over 2 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

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Hello everyone,

A new monthly patch has arrived (20.03)

Please use our feedback threads to discuss the changes going live on Tranquility for the next month and you can keep an eye out for the Known Issues to see what our teams have already identified and are working on solving.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:


over 2 years ago - CCP_TrashMob - Direct link

Hi Capsuleers,
Apologies about the missed blueprints for the new Compressor modules, we have updated the known issues and are working on it.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

Unless something unforeseen happens, skillbooks should be in tomorrow.

over 2 years ago - CCP_TrashMob - Direct link

Thanks for the report ; it does look like the Capital Compressors are not properly scaling their range with the skill, we’ll get this looked at.

over 2 years ago - CCP_TrashMob - Direct link

That appears to be correct (the bug report, not the behaviour); we’ll get this cleaned up.

over 2 years ago - CCP_TrashMob - Direct link

Sorry if this has been submitted already (I took a look when I read this just now but didn’t see it), but if you have an instance where this has occurred and can submit a bug report it would help us a lot with trying to track this down.

over 2 years ago - CCP_TrashMob - Direct link

Interesting ; if you (or the person who found it) hasn’t submitted a bug report, I ask that you do so we can dig through the logs and see if we can figure out what’s happening. Thanks for the report, I’ll see what we can do and try to determine what the issue is.

over 2 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Capsuleers – we have an update with the Dynamic Bounty System and Bounty Risk Modifiers

On February 16th, many players noticed sharp changes to the Bounty Risk Modifiers in their solar systems.

As initially discussed here (Version 20.02 - General Feedback - #355 by CCP_Swift)the Bounty Risk Modifiers have finished the restoration process. Bounty Risk Modifiers in all solar systems have been adjusted to the highest value between the date of the outage and the date of the restoration.

As such, today you may experience a larger than usual increases in the Bounty Risk Modifier of certain solar systems. The restoration period has completed and the Dynamic Bounty System will continue as to adjust as usual.