over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

9s thank you
25s [Music]
34s foreign
48s mic check one two also ensuring my voice
51s doesn't sound weird
55s [Music]
65s yeah I do have a squeaky chair that is a
69s hundred percent the chair
75s goodness High barf quit dropping
77s screenshots
79s I can't get them into the stream today
84s [Music]
106s [Music]
113s foreign
115s [Music]
145s [Music]
146s foreign
166s [Music]
175s [Music]
181s foreign
204s [Music]
210s foreign
226s [Music]
232s [Music]
243s foreign
264s [Music]
281s hello
284s greetings
286s welcome to everybody out there
290s to the official Rockfish games stream I
293s am your host Eric Schrader the community
296s Ambassador for Rockfish games I will be
299s guiding you through everspace 2 all the
302s shenanigans that we've been up to
304s including but not limited to in today's
307s stream
308s some new organic level design assets so
312s we're going to be taking a venture into
314s the authorian rift
316s we've got a couple more riftings to do
319s we're going to collect some random
320s legendaries uh and we're gonna be
323s talking about a couple of tweaks and
325s modifications that if you guys have been
327s talking along through the most recent
329s streams uh are going to be adjustments
331s pertaining to some of that stuff that
333s you have seen also just a couple of
335s things just to know are up and coming so
338s that if say your Vindicator player
341s you'll be even happier with more news
343s that I share today gosh I feel like
346s Vindicator players getting all the love
348s and all of our balancing passes but uh
352s I digress so uh yeah without further Ado
354s we're gonna go ahead and just start
356s diving right into this we will also have
358s Community screenshots ah we'll also have
359s Community screenshots at the end I don't
361s have a tremendous number so I think
362s we're going to reserve just the last 15
364s minutes uh that way we can focus in on
366s like the gameplay content and all that
368s type of stuff also
370s just a random ask how is the volume of
373s the game in comparison to my voice is it
376s yay or is it Nay please respond in the
380s chat
381s um and while you're answering that also
383s note that geekbite has a bit of a sore
385s throat situation thing going on so
388s instead of joining me in the
389s communications uh he's just gonna be
391s counting your questions sending them
392s over to a document that I have available
394s right now so whenever we get to that
396s question answer phase I will awkwardly
398s be reading the question to myself and
400s answering aloud kind of like we did uh
402s back in the before times and it should
405s be should still flow just fine it should
407s still flow just fine I'm seeing lots of
408s yays all right that's fantastic so with
413s that being said we're gonna get right on
415s in this do we want to do a rift first or
418s do you guys want to see the bio samples
420s first one or two
422s Rift is a one bio sample Assistant two
425s what do we want
426s letting you start it off
433s choose
435s [Music]
438s just I'm fully letting you in
442s you determine the stream today sort of
445s laughs
448s okay I'm seeing I'm seeing really good
452s variety here lots of people wanting
455s riffs lots of people wanting the new bio
457s samples I am going to actually tally
459s this up because this is close uh one two
461s three four five six seven eight nine ten
465s eleven twelve thirteen fourteen
468s that doesn't constant double post 13.
471s versus one two three four five six
476s seven
479s so the bio samples has it let's take a
482s look at what the team's been working on
485s in regards to the level
488s visuals that's what this is it's going
491s to be a visual tour
492s of asset updates
495s that we've been going through the course
497s of the game we just want to add a lot of
498s that polish that nice clean feeling
500s towards uh you know everything that the
504s game has to offer and as such you know
507s uh those visualizations are super Keen
509s super important
511s so we're going to uh run into this wall
513s first then we're going to figure out
516s where did we go okay excellent
518s we're gonna fly right in here and just
520s take a little tour
522s stuff that you've seen before is right
524s here but then we have some new sort of
526s decorations and I'm going to be really
528s quiet turn off my HUD and just kind of
531s do this for a moment
545s all right
563s so as you can probably see and probably
565s make out a lot more detail work has been
568s applied
569s to various parts of these
574s sites
575s look at that
579s just to give it a more lifelike feeling
581s and yes there are some placeholders yes
584s because we're not done there's still
586s going to be a couple more improvements
590s but overall you can see just how
592s transformative
594s this little bitty addition these little
596s wisps in the air as well start floating
599s in your face
602s we looped around I'm gonna go over here
604s as well just to highlight the fog effect
607s too
610s some sort of like odor or chemical agent
612s that these plants are releasing perhaps
617s and this is just about one one space of
619s mini that's getting this style of
621s treatment
623s revamping a lot of that original look
627s that we had
628s to make things stand out quite a bit
630s more
643s a lot of lights updated as well
646s in fact I think that this pulsates a
648s light yeah
649s so pulsating lights
659s this is kind of fun just kind of
661s cruising just looking seeing seeing what
663s we've been up to
666s pretty happy with these results of
667s course there's still a little bit more
668s to come
674s let me tell you what it has been a blast
677s looking at how our assets have been
680s coming together this is placeholder by
681s the way you can tell because of the way
683s it is
684s um
686s just looking at how the game has
687s developed from where we started from
690s like even doing that side-by-side
691s comparison of Prescott Starbase I think
693s a lot of you uh guys could see
696s truly just how much
698s has been changing
702s and
704s I want you guys to know like a lot of
706s this a lot of these polishing passes
709s these will continue from this point
713s through to full release
716s this isn't just um
718s excuse me excuse me I'm gonna take care
721s of this worm
724s this is not just a matter of this coming
727s update like we want to have uh a number
731s of visual improvements like across the
733s board so you're going to be seeing this
735s scattered throughout the game
738s and different forms
746s could even show up in places that you
748s least expect
754s what do you guys think
757s feels underwater-ish I see oh
759s interesting
761s we're gonna sneak on out just for a nice
763s little breather
766s nice little breather ah yes open space
771s looks very nice I like it okay all right
773s good please no odors though oh don't
776s worry we are not using the advanced
778s technology of piling allowing smells in
782s a game be smellable outside of it
788s but for the low low price of 9.99 you
791s could purchase the smellometer attach it
793s to your computer
800s don't worry guys that's not a thing I'm
802s going to clear out these redeemers just
803s because I can
807s and then we are going to fly into a
809s different cave for a little bit more uh
813s visualization of what's been going on
818s if I remember where it's at
827s a lot of the critters however I want to
830s also State this just make sure that the
833s expectations are aligned here most of
835s these redesigns and implementations
838s revolve around the structures of the
841s level okay so that means like your walls
844s and your doors and your you know some
848s interactables on that front
850s but stuff like the critters have not
852s received any additional passes
855s at this time they could there's not a
858s guarantee
862s but a lot of what we do actually this
864s those might have received another pass
865s but um my point is
868s that a lot of what's coming to these
871s like little like when I'm talking about
872s a level design sort of overhaul like
875s this
876s that comes in a lot of different forms
878s because as you can see we're still not
879s done with it we're still applying more
883s but you can see like very visible
886s differences between where it was at last
888s time right
890s very visible differences
892s the growth is now matching with and
895s feeling like it's obscured obscuring the
897s wall because it's growing on it instead
899s of just kind of like an asset that's
900s plastered on it
902s like it's connected
907s look at that oh
910s is this one pulsate yeah it does
913s pulsating lights
917s excellent
923s completely different feel I think from
925s uh like what a lot of the standard
928s gameplay looks like right
931s you're so used to just jumping in and
933s like blasting things to Smithereens and
935s here we've got uh
938s you know very dark scenes with you know
943s who's a what's it's lurking around the
945s corner and we're happy with the results
946s thus far
948s more tweaks and additions to come
952s you can see far more you can see our
954s vision getting realized
956s and how we want these spaces to be
959s presented
961s to the player
962s providing a certain feel
969s we certainly don't want it to seem like
971s you're just flying through more space it
974s needs to stand out
976s and so far a lot of you guys are it
979s seems like most of you guys are
980s satisfied
982s is this procedurally generated I see
985s that question I'm going to answer it
986s right now
987s um no it is not so our levels are
989s actually handcrafted
991s all of our levels every single one
994s every single one is handcrafted
999s with only a few exceptions that are
1003s actually still using handcrafted
1005s locations
1006s but are randomly generated
1009s for uh varying results
1013s so what I mean by that is like there's
1015s certain jobs and unknown signals that
1018s can occur
1020s that will generate
1023s locations that you tend to not see very
1025s frequently I think there was some goop
1027s no no this is the wrong time
1029s there's a goopy thing over is that over
1033s here nope I think I've turned around
1037s that might be all on this particular
1039s showcase because I think I'm gonna get
1040s lost this place is big
1044s yeah I'm definitely lost
1046s but you can definitely see lots of
1049s definitely
1050s that
1052s there's a huge difference between where
1054s we are at before
1055s and where we are at now in terms of just
1058s the biological state of everspace 2.
1075s so yeah
1081s isn't this nice
1083s I could just like fly through this all
1086s day
1089s what I need I need an animated gift with
1091s this actually
1095s it's flying through the space and then
1096s just like put that as my wallpaper
1099s we have the technology we can do it
1104s I also love just the light coming
1107s through
1110s whoo
1112s it gives me tingles doesn't always get
1114s tingles and you look at that oh my gosh
1116s all right anyway
1120s so that's our nice little Adventure
1121s through
1122s these new Organics
1125s helping distinguish this space
1128s just from especially from its exterior
1130s like looking at these asteroids from
1131s afar let's just do this real quick I
1134s mean who would have expected that to be
1136s inside of this very almost like
1139s sandstone-esque looking Rock right
1147s it's always more to explore
1152s and we're happy with how it's all coming
1153s together I hope you are too
1155s so far results seem good
1159s but it's been a lot of fun
1161s um there's one other little side it's
1163s going to be similar assets but yeah you
1165s can see like even the entry points in
1169s it's like you're trying to get in here
1171s definitely has a different look
1174s and in order to get the acid pouches you
1177s have to go over to these little bits
1180s if I understand it correctly these are
1183s also going to get tweaked a bit further
1185s so they mesh into the environment
1187s further
1190s and then we're going back wow look at
1192s that
1195s almost looks like a heart
1203s so yeah
1204s foreign
1209s hello everyone entering into the stream
1211s right now we're taking just a little
1212s visual tour for some updates we've
1215s applied to our space 2. anybody's
1217s wondering why I'm kind of being more
1218s quiet
1219s there's not a lot to say it's just stuff
1221s to show
1227s mushroom
1229s kind of
1238s you're gonna need to get out of here
1239s here we go
1241s give me
1243s there we go
1251s and away we go
1254s excellent we can revisit that a little
1257s bit later in the Stream
1259s uh but yeah overall
1263s more work
1264s more stops lots of things happening
1268s if I recall correctly we also did some
1271s tweaking to a Thor as well I didn't
1273s actually look at this before the stream
1275s so uh maybe this will go completely
1277s wrong and terrible but we're gonna look
1279s anyway
1280s because I want to
1285s also get to listen to some snazzy super
1287s live music
1294s you may also be noticing little tweaks
1297s and UI components on the screen here and
1299s there
1300s at least the clever eyes out there will
1302s that is because there are a lot of
1304s improved systems that we have been
1306s tweaking and refining since even last
1309s week
1311s we'll have more information on what
1314s those things mean in the future
1316s but there will be some that I can talk
1318s about soonish
1328s still working on more of the biology
1332s yep
1337s but a big goal of how we're applying
1340s this is to make locations just a bit
1343s more distinct from one another and
1345s hopefully and going from
1348s the previous a Thor location to this one
1351s you'll see that we have entirely
1353s different meshes set up entirely
1355s different assets that will be using
1357s similar
1359s I suppose you could call it Flora
1362s to bring everything together see look at
1363s all this stuff that's getting prepped
1365s all of these things
1372s to make every location just stand out
1374s just a little bit further like look at
1376s these guys oh my gosh these are like
1379s these are like my favorite things that
1380s we've added
1382s foreign
1400s were you
1417s neat
1420s oh this is always just kind of fun to
1421s pass through
1425s a lot of lighting adjustments have also
1427s been made on a lot of these assets too
1429s so you'll see probably it looks like
1432s there's more detail
1435s on a number of bits that you've seen
1438s before
1440s just because of those additions in fact
1442s let me uh let me get out my cheat sheet
1444s really quick
1459s goodness there's there's so much to talk
1461s about
1464s there's a lot that's been adjusted just
1466s from a a standpoint of the the visual
1468s side and this also comes at a uh
1472s convenience
1473s a lot of these instances that are being
1476s applied a lot of these tricks that we're
1478s utilizing not only is this making the
1481s game look prettier at least we think so
1485s this is also reducing that overarching
1489s load on your machines that's right these
1491s These implementations are actually more
1495s optimized
1497s than what you currently have
1500s crazy
1501s crazy how this works
1508s crazy how it works and all comes
1510s together
1514s all right
1522s foreign
1524s texture on the mushrooms uh yeah some of
1527s the some of the detail work is not final
1530s um this is mostly a showcase like
1532s especially the ones that don't have
1533s textures on them at all right
1537s mainly showing just how much additional
1540s attention we are providing
1542s to these layouts
1546s to make them pop even more and while
1549s this particular showcase today is
1551s primarily on the organic side of things
1554s I can absolutely assure you that there
1557s are a series of passes going across the
1562s mechanical of everspace 2 as well
1565s and that's not just limited to
1567s environments either
1569s that's not just limited to environments
1573s so yeah
1574s I do see a couple questions coming in
1575s that's great keep asking those questions
1577s we will answer them uh probably here in
1580s about 10 minutes
1583s probably in about 10 minutes I'm gonna
1584s go back over uh
1586s over here because I think there was
1587s another site that has a little bit of
1589s uniqueness I want to see if I can
1590s remember where it's at
1598s maybe take out this Redeemer Inquisitor
1600s because I can
1606s yeah he's gonna he's gonna fall pretty
1608s fast I think
1611s I hope
1615s there's no maybe
1637s that moment when the music lines up with
1639s your shops
1642s all right
1647s anyway
1649s let's grab some stuff
1651s now I'm completely turn around I'm not
1652s gonna find this anyway you guys get the
1654s gist we've added a lot of biological
1656s assets we wanted to make sure that the
1658s game Space just feels really good
1659s standing out uh we ventured in here
1662s already but that's fine just one more
1664s quick pass and kind of see where it's
1666s all at
1667s yeah don't bite me please
1670s here we go
1674s feeling good about it
1681s and more to come
1684s more still coming
1686s neat
1694s plus 25 damage and Rhythm oh my god
1698s well that just gave us a pretty quick
1701s idea on a legendary
1703s I'm sure Gyro's gonna be like uh we
1706s can't Implement that
1710s that's just asking for a number of of
1713s troubles from a technical standpoint we
1715s can dream but uh probably not gonna
1717s happen sorry
1719s oh my gosh
1723s rhythm-based legendary weapon
1727s sounds awesome but what a nightmare to
1729s implement
1735s you guys are fun I like you
1741s foreign
1745s over here yes yes no no wrong cave
1750s I have a little bit
1753s a little bit over here
1754s and this is the jellies yeah
1757s hello jellies
1765s excellent
1770s so yeah
1772s quite a bit on that front to look
1774s forward to and um you know just as since
1776s we're kind of like talking about
1776s Organics as a whole like of course a lot
1780s of kite nebula is going to receive uh
1783s those updates but uh we are planning on
1786s revamping you know the biology
1788s throughout the game at a series of other
1790s locations too so
1792s just because uh I'm only showing it here
1795s in The Kite nebula it doesn't mean it's
1797s exclusive there we at Rockfish do use
1801s the asset production very efficiently so
1806s that way we're not wasting time and
1808s development and what I mean by that is
1811s it comes down to a lot of asset reusing
1814s right
1815s but we can stylize it in unique ways you
1817s know as you can kind of even see from
1819s that point
1820s um the planet athon versus the authorian
1822s fault they still have unique stylization
1825s even though they have similar biology
1828s and that's how we kind of approach all
1830s aspects of the game so even stuff like
1832s the tutorial for example
1835s you'll see these new updated assets
1838s appearing all over the place
1840s all over the place just given a much
1842s greater feel
1847s yeah
1848s I might start the questions early
1849s because I see a couple in and what we
1851s could do here is we can answer those
1854s questions specifically about this
1855s biology
1857s and then we can dive into rips which it
1860s does seem like lots of you guys are
1862s interested in guys and gals
1866s so let's get just a nice little visual
1869s look staring at uh some biology here
1873s because that's always fun
1881s we'll probably get a bug or two on
1883s screen
1890s all right so
1893s I've got a couple questions here
1895s starting with Bill Farson
1898s from YouTube the question is given that
1902s okar frigates aren't making a comeback
1904s in everspace 2 who says
1907s could we get the cad files for those
1909s awesome ships for 3D printing
1911s um that's an interesting question
1913s on a number of accounts uh because first
1916s off we are not completely finished with
1918s the game so uh
1921s they might appear they might not who
1923s knows I certainly don't I don't have a
1926s clue and regarding CAD files this is
1929s something I've seen come up a number of
1931s times
1932s uh allow me to defend myself hang on
1935s we've seen this we've seen those
1937s questions a number of times not like a
1940s like a crazy amount but still like there
1942s are some of you guys out there who are
1943s like really tech savvy with 3D printing
1946s and stuff and it's cool
1948s don't get me wrong
1950s there are some
1953s we'll just call it some legal aspects of
1956s that whole process that would be rather
1959s challenging to push through the doors
1963s and as such it is not likely that we
1966s would be passing off any sort of CAD
1967s files for 3D printing of the everspace 2
1970s assets that being said please note that
1974s this is something of a conversation
1976s we've had in the past internally so it
1979s could change like maybe there's going to
1982s be new opportunities down the line with
1983s merchandising I don't know and
1985s legitimately I don't we legitimately
1988s don't either that's going to come down
1989s to
1990s a lot of
1992s deal making and Logistics sparing
1996s nightmares uh so yeah I would absolutely
2000s not expect that whatsoever from our team
2004s but I do love the question I love the
2005s design so thank you thank you for asking
2008s that question
2009s all right so question from twitch T3
2012s Cube are you guys thinking about adding
2014s liquid balls of water into the areas
2016s with plant life
2018s that's a curious question I mean it
2020s would make sense for there to be some
2022s sort of liquidus byproducts or just
2026s inherent sustenance for this type of uh
2030s you know existence to occur so you know
2033s it's not necessarily on the table but I
2036s could see something like that occur so
2040s can't really say that it's going to
2041s happen
2042s but I like the thought YouTube Bearded
2045s Frog asks speaking of a Thor 1 is there
2048s any plan to reduce the scanner clutter
2050s uh actually yes there is
2053s um having the spores show up as
2054s containers on the scanner makes it
2055s insanely annoying to find resources
2057s puzzle stuff there
2059s yeah so there have been additional
2061s tweaks to the scanner clutter and while
2063s it's not uh necessarily visible
2066s um in our current stream not because I
2068s have a disabled but like you can see the
2070s Clutter here like this is a really easy
2071s example of showcasing this where you
2074s have like deposits you've got spores
2076s you've got shipwrecks and you can't tell
2077s the difference between a Spore and a
2078s shipwreck and I think that's something
2079s that you all would like very much like
2081s to have we recognize that
2085s um and
2087s a number of the tweaks pertaining to
2090s the UI here and what's being shown when
2093s it's being shown you know we've done a
2096s number of passes already to the game
2097s like for example this titanium deposit
2099s we know is not inside of this cave
2102s because it's lighter right and if we zip
2105s out of this cave just to show for
2107s anybody who doesn't know this when we
2109s zip out watch the UI change
2113s most of the UI turned gray because it's
2116s inside so we do have this visualization
2119s of knowing what's inside versus outside
2124s and uh more tweaks like that are
2126s absolutely on the way and I can say that
2129s because we've even had internal
2131s discussions pertaining to this style of
2134s clutter you know if we made a lot of
2135s adjustments to like neutral enemies
2139s um the old car that are patrolling
2141s lots of that it's both based on our
2145s desire to make sure this clutter doesn't
2147s become overwhelming which it can at
2149s times
2151s as well as the player feedback we've
2153s received pertaining to this club
2157s oh yeah I think that's
2160s this is just going to be one of those
2162s elements that's a kind of a growing pain
2164s where you have to deal with it until we
2166s get some more tweaks done to it
2168s but there will be more tweaks there will
2171s be more adjustments
2173s so good question
2176s next question we have comes from Wizard
2178s Jerry on YouTube speaking of The
2180s Inquisitor did he get any weak points
2183s now no he has not received any weak
2185s points uh at this time that is something
2187s for those of you who missed this point
