about 2 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

97s hello
98s everybody go ahead and get yourself
100s situated we're going to be having a nice
102s little stream today where it's all
105s Drake we're just going to be pounding it
108s out it's going to be awesome
145s just a quick chat with the Chatters you
147s guys can hear me right
162s okay
167s cool you'd never be surprised to hear
170s this probably but I was having some
172s audio issues right before the
175s stream so I had to make some adjustments
280s all right ladies and gentlemen we are
282s getting started right the heck now with
284s the official Rockfish games stream I am
287s your host Eric your community Ambassador
290s I'm joined by Gary over here your
292s community manager say hi Gary hi Gary
295s perfect oh my gosh what a delight
297s welcome to everybody hope that your
299s weeks have been going incredibly well
301s we're in the home stretch to that
302s weekend woo oh my gosh and we are going
306s to have ourselves a fun little activity
308s today cruising through the Drake system
310s we are in our nightmare difficulty
312s playthrough and uh I'm going to just try
314s and pound out some side missions uh as
316s well as uh covering some other
319s territories and like getting the
320s exploration bit done um hoping to reach
323s level 28 maybe even level 29 today that
325s would be really super cool um and
328s through this process of just play in the
330s game uh for anybody who's out there
332s whether you're on YouTube whether you're
333s on Twitch whether you're over on Steam
335s whether you're on Facebook if at any
337s point in time you have any questions to
339s ask about any of the content or like
341s what Rockfish games is all about
343s anything like that you just go ahead and
344s throw it our way today's special sort of
348s territory we might be doing a no inertia
350s dampener run uh through a race again uh
354s you guys seem to really like that so I
356s figured if we have enough time we'll go
357s ahead and go that direction there are
359s some screenshots from the the community
360s that I would love to share as well a
362s couple newcomers and uh it's just always
364s fun to share the type of stuff that you
366s are taking so without further Ado Gary
367s you are going to
369s vanish and uh perfect and we are going
372s to get right into the game play um just
374s want to say some Hells to the Chatters
377s uh we got sorine we've got uh geek bite
379s of course I am the law 42 hey nice to
383s see you we got Oliver Milton we've got
386s ex etcetra D we've got uh papy we got
390s Bearded Frog we've got Rockfish games
393s Lee always a pleasure of course uh we've
396s got Michael's also in here he's okay
399s perfect good to see him Michael good to
402s see you Michael wasn't actually
404s anticipating Michael to be here but he's
406s the he is the CEO of Rockfish games he's
408s the big bad boss
412s himself what a delight what a treat to
415s have you here
416s today uh this is testing out our
419s weaponry real quick to see if maybe we
421s should upgrade or change and I'm
423s thinking that we should probably upgrade
424s or change because we didn't even get
425s freaking through the
428s shields after before draining all of our
430s energy now granted we are in a bomber
432s and we're supposed to be using our
435s secondaries but I
437s digress oh and we're full on up so that
440s means we do need to go to the shop and
442s at least take care of some stuff um
444s we're just going to annihilate this
446s sticky turret I hope I didn't offend
447s somebody in the
448s chat yeah let's clear out our inventory
451s and then we are going to uh probably
454s finish up the gang wars story
457s line um and I also think oh yeah Cruise
460s drive let's go ahead and max out Cruise
462s drive because it's about freaking time
467s right
469s wonderful wonderful wonderful um let's
472s see we had yeah we have gang
476s wars if it hasn't leveled up this should
479s be pretty
481s easy so that'll be
484s nice uh and let's go ahead and get rid
488s of some stuff as well um yeah this is
492s just too low level at this point I think
494s I just want to dismantle this see you
497s later but hello organic deep space
499s semiconductors uh perfect hatred we'll
501s probably hang on to just a little bit
503s longer at least uh let's
507s see autoc Cannon might not be a bad
510s compliment to Hunter's
514s Fang I really wish Shredder was
516s performing a bit better but
518s man sometimes it's it's hard to really
521s get that maximized
522s performance um oh a scatter gun could
525s also be pretty useful but we probably
527s want to keep our distance more with the
529s bomber so let's go ahead and we're going
530s to scrap most of this stuff it looks
536s like we've got we've got an autonomous
539s set three out of three so we probably
541s don't want to replace
544s that oh man so many so many good options
548s that have just been sitting in our
549s inventory it's like we haven't checked
551s this in a
552s while
561s whoops I really do like that decrease
563s Shield recharge delay and shut down
565s duration
567s um getting a little bit of structure
570s might not be a well no actually it's
572s just structure never
574s mind nope and we have the repair Bay
577s we're not changing that
579s out I think the game really wants us to
582s change to a highle
586s kinetic I just see a question in the
588s chat that says is flax still op I mean
590s it depends on uh it depends on a number
593s of factors um I'm not necessarily sure I
596s would say flak is op but um it's it can
599s be a lot of fun that's for sure and it
601s could be very powerful in the right
604s situation if you want to commit suicide
606s it's very good oh yeah
608s absolutely you're an up close Fighter
610s for sure yeah
612s absolutely uh goodness gravy all right
615s we're going to go ahead and we're going
616s to dismantle all of this cuz our credits
618s are looking okay and I want to get a
620s couple more blueprint progress elements
621s going on uh we're going to
624s sell these for profit we're going to
626s sell all of these actually cuz we want
628s to just clear inventory space
631s today we should be collecting lots of
633s things uh damage booster might be more
636s effective than
641s cloak somebody's dying inside with all
644s all of this happening right
646s now and we'll just
652s uh
655s okay so we can
661s how the expanded view send it no no I
664s think we have to be in
669s space to be in space there it is we're
671s going to send this to storage there we
674s go all right so let's go ahead and head
679s on over here for gang
683s wars even though we haven't modified our
685s weapon
686s whatsoever let's see if we have
689s something than that
690s could kinetic damage output might not be
693s a bad
700s idea barrage could also be really good
706s here
707s ah we have we're struggling from having
711s too many great options I think we're
712s going to go ahead and do the kinetic
713s damage
716s though see how well that helps us out
724s all right so our Mainline mission is
725s wanting us to I think go back to cedo
728s cuz we are in the home stretch the final
730s missions but I want to handle a couple
733s more tasks uh surrounding Drake as I've
736s said multiple times um did we get yes we
739s do have the spatial
740s bypass uh just looking at this looks
743s like we're going to need to hit a couple
744s more challenges as well six location
747s challenges two high-risk areas okay so
749s we see high-risk
750s areas we'll knb those on the way uh from
754s the signal
756s decoders so that's
762s good a lot of chatters today oh my gosh
766s from the one question is is the uh Flack
769s op and everyone's commenting on it
771s that's
773s great I'm seeing conversations about the
775s Jagger and the Synchro pulse yeah pulse
777s lasers are just it's a solid choice for
785s sure all right quimper belt here we come
788s we're going up against a lot of zilus
791s they're going to hit us Pretty stinking
793s hard I did change a couple perks around
795s so this could be really hilarious you
797s guys kept commenting in the prior uh
800s streams about how it was cheating that I
803s had my shield usage when I hit one hit
805s point so I have actually removed that I
807s changed it
809s he's giving in peer pressure folks he's
811s giving in you convinced
814s me I have to show you that I I can
817s actually uh not rely on cheating
823s death
824s so normally uh I skip cut scenes and
827s whatnot but this one's kind of fun I
829s like it we're just going to watch
836s it I did agree previously it'll not use
839s it oh okay well there you go you should
842s know the chat never forgets can't say
845s that I don't hold to my promises that's
850s right oh you don't hold F of me for
852s reupping my promise I have located the
855s long range dishes am I going to fly a
857s different ship today probably are
860s probably but I am I'm pretty uh pretty
862s pleased by this bommer all things
864s considered out that no one sees me
866s didn't think I was going to really stay
868s the course in it very long but after the
871s race challenge we did that's kind of
874s growing on me you need to get close
876s enough for me to apply a wide band
878s frequency
880s Jammer I'm still way more used to my
883s life Fighters though however I have left
885s open a back channel should you wish to
887s listen in live coms from the battle sure
890s that might be
893s entertaining you will all die for what
895s you have done it's only you fools who
899s died today you deranged
903s merman I was willing to let the pass lie
906s but you just couldn't resist taking a
908s cheap
909s shot just keep telling yourself that
913s right to your
916s grave oh there you
927s are you get that Jammer uploaded
930s yes and I am continuing to tap their
932s lines Stinger forever yeah Stinger is a
936s lot of fun youres are to much the
938s Stinger was
939s the the most popular light fighter in
943s our pole maybe you have before throwing
946s your bombs away I've never thought Che
950s out about anything
960s the striker is a light fighter just
962s snuck in to medium for the cargo
965s benefits I'm not sure I agree
972s with your forces to just give up already
975s yeah vanguard's grown in a lot of
977s popularity Oliver so I'm not surprised
979s by that either um we've had a couple
982s of very impressive Pilots showcase the
986s Vanguard at high level gameplay
989s with uh impressive
994s results the LI again it really is
999s pathetic I know it was your
1003s people it is your people who lie you
1006s wouldn't know truth if it hit you in the
1008s face hi I don't like the direction this
1011s conversation's going we need to get that
1013s last dis jammed fast
1019s I'll get to it I just want to unlock
1022s stuff it's over here
1026s right is it not over here thought it was
1029s over
1032s here it's probably on the opposite end
1035s now oh it is it's on the it's on the
1036s other side I was looking at it backwards
1038s super cool all right we'll just leave
