s matter if you die at that point because
5587s the Declaration is less than the uh
5589s cooldown of the recording so he actually
5591s wins Martin taking a one
5595s I think the defense Mastery probably
5596s leveled them up by three people but um
5602s going off your point about fukua Chong
5604s we also saw it in game one we do see a
5608s tradition with Chong but shuvi don't
5610s forget about fuku Chong's upgrade now
5612s ghost hand which does have the hex on it
5615s as well I got you know it took me a
5616s second there in game number one I saw
5618s the ghost hand and I was like what is
5620s that I was like oh ghost hand yeah I
5622s completely forgot about it I remember
5624s seeing it in the road map and I was like
5625s oh that Leon too like is that is that
5628s Leon's weapon but no it is gonna be one
5631s of our upgraded bats here but the thing
5633s is you know as good as bat is for Adela
5635s who it's getting better uh I have Argos
5637s exist now on Rapier so uh you know oh
5640s wait Superior possibly looking for
5643s something here it looks like this time
5645s they're actually going for the cemetery
5646s tree of life I think a uh
5649s I think they realized what happened up
5650s in Temple and they don't want to come to
5652s that yeah they don't want it at all but
5655s this time around they were late to the
5657s tree of life so they're actually going
5658s to miss out on that objective this time
5659s around Martin gets to get another stag
5661s here the kill will actually go over
5662s towards no flame Superior was the one to
5664s pick that up but the tree of life going
5666s over and towards mementos this is a very
5668s big time loss here I think for no flame
5670s who needs to continuously try to
5672s snowball but they're just not getting
5673s the opportunity to do so their entire
5674s team is just completely split apart here
5676s Juni not really going to be able to land
5678s that Twilight ice but that's completely
5680s fine because Superior will fall here
5681s regardless if he pushed away into a
5683s corner he's gonna be stuck there for a
5685s while a lot of time being lost for the
5687s members of No flame at the moment
5690s yeah unfortunate there man like you said
5694s that Tempo can really get India you know
5697s if man I believe oh wait more stacks for
5700s Martin you know we'd love a man I love
5703s watching Martin stack oh no goodbye my
5705s friend unfortunately you will be going
5708s back
5709s unfortunately that kill is going to be
5712s going over oh wait hold on never mind
5716s the fight's not done seven strike is
5718s taken down the Barbara bomb coming down
5721s the RQ that's I love that Dave I forget
5724s where I heard Barbara bomb but that is
5726s my favorite name for the RQ there on
5729s Barbara coming down oh man it's Harper's
5732s own thumb you know what I mean it's like
5733s uh she gets her own Kiara ultimate yeah
5736s her own tactical nuke yes
5740s oh no but another fight being picked
5743s here by mementos onto the kids
5745s unfortunately ghoul might be going out
5747s again bye
5750s channeling their energy work and that is
5753s going to be a cool down for this battle
5755s Zone as well very unfortunately Martin
5758s now waiting in the wings looking to see
5761s if they can get some more Stacks here in
5764s this battle Zone they'll be able to get
5766s two I believe they're going to be
5767s sitting at eight most likely after this
5769s but not much more gonna come out of it
5771s we'll take a look at how this works
5773s though right satellite radar is a pretty
5775s nice utility here there we go Martin
5776s actually did end up stacking pretty
5778s early they do have eight and at this
5780s point it's just cam Martin stay alive
5781s right you can see Juni trying to knock
5783s down the Martina as soon as possible
5784s because they don't want this Martina
5785s getting jumped on at all but they're not
5788s gonna be able to pick up the kill and
5789s now it's gonna be a link all of a sudden
5790s in a little bit of trouble that's a
5792s beautiful suture but that's not what
5794s this team is aiming for they're just
5795s buying more time for Martin to get the
5797s health back guys is going to get taken
5799s down in just a moment Leon also got
5800s taken down here as well but the question
5801s is can they knock down Martin at all how
5804s much duration until the cooldown it is
5805s back up there we go a couple of stacks
5811s that the Martina is going to be stuck
5813s with here so the pretty good uh Battle
5816s Zone here and I will say taken from Team
5818s momentos they did everything correctly
5819s giving only two set of stacks away over
5822s onto the Martina and then not letting
5824s the other set go through as well so A
5826s beautiful fight taking there from
5827s momentos and two objectives picked up
5830s back to back for that team yeah not bad
5832s at all very happy to see it they have
5835s been going crazy speaking of going crazy
5837s especially with them the Laura shooting
5840s that is what I'm really interested in
5842s Martin no oh wait he got more Stacks
5844s it's okay don't worry but oh wow yeah 10
5847s Stacks already one more life I believe
5849s and then that will be nargas coming
5851s online and now this is gonna be a fun
5854s one I'm curious to see if they are going
5855s to be able to keep their first place
5856s spot but hold on Chiron great explosive
5859s shot there from the crossbow trying to
5861s kite back away now Superior just diving
5863s on top of them so much damage ain't not
5865s there as well Angie's having to get out
5868s of here locked up by Superior and that
5871s is gonna be it for offbeats there as
5874s well as Sunshine Chiron living to see
5876s another day of course about 25 seconds
5879s to the rest of them though is back up oh
5882s he did not see that but uh you know
5886s I I love when stuff like that happens
5888s it's my favorite because you know it can
5890s happen to any of us juvie it's I've seen
5892s it happen in every single region Oh
5894s Martin wait did Martin get Oh Martin did
5896s get broadcast actually yep
5898s that's a big W over on the side of
5900s Martin I think they managed to get taken
5902s down again before that happened but the
5905s end result is that they did hit the
5906s broadcast form a bit later than they did
5908s in game number two but of course they
5910s you know hitting it in day number two to
5912s begin with is a really good Pace I will
5914s say especially in this patch so good
5916s stuff coming out there for Martin again
5918s still on that level one for the
5920s broadcast ultimate it's not gonna matter
5922s in the long run because they will start
5923s leveling in just a moment here and you
5925s can yep oh how well Kai's and Leon is
5928s just kind of adapting to what they have
5929s to do with the Martina because they were
5932s keeping themselves alive too they're not
5933s losing any time by falling down but for
5935s no reason I think he might be sticking
5937s good together and they're completely
5939s fine on just stuck in the middle of
5941s nowhere they will get found out and
5942s that's a good buy over onto the Yuki
5944s trying to run away here Sunshine with a
5946s really good peel set up there but on
5948s Jets you're not running away from a sua
5950s as well as a Sylvia that's just straight
5952s up not happening we'll get taken down I
5954s don't know if the Tree of Life went to
5955s it might have been mementos again so oh
5958s my God goodness an old flame just
5959s completely getting denied every single
5961s objective here and they don't have a
5962s single one I feel like oh they do have
5964s the mitral yeah chasing audience like
5967s that definitely was a little bit of a
5970s rough play there for them just because
5972s now of course like you said it denied
5974s access to the tree of life we also see
5976s Martin getting stronger and a stronger
5978s Martin Martino we love it Victory online
5981s as well as our lovely The Good The Good
5984s Old Chong Pao upgrade shuvi you love to
5986s see it all of these new items coming
5988s into the game you know what I mean you
5990s know we haven't seen a uh we haven't
5992s seen a cowboy hat yet but I'm praying
5994s maybe we get one cowboy hat in the form
5996s I I think we did right in game number
5998s one I think it was it was Chiron running
6000s here at the star of the wild oh did he
6002s actually I didn't even see it my
6003s apologies then that was super fun I'm
6006s really glad that it's already being
6008s utilized right because there's a lot of
6009s times where new items are added into the
6011s game and they just can't find themselves
6013s within the meta for a while because you
6015s know like build routes aren't going to
6016s be optimized for it yet we we don't
6019s exactly know what the stats are going to
6020s hold up to whatever exists in the game
6022s are ready to begin with but it seems
6024s like uh Cowboy again like it feels that
6027s really small Niche that hasn't really
6029s been filled and you turn on return for a
6030s very very long time yeah because we've
6032s always had tactical Ops on it but that's
6034s literally it for attack speed especially
6036s on the helmet that actually gives you
6037s beneficial stats mithral Helm has always
6040s been really good to transition into
6041s after tactical loss but it still doesn't
6043s give you the offensive stance that
6045s you're really looking for and I've seen
6046s a lot of cases where you run that and
6049s you just don't have a talk power but you
6051s just have a lot of cooldown and defense
6053s which is not what exactly what you're
6055s looking for sometimes so I do like the
6056s fact that the Cowboy helmet exists now
6059s and we'll see a bit more of that
6061s hopefully in the next coming games but
6063s for now we have to talk about this one
6064s as day three battle zones have popped no
6067s flame sitting right here alongside team
6069s nargas and you're not taking a little
6071s bit of damage The Shield is pretty big
6073s right now but again the Martinez already
6075s in broadcast form this is not exactly
6077s where you want to be fighting this team
6078s at the moment and not a great push-up
6080s against Martina to try to knock them
6082s away but that's a beautiful stun coming
6084s down as well oh this is not good though
6086s there's a lot of teams hanging around
6088s this area right now and no flame all of
6089s a sudden not exactly in the prime
6090s position to fight this at all Frankie
6092s has to run away here they're sitting at
6094s about half HP this only helps the nargas
6096s as Frankie trying to do whatever he can
6098s but he's gonna take it down here Lily
6099s pedal will actually Pop That Wolf
6102s assault they're not gonna happen in the
6103s next couple of fights ain't not trying
6105s to keep himself alive Superior you're
6107s doing the exact same thing but he's not
6108s going to be able to stand up against
6109s three people all at once you know his
6111s timer is going through and there we go
6113s pop goes the weasel for him now just
6115s comes down to nargas versus Team losing
6118s evil sitting inside of this battle Zone
6119s but again wolf facility is gone we have
6122s the memory coming back up for uzumo but
6124s that is so it doesn't really matter
6126s nikunikasushi should be able to build up
6128s that gauge so that doesn't matter as
6129s well but without the rule for so the
6131s damage on the Nadine especially when
6133s you're running amp very much severely
6135s falls off
6137s yeah let's see if they're gonna be able
6139s to fight it at all I'm excited not a
6142s Goss oh my God Kay's taking so much
6145s damage there to start off this fight
6148s Martin also sitting in half this is