2189s of conversation and wondering wait which
2191s one's the Inquisitor that's the uh
2193s that's the big Redeemer vessel that we
2196s saw earlier that we took out
2199s those guys at one point we'd mentioned
2201s that we would love to add hardpoints to
2203s them and technically speaking we still
2205s would
2206s but we also have to make sure we're
2208s hitting other Prime categories of uh
2211s gameplay features first before we go
2214s back and add a lot of those fun ones
2217s the presentation of level design is
2219s incredibly important to us and obviously
2221s the gameplay experiences too uh the
2224s process of going through each one of
2226s these aspects
2228s you know it takes time we still have
2230s said time before the 1.0 release so I
2234s hope that you guys will be as excited as
2235s I am when we continue navigating that
2237s space and applying those elements
2240s accordingly
2242s YouTube we've got from Excelsior as well
2244s who is creating the Unreal Engine for
2246s material Assets in the team they are AAA
2248s Plus quality
2250s um that is a fantastic question I know
2252s Tony's had a lot of uh experience
2255s working on those assets I would have to
2257s uh
2258s I'd have to like Grill some team members
2260s to know who else has been uh touching
2263s their hands on everything because
2264s there's you know it's not just a matter
2266s of like we give something to one person
2267s on a team so like you're the only one
2269s who's gonna do this good luck right like
2271s we we trade hands we are wearing a lot
2273s of hats around here uh just to make sure
2275s it all comes together nicely
2277s so it's hard to just give one person all
2280s the credit in fact it's impossible to do
2282s so
2283s um especially in terms of like how we're
2285s bouncing off feedback between one
2286s another uh to bring it all together
2289s but uh I do think that Tony would be the
2293s uh the big dog if you will in regards to
2296s a lot of these asset changes and and uh
2299s revamps
2303s but yeah
2306s we have a couple more questions that I'm
2309s going to knock through and then we will
2311s go into a rift
2314s I know that realism isn't a focus but is
2318s there any explanation as to how these
2320s creatures and spores Etc do survive
2322s function in space how does their biology
2324s function
2325s um that also comes from Bearded Frog and
2327s let me tell you what I would love to
2329s tell you more about like the various
2330s data that we'd have on say something
2333s like uh I don't know maybe systems or
2337s conditions or resources and
2341s and just you know little things like
2343s that but um definitely
2347s that's definitely something that we want
2348s to ensure you know makes a cohesive
2350s whole
2351s with this world building it like with
2354s everything that's added there needs to
2356s be some semblance of uh making sense of
2360s it right
2361s and so through that process we of course
2364s want to make sure that these creatures
2366s these spores you know all that type of
2367s stuff do make sense
2370s um and the coyote nebula has always been
2371s a space that's teeming with life from
2375s the very beginning of its finding
2377s through the colonial exploration and
2380s encountering the okar
2382s always been a rich source of biological
2385s nightmares and fuel
2388s if you uh if you will
2392s we have I'm going to do one more
2394s actually we're gonna do two more
2395s questions and then we will move on so
2398s this next one comes from Tavis YouTube
2400s from YouTube
2402s and the question is what are the chances
2404s of implementing a vampire survivors or
2407s avoid Scrappers type game node it seems
2409s pretty quick to implement and would be
2411s insanely fun
2420s respectfully
2423s I don't think it would be very quick to
2426s implement I think that if you have a
2429s desire to go for survival horde
2434s gameplay you'll want to look towards
2437s those styles of games that provide it
2440s everspace 2 has never had the intention
2442s to be designed in that sense survival
2446s horde games have existed for a very long
2448s time far before vampire survivors
2451s um and you know if vampire survivors
2453s kind of got you on that kick I just look
2455s up what those uh seem like and dive into
2459s that it's just not something you're
2460s gonna get from the everspace 2
2462s experience and it's not something we
2464s desire to add as either a mini game or
2467s add a challenge or anything we do have a
2470s couple of challenges where you have to
2473s defeat waves after waves after waves and
2474s stuff you know kind of like riffs for
2476s example but unfortunately that
2479s implementation especially regarding
2482s an upgrade tree formula and then also
2486s restarting all of that that could be
2489s yeah like you're
2491s that's more going into the everspace one
2493s formula so yeah I would say if you like
2497s the closest you're gonna get to it that
2499s style of formula to everspace two uh
2502s it's gonna actually be overspace one
2506s um
2507s but yeah that's uh that's still a bit of
2510s a long shot I'm sure you know that so
2513s all right uh last question comes from
2517s Tomas papaj I think
2521s also from YouTube If I butcher that
2523s username feel free to let me know I love
2525s it will there be more friendly creatures
2526s like Shadow creatures oh I love this
2528s question let me tell you what I would
2531s love to share with you uh uh like all of
2534s the creature ideas that we've had since
2536s the beginning versus which ones are uh
2540s you know have made it in and the ones
2541s that we would potentially like to still
2543s include you know we have tons of them
2545s out there
2546s we really do and more friendly creatures
2550s is always fun it's always Pleasant you
2552s know cute little fluffy things that
2553s bounce around you know whatever
2556s um I think everybody everybody likes a a
2559s tamed round boy just you know in their
2563s presence
2565s fluffy kitty whatever
2569s but uh at this point in time
2571s if we will be adding more Critters
2574s those will be more in like a Content
2578s pack style of reveal sort of thing
2581s as opposed to uh something I could
2584s really talk about uh either in shorter
2587s at length here
2589s so there's definitely the potential for
2591s more especially as you know
2593s there's more environments to build upon
2596s that we've showcased
2599s among other things
2600s and uh
2603s yeah we'll just see where it goes
2605s we'll just see where it goes all right I
2607s believe that's the last question to
2609s answer for now yes
2612s so that is good love those questions
2616s keep up the questions
2618s um if you have any whatsoever
2620s go ahead and shoot it right into the
2621s chat I'll try to to pick it up as best I
2624s can and then I'll also you know
2626s facilitate these responses and we do
2628s have a couple team members in chat
2629s including but not limited to our CEO
2632s Michael in the chat pretty freaking
2636s awesome who is also going to be
2637s answering questions here and there
2639s because sometimes I don't give exact
2641s responses or it just needs a little
2643s addition and he's the dude to do this
2645s right because he's the boss in fact he
2648s has one piece of clarity for uh the
2650s environment materials uh and so I'm
2652s going to read this aloud he says that
2654s the environment materials are mostly
2656s made by Marco so I was off uh he's
2659s Marco's our lead technical artist and
2661s malty who's our senior 3D environment
2664s and props artist
2666s Tony is our lead level designer so he's
2669s going to be the one who more uh sculpts
2672s how these environments need to uh
2676s feel and flow for the player to
2678s encounter
2679s um
2680s and then together with marf he puts all
2683s the Assets in place and Designs all the
2685s puzzles too so there you can see like
2688s just a simple quick understanding of
2691s like we have the asset generation on one
2693s side we have the level generation on
2695s another we have props and yet another
2697s one like all of these things coming
2699s together to enrich that experience as a
2701s whole
2702s and we have the level design associated
2705s with puzzles which I think is incredibly
2707s important to do for all of you
2709s developers out there that way that the
2711s levels are designed for the puzzles as
2713s opposed to designing a level and then
2716s shoving in a puzzle that might may or
2718s may not really fit like it needs to be
2720s worked in Tandem and that's how we kind
2721s of operate on that front so thank you
2723s for the clarity on that Michael I really
2725s appreciate it so without further Ado
2727s let's dive into some riffs and see if we
2729s can find some more legendaries
2734s I keep looking there's this button on my
2736s shirt that keeps popping off
2738s whew
2741s so if you're wondering why I'm doing
2742s this somebody said he adjusts his tie
2744s not really adjusting the tie it's a
2746s button silly button
2748s so this is the ship that we did have
2750s from last week
2752s um with relatively few changes a couple
2755s of UI improvements that you can see here
2757s so I'm diving into the whole Rift
2760s conversation we will start bleeding into
2762s legendaries as well but first let's put
2765s all of our Focus
2766s on these refs because we have a new
2768s little system to highlight
2771s so you all understand more of the vision
2774s we have
2776s for these riffs unlock to level 25. that
2779s was just added to the build today
2780s perfect
2782s so our level is too low
2785s to open these riffs
2788s so you know what that means you all need
2790s to look away as I do absolutely nothing
2793s uh into the game Space I'm just gonna go
2795s grind really quickly I got a nice space
2797s in the game to do so so one second
2799s everything's great
2800s everything's perfect
2803s no big deal
2807s also it's a great time to mention that
2809s we are on a number of social media
2811s platforms so if you have an interest in
2815s following us from other locations other
2817s than just like watching YouTube you want
2819s information as soon as it drops you can
2822s of course follow any of those places
2825s that are appearing on screen right now
2827s before you
2829s it is a good old time
2832s good old time
2836s one second we're almost done
2839s [Music]
2854s and we're back oh my gosh guys that
2857s grind was insane I went and did 70 000
2861s jobs I am just really impressed with
2863s myself
2864s um so anyway speedrun strats aside
2867s um let's go ahead and grab our level 25
2869s for hmm
2872s I do like reflecting damage I think
2875s we're gonna go ahead and fly in the
2876s striker for at least the first one and
2877s then we can change ships around
2879s uh let's see
2881s nope never mind we're doing exploitation
2883s increase critical hit chance when
2885s attacking enemies whose movement is
2886s impaired and the reason for that is
2888s because we have a natural impedement to
2891s movement right here
2894s 30 increased boost speed while under
2895s missile lock and our Precision is okay
2898s it's not the most amazing thing ever
2901s but it should work we do have two
2904s legendaries on we have the same ones
2906s that we had before the toxic Revenger
2909s which adds stacks of corrosion the more
2911s damage our Shield takes and eye of the
2913s storm which makes all of our secondary
2915s weapons critical hit while our alt is
2918s below 50 percent
2921s neat
2922s now
2924s let's do a raft
2932s you'll see a couple of tweaks from last
2935s week's stream
2937s the most important one to talk about is
2940s this well it's kind of hard to read here
2944s but also just to talk about it you
2948s probably are noticing differences in
2949s values this is going to be something
2950s that's constantly tweaked and adjusted
2952s for you know until we hit the update and
2955s probably even after the update based on
2956s player feedback and whatnot because you
2958s know that I have expressed very
2960s sincerely that we want the highest level
2962s lunacy to be a major challenge to you in
2966s the game
2967s a major challenge so lots of tweaking to
2971s still go through those
2973s so here this little tears of the Mad
2976s used thing
2978s if we read this line it says use tears
2980s of the mat to increase the chances to
2982s 100 this is referring to finding a
2985s legendary item so as you're going
2988s through these locations you have a
2991s chance to gain tears of the map from
2994s various enemies and if you add the tears
2996s it completely changes legendary
2999s equipment from whatever it's at to
3001s guaranteed
3002s absolute guarantee
3005s so we are going to be running this at
3006s 250 I should be fine especially with two
3009s legendaries equipped
3010s um
3011s and we're going to ensure that we get a
3014s legendary item to drop
3015s because that's fun
3018s right getting legendaries is fun
3021s and yeah so we're gonna go ahead and
3023s open it up
3030s away we go
3044s foreign
3048s as a reminder whenever you enter a rift
3050s everything on your ship becomes locked
3055s all becomes locked so even if you were
3057s to find something that was incredibly
3059s useful and you're like oh man I want to
3061s cycle that over you can't
3063s you you can't do it it doesn't allow you
3065s to
3067s and you can't until you are kicked back
3069s out of the rift
3071s the good news is that there are
3073s literally zero ramifications for failing
3075s a rift uh other than losing tears of the
3079s mad that maybe you spent to force a
3082s legendary to drop
3084s so uh provided your in the safe Zone on
3088s that front you'll see that
3093s there won't be too many issues impeding
3096s upon your progress
