over 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Music]
11s [Music]
40s hello hello ladies and gentlemen
43s [Music]
44s we are still setting up the stream but
46s we'll be going live here pretty soon
51s [Music]
67s yeah testing works right amazing what
70s happens when uh
71s you check your audio settings
73s for the fifth time before a stream
75s starts
77s [Music]
79s excuse me
82s and to be to be clear bearded frog we
84s are not going to be doing a community
87s build today
88s uh community builds are going to be a
90s little bit more sporadic
93s if i implied that there would be a build
94s every single week my apologies because
97s that was not meant to be conveyed in
98s that manner just want to set that
101s expectation to the right position
106s all right
109s [Music]
131s [Music]
147s [Music]
163s [Music]
168s all right well technically the stream's
169s supposed to start
173s oh my goodness
176s it never fails
178s that no matter how much you prepare for
180s something
182s that uh
183s you're never prepared it's just it never
185s it's not possible i refuse to believe
187s that it's possible
189s this is just the nature of how things
191s work
194s oh my gosh
197s so i do have a fun little fact for you
199s all today um so
201s man where where did where to begin well
203s first let's let's get my face on the
205s screen hello welcome ladies and
206s gentlemen it's the official rockfish
208s game stream where i am your host and
209s your guide eric schroeder
211s the community ambassador for rockfish
213s games where we talk everything ever
215s space 2 in these community streams all
218s fridays you're probably going to see me
219s do this number every now and then during
221s the course of the stream why is that you
222s might ask because there is a large juicy
225s spider hanging out with this stream
230s and i'm just like bro look you need a
232s you need a like i'm happy for you i'm
234s glad you're eating well you're getting
235s rid of all the bad bugs in my office and
238s around my basement so it's like you know
240s he's doing me a service but like
242s leave like
245s i don't want you here
247s and he's just like he's hanging out he's
248s just passed out i guess he's sleeping
250s he's taking a breather not sure
253s um
254s but either way uh i don't like it but uh
257s look i'm not an arachnophobe or anything
259s it's more just like i don't want him
260s crawling on me you know
262s pretty basic
264s human stuff uh
266s but i digress we're not here to talk
268s about spiders we're here to talk about
270s every space too oh my gosh of course of
273s course we are so what's on the dock for
274s today you might ask did you not ask that
277s i don't care because that's what i'm
278s telling you right now so we're covering
280s a couple different things uh like my
282s chest hair for one by buttoning this and
285s then we are also going to cover
287s a
288s little bit of the ship dealer it's
290s probably the most exciting thing that
291s we've got uh it's pretty cool looking
293s forward to giving that and that's gonna
294s be like right at the start of the stream
296s then a couple little details about jobs
299s and unknown signals i might have an
302s example to show you i might not i'm not
304s 100 sure on this factor um but i know
308s for a fact that we'll be able to talk a
309s little bit more about those in detail
311s and
312s um michael so you know i tried
315s downloading the michael selects um
317s because we're gonna talk about those and
319s i had an issue if you could send me
321s another link maybe a more direct link
323s for those uh that would be appreciated i
326s don't know why it just wasn't coming
327s through so if you could do that michael
329s i know you're a busy man i would
330s appreciate that if not i can still wing
333s it
334s it'll still work
335s i'll figure it out
336s uh but yeah that's what's on the docket
339s all right so let's get into this
341s let's get into this
343s and he's still there
346s he's just sitting there
348s menacingly
352s oh my gosh all right
355s am i banned from beatboxing boxing in
357s the house is the first question i look
359s over and see oh my gosh
362s now my wife secretly loves it she
364s doesn't know it yet
366s that was kind of hilarious though wasn't
367s it all right anyway
369s so uh we are picking up right where we
371s left off last time um i did some smoke
374s tests to make sure stuff didn't look
375s super wonky uh because that's what you
378s do as a developer whenever you have a
380s live stream that you're presenting to
382s people
383s that needs to be professional
386s excellent so let's go over to the ship
387s dealer and crack right into this so big
390s shout out to uh several members of the
392s team um tilo um i believe had a pretty
396s strong hand in this it was either teal
397s ortiz i can't remember i always get the
399s two two of them confused because their
401s names are so close is that bad that's
403s terrible that's awful um but also marco
406s because uh this is
409s i'll show you in just a second so uh
411s we're gonna cycle through our ships
413s because we want to fly something else
415s for the stream um i'm feeling maybe like
417s a medium type ship today
420s feeling a medium type uh but we're gonna
423s look at all of them
424s and uh we'll make a decision from there
426s so pretty straightforward approach uh
429s you know except this is here right we
431s have this on the left side and then we
432s also have these little descriptors here
435s uh and these descriptions
437s uh just give you a quick taste as to
439s what that particular class is gonna do
442s okay so it's nothing super crazy fancy
446s but it is functional information here
448s this isn't just
449s lore bits this isn't just like eye candy
452s uh there's there's actual purpose to
455s these descriptions so if you are
456s completely confused as to what type of
458s ship you're gonna purchase
460s uh read the little descriptions and it's
462s gonna give you a bit of clarity as to
464s its base functionality its core
466s functionality to which you can then
468s build upon
470s so let's have a look at a different ship
472s though
475s oh that was nice
477s also got a different one oh my goodness
479s uh like it's the little things it's the
481s little things
483s it's the little things like it's so
484s pleasant it's just
487s who'da thought that we just needed to
489s phase in and out ships right like that's
491s that's nice
493s that's nice and every single ship has
494s you know a description to it uh every
496s single class of ship i should say um so
499s like if you have like a wasp versus a
502s hornet those descriptions are going to
504s be the same because it's talking about
506s the stinger class as opposed to the wing
510s uh so yeah just note that but otherwise
513s uh yeah
514s so we can we have a number of options
516s here i feel like i need to oh that
518s that's a that's a pretty looking ship
522s that's a pretty looking ship right there
524s um i also like the osprey
528s that's not too shabby either
531s um but yeah so uh this is still a work
534s in progress
536s so you are all aware this is still
538s something that we are
539s working on there's going to be a couple
541s more little additions and keep in mind
544s guys that
546s i don't know if i've said this lately at
547s all but keep in mind with everything i
551s show you during the course of the stream
553s this is very much
555s like bleeding edge development okay it's
558s like we implemented this stuff to the
560s build this morning
563s um
564s that's not enough time to like
565s thoroughly bug test and refine and tweak
568s and optimize and all that type of stuff
569s like i'm showing you
571s basically like concept 1.0 what we want
574s to do here and uh so far we're pretty
577s happy with these results now there's
578s still more coming along ooh is this wing
581s updated is this new have you guys seen
583s that yet i don't even know oh my gosh
585s there's too much stuff that's new
587s uh but
588s uh in short um
591s a lot of the polish
594s that i kind of allude to pertaining to
597s oh we're working on this oh we're
598s working on that and there's gonna be a
600s little bit more and we're gonna you know
601s whatever a lot of that happens at 1.0
605s okay so
607s you know through your early access
609s testings through your discoveries on
612s through your suggestions ideas what have
614s you um keep that in mind uh and
617s definitely point out little things that
618s you think could be little improvements
620s like we already know that there's a
621s couple tweaks that we'll be making on
622s this already
624s but overall we're very satisfied with
626s just that snappy little
628s check out this new ship
630s that's a pretty ship too oh my goodness
633s pretty happy with that
636s seems new so that is a new cyclops
638s bomber wing oh great
640s fantastic i wasn't even informed about
643s this that's that's it's fine it's fine
646s it's not anything
648s leaked of course because tier threes are
650s certainly on the way so i'm glad that we
652s get to show an additional wing type boom
654s there you go
655s uh but yeah
656s um
658s more polish is coming there are a couple
660s of other little details to this page
662s that i want to summarize by reading from
665s a list that i was given
671s so um basically
674s all ships are offered at a glance and
676s provide more info regarding their type
678s and class icons within uh the ship item
681s and written names on hover slash select
683s right
684s you see all that you get the
685s descriptions as well um
688s then
688s there is an affordability factor here so
691s there's green slash red indicators it's
693s green as long as at least one purchase
694s option is available so that's that
696s little green thing on every single one
