almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

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How time flies! CSM 17 elections are just around the corner!!

We’ve made a few key changes to the election this year - check out everything you need to know in this CSM 17 devblog. Feel free to discuss CSM 17 and any questions or comments you have below.

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Just wanted to chime in to say I’m going to clean up the off-topic posts. I strongly encourage and embrace meaningful discourse and discussions, especially as it pertains to the CSM. However, low-effort troll posts will not be tolerated. You may think it’s fun, but what it actually does is stifle voices that I personally would be glad to hear from.

As a player I was proud to be on CSM 6 & 7, and running the CSM is a task I’m very honored to have. The amount of time and dedication both the CSM and CCP put into this venture is something unmatched in gaming. It is, of course, not our only way to communicate with players - though it’s a unique body that provides tremendous value. If you don’t believe that to be the case, I’m here as a resource to answer any and all questions to demonstrate otherwise.

Off-topic posts, or those in violation of the EVE Online Forum Moderation Policy, will be removed and offending parties may have their forum privileges suspended.

almost 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

Man, it’s hilarious watching people talking to their alts in here. And then watching them try to claim I’m spamming to get my stuff hidden.

Pro-tip. You’re generally not going to win if you’re trying to use the mods against a CSM member in a CSM related post, lol.

almost 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

Since almost the beginning of the CSM, there have been calls for a “none of the above” option, or people who have tried to run on a platform of disbanding the CSM. Neither of those things have been accepted, so it’s time to stop bringing them up. CCP created the CSM because they wanted to give players a role in development, by letting the players select representatives to serve on this focus group. As long as CCP gets some value from the program, and they repeatedly have said they do, they will continue the program.

If you don’t like me, don’t like the CSM, don’t like the current make up, don’t believe it’s actually democratic, think its useless, think its just a way for nullsec to dominate the game, think its responsible for all the bad things that happen in EVE every day, are upset that you lost or can’t win a seat, there is one thing you can do that will directly address all your concerns - don’t participate. Don’t run, don’t vote.

Problem solved. Please don’t make Swift have to clean the thread up again.

almost 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

It’s not. Again, the CSM has value to the company. Player sentiment about it doesn’t matter.

You are wasting your breath on something that has been discussed and debated for more than a decade. You aren’t the first person to come up with this dumb idea, and you won’t be the last. You should have got the message from what Swift wrote earlier and gave up this pointless nonsense.

almost 3 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link

Nah, not on forced cooldown, just taking a break so I will not be forced next term.

I will get to play more, will still talk to folks and drive the Bus. I am not going anywhere, just stepping back and letting others have a turn.


almost 3 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link

I have said similar things during my time in the CSM. We will listen to you but if your idea is bad then we will NOT take it to CCP. So in a way if you are a less informed customer then no, a good CSM will not represent your idiocy.

Oddly it is also not our job to explain why in great detail although folks like Brisc and myself do, on occasion engage.

Again, I have nothing but respect for Steve so attacking him is a really good indicator of where YOU stand, as far as I am concerned.

(It is so nice to not be campaigning and just speaking up because I feel like it)


almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

We will also be hosting interviews with CSM candidates as well, so you can make an informed decision!

almost 3 years ago - Mike_Azariah - Direct link



almost 3 years ago - Brisc_Rubal - Direct link

Then quit wasting our time posting.

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

That is correct - this year we are allowing the options for those who wish to stay remote.

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

The CSM is one of several tools we use to gather information and listen to community feedback. While no single entity outside of CCP unilaterally decides the direction that CCP takes, the CSM is an incredibly valuable institution for developing the game alongside our community :slight_smile: