12 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s foreign
23s ladies and gentlemen
26s we are prepping the stream right now
28s we'll be live in approximately three and
31s a half minutes ish around that time
33s welcome everybody on YouTube and twitch
36s and steam on our home page
40s thank you
69s [Music]
100s thank you
123s thank you
163s foreign
169s [Music]
210s foreign
234s foreign
253s ladies and gentlemen to the official
255s Rockfish game stream
256s I'm your host your servant your guide
259s Eric Schrader the community Ambassador
260s for Rockfish games I am with
264s Gary geek bites our other manager
268s at a perfect wonderful always
273s perfectly timed and uh today we are
276s going to be cruising through more of the
278s nightmare game play that we've been
280s doing since release while we are doing
283s that we're going to be answering
284s questions that you guys have from
286s Twitter from twitch from uh Steam from
290s from uh YouTube from all the places I
294s said Twitter first I meant to say twitch
295s I guess we could answer from Twitter
297s that's not necessarily a thing but uh
300s uh yeah
302s gonna be just a nice little way that we
304s bridge the gap between developers
306s community
308s wrapped up in the week normally I like
311s to give you guys the goings-on of what's
314s happening here at Rockfish and um you
317s know it's we're in such a beautiful spot
319s right now we're in such a beautiful spot
321s because right now we're cracking through
324s so many bug reports on so many little
327s feature details that we want to polish
330s and tweak and so many other things that
333s I can't even begin explaining because we
335s have a Content update that we want to
337s work on for you that will be pushed out
338s for free and we also want active
342s premium DLC offer to you next year
345s there's a lot of stuff that we have in
347s mind for such an expansive addition to
350s the game
352s so it comes with a lot of
356s hiding things
361s so I could tell you
364s what we wouldn't working on this week
367s and I could get fired
369s or I can tell you
371s that we've been hard at work on ensuring
373s Outer Space 2 is getting
376s what it needs
378s it's getting there
381s it's getting there
383s we are incredibly pleased with the 1.0
385s launch your guyses and gauss's geysers
389s and gals
391s your suggestions your ideas your
393s feedback since the 1.0 release has
395s pushed us to do just a little bit more
398s nothing no again nothing crazy
401s but it's moving in a positive direction
403s thanks
404s to all of you so
406s let's go ahead and dive into our
408s nightmare mode gameplay
411s we're picking up quite literally where
413s we left off and I do have something to
415s speak on regarding the safe State oh a
417s button popped
421s fixed excellent
425s so one quick thing to mention about this
428s were we really just banged up oh my gosh
432s so last week I had made mention that
435s there was like a bug going on and like
437s none of my items were dropping I
439s actually no that wasn't the case um we
441s were doing some internal testing uh you
444s know that flak bug that's been plaguing
447s the game for I don't know how long
449s actually it's I think since 1.0
452s um we're still trying to completely lock
455s it down we're not we're not 100 there
457s yet but one of the testing
459s elements that we try to do last week was
462s disabling items from dropping to see if
465s when the Flack was destroying something
466s if no items dropped if there would still
468s be a crash
470s we never re-enabled those item drops
473s for the Stream
476s whoops so don't worry about it that's
479s fine so we might do a little bit of
482s backtracking to pick up some things that
483s we possibly missed and also uh you know
485s outfit ourselves since we are quite
487s lacking on items we're level six and
490s we've got some level fours and fives in
492s there on nightmare difficulty that's not
494s exactly the best thing ever so
497s definitely going to satisfy those
501s requirements here
504s and again through the process of doing
506s this nightmare mode
508s we are picking any questions that you
511s all have
512s and we will be answering them
514s oh level twos man they're not even gonna
516s drop stuff for us because there are four
517s level difference did you know that
520s if enemies are too low a level
522s they don't give you experience they
524s don't give you item drops they just give
526s you a minor headache
530s we do want to complete this Minesweeper
532s task
534s I'm in a gun show I'll be fine oh yeah
535s sure
537s excellent
539s good afternoon Space Cowboy thank you
541s thank you welcome everybody to the
543s streams
544s [Music]
548s still plagued by small stutters I see
550s over on YouTube from Fred Smith
553s that's unfortunate I'm sorry sorry to
555s hear that I know that the team has been
557s working on a bit more optimization in
559s certain regards
561s some probably more than others there has
564s been a number of elements reported and
567s just that we kind of knew about
569s in regards to like the Gilbert Naval
571s vase for example
572s as one of the unfortunately it's one of
574s the most it's one of the worst
576s performing locations
579s currently
580s so yeah does it does it need some tweaks
582s we would love to we would love to tweak
584s it further
585s are we going to I mean we're sure we're
588s trying
591s so yeah
595s all part of the process again but
597s so yeah I wanted to complete some of
599s these jobs
604s cool
605s this Nifty station
606s you're speaking to an FD station jobs
609s complete and I also wanted to
612s take care of a couple locations that I
614s think we've already been to for example
616s yeah because we went to we went to
618s pseudo orbit
620s um but I want to go back there
625s level seven that might that might be a
627s little too much for us I want to go back
629s here because I want to see
631s if I can do
634s if I can get that Mainframe override
637s from this location
641s when we went there last time the item
642s wasn't dropping because of our
643s particular build trying to find bugs
645s it didn't drop
647s I want to see if my save is completely
650s borged for good and I can never get it
653s ever again
654s or if I can somehow extract it
659s but yeah how was everybody's week
662s going by the
664s Bible I know we're reaching the
665s conclusion of it I know some people
666s celebrated a bit of Star Wars stuff
668s yesterday because it was May the 4th
671s I was one of those people
675s I guess you could say that I like sci-fi
679s kind of curious where you're all at
683s Gilbert has the best weather I see oh my
685s gosh
688s all right let's see this is we were over
689s here before we we tried to complete this
692s little uh space
695s it did not drop us any Goods let's see
697s if we have a chance to get them
699s oh we haven't done it yet I thought we
701s did
709s either way
710s I thought the save was after I
712s accomplished the task but maybe I saved
714s beforehand because I didn't I wanted to
715s try to do it again
717s I don't remember now
724s ah
726s where's the where's the cap I thought it
728s was over here am I crazy
732s I do need to navigate a bit better if I
735s want to get this there in time
739s flawless
744s and look we do have things that dropped
746s yay and that is a Mainframe component
748s all right all right
750s I am pleased game is now working as
752s intended and we got new boosters to boot
755s hmm
757s customize our gunship a little bit
759s that's some fancy fun right there all
762s right
763s picking up things look at this
767s [Music]
770s all right
772s all right
774s completely normal phenomenon
783s oh my gosh I see
785s I see the week was unfun for some people
787s but you were playing other games okay
788s that's good that's good at least
795s what is sci-fi you like sci-fi no way oh
799s my gosh
801s you guys are ridiculous also I love how
803s I'm using a flack when uh oh my gosh we
805s are gonna die because I'm not paying
807s attention it's guys we're playing on
808s nightmare difficulty
810s did you know that
812s it's important to know that
813s we are totally gonna die
816s maybe not
818s maybe we're gonna be just
821s all right
824s are they coming at us I can't tell
829s mantobots oh wait I have to wait for it
831s to be collected first
839s [Music]
843s helps to be in range in order to hit
845s your target
848s also helps to have energy but you know
857s Proto Scout I don't like the way that
859s sounds
866s Oh that's oh no
867s I don't like this at all that's a that's
869s a mad cap uh mad Cap's gonna be trouble
878s all right
881s maybe not as much trouble
891s okay
892s cool everything's fine
896s good thing we had our turret
899s now I probably could explore a little
903s bit more of this place let's go over
904s here
905s and then we're going to kind of go on
906s the underside of the um the larger
909s asteroid I want to try and collect some
911s things most notably some resources
918s we got a pure incidium
925s it is hard to see mines when you're
926s looking directly into a star that's
928s right next to you
932s all right here we go
936s all right already feeling so much better
941s already feeling so much better
949s I do want to start using a different
951s weapon for mining though because I want
952s to try and get some cure incendium and
955s pure resources of whatever actually just
957s so that I'm not a bottlenecks when I get
960s there through developing My Perks
963s the Flack is very efficient when it
965s comes to time
967s with resources
969s but because it only hits once
972s well
973s needless to say it doesn't have as many
975s opportunities to collect the rare
978s resource
983s it's a little bit of a trade-off
994s all right there's still another secret
996s here
997s I'm gonna go back to the base we're
999s going to repair
1002s we're going to look at what our other
1003s engine option is that we collected even
1005s though I really I'm a big fan of this
1007s engine honestly
1010s because we can customize we might as
1011s well look
1012s you know might as well look
1021s so let's uh have a look and see
1024s what we
1026s it's the same one that we had
1032s okay
1034s all right
1036s it's fine it's fine
1039s I'm not upset
1046s all of our stuff sells like garbage here
1048s too good good all right
1052s missiles could come in a pinch
1056s launch automatically which has been nice
1060s let's go ahead and remove the Homing
1063s missiles and we will dismantle them to
1067s make some blueprint progress
1069s I don't think I'm gonna sell here I
1071s think I'm gonna I'm just gonna wait
1073s I think I'm gonna wait
1076s those are dirt cheap but nope I'm not
1078s gonna do it
1083s also going to go ahead and change out
1085s whoops we're going to change out our
1088s um
1089s challenge here from killing drones with
1091s missiles since we don't have the right
1092s type of missiles to kill them we're
1094s going to change it over to the outlaw
1095s Scouts affected by EMP since we do have
1097s our EMP available
1099s taking out those Scouts shouldn't be too
1101s hard
1109s although I'm saying that I've seen a few
1111s newcomers some first time Chatters
1114s welcome welcome everybody
1117s and I see just a really quick
1118s observation from an individual named
1120s spliff that the enemy locators are a
1124s little bit challenging to see by those
1125s red triangles yeah I mean if they're off
1127s to the side it means that you have to
1128s turn in that particular direction to get
1130s to them uh the larger they are the
1132s closer they are to you
1134s um and that's that's about the the
1137s simple sort of ooh
1140s let's do this let's do that one we're
1142s gonna take that one
1145s um but yeah we do have some color
1146s correction options as well that might
1148s tweak it a bit further for you spliff
1152s if you just go right into your settings
1153s there's this uh colored color vision
1157s deficiency mode and when you cycle
1159s through it it gives various types of uh
1161s color vision deficiencies
1164s that might be just that little bit of
1166s adjustment you need
1168s who knows
1169s what's your favorite obscure piece of
1171s lore trivia that you've been dying to
1173s share oh my gosh there's
1175s there's so many different little things
1177s of lore that we've done and some of it's
1178s like not even relevant because it's just
1181s back-end data we have for the game right
1185s it's not necessarily imperative for your
1187s character story but they're things that
1189s are going on
1191s so you'd only get like little samples of
1192s them just to make a just to generate an
1195s active living world right
1199s we have a little stories like that
1200s behind the scenes it's hard to say which
1202s one's my favorite
1204s I am really happy with the way that the
1208s Drake systems lore came together though
1210s really happy with how it came together
1213s there's a there's a number of details
1217s surrounding how Drake Came to be that
1221s aren't simply explained by doing the
1223s missions like you get little tidbits
1224s here and there
1225s [Music]