3102s the intent behind locking these Goods is
3104s to ensure
3106s you have intentionality behind your
3108s build
3111s because if you don't it can
3114s it can hurt you can hurt you quite a lot
3116s especially the higher lunacy that you go
3118s to
3141s stocks of corrosion all right all right
3145s I should top him off
3153s some really good movement speed out of
3155s that all right
3157s and we're gonna spread the love with all
3159s of our devices which should for the most
3162s part disable
3164s bulk of these foes
3173s good good
3181s ouch
3194s this might be a short-lived Rift all
3196s right
3203s I found that these tormentors are
3207s rather dangerous as of late I think we
3209s may have bucked them
3211s Maybe
3213s legitimately not sure I haven't checked
3214s the patch notes on them specifically
3223s I'm more drone no thank you all right
3234s we'll be working in a couple of other
3235s additions to the riffs including some
3237s new uh enemies that weren't generating
3240s before it's nothing that is really like
3243s crazy and stuff that you probably would
3245s have expected from the beginning before
3247s like uh say the oak R Prime for example
3249s so now we can see the oak R Prime uh
3252s dive in with us
3254s we can also see the various
3257s um oh
3259s we can also see the various aspects of
3262s the um
3265s faction-based support units now apply to
3269s All Enemies so for example if there's
3274s like a redeemer
3277s that is
3279s um
3280s a Retaliator Shield drone so they
3283s provide the uh the shields right to
3286s Retaliator ships now they can actually
3288s provide that Frost shield to any enemy
3292s that's nearby them
3297s whoo
3298s that was close
3303s but we got it
3308s I'm sure you're also seeing a couple
3310s other little tweaks that we've included
3312s so like whenever you're nearing the end
3314s of the rift you start seeing the rift
3315s you start to pull back on you uh you're
3317s gonna see a lot of little UI adjustments
3319s and tweaks like that as we continue
3320s through uh the Riff design
3324s Let's see we got increased movement
3327s speed that's gonna hurt us enemy drop
3328s mine that's also going to hurt us every
3329s time it is destroyed all their enemies
3331s present are repaired
3334s I think we have to go gonna take the
3335s mines
3338s I think we're gonna have to take the
3339s mines
3344s ouch
3350s excellent
3352s somebody's making fun of my use of my
3354s blaster
3355s um using it against armor
3358s um yeah that's definitely
3360s definitely a problematic
3363s and the scatter guns damaged oh gosh
3369s this Rift is not looking in our favor
3372s but we'll see how it goes
3384s seeing some unique questions being asked
3387s but I will get to those questions in our
3388s next question segment
3390s um
3391s I'm hoping to complete this run uh
3394s maybe we won't maybe our build is not up
3397s to stuff
3400s and it's not going to go in our favor
3402s like I was hoping it would
3408s try and get this Raider down
3411s don't particularly want to be Weber
3414s missiled
3420s good
3426s foreign
3443s I think I would have died if I would
3444s have stayed there yikes that was close
3457s who is shooting at me so rapidly a drone
3460s get out of here goodness
3463s I was that was pain
3480s my goodness
3486s wow
3496s yeah I've been uh I've been sneaking in
3499s a rift run here and there for work uh
3501s not necessarily because I have to but
3503s just because I want to
3504s the state of our Rifts has become more
3507s and more pleasant with each pass we've
3509s done
3511s and I hope that we'll get to a state
3512s where our team is very quickly
3514s distracted by our own work because that
3516s means it's ready for deployment because
3519s we want you all to get sucked into these
3522s like not just from a literal standpoint
3524s because that's what they do but like
3526s we want them to be very replayable
3527s that's a big focal point and I've seen a
3529s lot of questions surrounding that
3530s already just through the presentation
3532s we've had on these and uh just note we
3536s are absolutely not done there's still a
3538s lot more to come to these
3541s in regards to not just balance but uh
3544s performance
3545s to uh
3547s that enjoyment factor to drop rates
3549s [Music]
3552s yeah
3553s foreign
3557s on the edge of that explosion oh my
3561s goodness
3566s but like if it's not feeling good then
3567s we haven't done our job right
3569s like we want these to be tense and what
3572s you're seeing here
3573s right now this is the middle ground of
3576s challenges you'd face inside of these
3578s riffs
3583s lunacy 250 that's to say if we end up
3586s working with just a 500 Max
3593s foreign
3596s rather confident that as we go through
3599s uh
3600s the fall update which has got to be soon
3603s right It's gotta be it's gotta be safe
3605s rather confident that the feedback we'll
3607s be receiving on this front is going to
3608s help us iron out those additional Kinks
3610s and I'm sure a fun time can be had for
3613s both the more casual player as well as
3616s The Confident Die Hard
3619s uh
3621s completionist player if you will
3626s really don't want my stuff overheated
3629s I also don't want enemies to get
3630s stronger
3632s and movement speeds is gonna kill us so
3634s I'm gonna do a randomly overheat I think
3638s all right
3639s yeah thank goodness for reactive armor
3641s for sure for sure
3645s for sure
3652s and so just in case all of you guys uh
3655s don't know please keep asking your
3658s questions I will be answering a slew of
3660s them all at once here in the next couple
3662s of minutes I'm gonna see if I can best
3664s this Rift first I don't know if we're
3667s gonna be able to do it this is uh
3672s goodness I feel like everywhere I go I'm
3673s just gonna get
3675s just stomped on
3679s I don't like that combination of foes
3681s coming at me
3682s please go down thank you
3688s no no no no no
3690s do we get the Drone I think we did
3698s I should be thankful that we haven't
3700s encountered the okar prime very much if
3703s at all here because they can be
3705s seriously deadly from long-range
3707s shooting
3713s oh come on one more oh ouch gosh dang it
3717s he shot me before I shot him
3719s that's painful that's that's problems
3725s foreign
3748s whoops
3756s oh my gosh
3759s right that scared me more than the
3761s pumpkin that Andy implemented last week
3764s jeez
3776s wow
3778s I really wish I had a way to repair
3783s oh this is problems
3790s that's a focal point
3792s armor drone get out of here please
3795s thank you
3809s it's got a good sense of the lay of the
3813s land here okay okay all right this isn't
3815s so bad
3817s all right
3821s start with you all right where's the big
3823s one there you are
3826s so everyone come over here please
3829s I have a surprise for you
3832s looks like we got another weapon oh no
3834s no no that's just the overheat
3836s okay here we go
3845s yeah that was a big damage output that's
3847s what I needed
3851s all right I think we're gonna make it
3855s I was a little concerned there at the
3856s start but I think we're gonna do it
3861s yeah so um this is the part where I do
3864s have to mention uh is not done yeah it's
3867s not it's it's not done so when we go in
3869s here and you're like wow that was so
3871s whatever you think of it
3875s much more to come to the final part of
3878s the rift whether it's the fourth
3880s location or otherwise
3890s you guys probably remember this very
3892s similar battle
3894s from last week
3898s and that's because it literally it
3901s hasn't changed it's the exact same
3903s bottle
3915s whoa excuse me
3932s all right yes no maybe come on
3936s yes please please
3942s we got him we got him
3951s all right
3955s goodness
3957s maybe next time I shouldn't cheat a
3959s level 25 build and actually establish
3960s something that works together who that
3963s was fun wasn't it
3966s all right
3968s so from that because we used our tiers
3971s of the map which you can't collect
3972s throughout
3974s we were able to guarantee a legendary
3976s and we got pangos Pride
3980s I love this one I think about a lot of
3982s you will too
3984s ironic that we think of a cloak field
3985s generator right next to it too
3987s so let's just go ahead and pick up all
3989s these Goods
3991s oh I like this one very much
3995s this one is most excellent
3999s so uh let's park the ship and we'll
4002s answer some questions then we'll get
4004s into our legendary segment oh my gosh
4007s the t's the t's that was our ref segment
4010s we're talking about questions you have
4012s then we'll go into legendaries oh my
4014s goodness
4016s yeah I didn't use any of my missiles
4017s because they Auto fire and I was just
4019s like you know what let's just let's just
4021s let them go I was I was scared to use my
4023s missiles it's partially on me because
4025s honestly if you want to maximize uh your
4028s rifting you want to use all of your
4030s stuff so just gonna briefly show you hey
4033s I thought that I used my community
4035s consumables in the rift I did
4040s everything that you spend inside of the
4042s rift comes back to you when you are
4044s kicked out so you'll see that my health
4047s is full my ALT is full all of the things
4050s that I had upon entering the rift have
4052s returned to the state that they were
4053s prior to doing the rift all right that's
4057s how that works so
4060s use your stuff because you even get it
4063s back afterwards
4065s uh yeah because I only had one Nanobots
4068s you bet your butt I used it um but uh I
4072s was about the most I could do on that
4073s front all right now we're gonna answer
4075s some questions let's answer some
4077s questions tons of questions uh so let's
4081s do a little bit of a speed round
4084s and I love you I love the conversations
4085s going on in the chat you guys are
4087s wonderful thank you so much for hanging
4089s out and being here by the way
4090s um it really means a lot to us at
4092s Rockfish for you guys to continue coming
4094s back and also telling your friends that
4095s we do these development streams because
4097s we want you to be in conversation with
4100s us and we want to be in conversation
4101s with you that's the way development
4104s should work that's what we believe and
4106s so being able to just like
4108s do these streams and engage with you and
4110s show you what's coming up and hearing
4112s what you have to say quite immediately
4114s and sometimes uh you know insanely so uh
4118s it's a lot of fun so sincerely thank you
4120s for being here thank you for bringing
4121s other friends in uh to have this level
4124s of Engagement so let's answer a couple
4126s more questions
4128s rapid fire time YouTube Thunder flame
4131s asks any chance we will get underwater
4133s combat or at least underwater tunnels we
4135s can't explore there are a couple
4137s underwater tunnels that exist currently
4140s um as far as underwater combat goes
4143s that's not something we really want to
4145s pursue we wanted to make underwater
4147s distinct from the standard combat from
4150s above and we feel like negating combat
4153s and making it only exploration uh is a
4156s powerful way for us to invoke that level
4158s of curiosity and what's in the deeps as
4160s opposed to engaged in more challenges
4163s below the water as well
4165s so as an intentional design choice for
4167s us to not have combat underwater we've
4170s got a question over on Twitch from Flory
4173s when there are more bypasses like Union
4176s will the Rifts be different or the same
4178s in the same system this is something
4180s we've been talking about internally and
4181s I've even answered it a number of times
4183s both on in the Discord as well as on the
4188s forums and I just want to be incredibly
4189s clear here when we are creating these
4192s riffs we want to make sure that they are
4195s more or less accessible no matter where
4198s you are engaging them from so what I
4200s mean by that is like when you are
4202s starting a rift from Prescott Starbase
4203s versus one from your home base it
4206s shouldn't look that different that's
4209s what we feel uh that being said if
4213s this is a big if because this would be a
4215s lot of a lot more development time on
4217s our hands but it is something that we've
4218s been talking about if we were to move in
4220s a Direction
4221s where the rift looked different based on
4224s where you triggered it from and when I
4226s say look I'm not meaning from a visual
4228s standpoint I'm referring to a
4230s gamification standpoint like sedo
4233s um
4234s has a tremendous number of blood stars
4237s in their Rift or something like that
4238s versus uh kite nebula has like redeemers
4241s and Oak R Prime you know something like
4243s a
4244s if we were to do that we need to make
4246s sure that they're insanely well balanced
4248s so that players aren't just doing a
4251s certain Rift over and over and over
4252s again because it's easier to have better
4255s access to legendaries
4256s to have better in-game content like
4259s that would be a major problem so what
4261s instead we would like to do and it also
4263s frankly saves us time and our
4265s development schedule allows for it is
4267s have Rifts more or less the same
4270s regardless of where you access them from
4272s but include uh Pleasant challenges
4275s throughout so because they're so
4278s volatile and what enemy types you're
4280s going to get which will be continued to
4282s refined by the way we're not done on
4283s that front as well as the mutators that
4286s you'll select from
4287s things can get pretty weird pretty fast
4289s with the nice visualization depending on
4292s where you go so lots of information on
