over 2 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

At CCP Games, we are committed to maintaining a friendly and inclusive community that celebrates diversity and welcomes players of all backgrounds, religions, beliefs, sexual orientations, and other characteristics that make them unique.

As discussed in our Addressing Community Safety announcement, in the past week, we have been made aware of actions and allegations which are completely unacceptable.

CCP are the stewards of the community, but this space has been shaped and maintained by players for over two decades; enacting new policies for protecting the community are decisions that we want to take together with you. To that end, we’re opening the floor for civil discussion - open to ideas big or small - as to how our EVE Online should be protected going forward.

Smart and equitable solutions for issues like this are challenging - but together, we can navigate through and ensure that EVE has the blueprint in place for a safer future for you and your spacefriends.

over 2 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

No, you weren’t.

What Shines said here is key.

CCP’s track record on handling this type of thing is not good. Players have been banned with no evidence, those bans have been reversed, and it’s caused quite a bit of trouble all around.

The lack of any kind of process for allegations is a significant issue with the explanations here. What happens if someone is accused? Will they have a chance to refute the allegations? Who decides? What’s the burden of proof? None of these things are addressed, and forgive me and others who have been on the receiving end of false allegations (there are some in this thread, as I noted above), if we are skeptical about how these issues will be investigated and adjudicated.

Everyone has a right to feel safe, everyone with an allegation should be heard. But the accused also deserve a chance to defend themselves, and there needs to be some kind of outlined process that explains to folks what happens and how it happens. I, for one, will not rest easy with the idea that players can be removed from things at CCP’s discretion.

about 2 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Hey all! We’d like to thank you for the great conversations over the last several months. Together we have restructured much of our policy as it pertains to harassment and punishments, and enabled our teams act in such a way as to keep the community more safe.

If you have suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Community team. Similarly, if you have witnessed - or been the victim of - harassment, you may file a report at by sending an e-mail message to: [email protected]