698s of these ships because we have enough
699s funding to do that
701s um then actuality if the ship offer is
705s new
706s um so yeah i think i've already gone
709s through all these i either kicked it out
710s or i was playing around with the build
712s so you didn't quite see it but don't
713s worry about that um and then item rarity
716s is also mapped to ship tiers and the
718s offer inventory is auto sorted by it
722s um last but not least
724s uh this is
727s uh switching the passives there's a
733s there's a placeholder animation okay so
736s nothing super crazy exciting but let's
739s try to swap the passives
741s okay sweet so it's just like a little
742s you know you saw it
744s you saw it it just it changes them
745s around i should have looked at the first
746s ones but let's swap them back
749s okay
750s yeah i like how we can swap between two
752s different sets so if you didn't read the
755s first one like a doofus uh then you can
757s go back and read the other one now i'm
759s completely blocking the passes here uh
761s tough luck too bad you have to look at
763s my face and said get wrecked uh but
765s don't worry about that
766s don't worry about that whatsoever
767s because we're not even buying this
768s mercury we're not even buying this
770s mercury
771s uh last but not least
774s there were some uh adjustments to oh you
776s guys don't really care about any of that
777s type of stuff it's basically uh stuff's
779s easier to like
781s the game's assets are loading easier
783s it's optimization stuff so it's moving
785s in the right direction there you go
787s so
788s cool stuff
789s right
791s cool stinking stuff
793s i feel like i want to go with this
795s osprey i know that you guys have been
796s all probably telling me what ship to buy
797s maybe i don't
799s know uh but yeah
803s you're being given lists now bye bye
805s autonomy what are you talking about what
807s are you talking about
809s uh let's see
811s experience fighter oh my gosh
816s goodness gravy
818s you guys
820s it's
821s oh it's fine it's fine all right um
823s so let's go ahead and start talking
826s about let's go ahead and buy a ship i
828s think we are going to go ahead and buy
829s this uh osprey or actually you know what
834s no i think we i don't want to rotate the
836s ship options
837s i think we're going to we're not going
838s to refresh the ships i think i'm going
840s to buy this one
842s um
843s we have increased boost speed while
845s under missile lock locked enemy targets
847s suffer twenty percent speed reduction i
849s like that activating quantum charter
850s instantly press the pressure we're gonna
851s go with this one
852s we are gonna go with this one so we're
854s gonna purchase this and just sell our
856s old one
858s is gone
860s i wish you were gone
864s wrecked anyway um
867s let's go ahead and uh yeah let's
869s optimize this because we don't want this
870s to be a long range build we got this
872s railgun
873s which we're not going to use we have a
875s higher level auto cannon which seems
877s like a good fit
878s immediately
880s so we are going to remove the level
881s restriction um and while i'm on this
884s modify page i would also like to state i
886s saw a little bit of discussions on the
887s forums and then also a little bit of
889s healthy discussion on the discord as
891s well about
892s crafting and kind of the state that it's
894s in um i also
897s poked kind of the proverbial bear uh on
899s the team about this um but do note that
902s there are still more adjustments to
903s crafting happening to make this system a
905s bit better um to kind of summarize that
908s and uh geekbyte this kind of is like
911s impromptu sort of we should probably
913s highlight this um
915s yeah
916s just know that the crafting like we're
918s not a hundred percent satisfied with
920s right now internally um we want the
923s crafting system like from the get-go
925s the crafting system was always meant to
927s complement the player's progression it
929s was never meant to be the be-all end-all
932s factor to obtaining equipment and if you
934s guys ever thought that like if you ever
936s thought you're supposed to be able to
937s craft something at level one and then
939s carry it with you through the entire
940s game and modify it in certain ways all
942s types of stuff that was never the
943s intentionality that was never the plan
945s um so note that crafting it's meant to
947s complement your progression forward now
949s that being said we also have been
952s discussing how in an end game state
956s if you can't craft stuff
958s that is better than
960s basically anything else there's
962s literally zero point of its existence
964s right because that means like you get to
966s end game the crafting tab is whoop it's
968s gone it's no longer needed right so we
970s are evaluating what that looks like and
972s what that means
974s to see what we can do to this deep
976s system that we've included into the game
978s we don't want to just cast it to the
979s wayside so uh just know that like we're
982s having those discussions okay
984s so if any of you are those
987s bickering on the forums or otherwise
989s where you're like oh crafting remember
991s like
993s cool your jets like we're not done uh
996s we're pretty happy with the direction
998s that we're moving forward with certain
999s things in particular uh the this this
1003s this button
1004s this button in particular but yeah also
1006s crafting
1008s also crafting all right short impromptu
1011s rant over
1012s all right uh so now let's get uh
1015s let's get our game going
1017s oh that's gonna be really good i forgot
1019s we picked that up uh level 21 though
1021s let's
1023s let's just increase its level
1025s boost it up to where we're at
1027s much better
1029s and then
1031s this save file has the wonkiest things
1033s on it i tell you what um last but not
1036s least we could probably use the
1037s thermogun actually um
1039s for a number of reasons but we are going
1041s to go ahead and plop this on this build
1042s too
1043s look at this all this stuff we had
1045s already
1046s feels good
1047s feels good
1054s yeah no worries keep mike oh my gosh
1055s it's funny
1056s um otherwise we're just gonna like
1059s sell this other stuff i don't care if
1060s it's better or not um
1063s we are using the prime sense observer so
1065s we can see loot from really far away
1067s actually i don't think that's going to
1068s be wise instead i want my resource range
1070s up
1071s we don't need ship range i want resource
1073s i want resource range now so we're going
1075s to cycle that over
1076s um and i don't even care about the other
1079s stats i don't care plus 173 structure
1082s garbage in comparison with these things
1084s i don't care i want that resource range
1086s uh because i'm i'm being particular
1094s excellent ah let's see
1097s and we're just we're literally just
1099s scrapping the rest of this uh yeah we're
1101s just see you later tater
1104s and
1106s sell sell sell sell sell sell sell so so
1110s so i probably should have used something
1112s oh well
1113s [Music]
1115s we got some signals these oh yeah look
1116s at that both both have explosive deaths
1119s beautiful
1121s we like explosive death when we're in a
1123s striker because we're up close and
1124s personal and it really hurts us
1128s oops oh well uh but let's just try the
1131s standard one
1134s and then also let's take a look at jobs
1136s very briefly you'll see this one right
1138s here
1139s this one's completely new
1141s this is completely new
1143s so
1144s we are
1146s working on
1147s jobs
1150s what does that mean exactly it means
1151s that we are bringing forth
1153s some variety to
1156s what these look like um
1158s i
1159s can't give you a list of what we are
1161s working on but what i can say is
1164s we're fairly happy with the variety that
1167s is currently in the game okay like based
1169s on looting and shooting
1172s your options to
1173s go destroy targets uh go like collect
1176s things to gain benefits uh like do some
1180s exploration like
1181s we're we're pretty happy with the
1183s overarching
1184s narrative of these jobs but we also want
1187s to add more so station maintenance might
1189s sound a little bit familiar
1193s because this was also
1196s somewhat already used as a
1199s location challenge okay
1202s but it's another job type so if you're
1204s wanting to build up your renown you can
1206s grab it you can go to it now i
1209s i told andy i was going to check this
1211s before the stream started and i didn't
1212s get a chance
1214s so we're going to check it together if
1215s something goes wrong it's uh it's andy's
1217s fault uh that's how that works right no
1220s that's not how it works but it's gonna
1222s be fine it's gonna be great
1224s but long story short
1226s um we also want to have more specific
1229s jobs uh for certain facting factions so
1232s even though renown was made to be your
1236s character as a whole and how you're
1238s being recognized by everybody the job
1241s types that you're finding are going to
1243s be unique depending on where you go so
1245s right now
1247s just right now station maintenance is
1249s only a coalition thing
1251s okay
1252s it's there's a gang war their stations
1254s are taking a pummeling they need
1256s maintenance kind of makes sense could
1258s gmb also have station maintenance jobs
1261s probably will that come i don't know but
1264s we want to have those kind of sort of
1266s unique jobs that you can only get when
1268s you go to certain places i mean shoot
1270s you guys already know that freaking
1272s battle support is specific to the
1274s coalition right
1276s so more on that front coming now this is
1279s not something that i often do
1282s um in fact in a lot of cases it's kind