4295s that front but sincerely
4298s we're going more for similar as opposed
4301s to unique
4304s we've got fins on YouTube so all of
4306s these new space life form additions well
4308s some of them also appear in some riffs
4310s and if not then why not so these space
4313s life form additions that you refer to I
4315s am uh unsure of I showcased the location
4319s walls and doors being updated in a
4323s biological sense so the level design
4325s flows into that more readily right so
4328s when we were going through the caves of
4330s the authorian fault for example it
4333s meshes much better into the environment
4334s and has that greater wow factor which
4337s we're looking for as as the Rifts
4340s themselves go we don't have any plans to
4343s have creatures inside of them a new
4346s space life forms as you mentioned so um
4349s just want to make sure that's very clear
4351s on Twitch we have Zeo Penny any plans to
4354s allow reducing or turning off rotational
4356s dampening it reduces a lot of wrist
4359s strain flying stick
4361s any plans to allow reducing or turning
4364s off rotational dampening
4368s like this is that what we're referring
4370s to
4372s um yeah because the only thing we have
4373s is that you have you can turn off
4375s inertia dampeners but this will stay the
4377s same
4379s I don't think there are plans
4382s I don't think there are plans like our I
4385s want to make sure uh zero Penny if you
4387s could respond to me in twitch like are
4388s you asking that you could just basically
4390s like turn off your inertia dampeners and
4392s then do this
4395s foreign
4398s yes okay
4400s um there's not the plan to do that at
4403s this time
4406s so just want to be clear
4411s was that a sound yes T3 Cube that is a
4413s sound
4414s um whenever you are
4416s you kind of you kind of missed that one
4418s but yes um there is a sound now
4419s associated with turning your lights on
4421s and off
4424s as well as inertia dampeners on and off
4428s foreign
4429s this was added uh several streams back
4432s you know there's a lot of subtle little
4434s additions so don't worry it's no no
4436s problem that you missed it but that was
4438s included we were very happy with those
4439s results
4440s it's a nice little Snappy editions right
4443s so I do like that question but yeah so
4445s there is not a plan to include
4447s rotational dampening I'm sorry about
4449s your wrists
4451s also sorry about my poor driving
4453s goodness let's dock again
4456s all right
4457s and answer some more questions
4461s two three Cube from twitch how do you
4463s guys check to see if a drone is owned by
4464s something like a drone carrier ship or a
4466s location challenge ah there's basically
4467s like Flags internally that bind it to
4470s like how it's created is the big thing
4471s whether it's warped in whether it's been
4473s uh whether it's uh a minion to a uh like
4478s an alpha if you will whether it's uh
4481s generated by uh drone carriers like
4483s that's one specific one
4485s stuff like that
4487s um versus location challenges we
4490s basically have to flag each enemy
4492s independently that way so like if you're
4495s going to a location challenge it's like
4496s destroy all Outlaws you're not going to
4498s have a random number of Outlaws you're
4499s gonna have the exact same number in the
4501s exact same positions in fact uh when
4503s those generate
4505s um I hope that answers your question uh
4507s we have Excelsior from YouTube says what
4509s are the chances for another crafting
4510s revision before 1.0 uh yes
4518s in fact I just want to just go right
4520s here for a brief second oh my gosh
4522s goodness gravy
4524s um let's go on to the next question cr0
4527s from YouTube ask what's the max level
4530s going to be in the full
4532s uh Rel
4534s I'm assuming this one was probably
4536s answered already from Community persons
4538s and thank you for that but just to make
4539s sure everybody uh has the clarity that
4541s they deserve the max level uh design
4544s intent is level 30 so that you would
4546s have six of these perks to choose from
4549s for Adam as well as a nice number
4552s regarding upgrading your devices your
4555s device upgrades here
4558s um and a slew of other little things to
4561s boot
4562s um like ship dealers and purchasing them
4564s for example
4566s so uh yeah
4568s level 30. next one we got another one
4571s from T3 Cube on Twitch flying by these
4574s is something going to be done about the
4575s ability to stun lock groups of enemies
4578s with webbing Minds plus Repulsor with
4580s swing together and then EMP generator as
4583s of now it currently allows you to
4584s indefinitely uh groups of targets
4588s I mean that sounds like a wonderful stun
4590s lock that's consuming uh tools like the
4593s webbing mines for example so I think
4596s that's fine
4598s I don't see a problem if these were
4600s infinite sources that could chain
4603s together then I would see a problem with
4604s that but if you found a great way to
4606s chain stun lock enemies by using
4609s resources
4610s more power to you that's awesome
4613s that's that's intended
4617s I don't know if it's intended but
4619s um stuff like that we're not as worried
4620s about unless it's like devices chaining
4622s into devices chaining into devices
4625s you kind of get that
4630s uh let's see we got a question from
4633s Master sheep over on YouTube so many
4635s questions goodness
4636s goodness
4638s are there or will there be any legendary
4641s flat cannons I would greatly enjoy some
4643s love for the flat cannons I would too
4646s you know it's such a shame that we
4648s completely ignored it on all fronts even
4650s though it's one of Michael's favorite
4651s weapons sorry Michael uh the team
4653s decided you're out uh so uh
4657s that's that's all there is to it uh
4659s flock Cannon you know
4662s it's yes it's very secondary style sort
4665s of primary weapon anyway you know it's
4667s not it doesn't really
4670s foreign
4673s s Eric just said that if we end up
4676s working with 500 lunacy Max so I'm
4678s curious Eric do you like the idea of
4680s over 500 literacy being a kind of an
4682s unlockable feature ah do I personally or
4685s does the team uh because those are two
4687s different things from a personal level I
4689s like increasing challenges uh in general
4693s um but as far as the lunacy goes at this
4696s time uh level 500 lunacy is not fully
4699s balanced you guys know that
4702s um and so it's going to be something
4703s that's constantly evaluated we might
4706s have a greater range than 500 as well
4709s when we reach the update uh this fall
4713s um but time's gonna tell right time's
4716s gonna tell on that front we'll just have
4718s to see
4719s oh don't worry don't Michael I didn't I
4722s didn't drop any beans I was just being
4723s silly goodness Michael's all concerned
4726s don't worry please continue paying me um
4728s all right we got uh another question
4731s from uh cr0
4733s from YouTube is there an option to have
4736s minimal HUD without hiding them all
4737s together there's not this has also been
4739s something we've talked about on the team
4740s so um just to kind of uh go over this
4743s because I know that this is what you're
4745s talking about
4746s so like we have all these hot elements
4748s you know which we're still tweaking on
4750s the presentation thereof but like you
4752s can press the H button and everything
4753s goes away wouldn't it be nice if like it
4757s only changed to where you still had
4761s certain details on the screen like your
4763s crosshairs for example
4765s um and maybe like just the five nearest
4768s enemies or something you know uh and
4771s then maybe another one you change over
4772s and it's only resources you know
4774s something like that those would be
4776s amazing I think I personally think the
4780s team
4782s says there's technical issues in
4784s constructing that type of stuff so
4786s um it's not uh as desired internally as
4790s maybe
4791s um I would personally like and maybe you
4793s guys would know
4794s um it's definitely a point of
4795s conversation we've had
4798s there's a chance but I wouldn't I
4800s wouldn't expect it I would not expect it
4803s it would be so cool though gosh it would
4806s be so cool
4808s uh from Fred spect
4815s um from YouTube I have a question about
4817s the Vindicator all right yeah The
4820s Vindicator Vindicator love all right
4822s last time I played it it started out of
4824s the hangar without any drones is that
4825s something intentional or should it
4826s replenish drones on launch
4829s um
4830s I think it's intentional that it doesn't
4832s have drones on launch
4834s I think that is intentional pretty
4836s pretty confident that it's intentional
4838s actually
4839s um because we want the generation of
4841s drones not to be something that a
4842s station has for you
4844s um whereas instead it's something that
4846s you have to go out and find the
4848s materials to make them the Salvage
4850s that's floating around
4852s um there could be a couple alternate
4854s formats to that in the future but right
4856s now we're pretty satisfied with how that
4858s comes together uh Tavis from YouTube and
4861s my goodness we've been answering
4862s questions for a while uh we're gonna do
4864s maybe
4866s all right we're just gonna we're gonna
4867s keep going we're gonna keep going Thomas
4869s from YouTube are the riffs randomly
4871s generated are they all in space or are
4873s some land-based riffs as well variety is
4875s the spice of life variety is the spice
4876s of life and we've also talked about like
4878s land-based riffs um and ones that have
4881s more
4883s um
4884s level Design Within them you know
4886s whether you have like asteroids or like
4888s internal spaces and stuff like that
4891s um and we want to make sure that if
4893s we're going that sort of route that it
4895s doesn't make the riffs
4898s um exploitable it's the best way to put
4900s it
4901s so
4902s for the most part we want them to be
4904s rather consistent uh that being said
4907s there will be more variety that does
4908s come to the Rifts in the future
4910s and that's
4914s that's the answer
4916s it's a good question
4919s um
4920s excellent twitch try to eat will there
4922s be more variation in riffs and like with
4924s everspace oh I see a similar things for
4927s Sky boxes layout big asteroids very
4928s close yeah so kind of similar one
4931s um and yeah as I previously mentioned we
4933s do want to add more variety not just in
4935s the level design but also in the enemy
4938s variety so
4940s it's all good it's all good
4943s it's gonna be a blast to bring that all
4946s together and showcase that when it's
4947s ready to go I think
4949s we've got another one from Fred spec
4950s that we got two from them we're gonna
4952s rapid fire both of these talking about
4954s The Vindicator are there still changes
4955s coming to that ship or are you guys
4956s happy with where it's currently on now
4957s we're constantly changing it we're
4959s constantly improving it um in fact the
4962s most recent change uh has been buffing
4964s the natural progression of drone damage
4969s and hit points alongside the
4971s vindicator's growth so the drones are
4973s going to be even stronger now is the
4974s short of it
4976s um so we're constantly looking into
4977s things like that it's kind of ironic
4979s because if you play The Vindicator
4980s really well the drones make you nearly
4984s Invincible it comes down to a lot of
4986s skill based play in order to outperform
4989s what you're up against and some people
4991s have some skillful individuals have
4993s complained that The Vindicator is too
4995s good so uh
4997s balancing is fun
4999s next question is does using tears of the
5001s mat guarantee one legendary drop or can
5002s you still have another one next to that
5004s it guarantees one legendary drop
5006s guarantees one legendary drop I'm going
5008s to show this uh again just so that you
5010s can see it straight up
5014s set it on the screen where's it
5016s there it is
5020s just so that you can see it you have to
5023s use a certain number of Tears of the Mad
5025s based on
5027s um the lunacy level
5031s so the higher the lunacy the easier it
5034s is to uh spend tears on the map the
5037s lower lunar see the harder it is
5039s so for example we have 30 tiers of the
5042s mad right now and in this particular
5045s version of the game
5046s numbers are probably going to change if
5049s you were to do a lunacy zero if you
5051s wanted to guarantee a legendary you'd
5053s have to spend
5054s 500 tiers on the map
5057s and that number decreases as you go up I
5059s know it's hard to see but now it's 250
5061s at the 250 rank and all the way up at
5063s the top 500 you'd only well I mean shoot
5066s you don't even have to spend any because
5067s it's guaranteed at the 450 rank you'd
5070s have to spend 50. in order to guarantee
5072s a legendary instead of it just being a
5074s high chance
5075s so that's how that is currently
5077s implemented
5080s and we'll see some tweaks
5082s so yeah
5083s [Music]
5086s does dingo's pride the name come from
5089s the hacker inside Mission yes Wizard
5090s Jerry it does uh let's actually get
5092s ready to transition into the legendary
5094s conversation because there's there's a
5096s number of things to go into on that
5098s um
5100s I do I do enjoy the connection that you
5103s guys are making
5105s and Bill Farson from YouTube asks is
5108s maester thrawn gonna make it into the
5109s game before 1.0 or after uh so you are
5114s assuming that he's going to be in the
5115s game and I love that because as you know
5117s we would love to bring everything from
5119s Aerospace one back into everspace 2 to