1042s that fun fact if you ever drop something
1046s and it just floats out into space if you
1048s leave and come back
1050s stuff resets to its original position so
1052s um like if you if I were to have thrown
1054s that power core out in the like
1056s literally
1058s nowhere you're not locked out of being
1060s able to use it forever what's this I'm
1063s telling you we didn't attack damn it
1067s Hive how are they still talking there
1070s appears to be one remaining cons dish
1072s but it is very low frequency I cannot
1074s locate it scanning scan Faster come on
1080s I know it was you your signature bombs
1083s were planted over our face the bombs
1087s that were stolen by you are you kidding
1091s me why the hell would we steal your
1094s bombs to bom
1096s ourselves something's not quite right I
1100s just realized I don't have my settings
1102s to have
1104s the uh mouse dead zone and the Horizon
1108s indicator cuz I really like that um and
1112s then I also think that do we have
1116s automatic rolling yeah okay no more
1118s automatic rolling thank you to think
1121s we've felt like I didn't have full
1123s control of my
1128s vessel seen youly
1132s tou a boy he's been watching us this
1135s whole time well Admiral if I flying a
1138s bom the no inti dampeners is tough as I
1142s did in the last stream nearly managed to
1144s do the race nearly but failed
1147s absolutely an optimized repair Bay uh
1152s yes wow
1154s that's that's
1156s nice and a prime zapper as well but H
1160s not not as nice all right here we
1166s go it's you again you're the jerk that
1170s stole our
1172s boms what the hell are you playing at
1177s just making sure none of you leave here
1179s alive uhoh I'll soon see you burn ashes
1199s you miserable con creep your death will
1203s be cold lonely oh that was a good EMP
1206s I'm very happy with
1216s that damn it I don't know how much more
1218s of this the ship can
1221s take
1223s sweet all
1225s forcese orare to be eliminated what's
1228s really silly about all this is how much
1230s I'm actually kind of struggling with
1232s this combat
1233s situation and they're level
1236s 22 definitely think we're going to need
1238s to improve our equipment uh quite a bit
1240s more before we go to the final mission
1242s chain for
1245s sure the Coalition
1248s M you were behind all of this you try to
1253s deceive us correction Bal I did deceive
1258s you
1259s you have both already lost enough of
1261s your to cease to be a threat any further
1264s so why don't you back down now what you
1267s have remain should be enough to take out
1269s drones right yeah okay cool going for
1274s your so be itce for immediate
1278s Annihilation everyone
1281s attack no
1284s survivors this is some melee when we get
1287s ourselves into this time hi
1289s to
1294s maintain why was me firing a cruise
1296s missile on
1297s accident on this ship thankfully we've
1300s got some pretty healthy ability to
1302s restore ourselves right
1330s come on EMP there you
1347s are all right fine we're go after the
1349s elite I missed oh brought him back in
1354s cool
1361s excellent this is all your fault zeis
1365s there was no part of me that ever
1367s trusted you that's all this Fiasco has
1369s proven don't call me in future I've lost
1373s too many Fighters This would have never
1376s happened Without You Bal I'm out of here
1381s Commander both zeis and B have escaped
1384s let them go their forces are diminished
1387s their peace pack is dead and they have
1389s been reminded of the Coalition strength
1392s they won't bother us for a long while
1394s excellent damn we actually did it you
1398s did it Adam Roslin yes we accomplished
1400s the task it's very fortunate that you
1402s are significantly overleveled in that
1404s piece of crap ship you're flying dir
1406s work but necessary
1409s tell Al that his children will forever
1411s have a special place with
1413s us and that he is welcome to pay us a
1416s visit all right so these containers
1418s aren't going to apply to the 100%
1420s completion but they still might have
1422s some decent stuff so we're going to NAB
1424s it anyway one more thing unfortunately
1426s we didn't really get any experience from
1428s all of this but we will get experience
1429s when it gets completed fig out what to
1432s do with I doubt we're going to get to
1434s level 28 but still a token of our
1437s appreciation man shots fired Eric yeah
1440s no I'm I can be I could be very uh
1446s self-critical but since I guess you're
1448s it now
1451s thanks all right so we got pigeon
1454s stair that could be fun to
1457s use right it get it's pigeon stair for
1459s this one right is that right
1461s Gary I I'll say yes
1465s okay I can't remember cool
1471s yes it's pigeon stair let's go ahead and
1476s uh let's
1478s see I mean hunter Fang is a lot of fun
1481s but maybe we maybe we need to have more
1483s focused damage let's go ahead and just
1485s use it for the time being at
1491s least let's also extract uh a couple
1494s more secrets in the area
1503s so
1526s pretty more credits oh ni
1532s nice
1535s uh more
1538s Precision so that goes in there okay so
1540s let's go find the the pinging
1556s noise where are you at
1559s oh it's up oh that's right
1564s crystals all right good
1568s good collecting all the things there's
1570s still a bit more in this space though so
1572s we're going to keep looking around find
1575s some more debris and then have a go at
1578s it how much do we have unlocked half of
1580s it okay so we have four more secret
1583s stashes and another ore in this area so
1586s that's good
1594s should be using markers I can't remember
1595s where I've
1602s been have we been here it seems like we
1605s have wh who whoa
1611s whoa hang on a second hang on a second
1615s hang on a
1616s second hang on
1632s well Eric's just fixing his game just a
1634s reminder if you do have any gameplay or
1636s development questions that you want to
1637s ask Eric then do tag them in the chats
1640s uh just tag me geek B I shall colate
1643s them and get them all noted down so that
1645s we'll answer them in probably about 10
1647s minutes time about every half an hour we
1649s answer all the questions in a batch
1651s that's right exactly what he said yeah
1654s so I pushed a button which is uh
1656s supposed to drop a marker uh and I think
1659s that I loaded my uh quick save which I
1661s did so I had to fix things
1665s um all right now we're back now we're
1667s back uh in order oh whoops now we're
1670s back in order there we
1674s go sorry about
1677s that all um I think that yeah we have to
1681s we have to grab this again cuz I had to
1683s backtrack a little
1684s bit I think pigeon stair is in
1691s there indeed all
1694s right let's see we had oh no we just oh
1697s so it saved right as we completed the
1700s mission which is a great way to speak on
1703s behalf of our new updated saving uh
1705s because we did that very intentionally
1707s so in case something were to have
1708s happened uh you don't lose everything
1711s that you had accomplished in an area um
1713s that was added you know it's a bit of
1716s time back but still that was something
1718s that we had a number of you guys uh rais
1721s concerns about at the 1.0 release So for
1724s anybody who didn't know that's in it's
1726s in
1727s now so yeah we just have to grab this
1730s again oh nope nope nope we just want to
1732s transfer all of you there we go all
1735s right now we get to explore a little bit
1737s more I detect multiple signatures of
1740s ancient origin perfect I don't have
1743s enough to deal with
1744s already what button did I press it's a
1747s Dev button that's pretty sure that's
1749s what
1750s happened pretty sure that's what
1757s happened got to make all these fancy
1760s little rules for streaming a game that's
1763s being developed you know
1770s all right useless for the Infantry a
1773s thanks it's not always
1777s useless certain satisfaction in
1785s this all right there's only one more
1790s thing left I think that's just a normal
1793s that's just a
1795s Spore just a Spore
1803s ancient
1805s jar
1808s nice all right we can get out of this
1811s place
1814s now onwards and
1817s upwards we got a little bit of
1819s experience not
1820s much but a little bit more so let's on
1824s let's move to another location that's
1827s nearby uh
1830s oh it's going to be a bigger location
1832s but that's fine that's fine we can do
1836s this plus we got to complete location
1838s challenges anyway so you know
1859s zerk Boomer is surprisingly good yeah
1862s um it's I think it's Unique property of
1866s just being able to like disable your
1869s opponent is uh really really good uh and
1874s then on top of that its damage output is
1876s pretty incredible
1878s honestly going to try
1881s and well that didn't work at all cool
1890s so you're rather hot than cool two
1899s Shake great now make yourself
1908s useful oh yeah I can I'm definitely
1911s seeing a damage output Improvement these
1913s are finally level
1917s 27s now I guess zilia is a little bit
1919s more of like the glass Cannon faction
1922s but uh you
1928s know just I could turn faster that's the
1930s that's the one thing that kind of like
1933s bothers me about heavy ships honestly
1936s like other heavy ship players how do you
1938s deal with just not being able to turn
1940s like what's what's your secret I want to
1943s know
1958s you just like deal with it and I'm just
1959s like whining is that
1964s uh all those drones that's a
1967s problem ow ow ow ow ow ow
1972s ow he did not get the
1976s Drone all right well try again
1979s then hard to tell who's who
1982s sometimes at
1986s the thanks Hive you're the
2000s best I haven't even gotten into
2003s exploring the area yet this is great
2031s awesome oh we got a signal decoder
2034s perfect things are lining up that's what
2036s we like to see
2060s ouch connection socket okay good good
2086s ow nice all right all
2092s right like what I'm seeing over here
2094s with Alec just kind of chilling
2098s distracting these
2101s turrets
2104s nice there's the energy unit all this is
2108s coming together really
2120s well take care
2125s Alec all right
2128s so let's NAB this little guy here take
2131s it back to the connection
2133s point and now that things have kind of
2135s Cals down a little bit um Gary why don't
2139s you come and join me on the stream and
2141s uh let me know what questions have
2144s Arisen what do we got we have we' got
2147s three lined up and uh first one is from
2151s papy over on YouTube and he would like
2154s to know uh do drones count for the
2157s commander set he tried it once sort of
2159s indicator but couldn't really decide if
2161s it was working or not um the commander
2163s set does work with drones um I'm I'm
2167s pretty confident of that actually um see
2171s if I have a commander oh yeah of course
2173s this one
2175s um yeah this should absolutely work with
2178s your drones um the only time where a set
2183s doesn't benefit from the the vind the
2186s vindicator's drones is actually listed
