about 2 months ago - Eternal Return - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

29s for
59s for
89s for for
149s for
179s for
209s for
239s for
269s e
299s for fore
359s spe
389s for
419s for
449s for
478s fore for
525s got
538s spee
558s fore
568s foree fore
598s forei
613s forck
628s wow Chi for
688s fore
718s for
728s for
734s foree foree
766s spee
769s speech
778s fore
808s fore
838s for
855s fore
857s fore
868s spee fore
872s fore fore fore spee
908s spe
958s spe
988s for
1016s for oh you
1048s foree
1078s for for
1125s spee
1160s all right ladies and gentlemen hello and
1162s welcome back to the eternal return game
1165s channel for some of you guys it actually
1167s hasn't been 24 hours it's only been well
1170s maybe give or take 9 10 hours before
1174s you've been here well this time around
1176s it's not for Lumia Feud this time it's
1178s for the Turnal return Masters season 4
1180s phase 3 finals if you look out your
1182s window that's kind of obvious uh it's
1184s way different than the than the maybe
1186s bright Sunshine that you saw while Lumia
1188s Feud was going on no it's completely
1190s dark outside at least as of right now
1193s okay guys welcome back again to erm
1196s today we got the finals we had the past
1198s two days to watch cards and the group
1200s stage is already going through this time
1201s I mean what what what's left it's the
1203s finals yeah I'm excited should these
1206s teams fought to and nail to get here it
1208s is quite the Stacked finals I think this
1210s time around but we are going to go to
1211s our overview for today for those you
1213s guys who weren't here yesterday um here
1215s is the overview for you know the ERM
1218s phase 3 obviously it's going to be the
1220s same like usual but today we are on day
1223s three for the finals and we have our
1225s prize poool so now we can actually
1226s explain you know the champion and how
1228s it's going to work so obviously we're
1230s going to have the placement points so
1232s first through eighth place is just going
1234s to be how many points each team gets and
1236s the extra 1 million Kenan is going to go
1238s to the team that does end up winning
1241s after they hit the checkpoint breakpoint
1243s which will be 55 points exactly and
1245s there's multiple different ways that
1247s this can go today right last time around
1249s I believe CH didn't even get that first
1251s place spot so they weren't able to
1253s actually get the first place prize pool
1256s but they were able to also pick up the
1257s championship priz P so a lot of
1260s different ways that this can go today of
1261s course at the right side you guys did
1262s also see the circuit points today is the
1265s finals that's exactly what they are
1266s fighting for cuz it is the last chance
1268s to get those before we go into the
1270s season finals for the last section of
1272s the format we're going to talk about
1273s what is going to happen today if you
1275s guys can take a look at the very far
1277s right side it says finals and question
1280s mark rounds which means we are in the
1282s checkpoint Mark exactly a super mention
1285s with the whole prize pool stuff yeah we
1287s got the checkpoint system today once a
1289s team hits 55 they are in checkpoint
1292s after that they have to win a game
1294s doesn't matter how many kills you got
1295s you just got a win yeah and uh with the
1298s new Final Zone obviously you know it is
1300s a lot easier but um you know there can
1303s be some politics right uh if there are
1306s maybe four to five teams that are you
1308s know going to swap into the temporary
1310s final Zone you know maybe these teams
1312s can look to uh to look uh to stop
1315s another team that is in that checkpoint
1317s break point that'll be quite interesting
1319s to see especially considering the fact
1321s that the past couple days for ERM has
1323s been quite funny there can be a lot of
1326s shenanigans that happened throughout the
1327s course of today I would not be very much
1329s surprised if we see some small upsets
1331s coming through especially towards the
1332s end of the series here are the teams
1334s that are going to be playing here on the
1335s screen today from the group stages are
1337s going to be beong Asher bnk FX and kungi
1341s innate as for the teams that came
1343s through from the wild cards yesterday
1344s chw seat Ted on Cyber saber and 500 MP
1349s pretty stacked finals if I have to say
1350s so myself so I think today is going to
1352s be absolutely a fun series and a half
1355s and I hopefully don't mean the funny
1357s business I hope we mean the actual fun
1360s series that we were all expecting to see
1363s from these
1364s groups yeah I am very excited shui I
1367s think the skill level here is so high
1369s obviously you know we have our three
1371s most consistent teams I think it's Mir
1373s BK FX G young in8 and you know our last
1376s phase winners CH seat you know these
1377s four teams coming out here uh they are
1380s going to be looking really strong
1381s obviously you can't count on our other
1383s four teams though because they fought
1384s two to nil to even make it to the finals
1386s exactly there's a lot on the line for
1388s these teams especially the teams that
1389s came up from yesterday because do
1391s remember how close the score she was
1394s especially right before we went into
1396s game number six these teams are here for
1398s a reason and I do believe that you know
1401s for most of these guys it's the only
1403s chance for them to well I I wish I
1405s shouldn't say most of them a couple of
1407s them this is their only chance for them
1409s to gather enough circuit points to
1411s guarantee them a spot in the season
1413s finals otherwise the rest of them are
1414s just going to be thrown down Into The
1415s lcq Gauntlet H that's going to be
1418s happening next week and it is going to
1419s be an absolute Fiesta because of how
1422s competitive lcq is going to be yeah and
1425s for those who don't know it will be I
1427s think our top 12 teams that will make it
1429s straight into the finals and actually it
1432s might be 10 it's a 12 or
1434s 10
1437s um you have to remind again wait wait
1439s hold on what was the question uh going
1442s straight to the finals for uh like after
1445s the circuit points okay so it's first
1447s through fourth for day one for day two
1451s for day two day one yeah and then 5ifth
1456s through 12th gets into day one no wait
1461s 5ifth through 10th 5ifth to 10th yeah
1463s and then 10th and 12th is straight into
1465s lcq right they don't have to qualify
1468s okay yeah okay are funny yeah so these
1472s teams are definitely playing for a lot
1473s here they want to make sure you know
1475s they get into the finals because you
1477s know
1478s lcq it's uh it's quite uh it's quite
1481s something to play through shuy exactly
1484s oh God I don't even want to play in that
1486s man I've always said that the group
1488s stages are really really difficult to
1490s get into because qualifier stages are an
1493s absolute mess and I said this I think
1495s during group stages for this phase
1498s specifically but the fact that team
1499s Ferry didn't even make it to group
1501s stages really goes to show you how
1503s competitive some of these group stages
1505s really are for qualifiers and um yeah
1508s again all the teams that made it to
1509s group stages they definitely deserve to
1511s be there all the teams that made it to
1513s wild cards definitely deserve to be
1514s there and all the teams that are here in
1516s the finals absolutely deserve to be
1519s here yeah it's going to be an exciting
1522s set of games don't know really we don't
1523s really know how many games yet um have
1526s to see you know if it's going to be a
1527s long series or a short series
1529s I think usually you know you guys kind
1531s of curse it right and it goes on for
1532s like 10 plus game or like eight plus
1536s games let's uh but uh yeah I mean we'll
1539s see we'll see let's let's not do that
1541s the only reason why I think chat might
1543s want it there's two reasons is to one
1545s not let me sleep that's that's the main
1547s one I'm pretty sure most of most of you
1549s guys in the chat you guys definitely
1552s pray for my wellbeing and two drops we
1555s got to go 37 more minutes don't we yeah
1558s there are drops um you guys don't have
1561s your eternal return account connected to
1564s your Twitch make sure you guys do that
1565s because you can get some free rewards I
1567s think you get these grab bag drops which
1569s have a chance to give you some MP so you
1571s know if you guys maybe have a skin you
1573s want to buy or you know if you guys want
1575s to buy the battle pass or anything make
1576s sure you guys do do that cuz there is a
1578s chance that you could uh you could Out
1580s roll so exactly o the first anniversary
1584s skin it's either that or you know if
1585s you're running low on on a coins because
1588s is the random shop R rolls have been
1591s screwing you over like it has been for
1594s me well there you go eight coins is not
1597s that bad of a resource to have anymore
1598s either so cool stuff going all around
1600s make sure you guys are staying in line
1602s uh if anybody asks where the drops are
1604s exclamation mark drops in the chat that
1606s command is updated so you can actually
1608s use that and it won't bring you to an
1610s ancient prehistoric website that's
1613s dead yeah make sure you guys do connect
1616s your accounts cuz uh yeah you don't want
1618s to be missing out on these drops right
1619s it's uh it's free right so might as well
1622s just just quickly link it cuz you know
1624s it might be a long Series today you know
1626s I don't want to curse it but it could be
1628s a long series it's going to be the
1630s longest series I'm trying to cast her
1632s curse the
1636s series but yeah I mean I think uh we're
1640s actually going to have the Africa
1641s predictions coming up very shortly here
1644s I'm actually uh what are your thoughts
1647s on this sh actually I don't think it's
1650s going to be too surprising if I'm going
1651s to be real with you I mean M and seong
1653s we can see on their screen 60% nearly I
1655s think that's one of the highest numbers
1656s that we've actually had throughout the
1658s course of the weekend we've had like 52%
1660s but never 58 near 59% not too surprising
1664s though again me a very very popular team
1666s over on the Korean side of things but
1668s for the wild cards teams I will have to
1670s say CH SE their numbers have dropped a
1673s little bit in comparison to before they
1674s were also a contender for one of those
1676s High 50 for low 50 % teams but now with
1680s tun cyber is also in line along the
1682s teams of saber and 500p they're kind of
1685s losing ground a little bit here super
1688s yeah I mean the young cyers I think
1689s performing really well yesterday in the
1691s wild card so they're definitely uh here
1693s to show you know that's their team comp
1695s you know although it might be um a lot
1698s different from you know these other
1699s teams it definitely can work so I'm
1701s excited to see you know what they bring
1702s to the table here and yeah I mean it's
1705s no surprise right I think they did end
1706s up placing first yesterday in their Wild
1708s Card group mhm still not a bad number I
1710s say you know they may have dropped a
1712s little bit in the popularity votes but
1714s still doesn't change the fact that they
1715s are the majority out of every other one
1717s in the on the lobby I'm kind of excited
1720s to see what chin senine and seie are
1723s able to bring to the table and you know
1724s what I just realized I don't know why it
1726s took me this long the trip
1728s s oh yeah you're right
1734s yeah well we're just going to send it
1736s straight into the game they brought it
1737s back to the cast just for like half a
1739s second and then brought it straight back
1740s into the game screen all right they're
1741s messing with me today
1745s too yeah looks like we're going to jump
1747s straight into it here do we have any
1749s fans coming up we do have obviously two
1751s Super Players MN and rozer they're going
1754s to lock in they're uh they're pick you
1757s know I'm a big Super Fan obviously cuz
1758s you know I do play this character a lot
1760s they actually going to have a haze ban
1762s it looks like I think Mir s is going to
1764s sit on you know their comp that they've
1766s been playing with the double mage plus
1769s that uh tank I think that is probably
1771s going to lock in that tank here it looks
1772s like he's hasn't decided but it will be
1774s that is do pick oh my
1777s God
1779s super it is a blast to the past my guy
1782s Satan's
1783s onen oh you're right we do have a tedin
1788s Adena Yuki that is really uh surprising
1792s to see I kind of want to see how this
1793s does end up working out for them but um
1796s yeah I mean they do have a lot of CC
1797s they have a lot of control
1799s if they are able to combo off of their
1801s spells uh looks like I think they'd be
1803s able to do a lot yeah they're I think
1805s they're running through a lot of these I
1808s just looking at the Adena right we're
1810s seeing Stellar charge on the Adena she's
1812s looking to rotate through her skills and
1814s head in with all the changes I think
1816s ever since Satan used to play in ERM erl
1820s ERC this character has become a little
1822s bit more of a consistent damage dealer
1823s especially considering the fact that her
1825s charm on her Q actually gets lower cool
1827s down if you do landed and saan was one
1830s of the best well-known hens in the world
1833s way back in the days this guy's
1835s performance on hen is almost
1837s unparalleled even back then too we'll
1839s see if sa's able to land those charms
1841s today cuz if he can I think with the
1843s Stellar charge on the Adena you know
1844s most of the time when it comes to these
1846s control Mages you think of okay you know
1848s they have really good bursts their
1849s damage is really good but their
1851s cooldowns are a little bit long so it
1853s might take a little bit for them to
1854s reset Stellar charge on the Adena your
1856s cool Downs are going to be way lower
1858s head has surprisingly very low cool down
1860s on a lot of her skills too it might be
1862s problematic if they go into late game
1864s and these control mates start dominating
1866s the game yeah I mean they have so much
1868s space to work with as well cuz uh you
1870s know hij and anaden right they're just
1872s able to combo off combo off each other
1874s CC and just provide so much space with
1876s their poke so yeah I'm I'm excited to
1879s see you know how this does this comp
1880s does end up working out for them they're
1882s not playing a typical uh tank cuz they
1885s are playing that Yuki pick but um you
1888s know it's more damage so maybe you know
1890s if Adena lands that um that Moon
1893s conjunct the Yuki's able to get that
1895s ultimate down you know they're able to
1896s burst these uh these players down it is
1898s quite surprising that you know there
1900s were a really big stint of a lot of
1902s two-handed Sword Yuki tank builds going
1904s around and there were a lot of those in
1906s ERM for a certain period of time now of
1909s course there is a lot of other tanks
1911s that are being played right now we saw
1913s the infamous seven unique tanks might
1916s see a little bit more of that later down
1917s the road if some of these teams op to go
1919s for multiple different tank characters s
1922s stuck in the middle of nowhere is
1924s actually going to
1926s invest yeah and I think he's just going
1928s to fall here that is a level one blink
1931s so he will not have that up for three
1934s minutes that is not what you want to see
1935s but it will be him falling first he will
1939s be the first Blood of the match here as
1941s MCN is going to try looking for one
1943s Circle in Forest but looks like he's not
1945s going to be able to get away oh a nice
1947s carpet there from shom is going to be
1949s able to lock up dasu here shom trying to
1952s run away dasu trying to look for
1953s something here but it's not going to be
1955s enough o seie actually goes
1958s into uh goes into down time sh the doain
1961s getting stuck in the middle of nowhere
1963s there's the rocket launchers coming
1964s through from zero Jin sebie thinking get
1966s going back in but this guy does not have
1968s his weapon skill he last for a while in
1971s the early stages of the game since you
1972s can't reset that is going to be a free
1974s kill for Kate unfortunately for two SE
1977s sebie just looking for the early game
1978s kill tazu doing the same thing in the
1980s end it's just going to be the rest of
1982s their teams that comes in kungi inate
1983s finds the
1984s one yeah it looks like we do have
1986s another fight on the bottom side here o
1988s a nice uh a nice followup there from P
1990s MP just doing so much damage to this Uki
1992s we've seen this yesterday where you know
1994s all the members are just able to you
1996s know comb combo off each other CC you
1998s know with the uh with the Chloe knockup
2001s into the double ply and you know the
2003s blast wave as well and yeah looks like
2005s they are going to be able to catch odena
2007s as well so five MP with three field
2010s kills for themselves so they're sitting
2011s in a nice comfortable position you know
2014s you you you definitely have to be happy
2015s you know when it's uh when it's day one
2017s you got three kills right especially you
2019s know in a checkpoint format here where
2020s you need you know as many points as
2022s possible the thing for one Circle
2024s listening throughout all this he's going
2026s to put down the camera looking for an
2028s angle on the bears but I don't think
2029s he's going to be able to find it nice
2031s cool down resets on the grappling
2033s maneuver he's going to be able to get
2034s himself on out but this entire bottom
2037s right side actually control by 500 MP we
2039s see this team quite often yesterday as
2042s you know they just randomly come into
2044s these late games with fullon builds even
2046s though they've been playing relatively
2047s quietly and they just randomly just pull
2049s out a 5 to 10 kill game out of nowhere
2052s this early game started with picking up
2054s pretty much all the Bears on the bottom
2056s right side of the map is going to
2057s Skyrocket them when it comes to the
2059s speed of their advancement throughout
2060s the course of the game yeah especially
2062s when you're playing a compo lake P MPS
2064s the triple back line I you need these
2065s items to burst down that uh tank because
2068s tank is able to live and get on top of
2070s you and you know CC know you know your
2072s triple backline team it's going to spell
2074s disaster so yeah I mean I like it that's
2077s uh you know they are all grouped up
2079s they're going to they're going to all
2080s farm together and um yeah sitting on
2083s three kills already meaning uh means
2085s that they definitely got like a lot more
2087s credits for themselves yeah and that's a
2088s big thing here today too right it seems
2090s like a lot of the teams are staying
2091s grouped up early on considering
2093s throughout the course of the weekend
2094s there was a lot of people individually
2096s just farming P actually looked for a
2098s kill angle on this but doesn't get the
2099s kick over onto Dino which means he's
2101s going to be able to throw out a bunch of
2102s constellations down goes pied again
2105s though this is still pretty early on in
2106s the game all of these kills don't really
2108s mean too much when it comes to the team
2109s fights it's just small early leads small
2111s early Point gains for these teams and
2113s that's just about it nothing new in for
2115s just yet do have the first objective
2118s spawning though as uh I think there were
2120s some teams grouping up in cemetery and
2123s we might have 500 MP versus bnk FX have
2125s to see you know if 5 MP is going to be
2127s able to burst down these front lines
2129s Sarang on over the wall going to get a
2130s nice War Bomb onto both the Bernice and
2133s the hay going to chunk them down to half
2135s HP as fa is going to start taking the
2139s tree wide yes the Seline I mean doing
2142s some really good damage but it's not
2144s anything too big just yet her items
2146s aren't really there the tree of life has
2149s already been secured 500 MP has gotten
2151s what they came for and we'll just slowly
2153s back away from this getting these walls
2155s are going to be an extra added bonus be
2158s able to pick that up just gets on out of
2160s there I mean it's a really really quiet
2161s start to day number two and it's because
2163s a lot of these long range pokers are
2166s actually meaning to land a lot of damage
2168s before the fight even begins yeah I mean
2171s you don't want to chase into this 500 MP
2173s comp cuz it is a triple backline team
2175s they're just going to keep poking you
2176s they're just going to keep cutting back
2177s so yeah
2179s look yeah so looks like BK fix are just
2181s going to back away here we do have
2184s romatic going to get his four square
2185s call in here so it looks like he is
2187s going to stay on the level one tack
2189s skill but you know it's going to be a
2190s nice Spike for him he's going to get a
2191s lot more damage yeah he's got the Black
2193s Death already too so I guess it's the
2195s classic strategy that we saw with ADC
2197s just being converted in towards the haze
2200s because we've seen Haze having so much
2202s impact in a lot of these games so I
2204s don't think the level one tactical skill
2206s is not a horrible thing at least for our
2210s haes as long as they're able to just
2211s kind of keep their control there hasn't
2213s been too much fights right now they
2214s haven't really had the need to actually
2215s use any of these tactical skills the in
2218s of themselves might not even make them
2220s ever be forced to use the the blink
2223s since you know sitting on the holy
2224s orders and the Black Death that is a
2227s massive ton of damage right now for the
2229s haze yeah and one Circle also I think
2231s having two items for himself too so yeah
2233s they're looking really really strong
2234s here I think they are probably going to
2235s try to play for this beach Battle Zone
2238s as um both romatic and danana are going
2240s to walk over we do have them them Min
2242s map here so most teams relatively split
2244s you know everyone's kind of doing their
2245s own thing getting their bin here but um
2248s you know now that the the day is
2250s swapping here we might have some contest
2252s this might be fun this might be fun 20
2254s seconds to go but the fight is to be
2256s there going to be one taunt coming in
2257s cadas taken down dangerously low faith
2259s and wavering has already been popped a
2261s lot of damage over onto the heart but it
2262s is going to force out the maker damag
2265s enough now to knock down Cadmus fight is
2267s going to reset and that's not good cuz
2269s about to get taken down absolutely not
2271s in9 is a first one to get taken down but
2273s there's the flanger reinitiation coming
2274s in from tazu that will be enough to
2277s knock down re
2278s although that was happening I think M
2281s managed to get out but inan I'm not sure
2282s if he went in or out was it a myth yes
2285s it was so luckily for K he crawled back
2288s in that's good yeah I think ravoli was
2291s also still in the zone so it just counts
2292s as a plus one and they're going to get a
2294s mythal and they're going to get an alpha
2296s as well cuz there was Alpha in that
2297s police station so they're going to get
2299s actually two myths for themselves guys
2301s we do have a fight 500 MP getting locked
2303s up here nice double fly but no followup
2306s as it looks like Scarlet is going to
2307s take so much damage back a nice pull
2309s back from shom actually going to pull
2311s Charlotte back in out of the totem into
2314s the acceptance speech and it's going to
2315s be sh there to actually CLE clean up the
2318s fight oh my God and the healing win from
2320s senine again saving seevi you have to
2322s Overkill this Eon sometimes you can't
2324s just date do a little bit of damage hey
2326s here Emma hatrick oh no no no no you got
2329s to hit everything calling car you got to
2331s land the the doves you got to do
2333s everything in your power to kill this
2335s Aon before he's able to run through your
2337s team they almost had it they almost did
2340s but just wasn't enough damage to
2341s Overkill him to the point where healing
2343s window was just not going to be enough
2345s from there sh just kind of sweeps house
2347s and this is another team that is able to
2349s pick up Alpha right on top of the myth
2351s from the Battle Zone as well oh wow yeah
2353s you're going to be really really strong
2355s here and they're going to get a lot of
2356s farm too in Factory so yeah I mean CH
2359s looking really really strong for themsel
2361s there but yeah I want to talk about that
2363s fight just again you know shom just
2366s basically carrying his team there able
2367s to lock up both the Chloe and the uh the
2370s Emma right as she came out of totem you
2372s know getting that double carpet into
2373s that acceptance speech and just able to
2375s finish the job on uh I think that was
2379s uh who was the last member I think it
2382s was the Seline yeah so
2384s uh song wrong yeah this is just classic
2387s to see especially Shin andom just kind
2389s of playing like that it's it's a little
2391s too obvious that he's going to do that
2393s right everyone else should expect it at
2395s this point that cine and no is going to
2398s play very aggressive although it just
2401s kind of seems like some teams aren't
2403s ready for that still which is a little
2405s bit surprising to me it's been a very
2406s consistent thing if you just kind of
2408s watch any of their games that's what
2410s they always do they're one of the most
2412s aggressive teams to fight up against
2414s right now this might be a little bit of
2415s a problem for TP and SED since they're
2417s kind of walking into this hopefully
2420s springtrap is going to miss you still
2422s Landing a lot of skills still taking a
2424s lot of damage as well so if he looking
2426s for another angle potential back I like
2429s this zoning here as uh danana is just on
2431s the backside just grabbing that box but
2433s he is he does end up coming back into
2435s his team here s going down to half HP
2436s here but they're actually getting get a
2438s lot of damage back and a nice spring
2439s trap there from cine going to hit one
2441s Circle back into the team but he's just
2443s going to jump on out of there and it
2445s looks like s is just going to K back
2447s here they do want to play for this metor
2448s right it looks like as they're not
2449s actually tanking red spring trap does go
2451s a little wide here hanana taking down
2453s taking down to half HP Cen is doing so
2455s much damage with their uh their ease and
2458s it looks like he's going to jump on in
2460s there Don does end up putting his shield
2461s up but the sustain coming out from C
2465s just too much as uh SE is just in there
2468s uh outside of his team the force field
2471s isn't a procing is seie going to fall no
2474s and all members just live and Mar Shong
2476s is going to have to give up this
2477s meteorite but they didn't really lose
2480s anything for it yeah they don't lose
2481s anything for it but they're going to
2482s lose a ton of timer they lose
2484s positioning over this as well sebie
2486s force field timer is perfect as they're
2487s going to be able to find an angle back
2489s in on that fight a lot of timer being
2491s lost by Beed denana is not going to
2494s befall but 2 seconds left on the timer
2497s for these guys is not exactly the
2498s greatest place to be especially this
2500s early into the game did see Asher ending
2503s up losing asub bomb Aon is going to be
2504s able to get the charm and H it on out of
2506s there but these Rockets are hurting so
2508s much Dina could to be using the star
2510s constellations to heal up the rest of
2512s his team but my goodness teams already
2514s in the mid game are starting to chunk
2515s people out one after another yeah g
2518s young8 already on a lot of items we can
2521s see the hearts buil they're already on
2523s four items I'm guessing the haze is
2524s probably the same so yeah they're
2526s looking really strong for themselves
2527s here as uh obviously it's pretty
2529s standard you know in Korea that these
2531s teams are just able to you know get
2533s their items online they're going to be
2535s looking to you know try to close out
2536s this game as Omega is spawning in Forest
2539s will we have any contest here it looks
2540s like gay young inate is going to walk
2542s down to contest msj so we might have a
2544s fight uh Brewing on our hands this is
2546s going to be quite interesting we
2547s actually don't have too many statistics
2549s throughout the course of the weekend of
2550s anybody fighting for this Omega
2552s objective nice Shield coming up from
2554s Tana to soak up quite a lot of the
2555s damage coming through from the haze
2557s Rockets should be coming back up in
2558s about 10 seconds for zero Jin good
2561s positioning good zoning range coming
2563s through from Team me very difficult for
2565s a heart to push into a haze and a Carla
2568s they're making sure of that happening
2570s still sitting in the back needing a
2572s whole lot of damage these rocket
2573s launchers going crazy they're pulling
2575s the trigger danana sitting up in the
2577s back line but tazu is holding the black
2579s backline a little bit well over on the
2581s back end two knock up is going to come
2583s through Only Hits out on in9 somehow the
2585s explosion shot lands but it is the
2587s exclusive to pull things out zeren is
2589s going to be able to knock down danana
2591s all of a sudden romatic sitting at the
2593s corner that is not the greatest place to
2594s be in the world one Circle going to try
2596s to go for the res but of course in9 is
2598s not going to let that happen that easily
2600s one Circle just has to book it into
2601s school where there are two other teams
2603s right now he might be walking into death
2606s he is walking into death goodbye my
2608s friend yeah not checking that corner
2610s that is one of the corners that you know
2612s a lot of teams sit in and it will be Mar
2614s sedon going down in eighth place you
2615s know one of our star teams but gon G
2618s just playing that masterfully that
2619s exclusive onto that heart you know one
2621s Circle tried to look for an angle there
2623s but uh just just ended up paying the
2625s price for it as um you know his
2627s teammates were mispositioned and then
2629s that uh Peacemaker coming out from that
2631s heart you know was just it was just
2633s beautiful utility baby that's one of the
2635s reasons again why Maya so such a popular
2637s character if you haven't seen throughout
2639s the course of the weekend why may is so
2641s popular that example right there is the
2643s perfect reason why the jail the get out
2645s of jail free card that was easily
2647s accessible for the heart making a little
2649s bit of a mistake if I'm going to be
2651s honest with you getting tagged by the uh
2653s explosion shots coming through from the
2655s Carla I'm actually quite surprised that
2656s it landed to begin with but the fact
2658s that it landed yeah you needed to invest
2660s exclusive and it was absolutely the the
2663s fight winning play yeah and then pulling
2666s the heart closer too so the range is
2669s there for uhoh wait oh round two it's
2671s Corner once again see him they do see
2674s him yeah they got that angle I think
2677s rolu walked in an angle directly oh wait
2680s oh my God wait ooh blink is Infested by
2685s P I think if he didn't end up getting
2686s knocked up there he would have died so
2688s good reaction from that Yan there to
2690s actually save himself and yeah I mean
2693s these teams are just playing around
2694s Vision right got to check your Corners
2696s you got to check your corners Y and this
2698s is where Recon drones really start
2699s becoming valuable I think for a lot of
2701s these teams especially the ones that
2702s have already gotten Corner check now is
2704s where you really want to start keeping
2706s track of those Recon drone counts since
2708s you know teams are going to be looking
2709s for those Corner checks you know they're
2711s going to be playing around the vision
2712s fights Recon drones will inevitably save
2715s your life six in the inventory of revolu
2717s right now yeah this is absolutely a
2719s unparalleled resource in a game like
2721s this yeah hasher just going to sit in
2723s this bush here maybe going to try to get
2725s some of these unsuspected teams but oh
2727s my God there is the combo the double
2729s knock up into the Sarang for bomb or the
2732s Seline four bomb sorry but Sarang just
2735s obviously just going to be able to
2736s follow up on that and it will be Dino
2738s fallen so saber going to lose one member
2741s going to have to spend 250 credits uh to
2743s get them back into this game finally
2744s we're able to see Team 500 MP actually
2747s play a lot of these fights really
2749s confidently sa's going to have to end up
2750s blowing blink really nice investment
2752s here I think cuz that team can
2754s surprisingly catch up to you really
2756s really quickly even with something like
2757s the hen blade coming in they will invest
2760s a lot of time I mean cyber looking to
2763s contest this CH seed has absolutely no
2765s idea why would you yeah they don't know
2766s they don't know yeah why the heck would
2767s you know about this if they let Wick
2770s walk past here maybe they can look an
2771s angle but looks like you're just going
2772s to go straight into sh already getting
2774s chunk down to half HP Rolo going to go
2776s in uh sebie going to get his ultimate
2778s Pro here as magnani is going to be able
2779s to get some damage some resets going to
2783s be able to heal a lot but the damage
2784s coming out from C is a lot the speed
2786s does end up coming out as as well the
2787s ultimate coming out from Johan is that
2789s going to be up to keep his alive it
2790s doesn't look like it oh but it's looked
2792s like it's going to be cine the ones
2793s that's going to fall here SE going to
2794s try look for an angle nice spell shield
2795s coming out from but they're actually
2797s going to be able to secure rolu here and
2800s the W spread is just yeah just just keep
2803s rocking the poison Trail is making it
2806s impossible for these people to walk
2807s around the slow is insane m still
2810s healing though he's still healing there
2812s is healing reduction I think on the side
2814s maybe Vanguard is there somehow Revue
2815s comes back okay not
2817s bad manag to pull back the the what is
2821s it the I don't know the as well Seb is
2824s going to have to back away from this one
2825s but while all that was happening Wick
2827s line gets taken by some other team
2829s somewhere around the map you see it's
2831s still trying to chase this down cadas
2833s and R trying to get away from this
2835s sebie might be able to find this he will
2838s okay there's the reset coming in from
2841s Team yeah still has the force it's not
2843s bad and it's going to be round two
2844s between these two teams I think shom
2846s still has access my God he is going in
2849s damage there's a spring trap in R might
2852s be dead oh the faith and wavering is
2853s absolutely useless seie has that his
2855s eyesight on the backline CMAs is down
2858s there's the kill on to R unless M can W
2860s be3 absolutely not the spring just yeah
2864s I mean I mean seevi is also just going
2866s in and he is taking no damage doing so
2868s much damage to other team forcing that
2870s healing when coming out early fat
2872s wavering does end up coming out but you
2874s know not really doing much there and
2876s then that spring TR like you said to
2878s just you know lock up rolu as uh he
2881s takes too much damage just forced to you
2883s know use his Mobility spells to try to
2885s get away and it's just not enough I I
2887s don't even think it was just kind of
2888s locking down revu I think it's more of
2890s the fact that they split up Cadmus and
2892s revu Cadmus is basically the get out of
2894s jail 3 card for revu and the fact that
2897s he wasn't able to get that because of
2899s the so much damage God dou shot what is
2904s going on in this game already this is
2906s game one super
2908s oh my God the play is coming out inate
2911s coming out big and they recognize
2913s there's a team nearby great awareness
2915s from this team to not finish uh the
2917s Bernice they already got one they
2919s already did their job they don't really
2920s need to finish that Bernice they got the
2922s kills and so they know you know bnk perx
2924s will be crippled here there's no need to
2926s push for this Bernice finish here as
2928s they don't want to get third party
2930s absolutely Bonkers and this is a team
2931s that doesn't really rely on ultimates
2933s all too much nice flangers out from tazu
2935s I think he's going to be a little bit
2937s more careful before making any
2939s positional mistakes like that anymore
2941s lot of good damage coming in from the
2942s blast way remember this is a wick lined
2944s up team as well good decision from and
2947s just backing away and going into red
2949s yeah it's three uh backliners you don't
2952s want to play into this you know they
2953s have Zone control they're going to Zone
2954s you off so they're just going to
2956s teleport here but it is a risky teleport
2958s right it is day five it looks like they
2960s get uh safe spawn here down in chop or
2963s in Cemetery sorry so looks like they're
2966s okay oh go though they're going to be in
2968s a little bit of trouble as you see
2970s looking to bring the fight over both of
2972s these teams still looking for a little
2974s bit of extra point sebie back away from
2977s this one a lot of poke damage coming in
2978s from the haze and it's also thin
2980s corridors which makes it a little bit
2981s difficult for a lot of people to chase
2983s this down the items on tazu of course
2985s looking absolutely two blood with that
2988s uh a die so he's going to look really
2990s strong and looks like bomb is going to
2991s be caught out here he is found out by
2994s team 5 MP Scarlet actually not having
2996s any items but I think all the items are
2998s on the other members of Team 5 NP but
3001s with that with that uh with that kill on
3003s ball maybe he get a couple more here
3005s before the final Zone oh yeah more
3008s fights potentially Brewing inside of
3009s cemetery though you see I mean they have
3011s to play really carefully right cuz any
3012s small mistakes really heavily here's the
3015s jump in there's the bush Che coming and
3017s the combo is absolutely insane but they
3019s haven't been a to up anybody you see
3021s they're hanging around Inside Of The
3023s Peacemaker rocket launcher is going to
3024s be enough to knock down Pi but now the
3026s fight is entirely chaotic zie just kind
3028s of sitting in the middle of everybody
3030s just trying to do damage he has enough
3032s down goes one there goes the Maya Bing n
3035s one from each this is
3038s dangerous and looks like it's going to
3039s be CH the one that's going to come out
3041s on top of as one member of both team
3043s Asher and team K here Zin and dasu tried
3048s to look for an angle try to get at least
3049s one kill for them but it's not going to
3051s happen as they will fall down with Nine
3054s Kills for themselves so not too bad of a
3056s performance but but um yeah
3058s unfortunately you know D not checking
3059s that bush with those hazee Rockets was
3062s the end of them as Asher just going to
3064s straight up send it onto another team
3066s maybe not aware that another team was in
3068s that zone you know unfortunately did end
3069s up costing both teams uh their chance to
3072s win here yeah what a great start for
3074s team what is it CH seed as well right
3076s because now they don't have to actually
3077s deal with Kung which has been one of the
3079s strongest teams in this Lobby by far
3081s that team was so good at controlling but
3083s catching them out in the third party and
3084s killing inite to start is such a great
3087s way to kind of lock down your fight
3088s fighting capabilities up against kungen
3090s but they get the both The Best of Both
3092s Worlds they kill theay and they wipe the
3094s whole team what a great way to begin no
3096s going to get taken down inside of
3098s cemeteries hones her by himself on the
3100s north side of fire station as well 5
3103s seconds left for jumo he's trying his
3104s best but there is no best in the world
3106s that's going to
3108s get from a lot yeah they take a lot of
3113s damage but they're able to get both of
3114s the body thirst it looks like so they're