5121s some degree or capacity uh I can't tell
5123s you if he's going to be in the game or
5124s not I can't
5127s so it's possible for sure uh and maybe
5131s if he were in the game he could either
5133s be like just a reference or he could be
5136s an entire side quest thing I suppose
5139s uh but yeah just know that um
5142s the main plot line for maester throng is
5145s accomplished in everspace one I think um
5147s and but we'll see we'll see
5149s there's always the hope for more right
5152s always hope for more uh just like more
5155s questions goodness gravy all right I
5156s gotta take them I gotta take a break
5158s from the questions
5160s um geekbite we're at 21 so I've
5162s highlighted it so you can save you can
5164s destroy all the ones prior you guys are
5166s asking fantastic questions and I love it
5168s but I want to show you more content I
5170s want to get some more content because
5172s there's lots of other cool things we've
5173s done a little bit of legendary balancing
5175s for example we added an entirely new
5177s legendary that you hadn't seen yet so it
5179s doesn't feel like it's entirely new
5181s because you haven't seen it yet anyway
5183s uh well we've been we've been doing
5185s stuff we've been making plays so let's
5187s go in here and talk about it so you
5189s probably saw me hover over these before
5191s and you were like oh yeah there's a
5192s little bit of new UI now
5194s um so in comparison to like say a
5198s prototype which has like the circle
5199s around it I don't have any Star forged
5201s to show unfortunately
5203s but the legendary has a unique
5205s stylization for it as well very bold
5208s Circle rotating around it make it stand
5211s out as well as bordered around which is
5213s that border fully updated that I think
5216s that border might receive another little
5217s passive
5219s um
5220s is that the one that I was shown I can't
5223s remember there's you know
5225s you know what we constantly want to make
5227s sure that your goods like stand out you
5229s see additional big border around the
5231s orange of the legendary too
5234s um and gameplay tweaks regarding these
5236s various legendaries like you're gonna
5238s see that all along the way as we
5240s showcase them
5242s um and you know that because you know
5243s early access and experimental uh from
5246s the sense of like this is the dev Branch
5247s right
5249s so like this stuff isn't even ready for
5251s to be in your hands yet like that's how
5253s much this stuff has to change let's look
5255s at pango's Pride oh
5258s I love this one so much become cloaked
5263s after not boosting for three seconds
5266s foreign
5267s become cloaked after not boosting for
5269s three seconds that's it that's the
5271s requirement and also look at that repair
5273s per kill difference
5278s this armor is in fact legendary
5282s it's insane insanely good
5287s so let's just go ahead and launch and
5289s I'll show you exactly how it works
5291s basically uh if you're looking at the
5294s screen as you can see uh we closed
5298s and now that we cloaked
5302s all enemies
5304s completely won't know we're there
5306s right
5307s so we can we can go harass as much as we
5310s want
5312s get as close as we want if you're trying
5315s to explore a location and just like just
5317s do puzzles you're like man all these
5318s enemies are super boring and annoying
5320s and whatever this is going to be it's
5322s gonna be fantastic and if you get in
5324s range of enemies too
5328s and then you just stop boosting
5330s you will go cloak and they'll stop
5333s firing at you that's how it works right
5337s that's how it works
5339s the only things that will change this is
5341s when you fire your weapon so like you
5343s could charge up your scatter gun like
5345s this and then
5347s oh I stayed cloaked
5350s I think that's actually a bug what if
5353s it's not let's keep it please that's
5355s amazing actually
5356s but still um when you it's I think it's
5359s supposed to be when you fire and when
5360s you boost you uncloak
5363s that might be a little too powerful if
5365s you don't declote from firing oh my gosh
5370s sorry guys don't get too excited about
5371s that pretty sure that's a bug uh but
5373s still I do love this uh do love this
5376s armor as well as the fact that it's
5378s incredibly protective right gaining 15
5382s on kill back to your armor is
5385s that's huge
5387s that is massive
5390s feels good so pangos probably
5392s um just a staple for those of you who
5395s want to stealth in
5397s quite a delight but that's not all I
5400s also was hiding another uh another one
5403s down here this one is interesting
5407s this is an auto Cannon and I like
5410s sharing the legendaries for their added
5413s effects excuse me as I wipe wipe my
5415s tears of the in excitement we're gonna
5418s go ahead and plop this one as final
5420s Reckoning
5421s does a ton of kinetic damage as most
5423s Auto cannons do dealing damage with this
5426s weapon builds up a charge that will make
5429s your next secondary weapon shot deal 5
5431s 000 increase damage
5436s dealing damage with this weapon builds a
5438s charge that will make your next
5441s secondary weapon shot deal five thousand
5446s increase damage
5448s that would be super cool to pair with
5450s like other legendary effects I think if
5454s there's a way to like I don't know
5457s boosts legendaries to where you could
5459s equip more than one uh oh also that
5462s reminds me what you see here is a
5465s combination of multiple legendaries that
5467s makes me bonkers strong okay the design
5470s intent what you should expect when we
5473s get to the legendary phase of the game
5475s is that you'll only be able to equip one
5480s you'll only be able to equip one
5482s legendary at a time I know some of you
5485s went what that's incredibly deflating
5489s you can start by equipping one listener
5492s at a time so as the game progresses
5496s you're gonna discover new memes and
5498s tools at your disposal
5500s in order to uh change them
5503s and so we do want you to be able to play
5505s around with a couple of different
5506s legendaries in your build but also note
5509s and I said this last stream I'm going to
5510s say it again I'll probably even say it
5512s next week legendaries are designed to be
5514s quite a game changer when it comes to
5516s certain playstyles and builds like you
5519s know being able to freaking cloak after
5521s a mere three seconds of not boosting
5524s so this comes out of price you have to
5527s decide what aspect of your build you are
5530s going to move forward with by choosing
5534s which legendaries power you're going
5536s with So to that for example final
5539s Reckoning
5541s is fantastic
5543s for Christmases if you haven't seen
5545s cruise missiles maybe we can find some
5546s later I'm not sure
5548s um maybe we have some it doesn't look
5550s like we do
5552s but cruise missiles are insanely
5555s powerful uh secondaries but they take a
5558s long time to get their target you build
5560s up this damage modifier from final
5563s Reckoning and then you blast it even at
5565s say a rift boss
5566s coming soon to you uh you're gonna do an
5570s absurd amount of damage
5572s [Music]
5574s you're gonna do an absurd amount of
5575s damage and if you were able to pair it
5577s with other you know specialty things
5579s like I had a storm making secondaries
5582s always crit
5585s when you're below 50 old always crit you
5589s fire a missile at 500 increased damage
5591s that crits
5597s that's a lot of that's a lot of damage
5600s that's a lot of damage
5604s but this is also
5607s pulling a particular play style right
5609s like it's demanding the use of secondary
5611s so that means that's going to cost you
5613s probably
5615s it's gonna cost you a little bit a
5617s little bit of management in order to
5619s bring that together and you're probably
5620s going to miss out on other opportunities
5622s from other legendaries so that's why
5624s we're designing it this way you have to
5626s pick the right legendary to suit your
5628s play style okay
5630s [Music]
5631s so yeah pangos Prime
5634s final wrecking also uh let's look at
5636s what it looks like
5637s it's still basic oh man that's
5640s unfortunate I thought we updated all the
5642s legendary visualizations
5644s we're not quite there yet
5647s just a standard Auto Cannon for now
5650s but uh each one of the legendaries and
5652s you guys probably knew this but each one
5653s of the legendaries we do want to stand
5654s out even if it's like a shield
5657s that has green it's a green shield
5660s instead of blue like we want them to be
5662s able to stand out like this this is the
5664s toxic toxic Revenger Shield it is a
5667s legendary Shield so it in fact is a
5669s different color
5672s foreign
5675s let's go to devotion because we can show
5678s that one when we fire this it also has a
5681s unique stylization to it
5684s [Music]
5688s even has that little wispy effect
5691s it is consuming our alt but don't worry
5692s about that
5699s so you can bet your bottom
5703s that our legendaries not only provide
5706s some aspect of gameplay shenanigans
5711s but also gives you a cool visualization
5712s to go with most of them most of them
5716s I'm not really sure how eye of the storm
5717s could uh change the visualization of
5721s your scanner your sensor but you know
5724s most of them have some style some effect
5728s that they have uh as you are utilizing
5731s them in game
5738s and with that and covering these
5742s legendaries and seeing a lot of these
5744s little updates I wanted to just kind of
5745s roll through just a couple other little
5747s tweaks and modifications that you guys
5749s can expect
5750s just kind of like a little conversation
5752s we'll share with one another here as I
5755s find a dock let's go back to the
5757s freelancer hanger so I don't trigger any
5760s unnecessary shenanigans
5762s [Music]
5768s also I'm curious
5773s okay
5774s hard to see if the ship would cloak
5776s while it's in the dark
5778s oh my gosh
5782s all right
5790s just looking around the other ships
5791s because they're so nice so nice so uh
5794s yeah we're going to uh answer some more
5797s questions uh maybe we can just like
5803s can we can we hover over no I don't
5806s think we can do that unfortunately
5808s I can do this actually here I'm gonna
5810s hover over a couple of lunges as I read
5812s off a couple other tweaks and
5813s modifications that we've done
5815s um because we are still improving like
5817s tool tips and inventory slot backgrounds
5819s as you can see here right still tweaking
5823s more of that type of stuff
5824s um vignette VFX
5827s um so you saw that when we were playing
5830s so when your resolve starts getting
5831s really low uh the Riff starts creeping
5834s in on you the vignette
5836s that border around the screen that's
5838s what that's called
5839s um and we like it it's cool and and
5842s eerie and really uh kicks you into gear
5845s to save the Run uh we also uh are
5850s tampering with the tears of the mad now
5851s you saw that
5853s um we're adjusting like loot values from
5854s the riffs as well we want to make sure
5856s that they are valuable to do in the
5859s in-game state
5860s even though you're not gaining
5862s experience from them I think it's
5863s important uh that especially depending
5866s on your lunacy that you are obtaining as
5869s much goodness as possible uh based on
5873s your time commitment and your skill that
5875s you're bringing to the table
5879s more enemy types that can generate the
5882s Rifts have been added um tweak some
5884s setups in the riffs so that they don't
5886s be weird made the support drones from
5889s various factions work with any faction
5891s inside of the Rifts so that can lead to
5894s some interesting results
5896s um
5897s goodness so there are lots of lots of
5899s little tweaks uh tweaks we also adjusted
5902s the bomber from a level of the hit point
5906s and shield uh
5909s actually whole armor and shield for the
5911s bomber all all of it let me see if I can
5914s give an example yeah okay
5917s um we've adjusted these stats across the
5919s board and they will continue to get
5921s tweaked so I know some of you out there
5923s who like do all the stuff on the wiki
5925s you're looking at that and be like ah
5926s yeah more changes of course it's
5929s happening
5930s um but also we increased the structure
5932s attribute scaling for the bomber
5935s um and reduced the bomber's secondary
5937s energy consumption
5940s I'm going to say that again because
5941s those bomber fans out there gonna be
5943s like what what did I just hear yes right
5945s we reduced
5947s the energy consumption for when you use
5949s secondaries that means you can use more
5951s secondaries faster succession
5955s because bombers like to shoot a lot of
5957s secondaries and so we're making that
5958s more possible it just feels better
5960s honestly
5961s fire all the missiles
5964s we have increased the Executioner spread
5970s the probably the best no the best
5973s kinetic damage weapon in the game we are
5975s starting to Nerf oh man oh guys
5980s we are we're applying the Nerf gun
5983s we are applying the Nerf gun
5986s uh we are also reducing its damage uh
5990s you knew it was gonna happen there's got
5992s to be some give and take uh we have been
5995s finding
5996s ridiculous ways to boost your damage and
6000s use an executioner to bypass incredibly
6002s challenging events and that's just
6004s that's not it needs to be scaled down a
6006s bit more according to the other elements
6009s uh and so it is being addressed on that
6011s level I hope that you're not surprised
6014s by that
6014s but um it's something that needs to be
