over 1 year ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

Hello everyone!

We’re happy to announce that the updated EVE Monument is back online, honoring capsuleers from the first and second decade! The construction is finished and the Monument has been unveiled ahead of the 20th Anniversary Fanfest Festivities™

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You’ll be able to locate your character using the EVE Monument name finder tool, Find your name on the EVE monument | EVE Online

All names are in alphabetical order, making it even easier to locate names.

CCP Hellmar will be cutting the ribbon later this week to officially christen the newly renovated EVE Monument, but we know some of are already in Reykjavik and we wanted you to be able to easily locate the names of you and your friends.

Fly safe!

over 1 year ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

There is a lingering issue where the finder has a problem when there’s an apostrophe in the characters name, but they’re still on the Monument.