9 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

20s hello hello everyone this is kind of a
22s mic check um but also it's probably
25s going to be combating the music that's
26s playing so don't worry about it too much
28s um welcome everybody to Twitch and
30s YouTube we're going to be getting
31s started here really super soon uh just
34s some last little bits of details getting
37s plugged away so uh sit tight oh my gosh
40s it's going to be it's going to be a fun
41s day oh I am excited for today
59s woo
61s [Music]
117s woo squeaky chair bumping things oh my
122s gosh oh
131s goodness welcome welcome everyone
133s sneaking on in hoping to see some new
136s faces with our recent console
139s launch get started here in just a
149s few
160s [Music]
260s [Music]
264s all right welcome ladies and gentlemen
266s to the official Rockfish game stream I
269s your host my name is Eric I'm the
270s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
272s I am joined by our community manager
274s Gary say hello Gary hello Gary perfect
277s right on Q we are going to be assisting
279s you today with a 2-hour showcase I'm
282s going to be playing a nightmare
284s difficulty with a catch on these streams
286s that we do every single Friday we
288s generally will engage a lot with the
290s community answer a lot of questions and
292s also tease stuff when applicable and I
295s have been given permission to tease
298s stuff the weird thing about it is I
301s don't know what I'm going to tease
302s because it's going to be completely
304s reliant on RNG so as we are flying
307s through space in this nightmare
310s difficulty game we are going to be
312s encountering some new drops some of
315s these are going to be elements that
316s we've kind of talked about in other
317s streams where we'll have the new item
320s modifiers uh let me find one oh there we
322s go there's one on screen right now lots
325s of generation on that front that we can
326s still talk about when we discover it but
328s we're also talking about new items
330s entirely so keep your eyes peeled I will
333s too and if those show up we'll have a
335s little conversation about it it'll just
336s be delightful it'll be great otherwise
339s should you have any questions through
340s the course of this presentation at any
342s point in time let us know in the
344s comments go ahead and add to that to the
347s chat Gary's going to be taking those
349s questions and at certain intervals
350s during the course of the stream we will
351s be responding to you in kind otherwise
356s what a freaking awesome console launch
358s oh my goodness
360s woo woo oh my gosh it was uh it was
364s quite delightful we are really happy
367s that we've been able to get this out to
368s the world um and we're also really happy
370s that we have such a loud Community to
372s say hey there's this thing that's
374s happening and still our team was like on
377s it they were just like freaking pounding
379s keyboards back behind the scenes were
381s able to navigate the space that needed
382s to be adjusted and boom bada bing bang
384s bam wowzers um I'm just I'm really
388s impressed with our team I'm really happy
389s with the release overall and it's just
392s so good to see so much praise out there
394s as well as the criticism it's it's great
395s too we're really thankful that you guys
397s are not holding back and saying things
398s how you feel how things are going cuz
400s that helps us make this even better so
403s big shout out to all of you for making
405s this possible seriously it has just been
407s it is it has been uh
409s remarkable just
411s absolutely yeah honestly you guys you
414s guys are the real MVPs that's what I'm
415s trying to say so without further Ado
417s without all of this wonderful fantastic
420s stuff going on uh let's get into the
422s part where I'm probably going to die
424s which is this nightmare gameplay so um I
427s was kind of poking about I got a couple
428s things I need to do I didn't even
429s realize I finished another Mainframe
431s expansion um I'm going to drop that into
433s my utility for now we are very likely
436s going to purchase a new ship um and then
440s I think we yeah we also hit professional
442s Renown so we get a new decal some
445s goodies a powerful Catalyst nice and a
449s couple other things from
451s that and let's see we've got calibrated
454s equalizer which oh my gosh that's that's
456s already like looking really good I am
458s playing mouse and keyboard today by the
461s way but if there are any questions on
462s Console side about like controls and
464s stuff like that I can change over to
468s controller I I personally prefer mouse
470s and keyboard um but we are very happy
472s with how things come across with
474s controller support um and should the
476s need arise in uh showcasing how
479s something looks
480s um I will absolutely show that as well
484s so all right we're going to go ahead and
485s dismantle this old one actually no we'll
487s sell this one we'll sell this one cuz we
489s already have the
490s blueprint um and our new one has
493s blasters deal 20% increased damage we
496s don't have a blaster on but we might
497s keep our eyes peeled for that cuz that's
498s a that's a pretty hefty amount um and
502s let's see do we have man yeah cuz we had
506s this as our new pulse laser which really
509s hit damage yeah okay okay all right just
512s getting a little acclimated with the
514s game um you know actually to start
516s things off I do want to talk about this
518s right here these
520s elements because I did see some
522s questions on Reddit pertaining to how
524s this operates from a controller all
528s right and so it's very simple honestly
530s you just push the left thumb stick in
532s that's how you cycle it so anybody who
536s was kind of wondering about that that's
537s how you do it at the very very bottom of
539s the screen this is listed on the left
541s side it says LS sorting that means push
545s the button in when you see the one next
547s to it that says expand View and it has
549s an arrow on the ls that actually means
551s to hold it down so see that when we hold
553s it down there's that little indicator
555s that makes it only go to your cargo
557s instead of looking at all your ship
558s pieces that way especially if you're
561s trying to not accidentally sell
562s something off of your ship this makes
564s that a lot easier for a setup not needed
566s we added it in there for convenience but
568s again if you're ever tring to like cycle
570s through elements um that's how you do
573s it uh super cool uh thanks thank you so
577s much um also the there was one other
579s thing uh oh yeah it's you hold the right
584s stick in in order to change the view
587s from being a list like this to
590s individual slots like this so again
593s that's the right it's the right thumb
595s stick and again these are listed at the
597s bottom it's all listed right right down
599s there you can see I'm I'm not lying it's
602s all
603s there just so everybody is aware for
606s your console
607s goodness there's that
609s Clarity live at Rockfish games all right
614s so now now let's let's get into some
617s let's get into some decision making um
619s oh oh my gosh this looks like a new
621s popup where did that come from I've
623s never seen that before we'll talk about
625s that later anyway um so we have we have
629s uh a number of ships here that we really
631s want to cycle over to we want something
634s we have a striker and we just we just
636s had a striker in a somewhat recent
638s stream I do want to change ships I'm not
640s going to do it right now what we're
641s going to do is we're going to fly around
643s for a little bit see how ships end up
645s getting cycled and if a new opportunity
647s for a tier three ship shows up we're
649s probably going to jump on that um not
651s that I don't love the striker because I
652s do the striker is actually one of my
654s favorite ships however I want a
656s different one just for the sake of
658s showing some new rotation for the
661s stream okay so now with all of that out
664s of the way let's um let's just do a
667s couple more things we're going to sell
669s some items oh no no blueprint progress
671s here all right let's start
672s that um this one's not going to have any
675s blueprint progress a good weapon but
677s it's just not as good as what we got so
678s I'm going to dismantle that as well and
680s we are going to sell these solar panels
682s and mining equipment I think just to get
684s it out of the inventory the ramen I'm
686s going to hang on to cuz that's a
688s pathetic set here at Prescott we're
690s we're going to get something of value
692s literally anywhere
694s else so very good very good Mark all a
697s scene and we're going to just go let's
699s start flying
704s around all right already feeling pretty
707s good about things let's see where do we
709s want to oh we have so many places to go
711s so much to do what mission are we on x
713s marks the spot find out where madx Lassa
715s Eduardo and Cay nebula ooh that could be
718s really fun progress that could
720s accidentally show things that we're not
721s supposed to show
722s yet I'm kind of down for trying
725s that um but let's see what else
728s generates on our pathway there cuz we
730s are a Level under and the last time we
733s went to the kite nebula I'm pretty sure
734s we had some difficulties against the uh
737s redeemers
745s there let's also uh have a quick look at
749s our
750s challenges Union get very close to the
752s Sun oh that's all we have left oh shoot
754s let's just do that right now let's just
756s do that right now make this process
759s zipping around so much
762s better oh and just just in case anybody
765s is wondering I went ahead and I swapped
766s over to my controller right here and if
768s you notice um there isn't any um there
771s isn't any floating
772s around there isn't any floating around
775s that's going on that is because there is
777s a very easy fix to stop the floating uh
781s from cing the the uh what's it called
783s the the stick drift that's it stick
786s drift um and if you want to know more
789s I'm sure that we could send a link to
791s you in the um in the in the chat
793s probably could you do that Gary I
795s totally I'm putting that on
798s you wasn't actually intended to talk
801s about that but hey we're here and uh
803s there we
804s go fluorescent
808s algae
810s the more important thing from completing
812s this challenge means that now whenever
814s we choose a place we can do this fast
818s forward
819s thing look how fast we
822s go
824s nice feels good feels
828s good now I do want to just put a quick
830s bit of emphasis on the the stick drift
832s stuff I'm talking about um for PC
835s players that is specifically going to be
837s on PC with the solution um for stick
840s drift for consoles I would have to refer
843s to the list to see how um how bad it is
848s but that is something that the team is
849s tracking and if it is bad enough we will
851s patch that of course uh we haven't seen
853s any reports of that hindering gameplay
855s more just super light and speaking of
858s hindering gameplay uh we do have a
860s little bit less performance in this area
863s just because streaming that happens from
865s time to time so we're going to go to a
866s different location and keep moving on
868s while I'm talking a lot
870s woo how are you all doing oh my
874s gosh welcome
876s welcome looking at some high energy in
878s today's stream already and it's feeling
880s good I'm feeling good hope you're
882s feeling good
883s too uh let's
887s go I kind of want to Let's yeah let's go
891s here that's where I want to
893s go that'll be a nice sight to find
898s things
904s doing great now cuz it's stream time
906s nice hello hello party party Pilots
908s welcome
910s welcome what a wonderful day good
919s good we do have something to destroy
922s over there that we caught last
924s time we'll just go do it really quick
927s right no it's too low level I want this
929s location to level up and then we'll find
931s more secrets that way the stuff we find
932s will be higher level
938s too all
941s righty on to
943s zarov and like I said uh just at the
946s start of the stream if anybody's
947s wondering why are you still playing The
948s Sentinel we will be swapping it out um
951s at some
952s point at some point I'd really like to
954s get a tier three ship so it's probably
957s going to just be dependent on what
958s generates
961s but uh yeah hopefully hopefully we can
964s have some options for the community to
969s decide all right how do we want to
971s handle this anti-missile
973s drone bomber Elite all
982s right
987s cool oh it's like between my missiles
989s and that's pointless with the
991s bomber at least while these anti-missile
993s drones are there ouch okay you made me
998s mad how did I I hit the drones and I
1002s missed him what happened oh no we did
1004s get him
1010s cool that's what I need we are going to
1013s need to be a little bit more mindful
1015s about what's going on here cuz we are
1017s getting a few more enemies on us than we
1019s would like and we don't have our EMP
1025s back you know what I don't know why I'm
1027s so
1034s concerned
1047s oops
1055s all
1058s right that feels good we did
1061s Ping something over here cuz we had yeah
1064s that's right the power core we didn't
1066s really know where to put it so we're not
1067s going to complete that but uh happy that
1069s we're unlocking some more stuff let's
1070s just take a quick look at our inventory
1072s uh calibrate equalizer okay normal
1074s Shield boring we want the good stuff the
1077s new stuff where are you at come on on
1079s all
1080s right let's keep
1091s going all
1107s righto
1109s it's so good
1112s gosh for anybody who's new to the
1115s streams I want to know what your
1117s favorite super light track is go anyone
1120s who's new if I know that you've said one
1121s before uh you're banned completely
1124s forever want new folks let me know
1128s what's your favorite super light
1137s track
1138s [Music]
1143s all right so there's a lot to do in this
1146s site and I think that this is going to
1148s give us an opportunity to get some
1149s levels or maybe a level I should put it
1153s and also find some
1154s stuff we want to find some stuff and
1157s things building oursel up so we can get
1160s into Kay nebula is the
1163s goal a heat sphere dispenser and a
1166s bulletproof
1167s container
1172s [Music]
1173s enforcer for some reason it wasn't
1175s letting me compare all right are they
1176s exactly the same is that what's going on
1180s here compare please no 5% chance to drop
1184s credits with each hit I will take that
1185s over oh so yeah we we'll keep the one
1187s that we have cuz this one's just cannot
1189s be
1191s damaged all
1196s right we'll keep our eyes peeled for
1199s where we can put a heat
1202s sphere so we found the
1212s dispenser get out of here good
1227s good
1235s nice Circle strafing technique I'm sure
1238s many of you are accustomed
1243s to oh yeah I'm watching our XP slowly
1247s build up that feels good we're getting a
1249s nice assortment of goods dropping
1254s everywhere this helps out
1257s too
1265s uh really of course it's the one over
1271s here ah
1281s missed we using our pulse laser here
1283s just because it has
1286s range sustained J Jagger okay all
1293s right come
1296s on where are the goods give me the
1300s goods ah yes the goods have been
1303s collected we did find a new item
1306s unfortunately it's one that we've
1307s already showcased a in a previous stream
1309s but for those who have missed it let's
1311s talk just briefly about the
1314s Rattler this is a new set item that is
1317s coming your way this this fall it's part
1319s of the Rogue set there are several items
1322s within the Rogue set all designed to
1324s make you snappier and better when you're
1327s going out
1329s solo what this weapon does it has weapon
1332s damage and velocity getting uh increased
1335s up to 20% depending on how fast your
1337s ship is moving that's both weapon and
1339s velocity if some of you are wondering
1341s like wait what's what's velocity again
1343s how do that how's that applicable to
1345s weapons that's how fast the bullets are
1347s moving from your gun to the enemy vessel
1349s so in other words the faster you're
1351s moving moving with this ship the easier
1353s it is going to be hitting them now and
1355s then you're also getting a damage
1356s increase on top of that let's go down a
1358s little bit further uh we have killing an
1362s enemy temporarily increases this
1363s weapon's damage by 1% up to 25% for 8
1365s seconds so if you're getting lots and
1367s lots of kills with this thing you can
1368s ramp up damage fast I love that uh and
1370s the Rogue set itself whenever we find
1372s the other one if we find the other one
1374s this will make it to where we uh will
1377s have 10% % increase damage handling and
1380s ship speed this is kind of an unusual
1382s bonus we don't have a lot of things that
1383s actually increase handling and ship
1386s speed other than some modifiers
1387s pertaining to some uh modules of the
1390s ship but here we see it from a set bonus
1393s so long as there are no friendlies or
1396s neutrals within 2 km of you hence why
1400s it's called the Rogue set it's going to
1403s be mostly applicable in a lot of cases
1405s um I think the only time this is going
1406s to hurt a little bit is maybe spe
1408s specific missions or specific situations
1410s you find yourself in so use it wisely
1413s and you're going to gain some serious
1416s bonuses all
1418s right it is one level higher than us so
1421s we can't even put it on to highlight the
1423s new sounds and uh any new visuals if
1426s there are any don't think there's any on
1427s this one but we have been hard at work
1430s to make these new pieces of equipment
1433s stand out from their
1436s Pierce it's not just a matter of of oh
1438s we added something new so it has to be
1440s stronger and better and blah blah blah
1441s no no no that's that's not how this
1443s works what we would like to do is make
1447s some Stand Out features for particular
1451s situations come down here please I'm not
1453s done with
1460s you so there is no intent for the the
1464s new equipment that's showing up to
1465s replace your old
1467s equipment in fact there's a strong
1470s intention to have the old equipment get
1472s even better based on new item attributes
1475s that you can find and some of the set
1477s combos that you can uh prepare as well
1481s oh my gosh look at him you just ran
1483s straight into that what a
1486s noob we'll take
1490s it doesn't really happen that often I'm
1492s really surprised we saw
1497s that
1498s so this uh missile silo over here is a
1500s little sad he will actually be changed
1502s this was reported from a user on uh the
1505s Discord somewhat recently
1506s actually some of our uh locals did have
1510s some uh various sites get
1514s adjusted this was one of them and
1517s unfortunately now he's broken he can't
1518s ever hit you cuz he just hits the top of
1520s this wall again that will be
1523s changed that'll be just kind of like a
1525s soft
1526s fix soon or later
1530s is aha we have a heat sphere dispenser
1533s that's what we were looking
1537s for so long as we're keeping our eyes
1541s peeled getting things going should not
1544s take too long still provide some nice
1551s results there's going to be a moment or
1553s two to get over there see if we can nope
1555s it's going to teleport me right behind
1557s it unfortunate
1564s now on PC I am going to oh oh well that
1567s doesn't that doesn't last long enough I
1568s didn't check the
1570s time that doesn't last long enough we're
1572s going to have to figure out another way
1574s to get that heat sphere over there oh my
1580s goodness hey Tony if you're watching the
1582s stream there's two of them I thought it
1584s was just the
1585s one two unfortunate silos
1588s uh that's
1593s silly but as I said stuff like that
1596s tends to happen when you're finagling
1598s like 50,000 little things and uh then
1600s you go back to a site and uh you're like
1602s oh yeah everything's totally working as
1604s intended and forgot about the little
1605s adjustments that you made to uh the
1606s layout and then the layout's like uh
1609s LOL don't you worry about that that's
1612s grand scheme of thing that's a that's a
1613s tiny thing that is a tiny
1617s thing
1620s let's go in this hidey-hole here maybe
1622s we'll find
1628s something energy sphere socket
1630s bulletproof containers nice beam laser
1633s standard one okay all
1638s right lots of
1640s sockets we still haven't figured out the
1642s way to carry them across
1647s though
1648s see let's go ahead and start diving more
1650s into this middle territory um I don't
1654s want to just insta die but uh you know
1657s sometimes you just have to
1660s try see what we
1677s got
1680s honestly I'm surprised there wasn't a
1681s Detonator drone right there normally
1683s they're just right around the corner and
1684s they freak me out and I look like an
1686s idiot during a stream but uh we'll take
1692s it wh another heat Spirit dispenser
1695s that's what I like to see good
1701s good so something else to talk about
1704s whenever you find stuff
1706s internally and inside of
1709s structures your markers will still exist
1712s but if you can see that it's it's very
1714s much softened in comparison to the stuff
1716s that would be otherwise
1718s nearby and since everything is actually
1721s outside of this structure or deeper into
1724s it nothing has really highlighted that
1726s much for us here you can go over there
1728s and sit
1732s down
1734s uh I'd like to change my target please
1737s hello m house okay that's
1745s fine I might have actually changed some
1748s of my um actually I did oh goodness
1751s gravy hang on I actually I need to reset
1754s my uh input settings because I did a
1756s dumb I was exploring some options for
1759s you guys um and uh yeah so let's just
1763s let's just do this
1765s BR and I'm going to add some couple
1767s things that this is specific to the PC
1771s um and I suppose it's a good time to
1773s mention how on the consoles you do have
1775s two different um uh control schemes and
1779s then you can change those a little bit
1781s further by being left or right-handed so
1783s ultimately you have four different
1784s control steams um we do feel pretty good
1786s about them but also note we have been
1788s receiving your feedback on what you guys
1791s would rather see so know that we're not
1793s ignoring you this is something of a
1795s conversation that has to go pretty deep
1798s inside of Rockfish games and it is
1801s incredibly difficult to say if we are
1804s actually going to invoke those changes
1806s or not um it is it is an incredibly
1810s complicated ordeal when we start getting
1812s into controllers and input mapping on
1815s consoles okay I want to be very clear in
1817s that regard but continue leaving your
1819s feedback it is very much appreciated um
1821s and if there is something that we'll
1822s inevitably be able to do uh we'll we'll
1825s do it that's how we'll do it
1836s all right something feels
1841s better
1849s neat this is also a reminder that we're
1851s playing on nightmare difficulties so
1854s when you mess up it hurts
1859s woo that ship was made of aluminum again
1862s that's oh my gosh I did I just realized
1864s what my other input mapping is cuz I try
1866s to use my consumables um on my mouse
1868s wheel so let me just do a quick thing
1871s this this is actually a convenient thing
1872s that controllers already have so you
1874s don't even have to do what I'm doing if
1877s you're using controller um but what I'm
1879s doing right now is by changing this
1882s configuration um I can actually hold my
1884s mouse and then this shows up on screen
1886s again I'm using a mouse but this shows
1888s up on screen where I can use say
1890s Nanobots to repair my ship that is
1892s barely holding
1895s together again controllers have that by
1897s default very convenient
1900s honestly very
1902s convenient um let's uh do we have more
1905s we have this pathetic little Nano guy
1907s all right we'll take it it's what we got
1910s we'll take it where was that ping behind
1914s us
1916s no
1923s I'm not nervous you're
1930s nervous woo all right so this could be
1934s really silly but we're going
1941s in I don't like that
1946s sound look at all these credits dropping
1949s from the oh my gosh look at my health
1956s dropping woo that was fine I'm really
1960s hoping it looks like all Commons ah boo
1963s I really wanted something new to show
1965s you
1968s guys all
1976s right
1983s there we go
1993s oh I got more I got closer to that than
1996s I would have liked to have been woo all
1998s right cool oh we should have just shot
2001s that I probably would have taken care of
2002s both of
2004s them is what it is quick look at her
2007s inventory let's just see we have a
2010s rattler uh Jagger Blaster flak beam
2013s laser Marksman rail gun
2016s okay somewhat standard elements uh
2019s coming into the freay here but you know
2021s that's all oh please do not change my
2022s weapon no all right it's kind of uh
2026s where we're at right now anything to
2028s compare against corrosion missiles
2030s versus mines actually kind of want my
2032s corrosion missiles even though I'm not
2034s using
2036s them all right cool so we are gathering
2042s some loots we're getting some really
2043s good experience gains I'm feeling good
2045s about this thus far you guys have been
2047s watching for a while and I'm sure we've
2048s seen some questions come in so Gary
2050s let's go ahead and start chipping
2051s through some of the questions that are F
2053s viewers out there have been
2055s asking right we've got a few lined up um
2059s first up uh we've got one from Malon
2062s Carrero over on YouTube bit of a
2065s technical question but uh I have a
2067s Development question how hard was it to
2070s optimize resolution and frame rate on
2074s consoles my gosh that I cannot I can't
2078s speak for directly because I played no
2081s part in it um but just watching the
2084s theatrics at work uh behind the scenes
2087s um it's there's like it's it's it's so
2090s fascinating cuz there's so much to that
2092s to answer in a lot of different ways
2095s because on one side of it it's actually
2097s not very difficult and the other side um
2100s are you serious like it's actually
2102s insane um it just depends on so many
2104s different factors on bringing that
2107s together um the experience of the team
2110s member also is so important so
2113s applicable and um yeah I mean we do have
2116s a pretty solid team here uh at Rockfish
2119s to to tacle set issues but I would have
2122s to uh redirect that one to the
2126s appropriate team members who handled it
2127s in order to respond to the question so
2129s basically what I just said is if you
2132s want me to follow up with you you should
2134s join the Discord and ask an Ask rfg
2136s there's a channel completely devoted to
2138s asking questions uh gameplay related
2140s development related what have you um and
2142s if you drop it in there that can
2144s guarantee me getting said team member
2148s pulling the mat of The Fray and saying
2149s hey I need you to respond here because
2151s this is this is what's being asked and I
2152s want to make sure that you guys are
2153s getting answered so that's a deep
2156s technical question I want want to answer
2157s I don't know how to answer it I want to
2159s follow up if you can drop that question
2161s in the Discord I will follow up with
2165s you so thank you for the question but
2168s yep we'll have to pass on that one for
2170s the
2171s moment so next one please next one is
2175s sticking with YouTube and it's from newb
2177s LJ uh he just wondering about cross
2179s saves between platforms what options do
2182s we have so cross- saving is basically a
2185s no across the board a except for game
2188s pass users if you have PC game pass you
2191s can also play on the Xbox if you have
2194s Xbox gam pass then you can play on the
2197s PC um that's not technically what it's
2199s called but you get the drift those are
2200s going to be the transferable locations
2203s if you have the game on PC say via steam
2206s you cannot play that on Xbox it has to
2209s be a part of Game Pass that's how those
2213s elements are going to work if you have
2214s it on Playstation will not transfer to
2215s anything else um I have seen we actually
2218s we got a we got video of a person
2220s playing it on their what was it Xbox one
2223s I think yes um using the cloud uh cloud
2226s gaming so that's fun uh so I suppose you
2229s could be super cheeky and do it like
2230s that but um otherwise no there's there's
2232s only the Xbox uh and PC game pass that
2236s works with one another to uh transfer
2238s those
2241s saves excellent answer uh spoon night
2244s next uh over on Twitch uh um a question
2247s about the Rattler and he wants to know
2250s how does the bonus expiration work on
2252s the Rattler specifically is it one stack
2255s per 8 seconds without a kill or do all
2258s Stacks expire
2260s simultaneously it is it expires after 8
2263s seconds per stack so it is a great
2265s question um definitely one that I've had
2267s to ask about as well um so yeah so it's
2270s St it goes 1% and that lasts for 8
2273s seconds if you get like three kills um
2275s and one's the first second once the
2277s second second once the third second you
2279s would get a 3% bonus and that 3% bonus
2281s would technically only last for the next