1284s of frowned upon
1286s but to this i'm going to open up the
1288s doors here it's early access you know a
1292s lot of times we say you know your
1293s feedback your support it's invaluable
1295s right because it is first off but also
1299s where we're at in development we don't
1300s have a lot of time to like take take a
1302s suggestion and then like build it in
1304s right that's not we're not at that place
1306s like we needed to do that a year ago
1309s right to present an entirely new concept
1312s that being said i want to open up this
1314s door about jobs okay now again i'm not
1317s going crazy with it i'm not trying to
1319s make the come up with the most absurd
1321s ideas forever but what i want you to do
1323s what i'm challenging you guys to do
1325s okay is i want you to like recall your
1328s childhood games your childhood
1330s experiences of like when you were tasked
1332s to do
1333s x thing in a game and you just found it
1335s a lot of fun right
1337s i want you to hearken back to those
1339s moments and share them with us
1341s as kind of your feedback because what we
1344s want to do with these jobs is make them
1346s unique
1347s interesting and fun in order to obtain
1350s specific equipment right
1353s this is very different from a high risk
1355s area which you don't know what you're
1357s going to get but you're going to get a
1358s handful of something this is you're not
1361s gonna get a lot but you're gonna get a
1362s very specific thing right
1365s so keep that in mind
1366s do recommend you know that you could
1369s toss out some
1371s suggestions on that front again please
1373s don't get too crazy because we we're not
1375s at a point in development where we can
1377s like implement an entirely new system
1380s but job types
1382s we'd love to hear them
1384s we'd love to hear them we've got a
1385s number already planned that we're adding
1388s maybe there's something we haven't quite
1389s thought of yet or a direction that we
1390s haven't really thought of that might
1391s work really well so
1393s have at you
1395s it'll be a fun good time i'm sure
1398s all right now that i've opened up those
1399s doors and uh somebody's probably dying
1401s inside uh we're gonna go ahead and get
1404s to the game
1406s do a maintenance mission
1409s oh my gosh i already love wait we need
1411s to color the ship hang on a second we
1413s gotta paint this ship
1415s how dare i
1417s how dare i i think i already have a
1419s color palette that i would
1422s perfect that's perfect that's we don't
1424s even need to touch it further that's
1426s exactly what i wanted
1428s all
1429s right beautiful
1434s yeah i like that i like that
1437s all right
1438s so we're gonna take on some of these
1440s jobs
1442s fix some bases
1446s oh and um
1448s also one other thing pertaining to jobs
1450s see how there's like this number
1452s see that number that's hovering over
1454s it's like the location name
1456s you know what numbers our coordinates
1457s are
1458s they're boring
1460s nobody likes coordinates go to these
1463s coordinates go to location
1465s one two zero four five seven seven seven
1468s seven four five five six eight you know
1469s what that means nothing it means dumb
1473s okay maybe i'll be a little harsh but um
1476s we don't want that to be the case of
1477s randomly generated locations so um we're
1479s probably going to be changing that up to
1481s in the future maybe
1483s i wouldn't have like a crazy expectation
1485s on this but uh have a little expectation
1488s we want to make things a little bit more
1489s interesting all right
1492s oh sweet this one's totally busted sweet
1495s we got here the station was repaired
1498s automatically excellent
1502s i'm sure andy's like thank you so much
1503s for testing before you stream i really
1505s appreciate it
1509s oh boy
1514s we'll try the other one hopefully it
1516s works
1518s bleeding edge development
1529s he moved his legs oh my gosh you're
1532s gonna get little updates on the spider
1533s in the corner of my office sorry sorry
1535s for those who don't care i'm going to
1537s give you the updates
1540s it's just going to be part of the day
1544s and also yeah keep bringing in those
1546s questions
1550s keep bringing in those
1556s all questions this is a
1557s generic unknown signal all right
1563s now so there's the potential that we
1565s could find
1567s ah this gun is so loud
1575s i'm gonna let you finish all right
1578s um
1579s there's the potential we run into a new
1581s unknown signal or two
1584s because much like i was talking about
1585s the jobs and how we are you know
1587s starting to up that variety of that
1590s factor we're also doing something
1592s similar to the unknown signals
1594s and uh this is also going to be
1595s something that's a you know a bit of a
1597s work in progress as well
1599s uh not so sure we need suggestions on
1602s its front but
1604s feel free to supply them
1607s since again i did open those doors
1615s all right here we go this one this one
1616s generated correctly so
1619s this is a statement maintenance job for
1623s specifically the coalition you can see
1624s that they are currently in battle
1627s against some retaliators
1630s so we're gonna clean that up while
1632s firing directly at the station in the
1633s background
1635s don't worry we're gonna buff out those
1636s scratches
1643s let's go take these guys out
1646s also let's
1647s make sure
1648s yeah okay
1654s just making sure we're not doing
1656s anything super crazy
1658s we adjusted quantum tether again by the
1660s way um another completely random thing
1663s that wasn't necessarily on the docker
1664s for discussing
1666s but
1666s through balancing and stuff like that
1669s i needed another pass
1672s it's interesting because
1674s there are several of you out there who
1676s think that the quantum tether is like
1678s one of the worst halts in the game uh
1681s ironically it's one of the best
1683s just depends on how it's used
1686s and it is situational too i'll give it
1687s that
1689s sometimes it can legitimately be pretty
1690s bad but
1695s all right so
1702s now that we're here now we're looking at
1703s the station
1705s we are going to be looking for
1708s smoke which i don't see any at all
1713s there's some smoke beautiful
1716s beautiful so we repair the leak
1722s so if you are the type who wants to have
1725s a job that's a little bit more casual
1728s where you just have to use your eyes
1730s instead of your guns or like some
1732s strategic combat situation uh this is
1735s gonna be a job that's a little bit more
1736s geared for you and of course we
1738s understand that not everyone's going to
1740s like every single type of job
1742s that's the point
1743s just like jobs in real life
1746s uh we want to give you options
1756s and that's that's that's the overarching
1758s goal and we're pretty happy thus far
1761s with some of the things we've got in the
1763s works
1770s and because this is becoming a job
1772s payment transferred
1775s there is a i would say a pretty decent
1776s chance that the one location challenge
1779s of you having to repair the station is
1780s going to change that location challenge
1782s in particular
1788s just to something a little bit more
1789s interesting
1793s beautiful
1795s all right
1800s there you go
1801s that's probably way too much information
1803s on jobs for you all but
1805s that is uh the presentation of it and
1809s how we want to address that
1813s i really like the look of the ship
1814s actually
1817s all right
1820s let's see if we can excuse me
1824s we're gonna start uh traveling over to a
1826s new drake location that we haven't shown
1828s on the stream
1829s um i kind of want to go to a hot
1832s location
1833s [Music]
1836s i think that's where i'm planning on
1837s going is that where i tested before
1841s externally processing my thoughts uh
1845s but on our travels over we are going to
1847s see about
1848s uh some unknown signals
1851s and keep building up those questions i
1852s know i haven't gotten to them yet i want
1854s to make sure that i section out some
1856s space and time
1858s instead of like answer too many
1860s questions like in between you can kind
1862s of get jumbled around i don't think
1863s anybody likes that so
1868s time for hell ride ask kazaa
1871s i did not get any further information on
1874s races either
1876s oh my gosh
1878s it's you know it's so crazy to me like
1880s how busy we've been internally that like
1883s the most simple of little details
1885s have just been skated over oh my gosh um
1889s let me just do a quick check
1902s just uh just a super subtle uh you know
1905s if the team's watching uh go check the
1908s internal
1910s messaging
1913s anyway oh my gosh
1916s today's fun today's gonna be a good day
1918s i can already feel it look at these
1920s punks oh my gosh i'm trying to have a
1922s good day and you're trying to wreck me
1924s no no no let's turn that frown upside
1926s down
1928s into death
1930s for you
1934s all right
1940s there's a lot going on here
1943s oh whoops sorry coalition
1946s now they're ticked at me too
1958s beautiful
1972s there we go
1979s oh man
1980s gosh dang it
1982s we might just leave this area alone
1984s but uh this location this unknown signal
1986s is much more of like a
1989s it's a torrent of fighters which i think
1992s is one that we have started to build out
1994s uh it's not something you really see
1996s before um normally what happens is like
1998s when you go to an unknown signal where
2000s there's enemies you're the ones getting
2002s ambushed right so now that one that we
2004s just ventured to that unknown signal is
2006s more like you are
2008s showing up to where somebody else is
2010s ambushed and there's a lot going on like
2012s you're seeing a conflict already arisen
