almost 2 years ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey everyone we are here right now at
2s pax east in boston massachusetts and
5s guess where i am can you tell are you
7s looking around to the right to the left
9s maybe up because that's right we're here
12s at the eternal return nimble neuron
14s booth and of course with gen g now if
18s you can see behind me we've got people
20s playing eternal return if you look to my
23s left you see an awkward gen g staff
26s member try to quickly get out of the
27s shot look at him look at him shame
31s it's okay we didn't rehearse this which
32s is excellent because now i can point at
34s the pretty art behind us right now too
37s guys this is gonna be such a fun weekend
40s we're already a couple days in a couple
41s days out we've got all the days around
43s us but that just means that there is
45s still so much more eternal return
47s content to be had so why don't i show
49s you around the booth for a second come
51s on
52s here we have people playing the game you
55s know
56s being introduced to lumia island for the
58s first time some of the characters let's
60s see how's how's our friend doing
63s okay here we go he's going to find the
65s twigs let's see he's going to try to
67s take down a bat for the first time
68s chooses not to loot the bat's body
70s one hitting these wild dogs doesn't want
72s to pick up the ramen maybe he wants to
74s opt for a healthier choice just gonna go
77s ahead and he's already combat level 12
78s eight people remaining in the game
81s chicken absolutely going down just
83s farming up that combat experience he's
85s gonna have to try to find an
88s enemy a teammate he's currently paint
90s rolling open that i've never actually
92s seen
93s how they open up the box that way the
94s fact that they
96s roll it open with a paint roller
98s that's magical let's go on over to the
100s front of the booth come on
103s hello friends okay
105s and here we see in the wild now this
106s could be you if you come over and join
108s us we have a wild convention goer
112s currently giving over all of their
114s important information in exchange
117s for a
124s 4a
126s eternal return
128s she lanyard
129s i'm gonna put this on i'm gonna feel
131s cool i got too much hair to deal with
137s exclusive you have to come to the booth
139s to get it
140s all right did you see me trying to steal
142s one from you okay turn that way just
144s turn that
147s hey
149s that's eugena
151s she's not
152s she's my biggest fan
158s do you guys get it
159s do you guys get it
161s eugena they didn't get it all right
163s eugenia what do we have over here right
164s now so this is actually all of the swag
167s that you can get in our booth but oh
174s okay by filling up our referral form
176s you'll actually get a free lanyard
179s or we could steal it from you you could
181s if you if you get it okay
183s five through eleven will actually get
185s this cool pan it's double sided it's
187s really cool at the show right it works
189s it works it does and then um for
192s everyone who's in the top floor
193s placement this weekend they get this
194s really cute tote bag oh
200s where's mine
202s um
204s um cool so this is mine now eugene i
208s have a very important question
210s is postage already paid for on these
213s postcards no so this is indeed a fake
216s stamp yes i mean postage from lumia
218s island all the way to the u.s would be
220s really expensive
222s all i'm saying is that i'm pretty sure
223s that this is considered mail fraud
227s what do you have to say for yourself
229s eugena
230s i think no illegal liability for the
232s implications of these postcards okay so
234s what you're saying right now
236s is that if people are on the show floor
239s of pax they just have to
241s look up to the eternal return genji and
244s nimble neuron
246s giant circle in the sky
248s walk over here
251s put all of their information in here and
254s they could get all of this cool stuff
256s yeah we have free stuff for everyone who
258s stopped by free stuff for everyone who
260s drops by okay am i on that list do i
264s are you giving me away eugena eugene i
266s didn't read my contract very well
270s that's she just inhaled you saw her mask
272s go in she just took a deep breath
276s okay you know what we have to leave
278s because i'm scared of the answer that
280s she's potentially gonna give me drop all
283s your information here i promise i won't
284s steal it i'm gonna steal it
287s let's take a look-see over here let's
295s five people left four more enemies there
297s were three oh oh come on this okay
300s they're fighting over wick all right
301s he's going in combat level 14 shoots
304s three of them all at once he is playing
