almost 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link

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Hello everyone,

It’s about that time and we have a new patch which went live 5 April. Please use this thread for reporting and tracking of any issues found in this version of EVE Online.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

For now we’ve merged the PC and MAC known issues threads into a single one.


almost 3 years ago - CCP_Paragon - Direct link



  • Too high frequencies for some UI sounds


  • * Halcyon G-3 Booster gives a 3% penalty to agility rather than a 3% bonus


  • * Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector traits tab has not been updated with the buff it received

Structures & Deployables

  • * Standup Guided Bomb Launchers cannot be fit to Faction Fortizars

User Interface

  • * The overflow menu for too many chat tabs fails to open for chat channels with non-ascii names
  • * When adding a new contact, changing the Standings via the buttons does not update the text above the buttons
  • Probe scanner filter checkmarks are sometimes not being registered
  • * The option to ‘Enable light background’ does not appear when windows are stacked
  • * Dragging and dropping characters or corporations into a new contract’s name field no longer updates the availability
  • The ‘Assembled Ships’ option in contracts is not functioning correct
almost 3 years ago - CCP_Habakuk - Direct link

They are seeded at ORE stations.

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Swift - Direct link

We’re aware of this issue, but there’s a quick workaround - if you unstack the windows you can change the settings and then stack the windows again.

almost 3 years ago - CCP_Kestrel - Direct link

Hey, I believe this is just a display defect in the probe scanner window not taking boosters into account. If you mouse over your probe launcher while it has probes inside, or you open the ship fitting window with Alt+F, and then press the (i) icon for charges, and mouse over the green text you should see that the bonus from the drug is applying. We are aware of this issue.

The drug is definitely giving you a benefit

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