10 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s foreign
25s is my squeaky chair getting picked up on
28s the mic
29s you guys know it's me
35s oh everybody's sneaking in we are
37s getting the stream details all prepped
42s a couple minutes to this couple
61s [Music]
64s laughs
92s thank you
98s hey Gary what do you what do you think
100s we should start with should we do
101s gameplay first should we do sets what do
104s you think what are you thinking
106s um
109s I know it's a tough question
111s God damn
115s um I can't play Let's tease it a little
117s bit later okay all right what I'm still
119s a little tease just don't tell anyone
122s okay yeah we won't communicate to that
125s to audience
148s man this thing really is squeaky you
150s guys aren't you guys aren't joking man I
152s gotta
160s [Music]
216s oh man this stream's gonna start with
218s some controversial stuff based on this
220s chat
223s oh my goodness
234s hold on hold on we gotta actually yeah
236s we're gonna start we're gonna start
237s slightly early
239s we'll start slightly early
241s let's get over here hello welcome ladies
243s and gentlemen it's the official Rockfish
245s game stream I'm your host Eric sure here
248s the community Ambassador for Rockfish
250s games I'm joined by Gary geek bites on
253s the line hello perfect wonderful I'm
257s telling everybody I gotta fix my squeaky
259s chair and you're all recommending WD-40
263s oh
265s that's no you don't use WD-40 for
267s squeaky chairs folks that's that's a
269s Surefire later ruin ruin one actually
275s now you know what not the secret is it's
277s coconut oil
279s coconut oil what yeah there you go
282s there's your random tip of the day
286s otherwise we're gonna be diving into
288s some everspace 2 action we have some set
291s items that we have been cooking up
294s behind the scenes you all know this
296s we've been talking about it it was in
297s the thumbnails and the title of the
299s video all of that stuff has been more
301s than transparent what you may not know
305s is how many set items we will be showing
307s there are four
309s four new set items that I will be
311s showing today there are many more
315s that are in the works I'm not going to
317s tell you the exact numbers
319s but we are going to have this first look
322s what we're cooking up
324s this will all be included in a future
326s free update
328s all of the stuff that you're going to
329s see today is not locked behind a paywall
332s all of this will be available to you in
336s the future at no cost just for existing
339s and having purchased our game this will
341s be made available to you that's right
344s that's right so I actually want to start
347s with one set item we're going to start
348s with the set item then we're gonna get
350s into game play and then we're gonna like
351s cycle back and we're gonna we're gonna
353s like do we're gonna scatter them
355s throughout that's what we're gonna do so
357s um so yeah so everyone's kind of like
360s sit back we're gonna have some fun it's
361s gonna be good all right
363s everything's gonna be lovely and uh
366s let's talk let's talk about some things
367s let's talk about some things
370s so the very first one that I want to
372s show you is one that we had actually uh
376s teased two weeks ago
379s and for those of you who caught it it is
382s called the autonomous set oh well that's
385s a different one I guess we can talk
387s about Stormfront
391s perfect excellent timing uh well no
395s we're still going to focus on autonomous
397s so uh yeah
398s here we have the autonomous Set uh we
401s have repair Bay which is a cargo unit
404s this thing will repair a damaged item
407s every 90 seconds this is its automatic
409s trait you don't need to do anything else
411s it just does that so if you've ever been
415s in the heat of battle something goes
416s wrong and your weapon gets broken and
419s you're just like dang it this is really
421s frustrating because I've got like a
422s minute longer in this job or in this
425s battle sequence or whatever it is and
427s it's like painful repair Bay is here to
430s heal the entire focus of the autonomous
432s set is to repair and this one
436s plays directly into that the repair a
438s damage item every 90 seconds again is a
440s complete unique trait for the item
442s itself
443s but then you also have it set item
446s benefits let's talk about the other
448s pieces to this set and then we'll get
450s into how it all works
453s next up we have adaptive plating
457s and you might be looking at this going
459s wait a second it doesn't say how much
461s percentage it repairs per kill that's
463s because it doesn't
465s it doesn't at all instead it has less
468s armor
469s but while at least 15 percent or more of
473s your armor is active that means like at
474s about this point where my mouse cursor
476s is at it so long as you have like this
478s but actually a little bit higher this
479s much armor or after it's gonna
482s automatically repair
485s okay
487s um and by automatically I mean you have
489s to fire your weapon but every time you
491s hit a Target it will repair
494s 0.25 damage on hit now some of you might
498s be thinking wow that's such a tiny
499s number but then there's some veteran
502s Gamers out there and I know you've
503s already been like rolling the stats in
505s your head and you're thinking wow that's
506s actually really powerful because it is
508s you have like a eight percent repair per
511s kill versus a 0.25 repair per hit with a
515s weapon that hits a lot like say I don't
518s know a decimator for example that one
521s would be a pretty good one there's even
523s better ones out there
525s you're going to see a rather Rapid
527s Repair of your armor
530s um just through that proc effect
533s just through that proc effect
537s all right
539s next up we and finally for the uh
543s autonomous set
544s we have the Genesis barrier
548s the Genesis
550s barrier
551s this Shield also isn't doesn't it
554s doesn't have the capacity that you're
556s probably looking for from a shield it's
558s not it's not anything crazy special
560s however what it lacks in its capacity it
564s more than makes up for and
566s sustainability in particular
569s when you have 8.6 seconds of your
571s shutdown duration if you have managed to
573s evade and extract yourself from the
577s combat and your Shield starts to tick
579s back up it's not going to just start
581s regenerating it just goes whoop and it's
583s back completely fully restoring itself
587s after being shut down
590s so again while it doesn't have that best
593s capacity
595s it comes back much faster than any other
599s Shields that you can have in Your
601s Arsenal
603s so now let's talk a little bit more
605s about the set bonuses themselves
610s let's talk about the set bonus of the
612s autonomous set itself
618s when you have two of The Shield plating
622s or cargo unit
624s attached to your ship
627s you will then gain
629s Auto Armor regeneration
635s it's honestly that simple you have two
637s of them your armor automatically
639s restores itself so just looking at this
642s adaptive plating that means
645s that if you have less than 15 armor and
648s you're no longer gaining that repair per
650s hit it's okay
652s because after at most 15 seconds time
656s you're gonna regain that ability you're
657s going to be able to start doing that
659s again because it's always going to be
660s coming back
662s uh so long as your Shields are full of
664s course
665s that's the caveat that's the caveat your
668s Shields must be full for it to start
669s coming back
670s and when you have all three of those
674s when you have all three of those
676s now your hole will also regenerate at
679s three percent per second
681s so long as both your Shields and armor
684s are full
685s so what this means is so long as you're
688s effectively out of combat you can
690s restore your entire ship without without
693s nothing really other than a little bit
696s of time that's it that's all it's going
698s to take and if you're evasive enough in
701s combat and you are taking care of
703s yourself you're gonna find your Armor's
706s gonna be coming back to you you're going
708s to find that your whole any sort of
709s amounts of damage that you've taken
710s there it's going to be coming back to
712s you going to give you that much more
714s survivability especially when you think
717s about how after a shutdown duration The
719s Shield fully gets replenished then if
721s your Shield's fully replenished you
723s start immediately gaming armor back the
725s combinations are rather nice
728s so let's dive into this through a little
731s example
737s uh I mean we could we could probably do
740s like a rift at sort of a lower lunacy
743s and you can kind of see where it goes
744s actually yeah let's do that
746s let's do that
749s we'll do
751s we'll do like a 200 well maybe a 100 so
755s you can I can take some damage without
757s instantly dying in a Vanguard
764s sound like your ship's made of aluminum
768s nailed it
769s I see that's nice hope it's not
771s sacrificing stats in a way it is
773s sacrificing stocks right because like we
775s can't have the maximum shield and the
778s Maximum Armor to gain these effects no
779s no you are sacrificing that total shield
782s and armor that you could otherwise have
785s but because you're sacrificing those
788s totals
791s you're now able
794s to always
796s here I'm gonna intentionally take damage
798s to where my Shields go down
803s you can already see my Shields came back
805s up from the shield shut down the race
809s all right but you can see that my armor
812s is not regenerating here
815s but after taking just a couple shots at
817s this Elite GB fighter what armor missing
819s are you talking about
821s I have no idea what you're referring to
823s everything's fine
825s everything's perfectly normal
832s no problems whatsoever
836s no problems whatsoever and you can see
838s very clearly
841s that our survivability has very much
844s increased
845s very much increased
847s like again we just took a bunch of
850s damage
851s we're gonna get away we're gonna let the
854s slow recharge of the shields kind of
855s take its course
861s boom done and now the arm is coming back
865s this is a nice
867s quick little demonstration
870s of a rather
872s supportive amount of durability in the
876s autonomous set
880s so we will get into a little bit more
882s sets like the other one that started
885s with being hovered over at the very
886s start but now what I want to do is I
888s want to dive back into our traditional
892s nightmare mode of difficulty we got
894s three sets to go but I want you to think
896s about the autonomous set and how you
898s guys could utilize it there are a number
900s of questions that I'm already seeing
901s sort of like generating and I love it I
904s already love it so thank you for that
907s keep those questions coming
909s and uh actually let's just start
911s answering some of the questions for the
913s autonomous set already so I'm gonna get
915s into gameplay here but if you've got
917s specific questions about autonomous set
918s and like their interactions with others
920s especially uh Gary I think I saw a
922s couple of those uh go ahead and shoot
924s those to me right now
926s all right first one regarding the
928s autonomous set was from Fred Speck vet
930s over on YouTube and he's asking does the
933s Adaptive plating scale with weapon speed
936s or does it scale accordingly like more
939s repair per hit or slower weapons so we
943s had a nice little chat internally and we
945s do have it intentionally better
948s for fire rate heavy weapons so if you
952s are just shooting a railgun for example
954s that single hit is going to be a single
958s 0.25 percent
960s recovery
962s if you are firing lots and lots and lots
964s and lots and lots of weapons uh oh I
966s can't hover over it um if if you're
969s firing lots and lots and lots and lots
971s every single one of those hits it's
973s going to generate from every single one
975s of those higher proc chances is usually
977s going to be your better bet on that
979s front usually
981s it can be different depending on how
984s much damage your single shot could poach
986s into your feet
989s but all in all generally speaking it's
991s better to have uh higher proc chances
996s but do keep in mind it is 0.25 of the
1001s damage
1003s on hit
1004s so lots of little hits again recharging
1007s your armor faster
1009s but if you do have a one really strong
1011s shot it can
1013s regenerate
1014s a good shot
1016s a good chart
1017s next question
1019s uh right spoon night is wanting to know
1022s on Twitch uh would that shutdown effect
1024s synergize with modifiers or perks that
1027s trigger the charge
1033s yes it does so for example and you might
1037s have even saw it I had
1040s um I had
1042s um
1043s defensive Massacre
1045s on my ship whenever I was showcasing it
1049s and when my shields were completely down
1051s and I got a kill my Shields instantly
1055s recharged
1058s all of them
1061s all of it
1062s yes and we're very much aware of that
1065s Synergy and we're kind of wondering if
1067s maybe that's a little bit too much
1069s because I know that this is going to be
1071s crazy but we haven't fully balanced the
1073s sets yet
1074s um
1075s but it's definitely something that we
1077s are considering
1078s as sort of a cheeky method to maximize
1082s that perk
1084s we'll figure out those uh raunchy
1087s details in the future but yeah rest
1088s assured we do recognize where if you
1091s have a shield or if you if you're using
1094s that perk defensive Massacre killing an
1096s enemy instantly triggers your Shield
1098s recharge and you have the Genesis
1101s barrier that says when it recharges
1103s after a shutdown it instantly recharges
1106s everything that does work in tandem
1108s it does work in tandem
1113s so good question
1115s intentional next one
1118s uh right uh the Chronos just wants a bit
1121s of a clarification over on Twitch uh so
1123s the shield must be fully charged to
1126s start repairing so not just have some
1128s Shield left correct yeah so in order for
1131s the armor to start regenerating at the
1133s two set bonus your Shields have to be
1134s completely full or they need to be
1136s overcharged like we had uh in the
1138s Vanguard yes
1144s all right coming in thick and fast now
1147s we're coming in thinking faster keeping
1148s up with him
1151s right uh next up a bit of frog over on
1154s YouTube uh what is the actual fire rate
1157s of beam laser type weapons obviously
1159s they're a beam but they're damaged does
1161s come in DPS and hits per second so what
1164s is their actual fire rate 10 hits per
1167s second
1171s concise
1172s yeah we've had that question before and
1176s um yeah it was something that I was
1177s curious about as well so yeah great
1179s question and that's it
1188s can we possibly know which in-game
1190s company or Co-op manufactures autonomous
1194s oh yeah I love that so as of right now
1196s the way that we are approaching these
1198s set items is actually similar to The
1200s Blood star uh Set uh or excuse me the
1204s union Eclipse set not the bloodstar set
1205s the union eclipse at as opposed to
1208s something like the Blood star sign Blood
1209s starts like hey this is part of this
1212s very specific faction you know to be
1214s bloodstar Union eclipse
1217s is not bound to a manufacturer it is
1220s straight up just bound to itself
1224s that's it that's its trait Umbreon
1227s penumbra exists as part of a matching
1230s set not really bound to a manufacturer
1232s just bound to each other they were made
1235s to operate in Tandem and the way that
1238s we're approaching several sets not all
1241s of them
1242s not all of them several sets
1244s is that they are just bound to each
1246s other they have that sort of in tandem
1248s effect that you would expect from like
1249s Union Eclipse as opposed to a this is a
1253s very specific made by operated use for
1257s sort of situation not to say that that
1259s doesn't exist and can't exist in the
1261s future
1263s there you go
1265s maybe one of the ones that I will show
1267s you later
1268s might have more information on that yeah
1273s wonderful Thunder
1274s very good
1276s question I really like my question
1286s for another question that relates to the
1289s set but um
1290s something French breakfast just asked
1293s over on YouTube uh can we perhaps get a
1295s glimpse of one or more quality of life
1297s changes that are coming in future
1298s updates but I did already kind of
1300s refresh this saying that would sure
1302s things as they became available further
1304s down the line we'd catch you everything
1306s all at once yeah we can't show
1307s everything all at once I did actually
1309s tease something else uh but we'll be
1312s talking about it later some of you I
1314s think already kind of noticed a little
1316s bit
1317s um but we'll have more information on
1318s more quality of life things in the
1320s future one thing that I can talk a
1322s little bit about we've talked about it a
1323s number of times but just so in like you
1326s guys know that we are working on this we
1329s have
1330s um Advanced item details possible to
1333s show now um so let me let me show you
1335s what that looks like oh
1336s oh that sounds rip headphone users sorry
1339s about that that was really loud
1341s um
1342s we have the show detailed weapon stats
1346s here this is one of the quality of life
1349s features that we will be implementing
1350s again completely free update okay it's
1353s coming
1355s when it does uh
1358s um and yeah so being able to see
1361s detailed weapon stats means that uh
1363s stuff that you was weren't able to see
1365s before like the spread or the velocity
1369s of the projectile coming from the weapon
1372s is now shown right so like you can see
1374s that this High Velocity Jaeger uh Jaeger
1377s is one of the few non-hit scan weapons
1382s that doesn't have any spread at all it
1386s has perfectly firing at where you're
1388s pointing mode not like hardly any other
1390s weapon has that unless it is hitskin
1398s so it's uh yeah
1399s pretty pretty fun little detail
1402s there are other
1404s um details that are listed besides just
1406s those uh projectiles when charged
1408s projectiles per shot
1411s um trying to think if there's any other
1413s like little hidden details but all of
1416s the ones that were effectively hidden
1418s before
1419s um you guys probably even know from
1421s Early Access it was something of a
1423s conversation we were sharing we were
1425s saying like yeah you know we kind of
1427s some of us on the team really would like
1428s to have that additional information
1430s we're looking into it blah blah and
1432s that's this is our approach we we want
1433s you to have that ability should you
1436s desire it
1437s and for me I'm I'm a big fan of having
1440s all the information
1441s Michael is happy to confirm the free
1443s update is coming later this year thank
1445s you for finally saying that so I can
1446s just say later this year that's so much
1448s easier
1451s oh my goodness
1453s but yeah free update later this year
1454s you're gonna see all of the set items
1456s that we'll be showing today as well as
1458s that one little uh detail I just showed
1461s and there will be other quality of life
1463s improvements Beyond these
1467s white white so
1469s we like adding details
1474s did I mention it's free just make just
1476s making sure everyone's very clear
1480s foreign
1482s really pushing that through all right
1487s what's uh what's another question about
1489s the sets or I suppose also quality of
1491s life stuff if there's a question
1494s um one of the quality life kind of
1495s questions was from Fred spec that back
1497s on YouTube uh from earlier he says are
1499s there any plans to let us transform
1500s lesser or into higher tiers of that same
1503s or I know we've had this one before
1505s right we've had this uh we've had this
1507s one before we've had internal discussion
1510s about it um the the short answer is
1512s that's undecided it's possible it's not
1516s something of a priority priority at this
1518s time we're actually pretty pleased with
1519s the results of mining quality
1522s um how much you're getting uh just
1524s through the standard progression as a
1526s whole but uh yeah I mean it's it's
1527s definitely something that could change
1530s but yeah
1532s more information on that later if
1534s there's more information
1536s for now
1537s I would just I don't think I would have
1539s an expectation
1544s it's a good it's a good question good
1545s observation regardless
1548s from glory on Twitch
1551s um let's do with the new set will there
1553s be any changes made to the wrist so that
1555s you can't just stand in a stage after
1557s clearing it infinite with the new set I
1559s could wait there until armor and Hull
1561s are 100 again could you
1566s well I mean that implies that the Rifts
1568s aren't changing at all oh oh my goodness
1570s what what was what was that I don't even
1572s know there was something that just flew
1574s in my office that completely distracted
1576s me and I forgot what I was talking about
1578s um
1579s yeah next question
1582s [Laughter]
1584s yeah free to fly on at the moment pilot
1586s all right perfect that's great so
1589s obviously you guys know though I mean we
1591s are we are working on stock over here at
1595s Rockfish and it's not just the console
1597s stuff that there will be more
1599s information about very soon by the way
1603s it's on the game it's on the game proper
1606s yeah we're working on a number of key
1610s parts for our player base over on PC
1612s game pass you know we are still on our
1616s methods to produce our Mac support
1619s we are still championing the steam deck
1623s all of these things come with bits of
1626s time
1628s and they are in the pipeline
1631s but I am certain that we will have more
1633s to share on those details
1635s um at a later point you know once again
1637s when we're able to start talking more
1639s about them
1640s there's a lot of details and and I want
1642s to be I want to be very clear here guys
1644s the reason why this takes time is
1647s because this isn't just some simple Lord
1649s of oh yeah here you go here's five new
1652s items enjoy no I've already just shown
1655s you one set item I told you that we're
1658s gonna show four okay the one set item it
1661s has three item variants in it okay so if
1665s each one of the sets that I'm going to
1667s show you today had only three items in
1670s it that means that I would be showing
1672s you 12 new item variants that's 12 new
1675s items that you're getting for free and
1677s I'm not showing you all the sets
1682s think about that all right
1685s so when we have more information like
1687s that's when we will like you'll you'll
1689s get it you'll get it
1691s for now a lot of it is hidden
1694s Grit
1696s intentionally
1701s but I am very confident you will all
1703s enjoy what we've been cooking up
1705s most because
1707s because to various
1709s conversations had and Discord and steam
1713s we even threw some Reddit posts
1716s various other sides
1718s so it's all there
1721s the conversations are all there not
1723s we're not doing everything you guys
1724s asked to do now
1726s we're not constantly creeping the heck
1728s out of this uh but you know what I mean
1731s you know what I mean
1739s good good stuff man I'm already like I
1742s feel good about just wiping out
1745s uh the asteroid cluster here I 100
1747s completed that felt so good
1750s um I know that we haven't truly
1751s optimized our build here in nightmare
1753s but
1755s that gave me a little bit of confidence
1757s I feel like I can start
1758s I feel like I can start moving on
1760s through the gameplay oh gosh
1762s why being too bold let's be bold
1765s let's do a little bit of story and then
1767s here in a couple more minutes I'll show
1768s you another sec
1771s I'll show you another
1775s oh I should also mention
1778s ah General disclaimer development stream
1782s development build everything that you
1784s see and all of the contents of which I
1786s am showcasing today could in fact change
1789s based on any number of factors for any
1792s reason whatsoever so if you look at a
1795s stat or a naming convention or whatever
1798s and it's different like even next week
1801s that's because uh it's not done it's
1803s still being worked on most of you know
1805s this for the people out there for some
1808s reason don't put that together just know
1809s that that's the process of development
1811s it could even be something like a name
1814s change of an item or even maybe a
1817s previous item that's been in the game
1818s for a while who knows these things can
1821s and will happen
1823s so anything that I'm sharing on the
1825s screen just know to take it with a
1827s little bit of a grain of salt
1829s but the core ideas and functions that's
1832s what we're highlighting today those are
1835s more or less gonna remain
1837s the autonomous set
1839s of repairing
1842s yeah
1843s yes we're feeling quite good about it
1846s and The Limited play testing that we've
1848s done thus far
1852s so yeah just keep that in mind
1856s what this isn't the final version I know
1858s I know so disappointing
1861s ah you're crazy every single one of our
1865s Dev streams I should be able to show you
1866s every single new thing that's been
1869s completely perfected since we had more
1871s than five minutes to work on it I know
1872s it's crazy yeah
1877s yeah all right let's talk here
1879s get through this conversation
1882s oops
1885s do we have to do we have to buy the
1886s module I can't remember oh yeah
1888s thank you
1890s you're wonderful
1892s it's triggered this awesome all the
1894s things we have uh utility here
1899s go that direction we do want to inspect
1901s the shop just briefly all of this stuff
1903s sells horrendously why in the world I'm
1905s gonna sell some
1907s I'll sell the mining equipment I think
1909s I'm gonna hang on to the Nano fibers
1910s actually
1912s slots
1921s we'll sell our Commons where we have
1923s blueprints unlocked already
1925s because I mean the main reason I'm doing
1927s that is because like when you scrap a
1929s higher I'm gonna just scrap one of these
1931s because they're all similar
1933s um so like whenever you dismantle one of
1934s these you're getting the basic search
1936s circuitry and spare parts anyway so I
1938s kind of like that's one of my tactics
1940s once I get all the blueprints for
1941s something I just start selling it for
1942s credits
1948s you know which wow these energy cores
1950s are like so much better
1952s but let's sell these since we already
1954s have the blueprints
1958s Umbra oh hey we were talking about this
1959s we were talking about this earlier I
1961s think this is a good example actually
1962s eclipse
1964s so it says Eclipse right
1966s the background image looks like an
1968s eclipse
1970s that's the
1971s manufacturer but it's it's not it's not
1974s actually there's not a manufacturer
1975s called Eclipse it's just this set item
1978s the set item Umbra and penumbra are
1981s weapons that were created in the DMZ not
1983s bound to a manufacturer maybe they were
1985s made by
1986s Anonymous Outlaws for example may be
1989s made out of Black Market dealership who
1991s knows
1992s but they were contain them with one
1994s another
1996s they work in tandem with one another
2004s yeah that's just the better I have to
2007s use that
2009s I have to use that okay
2011s cool
2014s and oh we need to re we need to repair
2016s and restock how did I miss that okay
2019s last but not least we haven't customized
2021s this ship yet we did buy it the end of
2023s the stream two weeks ago
2025s ah well it's fine we're gonna keep going
2027s we're gonna keep going in fact we're
2029s gonna keep going so that we can uh go
2032s into anusa
2034s let's pop another one open
2036s shall we
2038s so let me know load this bad boy
2054s and we're back with our Mercury Vanguard
2058s for set number two
2061s we already kind of showed it a little
2062s bit so let's talk about
2064s the storm front set
2070s so we'll start from the left and we'll
2071s work our way to the right
2074s the first item of the storm front set is
2078s the cyclone
2080s Cyclone missile
2082s now
2084s this is currently not working
2087s because development is hilarious and fun
2089s but I do want to explain what it does
2092s and why this is important
2094s targets hit by this missile are pulled
2097s for three seconds
2102s just find something here yes here we are
2105s magnetic Repulsor says that it pushes
2109s the target
2111s pushes here
2115s this says
2117s targets hit by this missile are pulled
2120s all right
2122s these are opposites
2126s of course
2127s and as such they work directly opposite
2132s of one another so your expectation here
2135s if you fired a cyclone missile at your
2138s Target and it connects
2141s it will then pull the target to the
2144s point of the ship's origin
2147s all right now again because this isn't
2149s technically working as intended in our
2151s current build I want to explain this
2152s okay you have your ship going all right
2154s right you're moving right your Target's
2156s here you shoot a missile at the Target
2159s as you're moving it hits the target when
2161s your ship's here it's gonna pull it to
2163s that location as you're still boosting
2165s you'll go this direction if you're
2168s stopped you hit a Target it will pull it
2170s directly freaking at you okay now you
2173s might be wondering Eric why would I want
2176s to pull a Target towards me well there's
2177s a number of reasons why same reason why
2179s you want to push a Target and I'm sure
2180s that you can Envision plenty of
2182s opportunities that would make this
2183s effective now let's talk a little bit
2186s more about some of these other items and
2189s you're gonna go oh that makes sense next
2192s up we have the multi-cell energy core
2195s this doesn't do anything unique
2199s it does have
2200s some more capitalizing features for
2204s shield oriented builds however so it
2207s lacks in weapons but it more than makes
2209s up for with the shield and also
2213s the Boost is uh okay
2216s this is okay
2219s all right
2221s next up we have the stratocumulus shield
2227s The stratocumulus Shield
2229s this Shield looks like it has a really
2232s large capacity because it does I'm going
2236s to straight up tell you right now these
2238s stats are going to change but the idea
2240s of the shield I want to explain while
2242s this Shield is active you gain a 2 000
2246s meter range pole for energy orbs
2250s that is a
2252s pretty large increase of sucking in
2255s energy orbs as it stands I think the
2257s current pole is about maybe 300 or 400
2260s meters
2262s something like that so this is a rather
2264s expansive increase to pole and energy
2266s orbs
2267s okay all right interesting
2270s but I don't I'm not really noticing
2272s anything too fantastic about this all
2274s right let's move on to the next one
2275s Tailwind
2277s we have Tailwind
2279s while boosting this reflects 10 of
2282s incoming damage back to your attackers
2283s that's interesting but what does that
2285s have to do with anything else all of
2287s these things are almost like
2288s independently not so great on their own
2291s it's almost like they're supposed to
2293s belong together to do something else to
2295s make something come together
2297s that's crazy let's talk about that
2300s let's talk about that
2303s with that here let me just equip them
2309s so with the storm front set completely
2312s utilized
2315s what you are now getting I see energy
2318s orbs are overrated just you wait
2321s whenever you have two equipped you have
2324s a 25 increased energy orb drop chance
2327s now keep in mind energy orbs are going
2329s to replenish your health and your energy
2332s for your weapons your boost your Shields
2335s depending on how far you've leveled them
2337s through your perks
2339s and now you're going to have more of
2340s them driving
2342s but then in addition to that
2344s when we get to three sets we get a four
2347s percent increase damage reflection
2350s for 20 seconds
2353s when collecting an energy orb
2357s up to a Max of 40 percent
2360s oh
2362s oh well that's that's kind of that's
2364s kind of interesting so so the more
2367s energy orbs you are now
2369s collecting just like pulling in kind of
2371s like you're this wild I don't know
2375s whisping twister going through space
2379s sucking in all these things now all of a
2381s sudden your damage reflection of
2382s anything trying to shoot Into the Storm
2384s or into into your ship
2386s it's gonna they're gonna take a punch
2388s right especially for boosting because
2391s it's even increased by 10 percent more
2392s and if you got your Shields and you know
2395s that energy pole is going to be so easy
2397s with energy orbs
2399s but I mean it doesn't stop there though
2401s of course because the four step bonus
2403s all enemies within 800 meters ignore the
2407s percentage there it's already been fixed
2408s all right like I said all the stuff you
2412s know the drill this is this is Dev fun
2413s stuff okay
2415s all enemies within 800 meters will take
2418s the reflected damage I don't want to be
2420s very very very clear with what I'm
2422s referring to that there when I say they
2424s take the reflected damage I'm not saying
2426s like
2427s they like it's separated out to all of
2429s them right no
2432s no
2434s your reflection towards the one target
2436s that was shooting at you is then applied
2438s to that Target and every single Target
2442s that's within 800 meters of you
2445s you have thus become a literal storm
2448s that the more damage you take everything
2452s around you also takes
2456s and it only gets even worse
2459s when you get more energy orbs that
2461s you'll have a greater range of and a
2463s higher drop chance rate for
2466s so in short you've got a lot of enemies
2469s coming at you you take a couple of them
2471s out energy orbs start dropping the storm
2473s starts building reflection absurd
2476s everything dies the end that's how this
2480s one works that's how it operates
2485s that's how it comes together
2489s I've also been told that this uh this
2492s set item
2493s chain this set item
2496s grouping these four items they're
2499s probably going to get a name change
2500s probably
2502s we'll see I'm not sure
2505s we'll see
2507s but yeah oh and also
2510s um one of the things that uh just just
2511s kind of a random thing to also point out
2514s we are considering
2517s multi-set bonuses with one another and
2520s there's a reason for example why the
2522s Genesis barrier and stratocumulus can't
2524s be used in tandem with one another all
2526s right but we do still have armor
2528s regenerates one percent per second so
2530s long as Shields are full so we can
2531s maximize our benefits from the storm
2533s from set and we can get all that rich
2535s reflection damage while we're also
2538s regenerating armor
2540s that's kind of cool it's because you're
2542s you know having to take damage to dish
2544s it out and now you're automatically
2546s restoring your arm that's yeah that's
2548s that's nice I think there's some there's
2551s some opportunities there I would say
2555s so yeah that's our multi-cell
2558s stratocumulus
2560s tailwind and Cyclone grouping
2564s for you four new items on that set
2568s go ahead and ask questions
2571s all about this
2573s and I'll start answering those
2576s in just a moment
2578s I really would like to show you more of
2580s like how this one operates but as I kind
2583s of preface to begin a stream like I'm
2584s showing you a lot of stuff that we've
2586s been working on and we're almost there
2588s with tweaking some of these
2590s um yeah this one unfortunately I can't
2592s quite show you but the next one I will
2593s be able to show you
2595s so uh Gary go ahead and start rolling in
2598s those questions oh what am I doing I
2600s need to load
2605s right the the first one that's actually
2607s coming specifically uh about this set is
2611s 76 over on Twitch and then went to the
2614s does the four piece bonus apply to other
2617s sources of reflected damage for example
2619s from one of the personal perks
2625s yes
2627s and that is very much intended
2630s so if you if you like if you if you
2632s enjoy retaliation you're like oh man
2634s it's really cool that there's like this
2635s reflection sort of thing and then you
2637s like you get your front Shield generator
2639s and you have like the reflection damage
2640s thing on that one you're like oh that's
2642s really nice but like they don't really
2644s work in tandem I'm sure that you've all
2646s noticed that before you got your front
2647s Shield operating but it hits your Shield
2649s so you don't actually take damage so you
2651s don't get your retaliation reflection
2652s bonus
2654s so it's like if they hit your Shield
2656s it's one thing but if they hit your ship
2658s it's another
2659s no no
2660s um
2661s the way that the storm front works is
2663s that it says oh yeah anything that has a
2666s reflection at all it's just gonna
2668s increase that Tailwind increases it
2671s straight up by 10 percent and the
2674s stacking of energy orbs can increase it
2676s up to 40 as of right now again these
2679s numbers might change we might play
2680s around with them but technically if we
2683s didn't change a single thing right now
2684s because I know some of you are like well
2686s how's the math work do you add it do you
2687s multiply it I understand I get it it's
2690s confusing okay the intent as of right
2693s now which again might be a little too
2695s much is that if you used retaliation
2697s while you have the Tailwind boosting to
2699s give you ten percent more with a maximum
2701s of 10 energy orbs consumed within 20
2704s seconds for 40 right 40 plus 10 plus 30
2709s means you'd have 80 percent reflection
2713s 80 damage reflect I am rather certain
2717s that if you're in a rift and you had
2720s that bonus set up that you could do some
2723s serious damage even in a high lunacy
2726s area because their damage is just so
2728s freaking High
2731s so yeah that's how that would work
2733s we are thinking about the end game as
2735s well as just general progression as
2737s we're designing these sets so
2740s stop hitting yourself the set absolutely
2743s absolutely
2747s great question
2750s so uh do we have more questions on the
2752s Stormfront
2753s uh not yet a lot of people are very
2755s excited by the sets that we've got
2757s planned from what they've seen already
2759s um somebody did ask how many we were
2762s gonna have in the game going forward and
2764s it's the case of you know lots many
2766s quite a few you know wait and see
2771s um what I can say is that like we
2774s like we even before full release and we
2775s had the intention well intentions the
2779s hard hard word to use there
2781s we have the desire we have a desire to
2784s have a number of sets for the initial
2787s 1.0 release and there were a lot of
2789s priority elements that simply
2791s I mean they took priority like we we had
2794s to focus and make sure that the story
2796s experience was at a quality that it
2798s deserved to be we needed to iron out
2800s other very
2802s straightforward foundational systems to
2804s ensure everything's operating as it
2806s should be doing
2807s um you know if you don't have those
2809s things ironed out you're just throwing
2810s in more items on top of it you're
2812s creating a mess is what you're doing
2815s so we opted to ensure coverage of
2819s everything that was in to be of high
2822s quality and now we're adding to that as
2825s opposed to shove a bunch of things in
2828s that probably weren't balanced or fair
2830s or feel good and then fix it all in post
2833s so hopefully that gives you just a
2836s little sense of um where we're coming
2838s from on that front and yeah the set
2840s items that we are bringing to the table
2842s again I can't give you numbers but we do
2845s want to have a good number for you and
2848s I'll just straight up say that there are
2850s tens of new item variants well on their
2853s way
2856s so do you have another any other
2858s questions on the new set the storm front
2861s Set uh one's just coming from uh wizard
2864s Jerry actually it says so this
2865s situations named by weather does the
2868s multi-cell is referring to a multi-cell
2870s storm right
2873s yeah so the intention behind the naming
2875s conventions is mainly just focusing
2878s around storms really so you have the
2881s missile it's kind of like it's
2882s independent Cyclone it's pulling
2884s something towards you
2885s um you have the multi-cell energy core
2888s because it's providing energy in
2889s multiple facets
2891s um to do a lot of damage in different
2893s ways right
2895s um You have the stratocumulus which is
2897s basically a you know a looming stormy
2900s Cloud that's about ready to drop a bunch
2903s of rain and and lightning and booming
2906s Thunder around you and then uh what's
2909s the what's the other freaking
2911s I've already forgotten the last the last
2912s one I'm sure somebody will remind me but
2914s each one yes it's it's bound to uh you
2916s know a catchy stormy sort of name to to
2919s pull that all together
2920s so you are literally becoming a storm
2922s for your enemies that's that's the
2925s entire idea behind that set do we have
2928s another question to follow that up
2929s because I like that question that's a
2930s fun question
2931s um not yet in terms of anything to do
2934s with the uh the sets
2936s um oh actually uh or Cam uh commit BG
2939s over on YouTube will there be any visual
2941s effects when we'll have the full set
2943s honors oh yes I love this question so
2946s this is also something that we would
2948s like to do a little bit more of um and
2950s as an easy reference actually you know
2952s we have the um uh actually this would
2955s work the baron executioner this does not
2958s sound the same as a standard scatter gun
2960s neither does the repeater a Blood star
2964s item variant that is also a scatter gun
2967s all three of these scatter guns sound
2970s different visually they look similar
2974s but from a sound effect standpoint they
2977s are different our desire is to push that
2981s across these new set items as well
2984s pending timing and everything else that
2987s comes with that the big goal for us is
2990s to diversify the item selections that
2993s you have the item pool so that you have
2995s more unique opportunities abound we've
2998s noticed that defensive builds don't
2999s really have a lot of love and so you're
3001s going to see a little bit of that I mean
3002s we've already shown two one of which is
3004s you need to take damage to Dish damage
3006s out and then the other one is you
3008s automatically repair
3010s um so yeah we're looking to cover a lot
3012s of different bases on the front of of
3015s these additions to the game and again we
3018s do hope to have a little bit more
3019s uniqueness with each one with that sound
3021s effects flare and if possible even
3023s visual flare
3024s time will tell on that I cannot
3027s guarantee that's going to be a thing so
3029s stay tuned for more information if we
3031s have more information to share on that
3033s front but I can guarantee you the item
3036s pools will be greater no matter what
3041s let's go ahead and clear out some of
3042s these cracked asteroids get some new
3045s secrets in our gameplay here
3050s and then we'll of course move into yet
3052s another new set
3057s how many we shown two two
3060s more
3063s maybe three if I'm feeling really cheeky
3071s not actually sure we'll have enough time
3072s for
3080s all right there we go it's lots of
3082s questions oh you are able to answer them
3085s on the Fly let's do it let's do it
3087s happy over on YouTube has there been any
3090s changes to the mining yield to the Flack
3092s and he says perhaps it was fixed because
3094s it seemed to be that they are at least
3097s as good as a laser or better previously
3100s which shouldn't be the case surely
3103s the flax are great because of how fast
3106s they are but they only have one crop
3109s chance for bonus
3110s um resources
3112s so if you're referring to like the
3115s ability to
3117s generate bonus resources then the flock
3119s is not so great because it literally is
