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Transcript (by Youtube)

4s new developments involving the recently
7s discovered ancient Jovian Gates have
9s emerged all four Stargates appear to
12s have shunted power to navigation and FTL
15s communication systems pairing with their
17s destination Gates while the Stargate
19s pairs remain closed to traffic their
21s systems have registered with the
23s interstellar Stargate Network
25s Navigators across new Eden were startled
28s to discover a new location and routes
30s displaying on their star Maps as the new
32s gates were registered and reported their
34s destination pairing with gates in the
37s unexplored system of zarzak given all
40s four ancient Stargates lead into sarsak
42s it is clear that if they become active
44s this mysterious system is likely to
47s become a significant Transit hub for
49s those willing to Brave its unknown
50s dangers Elementary statistical data
53s about sarsak has been obtained from the
55s gate registrations and their basic
57s navigation fluid router reports
60s most noticeably the star system appears
63s not to contain any planets and is
65s shrouded in electromagnetic and
67s gravimetric interference however the
70s central Stars clearly of the blue a0
72s type and as well as the Stargates there
75s appears to be a space station this
78s structure is broadcasting its
79s designation as the fulcrum and appears
81s to be under the control of the deathless
83s circle
84s scrutiny of telemetry from the Star
86s indicates some kind of construction
88s project ongoing in its vicinity but the
91s data is difficult to interpret it
93s remains unknown what is being
95s constructed by the deathless but
96s messages carried by pirates that were
98s intercepted by capsuleers reference some
101s kind of powering up procedure initiated
103s from the fulcrum
105s the zarzak station is of previously
107s unknown design but carries clear signs
110s of being of Jovian construction and is
113s evidently enormous in scale when and how
116s the deathless gained access to zarzak
118s and then managed to seize control of the
121s station remains unknown these
123s developments are causing significant
125s interest and disquiet among capsuleers
127s and the four Empires the location of
129s zarzak and its far-flung connections
131s across new Eden may make it one of the
133s most strategically important systems in
136s the cluster
138s the zarzak and its Jovian station is
141s under the control of the deathless a man
143s who seems determined to bring together
145s the angel cartel and the garista's
147s pirates with a promise of sanctuary
149s poses a significant danger to all of new
152s Eden
153s what other knowledge and control of
155s Jovian technology is the deathless in
157s possession of
158s how does the deathless circle intend to
161s utilize the Strategic location of zarzak
164s what are they constructing and what are
166s their intentions
167s these are all questions burning in the
169s minds of Empire leaders and capsuleers
172s alike this is Alton havery reporting for
175s the scope