over 1 year ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

30s [Music]
42s thank you
46s foreign
49s [Music]
63s [Music]
71s [Music]
78s foreign
79s [Music]
111s foreign
148s foreign
184s foreign
219s [Music]
223s foreign
274s [Music]
277s thank you
285s [Music]
293s [Music]
302s [Music]
307s foreign
314s [Music]
326s [Music]
337s yourself
339s [Music]
376s I love about it
383s [Music]
407s each other
410s [Music]
430s together
434s [Music]
443s foreign
448s [Music]
467s [Music]
468s [Applause]
471s [Music]
506s it's not a world
518s hello everyone I am I a fairly new
520s employee from Nimble neuron sadly Wendy
523s was not able to escape military the
525s security was a bit rougher than we
527s imagined in a way this is my first time
529s talking to you guys I started lumypedia
531s so I'm a bit nervous I'm here with wolf
534s one the director of eternal return
539s thank you ladies for playing our game
542s and thank you for visiting us today
546s yeah including the last emergency Dev
548s stream we are at the seventh Dev stream
549s so far and yeah uh once again thank you
552s for coming to watch and let's get
554s started
555s it's been two years of Early Access so
558s far
559s um should we put it as the return is
561s hurt and in Korea we also say the game
564s is sick at the moment
566s um we wanted to do a lot more
567s celebration for the two-year anniversary
569s but sadly he didn't think it was the
572s timing and hopefully we can get back to
574s you guys soon about that
575s um but so far thank you guys for being
577s with us
581s steam stats are open to everyone so some
584s of you guys may have already checked but
585s uh yesterday actually well not yesterday
588s because we had the deathstream but two
589s days ago our players were 4436.
594s we do have support from other platforms
597s but steam is still our main platform
599s especially for our non-kr regions we
601s sadly had players asking if the game
603s would still be operating next year
605s and that really stuck with us
609s that's likely why this time the dev
611s stream uh devs team had so much to think
614s about we thought and reflected over the
615s previous actions
619s to start the reflection we looked at the
621s graph over the last two years of our
623s Early Access the noticeable part is the
625s high Spike at the 50 000 concurrent
627s players well it's easy to just simply
629s summarize the graph as a simple Peak and
631s a drop we believe that each up and down
634s has its own stories and patches
637s guys it's not pre-recorded
640s but yeah we'll get into the midi and
642s greedy so we separated into three parts
644s we saw the first six months the middle
647s one year and a half and the most recent
650s three months which is season seven we
652s feel like these three periods have
654s different nuances and show different
655s patterns
658s so the first section the first six
661s months was a pretty crazy time for
662s return I joined the game as a player
665s somewhere in this section A little bit
666s later in the drop but this section
668s included a 50k player Peak to a point
671s that it confused even our own developers
675s um they apparently were checking the
676s numbers and seeing it go up and we're
678s wondering why it was even going up at
679s that point but we definitely had Luck
681s playing on our side and when the game
683s was on the rise we had a huge crane of
685s flourish to play our game
686s it seemed a huge Spike uh wolf neem
689s actually left the message in slack which
690s is like a Discord for work talking about
692s how well players had showing your
694s reaction to turn returns so far we're
696s going to be facing challenges if we
698s don't develop as a team and game the
700s only place would be downwards
703s we were aware that this population was
705s in inflation and not something that
706s would be consistent moving forwards
709s while pre-ranked the era of Victoria
711s return was fun and brought us a lot of
713s memories people forget the issues that
715s the game had like
717s there were no lit distributions no final
720s Zone as in no final zones like not the
723s old final Zone it just didn't have final
725s zones
726s you can see that in this period we hit
728s the peak but we also had the fastest
730s loss of players
734s the next period is the longer period of
736s one year where we stayed around 10 000
738s players for a while we also had players
740s from different platforms at this point
742s as we were connecting with other
743s companies around this time as well
745s Gibson General followed these Trends
747s where early on game inflates a high play
749s number but quickly bleed numbers until
752s they hit a fairly steady average between
754s the ups and downs
756s we really thought the game would
758s continue following harder after the
759s first period but it didn't apparently
761s they call this trend a rectangular a
763s rectangle pattern in stocks where the
766s numbers fluctuate within the Peaks and
768s the lowest hold on let me get some water
770s with three Metals actually contacted a
772s few times about the graph as some folks
774s for surprise ER was able to sustain over
776s this year throughout this one year we
778s were given a lot of opportunities which
780s we are thankful for
788s and we picked 10 000 players as an
790s important Point not because we were
792s satisfied with it our actual goal is 20K
795s 10K was just significant in that it
797s showed potential to us
799s but we can meet this goal of bringing up
801s the average
802s reference daily Peak does not always
804s show the actual number of players in a
806s day you can multiply the daily Peak by
808s five to six times ish to get some kind
811s of an idea of the total daily users
813s therefore 20 000 Peak players would mean
815s we would have around 100 000 players
818s logging into our game daily
819s which would also put our game around top
821s 50 on Steam
824s the game industry is often seen as
826s Winner Takes all where one percent is
828s remembered and 99 is forgotten in our
830s opinion 20 000 would put us at the
833s border or the edge of being one of those
835s winners like hitting rank 199 for
838s immortal
840s obviously successful games are
842s considered different based on genre for
844s example single player RPG does not need
847s heavy player bases well casual games
849s will need a lot of players to be
850s considered successful
854s for one year and a half in our second
856s period our goal was doubling our player
858s base we kept thinking that maybe if we
859s made a few more good season features and
863s we did scratch that point with Cobalt
864s protocol at one point
866s it kept continuing and being hopeful
868s especially with Battlezone and hacking
870s coming into the game eventually
872s but hopes don't solve everything and our
877s numbers decreased rather than increase
880s and we were put into a spot where we
883s started doubting ourselves even more
884s like we'll introducing hacking as a
887s future really get us to our goal of
888s twenty thousand
890s uh we even started wondering if we
892s doubled our player base with eternal
894s returns still be sustainable
899s reviewing the last part season seven is
902s a really tough task to analyze
904s as there were a lot of problems that we
907s found the big changes save plan and
909s skillet pre-work uh were on assessed
913s sorry about that unsuccessful to the
915s point where we had to host an emergency
916s Dev stream the Q a a lot of questions
919s regarding season 7 were often found
921s especially how lackluster they were for
924s example Escape has been largely
925s forgotten by a lot of our players but in
928s the dev team we believe that the number
929s three was also a huge issue where
931s eternal return has gone through strings
933s after strains after strains of patches
936s and new features
938s added Through Time
942s and number four it's no secret other
944s games affect player Biz and we've had
946s great games released this year as well
949s there are also more issues we haven't
951s included here such as balance bugs and
953s optimizations but we recognize these
955s issues as a longer term issue instead of
958s specific to season seven so we'll get to
961s the balance bugs and optimizations a bit
964s later in the presentation instead
969s to go back to number four and Show an
971s example you can see the player drop in
972s the graph here uh all right number four
976s this is when players started watching
978s over a second time in a video game
981s this shiny game is released it does
983s affect our player base this is natural
985s among other games too and happens
987s throughout time
988s however games such as Eternal returns
990s should normally have good new features
992s that race some of the numbers back up
994s while bringing returning players
996s this season we failed to do so the
999s timing when our player base was supposed
1000s to spike back up there are new features
1002s did not increase our numbers
1005s so we continue to drop from where we
1008s previously were
1010s we had other perspectives on the season
1011s as well as we had dangerous drop in new
1014s players starting around mid-season 6.
1016s even when we had new players to the game
1018s their retention was not great you can
1020s see the drop here around the three Mark
1022s here it's not as noticeable since we had
1024s school break for Korea so the number was
1028s a bit more inflated than it actually was
1030s and regarding the fifth concern
1034s this perspective is probably the saddest
1037s take out of all of them and something we
1041s all think about here and there as the ER
1044s team it's something we have to but it's
1047s our job to prove to our players and
1048s investors that no eternal return is
1051s actually just getting started
1056s what are the statements we see here
1057s often is it feels like the company is
1059s ran by old man who don't know video
1061s games that ignored the young employee or
1063s Gamer's thoughts
1065s and regarding the old part well sad it
1068s it's true we are fairly old to be fair I
1072s think it's you guys being too young and
1074s us
1075s you know what it's whatever don't worry
1077s about it
1078s Hector neem wanted to cross off the
1080s Huron video games part D to his pride
1082s and I think it's true he has a wide
1084s range of knowledge regarding games even
1086s ones outside of ER so he put a triangle
1089s because he still does think there are
1091s some other workers and players that know
1092s a bit better than him
1095s but the part regarding ignoring other
1097s employee player opinions is something
1098s that we want to talk about on the
1100s opposite Spectrum there's so many
1102s different ideas from co-workers and
1104s players the finding which direction is
1106s correct it's just not that simple
1109s not only that deciding to go in One
1110s Direction can disappoint players that
1112s want it the other direction
1114s so every day wolfon stated that every
1116s decision he makes replays in his head
1118s over and over and over if it was the
1121s right decision or not
1122s but we're not here to talk about you
1125s know our struggles and stuff like that
1126s and we're here to talk about the game
1128s today so we'll keep this part short
1133s looking back we ended up thinking a lot
1135s more we have a solid goal of 20 000
1137s players but we started looking Beyond
1138s those solid numbers
1140s so what is eternal return to us the devs
1144s and what is er to you guys the players
1149s well we've had diverse meetings at our
1151s workplace and often it's discussions on
1153s why we chose to work at this company
1156s and what our strengths are and that kind
1157s of stuff well the whole thing was
1159s strange to us at the start you know the
1161s action made us think beyond the original
1163s frame of thought or talking to
1164s co-workers
1166s well we had co-workers from multiple
1167s different teams the main idea that
1169s seemed to pop up a lot was simply
1172s we just want to make a fun game
1174s it's easy to get sidetracked while
1176s working on the game as it requires focus
1177s on so many different parts but that's it
1180s we just want to make a fun game
1185s at the beginning of 2022 Wolfe had
1188s presentation regarding the game for the
1190s company he even talked about how
1191s different parts of the brain works like
1193s which parts are responsible for our
1194s basic survival New Life needs and what
1196s the parts are responsible for our
1197s emotions
1199s to summarize we just wanted to make a
1201s game that would be fun cool gets her
1204s heart beating and that your soul demands
1206s these were his words not mine for
1208s reference he also talked about what kind
1211s of changes ER would need to touch all of
1213s these aspects as we're not there yet but
1215s in the base of it all we just want to
1218s make a kick-ass game
1222s foreign
1223s a lot less familiar to you guys but a