3121s one shot done
3123s but if you're looking at something like
3125s the beam laser which as we discussed
3127s earlier in the Stream actually procs 10
3129s times in one second
3131s then uh yeah I mean the beam laser is
3135s meant to be a more ideal weapon for
3137s mining in and of itself
3140s and it kind of comes through based on
3142s those talk chances alone
3145s so if there was a change to the Flack
3148s and I think there probably was I think
3150s you're right
3151s where we adjusted how that kind of all
3153s comes together and how that works uh
3155s yeah that was very much intentional the
3156s flock should not be the be-all end-all
3158s mining weapon unless you're just trying
3161s to save time in which case keep using it
3163s because it saves you a ton of time
3166s you just might be missing out on all the
3169s pure titanium like I collected there I
3171s got four pure titanium titanium and you
3174s would only got one if you if I would
3175s have been using a flop for example
3183s so yeah
3185s like last question for the time being uh
3188s from Patty again actually
3190s um when we're dropping blueprints uh
3193s will you always get the lowest level
3195s group blueprint that you have not yet
3197s learned that is meant to be the case
3202s um I have seen it to where even in my
3204s own gameplay where I will get a
3206s blueprint that drops a little bit higher
3208s Rarity
3208s um and that's just kind of luck based
3210s there's not any anything that says it
3213s can't happen
3214s um but it generally goes more towards
3217s the uh stuff that you haven't
3220s uh the lowest stuff that you haven't uh
3223s put together
3226s so it's a good question
3237s stupid
3240s you know I really like this area for
3241s mining actually I do wish I had a mining
3243s beam laser
3245s but uh we're still we're kind of like in
3247s the mid game so it would make sense if
3249s we had one but also it's not a big deal
3251s that we don't
3253s they're collecting these resources I
3255s mean shoot this is
3257s probably go to our perks and start
3260s upgrading some stuff based on how much
3262s they're collection here
3264s and I don't know about you guys like I I
3266s mean I'm sure that like as you're
3267s watching the dev streaming just seeing
3269s me collect resources you know some of
3272s you might be thinking oh you know this
3274s is so kind of whatever this is part of
3275s the game that we enjoy we're happy with
3278s how this came together this is a nice
3281s change of pace instead of always being
3282s constantly thrown into battle after
3284s battle after battle after battle
3287s this is kind of a feel-good sort of
3289s redirection from all of that so this is
3292s working as intended and I do hope that
3295s me playing the game just as it's offered
3298s does show you guys what you can do as
3301s well like I'm not trying to doctor these
3302s streams up and make you make the game
3304s look like something it's not so if you
3306s find that bit boring okay it's probably
3308s just you but
3310s um
3311s there's a reason why we have it in the
3312s way that we do
3314s and gosh dang do I personally find it
3316s satisfying
3319s yep
3324s I love that 100 completion oh my gosh
3326s it's so satisfying
3330s oh that feels so good
3334s my 100 completion nightmare mode run
3336s from start
3339s it's feeling a little bit better and
3340s better every time
3344s oh I'm gonna answer this question too
3345s because it just kind of popped up and
3347s this is going to be kind of a heavier
3349s question answer stream I get that
3350s because we know we're showing new stuff
3352s uh the question I do want to read off
3354s right now is uh Flory saying I don't
3357s remember can set items currently drop
3358s when we crashed the item or not
3361s um
3362s so because there's only two sets in the
3366s live build
3367s um it's kind of
3369s easy to answer this the answer is yes
3371s you can but it's quite literally only
3374s for Umbra or penumbra so gonna only
3377s happen if you are improvising a weapon
3381s improvise specifically you're
3383s improvising either a blaster or a flock
3387s this is the only way for that to be
3389s possible or excuse me no improvise
3391s straight here and then you randomly get
3393s a blaster or a flack that is Umbra or
3394s penumbra so it's technically possible
3397s technically possible
3400s and for those who are wondering about
3402s bloodstar because I mean goodness gravy
3404s the conversation revolving about blood
3405s store drop rates it's occurred so many
3407s times at this point I just know that we
3409s are exploring some new um opportunities
3411s and how that's going to look in the
3413s future
3416s cool
3418s we're gonna get to this undiscovered
3419s site and we are going to look at another
3420s set
3422s I'm excited I want to go into another
3423s one we're getting good questions
3425s good follow-ups so start for another
3427s side
3437s I look over at the YouTube chat and I
3439s see you asking me for a weapon name I'd
3441s say frog laser
3444s foreign
3445s you guys thank you so much for being
3447s here it's awesome
3449s you guys are so freaking cool I love it
3452s all right we're saving our nightmare
3454s game then we are uh that's the wrong
3457s button we are loading
3464s and we're gonna pull out another set to
3467s show you
3468s another one
3475s so let's go to our storage here oh yes
3477s here we go so let's go let's go to this
3480s one
3481s or actually I'll ask you do you want me
3483s to talk more about the escort Duty set
3485s or do you want me to talk about the
3486s Rogue set
3487s which one do you want
3490s you're not getting more teases
3492s do you want escort Duty or Rogue what's
3494s the next one you want
3499s escort missions ew
3502s I would say escort Mission I said escort
3505s Duty
3506s go Rogue everyone's saying oh I'm seeing
3507s lots of rogue
3509s lots of rogue
3511s and I'm seeing more questions come in
3513s that's great
3514s um keep asking them we will answer once
3516s we do this little quick showcase I'm
3518s seeing a lot of Rogue oh my gosh
3521s okay we're gonna do rogue
3524s or Rouge as some people have been
3526s listing and shot so let's go ahead and
3527s bring over the Rogue set we'll show you
3530s next time escort Duty so this this
3533s two-parter similarly to
3537s the eclipse set as you've previously
3539s seen
3540s this set
3542s has two pieces to it but if instead of
3545s it being two Primary Weapons we have a
3547s one primary weapon yes but also a
3551s secondary weapon
3553s so it's a primary and a secondary that
3555s work in tandem we have the Rogue rattler
3561s this is actually going to be changed
3564s and let me just tell you what it's going
3565s to be changed to
3569s because I want you to know
3576s I just have to find the applicable
3577s discussion that was had
3579s one second
3585s we wanted to make sure that this weapon
3588s is going to be a lot of fun for lighter
3593s ships
3594s the idea behind the set is like if
3596s you're using a smaller ship this is
3598s going to be more opportunistic to you
3601s not to say that you can't use it in a
3603s heavier ship
3604s but uh we'll just what I'm going to do
3606s is I'm just going to explain it like
3608s this is actually what it's going to be
3609s but know that there's going to be
3611s adjustments on this front
3612s um for a couple of different reasons
3614s namely for balance purposes because this
3615s is actually way too good anyway
3618s so the Rogue regular right now Rattler
3620s it says it increases its damage by one
3623s percent for every 25 ship handling so as
3628s it stands
3629s our handling is 972 in this particular
3632s vessel
3635s so you can probably see where I'm going
3637s how this is probably a little bit of a
3638s problem already
3645s Vanguard and say a gunship it's actually
3648s crazy massive it's a little too much of
3652s a difference
3653s than what we were initially going for
3656s but the idea is that the higher your
3659s damage or the higher your your ship's
3661s maneuverability if you will the more
3663s damage this thing is going to crank out
3666s now the next one in this particular set
3670s the next one in this particular set is
3672s called the Rascal
3675s this is just your standard missile
3678s just Aaron missile just like your
3680s standard homing you know nothing fancy
3684s nothing crazy like even comparing it to
3687s like this Shield breaker missile you
3689s know it's it's real it doesn't dish out
3692s that much damage however
3694s however this rascal
3697s provides a unique benefit that if it
3699s breaks the target's Shield
3702s or armor
3704s if it is what's triggering the shield to
3706s be disabled or their armor to be
3708s disabled the Target that you just hit
3710s will get locked in place through a
3712s webbing effect and get EMP so it can't
3714s do anything
3717s you just stop it in its tracks becomes
3719s fully vulnerable to you for three
3721s seconds
3724s otherwise it's just it's just a basic
3726s muscle it's kind of an under under
3728s damaging basic missile until you trigger
3732s that special and you're locking your
3734s opponent in place and if you're at a
3736s high speed just looping around them
3738s because you're in a light fighter to
3740s dish out all this extra damage from a
3742s rattler
3743s I mean yeah you're gonna dish out a lot
3746s of extra damage to a completely imposed
3748s enemy uh that can't do squat
3752s what's the set item bonus do so long as
3755s no friendlies or neutrals are within two
3757s kilometers gain ten percent increased
3759s damage handling and ship speed it
3763s increases your speed
3766s when you have this set
3768s combined
3770s this is I think one of the few things
3772s that increases your handling
3775s as well
3776s what does that look like you might ask
3779s when you have increased your handling in
3782s a Vanguard for example
3785s look at this nonsense
3788s look that what
3794s I've just throw nope I'm not saying it's
3797s broken
3799s um
3800s we gotta we gotta fix some things but
3802s listen the idea is there
3806s the functionality of the Rogue is here
3810s this set is meant to make you a force to
3813s be reckoned with because you're running
3815s freaking loops around your foe who can't
3818s can't get you and then if they for some
3821s reason start getting into a position
3822s where they can you lock them in place in
3825s EMP
3826s and then you dish out damage according
3828s to how much freaking movement speed you
3830s have
3832s how much handling you have
3834s it just
3835s yeah
3837s yeah so for those of you who didn't
3839s throw up
3840s um congratulations that was a test uh
3843s for those of you who did I'm sorry
3846s um
3847s yeah there you go the Rogue set I mean
3850s even even just looking at not boosting
3853s at all this is kind of yeah some numbers
3855s will be changed but still
3858s the idea is in fact there
3861s and also In fairness
3864s I get to do like the really cheeky
3866s over-the-top display intentionally in a
3869s Vanguard the vanguard's the fastest one
3872s so keep that in mind this does help uh
3876s like a gunship
3878s um it helps uh you know your Vindicator
3880s uh well sort of The Vindicator uh
3883s because before the questions even asked
3885s uh the set bonus isn't actually friendly
3888s with vindicators since your drones are
3891s considered friendlies so having drones
3894s means you can't actually gain the
3896s benefit of the Rogue set what ah how
3900s could you do that to me I'm a Vindicator
3902s player I know I know not all sets are
3904s gonna be best for every single ship
3907s alright I've said this before and I'll
3909s say it again you can still get the
3911s benefits of breaking the missile the the
3913s target Shield or armor by utilizing this
3916s uh missile with the EMP and webbing
3918s effect
3919s but the set item bonus probably not
3922s going to uh no you're not gonna be able
3924s to get that
3926s but uh regardless
3929s so long as there's no friendlies nearby
3931s you become
3933s just the most nimble
3936s pain in the butt
3938s for anything that you're facing off
3940s against
3944s and also it's going to be a unique twist
3946s because I know a lot of you guys out
3947s there use visions of Decay or not
3949s visions of Decay uh the um oh my gosh
3952s the legendary that spawns enemies to be
3954s allies which one is that I'm brain
3957s farting so hard right now
3961s the thing
3962s you all know which one I'm talking about
3964s yeah this will this won't work in tandem
3965s with that like you have to you have to
3968s really think about
3969s what you're pairing with these sets in
3971s order to capitalize them or you know
3973s just unique use their unique traits much
3975s like this Rascal has
3977s Wrath of the Fallen thank you why did I
3979s say visions of the Decay that one's all
3980s about corrosion anyway
3985s very good very good
3986s yeah Bob doesn't work either poor Bob
3988s everybody loves Bob except for being a
3991s rogue
3992s if you're going rogue Bob don't work
3996s it's almost like it's in the name
4000s crazy
4001s all right
4003s let's go back and do a little bit more
4004s gameplay before we show escort Duty
4009s it's been a pretty good stream so far I
4011s think you guys have been enjoying the
4012s sets
4013s I'm seeing some like I've already seen a
4015s couple of you guys like talking about
4016s some ideas asking some really good
4018s questions about them so uh keep asking
4020s those questions
4022s keep asking those questions which one
4025s was this oh my gosh you need an Explorer
4026s I've only that's the fifth challenge I
4028s completed really
4030s okay
4032s I really need to get on these challenges
4033s Let's uh complete some distress calls
4035s actually
4037s let's try to do that next
4041s interesting question about that uh says
4044s just come in actually yeah let's do a
4046s question yeah does Alec count because of
4048s these jumps in randomly and he could
4050s completely negate your yeah
4053s that's true and that is uh he does not
4056s work with the Rogue so if he jumps in
4058s your Rogue set goes
4061s because it only works
4063s without allies
4066s within two kilometers so I suppose if
4069s he's fighting his own fight and you're
4071s doing your own fight
4073s you know going rogue
4076s then it would still work
4084s Floyd says check that please Eric I
4086s think a bug might be back oh there's
4088s plenty of there's plenty of little
4090s details that we're still tweaking and
4092s modifying hopefully uh we'll squish them
4095s all just just make sure anytime you guys
4097s have bugs but you uh let us know about
4100s them so that we can squish them because
4102s if you don't let us know how are we
4104s gonna how would we know
4106s how do we know
4109s we're not mind readers
4114s we don't know everything
4119s but don't worry even though that mine is
