almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Ballot-toting Capsuleers!

In the early hours of the morning, CSM member Suitonia notified the community that he had stepped down from the CSM. While this is usually a bitter-sweet affair, the circumstances of his resignation are quite exciting.

Hey #Tweetfleet It’s been an honour to serve you as a player representative on the CSM! Unfortunately, tonight is my last night as a member of CSM16. I’ll be serving you as a CCP Dev instead! !

While Suitonia will no longer be on the CSM, I have no doubts that the newly hatched CCP Kestrel - in his capacity as a developer - will continue to be a valuable resource to the institution.

The remaining members of CSM 16 and myself are still deciding on a replacement strategy for the remaining few months, and we will update you as soon as we have a decision.

Fly safe!

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Just an update: the remaining open seat will not be filled, and CSM 16 will finish their term with 9 members.