1226s few weeks ago after our season finals we
1229s had players send us a coffee truck so Us
1232s and other co-workers could get some
1233s refreshing beverages while working
1236s usually getting a coffee truck from
1237s players is a dream for developers here
1239s in Korea there's also how the Supreme
1241s head and email started drop is like the
1243s sound of someone drinking from a cup
1245s with only the ice left but this was
1247s surprising to us and I'm sure to you
1249s guys as well because the season had been
1252s fairly rough we thought compliments
1254s would be something you know we wouldn't
1256s be getting especially with how rare
1258s compliments tend to be in the gaming
1260s industry
1264s but you also understand that this wasn't
1266s really just a compliment it was more of
1270s a drinkness cheer up and do better be
1273s better
1274s and we want to thank you all for
1275s sticking with us so far to thick and
1277s thin we'll keep trying to do better
1279s and while reading comments like why you
1282s are failed year deserves to die
1284s pneumonia's problems Nimble please fix
1289s uh does hurt but we understand that
1291s these are out of love and care and I see
1294s you guys fighting in feedback regarding
1296s these kind of stuff all the time but
1298s let's understand that this is all out of
1300s love
1304s so we really early on mentioned
1308s Publishers in the previous slide and
1310s eternal return is a really odd game for
1311s publishers
1313s Publishers looked at us and thought how
1315s come this game that isn't earning much
1317s money getting so much support from the
1319s player base like we said before the
1322s coffee truck was a huge surprise
1323s especially for the manager over in uh
1327s our
1330s uh publisher that starts the k
1332s um one of the representative basically
1334s said never thought I never ever be sent
1337s a coffee track in my life but I think
1339s this event really solidified to
1341s investors and Publishers that there is
1343s still potential for eternal return
1346s obviously numbers don't matter a lot for
1348s investors and Publishers so we'll keep
1350s trying our hardest to hit the 20 000
1352s goal
1356s so tldr
1358s our job consists of three things to help
1361s us get there make a good solid game
1364s make a fun game
1366s and communicate with players so we're
1369s going to look into what we should and
1371s what we can do
1375s so regarding the five issues that we
1377s found we're gonna separate them into
1379s upfront projects and long-term projects
1383s we're going to be building
1385s eternal return to address the five
1386s issues and we'll start with one and two
1388s in season eight and the rest will be uh
1391s for a longer term rebuilding in season 9
1393s and season 10 and onwards
1398s so here's the upfront changes
1404s one of the issues that we've been
1405s getting is that the game Flow is not fun
1407s the game itself is
1410s at a problem
1412s atic State and solving problems actually
1415s caused more problems for us so for
1417s example
1419s car factory was boring and no one was
1421s fighting and they're only looking to
1423s third party
1424s there is lack of clarity between DPS and
1426s things such as DPS going full tank and
1428s still being able to do One-Shot combos
1431s uh there was nothing to do as a player
1434s when you were left behind
1436s so we try to solve these problems and we
1438s try to encourage Fighting by interfering
1440s some of these aspects while um you know
1443s encouraging good Tempo either the skill
1445s up rework for the luck clearly and we
1448s installed the Escape system for players
1450s who were left behind but
1453s that caused the issues where wins are
1458s simple in that
1460s it's very object-centric so you see an
1462s object objective then you just got an
1464s objective and that's just repeat and
1467s legendary items no longer fit all it's a
1471s golden girder has been the rule for a
1473s long time in a territory turn but it has
1476s no longer become the case especially
1477s with all the changes to the items and
1480s we're gonna Escape is just not a
1482s Charming feature for a lot of our
1484s players
1490s so let's diversify our game plans
1494s and this is one of the biggest
1495s challenges and something that we ended
1498s up ruining throughout the past Seasons
1499s well during the patch so our past looked
1502s like we were able to win without
1503s fighting and it was kind of boring to
1506s play the present getting rid of ways to
1509s win without fighting is now boring
1511s because there's no other sub plans
1514s so when will we ever find true balance
1516s between these two well we'll get to that
1519s throughout the presentation but the main
1521s plans objectives definitely need a
1524s backup plan for players that's something
1525s that we learned
1531s so while this might seem weird that
1534s we're adding more objectives when we set
1535s objectives are problematic just think of
1539s it this way so at night one there's a
1542s meteorite and two Tree of Life
1545s so if you split this in an 18-man Lobby
1548s and everyone is going to an objective
1550s it's a 1v5 at that point and we all know
1554s this is not an exaggeration when I say
1555s there's sometimes five to like six
1558s people
1559s at an objective right
1561s so by increasing the objectives in the
1563s map we are you know it's not a direct
1566s fix but we are elevating some of the
1569s issues with it so in setup one to six
1572s and one to nine we're making the ratio
1574s to one uh one two four point five
1576s especially with the three battle zones
1578s coming out for each day so this should
1580s lower objective contest while giving
1582s more objective choices
1589s and regarding that we're going to be
1591s lessening the gap between gold and
1592s purple uh legendary and epic items and
1596s this is of course due to the fact that
1598s we'll have more special materials now
1600s and at the moment objectives are really
1602s powerful because having a few
1603s legendaries we can make you undefeatable
1605s and this is not
1607s something that we find as a healthy game
1609s plan
1612s also we want to make sure legendary
1614s items will still be good so don't worry
1616s about that I will be you know throughout
1619s the
1621s gameplay
1623s all right well now let's get to it wild
1627s animals now give credit and I don't mean
1629s killing mutant animals
1631s I mean killing wild animals will just
1634s give credit straight up
1635s previously you had to kill mutant
1637s animals but that was RNG there were even
1639s points where you would only need like
1641s two or one more point to summon
1643s something but you just don't get any
1644s mutants and there'll be nothing to do
1647s so while animals over objectives should
1651s still be a subplan and not the main plan
1653s but it gives players something to do and
1655s a way to come back and while animal
1658s respawn timer is going down and this is
1660s something we learned in Cobalt protocol
1662s where players had options and different
1665s timings to do things and killing moves
1668s Rock now
1672s I thought it was pretty funny but
1675s um originally this was really
1676s problematic when rare materials were
1678s well really rare and farming wolves was
1681s a really strong game plan
1684s at the moment no one checks wolf courses
1686s and there's zero expectation
1689s like zero expectation and there's no fun
1692s in that right like the best thing you
1695s can get is a heated oil
1697s but the game has changed since then
1700s rare materials are not as rare anymore
1704s immediate items have been implemented oh
1707s so don't get me wrong here's the thing
1709s the rates for the meteorite are not that
1712s high that if you actually really are
1714s just farming wolves for the meteorite
1716s it's not a consistent way of playing and
1719s we'll keep changing the stats and the
1722s percentage based on how it's performing
1724s but we just want the percent to be there
1728s so you kill the wolf and before you
1730s leave without checking the corpse you
1732s take bro
1734s what if
1736s we just wanted to build that expectation
1738s just a little bit
1743s and this is also a big one is shredding
1746s legendaries
1748s I hated the gold is gooder but not for
1750s me meta so now you can shred legendaries
1753s that you don't want and get credits
1756s so
1758s we're also regarding this
1761s later on we'll have more options we'll
1764s have like an Adaptive Force kind of beat
1767s where people can choose between attack
1769s power and skill amp choices but that's
1771s coming later but so for now we're going
1773s to be doing the shredding legendaries
1776s so at this point you're going to be
1778s shredding legendaries you're going to be
1779s killing animals and you're going to be
1780s rich like you're going to be Jeff Bezos
1782s Rich so what do you do with all this
1784s money well now we have instant delivery
1787s well not instant two second delivery
1789s sorry about that uh take advertisement
1791s but the originally started with 20
1793s seconds to 10 seconds and this time
1795s we're just going to be starting and
1797s trying two seconds and for solos we're
1800s going to be lowering the console
1801s cooldowns to 50 seconds for team modes
1804s we're going to be keeping it to 60
1806s seconds just to make sure people can't
1808s really stay in one zone and camp in to
1811s get all the objectives
1814s so instead of being another objective
1815s that's frustrating and annoying and when
1818s someone takes your item it's the least
1819s fun aspect of the game ever
1821s it'll be a chill shot you can use every
1823s 50 seconds
1828s so
1830s we're also still pushing for more
1831s diversity because it's something that
1833s our players demanded
1835s and one thing is that healing reduction
1836s does not work on food anymore
1839s and we're going to be lowering healing
1841s from food in general as well to
1843s counteract this but instead of having
1845s healing reduction as a must
1847s uh now it's actually just a choice and
1849s if you feel like it's good for a matchup
1851s you can use it if you don't want to use
1853s it you don't have to and
1856s we're going to be making epic fit work a
1858s bit differently instead of a temporary
1860s thing we're going to be making a
1861s permanent stat bonus
1865s so what does that mean you're going to
1868s be getting three of these so in squats
1870s you're gonna be able to split it between
1872s your teammates but who am I kidding you
1874s guys are not going to share you guys are
1875s going to all chug three of them and get
1878s all the bonuses okay
1883s and of course I think this was really
1886s really really expected it is the escape
1888s revamp and I'm really excited about this
1890s so uh there's gonna be more chances to
1894s get the actual regeneration cuffs I know
1896s there's been a report that there's too
1898s many this week but if you check the bugs
1900s it was actually
1902s bugged it was dropping way too much that
1904s it doesn't actually drop that often but
1906s we will be increasing the drop rates and
1909s the Last Dance aspect we're in team
1911s modes only one person can escape
1914s now applies and solos too so if there's
1916s someone else trying to escape you
1918s actually have to fight
1921s and there's a chance that you might get
1924s hunted down making a root kit
1926s tells everyone in the game that you made
1929s a rootkit and you can't TP to the Escape
1931s Zone for 30 seconds
1933s originally we made it so that if you
1935s made a root kit people could see where
1937s you are on the map
1939s then we realized
1941s this
1942s just impossible to escape because every
1944s time you make it people will just start
1946s chasing you down
1947s but in general uh we're trying to make
1950s Escape more rewarding
1952s um since we have more risk involved
1953s within now we are free to actually
1955s Elevate or increase the rate of the
1957s Escape LP and if you specifically Escape
1960s there might be also a potential one kill
1963s as well but we'll be monitoring this
1965s since it's basically a whole new system
1967s as well so make sure to give us a lot of
1969s feedback as well
1973s so let's look at how the gameplay flow
1975s looks for season seven
1977s there's obviously the Looting phase and
1980s then there's the objective phase and it
1982s bottlenecks the rare materials so if you
1985s look at this gameplay flow right now you
1987s can gain credits but this is RNG and you
1989s have to use the console which is also a
1991s semi-objective to get the right
1992s materials
1994s and Air Supply drop and corpse is a
1997s different way of getting legendary
1998s equipment but this does not guarantee
2000s that it's an item that you would want in
2002s the first place
2003s so if you want the legendary equipment
2005s you want to fight you would basically
2008s have to go to objective