2283s 5 seconds because that would took 3
2285s seconds to build up to right cuz 5 plus
2288s 3 is 8 uh I'm pretty sure my math is
2290s right there I think I passed school um
2293s so yeah there's there's that so it will
2296s tick down as those 8 seconds go up then
2299s you'll see it go from 3% to 2% then 1%
2302s when it's nearing the end of that
2303s lifespan so to get the maximum bonus you
2305s have to seriously crunch some damage and
2308s this is going to be probably more
2309s applicable whenever you have um
2311s flagships that have little minions
2313s flying about them riffs are almost just
2316s a sure bet um H is going to be a tossup
2319s kind of depends on what's generated in
2320s there um and a number of other
2322s situations that could be capitalized um
2324s but of course it is hard to ramp that up
2326s so depending on how you feel uh about
2329s your skills and maintaining that it
2331s might be the perfect modifier for you or
2334s this could be absolute garbage and you
2335s need to find something
2340s else oh and Michael uh did respond to
2343s the the prior question really do
2345s appreciate that Michael for those of you
2346s who don't know Michael rfg showing up in
2349s the chat he is the CEO of Rockfish games
2352s the big baddy himself in charge of all
2355s the stuff that's been dropping like his
2357s hot and he has a response he says the
2360s team at engine software the team that
2362s did the heavy lifting of the porting and
2364s our own lead artist invested quite some
2366s time and effort in optimizing shaders on
2368s console and finding the right balance
2370s and graphic settings for good
2371s performance versus visual quality really
2374s do appreciate that response Michael uh
2377s love to have you here it's always a
2379s always a blessing so
2384s good right one more question if you're
2387s up for it from twitch and we have kazor
2390s with a question at what speed does the
2393s auto Cannon's damage cap
2395s out
2400s I feel like I'm in the hot seat of Who
2402s Wants To Be A Millionaire like what are
2404s my what are my answers
2406s uh woo um dang for the for the Rattler
2412s specifically oh oh okay so you're you're
2414s kind of wanting to know okay I got it I
2416s got it so for the Rattler uh where the
2419s heck okay where did you go R there you
2422s are for the rler yeah so I get the
2425s question uh this is applicable to
2427s um this ship speed and this was also
2429s something that we kind of talked about
2430s um internally about how fast a ship is
2434s moving and how much benefit they should
2436s have pertaining to the um shoot it's not
2439s it's not uh oh it is showing right in
2441s the middle um based on how uh fast the
2443s ship can move so in general the main
2446s takeaway from this is if you're in a
2448s light ship you're going to have the
2450s maximum bonus if you're in a medium ship
2452s the bonus is going to be average if
2454s you're flying a heavy ship this is not
2457s going to receive nearly as much of a
2460s bonus that's the short of it I don't
2462s have the hard numbers to talk about um
2464s so I know that what your question is uh
2467s kazah this is one of those things where
2468s if you do want a more refined response
2471s you can go ahead and ask that in the
2472s Discord I am happy to share any
2475s additional information that is shared
2477s with me but again long story short light
2481s ships benefit the most from this medium
2484s ships average benefit and heavy ships
2486s the worst benefit you can still use it
2488s on all of them but of course faster is
2493s better great questions guys thank you so
2495s much and keep those questions coming we
2497s will have another segment where we will
2500s answer even more of them to your heart's
2506s content but for now we want some more
2509s pew
2515s pew I'm being really
2519s pushy and I don't
2522s care more
2525s Culver nice
2527s nice I think we're still looking for
2529s more Culver for uh like the the better
2532s Culver for some of our perk
2536s upgrades so we are going to extract as
2539s much as we as much as we can this
2541s gameplay segment that we are doing it's
2543s kind of um we want these segments for
2546s those who are new
2547s we want these segments to present
2549s exactly the way the game was designed I
2552s am not playing some type of souped up
2555s Showcase with specific interactions that
2557s are going to pop out of the blue to make
2559s it look like there's something way more
2561s than not no I'm giving you the authentic
2563s experience here like me flying around
2565s this asteroid trying to figure out where
2566s that Culver Crystal deposit is this is
2568s the type of experience that you could
2570s have going for you as well because we
2572s want to be as authentic as possible here
2575s okay that's the nature of these streams
2577s you see me poking about and it taking
2579s too long to do something or you see me
2580s finding an easy solution because of
2582s well-designed level like that's all of
2585s that's going to be what you experience
2588s here not doing it up not going to
2591s pretend
2595s to let's go ahead and uh I do want to
2598s look at our perks real quick cuz I know
2600s that this is the one no we got the
2602s tractor beam
2604s nice okay so we do really want to pursue
2607s Cruise
2608s drive we need power units and
2612s bioprocessors those are going to take
2613s some time to
2616s gets it's not anything crazy so I'm not
2618s too worried about it startup delays
2620s would also be nice there's our Flawless
2621s Culver Crystal that I'm blocking the
2623s screen off it's right here behind my
2625s body all we need are more of those uh
2629s how many more four more we're not even
2631s that far that's exciting let's track
2633s that that way whenever we do find a more
2635s Flawless it's going to remind us hey you
2637s can almost do a thing I want to get this
2638s to remove the start delays while not in
2641s combat that way if we are say right now
2644s where we're not in combat there's no red
2646s lines at the top and bottom of the
2647s screen um if I were to say take this uh
2650s damage limiter and plug it right here
2652s instead of this taking 20 seconds to
2654s bind itself to the ship because I'm
2656s outside of combat it would just do so
2659s instantaneously really nice tool
2662s for um
2664s preparing for yourself
2667s accordingly helps out quite in a in a
2669s pinch for
2674s sure we are we are I'm not sure about
2678s this one not sure about this
2680s one hello
2682s missile missile
2686s silo what do you think do we need do we
2688s do this do we stay the course do we take
2690s this on or do we move on what do you
2692s think what the
2695s vote
2697s what's about here there's a lot
2708s here okay all right getting some some
2711s interesting results thus far we're
2713s waiting on YouTube too I'm going to make
2714s sure this is fair and balanced as all
2717s things should be call me papath
2724s Thanos all right
2727s okay there's like one person that's like
2729s run away everyone else is like don't let
2731s your dreams be dreams all right here we
2734s go aggression mode on count is get get
2738s the death count ready thank you for that
2740s really really appreciate it you go
2746s this okay oh that was a missile to the
2753s face here we
2755s go
2770s that wasn't too bad why was I so
2773s nervous you guys made the right call you
2775s guys made the great call absolutely I
2778s don't know why I'm such a scaredy pants
2779s right
2783s now
2785s Shiva Energizer this is not a new item
2788s uh just seeing if it's going to benefit
2791s us I do like having more Shields
2793s pertaining to the Sentinel so I think
2795s this actually is better for us it also
2798s grants more resistance and I mean shoot
2800s I'll take it resistance for the record
2802s is the uh damage reduction that occurs
2805s to your hole as well as the debuff
2807s duration so anything that sort of
2810s affects you the conditions um that's
2812s going to be modified uh by your
2815s resistance reduce those timers that you
2817s get hit by can be useful in the right
2820s build can be but you know I obviously we
2824s know that a lot of you guys just like
2825s more Firepower that's that's also
2827s totally
2832s acceptable let's just do a little bit of
2835s flying through here and
2839s here I don't like I don't I don't I nope
2845s w
2847s everything's fine everything's is
2855s normal nobody show a clip of that to my
2863s mother oh good we can we can bounce him
2866s around that's
2870s nice where the freaking crap is he at
2873s why did we go into horror movie mode
2875s hang on a second
2889s second where's the the music even knows
2892s it's stopped
2894s okay almost almost
2897s there the lights oh my gosh what the
2901s heck I like shaking this is
2905s dumb I was not expecting this experience
2907s today oh gosh uh but uh it is important
2912s to mention that we did take a lot of
2913s influence from varied sci-fi um you know
2917s franchises and uh you know alien the
2920s alien franchise is definitely alive and
2922s well here too like we we love our sci-fi
2925s and anything that is good and right we
2928s do like to
2929s emulate I really I am so this is
2935s ridiculous okay let's do
2942s this oh no thank you oh my gosh what the
2949s heck are you kidding
2953s me who put this in there oh my gosh
2956s let's get them just knocked around
2958s magnetic Repulsor thank you so much for
2960s working through walls cheese and
2965s crackers
2968s oh is that
2974s all I am about 5 seconds from noping out
2978s of this this is
2982s ridiculous protect your sphere oh my
2984s gosh this is great so a wonderful time
2986s to talk about these bad boys because
2988s these will actually block various uh
2991s things like radiation so that you can uh
2994s you know not be IR radiated it's great
2996s but you do have to be holding it it's
2999s going to be the one trick we are going
3001s to try and uh wow I just pushed the
3004s wrong button I'm really glad that wasn't
3005s more damaging than what it actually was
3008s um I'm also going to change my view cuz
3009s I having a hard time seeing in first
3012s person wasn't there another was there
3014s another pathway am I crazy there's not
3016s another pathway This is the
3018s End okay
3021s literally dang near close to it wasn't
3024s it oh my gosh I want the
3027s gun okay if you get fully irradiated
3031s that will reduce your um your top uh
3036s your your excuse me your whole amount so
3040s instead of it like taking points away it
3042s reduces your uh maximum hole so you do
3046s want to be very careful with radiation
3048s because as it Stacks up it can be become
3051s very very bad for
3054s you
3056s a rapid rail gun
3059s okay um not super useful for us
3062s unfortunately uh blueprint already let's
3064s go ahead and scrap this thermal gun
3067s bring this bad boy over and get out of
3069s here let me go thank
3072s you all is
3074s well jeez I I'm actually like I don't
3078s know if you can see it I'm like sweating
3080s okay that experience was
3082s ludicrous woo oh my go and we did we
3086s forget something oh my gosh we have to
3088s go back we have to go back it's okay
3091s it's it's close I want that secret
3095s opul how does it
3100s compare all right let's go ahead and
3103s scrap uh one more thing we'll get rid of
3106s this Shield couple more elements to
3109s dismantle I think next up we got we got
3111s to go to station so I can calm down and
3113s uh possibly swap to a different ship as
3116s well uh where does Marie Dent show up
3120s here gas Fields right is that
3127s right uh no Devana gas or okay oh but
3130s she doesn't sell ships yet I have to
3131s upgrade that dang it looks like we're
3134s traveling back over to Union
3137s folks okay we do have a ship dealer over
3139s there at Noah dearis so we'll do that
3141s Noah dearis Noah
3144s dearis tomato tomato
3147s uh in our journey back over I know it
3148s hasn't actually been uh a super long
3151s time but if we do have a question that's
3153s hanging out there let's go ahead and
3154s answer it yeah we've got a few we' got a
3157s few
3158s um right uh wizard Jerry on YouTube uh
3162s regarding the Rattler what people
3164s rattled with that okay it's great it's
3166s great special attribute weapon damage
3168s and velocity increases up to 20% does
3172s this apply on itself only or all weapons
3175s equ wa it only applies to itself that's
3177s a good question it's only applied to
3179s itself and the way that we know that the
3180s way that we're um making that distinct
3183s here um anytime that you see a weapon
3187s where where did it go I keep
3188s reorganizing my stuff I'm sorry um
3191s anytime you see that line you see that
3193s line right here that's going across
3196s follow my
3197s finger that line is distinguishing
3200s everything above it is for the weapon or
3202s the item specifically does not apply
3205s anything else um the elements that are
3208s below that mostly apply to the weapon if
3211s it doesn't or if it applies to
3213s particular situations it will have that
3214s listed in the description um and then of
3217s course everything below that for any
3219s sets it requires having a number of
3221s items in the set which is indicated by
3223s the numbering the zero out of two means
3225s we don't have any part of the set yet uh
3227s but having two would give us that
3229s bonus so yeah here the weapon damage and
3232s velocity are increased up to 20%
3233s depending on how fast the ship is moving
3235s is applicable to the the Rattler
3239s only specific to the Rattler great
3243s question marvelous um Black Sheep joined
3247s us over on YouTube just wanted to know
3250s have we got any plans to add a bankor
3252s vault to any of these systems uh for
3255s bases for
3256s example this was actually in the plan at
3259s one point in time and this was something
3260s that we also had to um let me pause here
3263s something that we actually had to like
3265s evaluate and figure out the value of
3268s such an addition to the game or if we
3270s needed to pursue other projects for the
3272s game and this kind of goes back to like
3274s Early Access time period and I'm not
3276s going to deny the fact that developing
3279s for a game is not easy turns out there's
3282s a lot of hard calls that we have to make
3285s so it is something of an idea still
3288s floating about I'm not going to say that
3290s it's going to happen I don't want to
3291s raise expectations incorrectly here cuz
3294s there's a possibility that it won't it
3295s is also something that our team needs to
3297s kind of recover and see if that's
3299s something we want to pursue again but
3301s still there's a lot of priorities
3304s happening right now and that is not one
3306s of them all right so just clear in the
3309s air on that front we recognize that