3116s able to heal back up from that and we're
3118s it's going to come down to 500p versus
3119s Team saber here Dina can find an angle
3121s nice double stun onto s getting chunk
3123s down to half HP good poke coming out
3125s from s is it going to be enough here as
3128s Ooh a nice blink forward and looks like
3130s Scarlet is already dead s coming out big
3133s for team saber Here song trying to do as
3136s much damage as he can getting a nice
3137s four bomb but it's not going to be
3138s enough hey what I tell you man saan on
3140s the hen I'm surprised he's only bringing
3141s it out now this guy is insane on this
3143s character who in the right mind would
3145s try to look for a triple uh five Omens
3149s on that one or I should say three
3150s calamities on that one this guy just
3152s found an angle and actually decided to
3153s send it the blink coming in to knock
3155s that hen and the Emma down at the same
3158s time that is absolutely Bonkers they
3160s will pick themselves up three additional
3162s kills sitting at five looking for eight
3164s but sitting inside a p right SE SE is
3168s full items on every character they have
3171s I think 15 gold here unfortunately saber
3173s you know not the same I think the I
3175s think I saw the Yuki only sitting on one
3177s I think two Golds now going to be able
3178s to get that call in but uh yeah the item
3181s difference is definitely on ju seed side
3183s uh saber is going to have to play you
3184s know a lot better here but um you know
3188s they're playing two control mes if they
3189s are going to be if they if they do find
3190s you know an angle on one of the
3191s backliners
3193s maybe uh maybe they maybe they could do
3195s something but actually ched is pretty
3197s well set seie actually has the four
3199s score upgrade I don't know if anybody
3200s saw the color on the black mamb king was
3203s a little bit different than what you
3204s would normally expect and that four
3205s score is going to go such a long way the
3208s additional tenacity is going to be
3210s interesting C4 spawn throughout
3212s everywhere that trap is going to make it
3214s a little bit difficult for some of these
3216s players to start rushing in but you do
3218s have to remember that it is a triple uh
3220s it is a double range comp for team saver
3223s that actually has pretty decent taking
3226s capabilities of these traps SEI think of
3229s sending in he doesn't miss every he's
3231s kind of misses a lot of skills to go for
3233s the Overflow but there it is the fight
3234s is going to begin Satan going for the
3236s fight in between the tenacity is
3238s definitely helping sebbi stay alive
3239s throughout some of these fights nice
3241s coming in this is a little bit awkward
3243s sebie he's completely isolated force
3245s field is going to be there but now he's
3246s isolated and going to get taken down jom
3249s trying to look for kills they end up
3250s getting the kill over onto beler but the
3252s health bar on the side of shinomi not
3254s looking the B not looking the prettiest
3256s they need to stop this res they need to
3257s stop this res here as can they oh no oh
3261s my God son just able to get the fear off
3263s and yeah that's going to be it son
3265s playing out of his mind here I think ch
3266s Cena was looking to try to stop it maybe
3268s try to jump in and get that spring trap
3270s but the fear and yeah the CC coming out
3273s from this heden yeah saber coming out on
3276s top there they played that so well both
3279s the the Yuki and I think it was the
3282s Adena so both um yukin Nina just able to
3285s play that 2v2 into copine and shinan
3288s just able to win it out there this has
3290s to be one of the worst feelings as an
3292s Nikon right no matter who you target
3293s you're going to get crowd controll the
3295s entire duration and yeah you do have
3297s access to the fource score upgrade so
3299s you do get the 30% tenacity but you saw
3301s how annoying it was for sebie trying to
3303s lock into one Target and actually take
3305s them down he got angles onto SAT but he
3308s constantly got Hur by the three
3309s calamities and starting from there he
3311s doesn't have easy access to these resets
3313s since there's only one Target on top of
3315s him he dashes over onto saan he needs to
3317s wait for that Mark to reset but he never
3319s got the chance cuz he was so so taken
3322s down quickly fail not built at the end
3324s there from saan gives him the additional
3325s armor penetration
3327s it's just not exactly the best situation
3329s for Eon to move around in that fight
3331s what a great fight taken from Team saber
3334s and this is one of the reasons why I was
3335s kind of wondering why Satan hasn't been
3337s able to play his hen as of late but I
3339s think this game hands down has
3341s guaranteed two team saber that it is
3343s going to be one of the cards within
3344s their hands yeah the fear just so
3347s disrupting uh into these other teams
3349s especially you know like you said that
3350s Eon right if zon gets feared you know
3352s not able to get the reset not able to
3353s stick um on top of these targets and and
3357s yeah I mean I'm surprised as well right
3359s uh son obviously one of the Premier Gan
3361s players in KR wasn't able to really
3363s utilize it well but you know now coming
3365s out and showing up in the finals here
3367s you know when it counts getting that
3368s nice win for their team they're going to
3370s be looking in a nice spot yeah I'm
3372s really glad that saon is actually able
3373s to play this composition too A lot of
3375s times when you take a look at hedging
3377s comps in KR it's a little bit funky cuz
3380s not that many people are able to
3381s synergize with that character well
3384s nowadays I think it's either just kind
3386s of play the front to back line which hon
3389s does okay with not that many teams just
3391s decide to full send it but on the side
3393s of Team saber they're actually really
3395s really good at poking and that's what
3397s Satan is really good at doing with the
3399s sheden character as he builds up those
3400s three Calamity Stacks wait for an
3402s opportunity once he gets to I mean he
3404s has the opportunity to go back in saw in
3407s fire station that he went in for it up
3409s against the Emma it it's just a satten
3412s world at this point man I don't think
3414s we'll I don't think that'll be the last
3416s time we sa on the hedin tonight it just
3418s seems like a really comfortable
3419s composition that saber's running with
3421s Bower yeah and obviously you know hedin
3424s uh not really a pick you see often
3426s especially in competitive plays so you
3427s know maybe some of these teams just you
3428s know aren't adjusted to this pick so you
3431s know s is going to be able to utilize
3432s that to his Advantage as well great
3434s great composition coming through for
3436s that team a great start to the finals as
3438s well this is one of their only chances
3440s that they have I believe I don't think
3441s sa has ever made it to a finals
3443s throughout the course of this season
3445s they always made it at least to the wild
3447s cards but nothing anything past that
3449s which means I mean Hey listen this
3451s composition is working pretty well
3452s Belzer might be taking the place of DUI
3454s man unfortunately he might not be able
3456s to play today unless this composition
3458s starts to struggle later down the road
3460s but off of the performance in game one I
3461s highly doubt that's going to happen saan
3463s just seems so locked in today yeah he is
3466s playing out of his mind we're going to
3468s have to see you know if this trend
3469s continues though because obviously you
3471s know there is a lot more games ahead of
3473s us shui no team's obviously going to be
3475s in checkpoint just yet but you know
3477s these teams inching closer and closer I
3478s think two teams getting probably over 50
3481s plus points in that Lobby so you know we
3483s could possibly see a checkpoint in game
3486s number three or four mhm that's going to
3488s all come down to the performance of the
3490s teams that did well in game number one
3492s you know we did predictions you and I
3494s before we started coming into the series
3496s I said seven games because it seems
3497s absolutely feasible that that could
3499s happen and then you said I six because
3501s of the last uh phase but I think I would
3503s have changed my guess and go with eight
3505s oh okay even after performance from Team
3508s saber like that you're going to extend
3510s the amount of games that we're going to
3511s have here tonight all right I see how it
3514s is hey I mean you know although saber
3517s did end up having a good uh performance
3519s you know they're not definitely not one
3520s of our Premier teams cuz um you know
3523s they haven't been performing too well
3524s but I mean you know if they do end up
3527s having you know a couple nice uh couple
3530s more consistent games like just like
3532s game number one then we could even have
3533s you know five or six uh game series
3536s exactly and one of the biggest things
3537s about heden is the fact that it is
3539s sometimes really difficult to stay
3541s consistent on her because she is after
3544s all a character that is fully reliant on
3547s those skill shots know sometimes you
3549s just have really good games sometimes
3550s you just don't have good games sometimes
3551s teams are able to deal with those skill
3553s shots sometimes they aren't a lot of
3555s things needs to match up right for the
3556s Hedon to do well and then game number
3558s one it just seemed to be the case and we
3560s can see that right there by the round
3561s results 16 points for team saber it's
3564s actually not as much as I thought it was
3565s going to be considering how how dominant
3567s team saber look like towards the end of
3568s the game but maybe that's a little bit
3570s of the progression curve right just play
3572s a little bit of the slower early game
3573s and at the end game with the HED and
3575s just constantly pumping out the damage
3577s that right there is your final Target
3579s and your win condition so I don't think
3581s they're doing that bad you know they're
3583s playing their own game which is exactly
3584s what we want to see from a lot of these
3586s teams but maybe starting from game two
3589s just kind of hasten the curve so you can
3591s get more points right yeah I mean they
3594s didn't have too many kills and I mean if
3596s you did see uh at the very end there
3598s didn't have too many items for
3600s themselves so maybe they struggled in
3601s the mid to early game but uh if they are
3604s able to get their builds online you know
3605s like this team is uh it goes kind of
3608s crazy right with these two backline
3609s pokem mes as long as you play the
3610s neutral correctly you're just able to do
3612s you know a lot more damage and then you
3614s know when the fight's favorable when the
3615s HP bars TI in your favor you know you
3618s you could just uh sort of send it in
3619s yeah and one of the coolest things about
3621s that composition is that asides from
3622s poking they actually have really good
3624s sustain as well Adena stars are pretty
3628s good man star healing whether it's the
3630s star conjunct or just even regular star
3632s healing as well that character is really
3634s ex versatile in what she is able to
3636s accomplish throughout a fight whether
3638s it's to support the hen in terms of
3639s poking or whether it's to sustain your
3642s team maybe look for a little bit of
3643s opportunities with the moons that the
3646s thing oh zero Jin okay Hey listen I'm
3650s all for this because considering the
3652s fact that hay is banned zero Jin I mean
3654s he has this right that's why
3658s totally forgot that yeah you are correct
3660s here so Zer going to go onto this here
3663s we've seen know over on na side haven't
3665s really seen it yet on the KR side so
3667s really interested to see you know how
3668s they utilize this pick here and we do
3670s actually have a swap ban here it's going
3672s to be Bernice going to be banned instead
3674s that is a really weird ban in the
3677s current patch this isn't 1.26 where
3679s Bernice got a lot of beneficial Buffs he
3682s is still pretty strong don't get me
3684s wrong and they're all going to be
3685s playing Frailty here
3687s I'll be honest with you 1.25 he's still
3690s somewhat strong because he didn't get
3692s hit by he didn't get hit or he didn't
3695s get the the treatment 1.2 it was only
3699s like three AP I think he lost so still
3702s pretty strong I think on this patch yeah
3704s I'm I'm gonna be honest with you Bernice
3706s in the lobby where you have Selen and
3708s then Emma not going to be the easiest
3712s way for I think bise to maneuver around
3714s around some of these if he starts
3715s Landing these Max bugshot hits he's
3717s going to be in danger of getting four
3719s tagged by the um by the ultimates coming
3722s through from Seline but that's besides
3724s the point we'll see if this Beres is
3725s able to do any good because he will be
3727s abandoned game number three aside from
3730s that I believe team saber did change
3733s things up okay so Satan on the M beler
3735s on the Aiden the second showing for this
3737s character throughout the course of the
3738s weekend I do wonder if it's going to be
3740s a bit better here oh I am surprised they
3743s changed their com you know considering
3744s they did end up winning the last game
3746s but uh it's probably just because you
3748s know maybe they just didn't have you
3749s know a good early game maybe they're
3751s losing some fights so deciding to switch
3752s it up here maybe uh you know going to
3755s get some combos off with the myons into
3757s you know the ad and all so we're going
3758s to have to see you know how how it works
3760s out for them it almost makes me wonder
3762s if saan on the hen is a counter to the
3768s haze oh maybe it's just you know having
3771s a neutral game I think it's probably
3775s because the the fights early game in
3778s their last game maybe weren't working
3779s well so maybe they're thinking you know
3781s we need we need to change things up
3782s despite them winning the game you know
3784s they did have that nice 3v3 into CH at
3786s the very end you know maybe you know
3789s it's only that team comp that they think
3791s I'm not too sure yeah it could be the
3793s same ideology as carpet DM from
3794s yesterday right during games four five
3796s and six in the wild cards they actually
3798s decided to change up their composition a
3799s little bit potentially because yeah even
3801s though they end up winning yeah a little
3804s bit that's okay s also going to get
3806s caught out one Circle also getting
3808s caught out this is just the early game
3809s pickoffs right individual players
3811s sitting by themselves nothing too
3812s surprising here classic game of eternal
3814s return oh we do have Cella I think's a
3817s new pick here for the series as uh you
3819s know they were on I think Hayes usually
3822s right but hay is banned so going to have
3824s to go back to you know their usual pick
3825s here like 500 MP sting in his Bush but
3828s Nina sitting outside the bush so kind of
3831s peeking out say
3834s hello I do like this uh spot change if
3837s bnk FX is path it downwards into Chapel
3839s they might run into this 500p team and
3843s now this 5 MP team if you are um you
3846s know checking them if you are Bush
3848s checking them you will get instantly
3850s deleted so here's romatic here trying to
3852s fight magnani but Cadmus is just here to
3855s sustain magnani up even though romatic
3859s got him down to um you know 30% HP it's
3861s just not enough it's actually cutting
3863s pretty well the Frailty bonus damage was
3865s allowing him to potentially win the 1 V
3867s one but as soon as it turns into a 1 V2
3869s that's a little bit of a different story
3871s and with that Den falling down muted all
3873s of the members have fallen down at least
3875s once already in the game and it's
3876s already night number one so they're
3878s going to have to start grouping up
3879s looking for maybe potential fights they
3880s can win out nine a little bit of a funky
3883s initiation coming through but R
3885s overtaking it and getting absolutely
3888s punished yeah I'm not sure about that
3890s one I guess we're kind of going back to
3891s what I was mentioning in the a where you
3894s know some of these faulty initiations
3895s they're going to get punished especially
3898s with oh roster coming back into this
3900s area that's a little bit weird going
3902s straight through
3903s the fall here but yeah in9 Fallen a
3907s little early zeren going to have to
3909s Blink away here a nice knock up going to
3910s get that speed boost from that q but
3913s he's going to get oh no I think he's
3915s going to die here oh wait a second zeren
3918s going to try looking getting a nice the
3921s sniper skills coming out needs to dodge
3922s this other one does end up killing Cella
3925s is he going to hit it
3926s oh it just barely misses wait a second
3930s R the psycho TP there is no way that is
3935s how KY and they Falls are you serious
3937s are you serious no you cannot do this
3941s the zeren he had just such an
3943s outstanding play and he gets taken down
3945s like that but on the South Side even
3946s more fights happening is me seong it's
3948s going to be romantic taking the fall we
3950s also see the M of sat falling down as
3952s well one for one exchange between V and
3954s hedong and saber but why why why super
3957s we don't get to watch this here anymore
3959s rer again getting potentially punished
3961s for going a little bit too far isolated
3963s he does end up getting taken down by a
3965s fin going be able to get some damage a
3968s little bit more one more damage oh it's
3971s the it's the bomb I think that was a
3973s single stack bomb too but it's just
3975s barely enough to knock down the Bernice
3977s beautiful totem coming out there from
3978s Scarlet actually toing the sua dash and
3981s you know if sua is not going to hit
3983s anything with her Dash she is you know
3985s in there in their and it's a triple
3987s backline comp just going to be able to
3988s you know punish this for dashing on
3990s forward and yeah I mean bnk FX they do
3992s end up picking one though so it's not
3994s too bad for them but I don't think
3995s they're going to be up in time for the
3997s objective contest is going to be that
3998s Cemetery tree nice Shield coming
4001s actually able to tank so much damage as
4003s the spite getting taunted great reaction
4005s from him to press it at the perfect time
4007s there uh the second he got taunted in
4009s and it's going to be know one Circle
4010s going to try zoning uh the two members
4013s off here from Team Asher or mtic just
4015s going to stick the tree here going to
4017s get the to and the follow up from dead
4019s and it's going to be romatic fallen
4021s there greedy play from Mir song trying
4024s to get that tree of life letting the
4026s Beres stick it of all people and you
4028s know they get instantly punished that is
4030s heavily unfortunate for me andong they
4032s are just not finding themselves a break
4034s the initial fight looked really good cuz
4036s I think pied tried to do the quick spin
4038s on a four stack coming in from one
4039s Circle he actually mistimed it which
4041s throughout the fight from Team aser
4043s forced them to back up a little bit but
4045s then jumo finding an angle onto the
4047s bernes I don't know why he was taking
4048s the tree of all people it should have
4050s been the Estelle I guess maybe allowing
4052s the bernes to be a little bit more
4053s mobile but that was the reason why me
4055s and SED ended up following their shot
4057s calling a little bit on the awkward side
4060s right now if I may say funny funny you
4063s see looking for a potential fight up
4066s against nice side not going to be able
4068s to get that b Mark and yeah sh a no May
4072s nowhere to be seen maybe just the
4074s farming trying to get some credit
4077s as it will be sebie just going to fall
4079s here yeah
4080s shomi not on the map so we don't know
4084s where he is where are they I have no
4086s idea yeah the entire time we've been
4088s highlighting team ton cyers so when you
4090s highlight a certain team at the very
4092s bottom there oh she's like oh what the
4094s there they are they're just going to buy
4097s get get some transitions looks like they
4098s just split farming you know top side of
4100s the map completely open going to get a
4102s lot of farming going to get a lot of
4103s credits as you can see as well sebie you
4105s know having over 500 credits so they're
4107s sitting in a nice spot as long as you
4108s know they're going to be able to get
4109s their buyin here maybe contest his
4111s Battle Zone or that's uh threee meteor
4114s tree or mythal you know if another team
4116s contest we're going have to see oh my
4119s God all right the triple backline team
4122s that's the strength of it you know as
4124s long as you're playing to your uh your
4126s range correctly
4128s tanks even tanks are not a match for you
4131s yeah the bunny morph timing was really
4132s good right cuz I think if the ma managed
4135s to get the shvil out before they were P
4137s they were bunny morphed maybe there was
4139s a chance in which they survived and then
4140s exclusive timing could have been all
4142s right but Scarlet not even allowing that
4144s opportunity to happen it seems like 500
4146s MP is actually kind of picking up the
4148s slack from maybe the games that they
4150s flustered a little bit on yesterday they
4152s actually have a game plan coming in for
4153s tonight and they're actually playing off
4155s of it absolutely incredible start for
4156s these guys to game number two continuing
4160s to stretch that lead all the way towards
4162s the end potentially sitting on four
4163s kills right now here's the poal fight
4165s coming and nice Shield coming in from
4168s roer but the fight is going to begin
4169s sebie in the backside he is doing a ton
4171s of damage a little bit isolated away
4173s from his team is and the marks are
4174s already there so looking for a little
4175s bit of a reset on the fight but going
4177s back in round two going in a sebie
4179s thinking about going back in on this but
4181s with the free last I think the fight
4182s might be over both of these teams just
4185s kind of playing it slow waiting for
4186s opportunity still they wanto let's see
4189s if that's be enough damage coming out
4192s the
4192s a oh my God yeah and is going to be 2C
4196s going to lose two members here sebie is
4197s going to be the last member alive it is
4198s Anon so could possibly get away here but
4202s it is also Cella who has a lot of Chase
4203s going to play on forward there sebie
4205s might fall he's does have the he does
4208s have the dash up here going to get the
4209s reset he does have force field coming up
4212s very shortly if he is going to get this
4213s uh Lily oh my God oh my that pull almost
4217s hit him if that pull hit him there he he
4219s definitely would have died yeah his
4220s timer is on S sitting on 4 seconds too
4223s what a great fight taken from bnk FX cuz
4225s what ended up happening was sebbi went a
4227s little bit too far and then he didn't
4229s have any reset stacks on anybody since
4231s he dashed through everybody already
4233s nobody was even close to fighting and
4235s then after that just completely
4236s splitting up the fight shom getting
4239s taken down a little bit too early same
4240s thing for senine as well right this
4242s Lenny not being able to deal with the
4244s damage coming out from the renees That's
4245s The Power of Frailty on this character
4248s he does so much damage at close range
4250s good fight coming from bnk FX even team
4252s CH SE is starting the struggle in game
4255s two already
4257s yeah um you know CH SE not being tanky
4259s enough or sebie or sebie you know just
4261s not being tanky enough did end up going
4263s in getting a lot of damage you know
4264s disrupting the team but uh yeah just not
4267s able to really find anything there as um
4271s the damage the AOE coming out from you
4273s know being F just able to chunk them
4275s down so much when they're on the Bears
4277s it's just they just able to win off that
4280s so weird to be able to see 500 MP
4283s playing this proactively considering
4285s yesterday they were actually in the back
4286s foot for most of these fights five kills
4288s for themselves already in game number
4290s two looking pretty well but of course
4292s they're actually not going to be the
4294s kill leaders of the lobby so far that's
4296s going to be bnk FX cuz they've also been
4298s playing very consistently and very
4300s aggressively here today which is
4302s allowing them to really pick out a lot
4304s of these fights hun are with the Cilla
4306s looking for some of these picks to play
4308s with us coming through and then bum
4309s sitting on the Frailty bernes popping
4311s that exactly on the targets he's looking
4312s for it is just a great setup coming all
4315s around
4316s like none of the Seline teams actually
4317s managed to find pnk FX so far which
4320s might be one of the reasons why the
4321s spice is doing so good but we'll see if
4323s it's going to be successful enough
4324s coming into some of the other teams revu
4327s he missed the Sharpshooter everything
4329s blown just to keep alive yeah yeah good
4332s reaction from this team and you know
4334s like you said they did blow everything
4336s but Asher also using a lot as well they
4337s use you know the Quake coming out from
4339s jumo blink coming out from n as well so
4343s going to be a little tougher though oh
4345s great
4346s uh engage it looks like they're actually
4347s going to be able to kill two members
4349s from bnk F going to be it's going to be
4350s bnk fix just Fallen here as Sabers
4353s didn't really see the start of the fight
4354s there but I'm guessing maybe they got a
4355s nice uh Vision play in that bush on the
4358s top side and yeah they get a nice clean
4360s three to bnk FX bnk FX with eight kills
4362s but Falling short here in sth place yeah
4365s it's going to be the double control
4366s Mages I suppose knocking down the
4368s Bernice he doesn't really have an angle
4369s on fighting right the only one you're
4371s really going to be able to Target in
4372s that team is going to be the mai and she
4374s has shvil effective cutting out the
4376s damage from the Bernice everybody else
4378s makes it really difficult oh I see
4380s double m double control Mage but it's
4382s the Aiden Aiden also makes it very
4384s difficult for this Bernice to actually
4385s effectively do any damage cuz he has so
4387s much burst damage at the exact same time
4389s not like Bernice is a very tanky
4391s character the fight is's going to start
4393s SE sitting out in the front he's
4394s actually still keeping himself God he's
4397s dead and a great bomb great bomb to push
4400s him back in it's going to be juy wiping
4402s what is happening in this game the pace
4404s is just going sky rocketing five teams
4406s left already it's only day number three
4408s just about to turn into night number
4410s three look at the kill count for team 2C
4413s this was just not it they couldn't get a
4414s standing in the early stages of the game
4416s sepi couldn't ever get the snowball that
4418s he always looks for and now they're just
4420s dead zero kills in sixth place they only
4422s get one point out of this one well yeah
4424s one Circle hitting that blast wave to
4427s lock down the Lenny from trying to get
4429s away there and just you know that is the
4430s reason why you see WIP then you know you
4433s can't also uh count out um you know
4436s romatic and uh danana there romatic
4439s hitting that uh that Bola to lock down
4444s uh to lock down sebbi and then you know
4447s donana just able to you know proc that
4449s ghost bride onto them you know with that
4451s defense sh and then one circle is just
4453s able to follow up to to finish him off
4456s even more so than that one of the
4457s biggest issues that Selen tend to have
4459s up against the Aon is he's so darn
4461s mobile that it's impossible to land a
4463s for stack on this guy actually secure
4465s any damage in but this crowd control
4467s stacking on the side of mid s was
4469s actually Immaculate I believe it started
4471s out with a stun from the Estelle
4473s straight into the foothold trap from the
4474s bernes into an explosive yeah and it
4478s gave just barely enough time for the
4479s Seline to stack the four stack after the
4482s Frailty was already proed from the
4483s Bernice that's the big part there the
4485s burst damage was and the ghost rde I
4487s think he was also sitting under the
4488s ghost rde which is like a 40% defense sh
4491s onto Theon and you know I don't think
4493s any tank is living through a 40% defense
4495s sh with the Selen for stack you know
4497s even if he had the barrier it's it's
4499s just not enough yeah especially
4501s considering Aon items right now right
4503s myth helmet and the battle suit that's
4505s only defense and
4507s sustainability getting the res off here
4510s but jumo is here straight to counter and
4512s O A nice bat kill though maybe they look
4514s for something no it's
4516s not Asher going to be able to wipe D
4519s young cyber so four teams already dead
4522s on night number three you know something
4524s you don't really see too often you know
4526s in uh in competitive play especially on
4528s the KR side as you know most teams are
4530s are able to you know prevent that wipe
4533s but you know these teams just able to
4535s lock up these other teams get a nice
4536s clean 3v3 and get them off the map this
4539s gives a ton of breathing space for the
4541s teams that are actually left in this
4542s Lobby usually by this point because it's
4545s day number four the map feels really
4546s constricting if there is more than maybe
4548s six seven teams sitting around but with
4550s four the map is super open the cemetery
4554s area is going to be where Wick line will
4556s spawn so I would expect a lot of teams
4558s to be hanging around there cuz look at
4560s the top of the screen I mean teams can
4561s still see it four teams left 12 people
4564s alive it's a 3333 setup right now which
4567s means High likely chance that you know
4569s maybe some areas of the map are going to
4572s be open some areas are not going to be
4574s you can take the chance at going to
4575s cemetery because you're not going to get
4576s sandwiched by like six seven different
4578s team uh teams coming into that area
4581s let's see if anyone actually Ops to do
4582s it cuz we're seeing two teams at the
4584s moment considering the option
4587s yeah it's going to be Mir seang already
4588s in the zone already taking Zone control
4590s here saber in pond maybe they might jump
4593s on over maybe they could look for a
4596s console take here but obviously you
4598s could see the cameras on the mini map
4601s marang will know they do jump over and
4603s they looks like they do rung is going to
4605s posture up here they are on full build I
4608s think both teams are looking relatively
4609s strong here you can see the items onto
4611s the aen and looking for an engage does
4613s end up getting the ghost spr Pro getting
4614s this St theay looking to try to look for
4617s romatic here and Don just disrupting the
4619s backline able to live for so long as
4621s well San C down to about 30% HP danana
4624s having an HP Advantage here but the heal
4626s coming up from Dina looks like we will
4628s have a team reset yeah positioning wise
4630s team saber is actually in a pretty good
4631s spot if it was completely flipped it
4633s would have been bad since saber would
4634s have had to push into M and song but
4636s right now it's the complete opposite
4637s side M and is the one that has to push
4639s in and that's not what you want to do
4641s danana already taken down to the ground
4643s romatic looking for an angle trying to
4644s knock down this Bernice will be able to
4646s get the taunt shail is good down goes to
4648s Bernice one Circle in a frenzy to try
4651s getting himself away get the bottom look
4653s at the bottom he's about to get isolated
4655s the subam might have an easy angle in
4658s but no one Circle actually has access to
4660s the CCTV luckily for him he will keep
4662s himself alive thanks to the early Vision
4664s coming in from that CCTV he's going to
4666s get himself on out of here going to
4668s Hotel again it's a pretty open map guys
4671s going to give him the definitely hear
4673s that ping they coming oh no
4678s you have head the off does get the blast
4682s wave a nice blink on forward there and
4684s it will be another minus 250 one Circle
4686s needs to get on out of here he's going
4687s to try teleporting out sang looking let
4690s him and it looks like it will be one
4693s Circle Fallen Mar sedong is not able to
4695s find their footing this series where do
4697s you go though up linking forward yeah
4699s but I don't think there's really
4700s anywhere for one Circle to go maybe gets
4702s another blast wave to push them back
4704s does end up getting it here but Scarlet
4707s just going to chase wait a second he's
4709s going to try looking to turn o a nice
4712s totem coming out from Scarlet one circle
4715s on 15 seconds he's basically forced in
4717s here and I think that's going to be it
4718s maybe he can get the res off B yeah I
4721s think he's yeah he's dead just kind of
4724s Ring Around the Rosie this guy he knows
4726s he's at to right will he give the kill
4727s away yes he will there it is nice head
4730s pop coming in for one Circle that's
4731s going to be 500 MP just kind of raining
4734s in one Circle right it's a good way to
4737s kind of keep him down not that many
4739s places for him to run away Scarlet
4740s getting denied a couple of times from
4742s killing him thanks to a couple of great
4744s blast waves but because of that his
4746s opportunity to walk all the way to gas
4748s station maybe look for a hyperloop out
4749s is completely denied we are down to
4752s three super one of the fastest Pac games
4755s we have ever seen in mm but the thing is
4757s we haven't even had that many fights a
4759s lot of those fights that we watched were
4761s just conclusive every single team just
4763s looking to completely wipe out a team
4765s for each of the
4767s fights yeah uh we're down to three teams
4770s left for the final Zone here so I think
4772s the final zones are going to be
4775s relatively uh safe I guess if that's the
4778s word for it or it's not going to be
4779s contested right we're not going to have
4781s too much of a uh of
4785s a what's the what's the word I'm looking
4788s for contest I guess like a a congested
4792s Zone you know it's just going to be two
4794s and
4795s it looks like yeah player density is
4797s pretty low now especially with you know
4799s only three teams remaining in the sloban
4801s okay looking for an angle back in this
4803s could theoretically be it but the
4804s counter initiation is actually really
4806s good exclusive going to be forced out
4808s early on from Team Asher they over paid
4812s the amount of aggression they could show
4813s up against the wick team the burst
4815s looked good at the start of the fight
4816s but the bower with a beautiful
4818s dissipation locking down everybody
4820s inside of the fight and starting from
4822s there it's over this Aiden
4825s really strong for this team here you
4827s know I was a little worried at the start
4828s you know since they did end up swapping
4830s their comp entirely you know they did
4831s end up winning game number one and then
4832s they swap to this aen pick but it's just
4834s working for them paying dividends just
4836s able to you know utilize it with these
4838s myons you know with these counter
4840s engages getting that nice uh W route
4842s onto these enemy teams just able to lock
4844s lock them down and provide so much
4846s damage as well it's quite crazy cuz a
4847s lot of the teams in this game right now
4849s it almost feels like saber has
4851s compositions built to counter most of
4853s the compositions in a single game look
4855s at the lobby sua you have Eon you have
4858s things like what is it team Asher they
4860s all rely on staying mobile throughout
4862s the fight what is a great way to deny
4864s that dissipation from the Aiden the AOE
4867s electric ring that stuns people or even
4869s Roots them depending on how long you
4871s held it for it is such a good way for
4873s him to control the fight throughout
4875s electrostatic surge is also one of the
4876s best skills to reinitiate into a fight
4878s reset your ampure pistol get your damage
4881s in it is insane my guy you see the items
4884s on S he's sitting on uh two blood items
4887s I think that was a, 100 uh skill amp so
4890s he is yeah he is going to be
4893s chunking okay all right all right you
4896s know we I thought we saw it all
4897s yesterday with the 102 amp if we are
4901s sitting on a 100 100 extra additional
4903s amplification just because of the
4905s Chinese Opera mask I am in for it call
4908s me in got two teams Fully Alive one just
4911s sitting on the Yan don't think there's
4914s any risk with 00 MP trying to hyperloop
4916s in that is not a team that can phally I
4919s think he might have the power cendo
4920s which is why he has so much here
4923s probably and yeah just just the the
4926s skill I'm scaling you know on Seline is
4929s uh is quite high so yeah I
4931s mean they their four bombs are going to
4933s hurt their forom is going to hurt looks
4934s like everyone is fully built though I
4936s think it was only just Emma missing one
4938s item but uh you know to make up for it
4940s theelen does have two bloods so it's
4942s going to be a relatively fair you know
4944s 3v3 for the final Zone here kind of
4947s excited you know to see you know how it
4948s turns out and you know how these teams
4949s do end up playing it Asher jumo just
4952s going to sit in the bush try to maybe
4955s hope that the other team does go to
4957s hotel but yeah both teams are going to
4960s just sit in their respective Zone here
4962s kill's going to go over the 500 MP and
4964s it will come down to our 3v3 and both
4966s teams are going to sit with eight kills
4967s respectively yeah something that I do
4969s want to mention by the way while we're
4971s waiting for pet to die and it's a little
4972s bit rude to say it like that but let's
4974s be real here he's dead to rights um the
4978s highest number of amp that we've ever
4979s seen before before today and yesterday
4982s in ANM was just barely close to 1,000 I
4987s mean he's doing everything he can but
4989s there's no way he's going to be able to
4990s catch out Dina good stuff good attempt
4992s coming in it was about a thousand and I
4995s believe it was actually said by Dena
4997s back before pre he does have that th2
5000s from yesterday so yeah I think he just
5002s got that weapon Mastery 20 here and oh
5005s actually the kill went to Sab so they're
5007s on nine and 5p is on seven so yeah we're
5010s going to have to see it is going to be
5012s the triple backline team that does end
5014s up taking Zone control first so it's
5016s going to be really hard for saber to
5018s fight here as Here Comes s does try
5020s getting the oh a nice reaction from s
5022s Wrong instantly blinking away here and
5024s it's going to be S just instantly Fallen
5026s yes it will be yeah Bell are trying to
5028s do some damage but it's just not going
5031s to be enough here great reaction from
5033s song actually blinking away from that t
5035s and then Scarlet following up with that
5037s double bunny morph he's just going to
5039s instantly fall yeah see but that's
5041s exactly I think the only option that
5042s team sa had right usually when it comes
5045s to situations like this I always talk
5047s about how teams just need to send it and
5048s a lot of teams never do which means they
5050s just get poked out indefinitely that was
5052s the option that saber chose it was a
5055s really good decision but exactly as you
5057s said good reactions coming from both of
5058s the backliner Scarlet actually using
5060s change with the hatrick to get himself
5062s on out of there same thing for S just
5064s going to use the blink and immediately
5066s leave the fight talked about this
5068s earlier tanks cannot really stand to the
5070s late game damage of 500 MP that's
5072s exactly what happens so GG's called out
5074s but for team saber consistent
5076s performance second place with uh Nine
5078s Kills I believe still not bad about
5080s performance after they are getting
5082s closer and closer to that
5084s checkpoint I would be happy you know
5087s despite you know them not winning that
5088s game it is really hard to play into you
5090s know the triple back line especially
5091s when they take Zone control over you
5093s first because it end up having that
5095s hotel Zone and they walked over um and
5098s yeah I
5100s mean they are probably sitting at about
5103s 30 points so they're like almost halfway
5105s there to make it to that checkpoint yeah
5108s they're pretty comfortable right now
5109s exactly where they are it would have
5110s been nice to pick up the three
5111s additional kills but either way you know
5113s no matter what happened we are still
5114s guaranteed at least the game number four
5116s no teams are going to be in checkpoint
5118s after game number two which means we'll
5120s have to see a little bit more closely in
5122s game number three after we come back
5124s from the break on whether or not one of
5125s these teams are going to be able to have
5126s that popup performance and when I say
5129s one of these teams maybe saber cuz
5131s they're one of the closest teams to the
5133s checkpoint spot with 500 MP winning in
5136s comparison to team CH SE they're also
5138s going to be a bit equal on where team CH
5140s SE is going to be and with Team CHC
5142s getting Zer there's a lot of
5143s numbers yeah you know a team that you
5145s know went down to wild cards didn't
5147s really have too good of a performance at
5148s wild cards just coming out and showing
5150s you know that they they're here to play
5152s they're here to play they get a nice
5153s first place in the first game nice
5155s second place with you know a nice couple
5156s of kills for them uh for themselves as
5159s well so yeah I think they've definitely
5161s cemented themselves into first place
5162s they're going to be in the lead you know
5164s to Jack uh to get to that checkpoint
5166s Mark but uh you know it is checkpoint
5168s right so they do have to close out uh
5171s that game when they do hit it as well
5172s Bingo big thing coming through for game
5174s number three as well Hayes is back but
5176s Bernice is out that is going to be a
5178s really really big factor I think in game
5180s three because we actually saw the bernes
5182s in game two having really really high
5184s impact fight for a lot of these cases
5186s the Frailty on the bernes was actually
5188s enough to knock down a lot of the
5189s aggression coming through which again I
5192s say it back to what I saw a lot in na a
5195s lot of these compositions are messing up
5197s their initiations and they're getting
5198s punished heavily for it whether it's 500
5200s MPS triple backline composition somebody
5202s tries to initiate and they get
5204s absolutely demolished or if it's
5206s something like sebie where he just tries
5207s to run in eats a Bern strap out of
5209s nowhere gets CC locked to Oblivion and
5211s actually just dies there's a lot of ways
5213s that these initiations can go go wrong
5215s and teams are just playing into that it
5216s is the weirdest
5218s thing yeah you know obviously the double
5220s defense shred coming out as well right
5222s with the Frailty and the ghost
5225s bride you can't really uh you know have
5228s free reain as Aon and you know if e is
5230s not having free reign right um it's
5232s really hard to play you know that
5234s character cuz um you know his whole like
5237s shtick is you know to go into the
5239s backline you know to to disrupt the
5241s enemy team and to just you know be so
5243s tanky yeah Force the 1 V2 so a lot of
5247s these times okay I maybe I should say
5249s like this so that the 1 V2 doesn't make
5251s complete no sense but um a lot of fights
5253s nowadays are split like this the
5255s frontliner goes into the double back
5257s lines and then the other side's front
5259s line goes into double back lines and
5260s then it becomes a fight of who and which
5262s team can actually knock down the front
5264s line faster so you can join your front
5266s line and help kill the rest of the other
5268s two but what se's main goal is is for
5271s him to actually jump on one backliner so
5273s it becomes a One V one with the single
5276s backliner and the Eon while the other
5278s two need to try killing shinomi and cine
5281s as fast as possible which is very
5282s difficult considering it is a Jenny and
5285s uh Lenny but in a lot of these cases
5287s he's jumping in and now he's in a 1v3
5290s cuz he gets caught out in the crowd
5291s control piece and then he just dies yeah
5295s I think the defense sh is just too much
5296s for him but it looks like we do have the
5297s round results here 5mp coming on top
5300s with 10 field kills scorings 18 points
5303s think they had a nice uh game one as
5305s well so they're going to be sitting
5306s pretty comfortably for themselves saber
5308s with nine field kills as well with uh
5311s you know getting that second place so
5313s Five Points 14 points and the rest of
5315s the lobby you know we have you know
5317s Mirai sang bnk FX gayong an8 you know
5320s these Powerhouse teams are not doing too
5322s well this series so far the only one in
5324s this Lobby that did good was team aser
5326s and it seems like that's going to be
5327s consistent in the total leaderboard in
5329s seventh wow that's
5331s weird tun cybers also in place too they
5335s actually had a stand up performance I
5336s think yesterday during the wild cards
5338s they're also seeming to struggle a
5340s little bit here today so I suppose you
5342s and I are predictions of some of the
5344s teams that are going to do well here
5345s today was completely on the flip side
5347s cuz I said saber was not going to do too
5348s well they decided to flip things around
5350s and actually start playing Bowzer which
5352s seems to be a little bit of the flip
5354s side card they're going to be able to
5356s bring out that is making a really really
5359s big difference here it's allowing saen
5360s to even play things like the hen coming
5362s into a series like this the versatility
5365s on this composition is
5366s insane yeah but remember guys it is a
5369s checkpoint format so you know once these
5371s teams get to the checkpoint they still
5372s have to close it out and we know how
5374s consistent you know these other teams
5375s are so you know it's still anyone's game
5377s to win here absolutely going to be
5380s exciting to see what kind of change ups
5381s are going to come through are we finally
5383s going to be able to see a roster change
5386s in some of these teams on the final day
5388s because they they realized that the
5389s first couple of games have not been
5391s working out so far kungi andate looking
5393s pretty good same same thing for 500 MP
5396s and team Asher and team saber guys we're
5399s going to go on a break because that was
5400s game number two go grab yourself some
5402s snaps go grab some water take a stretch
5404s and we'll see you guys back here for
5405s games three and four take care take care
5438s ch
5481s never
5504s spe
5513s spee
5529s fore coming
5556s spee
5576s you got
5630s fore chicken
5659s chicken
5668s wow
5721s spe
5744s spee
5771s speee
5783s spee
5787s foreign fore speeech
5836s foree speech
5859s fore
5863s fore
5872s fore all right ladies and gentlemen
5874s welcome back from the break hope you
5876s guys had a good one we just finished
5879s watching games 1 and two right before we
5880s went on it which means according to
5883s numbers according to mathematics we
5884s should be on games three and four I
5886s think what do you think yeah yeah okay
5889s numbers are I'm uh I'm a little you know
5891s surprised on how the first two games
5893s went but you know um we're going have to
5895s see right uh if any of these teams make
5898s any roster adjustments with these bands
5900s with these new picks coming out because
5903s uh
5904s yeah I mean it's not really working out
5905s for some of these teams right um
5907s especially you know our top teams
5910s they're just not able to find the funy
5911s in these games like Mir SE Jong you know
5913s bnk FX and yeah we're just going to jump
5915s straight into it it looks like we do
5918s have some unique picks here we have
5919s obviously the two suas still being
5921s picked do have a subam actually coming
5923s out from bomb I don't think I've seen
5924s that yet from bnk FX feels so different
5927s what happened to the bum that we all
5928s know the Eon of ficado the Frontline of
5931s ficado this guy is a is a fragment of
5934s his self pass but doing pretty good for
5938s yeah we might actually have a su ban
5939s coming in a sa thinking of picking that
5941s one up beler considering the Felix okay
5945s you know I'm actually all for this this
5946s is a really good change up coming in in
5948s game number three especially considering
5950s the fact that Hayes is still alive
5952s there's only what one two and that's it
5955s oh no there's three okay never mind it's
5958s bad got double bands coming game three
5961s yeah so saber coming out uh swapping up
5964s uh their comp entirely they're playing
5966s the double front line into or the double
5968s Bruiser basically into uh obviously you
5971s know leaving Dena on that Adena the
5973s signature pick and yeah we do have the
5975s haze band as well so two bands coming
5977s out uh in game number three yeah good
5979s stuff coming through really excited to
5980s see some of these unique picks and it's
5982s really crazy that we're actually seeing
5984s all these unique picks in game or not in
5986s game three but in the finals right cuz
5988s usually in the finals we start to see a
5990s lot of these teams just kind ofing back
5992s to what they play throughout the weekend
5995s but the fact that we're seeing a lot of
5996s these unique comps almost makes me
5997s wonder if they weren't bringing
5999s everything to the table during the wild
6001s cards and the group stages and some of
6002s the teams that are bringing out these
6004s unique pcks were the Wild Card teams so
6006s what the heck were they cooking during
6007s those
6008s times yeah I mean looks like um you know
6011s I mean sad has played the Su pick before
6013s so I'm interested to see you know how he
6015s does end up using this or utilizing it
6017s in um you know competitive scene I don't
6019s think I've seen him play it in
6021s competitive obviously I've only seen him
6022s uh a couple times you know he's played
6024s the
6025s hijen and uh I think he obviously played
6028s you know that Ma in the last game so
6032s kind of excited to see you know how he
6034s you know utilizes the Su as well I think
6036s he did end up swapping it just to get it
6037s banned because obviously you know
6039s magnani and Rosner they are the premier
6042s Su players in KR so you know they're
6045s going to be forced to swap off to you
6047s know a pick that maybe they're not
6049s really you know too comfortable with
6051s indeede well you know uncomfortable
6053s picks side it's I'm hoping that it's
6055s comfortable picks here game three right
6058s right after an intermission usually this
6060s is where teams kind of start to ramp up
6062s their game play they had a feeling of
6064s what these lobbies are going to look
6066s like and then in between the break
6067s they're either discussing how to change
6069s up how to shake some of these
6071s compositions up how to change up their
6072s game play some of the unique comps they
6074s could start bringing into the table
6075s maybe some potential swaps coming around
6077s for players although seems like the
6079s final one wasn't a thing that was
6081s discussed too much by some of these
6082s teams we'll be sticking through the
6083s original roster just bringing in some
6085s new compositions from looks for the most
6088s part game three is going to really
6090s decide I think the pace of the remaining
6092s stages of right you and I were talking
6094s about it during the break but a lot of
6095s the teams that we would normally expect
6096s to be doing well is not doing so well
6099s which means maybe starting from game
6100s three they're going to start stepping
6101s things up are going to get taken down
6103s 500 MP yet again starting out really
6106s strong they're going to pick up another
6107s one ASB your ex loses to inside
6109s Cemetery yeah he's trying to flash over
6111s the wall there but you know I think it
6113s was unfortunately just a tiny bit short
6115s so yeah they will end up falling but 500
6117s MP looks like they're actually able to
6119s counter bnk fix we know bnk fix is a
6121s monster in Cemetery they're the ones
6122s that usually gets you know the kills but
6124s 500 MP just able to get their build I
6127s think slightly faster able to catch out
6128s the hazan yeah they're going to be able
6130s to pick up a nice two kills good stuff
6132s and this actually allows I think team
6134s 500 MP to be in first place now they're
6137s exactly tied up against team saber for
6139s the number of kills they have or the
6140s number of points they have but they
6142s actually have more kills and sa now so
6145s first place at the moment although that
6146s could change anytime soon as Ash going
6148s to pick up two up against team and S A
6150s lot of these teams actually losing two
6151s members same thing for Kung they're down
6153s two members still early enough in the
6155s game where I think they'll be okay yeah
6157s everybody on their
6160s team there we
6163s go that was a little close yeah uh you
6166s know I was kind of sweating for them
6167s there but hay will end up falling Zen
6170s does end up going down but am I and the
6172s hazer back up and it's be D young cyers
6174s going to be able to kill every single
6176s member on G young an8 their deaths were
6178s a little staggered but they get the nice
6180s three kills to them they're sitting
6182s pretty comfortably here I like this
6184s right kungi well not kungi ton cybers
6187s yesterday were actually a team that kind
6188s of surprised me with their performance
6190s because
6193s the okay yeah uh she think teleporting
6197s in to the bush maybe uh dasu didn't
6200s realize and yeah he's just going to get
6202s punished for it one Circle getting
6203s chased
6204s on out of here by Mara getting some nice
6207s Rockets bomb just going to be the one to
6209s fall here as one Circle just going to
6210s jump on in it's going to be Haze falling
6214s as well and a lot of early kills a lot
6217s of uh Twan kills you know yeah this is
6220s actually kind of devastating for bnk FX
6222s they just hit the level eight Benchmark
6224s which means their death timers are going
6225s to be above 20 seconds you can see it
6227s they're still dead uh not exactly the
6230s greatest place to be a lot of these
6231s teams were actually not really severely
6233s for losing multiple members because they
6235s were you know before level eight which
6238s means their death timers are still on
6239s the short side of things yeah once you
6241s hit that level eight Mark your death
6243s timers are going to be long D your f is
6245s going to be struggling at night number
6247s one to find a lot of these big priority
6249s animal spawns that really really kind of
6251s Define the pace of your game in the
6253s first couple day
6255s cycles yeah and we're going to have you
6257s know five MP group it up in Cemetery
6258s going to play for the cemetery tree M
6261s sang we know they always like contesting
6263s for this hotel tree but let's see if
6265s team Asher has anything to say about
6266s this Dro does get the taunt into romatic
6268s romatic actually a little too far
6269s forward and he's just going to get
6271s instantly taken down donana going to try
6273s getting away but I think he's going to
6274s fall as well as gets a nice ultimate But
6278s Here Comes the ultimate from aelle the
6281s hel attack stat is going to get them
6282s away and they're actually going to be
6283s able to pick up a meteorite in Beach
6286s lucky lucky lucky not getting heavily
6288s punished for messing up an initiation
6290s like that and this is actually kind of
6292s consistent with me said I'm a little bit
6294s worried but all of their fights in hotel
6295s have been so far oh my God bom oh the
6299s third party from zero com they're trying
6301s to catch out I think they're dead
6304s another loss from bnk FX and they lose
6307s their entire roster zero members alive
6310s on that team they will be eliminated
6312s such an early team wipe coming in as the
6315s third party from kungi inate is going to
6316s wipe them out bian forx zero kills zero
6319s points that's it yeah going out on eigh
6322s as well that is devastating for bnk fix
6324s but Scarlet playing that so well getting
6326s that nice angle getting that polymorph
6328s going to be able to you know use the
6331s change onto that bunny morph as well so
6333s locking up two members of BK FX and it
6336s will be them getting third partied by
6338s two members from G8 dosu don't to be
6340s seen looks like they just came down
6342s maybe trying to look for that tree maybe
6344s triy to look for that third party angle
6345s and looks like it did end up working in
6346s their favor tazu just sitting in Forest
6349s he's solo farming by himself he's got
6350s the Wolves he's got the chickens
6351s probably taking out the boes now too
6354s too great
6356s blast wrong those are the aggressive uh
6360s s blast we've been talking about with
6362s that blink you know he's always able to
6363s find that angle always able to you know
6366s blink forward to get that uh push back
6368s and you know his team is just able to
6370s capitalize did not have cameras I feel
6372s like he of all people right now should
6374s be able to react to those kind of plays
6375s that tanang is probably going to Blink
6377s in use a blast wave cuz he's eaten that
6379s a lot throughout the course of the
6380s weekend so I don't know if you can even
6382s react to you know blink blast wave in
6384s time for the camera jump you could do it
6387s after you get blast waved but I think he
6388s he was probably dead anyways cuz of the
6390s the thing is I mean he saw them coming
6392s out of the chapel building should have
6395s yeah maybe maybe he just didn't expect
6396s it as I guess and yes her just instantly
6399s punish him punishes him for it and well
6401s let's see Team 2C trying to push into
6403s ton cybers they actually have a pretty
6405s solid foundation for both of these teams
6408s two kills on Chui three for t on cybers
6411s confident early on M is going to full
6412s send it into the fight it's the front to
6414s back that I was talking about right now
6415s the damage coming out from sebie just
6417s doing so much onto revolu and he just
6419s instantly Falls sebie just able to get
6422s the 1v2 in the back mannali tried to
6423s look for an angle there but just wasn't
6425s enough great reaction from shom actually
6427s dodging out on the blink uh donot by the
6432s by magnani and it's going to
6434s be uh cheg going to come out get win
6437s that Battle Zone gets a nice my thrill
6439s I'm surprised sebie was able to out
6441s damage a level two faith and waiver this
6443s early into the game it almost I looked
6445s at the damage that sebie did with the
6447s final Auto attack that actually killed
6448s revu and I was thinking did he crit that
6451s was a lot of damage with that last Auto
6453s does have any crits oh no he doesn't we
6455s think it was cuz he dides so much damage
6457s with
6458s it yeah I don't know he he kind of just
6461s uh soloed the the the two though that
6464s was kind of crazy um yeah I mean I think
6466s he was already on three items he had
6468s that battle suit he had that M helmet
6470s and he had that weapon um so yeah he's
6473s just able to you know get all that burn
6475s damage and sebbi going to try looking
6477s for an angle again it's going to jump
6479s into the back line zero Jin going to try
6481s using that shotgun but does end up
6482s missing sh no taking so much damage
6484s though but they're just going to turn
6485s all their focus fire onto dasu I think
6488s it will be him to fall here from sebbi
6490s zerin trying to get away as well but I
6492s think uh shom and cine are going to be
6495s able to chase this down let's see if
6497s they can oh wow that trumpet actually
6499s hit oh my God all right well two
6501s additional kills coming in for Team 2 SE
6504s sitting on four kills now actually not
6505s going to be the kill leaders of the
6507s lobby is 500 mp on six what yeah I mean
6510s there they there were the ones who you
6512s know got some early kills in the early
6513s game and then you know wiped the bnk fer
6515s they weren't the ones to you know did
6517s the finishing blow but they they did get
6519s those two kills in that Cemetery fight
6521s so you some surpris they're sitting
6523s really strong I think that Selen already
6524s had four gold items for himself and uh
6526s they're looking for some more luckily
6528s for kungi inate while all that happened
6530s luckily A9 was able to get out he called
6532s himself a force score did decide to
6534s stick it not a lot of people would do
6535s that right overflow wasn't the thing for
6537s the Eon just yet his gauge was pretty
6539s low so he said hey screw it let me just
6541s stick this get the item at least and
6543s then book it everybody else on this team
6545s actually paid their lives for that four
6547s score but I suppose it's worth it right
6549s I mean there's no minus 250s just yet
6551s it's still night number two you get the
6553s four score you call the big items in kta
6555s or the Ali depending on what you want to
6557s go for I consider that a win good
6560s reaction there from sebbi instantly
6561s dashing away as soon as they saw you
6563s know the emo because look at the look at
6566s the you know the map you know CH is
6569s obviously split up they're just grabbing
6570s that tree from himself but it's going to
6572s be 500 MP going to get uh two I think
6575s objectives this uh cycle here as there
6577s was also a box in hospital so you know
6580s once this team gets items I don't think
6582s there's really any team that could uh
6584s that could stop them yeah that's going
6586s to be quite interesting a lot of items
6588s starting to be built up by a lot of
6590s these teams it's actually kind of scary
6591s I think the pace of this game
6593s I I can say this game alone the paces of
6597s these games have been exponentially
6599s faster than any of the series we've seen
6602s so far this weekend I wonder why that
6604s is I think teams are just you know a lot
6606s more aggressive the zones are closing I
6609s think uh a little faster because you
6611s know teams are full wiping so yeah we're
6614s going to have to see you know if gayong
6615s G8 is going to be able to do the same to
6618s D young cybers as they are in the area
6620s they're in a pretty bad spot now as you
6621s know they're back against the wall right
6624s so gong Gat or sorry dong cyers is
6626s behind them Asher might look for an
6627s engage here and if the fight does end up
6630s taking a little longer maybe get they on
6631s cyers in third party it looks like
6633s they're just going to walk up but we do
6634s have another fight though going to get
6636s some damage Gina taking a lot of damage
6638s B just going to jump on in as danana
6640s Shield is on the opposite way one Circle
6642s just going to instantly kill Dina
6644s finding the angle onto the back line and
6647s uh it's going to be S going to try
6648s looking to return uh to try to kill
6650s romatic here but a great he back and
6653s wait a second two one no it's not going
6656s to be enough there s does end up
6658s knocking one Circle as he does end up
6660s jumping forward but obviously it will be
6662s romatic and then not going to be able to
6664s clean that up what a ballsy play from
6666s one Circle but it goes unpunished
6668s because the hel tack St coming in from
6670s danana what a great way to kind of split
6672s the fight Focus from one after another
6674s right cuz bazer tried to focus over onto
6677s one circle after he took
6679s downa my God everybody just waiting for
6682s fights good in this graci just
6683s everybody's just bloodthirsty right now
6685s but then danana immediately splits the
6686s fight again because all of a sudden the
6688s 1 V one that was supposed to happen for
6690s beler TR not down one Circle turns into
6692s a 1 V2 and then he has to Traverse the
6694s entire distance do s it with that blink
6698s yeah and W instantly popped maybe Mir
6701s can look for some more here but the
6703s damage coming out from this kajo with
6706s that oh wait a second actually gets
6708s punished here he gets hit into the wall
6710s one Circle playing out of his mind here
6712s just able to I think dashes on over as
6714s well so he's not in range of that sua
6717s magnani trying to look for an angle
6718s ontic he's actually going to be able to
6720s turn it here I think one circle is not
6722s going to be able to live no it's going
6724s to be him taking down magnani think he
6727s just had enough damage with those items
6729s and yeah magnani tried to turn it there
6732s it was a nice attempt but um one Circle
6735s just able to shut that down in my
6737s opinion it's actually better than just a
6739s good attempt because denana was actually
6742s chasing down Johan Cadmus were getting
6744s ran down by the the what is it the Stell
6747s which means there was a high chance that
6749s the team fully WIP because of the play
6751s that one Circle was able to do they do
6753s keep their teams alive which is a really
6755s good thing but on the South Side this
6756s might get a little bit awkwarder you're
6757s going to see no reinvesting the blink
6759s again yes he will same wall the opposite
6762s direction he's just going to use it
6764s stuck in a little bit of an awkward
6765s corner corner is not a good place to be
6767s up against something like a haze those
6769s grenade launchers are going to do a ton
6770s of damage nice decision coming in for no
6773s although it seems a bit like a Deja Vu
6775s for
6776s him yeah and they are just going to walk
6779s on up here look at that songong he's
6781s already sitting on five gold with that
6783s Chaser and he has 400 credits in the
6785s bank I think he's also saving up for
6786s another Blood for his team 5 MP we
6789s haven't really seen them much but um
6791s we've seen them get the objectives for
6793s free they are probably the strongest in
6795s the lobby here and you know when you are
6797s a triple back line team when you have
6799s this this amount of items like you are
6801s looking so strong Scarlet going to get
6803s the double ply but nothing really going
6806s to come out of that wow you know Scarlet
6808s not really having any items able to
6810s chunk him down to half HP I don't think
6814s uh sh want to take the fight here Asher
6816s actually playing around Vision really
6818s nicely here does donana no I think he
6822s doesn't and yeah Roa is going to get
6823s instantly engaged on by jumo as you know
6827s looks like Mar is completely split the
6829s Rockets are coming out from here danana
6831s just in there but uh another nice rocket
6834s from romatic going to be able to chunk
6836s them down to half HP going to use his
6837s ultimate and nothing's actually going to
6840s come out of this ooh the baits around
6842s these purple boxes are pretty pretty big
6844s one Circle and romatic are kind of full
6846s on HP Team master is going to have to
6848s back away from that fight what a really
6850s close fight that could have ended up in
6852s losing danana but it does get the
6854s reaction speed of the helx stack on time
6857s will keep his life intact pick up the
6859s purple box on top of it is going to
6861s really be big for me and SED they have a
6864s right up top if they want to go for that
6865s as well but team Asher put into another
6867s fight as the love piece is going to hit
6870s from tazu Rocket Launcher coming in a
6872s little bit late I think team Asher is
6874s out of here yeah I don't think can chase
6877s here he's going to try luck in going to
6878s get the slow maybe from the Q the whip
6880s skill does end up connecting and a nice
6883s knock back from pet I think that's going
6884s to get them on out maybe the Rockets are
6886s coming the rocks are going to slow them
6888s dashes on forward from hard is that
6890s going to be enough and in N jumo nice
6893s Quake going to deny inite any Chase
6895s potential but I think actually jumo is
6897s going to get caught by that uh guitar
6900s weapon skill slows him just enough and
6903s yeah Asha will end up falling little bit
6905s of an awkward situation inside of school
6907s as well from the looks of it Chapel also
6909s being a little bit hectic as 500 MP and
6912s team CH fought against each other it was
6914s a trait between sebbi and Sarang but in
6917s the end the push away coming from senine
6919s allows sebbi to get resurrected and
6922s Seline un for getting fully taken down
6923s means is going to be able to have to get
6927s called back nice bling coming in from
6928s one circle is there as well this is a
6931s Duo indeed team Asher do they have the
6933s credit to Res yes they do but needs to
6936s focus on running away especially with no
6938s also in the area they want to get the
6940s res off oh no Scarlet completely isolate
6943s does get the change over the wall but uh
6945s there is
6947s the dash in from danana but wait a
6949s second son actually gets the tradeoff
6951s with the Seline damage oh my God the
6954s knockup with s is being able to do so
6956s much the reses are going to be tra oh a
6958s nice blast wave from s maybe they can
6960s look for an angle here Scarlet doesn't
6962s choose to dash in as yeah I think
6965s playing safe is probably a little better
6967s here could have maybe stop the rest but
6969s opted not to as uh you know the team
6971s members of 500p were relatively low and
6975s it's just going to be a one for one
6976s trade yeah maybe Scarlet didn't have
6978s totem at that time cuz if he goes in and
6980s at Le bunny morph and the totems he can
6982s buy time for his team but he didn't want
6984s to risk it didn't want to go for yeah I
6987s think they didn't have any Vision as
6988s well I don't think that hat gave him the
6990s vision of that bush so just didn't
6992s really have any information no I thought
6994s I thought hatrick gives you full vision
6995s inside the bush yeah but he threw the
6997s hatrick in the wall I think no like it
6999s gives you full vision of it's like
7001s you're standing yeah yeah but like the
7003s the the hatrick didn't go in the bush oh
7005s did it not I thought it was in there no
7007s no oh God canceling the dash but wait oh
7012s the four stack
7013s Scarlet jumped I don't know what
7016s happened there I think Scarlet tried to
7017s jump in for
7019s the for the bunny morph but that just
7022s wasn't the play as they do end up
7023s trading one for one wait a second maybe
7024s SC can get the res off here
7027s suen going to try looking to finish
7029s Scarlet walking their body into red the
7031s res is coming awward wrong a the body is
7035s dead yeah but now fond is in a little
7037s bit of a predicament he's going to try
7038s to force his way back in same thing for
7040s Swang a beautiful blink is going to get
7042s zero away from the danger of the for
7044s stack will get taken down that is a full
7047s team wipe as 500 MP will take the fall n
7049s kills not a bad game from that all no
7052s more additional points will come in that
7055s was just a big misplay I think from
7056s Scarlet I think maybe they tried jumping
7057s in try to get the Buddy morph and maybe
7059s tried to press the totem but just get
7061s instantly bursted down and then end up
7062s trading one for one Nina you know
7064s getting uh the dash from the Stell I
7067s think was really big but then you know
7068s the third party did end up coming
7070s through and you know wasn't a clean 3v3
7072s so be 5p the one Fallen the pace of
7074s these games again still really
7076s accelerated we're down to five teams at
7078s day five but two of them are in chambles
7081s it's day five as well right so no
7082s resurrections coming in from Team aser
7084s and Ma song they're just going to have
7086s to rely on potentially waiting for a
7089s temporary Zone to be open but we've seen
7091s so far in Games 1 and two that it's not
7093s going to be the case these teams are a
7095s little bit more wary maybe they were
7097s watching the games from the past couple
7098s of days and have finally understood that
7100s those kind of risky plays are not really
7102s worth it in the long run you s and as
7105s they're going to severely struggle
7106s thanks to this circle just kind of
7108s isolated out middle of the open entirely
7111s sure that white lily could cause his
7113s death too trying his best not to lose
7115s any
7116s timer yeah um and it will be dong cyber
7120s is actually going to contest gayong
7122s innate here n sitting on two bloods so
7124s they're looking pretty strong have to
7127s see you know how this fight does end up
7128s going one Circle just sitting in the
7130s bush at the top here he will get found
7132s out
7133s he will walk into red though maybe he
7135s could look for another angle it's not
7136s looking too good there are three full
7139s teams alive there is another R maybe he
7141s could try getting this one extra
7142s placement Point going to jump back into
7144s hotel or sry into Beach here and sit in
7146s this corner he's investing a lot of
7148s timer for this he will get a little bit
7150s more once it turns into day six but it's
7153s not going to be the exact position once
7155s Circle wants to be in don't think he's
7157s even going to attempt for the third
7158s party right Carla is pretty good at
7160s third partying cuz her damage is pretty
7162s SL but it's a little bit inconsistent if
7164s you have to chase into other team
7166s running into you the fight potentially
7168s could begin beautiful route coming in
7170s from the Yan to lock down the initiation
7172s coming from theage coming out is so much
7177s you know that healing Factor the elf
7179s dress and then you know just revolu on
7181s full items as well like he's sitting on
7183s an extra 30 40 AP from cadm Miss he's
7186s just going to be chunking uh these
7188s players down here they're going to have
7190s to look for an angle here in nine good
7192s going to get rooted Rockets are coming
7195s died wait the sensor just died Yan might
7198s be in a little bit of trouble maybe get
7200s oh Pi on the bottom side here wreaking
7203s havoc in the back and magnani trying to
7206s 1 V3 but he's just going to fall Pi just
7208s comes out of nowhere and just ruins Ash
7211s or sorry D young cyber's day what the
7213s heck just happened yeah p is an absolute
7215s agent he doesn't have that much time for
7217s himself but he bought enough time for
7219s Team Ki to actually get those kills all
7221s of a sudden Ted on cyers they look to be
7224s in a really really solid spot Pi is also
7226s going to head pop if he doesn't go back
7227s into the fight too he has 5 seconds left
7229s one Circle going to get bound out he's
7231s going to have to step back into the red
7232s but now he has to step back in oh he's
7234s going to be locked out oh I me you have
7237s to give you have to give the kill cred
7238s over you don't want a minus one right
7241s this is really awkward for Kung inate
7242s though cuz what do you do do you sit out
7245s here wait for your timer to maybe drop
7247s or do you go and kill one Circle I think
7249s the option is obvious they got to go
7250s back in yeah they to go back in cuz you
7253s know the other team here is getting
7255s their timers and if they wait too long
7256s they're only going to get 10 seconds
7257s back from one circle is not going to be
7258s enough so they just going to let one
7260s Circle minus one they're not going to
7261s get that extra point but looks like they
7263s will just clean up D young cyber here a
7266s nice clean through uh two kills so yate
7270s you know sitting in uh nice comfortable
7272s position with 10 kills for this final
7274s Zone in SE their adversary is going to
7276s be team CH though exactly as you
7279s said final Zone oh my God good items hu
7283s and up and online he's not going for the
7285s last word up and redu too so he is
7288s sitting on a lot of damage here we're
7290s going to have to see how this works a
7292s ton of attack speed on top of it this
7294s guy is sitting really well on items for
7296s the Jenny her continuous damage is going
7298s to be absolutely Bonkers throughout this
7301s fight yeah it looks like it will be
7303s starting when're going to see you know
7305s zeren try to get some poke damage off
7306s sebie going to get his bar up as well
7308s maybe they look for an angle the Rockets
7309s are coming out only going to land uh one
7312s or two here actually going to be able to
7314s sh but it's just going to be healed up
7316s by the Lenny and zeren chunk down to
7318s half HP 9 trying to look for an angle
7321s here Seb just going to jump straight
7322s onto zeren I think zero Jin is probably
7323s just going to die here nice exclusive
7326s Peacemaker does end up coming out it's
7327s not going to be enough to keep them
7329s alive zeren going to be able to get some
7330s damage off but zeren already down half
7332s HP nice shotgun actually back to maybe
7334s peel him away but the bring trap coming
7337s out from senine going to bring inine
7340s back in and both teams reset here
7343s positioning wise though ched is in a way
7345s better spot now it's not a super thin
7347s Corridor that zeren is going to be able
7348s to throw rocket launchers down from
7350s earlier it's going to be a little bit
7352s more of a wider area really good catch
7353s up from sebie he needs to capitalize on
7355s opportunity like this Theon is going to
7357s start the fight but now sebie is
7358s completely Unleashed he's going to have
7359s to back away from this thanks to the
7361s fact that shind and S A little bit too
7362s far away from the fight double trumpet
7364s comes in is this the possible
7365s possibility that these guys are looking
7367s for for the fight a lot of good damage
7368s Peacemaker comes and it's the grinding
7372s machine coming from zero Jin does he
7375s have the fight though health bars
7376s looking low zenine down on the ground
7378s still shoot good damage coming in they
7380s got to get the execute bonus onto in9
7382s they have to kill this body if they want
7384s anything done not going to hit oh the
7386s red carpet isn't there shoot sabii is
7390s going to go down zero Jin tazu managing
7392s the 2v3 down goes in n g well played it
7396s is going to be gungi andate taking away
7397s game number three well played yeah they
7400s just able to react to this Eon so well
7402s you know chuning him down all the way
7404s down to I think 30% HP when he did try
7406s to look for the engage there on the on
7408s the second fights and yeah it will be
7410s them taking away massively played by
7412s them The Peacemaker coming out big for
7414s that team we can see how much sebbi is
7416s also struggling right now right imagine
7418s if he had Vanguard it cuts down the
7420s damage coming from tazu a lot but he
7422s doesn't have it anymore because he's
7423s running battle suit and mythal helmet
7425s it's such a tough time for ekon at the
7428s moment after the Nerfs to the Guardians
7429s suit thanks to that fact took a lot of
7431s damage when you when you just completely
7433s booked it in towards the backline of
7435s kungi inate he had no support and
7437s usually it works most of the time it
7440s works but this is also a late game heart
7442s most likely sitting on the heartbreaker
7444s and even you know sometimes like the
7446s blood Ripper as we saw earlier that the
7448s heart was running a ton of armor
7450s penetration Eon sitting on a bunch of
7452s defense and a lot of Max HP isn't really
7454s going to help him survive throughout all
7457s that yeah and um that Peacemaker you
7459s know didn't help as well just able to to
7462s isolate um senine there able to knock
7465s Del Lenny down you know keeping the
7467s members of you know CH SE alive but you
7469s know once you're support is dead right
7471s um there's really not much else you
7473s could do as you know the HP Bars were
7475s just in the favor of Team gay young aate
7478s getting a nice execute bonus as well
7481s obviously they were able to hit the body
7482s first before uh G were able to you know
7485s hit the body on um Team two seats and
7490s yeah that just sealed the deal or brutal
7492s on on gang it yeah mhm mhm if it wasn't
7496s for the body getting away and the
7498s Executioner bones coming through maybe
7500s it would have been a bit better for team
7502s ched as they would have been able to
7504s recover play dead was also activated for
7506s the Jenny maybe she could have made a
7507s little bit more distance to get herself
7508s away and potentially giving her an
7512s option to actually kill tazu right
7514s because the combination was there tazu
7516s actually use flinger into the red carpet
7518s so if somehow somehow shinomi was able
7521s to knock down the Jenny there was a
7522s world in which the hay would not have
7524s had enough resources to kill both the
7526s Eon and the Jenny but of course the
7528s Executioner doesn't come through the
7530s additional HP Recovery isn't there for
7532s the Jenny she gets taken down and then
7534s starting from there it is a snowball
7537s effect as the Eon takes the fall two the
7539s round results are up and going for game
7541s number three an incredible game coming
7543s out from kungi and itas I believe that
7545s is the most amount of points coming from
7546s a single team throughout this series so
7548s far 21 points with 13 field kills a very
7552s good recovery from kungen as we're kind
7555s of worried about this team a little bit
7556s as you know they haven't been able to
7558s show us some of the performances that
7559s they were able to in the National League
7561s and the group stages this time
7565s around yeah the doubters yeah and it
7568s will be true seat coming out in second
7570s place with 12 points for themselves they
7572s also had a pretty nice consistent
7574s performance with seven kills and here
7576s are the total leader boards 500 MP still
7579s in first place with 38 points they I
7581s think also had 10-point game in the last
7583s game so you not too bad of a performance
7584s as D I think they're definitely our most
7586s consistent team so far K young inate
7588s though jumping all the way to second
7589s place you know taking the spot of saber
7592s with 34 points and saber dropping down
7595s to third with 31 there's closing that
7597s gap between some of these teams and the
7599s checkpoint Mark 17 points for 500 MP to
7602s hit that marker which means off of this
7605s game alone we are at least guaranteed to
7607s have a game number five so we will have
7608s ourselves a second break after game
7610s number four or maybe ganga gets another
7613s 21 at their checkpoint as well oh
7616s boy there's a lot of ways that this can
7618s go they had a really good game this time
7620s around and we know that kungi inate is a
7622s team that once they start pulling out
7624s performances like this they can
7625s repeatedly do that over and over and
7627s over again um and I don't no hay is
7631s banned for this game so do expect
7632s something like zero Jin on the aah here
7634s that is again the pocket pick of him and
7637s there was one other character that was
7639s banned I forgot what it was su su
7642s exactly so no sua for M no sua for
7645s Rosner I'm just curious on what they're
7647s going to play like which team comps they
7649s have but I'm sure you know they they've
7651s prepared for these uh these bans sua you
7653s know not a character that gets banned
7654s too often so maybe you know um D young
7658s cybers cuz D young cyers the only team
7659s comp we've seen them uh play so far in
7662s this phase is that sua Yan at Kaja but
7666s I'm sure they have you know another uh
7668s deep comp cooked up obviously mcdan
7670s we've seen him play the Bianca maybe
7672s we'll see it uh for game number excuse
7674s me for game number four exactly and I
7677s think the side of that team is actually
7679s one of the most versatile compositions
7682s we've probably seen today they have a
7684s lot of compositions they have a lot well
7686s not even a lot of compositions they just
7688s individually have a lot of different
7689s characters that you can pick right
7691s revolu just off the top of my head
7693s historically in the past Tia hard like
7695s you name it he's probably playing it
7697s there's a lot of things that he can play
7699s same thing for who is it
7702s was it Cadmus yeah Cadmus he can
7704s definitely play a lot of things other
7705s than the Johan obviously guy is not a
7708s Johan one trick guys don't you worry he
7710s not playing that in Solo que well we're
7712s going to have to see what these
7715s teams here as uh it looks like Cadmus is
7719s going to play that pello and magnani
7722s like I said is going to play that Bianca
7726s and on the side of bnk FX it looks like
7728s Rosner is just going to swap to by as we
7730s do have bom and
7732s um sun sunal right
7737s Sun yeah he's going he's going to stick
7739s on that exactly this is another classic
7741s pick of this of bnk furx we saw this
7744s before too bad double my triple my
7748s looking for the Bernice pick and there
7750s is the lock in so yeah we are going to
7751s get another double ban in game number
7753s four from the looks of we're going to
7754s have a m and a Bernice ban anything else
7758s I don't believe so double suame
7762s and I think that's the only double pick
7765s I'm seeing outside of that yeah so it's
7767s just going to be a two band coming
7768s through from the looks of it Beres and
7770s the M for game number five it be quite a
7773s cook Hayes and Su will be back for that
7775s game so maybe we'll see some of these
7777s compositions going back to what we saw
7778s in game number three but for now let's
7780s see what this kind of setup is able to
7782s bring to the table now we do have danana
7785s back on that Alonzo um you know we've
7787s seen it before obviously Lonzo you know
7791s one of the tanky
7792s tanks in the game with that you know 90%
7794s damage reduction and that sustain on his
7796s passive we're have to see you know if
7798s they will be able to utilize this pick
7800s and yeah I mean if there's any team that
7802s will be able to do it is probably going
7803s to be M should be the case but the team
7806s that I'm actually more excited to watch
7807s again this time around is going to be
7808s kungi inate I think zeren Zahir was a
7811s little bit too shortcut in game number
7814s two yeah they got unfortunately you know
7817s the like Rosner died early in the fight
7820s and then he spawned back back down in uh
7823s in Dock and then you know they just got
7825s um kind of timing wiped I would say cuz
7829s I think the members of G in were just
7831s about to spawn but you know it was just
7833s cut short he was able to get that nice
7835s 1v2 at the end but it just wasn't enough
7838s mhm returned one kill but then ended up
7840s getting his life taken away by the Su
7842s just out of nowhere I don't even think
7844s The Observers expected it cuz usually
7846s they'll kind of pan down yeah they
7847s didn't pan to the Su like like it was a
7849s jump scare for us as well like the Su
7851s just came out of no you know y I'm
7852s pretty sure it was the same case for
7854s zero Jin they're I don't know okay it's
7856s not exactly a mistake right cuz they
7857s didn't know about that they were
7858s probably not keeping track of pings
7860s happening down in the South Side when
7861s the resurrection came in um it was all
7864s just a zerin show up until the kill came
7866s in from the sua this time around there
7869s is no sua that the zeren of Zahir has to
7872s deal with it's kind of cool his
7874s adversary not going to be in this game
7875s this time that's a that's a little bit
7879s of a counter
7881s jump scare for skaret he will take the
7883s fall Kung picking up the first kill of
7885s the game zero Jin with the Zahir will be
7887s able to have a successful start to this
7889s one he's able to continue that streak
7893s and that was the exact same spot I think
7895s uh you know zerin did end up falling so
7898s able to get one but oh looks like the
7900s return though on 500 MP a nice blast
7903s wave obviously coming out from sunun
7905s once again going to be able to lock up
7906s Zen and they trade one for one down
7909s there both our top two teams you know
7910s getting close closer and closer to that
7914s checkpoint
7915s sorry I think that was Cadmus also
7917s taking the fall there's another fall as
7919s sat's going to go down there's another
7921s fall as Belzer is going to get taken
7923s down too so team members are falling all
7926s over the place still not exactly grouped
7927s up a little bit on the slower side as we
7929s kind of noticed throughout the course of
7931s this weekend same pace of gaming that
7934s we've seen throughout these games
7936s another team fight though actually this
7938s is the first team fight wait going to
7941s jump on forward there but yeah but he's
7943s a little too far forward now he's just
7944s going to get locked up by team 5 MP but
7947s it's going to be team bnk fer here for
7950s the third party going to be able to kill
7953s uh the Seline and fauna does get the
7956s speed gate will they be able to get away
7958s young inate in the area will they be
7960s able to get the kill no it's going to be
7962s bnk FX that does end up picking that up
7964s so they're sitting on a nice streak
7967s kills early game this is what you want
7968s to see especially you know since didn't
7970s didn't really have a good series so far
7971s getting these early kills Asher is going
7973s to TP on forward there one Circle trying
7975s to use that blast wave but it's not
7977s going to be enough as team Asher does
7978s get two kills and team true seat now
7981s finding in N will they be able to get
7983s the carpet in time no as it looks like
7985s in9 will get that speed gate and it is a
7987s Nikki so they will be out of there
7991s fortunately the shot coming through from
7993s the spotlight not going to be enough to
7994s knock down the Nikki a lot of really
7996s heads up plays coming from these teams
7998s though right I think for fauna he
8000s decided to give the kill to a team that
8002s quite frankly isn't a necessary worry
8004s for 500 MP just yet and then I think one
8008s of the subam actually ended up blinking
8010s ahead of aite so the last wave doesn't
8013s do anything but another team fight
8015s inside of Hotel jumo just about to get
8017s taken down and the breath of the Dragon
8019s will land onto the M down she goes
8021s another pick of shinomi getting taken
8022s down it just does not end it really do a
8025s lot of fighting as these teams are just
8028s staggered all over the place trying to
8029s get some Far maybe trying to look you
8031s know for anything they can and you know
8034s they're just getting punished for it oh
8035s UOB is really affecting the mentality of
8037s these teams man they are just looking
8039s for credit sources all around the map
8041s and they're being punished heavily for
8042s it the original creators of the strategy
8045s of modern times oob not here but their
8047s Spirit Still
8048s Remains yeah and um you know these other
8052s teams that are you know grouped up are
8053s definitely being rewarded just able to
8055s find you know these isolated members and
8057s we might have a fight though for the
8059s hotel tree you're s once again they're
8062s here for this whole T Tre they always
8063s play for this maybe they can look for an
8065s angle here nice engage from cadis going
8067s to pop the shield and nice cancel a nice
8070s knock up actually and here comes Vamp
8072s Queen onto magnani is it going to land
8074s on the backliners it's only going to hit
8075s donana here and he's going to be locked
8077s up as Mir is actually going to be able
8079s to counter engage bana getting that nice
8081s blink El and it will be Mar going to be
8084s able to pick up two Kills You know
8085s despite how well it was going one Circle
8087s actually going to miss the blast wave
8088s here and just going to be VX just going
8090s to grab that tree that's that's
8092s unfortunate me song they finally win a
8095s fight inside of hotel but then they lose
8097s out on the objective because of a Mis
8099s blast wave that's got to be bral no he's
8101s going to B on out of here romatic trying
8103s to get the kill Pi going be forced to
8106s use the tetrun actually they're not
8107s grouped up either as deay a little bit
8109s split apart from Asher safety of the
8111s tetron no quite intended but uh yeah
8114s he's going to be able to walk away a
8117s pretty big investment for the early
8118s stages of the game sa's going to be able
8119s to catch out toner but a beautiful in
8121s the bubble is going to get him out of
8123s the electrostatic surge this does
8125s isolate Dina though he's still alive
8127s somehow okay there we go Tak Down Start
8129s conj down enough to save him is not what
8132s I've I don't think I've ever seen that
8133s before blink on M because I I saw the M
8136s blink onto the Cella to get that taunt
8138s so yeah I mean interesting uh tactical
8141s skill Choice there because usually M run
8144s that quick you know for that guaranteed
8146s slow and that extra damage or you know
8148s that protocol to keep you know your team
8150s a little more healthy but uh blink you
8152s know maybe able to provide some more
8154s utility or able to get these nice
8155s catches with that uh blink tauns and and
8158s maybe the the aen can follow up is what
8160s I'm guessing you know they're trying to
8162s cook with so it's interested to see you
8164s know how it does end up Hing out for
8166s them I think the main idea with it is
8168s because they're running the the aeden
8171s they need guaranteed hits right cuz in
8173s that situation if solar didn't use the
8176s girl in the bubble he gets hit by
8177s electrostatic sturge and actually gets
8179s stunned cuz that ultimate would have
8181s landed straight in the middle for that
8183s Cilla huge amounts of damage and the
8185s stun coming through means that within
8186s the duration of the stun I think the
8187s Aiden could have at least chunk the
8189s Cilla down to about 10 to 20% HP she
8192s comes out of the girl in a bubble she's
8193s probably dead to rights the idea is
8196s there just the execution on that one was
8198s was a little bit flimsy thanks to the
8200s cila actually reacting in time else on
8202s the other hand again a lot of these
8204s teams have really good ideologies on how
8206s their team fight wants to go the
8207s question is can they actually execute it
8210s yeah and we might have a fight on our
8212s hands in Chapel here as F MP is looking
8215s to play for this Alpha but the young
8217s cyber you know not going to be able to
8218s give them the control as he definitely
8220s don't want you know the triple range
8222s team to take control over your Zone here
8225s as uh they're trying to burst it down
8226s are they going to be able to get it oh a
8228s nice blast going to push Alpha back into
8230s the marolo actually just going to dash
8232s on in there but the punish coming out
8234s from Scarlet as he's not going to be
8236s able to get far enough the double
8238s polymorph is going to go through there
8240s and yeah just going to kill bolu they're
8242s going to pick up their Alpha that they
8244s rightfully uh basically deserve there
8247s and on the top side though we do have a
8249s fight in school here as it looks like
8251s one circle is just able to K back so
8253s well they're going to be able to K both
8254s members of G and team Asher and it is
8257s going to be pied The Last One Alive here
8261s what a tragic mistake actually from pied
8262s he was trying to get a kill over on
8264s romatic but accidentally used the Bob
8266s and weave over the wall took him a
8268s little bit too far away from the ber
8269s need to actually finish him off maybe
8271s after that he could have rotated a
8272s couple of his skills but he couldn't
8273s even get the resets cuz he couldn't get
8276s more un yielding Stacks from actually
8277s Landing his skills and auto attacking on
8279s to people an awward
8282s fighta The Shield wa I mean it's it's
8285s there's something happening they grouped
8287s up an angle here yeah they're all back
8290s fully grouped here but romatic is in the
8293s area beler going to actually get a nice
8296s reaction there gash on back oh s tried
8300s to look for an angle one Circle but one
8301s Circle reacted pretty nicely there Bell
8303s trying to jump in but it's not going to
8304s be able to hit anyone as bazer is just
8307s going to fall one Circle maybe going to
8308s look for an angle here danana does end
8310s up getting
8311s traded and they're just going to take
8313s the res Zone a one for one trade uh in
8315s archery range electrostatic search
8318s teleport seemed a little optimistic
8320s another fight on the South Side as the
8321s Bianca going to go into a preemptive P
8324s trip H from Roser coming out
8329s huge oh my God I hate to see it it's a
8332s tight Corridor Bianca goes into stasis
8334s you're trying to recover as much as you
8335s can but the slow from M comes in with
8337s the drape it's just over that was
8340s probably the most satisfying Taun I've
8341s seen you know in tournament play because
8343s they're all half HP they all got taunted
8345s and then the Cella just throws a que and
8347s they all just explode God the timing on
8350s drap slow was actually perfect from the
8352s M too I mean it lines them up perfectly
8354s the stasis seemed about right right I
8357s mean she goes in she can't really do
8358s anything going into the coffin isn't
8360s really help cuz there's a lot of crowd
8362s control on the other side too but for
8364s the rest of the team you got to cut your
8367s losses
8368s man that's not a l that is a bankruptcy
8371s right there that was just that was just
8373s so satisfying to watch my God ah you
8377s hate to see it especially on the side of
8378s ton cyers they always seem to have this
8380s like really good mentality of going into
8382s these fights but then as soon as one
8383s thing goes AR their mentality just
8385s breaks and the team fight just goes
8387s crazily out of favor of of these guys
8390s this time it just cost their entire
8392s team's lives yeah maybe they just
8394s haven't really practiced this comp as
8396s much obviously as you know their main SE
8398s comp and oh it looks like SEI does end
8400s up getting taunted but nothing really
8402s coming out of that as you know is it NE
8404s just going to be able to get away has
8405s both teams actually op not to take the
8407s fight but Asher here now maybe to look
8410s for an angle bells are going to jump on
8411s in with getting instantly bursted down
8415s and it's going to be CH though maybe
8416s going to look for a third party angle
8418s here sta does end up Fallen as it will
8422s be the M of Team saber going to be the
8425s last one left to get away for their team
8427s Bower is really optimistic about a lot
8431s of these fights if sometimes you just
8433s let the electrostatic surge go right you
8435s don't have to teleport to it because you
8436s still get the ampor pistol upgrade as
8438s long as you just hit it he hit it on the
8440s subam why did he teleport in though
8442s there was absolutely no reason to do
8444s that and he he just completely isolates
8445s himself from everybody else great
8448s reactions coming in from Team Asher to
8449s react to that immediately as as well and
8451s then pulls away they know that a third
8453s party is coming they had camera spred
8455s throughout the place so exactly as you
8457s were talking about super these teams are
8459s really keeping track of teams hanging
8460s around they have information they're
8462s playing off of it not being too greedy
8464s and we're seeing that throughout the
8465s course of the series it's not just this
8468s game yeah and we have m s Stuck in the
8470s Middle here oh we actually have a fight
8471s on our hands here sebbi jumping on it
8473s he's getting locked up the Bernice the
8477s ultimates plus the springtrap plus the
8480s the trap coming down and he just
8483s instantly Falls there with the knockup
8485s on you know do a here just so much CC
8488s he's just not able to move and he just
8489s gets instantly bursted heavy optimism
8492s from some of our front lines man what is
8493s going on sebie usually isn't like this
8495s Aiden on bzero is usually not like this
8498s but these guys are really optimistic
8500s about the future and it's just
8501s completely crumbling down it's like the
8503s stock market crash I swear to God guys
8505s are going crazy another fight
8506s potentially Brewing as the box is going
8508s to get completely abandoned by me and
8511s team Astro a lot of damage over on the
8512s PED blink in with the Alonzo looking for
8515s a magnetic field not going to look to
8517s get anything done though all these
8518s members still alive another fight inside
8520s of Warehouse down goes bazer taken down
8522s again as Aiden just not looking to have
8525s any good games in this
8527s series uh trying to run away it's going
8529s to be the double Doritos landing on to
8531s both bnk Fe x members Ros oh go the he
8536s does not that is a disaster oh nice
8539s exclusive though maybe they can get away
8541s way here but the chase coming out from
8543s VX they do have you know the W from
8547s Bernice and I that's going to be Dina
8550s trying to look for a stun but he's going
8552s to be the one to fall that white lily is
8555s uh a disaster for that team as Asher is
8558s on the back foot getting chased by CH TI
8560s their timers are taking looks like
8562s they're down to 3 seconds same thing
8564s with ch see did they want some kills
8566s here as they're going to run straight
8568s into the hands of 500 MP they're going
8569s to get instantly burn it down though as
8572s that's the triple that's the CC combo
8574s from 5p they don't get the kill is
8576s actually the one to claim that for
8578s themselves but Ash is going to lose a
8579s member what the heck is happening man
8581s everybody just running through timers
8583s everybody's just going overflow
8584s everybody's just trying to get fights
8586s all over the place everybody's just
8587s looking to initiate as much as
8590s possible my God shomi stays alive SEI
8593s trying to hold up in the front but
8594s there's a third party potential this is
8596s a quarter up against the triple Mage cop
8598s can't they even get out s the
8601s they it's the be
8603s grer the also dies as well he tries to
8606s jump over the wall but just barely going
8609s to be chin found out by Asher so it will
8613s be CH SE falling down in seventh place
8616s Mercy Mercy call from everybody around
8619s the m and Cy Falls you cannot Chas into
8623s a Seline uh Chloe Emma they will be able
8627s to do that and yeah they just instantly
8630s turned the fight as they over chased and
8632s they they paid the price for it ju SE
8634s got a full taste of what all these m in
8636s these lobbies have been attempting to do
8637s and completely failing nice attempt from
8640s sebie but in the end C is the one that
8642s gets caught out he somehow manages to
8644s stay alive same thing for shom but then
8646s gets coralled into a corner they knew
8648s there was a team right behind them they
8649s just chased them
8651s out yeah and um we might actually have a
8654s fight in archery here Mir seong maybe
8657s going to try to look for an
8659s angle getting some nice poke onto the
8663s backliners here but yeah looks like
8665s they're just going to try getting some
8666s buys Wick line I think is going to be
8668s spawning in Cemetery I don't know which
8669s teams are prepared for that maybe gang
8672s in does end up teleporting down there
8674s can't tell which zone they're
8675s teleporting to actually teleport down
8676s into Beach here sa not there to answer
8680s though so they're just going to let them
8681s get those TPS off than sa also you know
8684s not looking too good on their items they
8685s just want to farm they have Bell are
8687s just constantly falling throughout these
8689s fights you know they're behind on items
8690s look at that just Galaxy steps only for
8693s bser the ziden is absolutely down low
8696s he's going to be able to at least get
8697s the four score from the looks of it it
8699s will be the AI upgrade probably for
8701s Bowzer they definitely need the damage
8705s yes there it is okay beler still down
8711s lowa's only on three items yeah looks
8714s like they are basically homeless but uh
8717s we'll have to see you know if they are
8718s going to be able to come back into this
8719s game get some more Farm get some more
8721s Callins you know they just need to start
8723s pushing for anything maybe just let the
8725s game play for itself look for these
8726s third party angles try to get some
8728s placement points you know it's it's not
8729s really the end just yet you know we've
8732s seen saber come out with that win in
8734s game number one you know they weren't
8736s fully built but you know they were able
8737s to clutch it up so as long as they have
8740s a nice consistent game here 500
8743s MP walk it around in uh get close to the
8746s bush here as uh we do actually have a
8749s here what we talking about looking for
8751s zero Jen zeren instantly Falls as he's
8753s pushed up a little too far this is what
8756s you want to see for five or for team
8758s saber as they found the angle gay young
8761s innat trying to get this angle a little
8763s too uh little too overzealous in their
8766s position and they just they just
8767s instantly pay the price for it optimism
8770s yay no they had full vision of it I'm
8773s surprised eurin actually got caught out
8774s by that Wick line still in no man's land
8778s um she spawned in a really awkward spot
8779s and started walking towards the closed
8781s areas which means she's going to take
8783s forever trying to walk into Hotel there
8784s are a couple teams hanging around here
8787s team as still sitting in the exact same
8789s spot that you were sitting in about a
8791s minute or two ago could pay dividends is
8793s 500 MP they don't have full information
8795s about this one the camera on the North
8797s back they can just burst this down I
8799s think they're going to yeah they are
8800s just going to start it and it will just
8802s instantly fall here they have the damage
8804s to do it and they're going to get a nice
8806s blood they are going to be looking so
8809s strong shui you've seen them in the past
8811s what this team is able to do to even
8812s teams that have front lines but this
8814s time around a little bit of the
8815s unexpected Factor super there is an
8818s Alonzo right Alonzo is able to actually
8820s cut down a lot of the damage as long as
8821s he's able to get the shield out in front
8823s of him there is a lot of front loaded
8825s damage from 500 MP that's the single
8827s biggest problem they can't really push
8829s in into a team they always have to kind
8831s of sit on the other side of a team as
8833s they try to burst down people one after
8834s another Alonzo can stop that a lot but
8837s that all comes down to denana and
8839s whether or not he can actually react
8840s correctly so now this Wick line buff is
8842s going to help them a lot a lot of teams
8844s are going to be very wary of these guys
8846s which might make it a bit difficult so
8848s fa is going to have to take the
8849s initiative not going to find anything
8851s inside of beaches yeah gungi eight no
8854s thanks yeah I think they know they see
8856s their items I think this team is sitting
8859s on three Bloods with full gold so
8862s definitely don't want to look but maybe
8864s they Vision check here maybe they could
8865s get a nice
8866s angle the bombs are coming down Zen
8869s already getting chunk down to half HP
8871s just from the Poke and yeah I don't know
8874s if they want to look for an angle here
8875s Zan also you know not sitting on full
8876s items just yet sitting on four Golds you
8880s know I think that minus 500 definitely
8882s did end up hurting them they weren't
8883s able to call that blood well wait a
8884s second oh no saber they didn't fully
8886s check the bush Asher are they going to
8889s pull the trigger no they're still
8891s sitting here they've been sitting here
8892s for 4 minutes he I'm surprised they
8896s didn't pull the trigger on S there s was
8897s so far isolated you know it is a my so
8900s they are relatively tanky but I guess
8902s they just want to play in this bush I
8904s don't know they're fishing harder right
8906s right now sa has absolutely no clue the
8908s fact that sattin walked up there and
8909s nobody pushed in like that I mean this
8912s could technically be a Saving Grace for
8914s team saber later than to see
8918s heretic go through from the aen catches
8920s out the Adena it's going to force out
8922s the exclusive pretty early on she's
8923s going to be forced out of the fight
8924s really nicely played from the side of
8926s bnk FX I thought it was going to go in
8928s favor of Team saber they did advantage
8930s to get the Cilla I believe with the
8932s Aiden ultimate but it just was not
8934s enough down goes the she get caught out
8936s by everything and good by my friend wow
8940s I'm surprised that polymorph lasted long
8942s enough for the Emma to walk into range
8944s there maybe I maybe the no actually know
8946s Scarlet should be on totem right so I
8948s just walked in and here comes the third
8951s party and oh my God it's going to be
8953s bomb instantly falling there maybe no
8955s exclusive coming out uh what's exclusive
8958s up from Rosner I don't I think so I mean
8961s they just used it right in pretty recent
8963s fights maybe maybe it wasn't I'm not too
8965s sure but you know if not then that's
8967s just um surprised you know the exclusive
8970s didn't come out there cuz it would have
8971s been able to save bomb from that P
8973s uppercut and maybe would have keep bnk
8976s fx's dream alive in this uh game but
8978s yeah now that they're cut down to two
8980s members it's not looking too good for
8981s them as finally starting to move they're
8983s going to be forced to do it BK FX a
8986s little bit split apart sonar has to walk
8988s in course the bernes not going to be
8990s there to additionally support Kung and
8992s also walking through the long distance
8994s in they have full information of this
8996s zero Jen caught out their timers are not
8997s looking good they got to find this fight
8999s but it's a double knock up from PI it is
9002s an insane fight he's still alive though
9004s oh my God timer in favor of Team Asher
9007s the G reverse is going to come through p
9009s is going to take a whole chunk of damage
9010s there he goes trying to pick up jumo
9012s maybe he gets it yes he does no GRE
9014s should have the damage for this
9016s potentially knocking down the Nikki she
9018s has no timer left jumo has all the
9021s defense in the world that is a tank
9022s Nikki my guy is not going to be able to
9024s chunk through the health bars team as
9026s they're still in dire strange 500 MP
9028s looking for a third party team in N oh
9033s my God everyone starting to fight all
9034s over the place there goes jumo and I
9036s think beler was almost close to doing
9037s the little funny business again down he
9039s goes and that is going to be team oh no
9042s we have one we have one bro we have one
9045s CAU in the Trap we have one C in the
9047s Trap it will be a minus one for team
9051s as uh oh wait a second oh no that looks
9055s like that did end up falling here and
9058s 500 MP they're looking good they're
9061s looking really really good here to maybe
9063s get themselves into checkpoint they just
9065s need to uh get a couple more kills I
9067s think in this game they only need 17
9069s points so even if they don't win this
9071s game as long as they get two more kills
9072s here they'll be in checkpoint but it
9075s will be 500 MP walking up first they
9077s have the beach uh final zone so
9080s they will be able to secure Zone over
9082s mirang and it's that triple backline
9084s team shui oh yeah but of all the teams
9086s they have to fight it's the Alonzo right
9088s I mean you just got to pop the oh that
9090s blast way is bad oh this actually puts
9092s up a lot of pressure coming through from
9094s 500 MP they have to pop the shield and
9096s then keep that off if this team gets
9098s initiated by the Alonzo it is not good
9100s great blast wave to knock that one over
9103s yeah you got to keep damaging this
9104s Alonzo Nina trying to look for an
9106s initiation not going to happen sang
9108s still holding the front line one Circle
9110s doing the exact same thing ree Vision in
9112s favor of Team Mong these ballistic
9115s Advantage shots are going to make it
9116s difficult for S to hold the front Seline
9118s taken out means that the positioning
9120s Advantage goes in favor of mid seong 2
9122s seconds now until the final zone is
9124s going to pop nice Dodge on the blast
9126s wave Shield is back from
9127s danana starting to struggle a little bit
9130s wait a second oh my God the exposive
9131s buet is huge Alonzo trying to hold the
9133s front L but down goes one Circle VA now
9136s needs to somehow turn this fight it's a
9137s 1 V2 romantic looking for the
9139s Executioner bonus is going to be able to
9141s get it there's a soling coming in and I
9142s think that might be it I don't know
9144s they're not going to get the kill 500 MP
9147s one
9148s point no oh no that is heartbreaking for
9152s 500 MP he just they just need to get one
9155s kill and was 1.2 short but yeah that
9159s explosive bolock coming out big for team
9162s marun just able to lock up that ammo the
9163s ammo just not able to really do anything
9166s because you know once your explosive or
9167s once you're rooted you can't really use
9169s that change and you know know your full
9170s combo is just uh completely invalidated
9173s and then when you press the totem that
9174s just gives the Bernice an opportunity to
9176s place a trap down on you and there's
9177s nothing you could really do ah that
9179s sucks 500 MP they're not going to be
9181s happy about that one at least one more
9183s kill would have done if fa got the kill
9185s onto one Circle he got the one out of
9187s two tried to knock down the Bernice but
9189s he was so busy dealing with the Alonzo
9191s just finger pointing at him the entire
9193s time he looked for an angle back at the
9195s end of the fight but by then Soul link
9197s was over the buck shots are too good
9199s fullon crit for the on top of I think a
9201s little bit of pen as we saw with the
9202s psyches blade throughout the course of
9204s the weekend yeah he's dead Ah that's
9207s going to suck for 500 MP 54 points for
9210s that team whereas
9214s for man one point away M do end up
9217s winning it but they didn't really get
9218s that many kills that game only seven I
9220s think in total so that's only a 15p
9224s point game for them so they're still
9225s pretty far behind there is still quite
9228s the cushion for these other teams to get
9230s into that checkpoint and to close it out
9231s but um yeah that's game number four so
9234s we will have a break coming up shortly
9235s yeah the cushion is going to expand even
9237s more thanks to the fact that 500 MP
9239s isn't even in checkpoint 54 points and
9241s the rest of the lobby
9243s was kind of close after game number
9246s three this is going to push up a lot of
9248s other teams that were close to the
9250s checkpoint close to the checkpoint Mark
9252s they're not pressured right now at all
9254s we're going to at least have a game
9255s number six thanks to the results of game
9257s number
9258s four ah the series just expands more and
9261s more and more I guess people in chat are
9263s going to be happy about this because I
9265s am not getting my sleep from the look of
9266s it today yeah and we will have um our
9269s two characters that were ban in last
9271s game back on the table it will be sua
9274s and I think it was Hayes yeah so you
9277s know BN K FX going to go back maybe
9279s going to go back to their original team
9280s comp or you know if they do decide to
9283s pick actually no Bernice is banned so
9285s they're probably going to swap back who
9287s was it the Bernice and the mai if I
9289s remember correctly for this game
9291s yeah all right so we're going to go into
9293s a Feeding Frenzy again where no my means
9296s no exclusive no safety net for a lot of
9298s these teams and no Bernice means that
9301s explosive buet plus the Frailty
9303s explosion combo is not going to be there
9305s for a lot of these guys should be seeing
9307s something I think similar to game number
9310s three probably for game five yeah I mean
9315s maybe we might have some roster changes
9316s because of these you know bands cuz it
9318s looks like in the finals here we have a
9320s lot of different types of bands coming
9322s out we have that sua ban we have the May
9324s ban we have the Bernice ban the Hayes
9326s ban and I think there was one more did
9329s we have one more I
9330s don't maybe not so it's been the same
9334s band just kind of rotating with a one
9335s additional ban being tacked on in games
9337s three and four
9339s so yeah so yeah we'll have to see you
9342s know how these teams do adjust to these
9344s bands cuzz um obviously you know most
9348s teams are comfortable they have that one
9349s comfortable team comp that they that
9350s they are able to run but um you know
9353s it's all about adopting here you know on
9355s the big stage yeah all about the
9357s adopting that's exactly what I've been
9358s talking about for such a long time now
9360s right acclimating to the environment
9363s these people have to do that as soon as
9365s possible the earlier they do it in the
9366s series the better the only problem with
9369s that the series is so vastly different
9371s from each of the games that I don't know
9372s if there is an acclamation period for
9374s these guys every single time they do
9375s something something new happens and then
9378s uh they can't
9380s like 500 MP they got second place but
9383s they came out on top in this series here
9385s with 16 points the NK FX even outscoring
9388s Mir sang or tying Mira song You know
9389s despite dropping in third place cuz they
9391s had 11 kills as well so you know even
9393s though mirang did end up winning that
9395s game they they basically scored the same
9398s as their competitors here as uh you know
9401s it does end up dropping down though into
9403s uh the fourth place and fifth place with
9405s G inate with 10 and seven and look at
9408s that sh
9412s one point away from checkpoints that is
9415s very unfortunate but surely that means
9418s we'll have our first checkpoint team
9421s coming up for game number six don't say
9425s that they just need to score one point
9427s right like say that they only need one
9429s point they only one point they always
9432s get that one early kill early like you
9434s know like day number one and then
9436s they'll be fine yeah they're going to
9438s they're going to get the two seats
9440s treatment zero zero points fast a you
9443s know it could happen well for
9445s 500 good
9447s Lord but yeah we have gayang inate also
9450s only 11 points away um they've been you
9452s know playing a pretty consistent game so
9454s far and Mar song jumping all the way to
9458s third place with 30 points so they are
9461s definitely back here in it they need a
9464s 25o game that's a lot harder to get I
9469s don't think you know we had a 25 point
9471s game in a while which I think is about
9473s 17 kills but you know if there's
9476s anything that can do it it's probably
9478s Mir exactly guys we'll see what happens
9481s in games five and six because that was
9482s just game number four which means I'm
9484s going to save my Mantra go grab some
9486s water go grab a snack take a stretch
9487s we'll see you guys give back here for
9489s games five and
9491s six take care take care
9528s com
9540s for foreign
9543s speech speech
9575s you
9576s spee fore
9588s spee chicken
9618s foree
9629s for chicken
9666s chicken wow
9680s Cris chick
9738s fore
9742s for
9758s Fore fore
9782s foreign
9786s spee fore spee
9819s speee
9828s spee fore
9874s ah okay there we go I pressed the right
9876s button this time I was missing the mouse
9878s button maybe that's why I suck it all
9880s right Ladi and gentlemen welcome back
9882s from the break to the Eternal R Masters
9884s season 4 phase 3 finals yeah I was
9886s missing my unmute button on OBS my bad
9890s uh hopefully you guys all had a great
9892s break I definitely did I'm think I think
9894s Super did as well he was spending time
9895s with it yeah I'm just uh I just chilling
9897s you know just talking about uh ER and
9901s like the met and everything but um yeah
9903s glad to be back we have game five and
9907s six underway there is definitely
9909s probably going to be one team in
9910s checkpoint don't want to curse it I
9911s don't want to cter curse it but you know
9913s one point away all they need is one kill
9916s all they need is one kill hey their
9918s early game has shown us that they have
9920s are plenty um resourceful to get those
9923s early game kills 500 MP groups up really
9925s early inside a chapel and Cemetery there
9927s are a lot of people with their builds
9929s right now that go Cemetery what maybe
9931s even second third Zone and that's where
9933s a lot of people are getting caught out
9935s by 500 MP even without the Emma having
9937s level six it seems like it's successful
9939s enough since Chloe can finish her items
9942s really early right that was something
9943s that we've known ever since she pretty
9945s much released with the um what is it the
9948s tyrant card what was it again what was
9951s the card cards of tyranny it's so easy
9953s to build H yeah it's always been a it
9957s yeah and um you know they're always able
9958s to get those early game kills so I'm
9961s pretty confident they will be in
9963s checkpoint for game six but who knows