2011s but in season eight it's much better
2014s it's it's even got colors now so we're
2017s gonna have more chances for people to
2018s get rid of materials uh give the shutter
2021s through the console wild animals and now
2024s we have another end game plan with
2025s escape and we have epic food as well
2028s with the new rare materials as well
2035s so we're removing some of the bad things
2037s from the game why keep them if they're
2039s bad right first of all we're removing
2041s some of the weapon masteries that are
2042s unfair
2043s we consider removing everything but
2045s attack power attack speed and scale amp
2047s like the good old days but if you
2049s decided to do something different moving
2051s forward with Mastery and we'll get to
2052s that a bit later but for now we're
2055s fixing the most problematic traits like
2056s toughest defense and some weapons armor
2058s penetrations
2062s and now wickline patting will show uh
2065s there was a bit of a discussion in the
2068s naeusa community about this but we
2070s believe that intuitiveness is best
2072s especially for new players so
2076s oh oh spoilers oh another bat that was
2078s reported was how bad the outfit
2081s calculation was
2083s um so dying to a little MMR player if
2085s you're a high ranked player was really
2087s bad and if you're a low ranked player
2089s and you saw a high rank player you would
2091s be kind of rewarded for trying to grief
2093s them but this will not be a thing
2095s anymore it'll be based on average MMR of
2098s the lobby but we'll also have another
2100s MMR calculation rework in the future as
2102s well
2105s love shot or double death I wasn't
2107s really sure how to call it it's called
2109s love shot in Korea but it's when two
2110s players kill each other at the same time
2112s there's been a lot of negative feedback
2114s regarding it so we get to removing it
2116s originally we installed it because delay
2119s between the kill and healing is really
2121s hard to notice as a player originally
2123s when you kill someone your eyes are not
2125s on yourself and it's on the dead body so
2128s for new players they wouldn't know why
2130s they suddenly healed up so we try to add
2132s a delay to make that more intuitive
2134s without having to actually explain it
2135s word by word
2137s but
2138s you know if it doesn't feel fun for the
2140s players why keep it right so we
2142s apologize for the inconvenience this
2144s feature has brought to you guys
2146s and we'll keep making adjustments
2147s throughout the seasons to get rid of the
2148s bats in the game and that pretty much
2150s wraps up our season 8 features
2153s I'm just kidding okay we'll talk about
2155s battle zones all right
2157s so
2159s main feature Battle Zone battle zones
2161s are special areas perfectly made for
2164s battle their purpose is collecting data
2167s on test subjects that show up in these
2169s extreme environments
2172s the battle zones start day 2 and day
2174s three and you can't leave once you get
2176s inside and once you die you revive
2179s special settings depending on the type
2181s of Battle Zone
2183s winning means Mythic accessory Rewards
2186s also mag that I should have clarified
2188s it's not called battlefield anymore
2190s we're in the Battle Zone now
2193s so this is about Battle Zone
2195s preparations look like the yellow
2196s indicators that usually show restricted
2198s areas or uh
2201s original uh restricted areas will not
2203s show battle zones and these icons here
2206s will show the marks of which types of
2208s battle zones they're going to be and it
2211s activates when turning from night to day
2213s the winner of the first battle Zone also
2215s cannot join the second so players have
2217s to be careful and think about which
2218s Battlezone they want to attend
2222s but here's the rules
2224s No Escape
2225s if you step out you die
2228s low pressure as the player you can
2230s respond after that obviously outside a
2233s battle Zone
2234s and there's more choices
2237s it can go about his own Alpha data zone
2239s or a Vega and there's going to be two
2241s types of battle zones and if you go to a
2244s Zone where there's no one else you can
2246s get the items for free and have more
2249s time to do looting as well
2254s so here are the three types of Battle
2257s Zone acceleration you can shoot more
2259s skills with lower cooldowns but skill
2261s shots become harder to hit berserk you
2264s can increase stats of damage and
2265s omnisiphon making powerful combos more
2267s lethal but allowing more chances to turn
2270s if you survive the first combo as well
2272s in defense it gives you a shield when
2274s you're out of combat for 3 seconds
2276s since you can't escape matchups can feel
2279s worse than usual details work especially
2281s even in squads team comps can be
2283s mismatched
2285s so with these Special factors we hope
2287s players can find bonuses they like to
2289s create these situations
2292s so
2293s I know the name is intimidating Nerf
2296s overflow gouge gauge and nerve
2299s stabilizer
2301s but it's really simple
2302s you have a gauge
2304s that goes down what time you break these
2307s drones
2308s and you get more time
2310s and it's installed in here to prevent
2312s overly long holes in the Battle Zone the
2315s originally
2316s use the temporary final Zone feature
2318s along with the Battle Zone instead of
2320s Nerf system but the old fidal zones or
2323s the new Final zones they didn't really
2325s bring out the best play and a lot of the
2326s times they were actually centered around
2328s avoiding fights sometimes so
2331s instead we decided to install a whole
2333s new system
2338s here are the uis for the Battle Zone as
2340s you can see here UI that is no longer
2342s needed in the Battle Zone such as items
2344s are just swapped out to show Battle Zone
2346s Huds instead so if you're confused
2349s about something just don't worry about
2352s it the game will tell you
2357s hyperlooping to teammates is something
2359s that we've considered for a long time in
2361s team modes but ISU has won the battle in
2364s his grave you can now hyperloop to your
2367s teammates in team modes
2369s this is mostly because in battle zones
2371s if you need all three players to join
2373s before it starts and sometimes you just
2376s get a bad teleport
2378s it feels so bad so we're going to be
2380s adding hyperloops to teammates as a
2382s feature and not only that we believe
2385s that one of the worst features or
2387s feeling in this game in team modes is
2388s when you respawn after that
2392s you go back you spot in then you see a
2395s different team and you die and now
2397s you're back waiting so you can see how
2400s many players are in each Zone when
2401s you're respawning
2406s so here are the Battle Zone Rewards
2411s special items and special materials as
2413s you see here higher rewards available
2415s based on number of participants as you
2418s can see here Arc Reactor has the highest
2420s cost
2421s and Mythic accessory is really strong
2424s when it comes to active but the stat is
2427s really really low
2428s so when there's the argument between
2430s Mythic guidance versus legendary items
2432s is mythical ways better no we just have
2436s mythical items to be fun and game
2438s changing
2442s here are the Mythic items since you guys
2444s can't read Koreans uh
2446s Korean I'll translate some of it really
2448s quickly but don't mind the numbers as
2451s they're going to be changing throughout
2452s the polishing
2454s but here we go
2456s um Arc Reactor and Claudia's ring you
2458s guys are probably seen before this is
2461s going to be a stop for a bit and then
2463s you dash for a bit this is a shield and
2466s then you move fast you lose HP for a bit
2468s then you heal HP for a bit you do damage
2472s and you heal
2473s and then this one depends on the HP that
2476s you have if you're over 50 then you slow
2478s enemies uh yeah you slow enemies around
2481s you if you're under 50 then you heal
2484s allies around you
2486s but as you can see here while this is
2488s still polishing it's 10 attack power and
2490s 10 scale lamp so you don't have to worry
2492s about the stats of these items too much
2496s why even show pictures because I'm
2498s explaining it to you guys okay here are
2501s the purpose of battle zones it's to
2503s elevate at least for a short period of
2505s time the unfairness that this game can
2507s bring especially in Solo mode you can't
2509s run away in battle zones and you can
2511s play to your strengths with but the each
2513s Battlezone type
2515s less pressure fights when it revives as
2517s well this is great for new players
2520s be able to go full out at least once
2523s you know that no more moments where it's
2525s 10 minutes of scaling getting good items
2528s to just die in 10 seconds
2531s and if you don't know where to go you
2532s can just always go to about a field
2536s so this is how you imagine the day three
2539s to look like with the players we have
2542s people that won the first battle Zone
2544s and they're trying to scale up there's
2546s players that are plan to go to the
2548s Second Battle Zone to get their
2550s metagarim or material as well and
2555s the ones that were set back and now
2557s looking to escape
2561s so tutorial rework is probably the most
2564s Wanted thing from players at the moment
2566s and we're going to be splitting it into
2567s two pieces because it's a lot of a lot
2569s of work but we're gonna be remaking the
2571s base one two three tutorials we're gonna
2574s be correcting the bad information since
2576s the information has become outdated and
2578s we're gonna add cutscenes and voices
2582s in phase two which is going to be around
2584s season time uh we'll get to you guys on
2586s that eventually later but we're gonna
2588s have more in-depth information with new
2590s tutorials but for now uh enjoy the video
2596s this is also really early on in the
2598s video so
2605s hold up give us a second
2646s all right unfortunately it seems like
2648s the video is not working at the moment
2649s we'll get back to you guys on that later
2652s um worst case scenario I'll post it
2654s later on Twitter and Discord so you guys
2656s can see it
2658s um but yeah
2659s I'm sorry about that
2676s once again sorry about that I will show
2679s you guys the video a bit later
2681s but here is a better ping system for
2684s teammates as well
2686s it's a lot more intuitive
2691s and regarding the fog for the fog of War
2693s we actually installed a different type
2695s of fog for the fog of War uh not too
2698s long ago and we put a fog in the fog of
2700s War but it made it a bit too blurry so
2703s we're going to be changing how the
2704s father War looks and we're going to make
2706s it more intuitive and explanatory
2715s and here is the Uptown and Temple
2718s remodel well it's not
2720s done ever you know we're pretty much
2723s done
2724s but here are some of the examples and
2726s some of the sceneries
2730s boom
2733s boom
2735s age has caught up to Uptown just like
2738s Ace has caught up to me
2748s the smaller details
2750s and bigger details also getting changed
2754s and here is the temple rework
2758s is are taller now to differentiate from
2761s the floor you also have fences now to
2763s make sure players can know that they
2765s need to use like a dash if they want to
2766s get across it
2771s boom
2774s a boom
2777s but yeah let's make the season pass then
2791s all right looks like the videos are not
2793s working so we'll actually get back to
2795s that to you guys later as well but
2800s here is the fan kit
2807s and I was told to make sure you guys are
2810s clarified that this is not pork and this
2814s is this little piggy is not looking for
2815s its parents
2817s okay
2820s but this season pass is focused on a
2822s cozy winner so I hope you guys are all
2824s staying warm as well
2831s yep here's the Adele skin I personally
2834s really love the way it was colored and
2835s rendered uh really beautiful
2838s and this is perhaps showing a different
2840s side of Adela that we haven't seen
2842s before
2847s here is the little borker the Yuki skin
2851s we personally think the glove is one of
2853s the main points but also deal sword is
2856s actually balloon swords
2863s here is the lead Island skin as well and
2866s it's got details with like the little
2869s beans as well
2876s and here's the show new skin there is no
2878s splash art ready for you guys just yet
2881s but
2882s this is probably the most intuitive skin
2884s we've had yet
2886s and there's way more with the season
2888s pass that's upcoming
2890s I personally really enjoy the borders
2892s this season so I'm really excited
2899s and there's likely going to be some
2901s goods made or merch made
2904s this SD art the lookout for those
2911s and let's get back to talking about the
2915s game let's talk about rebuilding
2918s and season 9.
