over 3 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

We are investigating a reported issue where Avast Antivirus may be throwing false positives about the EVE Online launcher. If you’re an Avast user and have encountered any problems please leave details in this thread.

Updates will be posted here and on the EVE Status Twitter account.

Update 18:55 UTC

Per [RESOLVED] 20211116 - Issue with Avast Antivirus and the EVE launcher - #25 by CCP_Explorer
The issue with Avast and AVG has been resolved. We ask that you please update to the latest virus definition files if you’re using this software. Thank you, and safe - virus free - flying!

over 3 years ago - ISD_Golem - Direct link

Removed offtopic postings. Please limit posts to details of AVAST issues you are experiencing

over 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

The affected files are

Qtwebengineprocess.exe & crashpad_handler.exe

typically located in the EVE Launcher directory. Our tech team is working with Avast to determine what the issue is that’s flagging the false negative, and hope to have an answer soon!

In the meantime, you can find a previous version of the launcher here: https://www.eveonline.com/EveLauncher-1952584.exe

over 3 years ago - CCP_Explorer - Direct link

According to the Avast Customer Care Team then this issue has been resolved. Please update your Avast or AVG software to the latest virus definition files.

If you have any issues restoring the EVE Launcher then please send us a technical support request, or file a technical support request with Avast or AVG, or consult the documentation with your antivirus product.