9965s you know what if they go eight with zero
9966s kills just like CH seat right and then I
9970s think that is probably the worst feeling
9971s and I think that would that would break
9972s their Mor so hopefully it doesn't happen
9974s because I think it would probably break
9976s a team you know being 54 points and
9979s going eight with zero I think is
9981s probably devastating see the thing is
9985s for people who have watched ERM for a
9987s long time now with me guys it's been a
9989s while since we've seen fauna inm to
9991s begin with but for the those of you guys
9993s who've been with me for a while we know
9996s if curse it exists it inevitably exists
9999s this man is super unlucky when it comes
10001s to any competitive things he does well
10003s and then towards the end he just kind of
10004s flips it it is really weird we have some
10008s subs we have e coming in for bnk furi
10011s playing that ir and bum is going to be
10014s on that Fiora I did not see the Fiora
10016s but I heard it was uh quite the
10018s character in phase two even more so than
10020s that I'm actually surprised they subed
10022s out SAR cuz usually ban FX they tend to
10025s have E8 and bum be the two members that
10028s flip Subs back and forth not entirely
10031s sure what the idea around is this one
10032s but we do know that the Fiora has been
10034s pretty good it's going to be the
10035s two-handed source this time around so do
10036s expect something like the alas or the
10038s chain nightmare
10040s if we really have some fun then we could
10042s see the uh the letine no not the letin
10045s was that one
10047s the I forget the name of it but the
10049s bloodsword coming out later down the
10051s road that'd be quite fun outside of that
10053s look at tun cyers that's a fun comp over
10055s there too a Laura Camilo and a and a
10058s Carla yeah I'm curious to see how they
10062s you know end up utilizing it I don't
10063s think I've seen magnani on the Loro but
10065s I'm sure he isn't practicing it we do
10066s also have douchi mod subing in for team
10069s saber I'm guessing maybe they thought
10071s you know game three and four didn't
10072s really work out for didn't really work
10074s out too well for them so they're going
10075s to try maybe try something different
10076s here and it will be S Harang playing I
10080s think Haze to you know maybe force the
10082s ban here not that bad not that bad 500
10085s MP good stuff locking down this Haze
10087s this Haze has been pretty important I
10088s actually like this because I think they
10091s don't want to play I obviously I think
10093s they know sang is better on this lean
10095s but because they're only one point away
10096s playing this Haze to lock it out for the
10098s final game yeah that is actually genius
10101s you're
10102s right yeah and I think s wrong you know
10104s he's definitely better on the Seline but
10106s his Haze you know is not too bad either
10108s so yeah um that's probably the right
10111s call here as they only need one point
10113s they're going to probably be they're
10114s probably going to be able to get uh the
10116s the kill uh the point in Cemetery as I
10118s usually always group up here you know
10119s get that really game kill and then for
10122s you know game number six that Haze pick
10125s will be banned I do like the option from
10127s Team bnk FX to bring in as well whatever
10130s they brought to the table with szar and
10132s buom it's not working it really is just
10135s not they are struggling a lot more than
10136s we have ever seen them struggle I think
10138s in a series like this they're sitting in
10139s seventh right now 27 points is not bad
10142s but after game five 27 points I mean on
10145s average they're sitting at around 1
10147s point oh here's early kill that they
10149s need oh this could be bad but wait look
10151s at the mini map look at the mini map
10152s sa's coming in sa's coming in he's going
10155s a little bit greedy sing should be
10156s popped in just a moment he just got it t
10159s and he's healing back up F will pop the
10161s sink but I don't know if that's going to
10162s be enough the early kill propy is no not
10166s happening nice oh but they get
10170s okay all right they're in checkpoint all
10172s they have to do is just not minus
10174s one yeah they're in checkpoint now so
10177s they can do whatever they want you know
10179s I think that hze pick is is a reason why
10181s they did end up uh or sorry I think the
10183s reason why they're not picking that Haze
10185s is because you know they're so close to
10186s checkpoint they get it banned and now
10188s you know they could just look for these
10190s early game kills obviously though you
10191s know you want to score as many points as
10193s possible because there is still that
10195s placement uh you know prizing even if
10198s you aren't able to win the tournament as
10200s long as you have enough points you can
10202s still secure that first place prizing
10203s and get yourself that second place uh
10205s placement for you know those circuit
10207s points yeah and uh even more so than
10210s that I think if you get the kills right
10212s that's denying points that other teams
10214s could get I think that's a big part too
10216s that a lot of teams forget when they're
10217s in checkpointing these which is reason
10219s why whenever midan Hong is the team in
10221s checkpoint I actually think whatever
10222s they do is really smart they play really
10225s aggressive in game they're not losing
10227s anything by getting those kills they're
10229s denying things from other teams here we
10231s go bnk FX looking for a fight finally
10233s for the first time
10234s with coming in from bomb it's going to
10237s deny a lot of damage not able to land
10239s anything onto Rosner yeah and it looks
10242s like they're just going to fall here
10243s Dina missing that crucial stun onto
10245s Rosner definitely cost him the fight
10247s here but yeah bum coming out big for
10249s this team getting that nice double
10251s ultimate stunning both uh Dina or sorry
10254s not Dena but saten and douchan and yeah
10257s that's going to be it for team saber as
10258s it will be bnk FX picking up those two
10260s kills yep good stuff good start coming
10263s in for bnk furx finally they're finding
10265s themselves a little bit of a break E8
10267s coming in may be the answer for this
10270s team bum sitting on the Fiora I mean
10271s we've seen this character be an absolute
10273s Menace all across the world and re
10277s ah well yeah I hate to see it taking
10282s those uh taking that bear you know it is
10284s what it is right it happens I not having
10287s enough damage to secure that beard but a
10289s nice uh explosive shot to push um I
10292s think s into the wall there so that
10294s could to be enough as dong cyers are
10296s trying to look for an angle rolu maybe
10298s going to follow up on S here as yeah
10301s looks like CAD just going to be able to
10303s pick that up for his team as D cyber is
10305s going to be able to pick up a nice kill
10306s on the other side we have Mir s
10309s going to be able to kill jumo on the top
10312s side here as both pi and nug are rning
10315s running away maybe donana can look for
10316s an angle here don't think so n actually
10319s going to jump over the wall onto this uh
10322s sh guy and just going to get spring
10324s trapped and uh uh okay yeah the ultimate
10328s they the charm from sh Wait a second I
10330s think are they going to Wi they could is
10332s right on zero Jin trumpet or spring trap
10335s that's going to
10336s kill oh Kung eight well okay they got
10340s the CHI treatment straight from Chi a
10343s fast eth with zero points Hey listen you
10346s said it could probably not happen but it
10347s did happen for a different team 500 MP
10349s not going to be the sole users on that
10351s one unfortunately danana taking a lot of
10354s damage again they're trying to look for
10355s the hotel fight calling card into
10357s everything but I don't know if that was
10360s the right decision from Cadmus another
10362s hotel Battle of fight and won by team M
10366s and song this time they will actually be
10367s able to secure that dream life E8 going
10369s to get taken down inside of tetron zaa
10372s is going to have to completely book it
10373s as the Fiora absolutely nowhere to be
10375s seen all
10376s this one Circle looking for for some
10379s more onto rol R going to jump away here
10381s but one Circle he wants more he is
10384s chasing rolu down rolu at half HP going
10387s to take the farm away from rolu going to
10389s jump on in here I think he will fall
10392s wait a second rolu facing so well you're
10395s actually able to trade so much damage
10397s onto one Circle and you definitely Chase
10399s into the Carla here as the TP does end
10402s up coming through and I think rolu is
10405s going to be surrounded here ha is also
10407s coming down I don't think there's
10409s anywhere for him to go goodbye Ru he's
10411s going to try to reset his grappling hook
10413s as fast as possible but yeah it's not
10414s happening grappling maneuver still
10415s pretty difficult to get that up
10417s especially at level one just a couple of
10420s salvages aren't going to cut it for you
10421s you have to do a little bit more cadas
10423s in a whole heap of trouble come complely
10425s isolated away from his team can C the
10426s mini map Laura all the way on the North
10428s side car just died free kill for bnk FX
10431s one of the easiest kills of their lives
10433s sitting on four kills now they are going
10435s to be a bit more happier about this kind
10437s of performance sitting at 31 overall
10439s points for that team they are slowly but
10441s surely
10443s scal yeah four kills already they're
10447s sitting in a nice spots I would be very
10450s happy you know already having four kills
10452s on day number two the next objectives
10454s are spawning though so most teams are
10456s relatively spread out just going to get
10458s their Callins here
10459s as uh you know these teams are going to
10461s start fing in for these Alphas for these
10463s battle zones we're going to have to see
10464s you know if any of these teams do want
10466s to contestant will be Mar and bnk fix
10468s probably going to be playing for this
10470s Uptown Battle Zone so we might have a
10472s fight down there all the other
10474s objectives though it looks like it is
10475s relatively uncontested not that bad 10
10478s seconds left until that objective that
10480s you were considering uncontested will
10482s actually go contested look at that
10484s Uptown going to be fought over from the
10486s looks of it Meen SED and bnk furx two
10489s teams definitely looking to improve
10491s their performance unfortunately for bnk
10493s FX they thought that it was going to be
10495s a free Battle Zone for them absolutely
10497s not I don't think they even managed to
10499s get the other drone their timer still
10501s going this is actually kind of awkward
10503s for bnk FX trying to reset their timer a
10505s little bit positioning wise me song
10506s definitely on the better side this going
10508s be a little bit awkward one Circle get
10510s taken down that is a huge amount of
10513s damage over on the Romantic but look at
10515s this the peel is good down goes to haast
10517s down goes to Carla somehow bnk FX is
10520s going to be able to turn this game on
10522s its head for their side try knock down
10527s someo oh my God I think that was the
10530s that was the damage of both the the
10532s fente and you know the Strider coming
10535s out from that uh yeah that yeah just
10539s chunking him down all the way from 90 or
10541s for full from Full HP sorry to 10% HP
10544s and then that just seals the deal I
10546s think it broke through the shield from
10547s aell too saw a little snippet of it
10550s towards the end of the fight it didn't
10551s exist that much but somehow they broke
10554s through everything so really big fight
10556s coming through from bnk furx again this
10558s is kind of the breath of fresh life and
10560s it really makes me happy that EA is the
10562s one to kind of bring that to the table
10565s cuz his irm has been one of the most
10567s pivotal things of a lot of strategies
10569s that bnk FX has kind of deployed within
10571s the past season or so I'm almost
10574s surprised that they haven't started out
10575s with E8 in the past couple of
10576s tournaments but um this is a little bit
10579s more of the standard bnk fuex
10580s composition that I'm happy about right
10582s the double Mage
10584s backline okay I see backline but Fiora
10586s right Fenty a little bit on the back
10588s line plus the sua sitting up in the
10589s front they can react really well they
10591s can initiate really well they can poke
10593s really well just kind of goes and they
10595s have the burst as well yeah they have
10597s the damage o a nice knockup coming out
10599s from E8 TI going to force uh Scarlet
10602s into the totem going to drop the weapon
10605s skill as well but nothing really coming
10606s out of that defent going a little wide
10608s Rosner going to get engaged on but a
10610s nice bat skill coming out from Roser
10612s great reaction actually going to be able
10614s to kill fauna he's going to get locked
10616s up and it looks like it will be 500 mp
10619s on the back foot here Scarlet tried to
10621s get that ply triy to look angle here
10623s third party two SE in the area oh no 500
10626s MP are they going be to get out here I
10628s don't think so I don't think oh my God
10630s what the hell I I don't know that jump
10633s existed holy crap the EM just
10637s disappeared from the screen yeah dump
10639s that full wall I didn't even know you
10640s could do that wow that's a real hat
10643s trick in a half if I've ever seen one my
10645s God where did that go well that's uh
10647s that's that's that's Scarlet for you I
10649s mean this guy pulled out some crazy
10652s there was a tournament a long time ago
10653s uh very very long time you know the bush
10655s inside a warehouse near the entry to um
10660s to
10660s Uptown yeah yeah somehow you can make it
10664s from there all the way to where the bear
10666s spawns on the north side of a warehouse
10668s I did not know that but Scarlet is the
10670s one that pulled it off in the tournament
10671s once and it actually won them the game
10674s yeah I've never seen you know that jump
10676s before so it's interesting to see you
10678s know uh these uh these Hy or sorry I was
10682s going to say hyperloop because uh they
10683s basically you know basically hyper
10685s looped but these big jumps from these
10687s teams you know able to recognize uh
10690s where you know uh their characters can
10693s you know really blink over basically oh
10696s no oh Jesus
10700s is going to fall here another minus 250
10702s for this team so unfortunately it's not
10704s looking too good for T5 MP but um yeah I
10708s mean a nice highlight for scarlet there
10710s getting that uh getting that jump over
10711s the wall huh hey hey hey at least F did
10714s it minus one okay that's the only
10717s condition that they lose out on this
10718s checkpoint they got it the game totally
10720s forgot about that I totally forgot about
10722s that it is going to be I mean wait wait
10725s wait they're in they're in six already
10726s looks like d cyers fell I don't know
10728s when they died actually what so they
10730s have that extra plus one okay all right
10734s so all they have to do is just have
10735s minus two then
10737s yeah surely they don't minus two I don't
10740s think any team has minus two so far oh
10742s they absolutely
10747s have well they just have to be they just
10749s have to be mindful of that you know they
10751s just got to be a little mindful but we
10752s might have a fight on hand between team
10754s saber o a nice lock down but SE is just
10756s able to deliv for so long that barrier
10758s with you know the copine heal wind and
10760s the heal there sa just going to be able
10762s to jump on forward he's just so healthy
10765s and looks like it's going to be doui
10767s maybe going to wait a
10770s second jumping a little too far forward
10773s there as they do trade one for one yeah
10774s Dina able to actually return it here as
10776s SE is going to maybe fall as well shom I
10779s think just thought the fight was one e
10781s forward and he just got caught not
10784s exactly the greatest situation to be
10785s team 2C is sitting in the same Zone they
10787s chase down f now they're going to have
10789s to be on the flip side trying to Res the
10791s Jenny back a little bit of an aggressive
10793s play exactly as you said 13 seconds left
10795s for this Lenny trying to run away to the
10798s best of their abilities nice decision to
10800s eat a couple extra seconds of timer and
10801s go away cuz you can see the members of
10804s Team sa perfectly positioned to try to
10806s punish an easy Escape out not going to
10809s happen as CH SE a little bit on the
10811s upside of seeing that happen T trying to
10814s play up in the front will get locked
10815s down there's a good spring trap coming
10817s in but no punish just yet sa going to be
10819s on the backside Dina trying to deal with
10820s SEI fight is a little bit more conjoined
10823s between the members of Team CH the fight
10825s is going the damage is there sebie taken
10827s down dangerously low he does not have
10828s the force field anymore tur their focus
10830s he Tri to hit the
10833s St coming out from Dina is just enough
10837s here as sh is forced to run away sat
10839s looking to chase here will he have
10841s enough distance to cover maybe maybe he
10843s has the blink he does end up using Raper
10845s skill on the Boris ooh actually not
10847s opting to Cho to get uh pork Chopped
10850s there and he will end up getting away I
10853s think that was a split-second decision
10854s that s had to make unfortunately he did
10856s not end up choosing to do so so yeah
10859s we'll be should no getting away there be
10862s rough Yanke furx now looking for a fight
10864s on the South Side CH SE in N teleported
10867s down here C the exact same thing but
10871s somehow they hear the P just clear
10875s out they see the pig you know they don't
10878s want to get third party they both clear
10880s out and that just gives space or she two
10882s SE to get the res off there their
10883s hyperloop just literally split the Red
10885s Sea that's what they
10886s did oh that's so funny does get end up
10890s getting a free Resurrection thanks to it
10891s you see sebie is going to be back up in
10893s the line they're still looking for kills
10895s though I mean I don't think they're
10895s necessarily behind because of some of
10898s those fights they still have credits to
10899s spend if they really choose to do so and
10901s I don't think CH is one of those teams
10903s that is going to shy away from a fight
10904s just because one or maybe two went wrong
10907s when they already have their prior items
10909s on the zon Ze is probably going to still
10911s play aggressive nice check agressive
10913s Viper should have an idea that there are
10916s teams hanging around this area there's
10917s going to be bnk FX possible second match
10920s up between these two teams sebie not
10922s going to do it I guess he's a little bit
10923s scared that's so strange for me yeah I
10926s mean ju SE are you know already having
10928s to spend over 750 credits on revive so
10931s they're just not looking in a spot to
10932s fight it looks like not having those
10934s items you know that they usually do to
10936s snowball but uh looks like M FX are
10939s going to be the ones to try to force it
10940s here as they know this team is a little
10942s weaker than them going to try to get
10944s some poke not going to be able to get
10945s anything as sebie is maybe going to try
10947s to look for an angle but uh both teams
10950s kind of had a standoff here just trying
10952s to find a favorable position for
10953s themselves but both teams just not able
10955s to do it so they they both back away
10957s yeah even if bnk FX understands that
10959s they're probably stronger they still
10960s don't want to get out by a stray spring
10962s trap away again a lot of really good
10965s damage and the spring traps are just
10967s insane even Rosner cannot deal with all
10970s that happening but a third party
10971s possibility from sa he puts on the
10973s camera on the other side now team two SE
10975s they don't have executioners down goes
10977s the Jenny she doesn't have play dead
10979s down goes most likely the Lenny she's
10981s going to get taken down to executioner
10982s to try to keep that leny alive it is not
10985s going to happen credit count on the side
10987s of t2c looking very very dire sitting at
10989s around 400 they need to farm up a little
10992s bit more for the second res to come
10995s through both teams not having any
10997s credits to revive here or not having
10999s enough for both team members so they're
11001s probably just going to have to pick one
11002s from each but yeah um little surprised
11005s that you know Rosner forced it a little
11007s too hard and just end up paying the
11009s price for it the ultimate you know the
11011s acceptance speech coming down instantly
11013s from the Jenny getting locked up as he
11015s did end up dashing in but we do have msj
11016s versus 500 MP Asher in the zone here
11019s maybe trying to look for a third party
11020s Nana already on half HP but it looks
11022s like nothing will come out of it as it
11024s will be Mira sang I don't think they got
11026s the wick line buff but they did end up
11028s getting the blood items and you know the
11031s looks like it was yeah they got the
11032s blood and I think they got a nice I
11036s think that was the meteor water fors the
11037s tier of Seline so they're going to be
11039s sitting in a nice spot all that was
11041s happening unfortunately bnk FX they
11043s ended up losing E8 again which means
11045s they're going to be down two members for
11047s the rest of the game yeah res going
11050s through CHC did manage to bring
11051s everybody back I think they uh resid in
11054s hotel and there was nobody sitting in
11056s there so they managed to get all the
11057s farm from that that area and he's going
11059s to immediately book it on out of here
11061s team 500 MP they have the wend
11064s in oh my God they do end up killing him
11068s through the ultimate yeah wow fa going
11071s to blow up actually choose to blow up
11073s their body here can they get the res off
11074s in time FAA booking it back to the
11077s console in school I think they will get
11079s it off and it looks like on the top side
11081s here falling to Mara here sebbi just
11084s instantly falling I think the item
11086s difference is too big obviously M having
11089s you know getting that Wick item shom you
11091s know not having full build sebbi
11092s probably not full build either and yeah
11094s I think it will be it for team CH SE
11097s senine actually going to sit in the bush
11099s here but wait a second CH does end up
11102s getting caught out by bnk fre ex's Fiora
11104s but nothing will really come of that we
11106s have another fight here again it looks
11108s like this time around 500 MP will get
11110s the better of Team Asher with the burst
11113s and oh my God through the guarden
11115s reverse they just instantly burst down
11117s Dre and they will end up falling 500 MP
11121s looking good this game getting a nice
11122s team wipe onto Asher getting those three
11125s extra kills so they basically guaranteed
11127s them spot uh guaranteed themselves into
11130s checkpoint here again they're denying
11132s teams from getting more points Asher
11134s they're going to be sitting on five
11135s that's all they get for this game what
11137s this does for team 500 MP is create
11140s themselves a buffer right a little bit
11142s of that cushion where they can maybe
11143s have an extra game by themselves being
11146s the only ones in the check point mark
11148s that is going to give such a big opening
11150s for the side of 500 MP Zen going to get
11153s found out thankfully school is open but
11155s look at the mini map right now super
11157s there is a long way for to go even if he
11160s wants to live he does not get that
11162s Leisure will get taken down that's one
11164s alive on two SE is going to
11166s be keeping himself alive as the Jenny
11169s still sitting inside a school he has a
11170s long way to go as
11171s well and it will be bum getting caught
11174s out by team
11175s saber uh the ultimate the Third going to
11178s come out he's going to get locked down
11179s by duim man and I think that's going to
11182s be it yep a nice fente from the Fiora
11186s going to lock that up and team saber
11187s sitting on a kill so they're sitting in
11189s a nice comfortable spot for themselves
11191s as well Shin just going to sit in this
11193s corner going to try to maybe score some
11195s extra placement points for the for their
11197s team as this is one of the spots you
11199s know that not too many teams check so
11202s yeah even mun they just walk past and
11204s this is a really interesting kind of
11206s prospect in this Lobby right me they
11208s understand that 500 MP is really close
11211s to the checkpoint Mark there is a high
11213s possibility in which they do want to
11214s play aggressive look for the kills on
11216s the other side of the map if they don't
11217s see any teams sitting inside a fire
11219s station they know they're behind they
11221s know they need points the only way to do
11223s that is go to a place where a lot of
11225s teams are maybe look for a third party
11227s this could open up an opportunity for
11228s team juc as look 500 MP and team saver
11232s both sitting inside a cemetery if Heen s
11234s goes aggressive goes to cemetery this
11237s could be an opport oh they checked the
11238s quarter they checked it and it's going
11240s to be shom actually behind the 500 MP
11243s will he be able to be I think they had
11245s the ward did 500 MP see that was that
11247s their camera I don't think it was yeah
11250s but at least at Le no they both know I
11252s mean one was for 500 MP one was for team
11254s saber Shin they know cuz they they they
11257s would definitely turn their sights back
11259s onto Shin but maybe they just yeah maybe
11261s maybe it wasn't their camera oh no wait
11264s the camera is there but maybe it just
11265s doesn't see there it is okay okay okay
11268s he just goes back up is this going to
11270s open up an opportunity be I think they
11272s have a camera here yeah that's going to
11274s find out should know man I think should
11275s know absolutely the right camera's going
11278s to go down this is looking really good
11280s for a saber cuz if 5 MP is back into a
11282s corner here there's really not much they
11283s could do as a triple backline team they
11285s have no front line Scarlet getting
11287s chunked down again by that sun conjunct
11290s there down to almost 30% HP as uh will
11293s be saber the one to take control first
11296s saber needs this game saber needs this
11298s fight still looking to get into
11300s checkpoint themselves maybe sitting on
11302s eight kills six kills seven kills first
11304s place might be enough for them to do it
11306s shind is going to get taken down
11308s terminate comes out from be song six
11310s kills left in the lobby for all of these
11312s teams fa a huge amount of damage oh my
11315s oh my God they fall in line they line up
11319s it's the collateral this isn't even an
11321s FPS but that's a collat and a half if
11322s I've ever seen one a nice attempt coming
11325s in from zad but it's not going to be
11327s enough 100 mp will deny no teams any
11330s longer we are down to our final two
11333s teams mid and song on six looking for
11335s nine saber on 11 looking for 14 this
11338s team is desperate to get those points
11340s and
11341s kills yeah um they need these points cuz
11345s they didn't really have a good game
11346s three and four so they are here Dina
11349s maybe going to try look for an angle
11350s here going to try to get some poke not
11351s going to be able to land on anyone
11353s though nice Dodges out coming from M but
11355s rtic does end up getting hit by the
11357s conjunct he's going to be taken down to
11358s about 60% HP S try to get some ventes
11361s off as well one Circle going to get yeah
11365s going to get these harpoons down rata
11367s getting hit again by the sunen junk
11369s getting down to half HP it's just the
11371s Poke battle between these two Mages one
11373s Circle Anda but Adena just having so
11375s much more
11376s range I don't even know if it's Adena
11379s having so much range and the be and song
11382s is pushing forward but Dina is making
11383s them step like one steps back and lands
11386s a huge sun conject which makes them step
11388s back it's a very big exchange these guys
11390s are just waiting looking for an
11392s opportunity s adding with the additional
11394s poke maybe onto Den if he steps a little
11396s bit too far forward on moon everything
11399s going down positioning wise right now m
11401s s slowly but surely starting to push
11403s themselves back inic on the backside
11405s still trying to throw out those rocket
11406s launchers there's one there's two
11408s there's three nope it's not going to
11409s land rocket launcher one more shot
11411s waiting in it's not going to land here
11412s as well Dina has really good sustain
11415s with those Stars let's see if Saber is
11417s able to push through this they got to
11418s pull the trigger at one point it's going
11419s to go in on towards denana sa gets angle
11421s onto the backline is it going to be the
11423s feating frenzy again no he's missing a
11424s lot of skills and they don't know about
11426s this Satan on the backside he's still
11428s pretty low douchi man holding up in the
11429s front these rocket launchers not Landing
11431s onto the target he is still alive Dena
11434s still alive danana holding the front
11435s both of these characters holding on to
11436s the shields a lot of good damage being
11439s sustained down goes douchi man Dina
11441s needs to do work this viora Still Alive
11445s health bar on the side still kind of low
11447s there's one down rocket launchers is not
11449s going to finish anybody off but there it
11451s goes one down two down three down saber
11454s gets taken down Hong is going to take
11456s the HP bars from Mong were basically
11460s full Block it's just not
11463s enough AA playing out of his mind but
11465s you know unfortunately I think um you
11468s know I think Rolo just missed a little
11470s too much and you know douchan he he did
11473s play I think the fight's are relatively
11475s fine as well you know he got he got in
11477s there
11478s and yeah just Mir just coming out on top
11480s you know able to space so well there it
11482s was just you know a nice T of war from
11484s both teams wow I think revu missed a
11488s crucial outer ring Fenty onto romatic
11492s cuz it would have killed him the haste
11493s towards the bottom side of the fight he
11495s would have killed him if he landed the
11496s outer ring Fenty but then they all
11497s turned their sights towards killing
11499s denana because the Estelle was so low
11501s inside of the Shroud that allowed
11504s romantic to actually go back and heal
11506s himself because of the execution bonus
11508s and I think he also rested up a little
11510s bit the fight was so close you're
11512s absolutely right super but just those
11514s couple crucial fenes we always talk
11516s about this right that's one of the
11517s biggest issues with Fiora you can
11519s definitely tell when she is struggling
11520s cuz each of those misses really accounts
11523s for a ton of damage especially if you're
11526s aiming for the outer ring ones too it's
11528s quite brutal but that's the way that
11530s team saber is going to fall now I don't
11531s think they would have gotten into
11532s checkpoint even if they won the game
11534s with all the kills on hand for team be
11536s and song but would have gotten them way
11538s closer to the checkpoint this time
11540s around they were slightly denied at
11542s least the kill onto donana did come
11544s through but that's about
11545s it yeah and it will be M coming on top
11549s with nine field kills for themselves so
11550s another low kill game but they're able
11552s to you know close out these games they
11554s able to get these placement points for
11556s themselves so they're getting closer and
11557s closer to checkpoint themselves here I
11560s think they just needed 20 points so
11563s they're they're slightly off I think of
11565s the checkpoint but um I think they're at
11568s probably about like 52 53 now so in the
11570s next game they should end up hitting it
11573s but I think with that game it's only
11575s going to be one team that's going to be
11577s in checkpoint and that is going to be
11578s 500 MP oo okay good buffer zone created
11582s by by 500 MP them denying team aser from
11585s getting more kills also means that Team
11587s master is going to have a little bit of
11588s trouble going into checkpoint in game
11590s number six so I forget which team was
11592s the one in second place you said it was
11594s something around 11 points for that team
11596s to try getting
11598s but they went eight remember oh the
11600s buffer zone is there man it's 500 piece
11603s world all the way in game six if they
11604s can pull it off yeah they do have a one
11607s game buffer it looks like I'm pretty
11609s sure Mir s will probably get into a
11611s checkpoint for game number seven and
11613s maybe even team saber cuz team saber had
11615s a nice consistent game there even though
11617s they didn't win they did end up getting
11619s a lot of kills to themselves so they
11620s scored I think probably over like 18
11622s points forsel as well so yeah I mean
11625s it's still anyone's game even though you
11628s know we do have a team in checkpoint
11630s they do have to close it out and if they
11632s don't win the game then you know we're
11633s just going to continue until you know
11636s one of these checkpoint teams do end up
11638s taking the win oh I'm nervous man will F
11642s finally be able to break his curse of
11643s having bad Tournament results or is it
11645s going to be another day in which fauna
11648s goes home dejected and sad I'm going to
11651s be really sad if that happens right cuz
11653s fauna has been looking to get back into
11654s the competitive team for a while his
11656s teams in the past couple of Seasons
11658s they've always tried going into the
11659s qualifiers but not really making it out
11662s he has been shuffling around members a
11664s lot even sitting in team fery at one
11666s point with Alto just couldn't really get
11667s into a lot of group stages this is the
11670s one chance that he has to maybe at least
11672s make it to day one of the Season finals
11674s and have another chance at the title
11677s this weekend but four round results 17
11681s points for team sa a very very solid
11683s game tied alongside Meen Hong three
11685s kills down but that first place spot is
11687s going to give them enough to tie it up
11689s with Team saber two seat sitting in
11691s third with 13 points on their end 500p
11693s with eight they will be in checkpoint
11696s all the other teams just filing below
11697s zero kills for K and and the fast a
11700s means they get zero yeah and here is the
11703s total leader board so like we said 500
11705s MP they will be our only team checkpoint
11707s with 62 but saber and Mirai song right
11711s behind them with 52 only needing three
11713s points in the next game and gay young
11715s inates they still need that 11
11722s dude it sucks at least it wasn't 500 MP
11724s that got that that treat yeah yeah that
11727s would have been that would have been
11728s kind of funny if they did but uh yeah
11730s we'll be get eight still leting those 11
11732s points CH seat also I think in Striking
11735s range now with 13 Asher needing a little
11738s bit more with uh 19 but 19o games are
11741s doable they just need to you know get
11743s maybe an 11 Point kill win which um you
11746s know not points or 11 kills isn't uh too
11749s high for you know a team that does end
11751s up closing out the game but we'll have
11752s to see right going into game number six
11754s if they are able to pull it off indeed
11756s indeed indeed game six are we going to
11759s see a game number seven where is 500 MP
11761s going to round it out here and call it
11763s an early night I predicted seven games
11766s you had six at one point but then you
11768s change it over to eight are we going to
11770s be cter cursing this and seeing a six
11773s Series game or are we going to be going
11775s to another break to see a game seven and
11778s eight ladies and gentlemen we're going
11779s to send it into the character select for
11782s game number six let's see what these
11784s teams are going to be able to bring out
11785s here as the only ban for game number six
11788s we will be I'm always down for ear night
11790s but I'm also down you know for these
11791s longer nights where we could see you
11793s know the these high level games you know
11795s it's always a treat to see but yeah game
11797s number six is on our way here the only
11799s ban is Hayes have to see you know what
11801s these teams do end up picking here as uh
11804s both Mai and Bernice are back on the T
11808s there's no way duim men pulls out Kathy
11810s here right it's such a volatile pick
11812s we've seen it a lot throughout the
11815s weekends we've seen
11817s team no way I I I don't know about this
11820s I I've seen some good stuff on
11822s D no front line oh this is a weird comp
11828s I don't think I've it's like an assassin
11832s front line plus an ADC plus a back line
11836s we'll have to see how it works you know
11837s like maybe they got something cooking
11838s here maybe they have some synergies with
11840s you know the hard alt into like a caty
11842s Al or something we'll have to see this
11844s is one of the reasons though that I was
11846s a little bit scared with douchan coming
11847s in because there's always this kind of
11849s possibility of bringing Kathy now I'm
11851s not worried about douchi man's Kathy
11853s necessarily right his Kathy is
11855s immaculate he finds a lot of these
11857s angles with sutures it's just the
11859s current meta makes it really difficult
11861s for Kathy to actually get anything done
11863s I've seen plenty of combos from douchi
11865s man where he lands a double suture outer
11867s ring of the double by oh not the double
11869s bypass but the um the amputation double
11872s hits on the double bypass emergency
11875s surgery for everybody you don't even
11877s take half their HP and damage I don't
11878s know why I have no idea why but Kathy is
11881s not what we saw her at the beginning of
11883s the season with the whole Revenant
11884s Ironclad combination that that's not
11886s what we see from Cathy anymore that's
11888s why she's kind of fallen out in a lot of
11891s cases right I mean she still has the
11892s combo you can still run it but it isn't
11895s as pressuring as what we saw the
11897s beginning of the season so I'm a little
11898s bit scared here saber another team
11900s that's looking for a lot I'm surprised
11903s they did end up switching their comp as
11904s well cuz they did have you know a nice
11905s you know previous last game right in
11908s game number five even though they didn't
11910s end up winning that game they did have a
11911s lot of kills so that means they it was
11913s definitely working out for them so them
11915s switching up their comp you know
11916s entirely maybe they just want to play
11918s these picks maybe they just want to have
11919s some fun they only need three points
11920s again to checkpoint so you know it's not
11923s too hard for them but it would be a
11924s heartbreaker if they don't get those
11925s three points we see we'll see we'll see
11929s all all this kind of makes me wonder if
11931s they're testing this out to see if this
11932s even works and if it doesn't I would not
11935s be surprised if team saber opts to swap
11939s out duim man again for Bowzer I'm I'm
11942s still wondering where they heding
11943s Compass it worked so well in game one
11945s what
11946s happened um I mean it worked well in
11948s game one that is true and actually did
11951s it work well game one I mean they did
11952s end up winning but you know not have
11955s gotten that many kills but I think their
11957s control in the fight was what kind of
11959s determines it right cuz yeah oh mytic
11963s one more Fenty should do it oh okay
11966s there we
11966s go but what is it it's the same case as
11970s what carpedm was doing yesterday and the
11972s idea that yeah the early game might not
11974s work but at this stage in the series
11976s you're mainly looking for the first
11977s place spot especially if team saber is
11979s able to get into the checkpoint right
11981s they did that pretty confidently with
11984s the hen on their team Sant when
