over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

8s [Music]
11s all right
15s hey
18s mic check is it good it's good oh good
23s excellent welcome everybody in the
25s Stream
25s prepping steps right now
28s oh
35s I gotta change the laundry over huh
37s adulting
42s thoughts today
47s [Music]
68s [Music]
75s foreign
77s [Music]
106s [Music]
108s foreign
128s [Music]
131s oh man I'm gonna I'm gonna read a
133s message in Discord right now while the
135s music's going it's probably hard to hear
136s my voice
137s is so interesting
139s we got a we got a guy in the chat who's
141s like man I love playing the game but
143s every live stream hits me with new
144s information or toys that's not coming
146s until later it's killing my wanting to
148s play the current build ah
150s ah what a terrible beautiful problem to
154s have you know what I'm saying
156s terrible beautiful problem
158s oh
160s but soon guys this fall update I mean it
163s is the fall
165s it is the fall
167s we gotta be getting close right
169s probably
173s all right
188s [Music]
197s [Music]
205s hello
208s [Music]
211s ladies and gentlemen to the official
213s Rockfish game stream where I am your
217s host and your guide and your servant
219s Eric Schrader the community Ambassador
221s for Rockfish games I will be guiding you
223s on a tour through everspace 2 and what's
226s latest and new in our endeavors we're
228s going to be having a couple of different
230s chat opportunities today uh so the first
234s bit we're going to be kind of talking a
235s little bit about Early Access is I do
237s show uh the updated updated Sentinel
240s special I'm kind of just like giving you
243s guys a little recap as to where we're at
245s kind of what we're working on that I can
247s at least tell you about
248s um and you know so if any of you guys
250s don't know what that looks like I'm just
252s going to give you a little bit of that
253s Insight then we're also going to be
255s going over even more changes to I
258s shouldn't say changes improvements
259s really to racing we're getting in a
262s finalization phase of the racing
265s minigame stuff so uh yeah that's that's
267s looking and feeling really good I'll let
269s you guys uh determine that for yourself
271s though and then we're also going to be
274s talking and giving a bit of Praise about
277s your guys feedback that we've been
279s receiving in fact I'm going to do like
281s this impromptu thing where I'm just
282s gonna straight up open the steam forums
284s this sounds terrible it sounds like a
286s terrible idea but I'm like I'm gonna
287s open the steam forms and just like
289s cruise through it and I'm gonna like
291s show you just how well received you guys
293s have been it's gonna be hopefully a kind
296s of an interesting but fun sort of uh
299s part of the Stream
300s and then last but certainly not least
302s we're going to be highlighting
304s screenshots and covering Michael selects
306s today as well so a lot in store it
310s should be a pretty fun wild run a lot of
312s you guys you hardcore guys coming back
314s for more I love it thank you for being
316s here if you got those burning questions
318s uh just post them into the chat geekbite
322s is here with me he will be grabbing all
324s those questions and at specific
326s intervals in the Stream I'll be covering
328s that whole Gambit okay so who's ready to
332s see the new new Sentinel
334s I know I sure am goodness
337s so I'm gonna go to the ship dealer
340s and I've got a sentinel right here the
343s special is still called induction we
344s didn't change the name
346s but I'll just I'm just gonna show it
348s like this and then read it off Primary
350s Weapons have their fire rate
353s increased up to 20 percent depending on
356s current Shield charge percentage
360s there it is
362s some of you might be thinking well that
365s that's not that big of a change I mean
366s before it was like a shield charge
368s percentage thing yes however this is a
371s pretty significant change honestly
374s um so I want to tell you why that is and
376s how this works in conjunction with the
378s Sentinel
379s because I'm sure a lot of you people out
381s there are probably looking at that
382s saying like you know 20 is less than 40
384s what gives well
387s um 20 percent
389s increasing any sort of weapon that's in
391s your uh like in your kits uh that's
395s going to definitely increase over 40
397s damage provided you've got the energy
399s capacity for it so long as you're
401s maintaining that balance and you're also
403s maintaining your Shield uh it's going to
405s be just a far better Improvement
407s honestly as well as the fact that it's
409s no longer going to be conflicting with
411s excessive force uh because we've already
414s got this tool that allows you to
416s increase your energy damage while your
418s Shield is fully charged
419s uh really in short as we wanted the
422s Sentinels ability to be unique instead
425s of just a copy pasta of excessive force
427s I mean
430s so um you know
432s it's fun Game Dev is fun it's incredibly
435s challenging at times you rack your brain
437s around certain things you feel like you
438s get this new exclusive idea you plug it
441s in you're like yeah then you look at
442s some other things you did and you're
443s like I already did that you know it's
446s it's great it's fantastic but this is to
449s further distinguish The Sentinel of
451s course let's check out the passes really
452s quick
453s um just to highlight why this can be
455s significant and we actually have good
457s ones to to show that so I'm blocking the
459s way
461s um each kill reduces random device by
463s one and 20 reduced cooldowns for Warfare
465s devices both of these in conjunction
467s with being able to fire faster I feel
470s like it's just a massive benefit as a
472s whole you're not really seeing faster
473s fire rates in combination with Device
476s benefits so much on other ships I know
479s somebody's gonna be like um that's
480s entirely the freaking Stinger hello it
483s shoots faster and it's like a device
485s Master yes okay uh but in the medium
488s category where you also have actual
491s Health to take a shot or more versus the
495s stinger and then this insane Shield Boon
497s that the Sentinel has you can start
500s seeing the synergies already with having
502s those proc effects based on your ability
505s to get those shots out of your weapon
509s so the fire rate definitely kind of an
512s altercation to the ship wasn't something
515s that we necessarily had planned but it
517s does fit the build fits the bill really
520s well in fact and I think you guys will
523s uh enjoy that and making it just a tad
527s more distinct and also making it frankly
529s stand out just a tad more from other
531s counterparts like the striker and the
534s Interceptor in the medium class because
536s you can see the difference in how it's
539s firing as opposed to just like knowing
541s there's a benefit there but not really
543s like
545s fully seeing it does that make you know
549s what I'm saying
550s benefits that you get that you know are
551s happening you kind of forget about but
553s like you can actively see how this
556s changes the ship right so that's that's
559s what I mean by that so we're gonna go
560s ahead and buy and sell current we're
561s gonna buy this Thunderbolt also because
564s it's just a sexy looking ship
567s all right
570s and we're also going to pick up right
571s where we left off otherwise uh we were
574s in Drake we were doing some things
577s and uh I also had this build uh sent to
581s me just a moment ago honestly had it
583s downloaded right beforehand I did a
585s smoke test hopefully nothing crashes but
587s just as a constant reminder to anybody
589s new these Dev streams are super like
593s bleeding edge stuff that you're seeing
596s and what we're doing so accidents may
598s happen and if I accidentally show
599s something you're not supposed to see at
601s um Michael I'm sorry but also we do try
604s and you know cultivate these streams to
606s highlight upcoming improvements uh
608s balance issues all that stuff
610s much like how early access generally
614s works you know in a nutshell
619s [Music]
623s so yeah perhaps I see a little just a
626s comment it's not really a question but
628s like I see you perhaps we can get a tiny
630s little sneaky peaky about some in-game
633s ideas uh nope not quite ready to crack
637s that open yet
639s not quite ready
641s I love your guys desire to do that um
644s but that is a really good segue into
645s like where we're currently at with Early
647s Access what the plan of attack is right
650s now like what are the priorities and
652s what is you know more or less what's to
655s come without you know spoiling
658s everything
659s so as many of you guys know early access
661s is a massive
664s step of balancing and uh Community
668s reception
670s of course it is duh everybody knows this
673s it's also where we are soaking in
675s feedback to adjust and maintain the
678s systems according to our vision I want
681s to be clear on that front when I say our
682s I'm talking about rockfish
685s the conception of everspace 2 has a very
688s bold Vision in place and we design
691s everything around that that's not to say
693s your guys feedback can't modify adjust
696s or even add more features or systems or
700s anything like that but just note that
704s primarily
705s we already have that overarching game
708s plan of how everything's mostly going to
710s come together
712s this refinement system of Early Access
714s and working in tandem with you guys
716s gives us an absolute Edge over I mean
721s goodness so many outstanding
725s situations
727s where on the Fly we can figure out very
729s quickly if what we thought was working
732s isn't
733s what we thought was fun isn't
736s what uh is missing
738s what needs to be reprioritized you know
740s all that type of stuff
741s and I know a lot of you guys have seen
743s it already
746s and how it all comes together
750s so uh yeah
753s Early Access what a wild ride it's been
757s and there's so much more coming
759s which brings me to the next bit what the
762s heck is coming what's on what's on the
764s horizon
765s like what's currently what's currently
767s being worked on versus what's out there
770s this is another fantastic question that
773s we kind of
774s don't really get I think it should be
776s asked more and I'm absolutely wanting
778s you guys in on this
780s so that the expectations surrounding
782s development are stabilized
786s it's much better for you guys when you
788s know what's around the corner it's much
789s better for us
790s whenever you know how things are
793s supposed to be working
795s and uh yeah so right now
799s the fall update is of course the
801s priority right it is top of the list and
805s this is also why in a lot of these
807s streams I haven't been able to show you
810s like
811s the new new content right like I can't
814s zoom out here and be like oh hey you
816s want to see the next system that we're
819s working on maybe
822s no I can't I can't do that right
825s and maybe this is a complete uh maybe
828s I'm fooling you completely maybe we're
830s working on a different system over here
831s regardless
833s um regardless like
836s we don't want to reveal those specific
838s details of where you're going until you
841s know the context surrounding all of that
843s is in place uh but yeah do know that we
847s still stand by wanting to get at least
849s six systems out the door at full release
852s okay and we are on track for that so you
856s will in fact see another system for sure
858s inevitably maybe not by fall but this is
861s something that's already in the works
863s right now okay
865s in addition to that we're also working
868s on a lot of back-end systems to clean up
871s the game Space
873s and this isn't just a balancing act okay
876s this is also a refinement
879s based on the feedback you guys have been
882s providing us
884s this is really important right here
887s a lot of this
890s stems from what we want and how you're
894s receiving them
896s and a lot of this I mean in in layman's
900s terms I think a lot of people understand
901s this is uh notorious content creep right
904s like when a game's getting developed and
906s then uh you know everyone's like well
908s yeah but what if you did this and what
909s if you did that content creep right for
911s anyone not familiar with content creep
912s which I mean you're Gamers you probably
914s do but just in case anyone who's not
916s content creep is very much when there
919s are new ideas brought to the table that
921s were not planned but are then
923s Incorporated which very much stretches
927s out and extends uh development time
930s costs
932s um Vision you know all of these
934s different things
935s and in some cases it can be a fantastic
939s problem to have we're going to call it
941s that and other times it can be Star
943s Citizen
947s ah I wasn't necessary Eric come on guys
951s you love it it's fine we enjoy Star
954s Citizen it's a it's it was low hanging
956s fruit I apologize but also you're
958s welcome all right um but sincerely like
961s this is something that it happens it
964s happens in Game Dev whether you like it
966s or not
968s and um
969s I can I can honestly say
973s that through our development process
976s through bringing everything together
977s like through all the processes even with
980s like
982s the crazy stuff in the world going on
984s you know how
986s ever you know 2020 what what a year
989s right
990s um
991s like even with all of that being said
994s we have always stayed the course on
997s ensuring that the overarching vision
999s that we desire will be met
1002s we are ensuring that all of the promises
1005s that are on Kickstarter
1007s will be met
1009s and we're ensuring that the community
1012s reception whether it's you know from
1014s creative backers or from really
1016s outstanding uh Champions on the forums
1020s or in Discord or on Reddit or wherever
1022s you're talking from like we're
1024s recognizing that in some way shape or
1026s form degree capacity whatever like these
1030s are what's important to us
1032s it's it's integral in fact to this
1035s process as well as the fact is you know
1037s being transparent
1041s because if we can't talk to you about
1042s this and you don't know about it like
1045s you're kind of in the dark and that can
1047s suck you don't know if how like
1050s where your money is going and especially
1053s since we are you know we were
1055s Kickstarter backed I think it's
1057s incredibly important for us to help you
1060s see and help you understand the
1063s direction that we're taking and why
1066s so
1067s um
1068s yeah development has been really good A
1072s lot of the focus has been turning to the
1074s end game you know it's that's looking at
1076s uh level 30. that's looking at the
1080s ancient riffs okay that is something
