almost 6 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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Everyone is welcome to discuss the upcoming CSM 14 elections in this forum thread. Some eager players have already started to put their candidature forward, so even if not yet officially confirmed, you might want to take a moment to read their proposals.

Furthermore, the email address: [email protected] is available to anyone who would like to ask me any questions in a more private setting.

almost 6 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

Do you know what would help with that? Look at the non-bloc candidates who are running, and get people to vote for them.

The only way to break the power of a bloc vote, is to dilute it.

And good news! the CSM elections using a Wright STV system, which means if the first candidate you vote for doesn’t get enough votes to survive an elimination round, your entire vote moves to your next candidate (who hasn’t been eliminated) So you don’t even need to agree on the order of votes, as long as you put them all down.

almost 6 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Are you referring to this page? If so, I think it must be a formatting error because the correct email is there, but it is split into two lines.