5 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s Greetings, pilots! We're back with
2s another Kickstarter.
3s Just kidding!
4s Today we want to look back
5s at what we have accomplished
7s in the last 10 years
8s together with you, our loyal fans.
12s When my partner and I
13s rebooted as Rockfish Games
14s and Christian built a new studio from
16s scratch quite literally,
18s we didn't know where this
19s new journey would take us.
20s This hard reset was a
21s chance to build a new foundation
23s together with our veteran team.
24s UWE: I've been working
25s with Michael and Christian
26s even before the previous studio.
27s I always admired their ambition
29s while giving us a lot
30s of creative freedom.
31s When they started something new,
32s I didn't hesitate to join them to make
34s space games on PC and console.
36s While a work for hire
37s project from a AAA publisher
39s helped us to get
40s ROCKFISH Games off the ground,
41s the sudden cancellation of that project
43s only a few months later
44s really set us free
45s to do what we've always wanted to.
51s Thanks to our veteran team, Unreal 4,
53s and a huge fan base of Galaxy on Fire,
55s we were able to pull off a massive
56s Kickstarter success in 2015.
58s Combining our space-combat
59s exploration gameplay
60s with roguelike mechanics
61s plus a compelling story
62s is a formula that was
63s just right at the time.
67s Critics appreciated our new approach,
69s really enjoying the first EVERSPACE
71s as our debut title on PC and console.
73s However, for budget reasons, the overall
75s concept was a compromise on our initial
77s vision of an
78s open-world space combat game.
81s GEOFF KEIGHLEY: So we're so proud to announce
83s this brand-new
83s independent game
84s made here in Germany,
86s on Opening Night Live,
87s check this out -
90s UWE: A deeper collaboration with our community
91s began when EVERSPACE 2
93s entered Early Access in 2021.
95s With hundreds of thousands of pilots, we
97s received a ton of valuable feedback.
100s In total, it took five years
101s to complete EVERSPACE 2.
103s It has been the largest project and our
105s biggest investment by far yet.
106s But all the hard work and the financial risks
108s have been worth it.
109s The best part? We're not done yet.
111s The team is working hard on migrating the
113s base game to Unreal 5.
115s Expect a free update in Spring with a
117s brand new endgame feature and tons of new
119s legendary equipment.
120s More premium content is
122s scheduled for later this year.
123s Make sure to follow us on our channels so
125s you won't miss anything.
126s 2023 has been an incredibly challenging
129s year for many teams worldwide,
130s which is why we couldn't be
131s more grateful for where we are.
133s Doing what we love as a truly independent
135s studio is absolutely priceless,
137s and we couldn't have done it without our
138s fantastic community.
140s So thanks again for all your support!