Hi all
If you’ve not seen the information about the second Native Mac Client playtest, please check out the news article first as it contains important information.
This thread is for general feedback for the client and the launcher. If you’ve found a bug, first please file a bug report from the client unless you’re unable to do so. You are welcome to discuss bugs in this thread.
So we can collate feedback more easily, please keep posts on-topic for the Native Mac Client. Any off-topic posts will be removed.
Please make sure you are on the latest launcher version offered to you before the playtest. Failure to update will cause issues
We want to hear your feedback!
The Native Mac Client is the first non-Windows client for EVE Online. This means there are a lot of new areas that we are touching on. If there is something that you think could be improved or doesn’t feel right, please let us know below.
This thread will be unlocked just before the playtest. For general discussion, please use the thread here: EVE Online to go native on macOS!