6149s going to be a little more oh my God
6152s Bullseye hits movie I don't know if
6155s Martin's gonna be able to do much they
6156s actually are losing their timer wait
6160s hold on wait I'll wait oh yeah
6162s unfortunate there Lily pedal gonna clean
6164s it on up that's Uzi girls taking the
6167s hotel Battle Zone for them I think
6169s darkos actually had that if Martin was
6171s up especially after I think he was
6173s supposed to fell but it's not going to
6175s be happening here this is actually
6176s picture though that's a massive amount
6178s of damage too as well Aina gets taken
6181s down Superior trying his best to stay
6183s alive but this is the mistake that a lot
6185s of other teams were making they're not
6186s going to do it this time around
6187s completely split apart is going to be
6188s superior and Frankie and they're trying
6190s to chase down okay there you go don't
6193s make the mistake that a lot of other
6194s teams were at least finish them off stop
6197s this team from their tracks stop them
6199s from getting any more kills and that is
6201s exactly what they do Frank can just
6202s completely split apart from Superior who
6204s has to eat more timer at this point as
6206s well to try to get themselves healed
6207s back up but that's a big blockade Now
6209s set inside for team no Flame
6212s yeah that is just crazy oh my goodness a
6216s not going down like that is definitely
6218s not what you want to be seeing Oh my God
6221s and there's that yeah there's that good
6223s old cowboy hat as well star of the wild
6225s whatever you want to call it star of the
6227s wet star of the Wilder Star of the West
6229s oh wait hold on yeah what is going on
6230s over here unfortunately Junior link went
6234s down from momentos that's not what you
6236s want to be seeing either also it is
6238s night three so I must mention we do have
6239s wickline sitting right there in Cemetery
6241s walking through all those headstones
6244s oh man who's gonna actually take it this
6246s time oh boy here we go a treasure
6248s unfortunately oh
6250s IVF stop and I believe this is gonna be
6253s it for them they are gonna
6256s Ryan get away but oh no I thought they
6260s actually juked them there for a second
6261s but yeah one little punch and that will
6264s be it mementos our first full team down
6267s oh my God Sunshine got taken out tier
6270s two what the heck happened to their
6271s health bar their teammates absolutely
6272s nowhere to be seen yeah
6275s wow I do wonder what happened yeah
6276s you're right but yeah it looks like
6277s using Eagle was able to get a kill onto
6279s them and now uh oh let's see Frankie and
6282s Superior Are Gonna Get Found down Lily
6284s pedal oh my goodness the damage Superior
6288s almost down only a few seconds left on
6291s his health bar and let's see I believe
6293s that's gonna be the end for Superior
6295s Nico has the bike she's gonna be chasing
6298s here we go Superior unfortunately gonna
6300s fall that's no flame our second team
6302s falling like it's nothing oh my God man
6305s and even the temporal refraction on
6307s nikunikasushi so Superior can't stop her
6309s either how beautiful combination of
6312s things going right there for team losing
6313s egirls and they're starting to stack up
6315s these kills they're sitting on nine
6316s right now for themselves so very very
6319s well said is this team going in towards
6321s the latter stages of the game but the
6322s wickling objective still up and online
6324s and this is absolutely zero contestant
6326s coming off them the rest of our teams
6328s here we have three full teams remaining
6330s going into our day four phase of course
6332s that's gonna be not a gus losing egirls
6334s as well as the kids so again it's you
6336s know the South American team of nargas
6338s going up against the North Americans and
6341s this is going to be quite another story
6342s here that nargas is going to be able to
6344s send if they do end up taking this one
6346s they're pretty well set to do so right
6348s now especially with Martina sitting on
6351s that broadcasting for a form ever since
6353s day number two absolutely amazing that
6355s was a push check exactly
6358s that could be in any Bush don't worry
6361s about it but four and a half minutes
6363s seven strike and the rest of the kids
6365s have that I believe it's just about 19
6366s minutes the wick buff will be going away
6368s so let's see what they are going to be
6370s able to do with it oh thank God not
6372s another school final Zone although
6374s Forest is on the map of course and
6376s taking a look look at a lot of these
6377s upgrades oh my goodness Christian
6379s looking fat as well as seven strike poor
6382s Gould though he's kind of uh he's been
6384s kind of left in the dust when it comes
6386s to uh upgrades poor goal but of course
6389s still Christine and seven strike just
6391s doing so much damage
6393s yeah but this is the thing I like to see
6395s about that team and this is one of the
6396s reasons why I think goal is like one of
6398s the best kind of
6400s um squads player that you can kind of
6401s fit into almost any single team because
6404s they've just been able to kind of adjust
6406s into literally any single kind of team
6407s composition and the team play style that
6410s they've ever gone into he's played like
6412s the carry role he's played the tank role
6414s he's played the support role he's played
6416s the backline role front line roll like
6418s you name it this guy can play it and he
6420s really doesn't mind at all that he's
6422s just kind of getting left behind with
6423s all these items because he knows that
6424s he's kind of not exactly the the the
6427s main focus of that team comp right
6429s you're just there especially running
6430s two-handed store just scaling into the
6432s late game just providing as much damage
6434s as possible and the crowd control
6436s especially with the 2010 so goal is
6438s completely fine with this as long as his
6440s teammates can do the damage and do
6442s whatever they do best goal's fine here
6444s just chilling with all those items too
6445s so I really like that about goal yeah
6448s goal going crazy on it and now they're
6450s going to be sitting in the bush losing
6453s ye girls ride above them there
6456s can be moving around right now oh this
6459s is gonna be a close fight I feel like
6461s two of our n a teams
6464s oh go oh my God speak of the devil gets
6468s taken down to half Health finish line up
6471s there as well just to be able to check
6472s the bush and let's see it is a mithril
6474s Shield coming out there they're gonna be
6476s able to grab
6477s fortunately I don't believe much gonna
6479s be done with it except be used for the
6482s good old credits
6484s but now I'm curious to see actually
6486s what's in this box as well what are we
6489s getting my friends it is a gun buy a
6491s little sanklin gun by up and ready for
6494s them not too bad
6495s oh man shoot me this is getting tense
6498s you know what I mean they have a little
6499s over a minute left on the wick buff this
6502s is gonna be really really close I'm like
6504s Oh and it is a forest final Zone as well
6506s so the game loves me of course oh
6517s order oh my God I didn't see them oh my
6523s God he literally just was right there
6526s and he didn't see in Baltimore condo
6530s just sitting there
6532s oh my God
6534s they're still alive man that is what
6536s matters and it is Chiron as well as on
6539s just like these two still have a lot of
6540s kill potential on their own too by the
6542s way remember it's in the game especially
6543s with Frailty would have liked adrenaline
6545s at the stage in the game but it doesn't
6547s matter of course that's a good uh Thomas
6549s skill to deny the damage from Lily pedal
6551s I do wonder if uh Kai's weapon level 14
6553s indeed they are but still these
6555s bullseyes are raining down from
6557s absolutely nowhere these guys are
6559s completely out of vision right now and
6561s this is going to be another huge hit
6562s Martine is going to take the damage here
6565s too Kyron sitting inside the bush and
6567s they're gonna be found out most likely
6569s I'm just doing The Fray here too but
6570s again team nargas no timer on their side
6573s that's a huge ultimate coming down from
6575s the Yuki oh this is not looking good I'm
6577s just actually manages to knock down
6578s Kai's and look at the health bars on the
6580s side oh
6581s and everybody else on the side of losing
6584s egos join The Fray here too and that's
6586s gonna be goodbye over on the side of
6587s Team nargos oh my God anjit trying to do
6590s whatever he can keep his teammate alive
6592s but it's gonna be done and dusted for
6594s him oh what a brutal Ender 14 nargas and
6597s it is going to be North America versus
6599s North America to round out our game
6600s number three between the kids and using
6603s girls
6604s yeah and let's see I believe yeah the
6607s wick buff is gonna be gone there for the
6609s kids on just trying to find anywhere to
6611s go and hide around this is a little bit
6614s right
6616s gp's right on top of losing egirls
6619s unfortunately and that will be the end
6623s for a matukando and now let's see how
6626s this fight is gonna go they probably
6628s just want to go up there and take it
6630s already maybe or they are just going to
6632s be setting up here in this final Zone
6634s either way you know
6635s let's see the kids are gonna have to
6637s walk right into them this is gonna be
6640s really hard
6641s oh the blue-sized seven strike down to
6644s half Health that is disgusting shoot the
6648s damage from Lily pedal
6651s American Sniper man I swear Lily Potter
6653s is just way too good with this and as
6655s they slowly but surely push everyone
6657s from the kids out like this is what
6659s happens right you got to keep healing
6660s yourself back up but there's not that
6662s much time left at the moment there's
6663s plenty of red time to go around for the
6665s kids but this is just consistently
6667s what's going to be happening to your
6668s health bar at this point seven strike
6670s trying his best to rest up as well but
6671s reign of air was coming through and you
6673s can see exactly where everybody else is
6674s right now uzma knows exactly his
6676s position here too just be consistently
6678s denying these rest ups and look at each
6681s of these bullseyes I mean what do you do
6683s oh my God right now you can do nothing
6685s but just go straight in I mean you can
6687s see everyone trying their best right now
6688s too seven strike is gonna miss a ton of
6690s crucial skills he's gonna get taken down
6692s yet again and this is gonna be gold
6694s getting taken down here too and at this
6696s point Christian just sitting in the
6697s middle of nowhere all by himself will
6699s have absolutely no say in that final
6701s Zone and it is gonna be the woozy girls
6703s taking away game number three before we
6705s go into our intermission a beautiful
6707s game 15 Total Team kills a huge game for
6710s this team that was insane coming out for
6714s them such great plays throughout game
6717s number three looks like North America is
6719s kind of waking up now shuvi I think that
6723s might be them overtaking team not a Goss
6725s but I'm not too sure yet of course
6727s corporate will be available after we
6729s take our break but just talking a little
6731s bit more about it before we do dad was
6734s Insanity especially at the end I thought
6737s team nautigos was going to be able to do
6739s a little bit more there but
6740s unfortunately oozing e-girls just
6742s knocking them down with both the
6744s bullseye and that reign of arrows just