4121s green it does not count as a friendly
4125s it has to be a ship
4127s it would have to be a show
4134s do we have any questions pertaining to
4136s that set or Frankly Speaking any of the
4138s said shown question mark and
4142s directly a bit of frog over on YouTube
4144s did want to know have we got any plans
4146s for weapons or sets that could give us
4148s status effects uh possibly uh such as
4151s the freeze or the overheat from The Gang
4153s That The Gangs have
4157s Maybe
4164s any other questions
4167s um right we have one from akami over on
4170s YouTube
4171s um when we get more sets in the game how
4174s how often rather would they be uh best
4177s in set or how often would they be
4179s stronger than say a single slot Superior
4181s or legendary
4183s um I think it's just a case of you know
4185s would be a set be stronger then yeah so
4188s the way that we're designing these set
4190s items each one is effectively an item
4193s variant and what that means is like for
4195s example the Jaeger is a variant of the
4198s pulse laser so if you're using a
4200s standard pulse laser it's gonna actually
4202s do it's gonna have some different traits
4204s about it and you're swapping your traits
4206s based on which variants you're using
4208s like a Synchro pulse is actually a much
4209s easier example because it's trading
4212s energy consumption for its damage output
4215s right you use a Synchro pulse for damage
4217s output but you go through your energy so
4221s fast as opposed to using a Jaeger which
4224s you're not consuming as much energy you
4226s you're getting actually a perfect shot
4229s this is like again like I actually said
4230s it early on the street but like you're
4232s getting an absolutely perfect shot
4233s through the Jaeger no other pulse laser
4235s variant has that however it does
4237s sacrifice damage for that benefit uh and
4241s I also think there's like something else
4242s that was different about it maybe it's
4244s like the the distance actually I think
4245s it has a higher distance than I can't
4248s remember but there's a trade-off with
4249s each variant so it's not necessarily
4251s that one's better than another
4253s it's that each one has a unique sort of
4257s trait applicable to that item set if you
4261s will item set
4263s item type that item type so we're
4266s talking about the pulse laser type right
4268s now so the variance would all be pulse
4270s lasers
4271s item sets or set items I should call it
4274s like that set items are all
4277s composed of item variants
4280s so like the Rattler for example the
4283s Rogue Rattler is an auto Cannon variant
4287s it does not have the same stats as a
4289s traditional autocannon it does not have
4291s the same stats as a Blood star decimator
4296s um it's its own autocannon variant and
4299s so its stats are going to reflect that
4301s they're going to be different it might
4303s be good in the particular way that you
4305s want to utilize it it might not be good
4307s in the particular way that you are
4310s playing the game
4312s but if you use them in tandem with other
4314s items in that set you then gain those
4317s benefits thereof that can usually make
4320s it Go just a bit further and might even
4323s be applicable to a playstyle that you
4325s are utilizing
4328s so yeah
4330s I hope that I hope that made plenty of
4332s sense
4334s if there's if you need a follow-up on
4336s that I'm happy to supply more
4340s I'm happy to supply more
4343s ships or drones yeah I like um the I'm
4347s seeing conversations surrounding like
4348s the the Rogues that any any Ally green
4352s ship or drone
4355s they would count as allies
4363s so yeah do we have more questions about
4365s sets at this time uh not at the moment
4368s okay
4370s no worries
4373s I gotta be a little careful here
4375s actually
4379s be careful
4382s what I meant to say is I need to use my
4384s alt
4387s it's a new day everyone
4389s a grown up
4395s very good very good
4400s Oh Ship color
4402s yay
4404s you did that
4406s did that guy
4409s did he warp in that closer was he hiding
4411s behind how did that happen
4414s that was that was a little intimidating
4420s all right anyway
4427s we're gonna scrounge around actually no
4428s I'm not gonna scrounge around anymore I
4430s think those are actually inside that
4431s asteroid since we're in just like a
4432s random location
4434s yeah doesn't happen often it really
4436s doesn't
4437s it always happens during the streams oh
4442s let's find a distress call
4446s and then once we do a distress calling
4448s and we complete this bit of Union
4449s Explorer
4451s we'll probably look at that last set
4453s item
4472s oh oh it is a distressed girl yes
4476s yes all right sorry to a previous live
4480s stream there was a comment someone was
4481s like oh somebody's taking dance classes
4484s um so ironically just a fun little fact
4487s ladies and gentlemen I have actually
4489s taken dance classes
4491s I know how to swing dance but otherwise
4494s what you see on the screen is just me
4496s being
4498s a goofball that's it that's all I am
4504s that's it
4513s oh my God
4515s I hope you guys dance to good music like
4518s if you're enjoying what's going on Just
4521s Dance man
4523s stance Let it Loose
4528s I'm good
4532s also I'm gonna I'm gonna do a thing
4534s because I am I'm really curious I feel
4537s like things are actually too easy
4539s okay no it is on nightmare recording
4541s okay good I was gonna die inside a
4543s little bit
4545s I mean obviously we've been fighting a
4547s lot of like level 11s and twelves
4549s but still
4551s tonight
4553s we're reaching we're reaching like that
4555s threshold in the nightmare gameplay
4557s experience where once you reach like
4560s it's about level 15 about when Superior
4564s items can actually start dropping level
4566s 15. it's a very low chance but they can
4571s um that is when you start getting over
4573s that hill of nightmare difficulty
4576s challenging overwhelmingness at the same
4579s level
4581s so we are we are almost there
4584s we're almost there
4590s oh my gosh confirm that nightmare is too
4592s easy yeah when when you're two levels
4594s over
4595s um and and your weapons generally are a
4599s decent amount over the enemies you're
4600s facing to if it's not easy then there's
4602s probably a balance issue
4607s working as intended
4610s working as intended okay uh
4612s oh yeah we wanted to go to our
4614s challenges what else we have three
4616s high-risk areas
4621s that's gonna be that's gonna be
4623s challenging so I think what we're gonna
4624s do is we're gonna go to this item
4626s retrieval that's near the high risk area
4628s We're Gonna Save there
4632s we are going to save their
4657s okay let's lose some cargo
4670s so we're gonna clear out this area then
4672s we're gonna show the last set item for
4675s the day
4676s and we'll kind of cover all of them
4678s again
4679s oh I just moved back around you know for
4682s any latecomers and
4683s all that's done probably maybe
4690s there we go
4695s well that was it that's all we needed
4698s all right well let's get some more loot
4699s these guys are a scattered this should
4701s be easy
4710s almost thought I missed that shot I was
4712s I just explode instantly right after
4714s saying this is easy yeah
4718s I've done that before yeah I know right
4720s not a single time
4725s it's good we needed that for the perk
4728s while we're finding some things that we
4730s we can use
4732s it's good good
4733s and speaking of people like sneaking
4735s into the stream a little bit later
4736s welcome welcome to anybody else who's
4738s now joining us
4739s whether you're getting off work or
4741s you're taking a quick break or whatever
4743s that looks like thank you thank you for
4745s spending time with us
4747s quite like you
4749s you're fun people
4759s all right there we go oh blueprint
4763s oh hey just because we had the
4765s conversation early on stream so see how
4767s that one is an uncommon blueprint so
4768s check this out check this out check this
4771s out
4772s you'll see that all my comments and
4773s uncommons are collected well
4775s specifically for secondaries all my
4777s comments and unconscious are collected
4778s so that's why it added that one but for
4781s the rares look at that completely empty
4782s so the next time I collect a blueprint
4786s um it looks like it's going to start
4787s being at the rare
4789s tears
4790s to start putting things together for us
4792s that's pretty neat
4794s that's pretty neat oh also I should show
4796s the modules too yeah there we go
4799s wow that was
4801s was that legitimately no okay so the
4803s next blueprint we're gonna get is going
4805s to be this uncommon
4807s um consumable that's that's gonna
4809s guarantee it the next blueprint drop we
4812s get is an uncommon
4814s consumable
4816s guaranteed
4817s 100 percent
4821s that will happen
4822s I hope that actually happens that I can
4824s show you
4825s because that's how that's how they drop
4827s they drop in kind of that
4829s sort of
4831s lowest tier to highest tier order
4838s goodbye look at that blueprint oh my
4841s gosh I'm so glad that we got this
4843s uncommon
4844s uncommon
4855s [Music]
4864s there's a chance to get a higher tier
4867s whatever
4873s oh my goodness
4876s bumping my mic and everything on the way
4878s up whatever
4880s good
4882s I remember that time I said there's a
4884s 100 chance
4900s anyway what we're doing oh yeah that was
4901s uh we were gonna save there uh let's
4904s actually let's go to I don't want to
4905s start the high risk area so we're gonna
4907s go to abadan too
4910s We're Gonna Save and we're gonna
4912s highlight this last set
4917s so dumb like punch Christian can
4920s probably vouch for me that the chances
4922s of that I mean actually the chances are
4924s probably decent that it could have been
4926s something else but still the highest
4928s chance
4930s would have been the uncommon whatever
4937s what I should have said is that
4940s it's going to be that or something in
4943s the rare but I can't go back there's no
4945s take backs these oh my gosh
4948s ridiculous all right let's save
4953s absolutely ridiculous
4957s all right
4958s it's a dove build after all absolutely I
4960s was cheating it's 100 it's in your game
4963s it works exactly like I speak on it
4965s every time it's uh whatever all right so
4968s let's get to this storage and let's look
4970s at the escort Duty set
4975s the escort Duty set
4979s first we have another Shield another
4982s Shield Eric really it's like you have
4984s you have no interest to keep things
4986s balanced across the board for all the
4989s different item types that would be
4990s coming in new sets absolutely absurd
4992s give some more love to some of the other
4994s weapon types would you that would be
4996s thoughtful that would be clever of your
4998s team to do why don't you do any of that
5004s so this one
5006s has three piece
5009s we have the shield The Chaperone
5013s The Chaperone Shield this is it's a kind
5016s of a more basic Shield that actually
5018s isn't as good as others
5020s it's not as good
5022s however it can get really good
5024s it is the opposite
5027s of the Rogue set
5029s four percent increase Shield capacity
5031s and recharge speed for each non-drone
5034s friendly or neutral within two kilometer
5035s range to a Max of 32 percent we did have
5039s to include the non-drone in there
5040s because immediately gaining this benefit
5043s using The Vindicator is a little too
5045s strong
5046s but so long as Alec or other allies or
5050s in the area and you are being a
5051s chaperone much like this Shield implies
5054s you would be doing
5055s you're gaining
5057s a healthy bonus
5059s the more of them there are the greater
5062s Your Capacity and recharge speed gets
5066s this can get to be a decent amount
5070s a decent amount the next one we have is
5072s called the bulkhead
5074s this also doesn't have any things sort
5077s of crazy about its armor or its repair
5079s per kill however so long as you are
5082s fighting straight on with your opponent
5085s say because you're defending something
5087s behind you you have a 30 percent damage
5090s reduction Thirty thirty percent damage
5094s reduction to armor from frontal attacks
5098s so so long as your opponent is in front
5100s of you
5101s you're actually taking a a significant
5104s reduction in armor damage
5110s significance
5112s amount of damage reduction
5115s that's not a small amount and then last
5117s but not least we have secure hold
5121s its benefit when you are scooping up
5124s the items of your Fallen foes collecting
5127s an item grants an eight percent damage
5129s reduction for four seconds to a maximum
5131s of 40 percent so if you're scooping like
5135s if you take out an enemy you scoop up
5137s their items you get this reduction of
5139s damage overall that's not just like for
5142s your hole this for your entire ship
5144s you could in fact stack this with your
5147s plating 30 damage reduction to armor
5149s from frontal attacks but it gets even
5151s better because you can see the set bonus
5153s here
5154s the stop bonus
5155s for the first time
5158s in everspace history
5161s we see an attribute percentage increase
5167s based on an item
5170s when you have two items of the escort
5173s Duty set your resistance attribute is
5176s increased by 25
5178s that's like you have maxed out
5183s your attributes
5184s using the Mainframe expansions
5188s when you have
5190s a full collection right here you see we
5192s have the Mainframe expansion plus 25
5194s percent there
5197s it's basically that
5199s for resistance
5201s and so if you do that again with your
5203s Mainframe expansions into your
5205s resistance like let's just let's just do
5207s this
5207s I mean it's not showing there right now
5209s because it's not done
5212s it's not uh it's not fully uh
5214s Incorporated yet as it should be because
5217s you'd see that extra line
5219s the percentage increase but with two
5221s items set this is now making a
5225s tremendous increase in damage reduction
5229s for your whole as well as a tremendous
5232s increase to your debuff uh duration
5235s reduction
5237s very large
5239s so you're not going to be stuck by
5242s enemies so much with this set and you're
5245s going to withstand a healthy amount of
5248s damage too through the secure hold
5251s the bulkhead
5252s and The Chaperone
5258s Boom Bada Bing Bang Boom
5261s last but not least we also see if there
5263s was time in everspace history
5266s bonus increases your Shield's armor and
5269s hole for each free cargo slot
5275s what
5278s look at how many cargo slots we
5279s currently have
5281s look at this let's just you know let's
5284s let's just store these two just to make
5286s it easy we have 30 free cargo slots
5288s right now 30.