3311s request it's something that we actually
3313s kind of wanted to do at one point in
3315s time we've got other priorities we'll
3317s see what happens in the future if you
3319s really really super want it speak loudly
3322s and proudly about it you know we've got
3323s lots of channels to do so um that can
3326s sometimes have an influence on our
3328s directions uh but also no I have to add
3331s another disclaimer of course with the
3333s game being fully released us adding more
3336s free content This Is Us just doing it
3338s because we can this is not something
3340s where it's like we're trying to collect
3342s as many suggestions and ideas from the
3344s community and like slapping it all in
3345s there there are some Community
3347s suggestions that will be entering into
3348s the free content update but as far as us
3351s pulling new suggestions and ideas that
3353s you are recommending at this time those
3355s are slim pickings okay so woo a lot of
3360s disclaimer there a lot of information
3362s there I'm hoping that you're
3363s understanding the two the tldr of it is
3367s probably not but we'll
3371s see all right let's blow some stuff up
3374s as we answer another question cuz these
3375s guys are lower level so it shouldn't be
3378s a problem as we almost just got blown
3381s up uh another question regarding the
3384s Rattler uh from the mor 365 over on
3387s YouTube uh is the Rattler affected by
3390s the legendary engine boost the legendary
3393s engine boost that applies more um speed
3397s or the oh oh so okay I know what you're
3400s talking about so the terminal velocity
3402s so I don't have an example of that to
3405s show but uh the short of it is that
3407s whenever you use terminal velocity it
3408s gives you an added sort of um I'm going
3411s to call
3412s it tactical Dodge it's going to be the
3415s best way for you Gamers off to be like
3417s oh I know what he's saying allows your
3418s ship to move very quickly in a
3420s particular direction okay because there
3423s is momentum associated with that yes it
3427s does actually apply to the Rattler's
3430s usage it would be kind of hard to do but
3433s it would be applicable anything that
3436s provides movement is going to be
3438s applicable to the
3440s Ratt I suppose you could also argue and
3443s say that if something were to hit you
3444s and it throw off course and you're kind
3446s of spinning wildly but still have the
3448s ability to shoot you'd have the benefit
3451s of having increased damage and velocity
3453s on your Rattler but I
3456s digress so clever question there's the
3460s answer next one next one uh soring Teton
3464s over on YouTube um I don't know if we
3466s can answer this one but are there more
3468s Superior catalysts on the
3473s way who has that
3477s question that's want I look want to look
3479s you directly in the eyes slow rain look
3483s at your TV right now Chey oh my goodness
3487s we'll have more information in the realm
3489s of catalyst in the future because there
3491s will be more information about catalysts
3494s in the future next question please um
3498s right Gordon Holland over on YouTube
3500s still as well um will there be any
3504s additions to the character perks we
3506s already have or are the ones that we
3507s have the ones we'll stick
3511s with I guess we'll have to find
3516s out man you guys are all just digging
3519s today I love it don't
3521s change uh no the short answer there and
3524s and um I'm actually pretty sure that
3526s we've said it in a previous stream um uh
3529s but uh yeah like we want to add more to
3532s the game it shouldn't be a surprise that
3534s incorporating more perks that would be
3536s of assistance these these passive
3538s abilities to the player um that is
3540s definitely something that we're looking
3541s towards and if we can find some good
3543s Solutions through adding more perks to
3545s certain companions that make sense to
3547s have those perks associated with those
3548s companions yeah we would absolutely go
3550s in that
3553s direction oh we found a stormchaser oh
3556s my
3557s gosh we'll talk about this one if
3560s there's any more questions uh let's
3561s let's handle that first and then we'll
3563s crack into stormchaser set
3565s one last question and this one's Flory
3567s over on Twitch um are there any plans to
3570s make detonated drones spawn near
3573s you uh your fear of them no and if there
3577s are screw you whoever's making those
3580s decisions just stop stop it stop it
3583s right now I'm talking to you you know
3584s who you are oh my
3587s goodness what a you guys don't change
3590s you're awesome definitely love
3594s it
3595s all right cool so let's uh let's go
3597s ahead oh and another look at this this
3600s is why I want to do the combat while
3602s we're answering questions let's go ahead
3603s and slap this bad boy on this is a new
3605s set um so far it's kind of ironic we've
3607s been finding the ones that we have
3608s actually spoken about in the past but
3610s they've been updated so there's a
3611s benefit there at the least um let's go
3614s ahead and reorganize this one more time
3615s get rid of some uh lesser equipment or
3620s less valuable equipment I should
3623s say pick up these we're going to head on
3626s back to the store we're going to have a
3627s couple things to talk about we got the
3628s stormchaser set which we would love to
3631s talk about and now we've got the
3632s autonomous
3634s set ironically enough I spent a bit of
3637s time smoke testing to see where I could
3640s get certain things to drop and I never
3642s saw autonomous once oh my gosh glad that
3646s it dropped for the
3649s stream glad that it dropped for the
3654s Stream
3655s you you oh my gosh really just get out
3658s of here just
3666s leave I'm pretty sure that when we cross
3669s the threshold into um Kay super light
3672s will actually trigger the leveling up of
3674s the entire uh World space again and uh
3679s goodness me I'm not sure I'm ready for
3680s that
3683s yet
3686s did he crash into you yes he did yes he
3689s did fun fact at one point in time in
3691s development at least for ever space one
3694s we had a system where when a drone was
3696s at low H hole points it would try to Ram
3699s itself into the player turns out this
3701s was not fun so we removed
3713s it
3721s all right we're going to repair this
3722s ship even though we're going to buy
3723s another one uh what do we got what do we
3725s got ooh ooh ooh oh yes oh we get a
3730s choice ladies and gentlemen we can
3732s either choose a spirit or we can choose
3735s a liberator we've got those main classes
3738s are the Scout and the gunship
3741s accordingly we have the spirit and the
3744s Liberator cast y'all
3748s votes get that in here I also might be
3752s able to start talking a little bit more
3754s about some added changes to the ship
3755s dealer just some quality of life stuff
3757s nothing crazy uh but something that
3759s we've kind of heard the call uh seing
3761s some patterns in the community and are
3763s making some
3764s adjustments so while we are having you
3766s guys vote let's also just mix things up
3769s and talk about way too much all at once
3771s cuz it's exciting it's fun it's
3773s wonderful let's talk about this
3774s autonomous set called adaptive plating
3777s this thing has no repair per kill what
3780s where's my gamification to keep my armor
3783s up it's right below it actually while at
3784s least 15% armor is active gain 25%
3789s repair per hit I still think that
3791s percentage is too high H Christian if
3793s you're still in the chat I know we
3794s talked about that um but you know what
3796s shoot it's it's it's Pretty stinking
3798s awesome so long as you are maintaining
3800s 15% of your armor so that orange bar in
3803s the upper left that full thing if it is
3806s at least 15% full or
3809s more every time you get a
3812s hit it's going to
3814s repair all right but it doesn't stop
3817s there it's the autonomous set what does
3819s it autonomously do it's all about
3822s repairing in the set bonus number two if
3825s you got two of the items in this set
3827s armor will regenerate 1% per second so
3830s long as your Shields are full you got
3833s your Shields maxed out and you're under
3835s 15% no problem it's going to tick it up
3838s for you then when it gets over that 15%
3840s your bonus going to be back in Action
3842s you can ramp It Up by getting those hits
3844s the three set bonus here your whole will
3846s regenerate 3% per second so long as both
3849s Shields and armor are full that means if
3851s you are a patient patient lad that
3854s anytime you ever take damage ever you
3857s will fully automatically repair
3862s yourself a pretty nice bonus espe
3864s especially for new players who are
3867s struggling to keep that balance of using
3869s consumables and visiting shops and all
3872s of those sort of things uh the next up
3876s we had uh one more you keep voting it's
3880s fine um we had the
3882s stormchaser the stormchaser set this one
3885s is the multi cell I remember somebody
3888s had commented like something about how
3890s this isn't just a single cell um the
3892s reason why we named it multi cell is
3894s actually to play off of the Sci-Fi
3896s nature of an energy core um and if you
3898s look at the visualization itself the
3900s icon of the energy core you can see that
3902s there's different cells so going with
3905s multicell was a better play on words for
3908s this one that's what we decreed at
3911s least um but let's go down on this
3913s further there's no passive benefits to
3915s this one other than it boosts your
3917s Shields and your thrusters significantly
3921s more than your weapons so there is a
3923s trade-off here just using this in
3925s general but should you desire some set
3928s benefits you can do some pretty gnarly
3930s stuff for example in the stormchaser set
3933s this is more focused around reflecting
3937s damage you turn kind of into a storm
3942s yourself so two step bonus is you get
3944s 25% increased energy or drop chance why
3947s is that relevant well if we had the
3948s stratocumulus shield it would make a lot
3950s more sense uh but because we don't I
3953s guess we'll just have to wait in
3954s anticipation the third set bonus is 4%
3957s increased damage reflection for 20
3959s seconds when collecting an energy orb to
3961s a Max of 40% now we're starting to see
3964s some things come together do want to
3966s point out that that 4% increased damage
3968s reflection is applicable even if you
3970s don't have any so if you at zero damage
3973s reflection every time you would get one
3976s that Stacks it adds 4% okay so it goes
3979s from 4 to 8 to 12 to 16 math
3983s yes woo
3985s my mama's proud and if you also are
3988s using something else that gives you
3991s damage reflection it's going to add on
3993s top of that maybe a perk for example
3997s that would do something about damage
3999s reflecting to your attackers and finally
4002s we have the four set bonus that says all
4004s enemies within 800 M take reflected
4008s damage all of them every single one wait
4012s what does that mean so it like
4013s distributes the so somebody shoots you
4016s and then it distributes that damage
4018s across all no no no no it doesn't damage
4020s them across at all they all take that
4023s much percent reflection so for example
4026s say you have 60% reflection that's a lot
4029s but just go with me here say you're
4031s dealing 60% reflection your opponent
4033s hits you for 100 damage that means that
4035s opponent's taking 60 damage back at them
4040s and so is every single Enemy Within a800
4043s M range they're taking 60 damage from
4047s that one shot which is probably a pulse
4049s laser that's hitting you multiple times
4051s really quick the power here I I cannot
4055s stress this enough can be absolutely
4058s ludicrous if you design your build
4061s accordingly or it could be absolute
4064s garbage once again we're going down this
4066s pathway where you have to decide this
4068s factor of how you want to play the game
4070s you're going to have to design your
4072s build accordingly and if you do you can
4074s find some pretty nice
4077s benefits cool I don't think we've seen
4080s any more of them but uh we'll keep going
4084s and I might just spice up the stream
4086s with a little added detail which we
4088s technically weren't planning on sharing
4091s uh today but I might just give you a
4092s tease about it just to rope in what
4095s we've been finding a little bit further
4097s also I forgot to buy the gunship cuz
4099s that's what you guys want I've seen so
4100s many so many of you say in a gunship
4105s um it's so it's so interesting um cuz we
4108s have twitch that wants the Scout and we
4111s have uh YouTube that wants the gunship
4115s predominantly it's so
4117s fascinating it's so
4120s fascinating um but let me I'm actually
4122s like counting through the responses
4123s right now just to see oh actually
4125s there's more there's more
4129s Spirit my apologies I looked over and I
4131s thought I knew what I was talking about
4132s but no no there's actually more Spirit
4135s wow remember that time when I told you
4137s that I could
4139s matho questionable things all right so
4141s let's talk just briefly about now this
4142s ship dealer cuz things should look a
4144s little bit different um than what you
4146s guys have in your current build uh again
4148s this is also something that's going to
4149s be applicable to the free content update
4151s um and what you're seeing is uh some
4154s tweaks to if you can afford something or
4156s not so in short in the old system a lot
4159s of times you would see like yellow and
4162s that was maybe a little confusing to
4164s someone VI because yellow means you
4165s could buy it but you'd have to trade in
4167s everybody at least most players like 95%
4172s of players trade their ship in so we've
4174s pre re prioritized the distribution of
4178s this UI so now the first option that
4181s comes up is the transfer it's the buy
4183s and sell current as opposed to buying
4186s the ship sending to your home base or
4188s buying and transferring the new one to
4190s the home base most go with here it just
4194s made sense for us to do that also I
4197s didn't sell stuff out of my hanger I
4199s hope I didn't just hit a snag I don't
4202s think we have that bug
4203s anymore but just making
4206s sure let see our inventory did we crash
4209s the game no we still have slots woo all
4210s right everything's fine so we have a
4214s brand new ship let's go ahead and
4215s customize it with a little bit more
4217s flare um this is also something we've
4219s kind of shown in previous streams but
4221s one level one new level of customization
4223s that we've got going on um let's go
4226s ahead and
4230s Target let's go with this one one new