11985s absolutely am
11987s I kind of want to see them swap after
11989s the interm after the intermission if
11991s they do end up getting a checkpoint they
11993s really need to get the first place with
11994s this yeah I mean we'll have to see right
11997s um oh a nice last wave coming off from
12000s one Circle I think jumo is probably
12001s going to die here but it is a my so
12003s they're going to be relatively tanky he
12004s drone does end up rocking as well but uh
12006s oh wait yeah n here maybe going to try
12009s to look for an angle as yeah they're
12010s fully group then it will be one Circle
12012s actually going to be the one to fall
12013s there as this is the early group up we
12016s usually see from these teams Ros are
12019s actually able to live for so long but
12021s does end up getting bursted down there
12022s as it will be 500p coming out on top
12024s once again in the cemetery Skirmish as
12028s they are looking Unstoppable on this
12029s team starting the snowball early for 500
12031s MP bnk FX still struggling our Champions
12035s during our season two finals not exactly
12038s looking to have it this time around
12039s unfortunate for these guys but well
12042s we'll have to see if it's going to work
12043s out for these guys nonetheless they
12045s still have these games to play they
12046s still have the series they need to focus
12048s on even if they might be behind we know
12050s bnk FX is definitely a team that can
12052s turn their Fates around throughout the
12054s series yeah and um you know the points
12057s are still relatively close You know
12059s despite the being in seventh place there
12060s well probably only like a 10-point
12062s difference between like the the the top
12064s four and you know the bottom four so
12067s they going to have to see you know how
12068s it does work out for them but duim man
12069s might be getting caught here nice pork
12072s chop coming out from that boore bomb
12074s trying to look for an angle ooh a nice
12077s uh stun there coming out from the Kathy
12081s and yeah will be on the other side here
12084s D cyber is going to lose two members oh
12086s wait he actually doesn't up oh okay so I
12088s guess bum was able to catch up with a
12089s couple more Bo that fur can do have
12092s coming out from him a lot invested there
12095s from duim men so he's not going to have
12096s anything for any future fights in the
12098s immediate future you can see his
12099s ultimate timer at about halfway through
12101s should be around 30 to 20 seconds left
12104s in night one before the emergency
12107s surgery comes back out again the death
12109s timers man for team sa they need early
12112s game snowballs these early game death
12114s timers are not really helping it's not
12115s too long maybe 20 seconds at most but
12118s still hurting a lot when it comes down
12120s to it especially if they're looking to
12121s fight a team like Deon cyers that has a
12123s ton of sustain they need that damage
12125s going to send it he misses everything
12127s they have the damage they yes they do
12131s yeah they do kill rolu so that is what
12132s you want to see you know and they will
12134s get cadas as well that's two points
12136s already they just need one more and
12138s they'll be in checkpoint as well and on
12139s the bottom side here we do have team VX
12142s fighting team I think that's G8 and
12145s looks like it will be Rosner going in
12148s trying to do some damage but not having
12149s any more passive stacks and he will
12150s actually end up falling A8 actually does
12152s end up getting the trade though so not
12154s too bad they do end up getting uh one
12157s kill uh but gay a you know getting two
12161s they they are also getting closer to
12162s checkpoint as well so I think we're
12163s going to have a lot of Team shuy going
12166s to be hitting checkpoint for game number
12167s seven if it does go to a game seven that
12169s is going to be interesting call out from
12171s bnk FX was also made for EA to full send
12173s it so that there is a possibility for
12175s the meter to be secured by the Fiora I'm
12178s not entirely sure if he actually managed
12180s to get look got it completely booked it
12183s the safety net of the running away Strat
12185s seems to be a little bit too much of a
12187s golden opportunity for p
12190s PX yeah it was in the inventory of uh
12193s Cella and you obviously don't want to
12195s risk it right so when you are in that
12197s situation so yeah it's not it's not no
12200s surprise but um we do have an engage
12202s here ooh actually going to get the knock
12205s up onto Rosner and it will be 500p
12208s securing another kill BK FX you know
12210s unfortunately is not able to find their
12212s footing but I think they are going to
12214s get their colins very shortly here
12216s they're trying to get their colins
12217s actually in Chapel but r on Razer being
12219s dead will delay that slightly I wonder
12221s how big of transitions this is going to
12223s look for I see a forest core called from
12225s the side of scarlet
12227s is the pickup comes in everybody else
12229s looking for either a mythal or a tree of
12231s life maybe a little bit more oh a four
12233s score being called for Seline actually
12236s it's a mythro for fa I think that's
12237s going to go into sud sa seen that quite
12240s often for her no it's going to be the
12242s psy
12244s wow really Psy I've seen I've seen I've
12247s seen a lot of adcs running this psyches
12250s blade I is pretty good right it does
12252s have that um almost 30 attack power with
12255s that pen yeah I think it has that
12258s passive I forgot what the passive was on
12260s Psy blade is it the movement speed
12263s one is there one I thought it was just a
12265s plain stat it oh is it just thatat I
12268s thought it was just
12270s that like play oh yeah it just has uh
12273s some inate movement speed on top of it
12274s as well
12275s so yeah it's just a really nice item you
12278s know for these adcs to run cuz yeah just
12281s it just gives so many uh or so much AP
12284s that armor Ben and then you know that
12286s extra move speed but we might have a
12288s fight on our hands in looks like it is
12290s Ali as the alpha is going to be spawning
12293s and looks like CH SE will get the free
12294s Battle Zone in stream and get a nice
12297s Alpha and uh bear so they're going to be
12300s sitting a nice spot here magn getting
12303s engag on and a nice double knock up but
12305s no follow up here wait a second R taking
12308s so much damage and it will be the subam
12311s going to be alting in there as it looks
12313s like it will be the young cyber is going
12314s to be on the back foot cadas going to
12316s get caught out as well
12317s and yeah as picking up a nice two kills
12319s that's a great split from cadas though
12321s sacrifice your life for the greater good
12322s M knows that I don't know who made the
12325s call there but it was a fantastic call
12327s that's exactly what you need for these
12329s guys 500 oh my God M get out of that one
12333s he does have Shield but you never want
12335s to be in a situation like that so good
12336s stuff for M to get out of that Alive
12339s walking towards the north side senine is
12342s here is a sua he's going to be able to
12344s just kind of Walt on out of there of his
12347s team should be coming back in just a
12348s couple moments Alpha getting taken down
12351s by the subam of Team aser they will be
12353s able to build up the mythal crop sorry
12356s the myal armband for that one nice
12358s transitions coming in two SE also again
12360s as you mentioned earlier picking up the
12361s alpha immediately after the stream
12363s Battle Zone which was completely free
12364s for them really really big transitions
12366s coming for so many teams in O Rosner
12368s fighting an angle here but ooh no not
12371s dodging out on that uh Das from Tua but
12376s wa second one Circle trading the damage
12378s here bum getting actually able to trade
12380s romatic and it looks like E8 will be
12383s forced to die here oh wait o a nice
12386s knock up and actually they're actually
12387s going to be able to get away so it's
12388s just going to be a one for one trade all
12390s right he's got the moves bomb I don't
12393s know about this one my guy uh you can't
12396s cancel oh wait he can cancel it with his
12399s uh spear skill and does actually end up
12401s finishing romatic does get getting two
12403s ventes here wait a second now it's
12404s looking favorable for FX as I I think
12407s danana is going to get knocked up he's
12408s going to get locked up as well and yeah
12410s bomb finding the angle there to get a
12412s nice you know extra kill for their team
12414s how did that
12416s work Shadow stab is really good at
12418s cancelling things but the fact that he
12419s was able to get through the defenses of
12421s one circles bombs that is wild I don't
12424s think that should have been allowed to
12426s happen from be S but danana was a little
12428s bit too split apart executive
12430s decision-making from uh from what was it
12433s from the fur actually going to allow
12434s that to occur good stuff coming
12436s different
12437s bom yeah I think they just weren't
12439s expecting him to just you know just Dash
12442s in and use the use the spear skill I
12445s probably wouldn't either you know like
12446s in that situation but um it does end up
12449s working out for them bnk FX going to be
12450s able to pick up an extra kill off that
12453s now this is a scary situation for the
12454s lobby to be in 500 MP sitting at four
12457s kills they are silently advancing
12459s towards the
12461s end yeah this team is and they're at the
12464s point where you know they're not
12465s actually playing slow so they're
12466s actually kind of ahead of the lobby
12469s they've been pacing themselves really
12470s well at this point in the game they can
12472s actually slow down their game play
12474s immensely and actually play for the win
12476s the mid game has gone so well for them
12478s that I don't think
12480s they're ever going to fall behind in
12482s this game as long as they don't
12483s continuously lose fights back to back to
12485s back they can take this all the way to
12487s the final Zone yeah if you look at their
12488s credit counts they're definitely saving
12490s for these Bloods these big items and
12491s once they get them online they're going
12492s to be really strong oh nice B coming up
12494s from Zella but looks like
12497s the m is just going to W hop on out of
12499s there and nothing's really going to come
12501s out of that slower Pace games we've had
12503s so far in the series about 18 20 21
12508s kills I think in this Lobby so far at
12509s day three I I'd consider that relatively
12512s slow yeah but we do have another fight
12514s on our hands here team saber going to
12516s try looking for an angle here Rosner
12518s getting an angle on Dina but ooh a nice
12521s cancel actually D is going to instantly
12522s kill s there and I think that is going
12526s to be it I think saber needs to get out
12528s herea already far away but there is
12531s another team on the top side there yeah
12533s bnk F going to pick up deiman as well
12535s and team saber they're only on two
12538s points they need one more 54 this is the
12540s problem with the Kathy right I mean
12542s again duim man's Cathy is nothing you
12544s can scoff at but it's Kathy still you
12546s miss a couple skills your fight is just
12548s completely gone you're already in the
12550s fight you can't really get out of it too
12551s safely and you're not tanky to sustain
12553s yourself throughout the fight either
12555s once you go in you're enti backline is
12557s also exposed it's just not a good
12559s situation for saber all around should be
12561s able to get the res they have the
12562s credits for it the question is can they
12563s actually find a console to do that on Z
12566s playing a little aggressive against team
12568s CHC it is so strange again seeing CHC
12570s play so safely like this but somehow
12572s seie gets the angle sebie gets the
12574s resets this is a little bit awkward now
12576s free damage coming in Dau a lot of
12579s Shields coming in from two seat mean
12581s sebie is going to at least be able to
12583s play it a little bit safe nice pull in
12584s from the acceptance spee that is only
12585s going to tag on to n nobody actually
12588s getting taken down but this is over the
12590s Omega both of these teams not going to
12591s let this go willingly yeah Great
12593s Peacemaker but now there's no ultimates
12595s on to gayong anat and you know team CH
12598s SE they both they have the Lenny they
12601s have the Eon you know they don't really
12603s need ultimate here and great triple
12604s spring trap oh my God and that's going
12607s to shut gong in down and it will be CH
12610s SE picking up two kills I don't know if
12611s they were able to get away with the four
12613s score but gong CH Poss getting a nice
12616s four score for them as well and do have
12618s engage here it is no to look for an
12623s ankle on to one Circle just not enough
12625s here sad trying to get that one kill I
12628s think they realize they need to still
12629s get that one kill to make it into
12632s checkpoint and they don't get it such a
12635s Hail Mary coming from Team saber and now
12637s they don't even have enough credits to
12638s Res everybody bana oh my God is not
12643s going to get the Tom which means at
12644s least for team sa they get to live to
12645s see another day to maybe get that one
12648s additional Point look at the map though
12650s Ted and cyber is hunting they have the
12653s ballistic Advantage think they're going
12654s to check will they check be a to find
12656s they should check oh this is tragic
12661s heuck
12663s get4 there is the white lily but his
12665s timer
12668s 54 that is heartbreaking and that is
12672s it's exactly what we predicted right or
12674s it's exactly what we said right it's
12675s dumb playing being a completely new comp
12678s they're just not familiar with um you
12680s know how to play this I guess or I don't
12682s even know I don't know why they ended up
12683s swapping I think they just thought you
12685s know they were in they were going to be
12686s able to get you know these three points4
12688s checkpoints but yeah just costing them
12691s an extra game now that they will have to
12692s play a nice engage from jumo going to
12693s get the taunt onto rolu pulling pi over
12696s and he will end up just instantly
12698s falling here wait a
12700s second look like two bom coming out of
12703s nowhere with that ultimates and yeah he
12705s will end up magn just going to be forced
12707s to TP on away that will beus 500 for D
12710s young cyers brutal brutal brutal one
12712s kill for that team Ash sitting on seven
12714s they're looking pretty solid right now
12716s oh my God the spring TR again is good
12718s indeed 500 MP and a little bit of a
12720s predicament is going to have to get on
12722s out of there Scarlet should have the
12723s hatrick good stuff going out but Nina is
12726s already spent right she's already used
12728s the soul link fauna is in a little bit
12730s of trouble health bar on the side of two
12732s seats still looking pretty good their
12734s timers are starting to go down a little
12735s bit by little bit be able to escape over
12738s onto Ali 500 MP they need to slow down
12740s their Pace massively they can't afford
12742s to be fighting like this and losing
12744s fights like this too look at their
12746s credit counts so they are rich if they
12748s can get these bloods on they are going
12750s to be so strong I think they they're
12752s saving for you know their blood weapons
12753s here getting that extra armor pen you
12755s know to help them you know one shot
12757s these tanks they need them but they just
12759s spent all their time and so they can't
12760s really Buy in a police station they're
12763s going to have to look for you know a
12764s zone that is open but there is no Zone
12766s that's close by that they could really
12768s call in so definitely going to be weaker
12769s did a lot of these seems but nice blast
12771s wave coming up from Shang is the follow
12773s up there noes forward and he's just
12776s going to pay the price for that
12777s instantly going to try maybe returning
12779s fire here Mir here to third party I
12781s think they are going to look for the
12784s angle here canana going to dash forward
12786s another blast wave actually going to hit
12788s zero Jin back and nothing's really going
12789s to come out of that a bit overzealous
12791s from 500
12792s MP I think so he should just barely have
12795s in off maybe I think he's actually
12798s sitting on like 18 seconds question is
12800s is anything what in9 is just completely
12802s ignored by denana they're looking for
12804s the backline holy crap Dau just gets
12806s obliterated zero looking for a little
12808s bit of return fire but he's not going to
12809s be able to find it in N trying to One V
12811s one up against the backline there to Dau
12814s forced to use the ultimate but I think
12816s the catwalking strut is going to be
12818s there quick comes out there's the strut
12820s down he goes kungi and a wiped not
12823s enough yeah not getting enough points to
12824s get into checkpoint as well so that's
12826s very unfortunate but oh my God the burst
12828s damage from one ccle it's not going to
12829s be enough though as it will be romatic
12831s getting caught out and Yeah will be
12834s being K FX coming for the nice third
12835s party going to be able to take two
12837s members down from Mir but Mir having
12839s enough credits they need to get this res
12841s off it looks like there's no team in
12843s fire or sorry in police station or sorry
12845s gas station and yeah they will be able
12847s to get it off but um wow uh that was a
12851s great exclusive I think on the gate gate
12854s again not getting enough points to get
12856s the checkpoints you know danana getting
12859s a nice angle onto their backline there a
12861s nice taunt and then pulling using that
12862s exposive to pull romatic closer and just
12864s able to burst them down all right bnk
12867s furx they need to somehow withstand the
12869s power 500 MP once they get into a corner
12871s it's not going to be good Rosner
12872s stacking a lot of the crowd control
12873s stasis let's see what happen Ops are
12877s there 500 the third party wait a second
12880s the be in what the heck okay team Asher
12882s they're looking for an angle back in on
12883s this is unfortunate
12886s what Asher just TP it at the perfect
12889s time all three at the same time did I
12891s say that correctly yeah I think they did
12893s they all
12894s just on the same spot like did they just
12897s get like I need yeah I need to look at
12900s that back like did they all just
12902s teleport in the exact same area on the
12904s exact same spot as a three man I think
12907s they did it looked really fast for it to
12909s be individual spread okay realistically
12912s speaking probably spread yeah or maybe
12915s it was uh the my TP in first and then
12919s they just TP in after either way 500 MP
12922s why man why guys you guys are looking
12925s for the win you guys are in checkpoint
12927s no reason to ever force that issue they
12929s push too hard into a sua that has a cc
12932s immunity Shield the knockups are there
12934s but who cares I think it was the
12936s definitely the ironcloud coming out I
12939s think that 30% damage reduction just
12941s letting Roser live for so much longer I
12943s think they did end up forcing it because
12944s they did end up seeing you know FX being
12947s a little weaker on the weaker end but
12949s you know jumping in onto Rosner Rosner
12951s just able to you know use that Ironclad
12953s to his full potential getting that 30%
12955s damage reduction and that just spelled
12957s the Doom for uh 500 MP so he will be
12960s guaranteed to go into a game number
12962s seven bomb completely isolated away he's
12965s by himself bomb not looking for a corner
12967s by himself either will get taken down
12969s bnk FX 12 kills is all they get well I
12972s say all they get that is a ton aser one
12974s taken down no gets taken down as well
12976s one rat remaining on the side of Team
12978s Asher it is going to be jumo found out
12980s by team CH SE want to push in on this
12983s not really these are still low on time J
12986s has 20 seconds he's going to try to Loop
12987s it around go in towards Pond I don't
12990s think there is a single team in that
12991s zone if jumo makes it I mean there is a
12994s possibility but there is a hyperloop
12995s inside a gas station that makes it a
12997s little bit easier for teams to maybe
12998s Loop it around and go to a different
13000s Zone
13001s instead yeah on the bright side you know
13003s Mira song I think is definitely in
13005s checkpoint as well they got the three
13006s points they're going to be in uh or
13010s they're definitely secured them uh
13012s themselves a spots in two checkpoint for
13014s game number
13015s seven J all three of our full teams are
13018s actually in the zone here so we might
13020s have a free res on team
13022s Asher still a team can hyper loot but
13025s when there's three teams inside a gas
13026s station this is not that I think they're
13028s looking it yeah I think the young cyers
13030s knows you know there's two other teams
13031s here they's going to book it all the way
13032s down to the other Zone chose seat I
13035s think in follow them I think they don't
13037s want to fight mirang and will they make
13039s it in though I mean they're still going
13041s to be an extra 30 seconds right after
13042s this so I think they have plenty of time
13044s yeah they should be able to the only
13046s problem is for team CH their records
13049s against team ton cyers main comp or even
13051s me and song just in general is not
13054s exactly the greatest they can knock down
13056s Revue pretty quickly and they have to
13058s but they can't lose too much cuz you
13060s have to think about it like this sebie
13062s and cine is never going to be able to
13065s kill m i don't don't think that is ever
13066s going to happen especially if Cadmus is
13068s still alive they need to somehow kill
13070s revu without losing too much health bar
13072s on their own as well preferably without
13075s losing the play that but that's asking
13076s for a little bit too much maybe with the
13078s way that shom plays nice double Tong
13080s coming in from jumo but his life as an
13082s expectancy date of now we go good stuff
13086s Heen s going to be able to pick up an
13087s extra kill for themselves Nine Kills
13089s again it's all about denying other teams
13092s points yeah and it will be team CH just
13095s going to walk on down here they're going
13097s to have to look for this MCN also
13098s sitting on that blood weapon so having
13099s that extra armor pen BBE to kill sebie
13102s here now see how it does work out for
13104s them Seb going to try to build up the
13106s bar rolu is going to be able to get a
13107s lot of poke damage off but uh shom you
13110s know answering with their poke damage as
13112s well but look at the damage oh wait
13114s there a spring trap that does end up
13115s hitting rol going to jump on in here but
13118s uh he's just getting damage down by cine
13121s and shomi but he's just going to jump
13122s back into his team here shom going down
13124s to half HP as the fight looks like it's
13126s going to reset as they don't have timer
13129s though sh only on 10 seconds they need
13130s to look for an angle they need to get a
13131s kill here or they're going to head
13134s explode they're just going to look on
13136s for an angle onto magn but the damage
13138s coming out from rolu and from magn is
13140s just too much for Seb and it will be D
13143s young cyber is going to be able to
13144s secure the nice win for themselves a
13147s nice clean through V3 for them I was
13149s just so controlled from the side of
13150s tigon cyers they were never even forced
13152s to pop the faith and wavering from
13154s Cadmus at the beginning of the fight too
13156s it just didn't look good I think the
13157s acceptance speech was invested from
13159s juicy which means yeah the second
13160s portion of the fight was just never
13161s going to favor nicely done for ton cyers
13164s sitting on four kills now looking for
13166s seven whereas M seong trying to deny ton
13169s cybers from making a possible comeback
13170s in this series which ton cyers quite
13173s frankly desperately
13174s needs yeah and it's going to be Mar the
13177s one going to be that's going to be able
13179s to hold the Zone here that means m is
13181s going to have to push into a slen and a
13183s Bernice Bernice already dropping down
13184s their traps going to try to hold some
13188s more or going to try to get some more
13189s control here as magnani going to try
13191s look for an angle Dan over the wall the
13193s spell shield goes out rolu another spell
13195s shield great spell shield reaction from
13196s magnani actually going to lock down rolu
13199s or going to keep rolu alive here from
13201s getting taunted as Anana gets chunk down
13203s to almost one HP as they will be forced
13207s to reset so will be is going to be the
13209s one to hold control here last wave is
13212s going to miss movement speed buff from
13214s Cadmus is actually working out really
13215s well now the position has been
13216s completely flipped for both of these
13218s teams one Circle trying to get the Poke
13220s down but the shields eat up amp damage
13222s remember it's not exactly the great
13224s angle oh my God and he just
13229s explodes yeah tried to look for an angle
13231s there he thought you know he had that oh
13233s wait a second rolu is turning here
13237s waving the heal oh
13239s it's it was a good attemp it was a good
13241s attemp it really was I think the fact
13243s that they were at least able to pick up
13245s one Circle after a crucial crucial
13248s mistake coming from bangani he sent
13249s himself a little bit too far and then a
13251s perfect reaction from danana right to
13253s deny
13255s the the non kyote yeah um I think
13258s magnani he thought he landed that
13260s bookmark right cuz uh it was going to
13262s connect but I think just the reaction
13263s the blink away just forced magnani in a
13266s little too far forward and then the
13268s interception from danana was just big
13271s just able to uh block the dashes you
13274s know uh for to try to get away there and
13277s then he he just explodes to that Seline
13279s situation for today is actually the
13281s complete flip side of what we saw
13282s yesterday where a team they didn't get
13285s any kills at the first portion of the
13286s fight but they blew a really big cool
13288s down right I actually think it might
13290s have been Deon cyers that did that with
13291s m n actually forcing somebody else
13294s another Bernice inside a pawn to invest
13296s the blink that's a big cool down that
13298s they took advantage of it in the second
13299s portion this time around they couldn't
13301s Force any blinks out during the first
13303s portion of the fight and then ban baits
13305s himself self to go in but the blink was
13307s there and the reaction from danana is
13309s just so perfect and on time too well
13312s played from m s nice attempt from Revue
13314s to try turning that fight around with
13315s the faith and wavering sitting on top of
13317s Cadmus but m is a little bit too good at
13320s eating Auto attacks from any adcs which
13323s means be seding secures it one for three
13326s in favor of that team secures first
13328s place and guarantees themselves into the
13332s checkpoint oh I don't even think it was
13334s a blink I think he just jumped for
13335s forward you know thinking one Circle
13336s would walk in but yeah he just you know
13339s back stepped and magnani you know
13341s jumping a little too far forward there
13343s ended up putting himself in a bad
13344s position that's like one of the
13345s downsides obviously to sua is uh you
13347s know if you miss those ease you are in a
13350s really bad spot and you can be punished
13352s and that's exactly what SM sang did just
13354s able to capitalize on that and you know
13357s lock down the sua instantly died but uh
13360s I was surprised that you know rolu
13362s almost was able to turn it there but uh
13364s yeah looks like damage uh is is kind of
13368s uh insane right now mhm especially with
13371s that uh with that Johan because you know
13373s Yan provides just an extra 40 AP
13375s basically for their team because of that
13378s uhor and ESS yeah exactly yeah kadia is
13382s really good at the moment well okay I
13385s say at the moment but I think it's a
13386s little bit debated right she did get a
13388s little bit of additional Buffs I think
13390s in 1.26 but during 1.25 she was kind of
13394s up there as a maybe okay maybe not okay
13397s it just kind of depended on what player
13399s you were asking and also what kind of
13400s composition that roster is playing too
13403s at least on the side of Ted and cybers
13404s we've seen this composition work and the
13406s aggressiveness the chase potential
13409s coming through this team is really good
13411s haven't really seen that in the series
13413s right it's a completely different look
13415s of Team ton cybers compared to yesterday
13417s which is a little bit awkward but game
13420s number six gave us a little bit of an
13422s Insight of what is possible this team in
13425s the series they're going to sit on 10
13426s points for this game alone M sedong of
13429s course with 12 going to be having 20
13431s points in their favor BQ FX 14 points
13434s for themselves in the end ashers sitting
13436s on 12 500 MP they did a
13439s win yeah but they are still at
13443s checkpoint so I think we now have two
13444s teams in checkpoints which will be 5p
13446s and M seang so the series could end and
13449s look saber
13452s 54 heartbreaking but if you look at the
13455s other teams is getting really close Chui
13457s saber 54 gang8 59 V FX 48 Asher 48 CH 48
13463s fortunately it's only D young cyers
13464s that's you know a little too far away
13466s but any of these teams can hit
13467s checkpoint in the next game they only
13470s need about seven points uh respectively
13472s respectively from you know the bottom uh
13475s half on you know 7th through fifth
13479s so yeah it's still anyone's tournament
13482s and the thing is it's ton cyers as well
13485s right this team can still turn things
13486s around if they have a good next few
13489s games so just because they're sitting on
13490s 27 points does not mean that the series
13492s is over yet yeah there might be a ton of
13494s teams in checkpoint but saw how
13496s aggressive this team can be yesterday if
13498s they finally find their footing in some
13499s of these games could be a possibility we
13502s do see all these top teams cannot let go
13505s of how controlled they have to be of
13507s their own respective games since there's
13510s still a possibility of a few extra games
13512s that could be going in but super with
13514s this game over it was Game number six we
13517s are going to have ourselves a break and
13518s are going to go into games seven and
13520s eight another chance for these teams to
13522s sub out players if they also choose to
13524s do so yeah and this will probably be the
13527s last chance I mean maybe we go to a game
13530s you know nine or 10 but um most likely
13533s it will end on game number eight but who
13536s knows who knows right uh you know the
13538s previous erms right in season one and
13540s two it did go pretty long so could
13543s happen again exactly guys we'll see what
13546s ends up happening in game seven and
13547s eight right after the break so grab
13548s yourself some water grab yourselves a
13550s snack go take a stretch we'll see you
13551s guys back here for game seven and eight
13554s take care take care
13589s spe
13633s com
13652s spee spe
13656s speech speech
13690s spe
13707s fore
13724s spee
13726s fore spe foree
13759s chicke
13795s chicken wow
13816s C she can me
13861s for
13896s speee
13904s spee
13916s fore fore speee
13963s foree foree
14002s all right ladies and gentlemen I
14003s actually managed to click the unmute
14004s button this time correctly welcome back
14006s from the break hopefully you guys had a
14008s great one we are coming out of a game is
14010s five and six for the finals upcoming are
14013s going to be a game number seven
14015s guaranteed and a possible game number
14017s eight depending on whether or not mea
14019s and hedong and 500p the two teams that
14021s are in checkpoint manag to win game
14023s number seven or not
14025s yeah I'm excited uh we do have two teams
14028s on checkpoint like you said and yeah I
14030s mean we're going to see you know if it
14032s if these teams are going to be able to
14033s close it out for game number seven or if
14035s we go or if we will go to game number
14037s eight I think if we do go to game number
14039s eight there is probably going to be at
14040s least maybe five to six teams that will
14042s be on checkpoint so most likely it will
14045s end on game eight but you know there
14048s could be cases you know especially since
14050s we've had these cases in the past where
14052s you know the the random team that's not
14054s on check point they're able to you know
14056s bring it home and you know we go we go
14058s to game number N9 or 10 oh my God that
14060s would be the H the love and joy of
14064s people in chat as we will see me just
14068s not sleeping and people in chat
14069s apparently really want that nowadays I
14071s don't know why you guys would ever not
14073s want me to take care of my well-being
14075s but I guess that's twitch chat end of
14077s itself and I love you guys for it let's
14079s end straight into game number seven and
14081s see what these players are able to bring
14083s to the board do we have any player
14085s substitutions coming back in let's
14088s see it looks like no we will have the my
14091s band coming out and we do have a
14093s Charlotte pick
14095s actually oh wait is he going to walk
14097s into Charlotte no he's going to go back
14099s down room all right I'm worried again
14101s now saber still sticking with duim man
14105s um I I really want to see saon on the on
14108s the hedin man and there's so many comps
14110s in this game that we saw I think in
14112s games five and six as well that hin
14114s would slot so well in dealing with them
14118s sa is just opting to not do so they're
14120s going to at least try to go for one
14121s additional Point deny 500 MP and be in s
14124s from winning game number seven here try
14126s to take it to a game number eight and
14128s maybe look for a
14130s win see if that even comes to fruition
14132s though saber had a really good start to
14134s the series and then just kind of fell
14135s off starting from games three all the
14137s way until now this might be the
14139s reinvigoration they are looking for I
14142s think this might be the first game where
14144s going to have no bands it's going to be
14146s near the end as well cuz I think all
14149s these teams they know they need to play
14151s for the win or they need to play for
14152s these points so they can get themselves
14154s into checkpoint so they're all just
14155s sticking with what they know how uh with
14158s like what they
14160s know okay okay bringing it back to the
14163s Classics for these guys A9 also sitting
14165s on the shoe Kai right this is another
14167s pick that we see a lot on this guy
14170s pretty good at controlling the front
14171s line and he's actually pretty aggressive
14174s with this character too but I think so
14177s far I haven't seen any crazy Shadow
14180s stabs coming out from in9 and I'm saying
14183s that because we saw striker in na do it
14186s quite often where he actually decides to
14188s walk it off in and instead of using E2
14191s which a lot of shuai will tend to do he
14193s actually Walks Behind the players that
14195s he knocks up and then Shadow stabs them
14197s back in because I think it's Striker and
14199s wokes and the mold divers he sets up for
14202s the Seline in9 I don't know know if he
14205s can necessarily do that cuz no one on
14206s his team is playing sine at the moment
14208s but maybe if he does end up looking for
14209s an angle like that he could set up his
14210s team to find success in some of these
14212s fights even more yeah we'll have to see
14215s I do think um you know the shukai pick
14217s is uh still pretty good you know you do
14219s get you know the extra food as well you
14221s know shukai being you know a decent tank
14224s relatively tanky with that passive and
14227s yeah just able to you know sustain you
14230s know their team some fights for so long
14232s it looks like FAA is going to look for
14236s Thea damage but yeah the protocol
14238s actually coming down and Scarlet trying
14240s to follow up but not level six yet so
14243s there's not really much a Emma can do
14245s and it will be team sa going to pick up
14248s two kills and that will submit
14250s themselves into checkpoint finally
14252s they're going to be able to get in here
14254s well if this only happened in the last
14256s game they play but of course this time
14258s it's going to be in game number seven
14259s they will they will guarantee themselves
14261s into the checkpoint exactly as you said
14263s unless they decide to just go and have
14265s fun with a minus two shouldn't happen
14268s for team sa but you never know what the
14270s possibilities are going to look like
14271s especially with how this weekend has
14272s been looking so far 500 MP looking for a
14275s couple additional kills at the start but
14277s they were a little bit fragmented fa
14279s going to be forced to pop the soul steel
14280s not the soul stealer sorry the soul link
14283s everybody on the side of 500 MP just
14284s completely split apart swong maybe
14286s looking for a kill onto bum but this
14288s spora is a little bit too tanky will get
14290s taken down Scarlet Last One Alive on
14293s alive on their team is going to have to
14295s book it away 500 MP not finding the
14297s early games that we have seen them find
14299s in this Southeastern side of the map in
14301s the series so far yeah I think that was
14303s you know due to that early game
14304s aggression trying to you know get Dena
14307s but you know delaying their build for so
14309s long and you know it's now it's going to
14311s be bnk F that's just able to punish them
14313s a nice spell shield coming out from
14314s rozer not being polymorphed and it will
14316s be something wrong falling here a nice
14318s jump away nice change from the Emma
14320s going to be able to jump over the wall
14322s as it will be bnk furix finding another
14324s two kills off of 500 MP so they're going
14327s to be pretty close at checkpoint
14328s themselves they just need a couple more
14330s and yeah we might have our third team or
14332s sorry our four team that's going to be
14334s guaranteed to be in checkpoint for game
14335s number eight oh my God oh my God we
14338s might have ourselves a massive Fest for
14341s game number eight at this stage o bouncy
14342s house for one Circle 500 MP looking for
14345s a kill but one Circle has the blink
14347s unfortunate maybe this was their chance
14349s to turn it around and get a little bit
14350s of that early game aggression they could
14352s find it's just going to be a simple
14354s blank that turns that fate around niely
14356s done from one Circle to get out of there
14358s 500 MP still struggling a little bit for
14360s the first few minutes going to get found
14362s out by Asher that's the change Scarlet
14366s not going to be checking the bush he
14367s will keep himself safe at least for now
14370s Asher doesn't pull the trigger there as
14371s it is going to be gang a going to be
14373s able to pick up another two or another
14375s kill for thems as yeah looks like CH
14378s going to fall magnani going to find
14380s romatic as well looks like Mir song is
14382s just completely split trying to get as
14383s much Farm as possible possible and it
14385s will be him fallen so a lot of early
14389s kills going around to these teams
14391s inching their way closer and closer to
14392s this checkpoint to try to maybe and to
14395s maybe try deny you know air s and 500 MP
14398s from winning this game it almost feels
14400s as if the story is completely flipped
14402s the teams that actually do really good
14404s in the early stages of the game that
14405s we've seen so far in the weekend not
14407s even just in the series alone is
14409s actually getting jumped on themselves
14412s instead getting a bit of the taste of
14413s their own medicine if I were to put it
14415s in words like this Swang is going to
14417s have to Blink away but he also gets on
14419s immediately the combo is just there
14421s Swang absolutely demolished 500p in a
14424s little bit of trouble but the trade onto
14425s no will come through Scarlet still