2189s in the
2191s description and it says like it
2194s specifically does not State your drones
2196s are benefited by it so the commander set
2200s should apply to the vindicator's drones
2202s Commander set is is a vindicator's best
2206s friend it's a great question what else
2208s we got uh we got two from uh Etc D over
2213s on Twitch at first off are the legendary
2216s weapon Quest rewards obtainable
2218s otherwise so say if you don't get them
2220s at level 30 you could try farming for
2222s them I mean technically yeah you could
2224s like speed run through the game and
2226s accomplish it as fast as possible and
2228s you get it at whatever level that you're
2229s currently at um just keep in mind that
2232s you know when it drops it's going to
2234s drop at that level and you cannot adjust
2236s that level to level 30 right you can
2238s increase it by one and you can add other
2240s modifiers to it but that's going to be
2242s about it so it can be incredibly
2244s beneficial for you when you acquire it
2247s um to help be cuz like for us like we're
2249s not at level 30 yet but now it's like
2250s probably the most powerful thing that
2252s we've found thus far um but when we get
2255s to level 30 obviously it's going to get
2258s replaced so but
2261s yeah it's a good question question uh
2265s from Etc D are there any plans to make a
2268s component only shop the grind for blue
2271s purple components materials it could be
2273s quite
2274s tedious that's that's a that's a fair
2276s question but no there's not there's not
2278s any plans to have uh crafting components
2280s to be sold by um
2286s anybody let's see
2288s protector Heats and energy okay awesome
2292s and this is a power core so it's not
2293s what we need there great so is that the
2295s last question was that the oh we've got
2297s one uh one that's uh just hanging out
2300s from Wizard Jerry over on YouTube okay
2303s uh we have got some news direct from the
2305s team above as well so wizard Jerry just
2307s asking is there any news on Gamescom uh
2310s although they C be there he's got some
2312s work in mid August he just wanted to ask
2314s and I know there's been some followup
2316s questions as well but um yeah just so
2318s you are aware this is com to and we are
2321s going to be there and we're going to
2322s have a small Indie Booth so if you do
2325s want to come and see some of the members
2326s of the team you here that's a Gamescom
2329s in August in Cologne in gy
2334s absolutely so
2336s um yeah it'll be good it'll be a good
2339s time so all right well if that's if
2341s that's the last question for the moment
2343s that's fine um you go ahead and
2346s disappear and uh we'll see you in a
2348s little bit
2352s longer trying to figure out where this
2354s oh there it is no that's not it where
2356s does this power core
2358s go these drones man
2370s but I do like seeing all of this fun
2375s stuff so that means we are collecting
2377s things we're getting
2380s experience and I need to do all of the
2394s aboveo all right
2399s so probably have to check over there
2405s now power cor just wants a
2411s home see what we
2413s got probably not this since it's already
2416s in
2424s operation no nothing maybe over here
2430s here I'm seeing stuff that would
2434s definitely definitely needs to be
2436s trailed that's for sure not seeing any
2439s connection points however all right all
2441s right well we'll leave the power core
2443s right here and we'll do this one then so
2445s we're going to shoot
2448s this oh we have to start on the other
2450s side all right
2452s cool neat
2457s nope still
2459s going
2470s okay oh oh oh I think I see the starting
2474s point is that
2477s it got keep following it over all right
2481s here going all the way to the
2485s the all the way to the front okay all
2487s right cool missed that light right when
2489s we flew over here no big
2491s deal all right now we just want to make
2494s sure that we don't miss
2505s one there better not be a hidey one in
2507s there there we go good good cool nice
2521s awesome all
2527s right don't worry we we got it I didn't
2530s reset everything we just need to uh go
2533s through here to start the next
2537s chain there we
2542s go there it is
2556s all
2568s right please come with me thank you
2580s I look over the chat and I just see papy
2582s ask I thought you helped develop this
2583s game Eric I mean yes
2588s uh I'm allowed to forget things okay
2592s everyone is allowed to forget
2595s things have to remind Eric what his name
2598s is every day that's
2603s right let's see and now we just have to
2605s figure out where the
2609s uh fire sphere stem drun which I'm don't
2615s actually think it's from a
2617s base I think
2620s it's oh you know what it's going to be
2622s over
2635s here all right let's
2638s see another power core
2659s nice cables are going that way no
2669s Brute Force
2672s yay okay there we
2674s go and there's our heat
2679s sphere
2685s excellent all three boom boom
2692s boom whoop whoop not paying attention
2695s looking over a chat instead
2701s awesome all right bulletproof
2706s container and the secure container
2709s finally and the two slots that we've
2711s been looking for this whole time man our
2714s ship is our do we are we how do you guys
2720s fly heavy ships is this is this a common
2723s occurrence for you guys or is just are
2726s you like oh no this never happens this
2728s never happens because I'm experienced is
2731s this is this
2733s like is this a
2737s thing we fly them
2741s carefully oh okay that's
2743s fair this is that's that that entire
2747s mini game right there that's the reason
2749s why we allow for ship rolling that's
2752s extra challenge
2757s oh
2761s jeez did I ever take geometry yes I did
2764s actually a big fan of geometry I like
2766s shapes and I like numbers so they go
2769s it's pretty
2772s nice I went to Geometry college no not
2775s quite I went to I went to coloring
2776s School you guys got to you're close I
2780s appreciate the
2782s effort uh okay
2787s it's fine fits like a glove there is it
2790s now we just have to get that other one
2792s that we've okay it's not too far okay
2794s perfect perfect like driving a U-Haul
2796s under a small Bridge absolutely yeah
2798s it's basically the same
2801s thing you know it is kind of ironic that
2804s that statement is made um because I do
2807s actually know how to drive larger
2809s vehicles I don't have any of like the
2811s what are they called permits or
2813s whatever but um yeah I've I've I may or
2816s may not have actually
2817s driven a bus before
2825s um it's all about just knowing where
2828s your rear end is honestly that's that's
2831s the biggest thing it's just sinc behind
2833s you yeah that's
2837s right so that's why I'm ultimately
2839s struggling with the ship you know the
2840s rear is fine it's the sides that I have
2842s I have a struggle with right
2848s just imagine it's you walking down a
2850s corridor with your arms spread out
2852s that's the same
2856s thing all right that's that's
2862s fair oh my gosh and look at all this
2864s stuff that we found oh my goodness
2867s that's a huge Improvement um we do lose
2870s Firepower but we do gain Precision so
2873s that's fine uh very nice uh we have a
2877s treasury unit so that'll give us some
2879s Moola which will be really nice to see
2882s and armor breaker
2885s missiles all right another location
2888s cleared feeling good actually you know
2891s what let's go to Marie event real quick
2894s sell this stuff cuz we are maxed out
2896s knew this was going to happen cuz we're
2897s going to be pretty thorough in these
2898s areas and we're going to move on to the
2900s next
2912s Eric has a bus driver
2918s man all right let's see oo Karo sd42
2924s that thing looks pretty
2927s nice I don't know if I'm ready to give
2930s up this ship yet as much as I've been
2931s complaining about it I kind of like
2933s complaining so we might just hang on to
2936s it for a little bit longer now wait a
2938s second I could have sworn I did that or
2941s no I did
2944s this anyway
2947s uh let's sell some stuff
2952s though what's where's that treasury unit
2955s right there yeah so uh just a quick
2956s quick note because anybody if you've
2958s ever gotten one of these opulence items
2962s um you might notice like in comparison
2964s to what you currently have it's not
2966s actually super great but it sells really
2968s well so this isn't something that you
2970s want to break down this is something
2971s that you want to sell this this item
2973s alone costs almost 9,000 credits pretty
2976s great in comparison our next most
2979s expensive non-legendary item are these
2980s Superior web missiles and they only sell
2982s for about 6,000 so and that one wasn't
2984s even a superior okay so definitely be
2987s mindful of that whenever you're
2990s uh in your local
2993s shop let's see disintegrator could be a
2996s lot of fun but I really like pigeon
2997s stair so you're out
3005s sorry we haven't been too concerned
3006s about our Shield
3012s right I'd rather have Boost all
3015s right yep rather have Boost
3028s man I I feel like we're finding a lot of
3030s scatter guns is that is that weird am I
3033s going crazy maybe I'm just like really
3034s hyperfocused on
3041s it let's see lots to clean out here my
3045s goodness so many
3047s items and I think for sake of building
3050s up for uh a ship in our
3054s future I think I am going to go ahead
3056s and sell all of this stuff as opposed to
3060s break down these components I might
3062s actually we're going to take the
3064s Nanobots
3071s instead we're just going to sell this
3073s all right cool so nice clear space now
3077s going to activate this high-risk
3079s area all
3083s right much better uh what else is
3085s floating repairs we still haven't maxed
3088s that out that's funny we need more iron
3091s and then startup
3093s delays we also haven't upgrade our
3095s storage size yet because we haven't gone
3097s into hoarding mode which happens when
3099s you hit Level
3100s 30 um and haven't been purchasing new
3104s ships so all
3112s right next location making progress I
3116s want to see if I can get through the
3117s Drake Explorer challenge at least cuz
3120s we're probably not going to 100% all the
3122s locations in Drake as much as that would
3125s be incredible it's just just it's not
3128s really possible uh items overheated for
3131s every oh gosh that one sucks and enemies
3135s deal area damage upon death okay that
3137s could be useful
3139s um let's go for the
3141s high-risk first and then we'll see about
3144s another location
3146s challenge plasma is dropped from
3148s destroying
3150s um
3152s uh engineered items so like turrets
3155s mechanical Parts stuff like that so like
3157s if you're assaulting a base and
3159s destroying the pieces of it you're going
3161s to see plasma
3172s drop all right see how this goes
3182s so far not so
3196s well oh you are too close please don't
3198s hurt me when you explode ow that was
