about 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Hey everyone!

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Today at 17:00 on CCPTV myself and @Carneros will be sitting down with CCP Burger and CCP Rattati - our Creative Director and Director of Product, respectively - to chat about Fanfest 2022 and some things coming to EVE between now and then.

If you can’t make it live - no problem! We’ll have a happy little devblog following the stream where you can catch up on everything you missed.

e: And that’s a wrap! If you missed it, everything we covered is in this Road To Fanfest devblog, and more detailed information (specifically about compression) is coming to the EVE Online Forums later this week.

about 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Hey! Thanks for watching- hope you enjoyed hearing from CCP Bergur and CCP Rattati!

This format was more of a chat with those two rather than a Twitch Q&A format, so your question wasn’t ignored we just had a lot we wanted to get through and the format didn’t make time for questions. Maybe in the future we can do a Twitch Q&A!