2014s and you're kind of joining that frame or
2016s you don't have to you know
2019s subtle things like that kind of like the
2021s distress call uh except it's just a
2025s i guess different factions duking it
2031s out try another unknown signal and see
2033s if i can get what i'm specifically
2035s looking for here
2042s uh crispy muffin i know that we made
2044s some changes to zerulia power levels um
2048s recently
2050s but to be completely honest i don't know
2052s if we made the changes after the update
2054s or not
2056s so it might be that they're still a
2058s little too powerful in the current build
2061s but that is something that we've been
2063s watching on something that i know that
2065s we've already started adjusting
2070s because yeah i mean they are they can be
2072s absolutely silent
2078s you are correct
2083s right now we are burning up literally
2110s oh my goodness
2117s so this side isn't anything new this is
2119s a really a base
2122s sometimes these can come up as jobs even
2126s those beam lasers this was actually
2128s reduced the amount of damage that the
2129s israelian drones do
2133s is reduced
2135s believe it or not
2138s i want to get a big meaty target because
2140s i want to use my ultimate here but this
2143s might this might actually work
2153s ah it didn't work as well as it would i
2154s would have liked but
2157s it was enough we certainly got our
2158s health back
2168s [Music]
2176s really like the evolution of our
2179s base destruction our base missions
2182s [Music]
2192s what are you doing here retaliators you
2195s are crazy
2199s i say that like my presence here isn't
2201s crazy
2216s all right okay
2220s good good good
2237s [Music]
2239s let's see if we can find this last fuel
2241s tank it's right there and then we got
2243s coils ah coils are a little bit smaller
2245s a little bit harder to find
2248s but we can certainly get a lot of scrap
2250s metal and plasma
2252s if we're fortunate enough at least
2255s ah there we go nice wasn't too bad
2262s some iron
2264s sweet
2273s let's keep that shield down ah
2276s how did you get your your shield is
2277s maintained while you're emp i i call
2280s shenanigans
2282s that's not how that's supposed to work
2292s all right
2302s ouch something is
2303s really trying to hurt me
2314s that was a beautiful parting gift oh my
2318s gosh that felt good all right
2327s all right sweet
2333s it's suddenly music all right all right
2335s we're good we're good
2336s so we're gonna we're gonna keep moving
2337s along uh but now it's a really great
2339s time to take a brief moment
2341s listen to some
2343s sick tunes in the background
2345s or some soft tunes rather some soft are
2348s you still there good
2350s you knock it off
2351s all right
2352s uh yeah let's listen to some soft tunes
2364s i think guys so um uh torben by the way
2368s if you are watching the stream uh thank
2370s you so much for the follow-up torbin's
2372s uh one of our wonderful developers on
2375s the team who is working on the races in
2378s particular um they're not quite ready to
2381s show i don't think they're still pretty
2382s heavily work in progress um so we are
2385s that's definitely something we're gonna
2387s show down the line so you guys are aware
2389s because that is a system we want to make
2391s more fun we will make it a bit better
2393s for those of you who take part in the
2395s races okay because as all of you know
2399s the races are not required to complete
2402s the game um if you are going for 100
2405s completion there are some that are like
2407s location challenges but otherwise uh
2410s completely completely optional
2414s um so
2415s let's answer some questions here
2417s to just uh get this going so a lot of
2421s questions from youtube i've got one from
2423s twitch twitch come on you're slacking
2426s and when i say that i mean i i don't
2427s care you guys are having a pleasant
2428s conversation it looks good um so the
2431s questions we got first one comes from
2433s uh
2434s canon
2436s con connecton
2440s when is the next main story chapter
2442s dropping probably 1.0
2444s probably 1.0
2446s we don't have a lot of story content
2448s that we want to reveal beyond this part
2450s we feel like we're at a really good
2451s cliffhanger uh before
2453s uh
2454s the rest of the story we want to tell is
2456s going to be made available that being
2458s said there will be more side missions
2460s and whatnot that open up like this fall
2462s i'm sure that we'll introduce a couple
2463s more side missions so there'll be more
2465s content just not the main story
2471s uh dragon
2472s t can we get a lights off option in the
2474s ship and ship dealer menus to get a
2476s better view of emissive lights
2488s i like this question
2490s i try to think
2493s if your lights are off and you dock
2499s doesn't that allow you to customize with
2500s the lights off
2502s am i crazy
2503s i have to look at this now
2505s i have to hang on a second we're gonna
2508s we're we're not even going to the right
2509s spot anyway hang on we're going to cheat
2510s we're going we're going to go back over
2512s to we're going to look at this
2517s but otherwise i do get your lights off
2519s option regarding ships um because like
2522s if you're looking at the front of it and
2523s the lights are in your eyes like oh gosh
2524s i don't know if i want to purchase this
2526s or not because i can't see i mean i can
2528s see that um
2529s that seems like a very pedantic sort of
2532s addition
2533s um
2534s so i'm gonna be honest i doubt it
2539s but uh okay so lights are on right now
2541s and they either become softer or i just
2544s don't have a good spot to where i can
2546s actually see the lights shining in my
2547s face
2548s oh you can kind of see him okay so that
2550s you would be able to see that um now let
2552s me turn them off
2556s okay they're turned off
2559s yeah the lights are off now so at least
2561s when you are
2562s yeah at least when you're customizing
2564s you can turn the lights off manually
2566s before you dock uh
2567s that's probably a little bit
2568s inconvenient i am pushing the toggle
2570s button for the lights and i can't do
2572s that on the screen andy uh maybe that
2575s should be a very casual option is that
2577s when you're looking at a ship whether
2579s it's your owner or another one you can
2580s just push the toggle light option would
2582s that be is that a thing can we do that i
2584s shouldn't talk about that live in a
2586s stream
2588s well i know i'm just it's just a
2589s question i'm not sure
2592s i'm not sure if that's gonna happen or
2593s not so we'll have to find out
2596s we'll have to find out don't know
2599s don't know oh this hasn't been upgraded
2601s all the way why the what the
2603s well we're just gonna keep boosting that
2605s up like we can all right anyway
2606s uh it's a good question
2609s legitimately i don't know it seems it
2611s seems like very particular in your
2613s request um but we'll see
2616s it's an interesting question that's for
2618s sure so thank you for it accessor would
2620s you consider modifying the crafting
2622s system so that it's only accessible at
2624s stations that was on the docket a while
2628s back and it sucked
2630s so uh the reason for that excel the
2632s reason why it sucked only being able to
2634s craft at stations is because
2636s the entire functionality of crafting is
2639s to fill in gaps with where you're at so
2641s if you're like literally out in the
2643s middle of nowhere you level up and you
2646s got all these crafting resources and
2647s you're fighting enemies that are like
2649s either a level ahead of you or a couple
2650s levels ahead of you and you can't do
2652s crap about it that sucks you have to go
2655s back to a station which takes time to
2657s then do your crafting or buy new stuff
2659s and then you can fly back out to the
2660s location we were like no no no it's you
2662s know it's fine it's an arcade game it's
2664s it's an arcadey game
2667s caught myself um but uh it's it's got a
2671s lot of arcade-like mechanics right and
2673s we want you to be able to keep that
2675s pacing up so yeah crafting is totally
2677s meant to be on the fly that is
2680s that's not gonna change that is
2682s established that will not change
2684s uh why can't we support rockfish through
2686s super chat donations and please don't
2689s kill the spider uh says fred spec vet uh
2692s because we're not trying to monetize our
2693s youtube channels uh it's it's not it's
2696s it's just not what we want to do like
2698s our monetization is by selling the game
2701s uh these community streams are entirely
2703s for you guys so the second we would
2706s monetize that that changes what that
2708s looks like instead of it being for you
2709s guys now it's for ourselves and that's
2712s that's not what we're doing that's
2713s that's the short of it but
2715s thank you for wanting to support us did
2718s you know
2719s that you can support us by going over to
2722s the steam page of everspace 2 and
2724s wishlisting us
2728s obviously you would buy the game to
2729s support you know
2730s 1.0 is 2023 if you are not familiar with
2733s that um and the price will go up uh just
2736s so you are aware um and we do appreciate
2738s that support whether it's a financial
2739s support whether it's just being here
2741s asking questions uh it really is huge
2744s with your presence being here hanging
2747s out having a conversation so uh don't
2749s stop being you i love it
2751s i love it we'll do a couple more
2752s questions then we'll get back to flying
2754s about
2755s in airspace one you blow up when leaving
2757s safe orbit will that eventually be the
2759s same here ask laureen tetson
2762s when leaving safe orbit um that's not
2764s really something we want to do again for