6746s is not what you wanted to see at all
6748s yeah and in the end I feel like one of
6751s the biggest problems here for team
6752s nargas despite playing Super well and
6754s despite Martin actually getting those
6756s Stacks up really really early they have
6758s to spend a lot of time losing their red
6760s timer which is one of the biggest
6761s resources that we've talked about
6762s throughout the course of season eight I
6764s don't think they've ever gone into the
6765s final Zone with more than 20 or 30
6767s seconds of timer on their own like
6769s they're getting kills but get these
6771s skills they're losing a ton of time to
6773s do that too so maybe that's going to be
6775s one factor that team nargos has to take
6777s in effect especially as we go into games
6778s four and five because there's not that
6780s many games left here those guys play
6782s really really well when they're playing
6784s on the offensive but when they're
6785s running away every single time they're
6787s eating timer left and right and left and
6789s right
6790s of course but guys we're gonna have to
6793s find out more about this after our break
6795s it'll be a little short quick 10 minute
6798s intermission so get up get some drinks
6800s get some snacks and for right now guys
6803s we will see you all in 10 minutes
6838s thank you
6890s thank you
6893s foreign
6933s thank you
6961s thank you
6985s thank you
7034s thank you
7072s thank you
7100s foreign
7144s thank you
7187s thank you
7227s foreign
7252s foreign
7302s foreign
7324s foreign
7363s come together
7373s nice
7405s foreign
7412s Lumia Marathon finishes here this time
7414s once again for South America I still
7417s believe I am circadia joined by this guy
7419s still don't know his name but I believe
7421s he's called shuvi Senpai they've let me
7422s know before I thought the production
7424s staff had to let me know what his name
7425s was but yeah of course welcome back guys
7427s from our 10 minute intermission shuvi
7429s what'd you do did you have a good little
7431s break there I think I I kind of did
7434s yeah I spent my entire uh break just
7436s kind of losing my identity now I'm not
7438s sure who I am either you're you know
7440s this is something that happens to you
7441s and I all the time so at this point are
7443s we really surprised not at all but guys
7446s I know we already want to get right back
7448s into it let's take a look at those
7450s scores after game number three because
7453s that was an insane game honestly and it
7457s shot oozing Eagles all the way up there
7458s into first place with 112 points nargos
7461s gonna be sitting in second right now
7463s with 104. no flame in third with 95
7466s fourth will be the kids with 90 uh
7469s momentos in fifth with 73 in in
7471s batokando in sixth right now with 71
7474s points and oh my God I know all these
7477s players are ready to fight two games
7480s left here games four and five of course
7483s and then shuvi or Lumia Marathon will be
7487s finished I'm gonna be sad about it we're
7490s not gonna be seeing any more of the
7492s western regions of course but we still
7494s have a little bit of ERM to go if you
7496s guys need more eternal return action
7497s that'll be next weekend but there's
7499s still so much to talk about with essay
7501s here today are you expecting uh sorry
7504s let me start out with are you expecting
7506s any composition changes here in game
7508s number four we did get to see the Laura
7511s come out uh there from Juni
7514s um I believe we also got to see I was on
7516s jit's Sunshine change over to the Yuki
7518s and Adela are you expecting maybe
7520s anything else to come out of game four
7522s maybe they go back to stuff I don't know
7524s what are you thinking let's actually you
7526s know we're getting already into it yeah
7527s I don't really expect any change oh wait
7529s at least like major ones to come out
7532s because we're already seeing what
7534s actually it might be major never mind oh
7536s holy but surely backtrack exactly what I
7538s said now because uh we are just
7541s completely seen completely okay coming
7544s out from the two teams of South America
7546s right now momentos and and Bato condo
7549s just completely swapping around what
7550s they want to be running here it seems
7552s like a very interesting way that they
7555s want to set up what they do here in game
7557s number four because for mementos they're
7560s going for the big big AOE Zone control
7562s right you have Juni sitting on the
7564s Bianca rain the Vampire Queen an
7566s absolutely massive skill if you combine
7567s it especially with the um with the
7570s ultimate coming down from the Carla as
7572s well that is a massive amount of crowd
7574s control that a lot of teams especially
7575s with the grounding effect on the Bianca
7577s are gonna have trouble with so
7580s we'll see what ends up happening here
7581s especially for that team the biggest
7583s issue here is just simply the fact that
7585s they are going to be very much locked
7587s behind whether or not Juni actually has
7588s ultimate that's the kind of the issue of
7591s bringing Bianca especially nowadays but
7593s there's been a ton of Buffs to her
7594s damage overall so maybe it's not going
7597s to be that big of an issue but then on
7599s the other side of the coin exactly below
7601s them I mean team about the condo look at
7604s exactly what they're bringing
7606s yeah I am so excited actually from Batu
7609s condo that's gonna be fun the Jenny man
7612s I've been a really big fan of
7614s while now I I think she's afraid honest
7617s great spot right now especially is that
7619s kind of like mid to back line eight uh
7622s ADC I guess you could save back line or
7624s whatever you want to call it hyper carry
7625s you know what any form variation of the
7628s word you want to call it but man I'm
7630s just excited for mementos right now I
7631s love all three of those characters so
7633s much and I'm so excited to see how
7635s they're gonna kind of work together you
7636s know I believe if you were on a certain
7638s doodle stream last night you might have
7639s seen the good old conveyor belt you know
7641s what the eyes that's going on so that is
7643s uh what I was thinking about there but I
7646s am curious to see Isaac is a frontliner
7648s uh what this Sentinel as well gonna be
7650s shielding his team a lot able to get so
7652s just so much shielding out of how low
7655s those cooldowns are especially on the Q
7656s and The W mainly more than anything uh
7659s but yeah coming into this like you said
7661s they are going to be a little bit gated
7663s by the Bianca you know the ultimate that
7666s reign of the vampire queen being kind of
7668s your main setup around their engage tool
7671s you could maybe get something off with
7673s the Isaac even if you don't have the old
7674s but it's a little bit harder let's see
7676s though what they're going to be able to
7677s do with it yeah and uh in the end I
7681s think the bigger issue here more so than
7683s Bianca you just mentioned how the Isaac
7686s sitting in the front line especially
7687s with Sentinel is actually going to be
7689s something that's going to be interesting
7690s for you to look at for me I actually
7693s think it's a bit more problematic
7694s because looking at their team
7696s composition here the Isaac's the only
7698s one that's actually sitting up in the
7699s front lines right yeah and that means
7701s that the Isaac is going to be taking a
7703s lot more punishment than you usually
7704s normally see Isaac's taking because a
7706s lot of compositions that do end up
7707s running Isaac I feel like also runs
7709s another Melee character and then a
7711s backline DPS character but because you
7713s don't have that additional front liner
7715s to also soak up some damage you're gonna
7717s have to be extra tanky as the Isaac and
7720s despite Sentinel being really consistent
7722s in the amount of Shield that it gives
7723s you it's not Diamond Shard right yeah so
7727s I'm a little bit worried here for link
7729s if I'm gonna be honest with you it all
7731s really comes down to whether or not the
7732s quick spin I feel like is going to be
7734s timed correctly and whether or not Juni
7736s and atresia can actually take advantage
7738s of the Isaac trying to buy time for
7740s their backlines to actually get the jump
7741s on
7742s I'm scared but it is mementos we've seen
7745s this team do massive things throughout
7747s the course of our series here tonight
7749s and if they're able to pull this team
7750s composition off this is one of those
7752s very very rewarding cops to see actually
7755s pull through as long as they get
7756s everything that goes in their favor
7758s oh man talking about stuff going in
7761s their favor Martin back at it again on
7763s the Martina which I am looking forward
7765s to we do have 20 seconds till the tree
7767s of life is up he's already sitting in
7768s Cemetery ready to go to get some of
7770s these Stacks
7772s Christine here actually let's see if
7776s stocks already oh wow wait where did he
7778s even get okay Martin coming out with it
7780s I like to see it let's see he's gonna be
7783s able to get that speed get gonna try and
7784s run away a little bit people are gonna
7786s be going for the tree looks like his
7787s team is here to back him up of course
7789s lovely he'd love to see it there we go
7792s two more stacks for him and I hope he
7794s doesn't actually burn red timer I
7796s honestly think dying here is better than
7797s burning red whatever at this point you
7799s know what I mean yeah the benefit of
7800s read-offs you don't have infinite red
7802s timer but oh my goodness a fight already
7804s and bought two condo Chiron about to go
7806s down hold on this is a crazy one shuvi
7809s what's going on already
7811s it's not looking bad at all Sentinel was
7813s procked over onto the car list so they
7815s actually managed to get themselves away
7816s with the shield but that means link is
7818s going to get taken down here a treasure
7820s to do whatever they can because the
7821s meteorite is still up but they're gonna
7823s get taken down now themselves are two
7826s South American teams that actually
7827s denied team in no flame now getting
7829s completely torn to shatters because they
7831s are the ones that fought each other
7832s instead of team no Flame the Tree of
7835s Life most likely was already picked up
7836s by the Steep tours you have a Frankie
7838s just completely going into the middle of
7840s nowhere as Aina was absolutely nowhere
7842s to be seen so incredible things
7844s happening over here over near the
7846s meteorite in pond but again more
7848s objectives going towards team no flame
7851s that means two uh objectives picked up
7853s for that team the tree of life and the
7855s meteorite overnight number one pretty
7857s huge for a team that's been falling
7858s behind very substantially in the early
7860s stages for the past couple of games yeah
7862s Frankie going a little bit too deep
7864s there like you said a not nowhere to
7866s really be found we also have our battle
7868s zones as we can see Temple and Uptown
7871s ready to go and I am wondering how it's
7874s going to go here for a lot of these
7875s teams more stacks for Martin here we go
7877s buddy come on right now I'm gonna be
7880s able to do it let's see this is if he
7883s wants to die it's gonna have to be now
7884s if he wants to be up before either of
7886s these battle zones so hopefully he
7888s accepts his death 25 seconds but just a
7890s few seconds left it's gonna be close
7892s shuvi it's gonna be really close don't
7894s you need five seconds to go into a
7896s battle Zone I don't know if that works