1082s that we have started to prioritize it's
1085s uh it's a process you know but it's an
1088s incredibly important aspect of the game
1090s as a whole right we don't want you to
1091s get to level 30 and then twiddle your
1094s thumbs because there's nothing to do
1096s that would basically be the worst thing
1098s ever honestly like what's the point of
1101s building yourself up and finding all
1103s these unique builds and special powers
1107s and clever you know whatevers
1111s and then you're simply left with not
1113s being able to to do anything with it
1115s you're not being able to Showcase it
1117s you're not being able to you know
1119s whatever that is
1122s that would suck
1123s and we want to take really great care in
1125s ensuring that it doesn't suck
1131s so yeah that's been the priority and
1134s also why I can't show that stuff yet
1138s because we are literally developing it
1140s right now
1142s and it is not a light process to go
1145s through
1146s at all
1148s I mean shoot we could we could reference
1150s a number of games that have leveling
1154s progression systems and then they have
1155s in-game content and like shoot there's
1159s so many games that when they released
1161s there was this initial idea from the
1163s developers and then
1167s six months later a year later five years
1169s later there's entirely new in-game
1172s content that comes out that's completely
1174s different because it needs to satisfy
1176s the desires of the community in order
1178s for it to you know make sense and last
1180s and stuff like that and you know
1184s we are absolute Gamers at Rockfish and
1187s there are so many games that we have
1189s been taking inspiration from everything
1191s from uh the Diablo franchise to
1195s freelancer to Destiny to uh freaking
1199s oh my gosh uh there's there's so much
1202s like I could just I just list off games
1205s almost infinitely and you'll be like oh
1207s yeah I can kind of
1208s it's it's insane
1211s it's it's kind of insane
1218s but I promise it's for good reason
1224s the promises for very good reasons
1229s you know at first I kind of thought it
1230s was broken that you could still shoot
1232s when you're Frozen but that was
1233s incredibly convenient and I want that to
1235s stay
1243s all right job completed feels good
1249s so yeah there's a a decent like chunk as
1253s to like
1254s kind of what we're working on and why
1256s like especially why we can't like show
1258s it quite yet
1261s um because it really much it's it's so
1263s in the works right now and we do have
1266s these overarching plans that we will
1267s tell you more about when we get closer
1270s to that fall update right
1272s um it's just that we'd be revealing it
1275s too early if you like if we put
1276s everything down on paper owners like
1278s this is what it's exactly gonna be
1280s but please note very very very important
1285s for us to get the end game right that is
1289s priority number one right now like
1293s it's it's the top of the list everything
1296s that we're working on on that front is
1297s like this is where we're going this is
1299s what we're talking about it whether it's
1302s like story conclusions or or character
1305s interactions whether it's gameplay
1307s systems and mechanics predominantly
1309s that's what it's about uh the enjoyment
1311s Factor the reward systems like all of
1313s that stuff all of that stuff is number
1316s one right now okay
1319s so if you're wondering like where are my
1322s new ship wings and why haven't you
1324s revamped this uh I don't know insert
1327s thing somebody's complaining about
1329s probably like
1330s it's because the focal point is Boom
1333s it's like on the big stuff right now and
1335s you know we still have a couple little
1337s tweaks and and updates here and there to
1340s like flesh out other details because
1342s with the end game you have to have
1345s everything else working in tandem in
1346s order for it to be you know successful
1348s right
1349s which is why we've seen a revisit to The
1352s Sentinel twice in a week
1355s right
1357s um and you know everything coming
1359s together
1362s needs to be
1365s more or less
1367s in a finished State at this point
1374s now
1376s what's to come
1378s I just spent all this time saying like
1380s man we're not really focusing on the
1382s little details right now we're like
1383s focused on this in-game stuff and you
1385s can't see it yet sorry
1388s see you later
1390s but what's to come
1392s guys we still have more content
1396s that's coming to this game
1398s right there's still more content
1402s as mentioned before like we still have
1404s more aesthetic options to these ships
1407s that'll be in the works
1409s that we're bringing to the table
1411s there's
1412s I don't know since it's a since it's a
1414s looter shooter I can only imagine
1416s there's probably going to be more
1418s variety and equipment and modules and
1421s stuff like that I mean shoot if
1423s anybody's paying attention whatsoever
1424s and looking at you know the kickstarter
1427s or just general conversations we've had
1430s legendaries aren't in the game yet right
1432s so we know that at the very least we're
1435s gonna see a slew of equipment on that
1438s front
1440s and through that which is probably going
1443s to be introducing their own sort of
1444s uniquenesses and some degree or capacity
1447s that might start triggering entirely New
1450s Concepts and builds for what's to come
1452s further right
1455s it's so it's and you know
1458s there's a gap here right there's a gap
1460s here for Adam you know we've added so
1463s many more perks for characters along the
1465s way
1466s maybe there's even more characters
1470s obviously because you know it from the
1472s kickstarter we've talked about in the
1473s past like
1475s and I mean the coming soon on this page
1477s is just it's obnoxious
1481s right
1482s goodness
1484s so when I say like there's a lot more to
1487s come
1488s um I like I tell you this for two
1490s reasons one because man we've had such
1492s an influx
1494s of folks
1496s um like
1497s kind of go into that sort of proverbial
1499s that's it sort of mentality and uh no
1504s so
1506s um just just know like it's an early
1509s access process like this happens with
1511s any game that's in Early Access it goes
1513s in steps and for us oh man I just I love
1516s that warping and for us it's very much
1520s it's very much a process of focusing on
1524s the most important aspects of what's
1527s needed for the game
1529s right that's how we work at Rockfish and
1532s it's not a matter of let's try to do 50
1534s things at once because that doesn't get
1535s anything done
1539s and we're really really happy thus far
1542s with these results and how they've
1544s reached fruition for you guys based on
1547s your feedback alone frankly but also uh
1551s seeing your guys thoughts and ideas and
1553s suggestions and like
1555s there are so many times I get to look at
1557s what you guys suggested I'm just like
1559s nodding like man I wish I could tell
1560s them
1563s in a good way oh man
1566s hmm
1568s so
1571s there's a lot there's a lot
1574s and there's there's seriously like if
1577s you're looking at especially like the
1578s amount of time and dedication that we're
1580s putting into the development
1581s specifically there's still a pretty
1584s healthy amount more to come now I'm not
1586s saying we're gonna freaking double the
1587s game size and all the content goodness
1589s like let's temper our expectations there
1593s but uh anyone who's ever played a looter
1596s shooter at all or any game that has uh
1598s you know randomized equipment knows that
1600s you add one more into a pool of like
1603s even 10 that magnifies everything
1606s and you know there's gonna be some more
1610s magnification
1612s there's gonna be there's gonna be a
1614s healthy bit more
1615s so uh I hope you're ready
1620s so that was a lot
1622s probably a lot to soak in
1624s I hope that clarifies to a couple of
1626s people The Early Access process and
1628s where we're at and what we're doing and
1630s why we're doing it
1632s and kind of wants to come now I'm sure
1634s that there have been plenty of questions
1636s that were asked and uh geekbite if you
1639s are there I think I'm ready to start
1641s answering probably uh a large snow we've
1644s had a few we've had a few
1647s so uh yeah so guys this is gonna be a
1650s segment where geekbite's asking those
1651s questions that you have been supplying
1653s and we're just gonna we're gonna answer
1656s them straight up so
1658s have at you
1660s right first off is actually a kind of
1663s one that came up last week in regards a
1665s challenge that you possibly were gonna
1667s do uh with the bomber in one of the
1670s races dampeners off
1685s [Laughter]
1687s goodness great we're having such a
1689s beautiful discussion about Early Access
1691s and the process of development and
1693s you're like yeah okay that's great and
1694s all but can you do this crazy thing you
1697s guys are nuts I love it we'll try it
1699s once
1701s yeah once
1703s maybe maybe a couple times but I'd be
1706s happy with that you'll be happy
1708s guys are ridiculous now
1712s um
1718s um will we get the September recap soon
1722s after the August recap you know like
1724s we've got the August of the July one you
1727s know that's a great question so uh you
1728s know gonna gonna be a hundred percent
1730s honest on that front I've had to uh
1733s juggle a number of priorities because
1736s actually kind of ties into our whole
1738s Early Access thing there have been so
1739s many other things that are so much more
1741s important than giving those who haven't
1743s watched the streams a recap I know that
1745s they're delightful I know that they're
1746s wonderful and I love making them
1748s honestly uh it's just it's not priority
1752s guys I'm really sorry but something that
1755s I haven't even suggested to Michael yet
1757s so high surprise Michael is I might just
1759s do like a combined uh August September
1762s recap video like in one
1764s um but we'll we'll see we'll see
1766s because I do have like all the sections
1768s and and tidbits uh ironed out like
1770s goodness I could show you the paperwork
1772s on it it's nuts just hasn't just hasn't
1775s been edited hasn't been completed so but
1777s that will get done
1779s I hope soon
1783s all right
1785s um Fred's back right over on YouTube
1787s he's asking uh I'm kind of fishing for
1790s some information that's fine will we
1794s finally get some new news today like
1796s something biggish
1799s news today for something bigger no no
1802s we're not gonna we don't have any we
1803s don't have any big news today if
1805s somebody hears that and they're just
1806s like oh well I'm gone I mean every one
1809s of these weeks that we you know come
1811s here to these streams like it's it's not
1813s just a matter of like showing like all
1816s the big new updates and content stuff
1818s like every week is a little bit of a
1820s transformation to clue you in on where
1822s things are at and how things are going
1823s right but it's also this opportunity to
1825s answer those questions you have so uh
1828s while I do appreciate that question
1829s there's just
1831s there's no there's nothing I can really
1833s do to probably answer that in a pleasant
1836s way right when we have those big
1838s announcements though there will be very
1841s clear markers out in the wild whether
1843s it's a tweet whether it's a Discord post
1846s whether it's something that shows up on
1847s the forums and the steam feed you know
1849s like you're gonna know when we're gonna
1851s have something really stinking neat uh
1855s the only exception to that is if I
1858s convince Michael that we should sneak it
1860s at you guys and reveal during a stream
1862s but but uh yeah that doesn't happen very
1866s often I suppose it can but
1868s yeah there you go
1872s oh cool this one's a bit of a it's like
1875s technical question regarding an ongoing
1878s bug from TV Cube on Twitch with the old
1881s named pickup bug being back and in full
1884s force allowing players to equip anything
1886s in any slot due to glitched weapons and
1889s ship parts well any more time be sunk
1891s into nailing this multi-year book
1893s there's a concern that it's eating away
1896s any new content production because right
1899s to nail down that bug right so yeah I
1901s mean the the big thing with that bargain
1903s just I'll just be brief on it is that it
1905s was very much game breaking and how you
1907s could effectively
1909s I mean you're effectively changing your
1912s inventory to just about whatever you
1914s want and doing things that are
1916s absolutely not supposed to be allowed
1918s um and that's that's not intended right
1920s that's that's not intended gameplay like
1923s if we had some sort of like you know
1925s modifier system that was like combine
1927s these two weapons which is not what
1929s we're going to do I don't want you guys
1931s to even think about that like it's not a
1934s concept that's on the table it's it's
1935s not gonna happen just going to be very
1937s clear on that front we gotta set that
1939s expectation but like if that were in
1942s place then it would be like oh it's not
1943s really as big of a deal because it's
1945s kind of using systems that were
1947s inherently designed but it's not
1950s it's not it's not intended whatsoever
1952s it's manipulating the tools that are
1956s meant to be experienced in a far
1957s different way and uh that's it's a nasty
1961s bug we consider that to be a nasty bug
1963s now the way that it kind of came up more
1966s recently though wasn't uh oh the music's
1968s too loud thank you Michael
1974s how's that
1976s check one two
1977s um you let me know if that's better or
1980s if it needs to keep coming down
1982s um but it like With all sincerity and
1984s how that
1986s bug kind of uh still too loud all right
1990s um we're gonna go just a little bit
1991s further and we're gonna try here
1996s yeah uh I did see the report on the
1999s steam forums in the saves yeah so yeah
2001s we're good like you did the same thing
2002s that you are supposed to do uh whenever
2005s you find a a really nasty bug like that
2008s it's good to send it our way so that we
2010s can correct those issues because it's
2011s very much an issue that can impact the
2014s gameplay formula you know somebody
2015s accidentally came across that it could
2017s really screw up their save file right
2020s that wouldn't be good that wouldn't be
2023s fun
2026s and so we we have to we have to
2028s eliminate stuff like that
2030s so thank you for the report it's not
2033s necessarily currently a priority
2036s but it's definitely one that has to be
2038s out of the picture in order for all the
2040s other systems to you know they'll work
2042s the way that they're intended to work so
2045s yay fun right