2921s so we said there's upfront problems and
2924s long-term projects and
2926s let's get into the long term project
2928s right meow
2931s so there are too many features the game
2933s is no longer stable just like an illegal
2936s Construction
2937s this was from a Japanese player uh he
2941s was a fan of Eternity turn and this
2943s really stuck with us
2947s um
2948s to explain ourselves when we were making
2951s the game and working on the game
2954s uh axel
2956s give me a second we're actually gonna
2958s play the videos now
2969s so this is the tutorial
2972s it's really rough at the moment but the
2974s tutorial will include cutscenes like
2976s this
2978s and we'll get to you guys on why later
2980s on
2992s but
2993s we're really excited to have these kind
2996s of stuff inside the game
3011s but yeah uh Parts like
3014s when we were looking at the game and
3016s adding new stuff
3017s you'll be thinking this part is missing
3019s let's fill this gameplay indeed
3021s or this aspect of the game is
3023s problematic we need to fix it
3025s we need more features like this in the
3027s game so we would edit it
3029s and by adding things like this the way
3032s it has become really heavy for the game
3034s to hold
3040s vision
3042s so you guys can see it here are the
3044s features that we added the last two
3045s years and why the building has become
3048s unstable
3051s and the issue is that even the Chinese
3053s jewelry needs to be polished so instead
3055s of making new features we could and
3058s should have been focusing on reworking
3060s some of these but
3063s even with all of that we are still going
3065s to be adding a battle Zone because it's
3066s a needed piece that we believe should be
3068s in the game
3073s but after that after the Battlezone
3075s we're going to take what we already have
3077s and make it even better with the three
3079s big questions and directions
3081s does the gameplay flow
3083s can view players and returning players
3086s understand
3087s and doesn't run well as in is it
3089s optimized
3092s well it's rebuilding time
3094s and this is one of the things I am asked
3098s always always about and why is it not
3101s optimized yet why is the game so laggy
3103s you guys told us you guys will be
3104s optimizing and stuff like that and these
3107s are genuine concerns but that's because
3109s we are ripping apart the back end to
3111s repair it and for example
3114s um one of the games OverWatch 2 there
3117s were not many Visible Changes per se but
3120s the whole background was actually
3121s repaired and that was not
3123s as noticeable and we apologized but
3126s season 9 will have less updates that's
3128s because we'll be focusing on actually
3130s just rebuilding and optimizing the game
3133s so no big season features no season pack
3136s no pass
3138s less system updates less characters of
3141s evil still have balance patches
3144s and season 10
3147s will be the real season 1.0
3149s as we'll be doing an official release of
3152s the game on 2023 July and I don't think
3156s this there's ever been a release date
3158s for the game but this is the first time
3159s that
3161s you know it's a Dev stream we save some
3163s stuff
3167s also we're full sending it as a thank
3170s you to all of you guys and as an apology
3172s for the lack of updates in season nine
3174s All Season 9 skins will be sent to our
3177s players during the season if they attend
3179s the free events and this will start in
3182s 2023 around March and it's going to be
3185s around 15 skins
3190s so let's talk about official release and
3193s what that means for the game
3195s as a warning a lot of the stuff that
3197s we're going to talk about is really
3199s really rough and there's a high chance
3201s that there's going to be changes and you
3205s know we're a bit shy to show you guys
3206s what's coming up or what's
3208s maybe coming up at least but yeah
3212s so here is the goal of official release
3214s now we've talked about before
3217s and let's talk about can new players and
3220s returning players understand
3221s and actually with the help of Genji a
3224s few months ago we had a which is
3226s called focus group test with 40 players
3229s and we had them try the game out but we
3232s figured out that without support from
3234s Friends
3235s streamers or Community Learning the game
3238s is pretty much impossible basically if
3240s you're not born into your BS playing
3241s family then it's just it's rough
3245s we at least hope that we could find web
3246s players for getting stuck which aspects
3248s of the game people were having a hard
3250s time with
3251s the people got lost in so many parts
3253s that we couldn't really find a specific
3255s part
3257s everyone got lost in different parts of
3259s the game
3263s but this is why we're going to do the
3265s tutorial revamp we're going to be
3267s splitting the work into two parts which
3269s is going to be the mid season eight and
3271s we're going to be putting into the
3272s middle of the season so we believe that
3273s it shouldn't affect the rank system
3276s so we're going to be adding it as soon
3277s as possible
3279s and tutorials the way it works from how
3282s we understand it and how others have
3284s told us about it from different
3285s companies uh you know bigger companies
3288s as well
3289s traditional tutorial campaign style
3291s tutorial and even cut scenes that's how
3293s we're going to add and we're not going
3295s to stop there we're going to have text
3297s guide that teaches doing matchmaking and
3299s even connects new players to YouTube ads
3301s as well and returning players and new
3303s players if they ever want to look of
3305s content we're going to be there for them
3311s the last Upstream we talked about 100
3314s new player help project and surprise we
3318s are a querying company so we use Korean
3319s when we work but I just wanted to show
3321s you guys a bit of an example of the
3323s stuff that we've been working on for how
3325s to help new players
3326s so here is like the problems that we
3330s found and here are the solutions so this
3332s is UI problems safety plan problems
3335s matching problems material problems
3336s gameplay problems stuff like that and
3338s we're going to figure out one by one and
3340s it's going to be even small details and
3342s stuff so
3344s for example we're going to have better
3345s alerts right now it just says the tree
3347s of life is coming but we're going to
3349s change it to say when it's coming and
3352s we're going to include it into two so
3354s it's easier on the eyes for new players
3356s we're going to have self-explanatory
3358s routing so we're gonna have a line it
3361s seems that a lot of players actually get
3362s lost when they're doing their safe plans
3364s because they don't recognize that
3366s there's a second Zone that they're
3367s supposed to go to
3369s and we're going to have better offline
3370s Omega indicator and we're going to have
3372s player votes as well for team modes
3375s so player votes the way it's going to
3377s work is that after you end in a game
3380s um you can vote for your favorite
3382s teammate or the person that you thought
3384s performed best
3385s here I want to vote for anyone uh vote
3388s for myself since it says rewind fifth
3390s place
3395s another new product that's coming up
3396s soon is operator nausea so what if
3399s another was my friend
3402s early on we talked about how you need a
3404s help from friends or a community but
3406s what if we had an in-game tool to help
3409s guide players with the help of nausea if
3411s we do hope that we're gonna have voices
3413s and further details uh with it too but
3417s it should Implement like a natural way
3419s for players to learn the game
3424s so let's talk about does it run well
3427s well I know what you guys are going to
3429s say but the reason on why we need more
3432s time is that working piece by piece a
3434s lot of the small pieces have already
3435s been done and we have a big chunk that
3438s we have to do but
3439s when you're running a live service
3441s there's always emergencies that require
3443s immediate attention for example the
3446s hyperloop example uh the season
3448s that required you know immediate
3451s attention and
3453s we thought about it and we're going to
3455s be focusing season nine for
3458s optimization and optimization only as
3461s this is something that you guys have
3462s requested before that we take a break
3464s and actually just focus on fixing the
3466s game itself instead of taking a long
3468s period of one year we're gonna try to do
3470s a full focus group for three months
3473s and if you look at an example not not to
3477s use an electric cheese but that one MOBA
3479s game that's pretty big it took around
3481s five years and their map our map is 10
3485s times bigger and we have 18 total
3487s players such as eight more I did the
3489s math and for example if you look at our
3491s cobal protocol game mode it's a lot more
3494s optimized than Lumia Island because
3495s those kind of game modes are a lot
3498s easier to actually optimize than Lumia
3501s Island itself
3505s so white doesn't that run well we never
3509s thought the game would actually look
3510s like the way it does now
3512s um you know slower passes with more care
3514s versus Fast patches and we took the
3517s ladder originally but we've changed upon
3519s that now but the game that we have built
3522s so far and the engine that was actually
3525s being used originally uh just not
3527s matching well
3530s so here's the reboot process
3533s including the final piece of Battle Zone
3535s we're going to rebuild the prime actual
3537s frame and it's going to be UI structure
3539s so every time there's a UI that comes in
3541s that comes out it's gonna be less
3543s pressure for you guys grid map okay I'm
3546s not the most technical guy but I'll try
3548s to explain it in a simple way is that
3550s there's real time tracking
3552s like a grid and then there's like a
3554s virtual tracking at the moment you're
3555s trying to return uses live tracking but
3557s we'll be changing it into grid map to
3560s have less pressure on your computers and
3563s we're going to have resource address
3564s we're going to edit that so it's more
3566s optimized we're going to optimize
3567s packets as well and team matchmaking
3570s this might be weird but
3573s the way matchmaking works is that we're
3575s using an actual third-party program
3577s inside our actual program to have
3580s matchmaking so we're going to rework
3582s this as well and we're going to have the
3585s unity 2021 move and this is going to be
3588s in patch 0.75
3592s so with the new structures matching and
3594s recreating relevant sources
3596s and season 9 is when we're gonna take a
3599s deep breath and look back and optimize
3604s so it's going to be three months of
3606s rebuilding and post
3608s in-game frames up and pressure down
3610s that's our biggest goals right now even
3612s good PCS sometimes have troubles it
3614s shouldn't happen once this is done and
3616s all the encodium performance should both
3619s be able to go up uh additional things
3621s that we want to work on after these two
3623s is we want to fix the loading time
3625s especially the first loading time seems
3627s to be really really heavy and long for a
3629s lot of players
3630s so we're going to be looking into that
3632s and our goal is going to be that even if
3634s 24 players played on this map that the
3638s game would operate fine and we're not
3640s going to be able to promise you guys a
3642s fully lock free game sadly but we want
3645s to offer you guys a world where the game
3646s runs well with no real trouble and but
3649s it will be obviously problems with like
3651s independent in each resource such as
3652s animation and effect causing lack
3654s detailed bug but outside that we just
3656s want to make the game as clean and
3659s comfortable as possible
3663s so
3665s that's the gameplay flow this is a
3667s really General answer and that's because
3670s it is really really hard to approach
3673s this aspect and unlike the previous two
3676s which has a question and an answer
3678s uh this one it's a lot harder
3684s so one thing is that we're gonna have
3686s more support for team modes when we're
3688s talking to other companies like
3689s Publishers sponsors and other more
3691s experienced game companies
3693s they always said there is no future of
3696s Eternity turn without Squad
3698s and the stats prove it every time there
3702s is a high player base for a terror
3704s return squads has dominated in the stats
3707s and it's the most returning mode for new
3710s players as well
