2 months
ago -
Direct link
We'll be rolling out the 1.33a Hotfix at 6 AM (UTC).
*Some changes may not be applied to tooltips or Practice modes.
*If the hotfix is applied while you're in trying to match, the matchmaking process may be forcibly terminated, and will be unavailable for a short period of time (less than 1 minute).
Ranked Matchmaking (Europe)
Weapon Assault Rifle
*Some changes may not be applied to tooltips or Practice modes.
*If the hotfix is applied while you're in trying to match, the matchmaking process may be forcibly terminated, and will be unavailable for a short period of time (less than 1 minute).
Ranked Matchmaking (Europe)
We're slightly expanding the matchmaking range for high tiers in the Europe sever.
Now available in Ranked.
Skill Amp per Arcana Mastery Level 4.3% → 4.1%
Mystic Gale(Q)-
Range 6.8m → 7m
Cloud Steps(E)-
Cooldown 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s → 12/11.5/11/10.5/10s
Wind Flow(R)-
Range 10m → 9m
Weapon Assault Rifle
Endeavor AX-
Attack Speed 40% → 30%