4233s level of custom that we will be adding
4235s uh in the free content update is to
4237s randomize your ship colors it will take
4240s everything that you have and it will
4242s cycle it around there was a little bit
4245s of discussion about what else could be
4247s randomized and I can now confirm that
4250s the Finish will also be randomized
4254s whenever you use this feature so anytime
4257s you are randomizing the colors you can
4258s also see that it's uh randomizing if it
4261s is a standard or a metallic finish as
4263s well we did this because it actually
4266s generates a lot more combinations that
4268s we never would have really considered in
4270s fact there's been a lot of cases where I
4272s had a metallic finish I was like that
4273s color looks like it's brand new no it's
4275s just that it was in metallic and I never
4276s tried that because I'm silly oh my gosh
4279s so yeah really happy with the results
4281s here some of the stuff can look kind of
4283s questionable and that's okay the fact of
4285s the matter is you can cycle it multiple
4287s times until you get to a color palette
4289s that is
4290s pleasant and that one's not too bad but
4293s I want to keep going that one's Pleasant
4295s that one's not too shabby either uh we
4297s can keep going maybe a couple
4302s more actually wait I kind of like that
4305s one and you can go back too all right
4307s that's the other thing I meant to
4308s mention you can go back too
4311s um oh all right stop
4315s I'll take this one I'll take this one
4317s thank you you can also randomize your
4319s window tip uh but I honestly want to
4322s apply this one want to make it darker
4325s than the rest of the ship um let's see
4327s our engine colors are scarce but we are
4329s going to modify them because we can
4333s we'll probably change this to
4334s fluorescent
4335s algae just to give it a little more
4338s SP and our emissive lights we got the
4342s green
4345s beautiful still not going to do the
4347s decals cuz I don't want to I just I I
4351s personally like decal free ships uh but
4353s you know there are a lot of of playful
4355s options of course and we've been
4356s unlocking a
4357s few but uh I like them without last but
4360s not least let's look at our modules
4362s there are numbers here on the screen
4364s just yet another little quality life
4365s feature I think this one was suggested
4367s from our
4369s community where you can now see how much
4371s you've actually unlocked for said ship
4374s so we have three out of four types for
4377s the ship here and we can also randomize
4379s the modules too that is definitely a
4381s possibility if you're like I don't know
4382s let's just see how things look o oh
4386s that's not too bad
4388s um I like kind of like the smaller ones
4391s um we only have one we only have one
4395s ship Wing so that's uh we're but yeah
4400s otherwise that's this this will work
4403s this is fine we've taken enough time so
4406s basically the long story short is lots
4408s of fun things
4410s yay now let's add our fourth
4415s device oh oh my gosh it's going to save
4419s us so much let's see so we got magnetic
4422s repulser we got energy leak on our Scout
4425s I don't want this I want an additional
4427s charge if they're getting close to me
4429s I'm not looking for energy orbs I'm
4430s looking to get them uh away from me
4433s let's see
4435s um definitely keeping teleporter
4439s here considering energized boost but I
4443s think what we're going to
4448s do nrm mitter is surprisingly useful on
4452s the Scout sniping when you're damaged
4454s you're like trying to get away but then
4456s you snipe some uh can repair you up
4458s pretty quickly since you know it's made
4460s out of
4462s aluminium hey hey oh sorry that's yours
4465s that's that's yours so we're going to go
4467s ahead and take that we're going to use
4469s that um and uh yeah that's going to be I
4472s think that's going to be it for us on
4474s this front Mark all his
4477s seene and we're also going to sell so
4480s much of this goodness
4487s gravy oops my finger slipped uh let's
4490s see what else we got we want to sell
4493s stuff that we have blueprints unlocked
4494s for
4495s honestly um some of this stuff that's
4497s higher level H the last shot before
4499s running out of energy deals 500% more
4501s damage can only occur once every 5
4503s Seconds not too shabby for a jagger
4506s since it can run out of energy fairly
4507s quick killing an enemy with this weapon
4509s has a 10% chance to refill your
4511s currently equipped secondary Weapon by
4514s one did we find any cruise missiles do
4516s we get do we get any cruise missiles do
4519s we get I don't see any cruise missiles m
4522s m I has
4525s ideas that feels good let's see we got
4528s calibrated equalizer
4534s here we're going to hang on to this one
4536s for the moment Synchro
4539s pulse coil gun we're going to we're
4543s going to scrap it for the blueprint
4544s rapid rail gun super D B hases The
4548s Shield not ideal uh modifiers at all
4553s honestly they they kind of suck but we
4555s do need a rail gun it is incredibly
4558s important to use a rail gun in your
4561s scout the Scout is the master when it
4564s comes to range all things considered it
4568s will just slap opponents across the face
4572s with a brick in the
4575s glove pretty gnarly I don't think I want
4578s to use
4580s this for purposes of the stream I should
4582s use this okay all right change my
4584s [Music]
4586s mind um let's see
4589s [Music]
4591s sensor do we care about resource
4595s range we're still not using a blaster
4598s plus one% critical hit
4603s chance I'm going to hang on to it when
4605s we reach level 17 in just a second we'll
4607s probably use that oh there's a
4612s blaster see compare that to the Synchro
4614s pulse honestly not as good as I was
4617s hoping
4619s but paired with this sensor that might
4622s not actually be a bad plan could get us
4624s out of a pickle if we're too close to
4626s Danger might consider that too many
4629s options now goodness why are we still
4631s working on this game we already made the
4633s game what are we doing we should just
4634s move on and work on aage bace 4 5 six
4636s and 7even come on on the
4639s world
4641s ah see each second the missile
4645s flies doesn't really not really
4648s [Applause]
4650s applicable lot more yeah okay so we want
4653s to sell these sell that Misan plating we
4656s want to we want to keep the Adaptive
4657s plating we want to try and keep that
4658s high we're going hang on to the river
4660s just for people who showing up late
4662s enforcer my love ah you've no longer
4665s useful to our current build beam
4669s laser gone broken energy core I didn't
4672s even realize we broke our energy core
4674s before whoopsies Auto Cannon see you
4677s later medicine goodbye seeds all right
4681s mostly cleaned up inventory that's much
4684s better having a hard time deciding on a
4687s couple things uh kind of like this
4689s calibrated equalizer over the pulse
4691s laser also the blaster in a level so
4694s let's just keep moving on see what we
4697s can
4701s do I'm seeing a couple people sneaking
4703s in and saying hello has a busy day so
4705s can't stay hey uh DD King yeah thank you
4707s so much for popping in and saying hello
4709s it's always a pleasure always a pleasure
4711s oh my gosh oh light chips are so
4717s good
4719s man I tell you what light
4723s ships do they die easily yes do they get
4726s hit commonly depends on who's flying it
4728s for me
4731s debatable all right let's see see where
4733s we can go what we can do what we can
4736s find I do think we want to go back to
4738s zarov actually maybe we can uh do this
4743s Mission we can do this all
4753s right love the Scout super TIE
4757s fighter I think we took some inspiration
4760s from Star Wars in some cases I think
4763s maybe yeah there's probably some there's
4765s probably some truth to
4774s that though I don't see twin ion engines
4777s on the back here you know granted they
4779s are hard to see on a TIE fighter but
4782s where it gets its name from anybody
4784s who's wondering who's a dor I
4787s am all
4791s right let's go ahead and get this
4795s container I don't know why but oh my
4797s gosh anybody else like I saw the malam
4799s might and for some reason I saw a
4801s burrito or or taco um I'm hungry I guess
4804s that was like the first thing my mind
4806s jumed just look at that just briefly for
4807s a second do you see like a taco shape
4809s that's what I saw I'm sticking to it we
4811s just collected some tacos uh let's see
4814s um we we actually want to keep our boost
4817s and our shield in a good position here
4820s um so we're going to we're going to
4822s maintain the the storm chaser for
4824s now let's see um just out of curiosity
4829s yeah we would definitely want to go to
4830s zarov for a particular reason and maybe
4832s I'll talk about that in just a
4838s moment light ships are so good until
4840s they don't that
4842s is yes sniper nln over on Twitch you
4846s nailed it you nailed it over on YouTube
4850s they're talking about food I see a
4851s chalupa dog oh my gosh
4854s what has happened to the chat I don't
4855s know but it's all things
4862s incredible oh yeah oh I'm I'm already
4865s feeling so good about this
4867s scout this is nice though I do think we
4870s probably want to get a oh we have a
4873s perer
4874s [Music]
4876s okay yeah perers increased the loot
4879s range which why I was uh mentioning that
4882s one
4885s this helps out the Scout a little
4887s bit we need a taco Market to compete
4889s with Ramen oh my
4898s gosh rail gun is pretty much a scout
4900s staple yeah absolutely is so um I know I
4902s didn't really spe specifically show
4905s anything but the scouts benefits are all
4906s about adding range getting bonuses to
4909s range making more damage from range etc
4912s etc etc and it's just this Nimble little
4914s trooper that when it gets into danger it
4917s can hi tail it out so uh very much a
4920s sniper dream
4924s here lot of good stuff coming out of the
4927s Scouts in everspace 2 and also everspace
4929s one it's the best ship in everspace one
4931s uh get wrecked anybody who has an
4932s opinion otherwise cuz it doesn't matter
4933s to me um yeah we
4938s go all right here we go this is going to
4940s be
4941s tricky vortex taking its toll I must
4945s inform you that this is not any crash
4947s Tre but the cev
4950s nordor disguised as a colonial
4952s exploration vessel it was used during
4954s the war to move experimental Weaponry
4957s through the belt
4959s grades H now technically we're not here
4962s for all the story stuffs and everything
4964s but um I'll kind of be quiet with some
4966s of the exchanges here cuz it's a little
4968s bit more exchange heavy than normal
4971s unusual in what sense it is like nothing
4974s I have ever
4977s encountered damn it hi pull yourself
4980s together see if we can collect some of
4981s the secrets before the rest of the
4983s mission chain
4986s continues oh that's debris
4989s W there we
4992s go does look like cheese to
4996s me thank you thank you for
4999s that closer if I want oh my gosh oh yeah
5001s we have to go get the the thing things
5003s we have to get the things to do the
5004s thing silly me let's see heat detector
5008s nice ship color what do we got oh EOS
5012s iOS I don't know how to pronounce
5020s things there we go we're going to get
5022s the other side too cuz it's right here
5024s and then we'll go continue the uh
5027s actually no Pro Gamer move we're going
5030s to do this first
5035s get it where it needs to go and then
5036s we're going to come back and do it while
5037s he's blabbing his face off please I need
5040s someone to pull me out the noise is
5043s killing me what
5046s noise it is splitting my wonderful okay
5050s hold on I got you I'm seeing people ex
5053s uh talk about other ships that they
5054s prefer and whatnot that's awesome it's
5057s always cool hearing about not only what
5059s ships you prefer but why right like
5061s there's that beautiful distinction as to
5063s you know everyone can say oh I like the
5065s gunship because guns like that's that's
5067s easy that's an easy answer but when you
5070s start getting into like those more
5072s tantalizing details of I found these
5074s combinations you can do with weapons
5075s because they fire twice as fast by doing
5077s this thing now it's starting to get
5079s interesting now it's starting to get
5081s into that territory that I love you guys
5084s share it's really
5087s cool there you go is the signal still
5090s messing with you no it is gone I'm going
5093s to try and finish this up while he's
5096s blabbing
5099s Lu
5102s geted as intentional as a
5106s totally maybe I should oh I should
5109s probably enter the
5111s thing
5115s wonderful credits power
5118s core what do we got behind door number
5121s one
5123s another module a disintegrator and an
5127s observer how's the Observer compare oh
5129s The Observer The Observer is the one
5131s that I wanted oh my gosh I said Cruiser
5132s Observer is the one I wanted we got it
5134s that makes me very happy with that
5136s Superior loot range also ship range
5138s going to make it a lot easier to snipe
5140s folks
5142s down gain three additional resources
5145s when finishing a resource node that
5147s seems kind of nice from a beam
5150s laser h especially considering I've been
5153s looking for
5156s resources that is that is
5159s tempting didn't realize how tempting
5161s that was going to be
5163s honestly all
5166s right also what was this homing just
5168s standard homings okay not a big
5171s deal all
5174s right let's go ahead and try to get out
5177s of
5178s here oh
5181s wait collect some loot
5189s first
5195s yay there we
5201s go may I inqu about where we are going I
5204s don't
5205s know a Power Jam inter with
5210s disintegrator on Scott is going to be
5211s hard to handle yeah yeah that's true
5213s that is true they they get pushed around
5215s a bit don't they gunship is easiest for
5218s me to fly have a a tendency to over
5220s steer so the handling works best for me
5222s nice that's awesome Junior
5225s penotti
5227s uh Stinger absolute main from E2 Modo
5231s speed and Firepower is my thing in
5233s spaceship games dude I love it keep
5235s sharing these stories I love it yeah
5238s there's so many different reasons to
5239s enjoy the different ships and we're
5241s pretty happy with how a lot of them come
5243s across pretty happy with how we brought
5245s them together so great to hear more and
5247s more from your
5250s [Music]
5252s standpoints super cool let's head over
5255s here to kind of round out zarov and
5257s maybe find some more
5260s stuffs um and let's go ahead and do one
5263s more round of questions before we go
5264s into the like the full-blown Community
5266s segment so uh Gary if you if we got
5269s any I have a few cool um first up could
5273s you just reiterate what you said earlier
5275s about the discussions uh regarding
5278s controller customizations Etc we a few
5280s recurring things coming through the
5282s chats about yeah I understand and I
5284s definitely makes a lot of sense since we
5285s just launch consoles and you have to use
5287s a controller right um yeah so it the
5290s short answer the short answer is that
5294s going into controller customization for
5297s consoles is an absolute pain it is it's
5300s an absolute Pain any device velop ER
5302s will tell you this actually unless they
5305s like hyper main consoles and that's all
5306s they've ever done in which case they'll
5308s probably have a different answer but um
5311s it's uh it is not something that is easy
5313s to implement it's not something that
5314s takes a short amount of time and it's
5317s why in a lot of cases we've put a lot of
5320s focus on uh ensuring that the
5323s controllers straight out of the gate
5325s feel right and feel
5328s good for customization we are not going
5331s to see that happen and if we do it would
5334s not be anytime soon this is not a
5337s priority this is this is not something
5338s that we ever promised um so I hope this
5341s doesn't come as a surprise to anybody
5342s but for anybody who is hearing this for
5344s the first time just know uh the
5347s controllers for consoles there's no
5349s intention to have additional uh
5351s controller input uh
5353s customization that being
5356s said that being said and this is that
5358s extra bit that I'm sure that Gary was
5360s kind of having me allude to is that we
5362s have been receiving feedback pertaining
5364s to the current control scheme on both
5367s Xbox and PlayStation now again I'm not
5371s saying that things are going to change
5374s there's no guarantee I can say though we
5377s are receiving a number of requests for
5380s certain types of uh control distinctions
5383s and stuff like that and it's something
5385s that we are currently evaluating again
5388s low chance that anything on this front's
5391s going to happen and I think that it's
5392s it's important for our expectations to
5394s be set knowing that it's probably not
5397s going to happen I also need to make sure
5399s you guys know that you are being heard
5401s we hear your voice we hear what your
5403s desires are and also please know that
5405s there is a reason why we did make it the
5407s way we have there was a lot of testing
5410s and Early Access on controllers as well
5412s where we discovered certain things we
5413s thought would be the case actually
5417s aren't so some of the stuff that we have
5420s even seen in like the recommendations
5422s and suggestions for changing controllers
5424s around we can actually just immediately
5425s say no we're not doing that because we
5427s tried it and it wasn't as good as what
5429s we're using right now I know that can be
5432s a little bit tough for some people to
5435s hear because other games have uh given
5437s you the privilege of
5438s customization a lot of games have uh for
5441s consoles but uh this is not something
5444s that we plan for it's not something that
5445s we can really dive in on so
5448s easily and there's a fairly low chance
5451s pretty low
5453s chance that we would take that
5460s dive let's see if we can inspect some
5462s cargo drones as we answer some more
5465s questions um Crimson came over on
5468s YouTube I like to know something
5470s regarding RI um will the lunacy RIS
5473s receive further updates uh in regards to
5476s maybe variety and balance the feel that
5478s as it stands that the big ships have the
5480s easier time uh in rather than the
5483s smaller ships due to General DPS and
5486s survivability the short answer is and
5488s we've actually said this in the streams
5490s I've said this a few times that we do
5491s want to uh look into adjusting riffs a
5494s bit further both from a balancing
5496s standpoint but also from a variety
5497s standpoint um so uh yeah we'll have to
5501s just stay tuned on that front I'm sure
5503s that there could be uh more information
5504s to share in the future on that I would
5506s be very surprised if we didn't let me
5509s phrase it like that actually cuz that's
5511s more playful and fun
5512s um also uh you might go back a couple
5516s streams and look whenever I dove into a
5518s rift for just a moment and accident did
5520s that because I wasn't supposed to
5521s because there was new stuff that you
5522s could totally see and that's all I'm
5524s going to say on that
5528s matter totally don't like you Eric
5530s totally don't like you I've never made a
5531s mistake in my life and I've also never
5538s lied uh next up we have a question from
5541s uh Black Sheep over on YouTube Perfect
5544s um yeah yeah definitely Black Sheep uh
5548s what happens on inventory overflow uh
5550s when you sell your ship and you get the
5552s new one that has lesser uh inventory
5554s space what happens to your extra
5557s stock so basically nothing um so
5560s whenever you try to purchase a ship and
5561s there's not enough room to transfer
5563s Goods over it will actually give you a
5565s warning in the ship dealer screen and
5567s it'll say uh something along the lines
5569s of inventory space insufficient uh blah
5572s blah blah important words go sell your
5575s stuff so that you can make room for this
5576s transfer some something along those
5581s lines next question people are calling
5583s you out that they think you you never
5585s lie but that you do lie all the time you
5588s guys you guys don't know me my gosh
5591s where is this stream devolving to uh
5593s next question please Right Moving on uh
5597s YouTube again with sling this time uh
5600s specifically regarding the paint job on
5603s um new ships um are we going to be able
5606s to ever edit the color template that a
5609s new ship comes with because obviously
5611s that seems to be a fixed template and
5612s you can only edit into a custom variety
5616s there was never an intent to do that I
5619s have seen this request a couple of times
5621s and I too actually think it would be
5622s kind of cool um but that is not
5625s something that has been discussed it's
5628s not something that would be a priority
5630s at all right now um um but uh do know
5634s that we are looking into ways to add a
5636s bit further customization to the mix
5638s with the free content update and so um
5641s that's something that might be struck up
5643s in conversation but um but yeah it it
5646s never has been it's not something that's
5648s again it's not been a a priority but I
5651s personally like that suggestion and
5653s we'll have to
5655s see just also keep in mind that a big
5657s reason why we don't allow customization
5660s of those specific uh ship colors is
5663s because they're specific ship colors
5666s like that that's why because somebody
5668s decreed this ship is going to look this
5671s particular way and it's not meant to be
5674s changed
5675s right so uh one of those things
5679s where discussion needs to happen
5681s discussion hasn't happened and a
5683s discussion like that's low
5688s priority I know slur had followed up
5691s about the ability to maybe copy that
5693s style over to one of the empty spots if
5696s you have it and then edit from there oh
5699s like copying for oh okay that's an
5701s interesting suggestion I'm not sure if
5702s I've heard that one I like that idea too
5705s oh I like that idea
5712s too you free to fly on
5717s pilot I'm just trying to get this uh
5719s location taken care of we did level up
5721s so that's a huge benefit here for
5725s us I'm also looking for new uh equipment
5730s as
5731s well oh sweet we got the last uh rear
5734s customization
5735s nice nice nice
5743s nice collect a couple more things and
5746s for those of you who are looking at this
5747s and going wait what's why is there like
5748s a silhouette going on the screen right
5750s now it looks like my armor is taking Tak
5752s damage um so that's actually kind of an
5754s effect of our uh development with the
5756s autonomous set you're going to see that
5758s because it's trying to modify the
5762s armor okay um but there is a bug
5764s associated with it on our uh Dove Branch
5767s so don't you worry about that it will
5768s very likely be fixed by the time it
5770s reaches your
5774s hands so we're going to get Marie Dent
5777s over here hello
5780s welcome
5784s go to the shop sell some of this stuff
5786s cuz we got
5795s [Music]
5797s lots I think what we're going to do
5799s we're going to try this Blaster
5800s combination um with the excuse me the
5803s wait where'd it go didn't we have oh no
5806s it was oh I swapped it out cuz it was
5808s this
5809s one no we want our range
5814s an Ever
5815s evolving mix of opportunities a this is
5818s tricky this is
5820s tricky but we could actually use the
5822s Rattler and that would be beneficial uh
5825s in the scouts except it is a close range
5828s weapon and I don't like
5831s that but you know what we'll put it on
5834s for kicks and giggles just to at least
5835s highlight what it sounds like cuz I'm
5837s pretty sure this one got a
5840s makeover we're going to sell a lot of
5842s other stuff some people might be dying
5844s inside but that's what we're going to do
5845s here just cleaning up some
5849s things that's suain Jager though
5857s o there are some exceptions when it
5860s comes to the stream and one of them is
5862s sometimes I'm just going to sell a bunch
5864s of stuff a little bit faster than I
5865s normally do just for the sake of getting
5868s back into game
5870s play uh
5872s um 10% increased device
5875s range I'll take that yes please yes
5879s please that's I yes very well I
5889s accept all right so uh let's see if this
5893s guy has new sound effects I actually
5894s haven't tested this one yet so Rattler
5897s what do you sound
5898s like oh nope doesn't have new sound
5900s effects
5903s unfortunate perhaps not yet
5906s though perhaps simply not
5910s yet I also need to figure out where that
5912s last uh cargo drone is Let's see we went
5915s over there to the stuff that was
5917s floating over there we explored both of
5920s the bases I think um let's see any other
5923s points of
5925s interest let's see what happens if we
5927s swoop over here just real
5930s briefly
5932s pretty sure we already got there's only
5934s one over
5938s here yeah cuz it's right over
5947s there we didn't get a single charge back
5950s how how dare all
5959s right the sign was there
5962s isn't there another
5963s structure I'm going
5967s crazy I know there's a way like there's
5970s some there's points of interest
5972s surrounding each one of the cargo drones
5973s maybe I just didn't fly all the way
5976s through the dang freaking all right
5978s that's fine that's
5981s fine see this is what I need to label
5983s the sites that I go to again I did that
5985s once and now I don't do it
5987s anymore all right location complete
5990s feels good
6012s that feels
6014s good oh there's a m oh of course mop pod
6018s why wouldn't it why wouldn't it
6026s hello darkness my old
6028s friend all right so we are getting to a
6032s part of the stream where we do need to
6034s transition to the next segment but um it
6036s has been really good to be able to see
6038s these set items ironically every single
6041s set that dropped today are sets that we
6044s have we took that time to highlight a
6046s little bit more um during our set item
6048s showcase stream a few weeks back now um
6051s I do want to just take a moment and just
6053s put some emphasis on this we are going
6056s to see more content just from simple
6058s game planing alone from my nightmare
6060s runs in the future okay um and when
6063s Stuff shows up we're going to talk about
6065s it we're going to we're going to
6066s highlight it we're going to say hey this
6067s is really cool stuff and I'm also going
6069s to explain a little bit more about the
6071s drop rates and how they can drop from
6072s specific uh systems uh which is now
6075s being introduced uh and it's all the
6076s more I'm going to say on that uh and
6078s then we're also going to uh showcase
6082s the absolutely beautiful and gorgeous
6083s screenshots that you have right the heck
6085s now that's what we're
6087s doing that's what we're doing so stay
6090s right there we're going to dip into the
6092s screenshots that were shared this last
6094s week I chose a pretty good number
6096s actually from Discord so if you've been
6098s taking screenshots you might see yours
6100s in just a moment give me a second to set
6102s that bad boy up and we're going to have
6105s some
6110s fun
6112s oh yeah I I captured way too many
6113s screenshots oh my goodness we're going
6115s to need to extend this stream for 7even
6117s years probably my goodness so anybody
6120s who is new this is the part of the
6123s stream where uh we highlight screenshots
6125s from the community sometimes there's fan
6127s art and funny exchanges that we would
6128s also highlight in this segment as well
6132s uh and through the course of this we
6134s will also be answering any of those
6135s questions that are still burning deep
6138s within you you got a console question
6140s lay it on us totally fine let's talk it
6143s out you got a gameplay question that's
6145s just kind of General okay bring It
6148s Forward you have a set item question
6149s about some of these teases that were
6151s coming up dive on in you want to ask
6155s about new content specifically and want
6157s to know what we are going to provide
6158s screw you we're not going to tell you
6160s all right let's get into this we got
6163s Captain
6164s Maxwell uh 7 Captain waxwell 7 I believe
6168s he is entering a rift this is a popular
6170s image but this one's done with a little
6172s bit more creativity generally speaking
6174s we see a more straight on approach um
6176s this one gives it that nice Dynamic
6178s angle and I think it does a lot of
6181s Justice to the shot I think Captain
6183s Maxwell This is a better shot of getting
6185s sucked into a rift definitely enjoy that
6188s also loving how you are capturing how
6191s it's pulling the ship in as opposed to
6193s your flying into it like it's just rips
6195s any sort of momentum away from you and
6197s says get over here very much enjoy it um
6201s so I got another shot from Captain
6202s Maxwell that I'm going to show let's go
6203s ahead and answer a question as we are
6205s highlighting Captain Maxwell today we've
6208s got one from sline over on YouTube it's
6211s the only one we've got so come on guys
6213s and girls let's get some more questions
6215s firing in um does the distance from
6218s where you destroy a ship affect what
6220s loot it drops no it does not it's a
6223s curious question uh but it does not
6225s there I also do want to take a moment
6227s though and identify one element that has
6229s been talked about in the past and that
6230s is if you shoot an enemy that's further
6233s than your sensor's range does it drop
6235s loot if a tree falls down on the forest
6238s does anybody hear it right like it's
6239s it's that sort of element and the answer
6241s is yes a tree does make sound uh or the
6245s loot does drop whenever it's off in the
6247s distance even though you can't see it so
6249s even if your uh sensors don't pick it up
6252s and you get a kill and you're like that
6253s should have totally dropped loot it did
6256s fly over there go pick it up all right
6259s important thing to note but distance has
6260s nothing to do with the loot pools great
6263s great question I like that a lot uh this
6265s other shot comes from Maxwell it's a low
6267s resolution shot comes from everspace one
6269s but I thought it was a cheeky one and
6271s you know every now and then I'm okay
6272s with showing some cheeky shots in the
6274s Stream it's totally good this is
6275s everspace one this is an ancient that
6278s teleported into an asteroid and he can
6280s no longer kill and it can also no longer
6283s kill him so ah man bugs are fun bugs are
6286s the best uh they are super duper um so
6291s sorry hope that you had a flat Cannon
6292s cuz you could actually finish him off
6293s that way uh but if you didn't hopefully
6295s you could craft one either way uh it
6297s just it just happens happens from time
6299s to time the games are going to game and
6302s uh can't really do too much about it so
6304s thanks for the shares Captain Maxwell uh
6306s definitely some fun ones today this next
6309s shot also comes from the original
6310s everspace which we do also obviously
6313s highlight here in the community segment
6315s there's some incredible shots that you
6317s guys still manag to capture and
6319s everspace still holds up quite well
6321s today so if you've never played the
6322s original everspace and just booking it
6324s through everspace 2 don't be too shy
6327s just because it uses a Rog likee formula
6330s and you're like I don't know what that
6331s means there's still a lot of enjoyment
6333s to be had in that formula and you can
6335s always just wish list it and you know
6337s wait for a sale if you wanted to go that
6339s direction and the DLC adds so much to
6342s the original experience it's kind of
6345s ridiculous kind of like the DLC that
6347s we're going to be adding to ospace 2 oh
6349s um so yeah just a great shot from dark
6352s chaos here love these like viewports
6355s into a strange world that you're flying
6358s through trying to survive definitely
6360s gives the right
6361s Vibes good good
6364s stuff so do we have more questions as
6367s we're looking at flor's next uh nothing
6370s as such but uh B frog has noticed that
6373s the DMZ reporters are still on
6377s strike uh oh the the scrolling Marquee
6381s yeah no um so I mean look guys if I'm
6384s being full-blown transparent here which
6387s I'm sure some people would not be happy
6389s if I went super transparent but like I I
6392s want you guys to know that like we do
6393s want to do a little bit more with the
6395s stream setup okay like that's that's in
6397s the works like we would love to add more
6399s on that front we got a lot of priorities
6401s right now we had to take care of our
6402s console fan base we had to take care of
6404s your controls we had to take care of the
6405s stuttering we had to take care of a lot
6407s of those issues that was priority as
6409s opposed to just some funny words on
6410s screen okay I'm sure you all understand
6412s that um but just please understand that
6416s like definitely making sure the game is
6418s in a state where it needs to be uh first
6421s first and foremost the fun of you know
6424s these interactions that we have as well
6426s as like the community contest somebody
6427s had poked about in the Discord saying
6429s when are those coming back they will
6430s very likely come back those are going to
6432s happen in time okay uh it's it's a work
6434s in progress we'll get there together and
6436s it's going to be awesome when it does
6437s all right so don't you worry too much
6440s about that um I love this ship that
6442s Flory has shared I love the way that
6444s he's colorized it in the dark just makes
6446s that so much fun and I love how he's got
6448s this scene all the way at the end that
6450s says not bad I wonder where this could
6453s possibly be hm so very very cool shot I
6457s love these corridors cuz they don't make
6459s me scared at all whatsoever um and uh
6463s it's great it's just fantastic and this
6464s is another shot that Flory has captured
6467s a very mysterious shot indeed and just
6470s wanted to share it because I can and
6472s that's all next up we're going to be
6475s looking at a shot from I have to
6477s pronounce this
6478s correctly
6479s fusy fusy on Discord woo that's
6483s definitely his
6484s username and um he has this beautiful
6488s shot to share which is great too cuz
6490s like I can kind of get in the way of the
6491s shot and it still looks beautiful like
6493s that's that's the dream right getting
6495s these shots that you share that my dumb
6497s face can still impose some part of it
6500s while still looking clean like that's
6502s that's amazing I love the way that he's
6504s captured the exploration here um I think
6506s it's a solid shot and a great
6507s representation of the opening segments
6509s of this of the game and just inviting
6512s you to explore so much more have I I
6515s love that you're enjoying the game fusky
6517s um loving your screenshots uh keep it up
6519s dude really really
6521s cool um questions
6524s yet I've got one from Dark Angel over on
6527s Twitch uh just wondering if there's any
6530s way or if we're planning to put any kind
6532s of inertia dampeners into the console
6535s version uh so that they can kind of do
6537s the swoopy Maneuvers without the initi
6539s ders turned on definitely understand
6541s that desire um let me answer that first
6543s giving credit to infinite banana theorem
6547s uh for the screenshot there's a little
6548s bit of confusion in the redeeming
6550s drivers um but I would be confused too
6552s if I lost my soul
6553s toip you know whatever so now let's
6556s answer this question about the inertia
6558s dampers this is something that we've
6559s been seeing a little bit show up from
6561s time to time uh we don't consider this a
6563s hot issue or a hot priority because we
6566s just don't like it's not something that
6568s is vital to the gamees space in fact we
6572s never planned to put inertial dampening
6574s into the game this was plugged in
6576s through Community requests and it was
6578s also available for the PC side cuz
6580s there's a lot of buttons on a keyboard
6583s so it was somewhat easy to go ahead and
6586s just fulfill that request plug that in
6589s when it comes to the control controller
6591s however we have that limitation of well
6593s number of buttons combinations thereof
6596s etc etc and in order to get that to work
6599s we would have to do a hell of a lot of
6601s digging to figure out any sort of way to
6604s put that in on a controller and again
6607s keep in mind we had no intention of
6610s putting inertial dampening into the game
6613s so not only would this be a huge
6615s challenge for us to navigate and fit
6617s into that uh input mapping for the
6619s controller it also would be something
6621s that we don't technically want to be in
6623s the game anyway
6627s so very likely not going to happen yet
6631s still there's conversations internally
6633s about it so um so I guess we will see in
6637s the future but uh I sincerely would not
6639s count on it um I would be very surprised
6642s on that front um inertial dampening uh
6645s is counterintuitive to some of the
6647s gameplay mechanisms and it is reserved
6650s for some of the uh higher skill players
6652s in fact um the most people that I see
6655s play with inera dampers turned off or
6657s use it as a toggle um have been some of
6659s the highest skilled players within our
6662s community so there's a lot on that not
6665s saying that you are completely denied
6667s console players um but I am saying that
6671s that is sincerely not something we ever
6673s planned and for us to include that would
6675s be a pretty significant battle for us to
6680s produce for you and I'm just not sure if
6682s that time commitment on our side is
6684s worth it cuz we could do so much more
6686s with that time as opposed to adding a
6688s button that we never intended to have in
6691s the first place so this next shot comes
6694s from J mongi 77 on the Discord uh he's
6699s just kind of cruising around looking for
6700s some things in all of these dark
6702s crevices and places and I think that he
6704s also does a pretty good job of capturing
6706s the exploration of everspace too uh you
6709s guys seem to like this one too he got a
6710s couple of emoji responses which is why I
6712s like to share which is why I'm sharing
6714s this one I do like to share um shots
6716s that generally get more upvotes from you
6718s guys and uh J Mai yeah I think that you
6720s did a pretty good job capturing this one
6723s good good
6726s good all right uh we're going over to
6729s this next shot
6731s from Joe the Casual nerd
6735s excellent I think it speaks for itself
6737s it's just it's just a great
6738s representation of exploration and
6740s curiosity um within Aerospace 2
6743s experience love the color usage as well
6745s that blue orange can't go wrong nice
6747s contrast boom B Bing Bang Boom do we
6749s have questions uh I've got one from Jr
6752s panot over on YouTube um bit of a
6756s technical one to a degree do you know
6758s how many shipwreck designs there are and
6761s have we any plans to up the danger of
6763s accessing
6767s them I think there's only two shipwreck
6769s designs
6773s like the Clone the Clone shipwrecks is
6775s that the one that we're referring to I
6777s would presume so yeah I think there's
6779s only two uh to my understanding um that
6782s was also at one point something we're
6784s like oh yeah we can make a slew of them
6785s and make them randomized and it could be
6787s so much fun like it' be a reference to
6788s everspace one and how you're seeing some
6790s of those uh ships mangled and blah blah
6792s blah um and it was one of those things
6794s where it's like we could do that or we
6795s could do uh heavy itemization to allow
6798s for a lot more customization diversity
6800s gameplay so um comes down to that sort
6803s sort of development standard of we have
6806s to make some hard calls um probably not
6809s something that's going to change um but
6812s uh yeah I suppose you never know but in
6815s the grand scheme of things if we are
6818s drawing attention to what a wreck looks
6820s like that's producing various results
6823s that you understand what those results
6824s are going to look like based on if it's
6826s a valuable shipwreck or not um or if
6829s we're going to just go ham with more
6831s free content and the DLC we you're
6833s probably seeing where our focus is going
6835s to be but um yeah so there are there are
6839s in fact some technical limitations with
6840s creating more assets like simply
6843s shipwrecks and incorporating those into
6845s the gamees space it's it's crazy uh but
6847s it's it requires a a process that can
6850s take a lot of time away from other
6852s elements so this next uh screenshot
6855s comes from Phantom Lord uh this we've
6858s got a couple from Phantom Lord they all
6859s have some nice Variety in them actually
6861s and this one just stood out because you
6864s don't really see a lot of screenshots
6865s with these uh these mines in place that
6868s you have to Dart in between and I
6870s thought it was a clever way to highlight
6872s this particular Zone in a pretty good
6875s light so nice little shot on that
6880s front woo very very
6884s good we also have yeah go go for the
6888s question as I'm going to transfer over
6889s here to somewhat spoilery but kind of a
6892s really awesome shot so I don't really
6893s care that a nice shot uh it's it's
6896s gorgeous honestly this is this is 10 out
6898s of 10 Phantom Lord I love this so much I
6900s kind of want to get out of the way of it
6901s too so but yeah go ahead and answer or
6903s ask the question I'll answer
6906s it Exel one of our Galactic
6909s photographers over on YouTube he's
6911s actually asking a specific question
6912s regards photo mode about consider uh
6915s will we consider expanding its
6917s capabilities uh especially for some of
6919s the latest shots if had to use multiple
6920s workarounds uh to get them just how they
6922s want to uh and they've just expanded
6924s that they'd like to see something like a
6926s bloom intensity slider added H um I know
6930s that there have been talks in the like
6932s it was through Early Access where we
6934s were um we had it on the list of things
6937s to do to adjust some of the photo mode
6939s settings and add some more um and then
6941s we had an internal meeting and we had to
6943s move that down to the would be nice to
6944s have category um I don't think we ever
6947s made any adjustments on that front I
6949s think that that it's possible that we
6951s could open up that for discussion again
6953s but I I can't make any promises on Photo
6954s mode editions um I think it would be
6956s amazing and I mean it's a lot of fun but
6960s yeah it's that's a that's a tricky one
6962s that's a tricky one to answer to so um
6965s we'll just have to see how things
6966s develop in the future and how that comes
6968s together so this next shot comes from
6971s Phantom Lord oh my gosh thank you for
6973s thank you for the donut I had no idea
6978s we thank you
6980s what a
6983s sweetheart um but uh this shot also
6987s comes from Phantom Lord like I said had
6989s a nice variety of shots um and this one
6992s it's actually pretty cool too um I love
6994s how it's just like that explosion right
6996s before you're delving into uh fulln
6998s veils depths and the the bright orange I
7002s just it spoke to me it just it's nice I
7004s think it's captured incredibly well um
7007s very cool very neat so great shots all
7011s around from Phantom Lord those three
7014s shots look at that boom bada
7017s bam definitely loving it next up we've
7020s got a couple of shots from Rody 78 do we
7023s have another question do we do one float
7025s in uh not at the moment not at the
7028s moment okay um I am seeing a little bit
7031s of a discussion over on YouTube uh this
7033s shot again this is Rody 78 um nice clean
7036s shot of the starting Sentinel um uh
7039s little discussion over on YouTube
7040s talking about how you can tweak Bloom
7041s via
7042s console um I'm not going to confirm or
