over 5 years ago - CCP_Falcon - Direct link

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Check out this devblog for more information on account security improvements that we’ve been working on recently!

Read all about it here!

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

The short version of it is:

1password never see your unencrypted data. It’s encrypted on your device before being uploaded.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

Pretty much why I badgered people to consider it :smiley:

Took a while, but you want people to consider things carefully before implementing, wrt security.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

You don’t have to change anything.

An options has been added to make life easier for people with multiple accounts. (That’s the shared 2FA key. basicly, rather than having one code per account, you can share it between multiple accounts. Not as secure over all, but better than no 2FA at all)

CCP have also arranged for a free 6 month trial of a service to store all your passwords for you, if you desire to use it. You don’t have to.

Also, CCP check your password against a large list of passwords which have been stolen from other sites, and warns you if you’re using one which has been used elsewhere. (by you, or someone else.) This is done in a secure fashion, with CCP never giving your password to someone else. You don’t have to do anything (unless your password is compromised, at which point they’ll tell you when you use it)

The rest is all behind the scenes stuff, tightening up security. You don’t have to do anything.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

Read one up.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

well, posting here might be a problem for you then. Being https and all.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

I see you’re using a computer.

Good thing you trust it. And all the software running on it, from a wide variety of developers.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

It doesn’t? It’s about stopping people’s accounts getting hacked and stripped.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

This! 1Password is designed in such a way that your password + secret key which is randomly generated are used to encrypt the password vault, and your password vault is decrypted on-demand on your device. 1Password can not see your passwords. It’s all explained very well on their Security page: https://1password.com/security/

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

I can assure you that we did all the approaching. The simple reason being because we actually do care that your accounts don’t get hacked, and we want an incentive for our players to enable 2FA. A good password manager not only helps you secure your EVE accounts, it works for all other accounts as well.

I can also assure you that there is no financial incentive for CCP except for the fact that more secure accounts mean hopefully fewer hacked accounts which should mean less very time-consuming work for our awesome GMs and Support people in dealing with the fallout of hacked accounts.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

Nope, you don’t need to do anything different. I would encourage you to read up on password managers though, and then simply decide if you want to use one, which I’d heavily recommend in this day and age, with constant data breaches happening all over the internet. Our brains can only remember so much at a time, and hacked accounts, be it EVE accounts or something else, can really mess things up for a person.

No rush, just take your time and read up on how they work, try them out 1 step at a time and then decide if it works for you.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

Your real life isn’t as open to the world as things on the internet are.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

A big-whopping 0$! Our only incentive is increased account safety, which might possibly save time for our GMs and support people. That’s it :slight_smile:

Oh, and make your online life easier… I forgot about that benefit.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

1Password works on pretty much every device and every browser and most OSes. Not sure what you mean?

Hell, it even has a command line version!!!

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

The promotion is simply made in an effort of increasing our players security awareness and pointing them towards best practices, such as using an audited, secure password manager. The 1Password promo has zero financial benefits for CCP.

It’s just about you and your account safety It’s not required and as clearly stated in the blog, completely optional and even if you go for the 6-month trial and then don’t subscribe once the time is up, you don’t lose access to the passwords, you simply can’t edit or add new ones.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

We’re not selling you anything. We’re offering you a chance to check out an audited, secure password manager in the hope that you might actually see benefit in using it to manage your passwords and 2FA codes to make online life safer and easier for you AND your family.

If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. People who buy this don’t gain anything in-game, except maybe convenience when logging in and hopefully a safer EVE account. CCP doesn’t get any money from this. This is purely us trying to make your accounts safer and less likely to be hacked.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

Consider this: If someone hacked your email account, how much could they mess up stuff for you? Does your email contain amazon receipts? Partial CC numbers? Personal information? Bad people can very well use that informtation to social engineer their way into your digital life. Then they impersonate you and take over your identity. Then you have to reset all your passwords, try to reclaim your email account, close your credit cards and get new ones etc…

Now consider another aspect: If a bad person somehow got their hands on your EVE or got into your account, how likely is it that they could use that or some pattern in it to hack into your email account, or vice versa? Or any other account? I’m sure there is some pattern to your passwords if you don’t use some password manager.

It’s food for thought, and frankly, the entire reason we’ve been working on these account security measures.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

Pretty much yeah, but it’s unlimited sticky notes that you can decide who has access to and they are stored encrypted in a digital vault and you can remotely destroy them if you want. Also, the pen never runs out of ink!

But seriously though, you can of course do all that with sticky notes and a Bic pen if you so prefer. This is just optional, not mandatory and if you don’t want to, you don’t have to :slight_smile:

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

I certainly do not think you are stupid. In fact I’m pretty sure EVE players rank higher than most other games and services when it comes to passwords, considering only about 11-12% of our players have weak passwords. I’m willing to bet the percentages are much higher for most other services out there.

That doesn’t mean we can’t do stuff better though. This is all about encouraging users to follow modern-day password practices and online security. It’s a fight that never ends.

Our aim is also to increase security without making things harder and you wouldn’t believe how hard that is without impacting user experience in a bad way.

Regarding adverts, I will say this again, CCP has no financial incentive to promote 1Password, except hoping for fewer support tickets for hacked accounts. Our only motive is to increase security awareness, pointing users towards good tools to do so. 1Password is not the only tool out there, as mentioned in the blog. They just happened to be very open to providing a free, no-obligations, extended trial. That’s it.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

We take security seriously. I’ll never say that our systems are unhackable, because that’s a certain way to get a lot of “free” penetration tests, but we just try and do our best.

This is not triggered by a security issue or any such thing. It’s just us trying to make things more secure and better for everyone. I’m sorry if feel there is some other motive, I can only assure you that there is not.

There is no change in how hacked accounts are treated by Customer Support. If you aren’t using a password manager, you’ll still receive the same support you’d receive if you do. It’s a tool that can make life easier, but it’s not required and there is no obligation to use it. I just know from personal experience that it has made my life a lot easier.

This is not a 3rd party protection of passwords. It’s just a tool that would otherwise replace a sticky note, notebook or some app or text document you use to store a list of your passwords. You still choose your password, or you can randomly generate one. We don’t care. Weak passwords however make your account more likely to be hacked. We do have password rules in place which are pretty good, although a bit outdated, but we are also working on modernizing them even more. You can satisfy all the conditions but still have a weak password if it’s a known one (that’s where the Have I Been Pwned integration helps).

We can’t speak for alliance or corps or their demands. 3rd parties however do not have access to information about whether your accounts is 2FA enabled or not for obvious reasons.

over 5 years ago - CCP_Ghostrider - Direct link

If you enable 2FA through an app via the QR Code on the Account Management website, it overrides the email verification codes. Have you tried that instead?

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

One thing to bear in mind: Eve is not officially supported on linux.

It may work, and there may be a dev or two trying to keep it that way, but that’s personal projects, not a company effort.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

What are you complaining about here?

What is tiring you?

Because, as a user, there’s nothing changing, unless you want to use new options.

over 5 years ago - Steve_Ronuken - Direct link

So it’s not about security, its about launcher bugs.

(If you can tru a reboot when you lose your characters, that can sometimes fix it. When there are two copies running, it can get flaky.)