306s against bots confirmed we are now
307s confirming that he is indeed playing
309s against bots goes ahead and takes down
310s the yuki bot two more bucks to go
311s wikiline is helping him
313s dashes back in takes down part number
315s five one more bot remains will he be
317s able to do it he does it
320s oh and wickline currently running away
322s potentially he's going to go for a reset
324s doesn't want to loot the bodies he does
326s still have to find that one remaining
329s player slash plot
332s in this game temporary safe zone
334s activating within a minute we do see the
336s final what is that yuki i think that's
338s yuki yuki in the corner
340s two safe zones he's gotta find it is he
342s gonna
343s drive by that bore on the way nope he
345s passes the boar lets him live and
347s there's the yuki bot he goes in yukibot
349s is just standing there still yuki bought
350s his afk yukibot just levels up yuki by
354s taking all of these paint roller hits to
356s the face it's a mop mopping up the
358s competition legendary tester victory
362s sir congratulations on your win
366s what do you have to say about the
367s experience
368s it's great i used to play this game
370s forever i'm excited to see that it's
372s being uh brought through your eyes
380s that is and you get a prize for this as
382s well i'm not sure if you've seen that
385s and i think it's really cool that you're
387s giving your prize to me
389s i actually have to give this to my
390s friend
392s which is me i'm your friend
394s yes right you're
397s my friend
402s let's go talk to some other friends over
404s there
406s here i am putting my my heart and soul
408s out here trying to make friends
411s trying to make friends
414s throw it back in my face like that
416s this is supposed to be packs this is
418s supposed to be out about friendship
420s about genji about eternal turn nibble
423s neuron
424s let's go talk to some other fun people
425s in the line let's see uh are you waiting
428s to play some games just finished you
430s just finished i'm waiting on her
433s how's she doing
434s doing pretty well from what i can see
436s pretty well from what you can see all
437s right what do you think about uh eternal
439s return since you just finished playing
441s it's a fun game it's definitely fresh
443s compared to like league or dota so for
445s me it was a great break from those
447s and the learning curve doesn't seem too
448s difficult so i don't know at least for
451s this very beginner friendly yeah as soon
453s as you figure out how to you know put
455s things together and make fried chicken
457s or steak
459s everything else starts falling into
460s place
461s yeah the guys here were super helpful so
463s they kind of got me through the
464s beginning of it
465s are you going to try to convince some of
467s your friends at home to join in now one
469s of my good friends that actually plays
471s this game a lot he started playing win
473s the game release i don't remember what
474s it was exactly
476s but
477s you try pitching me once when it first
478s released wasn't sure on it then but
480s gonna go back and play more now
482s hell yeah dude well i'm gonna give you a
484s little fist bump for that i hope you
486s enjoy the rest of your packs and i hope
487s she wins her game i hope so too i hope
489s so i hope she wins all right let's see
492s so besides just playing games taking
494s free merch and accidentally stepping on
496s my cameraman shoe
498s there's so much more that you can do
499s come on over here guys let's
505s go guys i lost circadia
509s we were supposed to meet circadia over
511s here and he's gone it's okay it's okay
513s come on come on
517s here at the photo booth oh wait oh look
519s look i could take my own photo
521s see guys
522s here cut you could get in the you could
524s get in the photo look look there he is
527s you guys are in the content now okay
529s let's let's tap to start
532s look here
533s oh wait no i have to run
542s that did not play out the way that i
545s let's retake this let's retake this
547s photo okay this is what we're gonna do
549s this is what we're gonna do you're gonna
550s stay here you guys are gonna stay here
553s i'm gonna get into position and then you
555s guys are gonna press the button okay
558s can you press the button
562s good
563s all right one sec
566s okay feather duster
568s chain
569s yes
571s i have both okay wait let me do one of
573s these
575s do one of these
583s was it cool
589s i look either really cool or like i'm
592s really struggling with stomach issues
594s either way
596s very fun times ahead for anyone who
598s drops by the booth i'm just gonna here
601s let's do this let's do like a little
602s look around so people can get their