7897s with revise but if that's the case I
7899s don't think Martin's gonna make it that
7900s sucks
7904s oh hold on yeah it could be an alpha
7907s angle as well Angie's gonna take him
7908s down to half oh my God alts everywhere
7911s what is this fight oh lee Chiron goes
7915s down they obviously don't want this but
7917s the problem is they're gonna instantly
7918s win the Battle Zone which means they can
7919s just run out of it and Chase the other
7921s guys but it doesn't look like that's
7923s gonna be never mind it is gonna be the
7924s case actually and now going down to
7926s Uptown Christy and about to go down as
7929s well but actually he's gonna slam a
7930s trade into the wall Juni looking for a
7932s lot of damage there there comes the
7934s anchor from atresia great crossbow skill
7937s there goal even with the Perry my God
7940s momentos what a great battle Zone Victor
7944s my God link is looking beautiful while
7946s he does that as well just I think that's
7948s a bug right like that has to be just
7950s completely uh shining in armor at this
7953s point for links so a great battle Zone
7955s pickup as you just mentioned there I
7956s think it was a meteorite pickup from
7958s momentos as well so even more power
7960s going over onto our amplification
7962s characters and this could go many many
7964s different ways right now for Treasure
7966s looking how they're picking up the rock
7967s though it is going to be the golden
7969s ghost that it is going to be prioritized
7971s for the car light here a really really
7973s big source of damage that that team is
7975s going to be able to receive even if
7976s you're able to see fights especially on
7978s that team like the one that we just saw
7979s I mean that is so so big for those guys
7982s that's exactly what we're looking for
7984s right not the kind of like the little
7986s straggled fight that we saw over in
7988s Avenue and pond the fight down in uptown
7990s is exactly what we want to see although
7991s for a not this is a bit problematic I
7993s think the police actually pushed Aina
7994s away from the coup de gras and now it's
7996s going to be on just in a bit of trouble
7997s as Sunshine now getting jumped on on
7999s themselves as well you gotta try to help
8001s out your teammates as much as possible
8003s but they're focusing only on towards
8004s Anon can they knock the viewers down and
8006s yes they can the two furas have been
8009s knocked down now Frankie doodle trying
8010s to to sound as much as possible a Knot's
8012s gonna get picked up here first but we've
8013s seen what happens when Frankie gets a
8015s little bit too far from his teammates he
8016s will stay safe instead oh no this is
8019s unfortunate there for Martin I believe
8022s Martin's gonna have to run away no arm
8024s piece to be found for Martin just yet
8026s but that's completely okay doesn't even
8027s really need it you don't even need to do
8029s your build until uh until you're
8030s completely done with your Stacks you
8032s know what I mean as long if you got
8033s shoes and a weapon that's all you really
8035s need on Martina until you actually get
8038s your broadcast mode enabled but it is
8041s day two 30 seconds left in it of course
8044s and I am wondering who is going to be
8047s around for night too oh my God what is
8050s that is still fine man link is still
8052s shining in his armor can I can we get
8054s can we get a little bit of a zoom in on
8055s the you know from our little production
8057s oh my God oh my God that looks so cool
8061s though I don't know how to describe it
8063s it's nothing new Isaac skin like exactly
8066s when they said chroma they meant Chrome
8069s you know
8070s yeah
8072s I know a lot of games tend to do this
8074s thing where uh kind of like a rank
8076s reward they just kind of oh yeah I think
8079s despite those here if I remember
8079s correctly where they just like
8081s completely brighten up a character with
8083s Mastery or something like that dude
8085s that looks cool
8087s oh now hold on here we go with a fight
8089s we actually have oozing Eagles and Flame
8091s about to get added Frankie doodle on the
8093s bike they're actually gonna decide to
8094s back off for right now not wanting to go
8096s too deep of course they just want to get
8098s the meteorite for right now uzma trying
8100s to deny it from Superior does stop it
8102s there for a second cranky oh gets poked
8105s down by Lily pedal she is forced to go
8107s over the wall though uzma trying to stop
8109s it again inferior did actually end up
8112s getting it which is not too bad at all
8115s but it looks like Ultra wants a little
8117s bit more here hold on ain't all trying
8119s to get out as well all the Finish Lines
8121s this stuns what is happening oh looking
8124s for something uh oh this is gonna be
8127s rough uzma needs to get out now Nico as
8129s well they're all Fallen low shuvi
8131s there's the totem as well and we can see
8134s the original Dua and
8138s oh Sylvia my apologies there had to
8140s clear my throat but they are getting it
8143s done here meanwhile nikonikasushi
8145s actually not in that good of an
8148s environment over in school
8150s a tradition now as well they're actually
8153s gonna find no flame Superior gets
8155s arrested sitting at half Health now
8156s right of the vampire queen coming out
8158s let's see if they're gonna be able to do
8160s it the shiny man himself coming on in
8162s trying to fight here but guess what
8163s about the condos here is well link gonna
8166s get pulled in there's a big anchor from
8168s atresia We're Not Gonna land that's a
8170s lot of damage though oh my goodness Juni
8173s now has to get out juvie fights on
8175s fights on fights oh I think that's the
8177s first time I've ever seen a three-man
8179s Carlos they actually hit the second
8180s phase nothing sucks at that point you
8182s know what that was really cool from what
8184s I saw Juni trying to run here you could
8186s be able to kind of die now if you want
8188s to take advantage of uh you know dying
8191s to this okay cool they will revive here
8194s but they're going to lose a ton of time
8195s or I don't think that was worth it at
8196s all for Juni they're gonna get taken
8198s down the right so not not that much
8199s timer lost on the side of the Bianca
8202s here but this still sucks I think for
8204s the team composition over here totem
8206s still picked up because they did manage
8207s to take down a couple of the other
8208s players sitting around here so that may
8210s be means that Link's a little visual bug
8212s here is gonna get uh gonna disappear
8214s soon because as soon as the totem comes
8216s through I think that's gone for them oh
8218s my God that hit a lot to a treasure
8220s though treasure needs to run here 10
8221s seconds until the Bianca comes back
8223s Super Saiyan Isaac shuvi my goodness is
8226s power level Super Saiyan God have we
8228s ever seen something so powerful from
8231s Isaac he's finally unlocked his his full
8234s potential
8237s honestly I love it keep it you know what
8240s I mean let's we need it we need uh we
8242s need like a Dragon Ball collab with uh
8244s eternal return X dragonfall you know who
8246s would you even have I I need Yuki as
8249s trunks or something you know what I mean
8250s with the sword that'd be sick where did
8254s a Tracy get all that what
8256s I don't even know
8258s I feel like two minutes ago we've had
8260s the dolls at in there
8263s oh my goodness it's just gonna get
8266s bursted down like it's nothing and it's
8268s day three but now they're gonna be
8270s looking for Sunshine there's an ultimate
8272s out as well and that's two members of
8274s abato condo going down like it was
8276s nothing momentos light work for them oh
8280s my goodness man momentos their team
8282s composition swap up seems to be working
8284s on their end four and bought the condo
8285s it was a little bit too split off right
8288s like their team comp works it's a good
8289s team but you know if you're a little bit
8292s too split apart from your teammates
8293s that's where the problems start to arise
8295s and that's exactly what ended up
8296s happening and we have our first two
8298s permanent deaths of our game here as
8300s anjits and sunshine unfortunately
8301s falling down a couple of teams trying to
8304s you know brute force a couple of these
8306s battle zones for themselves at the
8307s moment narga is sitting inside of the
8309s pond area right now because this is
8311s their Battle Zone that they have one
8313s they do have the leniency of walking in
8314s there but look at the Zone coverage at
8316s the moment for the kids right now too
8318s Hospital completely covered in vision
8320s for these guys and the only spot that
8322s they don't have Vision on is the only
8324s way that I think nargos can enter they
8327s will do that right now they're trying to
8328s look for an angle to at least get out of
8330s here maybe they want to stay but I
8332s wonder if they do stay like what are
8333s they staying here for is the question uh
8336s yeah it is kind of odd to sit up there I
8339s do wonder what's gonna happen you also
8342s see oozing girls just trying to farm up
8343s as much as possible
8346s really pedal in a lot of stacks also
8348s having the argue Queen of Hearts and
8350s iron maidens so you already know these
8351s Bull's eyes they are going to hurt
8354s very hard
8356s yeah look at how careful they're playing
8358s too checking literally every single Bush
8360s there's no way to catch them off guard
8363s although oh no thank God
8368s just not far enough around the corner
8371s unfortunately oh how sad is that man
8375s that is so oh man so unfortunate Wick
8380s also spawning up here in Forest oh Asia
8383s the damage onto Superior there and it
8385s looks like link actually getting a big
8386s rest onto Anon hold on no the rate of
8389s the vampire queen that is not what they
8392s wanted there Frankie's gonna be healing
8394s them up that would have been
8396s huge yeah oh man how sad though to see
8400s something like that happen with the line
8402s also just gonna be walking through
8403s Chapel they need to sit there and wait
8406s for that ultimate to come back online
8408s man that is so so unfortunate
8411s I think that was actually a notch doing
8413s though right you can see the flacious
8414s cooldown is down which means it was
8417s basically actually an interrupt on the
8419s circulation which is really good from
8421s Enoch because it's exactly as you
8422s mentioned if that actually went through
8424s if that Arena the Vampire Queen landed
8425s on all three of them that was it right
8427s like they were all most likely gonna
8429s either take a huge chunk of damage be
8430s pressured down and have a have to waste
8432s a lot of time trying to run away or it
8435s was just going to be a complete uh
8437s Annihilation team too as again we might
8440s be seeing a bit of a sandwich here 14 no
8443s flame but they are the ones that took
8444s week line their health bars are still
8446s looking very very healthy this is still
8448s a really solid position for these guys
8450s to be standing around like yeah you got
8452s to be a bit more careful with everybody
8453s he will Dash his way on out and for the
8455s next couple of minutes it seems like
8456s King no flame are gonna have the very
8458s very big advantage of that wiggling
8460s bleed Superior still trying to chase
8462s this down they will actually deny any
8465s more entries for team momentos and
8467s they're just buying more time at this
8468s point but the transitions on the side of
8470s team no Flame now we saw how many
8472s transition items they got throughout the
8474s course of the game they are sitting
8476s absolutely Wealthy on all the items
8478s right now
8479s yeah man wealth whisper should be always
8483s remember that you know these teams you
8485s know I know we've seen it before
8486s especially over in ERM oh goodness hold
8489s on here we go let's see a big fight over
8492s here I'm seeing emps brain is vampire
8495s queens everything going on and
8497s unfortunately mementos getting taken
8500s down Juni the last one remaining trying
8502s to go back in with the dash but
8504s unfortunately momentos gonna fall down
8508s here as well uh-oh though we've seen
8512s this before this is not good at all we
8515s need not August to run right now no
8518s flames on the chase but we've seen this
8521s before no flames gonna wait they know
8522s that they have the timer Advantage
8524s they're just gonna wait and they're
8525s gonna start going in this is so bad so
8527s many teams have fallen prey to this and
8529s they know exactly what's going on
8531s from the hyperloop this is a really good
8533s recording that's a lot of damage now
8534s from the Martina but the damage is
8536s seeming to not be enough at the moment
8537s trying to lock down Frankie doodle but
8539s the Martina goes straight back goodbye
8541s to Leon oh no we've seen way too many
8544s teams fall down to the death trap that
8546s no flame just put down on that team oh
8549s my God man we've seen it time and time
8552s again right like teams just do not learn
8553s that as soon as you start it's always an
8555s alley too man it's always in the alley
8557s hypers yeah but this happens on it is
8559s cursed up there I tell you I don't know
8562s what it is and it's just so cursed up
8565s there but the classic third a party
8567s angle always coming in strong no flame
8570s great pick out there though going into
8573s school that was unfortunate mementos
8575s getting Avenged there only case left
8579s there for nargosky Alex at least not
8582s that bad of a character to rat with you
8584s know what I mean it's nothing like a
8585s Johan or something but uh or well no
8587s Johan's actually not that bad either I
8588s shouldn't say yeah Gohan's kind of funny
8590s you know when you're able to do but
8592s unfortunately I think this might be our
8594s Alex getting picked out here nice Dodge
8596s out there but I don't think it's gonna
8598s be enough the EMP coming out as well
8600s okay cool little uh a little silly on
8603s that one but that's okay
8605s yeah let him cook who let this guy cook
8608s of course changing oh man but yeah oh my
8612s God is it a forced final Zone again it
8616s is indeed this this is this is just your
8619s night man there is a lot of uh Forest
8621s finals that was happening we had two oh
8623s my God two schools two yeah yeah two
8626s schools back to back two four spinal
8627s zones back to back unfortunately we
8629s don't have a sixth game so we're not
8630s gonna have another Zone back to back but
8632s wow what an evening here for uh final
8634s zones and this kind of uh I don't know
8637s actually What whose team does this
8639s benefit right because as uh we kind of
8642s talk about especially over in the pond
8644s final zone taking advantage of the
8646s bottom side uh temporary Zone with the
8649s bridge is actually really good for
8650s almost any teams I think the win right
8652s there is absolutely massive for
8653s literally any team that has control of
8655s that but it's very similar for the teams
8657s in Forest as well if you can take
8659s advantage and take control of the bottom
8661s side temp Zone because of how close it
8663s is to the final Zone you have a lot of
8665s leniency in regards to how well you can
8666s set up and the only way that the team
8669s coming down I'm from the top side temp
8670s zone is that one choke point right
8673s whereas if you're walking from the
8674s bottom one you have two so there's a bit
8675s of leniency of error but yeah we'll see
8678s which team manages to take control of
8680s the bottom side uh temp zone right now
8682s for at the moment it does seem to be no
8684s flame they're well situated inside of
8686s this area and they're gonna be trying to
8688s knock down and block away entries for
8691s the teams coming inside from Chapel in
8692s which there are two at the moment so
8695s this is a really nice positioning here
8696s that we do have team no flame set on uh
8699s the two sua and Sylvia teams trying to
8701s match up against each other when it
8702s comes to front mining the wick bleed is
8704s still up and online but the Poke from
8706s Lily pedal is slowly but surely starting
8708s to hurt here the two Sylvia's trying to
8710s Res up their teammates as much as
8712s possible right now you have to wonder
8714s how much healing they're doing
8715s throughout the course of this game at
8717s the moment you can see here beautiful
8719s positioning coming out from everybody
8720s Frankie's gonna get his tellurian uh his
8722s tempura refraction popped with a poke
8725s out from this Nadine still looking
8726s massive right now team no flame this one
8728s absolutely wants no part of this at the
8730s moment will hyperloop towards the top
8731s side instead and the battle of the Pope
8733s still continues here Lily pedal hit up
8735s with Odyssey are they gonna go for this
8737s gonna be close they just keep healing
8740s though radar gun on radar gun radar gun
8742s I love Sylvia I love Sylvia I love sua
8745s it's so fun oh my goodness look at these
8748s comps fighting each other yeah exactly
8750s this is gonna be oh my God now they're
8753s gonna be chasing case down
8756s I do Wonder this is the big this is the
8759s big thing you have to wonder is when the
8761s kids are actually going to decide to go
8762s down they're gonna probably be sitting
8763s in their Zone but they're probably gonna
8765s give it a few seconds and if nobody from
8767s these two teams actually is gonna start
8769s fighting let's see if the kids are going
8770s to be able to have a successful third
8772s party angle onto this we already see
8773s them walking shuvi are they gonna decide
8776s to go is the question
8778s this could be pretty big though the area
8781s has been contained yeah wolf facility is
8783s popped here from Lily pedal so it just
8785s goes completely in uzma's stuck in the
8787s middle of nowhere now a not is towards
8789s the back line at the moment but Lily
8790s pedal is completely safe look at all the
8791s traps going down there is no entry for a
8794s not at all he's gonna have to go into
8795s stasis here as well but look at the
8797s health part difference between all the
8798s way down hey that's actually the first
8799s one that goes down there is absolutely
8801s no SPO Superior two he gets taken down
8803s and now Frankie doodle trying to run up
8804s but there is absolutely nowhere for him
8806s to go at this point oh my God and we're
8809s seeing it again the kid stuck in the
8811s middle of nowhere now they have to start
8812s walking down but look at the timer on
8814s the side of seven strike he can't afford
8816s to walk down right now and we've seen
8818s this before they want to go for
8820s something but they're tivers what are
8822s you guys doing
8823s oh this is not good at all everybody's
8825s timer as well big f-stop actually
8827s catching out two members of the oh my
8829s god of Uzi girls but oh my God back and
8832s forth there's the Perry from ghoul only
8834s four seconds left for Christy no what is
8837s happening Christy it actually pops was
8840s down what is happening and now it's blue
8843s in a oh my God what happened what
8848s okay so what I don't know
8852s takes it but just what
8855s I what was that look at your face look
8858s at his face I mean listen you I always
8862s say this right you have to pull the
8863s trigger and we saw the situation that
8865s the kids were in PTSD from game three
8868s man like yeah they knew exactly what was
8870s coming for them if it was the if it was
8872s oozing a girl sitting on the bottom side
8874s temp Zone I I get it
8878s it's just a timer diff you know what I
8881s mean it'll happen
8884s right again yeah I like the fact that
8886s they pulled the trigger and it was
8887s actually close because it was a really
8889s good f-stop coming in from Seven strike
8891s leading directly into a two-man coup de
8893s Grant but you know timer is a thing
8897s we're living in 2023
8900s eternal return is a game all about timer
8902s I mean it was a really good attempt
8904s there and you want to try jumping on
8905s towards losing you girls when they're
8907s all down on the utility which is the
8909s reason why the fight was super close
8912s if they had just a few more seconds of
8914s timer man like it was
8917s just that much should be this much can
8921s matter especially in a game like this
8925s man it has been so crazy that was such a
8931s insulin Title Zone if anything
8934s no no kids right like no I was expected
8938s completely too that was just insane
8941s oh my God shuvi what happened there that
8945s was just like
8947s I don't even know I I don't know but wow
8950s only one game left here and it is gonna
8954s be a close one for sure it's I wonder
8958s how a lot of these teams are gonna
8960s respond you know what I mean I think
8962s it's gonna be a lot closer than people
8964s think it is especially just with what's
8967s been happening through all these games
8968s it's really told a story today and just
8971s I don't know essay has been insane I
8974s love this region so much these players
8975s are so great I know we do have a few na
8978s players as well but it's it's like it's
8980s like an international collaboration you
8981s know what I mean it's so much fun
8984s oh they've been really really going
8987s crazy with it and again thank you for a
8990s great season I know as we go into our
8992s our last game and everything yeah big
8994s thank you once again
8996s shuvi I want you to do it this time
8999s actually we're going to be taking a look
9000s at the scores but I want shuvi to
9002s actually do it this time because my god
9003s do I need help
9005s yeah I mean this is gonna this game
9007s alone is gonna Propel team oozing e
9009s girls all the way towards the top at the
9012s moment I mean they've already been in
9013s first place ever since game number three
9014s but there we go they are holding strong
9017s in first place right now 176 points for
9020s them second place is gonna be team no
9022s flame very close I will say you know 41
9024s points nothing that can't be made up
9026s with the final game here third place is
9029s gonna be the kids however so our three
9030s North American teams actually holding
9032s strong right now in top three at the
9034s moment as their South American teams
9036s naragus gonna be sitting in fourth place
9037s with 120 and bought a condo sitting in
9040s fifth place with a hundred and momento
9043s is going to be holding six at the moment
9044s with 83 points as we go into our last
9047s and final game game number five the last
9050s chance for our South American teams to
9052s hold the throne in their respective
9054s region yeah it's gonna be hard but I
9057s wonder if they'll be able to do it
9059s they're gonna need to have a pop off
9061s game nargos is gonna have to put their
9064s big boy pants on and get it done and
9068s let's see if any of the N A teams are
9070s going to be able to do it as well
9071s because this is going to be a close one
9074s as we said before it's going to be
9076s really really close I I don't even know
9079s I'm just wondering actually what the I
9082s want to see the final scoreboard already
9083s do we have the script written sure yet
9085s or is uh oh no my bad actually hold on