1226s but you don't get you don't get a lot of
1229s information this is also going to be a
1232s little bit more difficult than I would
1234s like
1239s hang on one second
1242s oh we are too close to my oh my gosh
1245s killing myself my own flag
1250s I do that way too often we did get a
1252s raid booster out of that though that's
1253s not bad
1261s anyway the way that the Drake system
1262s comes together
1264s um you have three warring factions with
1267s wildly different stories of how they
1269s came to be
1271s and you know if you're just playing the
1274s game for the game's sake it doesn't
1276s really feel like they're that much
1278s different from one another probably it
1280s doesn't seem like there needs to be that
1282s much lore or distinction between them
1285s but they each have quite a different
1287s story to tell
1288s in fact you can trace some of the story
1291s of Blood star
1293s within everspace one if you do the DLC
1296s in particular
1299s oh
1302s and both the retaliators which were
1305s previously known as The Phantom
1306s retaliators
1307s and this earlier faction
1310s both come from a similar state
1315s during and after the oakr colonial
1318s conflict
1320s but they took different signs
1323s so for example
1325s the retaliators
1328s were the ones who
1330s wanted to make sure they were looking
1332s after their own
1334s and they hunkered down in their bases to
1337s ensure everyone's needs were being met
1339s where the zirilia were wanting to like
1343s take over
1345s much of Drake
1348s in order to extract all its resources
1353s for the colonial Fleet
1357s one side wanted to help the colonial
1359s Fleet during the war and the other side
1361s did not
1365s and after the war was over they kind of
1368s retained a little bit of those that
1370s allegiances
1372s but they're also both very much
1373s independent from the Colonials as well
1382s a level up is nice a level up is good
1388s anyway I could I could go on and on
1389s about the um
1392s about the Drake factions and how
1394s distinct they are but we'll we'll move
1396s on but I I just I'm really happy with
1397s how that came together we did have
1400s strangely enough we had an incredibly
1401s different original
1404s um concept for Drake as a whole
1412s completely different concept
1417s but I'm I think it was a good thing that
1419s we didn't go in that direction and we'll
1421s I'm probably also not going to tell you
1422s about it because we might use the idea
1425s somewhere else maybe
1443s ow
1446s ah don't get hit by missiles missiles
1449s hurt
1450s they are actual paintings
1460s not what I meant to do but I'll take it
1466s [Music]
1473s all right good good
1478s ah how did that not hit both of them
1487s there we go
1491s sure cool
1493s goodness getting items is so nice not
1497s being disabled in a looter shooter that
1498s was pain that was actual pain
1504s wait what did I
1507s I look over he steals the question are
1508s we talking about me did I did I do
1510s something wrong
1511s yeah I was going to ask that question
1513s about the law and then you just swooped
1515s in as a magnificent person you asked my
1518s question
1519s I mean it's a fun question there's
1522s there's so much to answering that though
1525s there's so many like little sequences in
1527s everspace too sincerely like we thought
1529s about well how are these characters act
1530s if they were you know kind of like these
1533s Colonials that are On The Fringe of
1534s survival but they're not really Outlaws
1537s but they don't really want to follow the
1539s laws you know etc etc and like what
1541s would happen if we did this with a story
1543s arc that impeded upon the progress of
1546s these other you know etc etc it's just
1548s there's a lot that we did on the back
1550s end before even just making the story
1554s exist right we wanted the story to get
1557s Pat like pave a path through a living
1562s world so that Living World from our end
1564s had to be established first the
1567s characters the events
1569s the activities the politics the
1574s um you know the whatever
1576s that had to be set in stone before we
1579s could walk you guys through the story of
1582s Adam Rosslyn
1583s and him just struggling to survive out
1586s here right because now when we're
1587s telling this story we can say oh well
1590s he's going to run into this character at
1592s this site well how is he going to be
1594s significant and what's his story right
1596s like what's what's the relevance to why
1599s Adam needs to meet this person and
1601s what's going on in their in their life
1602s right like what's what's going to be
1605s their sort of twist to all of this
1608s so through doing that it gives us a
1611s strong opportunity to do storytelling
1612s much more effectively and that's why
1614s it's hard to answer because there's so
1617s many of those little details
1620s so many so many of those little details
1627s [Music]
1629s [Applause]
1633s goodness
1635s a lot of chatters today welcome
1637s everybody I love it looks like a base
1640s generally speaking I do try and answer
1641s questions at certain segments in the
1643s Stream
1644s um sorry Gary
1646s um
1647s yeah right
1652s so uh yeah if you guys are asking
1654s questions about you know game play or
1656s lore or what have you
1659s just know that I'm not answering them
1662s all immediately
1664s generally speaking we try to segment the
1667s streams to particular moments where that
1669s happens right now it is more of the
1670s gameplay segment
1672s granted it's a little slower since I'm
1675s trying to complete some tasks
1679s it's no excuse for me to break the
1681s formula
1688s really gotta be careful with that flock
1695s I have lots of goods though this is this
1697s is nice
1701s this Blaster is basically better than
1703s everything we have
1704s do we do we swap out the Flack for our
1707s Blaster oh no I don't think we do that
1711s I do not think we do that
1714s it's crap that though
1720s blueprint progress is always good
1721s progress
1725s we want more weapon out
1727s terrible
1729s we need more Shields
1740s let's work on that blueprint progress as
1742s well
1744s we have that blueprint I'm going to save
1747s that we're gonna save that for now also
1750s looks like we have a perk available
1751s doubles the repair speed of Nanobots yes
1754s please
1757s yes please indeed
1760s nice
1763s Cruise drive okay all right reduce
1766s Cruise drive
1768s also down for that
1769s [Music]
1772s look good
1778s excellent
1781s now we are short on fun so we're gonna
1783s have to you know get some more of that
1788s there's a turret right there all right
1803s oh yeah huge huge Boon right there
1806s that's great that's that's what we were
1808s looking for oh my gosh
1811s weapon energy output that feels good
1814s that feels very good I also think I want
1816s to do the damage limiter instead of a
1818s cloak field generator
1819s because we're gonna be in the heat of
1820s combat a bit more than normal
1825s I haven't died this stream yet so for
1827s the record so for those of you counting
1828s I think we're at is it four I think
1830s we're at four yeah okay oh thank you
1833s thank you for the reminder you're
1834s definitely on top of that one aren't you
1835s Gary oh yes
1842s incoming
1856s [Music]
1859s there we go nice and easy
1863s thank you
1871s man the process to get these bases to
1875s where they are at in the current game it
1877s probably took too long
1880s but some of you guys maybe remember
1881s during the Early Access phase where
1884s whenever you are fighting a base
1887s you barely got any information on what
1890s to shoot and sometimes
1893s it could be challenging
1896s to know
1897s where a turret was at or an energy coil
1901s or a fuel canister any of those things
1912s fairly happy with how it's uh from there
1914s came into its own
1934s oh I see I see a question over on
1937s YouTube that I hope definitely gets
1938s added to our question segment which
1940s we'll probably start doing
1942s um we could probably start doing that
1943s right now if you wanted to Gary do you
1945s want to get into it okay okay you need
1946s to tell me the question which is the one
1948s we're going to be in which is the
1950s specific one it's a
1952s zikutar The Immortal from YouTube
1959s [Music]
1961s oh yes that's right yeah
1964s yeah
1967s [Applause]
1970s right let's dive into some questions
1973s that look feverishly been asking uh
1977s first up we have Varick over on Twitch
1980s and they're asking are they going to be
1983s alternate rank for shift wings like
1985s Tempest or for example for The
1987s Vindicator or more ship customization
1989s coming down the pipeline yeah there's
1991s actually going to be more customization
1993s regarding ship Wings bodies and engines
1997s um because there's I mean I'm sure you
1999s guys have seen it the mediumships have
2002s so much more regarding that
2004s customization than the light ships and
2006s the heavy ships have right
2008s preferably we would like the lights and
2011s the Heavies to have the same number of
2013s customization opportunities that the
2015s mediumships do have so that would mean
2017s we'd have to add more bodies and engines
2019s and wings for both the lights and the
2021s heavies
2023s then you might be wondering well okay
2025s but that wasn't entirely my question I
2027s was asking about like well the mediums
2029s also get more to them right
2031s maybe that's hard to say right now
2034s because again we want to bring up these
2036s other ships to have more of that
2038s flexibility of choice
2040s and once we get there or if we get
2043s closer to there I should say
2046s then we can start asking
2048s do we want to develop these other ships
2050s further
2052s because again ideally what we want to do
2054s is have the same opportunities for every
2057s single ship
2059s for every single show
2062s uh let's I think this is the site for
2064s the oh this is going to be too high
2066s level I'm going to try it anyway let's
2067s answer another question
2069s right uh
2072s from YouTube this time from Fred specvet
2076s um Ellie you said that eversbs 2 is
2078s getting what it needs what exactly does
2080s it need according to Eric and the team
2082s yeah honestly that was a poor wording on
2085s my part because that implies that it
2087s doesn't have what it needs at 1.0 which
2089s is false when I speak towards what it
2092s needs
2093s um I am using a terminology based on how
2096s I'm observing what you are all saying
2098s I've seen so many powerful ideas and
2101s suggestions and thoughts coming from you
2103s guys that for me it almost feels
2106s integral to incorporate into the
2109s everspace formula right
2111s but from a development side you know 1.0
2114s everspace 2 this is a Content complete
2117s Game everything that we were shooting
2119s for everything that we wanted to
2121s maximize for our vision it is currently
2124s present in this game state but even
2127s still after 1.0
2130s I'm not gonna say that we can't be
2133s open
2134s to more additions and opportunities
2136s right so when I say when I said you know
2139s earlier when I said oh yeah the game
2140s needs more
2143s it's kind of referring to
2148s what's been spoken about in various
2151s Social Circles
2152s those surrounding the game
2156s and uh yeah
2159s so
2160s is it necessarily needed
2163s being a bit semantics focused here right
2166s now no it's not needed would it be nice
2170s yes are we considering some things to
2173s add to the game yes for sure and we'll
2178s have more to show as well as talk about
2181s on that front somewhat soonish
2184s somewhat soonish
2188s I'm hoping even by like sometime this
2191s month maybe that's too hopeful
2195s there's a lot of back end elements that
2196s we have to to tackle before we can show
2199s stuff by the way because I mean if
2202s you're if we were to dive into
2204s all of the elements that we want to
2207s accomplish for the DLC for example uh
2209s first off I can't tell you those details
2211s but second there has a lot of ground
2214s work that has to be established first
2215s that simply can't be shown and for quite
2219s some time until it gets to a state
2221s that's even remotely ready right that's
2224s a process so yeah when I refer to things
2227s that it needs is
2229s yeah a bit of a slip of the tongue if
2231s you will
2232s game doesn't need it it would just be
2234s nice
2235s it would just be nice
2237s [Music]
2240s so next question
2243s right we have one from Alex Daniel over
2246s on YouTube
2248s um why is it that you only sometimes get
2250s circuits but always gets spare parts
2253s they haven't seen anything that uses
2255s Parts but not circuits I haven't seen
2258s anything that uses Parts but not
2261s circuits
2263s So within the crafting
2266s um menu
2267s you're almost always getting an equal
2269s number of circuitry and spare parts
2272s and those are always going to be used to
2275s craft your Commons
2278s um I think it's even yeah it's actually
2280s I think it's used in all of them yeah
2283s your spare parts and your circuitry
2284s that's like your the foundational
2286s components in order to craft anything
2289s that is related to a weapon so primary
2292s and secondary weapons in particular I
2294s also think modules yeah
2295s your primary secondaries and modules
2297s they all require those spare parts and
2299s circuitries
2300s in order to build new the main reason
2302s why this is utilized in that capacity is
2305s because you gain these by breaking down
2307s items and then those broken down items
2309s can be used to make new items it's just
2311s a recycling process right
2314s this however is different from
2317s I say that and now they're also used for
2319s consumables whoops
2321s for some reason I thought we had that
2323s more distinct but
2324s um the consumables do have a couple
2327s additions to them like components
2330s this has changed so many times my
2331s apologies my apologies yeah but spare
2333s parts I guess they're going to be used
2335s circuitry spare parts basically for
2337s everything except for components
2339s components are what you're going to be
2340s using your resources for
2342s so example here you have scrap metal
2345s plasma and copper for the needs of these
2348s atheum Crystal iron
2352s and those components that you're
2353s building from resources can then be used
2354s to make consumables
2357s but you also do need those basic
2358s crafting components of circuitry and
2360s spare parts in order to build them now
2362s as these go up in Rarity oh good we have
2364s an opportunity to show we do need the
2366s stuff at that tier as well or something
2368s equivalent to so we have like the power
2370s couplings that are actually an uncommon
2372s tier but you would have to have those to
2375s make this rare Nanobots large consumable
2383s so really the thing I need to just say
2386s straight up is that you're getting these
2387s from dismantling and then you use them
2390s whenever you're putting an item together
2392s generally speaking primary secondary's
2395s modules and consumables use it I don't
2397s do Catalyst even though Carolina Stone
2399s callus are like all components
2405s but yeah
2407s that was probably clear as mud
2409s next question
2413s my follow-up question to that one though
2414s I am open to
2415s hearing a follow-up hopefully that all
2417s made sense though but yeah let's go with
2419s the next questions
2422s back on YouTube uh it's a question about
2425s Alec a bit of a law one if you can on
2428s this one we're actually in the game does
2431s he come from and is there anything known
2433s about some of their customs oh yeah so
2437s the horaks have a very particular story
2440s associated with them there isn't a sort
2442s of designated location that you guys
2446s would know where they come from
2448s but what is known is that horags are
2451s unfortunately a rather popular slave
2455s commodity poor eggs are used as pets
2459s amongst uh many certain
2463s um
2464s race cultures
2467s pets 4X is Pets yeah so that's a that's
2471s the thing
2473s that's a thing
2475s Alec in fact was enslaved for a time as
2479s a pet and was rescued
2481s there's a little bit of lore I think
2483s that's spoken about in everspace one if
2485s it's not well that's just behind the
2486s scenes lore that you now are aware of
2490s but their home world and their like all
2493s that sort of origin not so much no
2496s they're just very playful talkative
2499s energetic creatures
2505s next please
2508s all right we have a question I know
2511s we've answered this one before but I
2513s think we can have a bit of clarity on it
2514s it's from Christian uh gavlik over on
2517s YouTube I hope there's pronounce your
2518s name right there uh is it possible to
2521s give a player an option to create
2523s personalized items uh the player could
2526s name that item and choose modifiers and
2528s stats yes
2530s um so the answer to that question is no
2532s that is not a possibility so we had a
2535s number of discussions with our crafting
2537s system and how powerful we wanted it to
2540s be
2542s and the short of it is that we don't
2544s want it to be the way to get the best
2546s loot in the game
2549s we do not want the crafting system to be
2551s the way to get the best loot okay we
2552s want you to have to acquire the loot
2554s through doing missions jobs
2557s um exploration
2559s namely from drops that you're going to
2562s be obtaining through Rift runs or high
2565s risk area
2566s dive bombs or you know what have you
2571s that will reward you with truly what can
2573s be the best right now that being said
2576s I'm sure some of you maybe even start
2578s talking towards that and be like but
2579s Eric you could blink blink blink
2583s again this was a pretty
2585s pretty in-depth discussion we had
2587s internally about where the crafting
2589s needs to be but
2590s the short of it is that crafting is
2592s doing exactly what we did design it to
2595s do and that is so long as you are
2597s breaking things down much like I am and
2599s I have a crafting resource inventory
2601s here if I start falling behind which if
2604s you look I'm starting to
2606s I will be able to craft things to
2608s replace them accordingly
2611s this shield for example I could replace
2613s with the level seven
2615s I don't know how much better it would be
2617s I kind of like having a shield St on the
2619s gunship honestly
2622s so it helps fulfill the needs in the
2625s moment
2626s but when you get to like level 30 and
2628s you have like an infinite number of
2631s crafting resources
2633s we do not want players to just go into
2636s their crafting screen and the the end
2638s game look like this where you're just
2640s like crafting nope that's not it
2641s crafting nope that's not it crafting
2643s nope that's not us okay well I gotta go
2645s grind some more items shoot shoot blow
2647s up collect the stuff scrap scrap scrap
2650s scrap scrap okay go back in here craft
2651s no that's not the best item craft no
2653s that's not the best item this is not
2655s engaging gameplay to us that is not
2657s where we want you to spend your time so
2659s we intentionally designed it to where
2661s you don't
2663s this is a filler to get to where you
2665s need to go
2666s in a lot of cases it can be a very good
2668s filler
2670s don't get me wrong and consumables
2672s they're always going to be good in the
2674s pinch no matter what right for obvious
2676s reasons and Carlos can definitely soup
2678s you up in the end game
2681s catalysts can do a number granted they
2684s are not associated with the crafting
2686s parts
2690s but there is an intentionality behind
2692s why we did each one of these elements
2693s the way that we did so yeah it seems
2697s like I found everything here
2699s it was a good question I like that
2701s question
2703s they're um I know that there's probably
2706s the inevitable
2707s question about like well why can't we
2709s modify an item further which I think is
2712s kind of at the heart of this question in
2714s general like why can't we
2717s um
2718s why can't we uh take this rapid rail gun
2720s that modifier this is 10 of energy
2722s damage bypasses the armor why can't I
2724s change that to bypass the shields
2725s instead why can't I do that why isn't
2728s that a possibility
2730s it's been something that we've spoken
2731s about internally
2732s it might be something that we look into
2734s further it might not
2736s there's a lot of factors that depend on
2739s what that looks like much like the
2741s Catalyst can help out a specific build
2746s there could be reasons why if you are
2749s going for a certain item you get like
2751s three modifiers you want and the fourth
2752s one sucks and you want to like re-roll
2754s that we understand that we've played
2755s Diablo like we we get the
2759s satisfaction for perfecting a build
2763s so just know that that's out there it's
2765s something that we are aware of
2768s I can't guarantee that'll happen
2772s but it is something that we are paying
2774s close attention to
2778s that's probably more the answer that you
2780s were looking for
2783s we are aware of the desires
2791s I also see a comment before we get to
2794s another question uh thanks for your
2796s patience Gary
2797s um the comment is I would love a
2799s consumable that re-rolls modifiers
2801s that's an interesting one
2803s we want to make sure that the
2804s consumables have more functionality from
2807s a gameplay standpoint as opposed to like
2809s a utility backend Preparatory standpoint
2815s so what I mean to say is more or less we
2817s don't want consumables to
2822s promote
2824s the systems behind the scenes of
2826s gameplay
2828s and on the front of having a consumable
2831s build out with them
2833s change in item's behavior in some way
2836s the specific items Behavior like a
2838s modifier on it that means that now all
2841s of a sudden we've put a sort of process
2844s of you have to get all of these parts to
2847s then uh go in and make a consumable to
2850s then go in and change your item
2854s and that starts becoming a little bit
2855s more complicated than what the intended
2857s crafting system is
2859s there's good intentionality behind it
2862s for sure
2864s but at its core it's a bit more than
2868s what we would like to do
2875s just a bit more
2877s than we would like to do
2887s all right let's go ahead and answer
2888s another question while I'm clearing out
2889s all of these Outlaws in this territory
2892s okey-dokey all right we have a question
2895s from akara Vortex on YouTube
2898s um are you happy with the current
2900s in-game balance is there any Weapons
2902s Under a Rover powered Syncro full seats
2905s to remove power for example any perks
2907s the Nerf of reactor armor was a huge
2910s deal and any planned changes
2915s wow
2916s what a question are we happy with the
2918s balance I mean for the most part yes
2921s we're we're quite happy with the way
2923s that everything's come together we've
2924s had an astounding uh number of
2927s Corrections Guided by you guys the
2929s community
2930s to get us where we want it to be
2933s and to say that we're not happy with the
2935s balance would be kind of a disservice to
2936s all of you I feel like
2938s so I can't say that we're not
2940s that being said I mean
2943s if we can do more and make the
2945s experience more fun through additional
2947s balanced opportunities and promoting
2949s more ways to play the game
2953s I mean yeah we're
2954s we're gonna look into that and see what
2956s we can do
2957s so
2958s there are some things that are
2961s definitely not in a territory of
2968s equal opportunity
2970s there are certain things that are
2972s currently better than other certain
2973s things
2975s and we don't want that to be the case we
2977s want their we want All Ships to be
2979s viable we want all items to be viable
2982s but admittedly getting the balance right
2985s for that is uh incredibly challenging
2992s but we're gonna try anyway we're gonna
2994s try refining some systems here
2998s I can't be I can't be more specific than
3000s that I don't want to tell you what you
3002s can go in and exploit right now not that
3005s there's too much that can be but you
3007s know
3008s I don't think it would be
3010s fun or it makes sense for me as a
3013s developer on this title to tell you how
3016s to unintentionally play the game to
3018s exploited systems
3020s because there's a reason why we have
3022s intended design for you to follow
3027s but thankfully there's nothing that's
3029s like absurdly broken
3033s there are a couple things
3039s I need to swap out this flock I am
3042s recognizing really quickly that this is
3043s just not doing the trick for me
3046s at least it hasn't crashed my game
3051s too soon anyway next question please
3057s yeah right we're coming to that question
3059s that you were wanting to answer uh from
3062s zika tar The Immortal over on YouTube
3064s any thoughts on a descent style area
3067s where you spend the whole time inside a
3069s planetoid and need to race out after
3071s blowing its internal reactor will be
3074s nice Nostalgia trip oh yeah absolutely
3077s absolutely and we actually do have that
3079s design
3080s um we uh showcase the design in part
3084s there are some very small segments of a
3088s working prototype of such a design if
3090s you can find it in very aged videos but
3094s this is what we were speaking towards in
3095s regards to the uh outlawed dreadnought
3099s which is a massive ship that you would
3101s have to fly inside of in order to
3103s destroy it
3104s there you go I can't really speak on it
3107s beyond that that's what we uh spoke on
3110s it from a public standpoint
3112s but very much lines up with those core
3115s ideas that you just uh
3117s spoke towards we're gonna make a coil
3119s gun I think this should be okay yeah
3122s we're gonna do this coil gun instead of
3125s the flock
3128s yeah see you later Flack
3137s so let's do uh do we have one more
3139s question or uh we've got two two more
3142s let's let's do one real quick let's do
3143s them real quick okay pick one from T3
3146s Cube um I don't think we've got anything
3148s planned with this one however he does
3151s ask is there a timeline for more item
3153s sets and new items if they will be added
3156s there is not a timeline I can't
3158s guarantee they will be happening or not
3160s all I can say is that we definitely do
3162s want to do more item sets
3164s I've spoken on this one a number of
3165s times and you're probably looking for
3167s more information since I've said that we
3169s would like to do more item sets I just
3170s don't have any more information on that
3171s friend I love your curiosity and frankly
3174s your desired to have more
3176s we'll see if we get there
3178s I hope we do
3180s and I suppose you could say what I'm
3181s hopeful
3183s but uh we'll see
3187s we'll see one more question last
3189s question and then we're gonna put all
3191s the folks in gameplay last one from
3193s Flory uh similar vein about legendary
3196s Parts obviously when we scrap a
3198s legendary uh kind of are we gonna see a
3201s use for those maybe in the future we
3204s would like there to be
3206s we I mean I mean that's I know it's a
3209s short answer
3210s um you know it's there's not much more
3211s to say on that front like you guys have
3213s seen it if you've been following the
3215s development where when we scrapped a
3217s legendary you got a legendary crafting
3219s component we didn't just plug that in
3221s for kicks and giggles and want to tick
3223s you guys off right like we did that
3226s because we wanted to do something with
3227s it
3228s so we'll see
3240s all right cool
3246s also and I've noticed this too a lot of
3249s our veterans know about the weak points
3251s of those uh larger ships
3253s but on newcomers I've realized they
3255s don't actually
3256s know that whenever that Outlaw Destroyer
3259s that I just absolutely dominated on
3261s because we're flying a gunship that's
3262s just massively powerful
3264s um
3265s it opens up those coils on the inside
3268s once you break its armor
3272s and once that's armor is broken
3275s those weak points
3277s allow you to effectively do double
3279s damage when you shoot them
3282s you do a massive amount of damage to the
3285s Target
3287s just by shooting in that spot and
3289s because there's no more Shields or armor
3291s in the way
3292s it's effectively taking the full extent
3295s of your DPS
3297s both of them you add both kinetic and
3299s energy together
3301s and then from there you double it
3306s why isn't it set in the game because we
3308s want you guys to figure it out that's
3309s why they're highlighted they're glowing
3311s bets come on you're a gamer when you see
3314s a glowing bit what do you do
3316s come on come on
3322s [Music]
3330s but yeah there's a there's several weak
3333s points on uh several different types of
3335s ships
3336s and admittedly we have gone through a
3339s number of phases with how well the weak
3341s points are observable
3344s at one point they were glowing way too
3347s much
3348s and we had to scale that back we did
3351s there were several improvements
3355s and adjustments on that front so that
3357s the weak points weren't so obvious that
3359s everyone would know about them and once
3361s we want those to be more discoverable
3362s than not so that when you do find them
3365s and you start dishing out serious damage
3367s it feels good
3370s but certainly keep your eyes peeled
3372s because again
3374s that's not the only ship with weak
3375s points there's several that have it well
3378s I'm not I'm trying I'm not trying to be
3379s rude I promise
3381s I'm having a little bit of fun with it
3386s but yeah
3389s if that did come across the street I
3391s apologize I sincerely not trying to be
3393s rude here I'm having fun and if you're
3395s if you're here looking to be super
3397s serious all the time and not have fun
3400s maybe you should just go
3404s thinking of going
3408s Let's uh let's focus on Survival instead
3411s of
3412s bad-mouthing shot huh all right
3418s there we go
3421s much better my lights were off oh my
3424s gosh you see that little yellow marker
3425s in the upper left by the way that means
3427s that your lights are off it's bound to T
3429s by default I think
3431s I think it's down by default
3434s um and yeah
3436s anytime you see a little yellow anything
3438s up in that corner it means that either
3440s your inertia dampeners or your lights
3442s are off
3444s so this is the inertia dampeners and the
3446s lights off we had a really good
3447s conversation about inertia dampening
3449s last Stream So if uh if you want to know
3451s more about that you should definitely
3453s re-watch it or just ask a question and
3455s I'll probably answer it again because I
3457s love you guys and that's just what I do
3458s here
3460s they got lights on lights off
3463s nice little sound effect to boot
3465s all right let's get the rest of these
3467s resources and then
3469s get it to our next destination I'm glad
3471s that we're close to level eight because
3472s that's going to be just where we need to
3474s be for siren C
3478s would like to get some more armor back
3480s home
3484s gunship is kind of all about dot armor
3487s so
3489s hmm
3493s control
3499s now was that Fort no that's not
3503s we need atheum Crystal oh my gosh for
3506s some reason I thought we needed iron
3508s nope we need atheum Crystal okay
3513s crystals for our tractor BMX all right
3518s so now let's go ahead and jump on over
3520s to siren C
3522s continuing the storyline
3526s gunship best chip yeah a lot of people
3528s love the gunship it's a good ship it
3530s really is
3531s I'm
3537s not my own
3539s Terry on the subject okay Gary that's
3541s that's where it is that's where we're at
3542s okay gun show it's a good it's a great
3544s ship it's a fun ship
3548s yeah yeah here we go we need to clip
3549s that and then re-run two weeks ago
3553s oh my gosh clip it we heard it oh my
3556s gosh
3557s [Music]
3559s mine was slack obviously
3562s uh is that obvious
3566s is it obvious because remember if you're
3568s mining with black you only have one proc
3570s chance
3571s excuse me
3574s excuse me you only have one proc chance
3576s on getting a rare resource drop
3578s whereas if you're shooting with
3580s non-flack every single shot that hits
3583s the resource gives you a chance to proc
3585s a rare resource drop
3589s so it really comes down to do you want
3591s to be more efficient with your time
3594s or do you want to be more efficient
3597s with what you are collecting
3600s I'm not saying one is better than the
3602s other but for me I want to be more
3605s efficient
3606s with what I am collecting
3608s that's all
3610s that's all so I would not say that it is
3612s obvious to mine with flock it's
3615s definitely an opera opportunity for if
3617s you are saving time that is for sure
3620s or sure
3626s oh that's a few more than I thought wait
3628s they're level six here I thought siren C
3630s was level eight oh my gosh everything I
3633s knew
3636s I've been lied to
3644s [Music]
3651s oh my gosh
3654s igmar here in the Stream
3656s and the discussions that we had about
3658s the level up blocking view I hope we
3661s rewatch that segment that's going to be
3662s a point of conversation internally
3666s before you blow up that blood stat new
3670s I was just gonna try and get a kind of
3673s tutorial on because we're taking up yeah
3676s yeah yeah no that would have been smart
3678s and uh you guys should know better
3680s coming to these streams expecting me to
3682s do smart things come on please
3684s what in the world
3688s but now next time we do that that is
3690s that's a really good idea
3692s show a little bit more of the weak
3693s points
3695s and you know some of that's kind of fun
3697s about uh the Vanguard obviously we're
3699s not flying the Vanguard but the Vanguard
3701s makes its own weak point for any of you
3703s who don't know the Vanguard is a light
3706s fighter
3707s that whenever you are behind a Target
3710s when you're effectively shooting at its
3711s engines you have increased critical hit
3714s chance and that thing can proc like
3716s nobody's business oh my gosh it's it's
3719s delightful now I'm not going to say that
3721s the Vanguard is like
3723s the epitome of awesome when it's an up
3725s close and personal to maximize that
3728s expertise
3729s but it's definitely something to be
3731s enjoyed if you haven't experienced it
3733s yet
3734s should try it out
3736s it pleases me
3743s and the mobility here ah this gunship
3746s I'm telling you this might be the last
3747s time we fly the gunship uh for uh for a
3752s while we're probably gonna change over
3753s to a different ship next stream
3761s just the two of you
3763s normally there's more than that
3769s come on out don't be shy
3775s talking to you turrets
3787s excellence
3796s should open up one more time so anytime
3798s that these are wait am I thinking about
3801s in the opposite way
3806s whenever it's I feel like when it's red
3808s it means that they're making launch
3810s Fighters and then when it's green it
3812s means they're done but maybe I'm
3813s thinking about it in reverse maybe it's
3815s green they can launch Fighters and run
3817s their dog oh my gosh
3818s how to stop stop lights work oh my gosh
3823s green means go all right thank you thank
3825s you Rocky excellent
3829s how did we ever manage to cross the road
3831s in Boston I don't know that's a good
3834s question
3838s it's been a really good week at Rockfish
3840s by the way
3841s um you can tell when it's been a good
3843s week because I'm exhausted and
3844s scatterbrained because I've used all of
3846s my energy
3848s in order to produce results for work oh
3852s my gosh
3854s it really has been a good week
3855s internally
3856s we are the the progress on
3861s things because I can't be descriptive
3863s here the progress on things has been
3864s good
3867s all right now we're getting to a point
3868s where I'm just hoarding unintentionally
3872s uh let's see blueprint unlocked oh that
3875s one's already unlocked
3878s I don't want to head back to base yeah I
3880s want to do this fairly easily easily
3883s findable one
3886s um but I'm gonna clean up my inventory a
3888s little bit here because this is this is
3890s a messy disaster like let's be let's be
3893s realistic here beam laser could be fun
3897s scatter gun would be amazing honestly I
3900s love a scatter gun Goss Cannon's also
3903s fun on the gunship it's incredibly loud
3905s however so I'm a little hesitant
3908s ah I want to keep my RAID booster but
3910s that is a really good recharge booster
3914s the speed gain more speed gain for heavy
3917s ships I feel like is is better however
3920s in general because that speed overall
3923s makes even like this style of movement
3925s like trying to dodge without boosting
3927s because your speed is adjusted
3930s it does in fact assist you
3936s under the fact
3942s probably not by much though I mean let's
3944s be let's be realistic
3946s still
3952s where did my energy sphere go did I let
3954s go of that did I really I'm not sure I'm
3957s not sure I buy it
3958s let's try that again
3960s take two
3961s there we go
3964s beautiful
3971s good good good
3977s oh
3979s my God
3985s okay yeah we're gonna we're gonna do
3987s that instead of the destabilizer
3989s missiles
3995s Bonk all right
4000s one of the little tweaks that we're
4001s going to be doing
4003s um is in regards to the cockpit overall
4005s it's one very subtle
4007s adjustment
4009s super tiny adjustment and I wonder if
4013s some of you have actually seen it and
4015s know what I'm talking about
4020s I'm rather confident there's some astute
4023s observers out there
4025s who know exactly what I'm speaking
4027s towards
4031s the symbol yep you got it
4036s we have seen some folks Identify some uh
4040s how to say
4044s inversed
4047s imagery
4048s as well
4053s so little tweaks here and there little
4055s things like that
4057s just helping to polish the game
4059s ever so slightly further
4063s and don't worry I'm going to uh get a
4066s little bit more up close and personal
4067s with this to highlight
4068s what's going on all right so
4072s here is a ship that has weak points
4076s now admittedly we're in photo mode you
4078s can't actually see the weak points as
4080s well because they don't glow
4082s so we'll try to get even closer in game
4085s but these big old plates this plate
4089s and that plates
4091s and that plates
4092s and this plate all of those are weak
4094s points on this ship that plate this
4097s plate
4099s and uh perhaps did I shoot this plate
4101s off uh no I did not
4104s I did shoot this plate off so there's no
4106s plate oh wait no it's right there
4109s let me let me try and
4110s blow some of these plates off so you can
4112s kind of see
4113s so yeah now this plate is missing
4116s versus the plate over here oh and now
4118s it's highlighting so you can see there's
4120s this little orange glow that goes over
4123s the top of each one of these plates so
4125s every single spot that has that little
4126s glow you can't really see it on the
4127s front right now
4128s every single spot that has that orange
4130s glow these are weak points on this ship
4133s so normally like look at that look at
4136s that armor bar on this ship all of those
4139s spots
4140s are adding to its armor and every time
4143s you blast one
4145s you peel off a considerable amount of
4148s its armor
4149s making it harder to survive
4152s is this one simple
4155s little understanding I am going to scrap
4157s this and I'm going to scrap a lot of
4159s this stuff actually I'm gonna hang on to
4160s that though
4162s I'm gonna hang on to that beam laser
4165s oh why'd I do that those are mediums
4167s that's small
4170s and
4176s it's not a big difference but it's a
4177s difference I'll take it we get a
4179s blueprint out of the mix so
4185s honestly I need I need my current coil
4187s gun to be my kinetic damage so this is
4189s not a good opportunity even though the
4191s prime zapper is a beast it is a very
4194s good weapon
4196s um might be my replacement for the
4198s Jaeger actually
4203s it's hard to say
4205s the energy consumption hurts here
4209s um
4210s if you don't have the energy to back it
4211s up especially
4213s and because the gunship goes through
4215s energy
4216s twice as fast as any other ship
4218s based on its special called Arsenal
4221s it means the recovery becomes very
4225s important
4226s for your weapons now that being said of
4228s course you have three weapons so if
4230s you're cycling between all three it's
4231s not too much of a problem
4232s but uh
4235s I'm hesitant I'm not gonna do it I'm not
4237s gonna do it not right now
4240s my goodness look at all look at all this
4242s stuff here let's just start highlighting
4244s these so if you hold Ctrl down by the
4246s way you can't multi-select
4250s different items
4255s okay we're gonna use the decimator
4256s instead of the coil gun
4258s and yeah we're just we're just gonna
4259s straight up we're gonna scrap it
4262s and beam lasers go on the boosters going
4265s flax going probably this level nine
4268s common flock
4270s ooh Umbra that's nice but then when you
4274s highlight all of these you can see each
4275s one has like that little yellow then
4277s when you dismantle it dismantles all of
4279s them at the same time so look at all
4281s those goods we just got up here
4284s and then we can now we have a lot more
4286s room instantly instead of having to do
4288s each one manually
4293s that's nice
4295s little convenience
4301s oh whoops I should probably uh look at
4304s what's going on the screen instead of
4305s looking at just the chop wow that was a
4308s large portion of our armor
4316s flying dutches red for stop Eric red for
4318s stop thank you for the reminder I
4319s appreciate that goodness
4322s all right repair our ship
4324s let's look at the shop what
4325s opportunities do we have some Ramen
4327s sales would be okay that's not a lot
4329s it's not a lot more we're just gonna
4330s clear that out goodness uh mining
4333s equipment that's solid uh seeds are okay
4335s I'll take it
4336s we will take it
4338s to sell the peacemakers look at how much
4341s space we're making oh my gosh
4346s is anything
4349s decent to purchase cooling unit do we
4351s need a no no no wait
4353s if we needed it it would be highlighted
4355s on there
4357s we needed it it would be highlighted on
4359s there so all right
4361s we at with the tractor beam crystals uh
4364s not well
4367s this is fun we're gonna hang on to this
4369s higher level stuff
4371s this is hard
4377s there are a number of more secrets in
4380s Sirens see you do have to do a little
4381s bit of exploration
4383s a little bit of looking around to find
4385s them like this for example
4396s so long as you're going to the glowing
4397s stuff like this big old light here
4400s or this big old
4402s garbly
4404s you'll generally find yourself
4408s discovering things that have a knock for
4411s being difficult to find like this
4413s which doesn't seem to have anything in
4415s it how dare it
4417s that's what we're looking for right
4419s there valuable shipwreck
4421s boom
4422s that's nice we will take that
4427s so let's head back to base let's get
4429s this Mission underway this is going to
4431s be a little bit of a cruise back to home
4432s base so let's do another round of
4434s questions
4436s right we got three lined up uh first up
4440s is from spoot over on Twitch
4443s um while this is kind of a Fluff feature
4445s uh would we later see named ships from
4448s Rockfish games for the three ship types
4450s with no unique names
4454s ask that question one more time I'm
4456s making sure the voices are down for it
4457s they were talking and it was I'm gonna
4459s drop them even further so always so yeah
4461s sorry about that I just couldn't hear it
4464s right well this is a Fluff feature uh
4467s would we later see named ships from
4469s Rockfish games for the three ship types
4471s with no unique names
4474s um I see I see I see um at one point and
4477s I guess it's still kind of like
4478s something that would be fun to do we do
4480s want to like have the ability to like
4481s name ships
4483s um that would be that would be awesome
4484s but it's not something that we can
4486s guarantee
4488s um you can see a little bit of those
4489s results based on our Kickstarter backers
4491s so there are name ships in the game that
4493s come from the spaceship designer tier
4498s it's an interesting conversation we have
4500s on the front of like naming other ships
4502s however because we want to make sure
4504s there's a distinction between the
4505s backers who got this as a reward for
4507s backing versus if we were to like say
4510s open that up for all of you at any point
4512s in time to name your ships the way that
4514s you want so you can probably imagine
4517s because of that exclusivity we have for
4519s the backers it makes it a challenging
4521s decision to move into that territory and
4525s basically removing that exclusive
4527s process
4530s in regards to more name ships like from
4532s the development team or anything like
4534s that
4535s um kind of goes into the similar playing
4537s field
4538s it's not something that we necessarily
4540s need to do because technically all of
4542s the ships that exists are our ships
4546s we made the classes we built them up
4548s from scratch right
4549s um so we don't necessarily need to uh
4552s take our personal selves and interject
4555s it into the game
4557s because the game in and of itself is us
4564s I think that answered the question right
4566s that was clear
4568s it's not perfectly yeah perfect okay
4571s perfect I'll take your word for it so
4573s yeah that's that's all I can really say
4575s on the front of ship naming
4579s ships naming
4583s so yeah do we have another question yes
4586s uh actually one of them is a little
4587s query from last week in this we've been
4590s asked by many people
4591s um do we have an update on the booster
4594s maths
4595s kind of caused a bit of problems last
4598s week I believe maths was difficult last
4600s week oh
4602s um shoot I said I was even gonna follow
4604s up with that hang on a second I know I
4607s asked that question uh let me see if I
4609s have maybe if it did it get answered and
4611s I just missed it hang on
4613s let me let me find this
4619s looking for booster maths
4625s I am not seeing an answer to it yet
4627s unfortunately
4629s uh the team has been working on a number
4632s of systems this week that um
4636s perhaps made it challenging
4639s to get all Community questions that were
4641s floating about answered but what I can
4643s say
4644s is that
4646s a big Focus for us right now has been
4648s addressing some concerning elements
4652s regarding the game state
4654s for example like the Flack in and of
4656s itself
4657s that bug that still kind of persists we
4660s want that gone we want it gone for us we
4662s want it gone for you
4664s there are
4666s um a number of additional details
4669s pertaining to optimizations
4671s and we still are building out for Mac OS
4675s we're still making sure that the needs
4678s of the PC game pass are satisfied
4681s and through that process there's a lot
4683s of technical aspects that are being done
4685s so some of these more I don't want to
4688s call them playful questions because I do
4689s think there's a lot of validity and
4691s understanding these values that are
4693s within the game and how it's kind of
4695s working in tandem with one another
4697s um sometimes it's going to take a little
4698s bit longer to get answers to those
4700s questions however just based on the
4702s workloads that are kind of crisscrossing
4705s around internally
4706s um that being said I am going to push
4710s for this to be answered
4713s um ASAP I'm gonna just add a an
4715s additional reminder
4717s and make sure that we can get that get
4719s you all hooked up
4721s uh me actually I'll jot it down right
4724s here
4726s boost
4727s maths
4733s actually I need to check one other slot
4735s to see if I didn't get an answer or not
4736s because I've been having
4737s we've been having so many discussions
4739s about so many different things guys oh
4741s my gosh hang on let's see
4747s I am not finding it
4750s so yeah it does not appear to have been
4753s officially responded towards just yet
4760s just yet
4764s but it does kind of open up another
4766s thing that we have been working on and
4767s that are some of the behind the scenes
4769s numbers and how they kind of work in
4771s tandem with one another
4774s so uh
4775s it's probably intertwined in why we
4777s don't have a response to it maybe
4779s no I'm thinking about it
4781s but yeah don't have a response to it not
4784s yet let's let's go to the next question
4786s I will try to uh push that one to get
4788s responded to maybe even in the Discord
4791s hopefully get it responded to
4794s so yeah
4796s right we have a question it's a bit of a
4799s lower question actually uh from
4801s bastillev McKnight over on YouTube why
4805s do the Ancients hunt Adam he repairs
4808s their structures but they still don't
4810s like him what is going on
4812s there's quite a bit of history between
4814s Adam and the ancients
4815s and uh yeah there's a lot of mystery
4820s revolving around why their structures
4823s are even functional
4826s and furthermore you're right it's very
4829s strange that once they do become an
4831s operation that they would be so quick to
4835s destroy as opposed to Aid the individual
4838s that does so
4841s it's let a lot of scientists and
4844s explorers
4845s to think that the Ancients are straight
4847s up just an evil entity that needs to be
4849s left alone
4851s and yet people continue to poke and
4853s persist
4857s but we really know
4859s can't really go deeper than that at this
4862s time
4865s [Music]
4869s do we have another question you've got
4871s one last one um it's kind of a feature
4874s request
4875s um from Bearded Frog over on YouTube
4877s will we ever see a UI option under
4880s shipstats that will simply just display
4882s boost speed total percentage
4886s um it'd be nice if it was Dynamic so
4889s that it changed with any temporary Buffs
4890s like the Blood star red booster buff was
4892s in effect for example
4896s you're talking about like
4898s you're talking about like conditions
4901s is that how I understand it bitter frog
4910s YouTube is a little bit behind
4917s sorry I'm feeling this
4920s I have to take this
4950s I know you can't see it but my leg is
4952s just popping off right now
4953s come down leg
4955s I'm just really in this beat
4968s take advantage of the soundtrack
4973s let's just throw ourselves in here what
4975s could possibly go wrong
4985s aside from literally everything
4995s down oh this is this is problems we
4997s can't even move oh this is big problems
5002s yeah we're we're gonna totally blow up
5005s maybe we can at least get this weak
5007s point oh no he got his armor back no we
5010s are totally 100 dead
5022s oh no at least get the kill I didn't
5025s even get the kill before that's
5029s oh no he was blown up I heard him he was
5031s blowing up
5032s indirect damage he died too so we took
5035s him out when we died all right anyway
5037s let's get back to the let's get back to
5039s the question I just like that soundtrack
5042s uh
5044s right so we've had a bit of a follow-up
5046s from a frog
5048s yeah he said he kind of didn't answer
5050s the question it's like where you have
5052s your Shield armor handling Etc in your
5054s ship stats uh the whole lock of stats on
5057s the bottom right
5060s yes it updates for Speed if you get a
5063s cargo unit the bus speed handling does
5065s the same Etc yeah Shield armor hole and
5068s handling and speed update I don't think
5071s this tractor beam update I don't think
5073s we have anything to add structure beam
5075s range I can't remember if it does or not
5076s I think it does maybe I mean my body's
5079s in front of it but
5081s um yeah I know what you're I know what
5082s you're talking about there has also been
5083s internal discussions about like the
5085s level of consistency that needs to be
5087s had because over here on the ship stats
5089s side this is different from looking at
5092s your overall damage and your range and
5095s all of that type of stuff on your item
5097s side yes there are impeding factors like
5099s your passives that can adjust various
5102s damage output for certain cases right so
5105s for example this is a really easy one to
5107s talk about we have this passive where we
5109s do 30 bonus damage Against drones
5111s basically the gunship when it's shooting
5113s drones they just they just die generally
5117s speaking like one or two shots that is
5119s very much intended alongside this
5121s passive however if we were then to take
5123s this passive and apply it to every
5124s single weapon and add 30 damage to
5127s drones that's going to be adding a lot
5130s of additional sort of wonkiness right
5133s now I also understand that you're
5135s thinking about like oh well what if
5136s we're in a scout and we've increased our
5138s percentage of range by x amount
5142s excuse me and then we have a passive
5145s that does something else blah blah and
5146s then like you look at your railgun for
5148s example and it says this is the range
5150s why wouldn't it show the updated range
5152s based on those stats right
5155s it is not exactly easy
5159s to ensure all of those stats would be
5163s appropriately modified especially when
5166s we're taking a look at a case-by-case
5168s basis from items that are equipped
5170s versus in your cargo versus the type of
5171s ship versus changing over to different
5173s ships based on uh also based on like
5176s what sort of consumables are active
5178s um there there's a there's a ton of
5180s factors there and I understand that that
5182s very reason that there's a ton of
5184s factors it would be so convenient to
5187s have it aligned and adjusted so you
5189s don't have to do all of the maths behind
5192s it
5194s and yes this has again this has been a
5196s point of conversation that we've had
5198s internally
5199s it has not been something that we wanted
5202s to push because there are so many other
5206s components of the game we would much
5208s rather work on namely speaking
5211s actual content
5214s this calculation that would be happening
5216s is a convenience factor through and
5217s through a very strong convenience factor
5220s and one that I would absolutely
5221s appreciate if it were added into the
5224s game Space please hear me out you are
5226s validated and wanting this
5228s this is not something that we have
5231s prioritized simply because there are so
5234s many other things we would rather add to
5236s the game
5238s convenience
5240s unfortunately does fall into the nice to
5243s have
5244s phase
5246s we are aware of this
5248s the desire to implement this I have been
5250s told is not exactly High
5254s but it is noted
5256s [Music]
5257s it is noted
5259s so
5261s that's why it's not in
5263s because it would do a it'd be a
5265s tremendous amount of work
5267s for not a lot of effect unfortunately
5270s there are many other things that we
5272s could work on that would
5274s so
5276s yeah
5278s Game Dev balance and priorities is not
5281s exactly easy because I know some of you
5283s are thinking oh it should totally be a
5285s priority based on these reasons of of
5287s gameplay and blah blah blah blah and I
5289s would say you're not necessarily wrong
5292s so but there's a lot of factors there
5296s there's a lot of factors there
5299s let's go ahead and take out this
5301s demolisher
5307s Alpine and also let's answer another
5310s question while uh
5312s uh that's all I've got up to now oh okay
5314s cool
5320s I think the Leviathan is a game priority
5322s yeah the Leviathan is definitely
5324s something that we are working on
5327s so yeah
5329s you could uh yeah you could definitely
5331s say that that's one of the priorities
5333s we said we were gonna do it and if we
5335s don't that would be a problem
5337s so
5339s yeah definitely more of a priority than
5342s things that we didn't say were gonna
5343s happen
5347s generally speaking
5356s Wallace oh ouch Flawless atheum crystal
5359s that's what we were looking for we only
5360s got one but
5362s better than none
5365s how much more do we need for that perk
5368s where are we at
5370s 130 how much do we we don't have nearly
5373s that much we have
5375s 69. nice
5378s all right
5381s [Music]
5387s how's our couch
5392s we don't want to go into the base yet
5393s probably need to drop this guy first
5396s ouch
5399s starting to think we need to pass it for
5401s the gunship that's just reducing
5402s collision damage what do you think Hans
5404s Christian
5408s all right
5415s at all gunship come on
5419s everyone says you're so good
5424s man I'm gonna make enemies today all
5426s right here we go let's uh hide behind
5429s this thing
5432s six more seconds
5448s that was easy
5450s super easy
5455s probably gonna die now
5458s prospector now
5460s ouch ouch oh my gosh we need so much
5462s more energy on this ship and we need a
5465s can they set a better ship a different
5468s ship that focuses more on
5469s maneuverability perhaps
5471s is what I mean to say
5476s where's the sniper
5477s get out of here
5482s oh I missed
5487s okay
5489s house paint
5499s I've been practicing leading my targets
5501s with rockets can you tell
5503s all right
5506s this prospector is going to be a problem
5509s too
5512s two Prospectors
5515s I just gotta close the gap
5520s here we go
5522s there we go
5524s you're no match up close
5526s there we go nice
5529s that repeater is awfully tempting oh
5532s Story Mission can we save here oh we
5534s can't oh good
5536s foreign
5539s let's go pick up this stuff
5546s save
5551s D noise
5553s now let's take out this base
5556s hoping to get this done before we move
5558s into our screenshots
5560s time is a little tight man energy come
5562s on
5566s [Music]
5567s I really care about the shield too much
5568s but man
5570s one level behind do we have
5574s oh yeah we're using we're using this
5576s straight up get that level restriction
5579s out of here
5581s thank you
5583s gladly accept
5584s [Music]
5586s uh let's see is there anything else that
5588s we should adjust or modify at this time
5591s a beam laser could prove to be nice
5598s railgun's been rather Pleasant however
5608s so wait till the collisions are due to a
5609s fusion hook oh my gosh
5611s that just sounds
5613s that just sounds awful
5616s [Music]
5618s all right I think we're gonna replace
5620s the pulse laser
5622s it's gonna suck more energy and I'm
5624s trying not to do that ironically but
5635s let's keep doing damage against higher
5637s level foes I think that's going to be
5638s better for us
5639s in some good options though for our
5641s Weaponry that's for sure
5644s that has been pleasurable
5650s oh my gosh
5659s we didn't save right
5669s all right let's go take out the two
5672s missile silos over over here
5680s Silo where's it there you are
5684s get out of here all right
5694s a lot of destructibles at the space but
5696s I want the loots can I go in no no it's
5699s the other side whoops
5700s whoops
5704s [Music]
5709s there we are
5710s some malamites okay I'll take it
5717s another oh my God
5723s let's get that missile silo down as well
5733s all right
5735s now we can start pummeling the space to
5738s Extinction
5745s perhaps don't explode things uh when
5747s they are literally right next to you
5749s however
5754s enemies are coming in that's fine
5759s fox says most of them distracted I don't
5761s want to use the I'm intentionally not
5763s using a turret for anybody who's
5764s wondering push G I'm sure somebody's
5766s saying it I'm saving it for when I
5768s there's like a large number of enemies
5770s surrounding me
5780s Dax is pulling all the foes away which I
5783s suppose is fine
5786s good job docs I appreciate you
5792s [Music]
5796s thank you
5798s all right so let's get these containers
5805s Elites or cars
5810s don't leave don't leave
5815s I really wanted this loot
5818s oh well here's a level blows
5823s [Music]
5824s oh I should really not be this close to
5826s those
5827s well people are shooting at me oh gosh
5830s please don't hit okay good
5838s now we got a couple guys
5840s we can use the turret oh yeah oh yeah
5843s see so much better
5845s so much better so we're now going to
5848s take a moment to just scoop up all of
5850s this stuff and then we are going to
5852s transfer over to our community segments
5855s showing off your lovely screenshots I'm
5858s continuing to ask answer questions not
5860s ask questions I'm not asking questions
5861s you guys are
5866s and away we will go man we're almost
5869s done with cedo already on nightmare mode
5871s that's great that is great
5890s I say done with cedo but of course
5892s there's still a bit more that we haven't
5894s quite done but I digress we're gonna
5897s call that good for now
5900s and you know what we'll just save here
5902s because I do want to do one more thing
5904s in this area uh perhaps next week
5908s because there's a rather
5912s I don't want to call it lengthy it's
5914s just a it's a more tricky sort of uh
5918s challenge in this area to solve uh the
5921s exploration style puzzles in the area I
5925s want to show you some tricks on how to
5927s find it very easily
5929s all right so I am now
5932s going to take a quick break then when
5934s you see me again you're gonna start
5936s seeing screenshots
5938s and we're going to start answering
5939s questions
5940s cool one moment also note that you can
5944s join more conversations outside of these
5947s streams too by the way so anytime that
5950s you are like man I have a question for
5952s Eric or the development team or you know
5955s whatever
5956s and I just I really just need to know
5959s right now feel free to join our Discord
5962s to sneak on over to our Twitter and
5966s obviously there's a lot of information
5968s that we've been sharing across time on
5970s YouTube and twitch where we have been
5973s streaming
5974s and still more even though it's not on
5976s this little rotating sort of uh Marquee
5978s here you can always go to the steam
5980s forums too to find a lot of answers a
5982s lot of support to help clarify any sort
5985s of details that you have we are still in
5988s the midst of working on a couple more
5990s kinks in the game
5992s we will get to them hopefully in pretty
5994s good time so thank you for your patience
5997s on all of that stuff and stuff all right
6001s I've returned what a break a break for
6004s you guys not for me I spoke through the
6006s entire thing
6008s but I digress
6010s in this segment I'm going to be
6012s highlighting screenshots and answering
6013s questions first one we have this comes
6016s from thirst 7y I'm imagining they wanted
6019s their username to look like thirsty
6021s it's very pleasant screenshot wait nice
6024s and slap this on my wall
6026s good stuff we're gonna go over to
6028s morning nights screenshot next and while
6031s we transition between these two Gary I
6034s have a desire to answer questions
6037s I have a desire to ask them so the chaps
6040s need to pick up the game and ask those
6043s questions so I haven't got any oh okay
6044s that's totally fine that's totally fine
6046s so we will just go ahead and move on to
6047s morning night and there's screenshot
6050s here
6050s um both thirsty and morning night uh
6053s this I think this was their first time
6054s sort of like sharing screenshots in the
6056s Discord and I like to highlight
6057s newcomers anytime you guys are assess of
6060s gameplay uh whether it's highlighting
6062s your ship customization or just a
6064s location that you really enjoy it's
6065s always it's always fun to highlight you
6067s so really do appreciate you guys taking
6069s screenshots of your ships and of these
6072s locations
6073s it's cool
6075s very very fun
6077s very neat
6079s we got this one from Jane ARL who was
6081s inspired by Samus Aran from the Metroid
6084s franchise I think that was pretty clever
6087s of you
6089s pretty clever of you
6092s I love seeing the mix of various sci-fi
6096s enjoyments being captured within the
6098s everspace universe
6100s and this one is no different
6103s I just have to ask in this particular
6106s gunship did you save the animals
6109s [Music]
6111s I am starting to see some questions so
6113s uh geekbite whenever you are ready I
6115s keep I keep going between Gary and
6116s geekbite I should really be consistent
6118s here
6119s um
6120s I know it's one of the same but G-Man is
6123s that yeah yeah
6125s Gmail I'll be like who excellent that's
6128s that's fantastic this shot comes from
6130s kazal by the way let's answer a question
6134s uh somebody's actually noticed that we
6137s do need to the the uh the ticker uh I
6139s did say that we were uh we're not
6141s limiting in the past and it's not April
6143s the 6th all over again but yeah the DMZ
6146s ticker underneath
6152s 1.0 is live and then he wants the DMZ
6156s news back
6157s oh yeah I can I can imagine people uh
6160s you guys want more fun stuff in the in
6162s the little ticker down below
6164s um truth be told that was something that
6166s I was doing straight for fun it was
6168s never a requirement and I would love to
6169s get back to it as well I am a little bit
6172s on a time crunch with certain projects
6174s that we are working on internally so
6176s once those have made their debut timings
6181s then I will probably return to having
6183s some fun with these live stream elements
6187s and speaking of these live stream
6188s elements
6189s there may or may not be some adjustments
6191s to that in the near future as well so
6193s we'll just have to see uh what that
6195s looks like but definitely understood
6198s definitely hear you there I would love
6200s to have a little bit more playful fun in
6201s it too
6203s this next shot comes from
6206s Rick adber
6209s Rick adber also a newcomer to the
6212s Discord sharing one of their shots again
6215s such a pleasant shot I love the way that
6217s you guys are just like casually going
6218s into the games like your first time ever
6220s and you're like taking a screenshot hey
6222s look what I shot that's that's awesome
6224s my first screenshot sucked and I'm an
6227s art major oh my gosh just I love what
6230s you guys do I love how you're just
6232s embracing it you're loving it you're
6234s like oh that looks fun
6235s capture
6237s Discord awesome thank you for sharing
6239s your shots with us it's it's super cool
6241s it is super duper
6244s super neat stuff we're going over to
6246s Casey's screenshot and while we are
6249s staring at this one this is the this is
6250s the view from working as a miner in the
6253s DMZ specifically in cedo just like a day
6256s in the life you're looking out the
6258s window first thing in the morning you're
6259s maybe use the bathroom you're brushing
6261s your teeth and you're just like this is
6262s your view fancy that pretty wild stuff
6267s um but yeah do you have a question
6270s uh not really but somebody uh ripped to
6274s over on YouTube uh is oh it just said
6278s that they've run out of space the
6279s storage space at the home base because
6281s they've been collecting all the mods to
6282s fit all their other ships but now 100 of
6285s 100 in their slots they're just
6287s wondering if there's anywhere to uh
6289s could possibly increase that in the
6290s future wow that's that's actually that's
6292s very impressive I have not come across
6294s too many users who need more space in
6298s the home base
6299s um this shot comes from Donnie by the
6301s way who's given a lot of love to the
6302s bombers
6303s um but the short answer of it is that we
6305s don't currently have any plans to expand
6308s the home base hanger and it's quite
6311s literally because
6312s everyone seems to have plenty of space
6314s so could it be expanded in the future
6317s like for the DLC when there's more stuff
6319s to find and collect and hang on to in
6321s said hanger yeah it's definitely
6323s possible it's just not something we've
6324s talked about yet so definitely noted
6326s thank you for sharing I'm sorry that you
6329s don't have enough storage for all the
6331s things
6332s um we'll see what happens to the Future
6334s sounds like it might be needed
6337s sounds like it might be new yeah I do
6339s think that this ship is gorgeous I think
6340s that Donnie did a great job and Johnny
6342s has another shot later of another bomber
6344s uh that he customized as well and on the
6347s opposite end this was stifrin's take he
6350s said that this was kind of his I can't
6351s remember the word he chose it's more
6353s like his wonky colored ship so yeah
6355s that's good that this is this reminds me
6357s of that Outlaw whenever you're doing The
6359s Good The Bad and The decent mission
6361s where he's like finally my paints I can
6363s I can finally stand out or whatever yeah
6365s this is this is why I imagine that he
6367s would have painted his ship like so he
6369s just draws the most obnoxious levels of
6371s attention so well done uh stifferent I
6374s think that this is exactly what you were
6376s aiming for I am intrigued I am captured
6379s I will never forget that ship so thank
6381s you absolutely beautiful we got
6383s maximizer here who was talking about I
6387s think he was saying that this was
6388s viridium which this is not Viridian
6391s um and uh that's fine this is just these
6395s are tons and tons of crystals after the
6397s destruction of palamon as most of the
6401s mining locations fund lore fact here
6403s most of the mining locations surrounding
6405s cedo are shards from Palawan uh palamon
6409s was a resource Rich heavy environment
6412s for ethium crystal
6415s specifically but there were other
6416s crystals there but the atheum crystal
6418s when it becomes weaponized is explosive
6422s and the way that
6425s palamon was exploded is that the oak are
6428s effectively sent in a ship that
6432s activated
6433s the crystal
6435s at the center of the planet's core
6438s and uh needless to say when that
6441s triggered it wasn't uh
6443s it was it was quite abundant in the
6446s after effects so yeah
6450s all those shards kind of littered the
6453s rest of sedo a lot of like the locations
6455s you're going to like the randomly
6457s generated unknown signals if you're
6459s seeing crystalline structures like this
6461s it's very likely shards from Paloma
6465s fun little lore fact
6467s we got this shot from terrible ogre
6468s using a beautiful uh beautiful flat
6473s Cannon here with a delightful appearance
6479s I forget what it's called
6481s I should remember the name but it looks
6484s like a you know a crimson flower
6488s super neat
6492s super duper
6493s yeah Crimson son that's what it is thank
6497s you Gary laughing at me
6499s it's just when you said Crimson I
6501s thought that's gonna trigger that was
6503s Crimson now oh yeah
6506s completely
6510s went back also what's interesting the
6513s first time that I looked at this
6514s screenshot I actually thought that
6517s these were y- wings
6521s I was like wait what how did did they
6525s mod that no and those are just GMB
6527s Fighters but like just looking at this
6529s from afar like see it just they do you
6532s see it do they look like little bitty
6534s White Wings
6536s do you am I crazy am I
6539s you know I don't know maybe I'm crazy
6542s I'm I I like the original Star Wars okay
6545s but I digress it's a nice nice little
6548s active shot uh from terrible ogre this
6551s next one comes from t3q and using
6554s another one of the legendary shields
6556s that actually removes your shields uh
6559s it's an interesting one
6561s but when it removes your Shields it uh
6563s does some special stuff to your armor if
6565s you're not familiar with it I'm sure
6566s somebody will remember the name because
6567s I certainly don't but I love the way
6570s that he's captured the look and feel of
6572s his ship challenging this one almost
6575s making it look like the outlaw Destroyer
6577s has its own Shield I think that's
6580s incredibly clever very well captured and
6583s it's a it's a cool sort of like bottle
6585s scene to boot so good stuff
6588s good I do have a very long question
6592s uh basically have uh McKnight again over
6595s on YouTube
6596s um the question is regarding Carla when
6599s we first see Carla he seems like she
6602s shoots an energy from her hand like
6604s almost like Iron Man did she have some
6607s super powers that we don't get to see in
6609s the game yet
6611s this shot comes from high barf
6613s um so you know that's a great question I
6616s think that something to note about kala
6619s is that she has an extraordinarily high
6625s amount of intellect and clearly she's
6629s not from this location of the DMZ if any
6632s part of it at all
6634s and she may or may not have an
6637s understanding of uh physics and Science
6641s and
6643s sci-fi BS that we don't understand
6645s completely it's very very likely that's
6648s the case
6649s so yeah who's to say that she couldn't
6652s be something more or perhaps even
6655s something less but knows how to harness
6658s a certain power or ability that's us
6661s mere Colonials
6663s simply don't understand
6666s [Music]
6672s do you have any other questions no this
6675s time no okay that's fine that's fine we
6677s got this shot from the Oracle of lyanna
6680s uh which I've been seeing more and more
6681s shots from him thank you so much for
6683s supplying your screenshots I love it and
6685s Bob oh my gosh I don't know why but man
6688s he is really growing on me as like one
6689s of my favorite legendaries is he a great
6692s legendary
6694s I don't know like he's he's good uh I
6697s wouldn't say that he's amazing but just
6700s look at that cute little face oh my gosh
6703s I gosh I love I love what our team has
6706s done with the visualization of Bob and I
6709s think that this shot it's it's a
6711s pleasant one just seeing these nice
6713s streaks the the hyperspacing in of the
6715s ship of surrounding ship ships and
6718s drones perhaps that just are the perfect
6720s color in sync with Bob's thighs it looks
6725s great it's a great caption shot so very
6727s clever good looking shot the Oracle of
6730s Leona so Donnie as I mentioned had
6732s another shot of the bomber
6734s um that he had this one's actually like
6736s in the exact same position of the last
6738s one but it's a different color scheme
6739s and I think that he's captured this one
6741s incredibly well too I love the way that
6744s he's metallicized the I think it's
6746s Harvest Gold
6748s so that it looks like it's actual gold
6751s on the ship you can really get a feeling
6753s of that over here where the sunlight's
6755s hitting one Edge but not another
6758s it looks it looks great that looks super
6762s good
6763s very pleased with the results there
6767s very pleased
6769s with how that has come together
6773s we have another shot from the Oracle of
6776s lyanna again
6787s [Music]
6789s but I'm a particular fan of this one
6791s simply due to the nature of it looking
6793s like
6794s the star is actually just like a glowing
6798s Moon that somehow has like a shot blown
6800s through it
6802s it's a it's
6803s a great way to capture different
6806s interactions within the game Space to
6808s make it look like something else is
6810s actually happening
6811s and that's what I appreciate about this
6813s shot
6814s it's taking what we're familiar with and
6816s creating something
6818s different
6820s I'm gonna reward creativity here in
6822s these streams for those screenshots that
6823s are shared
6824s very well done
6826s very well done
6829s [Music]
6832s just makes me happy
6834s we got the next shot that comes from
6836s high barf
6841s I'm sure I've seen almost anybody try to
6845s take shots particularly like this
6851s love the way those Ninja Turtles come
6854s on granted you have to you know get an
6856s enemy to put things in the right
6858s direction for you so that could be a
6861s challenge
6863s still
6864s [Music]
6867s oh I'm looking back up through the the
6869s chat and I see why wings are completely
6871s different but you're also really far
6872s away so that's okay yeah I know that
6874s they're I know they're completely
6875s different that was the point because I I
6878s thought they were y-wings and then I
6879s zoomed in I was like oh no those are
6880s completely different uh but yeah it's
6882s good it's good and are we talking about
6884s like the the Y wings that the rebels are
6887s using or the btlty uh y wings that the
6891s uh the Republic use because those even
6894s look even more different because all the
6896s coverings that they have right
6902s keep going next image or actually this
6905s one's a little video I thought this one
6906s was clever this one comes from faster
6908s than light
6911s and then light capture just a little
6912s momentary exploration session over in
6916s the Drake system underwater and uh it's
6919s it's just 15 seconds long but yeah let's
6922s such a oh my gosh it sets such a
6925s powerful mood which is exactly what we
6926s were going for of course
6928s um but man we are we are thrilled with
6930s how the environmental design has come
6932s together in a lot of these various
6934s spaces of everspace too and and this is
6936s one that we're we we enjoy we enjoy that
6939s one a lot and faster online I'm glad
6941s that you were able to sneak that in in
6944s and find the secrets thereof in this
6946s area
6947s um that little just this little churning
6950s Adventure this little Loop such a
6952s delight I like the way that comes
6954s together
6955s I like the way that comes together very
6957s much so thank you for sharing that
6959s we also have this shot that comes from
6961s Donna will so much bomber love I'm
6963s realizing does anybody not fly a bomber
6968s bomber
6972s um I love
6974s in conjunction with their ship colors
6977s you don't see a lot of variety of
6980s engines with more neutral colors for the
6982s ship but man when you do look at how
6984s much those
6986s that's that was pretty clever in and of
6988s itself very well done I love it I also
6991s like the Simplicity of this shot so
6993s there's not a lot of distractions in