3717s now we understand there is a term of
3719s solos it's the start of many player
3721s experience for myself as well startup
3724s return as a whole
3725s and we can forget highlights from
3727s tournaments and the solo rank is weighed
3730s really heavily since it is a Personal
3732s Achievement
3734s and our Focus so far has leaned heavily
3736s towards solos
3737s but solos is sadly not easy to digest
3740s for many players and
3742s the player retention for solos is really
3745s really low at the moment
3750s so how are we going to give more support
3752s for team modes well solo and squat
3754s coexisting is really Troublesome to an
3757s extent they can cause issues augment
3759s tank items so supporting both of these
3762s at the same time has been really really
3764s rough and so we've been only focusing on
3766s solo so far we're going to be pushing
3768s for new and light players to go into
3771s Squad and did you guys only do you guys
3774s know only 21 of players actually play
3776s ranked so if you have a lot of light
3779s players than you guys think
3781s so team mode in our opinion is also a
3785s Better Learning ground because you can
3786s learn through your teammates the revised
3788s system and follow teammates obviously
3790s there will be those times where you know
3791s they'll flame youth like how come you're
3794s not at Alpha but uh tutorial will
3796s include ping and further system guides
3797s to help the new players as well and
3800s we'll have different ways where it's
3802s like solos until your friends arrive and
3804s maybe you try solos about that you're
3806s used to the game for squads
3811s so this is a question mark but we are
3815s thinking and considering changing how
3818s hyperloops work as well we're gonna set
3820s like a limitation for hyperloop distance
3822s other than teleporting to teammate which
3825s will likely have a cooldown and
3828s the reason is that we're changing space
3830s itself
3832s we're offering better ways to travel
3833s through zones uh we might have more
3835s zones and we'll talk about that in the
3837s next quad uh next slide but we are also
3841s considering having eight squads in a
3843s zone now that once we get rid of these
3846s areas and make like a tunnel or more
3848s zones we should actually have a bigger
3851s Lumia Island as well
3855s so when I said in more zones this is
3857s what we mean we're actually splitting
3859s the zones itself
3860s and we're going to have areas that can
3862s be teleported
3864s so what this does is it's actually going
3866s to be less bottleneck and it's going to
3868s prevent third parties as well because if
3871s you know that a player is at a certain
3872s point you are confident that you can do
3875s an objective
3877s without being third-party but just
3879s random teleports
3883s what are those colors
3886s and we're going to be changing game one
3889s gameplay
3892s so we're going to be pushing for faster
3894s battles
3895s and we're going to make it more fair
3898s and
3899s one thing that we had an issue with in
3903s our test group was that they would
3905s always fight boars
3907s they would not be full item but they
3909s could not resist fighting boars
3913s so we were really really thinking hard
3916s on how to fix this and change this
3920s well our original idea of loot first and
3922s nothing else is going to be likely God
3925s once again every idea that was shared in
3929s the last part of the presentation is
3931s still a big question mark it's really
3933s rough
3934s um it's really far in the future we're
3936s just showing you guys what headspace
3938s we're in so give us a lot of credit I
3941s mean feedback and credits where it's due
3944s I read credits early on my bad so yeah
3947s there's gonna be cook credits and we're
3948s gonna have higher character stats unless
3950s item stats well altering starting ttk to
3954s make sure it's viable
3956s and we're going to make accessory only
3958s purchasable credits and prepping certain
3960s items first and best plans killing wild
3963s animals on the way is going to be
3964s possible now with more stats and you can
3967s maybe even fight enemies on the way
3969s so what does this mean is that
3973s if you ever get a bad teleport and you
3975s don't get the items that you need that's
3977s okay because you can try different
3978s things like killing animals and just
3980s purchase an accessory instead for extra
3983s stats
3984s and we're pushing for more intuitive and
3986s fun replayability
3991s foreign
3994s objectives and battle zones that we've
3996s considered and thought about as well are
3998s team elimination required until end of
4000s the game maybe
4002s really long time to respond later on in
4004s the game if this does happen maybe it
4006s revised even in solos and legendary air
4009s supply drops maybe if you open it you
4012s can get like different options instead
4013s of having one
4015s and maybe you will even include like a
4018s one-time usage item as well
4023s some changes we're going to be doing and
4025s thinking about is also the additional
4027s item setups and it's the food and the
4029s beverages we're not going to be deleting
4031s ingredients like we did to uh Carey rest
4034s in peace but we're going to be keeping
4036s the same depth of cooking but making
4039s these the base so it's more intuitive
4042s and easier for new players to pick up on
4043s if you're thinking about like a campfire
4045s or a bonfire so we can get like a whole
4048s Squad you know cooking together how cute
4050s would that be
4052s another one is camera and drones uh we
4055s were thinking about maybe putting it as
4057s a one type or one person thing and
4059s instead of using Stacks it's a cooldown
4060s and you can have different types of
4062s upgrades on it
4064s and summons such as troughs would also
4067s be changed in a different ways as well
4069s you get a base
4071s then you can upgrade the base to your
4073s hunts and Air Supply and it would have
4075s different effects
4078s so the reason for this is that the
4080s stocks right now the way it works is
4082s just messy with the inventory and not
4084s only that vision seems to be kind of
4087s overdone in the High ELO in high MMR
4090s gameplay a lot of the times range
4093s players would just build like 20 trap I
4095s mean 20 cameras and you know that's not
4098s the most exciting gameplay that we
4100s wanted
4103s so another one that's always in
4105s discussion and we've been considering is
4107s Master Viva
4109s so we're thinking about maybe removing
4111s individual Mastery and wrapping into
4113s just levels and Mastery is just
4115s considered to make a different way to
4117s raise levels instead
4119s this is the most visually intuitive and
4121s there should be a new fresher attempt
4123s overall for return return
4125s so instead of having fish and chips to
4127s Max HP increase crafting Factory to
4129s weapon Mastery and movement speed
4131s increase different masteries pushing
4133s wrong gameplay
4134s defensive meta maybe we can push for
4138s fish and chips actually being like a
4139s subplan to level up but we'll try to
4142s also balance it so that low risk and low
4144s return is what's going to happen instead
4147s of low risk High return
4152s and we are also looking at the MMR
4155s system as well there there's that one
4157s game
4158s with the rank system and their system
4160s looks pretty good so we were thinking
4163s about implementing
4164s um on entire return as well where you
4166s buy an entrance pass with scores and
4168s then you get scores based on kills and
4170s placement so for example if you're
4172s bronze it'll be free but if you're
4175s silver you pay Five Points if your goals
4177s you pay 10 points and every time you get
4178s a kill you get points and then you
4180s placement you get you know something
4181s like this
4182s and the good part about it is that you
4186s can see how many points you have and how
4187s many scores you're going to earn or lose
4189s and I feel like this is going to be
4191s really good for squads for solos we are
4193s in more consideration
4203s so character changes
4205s CC and over utility is something that
4207s we've been discussing a lot in the past
4208s notes and it's that characters that bird
4210s are fairly well specked and that's an
4214s issue with solos if you are not well
4216s expect and you see an enemy and you can
4218s escape it's just GG
4220s and due to the fast-paced characters
4221s releases uh there were some oversight
4224s and it didn't really over line or
4226s aligned with our new goal and our
4229s previous character development goal so
4231s we'll be working on that as we go on so
4233s we're going to continue shaving off CC
4235s and utility we're going to be
4236s strengthening role identities so it's
4238s okay for support and 10 characters tough
4240s no damage in squads
4243s initiation skill range changes so we're
4246s going to be changing skill effects to be
4248s you know a little bit cooler and fit the
4250s squads maybe even more so real Ultimate
4252s instead of ending in a weird spot and
4254s disappearing maybe it just goes all the
4257s way across Lumia Island and maybe
4259s Leonard goes further and is more of a
4262s team support ability
4264s and conditional skill chains like HW and
4268s teammos right now is really strong but
4270s maybe you can actually change it so that
4272s they have to put down the W first wait a
4274s bit and then reactivate it for the CC
4276s and if they just reactivate it right
4278s away it only does damage
4280s and a lot of the features that don't
4281s really make it in Solo such as ocw run
4284s it back or just overly High tank stats
4287s sometimes we'll be trying to activate
4289s them in squads
4293s so
4294s official release
4296s by the time comes we want our building
4298s to be as stable as possible instead of
4300s an illegal Construction
4303s a lot of the ideas that I just shared
4304s with you are really really rough ideas
4306s please remember that so give us a lot of
4309s feedback
4310s ideas will change throughout the
4311s polishing process as well and we're
4313s going to be giving ourselves two months
4314s of polishing which is the longest ever
4317s for Lumia Island actually now that we
4320s have some time to breathe
4323s and the devil is in the details small
4326s one UI can help a player learn the game
4329s one skill effect can attract the player
4333s to actually keep playing the game
4336s so we're going to be looking and really
4338s scrutinizing the game and detail detail
4341s detailed
4347s yeah so overall we just make a wanna we
4350s just want to make a Kick-Ass
4351s game okay
4358s remember to use pajama party 1200 MP
4361s event MP Pajama Party 1 2003 MP
4368s now let's talk about the new test
4370s subjects
4374s Theodore who's
4376s famous within the company for being good
4378s looking
4379s rumors say that he's based on okay I
4382s can't say that I'm sorry but it's gonna
4384s be a new stopper character really cool
4387s very excited this should be soon
4392s Ian
4393s alright guys
4395s I'm gonna warn you
4397s this character is spooky okay and the
4399s next slide is going to be really scary
4401s so this is what Leon looks like normally
4403s but when she's haunted she's really
4405s spooky so I'm gonna change to the next
4407s slide in three seconds so close your
4409s eyes if you're not good at watching
4410s scary stuff okay
4412s three
4413s two
4414s one
4418s this is what she looks like when she is
4420s haunted
4422s and she's going to have different
4423s effects which is hunted as well
4429s this is what I look like on the daily
4431s this is me going to work
4434s uh that was me last night working
4436s overtime
4438s and that's gonna be me when I go home to
4440s play my favorite game eternal return
4447s so if you also have Banya
4450s who is not real actually a butterfly but
4452s it's more focused on the hallucinous
4454s hallucination aspect and she's going to
4457s be using Arcana
4462s and the long-awaited character
4466s Arda
4470s they're also going to be an Arcana
4472s character
4473s we believe that the main point of Arda
4477s is the socks and slippers combo
4481s very deadly
4483s I know you guys have been like waiting
4485s and waiting and waiting for this
4486s character so I'm so excited to share it
4488s with you guys that ARA will be joining
4491s to a return
4494s and the final character I'm going to
4496s show you guys is Debbie and Marlene
4500s it's gonna be a twin character
4502s and no it's not show gal
4506s but yeah so these are the characters
4507s that we wanted to show you guys so far
4509s they're not going to be all season eight
