almost 2 years
ago -
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Each of the presenters has released the stuff - I know Mark’s stuff is in his discord. I don’t know where the others have put theirs out. I would check with them in the Official CSM Discord.
Each of the presenters has released the stuff - I know Mark’s stuff is in his discord. I don’t know where the others have put theirs out. I would check with them in the Official CSM Discord.
I expect so, although I do not like it when folks aren’t physically there. It was rough on Kaz doing everything remote at 2 AM his time.
Short answer: yes.
As we get closer to election time there will be more information, but as business around the world adapted to a hybrid work dynamic it makes sense for the CSM to adapt as well. As Brisc pointed out, Kaz attended the meetings remotely and was able to have meaningful feedback during each session. We may evaluate this new policy change in the future, but at least for CSM 18 it will be the case.