over 3 years ago - CCP_Convict - Direct link

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The new Skill Plans feature is now live on the Singularity test server and we’d love for you to try it out and provide your feedback in this thread!

If you haven’t connected to Singularity before it’s super simple and you handle it through your EVE launcher. Information here.

over 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

Looking forward to these changes. Saveable and linkable skill plans have been a community request for a long time, and they’ll make helping newer players figure out what they should be training much, much easier.

over 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

It doesn’t look that different to me, comparing this with the existing skill sheet. In fact, you can see a lot more of the skills here than you could on the other sheet, depending on how you had it sized.

over 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

It’s pretty easy to just click the + button 5 times in row - no dragging required, but I like the idea of being able to pull all five in.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Good news! Corp skill plans are in fact coming in a future iteration later this year, along with some particularly nifty features.