3201s very pain
3210s hang on hang on a second let's
3212s just slow things down a little
3232s bit no I did the cruise missile again
3236s ouch
3237s oh that pain ow that was
3247s pain I didn't even learn my lesson look
3249s at that I'm just I'm doing it
3261s anyway this is going to be hot
3269s didn't
3269s even hit them very well
3273s ah okay all right all right you would be
3276s great right now as an
3278s ultimate the one time that I want to use
3281s it I don't have
3292s it all right let's just go through them
3323s let's get really aggressive here
3329s just hit the all thank you
3366s I almost need like
3367s a flat
3371s Cannon pigeon stairs just not quite
3375s uh on target for how much I'm flailing
3378s about faffing about start what the term
3381s would be
3396s oh can't
3408s be I feel like we've got a pretty decent
3412s balance at least the pacing of this
3415s battle but man it is taking a very long
3418s time to break these guys
3423s down oh I hit him that's what I intended
3426s to do but I didn't get out in time
3431s a all
3433s right ouch it was all going so well it
3438s was actually like the p i i i had a
3440s rhythm going it was going pretty well
3443s but I got a little bit cheeky with that
3445s uh that cruise missile I thought oh I
3447s can take out the bomber and I'll take a
3449s little bit of damage no the cruise
3450s missiles do so much
3453s damage let uh let's do it
3458s again let's do it
3462s again let's start with the bomber this
3474s time just a quick AF here for me for 2
3477s minutes and I be there all
3483s right my
3497s goodness we are going to try to line up
3499s all of those enemies in the
3503s back so that's why we're holding off and
3506s pressing the G key this this is this is
3508s a fine time as
3516s any oh yeah oh that was beautiful that
3520s was a good one that was a good
3525s one let's isolate this guy where did he
3530s go he did not go flying as far as I
3532s thought he was going to that's fine
3546s okay okay all
3557s right really want that sustained damage
3560s they keep moving around
3575s thanks I guess I should be thankful that
3577s I haven't just like randomly run into a
3580s piece of
3583s debris I'm playing wrong I'm not in
3586s first person and I'm my inertia dampers
3588s aren't disabled that's fair it's a good
3592s point you guys
3598s Oh I thought I had my Al ready I did
3600s not come on give me my Al give me my ALT
3604s nope not
3608s yet close enough to hit come
3622s on that'll give us a lot of Health back
3624s that's good
3647s ow ow ow ow ow
3661s all right okay this is a good position
3663s here we
3670s go come on give it to me
3685s please all too far away all
3702s right I let it go too far maybe we can
3705s get a couple there we go that
3711s good ah ah no no no not ready
3720s hands are
3721s sweaty all
3739s right too far too
3742s far oh they're all spread out now
3749s accidentally launched a cruise missile
3750s that was on
3755s accident though that isn't that might
3759s actually be
3762s effective just kidding
3792s o so if you couldn't tell I really like
3795s this um I really like this sort
3798s of build where all the enemies start
3802s just coming towards me in a more
3804s centralized location where I hit them
3807s with a bunch of like status effects
3809s basically and uh oh
3814s gosh and then when the timing is Right
3816s which it's not right
3818s now I basically zip in towards them hit
3821s them with an EMP and kind of reset the
3824s whole
3827s system like
3833s that I think I need some better means to
3836s regenerate my uh Ark
3840s 9000 I don't think we've got enough alt
3854s generation that's not
3861s good let's go right there see if we can
3865s hit the asteroid and maybe hit a bunch
3867s of
3869s them hey we got a
3874s couple I don't want to try that again at
3876s the
3885s moment gosh I love that figure of eight
3888s makes that a lot of stinking fun
3912s drones there we
3915s go all
3924s right chill and watch the master
3931s work need proper alignment here this is
3934s not this is not good we want them all in
3936s the same spot let's come over here and
3938s chill behind this incredibly tiny
3943s asteroid really little punk drone there
3946s we go excellent let's just check up on
3949s uh
3950s chat you don't think you'd last this
3952s long in a bomber okay all right
3956s don't talk fly that's
3959s probably going bowling with an ar9
3962s that's
3969s right oh that was
3980s cool that's not
3984s cool oo
3987s we're getting pretty close to the boss
3988s spawn gosh I hope that he's not just
3990s like
3995s ridiculously bullet sponge
3997s heavy I don't think that I don't think
3999s zuras
4001s are it's just a matter of focusing him
4003s and dropping him down I think we'll be
4006s okay so long as I don't do a dumb and
4007s fire cruise missile Point
4011s Blank I heard you laugh Gary
4014s you no like you never done that before
4017s of flown into a space station that you
4019s know you were admiring your damage ship
4021s and straight into it and
4023s exploded touche
4030s touche all right here we
4034s go let's just let's just get the dumb
4037s shot out of the way so we don't make it
4039s dumb anywhere else
4047s oh my
4055s gosh drones please get the drones
4058s pleas
4063s ow that's too close
4095s no this is rough I haven't even like
4097s started attacking the main
4100s guy that's going to change right here
4106s come
4108s on too close no we're good we're
4117s good break dang
4133s it okay okay progress
4144s ow ow ow
4149s ow get off of
4154s me come on come
4157s on come
4160s on let's do this
4171s remain never thought about doing one of
4173s those runs without a
4177s shield not at this
4194s moment a
4197s well play
4201s well I was unnecessarily lengthy and
4204s painful yeah probably definitely uh need
4207s to optimize my build a bit further there
4209s uh I might actually swap out the cruise
4213s missile for another set of Mines I need
4215s more Splash damage and I think also a
4218s flat Cannon would be really good on this
4221s build but uh I digress we get another
4225s scatter gun oh my goodness all right
4227s optimize cargo
4230s units tuned energy
4233s core I really need boost though I don't
4235s want to swap out my
4242s Boost uh we have a superior signal
4245s decoder mines on death jars sensors and
4246s strength and death oh gosh that's not
4249s that's not going to happen right now so
4251s yeah we're going to go we're going to go
4252s do another location challenge
4257s oh my
4260s gosh really is the easier of the two
4263s gang war factions yeah I mean I actually
4266s am inclined to agree with that statement
4268s um it's it's just that it's um you
4273s know they're much they're much more
4275s durable right whereas you're really uh
4278s like they can they can hit you so hard
4281s so fast that it tends to feel a little
4284s bit um
4286s like they're they're like almost they
4287s have too much
4294s damage zeria drones are big yikes yeah
4298s those are those are pesky little guys
4300s but they you can drop them pretty
4303s fast zilia HRS are
4310s tough did you have something to to
4312s comment on Gary I'll bring you up on the
4313s stream it was just a comment about you
4315s know know you can drop the zuril drones
4318s drones quite quick and I was thinking
4319s yeah just let your
4321s Shield thank you for that I really
4323s appreciate it did we have any questions
4325s that we wanted to answer I do yeah
4328s excellent um right first up we have a
4331s question from Mark one ronning over on
4334s YouTube and uh they were just wondering
4336s does the team thought of adding in a
4337s companion who allows for better trading
4340s of goods perhaps I think it's probably
4341s along the lines of maybe a bar system um
4344s the closest you're going to get to that
4345s that is a terine perk um where he allows
4349s you to sell
4351s resources um otherwise the trading and
4354s bartering system is a little bit more
4356s locked in place not something that we
4357s want to be adjusted um there's already
4359s some very powerful trade routes in the
4362s game um you just kind of have to figure
4365s them
4367s out um cuz they're sincerely like you
4369s can make some pretty good credits in the
4371s early game um just by buying a couple of
4374s things in cedo and selling them Union
4376s for
4376s example
4379s um but once you get
4383s the Fast Travel Systems in place
4392s uh-oh I like how Gary's uh just hanging
4395s out while I'm getting completely crushed
4396s here but once you get the fast travel
4398s system in place there's actually some
4400s pretty nice trade routes uh and they
4403s don't even take super crazy long so but
4406s yeah uh what else we got what other
4408s questions uh you might want to stay on
4411s this pause screen for a while cuz I've
4412s got my other four question perfect
4415s question from papy over on YouTube um
4419s kind of leading on from your issues of
4421s trying to get that big ship through that
4422s Gap just wondering does Wing selection
4425s affect your ship ship size maybe a
4427s different Wing type is less of an issue
4429s for the bomber um so it does and we've
4432s had we've had a tiny
4436s very tiny portion of the player base um
4439s that really cares about the hitbox of
4442s the players ship on that front um cuz it
4445s can affect like very Niche situations in
4450s the game to so like to optimize your
4453s ship if you're in a bomber it is
4455s technically better to change to tier one
4457s wings and a tier four
4460s ship it's you know it is what it is hit
4463s boxes are what they are we are are
4465s really happy with the results of
4467s everything and yeah there are some funny
4469s situations like the box that I got into
4471s earlier but um rest assured um if you
4475s are so long as you're not like super
4479s crazy have to minmax every single minor
4482s thing possible in the game uh it's not
4485s going to matter like the the difference
4487s between um the tier one to tier four
4491s wings um it's not substantial enough to
4494s really be something something to get too
4497s Fed Up by if you will but uh I digress
4501s so what else we got what other questions
4504s uh question from Wizard Jerry uh
4506s speaking in YouTube uh how often do
4508s items in the shop restock not the ship
4511s dealer was it 10 minutes or something
4513s you just can't
4514s remember um it's either 10 minutes or 20
4517s minutes um I want to say 10 minutes but
4521s I'd have to double check and I don't
4522s actually have that data available for me
4524s to pull up right now right now
4526s um unless we have uh a team member who's
4528s oh whoops sorry I didn't mean to kill
4529s the music unless we have a team member
4531s that's lurking in the Stream to answer
4533s that directly um I can't I I can't uh
4537s say if it's either 10 or
4539s 20 but it's but it's one of the two of
4544s those it's one of the two of those uh
4547s the music is going to awkwardly turn off
4548s for in just a second because I am I
4550s wanted to just check and see if nope
4552s okay never mind nope but uh yeah it's a
4557s it's a fairly short duration um so if
4559s you are trying to like optimize trade
4561s routes and sell all the things yeah
4563s there's a little bit of a buffer there
4564s so you do have to actually wait
4567s um but yeah it's not it's not anything
4570s crazy so what else we
4572s got um good guy uh Goku over on Twitch
4575s is just wondering um slightly
4577s sarcastically But Eric how would you
4579s explain in the law the death that you
4582s just
4584s experienced oh my
4586s gosh sir we're going to have a chat
4591s but oh that's good that's good all right
4594s um the the death uh from a lore
4597s standpoint well actually that one's that
4599s one's easy that that was actually a
4600s really easy question to answer I know
4602s you're being cheeky I know you want me
4603s to be like really crazy ridiculous but
4606s because we just have to load our save it
4608s means it never happened so here we go
4611s jokes on you h ah but uh yeah there you
4615s go otherwise if it was everspace one
4618s though sincerely if it was everspace one
4620s every single death is canical um because
4624s every single time that you play in
4626s everspace one you are actually a clone
4629s pilot that attempts to get out of the
4633s DMZ and uh usually
4636s fails so
4640s yeah that was quite uh short and sweet
4642s answer for response fell asleep probably
4645s the shortest one I I have had for good
4647s guy
4650s Goku uh switching back to YouTube we've
4653s got question from Wizard Jerry again uh
4655s do enemies in incursions have more hit
4658s points than the hit CH R assuming under
4660s the same difficulty and same
4663s enemy um so the difficulty does
4667s affect
4669s um High okay it's going to
4673s be the riffs are not affected by the
4676s difficulty at all the rift's difficulty
4679s is all dependent on what lunacy you
4681s choose when you go to high-risk areas or
4684s incursions the difficulty of the game is
4687s applicable so even though there's like
4690s the difference between you know a common
4692s signal decoder and a superior one uh
4694s with the number of enemies and the
4695s number of mutators um they will still be
4698s affected by whatever difficulty you have
4700s on top of that okay um and that is also
4704s very much applicable to like basically
4706s the rest of the game like every single
4707s Mission side mission um every single
4710s location that you're exploring every
4711s single everything um it's all going to
4715s be adjusted based on the difficulty that
4717s you have selected so here in Nightmare
4720s um things are more challenging uh in a
4723s space where you know other people might
4725s just scoff at um but when you go over to
4728s the Rifts specifically that all goes out
4731s the window you can do a rift at lunacy
4734s 2000 um and put it on very easy the
4738s game's like nah I see what you're doing
4740s but we're not going to allow that when
4741s you do a lunacy 2000 it's more like
4744s you're going Beyond nightmare um as far
4747s as how everything's getting adjusted
4749s that's the only exception to the rule
4752s everything else is adjusted by the
4754s difficulty that you choose
4756s so very good very good what else do we
4759s got um just a followup actually from Etc
4763s D um over on twitch um they've already
4767s obtained the Crimson Sun legendry um is
4770s there a way that they can actually
4772s obtain it again is it going to be
4773s droppable in a rift in the future
4777s or yes yeah so we have three specific
4781s legendary items that drop from three
4783s specific Mission chains there are later
4785s missions Mission chains um but those are
4789s there so that you can get something a
4792s little bit earlier than not um and the
4794s pigeon St is a really good one on that
4796s one the other uh another one that I
4798s think is a really good one to get
4799s earlier is called casel's protection um
4802s it's a shield that creates two illusory
4804s forms for you um and it's uh like it's
4808s very good just pulling damage off of you
4811s um for the duration that you have it um
4814s but uh yeah I digress you can absolutely
4817s get those legendary items in riffs later
4820s um you can uh you can get them from uh
4823s any anywhere
4825s uh if you are playing in nightmare mode
4827s and then you can also get uh legendary
4830s drops from
4833s incursions if you're
4836s playing is it hard and Nightmare I think
4839s it's I think hard and Nightmare can
4840s actually
4842s drop no nightmare nightmare drops
4845s legendaries and the riffs if you're
4847s doing the tier
4851s three I have to look this up dang it
4856s cuz we we added we added more legendary
4859s drops to occur whenever we um added the
4862s incursions update um and we did this
4864s because we didn't want them to be only
4867s available through the riffs so nightmare
4870s mode was the only way to do it prior to
4871s incursions but now you can actually get
4873s legendary equipment um outside of that
4878s um but you can doctor your means to
4882s acquire legendaries by getting
4883s reliquaries from the
4887s incursions high-risk areas have a chance
4889s to drop legendaries even if you're not
4891s playing a
4892s nightmare so there you go but it has to
4894s be Superior or legendary um high-risk
4898s area there you go
4901s woo right last question for the time
4903s being uh back to YouTu from Oliver
4907s Milton keep sneaking at questions it's
4910s great uh are we ever going to be able to
4912s roll reliquary types like with tears of
4915s mad
4917s a uh there's not necessarily a plan to
4920s do that no so um that does sound kind of
4923s cool though if you think it does too you
4924s should definitely post that on a forum
4926s somewhere so that we can see it and
4927s respond to it and have other people have
4929s a discussion surrounding it so cool all
4932s right well that's the last one so Gary
4933s you're going to vanish see you later
4935s it's always a pleasure excellent and now
4938s we're going to try to not die to this
4939s guy I think we set ourselves up to
4942s success we uh repaired up man he he has
4945s taken like no damage oh poor ell I'm
4948s sorry ellic you're over there fighting
4950s away and I'm just like derping
4953s around byebye the yeah oh these aren't
4958s going to get to him he's running away
4959s from me what am I
4966s thinking
4968s ow yeah those things are going to be the
4970s death of me if I can't Dodge those then
4972s we're we're basically screwed all right
4980s um let's go over here
4987s first thanks for answering oh yeah no no
4990s it's it's great sorry for the imprecise
4992s first question it's fine no no no the
4994s the streams is a great place to have a
4996s discussion however specific pedantic or
5001s um you know Rough Around the Edges it
5003s could possibly be it's it's all good man
5006s really appreciate you coming in to ask
5008s your
5019s questions why do I feel really low on
5021s energy all of a
5023s sudden it's
5032s weird I mean I know these guys have more
5034s Health than zilia
5046s but oh no no no no no no no no no no no
5050s no yes it does believe
5059s me see if that hits why
5062s not a
5065s this will do the trick
5082s though all
5086s right we've cleaned up the outskirts a
5089s little bit now let's
5091s go max out our alts and then let's
5093s launch it into the base that might give
5095s us a pretty
5096s good upwards
5101s Advantage man maybe I need to take one
5104s for the weapons I just ah I've got
5106s teleporters and I've got energized boost
5108s so maybe this is the call maybe maybe I
5110s need to
5115s just we're going to try it we're we're
5117s going to see what
5119s happens not a good time to be uh you
5121s know experimenting but oh also shoot our
5124s recharge speed ouch
5130s okay oh yeah our boost is a lot less
5133s because of that oh
5148s jeez ow ow ow ow ow ow stop stop stop
5150s stop
5157s okay we're good we're
5163s good I just wanted my
5166s ALT give me my ALT thank
5176s you should probably get him off of me
5178s too
5190s okay we're going to wait for our Nano
5195s device so that we can max out all the
5211s Deets why did he fly away
5216s Ah that's so
5223s annoying oh this is going to be bad nope
5226s NOP no don't
5228s freeze that was actually really
5240s close who in the chat earlier said
5243s retaliators are e easier than Zia I want
5245s to know what your build was cuz I'm uh I
5249s mean granted I'm there's probably a
5251s number of things that I should be doing
5252s to oh no oh no I was frozen that whole
5256s time I was boosting though how was he so
5259s accurate in his
5261s shots playback the tapes how did he do
5266s that
5268s what what have any of you ever seen that
5271s every single every single shot landed
5274s when I was is
5276s boosting what I call
5279s Shenanigans who made this game what in
5282s the world I've never seen that before
5287s legitimately 38 deaths now thank thank
5291s you thank you for just sympathizing with
5294s me very much so appreciated
5298s geez just blaming on the retaliators
5300s yeah that's what I'm doing that's I
5302s thought that was that's
5305s all right here let's try this
5309s again let's try to let's see let's have
5314s him not
5315s move that would be
5324s great okay we actually got his Shields
5326s down is that
5328s you and
5331s only all right this this is actually why
5334s is this
5335s this is
5342s what that was so
5348s easy
5352s first what
5357s happened H Christian are you there did
5359s you like hot fix the game between me re
5363s reloading is that I like destroyed
5365s everyone oh perfect that was
5368s crazy that was
5370s ridiculous one Arc 9000 shot eliminated
5373s the base knocked him what seemed to be
5375s kind of like all over the
5380s place all right I'll take it l op
5405s oh oh ow ow ow ow no no no no no no
5412s no cool common collector that's that's
5414s the nature of this game everything's
5416s fine I was fine you were fine I was fine
5418s we're all fine no we
5420s do everything's fine Alec oh Alec I'm so
5424s sorry oh
5425s jeez good thing he's got some
5435s Nanobots did the did the
5437s hit did
5439s the did I do the thing that I was trying
5442s to do did it
5444s happen it happened I got him all bundled
5447s up and then I hit him with a cruise
5448s missile oh man it would have been really
5450s cool to have seen that
5452s happen okay now now I'm now I'm just
5455s like causing enemies to fight me all
5456s right we got the location challenge done
5458s let's do one more location challenge at
5459s least one more location
5461s Challenge and then we'll transition into
5464s maybe a race oh my goodness not getting
5467s hit ever is a great strategy oh that's
5469s why I love light
5472s Fighters oh I wish that uh I wish that
5476s that's where I could go and do uh right
5479s now but alas we are stuck here with this
5482s vessel uh I can't remember the location
5484s challenge there so I think we're going
5485s to go over here to the uh the offbrand
5490s Coalition
