almost 4 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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Hi all

If you’ve not seen the information about the Native Mac Client playtest, please check out the news article first as it contains important information.

This thread is for general feedback for the client and the launcher. If you’ve found a bug, please see the thread here.

So we can collate feedback more easily, please keep posts on-topic for the Native Mac Client. Any off-topic posts will be removed.

We want to hear your feedback!

The Native Mac Client is the first non-Windows client for EVE Online. This means there are a lot of new areas that we are touching on. If there is something that you think could be improved or doesn’t feel right, please let us know below.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

I have personally not observed any washed out graphics on high settings (but I tested only on M1 MacBook Pro). Can you please report more details like what screen resolution you are using and if there is any scaling active? Maybe you can also find the exact setting, which triggers the problem. A screenshot about this (through a bug report) would be perfect.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

Yes, best to also send a bug report about this, with as much details as possible.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

Great to hear that the experience is great. It would be great, if you could send a bug report from the client about those flashing textures, so that we can look further into it.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Check your post processing setting, and try ‘High’ if it’s not on that. Post Processing has a number of features which help with the overall image quality. For example, CAS: Sharpening The Renderer | EVE Online

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

Your account needs to have been copied from Tranquility, so it will only be available, if it was present on Tranquility at the start of February.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thank you for the feedback. That does sound like the DoD system fetching files. If you do the same activity and it is smooth, it’s normally the cause.
I’d be very interested to see if the full client solved your issue :slight_smile:

The crash on close is a known issue. It’s one we’re actively looking at.
Many thanks!

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback!
One of the machines I’m testing on is a M1 MacBook Air, and I love it :slight_smile: I’ve been really impressed on how much power it has, more so given its size.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

This is brilliant feedback. Thank you! :slight_smile:
It would be very useful to know your system details (macOS version, CPU, GPU are the most important). I know the areas you’ve listed may not sound like they would be impacted by them, but the more information we have, the faster we can look at reproducing.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:

I’m very interested in the ‘can only play full screen’ issue. Could you bug report this from within the client after you’ve tried? That way we can get important information attached and hopefully see what is happening.

I swap between desktops constantly, so I think there is something specific happening on your system we need to try and reproduce. It may be related to the above issue.

Would you share the commands you’re having issues with, so I can check our internal defects against them?

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

This is the same on the Windows client - but the wording could be better. I suspect it’s a throwback to when GPUs had one video output. The Geforce3/4 were popular when EVE launched, and frequently only had one display output.

It would be nice to make some of these options more clear though. “Present Interval” is another one :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback and filing a report :slight_smile:
Just in case it’s not in your report - could you let me know if this was an official Apple mouse, or a ‘PC’ one?

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks very much for the feedback, this is very useful :slight_smile:
Any screenshots or videos are a huge help for us!

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:
Was it the ‘UI Scaling’ option you used? If you’ve not filed a bug report using F12, please consider doing this. It includes important information about the system and what the game was doing, that could really help us reproduce it :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback!
This is a strange one and I’ve not come across anything like this yet. The folder being 5+ GB is very weird, as the normal (not complete) client is smaller than that. Download on demand will only grab things as needed. I’m afraid I’m not sure what is happening here yet :frowning:

If you could file a bug report and include the launcher and recent game logs, that would be very useful in helping us reproduce. Details on how to do this are in the News Article, under the “How you can help” heading: Native Mac Client Playtest | EVE Online

Many thanks!

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
Could you clarify the “was a major drawback for me” for the sound. Was there an issue here when you did this or are you comparing to the Wine client?

The problem list is very useful. Could you include your system specs (macOS version, CPU and GPU) so we can try to replicate them internally?
Many thanks :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback (I saw your previous post). We’d be interested to hear any updates you can give us if you manage to try :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
Turning hardware acceleration on inside the launcher, if not enabled, can improve things a lot. It is now default enabled on new installs, but settings were not changed on existing installs for the moment. I’d be interested to see if this helps improve the problem :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:
Consider the UI scaling option over changing the resolution. While decreasing the resolution can help with performance, it may make the image look less sharp as a result.
Either way, I’m glad you found a solution for now :smiley:

I’ll check out the trackpad and make sure it’s responding to the options in the settings pannel correctly :slight_smile: Thanks!