14427s healthy jumo trying to get himself on
14429s out the bunny morph is going to come
14431s through no chance to use the knockout
14432s punch over the wall they finally finally
14435s finally finally find themselves a break
14437s two kills in favor of 200 MP yeah Sarang
14440s getting a nice blast wave and blinking
14443s on out of there forcing the Nikki to be
14446s so far forward and F just able to punish
14448s able to do so much damage back as uh you
14450s know once the Niki is too far forward
14451s they're going to have to spend a lot of
14454s uh the resources to follow up there as
14456s it looks like in9 getting a lot of
14457s damage onto shinan here they're going to
14460s turn their attention back onto sebi a
14462s lot of damage traded onto Chi as it
14464s looks like it's going to be dosu going
14465s to be able to pick up senine and yeah we
14467s be G inate coming out on top there
14469s getting that kill and getting the tree
14471s of life we see this uh fight time and
14473s time again it's it's always between uh
14475s CH SE and G innate for this Temple Tree
14478s as it is going to be G young inate going
14480s to be the one to come out on top this
14481s time is quite unfortunate for team CHC
14483s they need themselves a break similarly
14485s to 500 MP but it's going to be a lot
14487s more delayed compared to their
14488s adversaries h on on this tree means 200
14491s and uh about 200 credits going towards
14494s that tree of life for sebbi to upgrade
14496s into black mamba king that's going to
14498s definitely put a bit of a halt to their
14500s mid game transitions flowing in at the
14502s same rate as before also seen team two
14505s SE struggling in these mid games as well
14507s right it's not like it's been a a clean
14509s ride for these guys at all it's early
14511s game set back got a tree a bit what did
14514s they get the cemetery tree I think they
14515s might have got the cemetery tree or
14516s something or maybe they got it off a
14517s wolf I think I think they got it off the
14520s the pwn wolves I'm so
14522s lucky yeah because uh if you look at the
14524s credit count right they have not bought
14526s and we just we did see the tree of life
14528s being picked up from them o a nice blast
14529s wave coming out from sang oh it's
14531s actually not going to be able to finish
14532s Z Zin is able to do so much damage back
14535s with the Rockets n being already dead no
14537s s link available and that is going to be
14540s The Peacemaker coming out are they going
14541s to be able to get the wipe here no it's
14543s going to be Scarlet just going to be
14544s able to jump on out of there sang trying
14546s to trade does end up getting zero Jin
14549s trades the uh trades to one kill not too
14553s bad as the dead timers are relatively
14555s short they'll take the weapon Mastery
14557s and I don't think 500 MP has called in
14559s new transition so shouldn't really be
14562s forking any credits over onto any other
14563s teams as as well not that bad of a trade
14565s for 500 MP but with those death timers
14568s going to be a little bit awkward they're
14569s not going to be able to contest battle
14571s zones as freely as they wish most likely
14573s we'll be looking for any Alphas that are
14575s potentially open so we'll see where 500
14577s MP decides to hyper loot for themselves
14579s see a temple hyper for fauna everybody
14582s else starting to file in on towards
14583s these battle zones and their respective
14585s Alphas if they are contesting for that P
14588s looking for an angle on the backline
14589s here but they know that the other team
14590s is completely split here does get a nice
14593s ultimate onto cath Miss but catus is
14595s just going to completely medicate all of
14597s it as magani does end up jumping forward
14599s but trades one for one and does a lot of
14602s damage onto the enemy team and it's
14604s going to be team dong cyber is going to
14606s come out on top on this battle Zone
14607s inside of Chapel though another fight
14608s between team saber and team ch ch just
14611s not finding anything as sebi gets taken
14613s down senina is down shind should also
14616s follow suit saber in look good looks at
14618s the moment as soon as they're in the
14620s checkpoint spot they're feeling a lot
14622s more confident playing very brazenly
14624s will be will be rewarded for
14626s this yeah I mean getting some more kills
14628s is always good getting some more points
14630s getting those extra placement points you
14632s know you're able to get uh more circuit
14634s points for yourself and you know a
14636s bigger prizing even if you don't end up
14638s winning just you know having that uh are
14641s getting those extra points for that
14643s placement is um is always a good luck
14645s the N team jued is also even better
14647s still sitting on zero kills for these
14649s guys transitions wise it's not looking
14651s that bad se he does have his priority
14653s items at the battle B suit and the myal
14655s helmet up online especially with the
14657s Tree of Life transition you were talking
14658s about earlier from maybe a wolf or
14660s something like that still not exactly
14662s the early game that team CH has been
14664s looking for I mean this team heavily
14666s relies on snowballing early on with
14668s weapon Mastery in of itself sebie has
14670s been front wait a second oh the Gage is
14673s stuck at 99 the Gage is stuck at 99 the
14676s fight is going to be slightly delayed
14677s but it just gives seevi even more time
14679s to reset he's not going to find a reset
14680s with the dash and now his gauge is up
14683s high but his health bar starting to drop
14684s for some reason oh my goodness the first
14686s one to go down oh nice kill coming
14689s through from romatic Spring trap away
14691s not that bad but I don't think team 2C
14693s wants to risk it at all they're going to
14694s back away seie is going to abandon C
14696s easy kill for one Circle nice Blink from
14699s one Circle there to you know line up
14701s that uh W for that shankling anchors but
14704s uh yeah I mean unfortunately there was
14706s no play dead on the side of oh no wait
14709s saber is actually going to fully wipe
14710s here as it's going to be team Asher that
14711s does end up coming out on top but yeah
14713s no play that on the side of shom will
14716s cost them that fight in Forest but uh
14718s what happened to team saber here they
14720s just uh looks like they just lost 33 to
14721s team aser mhm douchi man was The Last
14724s One Alive and we know about Alonzo
14726s trying to run away from people that
14727s timer was about 20 seconds he can't
14729s really up against the Yan so much CH
14733s their points they are in checkpoint so
14735s even though they wiped early here as
14737s long as it goes to game number eight
14739s their hopes and dreams are not out just
14741s yet yep exactly all right all right good
14745s situation for I think team saber to be
14747s in right this is a bit more of a timeout
14749s if you want to call it that way they
14750s have a lot of time to kind of deliberate
14752s what they want to bring in for game
14753s number eight assuming there is going to
14755s be one but M song and 500 MP slightly
14759s delayed there's a good chance that this
14760s could happen they're kind of banking on
14762s it but it's not to the point where
14763s they're praying for that just
14765s yet yeah and obviously you know one team
14768s being down since Taber did end up
14769s falling it does open the door up a
14772s little a little bigger for 500 MP and
14774s Mir to close it out because you know
14775s there's one less team for them to be
14777s contested on as uh we do actually have
14779s some cins in red here from Mir song
14782s probably um you know looking to spend
14784s their credits one Circle also sitting on
14786s about 400 credits probably saving for
14788s that blood but you know just trying to
14789s be as strong as possible to fight these
14791s teams yeah but they're also playing as
14793s safely as possible Right still 500 MP
14796s playing a little bit aggressive on the
14797s earlier stages I think be and S kind of
14799s understands that this is not the time to
14801s do that even at the cost of a little bit
14803s of time they're looking to just get
14804s their items called in play it a little
14806s bit safe it's completely fine for these
14808s guys as long as they don't die bad
14811s situation at all team juc being forced
14813s into the hotel P Hotel pool fight over
14816s in archery range also going to be
14817s started between me and seong versus team
14820s kungi in a tazu is going to have to
14821s Blink away a little bit of an
14823s awkward a little bit of an awkward
14825s grappling maneuver coming in from one
14827s Circle will from the looks of it back
14829s away and recall this fight no everyone's
14831s still looking for it fight inside lot of
14834s damage over M trading back but the
14836s Rockets actually are able to finish one
14838s Circle and yeah looks like they're
14840s actually going to have to give this one
14841s up maybe res in uh looks like school but
14845s maybe dasu wants some more here they
14847s don't want to let this team res as you
14849s know they are in checkpoints danana does
14851s end up blinking on over I think they
14853s will be safe here on the top side we do
14855s have FX able to win the fight into two
14857s seat able to get the res off here Ros
14859s are looking for some more as well but
14861s the white lily is going to get them both
14862s away they're on down time sebie is going
14865s to be able to get himself away
14867s resurrections did come from bnk FX they
14869s do not want to let this opportunity pass
14870s still trying to chase down sebie but he
14872s has the resets animals are here and
14874s bountiful inside of forest means he's
14876s going
14877s get nice resets coming in oh okay one
14883s went down for each of the teams they
14885s both managed to secure the kills
14886s unfortunately the Executioner bonus
14888s coming in much more favor full for team
14890s bnk furx will'll be able to resurrect
14893s their I believe it was the Fiora way
14897s faster than team CH seat now they're
14899s getting chased down I think 7 seconds
14901s left never mind they're only only
14903s getting chased down by their own timers
14904s 3 seconds left on the side of sebie by
14906s the time he gets into cemetery and
14907s another potential fight on the North
14908s side is 500 MP a little bit split apart
14911s nina not going to get taken down but
14912s there is the tags coming in from the in
14914s the blitz damage coming in for the oh
14917s there's white L uhoh uhoh nice Blink
14920s from FAA but Nina is dead shom and no
14923s not shin sorry bounce in oh this is so
14926s bad f are you going to be able to get
14928s away from this one are you the full
14934s swing yeah MCN will just jump over and I
14937s think he didn't expect you know sang to
14940s be on that side and he will pay the
14941s price for it as 500 MP they're able to
14944s pick this up that young cyber you know
14946s biting more than they can chew over
14947s chasing there and they end up paying for
14949s it what a break for team 500 MP nice
14952s call from SW to loop back around he was
14954s completely split I thought he was going
14955s to play it a little bit more safe go
14957s over towards another hyperloop and maybe
14959s join his team elsewhere but no they make
14961s the call I can loop around let's take
14963s the jump pad if the sua comes with me
14966s then we'll just kill her full stacked
14968s four stack I think maybe it was a four
14971s stack I think it was like three single
14973s stacks and a four stack all top in that
14976s one spot and M just gets absolutely
14978s blown up nice call from 500 MP cyers
14982s minus 500 but they're at least back alus
14984s 250 sorry and gong are looking for an
14988s angle here zerin dodging out on the dash
14990s but the damage coming out from R already
14992s chunking down d uh dasu to half HP looks
14996s like d is going to back away here damage
14998s coming
14999s in it's pretty late into the game right
15001s it's already day four it's so weird how
15003s fast these games are going I can't even
15005s keep up to date with them but he's still
15007s looking line will spawn I think it's
15010s either I can't tell the fire station is
15012s open I think it is and on the Southside
15014s Forest is also open as well not sure
15016s about Cemetery at least those two zones
15018s are going to be some possibilities where
15021s that that wck line is going to spawn
15023s romantic gets taged out by springtrap
15025s and now this might be the go-ahead for
15026s team CH to start fighting
15029s oh on to one Circle and I think that is
15032s going to be it and they get third parted
15034s here so it will be Miron going down so
15037s one of our checkpoint teams is going to
15038s fall here it's only going to be up to
15040s 500 MP to close this game out oh wait a
15042s second oh my God the wall the blink over
15045s the wall actually saves him as it looks
15048s like it's going to be G G inate oh no
15050s they find him ah that sucks no the loop
15053s around is going to come through be down
15056s team as also loses a few of their own
15058s members bnk FX is actually going to wipe
15060s Team master I apologize it's not a few
15062s it's all of them down they go eight
15064s kills for bnk FX I believe they're also
15066s in checkpoint now any of the teams that
15069s were not in checkpoint needed a range of
15071s one to did they need seven
15074s I well I any team below it except for
15078s ton and cyers needed seven or less so
15080s yes they are also is also in checkpoint
15083s okay so yeah we have almost three extra
15085s teams in checkpoint already maybe even
15088s actually G as well so we actually have
15090s yeah so it's going to be I think
15091s probably seven teams going to be in
15092s checkpoint it looks like all depends not
15095s SE yeah yeah we just need CH SE to get
15097s in there CH see get seven points this
15101s game yes they'll also be in there it's
15102s looking okay right now now sitting at at
15104s least guaranteed five as fifth place is
15107s up for grabs right now if chus is able
15109s to stay alive for a little bit longer
15110s they'll at least guarantee the seven
15112s points they need for checkpoint as long
15113s as they last until
15116s third I don't know where is anyone on ju
15121s steam oh there he is hey hello look like
15125s they yeah they were just calling in in
15126s hotel I thought uh I guess they were
15128s stack on top of each other any Aon so I
15131s I I I could see where they are but oh my
15132s God look at magnani's build he's on
15135s sitting on those two bloods he's got
15137s that armor pen so he's going to do a lot
15138s of damage and then Cadmus is just there
15140s to you know keep him alive they're
15143s looking really strong is revu already
15145s sitting on Widowmaker I don't think I've
15146s really
15147s seen I think he us buing yeah he usually
15151s just sits on a gold weapon I don't think
15153s he builds blood Rod of Hearts is an
15155s interesting build here for roir maybe
15157s they just really need this the sua to do
15160s extra damage in comparison to the other
15162s ones I'm not sure
15164s yeah we'll have to see how it works out
15165s for them looks like most teams are just
15166s sitting in their Corner respective
15168s Corner trying to get a vision play you
15170s know trying to get an edge on these
15171s other teams here in9 also looking really
15173s strong he's got that prominence dasu on
15176s that blood guar as well so maybe they're
15179s going to look for some fights here
15180s they're already guaranteed so they could
15182s just look maybe to get some more kills
15183s for themselves just need to make sure
15185s they don't minus uh you know in these
15188s fights it's pretty hard you know to go
15191s minus as well you know to to blow your
15192s body up good blocks from m n there as it
15195s is going to be D young cyber going to
15197s press lead with this quick line going to
15198s force these other teams all down into
15200s Hotel here there's so many teams down
15201s here and oh my God the Rockets are
15203s coming out ah a little bit of an awkward
15204s fight they are going to split apart
15206s Jenine gets third parted as well he
15208s going to have to jump back the grind is
15211s there sebbi going to get away because
15214s Kung finds themselves the third party
15216s potential on bnk for oh my goodness
15220s that's really unfortunate for team CHC
15221s they're looking for a couple extra
15223s points remember super at best they're
15226s looking for one at worst they're looking
15228s for two more you need to at least
15231s outlasted until third place but I don't
15233s know with the number of teams that are
15234s alive here if they're able to do that I
15237s mean there's Anon so if there's any
15239s character that could go all the way it
15241s will be this character we're going to
15242s have to see you know if they are going
15243s to be able to do that though as 500 MP
15246s could also close out the game here they
15247s are in checkpoint oh they do catch sebie
15250s here to get the knock up sebie have any
15252s resets he does get reset here and just
15255s away but gay young in eight trying to
15257s look for some more maybe trying to get
15260s these two kills shom dashes dashes on
15262s forward not able to go over the wall and
15265s I think he will oh looks like the
15267s gillotin does end up killing sebbi and
15270s the snipe the grenade launcher from
15271s zeren picks up Shen Mana will be you SE
15275s going to fall here only going to be six
15277s teams in checkpoint at this stage unless
15279s hon
15280s cyers no they need like 30 points at
15282s this point mind they're not going to be
15284s able to go into checkpoint so CH seed
15286s and Deon cybers are two final teams not
15289s in checkpoint after game number seven
15291s they're going to have to go hard in game
15292s eight to try to extend the series any
15294s longer for the rest of the lobby it's
15296s just a little bit more of a formality
15297s but for 500 MP looking for a victory
15299s beautiful for stack coming in from
15301s sonang but unfortunately I don't know if
15303s there is damage enough from the rest of
15305s this Lobby we are guaranteed a game
15307s number eight ladies and
15309s gentlemen yeah and it will be six teams
15311s in checkpoints and uh uh oh wait wait
15314s what happened to oh wait wait wait wait
15317s they they they got third party yeah in
15319s in archery yeah
15320s yeah and yeah looks like gate are going
15323s to look for an angle here onto bnk
15325s FX team oh they forces there with that
15329s white lily is that going to be enough
15331s they are going to be able to get onto
15333s dasu but uh a Great Peacemaker to cancel
15336s it out dasu going to try to One V one
15338s Ros here Ros getting a lot of damage
15341s enough damage they do actually Focus
15342s bomb bomb will end up Fallen here first
15345s and a nice peel back from zero Jin
15347s actually going to be able to Blink over
15348s the wall and secure themselves a nice
15351s spot rner trying to look for some
15354s more and it will be E8 going to fall
15358s very shortly here as we actually have a
15359s third party coming out from day young
15361s cyers they're just going to be able to
15363s get that one and yeah it might just go
15367s down to the temporary Zone here unless
15369s they go all the way
15370s back ah that sucks if E8 didn't do that
15374s and he actually played it a little bit
15375s more safe sat inside the bush instead I
15377s think he could have seen the fact that
15379s ton cypers was planning on walking down
15381s into hotel and then somehow D7 is way
15384s back up to gas station I like this play
15387s I think they're going to wait until it's
15389s goes close and they're all going to walk
15391s out so it just skips to the temp uh the
15394s the final Zone and they could they could
15397s take control here
15399s so yeah they'll they'll be able to take
15401s control first if they stayed in then
15403s would stay in the temporary Zone because
15405s obviously you know if there's two the
15407s the zon cannot uh cannot finish but
15410s since they walk out it doesn't really
15411s count and yeah now they have a Zone
15414s Advantage here getting a a lot of nice
15416s poke Zen already chunk down to half HP
15419s maybe they could look for an angle here
15421s the speed boost does go onto rolu but
15424s maybe they could play off this
15425s Guillotine they don't really know the
15426s guillotin is down here but it looks like
15428s they actually don't walk into it yeah
15430s for kungi inate they do not want to walk
15432s into a tight quor as
15434s in actually kind of smart but they have
15437s to get lucky oh they're hyper looping at
15438s the gas station super smart I love this
15442s strategy but for ton cyers they see all
15445s these pings right they're going to know
15446s exactly how to deal with this it's also
15448s think quarter only from this on out Kung
15451s trying to push on in with that D
15452s Revelation everybody on Kung knows
15454s exactly where ton Cyprus is but this
15457s place allows for a little bit more of a
15459s multi-prong front attack so looking for
15461s a possible flank re trying to hold the
15463s middle line in N going to full on send
15465s it tazu looking for the damage in is he
15467s going to be able to get it yes he will
15468s it's a one for one trade bangani still
15470s alive though cadas going to get taken
15472s down zerin trying to do something he can
15475s but the donot land and I think it might
15476s be it bani should be able to one V2 this
15478s if he
15479s lands going to be Su cuz you know it is
15482s going to be you know a Mage and a tank
15484s here Here Comes Rockets it's going to be
15487s trying he get the heal off nice spear
15491s skill MD getting chunk down to P he
15494s going to white lily out and he's going
15495s to be at one HP here maybe they get I
15497s think they're just going to go for the
15498s res here actually oh no actually no body
15501s members are down yeah but I think they
15502s all exploded here so will just be a
15504s straight 1v2 magani he is sitting on the
15507s two bloods the rocket now doing a lot of
15510s damage here I don't think it's going to
15513s land he is going to go on to get that
15515s healing
15517s off coming back and oh my God firsted
15521s down and it will be G innate coming out
15524s on top with 15 kills that was a center
15527s grenade hit without the widow without
15530s the Hellfire actually dealing what I
15531s think that was like 6 700 damage oh my
15535s goodness his late game hurts a lot nice
15537s attempt coming in from m in the end I
15539s mean it doesn't matter right this is all
15541s more about getting just points for the
15543s final prize pull since all of them are
15546s already in the checkpoint all the teams
15547s that were left towards the end there
15549s after chusy died were all guaranteed to
15551s be in checkpoint from game eight onwards
15554s congratulations to Kate though picking
15556s up those final couple kills should be
15558s happy about their performance hopefully
15561s the game eight is where everything is
15563s going to blow apart Superior two teams
15565s not in checkpoint CH seed and kungi not
15568s kungi and8 sorry ton cybers those two
15571s teams are not able to win in the next
15573s game
15574s onwards oh wait
15577s no yeah tajon cybers weren't a
15579s checkpoint oh they could have used those
15581s points never mind
15583s yeah they're not in checkpoints and they
15585s are pretty far behind so they are they I
15589s yeah it's not looking too good for them
15591s but um who knows you know if they just
15593s win the next two games they could
15595s definitely make it to checkpoint
15597s themselves and we could go to a game
15599s maybe maybe even like a game
15601s 11 ah okay saer I feel like you're a
15604s member of twitch chat at this point you
15606s just making it harder for me to go to
15608s sleep but yeah I know you're right
15609s though uh there is a chance kungi and
15612s then actually had
15613s saying kungi in but ton cyers actually
15615s had a pretty okay showing this time
15618s around I think the performance from
15619s revolu just kind of stick it in and just
15621s try to kill tazu as fast as possible
15623s because he knew he was the toits was the
15625s right decision it's a one for one trade
15627s nice attempt from M to turn it around
15629s but then as soon as Cadmus Falls the
15631s additional healing isn't there if the
15633s Johan stayed alive I think there was a
15635s possibility in which they could have
15636s turned it but the healing from bangan
15640s isn't enough too solid of a front line
15642s of the Sho cut just just sitting up
15643s front Never Letting AIS for the haze
15646s going
15647s unpunished good games I mean good play
15649s for both of the teams I think IGN just
15651s you know staying in front there you know
15652s making sure they block all the Su e you
15655s know Zin you know well and nicely
15658s protected there and yeah that just ended
15660s up sealing the deal and yeah will be G
15664s young inate coming on top I think they
15666s actually might be in first place now
15667s with that performance as they were
15669s pretty uh close up on the leaderboard or
15671s pretty Hy on the leaderboard and you
15672s know them getting a nice first place
15675s with 50 kills I think that will be a 23o
15678s kill uh 23o game I think that's going to
15680s be our highest point game we've had so
15682s far in the series absolutely massive
15684s might even be for the weekend I
15689s think sure I think you might be right
15692s though I think you might be right yeah I
15693s remember seeing 22s a couple of times
15695s but I can't remember if I saw anything
15697s above that throughout the weekend it's
15699s been uh relatively slow weekend so far
15702s for M unless there was a team or two
15705s that got relatively high scores compared
15707s to the rest I'm saying compared to the
15709s rest cuz there was a lot of games in the
15711s group stages where team or two were
15714s managing 19 18 maybe 20 points whereas
15717s everyone else was sitting on single
15718s digits so in comparison it was a lot but
15721s when it comes to Raw numbers it it's
15723s been a pretty slow weekend if I'm going
15726s to be honest with you so let's see what
15728s ends up happening the scoreboard for
15730s this game alone is going to be up on the
15731s screen now round Ros show that kungi in8
15734s exactly as you mentioned 23 points for
15736s them B FX below with 15 on themselves
15740s everybody else sitting in single
15742s digits yeah uh but that's all they need
15745s to get into the checkpoint right so team
15748s Asher only needed seven five MP already
15750s in checkpoint bnk FX only needed uh
15753s seven as well G only needed seven so we
15755s have look at this six out of eight teams
15760s in checkpoint unfortunately 2C is not
15763s getting there missing two points but if
15767s they do win this game uh we will go to
15769s game number nine mhm the odds of it
15771s going into game number nine has
15773s decreased dramatically dramatically
15775s though te SE and de cybers this is the
15777s lastra they got to push it all the way
15779s till the end look for these early game
15781s fights maybe push it all the way to the
15782s end of the game ton cyers almost had it
15785s almost had it but was not able to deny
15787s kungi and from getting any additional
15789s points they're still sitting in third
15791s though you said they might be sitting in
15792s first but five 00 MP and mean seding
15794s still consistent enough where they are
15795s able to maintain their first and second
15797s place spots but the Gap has closed
15801s insistently Kung and is just doing so
15803s good right now it's crazy yeah only I
15806s think a a four-point difference between
15808s first and the third so it's really
15810s anyone's uh game to still you know
15812s secure this first place prizing and
15814s obviously it's anyone's game to get this
15816s Champion get the first place for
15818s themselves we'll have to see going into
15820s game number eight yes sir yes sir
15823s guys game eight is about to be underway
15825s are we going to see an end to the phase
15829s three finals off of game 8 itself or
15832s will Chu and ton cyber somehow pull off
15835s a miracle and we will see a game nine
15837s are we going to go to another break are
15839s we going to be going on a break for a
15841s week a five minute break or a week break
15844s before
15847s lcq I'm excited Chie I'm excited uh six
15850s teams on checkpoints I think this is the
15852s most amount of teams I've seen on
15854s checkpoints you know so far for me
15856s casting
15857s so yeah I mean you know maybe have that
15861s maybe we might have that Miracle team
15863s you know denying these other teams uh
15865s checkpoint but it's most likely going to
15868s end here MH it if anything I think it
15870s has to be Ted on cybers if they want any
15872s chance at kind of taking away the series
15874s for themselves because if team CH seat
15876s wins and they manage to somehow deny
15878s everybody else ton cyers is still going
15879s to be pretty low on scoreboard they're
15881s going to have to win the next few games
15882s if they want to do that the chances of
15884s that happening is very low considering
15887s how their team composition has been for
15889s the most part countered pretty well by
15892s everybody else and game eight we have no
15896s banss right everyone is free to play
15899s whatever the heck they want not the best
15902s time for ton cybers or team CH to have
15904s to deal with those kind of
15906s preconditions yeah we're going to have
15908s to see um how it works out for these
15910s teams but at the same time you know it
15911s does work out in their favor right
15913s because um especially for day young
15915s cybers they only really have this one
15917s team comp that you know has been working
15918s out for them and if Su was banned here
15921s would it would be pretty devastating
15923s exactly man dude you and your suas KR
15927s and their suas it's always the harbinger
15928s of the last game right we've always seen
15930s it before mangani able to win out
15932s multiple Seasons finals um titles thanks
15935s to the sua that he just randomly brings
15937s out at the last game wins it out in the
15939s end but this time I mean I don't know
15941s bani has been playing the sua a little
15942s bit more consistently so it's I don't
15944s know if it's going to be a su Factor
15946s necessarily you know so I mean Roos as
15949s well you know Roos always plays always
15951s been playing the sua we're going to have
15953s to see you know if it will be a sua that
15955s does end up taking home here for phase
15957s three sirious sir super excited about
15960s game number eight I believe the players
15962s are ready to go we're going to send it
15963s into the character select in just a
15965s second here guys potentially the last
15968s game there is a high chance of it being
15970s so because the teams in checkpoint have
15972s been pretty good about what their
15974s identities in these lobbies are but
15976s there is never a never right no way CH
15981s seat and what is it two SE andent cypers
15983s is a able to pull it off but I say that
15985s now no maybe in 20 minutes we'll see a
15988s game number nine possibility yeah it
15990s will be rainy weather looks like danana
15992s which tank will he end up picking here
15994s for his team it looks like it's going to
15996s be the Alonzo I think he is most
15999s comfortable on this tank we do have two
16002s my pick two Su picks again so no banss
16006s it looks like two Alonzo as well cuz
16008s duim man is also going to be running
16009s that as well okay okay
16014s pretty versatile and widespread
16018s character picks I don't think there's
16020s any bands yeah no bands but a lot of
16023s duplicates right we have tuas two F two
16027s two Fiora wait two fioras oh yeah you're
16029s right yeah n of them play spear
16030s though there is there's actually a lot
16033s of dupes yeah all right this is fun game
16037s nine if it does come to fruition it's
16038s going to be another
16041s free-for-all yeah we'll have to see
16043s right we'll have to see if it does come
16045s down to that but
16048s um wow what an amazing seven games so
16052s far we are finally going into our eighth
16054s game it most likely will end here but it
16057s could come down to that game 9 and 10
16060s look specifically at teams six and team
16062s team Five Guys those two teams right
16064s next to each other the only teams that
16066s aren't going to be in checkpoint looking
16067s to extend this series further as much as
16070s possible game eight is underway ladies
16072s and gentlemen again I will repeat are we
16074s going to get another five minute break
16076s after this one or are super and I going
16078s to get a onewe break it all depends on
16081s those two teams as we mentioned teams
16083s five and six respectively CH SE and ton
16086s cyers let's see what is going to happen
16089s in this potential final game and I mean
16092s CH SE was our winners from last uh the
16096s last phase so if there's any team that
16097s would be able to extend uh the series it
16101s would be two
16102s SE have to do it Aon is not the same
16105s thing it was in 1.24 but I mean he's
16107s found himself the new build right battle
16109s stud and mythal helmet has been pretty
16111s popular on the Black Mamba King patch
16113s for
16114s 1.25 as I mentioned earlier D fet losing
16117s HP Vanguard for for Guardians Su losing
16120s its uptime makes it very difficult for
16122s for neon to run that it is a little bit
16124s of a cheaper build now you can see that
16126s it does have trouble dealing with some
16127s of these hearts in the backline
16130s rightl getting caught here no ultimates
16134s and it will be team Savor going to get
16136s first blood in this crucial game
16138s unfortunate unfortunate early game kill
16140s 500 MP again put a little bit on the
16143s back foot should be grouped up in just a
16145s moment though that bottom right side
16146s tends to be theirs as long as they are
16148s all grouped up looking for another
16150s possible fight a lot of good damage
16151s coming in from s on great blast we to
16153s get himself on out nice Blink from
16156s though the oh my God the Burn's not
16159s there yet oh but the blast yeah the the
16163s four bomb coming out the nice return
16165s from FP going to have to walk away there
16168s cuz he is the last member alive you
16171s definitely don't want to die but it will
16173s be Scarlet going to revive he's just
16175s going to jump on in try to get here I
16176s think his ultimate is up the soul link
16178s will end up coming out here going to be
16180s able to return the kill onto Dona and
16184s yeah will be saber getting three early
16186s kills and 59p getting two for himself as
16188s well we do have another fight here on
16190s the top side here it is going to be Mar
16193s song getting a nice four bomb on both
16195s the front liners of Team Asher and they
16197s will get a nice two kills there
16199s fortunately the exclusive actually
16200s pulled the Yen straight in P doesn't
16202s have access I don't think to the quick
16203s spin yet which means he can't counter
16205s the damage and mitigate SL negate the
16207s damage from the four stack just yet then
16209s s knows exactly what's going on here
16211s blast wave is not going to pull R back a
16213s little bit of an unfortunate initiation
16214s but the force stack from Cadmus and
16216s mongani make it a little bit difficult
16218s for the sua and Yohan to follow through
16221s on this damage a little bit of an
16222s aggressive play coming through from revu
16224s one circle is going to Blink on out of
16226s the Odyssey will be able to maintain his
16228s life intact still looking for this kill
16230s he desperately wants it but I think one
16232s Circle was a little bit too far at this
16233s stage for an early game sua without that
16236s much CDR yeah a nice spell shield coming
16239s out from magani onto onto revolu to
16241s prevent you know the Alonso from you
16244s know locking them down but rolu does end
16246s up finding one Circle here speed K does
16248s end up coming through the ultimate oh my
16250s God I think that was one Circle
16252s basically on I think it was 3 HP there
16255s going to be able to live and they're
16256s just going to walk
16258s away gosh dude this game is really
16260s explosive you can tell these teams are
16262s at least looking for the early lead
16264s right even if all these kills are going
16266s along it's not because they want to get
16269s more points that's not the main goal of
16271s these players here it's because they
16272s want a snowball two kills for me sedong
16275s three kills for team saber the teams
16277s that want a snowball are desperately
16279s making it shown they're making it
16282s obvious getting these early kills
16284s getting these early credits and that
16285s early Mastery is going to be pretty big
16288s you know for the early game so you get
16290s you know these items he could be so much
16292s stronger for these fights P looking for
16294s an angle on the backline actually behind
16296s here spell shield does end up coming
16298s through so the taunt doesn't doesn't end
16299s up connecting and the Damage return
16301s coming off from team FX is a lot he had
16304s already down to half HP here Ros going
16306s to try jumping in as well and it looks
16308s like it will be team Asher going to lose
16310s two members it looks like pied will be
16313s able to get away no yeah bnk F's going
16316s to pick up two members from Team Asher
16317s this will be jumo the one to walk away
16319s as on the other side we did actually
16321s have Mira sang also losing two members
16323s themselves as well losing the fight I
16325s don't know who they were fighting but um
16329s yeah not what you want to see you know
16330s if you're a team or if you're a junk F
16333s mhm multiple teams actually fighting
16335s towards the start of day number two
16337s means we should see no contest over a
16340s lot of the objectives being popped
16342s there's the met secur from douchan but
16344s he is slow by the four stack is he going
16345s to be able
16347s to there I think so as well the shield
16349s goes through but the finger point from
16351s Den comes in meaning the Metate is just
16353s going to be conveniently picked up for
16355s team mut wait a second
16358s team where he come from yeah FX is also
16362s in the area who has a meteorite here was
16364s it one Circle does he have the meteorite
16366s I don't know it might be because he's
16368s running away he says see you if Danna
16371s has it then that's devastating but I
16373s think it might be one Circle yeah he
16375s needs to get on out of here as uh he is
16376s also playing slen so if he doesn't up
16378s getting caught that team will end up
16380s wiping here looks like he's okay he does
16382s have the meteorites that is correct and
16385s yeah looks like they're not going to
16386s really lose anything for that stuff good
16388s stuff Circ me song Sitting on three
16391s kills again they're still not in a bad
16392s spawn even despite losing that three for
16394s three fortunate for them just going to
16396s be slightly delayed meteorite going in
16398s their hands means at least they were
16399s able to get something off of day number
16401s two quite frankly I think that's really
16403s lucky cuz we did see them dying right
16406s before day one started so be a free
16409s hyperloop into the meteorite Zone nobody
16411s sitting around there I would definitely
16414s take that if it was my game that I was
16416s playing right yeah it was definitely
16418s just douch I think there and then they
16419s were able to kill him right for that
16420s meteorite so yeah they are able to
16423s secure that meter for themselves
16425s Unfortunately they did end up dying a
16426s couple of times so the tempo is
16428s definitely not probably what they want
16430s it to be but you know getting that early
16432s objective is always uh just a nice a
16435s nice uh treat to
16437s have cyers starting to play a little bit
16440s aggressive they understand the situation
16442s of this Lobby same thing for team 2C
16443s they are looking a little bit split
16445s apart but a fight on the south side is
16447s going to be bad the finger point
16448s actually lands over on the P down goes
16450s to Y once again at least one onto one
16453s Circle but he's not going to be able to
16455s do it as the last buck shot from ranic
16457s will the kill over onto the done cyers
16461s trying to fight it out beautiful spring
16463s trap but there is no real support back
16464s from that one except in spe lose one HP
16467s they do him oh my God they wait a second
16470s magn looking for more but nice yeah
16475s beautiful jump over wall and then the
16476s nice carpet to actually deny magnotti
16479s from chasing any farther there as yeah
16482s they actually were able to play that so
16484s well dodging out all of the Su skills
16486s there we just not able to connect any um
16490s and yeah will be ju seed coming on top
16492s going to be able to get two kills and
16495s get this Alpha for thems G an though
16497s going to get the alpha in time they do
16499s get it and they will take the meteorites
16501s nicely done this is the break that team
16503s CHC needed they are in checkpoint guys
16506s as long as they are able to win this
16507s game in comparison to everyone else or
16509s at least somehow let ton cybers win this
16511s game the series will go on just trying
16514s to finish with a decent performance in
16516s this one hopefully looking for a win SEI
16518s sitting up in the front lines will take
16519s a lot of damage still picked up the myth
16522s I don't know if Shin Man actually
16523s crafted the racing helmet out of it they
16525s did oh yeah they did that racing helmet
16527s right there they can fight but SEI
16529s taking a little bit low will opt to not
16531s take that fight as of right now yeah is
16533s a little risky especially since you are
16536s not one of the teams not on checkpoint
16537s you can't wipe here because there's only
16539s two teams left as look it looks like
16542s zero Jen just straight up face check the
16545s bush there guess maybe not expecting the
16547s team to walk back into them as oh it is
16550s going to be sebie the one to fall here
16552s but wait a second s looking for some
16553s more here comes a peacemaker oh no Zin
16557s going to get some damage onto senine and
16560s copine will fall as well so it will only
16562s be up to shom to get away here and live
16566s on it is only a day two death so they
16569s will be back up but it definitely does
16571s set their Tempo behind quite a
16573s bit another situation where a Vanguard
16576s would have been absolutely fantastic but
16578s he doesn't run that anymore cuz it
16580s doesn't have that great of an up time
16582s fortunate but he split apart a little
16584s bit too much again from his teammates
16585s ate all the damage from the heart that's
16587s exactly the issue with echon right now
16589s if he does decide to go a little bit too
16591s fast in front of his teammates it looked
16593s good really at the beginning of the
16594s fight the damage was there from shinomi
16597s and cine with the double spring trap
16599s coming in from that Lenny it's just I
16602s don't know seie doesn't seem tanky
16604s enough right
16605s now yeah and uh he is dying you know a
16608s little too fast in these fights I think
16610s he they they just don't really have
16611s enough items if you look at the credits
16612s as well they haven't really bought
16614s sitting on respective almost 300 plus or
16617s sorry 900 plus credits you know uh Team
16620s wide here so I think they're just
16622s waiting for that four score they're
16623s probably going to get that up onto the
16625s Eon and yeah they just they they they do
16628s need to get their items here this thing
16630s out on the box is going to hurt a lot
16632s though luckily it was only a tactical
16634s skill I think I would have to assume
16636s that sebbi is already on force field
16640s three actually maybe not he tends to
16641s have a smaller Shield until we get to
16643s the stages of the game so that
16645s definitely would have been something
16646s that Seb wanted to look for but it's
16648s completely all right senine should
16650s already be sitting on that yep healing
16651s wind three exactly what I want to see
16653s from this healing wind up L not that bad
16657s of a situation for them to be in bnk FX
16659s also casually walking around five kills
16662s for themselves looking pretty good ton
16663s cypers on the other hand another team
16666s that needs kills another team that needs
16667s to prevent wins for all the other
16669s checkpoint team sitting on zero best
16672s spot to be in for themselves yeah and
16675s look at the items I don't know if you
16676s saw the items onto uh the haze from
16678s getting in but they were really sitting
16680s on four items here we might have
16681s actually have a fight on our hands oh we
16682s do have one in fire station and it looks
16685s like CMAs is going to just going to
16686s instantly fall here rolu going to drop
16689s as well and I'm guessing that was a
16691s really nice engage on n one of our
16693s checkpoint or non- checkpoint teams
16694s losing two members here look at the
16696s credit counts that is not what you want
16698s to see they're not going to be able to
16699s get up anytime soon here it's not
16702s looking too good for D young cybers
16704s think the hopes and dreams for tun cyers
16706s solely relies on CH seat now even if
16708s they do come back I mean their early
16709s game was way too stun to CH going to be
16712s able to find EA ban FX loses out on a
16714s member CH wasn't the one to picked that
16716s up it was actually team be lock down on
16718s to sebbi he's going to be able to get on
16720s out as one Circle a little bit too far
16721s far away to support the damage coming in
16723s from the
16724s bernes wow and it looks like they are
16727s going to be able to get away the
16729s tankiness from Eon coming through I
16730s think they were able to get that four
16732s scare item online for their chest piece
16735s and yeah just the heila wind as well and
16737s you know the heal coming out from Lenny
16739s they're just able to live through
16740s everything despite them being you know
16742s CC locked there but it looks like
16745s they're just going to walk on out of
16746s there and they're going to play for this
16747s Omega saber coming down as well VX going
16751s to get the res off as as well so E8 they
16753s they did end up losing 250 credits but
16755s they are back up into this game there is
16757s a box here s actually caught out or a
16759s little too far forward as you know their
16761s other team members have a different idea
16763s to maybe contest for this Omega you see
16766s it on top of it though they should be
16767s able to get it a saber not even going to
16768s look for the contest good stuff coming
16770s for these guys absolutely in requirement
16773s of these kind of transitions like going
16775s to go towards the tan time piece for the
16778s Jenny
16779s sure let's see
16783s no it's the holy orders okay so not a
16785s bad transition regardless I completely
16787s forgot that shinomi tends to prioritize
16789s the holy orders over it should be able
16791s to call the force score in a few moments
16794s though senine is holding their credits
16796s although a fight is going to begin the
16798s mutant bear has been started I don't
16799s think s zebi wants to fight anywhere
16801s near
16802s that and they will just walk back on out
16806s of there fear X though maybe going to
16808s try look for an angle Roser in the bush
16810s did actually actually have a reward
16812s there so they are going to look for an
16814s angle here SEI trying to look for some
16816s more even though he's getting chunk down
16818s does end up getting uh oh the heal
16820s though coming out from shinan as they
16823s find Ros inantly there shinan just able
16827s to do so much damage on this Jenny he
16829s able to shut down the sua and yeah
16831s bomb's going to have to get away here E8
16833s is on the S so he will maybe be able to
16836s get away does have a lot of Escape as
16839s yeah cine just going to give up the
16840s chase there going to up back with his
16842s team as oh no goodby oh no it's going to
16847s be the young cyber is going to be wiped
16850s off the map in eighth place they're
16851s going to get zero points for this game
16855s and yeah that is one of our teams that
16857s aren't in checkpoint so it's now all up
16859s to two seat to close it out here the FX
16863s losing another member as down goes bom
16865s completely isolated away from EA this
16867s team is going to struggle minus 500 for
16870s that team only sitting at around 3 360
16872s credits for themselves right now not
16874s going to be in the best of positions of
16876s course for that team else on the map
16879s though slowly but surely moving
16880s themselves towards the later stag of the
16881s game CH SE still reconsidering some of
16884s their fights right I mean even up
16885s against team saber this team hasn't been
16887s able to get too much success thanks to
16888s the amount of effort coming from Dena to
16891s prevent this echon from being
16894s successful yeah we will have to see um
16897s true se you know they're not in really
16899s in a good position themselves as well I
16900s think they did have to spend a a little
16901s bit on buyback
16903s so uh yeah I mean we're going to have to
16905s see if they are going to be able to
16906s close it out here they are sitting on a
16908s lot of credits though you know uh the
16910s Lenny sitting on 500 credits Eon sitting
16913s on 300 and even shomi sitting on 200 for
16916s themselves as well they need to look for
16918s a buy here or uh or they're going to be
16921s in a pretty bad spot 500 credits is so
16924s big this should but the thing is oh it
16926s is day four I thought it was day three
16927s for a second there I was like wait they
16929s have to wait until the next phase in
16930s order to get high if they are looking
16932s for that on Shin I actually do wonder if
16935s this is going to be a high noon pryo
16936s though right cuz at this stage they can
16938s look for a lot more smaller transition
16940s senine also sitting on zero doesn't
16942s really help Al the we nine what the heck
16944s this guy tried to send himself so that
16945s his teammates deal with the oh my God
16948s and He does indeed get taken down me
16950s head doing a little bit split but
16951s there's no one on the other side to
16953s punish this as kiade immediately says
16955s hey I'm going to die go res me
16957s instead yeah and it's going to be Mir s
16960s just going to get a three uncontested
16962s wick line oh my God they are going to
16964s look so strong here one Circle already
16966s sitting on that Chaser oh wait a
16968s second oh I like this play they're going
16970s to come into red here but uh it is going
16973s to be a Seline Seline is one of these
16976s characters that just have so much
16977s control stack oh they already find it
16980s out not going to waste the four stack at
16981s all right now yeah will be where s going
16986s to try oh actually going to use the bomb
16990s to push him into the four stack there
16992s dosu already at half HP zero
16996s L as is here for the third party oh God
16999s to get anything jumo going to dash on
17001s forward going to actually get the taunt
17002s onto the that's actually devastating the
17005s haze and is that going to be enough no I
17007s don't
17009s think to
17011s reward oh God Asher going to lose two
17014s members timer's on the side of kung it's
17016s actually not going to be that bad but
17017s down goes 9 wi line picked up for be and
17020s Tong they get more than they could ever
17022s and they get all the kills here they get
17024s every single kill two teams that are in
17028s checkpoint wiped off the map as team
17030s Asher they just decided to pull the
17032s trigger onto gong inate and they cost
17034s them both the game if anything kungi
17037s inate they tried to send it in towards
17038s it right it looks like such a good idea
17040s but the camera the predicted camera
17042s inside of it makes it so that me seding
17044s is able to prepare nice kills coming in
17046s Rosner is going to get taken down 500 MP
17048s looking for a little bit of a flank
17049s angle but bum calls it they see what's
17051s going on your X Last One Alive is going
17055s to be the F absolutely no credits on
17057s this F at all this is kind of awkward he
17061s is somehow playing double 07 right now
17063s keeping himself alive I have no idea how
17066s he's still doing he's
17069s alive yeah but uh there is still two
17071s seats right there is still one team one
17074s hope for you know these teams that are
17076s already dead to send it to a game number
17078s nine we're going to have to see if they
17079s are going to be able to clutch it up
17081s here team saber on the bottom side here
17083s maybe they could look to take this
17085s fights as uh obviously we do have duim
17087s we see his build he's only on the ghost
17090s spr I'm not sure how well built this
17092s team is
17093s senine chilling in the bottom side here
17096s maybe try looking for or trying to look
17098s for a spring trap will hit it onto
17100s deiman but that will be his passive proc
17102s here as he does get chunk down to half
17104s HP maybe they look for a better angle
17107s sebie getting chunk down back heo does
17110s end up Trading but it looks like yeah
17113s not much really happening here dog is
17115s going to hurt there we go bnk FX secured
17117s as bum will take the fall it's going to
17119s be 500 MP to pick that kill up final
17122s Zone spread is quite unique super we're
17124s going to have Warehouse Dock and Factory
17128s I don't think we've ever seen this this
17130s setup yet with Doc being the final Zone
17133s we've seen a couple of interesting ones
17135s where it's like Doc Factory Hospital doc
17137s Factory Cemetery but I don't think we've
17139s seen a spread like this it is going to
17141s be a very very choked out final Zone
17144s Warehouse is not exactly the greatest
17146s spot for a lot of these teams to
17148s fight little bit an to dodge out on a
17151s lot of these skills Dina still holding
17152s the front line Isa has to hold this if
17155s they want a chance at not letting this
17157s game go to a
17159s game yeah and uh there are going to be a
17162s lot of teams Conjuring up here in the
17165s bottom side three teams out of the four
17168s in dock while Mir seang the only team on
17171s on in the factory zone here but it might
17174s be CH going to be the one to contest
17176s them here as uh they will have to win
17179s this uh this 3v3 yeah chused is in a
17182s really awkward spot but I think they
17183s made the right decision about backing
17184s away cuz they saw that another team got
17187s CCV I believe CH was the one with
17189s cameras inside a dock but they found out
17191s that another team got it realized they
17193s were going to be stuck in a sandwich
17194s situation immediately backed away from
17196s it sa on the other hand they don't know
17198s anything except for a fact that there is
17199s a team in this area s still has Wick
17202s line they want to try taking advantage
17203s of it not going to be easily done the
17205s saber going to slowly back themselves
17207s away from this you see they're opting to
17210s consider the warehouse as the battle as
17212s temp Zone they want to fight but 500 MP
17215s remember sebie is not Sav this team is
17218s at late game this triple backline
17220s composition will rip this echon to
17222s pieces if he makes a single positioning
17224s mistake if he pushes away a little bit
17226s too far if sen misses the timing on the
17228s healing F on the healing wind he is
17230s absolutely the rights
17232s yeah and CH se you know they don't
17233s really have the items to work with I
17235s think this game so they will have to
17237s look for an angle onto the backline SE
17239s needs to find a miracle here look at the
17241s items on to only three items does even
17245s also only having two items oh my God the
17247s Poke coming down from s is just too much
17249s here as there's another fight happening
17251s on the top side as duim just instantly
17253s dies as uh it's going to be a clean
17255s sweep for Mir sang on the in the factory
17258s side here and TR SE opting to actually
17261s fight the trip and going straight into
17264s the of and we know how is they have or
17269s blood I think this is going to be a
17271s meong victory but if there's any team
17275s that is going to be able to do it uh it
17276s will be either five MP or two SE we're
17278s going to have to see they got to fight
17279s it now their timers are so
17281s low oh but the blast wave is denying
17284s this fight let's see it sebie going to
17286s go in a lot of damage is done but sanang
17288s is not there to a support a four stack
17290s is going to delete the health SPS but
17291s look at that sebie is already dead I
17294s think this might be it I think this
17295s might be the end of the series super
17297s unfortunately the Eon gets blown up he
17299s goes a little bit too far there goes
17301s shom down on the ground cine the last
17304s one to hold the Vanguard but he is going
17306s to die to the that's it game eight will
17309s be our last game of the day who is the
17311s one to win it out in the end 500 MP or
17315s is it going to be Meen s to break the
17317s curse that has been devastating them for
17320s seasons on on end Double hit over with
17323s the ballistic Advantage this has got to
17324s be important can you overtake it one
17327s Circle getting damage a little bit The
17328s Shield is oh my God dead the S link just
17332s not able to be proed finally oh my God
17336s that is going to be very C coming out on
17338s top theola from downtown and the four
17341s bomb just instantly killing fa not
17343s expecting I think that burst damage and
17347s yeah that will be mirant closing out the
17349s series here final
17351s Le and song is able to overcome the
17355s curse that has plagued them ever since
17358s this format of checkpoint ever came in
17360s oh my God congratulations to me zong now
17363s did they need the circuit points no not
17365s really they didn't they didn't really
17366s need it they had pretty good
17367s performances in Phase 1 and two but
17369s finally they're able to overcome their
17372s adversaries and finally put down the
17374s doubters silence the doubters 500 MP a
17378s great Triana I think the idea was there
17381s but the support wasn't he thought he had
17384s enough time to kill one Circle as soon
17386s as he went up in the air but then he
17387s popped the soul link with Nina in the
17390s range of the four stack magnetic
17392s compulsion you can't do
17395s that oh is that what happened yeah like
17397s I thought I thought he didn't even get
17398s the AL off no he popped it all right cuz
17400s I don't think a four stack alone kills
17402s him like that it's because Nina and with
17405s Thea with the Bola I think it does he
17408s was at like was it 50% HP like that was
17412s uh yeah the Bola from downtown I I feel
17415s like he didn't even get it off did he no
17417s we have to double check I mean I can go
17418s back and he didn't get it off yeah he
17421s didn't get it off wow that's actually
17424s then he just straight up didn't expect
17425s it to happen right yeah he just didn't
17427s expect to the for bomb to come in with
17429s the with the bowler there and yeah he
17431s just got instantly punished for it you
17432s know for his overstep the angle was
17435s there you know he did end up getting one
17436s Circle down to half HP but you know
17438s instantly punish didn't react and
17441s oh he didn't get the
17444s knockup yeah and um
17448s wow just instantly exploded oh I see
17452s what happened okay so you know how when
17455s you send Nina out with Puppet Theater
17457s she crash lands right yeah but you can
17460s pull her back by using your e the second
17463s part of your e FAA didn't let Nina crash
17467s land on the ground before he pulled her
17469s back so the knockup didn't happened and
17471s one Circle got free Reign Over the four
17473s stack and he killed
17475s fauna yeah and I think uh yeah yeah and
17479s um he just wasn't expecting him to he
17482s just wasn't expecting to take that much
17483s damage I think and it just yeah he just
17486s exploded but that's the power of uh
17487s Seline with that Chaser you know in
17490s these late game fights right he's 20
17492s weapon Mastery he's got uh that's Chaser
17496s online and you have to respect that
17500s that's brutal that is absolutely brutal
17503s GG's and well played to Medan sedong
17505s though again they have finally broken
17506s their curse really really big
17508s congratulations and pretty sure Serenity
17509s is going to be really happy about this
17511s of course same thing for donana one
17513s Circle and romatic is they have been
17515s looking for a phase trophy for such a
17517s long time now they had some really good
17520s performances during the previous
17521s checkpoint format right not the super
17524s old one but more of the more recent one
17526s where you just had to get the most
17527s points now this is the type of gameplay
17529s style that me in so don't really love to
17531s do they love getting a lot of these
17533s kills they love playing for skirmishes
17535s so the last checkpoint system was really
17537s within their favors and within their
17539s reach of winning but this checkpoint
17541s form of actually having to win the game
17544s was something that has plagued them for
17546s seasons on end and then finally they're
17548s able to take one away for themselves and
17550s not only that they were the ones to come
17553s on top with the most points as well with
17555s that last victory with that 17 point uh
17558s or 17 kill win right I think they they
17560s had over 17 kills there just uh just
17563s beautiful from M Jang able to get that
17566s first place so not only will they get
17568s the champion Point uh prizing but they
17571s also will get that first place prizing
17573s as well it's amazing they're going to
17575s feel really good about this actually
17576s being able to start off now phase two
17578s was a little bit awkward because ched
17580s ended up taking it away instead of miden
17581s song but I'm pretty sure Meen song is
17584s now completely okay with this because
17586s the fact that their curse has been
17587s broken means it's good looks for them in
17590s the future right cuz this is not the
17591s last time we're going to see this
17592s checkpoint format this is not the last
17594s time we're going to see Meen seong
17596s having to get that first place spot
17597s after going into checkpoint but this
17600s right here is a great start for this
17601s team it makes me a little bit more
17603s hopeful about their future since if they
17605s didn't win this one dude I I don't know
17608s I would especially especially with the
17610s finals coming up obviously we know the
17612s finals is going to be checkpoint as well
17613s so you know this does uh set them up for
17617s you know the finals that are going to be
17619s coming and I think about 3 week weeks we
17621s will have the lcq coming next week and
17624s the finals will be two weeks after and
17627s yeah the finals will be obviously uh it
17629s will be a land event we're not going to
17630s be there but we will be here to cast for
17633s you guys like always but Chuy looks like
17636s I was right eight games it it it closed
17638s out at exactly eight you were right
17641s you're right it wasn't well okay to be
17643s fair yeah you're right game8 and six
17646s teams inside of inside of the thing
17648s though at least well you haven't gotten
17650s to the point point where you know you
17651s haven't fully joined my side and a lot
17653s of people in twitch chat because the
17655s real ones know that the real ERM series
17657s is when the golden round happens with
17660s all the teams inside a checkpoint but
17662s super has not been at that point yet the
17664s Curse of the Golden round with 10 Rounds
17667s all the way for the series is still
17669s lying within the heart of lock that man
17672s the bubble guy that man killed my maybe
17675s for the finals maybe final coming up uh
17679s yeah in 3 weeks but we'll have to see
17681s right we'll have to see obviously right
17682s now they're doing the Green interview so
17683s we're just going to be here with you
17685s guys until they finish because obviously
17688s uh we need to know which teams are going
17690s to go to wild cards which teams are
17692s going to make it straight to finals uh
17694s day one and for day two yes sir usually
17697s I don't stay for stuff like this but I'm
17699s actually really excited to see which
17701s team is going to make it to days one and
17703s two and outside of that we'll be
17705s covering lcq to uh not tomorrow tomorrow
17707s is Monday uh we'll be covering lcq
17710s finals next next weekend there's going
17711s to be a qualifiers but that's going to
17712s be done off stream at least from RN I
17714s know the Koreans are going to be
17715s streaming but it's a little bit finicky
17718s because at least for me I don't know if
17720s this happens for anyone else Chi always
17722s L lags so if you're able to catch it
17725s then absolutely fantastic otherwise
17727s we'll see you guys on on Sunday I'll
17729s I'll just bring up the by screen I heard
17732s it doesn't lag on mobile so if you guys
17734s ever do want to watch Korean streams oh
17736s it lag for me I tried it I I just
17738s remember yeah or I heard it doesn't like
17741s as much on mobile but on PC it's uh it's
17744s pretty bad I think if you don't have a
17745s VPN just because I don't really know
17747s exactly how it works between the
17749s networking and uh in our regions but
17752s yeah you definitely need to have like a
17753s green VPN if you do want to watch on
17757s that website because uh I mean most
17759s Korean streamers do stream over there
17761s just because you know um twitch is
17764s banned in Korea so sucks man I want to
17768s see all my Korean streamers on Twitch
17769s but now we just have to split apart
17771s everything and we just have to wa it out
17773s in the end but in the end at least we're
17775s able to get events like this right at
17778s least we're able to keep our eternal
17779s return game channel on Twitch that was
17781s something that I was really scared about
17783s when they decided that twitch um KR was
17786s going to die but for us we're still
17788s we're still living we're still living
17789s and I saw some Koreans coming into the
17791s stream earlier asking hey why why do you
17793s have double drops in over on the twitch
17796s side of things Hey listen we're we're on
17797s the better foot here guys okay
17801s oh is it do they not have drops on the
17803s the I think CH does not have drops yet
17806s remember during I think it was season 3
17808s how we had to give away codes remember
17811s that oh right right yeah I think that
17812s was because chich didn't have drops
17814s implemented at that time I don't know
17815s about now anymore but somebody earlier
17817s was also complaining that if drops don't
17819s come to CH they're just kind of shooting
17821s themselves in the foot so I don't
17823s know yeah I mean we'll have to see right
17825s we'll have to see um I I'll probably do
17828s some research after to to check
17831s I don't think that's going to be the
17832s only thing you're going to have to do
17833s research on super cuz lcq is going to be
17836s chaotic finals is going to be chaotic I
17838s believe they're back in ton this season
17841s um I don't think there's going be like
17843s Play yeah yeah fortunately no real big
17847s conventions that eternal return can do a
17849s finals on although oh man play X4 was
17852s such a great thing I'm so glad that it
17854s happened to begin with but going back to
17855s Deon is going to feel like home ground
17857s for a lot of these players and as much
17861s H it happens once a year right yes I
17864s mean it's just a big convention right
17865s it's basically the same as any other
17867s conventions that happen here okay while
17871s I do really enjoy those kind of big
17873s events happening and eternal return
17874s being guest events at those kind of
17877s events for the players I think it's
17879s going to be a lot more comfortable to
17880s just play in Deon because it's their
17881s home ground at this point right A lot of
17883s these pro teams have played inm offline
17886s events for a very very long time Tedone
17888s is not going to fuel any know foreign to
17891s them sometimes that has to do a lot with
17893s the performances of the
17895s teams yeah that's that's fair right
17897s because a lot of these teams have
17899s experience playing uh in that Arena
17902s right so you know playing in playing in
17904s the same Arena you know twice it's like
17907s definitely takes you know some weight
17908s off your shoulders right the circular
17911s setup oh yeah that's the that's the
17913s place for the the circular I think is
17916s the circular setup with all the all the
17918s audience just super high up above them
17920s on the
17922s I mean I think it definitely fits the ER
17925s style right because you know it is like
17927s a battle royale and yeah we're watching
17928s an arena yeah certainly we'll see windy
17932s this time around too because he's
17934s working there
17935s again I mean probably right like he's
17939s there so wait actually that's right you
17942s weren't there when it happened so there
17944s was one event for ERM I think it was
17947s maybe season 6 or season 7 pre-release
17950s where actually showed up on camera a
17951s couple times and during one of those
17953s kind of pan out things that they do
17956s right before they go on the break we saw
17957s him just kind of standing on the on the
17960s floor oh what
17962s the uh funny things could happen during
17965s the uh during the season finals and I
17968s hope that all of you guys are going to
17969s be able to join us for season finals as
17971s well it's going to be the weekend of
17973s August I think 10th and 11th should be
17977s the Saturday and Sunday I think we're
17978s going back to our regular schedule since
17980s play X4 isn't the thing I'll have to
17982s double check that I know a lot of people
17984s in Korea were a little bit complaintant
17986s about the potential schedule that could
17989s kind of cause issues with trains on
17992s Sunday right because people have to go
17993s back to work on Monday yeah yeah yeah I
17996s don't know maybe they'll have it on
17997s Friday Saturday maybe they'll have it
17999s again on Saturday Sunday I'll I'll
18000s double check that of course after lcq
18002s we'll give you guys a little bit more
18003s information because the buy screen for
18005s finals is going to be provided for lcq
18008s specifically just for right now you know
18010s that it's going to be during that
18013s weekend yeah uh I'm definitely excited I
18015s think it's actually the same weekend for
18017s ercs finals as well
18019s so we're yeah I mean I'm excited yeah
18022s and then next week we have lcq at ercs
18026s too so oh what day are you playing on
18030s NCS actually now that I think about it
18033s it should be Saturday oh you get a
18035s little bit of an easier day then yeah I
18038s will have to cast then I'll be able to
18040s go to sleep and then I will have to I
18042s should wait lcq is on Sunday yep lcq is
18045s on Sunday that's exactly what I mean by
18047s you're going to have a bit of a oh so
18048s I'll have I I'll be able to okay so I
18050s have have to play and then I have to go
18051s straight to sleep after okay yeah but at
18053s least you don't have anything else to do
18055s on Sunday or you can just watch I have
18056s to
18057s cast yeah that that's
18060s true hey I'm personally really happy
18062s that I'm able to cast an a the fact that
18064s I'm able to cast an a it kind of forces
18067s me to have different perspectives I
18069s think it's all the more reason while I
18070s was able topick a lot of things like the
18072s different pick mentality for Na and KR
18076s right KR becoming a lot more akin to
18078s what na was bringing to the table for so
18080s many seasons ever since the Inception of
18083s Esports over in that region KR pretty
18086s much kind of picking whatever they want
18088s to no real streamline character bands I
18092s should say a lot of weird ones today and
18094s even throughout the week I mean yeah I
18095s mean in the finals here we had I I would
18098s say we had quite a bit of bands right we
18099s had the and we had the hay I think Hayes
18103s is definitely like the standown pick I
18104s think for this this uh this phase right
18107s mhm and there were a lot of weird cases
18109s where the perfect coincidence happened
18112s right with Adriana's getting banned all
18113s over the place for some reason oh yeah
18116s adri B that was that was weird because
18118s i' never I've never seen adri getting
18120s banned before I've never really seen
18122s adri getting picked as much but yeah all
18124s three adri players just coming together
18126s get the character ban and none of them I
18129s think made through so we don't really
18131s see any Andries for the
18133s finals all right ladies and gentlemen we
18136s are going to see the circuit point that
18137s we have been alsoo waiting for the
18139s Korean interview is over so let's bring
18141s it over there this right here is going
18143s to be the end result of the season right
18145s this determines right here which teams
18147s are going to go into day one which teams
18148s are going to go into day two holy
18153s crap it's going to be Mirai sang gayang
18156s anate CH seat and bnk FX coming out on
18160s top it looks like I think three of the
18164s four teams here obviously you know they
18166s were able to get themselves a win in
18168s each phase I think me sang won the last
18170s phase sh won phase two and gayong innate
18174s I think winning phase one or was it BK
18175s FX I think it
18177s was oh wait now that now that I think
18180s about it it might have been BK
18181s FX yeah and then G need come in in or
18185s just having like a consistent series for
18187s themselves and we have Team Asher
18190s uh High 500 MP D young cyers fery and
18193s saber going to make it to day one and
18197s unfortunately there is a three-way tie
18199s between Asher auts and slasher but I
18202s think because of how it works I think it
18204s takes the highest placement or the most
18206s recent placement if there are tied as
18209s well team Asher did end up coming out on
18211s top today for phase three so that means
18214s they will go over Auto arms and team
18217s slasher absolutely devastating for Team
18219s Auto arms and Slasher but we know that
18221s these two are very very competent teams
18223s they should have a pretty okay time in
18226s the lcq if anything they might have
18228s really good chances of winning so
18229s hopefully good luck to Auto arms and
18231s slashers they are going to send sent
18233s straight at least into the um the finals
18235s for lcq right they don't have to play
18236s through the qualifiers that's actually
18237s pretty big I think for that team but
18239s here we go guys last Harrah so for those
18242s of you guys that who were missing drops
18244s well sucks suck oh my God first
18247s anniversary again one a coin if guys
18250s were sitting here then unless my God I
18253s know unless you guys are really unlucky
18256s in which case you guys are technically
18257s lucky and get 600 event MP off of all
18259s the drops that you got well there you go
18262s one a coin you guys should be able to
18263s get that 1,500 times over if you were
18266s able to buy multiple times with one a
18268s coin box drop other than that LC Qs uh
18272s this is just saying that the
18273s applications are open Al of course for
18275s most of you guys here in the chat it's
18276s not really going to matter too much just
18278s for the Korean side of things El Q
18280s signups are open at least until let's
18282s see I think that's
18284s Wednesday yeah so make sure if you guys
18286s are on the KR side and you guys want to
18288s play in lcq this is your last chance to
18291s make it to the finals make sure you guys
18293s sign up for that um you will have to
18295s play in that and I think other than that
18297s shui uh aside from us telling you guys
18300s that you know the wild cards will be
18303s next week Sunday it will be at 4 a.m. so
18307s actually 2 hours earlier than our usual
18309s time
18310s and we will have the ercs happening next
18313s weekend as well indeed indeed indeed I
18315s can't really say this time be here at
18318s the same time as usual so make sure you
18320s guys are keeping track of time I'll show
18321s it one more time before we go I'll show
18323s the lcq screen just it's going to be in
18325s kst because we don't have it over on the
18327s um over converted at least on the
18329s graphic itself for any of our American
18332s or western side time I should say maybe
18335s that's a little bit more generic just
18336s convert it you guys should be fineing
18339s anything just keep your alerts on surely
18341s just be awake the entire morning during
18342s next
18343s weekend 4: a.m. EST 1:00 a.m. PST so
18347s just two hours before now is when we
18349s will have our
18350s lcq I don't even know if we're going to
18352s be able to sleep my my guy after your
18356s CS have to see
18359s uh I me'll definitely be time right
18363s yours usually ends at around 9: so
18366s yeah it's going to be a little bit of an
18369s awkward sleep schedule for us next
18370s weekend which means people in chat are
18371s going to be really happy cuz we are just
18373s going to be mentally dying I think they
18376s like that and alq was also that
18379s checkpoint format so it could go on for
18383s it's a little bit of an interesting
18384s checkpoint format let me checkpoint and
18386s then and then if they win they qualify
18389s and then the rest of the seven teams now
18391s have to play for the next spot yeah yeah
18393s yeah so I think that should be
18395s consistent yeah could go on for you know
18398s a lot of games as well but we'll have to
18400s see right we'll have to
18402s see still you know a week from now but
18405s um I think other than that shui I think
18407s that is going that is going to be it for
18408s us sir the thing that we just saw was
18410s the fact that it wasn't ton I think this
18413s is some kind of Festival that's
18416s happening in the season finals as well
18419s doesn't really have anything to do with
18421s us so let's bring it back to you and I
18423s super exactly just said though that is
18424s going to be it for us actually they have
18426s one more graphic let me show you guys
18428s this too it's the year National League
18430s week two this is going to be a weekly
18431s thing till the end of the season so I
18433s mean not too surprising that we're going
18435s to have week two it will be on Friday
18438s and Saturday for days one and two so if
18440s you guys are interested in watching this
18441s then um watch it through lag or you guys
18445s can watch it on YouTube too I guess they
18447s who are the two players shown I know one
18448s of them one of them is one Circle right
18450s I think the left is danana and the right
18453s is
18454s zerin oh
18456s okay I I see G I think that's kungi
18458s innate on the right side oh yeah yeah
18461s yeah yeah that'll makes sense that'll
18462s makes sense yeah and the left side yeah
18464s and the left yeah you you you can see
18465s his name there on his on his shirt it
18467s says donana have you ever oh coming to
18470s think of it so I was talking about one
18472s last thing before we go I was talking
18473s about the YouTube thumbnails right or I
18476s have seen bro there was one that that's
18478s uh what was it I saw on Twitter I think
18481s some guy yeah that got done
18484s dirty it was the play that he made like
18487s a tornado right the tornado [ __ ] yeah
18490s the play he made with my and archery
18492s range and I think there was a comment
18494s underneath one of the Twitter uh
18496s comments that said like let's join the
18498s the the the what is it the joint Sue or
18501s what is it the um what is it when
18504s multiple people Sue at the same time
18506s again what is that
18507s thing uh say that again sorry the when
18511s multiple people Sue at the same time I'm
18513s forgetting the word Sue I I I have no
18516s idea lawsuits ah somebody in chat might
18519s might be able to remember the word class
18521s action there we go
18523s um yeah remember how I told you that Den
18526s was also talking about how they were
18527s going to sue like in a jokingly way they
18529s were going to sue them when you're on
18530s for the
18532s thumbnails somebody was saying let's
18533s join the class action
18536s 9 so guys check out the Korean eternal
18539s return Channel if anything just look at
18541s the thumbnails they are an absolute
18543s Masterpiece over there um iide that that
18546s is going to be it for us for this
18547s weekend no other events I believe
18548s happening today so so have yourselves a
18551s fantastic week break we'll see you guys
18552s next week here for the lcq and ercs if
18556s you guys are interested on the North
18558s American
18559s Sign yeah thank you guys so much for
18561s coming out and we will see you guys next
18563s time F we'll see you guys next week bye
18565s bye take care take care