5497s base going to do the bomber race
5499s properly I'm going to try I think that's
5500s the plan I'll give it a go why not it's
5504s fun we're here to have fun right we're
5506s here to answer
5508s questions we're here to have a good time
5511s to top off the week
5514s it'll be
5520s wonderful
5523s excellent that was some offscreen mambo
5526s jumbo yeah I
5528s agree ah I wish I I wish I would
5531s have just watched it happen that's you
5534s know but still it took out like what
5536s four was it four Fighters that were
5538s there and one was an elite and he had
5540s just like a sliver of Health left that
5542s was pretty cool
5545s here to answer questions and race
5547s bombers and we're all out of
5550s questions I really want to get this
5552s location challenge done I'm pretty sure
5553s this one's the yeah it's the
5557s okay pretty sure we can do this one
5559s relatively quickly so long as we
5563s don't okay maybe we'll
5567s leave
5569s jeez really a going
5572s ham wonder where these leaks came from
5575s it doesn't make any sense
5584s wow all right so long as they're busy
5586s with Coalition everything's
5592s fine oh whoops that's that that's over
5595s to to them just kidding don't want to
5598s come over to
5601s you ow
5614s thank
5617s you ow excuse me I'm not fighting you
5621s they are yes thank
5624s you
5627s ouch stop it stop it
5640s it's tempting but I I want the
5641s Freelancers to remain on my side all
5644s right so that's only three wait a second
5647s oh there's a
5654s okay move
5666s isn't there two on this
5669s one no just one
5677s okay isn't there one on one of these
5681s things am I thinking of a different
5683s location do you remember
5686s Gary
5688s no well at least you're honest ah there
5691s it is
5698s see I'm not completely crazy guys only
5702s partially it's like the nice balance of
5704s just enough
5715s crazy um I don't think this is for
5719s repair I think this is just for this but
5720s we're going to destroy it anyway
5723s generator yep yep yep
5725s two more and then we'll get to a
5735s race any more down here excuse me I'm
5739s not here to fight I'm here to repair
5741s things stop blowing holes in my
5745s ship here we
5747s go just one left no big deal
5760s ow ow
5776s ow okay all right just one
5780s more is it in here is it I don't think
5784s it
5785s is oh it is who am I
5788s kidding all right location challenge
5796s complete a main Tri component I could
5798s always do with these all right cool cool
5801s excellent and a new engine color to boot
5804s that's always fun that's always
5806s fun so let's head on over to lar oh wait
5811s no we can't do that yet because we still
5813s have to
5814s we still have the we still have the
5816s high-risk area we have to do one more
5817s high-risk area that's going to take too
5818s long cuz the last one took 37 years so
5823s uh yeah I think we're just going to try
5825s out a race I think that's the next thing
5827s we got to
5828s do um could probably stop by a shop
5833s first that's fine we don't want to we
5835s don't want to waste time so let's see
5837s what race do we want to do that's the
5840s question now what race do we want to do
5844s we have lots of options here folks we
5846s have three
5850s platinums um high
5853s voltage high voltage without iner
5855s dampeners could be hilarious um I don't
5858s want to do krytus Bow again I want to do
5860s something else I you guys focused on the
5865s Drake ones we could do letho starport
5867s that could be interesting that could be
5869s really challenging oh man okay so so
5873s let's do leth starport but this is one
5876s of those races where guys this is there
5878s is active participation from you all
5881s active participation I'm going to do
5883s this but you all have to submit your
5885s attempts to do this as well okay I want
5887s to see this letho starport this is going
5890s to be this is going to be really
5892s good this is going to be really really
5895s bad but
5897s good so also I think I need to uh I
5900s think I need to add uh my
5905s uh inertia dampeners yeah cuz I Unbound
5909s them there we go wait wait wait no
5915s apply there we go much
5928s better all right letho starport race
5930s challenge here we go so uh for those of
5933s you who are not not familiar with this
5935s challenge the way that it goes is that
5938s one must be in first person view have
5941s their inertia dampeners off and be in a
5943s heavy
5946s ship so I've met all the requirements
5948s leth uh oh well that's uhoh we're
5951s already
5955s struggling all right well if that ain't
5958s a preview of what's to come I don't know
5960s what is so all right here we go uh next
5964s up my
5966s death these don't count if I do die by
5969s the
5971s way I
5973s think all right so let's see our fastest
5977s time we are we have two minutes to
5979s achieve bronze that's that's our goal
5982s that there's no way we're getting that
5984s silver so all right here we go here we
5987s go race challenge course Carnage
6001s bit of a slippery start but I'll take
6010s it oh no I forgot about the tunnel it's
6013s going to throw me forward oh
6022s no suround like this
6032s oh oh ow oh the pain how do we how do we
6037s do
6039s that oh
6044s no need some fusion hook
6046s Shenanigans Kaz oh my God freaking Kaza
6051s freaking oh yeah no it's going to be
6053s you're totally fine just use the fusion
6055s hook as that it'll fix
6058s everything oh my goodness
6065s freaking all
6067s right you people in your
6073s suggestions oh my goodness gravy what am
6076s I doing with my
6080s life let's reset this get ourselves
6084s Master Fusion
6085s hook one additional charge you know cuz
6089s cuz why not we'll have to use it
6090s multiple
6094s times all right let's go
6099s repair got some issues uh in the vessel
6102s you
6105s probably tell probably a little bit more
6107s from me woo all right
6114s we'll do we're going to do one more
6117s attempt who am I kidding we're probably
6118s going to do it a couple more
6121s times all right nice and cleaned up just
6124s the way we like it you know I haven't
6126s been collecting like any ship modules I
6129s want to change my ship engine uh cuz I
6132s love the new engines that we've created
6134s honestly uh for the Heavies like they
6136s are so freaking cool
6139s looking but uh
6141s alas have not uh have not acquired them
6148s uh we had that this whole time what holy
6152s cow Firepower and utility and increased
6155s EMP duration and all the stats are just
6158s straight better what when did we get
6160s that how long have we how long have we
6163s had that oh my
6167s gosh this game is trolling me H all
6171s right let's see Nano fibers good
6175s cell um that's all we're going to do for
6177s now because we want to get back into the
6178s race
6180s jeez I don't see how Fusion Hook is
6182s going to help papy that's the thing it
6184s has to be used
6187s expertly and for all of you fine folks
6189s of home you're in luck because I happen
6191s to be garbage so this should be
6197s hilarious but I I will show you where's
6199s the freaking race I've lost the race I
6202s can't find it
6205s I thought it was right here am I am I
6209s crazy I'm going
6216s crazy did the race vanish oh it's right
6219s here dang it I was kind of secretly
6221s hoping that there was a bug and it just
6224s vanished well it's not here anymore I
6226s guess we have to move on oh my
6229s goodness that was the end of the race no
6231s no no the end of the race goes below
6232s doesn't it
6234s all right so inertia dampener off first
6242s person trying to get freaking bronze
6244s here we
6245s go
6248s ah ghost Fleet would be crazy hard to do
6251s that as well with the no uh inertia
6255s dampening
6259s agreed okay that wasn't too bad of a
6261s turn I'll take it
6271s just here we
6274s go let's just embrace
6280s it can I slow down
6290s no well at least we didn't run into the
6292s station
6294s all right we can just try again I also
6297s hit the wrong button I hit teleporter
6298s when I tried to use Fusion hook I don't
6300s know where I'm going to use Fusion hook
6301s kazah kazak hey kazak can you just real
6304s quick can you just do this expertly
6307s record it show me really quick so I can
6309s reproduce that on stream is that is that
6312s a problem that's fine right right
6315s kazah me just do that real quick the
6318s tunnel itself that's going to make me
6320s fly out faster
6326s oh my gosh now I see what you guys
6328s wanted you didn't want to help you
6330s wanted me to
6332s increase my death
6336s odds before you get out just hook the
6339s inside wall of the tunnel that that'll
6343s okay I'm going to try hello there I'm
6346s going to try to do this uh this this is
6347s going to be the last attempt
6351s guys jeez
6354s want to be entertained I mean if this
6356s ain't entertainment I don't know what is
6358s here we
6359s go going try and give this a little bit
6361s more speed though cuz I feel like this
6364s corner is
6365s not this corner is not too
6371s bad we're off to a rough start but we
6373s can make up
6374s ground not All Is Lost
6389s no it did
6390s oh
6402s gosh I might have missed
6413s one more
6416s time oh
6421s jeez did something hit the station
6424s somebody's like in the wreck room
6426s they're just like eating a sandwich on
6427s their lunch break and they're like man
6429s it's so boring out here and they look
6430s over at the window and this massive
6432s bomber no inertia just screaming forward
6435s with a fusion hook sucking towards them
6438s oh my
6442s gosh all right
6443s oh how did
6445s that no I'm going to I'm going to
6447s restart it I'm going to restart it guys
6449s I'm going to who whoa boost stop
6453s okay try this
6459s again with the infinite looking good
6464s against Maurice that was Maurice's
6470s fault it's always somebody's fault it's
6472s definitely not mind absolutely
6476s not all
6478s right okay
6481s yes okay okay
6486s cool
6488s okay freaking
6491s wings I still don't know how we're going
6494s to you know what we're going to I have
6496s an idea it's going to be really bad
6499s probably
6503s there we
6507s go no no no
6511s no yeah I don't I don't know if there's
6513s a way to do that oh my gosh I couldn't
6517s even get the hook out the hook would not
6519s come
6521s out I wonder if
6526s the okay I want to I want to try
6528s something I'm probably going to die but
6530s it's fine I'm going to I just want to
6532s this is for
6534s science I want to
6537s see if when we go through
6543s this all right inera damper's on all
6546s right let's see what happens if we turn
6553s around okay that could work
6561s uhoh I rck meat lethal stles
6568s again that just came by the
6572s way my
6574s gosh but it could theoretically work all
6578s right guys I'm going to take a quick
6580s break then we're going to get into
6581s screenshots if you any any of you want
6584s to try this challenge holy cow I would
6586s be mad impressed if you could just
6587s finish the race so don't go anywhere
6590s we're going to show off a couple of your