9087s that was meant for uh you know for later
9088s but I'm curious to see what these
9090s players are going to be able to do what
9091s the picks are going to be like maybe we
9093s see a few of these teams go back to what
9095s they were accustomed to before I know we
9097s had mementos actually completely switch
9099s over from the barber that they were
9101s running attrition now going on to the
9103s Carla of all things which surprised me I
9105s did like their comp a little bit we had
9107s the glowing Isaac as well which I think
9109s was pretty memorable yeah oh man I was a
9112s big fan of the glowing Isaac but let's
9114s see what these teams are going to be
9115s bringing out for game five um is there
9118s anything else you're kind of looking at
9119s in this game other than I know we talk
9121s about compositions a lot but you know
9122s macro play micro what are you going to
9124s be looking at
9125s see personally for me I do wonder where
9127s team no flame is going to go for their
9129s first Cemetery uh first tree of
9131s Lifestyle not Cemetery because that has
9133s kind of been the deciding factor in
9135s regards to whether or not they've
9136s actually had a very successful game the
9139s two games that they really didn't do too
9141s well were the two games that they were
9142s completely denied these objectives in
9144s the early stages of the game one was of
9146s course during game number two where they
9148s were knocked out completely early over
9149s in Temple by getting sandwiched but game
9151s three was also a little bit of an iffy
9153s one where they were denied every single
9155s objective that they wanted to go to
9156s whether it was the tree of life whether
9158s it was a battle Zone like they were
9160s denied for a majority of so much
9162s features of the game
9164s now their game sense in the way that
9165s they stay caught up in the game by you
9168s know through hunts throughout hunting
9169s throughout picking people off is still
9171s there but the fact of the matter is if
9173s you don't have the items to back that up
9174s and the other teams do then you're still
9177s going to struggle in the long run so I
9179s do Wonder for team no flame especially
9181s where they're gonna try to go for the
9183s subjective of that tree of life and I
9185s think they've succeeded in kind of
9186s throwing off a lot of our South American
9188s teams because now they're the ones in a
9190s little bit of a limbo guessing and
9192s checking where team uh no flame is but
9194s by the time you're already guessing and
9196s checking eternal return is a game of
9197s efficiency you have to be there at the
9200s right time and if you aren't that's
9201s where the problem starts to begin
9203s yeah and now I'm curious we actually
9205s have a very curious change Sunshine is
9209s gonna be going on to the Lennox we
9212s haven't seen that all evening yet that's
9215s what I'm looking forward to memento's
9218s actually going back to their original
9219s comp like I kind of said I was curious
9221s if they were gonna actually stick with
9223s the Carla comp but they are going to go
9224s back to Barbara
9226s as far as our other teams kind of
9228s staying the same yeah no this is kind of
9231s interesting because we're seeing
9233s um the what is it the augment swap-ups
9236s from all of these guys link is actually
9237s deciding to swap off of the Frailty and
9239s go for the vampiric bloodline here
9241s instead and Juni now is going to be the
9243s one sitting on the Frailty now this is
9246s kind of interesting but at the same time
9247s I get it and I do understand the reason
9249s why because as I mentioned earlier I
9251s think it was during game number one Juni
9254s is not the type of person who like
9256s completely go all in into a fight at the
9258s beginning it's actually link but we've
9261s seen what happens when link actually
9262s ends up popping the Frailty a little bit
9264s too prematurely because they get their
9266s full combo off they don't have access to
9268s it for the rest of the fight that
9270s Frailty is so good even
9272s 0.80 that you do need access to that if
9276s you're especially running an
9277s amplification focused team like
9278s momentous is you need to kind of pump
9281s out the damage while the Frailty is
9282s there so I like the fact that they're
9285s putting it onto Juni here link is going
9287s to be very consistent with the vampiric
9289s bloodline they've been rotating through
9290s their skills very well throughout some
9291s of these fights as well so I do like
9293s that change on the side of Team momentos
9296s yeah no I completely agree I'm excited
9298s to watch them again I was a huge fan of
9300s that barber earlier you know me I I do I
9303s do love my barber I love my kind of I
9305s don't want to say off meta because you
9306s know off meta in this game it's kind of
9308s weird yeah it's just like off meta
9310s doesn't exist but characters that are
9312s kind of less picked you know what I mean
9314s we love our Barbers we love our Martinez
9317s uh maybe maybe one day Vanya will be
9320s allowed you know maybe in the next year
9322s it's it's just a great I would have
9323s loved if Anya was in this tournament but
9325s of course funny a little a little too
9327s early she needs a little bit more time
9328s in the oven but um other than that I
9330s would have loved to see Leon as well
9332s yeah I believe is allowed if I'm not
9336s mistaken I can't remember but uh yeah I
9338s would have loved to seen her I don't
9340s know at this point maybe it is maybe it
9341s isn't but you know Leon's been a lot of
9343s fun to watch as well
9345s um a few other characters I'm surprised
9348s we haven't seen something I know a lot
9349s of people love irem you know but uh no
9351s no I rhyme out here unfortunately
9354s I'll be honest with you Iran has been so
9357s wonky for me I feel like in team modes I
9360s haven't really seen her succeed too
9361s often considering how um
9364s uh how should I say this considering how
9366s you would think that character operates
9368s in a team's environment considering how
9370s much you know crowd control she has
9371s that's actually really big in regards to
9373s the AOE how much damage she has how much
9376s rotation of Steel she has she hasn't
9378s really seen too too much success I feel
9380s like in the long run so kind of
9382s interesting there a bit of a
9384s uncharacterial characteristic Miss there
9386s from Seven strike going over onto a
9388s treasure and this is actually what your
9390s team a lot more when they get taken down
9392s and wow okay I feel like they're trying
9395s to make up for the Ping but they're over
9397s making up for it and it's gonna cost all
9399s his life this time around we saw earlier
9401s that I think it was Christian missing a
9404s first attack down in pond or something
9406s like that it was really weird they're
9408s missing a lot of these skills trying to
9409s overestimate and over
9411s um kind of
9413s yeah over compensate there is the word
9416s for the Ping diff that they're trying to
9418s face but a little bit too much on their
9420s side at the moment
9421s yeah I know the feeling though
9423s especially you know having played in
9425s Korea a little bit you know it is kind
9426s of difficult you know especially I get
9428s to play on what is it 210 ping something
9431s like that but here we go here's a fight
9432s that I'm looking forward to we haven't
9434s bought the condo gonna be the ones to
9435s take on no flame as they are here in
9437s Temple we're gonna get a repeat if you
9439s get to see our Lennox fight as well
9441s there's a Yuki ultimate going out let's
9444s see Frankie and then we're trying to go
9445s crazy right now unfortunately on Jeeps
9447s is gonna be the first to go down a not
9449s Falls as well though but it looks like
9451s the rest here of the Boston condo is a
9453s little bit too low to keep fighting this
9455s Sunshine stacking that vampiric they
9457s were trying to revive Aenon right now
9458s but it looks like it's just gonna be
9460s getting on out of here right now still a
9462s nice fight from them but uh oh guess
9464s what shuvi they're not done yet mementos
9467s is pulling up now oh no
9471s this is not what you want to see
9472s unfortunately and I think that means no
9475s flame is gonna have to get on out of
9477s here I didn't they actually did get away
9478s with the trade looks like so great job
9480s towards them we see the glacial ice
9482s already built we're gonna have momentous
9484s actually going after them is the
9485s question
9486s it seems like they do want to add the
9489s moment but Frankie's the Target that
9490s they end up finding here it's fine for
9492s team though flame to actually lose
9494s Frankie at the moment because again the
9496s tree of life was already given over
9498s towards the the Fiora they still don't
9501s want to lose a number they will be able
9502s to run away with it for now trying to
9504s get Stacks is going to be Martin at the
9507s moment four stacks on their ultimate is
9509s what they are sitting on at the moment
9511s they're not going to be able to buy
9512s themselves another one at this point
9513s over in hospital Unfortunately they will
9515s get taken down the pace of the Martina
9518s is really going to matter right now and
9519s four is very low according to Martin
9521s standards at the moment Kai is also
9523s feeling a little bit of pain as he's
9525s gonna have to use his ultimate to get
9526s himself away too I'm just trying to
9528s chase this down like you can see teams
9530s being very desperate to get these kills
9532s at the moment because each individual
9534s one of these points would really matter
9535s in the long run as we actually do have
9537s Junior range getting taken down here as
9540s well what is going on in this game at
9542s the moment sir everybody's dying I have
9544s no idea Kai is on the Run two just what
9548s is happening it is a blood bath
9551s everybody wants each other everybody's
9553s trying to get these points in for the
9554s last game I know it's the last game but
9557s oh my goodness yeah holy Lord there's
9559s Martin going down as well fortunate
9562s there oh my goodness a lot of damage out
9565s there on to a superior I believe that
9568s was with a Bullseye from Lily pedal if
9571s the kids right below them as well and
9572s other Bullseye being charged up gonna
9574s hit Christy and just take it about a
9576s quarter of their life right there pork
9578s chop gonna said Lily pedal back oh man
9581s what a game oh no go goes right down
9586s like it's nothing that is unfortunate
9588s and now no flames here it looks like to
9591s clean up the rest of this fight holy
9594s pedal holding that Bullseye trying to
9595s see if they can get a pick but seven
9596s strike is gonna pull them right back in
9598s that's oozing girls down in the forest
9600s Battle Zone No flame now trying to take
9602s down the rest of the kids cools down
9604s they're gonna be after Christian right
9606s now seventh strike currently trying to
9608s take down superior but a great Shield
9610s there is actually going to Shield them
9611s but oh man what a crazy Battle Zone
9618s let's keep uh dude it's so hard to walk
9620s down superior man the sewer is
9622s Unstoppable especially on the Don
9624s Quixote it's just so tough to deal with
9626s especially eyes and not the pot and then
9628s you know what at that point I think like
9629s I think Christian was I think seven was
9631s just trying to get as many kills as
9633s possible they're just feeding his weapon
9635s level at this point because there's just
9636s nothing that a math upon can really do
9638s facing up against the sewer there's just