603s bearings okay right now this is the
605s eternal return booth
607s it's right across from the devolver
609s digital booth
610s it's also right across from the tiny
612s bill booth
613s and then intel's over there
615s we're not shouting these people out
617s we're just letting you know who to walk
619s past
620s in order to get to the fun stuff all
622s right i'm just going to give you a
623s little
624s little feather dusty
626s just a little feather okay now i'm just
627s going to give you a little
629s just going to give you a little sword
632s the cameraman is running away he's he's
634s like
635s this was more this lens was more than my
637s tuition like
640s all right
642s oh wait what does this say
644s snap a pic in our booth post a picture
647s of yourself at the nimble neuron booth
648s using the hashtag
650s genji eternal return on twitter or
652s instagram for a chance to win
654s can i win gift cards
657s he's shrugging
659s he's shrugging i want to buy more skins
661s okay wait i wanna
663s let's
665s oh should i enter my phone number in
666s front of it i'll enter your phone number
668s what's your phone number cameraman just
669s read his phone number aloud
672s on
673s stream
675s and we we sent a photo to him he's gonna
678s he's gonna regret this he's gonna where
680s are we going next we're gonna go over
682s here okay i have i have responsible
684s people telling me that the next thing
686s that we're gonna do is actually sit down
687s and play a game
689s can i bring my weapons
691s she says i can she says i can bring my
693s weapons
695s all right let me just
697s squeeze in here for a second
699s here we go
707s all right
710s okay guys
711s now you get
713s now you're gonna get to see me
716s in action let me assume
718s the gamer position one second i have to
720s like rearrange
726s okay
727s all right start game oh wow we just
729s immediately jumped into it
731s okay so i can try you know what let's do
739s executioner jackie
741s i want to do
744s i don't think i've ever played luke
746s actually
748s oh okay so this was the skin that we
751s were watching i thought it was jackie
753s but it was luke
755s all right let's do paintbrush
757s luke okay let's go ahead with this
761s use that augment
764s select starting area
766s archery range
769s cool
770s all right guys so
772s for those of you who have never played
774s eternal return before
777s the way that i can explain the game best
778s is it's essentially like
782s it's a br moba right
784s so if you've played league of legends
786s before if you've played dota before and
788s then you've also played fortnite or
790s apex before
792s imagine it like
793s you start off
795s in the rift or wherever but in order to
798s build your kit
800s you can't just purchase things you have
802s to look for all the ingredients
804s to build them yourself so watch so come
806s here
808s okay so right now
812s i'm in archery range
813s and i'm going to be looking for all of
815s these items
817s so here's some items here's some items
823s just going to find some items
830s so i found all the items that i need now
831s i need a rock
834s and some leather
836s i need to go to hotel next
840s this place sweep throws his favorite
842s bottle of green powder
845s so now i'm going to craft some stuff
847s so if we look at my character
850s i'm building out all of the items that
853s i'm going to eventually be using
855s and now
857s we're going to attack the wildlife
861s there we go
863s there's some leather that we needed
872s taking all of our materials
879s perfect leveling up
885s all right so i'm done looting everything
886s from here now i have to go to
889s uh
890s doc yeah doc
893s so basically you have kind of like a
895s preset build path
898s on
899s if you want to build your character a
900s specific way or if you're playing with
902s friends because you can also team up
906s how you want to fit into their comp
909s let's do this
911s crafting a mallet
925s [Music]
938s cool we're going to take some of this
939s meat
949s cool i found my box so now i can make
951s this schrodinger's box which is gonna be
953s my accessory
955s i'm going to make a burger because
956s that's my food
961s so here's a bear
963s and you could kill them for combat
965s experience which is important
972s and then take some of this so i'm going
974s to use
976s hot rocks
977s and meat and i'm going to make steak
981s you didn't know i could do that
984s but now you know
986s all right let's see uh
987s i gotta go to chapel
990s oh
998s and we took down jackie bot
1000s she never stood a chance
1003s okay we have a minute to look through
1005s everything here
1007s gotta dump some stuff
1016s gonna make our crusader armor