6592s beautiful screenshots answer some more
6593s of those looming questions uh here in
6595s just like one minute okay be right
6600s back oh my gosh
6633s all
6634s right well I don't know about you Gary
6636s but that was that was a lot of
6638s fun was good it's always entertaining
6640s once you're crashing into lethal star
6642s poop you do it every week at the current
6644s R uh basically basically yeah that's
6646s good stuff so uh but no worries uh we're
6649s we're out here we're just having a blast
6651s so let's uh answer some more of your
6652s guys questions as we cycle through some
6655s beautiful fan art from you all um and uh
6659s yeah it'll be it'll be solid this first
6660s screenshot by the way comes from BT
6663s uncore um I really like the way that
6665s they've designed their ship it's just
6667s it's so Sleek in this environment just
6669s it's so ominous I think it pairs really
6671s well together um but uh a delightful
6674s little screenshot thank you for the
6676s share uh what questions do we've got out
6678s there
6679s looming uh a couple of questions first
6682s up from kizor this is for both of us
6684s actually but I'll let you go first for
6686s the answer um he wants to know what are
6689s our favorite legendaries to
6692s use oh that's a really good question I
6695s mean honestly it kind of like depends on
6697s what I'm trying to accomplish because I
6699s I mean I sincerely really enjoy figure
6702s of eight um there's a lot of hilarious
6705s combinations you can do with it um some
6707s of them are a little bit harder to to to
6710s uh do than others but some are
6711s relatively easy um and as you could see
6714s even in the gameplay today um a big
6716s thing that I like to do is cluster up my
6718s opponents and then hit them all is with
6720s like crowd control uh granted I need to
6722s build out more crowd control damage on
6723s this build uh but I I have a lot of fun
6726s with that it's it's like group
6728s explosions like when you take out all
6730s your foes in one shot like that's really
6731s satisfying to me so I I really enjoy
6733s that um I also am a big fan of the um
6739s ritual Rockets um whenever you get the
6743s radiant version of them you can actually
6745s have up to 20 fire and uh gosh it's just
6749s it's just cool to watch it's not
6752s really super
6755s good but it's awesome like it looks
6757s really cool so um so yeah I like I I
6760s like the functional side I I really do
6763s like figure of eight just with how it
6764s kind of brings things together um
6766s literally and then I I also I'm a big
6769s fan of ritual and how it looks and how
6770s it feels um it's just it's a it's a
6773s satisfying legendary in my eyes um if I
6776s were to go and like min max my build
6779s however gosh I've gotten so much use out
6782s of um what's it called Crimson Sun
6785s Crimson Dawn I forget the name of it
6787s it's it's the flat we've been talking
6789s about flat cannons a lot today and how
6791s overpowered they they are or aren't but
6793s Crimson Sun actually deals a crap ton of
6796s damage if you can land your shots um but
6800s uh yeah what about you Gary what do you
6803s what are your I'm very very similar on
6805s that last one I think uh Crimson Sun
6808s definitely holds a special place in my
6809s heart because it was the first legendary
6811s I got in my first play through oh nice
6813s and uh just being able
6815s to you know fly whatever ship you're
6818s flying you got that attached and you're
6819s just literally deleting things left
6821s right and Center because of the AOE I
6823s thought that was fantastic but I think
6824s one of my favorites now is figure of
6827s eight I do love that effect how it just
6829s draws everything in and then there you
6832s go have have at you kind of thing it's
6835s uh it's just awesome I do like that I do
6837s like that so yeah they're probably my
6839s two we need we need to clip this segment
6842s where we're both giving praise to figure
6844s of eight put it in the Discord because
6846s I'm pretty sure the backer who created
6848s this is going to love our discuss he
6850s love that isn't yes that's great yeah I
6853s I also see some of you guys just chiming
6856s in with some of your favorite
6857s legendaries as well and that's pretty
6858s cool like I mean I see visions of Decay
6860s I think that one's a pretty a pretty
6862s easy one to choose um I I kind of think
6865s it's boring I think visions of Decay is
6868s kind of boring because like yeah it's
6869s powerful because you get all of these
6871s you know enemies but um but that's the
6875s one that spawns enemies right that's the
6877s you get kills and it creates allies
6880s right shoot I'm not confusing it with
6882s the with the one that increases your
6885s corrosion damage what's that one called
6888s crap it busts corrosion injector oh so
6890s I'm thinking of okay so visions of the K
6892s is the the buffing corrosion injector
6894s what's the one that gives you
6896s the oh my gosh now I'm getting the
6898s legendary is
6899s confused yeah visions of Decay is the
6902s corrosion okay that one that one
6904s actually is really good um but um shoot
6909s now what's the one that
6911s freaking it it creates allies whenever
6914s you get kills I'm yeah the carg I can't
6916s remember what what it's called um well
6918s as I'm brain farting here let's
6920s jum uh oh that's it thank you thank you
6923s oh goodness gravy um yeah there there's
6928s a lot of of really fun case usage of the
6931s legendaries and I mean I I have to give
6932s praise to the dev team for come up with
6935s some of the playful uh ways to go about
6938s your game playay um but uh yeah it's
6942s it's it's always fun to get a new
6944s legendary though it's it's very rare
6946s when you get a new legendary and you're
6948s like oh man I can't use this like
6951s there's almost always a case where you
6952s can um especially if you're building up
6956s to level 30 now if you're at level 30
6957s and you're grinding for legendaries that
6960s changes obviously but um but still the
6964s the enjoyment factor is like when you
6966s first acquire it as you're building up
6968s and it just yeah there's almost always a
6970s use case but I digress um this shot
6973s comes
6974s from
6976s martal maralin maralin maralin ho 40K I
6981s think um but uh I actually I love this
6984s shot um I legitimately looked at that
6987s and was like that seems like a
6988s federation Class Shuttle or something
6991s like that's that's a really cool
6992s stylization they've they've done on
6994s their gunship um very well executed and
6998s I think it pairs nicely with this orange
7001s toned backdrop uh like this cool ship
7004s flying into this warm beckoning desert
7009s mountain range thing super neat so love
7013s it uh what's another question that we
7015s have as I cycle through I'm going to
7016s cycle through a couple of Med beds shots
7019s when we start getting into the questions
7021s excellent uh got a question from
7023s mercenary over on Twitch um just
7025s wondering is there any law reason that
7027s we're not piloting some other the ship
7029s classes such as like the Corvette they
7031s just thinking it could be a cool idea
7033s for a mission for example uh yeah there
7036s there are technically there are lore
7038s reasons but I mean the the if we are
7040s getting really pedantic about it all
7041s it's gamification right like we had a
7044s vision at the very start of creating
7045s everspace 2 and that Vision was we are
7048s in a fighter so there's going to be dog
7050s fighting in space we want to max out our
7053s ship so there's kind of a power fantasy
7055s effect to that with level progression
7057s systems itemization all of that and
7059s that's all uh condensed into a way where
7061s you can go and explore nooks and
7063s crannies in these handcrafted
7065s environments if we were to suddenly go
7068s ah you know what let's also be able to
7070s Pilot a Corvette or you know a carrier
7073s you know whatever um that dramatically
7076s changes that initial vision and so we
7079s would be looking at reworking a lot of
7081s how the the levels were designed because
7084s every area is a level right we are
7086s looking at how we would have to
7087s fundamentally change uh the impact of
7090s the itemization as well we' also be
7092s looking at different tiers of the game
7094s almost like I'm going to give Titanfall
7096s as an example where you have your pilot
7098s versus your Mech gameplay both of them
7100s are distinctly different right I think
7102s we can all agree on that if we were to
7104s suddenly say oh yeah you can pilot a a
7106s cruiser this is now not just adding to
7110s the game this is a new game this is an
7113s alternate way to play the game that's
7115s going to need its own system it's going
7116s to need its own balance it's going to
7118s need its own everything to travel around
7120s that so the reason we focused here is
7123s because that was that core Vision we're
7125s in a fighter that's how you're playing
7126s the game whereas th this is another game
7129s you're this is another mode this is
7132s another extra like a huge addition right
7137s so when we say oh yeah you can't pilot
7139s Capital ships or anything it's not
7140s because you know of any other reason
7142s then it's not part of our vision but
7145s then when you're looking at the
7146s logistics of it and the development
7148s behind it it's not feasible like that
7151s we're we're talking at least nine months
7154s more of development just to to have an
7156s effective build let alone starting any
7158s type of balance for something like that
7160s so um and that it's just not the game
7162s that we have made here so woo that was a
7166s little bit of a big rant there but uh
7168s hopefully I'm being pretty thorough on
7170s this front you know talking about the
7171s gamification on it but from a lore
7173s standpoint from a lore standpoint um the
7176s Adam clone um all of his not knowledge
7178s all of his tutelage has mostly been
7181s infused from him from past memories as
7183s well as injected military clone pilot
7186s training so he doesn't know how to fly a
7189s cruiser he just knows how to fly these
7192s fighter vessels he doesn't have the
7194s training of anything else uh from that
7196s perspective he's quite literally a
7198s 2-year-old like literally he's a
7202s two-year-old that's how long he's been
7204s alive so so it's very alien to him um
7208s and uh not something that's very
7210s possible uh this this shot also comes
7212s from medbed both of these shots were
7213s from medbed uh just highlighting those
7215s as we're going on this rather expansive
7217s discussion uh just about large ships in
7220s the in the game so but there you go so
7224s what's a what's another question that we
7225s have for you all uh I haven't got
7228s anything at the moment but I think it's
7229s an interesting point which you touched
7231s on about Adam and his actual age because