5291s 30. that means we just gained 15 percent
5295s increase to our Shields our armor and
5298s our whole
5303s so on top of the fact that you're not
5305s going to be taking nearly as much damage
5306s now you're just gonna make it last even
5309s longer because you just keep adding more
5311s on top of everything
5314s free cargo slots on a looting game
5316s what's the I-9 on it
5320s absolutely
5325s pretty wild
5327s but that's how this operates
5331s so while you're having that nice little
5333s bonus
5334s at the maximum you have those increased
5337s slots
5339s then when you take out your opponents or
5341s you're in the middle of battle you're
5342s scooping up their resources you're
5344s filling your cargo it's maybe depleting
5346s that a little bit but then you're
5347s getting this Rich bonus to damage
5349s reduction
5351s you annihilate the rest of them because
5353s they can't touch you
5354s because you're reducing so much damage
5358s and then yeah
5362s there you go escort Duty
5367s that's how it works
5370s and per usual there might be a couple
5372s changes and whatnot
5373s um like maybe spelling issues uh to
5376s anything
5377s that you're seeing here numbers could uh
5379s be modified twisted uh redirected all
5383s those types of things
5385s but with uh I think this one I can't
5388s remember I can't remember if this one is
5390s fully operating as it should be but
5398s don't worry about that it's fine
5399s everything's fine
5402s um it looks like it's working already
5403s let me just check this out this is
5405s armored yeah okay so this one I believe
5408s is working as it should
5410s yeah see that little see that orange
5412s reflection let's see if we can do that
5414s can we yeah doesn't that look cool
5417s isn't that neat
5420s I know some somewhere there was a
5422s previous question about like oh well the
5424s set items have any sort of unique bonus
5426s uh visual looks and styles and stuff
5429s like that again the desire is to have
5430s them all with them but you know we'll
5433s see what we can do
5434s [Music]
5441s circumstances yes thank you Hive I just
5443s want to show an example of how this
5445s works
5449s all right
5452s can you drop items then pick them up
5454s again keep refreshing the damage
5455s reduction no you cannot you cannot drop
5456s items nope
5460s um but now I started answering questions
5461s uh geekbite can you actually see if
5464s we've got more questions about
5465s specifically the escort Duty stuff
5468s uh yeah one is actually coming from ciao
5471s Leo p over on YouTube and I want to know
5474s does the damage reflection calculate
5477s based on the initial damage or the
5479s reduced damage that they actually take
5482s so the question one more time I want to
5483s be super focused on this okay
5486s um does the damage reflection calculate
5488s based on the initial damage or the
5491s reduced damage that they actually take
5496s additive I'll just answer it like that
5498s so basically
5499s um
5501s when you have uh like the 30 damage
5505s reduction to armor from frontal attacks
5508s um that means that if you have any other
5510s uh well actually no this one would be
5512s multiplicative
5515s this one's multiplicative so any other
5518s amounts of damage reduction to the armor
5520s which I don't think are over here you
5522s only have whole reduction over here are
5524s there any other
5526s armor reduction sources
5530s end of game
5534s my goodness we're adding too much stuff
5537s to the game I can't remember it all
5538s that's that's the only thing we've added
5540s too much cut cut the cards we can't add
5543s all these new items it's too much
5548s the short of it is though
5550s it should be combining with any other
5552s bonuses that would be added on this
5555s funnel so if we're looking at something
5557s like The Chaperone for example we have
5559s four percent increase Shield capacity
5561s and recharge speed for each non-drone
5562s friendly or neutral within two
5563s kilometers range to a maximum thirty
5565s percent
5566s that Port four percent
5568s um that is actually going to be additive
5570s to like your initial ship's bonus of 35
5574s on this particular Mercury uh you know I
5578s think all of you guys know that
5579s vanguards don't have very good Shield
5581s bonus but this would Aid uh in that with
5586s that increase over time up to 32 percent
5588s I'm almost freaking doubling The Shield
5590s bonus the ship itself provides which is
5593s then applicable to the capacity of The
5595s Chaperone Shield itself right
5599s and that's applicable to any other sort
5601s of thing that is increasing the shield
5603s capacity
5604s please note that this is not an increase
5605s to Shield capacity this is increasing
5607s The Shield's regeneration like this is
5609s how much your Shield would be coming
5611s back to you whenever it starts to
5613s recharge
5616s so this has nothing to do with capacity
5618s this is everything to do with the
5620s recharge nature of your weapons your
5622s shield and your Boost Energies
5626s it's also clear that out of the way
5631s so
5635s next question
5638s uh one from story over on YouTube uh
5642s what's no will these sets be available
5643s at every Rarity
5647s well boy howdy is that a good question
5650s so I'm not going to pick up that
5652s blueprint
5653s um so I think that it's really easy to
5656s kind of um
5659s assume
5661s that all item variants would be like
5664s fully across the board however we do
5667s have a couple of current item variants
5669s that are accessible to you guys
5672s that are not available at the common
5675s Rarity in fact I don't think any of them
5677s are
5678s I don't think there's a single
5682s variance item that can generate
5685s at the common Rarity it has to be
5687s uncommon or higher and there's a couple
5689s of exceptions where they even have to be
5692s rare or higher I think that the
5695s disintegrator
5696s if I'm not mistaken I think the
5698s disintegrator laser
5700s has to be rare or higher for example
5703s [Music]
5705s so it's going to depend on a number of
5707s factors and how we're kind of like
5708s analyzing how uh where they all need to
5712s be but for the most part all of these
5715s item variants would start dropping at
5717s The Uncommon tier all of these set items
5720s that I'm showing you all of these would
5721s drop probably around the uncommon tier
5722s there might be a couple exceptions with
5724s that there might be one or two or a
5725s couple
5726s that drop at the rare tier or higher
5731s but overall
5732s you're not going to find them at
5734s commentary
5738s I really do appreciate that question
5739s that's a good question
5744s do I have another question
5747s uh somebody was just trying to
5749s understand uh Charlie Opie again about
5751s how the first set showcase would work
5754s with the third set for example the first
5756s set will reflect the damage it took but
5758s if I have a huge amount of damage
5759s reduction does it does it also decrease
5763s the damage to the enemies by reflection
5765s that is a fantastic question and I have
5767s actually poked and prodded about that
5769s before and the answer is whatever you
5771s have reduced doesn't matter the full
5774s damage is what gets reflected so if you
5777s take a hundred damage and your reduction
5780s for U is 30 we're gonna make this super
5783s easy math okay your reduction is 30 and
5787s your reflection is 20 that does not mean
5789s you're reflecting 20 of 70.