6996s this space obviously you can tell it's
6998s zarkov
7000s but it's also
7003s looks like it's calm and fighting as
7006s opposed to stormy and uh devastating you
7009s know
7011s I do not fly a bomber says slower
7013s intestine all right very good very good
7014s no bomber for me yet too stubborn okay
7016s good
7019s bomber is strong yes yeah every ship is
7022s strong in its own right there's a couple
7024s that could use some boosts Vanguard
7028s uh but you know I would say for the most
7031s part they each have their significant
7033s uses
7034s this one comes from dark chaos I love
7036s these uh 360 panoramic shots so we're
7039s going to start on the right I wish there
7040s was a way to like um can I no that moves
7043s too fast I wish there was a way to like
7045s just subtly move to the right but I
7047s can't really can't really do that
7050s um but I love the way that he focuses in
7052s on just capturing the entire space in a
7057s location
7058s and this one I think he does a fantastic
7061s job of highlighting
7064s all of those little nuances and
7066s intricacies within everspace one
7071s it's really super duper easy to look at
7074s this and be like oh no it's totally ever
7076s space too no actually it's uh it's not
7079s this is everspace once this is where we
7081s started
7082s and yeah this is
7085s seriously it's just a fantastic way to
7088s capture
7091s whatever's
7092s going on right like just I love it I
7095s love it so much I I need to figure out
7097s if there's a way to like
7098s automatically
7100s have it panned for you that would be so
7102s cool
7104s [Music]
7106s fantastic shot seriously dark chaos this
7108s is
7112s this is thank you for the share I'm
7113s going to move over to ks code911 and uh
7118s also just kind of uh
7120s observe the username as well as the
7123s shots
7124s seeing some irony there
7126s um but also do we have do we have
7127s questions do we have
7129s no no everybody's stunned to silence
7131s everyone's done to silence just enjoying
7133s the views I mean that's fine that's
7134s great it's totally great if you don't
7137s have questions uh can we fly the old
7139s Interceptor and the GMB fighter I see as
7141s a question over on YouTube from Envy oh
7144s Roman romaniac
7146s uh you can't and by Romania
7149s environment oh my gosh thank you thank
7152s you for that observation thank you Gary
7154s all right anyway
7155s um so yes and no so the old ships which
7160s are quite literally about 16 year old 16
7163s year old Fighters
7165s um they have been refurbished and
7167s adjusted in a number of ways in the
7169s events of everspace too while you are
7172s bound to those particular Colonial
7173s fighters in everspace one uh which was
7176s only like a year or two before the event
7178s Services too you were still using data
7181s technology from the war and the war
7183s happened like 15-ish years before the
7186s events of everspace one okay are you are
7188s you tracking with the timelines so those
7189s ships
7190s have been scrapped and salvaged and
7193s repurposed by a number of entities
7195s within the DMZ even though the Colonials
7197s say you're not supposed to use military
7199s militarized goods like of course the
7200s Outlaws and the vagrants and you know
7203s what have you they're going to take
7205s those tools that they find and optimize
7207s themselves
7208s and yeah so when you purchase an
7211s Interceptor in everspace 2 it is
7213s effectively a completely remastered and
7216s updated version of the Interceptor from
7218s everspace one conversely
7221s the scout
7223s The Sentinel in the country
7225s all operate in that exact same capacity
7228s and then you have a slew of new ships so
7230s if you see adjustments changes and
7232s modifications that you're like well the
7234s ship didn't originally have that that's
7235s the point they have been heavily
7237s modified in most cases they are much
7239s better than their predecessors all right
7242s so now after looking at this poor sap
7244s stuck into an asteroid for some time
7246s let's head on over to Geometry Prime and
7249s they're elegant looking engines uh and
7252s uh just just appreciate that view too I
7254s think it's a very clever view I think it
7255s comes together
7256s incredibly well
7261s oh my goodness
7263s [Music]
7266s oh
7269s I'm so glad we got engine colors in the
7272s game by 1.0 can I just say that it
7274s wasn't it wasn't even in the plan
7277s wasn't in the plan I can't even remember
7278s what specifically transpired but I am so
7281s glad that we said you know what we need
7282s to do this and so we made it happen
7286s you guys are having a lot of fun with it
7287s I'm I'm so pleased with the results
7290s makes me so happy uh this next one uh
7294s this next one this next one comes from
7297s acara Vortex uh it's a it's a little
7299s bright
7301s but yet again highlights incredibly
7304s it highlights incredibly well
7307s um what a bomber does
7309s bomber is bombing explosions are you
7312s know expected and yeah this this is
7314s great this is great I love the way that
7318s this shot is captured and all of its
7320s Glory it also has the Crow's Nest
7323s um secondary which if you listen closely
7326s it actually does play music
7328s um it's kind of like a rave party
7331s so I don't know how to do the exact
7333s sound but I mean I could make up a new
7335s one for example it would just be like
7337s you know like something like that just
7339s like get your rave on
7345s this this seriously does capture the
7347s bomber in its best moments truly if if
7350s this isn't what your screen looks like
7352s every 30 seconds when flying a bomber I
7354s think you're actually doing it wrong
7356s that's that's my mentality
7359s yeah I'm sticking to that
7361s I'm sticking to that all right and then
7364s the last shot also comes from a car
7365s Vortex uh which is utilizing a
7369s particular
7370s um
7373s means to
7375s generate a lot of emps
7378s which is in most cases hard to do
7382s in most cases hard to do but there are
7384s some moments where it can be
7389s excessive excessively overused there are
7393s particular moments uh you have to kind
7395s of have the right enemies in the
7397s location and um sometimes it even helps
7400s to have certain
7401s mutators further but I digress this is
7405s totally something that can actually
7407s happen and it's probably not going to be
7409s addressed it's probably it's not we
7411s don't really see it as an issue so if
7413s you know how to maximize this particular
7414s usage of insane levels of EMP uh yeah go
7418s for it just do keep in mind by the way
7421s that if you are performing something
7424s like this it gets less effective over
7427s time as you're destroying enemies so
7429s that's honestly why we don't really see
7431s it as an exploit and probably aren't
7433s going to do anything about it because it
7436s just benefits very specific instances
7439s and that's fine you know that's fine so
7442s have your fun screw around that's great
7448s Tech not bug yeah I mean I suppose you
7450s could say that yeah it's capitalizing on
7452s a very particular situation and to that
7454s like I can't I can't be mad at that
7455s that's not necessarily a bug it's
7457s utilized every single system
7459s intentionally so uh yeah I can't really
7462s I can't really knock back so uh guys I
7466s think that the time has come to end the
7468s stream it is it is at the hour
7472s I haven't seen too many other questions
7475s um but uh
7477s uh yeah I do want to just thank you all
7479s sincerely for coming out here in these
7482s streams I know sometimes I can be like
7483s wildly energetic and almost
7485s uncomfortably so sorry about that
7487s um also there can be times when I'm
7489s incredibly tired because it's been a
7490s long week this is probably landing on
7492s more of the long week and that's you
7493s know it is what it is it's been an
7495s incredibly productive week and the
7496s important thing for you all to realize
7498s is that we are still hard at work on
7501s everspace 2's future that means the free
7504s content that we are going to be handing
7506s off to all of you as well as the premium
7509s DLC that will be out next year and also
7513s you know Mac OS support steam deck
7515s support consoles in the summer like
7518s we're we're doing all of that we're
7519s doing all that then we are not slowing
7521s down so the good old cogs over here are
7525s spinning away we've got our tasks set
7528s out for us and we just appreciate how
7531s awesome you have all been through this
7533s process uh truly it has been
7536s you guys you just you guys are so
7538s awesome and I am so Eric Trader your
7540s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
7542s don't stop being awesome and we'll catch
7545s you in the next stream next week same
7548s time as usual with more nightmare
7550s gameplay answering questions and
7553s highlighting screenshots hopefully there
7555s will be more I don't know we'll have to
7558s see
7559s toodles
7571s you just remembered ask the question
7573s type type the question out I'll sneak in
7576s one
7577s I'll sneak in a question just for you
7600s foreign
7614s the question was does Eric say toodles
7617s because Alex says it listen here
7620s I said it first Alex stole it from me
7625s True Story by the way that's that's
7627s honestly
7628s that that's sincerely the answer
7630s so it's just kind of a little reference
7633s just a little reference
7635s but also guys thank you so much
7637s seriously I really do appreciate you all
7639s uh hanging out with these streams giving
7640s me so much energy to be able to keep
7643s doing this for you all it's
7646s it's so good it's so great to be able to
7648s do this highlighting this gameplay for
7650s people who don't know our game as well
7652s as just having you as a lot of you
7654s veterans coming back for more every week
7657s it's so incredible that we've built into
7660s this like almost family of sorts where
7663s we can just keep having fun and
7664s highlighting things and uh you know just
7667s generally speaking having a great time
7669s together so sincerely it's this is
7671s awesome this is kind of a highlight of
7673s my week in fact it's it's rather
7675s beautiful
7676s thank you for being a part of that so as
7678s you all know everspace 2 does in fact
7680s exist in the 1.0 state sales do come up
7683s from time to time so if for any crazy
7685s reason you have not pushed the button to
7688s buy the game at this time wish listing
7691s us always is a huge amount of support it
7693s helps other people kind of know what
7695s you're looking at your friend's circles
7697s gets us out there even further and it
7699s also informs you whenever sales are in
7702s fact going on now I say that and I don't
7706s actually think there's any sales lined
7707s up for everspace 2 anytime soon
7709s generally speaking when a game gets
7711s launched it doesn't see a sale for a
7713s while so I don't think that I'm alluding
7715s to anything there just general
7717s information and how you can help us and
7720s how we can help you
7721s otherwise uh you're here for shenanigans
7725s so let's let's have some shenanigans
7733s oh my mouth is dry hang on a second oh
7736s gosh
7743s everspace 2 is 10 off on humble right
7746s now are you serious Michael how did I
7747s miss that
7749s wait seriously did we post that in the
7751s in the um
7756s oh we totally did I missed it wow all
7759s right perfect everyone everspace two is
7762s actually 10 off on humble right now gosh
7764s wow Michael thank you
7767s there you go
7771s yeah my throat's kind of acting up hang
7773s on hang on
7783s this is gonna be tricky today all right
7785s here we go
7788s fun shenanigans
7791s [Music]
7829s everybody
7834s [Music]
7848s excellent
7848s [Laughter]
7853s my throat is dry I need to stop
7858s I talked too much of the stream
7859s apparently but thanks thanks all for uh
7861s joining me again with the shenanigans uh
7863s and all of your support sincerely I I
7866s probably say it too much is that even
7868s possible uh sincerely for the
7870s opportunity to do this for you all and
7872s to just share this game with you and for
7874s you to be a part of this is is freaking
7877s so ah I love it I love it so much so
7880s thanks for being a part of this we will
7882s have another stream next week per usual
7884s we are working on so many back-end
7885s details it's actually insane there's so
7888s much going on behind the scenes I am
7890s going to share news with you on what
7891s that looks like literally as soon as I
7893s can Michael's in the chat you can
7896s confirm with him like if I get a little
7898s bit like if I can dangle anything I will
7901s take that opportunity so uh just be
7903s patient with us because when we are
7905s ready to show and talk about various
7908s things that are coming at you in
7909s everspace too
7911s we are going to I'm going to make sure
7913s of that so all right
7915s have a great weekend guys and uh yeah
7919s be awesome and stuff
7922s oh my gosh I'm gonna say toodles the
7924s second time toodles
7955s thank you