over 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Hi there

As part of the release on August 11th, there has been a cleanup of the code that handles IME within EVE.

If you’re not familiar with IME, it allows for input of characters that are not on typical standard Latin based keyboards. For example, typing in Chinese on a US-105 keyboard.

If you’re a user that switches between different character inputs while playing EVE and you notice any issues, please let us know by filing a bug report.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

We have become aware that some 3rd party programs are having issues, Namely Sogou pinyin and QQ pinyin.

We are currently investigating these reports. Default OS based IME should be working as intended.

Edit - The issue lies with the 3rd party tools. We’re trying to reach out to the developers of these tools.

Edit2 - Sougou should now work with the latest update. Please update if you’re running an old version.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Could you provide more information? A bug report would be ideal.

When you say “i click IME” - what / where are you clicking this? We’ve tested Chinese input within Windows and not experienced any issues. I’m keen to get a reproduction that we can follow up on.

Many thanks.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

Thanks for the posts, I will follow them up internally.

Do you know of anything “unusual” with your setups? I know that’s quite a vague question, but anything which is non-standard we could investigate could be helpful.

As it stands, we’ve tested Japanese IME and it works as expected for us. The person who made the IME changes is a Japanese speaker who has checked it again.
We’ll do more digging on this - but please file a bug report. It includes useful system information in it, which may just contain something that helps us find the problem.

over 4 years ago - CCP_Caffeine - Direct link

I’ve done a bit of testing tonight on a clean Windows 10 machine and can get the Japanese IME working.

My steps were as follows:

  • Installed the Japanese IME through the standard Windows control panel application
  • Started the client in windowed mode. Fullscreen is fundimentally incompatible with MS IME
  • With the client focused, changed language using ‘Windows key + Space’ to “Japanese - Microsoft IME”
  • This didn’t alter the language in the client
  • With the EVE client focussed and a textbox selected (notepad, chat etc.), I Then clicked the “A” icon in the system tray to change the input type:
    image becomes image
  • The client now seems to use Japanese IME:
    image image1140×557 102 KB

Could you let me know if clicking the lettered icon in the system tray alters anything for you?

over 4 years ago - CCP_Lease - Direct link

A fix has been made which will hopefully resolve your issue. It should go live on Singularity tomorrow and later this month on Tranquility.