2048s ah but all right
2050s I love this I love the brief answer to
2052s that that was cool yeah yeah super super
2054s brief like
2056s wow anyway
2060s uh Finn's over on YouTube with us are
2063s there any plans to add any new gameplay
2065s mechanics and or effects like space
2068s weather to super light travel part of
2070s the game I think there's some things
2072s like space storms or yeah Pirates
2075s appearing Etc yeah so I mean I'm not
2077s gonna say that we're not
2079s um it's also really hard to say that we
2081s are because that starts getting into
2082s territory of like revealing too much
2085s um I think
2086s I think it's in like I could absolutely
2089s say we would love to do so much more in
2093s the space of like super light and uh you
2096s know just like those added sort of
2097s whimsical effects that you see
2098s especially the ones that come out of
2099s everspace one because it's completely
2102s randomized so there's much more freedom
2104s there but because these are handcrafted
2106s locations with intentional uh space
2108s surrounding them there's not as much
2110s flexibility to just like randomly make
2112s the star purple for example it's like
2114s why did it become purple if the star is
2116s orange on the map you know for example
2118s just super basic
2120s um and so on that front like we do have
2122s to be genuinely careful
2124s about how we are going about that
2128s process and
2130s yeah I mean it's definitely desired
2132s that's a nice to have that will occur
2135s after the priorities are hit
2137s okay
2139s that is a nice to have
2144s sweet
2146s next up Adrian Caballero over on YouTube
2150s ask when I see that a shop offers I'll
2153s see what a shop offers it feels a bit
2155s disappointing at will the stores change
2157s as in the vendors uh I did ask for some
2159s clarification unless you feel like the
2161s variety in weapons can be bad or there's
2164s few too few weapons and they want more
2166s photos of boxes rather than just an
2168s image of the item yeah I love this
2171s question and um you know this has been
2173s this has been something that we really
2175s do want to change
2177s um I'm not necessarily sure I could say
2179s that it's a priority but it's definitely
2181s something that the entire team uh has
2184s looked at many times over and at a
2187s certain point in time we wanted to
2189s revamp the whole dang thing into a much
2191s more intricate and possibly Dynamic sort
2194s of trading system with these intricate
2196s trade lanes and all this type of stuff
2198s like we were going we were going big and
2200s and it was going to be really super cool
2203s now as development uh proceeded and uh
2207s directions sort of changed to put the
2209s focal point on uh key aspects like the
2212s looter shootering as opposed to like
2214s having some sort of like underlaying
2216s simulation experience that honestly is
2220s moving away from the core Vision like
2223s these are these are conflicting ideas
2225s they don't go so well in tandem
2227s unfortunately like we had to make make
2230s some you know important decisions on
2233s where that Focus need to lie now I say
2236s that to provide the context of you know
2238s how development has proceeded it's still
2241s something
2242s we plan on doing
2245s it's still something we would like to
2247s include and when I say when I say like
2250s something we plan on doing like a little
2253s bit more context not nearly as dynamic
2255s as what you're probably thinking okay
2257s the plan is to have certain system uh
2261s systems certain stores
2265s sell certain and very specific Goods
2268s over other stores
2271s and this simple process of
2273s distinguishing storefronts will allow
2276s there to be this essence of if I buy
2279s from here specifically because they have
2281s a bunch of it at a cheaper cost then I
2283s can go over there where they have none
2285s of it and sell it for a much greater
2286s cost right uh very similar honestly to
2289s freelancer except instead of using trade
2292s Lanes you have super light which is
2293s arguably faster
2296s um and let's not even bring into the
2298s table of spatial bypass I mean come on
2300s so
2302s um to sort of Rectify that situation for
2304s now and to also for balancing purposes
2307s especially with timing situations uh the
2311s speed at which you can get from one
2312s place to another like we have put a lot
2315s more work into the jobs right as well as
2317s unknown locations like this one I'm
2320s currently in this is a new one that's
2322s only in our development build
2324s that just puts a bit more emphasis on
2326s combat related situations where you're
2328s kind of doing waves of enemies
2330s turns out in a combat focused game you
2333s guys like this so do we
2337s I am really terrible in first person by
2339s the way
2341s I don't think I'm gonna survive let's
2343s see if we can manage ah I need to block
2345s the shots
2346s heal
2351s okay
2357s excellent thanks for uh letting me focus
2359s on this and pause the questions
2361s yeah but like we really do want to make
2364s sure that there's a healthy amount of
2366s variety and a healthy amount of focus
2368s whenever we're bringing these different
2370s systems to the table and you know the
2372s trading marketing you know all of that
2375s style of stuff uh that was you know
2379s initially planned like we do still want
2382s to you know bring that to the table on
2385s some degree or capacity but it looks a
2387s bit different and I hope that you guys
2389s will understand why
2391s um I mean I'm sure you do understand
2393s because we explained it probably like a
2395s billion times but
2396s yeah
2398s focals on that looter shooter uh much
2402s less on the
2405s venture capitalist
2408s so there you go
2410s yeah we can tell you it comes straight
2412s and this one was starting to stick out a
2414s little bit oh gosh yeah I'm I'm really
2416s this is uh
2419s this is uh this is challenging
2421s but yeah next question please we'll buy
2426s this one in Forbidden frog again over on
2428s YouTube okay it's the new companion That
2430s was supposed to make it into the summer
2432s update and to make it into the fall
2434s update
2435s um I actually have not received
2437s clarification on that I mean in a
2439s perfect world the answer is probably yes
2441s but I I simply can't say it because I
2443s don't I haven't heard anyone say Yes
2446s um I do know that the character's
2448s production has been coming along while
2450s I've seen screenshots and notations and
2453s stuff like that so I I know that the
2455s character is is coming like I I know
2458s that they are
2459s um win is a
2462s that's that's a toss-up that's a toss-up
2466s um if UVA was here he would probably be
2468s able to answer it uh but shoot Michael
2471s if you know
2472s it would be super cool uh if there was
2475s any additional information on you know
2478s the the new companion that was planned
2480s for the summer update
2481s um if it is coming in the fall or if we
2483s had to push that back based on
2485s the tremendous number of other
2487s priorities that we're working on if you
2489s know and if you don't
2492s it's okay
2493s foreign
2496s twitch
2502s um it seems to be an issue with things
2505s being thrown through walls that's been
2507s around for a very long long time is
2509s there some reason why it isn't fixed is
2511s it a technical problem oh yeah it's it's
2513s very technical I mean it's uh here let
2516s me see if I can just make a problem
2517s happen right here let's oh no if I'm too
2519s close hang on
2521s well shoot I I'm terrible at making
2523s problems but suddenly
2526s that won't last long nope still too
2528s close
2529s um well basically what I was gonna show
2530s is that like sometimes when you destroy
2532s resources they can actually float
2533s backwards right and it's it's annoying
2537s to say the least
2538s let's see if that does the trick come on
2543s wasn't close enough
2545s wait these missiles are okay yeah
2549s whatever anyway you know it's you're
2553s gonna have like little bugs like that
2554s that plague
2556s the development process so much it's
2559s just not a priority because it doesn't
2560s affect the game that much sincerely it
2564s really doesn't uh we haven't you know I
2566s say that and I know there's going to be
2568s this one issue in the future and it's
2570s like you get this legendary drop and it
2572s falls into an asteroid and you're like
2573s damn it rockfish
2578s it's bad man and you know we have
2580s already circumvented some of those
2582s situations actually where when something
2585s does go through a wall even if you like
2588s go up to the wall and you're at the
2590s right range I think it's I think it's a
2592s hundred and eighty meters or 150 meters
2594s if you're within that range you can suck
2597s it in even if it's through the wall
2599s so we're using little things like that
2601s to help alleviate uh some of those
2604s issues but obviously in a perfect world
2606s we would annihilate it so it could never
2609s happen
2610s but uh I hear hitboxes don't always play
2614s nice so
2616s yeah but that's a that's a great little
2618s question I love it
2621s um and it is what it is Michael did go
2623s ahead and follow up about the companion
2625s very briefly
2627s um and so this is what he has to say he
2628s says pretty sure the new companion won't
2630s be coming in the fall update since he's
2632s part of the rest of the campaign that is
2635s coming with 1.0 so I really do
2637s appreciate that Clarity Michael and so
2639s that all of you guys are aware uh and
2641s just to kind of add more clarity on what
2643s that means uh everspace 2 might have
2646s seemed to be uh released in kind of like
2649s this episodic state where you're getting
2651s like part of the story part of the story
2652s part of the story with each update and
2654s while that's partially true we are
2656s developing the entirety of everspace
2659s with each update so if you are only
2662s playing the campaign and you've never
2664s started a game over since
2667s uh you missed so much content like it's
2673s it's crazy how much content you have
2675s actually missed uh based on the balance
2678s changes adjustments like the feeling of
2680s how you would experience the game are
2682s just wildly different
2684s um and to that we got to this certain
2687s part in the story uh I don't want to get
2689s too spoilery because also it's not even
2691s out yet but for those who kind of know
2693s where it concludes like we feel like
2695s it's a really good Cliffhanger honestly
2698s to where we can work on these core
2700s aspects of the game solidify all that
2702s get the end game in a powerful State
2704s regardless of the story right because we
2707s very much have a tremendous emphasis on
2709s game play over here at Rockfish
2712s um and once all of that's solidified
2714s once we've got all of these elements
2715s down and you are able to test them
2717s through Early Access then we'll be able
2719s to give that beautiful delivery of that
2721s 1.0 release with this story with these
2724s characters with these conclusions that
2727s are gonna tie AI up loose ends and
2729s probably open a few more
2732s you know that because that's how stories
2734s work all right
2736s yeah
2738s So yeah thank you for all those
2739s questions uh so geekbite's gonna go
2741s silent for a little bit and uh if you
2744s have more questions by all means go
2745s ahead and start asking them what I'm
2747s going to do next is I'm gonna go into uh
2750s a little bit more about racing where
2752s that's at what's been done and a little
2755s bit of what the future is I should have
2757s probably asked torbin what I'm allowed
2759s to say but I'm probably just gonna tell
2760s you anyway because it's not crazy but
2763s you're gonna like it I think you're
2765s gonna like it and um
2766s I like you guys so
2769s um and also like note that most of what
2773s we've done to racing actually yeah no a
2775s crazy amount and Michael can attest to
2777s this shoot like
2778s we've been able to like sneak in so much
2781s more work in racing than what was
2784s planned oh my gosh like it's it's kind
2786s of a night and day difference uh based
2789s on where things were at before and uh
2792s like the vision we had versus like where
2794s things are going to be like what we're
2796s going to realize
2797s um even with talking with torben who who
2799s I I mentioned torbin he's one of the
2801s individuals who's been hard at work on
2803s racing okay
2804s and I like even today like uh in
2808s providing feedback on these races and
2810s how it's all coming together and the
2811s story surrounding it and you know all of
2813s these things like I've just been
2816s continually impressed I have been
2820s um just everything from the little
2822s tidbits of
2824s information that you get for you high
2827s score Chasers out there your super
2828s hardcore fans of racing you know two
2832s um even just having something to do
2835s outside of blowing everything up like
2837s because it's it's nice to have that it's
2840s nice to have that um also I'm gonna
2842s change this setting which I'm blocking
2844s actually
2846s um here hang on a second I wanna I wanna
2847s show this
2848s the setting that I'm blocking
2851s uh I had this enabled
2853s this is something that we added somewhat
2855s recently
2856s um I don't think it's a big deal but
2857s just letting you know it's there mute
2859s audio when unfocused so I'm not gonna
2861s I'm not gonna mute it so that way I can
2863s look at some extra stuff and you hear
2864s this beautiful music as I'm going
2866s delightful all right
2869s so pulling up a couple of little things
2872s on what's planned to happen for racing
2876s and then showing you a little bit more
2877s about how things have come together
2879s here we go
2881s first things first
2883s I'm sure you all saw how when I was
2886s doing these races after they'd been
2888s revamped that you have a very strict
2890s starting position right
2892s you remember that you probably all do if
2894s you don't well I'm gonna show you right
2896s here basically when you started these
2898s races your ship couldn't move your ship
2901s couldn't move at all we added this so
2903s you can kind of prioritize how things
2906s are lined up
2907s and then you can get a really nice start
2912s based on how you've adjusted yourself
2915s even before the race starts just a small
2918s tweak that we feel makes a pretty huge
2920s Improvement
2922s just giving the player a little bit more
2923s agency over ah what
2930s well
2931s it happens you know what else we added a
2934s restart race button you can just slap
2937s that button and you return to the front
2939s look at that so if you fail well and
2941s you're like I want to do it again
2943s and you're being really particular
2944s that's a nice feature isn't it but uh