2766s everspace one it made a little bit more
2768s sense because roguelike and
2770s we wanted like the
2772s pacing situation to bring you back
2774s around when we tried to do the whole
2776s looping back into the space in everspace
2778s one we found that you could get really
2780s cheeky with that and effectively evade
2783s damage from like oak r coming in or
2786s colonial fleet um and uh so it was more
2790s like no no you go out of bounds you just
2791s die like it's that's just the end of it
2793s you need to stay where all the stuff's
2795s at and every space too uh because
2797s there's not that immediacy you're not
2799s like forced to you're letting me time in
2802s every location uh because there's a
2804s little there's a lot more freedom to
2806s explore uh we don't want you to blow up
2808s when you go to the outskirts of a
2809s location uh so yeah it's gonna remain
2812s the way that it is
2814s uh and then last question the last one
2816s then we're gonna cycle over and do uh
2819s we're gonna do some more gameplay we
2820s have bradley
2822s from twitch recommendation for a new for
2825s a job type
2826s uh oh this is a this is a recommendation
2828s okay so it's not a question it's a it's
2831s a recommendation
2832s um so recommendations uh unfortunately
2835s are not ideal for the stream because
2839s uh
2840s there's a lot of reasons for it but
2842s basically if you've got suggestions for
2843s the job types that we talked about you
2845s know at the start of the stream um i'm
2847s glad that's super hype
2849s share them on our forums so we can
2850s catalog them accordingly uh because we
2852s don't want the stream to turn into like
2853s a discussion of ideas uh that's just not
2856s the place for it um so yeah let's really
2859s focus in on like having some discussions
2862s around it sure but if you've got
2863s specific suggestions definitely clog
2865s those over clogged definitely send those
2868s over and submit those over to the forums
2870s where they can safely be catalogued and
2872s have a
2873s thorough discussion dissection of it at
2875s that point but don't you worry we do
2877s have a number of job types we are eager
2879s to talk about
2883s what are you cooking torben i'm curious
2886s all right
2888s all right now let's get back into um
2890s let's get back into the stream
2894s and uh then we'll answer some more
2895s questions here in a little bit
2897s but i love it
2902s yeah yeah no you're totally fine bradley
2904s i'm not like i'm not trying to be like
2905s oh how dare you look at this guy
2907s everyone point point to the left haha
2910s failure no not at all like you're being
2912s helpful you're being supportive and i
2914s appreciate that i love that in fact it's
2916s beautiful it's just we don't we don't
2919s talk about like we don't submit ideas in
2922s the live streams that's all that's all
2923s just just take them to the forums it's
2925s that simple it's not simple you're good
2927s man you're great in fact super duper
2931s even
2933s all right
2934s uh we docked we were doing oh yeah we
2936s were looking at lights let's repair our
2938s ship because that seems like it could be
2940s a slightly intelligent thing to do
2945s let's repair our ship
2947s and just for kicks and gills just look
2949s look at the other ships
2954s oh
2958s yeah
2960s that's great i love it
2962s i love it i love it how it all comes
2964s together
2966s loving that [ __ ] dealer screen all right
2968s anyway
2971s oh i got really excited there
2974s system recovery perfect
2985s ooh a synchro pulse
2995s just looking at a lot of stuff and
2999s i just like where i'm at right now
3001s because it saves time if i don't think
3003s too much about it uh because i want to
3004s get back to the gameplay
3009s i still didn't repair my ship guys what
3012s the
3016s quick repair quick restock all right all
3019s right
3020s we've pushed a button ladies and
3021s gentlemen we have accomplished the task
3030s it's like they teleported yeah yeah yeah
3031s yeah no uh marco is a bit of a wizard in
3034s some of the little interactions and
3036s stuff that he he does and so that one's
3038s all
3039s marco
3041s cheers an applause for for marco ladies
3043s and gentlemen cheers and applause
3048s what is the life
3050s now obviously it's a team effort but you
3051s know still
3055s as to my understanding he basically just
3057s like whipped that up
3059s he just whipped that up he was like okay
3062s how about this bam
3065s it's great it's great thank you for
3067s being a wizard
3077s oh goodness mashed potatoes spinach and
3079s fish
3080s all right i can dig that
3086s actually fish sounds really good right
3088s now oh my gosh
3091s i am so easily distracted today
3095s it's probably because of you you
3097s freaking jerk over there i know you can
3098s hear me
3100s uh-huh he just moved his leg just to
3102s show me that you're alive i get it
3109s he's lucky he's not a giant alien spider
3110s he would be smeared across my cockpit
3115s anyway
3122s a rock fish oh my gosh bearded frogs got
3125s jokes look at this guy
3128s what type of fish are you having a rock
3129s fish
3131s oh my gosh
3132s you guys
3134s you guys
3137s think you're so clever
3149s all right
3161s too hot too hot
3165s oh my goodness
3169s i don't know if we triggered our death
3171s state or if we
3173s if we didn't
3174s oh my gosh
3176s thank you
3177s thank you alec
3179s i do in fact appreciate it
3184s being slightly under leveled here is a
3186s bit brutal
3198s man they hit so hard
3207s and i do realize that there was a
3208s conversation early in the stream about
3210s cerulea hitting really hard uh this does
3212s not elude me
3214s there is not a strong sense of irony
3216s happening maybe a small amount because
3218s this has been adjusted
3220s but uh
3222s i digress
3226s oh my gosh
3233s all right see you later
3239s you know what i think we need
3241s i think i know exactly
3244s i think we need the ability to push
3246s things around
3248s so i think we are going to swap out oh
3251s we got some damaged goods i think we're
3253s going to swap out our teleporter
3254s dangerous play maybe but we want this
3256s magnetic repulsor in here yeah i think
3258s that's what we want
3260s um and we do want to drop energy orbs
3262s just to stay in the fray a bit longer
3268s speaking of standing on the fray a bit
3270s longer we want to do this all day so
3271s we're going to have the block damage
3272s converted into weapon energy from our
3274s front shield
3277s let's get this going on
3283s pairs really well with thermo guns
3293s let's see how well it does with this
3296s this could be really interesting
3299s also death
3306s all right adam little cocky there in
3308s your death oh my gosh
3315s ah should voice lines stop upon your
3318s character's
3319s demise absolutely not that's a feature
3322s you're welcome
3327s oh boy
3329s that was great all right we're gonna do
3331s this again except i'm gonna play with
3332s two hands this time and i'm gonna put my
3335s foot down from the keyboard all right
3337s here we go
3338s uh let's see
3342s we are we're gonna we're gonna tweak a
3343s couple of things because i think what we
3345s want to do is we're gonna do this all
3346s day we want to
3348s uh we want to have magnetic repulsor we
3351s really want to upgrade this a bit
3352s further but i don't think we i don't
3354s think we even can reset oh we can reset
3357s so hang on a second let's let's uh pull
3360s off some stuff from something we're not
3361s using
3362s corrosion injector you're the weakest
3365s link goodbye
3367s uh and then we're gonna cycle this out
3369s for nanotransmitter this is really the
3371s bread and butter of multi-strike builds
3374s um
3376s let's see
3381s yeah we want the carefree package
3384s that's gonna help a bit
3386s all right so let's
3388s let's just pair this up right out of the
3390s gates
3397s oh no i i cycled my weapon on accident
3400s ah that's
3402s that's a little disappointing
3404s oh wow
3405s there are worse things
3422s oh
3424s then i activated and deactivated my
3426s front shield trainer excellent
3429s i just wanted to surprise them i wanted
3431s them to think oh this guy's got some
3433s moves
3434s he's got some tools not just kidding
3438s you only think i have a game plan
3451s let's uh
3460s there we go
3464s nice and easy
3472s i'm a big fan of this um well actually
3476s any time that you get a goss cannon that
3478s has a five percent chance to disable a
3480s target shield for two seconds with each
3481s hit like i i fall in love with that like
3483s that's my favorite
3484s very simple
3486s modifier to the gauze cannon it's so
3489s effective because of how fast it fires
3493s it feels so good
3499s beautiful let's do a little bit of
3501s exploring
3502s [Music]
3504s lure some enemies over to us that's fine
3513s more enemies that's this is
3515s great it's uh
3516s definitely uh totally intended here
3522s remember how i said the
3524s the tether
3526s needed to be adjusted because it was
3527s really really stinking good
3532s this is after we further adjusted it by
3534s the way
3566s thanks
3568s man they are everywhere around here
3570s no wonder i got fried so fast last time
3575s all right
3590s excellent
3600s oh
3601s ouch
3605s maybe not as ouch as i thought it was
3606s gonna be but uh
3608s yeah so we got a connection socket that
3610s we gotta find uh the
3612s battery for here to probably go do some
3615s things
3619s excellent we also have a flying duchess
3621s beacon over there
3623s that's the power core though
3625s oh ouch
3638s and
3639s breather let's answer some questions
3646s all right let's see what i missed did i
3648s miss anything super important somebody's
3651s like yes i said something important good
3653s let's answer some questions so we've got
3655s uh fred
3657s spektvet
3659s fred specfet
3660s uh asking there are currently are there
3662s currently any penalty if you attack
3664s neutral ships freighters
3666s uh police etc concerning reputation are
3668s there places to update the game to use
3669s fsr
3670s uh
3672s 2.0 uh so there's a there's two
3674s questions though the first answer is
3676s going to be that we've actually talked
3679s about renown being lost
3681s um and the short answer is i don't know
3684s i don't know if this is something that
3685s we want to do or not uh
3687s because then all of a sudden it starts
3689s being something you have to uh manage in
3691s addition to everything else in the game
3693s right because
3694s the big key thing here is that when we
3697s go to our renowned goodness
3700s uh
3701s you're getting those benefits right
3703s you're getting those benefits
3705s and if you lose those benefits like does
3709s that feel good does that feel right like
3711s is there justification to that
3713s we could say yes there is absolutely
3715s justification like if you're hurting
3716s people then why would you get an extra
3719s additional item from jobs like that
3720s doesn't make any sense blah blah blah
3722s but then you can also conversely say no
3724s it doesn't make sense because you've
3726s been you've done a ton of jobs to get to
3728s this point like you've earned this
3730s through the very progression of the game
3732s like the gamification of it says you
3734s know you've done the work you have the
3736s benefits now regardless of your actions
3738s so um yeah the short answer of that is
3742s no guarantee
3743s no guarantee um it could go either way
3746s and
3747s i think it works just fine where it's at
3749s would it be better if we lost reputation
3751s again that's up for debate because it
3753s works both ways so
3755s can't can't say that it will happen or
3757s not
3758s can't say that it will happen or not but
3759s uh but a good question regardless
3762s good question
3764s next we've got excelsior are there
3767s concepts for the grey swarm enemies
3770s already since you guys added a fancy
3771s particle system with the stinger old i
3773s don't know what you're talking about uh
3775s yeah i know so uh the gray goo from
3777s everspace one definitely is a presence
3779s we know that um has a presence um there
3782s are new sort of mysterious enemies that
3786s have started to appear in every space
3787s too you know much like the virus this
3789s very dangerous virus that can
3791s effectively take over ships um
3795s so um you know gray goo could
3799s theoretically come back for sure um will
3802s it come back you know that's also
3804s something where
3806s we need to be gentle in that approach um
3808s so the reason why it works in everspace
3810s one i go back to this a lot because
3812s we're looking at two different genres
3813s okay like the reason why
3815s um the reason why like i stopped to
3817s really like provide context here is
3820s because every space one is a roguelike
3821s works
3822s differently than ever space do in this
3825s pseudo-open world okay
3827s everspace one the challenges that you
3830s face in those moments are meant to be
3832s pretty high octane moments right you
3834s have to figure things out you have to
3836s explore quickly you have to interpret
3838s and and delegate and overcome right
3842s on the fly improvisation uh whereas in
3844s irish space two you very much have this
3846s space that encourages a softer approach
3850s like if you want to be uh very
3852s thoughtful and scrounge around instead
3854s of put tons of focus in combat you can
3856s do that obviously combat is still a
3858s pretty large focus
3860s but you're rewarded much more handsomely
3863s in everspace too
3864s through taking care
3866s of your surroundings
3869s so because of that if we were to
3871s introduce something that imposes upon
3875s your
3876s um
3878s exploration in a way that's like very
3880s dire
3881s uh we have to be very thoughtful in that
3883s approach much like the ancients showing
3885s up it's not something that appears the
3887s start of everspace too right ancients
3889s don't start until you unlock them
3891s effectively when you go to the kait
3893s nebula and then they can start
3895s jumping around right
3897s um
3899s that maybe clued you in on if a grey goo
3902s sort of thing
3903s were to be implemented how it would be
3905s implemented right like we don't we
3906s wouldn't want those to be start at the
3908s beginning of the game
3910s um but it's something we would have to
3912s be much more careful in that approach
3914s right so
3916s yeah
3918s possible
3919s thunder flame since it's technically
3921s fall already will we get some more info
3923s on ancient rifts and possibly legendary
3924s weapons oh yeah absolutely
3927s but not the stream
3930s many will there be different types of
3932s ships like gmb scout
3934s will have different sets than freelancer
3937s scout um
3942s different types of ships oh okay so
3945s sort of so like right now there isn't
3948s any difference between the different
3950s wing types right so like a hornet versus
3953s a wasp stinger they're both stingers
3956s they basically do the exact same thing
3958s now we did have it we had a strong idea
3961s in the past about each wing each body
3964s each engine presenting something
3965s different there's been a lot of
3967s delegation over that
3969s and
3970s what that could do to benefit the game
3972s and then also what that could do to
3973s actually hurt it
3974s so
3976s not a hundred percent sure if that
3977s system is still going to be implemented
3980s i know that me saying that some of you
3981s are cut deep you're wounded what how
3984s dare you
3987s we have to evaluate the game state we
3988s want to make sure that the emphasis on
3991s the gameplay and the customization is
3994s like on equal ground we don't want
3995s somebody choosing a ship that they
3997s despise its looks for just because it's
4000s doing a specific thing right it's like i
4002s don't like this wing style but it's best
4004s for my playstyle like that doesn't feel
4006s very good that being said obviously we
4008s have transmog abilities planned for the
4011s future so it kind of negates itself out
4014s sort of ah
4016s but still it's it's there there's a
4018s beast that has to be tamed in order for
4021s us to jump over that hurdle but
4023s otherwise the passives of every single
4025s ship are what you're gonna be looking at
4027s because you can have two scouts that
4030s operate fairly differently depending on
4032s what those passives that generate on
4034s them are same thing with all of the
4036s ships really and why whenever you're
4038s purchasing them you want to inspect the
4040s passives why we added a perk that allows
4043s you to cycle the passives
4045s um it's you know there's a lot to this
4047s that we want to make sure
4049s you're finding what you're looking for
4051s and able to tweak that even further
4056s uh all right last one and we're gonna
4057s jump into more gameplay we got
4059s uh bradley with a follow-up question
4063s will there be in the future
4065s more advanced trading system in the game
4067s maybe with playable cargo ships there's
4068s not the plan to do playable cargo ships
4070s the focus is a looter shooter cargo ship
4073s would be putting
4075s all emphasis on loot and less on shoot
4078s and it's just not the direction we'd
4079s like to take
4081s that being said uh yes i can't say we
4083s are working on an advanced trading
4084s system but also don't think of it as
4087s something that's going to be super
4089s dynamic and crazy in this whole new
4091s world economy inside of a game it's it's
4094s not going to be like that um the big
4097s big thing that we want to do with an
4099s in-game economy and in-game trading
4102s system is like you find particular
4105s pathways in the game where
4107s certain commodities like small arms are
4110s super desired at prescott starbase at
4113s the black market right versus if you
4116s were to take this to any gmb outpost
4118s like a gmb authority outpost you have
4121s small arms they're like yeah we need to
4122s take that from you right like it's
4124s that's you don't get anything for it
4126s right like that would be the deepest
4128s we'd go with the system like that uh
4130s it's not to be more than that it's not
4132s really going to be less than that
4135s uh that's just what we're looking at so
4138s uh yeah
4140s there you go uh that actually reminded
4142s me one thing that i need to send off one
4145s second
4156s okay cool
4158s yeah
4160s [Music]
4161s did i say one more question that was
4163s good that's good let's get back to some
4164s gameplay
4170s let's get back to some gameplay
4173s oh and then i also
4175s i say that i'm like checking over the
4176s stream and i do see a response from
4178s michael about naming saves um
4182s so
4183s yeah
4184s so it's it's kind of it kind of sucks
4186s when i go here and i'm like create a new
4188s save i can name my saves hahaha you
4192s can't this sucks uh because the only
4195s reason we can do this is because of
4197s those super fancy dove
4199s command cheats okay that's why i'm able
4202s to do that in order to properly
4205s implement this
4206s um
4207s yikes town it's
4209s much more frustrating than it probably
4212s seems like you're probably all in the
4214s mindset of oh my gosh a save just add
4216s like just
4217s just make it to where i can type no big
4219s deal like super easy okay yes but also
4223s we do have to consider console support
4225s and what that would look like does that
4226s generate an entirely new keyboard that
4228s shows up because if it does we have to
4230s create that content right that's