9640s way too many crowd control removals and
9642s the community that he had that she has
9644s access to so cool things happening there
9646s over on 14 no playing being able to jump
9648s on top of a third party easy as pie for
9651s that team as a Trader gonna be able to
9653s pick up yet another kill for himself
9654s here it is going to be Martin falling
9656s down they do wonder how many stacks he
9657s has but another two just picked up for
9660s himself should mean that this Martina is
9662s going to be pretty okay I think in the
9665s long run they should be able to get
9666s themselves their broadcast form best
9668s case scenario on the next one
9670s exactly 45 seconds until night two which
9673s means the trees the meteorites are all
9675s going to be up that means a little
9677s hopefully bit of success a coming to
9679s Martin's way we'd love to see the
9682s broadcast get online as always
9684s oh wait actually more Stacks there we go
9687s there's the broadcast there we go that's
9689s what we were talking about shuvi Martin
9691s at this point yeah at this point you
9692s might as well just dine to be up for the
9694s next objective you know what I mean it
9696s is gonna be 32 seconds it's gonna be
9697s about 10 seconds late there to night
9699s number two but that's okay broadcast has
9701s been achieved hi yay
9710s that's why yeah I feel as if all of the
9713s games that we've had so far like this is
9715s funny right because it's very
9716s reminiscent of the game that we had for
9718s the compositions that we had for game
9720s number one because even in Bata condo
9722s well actually sorry it's not going to be
9723s game one right because about the condo
9725s was running like uh uh composition but
9729s it's very kind of thoughtful and remnant
9731s of that as a link when they get taken
9733s down here first Junaid will actually
9734s manage to knock down sunshine it's gonna
9736s be accepted speeches all over the place
9737s right now as I think oh this is not
9740s looking good for Chiron that he's gonna
9741s try to run away from a treasure Juni
9744s trying to chase down on just as much as
9745s possible here as well red carpet's
9747s actually pretty good on the side of
9748s Chiron but he's gonna have to do more
9750s than that to run away as a treasure
9751s still chasing this down right now he
9753s wants the kill against Chiron he wants
9756s the points right now does he have access
9758s to it yes he does using that laser over
9760s on towards that turret should be enough
9761s damage for him to get that and that
9763s means me a two for I think one trait
9766s there for and bought the condo as well
9767s as moment toaster just kind of training
9769s kills at this point one after another
9771s that should be okay for these guys as
9773s we're slowly but surely coming over onto
9774s the eve of day number three no more
9777s rezzes in our final game here sir
9779s that's gonna be fun though this is where
9782s things start to really get spicy and a
9785s treasure their Barbara is looking so
9788s good right now it is crazy we also have
9790s our battle zones being Temple and Chapel
9792s here for day number three and I wonder
9794s what teams are actually gonna be
9796s fighting for this it's gonna possibly be
9798s close yeah there's Chiron fully killed
9800s of course they will be coming right back
9803s up right in front of madagas actually
9805s hold on there we go I'm not able to get
9807s the slow onto anybody right now we have
9809s 30 seconds until the Battle Zone
9811s actually starts are they gonna decide to
9812s fight beforehand it's gonna happen here
9815s no flame also as well mementos they are
9818s all fighting each other
9819s that's a lot of damage going on to
9822s Superior no Enos the target for mementos
9824s will be going down let's see no flame
9827s are they gonna be able to go down here
9828s no Frankie's actually gonna just destroy
9831s link right there Juni also now possibly
9834s a target for Superior Frankie's gonna be
9836s sitting in the back this is going to be
9838s really close very nice basket there by a
9840s traja now could be playing around the
9841s turret completely but I think that's a
9843s treasure going down as well and no flame
9846s able to turn the fight Judy actually
9848s gonna try and 1v2 here hold on I don't
9851s know oh there's the play dead but wait a
9853s second really close hold on gonna revive
9855s is it gonna be enough though is it
9857s Frankie gonna be able to do it momentos
9860s gets taken down no flame is gonna be
9863s flaming them here in game number five my
9867s God
9868s play her down dude that is so brutal for
9871s mementos they had such a good fight such
9873s a good initiation a lot of damage turned
9876s over onto Superior as soon as he went in
9877s but it's not going to matter sewer just
9879s way too good at getting out the damage
9881s wasn't locked down on towards that
9883s character at all and that means standing
9885s right in front of the Omega is going to
9887s be no flame we have a couple of rats
9889s hanging around the corner here as well
9891s I'm just sitting inside of that little
9892s cubby for himself completely split away
9894s from his team but I mean at this point
9897s what really options do you have on just
9899s do not walk out yet man you cannot
9902s afford to do that especially with your
9904s team so far away at the moment although
9906s I think a couple of battle zones have
9908s already been finished here right I think
9909s the only three teams actually taking
9911s away battle zones in this game right now
9912s narigos will be the one to take away the
9914s one over in Temple as no flame picking
9917s up the Omega with the force core ah dude
9920s this is just looking tougher and tougher
9921s and tougher for our South American teams
9923s as North America assuming the rain
9924s Supreme over this region yeah it's a
9927s little bit hard for our sa teams right
9930s now but there is still time left in this
9932s game but man no flame is so far ahead
9936s right now shuvian odd Jakes is just
9939s gonna be chilling right in there by
9940s themselves that's uh that's that's a
9942s little bit rough for them right now but
9944s I'm sure they will be able to meet up
9946s with the rest of their team of course
9948s but man I'm actually just wondering if
9950s no Flame or if oozing Eagles is gonna be
9952s able to hold on to that first place lead
9954s right on no flame but they're eight
9956s kills oh no unfortunately Audrey it's
9959s gonna get caught out here I really think
9962s the rest of him Buffalo condo should
9964s have possibly just tp'd on right over to
9966s him and walked with him that is
9968s unfortunate you have no idea what's
9971s going on in the Avenue so that is really
9974s really sad for them yeah that's gonna be
9977s the end most likely for him about the
9978s condos at least Reign of Terror at least
9981s on their end right now because they were
9982s doing pretty good throughout the course
9983s of the game but with anjits there that's
9985s way too much that I think sunshine has
9987s to do up in the front lines can be very
9989s difficult for a Lennox to try to deal
9991s with all the sewers damage to try to
9993s deal with all of the Sylvia's trying to
9995s you know sustain their own teammates up
9997s this is gonna be a tough one but we do
9998s still have a couple of teams hanging
10000s around yeah you don't want to eat the
10001s apple side I was just well like a simple
10003s a thousand damage there from movie pedal
10005s dealt onto both
10006s cars yeah exactly it's just uh looking
10009s tougher and tougher and tougher as we go
10012s throughout the game but we clean spawns
10014s up and guess what team is the team
10016s standing on top of it it's gonna be team
10017s no flame it's reminiscent of North
10020s American tournaments as they're the only
10022s ones sitting on top of this objective
10023s they're gonna try to peel away from this
10025s objective as much as possible because we
10027s do have the kids hanging around here too
10028s but look at how much of a dominating
10030s force that they have sitting on top of
10032s this the pressure coming down from no
10034s flames a little bit too much the kids
10036s just completely back away and it looks
10039s like nobody wants to contest that at all
10041s which I'm kind of surprised about just
10043s letting no flame get it for free more
10045s than anything
10046s little bit odd there but I'm sure a lot
10049s of these teams are kind of scared of
10050s them like you said the pressure is
10053s insane here we go this is gonna be uh oh
10058s God see is here not a ghost is gonna be
10061s doing so much damage as well the play
10064s dead for the Jenny unfortunately Tyron
10067s will be going down now it's up to
10069s Sunshine to try and actually do anything
10071s here there's the EMP as well but yeah
10074s this is the end in Boston though our
10077s second full team to go down only four
10081s remaining here
10086s against North America at this point this
10090s team right here has had so much success
10092s for themselves up against North American
10094s teams but this is where they need to
10096s finish it if they want to finish strong
10098s for South America the only team being
10100s alive in the home region and I'm pretty
10102s sure all the South American players in
10104s the chat are cheering for these guys
10105s because nargos has been doing an
10108s incredible series of work throughout the
10110s course of tonight they just need to do a
10112s little bit more maybe finish the game
10113s with that first place spot get a couple
10115s more kills for themselves and end the
10117s tournament here happy for themselves
10118s they're trying to look up against
10120s another team right now losing egirls is
10122s the one they're looking at at the moment
10124s Lily pedal hits a huge Bullseye yet
10126s again these players just constantly
10128s grouping up making it easy for Lily
10129s pedal to hit these skills and they're
10131s trying to chase this down now the garden
10132s reverse does come through so full fury
10134s on the side of Leon at the moment they
10136s do want to chase this down they were
10138s looking for an angle onto Lily pedal but
10139s it's so difficult for these two as they
10141s just constantly get pummeled by these
10143s bullseyes yeah it's really hard like you
10146s said a not actually tping in oh my
10148s goodness that was a close one but I
10151s think this is gonna be the deciding
10153s factor right here who's ever gonna be
10154s able to get this and a not gets poked
10156s out again but I don't think oozing girls
10158s wants anything else right now knowing
10160s that team no flame does have that
10162s wickline they will back off from them
10164s right now but I guess it's gonna just
10166s everybody something's in uptown you know
10168s something's in the water SUV uh oh but
10171s guess what not a gossip is gonna get
10172s engaged upon by Superior there they're
10174s gonna decide to go in there's the EMP
10175s out as well as the big Martina ultimate
10178s unfortunately we do see Martin gonna be
10181s the first one to go down a not now top
10182s you're trying to get on top of guys I
10185s should say my apologies Leon now is well
10187s gonna go down that's not a Gods just
10189s going down like it's nothing oh no flame
10193s just cutting through them another 12
10196s points they're catching up to oozing e
10199s girls
10200s dude this is such a brutal I'm there for
10203s an Argos though I think Martin actually
10206s got crowd control along because they
10207s dashed straight back into an odyssey
10209s straight into a knock-up into a bunch of