4511s but you know it's always exciting to
4513s show you guys wherever you are
4515s um what the future looks like so I hope
4517s you guys can be excited
4519s along with us
4521s and now this character cannot wobble
4525s enough for your favorite parts
4528s here are the new skins
4532s here's the new Elena skin
4539s earm skin
4542s if you guys don't know what this is
4544s you put snow in it and then you pinch it
4547s and it makes like a like a snow duck I
4550s never knew about it until I came to
4551s Korea
4552s but it's actually so cute and I love
4555s that there's like small details like
4557s these in the game
4561s Chloe's getting a new skin
4564s Nina's getting like a buddy year thing
4571s and we have another bunny coming to
4573s Lumia Island
4576s isil
4581s very cute
4587s and another animal coming to Lumia
4589s Island
4593s shukai I I absolutely love this skin if
4597s you guys are Ever playing shukai
4598s dodgeball make sure you have the skin
4600s equipped okay
4604s and one of my new favorite skins that's
4607s gonna come out is
4610s the Eva Valentine skin this is not part
4613s of the Season pack by the way but
4616s yeah
4618s um
4619s really beautiful it's gonna be part of
4621s the Valentine's event art director
4623s actually really wanted us to sell this
4625s but
4626s um
4627s yeah we're going to be giving it away
4633s here's the new Laura Skin coming out as
4635s well this isn't the same skin category
4638s or tag with Isaac and Jesus
4646s and I know Alex has a really amazing
4649s skin that you guys love already
4651s but here is the new Alex skin that's
4654s coming out soon
4662s is the skin for Theodore as well that's
4664s coming
4665s along with a new character
4671s and this one is also very anticipated
4675s and it's
4677s bread sauce
4679s it does bread
4681s son bretson
4685s so you can see here for throat they
4687s throw bread and for shurikens they throw
4689s a butter knife
4691s really cute welcome to Wilson's Bakery
4697s and would I collab with op.gg we're
4700s going to have Blue Felix as well and
4703s this is also not part of the Season pack
4711s and here is a new William skin
4715s um
4716s you know if you call it like the
4717s inhibitor of visuals sometimes
4721s characters look really similar or
4723s sometimes they don't look as the way you
4725s want them but
4727s we believe that for volume the inhibitor
4730s was the hat so if you got rid of the Hat
4735s and without the Hat he seems if I leave
4738s a really good looking guy
4743s and here's the Leon skin that's going to
4745s come out with the character as well
4753s and here are the season 9 new skins that
4758s are coming out a lot of these are the
4760s skins that
4761s won the popularity vote
4763s here's the Bianca skin
4767s you think the locker or I guess the
4769s coffin is the main point
4771s you can't really see that well but here
4774s is a picture of Bianca with their older
4777s brother as well
4782s here's the Alina skin she's the
4784s president of student council
4789s Elena is kind of like the situation with
4791s Rio previously where Rio got a skin
4794s right before she won the popularity vote
4797s so they are gonna have a skin come out
4800s really close schedule
4802s we hope you guys can understand
4805s and no bias whatsoever but
4808s this is one of my favorite skins as well
4810s here is the Mickey skin that's going to
4811s come out as well
4816s and this is Wolf once
4821s one of his favorites and it's the
4823s magnuskin
4828s but this is going to be the bat he's
4830s going to be using a stop sign and this
4832s is going to be the hammer weapon
4838s and the third place for the skin vote
4841s was Tia so Tia will be also getting a
4844s new cool skin
4848s even the squirrel got a little nice hat
4855s and Johan is ready to fight his demons
4867s yeah it's pretty dripped out I know we
4869s know we know
4870s and that's it for now we have nine more
4874s coming soon but for now that's all we're
4876s gonna show you
4879s so we're going to get to the Q a section
4881s and I know previously
4883s um the Q a section for the NAU sa
4885s Community has been fairly short
4889s we're going to help you guys
4892s or maybe not help maybe you guys have to
4894s sit through this but
4896s yeah here we go
4898s um remember how I asked you guys to fill
4899s out a form beforehand
4903s that's because we collected a lot of the
4905s questions that were appearing a lot
4906s often and we decided to answer them so
4909s regarding balance a lot of times people
4911s ask why we use that to balance well the
4914s thing is about stats are things that
4918s people can still kind of go with most
4921s no you can see I played about 20 rounds
4923s but it doesn't make sense let's Nerf
4924s them 5 out of 10 rankers say this
4927s character is too strong let's lift them
4929s there's 100 posts saying this character
4931s is too strong let's Nerf them the
4934s character stats are too good so let's
4935s Nerf them
4937s out of these
4939s we personally believe that the
4940s character's stats are too good so let's
4942s lift them is the most subjective way to
4944s look at balance
4946s a lot of the questions and feedback we
4948s got uh was patches are inconsistent but
4951s we followed the standards that we had
4954s given out last time especially this
4956s season we pushed for it
4958s um stat changes as well
4961s do you look at the stats and not
4962s actually play the game no actually
4965s um a lot of us play the game like I was
4968s very surprised that I was surrounded by
4971s people that love return as much as I do
4974s um so I feel really blessed
4976s why does Camilla have a Rapier
4978s um well okay so I think this was a bit
4982s translated differently but the Camilla
4984s Rapier incident of him being really
4986s strong on release
4988s um we actually told
4990s the developers and the makers to make
4993s Camilo Rapier be weak if possible
4996s but at the release it was too strong
4998s which was an oversight but
5001s um really believed that we were able to
5003s kind of fix it back to where it should
5006s be and so also questions regarding why
5011s separate weapons are not kept out of
5013s ranked and that's because it actually
5015s takes a lot of development within the
5018s coding to do it
5021s so you really don't know how opioid is
5024s um we do we see the complaints we watch
5026s streams all day we play the game when we
5029s go back home
5030s uh it's very return is all we do but
5033s even if we believe deep down that
5035s something is op we have to see if it's
5038s really true or not because sometimes a
5040s character can be op for a day or two and
5042s then just be forgetting in like a week
5044s or two
5046s xx.gg stats don't make sense uh I think
5050s this is talking about how sometimes
5051s stats are overly high but that's because
5053s a lot of times the stats are not really
5056s over a long period of time so they're
5058s really changing and one player can
5060s change how the stats look
5061s um especially when it's in such a close
5063s period of time are these only number
5065s stats WE Post our stats on the pass
5067s notes especially starting this season
5070s and the money run is a fully
5072s understanding of how and why the stats
5074s are this way
5076s um this is obviously a hard balancing
5078s part
5079s [Music]
5083s but that's a wrong stats should not be
5085s wrong
5086s um good for a whole season this is
5088s something that I see a lot especially in
5089s the Nadu Community is that they say that
5092s a character is overly strong for a long
5095s period of time but when we look at the
5097s stats this is usually not true
5100s the address characters that are strong
5102s and we usually address them a bit too
5104s much so we have to buff them back and
5107s they end up in the cycle limbo and
5109s that's
5110s more of a character kit issue than the
5113s actual balance issue and that's why
5114s we're going to be shaving off CC and
5116s utility as we go
5120s and why do hotfixes have fixed dates
5122s this is actually a question I also had
5124s as well but it's just that the half
5126s fixes a lot of the times just end up on
5128s dates that are
5130s um pretty similar it's not that hot
5132s fixes have a fixed date it's just that
5134s after the weekends you know it's like
5136s Monday or Tuesday so
5139s imbalance between risk and reward for
5142s characters and I think this is talking
5143s about how sometimes easy to play
5145s characters can have a high reward but I
5150s [Music]
5151s um
5155s let me ask wolf okay okay
5183s foreign
5201s okay so I I wasn't able to answer those
5205s questions so I asked wolfon himself the
5208s director and he said
5210s the stats for this would seem a lot more
5213s balanced than fair if the top 1000 at
5217s the moment
5218s was
5219s [Music]
5220s um
5221s better and the quality of the matches
5223s were better but at the moment with the
5226s player base that we have now it's not
5228s always going to be the most consistent
5229s so we do apologize about that but this
5232s is something that should work its kink
5234s out as the game fully goes
5239s and the deal and Scott Meadows are
5241s unnatural and unfair and yeah this is
5246s true and that's why we're going to be
5248s focusing on squats
5253s foreign
5256s make was also something that's brought
5258s up especially in the NASA EU community
5260s and it was were there any future plans
5263s for character remix and
5266s I just wanted to clarify beforehand that
5269s we don't think that Fiora remake was a
5271s failure in that Fiora has become a worse
5274s character we believe that the new Fiora
5276s is a healthier and better character than
5277s the old Fiora that's a hundred percent
5280s but the only issue is that a whole total
5283s 108 change like that
5286s players can also ask the question why
5288s didn't you leave Fiora and just make a
5290s new character and at that point
5292s we don't have much to say because now a
5295s lot of the old Fiora players
5297s um you know don't have a home and I
5299s still remember personally Gallagher was
5301s about to quit the game due to the Fiora
5303s remake so this is like something that I
5306s feel really close to and skill
5309s improvements and smaller changes we are
5310s going to be working on a little by
5312s little
5312s he actually had a small skill change a
5317s tier which was the cube blue Was Not
5320s Gonna Knock up anymore due to the over
5322s CC that she had
5326s but
5328s um when we try to change that there were
5329s some issues with bugs so if you weren't
5332s able to push through it and we did
5333s damage changes instead but this is just
5337s letting you guys know that there are
5339s going to be skill changes in the future
5340s and we're going to be working on the
5343s character structural problems so low
5345s high returns special skills building
5347s Barely Used this character States they
5349s don't do anything these are a lot of the
5351s times things that we hear from our
5352s players and a lot of times that overall
5355s CC utility is too much and we're going
5357s to make a lot of adjustments over the
5360s patches until official release
5364s and the fact is that details have no
5366s right answer when we talk about
5367s characters and test subjects when we
5370s have five people disgusting
5371s about a character there's five different
5374s opinions you've even had a seven hour
5377s meeting for a single character and we
5379s just had to go home and just we said
5382s we'll talk about it the next time
5384s that's why it's hard to give an answer
5385s about in digital characters especially
5387s during the dev stream as well
5392s next one is also a really really very
5395s requested question about scenario or
5397s lore and story and I like to talk about
5401s it a little bit and it's that how
5402s existing characters came to the island
5404s this is something that's been addressed
5405s a lot especially with Iran and Tazia
5408s having really vague answers to why
5410s they're on the island and the previous
5412s ones that we've used as kidnapping fraud
5415s sacrifice and steadily and infiltration
5418s but
5420s um the thing is we can only recycle
5422s these to a certain extent for example
5426s infiltration if you can't have too many
5428s characters just all be infiltration
5430s right that it wouldn't be Lumia Island
5433s it wouldn't make sense and there's the
5435s Dilemma of murder and read your stories
5437s and if you look at other battle Royals
5439s too this is like the overall gist of how
5442s stories tend to be that you'll kill me
5444s if I don't kill you characters are on
5446s break of Sanity oh it's not real killing
