about 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

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Please use this thread for discussing and reporting known issues.

Quick Info:

Other Information Threads:

For additional information about the contents of the release, please check our News Item .

about 5 years ago - CCP_Dopamine - Direct link

Known Issues: (Updated as of downtime 13th Feb)

User Interface:

  • Wormhole/Incursion effect icon not removed correctly after login in affected system
  • Mining Drone Blueprints have no item icon
  • Right Click menu “Make Boss” option is missing
  • Customs Offices are not appearing in the right-click menu
  • Entering extremely large numbers in the “Suppress if balance change under” wallet field will result in errors.
  • Clone status does not update while logged in
  • Stack All in containers does not work
  • HyperNet filtering occasionally fails to return matching offers
  • Contract prices are not maintained correctly when the contract is copied
  • Moving PLEX through the asset window to the PLEX Vault fails in most remote systems.
  • Pasting a number with the “ISK” suffix into a price field fails
  • Impossible to invite to fleet via right click
  • No options to warp fleet or wing to members
  • Redeeming window appears to be blank => the window is stacked with another window and needs to be unstacked by the player.
  • Selecting items in the inventory window by dragging is not selecting items correctly, if UI Scaling is not at 100%.
  • HyperNet blueprint offers are not filtered correctly
  • The option to ‘Resign as CEO’ appears in the right-click menu of directors.
  • Right-Click menu for Epic Arcs not showing
about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

This has always been the case if you change those fields, what exactly where you changing in the overview settings (if you could enter a bug report that would be great)

Thanks for the feedback I dont think this is intentional, I’ve passed it onto the team.

Thankyou, passed this onto the team in question.

about 5 years ago - CCP_Lebowski - Direct link

Thanks, we’re working on a fix for this.

about 5 years ago - CCP_Darwin - Direct link

If you are looting, whether by dragging or by clicking “loot all,” and the looted items are marked with a red dot, that is probably a defect. Please submit an in-game bug report and the team can take a look.

about 5 years ago - CCP_Darwin - Direct link

I’m definitely selective in that I do my best to only answer questions when I’m sure of the answer. Since I’m usually not sure, I usually don’t say anything.

about 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

First I hear about that, could you please file a bugreport from within the client (through F12 window) right after it happens. Perhaps there is something useful in your logs that can help us solve the issue :slightly_smiling_face:

about 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

No, it is not normal, but a bug which we hope to deploy a fix for as soon as possible.

about 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

Sorry about that, It’s a bug and we’ll get it fixed asap!

about 5 years ago - CCP_Darwin - Direct link

We do not guarantee a response to bug reports. Generally, you should use a bug report when you are telling us about a bug (as you did) but not when you require a response, such as if you need assistance with your account. In this instance, the problem you reported is a known issue, and we track those using a different system than the one used for bug reports, so your bug report was closed.

about 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

Sorry about that, this is another bug, but we’ll try go get that fixed as soon as possible. In the meantime, the best way to be able to export is probably to bookmark your current location. Log out, then log back in and warp to your location (do not select the planet or get the right click menu for it)… I think then it should work… hope so at least :grinning:

about 5 years ago - CCP_karkur - Direct link

Sorry about that. Yes we know it’s a problem and it’s been fixed internally and we hope to deploy the fix soon. We will get it added to this thread :slightly_smiling_face:

about 5 years ago - CCP_Darwin - Direct link

If you can submit a bug report in-game, that would be hugely helpful for tracking this down. Doing so sends us a package of information about your system that includes details about your sound hardware and drivers that might matter.

Press F12 and choose Report Bug once you’re in the game.