6017s done and something that needs to be done
6019s we're also going through and just
6021s touching up more like marker
6024s visualizations throughout the game as an
6026s example like the shadow gradient from
6028s location riskiness
6031s um we've also improved the racing UI
6035s a lot
6037s which I can't show you
6042s but it's nice
6044s and
6047s this is an ironic one I had no idea this
6050s was going to be happening uh in the
6052s space of our game we had a question in
6055s the Discord
6058s uh this week
6062s last week
6067s two days ago
6069s two days ago from hatch 22 he had asked
6072s the question how do you feel about the
6074s current state of the reflecting panel
6076s puzzles will it get an overhaul
6080s so uh
6086s the panels
6090s I wonder if I can go find one really
6091s quick maybe we can just do that
6093s you guys want to see the panels the
6095s reflection panels real quick
6097s maybe we can find one
6100s here we're gonna we're gonna cheat
6102s because I think that this is it this
6105s area there's a reflection panel gosh I
6107s hope so
6111s I think it's this one
6114s yes it's this one
6117s so don't mind the fact that these guys
6118s are insanely lower level than us uh what
6121s we want to do is we want to find oh wait
6122s no
6124s yeah there's a there's a reflection
6125s panel here
6127s [Music]
6132s get out of here you freaking punks
6136s how did you not
6138s excuse me this is what I wanted you to
6140s do
6143s [Music]
6145s oh really oh really we're gonna just
6149s bypass
6150s the geometry is that is that how this
6153s this is uh guys
6156s ever Space 2 is a Flawless game with no
6159s bugs
6160s all right
6162s especially our Duff branch
6171s oh my gosh
6176s perfect
6177s exactly as designed all right as
6180s entirely
6182s how the game is meant to be played uh no
6185s problems just exactly shoot where's this
6188s I I just want to get to the reflection
6190s panel let's see if I'd find this focus
6192s in ladies and gentlemen
6195s goodness I'm all topsy-turvy is it over
6198s there no it's over
6200s there's
6202s am I in the wrong spot let's go to a
6204s different spot I think there's an easier
6205s one
6207s Michael says ship it all right we're
6209s pushing the launch button guys
6214s where is this dang reflection I know
6216s it's in one of these dang
6218s yes I'm cheating to get there is it the
6221s no it's the is it
6224s it's somewhere it's somewhere around
6227s these parts
6229s somebody's gonna tell me before I
6230s freaking find it uh
6234s where where are you
6236s where are you my little reflection panel
6238s near nefty's uh near nafties okay well
6242s that's that's good to know uh
6247s it's not the transit Point uh it's the
6250s refiner it's the refinery
6252s oh yes the refinery gosh dang it it's
6254s the refinery gosh
6257s guys I know this game like the back of
6259s my hand
6261s also I haven't seen the back of my hand
6263s in a while all right
6264s Let's uh
6266s let's get there come on there it is
6268s finally let's look at it if this wasn't
6271s implemented yet I'm gonna be so upset
6274s here we go
6275s reflecting panel
6279s ready ready
6285s oh yeah
6287s oh yeah look at that you see that here
6290s let me show you
6292s look at this you know how like it's been
6293s really hard to like line up and
6295s everything you're like trying to wiggle
6296s this incredibly small thing yeah okay
6298s check this out
6300s oh yeah that makes things way easier
6303s look it even slows you down so like look
6305s at that control that I get on that laser
6307s getting exactly where I want it to go oh
6309s my gosh we can fire it straight back
6311s look at that precision
6313s how easy is that now oh
6318s I really like that also this is fun
6323s there you go wasn't actually planning on
6326s showing you that today but uh you know
6327s whatever it was fun that's fun
6331s lots of little tweaks and additions and
6332s designs and blah blah blah so uh that
6335s question from the Discord there you go
6337s visualization that we are in fact
6339s improving those mechanics by making the
6342s um panels actually bearable to use uh
6346s yeah very very good stuff
6347s [Music]
6349s um and then there was a bunch of other
6350s little things that have been adjusted in
6352s the game that you'll inevitably see but
6354s we've spent way too long on this you
6355s have more questions I want to get to
6357s them I also want to make sure that we
6358s show at least a few of your screenshots
6361s so let's go ahead we're going to
6362s navigate over to the news page
6365s um and then we're gonna answer questions
6367s as we are doing uh the screenshot
6370s showcase
6371s that you guys are just you always just
6373s do such a fan freaking tastic job of
6375s taking shots
6377s now I will fully admit you know after I
6380s say that it's like you guys are so good
6381s at taking screenshots we got a low
6383s number of screenshots uh from uh last
6385s week so it's going to be uh it's a
6388s little more limited but that's fine we
6390s can hang out and have a good time
6391s regardless show off cool fun stuffs and
6394s uh yeah there we go one second
6399s foreign
6408s [Music]
6424s little interactions in the in the
6427s Discord regarding
6428s um
6430s certain preparations
6432s if you will for
6438s the uh the inevitable riffs that are
6441s going to show up right and Flory was
6443s having a bit of fun cruising around in a
6445s high-risk area with inertia dampeners
6448s off and I just I love this shot so much
6452s it makes me so happy
6455s um just plowing through that corrosive
6458s space no big deal
6460s and having a blast while doing it I love
6464s it I love this Dynamic
6466s um I mean there's a bit of empty space
6468s in the shot like but let's just focus on
6470s this right let's just focus on this
6472s right here
6473s what a delight what a treat seeing some
6476s additional Maneuvers I hope that you've
6479s got something to to take care of that
6480s damage though because sometimes going
6482s through the corrosive feels especially
6484s in this next update
6487s um they can hurt quite considerably
6490s so uh nice stuff nice stuff we got Drive
6494s live here
6495s send it in a few and it's just nice to
6498s get a calm photo from time to time
6500s especially one that observes some of the
6502s more like Pleasant denizens of everspace
6505s 2 like the ocar for example I'm just
6508s cruising around and I also like this one
6510s too because they kind of look like space
6513s sharks to me I don't know
6515s they just kind of look like space sharks
6517s it just it feels it feels good I don't
6519s know if these guys collided and they're
6521s stuck or what's going on there I don't
6522s care so much about that but just looking
6524s at the pleasantness of these okar
6526s Fighters it makes me happy love the
6529s progression into Union let's go ahead
6531s and answer a question while we're
6532s sitting on drivelife's Photo here I've
6534s got a technical question from Finns when
6537s player ship boosts strictly forward 100
6539s and then some side strafe pilot input is
6542s added ship forward speed rapidly
6544s decreases why is it intentional purpose
6546s yes it is intentional because the
6548s direction that you are boosting in is
6550s where your Boost is being spent so if
6553s you're boosting forward all the energy
6556s is moving that direction if you're
6557s boosting uh forward and to the right for
6560s example at the same time all of your
6562s energy is boosting that direction if
6564s you're boosting only to the right all of
6566s your Boost is spent in that direction so
6568s you're no longer going to maximize the
6570s space that you're boosting in so like if
6573s you're boosting this direction you're
6575s not going to move move that direction as
6576s fast you're going to move this direction
6578s faster so there will be a reduction of
6580s speed on that front so yeah that is very
6583s much working as intended and this is an
6585s aspect that we change from everspace one
6587s whereas everspace one you could only
6589s boost forward now you can boost in all
6592s directions
6594s uh next question comes from animated
6595s Viking will there be hidden secrets in
6598s the game with good rewards like a hidden
6601s ship variant or a unique weapon
6605s I think that would be pretty dope
6608s wouldn't it we also have this incredibly
6611s awesome scene from dark chaos showing
6614s the destruction that has been wrought
6616s inside of the Drake system and
6621s man I don't know why but like sometimes
6623s I forget to just take a step back and
6624s look at the environment surrounding the
6627s space that I'm piloting in
6629s um because that's a really cool shot
6632s and I don't know why but my brain did
6634s not put together that this was happening
6635s in the environment you could see some
6637s crazy mining operation gone wrong here
6640s almost like it was originally designed
6644s to be a mining field owned by the GMB
6647s far before the colonial okar wars and
6650s because of their mining interest in
6651s place it created a mass chaos and
6653s destruction in the surrounding asteroids
6656s causing them to go overload corrupting
6658s all the resources and leaving certain
6660s pockets of individuals left to scrap for
6663s themselves inside of a turbulent
6667s gang-infested
6668s warfare-fueled rage inside of the DMZ
6672s that's never really seen Colonial uh
6675s readmission since
6678s those times it's wild it's it's pretty
6680s cool
6681s that's pretty cool I really like the way
6683s that it captures the essence of uh this
6685s space very nice
6688s very rad
6690s I dig it we've got this one from crispy
6693s muffin and I just want to say crispy off
6695s and I am so thankful that you provided a
6698s terrible shot because I was really
6700s concerned that all you were going to do
6702s is provide good shots in the Discord and
6703s I was gonna have to catalog every single
6705s one so this means a lot to me I really
6708s do appreciate that 10 out of 10. this
6711s one comes from crispy muffin we'll have
6714s a look at this one as we answer a couple
6715s more questions here this one's from
6717s crispy muffin so you look at a crispy
6719s muffin shot answer a crispy muffin
6721s question uh will there be an option to
6723s scale the intensity of screen shake the
6726s game does not feel a little less intense
6728s without it but the default amount does
6730s not does make it me a tad motion sick
6733s especially when boosting or shooting
6735s um I think that this is a solid request
6737s and something that should actually go to
6739s the forums and see if we could Garner
6741s Community responses accordingly this is
6745s something that I personally don't care
6746s about I want to be real on that I'm not
6748s saying that you don't care and that this
6749s thought doesn't matter because it does I
6752s think it's great but when I'm generally
6754s playing the game I turn screen check off
6756s the second I can I am obligated to use
6759s it during these streams if anyone's like
6760s but you've had screen Shake on for this
6762s entire time yeah
6763s um it just adds a creative effect
6765s whenever we are presenting this which is
6767s why I have it on but generally speaking
6769s when I play video games like I don't
6770s want it on at all get out of here thank
6773s you very much so
6775s um yeah
6777s perfect
6779s oh did I get a little
6783s oh excellent I think that's a fantastic
6786s idea uh Michael I think that's a
6788s fantastic idea
6789s um so uh let's go to the next question
6793s as well we've got Destra uh speaking of
6796s changing HUD any chance of the cockpit
6799s mode taking all the HUD display and
6802s putting it on dash kind of like how
6804s Rogue Squadron does when even enemy
6806s squadrons show up on their radar only I
6808s love that reference point
6810s um
6811s but yeah I mean this is something that
6813s we've we you know we talked about that a
6815s long time ago and the immersion factor
6819s is probably the most important aspect of
6822s uh you know flying from the cockpit
6825s right and so from that we also have to
6828s make sure through that immersion there's
6831s still gamification that allows
6833s successful game play right so there's
6837s already the Restriction of visual
6839s impairment when you're going into
6841s cockpit mode right like you already like
6843s you have a difficulty seeing a little
6845s bit more what's around you versus third
6846s person which you see more of that space
6848s right it's kind of like adjusting your
6851s uh depth of field and in any action game
6854s right
6856s so
6857s um on that front we could add more
6859s immersion like hiding the UI behind the
6862s bars of the cockpit and stuff like that
6865s um but that comes at a cost that makes
6866s it even more difficult to play in first
6869s person mode which we are kind of against
6871s so while I love this concept I feel that
6877s an execution from our own personal
6878s testing this is not a direction that we
6881s will be taking the game in
6883s um just due to that inconvenience Factor
6887s um but that said you know we talked a
6889s little bit earlier about like changing
6890s different HUD types that's been a
6893s discussion internally
6895s um probably not going to happen but you
6897s know there might be a function like that
6899s I it's it's so hard to say I wouldn't
6902s expect it
6903s I wouldn't expect it but uh there's an
6905s idea there that I do think is cool
6908s but it is a handicap it's a handicap at
6910s the end of the day
6912s so cool question this shot also comes
6914s from crispy muffin by the way
6916s um love the way that it's highlighting
6918s the details within this location and
