about 1 year ago - CCP_Arcade - Direct link

We’re investigating an issue with the server which is preventing players from logging in and playing EVE Online. We will post updates here in this forum thread and at status.eveonline.com

This issue is also impacting Vanguard playtest. We are continuing to investigate and will keep you informed.

09:23 - Tranquiliy server went offline (unscheduled downtime.)
09:26 - The unscheduled downtime also impacted Vanguard playtest.
09:41 - We’re still investigating and will be attempting to startup Tranquility soon.
09:50 - Tranquility server is back online and open to players.

We will continue to monitor the server as we head towards the scheduled 11:00 UTC downtime.

about 1 year ago - CCP_Arcade - Direct link

09:50 - Tranquility server is back online and open to players, as is Vanguard.

We will continue to monitor the server as we head towards the scheduled 11:00 UTC downtime.