5792s it means you're reflecting twenty
5794s percent of a hundred so you're sending
5796s back 20 damage but you're only taking
5798s 70. that's how that interaction occurs
5801s great question and I'm glad to provide
5803s Clarity on that so if any of you out
5805s there are wondering at all like if I
5808s reduce the damage will that affect how
5810s much I can put no no it doesn't no no
5812s they they work in the best capacity uh
5815s that's possible you take 100 damage and
5818s your reduction is 30 you will only
5820s receive 70 but if your reflection is 20
5823s and you take that 100 and you absorb 30
5825s you're actually still doing 20 bucks
5829s okay
5831s cool
5834s awesome other question
5837s um wizard Jerry in relation to the item
5840s sets will we see them available in the
5842s riffs
5847s dang it wizard Jerry
5849s [Laughter]
5850s all right I'm gonna answer this question
5853s very indirectly
5857s so you know how Blood star items drop
5859s from a very particular location
5861s [Music]
5869s yeah
5871s I'm just thinking about that not really
5874s not really anything else to say on that
5876s I was just it's just a thought but um do
5879s we have another question
5880s yeah funny enough speaking about the
5882s monsters a question from them I am the
5885s law 42 over on Twitch are there any
5887s plans to include the Blood star set to
5889s hras in Caesar
5892s look okay we know that
5896s bloodstar items are like really desired
5900s because they're actually probably a
5901s little too good we know that and we do
5905s in fact balance the stuff within the
5907s game so that multiple opportunities can
5910s be had
5911s I know somebody out there is gonna be
5912s like oh but Eric it's a single player
5914s game bounce doesn't matter you're wrong
5916s I'm sorry if you like to play your way
5919s and have no restrictions whatsoever
5921s that's great but that's not how games
5923s are made games are definitely made with
5926s an initial vision in mind with a
5928s foundation that supports that vision and
5930s the constructs to it to facilitate
5933s proper interaction if that proper
5935s interaction isn't had because of
5936s something like poor balance then it's
5939s not working so we are absolutely
5942s ensuring that things do come together on
5944s that front whether you like it or not
5947s and bloodstar we do recognize is not
5950s probably in the best balance position
5953s right now so it will likely see
5956s adjustments
5957s we will likely see adjustments
5960s so
5961s um will it show up in hras was the
5964s specific question will it show up in
5966s riffs I don't think was asked but I
5968s don't care I think those are all really
5970s good questions
5973s we'll talk about that in the future
5978s is that the last question that we we had
5981s another one coming from slower in uh
5983s over on YouTube
5985s will having a set installed increase the
5988s chance of it dropping from regular
5990s enemies
5991s so
5993s of course don't discussion
5995s um I love it I love it we open the doors
5997s for questions that's why we do these
5999s streams no whenever you have an item
6001s from a set equipped that does not
6003s increase the chance of other items from
6005s that set to drop
6006s um
6007s that's not to say that it couldn't
6009s happen but we don't actually have plans
6011s to do that
6014s um but that I don't know that might end
6017s up changing based on the number of sets
6018s that we have coming up what
6020s um so we'll see
6023s we'll see
6028s all right well I think that that was a
6031s nice little demonstration of escort Duty
6033s I love seeing the little costing I'm
6035s gonna do this again just because I love
6036s how it looks let's uh let's try to
6040s yeah doing it to our own ship
6043s honest I like it um I also think it does
6046s a weird thing is it doing it inside yeah
6048s it's doing it also to like the the front
6050s of the ship I don't know if you can see
6051s that
6053s that's it doesn't like perfectly work on
6056s all the ship modules but still it's uh
6058s it's a fun little effect
6060s just for sake of having the the escort
6062s Duty whenever it's uh you're getting the
6064s the benefit triggering in
6067s yeah I mean like look at all these Elite
6068s Fighters
6070s we get nice and close to them and we
6072s know that we're receiving that benefit
6075s which I don't know if these update I
6078s think this is plans to get updated with
6080s the number of targets nearby so that you
6082s have a better sense of your bonuses
6087s um I don't think Hans Christian's in the
6089s Stream
6090s if he is I would love to to point that
6093s out
6093s um otherwise I'll I'll but that is we
6096s have we have the desire to have these
6098s conditions really truly help clarify
6101s what everything going on means and not
6104s all the icons are actually done for
6105s these sets so some of them will look a
6107s little bit different
6109s too but yeah but yeah whenever you're
6111s doing escort Duty and you're nearby
6113s enemy ships for example uh you should
6115s have a counter that tells you how many
6117s are nearby at the very least so you know
6119s what your uh bonus your benefits are
6123s looking like cool
6126s all right well that was the that was the
6129s last set item that we were showing uh
6131s for the time being
6134s we've got oh that was four items that we
6137s were able to show we're gonna go back to
6139s our nightmare
6143s area we're gonna we're gonna look in
6145s this area and see if there's anything
6146s else to do then we'll transition and do
6148s actually no we don't have time we need
6149s to go to screenshots
6151s holy crap
6153s time flies when you're showing
6155s set items woo
6158s one second
6160s one second we're gonna go over and
6162s highlight a couple of your beautiful
6164s screenshots that you have all had
6167s and then we'll probably do a recap of
6169s the set items one more time probably
6171s it's gonna happen
6173s it's gonna happen just in case anybody
6175s missed anything
6177s because there's a lot we showed we
6178s showed four new sub items with uh it was
6180s a total 12 new item variants
6184s about how many other words I can't
6186s remember math is hard
6189s math is hard
6192s all right
6196s so we got a couple of screenshots to
6199s Showcase here and then um I think uh
6202s Gary you actually captured a couple more
6204s and added them to a nice little uh slide
6208s reel thing to show so um I'm gonna
6210s highlight the ones that I specifically
6212s chose and then after this Gary's gonna
6215s highlight those uh that are highlighted
6217s here but then also a couple more selects
6219s that he chose as well so stay tuned for
6221s both of these little segments just
6223s because we love to give you a lot of
6224s love while we are highlighting these
6225s screenshots from like unknown spot for
6228s example highlighting a location in the
6230s original everspace feel free to continue
6232s asking any questions that you have about
6234s the entirety of the game but you know
6236s also it's totally cool and fine if you
6239s want to ask about the uh the set items
6242s in particular since that's a pretty big
6245s topic for today
6247s so yeah
6249s uh but yeah unknown spot I really like
6251s this shot from everspace one just
6252s highlighting
6254s what the close sun looks like and why in
6258s the world would GMB build a warp gate
6260s there other than gamification like
6262s that's just crazy it's crazy to me jmb
6264s you're wild absolutely not so
6267s but for some reason I love it we got
6270s this shot that comes from flori
6273s and I actually had to uh I had to look
6276s at this twice because like wait what
6278s what part of Drake is that actually in
6280s no this is also a shot from everspace
6283s one
6284s what a cheeky shot Flory I love it I
6288s love how you've captured that
6290s um Gary what question do we have looming
6292s out there in The Ether uh we've got one
6295s uh it's just for clarification regarding
6297s the bloodstar perfect gear set from
6300s bedded froggy just once uh they're
6303s saying that they'd like more
6304s availability of the Blood star gear yeah
6306s especially at higher Rarity tiers and he
6308s just wants clarification on whether it's
6310s going to be getting a Nerf in terms of
6311s stats and effects
6314s um and they just want clarification if
6315s that's what's gonna happen so the big
6317s thing that we are looking into right now
6319s is that we want the drop rates to be
6321s fair right now
6323s Blood star drop rates Art Fair we
6325s recognize that
6327s um that being said we are looking at a
6329s look we are having a hard look at the
6330s stats as well I'm not saying they're
6333s gonna get nerfed
6335s it's possible
6336s there could be some adjustments okay
6339s this is mainly to account for new items
6343s that are entering the pool
6347s all right
6349s so great question glad to provide
6351s Clarity on that front
6353s next shot we have comes from Wizard
6355s Jerry oh my gosh even your ship looks
6357s like a wizard
6359s it's ridiculous I love it thank you so
6362s much your ship looks really good
6365s love the coordination I love how you
6366s chose
6368s um the Keon Rift as well or not can't uh
6372s the kite nebula the kite nebula as the
6376s backdrop as well just like really
6377s maximize that purplish purple purplitude
6381s yeah
6383s or velocity
6385s whatever you want to call it it's it's a
6387s great it's a great that's what it is
6390s I love the way you've ducked that bad
6392s boy out
6395s so uh do we have another question
6397s looming as I move over to not yet okay
6401s we got this shot from sonazaki we had a
6404s lot of beautiful shots from sonozaki
6406s taking their very very good amount of
6408s time just absorbing the space and
6411s highlighting with these beautiful wide
6412s screen shots
6414s um this one
6415s yeah this like looks like a shot from a
6419s TV show or like a movie right before
6422s like the enemy vessel like warps in and
6424s it's massive and you're just like oh you
6426s know I don't know it gives me it gives
6428s me that Vibe of like the Calm before the
6430s storm like something is just about ready
6432s to have happen and I love that like it
6435s it's somehow building Anticipation by
6438s being so calm
6440s ah that it's it's beautiful it's
6443s beautiful
6444s we've got another shot
6446s um from steiny this one there was a
6447s little discussion surrounding it
6449s um that looks like a living creature is
6452s about to just gobble up the playership
6453s oh my goodness that is such a cool shot
6457s very well composed that that makes me
6460s want to never
6462s um
6462s that makes me want to never uh
6465s go swimming again that's the type of
6468s shot it is
6470s I'll stay out of water thanks why don't
6473s you go swimming for a little bit it's
6474s awesome
6477s oh very good so very well done steiny uh
6480s makes me so happy and I love the heart
6482s that you're supplying in twitch chat as
6484s well welcome to the stream glad you're
6486s here glad that you're able to hear my
6488s praise completely what a champion
6492s next shot and if you got a question just
6494s let me know uh Gary just like no worries
6496s me it's fine uh we have this shot that
6498s comes from Dev kiss I think I saw them
6501s in the Stream earlier
6503s not sure
6505s um but yeah
6506s I like this one I just like it it's it's
6510s poster Worthy
6511s slap that bad boy on your wall like that
6513s that looks good the the nice use of
6515s colors give it that sense of vibrancy
6518s without being almost cartoonish that you
6521s get whenever you have too many colors
6522s you know what I'm talking about like
6523s it's it's nice and contrasted with all
6526s these
6528s asteroids and and I mean the ship and
6531s the lights and I can speak things that
6533s you can see uh it's all there it's all
6536s there and I just I love the way that it
6537s comes together and it's a great way
6539s representation of everspace 2.
6544s [Music]
6545s brilliantly done brilliantly closed
6548s foreign
6551s oh my button's not working hang on there
6553s we go next shot we got comes from dark
6556s chaos I knew this one was ever space one
6558s for not a lot of reasons but still I
6561s love how you guys are taking your
6563s Aerospace one shots and I replaced two
6565s shots and in some cases where you're
6567s hiding
6568s um the everspace logo like we'd prefer
6571s it if it was on there don't get me wrong
6573s but there's also kind of like it's a fun
6575s sort of challenge some of these shots
6577s where it's like which game does this
6579s come from uh but obviously those of you
6581s who are like really well versed in both
6583s games there's some easy elements that
6586s tell you oh this one's definitely ever
6587s space launder oh that one's definitely
6589s ever spaced too but I love I love how
6591s there's so much similarity even though
6593s there's a couple of years difference
6595s between their releases like I feel like
6597s everspace one definitely holds up uh
6600s quite well but this is definitely ever
6602s space one definitely need to go raid
6604s those fuel canisters to keep on flying
6608s we have a question oh yeah sure
6610s I am the law on uh twitch would like to
6613s know are there any plans to make weapon
6615s projectile laser colors customizable you
6619s know there is something that we've
6621s talked about in the past and um you know
6623s at one point there was a conversation
6625s internally about like well what would
6626s that look like is that something that's
6628s desirable is this worth our while to put
6632s into the game amid having all these
6635s other wonderful uh priorities that we
6638s need to focus on and I think at the end
6640s of the day we decided that even though
6642s that would be kind of cool
6644s there are a lot of other aspects that we
6647s absolutely need to focus on I'm not
6649s saying it's out of the picture but what
6651s I am saying is we haven't really focused
6654s on something like that because there's
6656s really cool stuff on the docket instead
6659s like super cool stuff that's a nice to
6661s have
6662s that's that is a nice to have and it has
6665s been a nice to have even before 1.0 was
6668s released
6669s um so yeah if we have more news to share
6672s on that front
6673s um we will share it when we get there
6675s but I don't know
6678s I really don't it's uh kind of a toss-up
6681s this shot comes from sanazaki
6683s as well these wide shots anytime you've
6685s seen like a wide screen shot it's almost
6687s guaranteed to be sanazaki he just does
6689s such a fantastic job with it it really
6691s is awesome
6692s and uh let's see
6695s the last shot as well
6697s um also comes from sonozaki
6700s and I almost used this one in the uh the
6704s [Music]
6705s thumbnail I probably should have I want
6707s to do more I'm taking your guys's shots
6709s as thumbnails
6710s um but yeah I just I love the way that
6713s they have capitalized on this one I
6716s think there was some modification
6718s involved here I don't know if you can
6721s get a shot through doing some depth of
6723s field
6724s uh really clever positioning it
6728s certainly looks like it's been modified
6729s but regardless I love what they've done
6731s with it I love how it adds this just