10211s Sylvia skills too like you can't get out
10213s of that as a Martina no matter how much
10215s sustainability you have no matter how
10217s many stacks of the broadcast you get if
10219s you're locked down in crowd control you
10221s will get knocked down eventually and
10222s after that there's no damage left on the
10224s side of nargas it was a good run for
10226s South America but it seems like for the
10228s final game here we are going to see
10229s three North American teams fighting it
10231s out it is going to be either School
10233s hotel or Beach as our final zones we'll
10236s figure that out in about 10 seconds here
10237s as yet again Bullseye still raining as
10241s no flame their last chance to make it
10243s big in their final game here and this
10245s game so far is the perfect setup that
10247s they do have it is
10250s a very open area this is actually not
10253s the greatest at the moment for Lily
10254s pedal because the amount of Zone control
10256s that Nadine has over in beach is very
10258s very limited due to how open that final
10260s zone is so I'm so sad I thought we were
10263s gonna have school and I would have said
10264s it was going to be three School final
10266s zones and two Forest ones that was so
10269s close there we almost had it but
10272s unfortunately like you said now Lily
10274s pedal has to find a way if they want to
10276s keep oozing e-girls's lead sitting in
10279s first it's gonna be hard will they be
10281s able to do it though so many kills going
10284s out here for a team no flame this is
10288s gonna be hard there's those bullseyes
10290s still hitting like a truck
10295s man like you can't close off a complete
10298s entrance oh it's they're doing it again
10300s again look at the timers on the side of
10303s losing egos right now nikonika Sushi has
10305s to burn most of her gauge here trying to
10308s go back into the beach area thankfully
10310s Sylvia can get that gauge back up really
10312s really quickly but look at this they're
10314s putting they're being pushed straight
10315s into a corner at the moment Lily pedal
10317s getting taken down very low her timer is
10319s not looking good at all here either oh
10321s my God look at team no flame at the
10323s moment but look at the side of Team the
10324s kids at the moment too they're trying to
10326s poke away everyone as much as possible
10327s no flame has plenty of timer so they can
10329s get themselves away oh who's making her
10331s gets himself away too but nikuniku Sushi
10334s stuck in a corner she's gonna get taken
10336s down and it is completely looking doomed
10338s for oozing Eagles as uzma left to pick
10340s up the scraps of that team no flame
10343s still alive yeah alive too a lot of
10346s timer on this play on this team as well
10348s I mean look at this man it is just tough
10352s yeah news was going to be sitting in the
10354s corner right there and now we're gonna
10355s have a fight between the kids and no
10358s flame of course let's see who's gonna be
10361s able to do it
10364s as school goes down Christians down
10366s seven strike about to go down as well
10369s let's see and that is gonna be it there
10373s for the kids but that honestly is great
10376s because oozing Eagles now secure second
10378s place but is it gonna be enough shooting
10381s I don't think it is
10384s goodness gracious Man Zero overall kills
10388s for using e girls 17.
10391s for no Flame
10393s what that's not looking too good at all
10397s shoes it's gonna be close it's gonna be
10401s really
10403s close those points they needed for just
10407s about a little over 40 I believe to
10410s catch up
10413s it's gonna be close man it's gonna be
10415s really close but we're gonna have to
10417s find out who wins it because I believe
10420s no flame if they win it that's gonna be
10422s a second region for them isn't it yes
10425s indeed they are you know this is what a
10428s story honestly throughout the entire
10429s course of season eight we saw the
10431s dominant force that was no flame just
10433s kind of ripping through ornaments the
10435s left and right and left and right and
10437s they came into the South American
10438s tournament second seed as well right
10440s they had I think it was an endpoint
10442s difference between them and mementos
10444s going into our series here for the
10446s finals and they definitely showed South
10449s America that you know North America is
10451s definitely here to play and the South
10453s American finals so well done yeah
10455s towards them throughout the entire
10457s course of the night of course we don't
10458s know what the final results results are
10460s yet but it's looking really solid for
10463s the side of no flame as you know again
10464s ending in their final game was 17 kills
10467s in first place like that's a massive
10468s performance for these guys to end it off
10470s yeah exactly and just it goes to show
10473s you even with the Ping RNA boys are
10476s ready to come out and play anytime as
10479s you were talking about we are just going
10481s to be waiting on that final scoreboard
10482s of course but man what a great way to
10486s end off our Lumia Marathon shoevie no
10490s more games all regions are now done na
10493s Europe and South America that wow what a
10497s crazy season it's been for these Western
10499s regions huh
10501s I mean dude I really like the circuit
10503s format that they did for ERM during
10505s season seven I'm so glad that they ended
10508s up bringing it over onto the
10509s international regions as well now there
10511s are small things that we could still
10512s tweak about the entire format but the
10515s fact of the matter is we had it and you
10517s know what uh season seven for ERM even
10519s in Korea too was one of those Seasons
10521s that I also consider kind of like the
10523s test phase for a tournament yeah for the
10525s tournament uh side of things and look
10527s where ERM is now it's absolutely amazing
10530s at the moment a lot of small adjustments
10532s that are needed for the tournament
10533s itself to make sure that it is game
10535s friendly and healthy for the tournament
10537s side happening because they already got
10539s most of the tournament sided things
10541s figured out for season eight and it's
10543s going to improve even more so if you do
10545s have another set of these circuits
10546s during season nine I am so so excited
10549s for it because we're not going to get
10550s that much mechanical changes for the
10552s game itself as far as I know during
10554s season nine it should be for the most
10556s part very similar to what we have in
10558s season eight and this season
10560s I will definitely say has been in my
10562s opinion the most fun season I have ever
10565s had a casting eternal return because of
10567s how the game mechanics worked in
10569s conjunction with the tournaments
10570s should we mean you now this month it'll
10573s be two years for us you know what I mean
10575s we've been doing this it's been a long
10577s time and I definitely think it has been
10580s the most fun we've ever had casting
10583s together but shuvi right now let's take
10587s it over guys to our final scoreboard and
10591s your first Place Victor's coming out
10594s with
10595s 219 points team no lame taking both
10602s North and South America both continents
10605s for themselves oozing Eagles coming out
10609s in second now with 192 points that kids
10612s in third with 154 fourth place will be
10616s nargas with 140 in battle condo in fifth
10620s with 122 and mementos in six with 108
10624s points congratulations again to team no
10627s flame wow oh my goodness what a crazy
10634s set of games there for them but yeah a
10638s successful last game is able to gonna
10640s it's it's gonna throw them into first
10642s place to be able to allow them to win
10644s this tournament congratulations again to
10648s them
10649s this just goes to show that you know
10651s even if even with ping diff sometimes as
10653s long as you're able to play what you
10655s want to play in the way that you want to
10657s it can definitely work out and as you
10660s said I'm going to reciprocate the same
10662s thing congratulations to the team no
10664s flame and uh surely we're going to be
10666s getting a video from Superior coming out
10668s talking about how they won two of the
10670s Season finals most likely right yada
10671s yada yada yeah yeah we'll see some stuff
10673s coming out in the near future most
10675s likely from those uh players on team no
10678s flame because they definitely deserve
10680s the amount of work and effort that they
10682s put into season eight they definitely
10684s deserve the result at this point so
10687s again congratulations to those three
10689s players well done on an absolutely
10691s incredible season for yourselves yeah
10693s exactly congrats from myself to once
10696s again in shuvi man that is the end for
10699s us I can't believe it like we said the
10702s Lumia Marathon it was a great time and I
10707s have to say big thank you this goes for
10709s all regions to all the production staff
10711s from every single tournament involved
10713s all of our tournament organizers big
10715s thanks to Nimble neuron for just hosting
10718s this entire thing as well and letting
10719s myself and shuvi cast it was a fantastic
10722s time overall thank you to all the
10725s players through your for your hard work
10727s throughout these last few months it has
10729s been fantastic to see these players grow
10731s with just not as players but as people
10732s as well it has been such a fun time
10736s and man guys don't forget to leave your
10738s feedback if anything about the Lumia
10740s Marathon you know for next season so it
10742s can be improved of course we still have
10745s more ER action this month ERM is going
10747s to be next weekend as well the ERM
10748s finals if you're interested in the
10750s Korean Esports side at all hope you guys
10752s get to see that but shuvi final words
10754s for you as well my friend no that is
10756s gonna be it from me thank you all of you
10758s guys in the chat also for coming out to
10760s each individual in our one of our events
10762s I think uh Lumia Marathon for the most
10764s part has been an absolutely amazing
10766s success considering how kind of like the
10768s infancy phase of the way that
10770s tournaments are going to be run most
10772s likely most likely I we don't know
10774s either uh for the international regions
10776s I really hope that you guys enjoyed this
10778s kind of format because I personally have
10780s been enjoying it over on the Korean side
10782s of things again a big fan of this
10784s circuit style format so hopefully we can
10786s either develop further from this uh from
10789s the style of the circuit format or if
10792s this doesn't you know work out in the
10793s end hopefully we can develop even more
10795s when it comes to the internet National
10796s region competitive because this season
10798s definitely we saw a lot more
10800s advancements in regards to how teams
10801s organize themselves and that's something
10803s that as us casters always want to see as
10806s the game develops
10808s great final words there for you my
10811s friend and guys I believe that is going
10814s to be it for us here over on the casting
10816s desk one big thank you again and for now
10819s guys we'll see you on Lumia Island next
10821s time but until then
10823s bye everybody
10825s see ya
10858s thank you
10873s thank you
10876s foreign
10902s thank you
10937s foreign
10968s thank you
11003s thank you
11067s thank you
11091s foreign
11124s thank you
11163s thank you
11195s thank you
11212s foreign
11250s foreign
11292s thank you
11322s thank you
11326s foreign