2947s just to get a little bit more further
2949s Clarity in this
2950s I can start boosting Before the Race
2953s begins so I don't have to time my Boost
2956s right as it starts right
2959s like it's going the second the race
2962s starts my Boost will start coming down
2964s and everything else is gravy from there
2966s all this is bad but um
2968s yeah like a lot of those little
2971s fine-tunement adjustments we just feel
2973s so important for those of you who like
2978s want to have that tactile response in
2980s preparation for the race as well as the
2983s die hards that are like I have this new
2985s alignment starting position with my
2987s gunship that doesn't have inertia
2989s dampeners on it because you're crazy
2991s you're you're absolutely insane people
2994s but uh yeah I was I was rough whatever
2998s so
2999s um yeah so a lot of healthy changes in
3002s that even like the top five with the
3004s ship ranking and how many rings you've
3006s collected and the time like we're really
3007s happy with all that still what's to come
3010s we are going to have map information
3014s um pertaining to the races as well so
3015s like when you're going to the map and
3017s you're looking at a location like
3018s cryptus bull here
3020s um it's going to be listed you're going
3021s to see that there's a race that you can
3024s do and the marker for the race is going
3027s to be identified internally as well so
3029s like you can go to a location and not be
3030s confused where that uh racetrack was
3033s just simple cleanup like this is it's in
3036s the plans we don't even consider that
3037s like quality life Improvement like this
3039s is Baseline standard it's going to
3040s happen like right
3043s um and then we also are going to have
3045s rewards for the races it's not going to
3048s be content barring Rewards
3053s what I mean by that is it's not going to
3055s be something where it's like you have to
3057s complete all the races at Platinum tier
3061s um five times in order to obtain this
3064s very specific super legendary uh
3067s Thruster you know or something like that
3069s right we're not going to do that okay
3072s racing as a whole I've said this so many
3075s times you guys know it but it's a mini
3076s game okay if you love it then love on it
3079s do it but we're not gonna content gate
3082s rewards through the racing system okay
3086s and I've even mentioned this one more
3088s time gonna mention it anyway with the
3090s side mission pertaining to the races the
3093s requirement in order to beat the side
3095s mission is simply
3097s bronze that's it you do not have to get
3100s platinums
3101s [Music]
3103s but there might be steam achievements
3105s associated with stuff like that possibly
3108s this is my guess all right
3112s the last little thing is
3115s a couple of tweaks to the times uh in
3118s fact we're not done with the times that
3120s you continue to see that I continue to
3121s show you guys you know even just looking
3123s at these times like you can see the
3125s Platinum is at 55 seconds the Gold's at
3127s one minute and 10 seconds
3129s some of you guys are going to blow those
3131s numbers out of the water and we expect
3132s you to
3134s um and other ones are going to really
3136s challenge with that and we may even
3138s evaluate where the bronze times are to
3142s like further ease players into that so
3145s you could miss most of the Rings
3146s complete a race and
3148s that would be okay right we want that to
3151s be accessible intentionally
3155s and
3157s yeah there's gonna be other little
3158s tweaks too like a little bit more sound
3160s design surrounding races and
3163s um more
3164s [Music]
3166s yeah and that's that's all the more I
3168s can talk on that front so uh we're
3170s really really really thrilled honestly
3174s without racing has moved along and I
3176s hope you guys are too
3178s um because man
3180s With all sincerity what it was before
3182s this whole revamp was kind of what we
3185s were just gonna stick with we were just
3186s kind of happy with it we're like let
3188s people do what they want with it it'll
3189s just be fun it'll be great like people
3191s can challenge each other and we're like
3193s you know we'll clean it up a little bit
3195s more and here we are several weeks later
3199s and we've spent probably a little too
3202s much time on it but man we love it and
3204s we we want to take great care in it uh
3206s thank goodness we got that little added
3208s time to to Really bring it together and
3210s uh we hope that you're gonna enjoy that
3212s aspect of it whether you like the racing
3214s or not I think it comes together so much
3216s better I hope you guys agree
3220s all right
3222s okay
3229s I'm getting warm foreign
3233s no no I did not make the designs for for
3236s racing whatsoever no no no no no hasn't
3240s been hasn't been on my plate nope uh
3243s credit goes to a number of folks at
3245s Rockfish actually there's been several
3247s people uh working on racing
3250s um I'm not sure who the designs would be
3252s maybe uh
3255s actually it might be torben himself
3258s but uh he's been pouring out so much
3261s time into it and there's been like the
3263s technical elements that surround racing
3265s have also been done by a number of
3267s individuals on the team too
3269s um it's a it's a it's literally a team
3271s effort uh when it comes to this type of
3273s stuff
3274s so you know
3276s [Music]
3278s very very good
3284s and I guess it probably shouldn't come
3287s as a surprise to you guys but I also
3289s want to mention that you know
3291s with looking at this particular side
3293s mission and just cleaning it up a bit
3294s you know we are evaluating other
3296s opportunities with
3298s side missions I guess you could say
3301s um and we are we want to expand those
3302s even further and you know it's just kind
3304s of like a direct sort of obvious thing
3305s to say like this is like the job
3307s opportunities right this is the unknown
3310s signals this is the the
3312s um
3313s the uh distress calls you know this is
3316s going to be the location challenges like
3318s we we want to make them just a tad more
3320s interesting we want to give them a
3321s little bit more polish so they feel good
3323s they feel right uh when you're bringing
3325s it all together uh it's it's important
3327s right it's important
3329s all right so I'm gonna cheat here and
3330s I'm going to teleport to a different
3332s race uh because
3335s you guys are crazy and want me to race
3337s in a freaking I'm gonna do this just
3339s it's gonna be a small part of the Stream
3342s I say that we're gonna we're gonna do
3344s this until a freaking screenshots
3347s but uh we're gonna try our hand on the
3350s freaking is that a gunship do you say
3352s gunship Bearded Frog
3354s why do I do this
3356s this is this is borderline abuse
3363s oh gosh but I also need to know which
3366s track you want me to race on like is
3368s there a specific just the clarity there
3370s it's a bomber oh gosh in first person
3373s only no initial damage first person
3376s bomber note what the world nobody wants
3380s to watch this content unless you hate me
3383s and want me to suffer oh my gosh
3386s okay
3390s let's just see oh they don't have a
3392s bomber I guess we can't do it oh it's a
3394s shame all right we'll just
3397s all right let's see here
3402s all right
3405s all right
3407s do Prescott I see
3410s oh
3412s Kazar you're cruel
3415s okay
3416s laughs
3420s and uh when we start this don't worry
3422s we'll get into answering questions while
3423s I'm suffering so that way there's still
3425s you know content to enjoy
3428s here let's just let's just prepare oh
3441s God this is this is ridiculous
3447s um all right so we need to
3449s we're just gonna slow play this just
3451s take as long as we possibly can I'll
3453s super light that's whatever we're just
3455s gonna cheat
3456s we'll get there let's get there
3466s goodness gravy we have for anyone who's
3468s just walking in I assure you we have
3470s covered some really cool important
3472s things I'm going to run into Prescott
3474s ouch
3475s ouch ouch
3476s um
3477s just you know
3478s we have covered some important things
3482s this particular moment you're joining
3484s we're having just a little bit of fun
3485s you know
3489s wait where's the race
3491s where did you go
3494s I suppose we haven't fixed that marker
3496s yet I think it's down here
3498s probably
3500s we're close there it is there you are
3504s this is gonna go so badly
3515s our goal is to get bronze if we get
3518s bronze I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a happy
3520s happy Community Ambassador oh my gosh
3526s you have like the highest ehp you'll be
3528s fine what's ehp what wait I'm missing
3531s something what's that mean
3535s like even my my ship is like floating
3537s what is
3539s what is happening here oh gosh
3545s all right
3548s here we go
3554s foreign
3566s finesse
3568s all right finesse all right we gotta get
3571s that we gotta get the
3573s nope we missed we missed that one is it
3575s okay if I missed some
3578s we're gonna we gotta really we gotta
3580s we're pushing that bronze
3585s where's the where's the next one oh gosh
3588s I'm missing them no
3590s ah
3594s okay okay you gotta get that right
3597s motion
3600s ah come on how did that not go through
3604s you know what ironically would probably
3605s help with this as if I had freaking eye
3607s tracking enabled I need to set that up
3610s oh my gosh
3612s this is
3614s no
3617s [Music]
3618s the pain oh we're gonna we're gonna fail
3621s no no ah
3627s we couldn't even complete the race oh
3629s that's a okay all right
3632s well we got we got at least try to
3634s complete the race all right so
3638s there will be less grunting
3641s geekbite if you would be so kind as to
3643s read me off some more questions we'll
3644s answer them while I'm trying to do this
3646s I guess
3651s I don't know this you're gonna wear but
3653s we'll try
3655s laughs
3657s the concentration on your face is epic
3659s oh thank you thank you
3662s a question from Flory on Twitch uh who
3666s made the design for the racing track
3667s star and is that person an FC Bayern fan
3671s uh oh you know that's that's a
3674s particularly uh
3676s special question that I want to give the
3679s proper do my wings hit the sides there
3682s uh I want I want to give that like a
3684s really pure authentic response
3686s um I'd have to look up that information
3688s because I'm not 100 sure if torbin was
3690s in the chat he could probably
3692s hook me up oh my gosh
3696s but yeah I'm not sure oh come on we're
3699s we're doing it come on we can get this
3702s um but yeah I can look that information
3704s up and hopefully with no respond to you
3708s we're gonna we're gonna get it we're
3710s gonna get bronze
3712s time out what
3716s what
3721s I thought bronze was it like a minute or
3724s something what
3727s I felt really good about that
3730s oh it's probably because of my last run
3732s wait no what happened
3738s I as awful as that probably looked I was
3741s proud of that
3742s [Laughter]
3745s all right hang on a second what yeah it
3747s says bronze is a minute in five seconds
3753s I was I was denied
3756s torbin fixed it
3759s laughs
3763s oh
3769s right now you guys are just watching the
3772s stream of a Broken Man
3774s all right next question next question is
3778s from dashra over on Twitch uh is the
3782s interior customization for cockpit view
3784s still in the pipes or has it been
3786s scrapped
3787s I I really appreciate this question
3790s because you're looking for clarity of
3792s the the plan of attack you know our
3793s vision overall
3794s um you know the the plan technically is
3798s still on the table
3800s so it did change from guaranteed to
3804s happen to this space of it's a it's a
3808s great desire
3809s but uh like if anybody's wondering like
3812s what that might have looked like we have
3814s Vlogs over on YouTube you can go back to
3817s the one that's like a hundred plus
3818s player ships I think is what it's called
3820s Uh referring to the variety of of
3822s combinations that your ships can be as
3825s well as their passives and all that type
3826s of stuff
3828s and one of the things that is covered is
3830s actually These Bars in the cockpit like
3833s are different
3834s and you know of course of course we had
3838s conversations about what could change on
3840s this front too
3841s right of course we did and maybe you're
3845s even seeing some of the changes
3847s I was not informed of any changes is
3849s that different
3852s is that did we start this process and
3855s nobody told me
3857s am I crazy does this look different
3861s anyway uh so regardless of that like
3865s it's not
3867s a priority at all uh this is gonna fall
3869s under the Aesthetics
3872s package right and that refers to
3875s anything that has no effect on gameplay
3877s I'm sure somebody out there is going to
3879s be
3879s um but Eric uh the the visualization of
3883s one's viewport is highly relevant to
3886s those who play it first person I almost
3888s turned into Kermit the Frog there but um
3890s uh no we don't consider it gameplay
3892s changing um and it's it's very much
3895s entirely aesthetic and if we can enhance
3899s aesthetic choices and customization and
3902s all that type of stuff we will
3904s after the very specific core
3907s foundational parts of the game are well
3910s established and taken care of
3913s so uh yeah
3916s I guess I'll do this again
3919s but keep uh let's go with another
3921s question if you got it you did a lot
3923s better when you concentrated on the
3924s question oh yeah oh my gosh that's good
3927s enough well I appreciate that voter
3928s confidence so uh yeah next question
3930s please uh this one came from Death boost
3933s on Twitch
3935s um he's asking are you using uh keyboard
3937s and mouse and is your input layout the
3940s default or do you have a custom one if
3942s if you do
3944s you show it
3945s um so I have I Mr Ring I have very very
3950s slight adjustments to the default
3953s controls
3954s um basically I added some of the inputs
3956s that don't start default bound so like
3959s inertia dampening I have on my Mouse
3963s um so uh I have a mouse that has a
3965s fourth and a fifth button so I can
3968s toggle it and it's incredibly invaluable
3971s honestly in combat like if you start uh
3975s tweaking your
3977s movements with inertia dampeners there's
3980s some super cool stuff that you can do
3982s obviously that's not been something I've
3984s been practicing but it is a it's a
3987s possibility oh gosh this is awful
3991s um wow terrible time but hey we
3994s completed it why are you saying time out
3996s unfortunate
3997s but um yeah it's definitely that's
4001s definitely in that territory of like
4003s um
4004s this is definitely in the territory of I
4007s want to use the default controls as much
4010s as possible for testing purposes
4012s um I think that if I'm changing my
4014s control steam constantly then it starts
4017s being a question of hey why don't we
4019s just have this control steam that I keep
4021s changing to as the default option right
4024s um and to that I will also say that
4027s there's going to be some changes to the
4029s default control scheme and that's as far
4032s as I can go on that that is oh my
4035s goodness stop full stop that's all
4038s you're getting okay
4040s um but yeah and also like what we did
4042s similarly with everspace one we will
4044s have different layout options for
4047s controllers for the various consoles
4049s that we come to
4051s um console announcement will be this
4054s winter
4057s right Michael
4060s um but yeah
4061s uh also I speaking of Michael though he
4064s does provide just a tad bit of clarity
4066s on the the cockpit
4068s um because With all sincerity like the
4069s player data that we've been pulling in
4070s he's he shows he says to manage
4073s expectations since fewer than 20 of
4076s pilots fly in cockpit view further
4078s cockpit customization is a very low
4080s priority so um you know if we're gonna
4083s add more to the game we want to make
4085s sure that the majority of those can
4087s enjoy it right
4088s um that's not to say we don't love you
4090s you you just like cockpit players out
4092s there like it's awesome and we would
4094s like to do more but it's just you know
4098s there's this process of importance right
4100s and we've got to get the core
4102s foundational gameplay done first all of
4105s its systems everything then from there
4107s we've got a fine tune and tweak and
4109s ensure that everything's coming together
4110s in that complete package including
4112s balancing including storytelling
4114s including like all of that stuff and
4116s then after all of those things
4119s there's probably still another Chuck
4120s like we have to ensure all the lures
4122s working correctly and then
4125s and then we get to like the aesthetic
4127s fun stuff right
4129s um so
4130s please be patient with us on that front
4132s because we really would like to do a lot
4135s of cool stuff there but it's
4138s it's just not likely it's just not
4141s likely
4143s so
4145s setting that expectation all right
4148s so
4150s do we have another question
4152s I see more questions coming in
4157s a quick one from Finn's over on YouTube
4159s uh is he deciding what color uh the
4162s legendary tier items are going to be and
4165s they did ask if they could show it to us
4167s and they said oh yeah uh yeah so I mean
4169s prototype I think already revealed that
4171s honestly um so in the Prototype you can
4173s get a couple legendaries and um they
4177s show up as kind of like an orange color
4178s and that's as of right now I mean it's
4181s like it's not revealing anything because
4182s we can also change it on a whim
4184s um
4185s yeah right now they're orange uh just to
4187s kind of like have that sort of
4189s goldish-esque sort of approach and um
4194s but yeah like sincerely that can change
4195s on a whim like somebody will be like ah
4197s I like purple that's actually that won't
4199s happen because that's higher level stuff
4201s but still
4204s um yeah I don't necessarily think that
4207s matters
4208s um uh like because of how volatile the
4212s uh development is around that so I hope
4216s that you understand that it's not very
4223s whatever you want to call it it's not
4225s like
4226s we don't even care like it just needs to
4227s be able to stand out right it needs to
4229s be able to stand out much like how we
4231s wanted the prototype in Star forged to
4233s have that additional standout uh
4235s gradation of your item right
4238s um like that's important to us and you
4241s know with each of the tiers whether it's
4243s green blue uh magenta
4246s whatever like we want to ensure that
4248s just from the get-go you can see this is
4251s what it is
4253s so yeah and that's what we'll do
4257s all right
4258s uh is it is anyone writing down the
4260s times I need somebody to
4262s be somebody to write down these times
4265s I failed it and that's it yeah it was
4268s fine all right uh yeah give me give me a
4271s couple more questions for sure until
4272s yeah I've got a couple more lined up and
4274s then we don't uh sorry this is from
4276s thunderflame over on YouTube uh will we
4278s at some point have the possibility of
4280s exploring Planet surfaces outside of
4283s normal locations a good amount of the
4285s planets in the game uh nothing more than
4287s background elements
4288s I love this question because it helps me
4290s provide an astounding amount of
4292s expectation here no we don't we don't
4295s have any plans to explore uh planets
4298s outside of the handcrafted locations
4301s that we are doing and the reason there's
4303s there's a number of reasons for this
4304s honestly but the big reason is because
4306s we don't want to handcraft an entire
4308s planet
4309s um
4310s uh I hope that's for obvious reasons but
4314s another reason is because like we want
4316s each space to be very intentional and
4318s what can happen whenever you have a
4321s whole planet and a game you know in most
4324s cases there are a lot of empty boring
4329s parts that have to be created in tandem
4332s to all of the enjoyable bits that you're
4335s discovering and our focal point in doing
4337s handcrafted locations is to ensure that
4340s we're creating powerful points of
4341s interest we're creating unique uh
4345s visuals uh and that we are optimizing
4348s the location of secrets that can be a
4351s real nuisance to some of you but offer a
4353s challenge to
4355s um you know fully complete the
4357s exploration challenges in in everspace
4359s too so it's you know it's definitely not
4364s in the plans and I want to make sure
4365s that your expectation understands why uh
4369s we have no no plans whatsoever to have a
4373s fully discoverable planets where you can
4376s fly in any angle uh all that stuff
4384s the lint right last one uh so we crack
4386s on uh this one's from GQ a bit of
4388s achieve on this one will we get sound
4390s packs I'm still waiting for an Eric's
4392s sound sound pack for weapons
4395s gosh you guys are ridiculous
4398s um if if that were to happen and I mean
4402s I I doubt it guys I'm gonna be I love
4405s you all you're a wonderful community and
4407s the stuff that happens in the Stream is
4409s hilarious at times I I love that I love
4412s this between us it's very special
4416s um it looks very different when you take
4419s a character I'm gonna call myself a
4421s character
4423s um and interject that into a game space
4425s like as Michael had mentioned before
4427s like the cockpits and being like the 20
4429s case right here
4431s um
4433s that could backfire so hard like we put
4435s in all this work for my ridiculous voice
4438s it's like oh you know you're pulling up
4440s your gun I'm just going or you know
4442s whatever and you know there's gonna be
4444s some of you who thinks it's hilarious
4446s you're gonna like feel like there's an
4447s inside joke going on
4449s but that's not worth our time and
4451s attention to do
4452s to develop this game and reach all of
4455s the goals that we have in mind as well
4457s as the aesthetic options that we'd
4458s really like to hit too so oh man I
4461s missed I'm gonna restart
4462s um
4464s so
4465s yeah that's a that's an incredibly Far
4468s Cry Just let me make that clear also
4469s torbin joined the chat torvin
4472s torben my lad
4475s my dude what are the cool kids saying is
4478s it still my dude whatever
4479s um so uh I totally
4483s beat the bronze on this race and it's
4485s not capturing it for me
4487s it's a bug and it makes me so sad
4489s because I'm doing this in a freaking
4490s bomber with inertia dampeners off
4492s because uh the community is cruel and it
4496s didn't it didn't save my time
4498s I'm I'm a sad person right now
4502s but I'm trying
4503s so hard
4506s actually this is this is looking oh I
4508s was looking like a clean run
4511s no I missed the
4514s anyway just just letting you know
4517s um
4518s I can submit a a bug report too so you
4521s don't have to like retain that right now
4522s but just know that there seems to be a
4525s timeout issue it's it's not recording
4526s the time it's just timing out when I
4528s finish the race
4530s so all right
4532s next question
4536s give me one more in before we dash off
4538s all right uh on YouTube will the map
4541s showing where races are yes show your
4544s best time or best completed TI that is
4547s something we would like to do I am
4550s unsure if that will happen or not based
4553s on the time projection of you know
4556s everything we've already since put into
4558s racing like we put a lot more into
4560s racing than we uh we're anticipating to
4563s like I want to be incredibly clear there
4565s but you know the the more clarity we can
4568s provide the merrier I feel like we're
4570s kind of getting good at these turns uh
4572s some some of these turns we're just
4574s gonna oh oh that was that was bad
4577s um so yeah perfect world perfect case
4580s scenario yes we would love to do that
4583s but um
4585s I would not expect it
4589s it would be cool though
4590s all right
4592s and that was the last question right it
4594s was yes oh my gosh I'm I'm free I can
4598s stop racing now right that's what that
4599s means no nobody can stop right
4605s oh my gosh all right this might this
4607s might be my last time because I do want
4609s to get into some like other content
4610s stuff and and talk about one other
4612s important aspect of the game
4615s um because like as I mentioned earlier
4617s in the Stream like what I want to do in
4618s this little next segment it's going to
4620s be a little out of my comfort zone
4622s um and it might be a little weird I
4623s don't know but I want to just pop open
4625s the steam forms and just like show you
4627s guys how much we've been listening to
4628s you and just give you guys Praise on the
4631s topics that are being had
4633s um like the ideas that you're generating
4635s like it really does mean a lot to us
4637s there's a lot of overlap of your ideas
4639s too Frankly Speaking like we've we do
4641s have pretty freaking big plans for
4643s Aerospace too and it's refreshing to see
4647s um whenever you guys are very much
4649s aligned with our objectives like that
4651s feels really good
4654s this race does not feel good it says I
4656s timed out c c turban it says I timed out
4658s so
4659s unfortunate but
4661s it is what it is
4663s all right enough of this
4666s enough of you oh goodness
4669s um so now what I want to do is I want to
4672s dive in uh and kind of do this steam
4674s thing so what I'm going to do
4677s we're still going to be playing
4679s um but I just want to like peruse this
4680s very briefly we're just going to peruse
4682s this very briefly and like what's being
4684s offered uh what's being sad like
4686s surrounding the steam forms I'm not
4688s going to show it on the screen uh here
4689s let me see if I can uh
4691s let's see I want to make this I want to
4692s make this a little bit more attractive
4694s for you guys uh let's see
4696s what's an attractive location just to
4698s like stare off into into the goodness
4701s that is oh my gosh there's actually a
4704s lot of them
4706s um here we'll go
4709s we'll go to zarkov border patrol
4712s it'll be nice chill
4715s whew
4721s all right let's uh let's just find a
4723s nice little spot
4726s just to sit and watch these beautiful
4729s storms
4743s let's see what's over here oh this is
4744s nice it's something that's kind of nice
4750s okay
4752s all right so we're gonna just like you
4754s guys get oh
4756s lost it it's not it's not a perfect shot
4759s but you know whatever
4760s it happens okay
4764s so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna
4765s kind of like peruse oh you can see my
4767s mouse but that's fine I'm just gonna
4769s peruse steam real quick and just kind of
4772s like show you guys like
4773s why you're awesome and how we're
4776s receiving this stuff because this is
4777s this is important this is an important
4778s part of development and how we're
4780s bringing it all together
4781s um so yeah I'm doing this completely on
4784s the Fly hello stream somebody posts
4787s goodness you ridiculous people
4789s um
4790s so for example we've got uh at the very
4794s bottom I see uh the light ships
4796s inadequate right we have individual
4799s explaining the uh light source at the
4802s front right
4803s um in some cases it's like you know this
4805s this has actually been said a number of
4807s times we've actually adjusted the light
4808s source because of recommendations on the
4811s forums
4812s um you know a really simple one it's the
4815s light has never been something that's
4817s meant to be like super impactful but
4818s also consider that this light that's in
4821s the ship is not meant to illuminate all
4824s of space in front of you
4826s much like a
4828s I don't know say traditional flashlight
4831s um so yeah uh you know we love that
4834s feedback and we've actually made
4836s adjustments pertaining to stuff like
4837s that but it's not
4839s um
4840s that's not priority right uh we've got a
4843s focus on like the fans of the bomber
4844s that don't use mines we've got like
4846s those healthy discussions surrounding
4848s like builds
4849s um gun energy versus reactor actually
4851s work we see this stuff and we say hmm I
4855s wonder if we are conveying the mechanics
4859s of the game correctly whether it's
4861s through the tutorial pop-ups whether
4863s it's through
4865s um the in-game explanations like we
4867s don't want you to have to open up a Wiki
4869s that says this is how this works right
4872s um at The Core everspace 2 is meant to
4874s very much be you know a pick up and play
4876s style of experience where you just like
4878s jump in equip uh get a ship get a weapon
4880s shoot baddies like these are great
4883s questions that you're pointing out and
4884s you're asking
4885s um so you know
4887s um the Linux support you know we got the
4890s Spheres blocking Vision that goes back a
4893s long ways that's good we're gonna we're
4895s gonna see how much more we can do on
4897s that but that also kind of goes into the
4898s 20 people uh in first person
4903s um a lot of you guys have been
4904s incredibly helpful on the forums too and
4905s like helping people find titanium for
4908s example
4909s um exiting missions you know ETA is in
4911s full release a lot of these questions
4912s you guys know and thank you so much for
4915s those uh outlying spokesman on these
4919s forums you're awesome I really do dig it
4921s we really do dig it helps us uh help you
4924s so much and then we also have this big
4927s one uh and this is where we're gonna
4928s settle just a little bit of time on uh