6921s there's so many crystals in there too
6923s like goodness gravy
6925s I just want to plunder this place this
6927s is awesome but I love the way that the
6929s light Cascades downward onto this
6932s smiling equipment
6935s um in this sort of desolate mine with
6938s these Hydra niminis just kind of
6940s chilling kind of doing their thing
6942s bobbing around as they do
6944s great little scene well done but
6946s together
6948s I dig it
6950s next up we've got a shot from
6956s Thunder flame this was Vindicator reek
6960s for him and this one's just it's it's
6963s nice simple Pleasant shot of The
6964s Vindicator with six drones that's that's
6966s what it is we're not uh we're not doing
6969s anything any it's not nothing more than
6971s that it feels good I like the alignment
6973s of the Drone so well done question from
6975s Kaza are riffs going to require a
6977s resource item to open or are they going
6981s to be spammable like the showcased build
6984s so our showcase build is spammable for
6987s design reasons honestly so that we can
6989s test it accordingly
6991s um there there are a number of changes
6994s still coming to the Rifts and how that
6996s all comes together much like you saw on
6998s the stream today how it's restricted
7000s until you're level 25. so that being
7003s said I don't think we want to tie a
7009s resource to it
7012s um but I know that's also been proposed
7014s it's hard to say I don't know I don't
7017s know I should answer that with not sure
7020s um because there's a number of
7021s directions that we could take it and
7022s it's going to depend on how the other
7024s elements surrounding the Rifts uh comes
7026s together so but at very least I can't
7028s assure you you have to be at least level
7030s 25 to start going through them that is
7034s going to be uh at least the the Baseline
7037s factor in order to trigger these so you
7041s can't Speed Run the game and be like
7043s level nine or ten get kala then start
7046s doing riffs at level 10 equip a
7048s bajillion legendaries and you know
7050s you're not going to be able to
7051s accomplish something like that
7054s all right next question uh and next
7056s screenshot we've got this one from high
7058s barf who showcased a number of them very
7061s recently in the Discord I wasn't able to
7063s catalog them all but this one was nice
7065s it got a couple thumbs up
7066s um just solid visual vertical visual
7070s vertical
7071s whatever you know what I'm saying
7073s Excelsior has a question would you
7074s consider adding a deploy animation for
7076s Vindicator drones
7078s um a deploy
7081s um like a transformation animation from
7083s the Salvage into a drone is that is that
7087s what the question is
7093s I mean that sounds cool
7095s but um
7097s I don't that's not on the docket
7100s um
7101s that's not something that's imperative
7103s uh in fact we kind of want to keep
7105s things pretty Snappy so that the players
7107s can go right into it and get to that
7111s needy content
7113s um
7116s pop this one on the Forum see what other
7118s people think
7123s I think it's cool I think it's a great
7125s suggestion but um
7127s time tells elements like this
7130s as you probably know
7132s you know this falls under the aesthetic
7134s sort of like goodness that Will adding
7137s we're still adding so much more of I
7139s mean you got to see a little bit of it
7140s today with the biological improvements
7143s um in the level design but that being
7145s said like there's still going to be a
7146s slew more of those like polishing passes
7149s um and I know animations are kind of a
7152s big one on that front like we want to do
7154s a lot more cool animations to the game
7156s if we're being if I'm being incredibly
7158s transparent about this
7160s um
7161s but yeah I can't I can't speak directly
7164s on this one I don't think that one's uh
7165s on the docket
7169s so uh Fred spec vet again we got a
7172s couple of questions from uh thanks for
7173s answering my questions you're welcome
7174s I'm happy to be here I'm happy that you
7176s are here to ask said questions it's
7178s always a delight to engage with the
7180s community we got another shot from high
7182s barf here
7183s um nice little vertical visual inside of
7185s Drake
7186s to be clear there can currently be no
7189s chance of a rift dropping more than one
7192s legendary currently
7194s that is correct currently a rift will
7197s only drop one legendary
7199s Thomas
7206s I remember there were four ship
7207s attributes on legendaries when they were
7209s first revealed now all of them have
7211s three will there be four attributes when
7212s legendaries are released or will it stay
7214s three I don't freaking know we keep
7215s going back and forth ourselves
7218s it's a balancing act you know
7221s um the initial intent was to have four
7222s but we're finding more and more that you
7224s know the one outstanding trait that
7227s legendaries have should also kind of
7229s count as a modifier so
7232s um it's a toss-up really we'll figure it
7234s out you just determine you know what's
7237s the most fun uh because even though it's
7240s kind of a tear in and of itself it's
7242s already insanely strong with that trait
7244s benefit so
7246s um we'll see we'll see
7248s uh tanadas
7250s over on Twitch asks in this example the
7253s 500 damage bonus okay yeah yeah I know
7256s what you're referring to I do in fact
7258s know what you're referring to
7260s um but also High bar for another shot
7261s here 500 damage bonus doesn't only count
7264s for damage secondary or every secondary
7268s um so that particular legendary
7271s unfortunately I don't have it up on the
7272s screen but that particular legendary
7273s requires you to gain a charge in order
7276s to gain that benefit so when you use the
7279s weapon you build up a charge you reach
7281s the charge then you apply it to the
7283s secondary that you fire so it's not
7286s constantly it's you have to build it up
7288s first then you launch it okay
7291s um so yeah
7295s so make sure that the Target that you
7297s use such an empowered shot on requires
7300s significant damage to break it open
7305s cool uh and I read the rest of your
7308s question but that I'm pretty sure that
7310s clarifies those details so good question
7312s Bearded Frog
7314s um asks us oh this is the last this is
7316s the last screenshot we got today that's
7318s it we're done that's it that's all the
7320s screenshots see I said it was going to
7322s be short and sweet so we're going to
7323s like start cycling back around I think
7325s um we only have like three minutes left
7327s so I'm gonna try to get these questions
7328s out Bearded Frog so we can't equip more
7330s than one legendary or is there going to
7331s be some method to equip more than one
7333s that we unlock like a perch tree or
7334s something or is that just not decided on
7336s yet it's definitely decided on and it's
7338s definitely uh going to be something we
7339s talk about more in the future
7342s excellent uh dragon T the see-through
7346s reflecting panel was awesome can will
7348s you make it so other grabbable objects
7350s become see-through like the panel please
7351s oh my gosh dude
7355s ah Marco is dying right now uh with that
7360s question being asked because this is
7361s something that we've we've gone back and
7363s forth with this so many times it's not a
7365s matter of like we don't want to do it
7367s it's a technical issue that it creates
7369s so um because this is something that the
7372s whole team I think for the most part
7373s agrees should be done
7376s um and it's
7379s there has been time and energy sunk into
7382s this and the results
7384s have been a waste of time unfortunately
7387s so we have to like cut our losses and
7389s say what needs to be focused on like do
7391s we need to focus on like these other
7392s aspects like can we still work around
7394s this like is this game breaking
7397s um and based on the feedback that we've
7398s received as well as our own observations
7400s internally it's not game breaking it
7403s sucks we we think that it's it's you
7406s know
7407s especially if you're like in the first
7408s person mode definitely doesn't feel good
7410s at all times but we don't feel that it
7413s is game breaking
7415s maybe this is something we can revisit
7417s again I hope so I personally hope so but
7420s uh
7421s that's not a priority unfortunately
7424s Excelsior asks any news regarding the
7426s ghost concept from a while back uh no
7429s [Music]
7432s thunderflame from YouTube I wanted to
7434s ask if you are looking into stopping the
7436s Flack from triggering because of dead
7438s enemies for example when you kill them
7439s they fly by a bit then explode
7443s that is an interesting observation
7446s um I haven't that's not been something
7448s at the top of my mind because I don't
7449s use Flack because it's a terrible weapon
7452s thank you
7454s [Music]
7455s I think that sounds I think that sounds
7457s pretty cool I think that sounds like it
7459s makes a lot of sense
7461s um yeah I could propose that to the team
7464s it might be even better so that I don't
7466s forget and uh you don't get lost in the
7468s mix if you submit that on the forums
7470s because I I do like that I do like that
7472s a lot
7473s um I don't know what that looks like
7474s from a technical perspective however so
7477s it could be very easily shot down uh
7481s so we'll see some of the weirdest things
7484s get you on a technical level in game
7486s design seriously it's nuts like some
7488s things you're just like it should be so
7490s easy to just implement this thing it's
7493s like nah nah dog that's not how that
7495s works I know there's other things like
7497s oh man I know this is going to sound
7498s really complicated but it would be
7499s awesome if you like revamp the system to
7501s where it did this thing and it navigated
7502s the space in a different way and you're
7503s like oh yeah we can do that boop boop
7505s done it's nuts it's crazy so uh we
7509s really do appreciate your guys patience
7511s as we continue to navigate the
7513s development of everspace 2. it is a why
7515s wild ride isn't it there's so much
7517s content that we've been working on and
7520s refining and just goodness but I am
7523s really thankful that you all show up to
7524s these streams You observe where we're at
7527s why we're doing what we're doing and
7529s then you ask these questions so that we
7531s can refine this experience together
7534s so important so important I see somebody
7538s says that I missed a question uh oh oh
7541s uh what's what's the question that I
7543s potentially missed because we are
7544s technically done with questions but I'm
7545s going to answer it because I love you
7548s I'm here for you what's the question
7549s answer ask real quick t3q
7556s oh you did ask it again okay
7558s can you can you use
7561s a weapon that doesn't deal damage like
7564s destabilizer or Weber that gets affected
7566s by 500 uh I haven't personally tested
7568s yet it probably would negate the charge
7570s I probably would ah but also we haven't
7574s gone through and fine-tuned every single
7576s interaction between equipment yet that's
7577s on the docket
7579s um and that might even be something uh
7581s that's kind of pushed off until the
7584s update even so that you guys can also
7585s help us catch them because there's a lot
7587s of varying interactions let's be honest
7590s but that is a good observation it's
7592s probably borked right now probably more
7596s so thank you for that uh very very good
7598s all right guys that's all the questions
7601s if you missed uh getting your question
7604s answered you can head on over to the
7606s Discord where we will continue to uh do
7610s all the question and answering so you
7612s can also hang out with us over there
7614s um I promise you it's a pretty good time
7616s we have a lot of chatter around a lot of
7619s a lot of random things honestly uh but
7622s it's good it's a good space to just
7623s chill while you're waiting on things
7625s um believe it or not the dev team is
7628s rather active in that space you might
7631s not see too much of us responding here
7634s and there but we are constantly Vigilant
7637s over the conversations had the topics
7640s being discussed uh and the concerns that
7642s you raise uh in there like this is a
7645s very important space to hang out that
7646s Discord but obviously there's a number
7648s of other locations that you can go to
7650s guys this concludes the stream we are we
7653s are done everything's finalized we are
7656s out of of stuff to talk about
7658s um normally I don't end on the screen
7660s normally this is the after stream
7661s Shenanigans so we're gonna end the
7664s stream with after stream Shenanigans all
7666s right that's gonna that's gonna be fun
7668s right I haven't beat boxed in a while
7669s we're gonna just throw this out there
7671s so you guys have been awesome I have
7674s been Eric Schroeder your community
7675s Ambassador don't stop being awesome and
7678s we'll catch you next week toodles
7685s transition beatbox
7698s [Music]
7704s foreign
7708s [Music]
7720s [Music]
7724s have a great weekend
7726s you're wonderful I love you dearly
7728s sincerely it's great hope you enjoyed it
7732s you want some more
7734s [Music]
7735s it's something
7738s [Music]
7751s I'm gonna destroy my throat
7756s oh goodness it's fun though we like this
7759s right you having a blast I'm having a
7762s blast oh goodness
7764s I need to I need to practice a little
7767s bit more for next time because that was
7768s a lot that was that was a lot oh my
7771s goodness oh goodness gravy
7785s [Music]
7786s I'm done I'm done I'm done
7791s [Music]
7797s foreign
7799s [Music]