4232s additional content we add to the game
4234s and if we're building that for the
4235s console wouldn't we just also include
4237s that
4238s for the pc game which would be kind of
4240s weird because you're already typing so
4242s it's now you got a keyboard on the
4244s screen even though you're typing on a
4245s keyboard then it's also versus like
4248s the characters based on localization
4251s this is probably one of the more
4252s important things uh it starts getting
4254s wonky from there we only have it to
4256s where you can save with basically like
4258s english ligatures that's it but you
4260s start going like if i try to here let me
4262s let me show you this like if i start
4263s going like this
4265s and i try to save um it's gonna it's
4267s gonna say no that doesn't work
4270s has issues right um
4273s there are so many
4274s i really can't express the depth of the
4277s issue
4278s of
4279s making it to where you can save
4282s named files i it sounds it's oh my gosh
4286s this sounds so ridiculous like somebody
4289s out there's like
4290s just
4290s this silly just do it no it's so
4293s complicated it's dumb how stupid
4295s complicated it is i'm i'm being clear
4297s here uh but the fact of the matter is it
4299s just it it's
4301s it's not a priority because it would
4303s create a number of issues that you know
4306s could effectively make you lose your
4308s saves
4309s uh and
4311s well i personally won't have a problem
4312s with you guys losing your saves because
4314s i encourage you to restart all the time
4316s i'm pretty sure you guys would have a
4317s problem
4319s so
4322s it's it's a lot it's a lot um it's dumb
4326s how much it is
4327s is it development fun oh my gosh we'll
4331s just just add in the ability to do it
4333s now i can't it's not that it's not that
4335s easy
4336s it's not that easy there was a there was
4337s a playful conversation over on discord
4340s uh today
4341s uh
4341s about a similar sort of concept like
4344s we were talking about and joking about
4346s like oh yeah you know just just add
4347s multiplayer just reach over and push the
4349s add multiplayer button right like it's
4350s it's that simple anybody could do that
4353s but it takes like maybe a day or two to
4356s get that fully implemented nah dog
4358s but
4360s that is how this works
4363s but uh and a lot of you guys know that
4365s we have a pretty intelligent player base
4366s so thank you for understanding
4370s yeah save game naming convention though
4372s it's uh
4373s it's one of those things that just
4376s it's just not as easy as we'd like it to
4378s be
4379s just not
4380s not as simple of a solution as one might
4383s uh might think
4392s yeah and this isn't even like uh i'm not
4394s even trying to like start a discussion
4395s about like
4397s gamer knowledge of development or
4398s anything like that that's neither here
4399s nor there like some of you guys know a
4401s lot about development some of you guys
4403s don't that's okay we all come from
4404s different walks of lives we all have
4406s very different unique experiences and
4408s information that we can share i think
4410s sometimes we just have to realize how
4412s much we know or how much we don't know
4414s whenever we're approaching a
4415s conversation like this so that the input
4418s that we supply
4419s is informative and it comes from a place
4422s of knowledge as opposed to something
4424s that can
4425s be heavily misleading like saying oh
4428s well you can do this in a couple of
4430s hours when you have zero knowledge
4433s of if that's actually the case or not
4434s right it's just it's taking a slice of
4436s humble pie and just realizing where
4438s you're coming from
4439s uh oh man i forgot about this
4442s uh look at this look at this chain oh my
4446s gosh
4448s um
4449s yeah you know self-awareness is one of
4451s those things that
4453s some people have so much of it it's it's
4455s obnoxious and
4456s other people
4458s don't have a freaking clue yo
4464s oh my gosh where does this start i
4465s forget where this starts is it on the
4466s tip yeah
4469s [Music]
4473s let's see if we can do this
4475s [Music]
4477s beam laser probably would have been best
4479s for this but
4484s oh you're right there yep don't miss one
4489s is that it
4491s oh wait we have to go inside oh crap
4493s that's
4495s right what
4497s fit okay
4502s is that it no no no there's more
4503s intrinsic value of these credits may
4505s never be known
4508s there we go
4509s excellent
4511s yeah we're not done yet hang on
4513s where where are you at where
4515s over
4523s here there we go
4526s there we go
4532s then we also have this bulletproof
4533s container i forgot where the entrance is
4535s is it over here
4539s i have forgotten how to get here
4542s but we made good progress
4544s and i'm not going to think too much of
4546s it
4548s i legitimately forgot how to is there an
4550s op did i
4556s ladies and gentlemen please
4558s watch as a developer of a video game
4561s doesn't know how
4563s to obtain a good
4565s within the very same video game
4568s oh my gosh
4569s i'm we're going to leave this alone i
4571s don't want to i don't want to
4573s this oh there it is there it is we did
4576s it we did it boys
4578s we did no wait
4579s we had
4580s we had to look up we had it we just had
4582s a look
4584s it was right above us
4593s where's toucan sam when you need them
4594s just follow your nose oh my gosh
4601s all right
4602s okay
4605s well we did it boys and now we're stuck
4608s now we're trapped there's the door right
4610s behind us
4611s the door didn't move i promise
4618s streaming will be fun they said do it
4620s for a live audience they said all right
4623s let's uh
4626s let's find the next thing
4629s how you guys doing are you enjoying the
4630s stream today
4632s you've all been great out actually like
4634s you i really appreciate your energy you
4636s always ask so many great questions
4638s when i say you i'm talking about like
4639s you you right there no scoot over i'm
4641s talking about yeah you
4644s oh my gosh what a delight
4646s what a delight you guys are so pleasant
4648s all the time
4650s and now i've lost where i was taking
4652s this oh yeah over here
4654s that's not that's not it is this it
4657s this is it okay
4661s the number of times
4663s that i've gone through various events in
4665s this game
4667s i question everything over like three
4670s times over
4674s anyway there's a lot here i don't want
4675s to do all of it because uh that would be
4677s spoiling too much for you guys to
4678s experiment and figure out
4681s but uh we'll call the flying duchess
4683s we'll have a little landing look at some
4684s new ships again
4687s and uh maybe we'll get a new unknown
4689s signal to populate
4697s looking for a good deal
4699s maybe
4700s lady
4701s that is you
4706s man
4710s question the angle of that warp end but
4712s you know what are you looking for
4714s something special
4716s she didn't go up in a blaze of glory so
4718s you know
4719s gotta hand it to her oh yeah
4726s i just i really enjoy that thank you
4727s marco for making me make really weird
4730s noises during a live stream it's so
4731s clean it's so good
4733s really like the way it's coming together
4735s and i hope you guys are too
4737s and there's still more to come on that
4739s front
4740s so
4742s let's go check out our inventory of
4743s things that we need to get rid of uh and
4746s also replace
4748s and then we'll answer some more
4749s questions
4772s that seems really good
4778s i mean i guess i'm comparing it to a
4779s thermal gun so of course it's really
4780s good
4782s get wrecked thermal gun players um
4794s man two too many good options uh that
4796s we've found here
4801s and a synchro pulse oh my
4803s gosh oh my goodness
4808s i think we are going to
4815s all right we're going to take the oh
4817s wait we can't lull get out of here
4823s yeah we're gonna go ahead and dismantle
4824s the rest of this stuff nissan plating
4828s [Music]
4829s okay we're gonna use this
4831s well remove the level restriction
4834s which i want to say very casually right
4836s now that we don't exactly like how the
4837s meta right now is to go find better loot
4840s and then modify to remove the level
4842s restriction um it
4844s feels a little bit tedious and not
4847s exactly the most fun uh so there may or
4849s may not be a change to that in the
4852s future all right that's that's it that's
4853s all the more you're getting out of me
4854s don't ask me more questions
4856s but uh yeah that armor is way better uh
4859s holy cow
4864s and let's use this device charger
4865s actually
4873s we're just gonna hold these and maybe
4875s we'll reach level 24 or not i'm not sure
4881s thermal gun was so op before it got
4883s nerfed i see in the chat as i look over
4885s um yeah i mean to a degree you're not
4887s wrong
4889s to a degree you're not wrong um
4891s it can still be very effective in the in
4894s the right situations which is
4896s exactly the point right we want every
4898s weapon to be really effective in the
4901s right situation and we also want weapons
4903s to kind of not be very effective in the
4905s wrong situations right
4907s that way there's
4908s interesting decisions that you have to
4910s make based on your play style based on
4912s your approach so based on the number of
4915s adjustments we've made to the thermal
4918s gun we're feeling pretty good about its
4920s placement
4921s we are feeling pretty good about its
4922s placement um
4924s it was
4925s way too strong before i i will agree to
4927s that um
4928s it's in a much better position some
4930s questions we got manny we'll also look
4933s at our ship as we're answering questions
4935s because i really enjoy how this came out
4938s and my this is a custom colorization by