1025s all right okay so now i could do a skill
1027s evolution
1031s so he's just like a little bit more of
1033s like an advanced character
1035s so let's see let's see what i want to do
1037s including an enemy with a little reset
1038s main sweep
1042s let's go to
1043s pond
1044s next
1048s yeah
1050s let's go to pond next
1054s dirty work
1062s perfect
1065s let's kill some of these wolves
1074s i'm gonna make more meat
1078s make a hat
1082s all right cool
1085s gotta find a pen in here
1095s cool so i found my pen
1100s awesome now i have to go to pond
1104s it looks like a couple people are
1105s fighting in pond right now
1110s let's see
1111s drive by animal abuse
1117s okay
1119s let's find two things
1129s oh here we go here's one item
1132s one more item
1134s there we go
1137s oh and it looks like someone's going to
1138s try to come up and attack us no he tried
1140s to walk right past but we're not going
1141s to let that happen
1143s we're not going to let that happen
1146s we are definitely not going to let that
1147s happen we are starting to attack and you
1149s know what look
1151s bye this person wants to fight come here
1154s come here let's go oh
1156s oh
1157s they tried to pull a fast one on me
1160s they're trying to run i'm rooted
1162s but i'm gonna use him to attack her
1167s all right all right
1168s i'm out of
1172s okay wait
1177s three people
1179s in a row on top of each other
1188s all right let's see
1190s so
1192s are we full billed no we're missing a
1194s pen
1194s let's go to avenue really quick cause
1196s i'm missing a pen
1208s let's attack this guy
1211s okay here's someone
1220s all right
1221s so i think because we're playing against
1223s bots they haven't figured out how to use
1226s skills yet
1228s so this is like
1230s giving us vision of everything so
1232s basically think of this it gives you
1233s vision of all of the animals that are
1236s within the zone
1237s as well as showing you the remaining
1239s items in this area because let's say
1241s you're looking for a pen if you do that
1243s and it says that there are no pens then
1246s you should probably just go to a
1247s different area
1249s all right cool i got my maverick runner
1251s legs
1253s all right perfect so now i'm at full
1255s build so now that i'm at full build
1258s it's time to hunt people down and kill
1261s them
1262s so let's do that shall we
1265s all right
1268s where would the people be
1275s oh there's someone
1278s let's go follow her up there she can't
1280s run into the red because it's basically
1281s like the zoned off area
1283s so we're gonna catch her here and kill
1285s her
1291s okay nadine is down does she have
1292s anything good on her nope
1295s oh but she was trying to set up squirrel
1297s traps
1298s so those could hurt us
1301s all right let's find out where everyone
1304s else is
1322s okay
1329s oh okay there's another nadine
1335s oh she's running from us
1337s she knows
1341s oh there's a fiora
1344s all right where'd you go
1345s dean where did you go
1349s i know you were here a second ago
1351s there she is
1355s oh she's trying to squirrel trap me
1357s but i'm gonna throw the old down
1359s there we go all right she's down let's
1361s go kill the fiora
1363s who was up here just a second ago
1369s all right by the way if you guys are at
1372s pax right now swing by maybe you can
1375s challenge me 1v1
1378s let's see who oh okay she went over here
1385s oh
1387s honey where you going
1389s where are you going
1397s all right
1398s she's down
1402s i don't need any of that
1405s okay let's go
1406s [Music]
1408s i wonder if people are basically over
1410s here
1412s so now we're gonna use basically like a
1414s teleporter
1416s and the teleporter
1418s let's go here and work our way up so
1420s teleporter basically allows you to zip
1422s around the map to any other teleporter
1425s there's
1427s like roll it
1429s rum raisin bread
1431s oh there's someone oh two people
1433s fighting
1434s okay i'm down
1439s okay where did the other one go
1441s she tried to get away we're not gonna
1443s let it happen where did she go
1446s oh
1449s all right okay
1451s hello ma'am you're not getting away okay
1454s we have five more people to find
1462s okay there's no one in this area it
1464s looks like
1470s oh yeah
1472s okay i may have missed i may have done
1475s an oopsy doopsy poopsie
1478s that being said it's okay i have steak
1481s and the steak will sustain
1485s me all right paint roller beats whatever
1488s he had there was one more person over
1489s here let's see if they're still here
1493s oh did they leave did they run
1497s cowards
1512s okay i saw someone over here we gotta
1514s let's get them before they run away
1516s did they get away