4930s where we have this never liked level
4933s scaling It's a lazy pointless mechanic
4935s is what it says right now um I'm not
4937s gonna like get into this uh in a crazy
4940s degree or capacity but I hope especially
4943s that those of you who have been on these
4945s streams know that level scaling is
4948s incredibly important for us like it is
4953s super important that we do it right
4958s obviously we could sit here and talk
4960s about how level scaling does suck in
4962s specific games we can talk about like
4964s the dynamic scaling effects also really
4968s sucks in certain games like we could we
4970s could be here for you know
4973s pages on a forum for example and and
4975s that's generally what happens but guys I
4977s I really do hope that you know like
4979s we're watching these threads we're
4981s seeing what you're saying
4985s we're reading it all like we're
4988s digesting that because
4991s you're going on these forums and you're
4993s like oh my gosh this is such a terrible
4994s thing that the devs are doing and it's
4996s all broken and dumb and stupid and this
4998s is why okay
5001s thank you for that feedback that's good
5003s feedback
5004s that's incredible feedback this is
5006s important
5007s for our relationship to Blossom
5011s not to say that uh
5014s we're done with level scaling because
5015s we're certainly not we're certainly not
5018s uh there will be more adjustments of
5020s course through the balancing process but
5023s um you know it's really good to read
5026s through these threads and see the
5027s arguments of you know defending this
5030s style of of scaling and and that sort of
5033s style of whatever's happening
5035s um because like this is what we do
5036s internally too
5039s like at Rockfish in some cases like
5041s internally we're just like a forum
5044s somebody's like oh yeah well it's really
5046s important that we do this thing somebody
5047s else is like oh hell no why would you do
5049s that that's absolute garbage and this is
5051s why oh well you know it was done
5052s properly in this capacity maybe you're
5054s thinking about that capacity or wasn't
5055s done well and like we we do this we tear
5058s things apart we do not Implement systems
5062s unless we know it's good for the game
5068s and level scaling is here to stay
5071s this is an important quality
5074s that brings everything together through
5077s the everspace 2 experience pertaining to
5079s the itemization pertaining to the
5081s challenge pertaining to so much more
5084s it's absurd and it's not done yet
5089s it's not done yet
5091s so that's about the most I'm going to
5094s talk on that
5096s um but sincerely thank you all for for
5098s jumping in and having these style of
5100s discussions because these are good these
5102s are healthy these are important
5104s and I want to really affirm you all on
5106s that front I know some of you jump into
5107s the forums they're like oh my gosh these
5109s forms are trash everyone's fighting
5111s that's okay so long as the focal point
5114s is on the topic at hand we want you to
5118s fight
5119s we want you to be passionate about a
5121s certain system or idea and like just
5123s have at it and provide those references
5125s too those are always very beneficial
5127s right
5128s um
5129s and I'm not going to be your dad uh on
5131s this front you guys know that the second
5133s you're not talking about a topic and
5136s you're talking about a person uh you
5138s lost you're done sorry
5140s it's no it's no longer relevant it's no
5142s longer important and it kind of
5143s invalidates your ideas so please don't
5145s be that person
5146s um
5147s yeah so sincerely though
5150s thank you for being freaking just uh
5153s sincerely like a kick-ass audience
5155s surrounding the game uh like you have
5157s you you out there you have been awesome
5161s yeah you have been so good and the
5163s feedback is incredibly important and how
5165s it has cultivated shaped and changed how
5168s we look at things ourselves and I've
5169s moved forward uh it's nuts it really is
5173s it's really nuts uh but we are
5175s definitely not
5177s happy with the level scaling system
5178s right now and there's more changes so
5181s can't wait for all you all to see it
5183s especially when it's in an in-game state
5185s where you're going to be able to really
5186s see the difference from like that
5188s starting part of the game to the end
5190s game and how it all ties together so
5192s more on that in the future
5195s all right
5197s okay
5199s somebody just wait I'm looking at chat
5201s did I miss something is there a weird
5202s conversation going on
5205s no we're good okay
5207s y'all be nice to each other
5209s excellent
5211s so yeah but um sincerely guys like just
5213s a tremendous amount of praise for you
5215s all you're vocalizing where you're at
5217s how you feel feelings are so good when
5220s it comes to
5222s um your experience
5223s it's awesome keep it up and don't stop
5226s being awesome on that front especially
5228s so now we're gonna jump over to
5230s community screenshots because I also
5233s want to have enough time for Michael
5236s selects yeah Michael thank you so much
5239s for putting together a solid little fun
5242s time for us so we are gonna jump over to
5245s the wait page for a moment and then
5248s we're gonna pull up uh those beautiful
5250s delicious screenshots you guys have been
5252s taking so let's go
5256s foreign
5258s [Music]
5266s look at that super efficient great
5269s timing everything came together so well
5271s beautiful
5273s so we're gonna Dive Right In we're going
5276s to kind of move through this at a more
5277s uh faster Pace because I want to get to
5280s those Michael selects and read them off
5282s Michael's done a great job for you all I
5284s feel like at least and uh yeah let's get
5287s in this so high barf took a bajillion
5290s shots uh flying under the sea and it's
5295s was really cool to see the progression
5297s of where he was going and what he was
5299s Finding I'm a particular fan of this one
5301s I don't even think it got that many
5302s upvotes on the Discord I don't care I
5304s liked it I'm gonna show this one I have
5306s a bias and you can't do anything about
5309s it but I dig it I love how it's drawing
5311s your attention Into the Depths like
5312s you're continuing to move downward and
5314s it's so full of life and mystery like
5317s what's around this corner is that a cave
5319s like is this like an alien creature
5321s sticking out no it's not we would love
5323s to add an alien creatures under the
5324s water but uh you know
5326s um
5327s like you've got this you know floral
5329s growth thing you know you've got
5332s clearly there's some stuff going on and
5333s it's delightful right
5335s um and I love the way that he's captured
5337s this in his journeys uh in this ice
5340s water it's so good it's so delightful
5344s um also geek bite um
5346s this is going to be kind of an
5348s interesting segment because we are going
5349s to cover the community screenshots while
5351s also answering questions forgot to
5352s mention that
5353s um so geekbite go ahead and ask me a
5355s question as I transfer over the shot to
5358s the chemical bro
5360s and it's a very metallic surface
5366s I have a question
5367s [Music]
5368s Caballero on YouTube
5371s what systems are your favorites and
5373s that's for you and me to answer oh well
5376s I mean straight out of the gate like if
5379s you're looking at the diversity of uh
5383s like what you're experiencing through uh
5385s exploration in particular I I'm a big
5387s fan of the kite nebula because of the
5389s creatures like I love flying into the
5392s the asteroids then all of a sudden
5393s you've got this ethorian worm that just
5395s latches onto you and just like like ah
5397s it's so good and I I love um I just love
5400s how it all kind of comes together it
5401s feels
5402s for me it feels the most unique because
5405s you have these special moments that can
5408s only happen there now that said
5410s obviously and we just saw it like you
5412s can go underwater and Drake and you've
5413s got this lava Planet this is just
5415s gorgeous like you have these very Scenic
5417s parts of Drake I particularly Love Drake
5419s because of the battle systems that
5421s you're frequently getting through the
5422s chop board from a gameplay side of
5425s things like I love just like throwing
5426s myself into those just like combat I
5429s love it I love it so yeah what about you
5431s geekbite uh I'm enjoying Drake uh I've
5436s been such a new area just investigate
5438s but then even some of the other areas
5440s there's just those one place that you'll
5442s find you know that's mysterious and you
5445s know it's a different to everything else
5447s and you just love spending time where
5448s you were with the lightning earlier oh I
5450s love that place the atmosphere there is
5452s fantastic awesome yeah I know I
5455s completely agree especially like when
5456s you're getting situations like what T3
5458s Cube had here where you're going up
5460s against the retaliators and and uh
5465s everything just kind of sucks
5468s but uh actually I really enjoyed what
5470s you took T3 Cube uh you had a slew of
5472s nice shots uh we're gonna see I think
5475s another one that you took a little bit
5476s later
5477s um just capitalizing on that frosted
5480s ship look it's fun I think I think it's
5484s so neat to see and the depth of field
5486s helps so much on this front too
5488s um we also have this shot from Kaza
5490s being Kaza uh why why would you do this
5497s why did I show this during the stream a
5500s better question but hey here it is it's
5502s incredibly unique let's have another
5504s question
5506s okay we have a profession from Seneca
5509s Athena on Twitch uh now gameplay mode
5513s easy hard as the most effect on enemies
5515s is gameplay mode related to level
5517s scaling perhaps not
5521s gameplay related to level skill no it's
5523s not going to be an option
5525s um I I've seen that question on the
5527s forums as well and it's not something
5528s that we can really uh answer because
5531s there's not um
5534s I'm I'm trying to think of a game that
5536s like allows you to turn level scaling
5538s off and I honestly can't think of one if
5540s you guys know I would love to hear it
5541s but that process sounds like nightmare
5544s fuel to me especially in how we've
5545s established very key points in the game
5548s that the player needs to be at as well
5550s as having an underlying static leveling
5552s system in the game like each system has
5556s a different internal level bound to it
5559s so when you're leveling up it's not that
5561s all enemies are just scaling to you no
5563s that would be dumb
5564s um it's that they are looking at where
5567s you're at and according to the location
5568s you're in so it's a two-factor system
5572s um if we were to deny that the level
5574s scaling on that front I mean that we'd
5576s basically be balancing two different
5577s games we'd have to balance the game with
5580s the level scaling on we have to balance
5582s again with the level scaling off and
5583s that that no that's not gonna happen
5585s foreign that's not gonna happen so
5589s um it's a good question and I and I hope
5591s that you understand that is a good
5593s question I'm not just trying to shoot
5594s you down it's important to have this
5596s expectation of it's not in the plans and
5599s it's it's simply not going to happen
5600s because that's it's a really big ask
5603s to have a toggle for level scaling it's
5606s just
5607s it just doesn't work like that
5608s unfortunately
5610s so um we got another shot from high barf
5613s here uh again he did a lot of
5614s exploration under the water and this one
5616s was liked by several of you I think
5618s there's a nice bit of clarity that he
5620s provides in this shot getting the side
5623s of his Prescott Starbase Striker I think
5626s it's really great we got the sun we got
5628s this depth of field going on you see the
5630s ice on the surface of the water really
5632s really neat so it comes together well we
5634s got Flory with some bases over in Drake
5638s and man you know he sent this shot and I
5641s just kind of was like wait did we really
5642s do we really do that we had a love of
5644s flumes to like the bases over in Drake
5646s and I did some comparison work I really
5649s enjoy the bases out of Drake honestly so
5651s thank you for the shot and reminding me
5652s how much detail work we went back in and
5655s changed things up for more uniqueness
5657s between the systems uh just a really
5659s Pleasant shot honestly uh very very good
5662s we're gonna cycle over to uh dark chaos
5665s flying into this Coalition terminal as
5668s geekbike asks us another question
5670s here we go ahead of now's uh over on
5673s YouTube ass I've just watched the
5675s February stream uh the VOD and he talked
5678s about being able to craft named weapons
5680s soon trademark but I haven't seen
5682s anything about it since yeah yeah that's
5685s definitely going to be in the would be
5687s nice to have aesthetic side of
5690s development so I'm really glad you
5691s brought that up though that's because
5692s that's great that's a lot of fun and uh
5694s it's not really something we've talked
5696s about internally for a while because
5697s it's just it's not come up
5699s um but you know if we can make things a
5702s little bit more personalized and and you
5703s know really give you a sense of
5705s ownership like we're absolutely gonna go
5707s those routes if we've got the time and
5710s the space to do so
5711s um so that's not entirely off the table
5713s but it's also absolutely not a priority
5716s and I can't guarantee that that will
5718s make it into the game okay so uh but
5721s still a solid question I love it so good
5723s stuff
5726s um so this shot um I just I really like
5728s the way that this bends into the station
5729s like it's it just
5732s it speaks to me like it's the the motion
5736s of the ship and the scale that it
5738s provides of this location you're seeing
5742s everything in the front you're seeing
5744s you know
5745s I dig it I dig it so much I love these
5748s stylish shots so keep it up
5750s um that was from dark chaos T3 Cube
5752s another shot I just like the
5753s juxtaposition of this because it's just
5755s like everything sucks and everyone's
5756s dead
5757s um you got that station crashed into the
5760s water you got your ship that's frozen is
5762s just sinking I'm just pretending like
5764s all systems are down it's like peace no
5767s you're not coming back from that oh my
5769s gosh
5771s um I I love it I this it's it's almost
5774s like thematic uh what you've done with
5776s this one so cool stuff very very cool
5780s and I didn't mean for that to be a pun
5781s but I guess it happened oh gosh we got
5784s uh this look at those colors ah from
5787s dark chaos let's look at this as we
5789s answer another question
5791s okay we have one actually from t3q over
5794s on Twitch uh will we be seeing any
5797s shipbuild showcases
5799s oh yeah so we've we've been cataloging a
5802s couple um we haven't received a lot
5804s um and I do have that in my back pocket
5806s if there's like a kind of like a slower
5808s stream where there's not hardly anything
5810s to talk about and we can spend more time
5813s to you know highlight the stuff that you
5815s guys have been doing so definitely know
5817s that we've got those like we've been
5818s cataloging those and another benefit for
5821s us asking you guys what those builds
5823s look like is it kind of gives us some
5825s insight into
5827s what the desired build routes do look
5830s like so uh believe it or not it's
5832s providing a little bit of feedback for
5833s future balancing and tweaking and making
5836s synergies and Alternate sort of uh
5840s whatever you want to call them more
5842s interesting like the ways that you can
5844s kit out your ship or your items you know
5847s um so sincerely thank you for providing
5849s those uh we'll definitely see more in
5851s the future just uh just hasn't been on
5854s the docket at the moment so
5856s [Music]
5858s but yeah with dark chaos here
5861s um you know a lot of the shots that we
5863s get highlight that incredibly uh
5866s prominent blue orange right you see that
5869s commonly and if it's not blue orange
5871s then it's probably like um
5874s is either like a Dusty gray with some
5877s sort of like explosion or it's like um
5879s you know the the color variety that
5882s tends to be the shots that you guys take
5884s uh are gosh I don't want to say samish
5887s because that sounds like I'm like
5888s slapping you all down it's like get good
5890s at photography no that's not what I'm
5892s saying but it's really nice when you
5893s have these outliers like what dark chaos
5895s provides here where you're seeing you
5898s know these greens and these Reds which
5900s are still very much complementing each
5902s other and you still have this detail
5905s work that's shining through like you're
5906s getting all these bits of the asteroid
5908s the light source from these little
5909s working drones
5911s um and you just get this expansive shot
5914s of the space you're flying through
5917s um you know I'll sign you station is a
5919s vast and colorful and seeing it from all
5923s these different angles and sides
5924s sometimes it can produce some really
5925s cool and interesting results so I really
5927s enjoy this one dark has well done very
5930s good stuff
5931s um and then geekbite I also wanted to
5933s just pull this one just for kicks and
5935s giggles this shot this shot is from the
5938s Prototype it's from the Prototype that
5940s is like man I want to trip down memory
5942s lane I I forget how much emphasis this
5946s we put into the photo mode even from the
5948s very beginning and uh you know it's just
5950s it's Pleasant to see that all come
5951s together and uh create some really neat
5954s work to boot oh whoops that wasn't
5956s supposed to happen
5958s but uh there we go oh I need a I need to
5961s do I need to do one other thing hang on
5962s a second I gotta pull up a thing hang on
5965s um go ahead and ask me another actually
5967s hang on hang on one second
5969s I'm getting way too excited about all of
5971s this stuff because you guys are amazing
5974s um I have to have my notes in order to
5977s read what Michael's uh profound thoughts
5980s and words were on your delightful
5982s submissions it's so good
5985s thank you
5988s [Music]
5992s here we are oh my gosh I got it we have
5996s achieved victory
5999s and we're back I think yes okay awesome
6002s so um let's cover the Michael selects
6006s these are hand chosen from Michael the
6010s CEO of Rockfish games and he puts a lot
6014s of time and attention into these
6016s selections based on so many factors it's
6019s kind of ridiculous there's a power about
6022s the photos he takes from you guys in the
6026s sense of providing that storytelling
6029s approach to draw people in in a lot of
6032s cases these shots that he goes through
6034s are borderline marketing material in
6037s order to uh you know entice others to
6041s the everspace 2 experience like these
6043s are these are solid shots so if you see
6046s yourself highlighted here just give
6048s yourself a pat on the back and uh
6050s because it's it's solid solid work
6054s so the very first one out of the gate
6056s we've got Bradley rings of power
6061s very clever shot and well composed you
6064s must have an exceptional eye when
6066s exploring everspace 2 to see
6068s opportunities as we see in this shot and
6071s then go back to Stage everything to
6073s perfection again well done
6076s and uh yeah it's clear that Bradley has
6079s been cruising through his shots and
6081s anytime he sees an opportunity he makes
6083s a lot of key adjustments and alignments
6085s to bring something like this together
6087s very cool
6089s solid work Bradley
6092s next up we've got
6096s Kaza this one might look a little
6098s familiar this is called Kaza private
6101s platform at first I wasn't sure about
6105s this shot but somehow
6109s it stuck with me definitely love the
6112s colors and the gamey look of it there's
6114s also an element of abstraction making it
6116s look unreal no pun intended however
6120s there's also something off it's the
6122s Locking drop shadow from The Sentinel
6124s yeah what's what's up with that what is
6127s this Space Magic going on here where's
6129s the what's going on here but uh you know
6132s it's
6133s otherwise it is very well composed it
6135s bringing everything together and
6138s does kind of stick with you as my
6140s nice shot because I'll really bringing
6142s things together
6145s stuff
6146s the next one we have is from the
6149s chemical bro man I'm making good time
6152s look at me oh my gosh
6155s so good goodness we might even be able
6157s to get a little bit more gameplay in
6158s after this I don't even know awesome so
6161s this shot comes from the chemical bro
6164s solar power
6167s love this shot nothing screams space
6171s like flaring solar panels of a massive
6173s space station floating in orbit high
6175s above a humongous planet and a spaceship
6177s departing with thrusters holy throttle
6181s has been added to our steam store Page
6185s for a reason I'm I'm looking for the
6188s button right now where's the but there
6190s it is added add it to the steam store
6192s Page
6193s that's always a major compliment you can
6196s go right now to everspace 2 Steam store
6197s and you see this shot we love
6199s highlighting those and uh great work
6202s fantastic the chemical bro all right we
6205s have another returning shot what oh my
6209s Bradley once again into the sunset in
6213s The Kite nebula which I think is
6215s actually incredibly beautiful
6218s this one gives me Top Gun and space
6221s feelings
6223s Take My Breath Away
6225s with the Blurred rare of a space spider
6228s and one of its wings occluding the sun
6231s oh yeah it's very much so it does
6233s actually uh
6235s man
6239s that's that's beautiful all right notice
6241s that the engines are barely on giving a
6244s Cruising Into the sunset Vibe would be a
6246s great scene at the end of a campaign
6248s when credits roll yeah that that's a
6252s really good point I think that comes
6253s together really well
6255s so Bradley yeah I mean I've said so many
6258s times for Bradley's shots like solid use
6260s of depth of field and you know uh
6264s continues to push that forward in all of
6268s his shots so keep it up fantastic two
6272s shots of yours chosen by Michael wow
6274s incredible
6276s all right we've got another one actually
6279s hang on a second I'm going to adjust my
6281s screen so I can make sure I'm not
6283s missing any of your beautiful chats
6284s there we go
6286s this next one comes from crispy muffin
6289s hey
6291s wonderful coming in hot
6294s we did have a similar shot before but I
6297s picked this one too because it is so
6300s super crisp
6303s be muffin and clean while the outlaw on
6307s fire disrupts the scene it is a stark
6309s contrast to how calm the setting is
6312s otherwise as there's no indication of
6315s combat so great visual storytelling in
6319s this shot I say storytelling so much
6321s when it comes to these shots and it it
6324s echoes through and through like if you
6326s are painting a narrative in these shots
6329s that you're bringing together like it
6331s that's that's a huge sell in and of
6333s itself and I do think that this speaks
6335s incredibly loudly on that front
6337s very good shot crispy muffin
6340s really enjoy it
6343s Sorry geekbite by the way all right
6346s anyway so uh next one we have another
6349s crispy muffin what double double the
6353s crispy muffin all right this is called
6355s ship graveyard exploration so as I had
6359s mentioned previously sometimes the shots
6361s in the Discord can get a little bit
6362s samey you know it's it comes and goes
6365s and sometimes you get like these like
6367s gray tones which can feel Bland but here
6369s it's not the case because there's some
6371s really fantastic contrasts in between
6375s like the uh the light that is shown
6378s across the scene so this is what Michael
6380s had to say uh you really have to look
6382s for The Sentinel on this one but that's
6384s making this shot so special it's a
6387s poster child
6388s for the DMZ being a former Battlefield
6391s in space with lots of precious things to
6394s loot between nooks and crannies a former
6397s space dreadnoughts now floating in a
6399s gigantic spaceship graveyard in zero g
6405s wonderful wonderful word
6407s I love this so much this this just this
6411s really does scream as
6414s this is the DMZ
6416s so wow
6418s fantastic coverage
6422s next Kazar
6425s again
6427s drone carrier gtfr
6431s this could be taken right from a Sci-Fi
6433s Blockbuster movie when space Hell Breaks
6436s Loose yeah yeah the immediate action is
6439s perfectly captured with Mayhem on the
6441s Drone carrier while the engine close-up
6444s adds fantastic depth of field in the
6446s superb shot another addition to our
6449s steam store Page
6452s um awesome
6457s very cinematic and a fantastic choice uh
6461s keep up the great work because uh I dig
6463s it so good
6465s so good
6466s um and for those wondering like if I'm
6468s gonna answer any more questions yes I am
6470s absolutely answering more questions I'm
6471s gonna do so when we're done with the
6473s Michael selects we got a couple more to
6475s go and then we're gonna have a really
6477s Pleasant time just like chatting and
6479s answering questions because I actually
6480s timed things out accordingly today it's
6483s gonna Pat myself on the back for that
6485s one
6486s excellent the chemical bro oh once again
6490s I think I highlighted this last week is
6493s one of my favorites for the Discord um I
6495s think question mark I always love the
6498s VFX when mines go off and this is one
6503s this one is perfectly captured you can
6506s almost feel the Pilot's butt getting
6508s burned from the plasma wave
6510s ouch
6511s yeah no I think that there's a there's a
6515s great amount of quality that can come
6517s out of the visualizations
6520s of certain you know events effects
6524s equipment you know what have you and
6526s being able to highlight them in ways
6528s that uh generates even more detail in an
6532s image is phenomenal like you zoom in on
6535s this ship and you can see the
6537s reflections you can see the the colors
6539s that are whoops that are like popping
6542s even further like it's adding more depth
6545s because of the care that was taken in
6547s this shot right and uh
6551s really great work like even like the
6553s subtle green you see that Sheen going on
6555s like because of the color of the ship
6557s based on the colors of these effects
6559s going like every it just comes together
6560s just chef's kiss
6563s solid very good stuff the chemical bro
6566s very very good stuff we got Bradley for
6570s a third time oh my gosh three Bradley
6575s shots here that is nuts unheard of even
6579s Grady and brunt refinery
6583s a nice throwback shot to the clean
6585s sci-fi look of iconic movies and TV
6588s series of the 70s
6590s man-made structures were mostly gray
6592s with regular patterns scattered on the
6594s building surfaces and some rare color
6596s bands often in Orange as the only warm
6599s color in the scene while illuminated
6601s with harsh high contrast lighting so
6604s typical for the cold empty space Also
6607s note the spaceship as a reference for
6609s scale
6610s and its neat drop shadow on the building
6613s to add the
6615s very much so
6617s the positioning of that uh
6620s Moon Planet planetoid celestial object
6624s is just it's very well captured
6627s um just something I want to point out
6628s which goes such a long way when it comes
6631s to framing a shot notice how this does
6634s not go all the way across this Edge
6638s right and same with the right side of
6640s the planet too right it's not going all
6643s the way across like it's meant to be
6645s part of the scene foreign
6650s technique of this massive station that
6654s is just
6656s miniaturized by this planet or celestial
6659s object
6660s uh which then even shows its scale in
6664s accordance with the you know like it's I
6666s mean it's everything what Michael said
6667s I'm just pointing out like
6669s how delightful this all comes together
6671s that gives a sense of the Void
6676s and yet also The Wonder of what's out
6679s there
6680s and thus highly explorative space right
6683s very very nice space 1999 Vibe I think
6687s it goes back further than that honestly
6688s but um yeah like
6690s like I'm even shoot I'm getting like
6692s alien vibes from this you know where you
6696s have like that sort of what would you
6698s call it retro sci-fi like it's just
6701s you know there's some really really good
6703s qualities to this shot all right so we
6705s got one last shot to look at and we got
6708s another one from dark chaos a lot of
6711s individuals here getting seen two three
6714s times from these Michael selects This
6716s Could Be You by the way this could
6718s that's right yeah well maybe not you you
6720s got some work but you
6723s foreign
6724s oh my gosh sincerely like if you love
6727s taking these screenshots if you're
6728s taking a lot of great care in this send
6730s them our way we love to show them we
6732s love to talk about them
6734s um and it doesn't matter if you're
6735s really good at it or if you really suck
6737s at it honestly like we love it when you
6738s just share screenshots you might have a
6740s gold nugget in there you never know it's
6742s really awesome so dark chaos this is
6745s initiating warp drive
6748s oh my gosh
6750s oh so good this one is greatly timed