7045s deny that I do know that uh console
7048s settings can allow you to make
7050s adjustments to your even your controller
7052s input um but it's done outside of the
7054s game so it's not applicable to the game
7056s itself um which can be a little bit
7058s jarring definitely understand that um
7060s but I think that the reason I'm
7061s addressing this comment is specifically
7063s because uh we understand that these
7066s requests that you have are meant to be
7068s inside of everspace too we know that you
7070s don't want to find workarounds so I just
7072s want to be very clear on that you know
7074s people asking hey I wish I could like
7076s change the inputs of my controllers our
7078s responses are going to be oh yeah well
7079s you can do that with a Pro Controller uh
7081s go spend money you know like that's
7083s that's not that's not our answer like we
7086s understand what you are requesting from
7088s where it is being requested of um and we
7090s take that very seriously just really
7093s want to bring that home really want to
7095s bring that home so if we have any more
7097s information on controller inputs
7099s accessibility
7100s uh bonus buttons whatever we will make
7102s those announcements if they become
7104s applicable but again really want to set
7106s the playing field here that there is not
7108s really an intention to do that all right
7111s guys so cool I know I kind of bounced
7114s around there for a little bit just tying
7116s that together as best I can we have
7118s another shot from Rody 78 there's
7121s another Pleasant one that's just flying
7122s through cedo nice background love that
7126s this this station just completely
7127s destroyed um and this station is
7129s actually also a reference I don't know
7131s how many of you know this but during the
7134s um prototype gosh the the Prototype um
7138s how many years ago would that be uh four
7141s years oh my gosh how long how long yeah
7144s 2019 oh my gosh ah in the prototype in
7148s this location this station was not
7152s destroyed the station was operating you
7154s could go there you could find stuff
7155s around the space and we transformed this
7158s area um it's kind of a sort of little
7161s way to honor the Prototype but you know
7163s also to make it more intentionally
7165s designed um and yeah this station was
7168s completely functioning in the Prototype
7169s but now in the full game that very same
7171s station completely erected to Oblivion
7174s um so it's just looking at it also is
7176s kind of like hey that's kind of cool and
7178s now you know a little fun detail about
7180s our development progress and stuff that
7182s we wanted to change how to mix up that
7184s formula DMZ is a dangerous place more
7186s stuff needs to be
7187s destroyed all right so this next shot
7190s comes from sonozaki who also was chosen
7193s he had a shot similar to this one that I
7195s used as the thumbnail background over on
7197s YouTube so shout out to sonaki he is one
7200s of our Galactic photographers just
7202s amazing shots overall um every time he
7205s submits something uh I just go wow wow
7208s and it's just it's I mean there's not
7210s really anything else to say I mean you
7211s can judge for yourself love the
7213s composition love the colors love
7216s the just it's just yeah it's just this
7219s it's is wonderful makes me very happy
7222s makes me very happy we are still kind of
7224s perusing for questions I'm not finding
7226s any did you see one that I miss I've got
7228s one regarding um kind of a comment from
7232s Redan oudin over on YouTube uh is there
7235s any ideas on having you uh co-op in the
7240s game oh no no no that's uh that is not
7242s something we are planning on doing at
7244s all for everspace 2 so if anybody heard
7247s from a friend about a rumor that
7249s everspace phas 2 is going to have co-op
7251s no they're wrong we've never said that
7254s it's not going to happen it's it's never
7256s been in the plans uh average Space 2 was
7258s very much designed as a single player
7260s experience from the ground up okay the
7263s entire game very intentionally designed
7265s as single player if we were to move into
7266s a multiplayer setting um which would be
7268s really cool don't disagree with that
7271s like our entire team's like yeah Co-op
7274s could have been awesome if we would have
7275s done that um that's making a completely
7278s different game we are then readjusting
7281s literally every single system for two
7283s players okay we're making a new game to
7286s account for that as well as the fact
7288s that we're going to have to adjust uh
7290s some of the World building in the lore
7292s to enable uh some type of gameplay on
7295s that front as well not much granted but
7298s there would be a bit of work both on
7301s like the the gameplay side as well as
7303s like the the Creative World building
7305s lore um and then it just keeps going
7308s from there there's so much uh it's not
7310s in the plans and it's not going to
7311s happen but maybe a future title that we
7314s work on in the future after we're done
7316s with everspace 2 could possibly move
7319s into a multiplayer setting maybe it's a
7321s lot of maybe because we don't know we'll
7324s get there when we're done with over
7325s Space 2 and we'll tell you all about it
7327s if that's the direction we're taking
7330s cool next up we got a shot from Tundra
7333s um so Tundra if you are watching the
7336s stream you cheater oh my goodness I
7338s can't believe the first time you shared
7339s a screenshot I thought it was a legit
7341s screenshot and I thought it was so
7342s delightful that you had obtained so many
7344s credits and then I found out you cheated
7346s how dare you you tricked me I don't like
7348s it there are legitimately players out
7350s there who have been amassing hundreds of
7354s thousands of millions of of credits like
7356s it's an absurd number of credits and
7359s it's incredible and um it's it's just I
7363s want to give you all a shout out for
7365s your uh just dedication to the cause on
7367s that front um but still giving some
7370s credit to Tundra this was a pretty fun
7372s capture of his ship with some I think
7375s it's a Weber effect um that was
7377s dissipating and it looks neat actually
7381s really pleasantly surprised by how much
7383s I like that um having the ship kind of
7385s wobbling off giving you those vibes of
7387s something is uh sort of vibrating and
7390s keeping this in place sort of uh motions
7394s awesome super duper
7397s cool super dup cool
7400s indeed so so two parts there Tundra I'm
7404s calling you out but also nice shot I
7406s appreciate it and you know what also if
7408s if cheats are how you enjoy games I mean
7410s it's not how I enjoy games but you do
7412s you that's fine uh definitely implore
7415s all of you though to play everspace 2 uh
7418s without using guides or cheats or
7420s anything like that cuz the intended
7422s design of it is to be challenged and to
7425s have fun with your discoveries when you
7427s are looking up guides or you're using
7428s cheats kind of takes away from that and
7431s it's probably not even intentional on
7432s your front but just uh just keep that in
7434s mind just tossing that out there but
7437s again play all you want all right uh
7440s last one we've got winged nightmare it's
7443s a solid shot nice glow in the background
7446s behind that is the star of um Drake
7450s actually I don't know which star that
7453s is but it's a great shot I love it I
7455s love the way that it comes across that
7457s might be keone I thinking about it but
7460s regardless pretty Neato Fredo like a
7463s burrito and I'm on board I also
7466s strangely like how even though it's not
7468s this almost looks like a smiley
7470s face now you can't unsee it
7473s right it it just makes me happy it just
7476s makes me happy very pleasant indeed so
7479s do we have any more
7480s questions uh one is coming and I think
7482s it's something we may have to check out
7484s uh somebody Lous front tals um he's
7488s wondering how to activate jobs on like
7491s the map when you're flying around but it
7492s seems to be struggling to be able to do
7494s that I know obviously if a job pops up
7496s while you're flying around you can
7497s accept it and then fly to it um from the
7500s map yeah yeah you can you can accept it
7503s from the map you can also just fly to
7505s the location and it will accept the job
7507s um uh uh is on Console or is yeah
7512s playing on Console playing on
7513s PlayStation 5 okay there should be there
7516s should be an input uh description on the
7518s map that shows how to accept the job um
7521s it should be listed like at the bottom
7522s of the location um I don't I off the top
7525s of my head I don't know what button that
7527s is it might be like pushing in one of
7530s the joysticks is my guess if it's if
7532s it's not um understood how to do it but
7535s you can just fly to the location it will
7537s accept the job if you do that
7540s too so yeah and there's also no yeah I I
7543s just read in the the chat but also want
7544s to mention there's also no penalty for
7546s abandoning jobs so um that's a little
7548s bit more more gamified for your
7550s enjoyment specifically if you're ever
7551s doing something you're like I just don't
7553s like doing this quit and do something
7555s that you find more enjoyable it's fine
7556s we made a diverse cast of jobs available
7559s for that very reason some people are
7561s going to like this some people going to
7562s like that and it's great it's fantastic
7566s wonderful all right so guys that has
7569s been our stream today we've covered a
7571s lot of questions a lot of healthy
7573s questions thank you so much for that
7574s very much appreciated we've also
7576s highlighted a great number of
7577s screenshots from all of you ranging from
7580s uh you know the more symmetrical to the
7583s you know I don't even know how to
7585s describe this uh to the
7587s Cinematic all kinds of shots keep it up
7590s we love this stuff we eat this stuff up
7593s for breakfast oh my gosh and we will be
7596s highlighting this type of material even
7598s further um after certain streams um
7601s we're actually working on cataloging
7602s just a few more for like the best ofs
7604s and stuff like that um cuz it's just
7607s incredible what you guys can do with the
7608s photo mode um and yeah just don't stop
7612s being awesome because I won't stop being
7615s Eric your community Ambassador oh my
7618s gosh and uh Gary you're not g to stop
7620s being Gary are you You Gonna Keep I hope
7622s no okay perfect that's good to hear um
7625s and we'll absolutely be catching you uh
7627s in two weeks from today what what's
7630s going on there's no stream next week
7632s nope there is no stream next week Gary
7635s and I will be on a business adventure
7639s together and so we will not be present
7641s to do one for you sorry about that um
7645s but whenever we come back on the 1st of
7648s September that's the next month after
7650s August we are going to probably very
7653s likely have a nice little Showcase of
7656s things to come maybe let's not get ahead
7659s of ourselves we still have to talk about
7661s it but I want
7662s to that's how it works
7665s anyway I continued talking and I was
7667s saying goodbye how dare ey don't stop
7669s being awesome and we'll catch you in 2
7672s weeks
7675s toodles where's my
7677s [Laughter]
7680s button next to the G key Y how dare
7697s you
7721s I forgot there's one other thing that we
7723s do in these streams that um is just kind
7726s of it's a silly little thing we do this
7727s post stream sort of shenanigan segment
7730s um where I make myself look like a fool
7733s but you guys enjoy it so we're just
7734s going to keep doing it anyway um and
7736s otherwise also it's a time where we can
7738s kind of highlight any sort of magical uh
7741s addendums to the stream or other things
7744s to note that's circulating around uh
7746s everspace 2 and right now there's not
7749s too much going on but if you haven't
7752s purchased everspace 2 be it on Console
7755s or PC let your friends know about the
7757s game come to a stream ask questions get
7760s informed uh before you make that
7762s decision I think that's an incredibly
7763s important detail also join our community
7765s we have a thriving Discord now uh it
7767s continues to grow very happy about that
7770s um obviously there's the steam forums
7772s and Reddit and there's also an Instagram
7774s and a Twitter so you know pick your
7776s poison you can see all those in the
7777s scrolling Marquee on the page that I
7779s actually just passed by so uh but
7782s seriously guys you were awesome today
7784s thank you so much thank you so much for
7786s asking the questions that you ask thank
7787s you so much for engaging in the way that
7789s you do our love for you is just it's
7792s absurd you guys are our lifeblood I say
7794s this a lot because it's it's true like I
7798s can't express to you how much better the
7803s end of the week becomes because of you
7806s thank you sincerely so don't change keep
7810s bringing that energy keep bringing those
7812s questions this is going to help us
7813s straighten anything out that people have
7815s questions about uh any sort of concerns
7817s we want to make ever Space 2 the best
7819s game possible even after 1.0 and uh
7823s we're going to continuing continue to
7825s pursue that direction all right that's
7828s enough blibber blabber official nonsense
7831s Let's Get Silly Let's Get
7837s Silly oh ever space one is 80% off right
7840s now how did I miss that seriously did I
7844s seriously miss a sale for the I didn't
7846s see it posted any any
7849s all right yeah irage space one is it's
7853s uh it's 80% off um and uh yeah so in the
7858s DLC is also 80% off wow I cannot believe
7861s that I missed that so that's like $5
7864s hello Mercy hi how's it going you're
7867s silly uh so it's $5 total US dollars
7870s that you could get the original or
7872s $6 math again has impeded the streams um
7877s uh for the original ever space so even
7879s if you are not sure about it right now
7882s is like the best time to try it out um
7885s all right I'm closing this door and I'm
7887s locking it and then we're going to have
7893s to okay no children for the
7904s moment throat is
7907s dry I'm good at math to we got you oh my
7911s gosh guys
7928s [Music]
7937s ridiculous
7946s [Music]
7957s [Music]
7967s the
7974s [Music]
7992s space one it's on sale 80% off do
7997s it
7999s [Music]
8027s the
8035s [Music]
8043s [Music]
8048s we went a little longer than normal on
8049s that one but it felt good felt really
8051s good my throat actually feels great and
8054s now I'm going to eat a donut have a
8057s great weekend
8067s oh my gosh this Donut's
8071s delicious I haven't had a donut in like
8075s four
8087s months