6734s great amount of speed while also being
6737s very clearly ever spaced too it's good
6741s it's nice
6743s a little question coming from slurring
6746s by the way on YouTube and they just want
6748s to know when the uh DMZ news reporters
6752s are going to be coming off strike
6753s because it seems like it's been on
6755s strike for a little while yeah sure no I
6757s mean
6757s I mean there's been a lot of adjustments
6761s internally at Rockfish to make sure that
6762s we can truly focus on the things that
6764s really need to be happening and while I
6766s really did enjoy doing those sort of
6767s newscast sort of updates and stuff um we
6770s did have to put that on hold at least
6772s for a little bit
6773s um so yeah it's possible that I could
6776s come back in time we'll we'll see it's
6778s yeah it requires extra time on my part
6782s and in order to make extra time it means
6783s I need to stop doing something else and
6785s sometimes I can't do that so
6788s we'll uh we'll see
6791s we'll see
6792s but I'm glad you enjoyed them though
6794s like I I do have fun doing them it's
6796s just you know turns out there's a lot of
6798s things that have to be done both from a
6800s development perspective and a marketing
6801s perspective and Community perspective
6804s like it's a lot what oh my gosh I know I
6808s know all of you guys thought I just sat
6809s at a desk all day and I just like scroll
6811s through forums and wait until somebody
6813s does something wrong and I ban them but
6814s no it turns out I actually do more than
6816s that
6823s oh my gosh
6826s anyway but yeah that's that's all the
6829s screenshots that I have uh it wasn't
6830s like a crazy amount but I thought they
6832s were pretty high quality images I I
6833s really liked what you guys are bringing
6834s to the table uh this last week
6837s um and uh as Gary did last week which I
6840s think overall you guys enjoyed a bit we
6842s will be highlighting a few of these kind
6844s of like at the end of the stream as well
6845s as well as a couple extras
6849s um
6849s this streams a lot about the set items
6852s that I want to generate a couple more
6853s questions I'm going to dive back into
6854s the game and we're just gonna do a quick
6856s recap just a quick General one we're
6858s going to look at them all so get your
6860s mind Curiosities going so let me pull
6863s the game back up we're just gonna dive
6866s back in I just want to do one more one
6868s more solid round
6870s just to
6873s top off this stream
6875s I mean it's in the Stream title like we
6876s got to right make sure full coverage is
6878s had
6884s plus I like you guys why not
6888s why not
6894s all right it's loading it should come in
6895s any second now
6897s is my green screen acting up what's
6899s going on
6901s oh no that's just
6903s okay
6904s it's fine everything's fine might get
6906s down all right
6907s cool so let's go back in here one more
6909s time
6911s we're gonna take out this one
6915s I got this one we're gonna also pull
6918s this one off too uh just so you can very
6921s clearly see it
6923s um that was weird
6925s oh man did it ah ah we arranged
6929s all right whatever well um
6933s it's fine
6935s so be quiet is the escort set the most
6938s expensive by the way uh I don't I don't
6941s know the values
6942s um I haven't we haven't we haven't taken
6946s a cold hard look at every single
6948s individual tiny little number and the
6951s ramifications that may or may not have
6953s at this time we've mostly given some
6956s decent uh
6959s estimations as to what that needs to
6961s look like but again values could change
6964s a bit
6966s so first we have the storm front we're
6968s going to go through oh wait we also need
6969s to make
6970s oh I like how there's a random Blood
6972s star up here too that's funny do we get
6974s them all I think we did okay
6976s so let's go through the storm front
6977s first we have Cyclone targets hit by
6979s this missile are pulled for three
6981s seconds
6983s we have multi-cell no additional
6986s qualities but it is a shield focused
6988s energy core
6991s stratocumulus this has wild Shield is
6995s active gained 2 000 meter range pole for
6998s energy orbs that is rather expansive and
7001s last but not least in the storm front
7002s set we have Tailwind this it has pretty
7006s good speed gain in comparison to other
7008s ones
7008s um also really nice acceleration while
7010s boosting reflect 10 of incoming damage
7013s back to your attackers
7014s the set bonus here
7019s at two
7020s items in the set you get a 25 increase
7023s energy orb drop chance at three four
7025s percent increased damage reflection for
7027s 20 seconds when collecting an energy orb
7028s to a Max of 40 or you get all enemies
7032s within 800 meters take reflected damage
7036s it's not distributed amongst them all
7038s it's each one takes that single damage
7041s reflection and then it does it to every
7043s it does it every single time
7045s every single one next up we have the
7048s autonomous set here we go
7052s we have the Genesis barrier
7055s after The Shield is shut down it will
7058s instantly restore its Shield to full
7059s capacity when the shutdown duration
7062s concludes completely restores all of it
7065s doesn't have a lot of capacity but
7067s because it can come back so fast and
7068s based on how you chain it together with
7070s other things could be really really
7073s effective next we have the Adaptive
7076s plating while at least 15 armor is
7078s active you gain 0.25 repair per hit
7083s that value might change but still
7086s um that's really good in comparison to
7089s getting just the repair per kill repair
7092s per hit can be rather effective
7097s last but not least we have the repair
7098s Bay and it will repair a damaged item
7101s every 90 seconds
7104s every 90 seconds just you have something
7106s damaged on your ship doesn't matter
7108s fixed repair Bay automatically does it
7111s for you
7113s next up we will do uh The Chaperone
7117s or excuse me escort Duty
7119s we'll do it in my order sorry no let's
7121s do the Rogue next
7122s rogue's next
7124s Rogue we have the Rattler Auto Cannon
7127s variants
7128s this thing is a fairly standard
7130s autocannon um but it doesn't actually do
7133s as much damage as your traditional Auto
7135s Cannon
7137s but that being said it can charge up and
7139s do a heck of a lot more damage because
7141s it increases its damage it the change
7143s that we're gonna actually apply is it's
7145s going to be based on how fast your ship
7147s is moving currently so if you're moving
7150s really really fast it's going to do a
7152s lot of damage if you're kind of moving
7154s just a little bit it's going to increase
7155s your damage by just a little bit if
7157s you're not moving at all you're not
7158s going to gain any benefit at all so
7159s that's the difference
7160s this one says increased damage for every
7162s 25 ship handling ignore that it's going
7165s to be based on how fast your ship is
7167s currently
7168s moving
7169s and then the second bit of this is the
7172s Rascal
7173s this missile is a fairly basic missile
7176s it kind of sucks in comparison even to a
7179s basic missile however if it breaks the
7182s target's Shield or armor it will
7184s instantaneously gain the effects of both
7186s an EMP and web missile and that lasts
7190s for three seconds on the target
7193s lasts for three seconds on the target
7195s the set bonus for the Rogue
7198s it's all about working by yourself I
7201s work alone
7202s so long as no friendlies or neutrals are
7205s within two kilometers you gain 10
7207s increased damage handling and ship speed
7212s damage
7213s handling
7215s ship speed
7218s cool last but not least we have the
7221s escort Duty set
7223s you have the chaperone
7226s it kind of sucks
7228s unless you are attacking nearby
7230s friendlies and when you are it gets
7233s pretty strong four percent increase
7234s Shield capacity and recharge speed for
7237s each non-drone friendly or neutral
7239s within two kilometers range to a Max of
7242s 32 percent if you're looking at that and
7244s still going ah it's not really my thing
7247s that's fine let's look at the other ones
7248s we have the bulkhead 30 damage reduction
7251s to armor from frontal attacks that's
7253s actually nothing to scoff at I actually
7255s did test this in a rift run
7258s um two days ago yesterday I can't
7260s remember and uh that damage is rather
7263s substantial even when you're looking at
7266s um say like a gunship that is a massive
7267s armor bonus
7269s um in like a rift lunacy 500 environment
7272s it really absorbs damage it's pretty
7275s awesome because that does this damage
7276s reduction to armor does stack
7279s effectively with the gunship's uh
7281s expertise which is also armor damage
7284s reduction
7285s and then last but not least you have the
7287s secure hold which when you're collecting
7289s an item it grants eight percent damage
7291s reduction for four seconds to a maximum
7293s of 40 percent so anytime you're
7296s absorbing items during a conflict you're
7299s just gaining increased reduction and
7302s it's not a specific damage reduction
7304s it's all damage reduction Shields armor
7308s hole all of it all of it's covered
7311s all of it's covered
7313s the escort Duty set itself
7317s when you have a set of two you gain 25
7320s increase to your resistance attribute
7324s that specifically is applicable to your
7327s whole reduction but a 25 increase total
7330s especially when you're at level uh 30
7332s like we are it's nothing to scoff at
7334s just kind of give you a a quick look at
7337s this
7339s it's nothing to scoff at when you would
7342s add 25 bonus on top of that
7346s and uh last but not least you gain 0.5
7350s increased Shield armor and hole for each
7353s free cargo slot you have so when you are
7356s diving into the mix to help out your
7358s ally you have nothing equipped in a
7360s small ship it's not going to be nearly
7361s as effective you can probably tell that
7363s the escort Duty sets more geared towards
7365s heavy ships so heavy players Rejoice
7368s um
7369s but yeah so the more cargo units you
7372s have the greater Shield armor and hole
7374s is going to get capitalized and it can
7377s get pretty pretty expansive it can get
7380s pretty large
7381s um
7382s so yeah
7385s that's all of it that's all four of the
7387s sets that we're showing today
7390s and I mean we've already talked about it
7392s plenty of time but just
7394s um I don't think there's anything that's
7395s been changed here uh maybe
7399s uh maybe it has
7403s can't remember
7405s I don't think anything's been changed
7407s here but if it has you can note a little
7409s bit of a change
7410s um and if not
7413s just know that we are still looking for
7415s we are not we're looking we actually
7417s have a plan to assist Blood star drop
7421s rates
7422s um I'm just gonna tell you guys that
7424s straight up I know that there's been a
7425s lot of concern I want you guys to know
7426s that we are addressing it that will
7428s there will be changes on that front so
7431s yeah set item set item set items as of
7434s right now I've showed you 12 new item
7437s variants that can generate in the game
7439s World 12 new item variants and like the
7444s eclipse set can drop for anywhere it's
7447s very likely that some of these sets can
7449s also drop from anywhere like the Blood
7452s star set can drop from a unique place
7454s it's likely that some of these sets
7456s could drop from a unique place we'll
7458s find out more when we have more to share
7460s also
7462s we're not done with sites we have a lot
7465s more
7466s so stay tuned on this channel to hear
7469s more about what's coming to everspace 2
7471s in a free update what all of this is for
7474s you all of this is free that you will be
7478s receiving later this year it's all free
7480s you don't have to pay for it it's free
7482s I'm just gonna make it give it to you
7484s all right so if you want to stay in tune
7486s and
7488s have more fun in Shenanigans and ask
7490s questions and
7491s see what we have to offer yeah let's
7493s keep coming back we'll be doing a stream
7495s next week and highlighting what we can
7498s um I think there's gonna be some
7499s information that drops next week if I'm
7501s not wrong Gary can you confirm that is
7503s that is that something just something
7506s going on I can't remember
7510s yeah anyway I think it's something more
7512s important than that
7514s well anyway
7517s I mean I I set that one up so that's my
7520s bad anyway guys thank you so much for
7522s coming out of the stream really do
7523s appreciate it I am parched hang on
7526s hmm
7527s water's delicious stay hydrated
7530s you guys have been awesome
7533s I have been Eric your community
7536s Ambassador and I've been joined by Gary
7538s our other community manager who's
7541s freaking awesome thank you so much for
7542s being here Gary and answering or like
7545s drawing all the questions together it's
7546s it's huge that means a lot you're
7549s welcome and uh yeah
7551s don't stop being awesome
7553s and we'll catch you in the next stream
7555s doodles
7576s thank you
7596s foreign
7605s man do I want to tease so much more
7610s but time and a place and there there
7613s will be a time
7614s and it will be this place and these
7616s streams so uh definitely appreciate your
7618s viewership sincerely you guys mean the
7620s world to us
7621s and yeah this is this is just getting
7625s started with new content that we're
7626s going to be highlighting
7628s um both free and also like premium
7630s content like it's it's that's very much
7632s in the works we have a lot of news that
7635s we'll be sharing over time um you guys
7636s know that uh there's gonna be
7638s information about consoles soon if you
7640s don't uh next week there's going to be
7642s information about consoles
7644s um that's what Gary and I were like
7645s playfully alluding to
7647s um I believe that's on Tuesday uh is
7650s when there's a um there's a thing
7654s um I think that's right
7655s I'm sure Michael could probably confirm
7658s um but otherwise yeah
7660s so stay in touch with us we would love
7662s to stay in touch with you of course
7664s we're very transparent development team
7666s and uh
7668s now I'm gonna be
7670s dork
7677s probably could have left the mic down
7679s for that sorry
7686s hang on
7694s streamer life
7695s it's hard
7703s this is bad today guys it's been too
7705s long
7706s [Music]
7726s [Applause]
7731s [Music]
7750s watch it
7753s [Music]
7768s foreign
7773s [Music]
7779s thanks so much for being a part of this
7781s you guys are fun and I do want to top
7783s off things like I said geekbite did a
7786s wonderful little job of capturing the
7788s artwork that was had so if you kind of
7790s missed the screenshot showcase
7792s definitely also know that uh we love
7796s what you do and we love you so much that
7798s we want to highlight you just a little
7799s bit more so I'm going to go ahead and
7800s take my leave but enjoy this little
7802s slideshow of those images that not only
7804s I highlighted but Gary threw in a couple
7806s more as well thank you for the
7808s screenshots here's to you have a great
7811s weekend guys
7841s foreign
7890s Dr Daniel I love this community