7234s um how he interacts with people um is
7238s kind of immature in that sense so how he
7241s comes across with other people he's like
7243s you know he's not used to that kind of
7245s interaction for any length of time so I
7248s know we've had comments like he seems a
7249s bit awkward well yeah that's kind of
7250s intentional because of he's he's age in
7253s terms of in terms of maturity right so
7256s yeah yeah and because of that like he
7258s asks a lot of questions sometimes
7259s they're silly questions and sometimes
7261s like as he's seeking more information uh
7263s he can actually distract others um you
7265s know case in point whenever uh he brings
7269s uh the de deia the you know the doctor
7272s onto the ship um Dax is like uh we need
7276s to have this conversation about what's
7278s going on shows him that the there's a
7280s Frozen doctor he wants it off the
7282s station and then Adam like continues
7284s this conversation uh into like a
7286s completely different direction of
7288s talking about the next steps that they
7289s have to do in order to uh help his buddy
7292s right and Dax then goes on his sort of
7294s conversation about like okay well in
7296s order to get paid we have to do this
7297s thing and completely forgets that he
7300s should probably lock the freaking doors
7303s of where a cryogenically frozen doctor
7305s is on the base it's kind of Adam's fault
7307s for that because he's just talking right
7310s so um there's a there's a lot of things
7312s that we had to do a lot of thinking
7314s about pertaining to the story to how to
7316s connect it all um both from a standpoint
7319s of does this make sense for the
7320s characters but also from a standpoint of
7322s like we want to have at least you know
7324s an interesting plot right it's not very
7326s interesting if everyone does exactly
7328s what they're supposed to do and there's
7329s no conflict that's a pretty boring story
7332s so yeah we injected issues to transpire
7336s um so yeah there you go this shot comes
7340s from Morgan by the way uh this was this
7342s is a really fun shot um they basically
7346s maxed out the number of uh ancient
7348s crystals in a this
7351s field um it's crazy because honestly
7353s this shot almost looks like it's from
7354s everspace one but then you see the light
7356s show you're like nope those are
7358s redeemers those only exist in everspace
7360s 2 uh and it's all converging on it's
7363s hard to see but there's an enemy flying
7365s in there somewhere um and all of these
7368s turrets are firing at it and it just
7369s kind of looks cool so nice submission
7371s from Morgan
7374s very very good no DMZ lottery numbers
7376s this week oh I I just now realized I
7378s didn't update the Marquee wow I just now
7381s realized that guys geez wow ah well
7386s that's that's
7387s unfortunate we'll have to make up for
7389s that the the next time we
7391s stream but uh do we have another uh do
7394s we have another question that has snuck
7396s in while I show another shot from Morgan
7398s this very beautiful yeah we've got a
7399s couple of a couple of ones that we can
7400s probably squeeze in before the end um
7403s mark one roning over on YouTube was just
7405s want to know are there any more plans to
7407s add in more modules for the bigger ships
7409s presumably Ian I think he means the
7411s heavy ships uh so as far as plans come
7415s no there aren't any plans um there yeah
7420s there's there's been a lot of moving
7421s Parts with how development of Aerospace
7423s 2 has gone as you can probably imagine
7425s with us starting prior to covid um but
7428s we are really happy with the results of
7430s of how we've brought everything together
7431s through these free updates to max out
7434s more of this content that wasn't
7436s actually necessary to have but is just
7438s nice to have um so uh but no there's
7441s technically there's not uh there not any
7444s plans to to build any more out now I say
7448s that and also please keep in mind before
7450s the incursions update there also wasn't
7452s any plans to add more modules to the
7455s ships it wasn't until we had
7457s collectively decided internally to say
7459s you know what let's just do this and
7461s then we put it onto the um you know the
7464s development time table and timetable the
7467s timeline uh we shared it with you all
7469s you guys were pretty excited about
7470s getting new ship modules so it's like
7471s yeah this is probably the right call for
7473s this particular section of development
7475s we're really happy with the results of
7476s incursions um and yeah so now we're
7479s focused on other things and we'll keep
7481s you in the know of what those other
7482s things are as soon as we can this shot
7485s comes from alligator dude um he has he's
7489s got two shots that I chose uh just nice
7491s little playful shots of uh varied ships
7495s actually they might be the same ship now
7496s that I'm looking at it but uh regardless
7499s I think it's always nice to see these
7500s little uh supportive shots to see what
7503s your ships are looking like also I think
7505s it's hilarious that this looks like a
7507s just like a socket that you just shove a
7509s cord into there there that's I don't
7512s know why that in particular was
7514s something I felt stood out the shot but
7515s there you go um and then this is a
7517s frontward shot where he's got the uh
7521s illumination across the vessel and I
7524s love how you can see the pilot through
7525s the glass as well I think this shot I
7528s chose this one in particular because it
7530s gives you such a strong sense of the
7532s scale of the ship because you can see
7535s the body in the cockpit I mean this this
7537s is this is not a large vessel this is a
7541s small little thing uh but it's uh but it
7545s is what it is so so thanks alligator
7546s dude for those shots we have one more
7548s shot that I'm going to turn it over
7550s which is World wave and it's just chaos
7553s and uh you know sometimes you need a
7554s little bit of chaos maybe this is I
7555s needed a little bit more of this in my
7557s Endeavors today but uh there you go so
7560s Gary did you have one more question that
7562s I would be able to answer or possibly
7565s it's it's kind of a speculative one from
7567s Excel in terms of um another game Ace
7570s Combat 7 has a kind of specific mission
7572s where you have a massive enemy base and
7574s you got to destroy as much as possible
7576s within like 10 minutes would that kind
7578s of work within everspace as such um I
7582s mean I like the idea um I can tell you
7586s straight up that I myself in particular
7589s um pushed a lot of job ideas that were
7592s like hey what if we had a job that you
7594s had to complete this task in a certain
7595s amount of time and if you did it You'
7596s get like bonus credits blah blah blah um
7599s and uh a lot of these elements of
7603s timings the reason why it didn't really
7605s come together uh very well with our like
7608s the team standpoint like our overarching
7610s vision um having Rich combat is
7614s important to be fast-paced and very like
7616s you know detail oriented but then from
7618s an exploration side we want it you to be
7621s able to explore at your leisure we don't
7623s want there to be this immense amount of
7624s pressure coming down on you and when we
7628s had these conversations about like other
7630s sort of events that were timed in place
7633s it was like that's kind of it's almost
7636s imposing upon those details yes this is
7638s a combat challenge that you're raising
7640s here um and uh there are the time
7643s challenges like the endgame riffs but
7645s that's because it's the endgame
7646s challenge um so maybe there's a
7650s conversation that we could go into more
7652s expansive detail on that front but for
7653s the sake of uh wrapping things up for
7656s the stream it's not planned and it's not
7659s likely so uh it is I think it's a a
7662s pretty fun idea it's just not as
7665s cohesive to the uh overking vision of
7668s everspace 2 that we would like it to be
7670s which is why we haven't really done too
7672s much on that front to the game so all
7676s right that is all I've got um Gary did
7680s you have anything that you wanted to
7682s conclude with for the end of the stream
7685s end of the week uh just a couple of
7687s things obviously uh we have mentioned
7689s that we're going to have a small Indie
7691s booth at Gamescom so if you're looking
7692s to come and see us there then there's
7695s some of the team are going to be there
7696s so that's in um end of August what third
7699s week of August so yeah and just a
7701s reminder because I think we've both
7702s forgotten about this no stream in two
7704s weeks oh yeah myself and Eric are going
7708s to be on leave uh that week so
7710s unfortunately there's nobody here to to
7712s stream we we get Lee to do it but I
7714s don't think he's
7715s ke's go I don't see that happening so
7719s but yeah so yeah so guys uh go en enjoy
7722s the month I suppose and then we'll meet
7725s up with you then um we'll have uh
7728s streams to to chat and share and all of
7731s that you know fun stuff that we
7732s generally do uh but for now uh you guys
7735s have been awesome we have been Eric and
7737s Gary don't stop being awesome and we
7740s will see you in about four weeks because
7743s there's no stream in two toodles
7799s I was a little bit longer wait than
7801s normal but uh uh my computer is doing
7804s something so if the everything crashes
7806s uh that's the conclusion of the stream
7807s but otherwise uh yeah we're GNA have
7810s just a little bit of post stream fun I
7812s did turn Gary's face off because he
7814s wants to actually listen to it instead
7815s of have the delay uh so yeah that's
7818s that's going to be great um but yeah for
7821s for those of you who are uh have never
7823s been to the end show here I'm just a big
7825s dork and I like to pretend like I know
7827s how to beat box so yeah here we go
7830s otherwise have a great
7833s weekend need some
7845s water thro's kind of
7847s sore dork yeah you caught me
7879s da
7889s did
7919s the
7946s Ro
7978s that was
7980s fun all right guys have a wonderful
7983s weekend don't stop being awesome like I
7984s you just said and uh we'll have some
7987s Shenanigans very likely in the uh uh I
7990s guess Gary can Gary can come back uh G
7993s where's Gary Gary has appeared he's here
7996s um uh if uh we'll probably have some
7999s interactions with you and the Discord in
8002s particular will also be over on Reddit
8003s of course over on Steam forums all of
8005s that fun stuff so if you guys have
8006s thoughts if you guys want to have some
8008s Shenanigans and fun even though we're
8009s not having a stream in two weeks don't
8012s let that stop you all right we will be
8014s there ever present always watching and
8017s we can definitely have some fun all
8019s right so uh yeah take care and uh that's
8024s all I got I've said goodbye like 17
8026s times take care goodbye toodles all that
8028s fun stuff