7 months ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

As announced at the welcoming ceremony live, we’re happy to introduce to you your CSM 18 winners!

CSM18 (1)2000×1121 183 KB

Thank you to everyone who voted in this amazing CSM race. We had the second highest turnout ever in the STV era, and each and every candidate was amazing.

In this years election, CCP selected Kshal Aideron and Stitch Kaneland to round out our freshly expanded 12-member CSM

As always, the detailed voter information can be found here

7 months ago - Mark_Resurrectus - Direct link

Bad take, Luke is a true homie.

7 months ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

Congrats to all the winners, looking forward to working with you (very briefly).