5449s though and there's a probability of
5451s giving up
5452s uh for eternity return there's the part
5455s where they can't reclaim their memories
5457s or long-term relationships and there's
5459s disappointment and character diversity
5460s between the players so we apologize
5462s about that uh there's the missing of
5464s Survival game that people haven't
5466s requested but we also feel like there
5468s could be a light setting and character
5470s only focus to approach story
5472s and the reason the story has been so
5474s lacking so far and sorry if this sounds
5476s like an excuse is that our original plan
5478s was that we would have two
5481s separation of stories where it was test
5484s subjects before coming to the island and
5486s test subjects who came to the island
5488s but uh what happened was that
5490s description based on still unfinished
5493s and early settings such as Iran and
5496s Tazia that I talked about before it
5498s doesn't really fit the original content
5500s and
5501s it's going to take us a longer time to
5503s organize
5509s so in regards to development schedule
5512s um this was looking like
5515s we have a lot of stuff to do to improve
5518s the game it's minimum 500 and the amount
5522s we can do in one season in three months
5525s is around like a hundred and this is why
5528s a lot of the times people ask
5531s it's so easy to change this why don't
5533s you do it or this Improvement can be
5535s good why don't you do it it's just that
5537s in every patch
5538s there are improvements that we do that
5540s are both big and small that are used at
5542s the bottom and
5544s players don't really read it too much
5546s but you should read it uh I think it
5550s really shows that the moniron is working
5552s their hardest of to you know develop a
5555s better game and improve the game
5557s and the two dealers being massive
5559s there's different priorities as well so
5562s we would have something on the list and
5563s then someone would say this needs
5565s Improvement if you would have to go back
5567s and then this needs to be done first so
5569s we actually have to change the priority
5571s and push back now let's add this file
5574s Improvement to the development list and
5575s that goes to either the way back or the
5577s way front depending on the speed
5582s so the roadmap uh the roadmap isn't
5585s being updated was something that was
5586s feedbacked a lot and that's because
5588s we've had a lot of changes in our plan
5591s as a company as previously mentioned
5595s um so we apologize about that are there
5597s any plans to up the player base
5599s yes uh obviously there are planned stop
5603s the player base it's not like we can
5605s release a patch like patch 0.76 uh
5608s players plus 10 000. it doesn't work
5610s like that it's something we will develop
5613s throughout the game and improve the game
5615s and hopefully we get good results soon
5618s okay the design of the roadmap change
5620s every season
5622s um
5623s I think I'll have to ask about this
5640s okay
5654s we'll get back to you back on that later
5656s because uh so the bottom of the Q a like
5659s the question part was really roughly
5662s translated so uh
5664s yeah for the raw new maps we added
5667s um probably a way later if anything
5670s because at the moment
5671s I think Lumia island is the main
5673s priority possibility of PVE mode we will
5676s have somewhat of a campaign mode for the
5678s tutorial um which is being worked on by
5680s a separate team but
5682s um that's not in the priority list at
5686s the moment
5687s are there plans for a 5-5 team fight map
5689s this is a similar question to the new
5692s maps and the same answer goes there now
5695s that the hacking system this is still in
5697s the works but it is just getting pushed
5699s back due to optimization and other
5702s aspects of the game
5703s pick me for long term and active players
5705s this is something I see a lot but
5708s inactive players nicknames are actually
5710s being opened up already
5712s um and it's been like that for a long
5714s time so
5716s yeah well previous system and content
5719s would you like to bring back
5721s um I think wolf director said that
5723s they'll want to bring back like an SD
5725s like a like a little nice rest place
5727s that they can be
5729s have characters in for the loading
5731s screen or not loading screen in the
5732s lobby screen
5733s will you not delete content when it
5735s becomes too much
5737s um we'll we'll see what happens with the
5739s Battlegrounds uh sorry with the battle
5741s zones and we'll see how directions of
5744s the game goes there and what's
5746s wildfighter uh this is like a mobile
5749s game and we also recently found out
5751s about it but it's being worked on by
5753s like a separate team so
5757s um we are really sure about what it's
5760s about
5761s honestly so sorry about the lack of
5763s information why did you extend the
5765s season I even took time off to match the
5767s end of it this was originally by a
5770s Korean who was in the military and they
5772s took a vacation day from military to
5775s play Terror return but
5777s um unfortunately we had to extend the
5779s season due to the lack of uh fun that
5782s battle zones originally had the
5784s employees even play the game I can 100
5785s tell you that we do play the game and
5789s be hacking love the game
5793s the items
5795s um need to purchase a nickname change
5796s with acorn
5797s I think
5799s they are considering this but at the
5802s moment
5803s if you have an inappropriate nickname we
5805s are refers your name back to test
5808s subjects and you have to change your
5809s nickname and this is like the punishment
5811s that we give so if you're able to change
5813s with acorns this might change
5815s uh girls worth buying with EP this will
5817s probably be delayed until we're you know
5819s more subtle with the game itself any
5822s plans to re-release the Past skins yes
5824s we do have plans in the future
5825s achievements per character uh we'll have
5828s to consider it
5831s um are there any plans to reduce the
5832s amount of MPS to purchase points in the
5834s ER past
5836s this is going to be something that's
5839s going to be like that throughout the
5841s business models throughout in yourself
5843s that your password a little less once
5845s again a business model MP gifting so MP
5848s gifting disappearing was a question that
5851s um players had a lot and it's just that
5853s with the way Steam Works their players
5856s were able to buy and pee for cheaper and
5860s sell it to other players and that
5862s weren't really raised we could stop it
5863s at the moment so for now we've passed MP
5867s gifting empty plans to sell something
5869s like last year's Christmas map skin
5872s um we'll have to see but the thing about
5873s the maps is that each season we actually
5877s update the maps a little by a little bit
5879s so for example the Uptown and Temple
5882s change that kind of stuff if we had a
5885s skin for that map you would actually
5886s have to do a whole skin for that as well
5889s and it would be consistently changing
5892s I bought something I regret a few times
5893s is there any way to cancel separately
5895s withdrawal or refund you'll have to do
5898s it through our help desk as this is
5900s related to steam as well so having an
5903s automated refund button is really hard
5904s why are there three skins in the past we
5907s believe that this is like a good number
5908s to you know include in a pass and have
5911s like a theme setup as well are there any
5913s plans to make a skin Rarity higher than
5915s epic which I'm guessing they mean
5917s legendary but at the moment though
5920s because making a legendary skin would be
5923s a lot of pressure and it would probably
5925s be
5925s requiring Omar about the same effort of
5930s making like a test subject so at the
5932s moment at least it's not in the priority
5933s list
5937s it's not Lobby is there going to be a
5939s bridge between China and Immortal uh we
5940s do see like the need for it so we'll be
5942s implementing it we don't know when it
5944s might be in the middle of the season and
5946s the character sorting is stupid can you
5948s fix it
5950s um yeah this should be
5953s coming with new player help this is
5956s where there are 16 17 people who and
5958s then leave that's just the MMR system
5961s um leaving you which is very unfortunate
5963s but it took us the way it works is that
5965s you need to wait a certain amount of
5966s time at certain MMR Gap so it's really
5970s specific with the way it works and the
5972s cases where someone who must who got
5974s left behind gets left behind again is
5976s the same issue
5977s special Mastery for each weapon there
5979s are too many problems
5981s please get rid of accepting matches
5985s um we actually considered this for key
5987s modes I mean for solos
5990s but we'll have to see as well
5994s sound effects for season pack boxes New
5997s View players meeting two High ELO
5999s players
6000s um this should be solved with the player
6003s base increasing eventually hopefully is
6006s there any equipment for returning
6007s players
6008s [Music]
6009s um
6040s so with the new tutorials we're actually
6042s going to be having more rewards within
6044s the tutorial system so returning players
6046s could come back and actually claim those
6048s as well
6049s please add more practice mode hotkeys uh
6051s the practice mode is not in the priority
6054s list at the moment and tutorial
6057s um we've talked a lot a lot so
6060s I did not get shot I was not sure what
6062s the answer was so I had to ask director
6064s neem
6067s so for gameplay any thoughts on radar
6069s upgrades eating radar is already being
6071s used so I don't feel like radar needs to
6074s upgrade in specific and augment
6077s somewhere left in the gutter this will
6078s be touch the pun in the future
6081s and zero matchups unfortunately is a
6084s thing in solos and this is really hard
6086s to think about because technically if
6088s it's a six four matchup like a 60 40
6091s that's a hundred to zero matchup as long
6094s as both plate sides
6096s play too much
6098s so
6100s the whole 10-0 matchup idea is really
6102s difficult to balance around and we
6105s believe it's uh just a toxic trait of
6107s the solo queue or solo mode in general
6113s so third-party issues we are solving bit
6116s by bit we had like the Ping system
6119s change as well previously
6121s and matchmaking is too wide
6124s um hopefully this is also changing with
6126s the player base
6127s final Zone issues uh if the final zone
6130s is still an issue in the future and
6132s Battlezone seems to be a really good
6135s replacement for it if you are
6136s considering actually changing final
6138s zones into a battle Zone as well
6141s what about Reviving solos we are
6143s considering it I will have to change
6144s we'll have to try it and see how it goes
6147s weapon skill changes it is in the works
6150s um especially for some abilities but
6153s especially taffa and shuriken there will
6156s be some changes in the upcoming new
6159s weapon type characters release and
6160s balance this is similar to the Camilla
6162s change
6163s um at the moment we can't really
6165s separate character into ranked modes so
6169s if you wanted to ban Camilo Rapier we
6171s would have to ban DS Camillo which is
6173s not fair for the players
6174s so at the moment we'll just
6177s either wait until it's a pre-season to
6180s release new weapon types or just release
6182s them really weak
6184s why do tank items exist in solos well we
6187s think that Tech items that exist and
6189s used in solos is really different from
6191s the ones that are actually used in team
6192s modes
6193s um but yeah we'll continue balancing the
6195s items can we get more argument
6197s information in the post Lobby screen
6200s um well okay plus Lobby screen as in
6203s like the post game screen I'm guessing
6204s is what this means and it's that the
6206s game itself and the end game actually is
6209s like playing different clients or not
6212s clients but different resources so it's
6215s actually not that easy to you know put
6218s an insert into the game
6221s please change it so I can't hyperloop on
6223s top of an enemy and timos we will have a
6225s hyperloop for teammates now
6227s um but for solos we believe that's a
6229s risk that is part of the game so far
6231s please get rid of acceleration gate at
6234s night one and lower Auto revised to day
6237s two this is something that's always in
6240s talks even within the development team
6242s but this is something that we're gonna
6244s have to keep looking over and monitoring
6245s and keep trying out and polishing and
6247s see where it goes as well
6249s my meteorites randomly drop versus Tree
6252s of Life well
6254s um tree of life is a tree so we need a
6258s tree to be there whereas meteors fall
6261s from the sky but there may be some
6263s changes to how this works in the future
6265s as well if we are able to put more tree
6267s of lives around the map
6269s let us select our starting weapon for
6271s example glove versus Knuckles this will
6274s be reworked and for the new players and
6278s players
6279s as this is really confusing for new
6281s players when it's
6283s like a build that starts glove but then
6285s you have to pick up a knuckle and you
6286s have to drop the glove so we're going to
6287s work on that and we're going to try to
6288s change some of that and unfair traits of
6291s character so this is like
6293s a question I was for you like very
6295s oftenly asked how come this character
6296s gets to jump a wall how come this
6298s character gets the bubble twice how come
6300s they can push check when I can't Bush
6301s check but we hope you guys see this as
6303s like you know uh just a characteristic
6305s of the character
6307s um it's like a like a they're Quirk you
6309s know it's what differentiates them from
6312s other characters rather than just being
6314s a skin the other characters
6317s the cover protocol is called protocol
6319s supposed to be a light mode yes any
6321s plans to add a ranking system uh not yet
6324s this Cobalt matching also have MMR yes
6326s change confusion uh infusions and
6329s equipment from random drugs to
6330s purchasable and certain infusions are
6332s too strong
6334s um regarding effusions for the purchase
6336s one we are considering it the certain
6338s infusions are too strong part when we
6340s look at Cobalt stats it's really odd but
6343s just because you get strong infusions
6344s doesn't always mean that you win but we
6348s will continue balancing the game
6350s especially uh not especially but also in
6352s Cobalt mode you should have violations
6354s for steering or unsportsman like play we
6357s are punishing them we do ban users or
6360s punish users that do use uh on Sportsman
6363s like play or swears because these are
6366s really easy to keep track of obviously
6368s um especially swears because that's in
6369s the chat log for on Sportsman like play
6371s uh if it's one or twice where they have
6374s left the game like the next question we
6377s um sometimes look over a longer scale
6380s just because sometimes stuff happen in
6382s real life and it's not really up to them
6384s please remove silent slow and Reviving
6386s uh yep we are looking to revive it we
6388s find it frustrating as well please add a
6390s system to surrender we feel like at the
6392s moment Global protocol doesn't really
6394s need a system for surrender because the
6397s game is really short and it's supposed
6399s to be like a chill mode
6403s technology please adjust mass cursor
6406s size uh the first letter doesn't input
6408s when you hit enter kind of quickly these
6411s two are going to be addressed and
6415s 0.75 patch which is going to be the
6417s unity moving patch what about running a
6420s test server the thing about test server
6422s is that even in other games it's not
6425s really that effective because of the
6426s lack of player base and right now um
6428s we're really unsure if
6431s eternal return test server would
6432s actually have enough players for
6434s accurate information as well so viewers
6436s we're thinking about it but we're a bit
6438s iffy about it
6440s why can't you fixed the rank score
6442s display bug
6443s um
6444s this is similar to like a bug we had
6446s previously is that once we are able to
6448s see why a bug happens and like a log and
6453s where it's happening it's a lot easier
6455s but it seems like they'll rank score
6457s display bug is just
6460s we don't we're not sure how to replicate
6462s it yet so it's taking a bit longer than
6463s we intended and teach sheets
6466s um we actually don't use that bad of an
6469s entity we have
6472s purchased ncgs from the same company
6474s that the other mobile game company has
6477s purchased
6479s but um obviously they have a more
6482s premium one so we hope you guys can
6485s understand well
6486s we'll work on it as we go
6489s any follow-up bug reports on Trello
6491s there's been cases of other games doing
6493s that but a lot of times bug reports get
6495s flooded and sometimes bug reports also
6498s happens in a way where it's players
6501s might think it's a bug when it's not
6502s actually a bug and then when it's not
6504s locked they might get angry and it was a
6507s lot of mess for other games so we are
6510s reluctant
6511s is it possible to add smart keys for
6513s skills that have first and second hit
6514s this would be a lot of development so at
6517s the moment no when we optimize we've
6519s addressed this previously the more you
6521s upgrade to Unity 2021 0.75 as previously
6524s mentioned well you fix the problem with
6526s the game crashing for no reason
6529s um we've been fixing a lot of issues
6531s with game crashes overall the only issue
6533s is that the game crashes for multiple
6535s reasons we will do a patch to fix one of
6538s the reasons then it would create another
6540s reason and sometimes it's a software the
6542s player has sometimes that's the hardware
6543s that the player has so it's a lot of
6546s things that we have to change and like
6547s address so it's not a simple fix
6552s so we hope you guys can understand that
6554s it's a long-term issue
6556s mcclan location that appearing bug and
6559s this is about why it was taking so long
6561s to change and it's that if he changed it
6565s on a minor patch it might have cost like
6568s a really major bug that we would have
6570s not been sure because a huffix is a
6572s really light bucket uh light change
6575s so sometimes it might not be the best to
6578s have bigger changes or bigger bug fixes
6580s until the major pets as well
6583s Unity engine is well known for having a
6585s lot of problems with their plans to move
6586s to a new engine uh as far as we know
6588s every engine is well known for having a
6591s lot of problems but we'll try our best
6592s loading takes forever we're addressing
6594s this later on as well
6597s so that's all the prepared questions so
6601s far and we'll be taking some questions
6603s sadly uh I've gone for so long and I've
6607s blobbered on for so long as well so I've
6609s killed wolf one here too long so we'll
6612s only take a few questions in chat but
6614s yeah
6615s if there's any questions in chat we'll
6617s be answering them so
6621s do you guys have any questions just let
6623s us know
6625s are we still getting a windy announcer
6628s pack
6631s s
6638s ah
6640s [Music]
6641s um
6645s foreign
6648s [Music]
6665s military and
6667s for legal reasons
6669s people in the military are not allowed
6671s to make money or work or make you know
6675s products like that so we would have to
6677s wait until
6681s um he is out of the military
6687s will we ever get more servers upon full
6689s release
6691s [Music]
6692s it there
6708s um
6712s [Music]
6717s foreign
6718s [Music]
6736s we hope you can increase the player base
6738s as time goes on
6744s um let's see how do we get the other
6747s skins that are in the season 8 pack
6750s [Music]
6752s the season 8 pack skins that is not in
6757s the past is either going to be
6758s purchasable or you can buy the pack and
6760s get all the Skins at once
6772s the 0.7 patch with the unity changes be
6776s released 0.75 to be precise
6781s is there any updates on the removal of
6783s green items
6784s foreign
6800s [Music]
6813s foreign
6819s foreign
6823s [Music]
6839s [Music]
6843s we have items that is actually where we
6846s have a lot of new changes coming out for
6847s the new players and the beginning day
6850s one cycle uh we're gonna have to see the
6853s changes there first and see how it
6854s affects the gameplay before actually
6856s moving on with the green removal
6858s uh especially because the time should be
6861s pretty similar apparently so we'll have
6863s to see
6872s so for skins that are not able to be
6875s purchased or not in the past there's
6877s going to be events likely
6879s oh why are Nas that's allowed to
6882s influence top 1000
6884s also uh
6911s foreign
6920s [Music]
6948s so far regarding the different balance
6950s changes
6952s in n a and na affecting the stats in top
6956s 1000 we've always been doing top 1000
6959s Global and unfortunately that's just how
6962s it is because of the different player
6963s bases and each reason but if there are
6966s ever any specific or really important
6969s changes that need to be made for the na
6972s eusa servers then we'll
6976s the community team and the global team
6978s will let develop a team know
6987s you server low ELO rank doesn't start
6989s but higher yellow might pop can both
6991s queues be merged we want to play ranked
6993s as well but don't want to be played
6995s ranked in other servers uh
7018s oh
7023s gosh
7025s [Music]
7037s um
7051s [Music]
7062s [Music]
7064s so regarding uh the lower Ela ranks not
7067s popping and high heel is popping and
7070s maybe having a thought on merging them
7072s the issue would that be that would be is
7075s that if you have a really high ELO
7077s player and a really low ELO player in
7078s the same Lobby that itself might break
7081s balance and might not be unfair
7083s but might not be fair and the issue with
7086s that is like the player base issue at
7089s the moment but hopefully uh I personally
7092s hope that the new player
7094s all the changes that we do for the new
7096s players and other new tutorials that we
7098s have can actually have new players come
7100s in and help you guys in EU Pablo ELO
7103s ranked as well
7108s foreign
7114s I really hope there's more promotion for
7115s the game in Na and EU no one has heard
7117s of this game and the daily player base
7119s is dwindling I can't get it in a match
7121s are you gonna uh
7123s [Music]
7133s [Music]
7136s um
7143s [Music]
7149s [Music]
7158s [Music]
7162s give me that
7165s so for n a EU and sa
7169s um and yes I did say yes
7171s at the moment there isn't really much
7173s marketing we did have some marketing
7176s plans but it changed with the games
7178s changing soon and at the moment the
7180s retention rate is
7183s uh not the greatest so if you want to
7185s make sure if you have a solid foundation
7187s before we Market to the player base as
7189s well
7190s and once we officially release and the
7193s game is better and once we have a higher
7195s retention rate then we'll actually look
7197s into marketing the game more in fact
7199s even now even in Korea the marketing has
7202s gone down a bit and we've put less power
7205s on that until the retention is gonna
7207s become better
7214s okay we'll take one more question
7221s uh can we ban smurfing
7228s ers
7237s [Music]
7246s [Music]
7255s foreign
7259s [Music]
7270s [Music]
7286s platform and steam doesn't really openly
7290s share information about accounts um
7292s roughly so
7294s um to the games so at the moment we
7296s would have a hard time actually finding
7297s out which person or which player is
7300s smurfing and not smurfing but rather
7304s will actually focus on making the game
7305s better and a better environment that
7307s players don't actually need to actively
7309s Smurf
7310s and yeah I think that was the last
7313s question we'll take for now
7315s um
7316s thank you guys so much for watching I
7319s was really nervous and I know I am not
7322s the best speaker I
7323s just you know
7325s stutter here and there especially when
7326s my brain hasn't slept in a good bit but
7331s thank you guys for being here and uh
7334s thank you so much for being here with us
7337s as well we always appreciate you and all
7339s you do for us
7340s everyone can you guys type we love wolf
7347s um
7348s [Music]
7355s [Music]
7369s foreign
7373s [Music]
7375s he said and I also believed this too
7378s thank you guys so much for coming and
7380s watching
7381s um internal return not just the dev
7383s stream but you know all of the things
7386s that we do and we'll make sure that we
7388s make a good game for you guys a fun game
7389s for you guys a great game for you guys
7391s and we hope to see you guys for a long
7394s long time
7395s thank you again
7402s correct
7419s you can control your dreams if you set
7421s your mind to it
7424s ah
7426s [Music]
7437s do I really have to do this
7439s [Music]
7450s [Music]
7454s all right let's have some fun
7459s foreign
7461s [Music]