1520s oh hello
1532s guys i don't know how to tell you this
1536s but i just beat a bunch of bots
1538s and now that i have and i was first
1541s place excuse me ma'am
1543s ma'am
1544s ma'am congratulations on your first play
1546s i got first place
1549s okay because you're pretty famous
1555s yeah because i'm your number one fan
1558s then stay on me
1560s then say on me
1561s i'm just kidding
1563s i love you gina so much
1565s okay
1567s so yes
1568s come through play some games
1571s you win some stuff just let it be no not
1573s free postage you do have to pay for
1575s postage if you want to mail this out
1577s but look how cute the bag is it has all
1580s of the different um
1582s animal npcs basically or uh animal mobs
1585s in the game so you have your wolves your
1587s boar your scary dog is that the portrait
1590s of the scary dog
1592s look at the portrait of the scary dog
1593s get in here look at that
1595s look at the portrait of the scary dog i
1597s knew that the bear looked like that but
1599s i didn't realize how scary the scary
1600s dogs look because they're just kind of
1602s cute you know
1603s then there's the bat
1604s and then the chicken
1607s chicken
1608s that's okay chicken is chicken
1610s all right let me go ahead and get up for
1612s just a second
1613s and with my little fan
1616s so now i have
1621s a feather duster
1626s a sword
1628s a baggie
1631s and a fan guys i don't know about you
1634s but i feel like if you aren't coming to
1637s the eternal return nimble neuron gen g
1638s booth at pax
1641s why did you even come here in the first
1643s place you know
1644s it makes no sense by the way side note i
1646s think i bruised my shoulder when i threw
1648s the sword over my
1650s my back
1652s it hurts and i'm scared to look
1656s all right
1657s see look as you could see uh
1659s i'm a fire in the laser a little
1661s shoop-de-whoop-ish action going on there
1664s all right let's see
1668s i'm gonna where a
1669s i'm gonna take a picture with all my
1670s winnings could you hit the the picture
1672s button okay
1680s let's do a jojo pose
1685s everything is shaking
1691s see it's all about angles okay you know
1694s everyone
1695s they always think that modeling is about
1698s who's naturally beautiful who got the
1700s genetics
1702s who fits
1703s society's standards when in actuality if
1706s you jojo pose everything looks good
1709s you've got deo pose you got josuke pose
1714s you got
1716s you got jotaro pose
1718s i can only do so many poses while
1720s holding a giant sword
1722s um now i think we were supposed to talk
1724s to eugenia or julian eugeno ran off with
1728s swag
1729s let me let me see if there is a
1732s jordan do you want to talk about what
1733s you do yeah jordan
1735s guys this is jordan she is responsible
1738s for me being here so if you don't like
1741s this you know whose dm's to slide into
1745s jordan like
1746s i saw or i got to speak with you a
1748s little bit yesterday but now i get to
1750s see all of this in person how did all
1752s this come together because this is so
1754s much fun right so you know for us having
1757s the opportunity to bring out influencers
1759s like yourself um working on the creator
1761s team we've got one of our other creators
1763s here's arcadia we've been we've got cass
1765s players and we have an eternal returning
1768s pastor here as well i gotta get you to
1771s meet him oh my gosh wait who who wants
1773s it
1774s oh yeah yeah okay yeah so basically all
1777s these people coming together and seeing
1779s everyone and how excited they've been
1781s for the booth the reception has been
1783s super exciting it's just been
1785s overwhelmingly fun and this is my first
1787s pack so this is your first yeah it's my
1789s first pax east oh okay so there we go we
1792s got to experience it together
1794s it is really cool at the same time as
1796s you can see everyone's wearing masks we
1798s all have like our vaccinated wristbands
1800s so this is even though we're still in
1802s like the pandemic world right this is
1804s like a pretty safe way to go out meet
1807s fans introduce them to eternal return
1809s so that uh
1811s they could just get in there and start
1813s playing and just enjoy like kick back
1815s the weekend is here you know come to
1817s pass come to the booth hang out with us
1819s you know we'd love to help you
1821s and of course pick up a lot of free swag
1824s you have so much i don't know if this
1825s will fit in my carry-on it might they
1827s might let you through you never know
1829s i'll i'll try you know and if tsa gives
1832s me any lip i just pull this back no
1834s i pull out this baby
1837s clean them up feather duster
1839s we dust we dust them