6754s while also perfectly aligned so that the
6757s front shield overlaps with the warp VFX
6760s nicely I also like to uh I also like how
6763s the warp VFX illuminates the ship's hole
6767s revealing the incredible details
6769s featured on the outlaw bomber it's true
6773s sometimes you don't see all these little
6775s details and what light sources can do
6777s but when you capture a scene in the
6780s right way where there's a strong point
6782s of light covering some Solid Ground like
6785s this it can that illumination is I mean
6790s just a big shout out to everyone who's
6792s helped with the detail work on these
6794s ships this is not a small feat yeah you
6798s might only see him for five seconds
6799s before you blast them out of the sky
6801s because you're awesome
6803s but
6804s they look cool dang
6807s very great shot love how it all comes
6810s together
6811s incredible
6813s that for all Shield is such an aesthetic
6815s strong point yeah it really is
6819s brings it home
6822s guys
6823s that's all 10 of the Michael selects
6829s um even though I didn't make it make the
6831s cut for our steam store Page this is the
6833s hero shot of today's Michael selects
6835s Keep It Coming Pilots so there you go
6837s yeah outstanding work
6839s love it everyone seriously big round of
6841s applause to all of these individuals uh
6844s Michael thank you again
6845s um even though as our CEO and having way
6848s too much on your plate right now like it
6850s is so appreciative that you do take this
6852s time to commend this incredible work
6855s that our community does so so sincerely
6857s thank you Michael and thank you
6858s everybody for submitting these
6860s screenshots because it just it sincerely
6863s brings Rockfish Joy when we see your
6867s love coming through what you're sharing
6869s it's oh it's it's fantastic it's there's
6873s there's so much like energy that is
6875s being created here
6877s guys are freaking awesome it's so good
6880s all right so with that being the last
6882s shot that means we have a little bit of
6884s time to answer more questions let's
6887s extend this let's let's get on this so
6889s we're gonna take the time here where
6892s um I think we're just gonna keep it on
6894s some of these scenes like I don't think
6896s I'm gonna get into more gameplay but uh
6897s geekbite I know you got more questions
6899s let's go ahead and get through a couple
6901s more of these
6902s and see if we can uh clarify more
6904s details and all that stuff so let's go
6906s questions
6908s [Music]
6912s can you explain if the storyline is
6916s important to the game
6921s this is a particular question
6923s and there are a number of ways to
6926s answer this
6929s um
6930s so let me say this one of the things
6933s that is important whenever you're
6936s creating a game is what the focal point
6939s that main topic that everything else is
6941s going to uh bend around right like you
6945s have to have this Foundation first and
6949s then you build atop that right pretty
6951s basic and understanding like in most
6953s things that you're creating video games
6955s no different
6956s as a video game the gameplay is integral
6960s you could write the best story of all
6962s time but if your gameplay sucks that
6964s story kind of doesn't matter because
6966s it's it's supposed to be a game right so
6969s there has to be a profound gameplay
6973s experience that comes out
6976s absolutely like that has to that's
6978s that's Ground Zero is the gameplay
6981s experience has to
6983s give it has to deliver it has to deliver
6987s from there now we can say hey how we're
6991s bringing these together this fun
6992s experience that we're having we want to
6994s incorporate more fun through different
6997s mediums because storytelling is in fact
6999s a different medium than video games
7001s that's not to say video games can't have
7003s killer stories because they absolutely
7005s do but it's good to recognize that
7009s they don't go hand in hand right they
7012s are different so that's why I love this
7013s question forever Space 2 we very much
7016s have a focus on the story that we want
7018s to tell UVA and Michael have both been
7020s incredibly passionate about how this
7022s character Adam is developing as a clone
7025s and what he's realizing how it all comes
7028s together through these wild experiences
7030s and being able to do that through
7032s gameplay that is very much important for
7036s us to bring you back in for another
7040s combat sequence it's uh in a way it kind
7044s of uh plays off of each other but at the
7047s end of the day if if I were you know
7050s saying the specifics of it I would
7053s personally say gameplay first here
7056s um there might be some differing
7058s opinions on the team uh but that's how
7062s that's like how it falls we are still
7064s incredibly thrilled and I'm telling you
7066s like I really enjoy how our story comes
7068s together especially with the context of
7070s everspace one and especially with the
7072s context of the World building we have
7074s surrounding this whole experience with a
7077s pretty Grand focal point on looter
7079s shooter
7080s so uh yeah hopefully that was detailed
7083s enough and Michael if you want to if you
7085s want to chime in on that and be like no
7087s Eric why are you saying Grandpa yes
7088s you'll have it have at it because I know
7090s that this is really your baby you've
7092s done a lot with the story you've worked
7093s with about it
7094s um a little added context on that could
7097s be really cool so if you want Michael
7099s um but also no pressure because we're
7101s moving to the next question
7104s uh this one's a caustic swarm over on
7107s YouTube uh pretty specific for you Eric
7109s what is your favorite part of the game
7111s mechanic area ship whatever
7117s gosh I just love the rush
7119s I love the challenge
7121s um when I'm playing games for me
7125s I want an emergent gameplay experience
7130s that challenges me in the moment
7135s and everspace 2 uh is definitely getting
7139s there we still have a little bit more
7140s work to go on that front I'm not going
7142s to deny that and end game is going to be
7143s the core of that right but
7146s um I very much love it when those
7148s challenges are just thrown at you when
7149s it says this is impossible
7153s figure it out
7155s I live on that that's the type of a
7157s gamer that I am so um yeah it's it's
7160s really the it's really the challenge
7161s that that comes together as a whole for
7163s me it's it's you'll see a lot more of
7166s that too you'll see like my crazy amount
7167s of energy when we get into the in-game
7169s state we're able to talk more about
7170s ancient riffs and show some of the
7172s legendaries and you know crack open like
7175s even more mutators for high risk areas
7178s um I think those are somewhat priority
7181s Hans Christian are you there did we we
7184s prioritize that I can't remember uh like
7185s like that variety of uh mixing up those
7189s formulas in the background where you're
7191s not 100 sure what's around the corner
7193s and you're not sure like how you're
7194s gonna have to make things work but you
7196s gotta try like I I live on that I live
7198s on that so
7199s I love that question
7201s so cool
7203s uh wizard Jerry up next from YouTube it
7207s wouldn't be possible to customize ship
7209s Wings name in 1.0 release this was
7212s something that we wanted to do actually
7214s so uh full transparency on that like it
7217s would be so amazing if you could name
7219s your ship right
7220s that would be super freaking cool that
7223s would be amazing
7225s um here's hoping
7228s it's not technically in the plants
7231s but uh it would be awesome so it's one
7234s of those things that falls in the
7236s aesthetic customization like not
7238s priority I'm sure you understand that
7240s but still let's point that out
7242s that'd be cool
7247s fins ass on YouTube it's all update
7251s going to add any new ship customization
7254s option
7257s I know that hasn't been the focal point
7260s right as we've mentioned
7262s um but
7264s I know that Matthias has still been
7269s tweaking refining certain elements of
7271s wings like you've even seen it like the
7273s the difference between The Vindicator
7274s Wings even on like the hero shot that we
7277s had for the summer update versus the
7280s wings in game they're actually different
7282s so like there's still continual
7284s refinement on that front and you know I
7285s know that he's still working on More
7287s Wings because I've told you guys that
7289s like it's not likely we'll have all the
7291s wings done by 1.0 because there's a lot
7293s more to do there's a lot of work on that
7295s front but
7296s um it's definitely possible but yeah
7299s again it's just it's just not a focal
7300s point it's just not a focal point that's
7302s all
7303s so here's hoping that's another one of
7305s those here's hoping
7308s [Music]
7314s to minimize resources required to
7316s implement named weapon crafting and make
7319s sure it can be squeezed into the game I
7321s did ask for some clarity on this one and
7323s they meant catalysts as a means to craft
7325s near weapons easy an equalizer Catalyst
7328s turns in any coil gun into an equalizer
7331s oh okay so you're basically
7334s um you're assigning it the manufacturer
7337s is what you're doing okay
7339s um yeah I mean I suppose that's a
7340s possibility
7342s um I know that we still have plans on
7344s more catalysts to
7346s um and there's also a couple more plans
7348s and
7349s item modification
7351s um
7352s uh but uh yeah I mean naming or not
7357s naming uh changing uh an item into a
7361s completely different item and I do say
7363s that very profoundly here like a pulse
7365s laser is not a Synchro pulse it's of the
7368s same type but they're not the same right
7370s um if you're able to like change a
7373s weapon into another weapon I think
7375s that's getting outside of the realm of
7377s what we are looking as capabilities
7379s within the crafting system so I doubt it
7384s but yeah
7386s it's uh it's an interesting idea
7388s definitely give you that so
7395s um yeah one last comment just as we wrap
7398s up good you get it frog uh thank you
7402s back for doing the Race challenge today
7403s it was a valiant effort we really
7405s enjoyed it and it led to being up uh to
7408s a book Discovery we love you
7410s yeah
7411s yes yay finding bugs I never would have
7414s found that without attempting it so um I
7417s guess that's true well I'm glad that you
7418s did enjoy that um it was
7421s it was more fun than I thought it was
7423s going to be I will admit
7424s um because again you know even I said
7426s earlier I really like the the challenge
7427s that set before me and that was a
7431s challenge
7434s and uh yeah this is good it's good it
7436s was fun so uh you know what else is fun
7439s all of you guys oh my goodness it's been
7442s such a delight today being able to
7445s highlight some of these changes like the
7446s Sentinel uh and the racing which oh gosh
7450s I'm really happy with how that's come
7451s along
7452s um guys it's also really nice to be able
7454s to have these open discussions about
7455s like how early access operates like
7459s where we're at what those plans are in
7461s the future just to cultivate that proper
7463s expectation so that you are along for
7466s the ride so you're not getting hit with
7467s anything that's weird or random
7469s um you're you know what you're getting
7471s when you come to everspace two right
7475s um and if you don't if you're still like
7478s messed up about this you're like I still
7480s don't get it I don't I don't understand
7481s why blah blah blah is happening ask us
7485s either come to the streams go to our
7486s Discord we've got an Ask RFC rfg Channel
7489s there post on the forums be like I don't
7491s get this like let us know community's
7494s gonna jump on all over it we're gonna
7495s jump all over it like we are incredibly
7498s transparent it's even in the Marquee
7499s down below like we want to communicate
7502s this process so you know what's
7505s happening if we were a shady company
7508s then that would be completely we
7511s wouldn't we wouldn't do that so uh let
7514s us have a conversation with you just
7516s reach out to us and it's It'll be such a
7518s delight
7519s um aside from that um also uh thanks for
7522s letting me do that little rant on level
7524s scaling if you missed that I'm just
7526s gonna be in the vlogging backtrack to it
7528s um just really important and valuable
7530s feedback that you guys have sent us like
7533s you guys have seriously been awesome and
7537s I have seriously been Eric Schroeder
7539s your community Ambassador oh my gosh
7542s thanks again uh geekbite for uh dropping
7546s in and reading off those questions just
7547s I love the way these streams the streams
7549s are working so well with you doing that
7550s so thank you
7552s um and thank you everyone sincerely for
7554s all these beautiful for questions don't
7555s stop being awesome and we'll catch you
7558s next week hopefully we'll have more
7560s stuff to show uh if not don't worry it's
7563s going to be fun anyway I promise you so
7565s all right toodles
7568s [Laughter]
7575s [Music]
7583s [Music]
7589s foreign
7609s [Music]
7620s [Music]
7623s thank you
7627s [Music]
7644s I love you all you're so wonderful
7648s oh my goodness you know I was trying to
7651s practice this thing where you like sing
7652s and you beatbox at the same time I'm
7654s gonna try it right now it's gonna like
7655s completely
7662s [Music]
7667s I don't know how to take breaths
7677s also
7682s um so you guys know that song in
7684s everspace one the the something like dog
7687s fighting it's not like dogs in space
7690s let me try and do that one okay
7714s okay I'm done
7716s I just wanted to try something different
7717s it was it was fresh I watched the
7720s YouTube video and that makes it fun oh
7722s my gosh I love that track that was
7724s freaking fire Giro bring it back please
7727s all right guys I'm out let's go give
7729s some love to Corbin I believe he's
7731s streaming stellarius it'll be great also
7735s um uh please note that you should wish
7737s to list us too because there's lots of
7740s information that drops on Steam like
7741s freaking all the time and when you
7743s wishlist us you also see the sales you
7745s see what's going on all that stuff is
7746s incredibly beautiful this is a really
7747s important point that I forgot to mention
7749s last week sorry Michael like sincerely
7751s that goes such a long way for you and it
7753s helps build exposure for us so that more
7756s people know what we're doing what we're
7758s creating oh my gosh get your friends in
7761s here let's bring it on let's bandwagon
7763s the crap out of this
7765s this good stuff oh it's wonderful it's
7768s fantastic
7770s oh
7772s my throat
7778s [Music]