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:
The jump issue was likely because the system hadn’t been loaded by the server yet. Usually happens if you’re the first to jump in. Once it’s loaded, it should be fine after that point :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. The Native Mac Client will not be reaching Tranquility in 5 days time. This is a time-limited test for Singularity only.

We have no dates, even internally, of when we will launch the Native Mac Client. There is a significant amount of data we need to go through from this test and defects we need to investigate.

A date will be communicated in advance of the Native Mac Client being released on Tranquillity.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hey all. Thanks for all the replies! We’re certainly gathering the type of data we are looking for :smiley:

I just want to reiterate: Where possible, please file a bug report using F12, even if you have posted on the forum. There are some screenshots and information in this thread that will be very difficult for us to reproduce without knowing the specifics that a bug report gives us. We want to fix as many of these issues as possible :slight_smile:

A huge thank you to everyone who has given feedback so far :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
We wouldn’t be able to make this available on TQ right now, as there are a number of features not implemented (even though they may not be obvious in this test).
I’m glad it’s working well for you in this test and we look forward to bring it to everyone as soon as we can.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thank you. Great feedback. We have all of these as points of investigation :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for this. I didn’t manage to reproduce it with wired headphones / internal speakers, but I certainly got some weirdness with a Bluetooth headset. As soon as I adjusted the volume using the keyboard, the audio started working in the client. It would be interesting to hear if it helps on your side :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback. The alignment issue is an interesting one and something I’m keen to try and replicate. Does it always happen for you?

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Great feedback! Thanks you. :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:. There are known issues with detection of system ability currently. For example: Using high settings on a system that doesn’t have a GPU suited for these.
This is something that we’re investigating.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile:
Could you let me know if you use scaling on the desktop (outside of EVE)? We believe this can cause the client to be blurry in some situations. Would you kindly file a bug report if you’ve not done so already so we could see the blur on your machine?

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:
I’d like to check your 120 fps comment: Does your monitor run at 120hz? or is it a 60Hz screen with the client running at 120fps with ‘interval one’ set?
It’s probably nothing as you mention the window mode being 140 fps, but I’d like to check we’re not breaking the FPS limiter. Many thanks.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thank you for the feedback. If you’ve not created a bug report, I’d really encourage you to do so :slight_smile:
I suspect the settings in the client, both resolution and graphical, are set too high by default. I’d be interested to hear your results if these are lowered.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:. Something certainly sounds wrong here! This isn’t reflective of what we’ve seen so far.
If you’ve not bug reported this, please do. We would love to get some more information from the system that is having the issues to try and reproduce this.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi. Thanks for the feedback, this is very valuable :slight_smile:
We’ve got a few reports of inconsistent scaling that we will look into.

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for this - it’s a great comparison. Are you changing anything other than the GPU used? Is your desktop scaling the same?

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

The playtest has now come to an end.

A huge thank you to everyone who has provided feedback. We have gathered a significant amount of data, both from the forum and bug reports. More than we expected at this stage!

There won’t be much new news for a while, as we’ll be acting on the data we’ve gathered here and continuing the normal development of the Native Mac Client. We may have another playtest in the future, so keep an eye on our normal places: News Articles, Forum, Email and social media :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi again. We are currently investigating this issue. Did you manage to file a bug report? We’re trying to reproduce this and it would really help us.
If you did, could you let me know the EBR number? If not, would you mind either filing one now from the same machine, or sharing your system spec with me.
Thank you :slight_smile:

almost 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link


The plan was to delete this folder in either the next launcher update, or after the next playtest. Did you download the entire client? That’s much bigger than I’ve usually seen.

You can safely delete it manually now if you’d like. It is entirely self-contained and has no impact on your normal EVE installation.

over 3 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Information for the second playtest is now avaliable: