about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Greetings Tenacious Testers!

The EVE Dev team have been working on another package of tweaks, fixes and improvements for the February release, which have reached the our public test server Singularity in today’s update. As a result, we’ve opened the server to the public once more and are looking for intrepid capsuleers to log in, tell us what they think, and (as always) cause a few things to explode spectacularly! :smiley:

Without further ado, here are a few details of some of the more pertinent changes.

Item Tracking:

We are introducing a system to track new items in the Inventory, Hangars, and PLEX Vault via icon badging, UI breadcrumbs, and tooltips. Our goal with these changes are to make it easier to find new items in the game.

A badge on the Inventory icon in the NEOCOM counts the amount of unseen items the player has in the current location. On acquiring the item, a tooltip will also be temporarily shown. If the player opens the Inventory window, a red highlight will mark inventory containers where new items have been placed.

We only track private inventory containers:

  • Ship Cargo in space
  • Item Hangar and Ship Hangar in stations / structures
  • PLEX Vault globally

Inside these inventory containers the new items will be shown on top and will be marked with a red highlight.

While in a station or structure, highlighting on unseen items is also shown in Personal Assets and in Station Service Hangars. Additionally, Station Service Hangar tabs are highlighted like inventory containers.

Number Entry Fields:

We’ve made improvements to all number entry fields in the game, so that thousand separators are automatically added (eg “1,000,000” rather than “1000000”). In the past, having these fields not format for easy readability has caused a significant amount of headaches for pilots and our Player Experience team. We hope this change will make number fields much more readable and less prone to errors!

This change is very far reaching and as such is likely to cause problems in a number of weird and wonderful ways. We ask all capsuleers who spend time on Singularity to keep an eye out for any issues in windows that contain number entry fields.

Issues could include (but are not limited to):

  • Windows failing to open
  • Fields accepting too many or too few decimal places
  • Highlighting issues
  • Copy/Pasting issues

Pertinent Known Issues

  • Market is failing to load, showing a “Market is not ready” error message
  • Some pilots may experience flickering when transitioning into and out of hangars
  • Inability to open the market settings window

If nothing significant turns up during the testing period these changes will be released in the February patch. As always, if you wish to help, head on over to Singularity and get involved!

about 5 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

The market broke unfortunately (yeah, bugs can happen on a test server) and will need a patch.

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Thanks, we now have a fix for this in the works :slight_smile:

The market looks like its working again now. EDIT: And it broke again :stuck_out_tongue:

The only things mentioned here are things we’re currently looking to focus the public testing on. As always with these test server feedback threads, It doesn’t represent the entirety of the patch.

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Yup, it works for all of 20 minutes before dying again. We’re looking into it :smiley:

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Hey all,

Quick update for today, the first fix for the market issue has not been successful, so unfortunately it’s unlikely that the market will be working this weekend.

Apologies for the inconvenience, I’m optimistic we’ll get a fix working early next week, more updates when I have them!

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

One final update for the week: Unfortunately Singularity will be taken down for the weekend. It should be back on Monday.

Apologies again for the inconvenience!

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Singularity is now back!

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

The item badging has had a few issues where it has been somewhat overzealous, and refitting is one of them. We’re working on some improvements for that.

Thanks, I’ve passed this on to the right people :slight_smile:

This is a bug, we’ve got a fix for this internally

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Thanks! This one has been fixed internally now :slight_smile: