11 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s thank you
55s [Music]
58s hello ladies and gentlemen we are
60s getting everything prepped for your
62s viewing pleasure hopefully we don't
64s stack up that kill counter anymore today
66s ah
67s ah
69s just a minute or two will be cruising
77s foreign
154s [Music]
161s foreign
169s oh my goodness happy Friday ladies and
172s gentlemen how's it going
175s goodness
177s gravy I am here you are here look at all
180s these wonderful astute individuals in
183s the chat welcome to Flory and yala Za
186s and spood night and super Scrapper and
189s smile and walk in form and chicken by
192s fire and that was only twitch now we
194s have to do YouTube oh my gosh Dominic
197s Trey original Lord streams
200s Ken O'Neill it's Lauren tetson wizard
203s Jerry
204s Bearded Frog oh my gosh it just it keeps
207s going vet
211s I'm trying to find new names Denny's
217s didn't oh my gosh why am I reading
220s usernames I'm terrible at this and yet
222s I've attempted to do so oh my gosh
224s welcome everybody sincerely all of you
227s who've been sneaking in here early for
229s the streams you're so excited you can't
231s get enough of it so you can hear them
232s appreciate I love it it's great it's
235s super great
236s oh my gosh but sincerely
239s um welcome to the official Rockfish
241s games stream I am your host of course
243s Eric Schroeder the community Ambassador
245s I am your servant I am your guide
247s through all things ever Space 2 and I'm
249s of course joined in the comms with
252s geekbite Gary hello Gary
255s howdy good evening everyone how are you
257s Eric wonderful oh let's look at this
259s chop oh isn't he so swell asking me how
261s I'm doing I'm doing great I'm doing
262s great how are you Gary
266s that's what I like to hear so through
268s the course of this stream we are going
270s to continue on our nightmare mode uh I
273s keep calling it mode it's not a mode
275s it's a difficulty nightmare difficulty
279s um we are now in the depths of Union we
283s have to navigate that space uh tracking
286s down Maddox and all that fun stuff
288s and through the course of our adventures
291s the comms are open for everyone on
294s Twitter everyone on excuse me not
296s Twitter on Twitch on YouTube and on
300s Steve when you have questions ask them
302s we would be delighted to help fill you
304s in on anything anything that's out there
306s just kind of like in The Ether where
307s you're like well hey are they planning
309s on doing this what about that thing ask
311s we will try and get clarity as soon as
313s possible in fact let's go ahead and
315s start with the very first one before we
316s even click the continue button I saw a
319s question from Dominic Troy asking about
321s direct storage which is a DirectX 12
324s feature with parallel processing for SSD
328s performance blah blah blah basically
331s um that's a great question I love that
333s question so much and so I've relayed it
335s directly to the team I just passed the
337s Baton hopefully somebody will be
340s sneaking out during their uh extended
343s weekend vacation
344s and be able to follow up on that front
347s hopefully hopefully that's it and maybe
350s Michael would know because Michael the
351s CEO of Rockfish games is also in the
353s chats he's watching you all and he's
355s watching me
356s watching me fix my button sorry ladies
360s this guy is taken all right let's get on
363s to this right up in here
366s gonna load our nightmare new
372s all right so last stream I had mentioned
375s that I was going to do a bunch of stuff
378s in between the streams and I thought
379s about it and I thought no that doesn't
382s give the authentic everspace to
384s experience you ought to see what it's
385s like whenever you want to upgrade your
388s gear find items do all of that sort of
390s management so that's actually what we're
392s going to do here I am showing you raw
395s gameplay that's the intent I'm not going
396s to doctor things up and make it all
398s super pretty
399s I want to give you the experience this
401s is what it looks like so from where we
403s last left off we had a bunch of stuff
406s just hanging out I do see some Nanobots
408s I already want to move over
410s uh and we need to start figuring out
412s like how are we going to upgrade our
414s gear because we're clearly under geared
416s at this time we could go through
417s crafting
419s um we also need to evaluator perks to
422s um
422s where's our tractor beam at oh
425s oh we could oh no we need atheum Crystal
428s okay
429s um and another one that I wanted was the
431s mining tracker
433s heat detector Neutron membrane can we
435s craft those let's see if we can craft
436s those
440s uh that's a neutron membrane oh we can
442s craft those
445s okay we've got one let's go ahead and
447s just make this up to five
452s okay so we got five of those for the
455s mining tracker uh we would need more
458s Heats oh it uses the Flawless ethium
460s though
461s the flawless aetheium I think I saw
464s on the tractor beam yeah we need 12
467s flawless athium
469s you know in order to find the atheum we
471s need to get the mining tracker so I
473s think this is more I think it's more
475s important so we're going to get the heat
476s detectors as well so we're gonna craft
478s two heat detectors more
480s and that will be enough you see the
482s green light even ticked on for us look
484s at that it was like hey hey you can
486s invest in this perk now you absolutely
488s know it let's invest all spend our
491s credits
493s this mining tracker is quite a delight
497s I actually don't know if it shows up
499s immediately on the map or if you have to
501s launch first I think you have to launch
503s first no it does show up Okay cool so
505s what this is going to do it's going to
506s show you all resources that you have
508s seen at the varied locations this is a
512s change that we had made previously I
513s mention it just in short we used to have
516s to where it would only track what you
517s would officially found now it just is a
520s matter of seeing it and uh yeah we've
522s only just entered union we have not done
525s a lot but here you can see that we were
528s fairly
529s fairly good about uh exploring and
533s collecting information on these spaces
535s maybe it wasn't as good as I thought it
536s was dang all right I need to get more
539s information
540s but we might end up going ethereum
543s Crystal this might be our Target
545s destination
546s um I want to get more atheum Crystal for
548s our tractor beam though
550s um and before we go to the magic of
553s unami that's actually what I think I
554s want to do so other than that let's see
557s about decking out our ship because we
560s now have the close combat specialist the
562s striker and we need Weaponry accordingly
565s so we got this Baron executioner already
567s that's fantastic that's going to
569s complement what we are trying to
571s accomplish uh probably gonna swap out
573s this beamblazer that we had crafted for
575s mining
576s but we'll probably hang on to it
580s just some quick looks around what else
583s we have
586s generally speaking I think I want to
588s sell more than scrap right now even
590s though we are I'm eager to get the
593s uncommon blueprints
595s but I think we need the monies a little
598s bit more
600s Umbra is so tempting
603s [Music]
605s why do you tempt me so you know we're
608s gonna put Umbra in place of the railgun
609s because the railgun's kind of lost its
611s luster plus we're going to be fighting
612s oh we also have penumbra okay well
615s well there there we go all right
618s that's nice would have enjoyed a
620s different modifier but we'll take it
623s so we are going to sell these other
625s items look all the stuff that we've been
627s finding looks it's all better than what
629s we've been using it's ridiculous
632s um
632s because the coil gun and penumbra are
635s hmm maybe we want something other than
637s executioner now
641s [Music]
642s so many thoughts so many questions
647s um but while I am doing this Michael has
650s gone and done the effort to answer some
653s more questions which I think is super
655s great
656s so thank you for uh thank you for doing
659s that Michael Michael says not aware of
660s any plans to support RTX uh 10 or IO I
665s recall this would require using a
666s plug-in and or making a custom Unreal
668s Engine which we try to avoid at all
669s costs because it makes ongoing
671s development unnecessarily
673s unnecessarily more complex
675s cool
678s so yeah um generally speaking though we
680s will try to consolidate the question and
682s answer format to specific times I just I
684s got really excited I see my boss
686s answering questions like that I want you
687s guys to know uh the responses and uh
689s yeah so all right let's get the rest of
692s this stuff sold
695s I mean shoot I think I'm even gonna sell
697s some of our commodities
699s they don't sell too bad oh we need to we
702s need to go over here all right
704s so we're just gonna sell all
707s for four 4.5 K that's not too shabby
710s let's sell a little bit more here hang
712s on to those probably
716s get rid of that
720s sell that
722s we're gonna hang on to our mining laser
723s because I'm stubborn I'm not gonna sell
725s these red ones because I want to have a
727s bit more value from them so all right
730s very good very good so with our crafting
733s I'm not too worried about the rest the
736s big thing that I want to follow is going
738s to be the Flawless aethem Crystal and
741s the ethium Crystal which is why our next
743s destination is at a place that has high
747s ethium Crystal deposits
749s so let's start our little backtrack
752s and as we do that there's going to be
754s one other little thing that we can
756s accomplish it's going to be this outlaw
758s hunt
759s alongside
760s the Sito Explorer
763s want to get that so we can move around
765s cedo much faster it's always a good
768s thing
768s to complete the challenges the Explorer
772s challenges in particular
773s they're not too hard to do and the
775s benefit is awfully nice
779s all right
782s boys
807s I'm sure I'm not the only one but I
809s would totally approve of swapping Hive
812s to that oh my gosh I'd get an absolute
814s kick out of that
816s so much
819s oh my goodness
821s all right well I'm seeing more questions
822s sneak on in awesome keep asking those
825s questions like I said we will have
827s um a Moment In The Stream where we do go
828s and cover all those things welcome to
830s everybody who's sneaking in still
833s so good
834s so good
837s it's boot Knight says sweet Scrappy hell
839s no it is so well delivered yeah oh my
840s gosh
841s absolutely
845s the the beautiful voice of Ray Chase is
848s fine work couldn't agree more
852s he's done a little bit of voice acting
854s right here so
859s good good stuff
863s oh my gosh I look I look over and I see
866s all I want out of DLC as an Eric voice
868s pack for hype no nobody wants that you
870s don't want that do you not encourage
873s this Behavior V goats stop it you
877s stop it you
880s should oh my gosh by the way Vigo in the
883s chat um he's he is a Alienware uh
887s extraordinaire that's what I'm gonna
888s call him
889s I've actually been joining him on
891s streams on Mondays Alienware does those
894s streams and uh I I join him along for
896s the ride of his Adventure through
899s everspace too
900s at least for two hours you guys should
902s definitely follow up we do ping the
903s Discord for streams on that day as well
906s it's a bit different time
908s but it's always a good time
912s encourage you to do something
914s oh and uh speaking of challenges which I
918s didn't say anything about challenge
919s that's kind of a weird transition don't
920s worry about that uh we needed to
924s yeah we just need to get very close to
925s the Sun all right
927s let's do this real quick and we're gonna
929s unlock Super Speed
933s all right
937s I love how
939s I love how
941s twitch is all like really focused on the
944s stream and having these playful
946s conversations and then YouTube is often
948s their own world talking about what what
951s do you guys
953s let's make sure we don't get too crazy
955s on YouTube guys I want to make sure that
956s individuals who are um wanting questions
960s validated and whatnot that we are given
962s the space to do so
966s all right we got the Tea Leaf color and
969s now we also have uh a super awesome new
973s ability where we can go super fast look
976s at this
977s lightning speed
979s ludicrous speed
981s the only thing that's missing is going
983s to Plaid
985s Marco if you are watching it's an idea
988s it's it's an idea okay I'm just passing
991s it out there
995s okay
996s so now we are at nefty's planes and we
999s need to find some Atheon Crystal I know
1001s just a place let me show you come come
1003s to me on a little Adventure down into
1004s the mines
1005s that's right right into this very large
1008s mining apparatus
1011s apparatus
1014s we uh take this battery with you
1016s all right look at this
1018s fancy we also get ourselves a little bit
1021s of goods to unlock
1024s energy core Mainframe component and a
1027s memory recalibrator as well that's
1028s that's handy memory recalibrators help
1031s you clear off any
1033s um unwanted decisions that you've made
1035s with your devices which we actually did
1037s make one unwanted decision with one of
1039s our devices we have an upgrade on oh no
1042s we don't for some reason I thought we
1043s had an upgrade on a different one
1046s but no all is well and fine and dandy
1048s okay but uh should we desire removing
1051s any upgrade uh points from any of our
1054s devices the memory recalibrator
1056s effectively allows you to take it away
1057s and then you can put it somewhere else
1060s cool
1062s all right we also went into our
1064s inventory because I'm going to do this
1066s just to make this
1068s uh have better proc chance at the very
1071s least
1072s of what we are looking for
1075s look at all this sweet sweet ethium
1078s Crystal
1081s we have low energy because I just
1083s swapped the beam laser anytime you swap
1085s a weapon
1086s mid-flight
1089s its energy has to effectively reset
1092s we're getting straight ethium come on
1094s come on time
1097s that's all we got in this section it
1099s looks like so
1100s all right
1102s next
1113s I think there's some iron that's just
1115s like casually hanging out can spawn over
1117s here somewhere we might just do a little
1119s Loop just to see maybe there will be
1122s maybe there won't be
1124s nothing all right
1128s in that case we're gonna go back into
1129s the tunnels
1138s perfect
1139s you can fly on planet surface too
1141s absolutely
1152s careful with the plaque up close
1154s especially when it's penumbra and you're
1156s doing more damage
1160s pain pain more pain stop firing at me
1167s way more damage than we should just not
1169s using my tools got to use your devices
1172s helps out so much
1174s but every time we cycle between weapons
1176s penumbra and umbra's set bonus
1180s allows you to increase your primary
1183s weapon damage
1186s 30 percent
1188s 30 percent
1191s absolutely
1195s stop making me want this game too much
1198s um I'm sorry man I I apologize I don't
1200s know what to say other than uh you
1202s should buy the game
1206s sincerely I mean supporting development
1208s here I say supporting development like
1211s the game is unfinished it's definitely
1213s done
1214s um but we have taken note of a couple of
1217s things that we'd like to do we do have
1218s premium DLC in the books for next year
1223s we also are creating free content update
1227s just because we want to add more
1229s honestly that's that's the short of it
1230s we just want to add more
1232s I will give you more information on what
1234s that looks like and how that's all
1236s planned out in the future
1238s we may or may not be having some
1239s thoughts about
1240s things revolving around that
1244s Maybe
1251s how are we doing on okay we need
1255s let's see how much how much short oh six
1257s we need one Flawless atheum and Six
1260s atheum Crystal we are so close
1264s oh my gosh goodness gravy
1268s all right let's uh
1270s I think the uh the other cave on the
1272s other side also has some too we're gonna
1274s fly over there
1283s frames are smooth today nice 60 frame
1287s stream just the way I like it
1292s all right let's see what else we got
1294s no whammies no whammies wait no
1297s generation
1299s the pain
1301s the pain
1306s ouch that's okay I know that we can find
1308s some more
1310s we can find some more I know it
1315s foreign
1317s I think Eric likes gravy a lot you
1320s caught me I do in fact like gravy I am
1322s an American
1324s let's head on over to this undiscovered
1325s site I'm pretty sure there's some atheum
1328s Crystal here and we can also do like a
1330s challenge while we're at it to
1332s continually making progress moving
1334s forward that's what we like to see right
1337s that's what we like to see
1345s if you're okay with me the way I am so
1347s far
1350s looks crisps
1352s yeah we have
1354s um updated some elements of the game for
1358s further optimization they'll probably
1359s even more tweaks on that front
1362s there's still some
1363s problem areas I would say
1366s but for the most part we've seen across
1369s the board improvements for all systems
1373s and that's what we're going for
1375s we will continue to refine it so long as
1378s we can so long as that's you know within
1380s our capabilities
1385s all right we don't want to get super
1387s crazy here because our our Goods aren't
1389s like the best right now
1395s why are we using laser
1398s remind the color of the ship right off
1401s of it
1404s that's how that works right
1407s clear these guys out and then we're
1409s gonna destroy some anemones
1412s [Music]
1424s [Music]
1431s oh yes
1433s ah yes things are coming together much
1436s better
1437s feels good
1439s actually the corrosion mine blueprint
1441s are uncommon that's
1443s that is a delight to see
1447s now we do want to be a little bit
1449s careful about all this copper oh no I
1452s need atheum Crystal
1454s I need atheum Crystal
1461s that's what I'm looking for here I
1463s thought there was maybe I'm mistaken oh
1466s those that's a sniper you you
1469s how dare you
1476s let's go back I want my stuff
1484s plating was not
1485s [Music]
1489s all right
1493s more copper more copper I mean we're
1494s gonna need copper at some point I can't
1496s complain too much and we're completing
1498s challenges we're making progress
1500s hopefully get a Mainframe
1503s uh override here as well
1512s nice
1533s guys don't play with your food that's
1535s rude
1540s all right let's get some scrap metal
1543s from over here take out some more
1545s anemones
1551s whoa
1563s so uh fun fact the Flack
1566s has a damage radius of a hundred meters
1569s so if you shoot it and it collides with
1572s something that's within 100 meters
1575s it damages you this is something that I
1578s I say frequently and uh for some reason
1581s I forget about it
1583s I do it to myself
1587s all right asteroid cluster complete
1591s do more of this delicious copper
1595s and see is there any actually
1597s is there any more there's an unknown
1599s crystal atheum is here probably not a
1601s lot but we're gonna have to check it out
1603s we're gonna check it out we're gonna do
1605s a little bit more exploration in this
1606s area because I just I really want it
1608s we're also gonna do this to save time on
1610s this front right now I don't recommend
1613s mining with the uh flat because of rock
1616s chances but it's going to serve our
1618s purposes here now I just have to
1620s remember how to get out of here Ah
1622s that's right
1624s there we go there should be yes
1627s yes
1630s all right
1634s what a treat
1636s hey we got the flaw oh oh
1640s it's time it's time
1643s let me have that beautiful delicious
1648s whole all tractor beam oh
1652s we did it guys
1654s we did it
1656s oh my goodness
1660s that feels good
1663s not gonna lie I feel that's like such an
1666s accomplishment you get to that in this
1667s game it's just like
1669s everything it's just going up from here
1673s let's just go over here
1682s shot
1683s I love how much fun you're all having
1686s as you should apparently I forget how to
1689s navigate out of spaces there we go there
1692s we go
1693s a little more copper we'll take it why
1695s not
1696s we will take it
1701s yes the deed is done
1704s let us move on actually wait do we get
1708s do we get all secrets
1711s shoot I don't know if we did or not we
1712s might have to come back that's fine
1714s we might have to come back
1717s [Music]
1720s okay now that that's done let's head on
1723s over to Union let's make some progress
1728s of course it looks a little scary over
1730s there let's have one more look at our
1732s invador oh yeah let's let's get this
1735s and
1737s I want more boost speed please I know
1739s it's just one percent
1741s but it makes me happy
1744s what else we got
1746s no
1748s no
1751s [Music]
1755s you know
1757s I'm gonna do the shield breaker missiles
1758s with the corrosion mines I know it
1761s sounds kind of counter-intuitive I know
1762s I get it because it's like oh well if
1765s you have corrosion missiles you don't
1767s have to worry about shields you're
1768s correct yes this is just more for having
1771s options so to speak let's just cover
1775s cover the grounds that we're approaching
1778s yeah
1781s see a raid booster that's slightly
1783s better but doesn't recharge uh as it
1787s doesn't use as much energy
1789s where it uses more energy
1793s that's not worth the small percentages
1796s 13.9 energy per second no no no that's
1799s not worth it
1800s no thank you
1803s all right
1809s very good
1812s yes corrosion mines do damage over time
1814s absolutely
1816s but what's also magical about the
1818s corrosion mine is that it's a splash
1819s damage effect so it's probably a little
1821s overpowered in actuality it does a ton
1824s of damage even if you get two Targets
1826s let alone three four or five
1831s [Music]
1834s that being said it does take a carefully
1836s placed shot to maximize its damage so
1840s it's probably not going to change too
1841s much
1842s I still think it's the most popular
1843s choice and most bomber builds that I've
1845s seen a lot of bomber builds that bombers
1847s uh convert secondary weapons into energy
1851s whenever you are seeing any bomber build
1853s I feel like they're just paired with uh
1856s corrosion mines it's like a natural they
1859s always have them
1871s this water is particularly delicious
1873s today I don't know what happened
1875s it's it's not even close to German water
1877s oh my gosh but do you get do you know
1880s what I want to talk about when I say
1881s German water does that
1884s all right
1886s quick story time this is a little little
1888s diatribe but um first time that I ever
1891s went over and saw my teammates because
1894s we're based on a Hamburg Germany
1896s where the entire team is based on
1898s Hamburg Germany and then there's me over
1899s here and Gary's in the UK
1901s [Music]
1903s um yeah well actually we also have a guy
1906s uh Liz in Canada we're branching out
1909s but man the the purity of German water
1914s oh
1916s just the tap water alone it's Immaculate
1920s guys it's seriously it's it's nuts
1923s but however it's uh it's also
1927s it's not like you're not supposed to
1929s just drink the tap water in Germany I
1932s don't know it's Michael is I don't care
1933s if I'm talking about this I don't even
1935s like I feel like there's like a German
1937s law out there somewhere because
1938s generally speaking you're supposed to
1940s order your you know your your water uh
1943s it's generally mineral Vasa that you
1945s would order which is I mean it's it's
1947s exactly what it sounds like it's mineral
1948s water
1949s and it's generally sparkling as well
1957s anyway man that was a serious let's get
1960s back into the
1964s I'm a water connoisseur that's right yes
1966s let me talk very briefly about water for
1969s a second it's qualities
1979s Detonator drone
1981s mean
1983s I think we actually died here to the
1985s ocar last time if I'm not mistaken we
1987s were trying to be super cheeky but I
1989s want to explore this place a little bit
1995s I want to uh I really want to get those
1998s outlawed drones with missiles do we have
2001s just generic missiles we could just make
2002s generic missiles for that let's do that
2006s Merrick missiles please
2009s all right
2011s just just for this little Outlaw hunt
2015s because I see a bunch of Outlaw drones
2016s look at that oh
2018s waiting for us just waiting
2029s yeah so so Michael actually says the fun
2032s fact Germans Germany's tap water has
2036s better quality than bottled water
2037s because the loss for tapped water are
2039s super strict it's it's amazing it's
2041s seriously nuts
2042s it's
2044s yeah
2047s like I'm not saying that you know go to
2049s Germany and drink out of the toilet but
2050s oh my God
2058s oh my God he was flying perfect there
2059s jeez
2062s ouch pain well this just went from
2065s everything's fine to this is this is not
2067s fine this is not okay
2069s wow
2071s that was
2073s actual pain but hey look we completed
2076s our challenge right destroying Ally
2078s based from an unknown signal without
2078s taking any hole damage specifically hole
2081s damage
2082s that's fine we'll track that one
2084s we're gonna see if we can start uh
2086s knocking that out
2088s hopefully next time it's not our Shields
2090s I also like how it damaged the Homing
2093s missiles specifically
2094s this is actually a fun time to mention
2096s one other thing at one point we thought
2099s about
2100s having the slot itself get damaged as
2104s opposed to the item
2107s at one point we thought about having the
2109s slot itself get damaged instead of items
2110s so that would mean even though I'd Swap
2112s this out
2113s whatever is put in the slot would still
2115s be damaged
2117s and you know there was some conversation
2120s surrounding that one and ultimately of
2122s course we did not implement it we felt
2124s like having it more on this front where
2126s each individual item takes damage is
2128s Maybe
2131s better for a more casual audience is how
2134s I'm going to word that
2136s but uh yeah
2144s those are webbing mines
2148s I feel so dangerous having
2151s this flat Cannon
2154s knowing how much damage it could truly
2156s do to me but man does that that's so
2158s satisfying
2160s taking out all those drones so quick
2163s or atheum
2166s that's why they're just turrets they
2169s can't they can't move in front of us as
2171s as something that doesn't move at all
2173s that's impossible right that's never
2176s happened earlier in the Stream about two
2178s minutes ago
2183s oh that Flawless atheum Crystal
2187s I need a better energy Corps
2197s little Focus mode here I just don't want
2200s to do a dumb
2207s Spencer excellent we saw a
2213s those mines there the whole time
2217s I guess I just didn't look off in that
2218s direction wow
2220s thank you
2225s took her that nonsense all right
2228s so let's get this container and the
2230s power cord oh it's a power core socket
2232s that's parkour dispenser
2236s you know what you have to do
2239s you know what you have to do
2244s one other quick detail about what you're
2246s looking at on screen this is an unstable
2248s power core well what does that mean
2249s what's how's that different from a
2251s normal power core well the difference is
2253s that this one can explode when you're
2254s holding it so if something were to hit
2256s you or you were to hit something like
2258s say a mine
2259s it can blow up in your face
2263s it's be a little more careful with
2265s unstable power force
2267s [Music]
2269s I like how we found homing missiles even
2271s though we crafted those other ones get
2273s out of here you're dead to me
2277s we also appear to need some more
2279s consumables to fill in our slots
2282s this guy
2283s it's gravy
2288s this this area is quite large and
2291s there's two parts about
2293s this particular area I should stop
2295s calling it particular area abadan too
2299s there's a central point that has a base
2301s in it
2302s and then there's like this ring that
2304s goes all the way around I wonder if I
2305s can I wonder if I can kind of get just a
2308s sense of this
2310s this ring it's almost like a track it
2313s goes all the way around
2318s all the way around
2320s and there's lots of little hidden
2322s secrets on that ring and some of which
2324s will provide what's needed in the middle
2331s I'm gonna go straight to the middle
2332s because there's some stuff to unlock
2333s these areas are massive though by the
2336s way goodness
2340s this is not just a simple game where you
2342s warp in you get all the information and
2345s you just collect everything no no not
2346s this is not a go to the dot and collect
2349s it things up simulator
2351s there is actual exploration required
2355s you do have to use your brain
2358s I know some people don't like that
2365s hmm
2374s foreign
2383s that's right
2386s shut your computerized mouth hole
2390s it's actual I was that was really bad
2392s guys
2397s oh it's because of you
2400s shame on me for not having any
2403s uh Mobility devices at the moment
2406s that would prove to be a much better
2409s all right we're gonna try and focus this
2411s guy down
2413s should in fact hurt everyone else around
2416s that was awful
2421s Strikers um
2423s Striker's alt is so much better
2428s when you're up against large numbers of
2430s foes so anybody was wondering why isn't
2432s he uses oh yeah that's actually why
2434s I was hoping to connect all three of
2436s them but
2437s I digress once we're done with this
2438s combat we'll get underway with the uh
2440s with the questions because I know we've
2442s we're going past a little bit of where
2444s we normally go
2455s actually yeah let's go ahead and let's
2457s start answering questions so uh Gary go
2460s ahead and toss one at me what do we got
2463s all right so we've got lined up for you
2466s first up we have a bit of a um
2470s a language question from storing Texan
2472s over on YouTube and he wants to know is
2474s Keon
2486s yep there you go
2488s good question I love I love helping uh
2491s individuals pronounce things correctly
2493s because I'm terrible at it myself
2495s there's a there's beautiful irony there
2498s uh so yeah it's all good it's all good
2502s I've never heard you butcher anybody's
2504s name ever yeah not once never
2507s next question please teacher
2511s uh right well we have uh with a Jerry
2515s over on YouTube uh he wants to know is
2517s there any plan to add extra visual
2520s effects for certain consumables for
2522s example the damage booster currently
2524s it's only a timer an indicator that are
2526s displayed
2527s uh I mean there's not necessarily plans
2530s but we are still prone to feedback even
2533s after 1.0
2535s um and we have had some discussions
2538s about
2539s um the visualization of certain
2542s conditions that has come up I don't know
2544s if we've had it as a meeting internally
2548s um but there's there's some there's some
2550s discussion floating about
2552s it's certainly not something that's
2554s going to be like hotly prioritized right
2556s now based on the other things that we're
2558s working on
2561s but your observation is a keen one
2564s it's definitely something that we have
2566s uh discussed at least in part
2570s it's possible I would not expect
2573s something like that to be added uh like
2577s in a hotfix anytime soon or anything
2579s like that it's definitely not something
2580s that we're
2581s we have to do this you know there's
2583s there's none of that
2585s so let's go to another question
2588s you know we have Rome from uh pesky
2590s husky uh they've not played everspace
2593s two in a while and they didn't
2594s understand the ship Aesthetics that they
2596s could do but is it possible to change
2598s the Boost colors for example to White
2603s so there is a white boost color that
2604s does inevitably get unlocked
2607s that's totally possible you do have to
2609s earn the Boost colors so we were uh we
2612s took a couple initiatives this is
2613s normally closed by the way um I opened
2615s this from the other side in a previous
2617s segment
2618s um probably uh but anyway all of the
2620s Boost colors are unlocked specifically
2623s by doing challenges
2625s specifically by doing challenges so us
2627s getting pseudo Explorer we unlocked the
2629s Tea Leaf actually I love that color
2631s we're gonna swap that because our ship
2632s is even green it'll be very applicable
2634s here
2635s um but then with like Outlaw hunt if we
2637s Master this one we'll get Cinnabar which
2639s is a red color each one has a difference
2641s on a color that you can unlock
2644s as in you make more progress you can
2647s unlock more uh engine Trail colors
2649s specifically from challenges
2652s otherwise cockpit colors ship colors and
2655s emissive lights they all get randomly
2658s dropped from your foes so you have a
2660s little bit less ability to go after a
2664s specific ship color or emissive color
2667s but the engine Trails you can do a
2671s little bit more due diligence
2674s did I I went backwards oh let's try that
2676s again
2678s and this might not actually be the one
2679s that is locked normally I might have
2681s been thinking of a different one
2683s but uh I digress a great question a
2686s great question Let's uh let's have
2687s another one
2689s okie dokie um it was a Jerry ass one and
2691s this actually is for Michael uh if
2694s you're still around uh sir boss sir CEO
2697s um he came across a press article this
2699s week where Michael mentioned that his
2701s favorite ship is a big tanky ship and he
2704s wants to know does he refer to the
2706s gunship or the bomber
2708s fair question which one were you
2711s referring to Michael
2714s yeah both of them
2717s are absolutely considered to be
2720s basically tanks in space so I feel like
2722s a lot of people associate the gunship
2724s more with the tank just because it kind
2726s of has its um
2727s Legacy from everspace one and
2730s people would call it the space tank
2732s but uh we'll see we'll see what you're
2734s responsible
2735s that'd be a fun little answer
2737s I'm just doing a loop aren't I let's
2739s let's move on
2740s instead of collecting more stuff from
2741s here we're going to move on but we'll
2742s keep answering questions uh what's the
2744s next one while Michael is uh hopefully
2746s answering that one
2748s um just an update from bearded Froggies
2750s just wondering if we've got an update on
2753s the Boost maths which was causing a bit
2755s of mental meltdown I think I supplied
2758s both
2764s oh let's see
2767s let me okay so because I had a
2769s conversation with Hans Christian about
2770s this let's just let's just pull out this
2772s sort of thing
2775s um so
2779s I think the the key
2783s issue
2784s the the I almost want to call it
2786s misinformation which I hate calling it
2788s that but I think that's what I would
2789s call it is that the terminology and
2792s talking about this booster maths is
2794s what's causing so much trouble uh for
2797s example
2798s speed gain
2800s is not the gain on your speed it's the
2805s gain whenever you're boosting that's a
2808s multi multiplied by your speed so you're
2811s not like gaining more speed
2813s just inherently from speed gain
2816s it's your it's your Boost speed okay so
2819s so anytime let me let me show you let me
2821s just show you
2822s um the ship here so our speed is 91
2825s meters per second
2826s right our speed is 91 meters per second
2829s so on in our inventory our Eco raid
2833s booster our speed gains 269 that is our
2836s boost speed okay so this speed right
2839s here this is your lateral
2841s speed okay these are your laterals
2843s you're moving forward left right back
2845s down up any particular direction that's
2848s the maximum speed you can move naturally
2850s okay then you have your speed gain which
2854s is your Boost
2855s okay and you have your acceleration
2857s which
2859s I would like to get the official number
2862s of what that looks like what the normal
2863s 100 amount is from
2867s zero ex percent acceleration to your
2870s full acceleration but that acceleration
2872s is increasing the base acceleration uh
2876s to 377 right so instead of being a
2879s hundred percent which is normally where
2881s it would set now it's operating at 377
2883s okay that is what gets you from your
2886s normal speed to your Boost speed or
2890s speed gain okay
2893s all right then you have other modifiers
2895s which I don't have a cargo unit that has
2897s it but you have plus percent speed and
2902s plus percent boost speed the plus
2904s percent speed is just to this value
2909s and the plus percent boost speed is
2912s effectively increasing the speed gain
2915s it's multiplying it by 10 so it's not
2918s additive
2921s con it's not confusing at all right it's
2924s clear as much
2927s so from all of this though because like
2930s this was a floating question for a while
2932s I kind of discussed with Hans Christian
2933s a little bit we might change some
2936s wording on some of this because I mean
2938s even I got confused about it I mean so
2941s uh yeah we may or may not change how
2943s some of this is worded
2945s to be determined hasn't gone through
2947s approvals yeah this is probably the
2948s first that Michael's hearing it as well
2950s but uh we got some suggestions in the
2952s pipe we'll see
2954s so hopefully that clears things up
2956s and if you if that if that generated new
2959s questions uh
2961s uh we're sorry we are not available to
2965s answer your call right now
2973s uh we have one from Wizard Jerry and
2975s it's a bit of a law question actually
2977s and it will relates to uh Dax
2980s um and he's just asking is a Byron uh or
2983s is the Byron system located in the DMZ
2987s technically it is not located in the
2993s what you would call the demarcation
2995s lines of the DMZ but for all intents and
2998s purposes it's close enough because it's
2999s in the belt to grades and the belt to
3001s grades is used
3004s frequently as the other language of the
3007s DMZ as a whole so the belt to grades is
3010s where all of the okar colonial conflicts
3013s went down right it's the belt to grades
3015s are also where the okar lives the belt
3016s to grades are also where most of the
3018s colonial Mining and a prospecting
3023s uh areas have been established as well
3027s like
3027s so you could just effectively say yeah
3030s it's in the DMZ
3032s is it in the DMZ proper uh well you know
3036s that's that's a little bit harder to
3038s answer
3040s it's a little bit harder to answer
3045s but yeah
3047s a little bit harder to answer
3050s also we need to not die here oh gosh we
3053s haven't we did not go back to repair oh
3054s man we're gonna take a duck no I don't
3056s want to die no no back to the station
3058s back to a station don't poke me
3061s we're gonna go to a station and refresh
3063s our things we're going to repair before
3065s we go exploring I was dangerous how dare
3068s I
3069s let's just go back to Prescott
3072s so yeah more or less yes Byron is in the
3076s DMZ it might not necessarily be in the
3079s specific marked demarcation lines of the
3082s DMZ proper
3085s yeah all right hopefully that's not
3087s confused oh my gosh you're all asking
3089s questions and I'm probably just making
3091s you more confused today
3094s who
3096s next question please let's confuse
3098s someone else out there
3099s a question from pesky husky again over
3103s on YouTube okay uh is there any plan on
3105s new weapons or weapon types uh with the
3108s free updates and possibly expansion in
3111s the future I mean we would love to
3113s Are there specific plans to add new
3116s weapon and weapon types
3119s I would be telling
3122s but probably I mean let's let's be real
3125s about it if we want to add more stuff
3126s with more content that includes weapons
3129s or includes modules
3131s so probably
3133s this is just a wild guess
3137s next question please
3140s right uh this one's from RGB toaster I
3143s know you touched on this last week uh
3145s and it was is there or will there be an
3147s official way to enjoy some everspace 2
3149s music like a playlist on Spotify or
3151s YouTube but I do believe we did answer
3154s this one last week as well okay yeah so
3156s and I think did Michael answer in the
3159s chat earlier yeah he's added some extra
3161s to it yeah yeah because I know that
3163s Michael's been working with gero on OST
3167s stuff
3169s um
3170s the short answer is we are going to have
3173s the OST available absolutely when
3177s that's that's the question that is the
3179s question
3180s um I mean preferably we wanted to have
3182s the OSD drop like at 1.0 but you know
3185s things happen
3188s elements get shifted around
3190s and you just gotta have to work with
3192s what you got
3193s but
3194s um do know that it's definitely in the
3198s works
3198s and that is something that we want to
3200s get out to you so you can enjoy it
3201s there's some absolutely banger
3204s oh my gosh
3207s I mean you see me dancing all the time
3209s during these streams so you know what
3211s I'm talking about so yeah we're hoping
3212s to get that out the door sooner than
3215s later for sure for sure I still want
3217s more credits so we're gonna be selling a
3219s lot of this stuff
3221s those are just inherently better even
3224s though there's only 10 of them that kind
3225s of stinks but
3232s was this what we were using yeah that's
3233s what we were using before
3235s not too worried about it
3241s thank you
3243s log these in let's go ahead and answer
3245s another question while I'm uh finagling
3247s my equipment
3249s uh right
3251s um before I try and blow your mind with
3253s a load of more reverse speed maths
3255s questions which seem to be coming in oh
3257s boy
3258s um slowly intestines has asked are there
3261s any plans to step out Renown between all
3263s the different factions right now is one
3265s big pot uh will The Wanted system be
3268s expanded upon
3270s so um no there are no plans so
3272s originally we were looking at doing sort
3275s of like a multi-faction system with
3277s different sort of rewards based on who
3279s you have your uh faction uh reputation
3283s with
3284s um and it was
3286s it was a redundant system what we ended
3289s up finding is by creating these more
3291s like more factions to like have
3293s different sort of properties with what
3295s we were doing is we were just copying
3296s and pasting and giving it a new name it
3298s wasn't actually new content in fact it
3300s felt like we were cheating the system in
3302s a way and it just was stretching it out
3305s needlessly pointlessly in some cases it
3308s just didn't feel right it didn't feel
3310s good that's one of the big reasons why
3312s we Consolidated to a single renowned
3314s system that way you can progress it all
3316s the way through get your loot and you're
3318s good to go could more happen to the
3321s renowned system sure some some more
3324s elements could be added to the renowned
3326s system that's certainly a possibility
3328s but as far as us splitting it out to
3330s where you have like different faction
3332s reputations again like going back to
3335s that I don't see that happening I do not
3338s see that happening not with the trouble
3339s that it was causing with our other
3341s integral systems and uh just
3344s make it it's just like fluff it was it
3346s was needless fluff
3348s so no I probably not
3352s um also Michael says the OSD will be
3354s made available on Steam and Gog as well
3356s as on Console this summer thank you for
3358s that confirmation I don't know if we
3360s actually had a specific time frame yet
3362s so you heard it here first OST is this
3365s summer plan of the summer so thanks for
3368s that follow up
3370s okay
3371s um I need to keep clearing this out ask
3373s me more questions hopefully it's not
3374s more maths
3375s uh yeah sadly the next ones are coming
3377s in our old mask okay all right well
3379s let's let's hear maybe we should give
3382s you the easy one first
3384s one plus one
3386s okay let's hear him let's hear him right
3390s uh slow intestine over on YouTube uh
3392s he's basically just asking for some
3394s clarification so is the Boost percentage
3397s a multiplier of your ship's regular
3399s speed both the ship speed is 100 meters
3402s per second and the Boost speed is 300
3404s does the Boost speed equals 300 meters
3407s per second or 400. so the speed gain
3411s percent that you see here this is not a
3415s multiplication or anything like oh well
3417s actually it is technically
3418s multiplication so what this is is it
3420s saying 272 so normally your speed gain
3425s is just a hundred percent
3426s it's just flat 100 but by being at
3430s 272 percent it's approximately uh 2.72
3435s uh no not 2.7 it's it's uh
3440s yeah it's it's not as hard
3444s it's times 2.72
3447s . that's what it would be so 2.72
3452s of your speed
3454s equals your Boost
3456s in this particular case well actually no
3458s that's not true because we also have uh
3460s we also have our boost speed increased
3462s by 18 because we're a striker so that's
3464s but
3465s don't worry about that for now the main
3467s the main thing this isn't confusing so
3469s your speed
3471s your speed at 91 meters per second
3475s to get to your Boost you're multiplying
3478s your speed by uh you're multiplying it
3482s by 2.72
3484s 2.72 you're multiplying it okay that's
3487s what your Boost speed is
3491s good it's ridiculous
3495s this has got this this stream is just
3497s gonna be so garbled with maths we might
3499s as well just call this the maths stream
3501s I need to go get a chalkboard and a in a
3504s ruler and just put on some dorky glasses
3506s be like okay kids
3508s oh my gosh
3510s ah I'm gonna try and find an outlaw base
3512s uh while we answer another question
3514s let's try and get through them let's try
3515s and get through them
3517s this is the build up build up stream
3520s where I'm trying to get to level 10 and
3521s be prepared for the next mission so it's
3523s all good uh-huh
3526s um we do have another math question
3529s this one's for baited frog so this one
3532s really might melt your mind
3535s it's no excuse
3537s if we have a cargo unit that has a plus
3540s speed boost is it going to add boost
3543s speed since it comes from speed what's
3546s the effective difference on Boost speed
3548s with a plus speed bonus versus plus
3552s boost speed bonus yes the speed is the
3556s plus speed is the normal speed down here
3560s so plus 10 would mean you're you're
3563s taking 10 of this and you're adding to
3564s it
3565s that's what you're doing if it's boost
3567s speed we're actually talking about the
3569s speed gain
3572s so speed speed gain
3574s speed boost speed they're kind of the
3577s same things that they're worth a
3578s different this remember what I said
3580s earlier in the Stream where we
3581s recognized that there was a little bit
3583s of misinformation and we were probably
3585s going to change some terminologies this
3587s is exactly what I'm talking about
3588s because it's confusing because speed
3591s gain and boost speed being the exact
3594s same thing
3595s but targeting different words it's yeah
3598s we we recognize this all right so this
3600s is something that we are looking into
3602s something that we will probably change
3605s just to make it a bit more clear
3612s so yeah
3613s when you see the plus ten percents about
3616s it
3617s you're effectively
3619s um adding on 10 of whatever your value
3622s is of speed
3626s so I'm really happy that we got a base
3629s here because we want to try and get this
3631s out loud challenge John oh
3635s I need better thrusters
3640s or I need a device that has Mobility
3645s this guy not dying
3652s that is not a pleasant sound
3655s all right
3658s you don't think I understood your
3660s question you were asking about the
3661s differences between plus speed and plus
3663s boost speed on a cargo unit right
3666s the plus speed applies to this value the
3669s plus boost speed applies to the speed
3670s gain value
3671s [Applause]
3676s or was your question different beyond
3678s that
3680s if you want to follow up here to fry
3682s I'll definitely allow it
3684s otherwise let's have one more question
3687s and then I'm going to focus in and try
3689s to do this because this is going to be
3691s it's gonna be tricky
3693s right uh probably shell over on YouTube
3697s um it may have already been asked Aces
3699s but they've noticed that something is
3701s different about A Thon uh was it
3703s initially planted for 1.0 or is it I
3706s mean
3708s it was originally planned yet
3711s yeah it's um there were some name
3714s changes
3716s um some were placeholder names some were
3718s intentional names some were just plugged
3722s in because we didn't want you to know
3723s the actual names
3726s um so yeah but yeah Atheon was
3728s definitely planned from the beginning
3736s I think it's position changed and some
3738s of the uh
3740s maybe some of the Aesthetics about it
3742s change
3745s from beginning to end but uh the theme
3748s is still exactly the same of what we
3749s intended to do yes
3752s level 10.
3754s ah all right that's good let's do
3756s another let's do another question while
3758s I just am so happy about getting another
3761s perk activated
3764s uh okey-dokey right uh back to slowing
3767s testing over on YouTube it's just wants
3768s to know what is the lightning gun a The
3771s Sentinel bolt uh the range and how many
3774s enemies does he Arc to be can those
3776s distances stats be improved through
3778s bonuses
3780s uh great these are this is a fantastic
3782s question oh my gosh a lot of maths
3784s questions
3785s um so basically the short of it is that
3788s um we've had a we had like a question
3790s either it was on the stream or on the
3791s Discord or on Steam I can't remember the
3794s source it was somewhere where somebody
3796s was asking about more information
3798s regarding
3799s um any sort of specialty stats and
3801s ultimates and stuff like that uh because
3803s we did actually go back through and
3805s clarify additional information on all of
3807s our devices we went through and we
3809s adjusted and added all the cooldowns all
3811s the ranges for every single device it's
3813s all there for every single one
3815s it's possible that we could go back and
3818s also add that information to the alt so
3820s you can see more clearly how that all
3822s comes together regarding alt damage
3825s increases
3827s there was I I am rather confident
3831s that there were some changes in regards
3835s to how the damage system and damage
3837s scaling worked between certain ultimates
3841s so for the static value of the alt I
3845s would have to go digging a little bit
3846s I'd have to ask some questions but that
3849s whatever the static value is of the alt
3851s it does increase based on like your
3853s Firepower for example so it does gain
3857s the benefits of more or less everything
3859s else but a fun little sort of note is
3862s that the ultimate for the uh Sentinel is
3866s it doesn't actually do that much damage
3867s it's kind of sucky damage but because
3870s it's doing a tremendous amount of damage
3872s to all Targets it ends up being really
3874s effective really good
3876s and because it does in fact scale
3880s um yeah
3882s there you go that was the question
3884s there's the answer
3885s um in order to be more specific with
3889s that in regards to like the actual range
3891s I want to say it's 1.5 kilometers
3894s but I could be wrong
3896s it would be something that I'd have to
3898s check or dig
3900s and because I'm quite literally trying
3903s to destroy this outlaw base that would
3905s be a bit challenging to dig for it's not
3908s something that's just gonna come up on a
3910s whim
3918s we need you to be gone
3922s all right
3925s Let's do let's do one more question I'm
3927s gonna go on the outskirts here and then
3929s we're just gonna dive bomb This Outlaw
3930s base
3932s we're gonna get right uh last one for
3933s now from Denny's bondarenko the name
3936s that you butchered earlier uh can you
3938s say what is the gameplay reason behind
3941s having a non-zero lock-on time or why
3944s can't we change non-consumable equipment
3947s in riffs
3950s um well because we wanted to well
3951s there's a number of reasons for that oh
3953s my gosh there's there's a lot of
3955s responses that I would need to make for
3957s this one um so the short of it is that
3959s we wanted to make riffs something of a
3961s unique system hang on this is really
3963s loud ah oh we totally just got we just
3966s we got completely crushed there
3968s shame on me for doing this in games
3970s while answering a hard question uh we're
3972s we are gonna die I think I'm gonna
3974s intentionally die here
3975s so let's uh let's just add this to the
3977s death counter that's fine
3980s and let's answer this question more
3981s directly so the question is
3984s why do we have the Rifts lock
3987s consumables why is there a lock on time
3989s for the missiles I think this is a great
3991s question
3993s and the short of that is that we wanted
3996s there to specifically be a lock on time
3998s for the secondaries as we were finding
4000s the power rating of the secondaries to
4004s be very strong over primaries because of
4008s course of course they are
4011s why would the secondaries be less
4014s powerful than primaries because they
4016s actually do get consumed upon use why
4018s would they be you know
4020s what like there there has to be a
4022s compensation for the benefits right
4025s and so in regards oh my gosh goodness
4028s gravy go away
4031s so in regards to that compensation
4033s that's why we do have uh certain
4035s elements lock whenever you're in combat
4037s mode when you're swapping weapons it's
4038s going to start from zero energy it's
4039s going to take time to plug these things
4041s in so long as you're in combat which is
4043s directly applicable to the startup
4046s delays
4047s I'll just leave it on screen for those
4049s who are curious regarding riffs I don't
4052s know if you ever noticed but when you
4053s start a rift
4054s you your ultimate gets maxed out
4056s regardless of where it's at and
4059s everything else gets locked yes you have
4061s to complete the Rifts with everything
4063s that you had on you
4065s and regardless of what you use or don't
4068s use when you are kicked out you get all
4071s of it returned back
4072s so if you spend three slots worth of 260
4076s Rockets
4078s and you spend out all four consumables
4081s of three on the bomber is it three which
4084s you spend out all your consumable slots
4086s when you get kicked out of the rift it
4087s all comes back to you what it's doing
4090s and what the idea is behind it is that
4092s you are setting up a specific build to
4094s use specific secondary specific
4096s consumables specific everythings and
4099s it's locked in for you to complete the
4100s rift with only that
4103s we did not want you guys to be able to
4105s in the middle of a rift be like oh I
4106s need to change my style or oh I know how
4108s to cheese this into me with that
4109s particular thing no no the rift locks
4111s you in place because you are meant to
4113s complete the rift with what you enter in
4116s okay that's why it's designed like that
4120s that's why it's actually designed like
4121s that so
4123s um yeah hopefully that's Clarity on the
4125s question
4127s now I'm gonna puzzle with with questions
4129s so much maths today how dare you guys
4133s and we are going to focus down this uh
4136s this what is this space we're gonna get
4139s this base going down
4141s that is what we are going to do
4163s thank you
4165s he died from that
4168s what a noob
4170s all right
4171s grab some of these Goods it was kind of
4174s nice dying and then you know having to
4176s do this again because we get to level up
4177s to level 10 twice that feels good
4179s somehow
4183s all right
4185s grab this
4192s I really I don't want to get got from
4194s behind was that an armor drone
4196s no it's another sniper drone but I I
4198s don't I don't like him he's not my
4200s friend let's clear him out
4210s there we go nice and dead my favorite
4214s type of Outlaw sniper drone
4217s okay
4222s really don't want to take any whole
4223s damage from this let's see if we can
4225s find a good Center Point
4227s for all of our damage output means for
4230s this ultimate
4240s I just don't want to deal with that guy
4242s at all anymore
4243s um also I'm trying to remember where the
4246s the hanger is on this particular base
4250s I don't want to spawn more enemies
4255s oh speaking of these
4261s up I was too close to it
4264s that asteroid again oh my gosh oh my
4267s gosh these asteroids are out to get me
4277s really stop it stop it
4284s you Absolute Punk oh my gosh nobody
4288s likes you Greg
4290s geez Greg oh my God
4299s thank you
4302s I haven't shot for any Greggs
4304s Jessica said did you choose Greg just
4306s because it was easy to pronounce
4309s wow okay Gary's taking over the stream
4312s from here guys have a good one enjoy
4314s your day everything's great
4318s jeez
4320s did you choose Greg because it was easy
4329s good one I'll admit that's good
4332s well played
4335s and yes that is
4340s all right this is a two-parter uh base
4343s because we have to keep going down here
4346s and there's more to be had there's more
4348s turrets
4355s [Music]
4363s what I want to do I want to see I want
4365s to see how cheeky we can be here let's
4367s just look too much all right
4371s that's that's actually not an opening
4374s still not good
4377s getting closer we're almost there
4381s there we go yep
4387s I did not invite you
4389s were not invited
4392s he survived even oh my gosh look at us
4395s we can't even she is our way through
4398s this
4402s oh no no no no you back on you back oh
4406s my gosh they're all coming out again
4414s you just just fly over there until you
4416s die please thank you all right all of
4419s these Proto Scouts what in the world
4423s really bad aim
4426s okay
4435s that was good we're almost there ah no
4439s no no no no no
4441s you go over there
4451s okay so we have an energy coil there and
4453s we have the charge compensator over here
4455s or not charge compensator the uh the uh
4457s what's it what's it called fuel tank
4459s yes
4461s words are hard we almost got this
4465s is the energy coil on the inside oh my
4468s gosh okay well they're they're empty
4470s it's green green beans go except for
4473s watermelon
4479s just have to face an elite Outlaw match
4481s up no big deal no big deal
4484s [Music]
4493s oh gosh
4497s why does our boost suck all right well
4500s we're able to navigate around that's
4501s good
4510s stop
4512s ah
4518s okay okay I've gone demand
4524s that's not that's not pretty easy doing
4528s we're just gonna leave we're just gonna
4530s leave we're just leaving
4537s we got our challenge completed that's
4540s the important part ladies and gentlemen
4541s challenge complete let's go back to
4543s Prescott repair up
4551s there wasn't a good Target for the
4553s ultimate T3 Cube I'm telling you there
4556s wasn't a good Target
4560s foreign
4564s I'm not skimping on it I promise it just
4566s wasn't available
4568s I was even looking for one on the side
4570s of the base because I wanted to light up
4572s all of the uh the turrets
4574s I maybe did have one time I could have
4575s used it but the Mac App really you think
4577s so
4579s yeah maybe
4582s but hey we did it and not a scratch on
4585s us look at that pristine worksmanship
4589s here just just take a look at this beaut
4592s just take a look at her
4595s not a dent
4600s I am pretty sure you can see the wire
4603s that's holding the two parts of the ship
4605s together right there
4608s even Michael's chimed in any Target's
4610s better than no target okay all right I
4613s get it
4615s so I'm gonna kill myself running into a
4617s wall over here let's get to the
4618s freelancer hanger
4625s the heck you know what mission
4626s accomplished look at this look at this
4629s we got Cinnabar
4631s we can go into our beautiful ship
4634s and actually the engine color that I
4636s actually want is this one the Tea Leaf
4638s I I really like the Tea Leaf color look
4641s at that isn't that great
4644s oh yeah I really like that one but we
4647s did unlock the red all right that one's
4649s also nice now to complement our New
4653s Found Glory we are going to use these
4654s oranges because we're gonna use oranges
4656s actual oranges
4658s um that's what we're using but it is
4660s going to highlight the rest of the uh
4662s the Beautiful
4664s we're gonna go fix our ship first let's
4667s Let's uh
4670s repair them okay much better
4672s all right so yeah what we wanted to
4675s Is We I don't think we have a particular
4678s orange unlocked here yeah we don't but
4680s for the highlight colors they're orange
4681s so that's why the engines are going to
4683s match with as well with the orange-ish
4685s cockpit
4688s yep
4690s we have the sunburn emissives
4694s so it does in fact come together maybe
4696s we should slap a decal on there because
4698s we are a rookie that's particularly
4699s clear whew
4702s oh I can't make it orange though
4705s no decal yet no decal yet we need orange
4707s decals but the idea is to have like the
4710s diamond color green and then have some
4711s highlighted Orange
4712s and the boosters I feel like are going
4714s to be in a much better position now just
4716s to highlight that
4717s we are also going to sneak a peek and
4719s see all the things that we can't afford
4721s because that's always fun that's always
4722s fun
4724s we have a scout
4726s Stinger we could actually swap for one
4729s of these but we're still gonna fly the
4731s striker
4732s because I haven't truly shown it off yet
4735s I have it
4737s I need to be a little bit better hadron
4740s buffers let's look at hadron buffers
4741s real quick
4743s oh wait
4745s hang on a second let me do that again
4749s it's green is this green one okay
4755s the last one I checked Perfect all right
4756s prevents had runs from collidering no
4758s more mini black holes perfect and we
4761s need two of them we already have one
4766s I don't like that I am required to use
4769s three Flawless atheum crystals
4774s mmm
4778s I don't know about that I think I might
4780s wait
4783s I might wait ideally we find a shop that
4785s just sells them
4787s that would be ideal
4790s my goodness look at all these
4792s commodities
4794s that we should probably start utilizing
4799s you saw that
4801s pulse laser
4804s and maybe with the time we have we could
4806s possibly do one of these
4808s well we're not gonna do that one
4810s that is death
4812s uh corrosive death might be possible
4816s let's try into a high risk area before
4817s the streams end
4819s this could be either incredibly awesome
4821s because I accomplish it or um hilarious
4825s because I don't
4828s third tractor perk ain't as necessary
4830s it's true it's not yeah I'm gonna wait
4833s I am gonna wait I do agree the third
4835s tractor being perk for anybody who's uh
4837s Curious it just doubles the speed of the
4839s tractor beam
4843s have
4850s it's fine let's keep on keeping on
4852s that's fine let's also choose our level
4856s 10 perk perhaps we should choose play it
4858s safe we're going for like the incredibly
4860s defensible everything sucks and we're
4862s gonna die perks and I think that's okay
4864s I mean Progressive maintenance I've been
4866s discovering is a bit better than I
4868s thought
4869s it's a bit better than I thought I'm
4871s glad that we changed the values here
4872s because before it was awful it didn't do
4874s any help
4876s uh but we changed it to where now uh
4878s anytime your armor or your hole gets hit
4881s um it has a chance to just straight up
4882s reduce the device cooldown by 20 percent
4886s and that procs every hit so if you're
4889s getting hit by some like little
4890s peashooter that's the best case
4895s but it can be very powerful if you have
4897s the right devices I would argue that I
4899s don't have the right devices on my ship
4901s I don't think I'm using the right ones
4903s I'm a huge fan of the magnetic Repulsor
4905s but I don't think it's serving us as
4907s effectively as I'd like I almost wonder
4909s if we should go to the energized boost
4911s or the teleporter oh we don't have the
4913s teleporter yet okay
4914s we need to buy a teleporter that's what
4916s I need to do
4919s but for now what we're going to do is
4921s we're going to try and attempt to do
4922s this high risk area
4929s we'll see what happens
4934s Progressive maintenance is good when you
4935s take damage so it'd be amazing for me I
4938s have been I've been swimming in the in
4941s the receiving of damage part of this
4943s tree that's for sure
4947s Envision death number nine inbound
4949s probably
4952s keep asking those questions guys we are
4954s going to answer more of them very soon
4956s I sincerely hope they're less maths
4960s oriented though
4966s all right so high risk area I think this
4968s is is this the first one that we've done
4970s for this particular save file uh yeah
4973s this is the first one so high risk areas
4975s are a unique environment that puts you
4978s up against a Relentless number of
4980s enemies that will constantly be coming
4981s at you you have to destroy X number of
4984s units that will then fill up a boss
4986s meter boss comes out enemies will still
4989s keep spawning in this time like the ones
4990s that are current will leave but then the
4992s boss warps in and then more enemies can
4993s keep piling on
4995s um and the uh the big benefit to the
4998s high risk area is that you can unlock
4999s Catalyst blueprints
5002s if you survive
5004s oh gosh maybe Gary was right maybe maybe
5007s the next death isn't bound pretty quick
5010s I'm gonna do my best that's all I can do
5012s right
5021s oh come on
5025s really
5027s well that's that's incredibly
5029s unfortunate
5031s also why did we show up into a high risk
5034s area without refreshing any
5040s why did we why didn't we do this
5042s hang on a second let's crack something
5045s let's cry oh look at that beautiful oh
5048s yeah
5049s can't even do it when you Empower your
5051s H1 let's see can we can we craft the
5053s missing components we certainly can
5056s [Music]
5057s we certainly can hey Eric how did you
5059s get to the graph missing components
5061s without having to go over to the other
5063s things to do that well that's a great
5064s question we actually added this as a
5066s matter of convenience so if you wanted
5068s to you could track the missing
5069s components right here and it highlights
5072s them yellow and definitely from the
5073s green that you see for the perks
5075s but here we just want that power unit H1
5078s hx1 so by pressing crafting machine
5080s components you can see what resources
5082s are required for it I can do that and
5085s then I can craft it
5087s because we all know I'm gonna need it
5089s aren't we gonna survive for 20 seconds
5091s [Music]
5093s I don't mean to provide spoilers in
5095s these streams but the answer is no
5098s there's no way we're surviving uh but
5102s you know on the rare event that we do
5105s we'll also add some damage limiters here
5108s this is why you should come prepared
5110s instead of flying and be like oh crap I
5112s forgot the thing and then craft it
5114s because now I have to wait 20 seconds
5115s before I can use it
5117s if you had a cargo unit full of Nanobots
5120s you couldn't exploit the system by just
5121s every time oh you need it you just like
5123s cycle it upwards nope nope we don't
5125s allow that
5126s did I actually equip the level 10 perk
5128s [Music]
5141s well done Greg
5143s [Music]
5145s all right
5149s okay we can use this
5152s we can use this oh they're both on
5154s cooldown bad choice
5158s wow that was number five nine
5162s here we go
5164s can we even Target can we just go go
5168s away
5170s Mission will fail when leaving I know I
5173s just don't want the test
5174s inevitable inevitable
5182s we're gonna load uh
5185s load game where we are in Prescott
5189s before we fly out to the high risk area
5192s and what we're gonna do is this very
5193s basic thing very simple rudimentary
5196s foundational thing called
5199s prepare uh and that's what we're gonna
5201s do first that's what we're gonna do
5205s that is what I've decided so what we're
5207s gonna do
5208s is we are going to go over here we're
5210s going to craft our missing components
5211s block out delightful look at that
5217s oh I just crafted the missing components
5219s well
5221s so we crafted the missing component now
5224s we're gonna craft the Nanobots that are
5225s large wonderful let's also craft
5228s ourselves a damage limiter
5233s because supposedly that helps not sure
5236s about this we're not really getting too
5238s affected by things other than just
5240s straight up dying
5244s um let's see
5248s we're gonna do an energy injector
5250s because I'm finding out I'm running out
5252s of I'm running out of boost a lot
5255s I almost need a better booster
5259s let's go ahead and sell this
5264s selling any boosters
5266s I wonder could I
5272s look what our booster options I'm not
5273s hopeful
5274s oh we can do we can do an uncommon
5276s booster okay let's see what we go
5279s that's not going to be an Eco booster
5281s recharge speeds is way worse oh my gosh
5283s this is a bad idea all right never mind
5285s we're not doing that I think that's
5286s gonna be our best option
5291s make sure you bring some skill next time
5297s I I love I love this community so much
5301s thank you thank you for being here
5307s so what I could do though
5311s I could level up some of this stuff
5315s man it's gonna start chugging away I
5317s don't have a lot I can't even I can't
5319s even get this stuff leveled up
5322s or no that's sorry not leveled up there
5325s we go I can
5327s that's not too bad
5330s all right let's let's see what happens
5336s Let's uh
5339s that's the first time I've upgraded a
5341s weapons level
5343s [Music]
5348s all right so we got level tens I'm Brian
5352s penumbra I don't know why I have our
5353s mining beam laser we really should sort
5355s that out for something else let's get
5357s this raid booster upgraded too because
5359s it could use some love
5361s yeah that little bit is gonna be a lot
5364s okay I know you you might not be
5366s thinking it but it's gonna be
5370s also the shield I think
5375s yeah that's good that was good
5378s um also the Renegade plating yep yep yep
5380s yeah we're spending all of our stuff but
5382s that's fine
5384s yeah that's better
5386s we don't need to upgrade our sensors
5388s they're fine
5394s this only allows you to do it once right
5396s okay yeah
5400s uh let's also upgrade the corrosion
5402s mines
5404s that could be beneficial oh man we're
5406s gonna run out of we're gonna run out of
5407s time for this stream
5409s well maybe maybe we'll just save it here
5411s and we'll try the high risk area first
5412s thing uh next time because we have a lot
5414s of screenshots to go through because you
5416s guys are mad Lads oh my gosh too many
5419s screenshots they're all amazing
5420s [Music]
5424s what do you guys think should we go to
5425s screenshots or do you want me to give
5426s this one more go what are your thoughts
5429s what are your thoughts
5437s this might also be good
5442s foreign
5449s More Death excellent screenshot fan art
5451s one more try okay all right people
5453s coming keep coming
5455s HRA okay HRA HRA from the same person
5459s don't care about screenshots
5462s Savage
5464s what a Savage are they our community
5465s does some really cool screenshots just
5467s to be clear they are pretty awesome
5469s all right let's just do it okay I'm
5471s seeing a lot of
5472s of wanting to do more HRA so let's give
5475s them one more go
5477s um before we do that we're gonna save
5479s all of our changes because I do think
5481s these were good beam laser
5483s sucks as fast
5486s let's make it less sucky
5489s oh wait oh we craft that's right we
5492s crafted it so we can't upgrade its
5494s Rarity
5496s um we can increase its level
5498s that I don't think that was worth it oh
5500s well whatever it didn't cost that much
5502s all right let's do this
5507s what's try try again
5512s as Ye Old expression goes
5523s it's the mutator on this enemies lead by
5524s encroach would feel chaos so don't fly
5527s through death okay cool
5530s all right let's see what we get to and
5532s then maybe whenever we get to these
5533s screenshots we'll just kind of like
5536s you know make it snappy
5538s because that's what that's what this
5539s means literally snapping make it snappy
5543s wow why did I explain that
5545s all right it's getting light
5548s it's almost 3 P.M for me guys
5562s give me that music
5568s that is not the Target that I designated
5571s I call Shenanigans
5573s I call Shenanigans that was that was so
5576s frustrated
5577s wasted my old on a drone excuse me
5584s good job Greg
5587s I remember when I said not to fly
5589s through uh where they died
5594s yeah we died we died already
5605s the music's awesome though
5611s all right screenshot time guys
5622s but but we can all agree that that
5624s soundtrack's a banger though right
5625s please yes
5627s like literally like your ship oh my gosh
5630s absolutely it's just I mean it
5633s invigorates me and it's just like yeah I
5634s could do this like needlessly throwing
5637s myself into my own death I don't care
5638s but it just pumps you up right like Giro
5642s like just absolutely
5644s mad lab okay let's go ahead and transfer
5647s over to screenshots now thanks for
5650s letting me add another death to the
5652s counter when we go through these
5653s screenshots another big reason why we
5655s have a lot of time here is we're gonna
5656s have a more intimate space to answer
5659s questions all right it's gonna be it's
5661s gonna be wonderful it's gonna be great
5663s so let's uh give me one second as you
5666s look at our social connections on how to
5670s enjoy Us in so many other places and so
5673s many other spaces oh my gosh look at all
5675s of this look at all of these places the
5678s Discord in particular is a fine place to
5681s go we have a lot of chatters talking
5683s about little strategies here and there
5685s asking lots of questions we also have a
5687s uh uh ask rfg thread that I will
5690s admittedly say I'm a bit behind on due
5692s to other responsibilities but uh yeah we
5694s we like to make sure that you have your
5697s questions answered that's a big reason
5698s why we do these streams a big reason why
5700s we call ourselves a transparent uh game
5703s development company that's what we do
5706s and it wouldn't make sense for us to not
5708s share important links like this so that
5710s you know where you can come talk to us
5712s you know what I'm saying you know what
5714s I'm saying all right so now we're in the
5716s phase where we are going to share these
5718s beautiful screenshots this one
5720s particular comes from high barf this
5722s comes from two weeks ago these were some
5724s that I didn't quite get to by the end of
5727s last stream
5728s um and as we're going through these
5729s screenshots uh Gary is going to throw
5732s more of your questions my way we're
5734s gonna have a good time getting them all
5735s answered and
5736s stuff and things so how about you what
5739s do we got
5740s right we have a question from t3q but
5744s it's something that they've found during
5746s testing uh so that earlier this week
5748s they found it weird that they could sit
5749s in a bomber with absolutely no
5751s legendaries and no drums to farm enemies
5754s repeatedly without any human interaction
5756s uh in normal mode it said that they
5759s think that normal is a bit too easy uh
5762s with the balance changes today will we
5763s see changes made that make this farming
5766s not possible so players have to play the
5768s game
5771s it was an oddly specific
5774s farming situation that sounds more like
5776s an unintended sort of uh
5780s means to an end
5783s um but in general if you're finding key
5786s ways to utilize a build
5789s to overcome your foes
5791s then that should feel good I don't think
5794s that we would look at that and say oh
5795s well because this is too easy we need to
5799s rebalance the entire difficulty system
5801s across the board I'm certain that there
5803s are some ways that can certainly exploit
5807s the game more than others I will like be
5810s the first to say that for sure
5812s um this shot comes from Silver Knoll by
5814s the way
5815s um but I think it's also important to
5817s note that when we have situations that
5819s are reported like that we don't want to
5821s just jump in and say okay well the
5823s difficulty is the focal point here we
5824s need to adjust the whole difficulty it's
5826s more looking at the specificities of
5829s what you've just described regarding a
5831s bomber without any legendaries
5833s you know utilizing its energy system on
5836s its secondaries maybe we need to look
5838s more at the root of the problem instead
5840s of try to slap a Band-Aid across the
5842s entire game that could shift everything
5844s around right so
5847s basically what I'm saying is it's
5849s probably not going to be adjustments
5851s that we make across the board on the
5853s difficulty side we will be looking at
5856s individual
5858s exploitive builds per se on a
5861s case-by-case basis to see just how bad
5864s or good it is and maybe refine some key
5867s parts of that for fairness
5871s so yeah
5874s there you go
5876s next question please as we're looking at
5879s another shot from high barf just like
5880s the Symmetry it's nice it's Pleasant
5883s uh right Petty husky over on YouTube
5886s um a bit of a law question this one they
5888s said that in everspace one there was a
5890s cut scene that says that that literally
5892s States then came deployment for the war
5894s against the Orca then the everspace one
5897s story obviously takes place then you
5899s know this place two Maddox tells Eduardo
5902s oh that uh the sorry the war ended 15
5905s years ago yeah does that mean that
5907s Commander Hawk was hunting clones for 15
5910s years no no no so let me clarify that
5914s that's a great question so basically the
5916s events of everspace 1 happen 15 years
5921s after the wars
5924s the events of everspace 1 take place 15
5928s years after
5930s the wars so once they deployed for war
5933s and they did all of the shenanigans and
5935s basically there was massive losses on
5937s both sides then
5939s um then uh Adam decided to kind of go on
5942s his merry little way because the cloning
5944s program was completely white uh there
5946s was the treaties that were established
5948s you know maybe a little bit slippery but
5950s for the most part they were applicable
5952s right and as they continue to move on
5954s here's another shot from Silver and oil
5956s I love these detail shots as they
5957s continue to move on in their world uh
5959s Seth decided that he wanted to build his
5962s own Outlaw sort of factions and and
5964s details and at one point he calls up
5967s Adam he's like hey yo bro let's go get
5969s some beers and there's a cut scene where
5971s he's sitting down and agreement is made
5972s he's like I want to use some of your
5974s cloning tags to try and do some stuff
5975s and Adam agrees uh maybe because he's
5978s not sober I'm not sure but for whatever
5980s purpose he tries to do this and they get
5983s caught they get caught cloning is
5986s illegal in the DMZ it is not meant to be
5988s used whatsoever it's why the clone of
5990s Adam is quite literally being hunted
5992s down
5993s um but they get caught and then they're
5995s turned over to a character known as
5997s Admiral Karen cork I don't want to go
5999s into too much more detail details but
6001s when that stuff happens then you start
6003s seeing the events of everspace one start
6006s taking place that's like that's in that
6010s territory okay so between the okar wars
6013s and Seth and Adam joining up and then
6016s getting caught is approximately 14-ish
6018s years 14 15 years okay after the wars
6023s okay
6025s and then between our space one and
6027s everspace two it's probably another
6029s there's there's maybe another year in
6031s there somewhere it's it's hard to
6033s specifically say the exact amount of
6035s time that has transpired I'd have to get
6037s out my notes to give you like the very
6039s specifics of it all but yes there's a
6042s particular amount of time that
6043s transpires approximately in the the 15
6046s 16 years Mark after the wars uh where
6050s ever space two is occurring
6052s is everyone connecting the dots it's
6055s everyone
6058s good with this this shot comes for
6060s morning night by the way they really
6062s like the design of the GMB light fighter
6065s I don't blame them it's a solid looking
6066s ship
6068s but hopefully that clarifies those uh
6071s those details for you the so yeah the
6073s time between the oak our Colonial
6075s conflict and everspace one is about
6077s 15-ish years maybe more like 14.
6079s regardless it's an expansive amount of
6081s time there and then you have
6084s um everspace one events and then
6087s Aerospace two events approximately maybe
6089s one or two years between there
6094s all right cool excellent next question
6097s please
6098s as we're looking at this shot from Kaza
6100s by the way
6101s okie dokie right
6103s um Dennis
6107s butcher in it like you do Eric uh over
6110s on YouTube he's wondering is it intended
6113s experience that The Vindicator is a much
6116s more survivable than other other ships
6119s yes
6123s next question please that's to the point
6126s I mean yeah it is it's a summon class
6131s yeah
6132s uh this shot comes from dawn of will
6136s right uh wizard Jerry uh wants to know
6140s is it intentional that some systems
6142s names have been changed during Early
6144s Access yes
6145s [Music]
6147s these are great questions keep it up
6149s next one let's go
6152s let's go
6155s um
6156s we people are finding a few books I know
6159s T3 he's found a few more bugs one
6161s specifically is to do with Nano boss uh
6165s he said as it stands largely on the Box
6167s offer a worse repair potential when
6168s compared with small Nanobots and medium
6170s Nanobots with medium being the best
6173s value while requiring the most
6175s reasonable resources uh are they likely
6178s to see any tweaks with Nanobots
6180s really
6182s the reason why it's a little bit more
6183s expensive to make large Nanobots is
6185s because in the moment they're actually
6187s giving you a much greater service than
6189s the mediums if you're going for the best
6191s bang for your buck of course the mediums
6193s are the middle ground solution it's best
6195s price best timing between uses best
6198s amount of repair however when you're
6200s repairing a little bit less than what
6202s the large Nanobots do that little bit
6204s could be the difference between your
6206s life being saved and your life being
6207s dead and I'm pretty sure that when
6209s you're dead the cost is not nearly as
6212s important to you so yes they are in fact
6215s more expensive and they are less if
6218s you're looking at like the price per
6220s gain however in the moment of use that
6224s is the key moment uh they're yes they
6227s are better
6228s right so it just depends on how you're
6230s breaking that down if you're looking at
6232s it to be like cost Effectiveness then
6234s you're on the right track yes medium
6235s Nanobots are intentionally the best
6237s choice
6239s but if you're looking at it from a
6241s standpoint of like what's the most
6242s survivable it's going to depend on a lot
6244s of different factors
6245s um and yeah that's just how that kind of
6247s comes down
6249s let's transfer our image over to Dr
6253s volpo volpotonic full doctor
6257s Dr volpatnik oh it's like Robotnik okay
6262s got it doctor
6264s um Dr volpatnik this is a shot that he
6267s had shared it's mainly I'm showing this
6269s one because the chip customization I
6271s like the way he's done the the things
6273s with the engines and stuff unfortunately
6274s a little low grade shot and that's fine
6277s you know it's we're not like judging
6279s people based on the resolution they're
6280s playing the game or anything
6282s I just like showing off the Styles I
6284s think this is a classy looking Sentinel
6287s let's do another
6288s um another question let's keep going
6290s uh right we've got one lined up it's
6293s actually a bit of a law filler if you
6295s could embellish a little bit uh people
6298s want to know obviously
6299s with the Orca Wars finishing Etc uh and
6303s Adam kind of going about his business
6305s but they want to actually specifically
6306s know what Adam was doing at the end of
6308s every space one and then into the
6310s beginning of everspace 2 could you
6312s embellish that sure I mean I can I can
6314s embellish a little bit um we haven't
6316s gone into like hyper focus of what it
6319s all specifically looks at but I can
6321s assure you that after the wars and after
6323s the cloning program was done and his
6325s research and his expertise wasn't
6327s necessarily needed especially in a
6329s wartime uh event he was no longer
6333s required to work for the colonial Fleet
6335s right so he was not a sort of like he
6337s wasn't an agent he wasn't a military
6339s body whatsoever he was able to go off
6341s and kind of do his own thing once those
6344s treaties were established
6345s um and he was able to freely move about
6347s and you know those decisions probably
6349s looks like a lot of different things he
6351s probably did a little bit of gambling he
6353s probably drank a lot uh maybe a little I
6356s don't know he probably you know was just
6358s trying to figure out a place to live
6360s um he probably caught up with his sister
6361s a little bit I don't know if that's
6363s spoiler territory um he probably like
6366s there's there's a lot of different
6367s things that he's just going about his
6368s daily routine and I imagine that because
6371s of the wartime situations that he's had
6374s to go through it felt boring in
6377s comparison he wasn't moving he wasn't
6379s flying around he wasn't going about and
6381s like
6382s doing what you're doing in everspace too
6384s like just blowing everything up no he
6386s was like more stationed at locations he
6389s was just trying to live his best life
6390s and it probably caught up with him where
6393s he needed a little bit more excitement
6395s he needed to be doing something more and
6397s that's where Seth Nobu comes in hey you
6399s want to do this thing it'd be just like
6401s old times would be really exciting we
6403s could get paid really well
6406s let's do it whoops got caught events of
6409s everspace one
6411s so yeah there's a there's a lot of
6414s different things that could have
6415s happened between that time period
6418s um but yeah I mean most notably uh this
6420s shot comes from t3q by the way lots of
6422s items
6423s lots of star forged items in particular
6427s um great looking screenshot oh wait no
6429s this you can't tell it's star forged my
6431s bad no they're just a lot of items
6433s that's that's what's the key Point here
6436s um
6437s but uh yeah that's that's mainly going
6440s to be kind of a walk through the events
6442s if you will let's go ahead and change
6444s over to dire Raven's shot here uh he
6447s said even the even these guys need a hug
6449s he's just given a nice little hugs
6451s little nice little creature oh it's so
6453s cute oh what's his name what is his name
6456s are you in the chat dire Raven because
6458s if you are I want to know what you named
6459s him
6460s it would please me to no end
6462s uh otherwise let's get another question
6466s um you've kind of tickled people's
6468s fantasies for a bit of law now oh my
6470s gosh because Glory has asked and I know
6472s some people on YouTube have asked uh
6474s because you've just mentioned Adam's
6475s sister yeah uh will we ever see her
6478s again
6483s yeah I wondered if there was a potential
6485s clone
6488s a potential clone so you know it's
6490s actually I like this I like this
6492s follow-up because one of the things that
6494s I have kind of been expressing uh
6496s pertaining to the lore of what we're
6498s doing
6499s um is I don't
6500s [Music]
6502s let's be gentle we're gonna be gentle
6504s with the approach
6507s within storytelling
6509s it is imperative
6512s that characters have a purpose for what
6516s they do and what happens to them
6519s very important when they are doing
6523s everything in their power to like save
6525s other people or a people or like you
6528s know a positive ideal or you know
6531s whatever and they like sacrifice
6533s themselves for that and they die
6535s you know that's powerful right that's
6537s that's really strong it's really good
6539s stuff uh this shot comes from Toyota
6541s Yaris by the way
6544s the lasting effects of what they did
6547s like it echoes through the Stars if you
6549s will right like stories are shared about
6551s what they've accomplished in their day
6554s the second you start going into this
6556s territory of well let's just revive them
6559s it strongly diminishes the value of that
6564s character so if we wanted to go into
6566s like a territory of like cloning for
6568s example like oh well maybe there was
6570s this character that died in everspace
6571s one you're planning on bringing them
6572s back well we wanted their their journey
6575s to that point have a purpose like have a
6579s meaning and maybe because of whatever
6580s happened that's going to have
6582s ramifications on other stories that are
6584s spiraling around it you know we haven't
6587s really seen Adam talking so much about
6589s his sister for example but who's to say
6592s that's not something on his mind that
6594s something couldn't grow even further
6596s because you know he is a clone instead
6598s of the actual Adam who had the sister
6602s um so it's it's particularly interesting
6605s it's particularly interesting but more
6608s or less
6609s um I can I can say that just going to
6612s this idea of oh yeah this character died
6614s oh whoops let's um let's just revive him
6617s with cloning that's not that flattens
6620s the narrative so fast it makes
6623s characters so less interesting and it
6625s just there's not
6627s if we were to go any sort of Route with
6630s cloning because yes of course it exists
6632s if we were to go any sort of Route we
6635s would take a great amount of care to
6638s push any type of narrative with that and
6641s I can very soundly say that right now uh
6644s no there's not really any plans to do
6646s any sort of like Shenanigans with you
6648s know anything on that front so
6651s um but if if we did we would take a
6653s great amount of care
6654s um should we go in that direction so
6656s thanks for listening to that little
6657s diatribe uh but uh it's an important one
6661s it's it's storytelling 101 uh characters
6664s need to have purpose uh and and Lasting
6667s results thereof this shot comes from Dr
6671s volpatnik again digging his particular
6674s style that he's got going on and I think
6677s it just capitalizes on the environment
6679s as well
6685s another question please sorry uh no
6689s worries uh it's just something that has
6690s cropped up in the twitch chat and it
6691s came from the secret president uh and
6693s they were just asking about a road map
6696s uh obviously for the coming months and
6698s years ahead now Michael has uh chanting
6701s on this and they said that they're
6702s currently working on our roadmap as we
6704s speak we plan to share more later this
6707s summer yeah yeah we've been making some
6709s good progress on a road map to make sure
6711s that everything's ironed out and where
6712s it needs to be for those of you who
6714s don't know kind of what we have stated
6716s at this point in time let me just cover
6718s some of that ground so there's going to
6720s be a free content update
6722s probably later this year we have
6725s consoles coming in the summer
6728s we have premium DLC uh that is scheduled
6732s for
6733s 2024. the mid mid 2024 is what we have
6736s stated
6737s um my guess is probably it's that there
6739s could we'll have more information on
6741s what that information looks like in the
6744s future apparently this summer uh because
6745s yeah we have been working on the roadmap
6747s so thank you for that Clarity Michael
6749s thank you for that Clarity all right
6752s let's jump over to another shot from
6753s dawn of will
6755s action shots Dynamic angles
6758s and a dead something out there I don't
6761s know what it is but it makes me happy
6763s hopefully it's a sniper drone
6766s good stuff let's have another question
6769s uh I'm gonna let anything lined up yet
6771s oh my gosh that's great
6775s uh the witch summer Bearded Frog is
6778s asking moon summer
6780s um I asked summer Australian summer it
6782s would be um I think it's the summer
6784s that's generally associated with like
6785s the um
6787s the the Northern Hemisphere I believe uh
6790s the um
6792s I know it has a specific
6795s oh my gosh basically like the the uh the
6798s one that's mainly recognized by like
6800s European and American yeah we go by
6802s northern hemisphere is it just is it
6804s just called Norman northern hemisphere
6806s is it I feel like it has a different
6807s term but anyway
6809s um regardless that that summer no not
6812s not Egyptian summer you guys ridiculous
6815s we got another shot from high barf here
6817s he throws a lot at us and every now and
6819s then we got a nice one I like the way
6821s that his ship is Down Below on this shot
6823s just makes it look
6826s something of like a menace where this re
6829s it's a Raider right it's a Raider I
6831s always want to call these Marauders
6833s they're uh Loosely based off of them of
6835s course but yeah I just I love how he's
6837s just down here like
6838s got you like it's just it's great it's
6842s great to me I love the way that he's
6843s composed that
6846s good good stuff
6852s super duper let's go to Silver Knoll
6855s once again lots of great shots this one
6858s got a lot of love from other individuals
6859s in the Discord liking that up it's
6862s always beautiful to see uh nicely
6865s decorated ship
6867s um I laugh because sometimes mine don't
6869s exactly come out that way I'm liking the
6871s one in our stream
6872s um but uh I love the way that he's
6874s composed to ship I think it's great
6876s solid I love the use of the emissive
6878s lights and the engine Trails everything
6880s about that and then you have these Stark
6881s metallic well they're not super metallic
6884s but they're these Grays these beautiful
6885s Grays that are contrasting
6888s um with the red make it just stand out
6890s and of course the planet in the
6892s background that Rings it doesn't have to
6894s be anything crazy sometimes you just
6896s need a nice little environmental shot
6897s and I love this one too because when I'm
6899s right here and I'm coming off part of
6901s the image it works great for the stream
6902s I'm not really blocking anything it's
6904s great but still that movement moving
6906s forward into the unknown is important
6908s it's nice movement in that photography
6911s very enjoyable this one is another one
6914s from Silver lots of them from Silver
6915s Knoll
6916s lots of them's from Silver Knoll and
6918s this one
6920s he's Frozen if you're wondering what's
6922s going on with the ship
6924s that's what's happening he got frozen
6926s and I've never seen the ice spikes come
6929s up like that
6930s that's uh
6932s it's kind of funny
6934s um obviously I probably I probably
6935s wasn't very funny in the moment uh but
6938s uh yeah let's that's a particular
6942s generation of the icicles on the ship
6944s right there
6946s particular generation I also like the um
6949s the the oh my gosh what's it called the
6951s the glow effect I forgot what it's
6954s called the I like how it looks icy
6956s it's great this comes together it's nice
6959s it's enjoyable was there another
6961s question that I missed a question
6963s uh
6965s I think slowing was just looking for
6966s some clarification over on YouTube about
6968s the free DLC that it was I think
6971s originally planned for the summer time
6972s but uh obviously uh you need to pin that
6975s down with the road map yeah and um just
6977s for clarity and you probably have heard
6979s me say this and I I try to be very
6982s careful with my words obviously I say
6984s some stuff that's a little weird but
6985s then I try to like clarify
6987s um I don't actually refer to it as free
6989s DLC um and the reason for that is
6990s because this is just going to be an
6992s update to the game it's a free content
6994s update that will just apply to the game
6997s so
6998s it's not even something where you have
6999s to like go to see what other DLCs and
7001s add it or not added no it's just going
7003s to be added content straight up added
7006s free content that we just wanted to add
7008s a little bit more love to the game
7010s because we love you guys and you've
7011s shown us a lot of love and it just makes
7012s sense so I do call out a free content
7015s update specifically as opposed to a free
7017s DLC I know technically speaking it's
7021s more or less the same thing but
7025s so yeah there you go just just point
7028s that out we got a shot from chemical bro
7031s um I was debating on sharing this one
7033s because potential spoilery territory but
7036s still I think that it is a beautiful
7039s shot and I wanted to share it with all
7041s of you comes together super well
7044s makes me happy Eric needs a new chair
7046s are you here at squeak 2 it's been
7048s squeaking for a long time I need to like
7050s I need to put some coconut oil on it
7052s that's what I need to do
7054s um but uh but I digress
7058s so good good stuff
7060s love this shop chemical bro
7062s um if you're out there give me more
7064s shots I feel like you've slowed down
7065s granted you've supplied like
7068s hundreds of shots
7070s quite literally in the time of you
7071s playing everspace one and two but keep
7073s it up man I love your shots you do such
7075s a great job
7076s such a great job so glad you didn't say
7080s WD-40 no no no no no
7082s no no no no no no
7083s thanks
7085s uh let's do uh one shot from a01 point
7089s Blake point point break point
7094s blank why can't I say that right my
7098s mouth is stuck oh my gosh but this shot
7100s I had to do a quick Double Take on it
7102s um but yeah this is uh we need that we
7105s need to start like a little like a okay
7108s can we make uh like poles in the chat
7112s that would be amazing like we we need to
7114s collect screenshots that are incredibly
7116s vague and you have to figure out if it's
7118s ever space one or ever space two this is
7120s one where I had to like do a quick
7122s double take
7123s um and of course whenever you really
7124s start focusing on I was like oh yeah of
7126s course this is everspace one but still
7128s I love how the gunship is just laid out
7131s here nice colors too the gray white and
7133s yellow
7134s um orange orange it's more orange comes
7137s together incredibly well here and
7139s whatever laser that is it looks awesome
7141s love the way it comes together
7143s good good stuff
7146s all right next up we have this shot from
7150s Multiverse of Madness who was showing
7153s his Aerospace one VR shot inside of the
7158s Scout and I will say that this one is
7161s very much self-serving for a number of
7163s reasons in particular I'm just going to
7166s casually
7168s point at the at my ceiling right there
7172s I'm pointing out a spot on my ceiling
7173s definitely not anywhere on the image
7175s itself but for those of you who don't
7177s know the story
7179s um I actually was hired uh into Rockfish
7182s I was just a backer for everspace one
7185s and one of the means that they showed
7187s some love to me was by um
7189s plugging me literally into the game so
7192s that was kind of a fun little sort of
7194s thing not a lot of people know about
7195s this Easter egg but it is in there
7197s it is in there right there all right
7203s last but not least we got wizard Jerry
7205s shot and I love the way that he's
7207s utilized the Prescott Starbase graphic
7210s to make it look like a clover I just I
7212s love the color usage here
7215s um and I love how everything else comes
7216s together with the lights the emissive
7218s lights are just oh my gosh it's
7220s I love it I love it so much it's very
7223s good choice all around it's an
7225s incredibly sexy looking Vanguard I want
7227s to fly that I love the way that it's
7229s been put together I also think it fits
7231s really well just in the ice sort of
7233s territories not to say that it couldn't
7235s anywhere else but still it's incredibly
7239s incredibly well composed ship design so
7243s super cool
7245s super cool wizard Jerry so thank you for
7248s everyone who supplied those screenshots
7249s I pull most of my screenshots if not all
7251s from the Discord so if you are wanting
7255s to see maybe your screenshot show up
7257s during a stream you can absolutely do
7259s that just go to the screenshots Channel
7260s and slap it on in there I do generally
7263s Veer towards ones that get more likes
7266s than not
7267s um and also if it's just a dang fine
7269s screenshot because I did go to art
7271s school and I know what some good
7273s photography is meant to look like I just
7276s take an assortment of them and slap them
7278s in and it's fun it's a good time and I'd
7281s love to highlight your ships I love
7282s highlighting people's ships love the way
7285s that you've been customizing them oh
7286s it's so good
7288s it's so stinking good
7290s so but yeah if there's any last minute
7292s question we have two minutes left two
7296s minutes
7298s so if there's nothing that comes through
7300s at the moment everybody's stunned as
7302s usual everyone listening for my chair to
7305s squeak and uh and YouTube is being
7308s YouTube
7311s art school yes I I have a Bachelor of
7314s Fine Arts my wife likes to say that I
7316s went to coloring School
7318s because I mean let's be real it's
7319s basically
7322s yeah Eric even brought his crayons when
7324s uh when we went to Boston
7326s look I'm not saying that I have crayons
7330s wherever I'm at
7336s this it's got a green box that's showing
7340s through your green screen
7341s [Music]
7346s yeah I just like my my
7350s choice of drawing utensil is a crayon
7354s yup what's wrong with that okay
7357s what's wrong with that
7359s you're all jealous
7363s any other questions
7368s stream is so wild right now oh
7372s the irony is to be fair Eric did not
7375s bring his crayons to Boston but then he
7377s actually pulls out the crayons
7381s [Music]
7384s I think that's gonna wrap up the stream
7386s though um listen guys seriously thank
7388s you so much for being here it is always
7390s an absolute pleasure to serve you in
7393s these streams every Friday going through
7395s these nightmare runs to probably bite
7397s off more than I could chew uh but it's a
7400s dang good time oh my gosh and the
7402s progress that we're making feels so good
7405s oh my gosh once we get through like the
7407s the level 10 to 15 Gap I feel like
7410s that's like one of the most challenging
7411s parts of the game once we get through
7413s that I think it's going to be a bit more
7414s uh smooth sailing from here but I guess
7417s you'll have to find out by keep showing
7419s up on Fridays
7424s that I will be joining Vigo who's
7426s actually in the chat right now um they
7428s are doing alien Wares doing a stream all
7430s this month every single Monday where
7432s they're playing through everspace two
7433s and it's a really good time we uh we
7436s actually synergize quite well together
7438s Vigo and I were like our own coupled set
7441s and you get a set bonus if you show up
7442s so definitely swing on by I believe it's
7445s is it 10 10 no no it's 11 A.M eastern
7449s time is that right
7452s I think that's right
7454s um but yeah
7456s um definitely swing on by it'll be it'll
7457s be a fun time I join them for two hour
7459s stream
7460s um otherwise guys I hope that you have a
7463s fantastically beautiful weekend and all
7464s the shenanigans that you'll pull off
7466s keep sharing your screenshots and your
7468s stories all that fun stuff you guys have
7470s been absolutely awesome and I have been
7472s absolutely Eric Schrader your community
7473s Ambassador for Rockfish games don't stop
7476s being awesome and we'll catch you in the
7478s next stream doodles
7482s thank you
7523s foreign
7538s tastic stream because of you guys
7541s seriously the energy that you all
7543s provide it is immense you are the ones
7545s that make me decide to throw myself into
7548s countless enemies even though the music
7549s is awesome uh you're the ones who just
7552s like asking really good questions
7553s honestly a lot of lore questions today
7555s and I'm appreciative of that for those
7556s who don't know I have helped straighten
7559s out the lore a number of times within
7561s the everspace universe
7563s just because there's a lot to handle and
7565s we need more eyes on it and uh I'm I'm
7567s very happy to make sure that it makes
7569s sense as a cohesive whole even though it
7572s still requires you know some degree of
7573s separation from reality and that's you
7575s know that's fine
7576s um uh seriously like providing
7580s additional information and clarifying
7582s details like this is this is what we
7584s Thrive to do in these streams it's what
7586s we Thrive to do as a company and I am
7589s incredibly happy for the inevitable
7592s information we'll share with our roadmap
7594s uh in the summer regarding like getting
7596s our consoles out there and updating all
7598s the things
7599s um just a a little little tidbit of
7602s information
7603s um there is an update that went live for
7606s steam uh this week right like that
7609s hasn't hit good old games yet
7611s um it hasn't gone live there were some
7614s details we had to be very gentle about
7616s navigating which is why it did not get
7618s pushed for that so if you're on Gog and
7620s you're like where's the update it should
7623s be going live on Monday
7626s um I don't think it should be delayed
7629s anymore than that but just no please no
7631s uh it would it would be going live
7634s um the start of next week as opposed to
7636s over the weekend or anything like that
7639s um the next thing I need to mention to
7641s you guys and I know some of you guys are
7642s going to get really sad right now I am
7645s going to rest my throat tonight
7647s um I know that you can't really feel my
7649s throat now right now because that would
7651s be weird um but normally at the end of
7653s the streams I like to have Shenanigans
7654s and I I attempt to beatbox
7657s um it's it's just a thing that I do
7659s um I would hurt myself if I did it
7661s tonight so I'm sorry about that cannot
7663s do it tonight uh but we will Reserve
7666s this space for next week and we'll have
7668s some nice Shenanigans with all of that
7670s stuff just to make sure that I'm not uh
7671s you know
7672s tealing over and dying I don't think
7674s that would be very delightful for you to
7676s return to a stream where it's just an
7678s empty chair uh well no that's not true
7680s geek bite you'd take over one shot yeah
7682s yeah
7684s [Laughter]
7687s oh my gosh so um but yeah
7689s otherwise
7691s um is there anything else is there is
7692s that all the that's all the details
7694s right
7697s uh no thanks for being awesome on the
7699s discords and on Steam keep reporting
7701s those bugs uh I'll put the link up for
7703s any bug reports that you come across in
7705s the game and hopefully we've nailed down
7708s the flak bug so please we don't want to
7711s see that again
7712s yeah absolutely yeah and um regarding
7715s the Flag bug it's just one last little
7717s detail on that front too just because it
7719s came up
7720s um we are not a hundred percent sure if
7724s it's been crushed so if anybody at all
7728s encounters a flack bug let us know
7731s immediately we want that thing destroyed
7734s we're at like the 99 sure phase
7738s um but it's possible that there could
7741s still be uh some elements out there just
7744s let us know let us know you you
7746s encounter something that's wonky or
7748s weird we want to fix it we want the
7750s gameplay experience to be the best for
7752s all of you and sometimes that means
7754s keeping some exploits in uh but like we
7757s don't want stuff that crashes the game
7758s right that sucks so let us know we want
7761s to make this the best experience
7763s possible and that's why we're adding
7765s more content for free and while we're
7767s working on premium DLC
7769s you know you get it you get it all right
7772s truly I'm gonna go rest my throat have a
7775s fantastic weekend everybody and don't
7777s stop being awesome because you really
7778s are I love each and every one of you
7780s you're incredible all right I'm out of
7782s here take care
7785s foreign
7809s foreign