4940s the way like it's it's nothing super
4942s crazy it's just soul fire stardust and
4944s rusty earth
4946s like
4946s uh
4947s looks really clean i really like that
4950s okay so the first question we've got
4952s we've got from manny will there be
4954s loyalty side quests for side characters
4956s that will unlock their ultimate skill
4958s for example for hive it could be hacking
4960s enemy systems and max level control
4962s enemy ships that
4964s sounds like suggestion
4967s um
4968s i mean yeah like the way that we are
4970s developing perks is that we just want
4972s you to be able to invest in uh the
4974s characters and what they then offer you
4976s um so that you know there's a goal for
4979s you mining certain resources and
4980s building certain components or finding
4982s them and you know going through and
4983s exploring locations or purchasing goods
4986s and you know basically giving purpose to
4989s why stuff exists in the game at all do
4991s we want to do more with the characters
4992s sure
4994s yeah that that would be amazing uh your
4997s suggestion though um i'm gonna be honest
4999s with you even if you did suggest this on
5000s the forums it's not going to happen the
5002s timing-wise it just it does it doesn't
5004s work in our development cycle um while i
5006s do think it is cool it's just not in the
5008s vision
5010s so
5010s uh yeah
5012s a really cool idea
5014s it's just not what we're going for okay
5017s so uh thank you for the question though
5018s i do appreciate it excelsior would you
5020s consider modifying the vfx of the gus
5024s cannon so the animation intensifies like
5027s with more sparks brighter etc when it's
5028s at max fire rate sure
5032s yeah
5033s i mean shoot there we had a we had an
5035s idea and this might happen i don't know
5037s i don't know
5038s we had an idea about uh the
5040s disintegrator the beam laser where it
5043s started off kind of like
5045s just as a whisper of a laser and then it
5047s kind of grew and grew and grew and like
5049s the beam would
5050s get larger the longer you held it and
5052s then it would also apply like a damage
5054s multiplier the longer you held it um and
5057s then the grass cannon came along
5060s but um sincerely like there we have some
5063s concepts like that it's something that
5065s we might do
5067s i would not have an expectation that we
5069s will though because uh
5071s obviously there's a number of factors
5073s that come into place on that front that
5075s could shape and change things in wild
5077s directions
5079s but for the most part uh
5082s i think
5083s internally the team agrees that would be
5086s cool
5087s let's have to see if it's something that
5089s we can you know squeak in there or not
5092s gills
5094s mercier
5096s will the controller playing be tweaked a
5098s bit or is it totally set up and nothing
5099s will change oh no it's totally getting
5101s tweaked further oh no no no no like even
5104s mouse and keyboard is still getting
5106s tweaked my goodness like the the
5108s sensitivity levels of like just like
5111s your basic settings like this this stuff
5114s uh whoops not about this stuff
5116s this stuff like
5118s like we're happy with what we're able to
5120s tweak but we're also recognizing and
5122s watching um players and how they're
5124s they're like enjoying the game space and
5126s how they're not enjoying the game space
5127s and the feedback that's been supplied
5129s and how even when they like drop this
5131s all the way to nothing right like it's
5133s it's still creating problems like maybe
5135s we need to extend this further maybe we
5136s need to adjust like the space of a
5139s neutral dead zone maybe we need to you
5140s know do x y or z that stuff is
5143s constantly
5144s in question and constantly being
5147s evaluated uh in order to
5150s maximize
5152s being able to jump into the game because
5154s if we don't get that done well
5157s what's the point of playing right
5159s so i can 100 tell you that the
5162s controller playing is not done there's
5164s more to come especially from an
5166s accessibility standpoint
5170s and we will have uh we'll have more to
5172s talk about and share on that front um
5176s i don't know if by fall
5178s i wouldn't have that expectation but i
5179s do know that we will continue to make
5180s improvements and advancements in how you
5183s can enter into the game both from mouse
5184s keyboard as well as controller it's just
5187s it's you know it's a never-ending but a
5189s good process that we're happy to uh
5192s to plug in all right last question and
5194s then we're gonna get back into some
5195s gameplay
5198s oh i also see there was an addendum oh
5201s whoops this was from a while back so i'm
5203s going to do the addendum and then we're
5204s going to answer our last question this
5206s this uh
5207s i think this was from slorine tetson
5208s like a long time ago about the lights if
5210s you guys remember i was talking about
5212s the lights in this screen right here
5213s right
5214s um the missive lights question was about
5216s the background room lights not the ship
5218s lights
5219s that
5221s that's such a great observation and i
5224s definitely have been annoyed by being in
5225s the home base changing my ship and was
5227s like i'm gonna go change my ship colors
5229s at a different location for that very
5231s reason uh so it's possible that we would
5234s add some sort of like toggle option to
5236s where you see the ship in the base
5237s versus like it just being in a like a
5240s simulated
5241s dark room that just has lights on the
5243s ships and that's it so you don't have
5244s any lights sharing in your face um that
5247s was a that it was a concept that we had
5250s um again don't expect that but that is
5253s one idea we had in order to work around
5255s a solution of that nature so we'll see
5258s we'll see i i do think that's a really
5259s good point oh it was it was dragon not
5261s slurring
5265s getting my users mixed up my apologies
5267s you both have been asking really solid
5269s questions so kudos to both of you right
5272s excellent
5273s all right now last question
5276s uh any information you're able to share
5278s about the beam laser vanguard or mineral
5279s mender changes nope not yet um
5282s so
5283s i
5285s will tell you
5288s that i can't tell you anything yeah nope
5290s nothing yet
5293s i got close there but then i was like i
5295s like my job too much and michael's here
5297s so
5303s hey michael what's that uh no it's
5305s uh but no i we will have more
5307s information on some some tweaks to those
5309s systems um
5311s in the future and they're not
5313s implemented so i couldn't even
5314s accidentally
5315s show you oh i don't even have a beam
5317s laser so whoopsies
5319s but uh yeah rest assured that is
5322s something that we are
5325s you know
5327s doing the things we're doing the things
5331s developing a game
5333s crazy oh my gosh guys look at the time
5337s look at the time we've been answering so
5338s many questions we've been exploring this
5340s location we've been dying
5343s oops uh
5344s like let's uh let's actually let's talk
5347s about you guys let's let's share some
5349s screenshots
5351s but for anybody who missed
5353s just a quick coverage uh i mean shoot
5356s were there ships there weren't ships to
5358s sell oh yeah there were
5360s for super quick coverage for anybody who
5362s missed uh some of the new stuff
5365s just a light little recap
5371s we've been updating the ship dealer
5377s pretty happy with this
5381s you got descriptions for all the
5382s different uh classes now as well
5385s there's still more work to be done on
5388s this front
5390s we also have uh we're introdu we're
5393s slowly but surely introducing new job
5395s types
5396s and unknown signals
5400s i was gonna try and find another one but
5401s we kind of ran out of time no big deal
5404s and uh yeah
5407s i think next week
5410s i'm gonna i'm gonna see if i can
5412s extract some additional information
5414s pertaining to kazaa's last question
5416s about beam lasers vanguard uh mineral
5418s mender uh see if we can move that into
5421s next week's stream
5422s but
5423s no guarantees
5425s regardless i'm still gonna try
5428s still gonna try
5433s all right so super quick break
5435s super quick break uh and what i'm gonna
5437s do is first i need to save oh my
5439s goodness that would have been silly if i
5441s didn't
5443s uh and we are going to uh jump into
5446s screenshots yay yay community
5449s screenshots so um yeah quick stretch
5452s break
5453s join the discord
5455s follow us on twitter twitch youtube
5457s uh reddit all all the things
5461s get on it
5463s [Music]
5468s and i'll be right back
5471s [Music]
5479s [Music]
5484s [Applause]
5485s [Music]
5502s [Music]
5508s [Music]
5540s [Music]
5544s [Applause]
5548s [Music]
5573s all right guys i think we are going to
5576s go ahead and proceed accordingly
5579s so
5580s welcome to the newsroom oh my goodness
5584s i've got some wonderful screenshots to
5587s show you uh today honestly uh whoops
5590s that is not what that was supposed to do
5592s uh come back please thank you wonderful
5595s i need to tidy up my desktop anyway
5598s hello please thank you knock it off all
5601s right
5602s we've got a number of great screencasts
5604s from the community everything is working
5606s perfectly as intended by the way
5608s and uh yeah so let's just kick things
5610s off we had a new user join us recently
5613s named bradley in the discord and
5615s everything that they've been popping
5616s have been these more like close-up shots
5618s with a little bit of depth of field and
5619s they just look really good they just
5620s look really good so we're just gonna
5622s highlight several of theirs um because
5626s it's nice it's it's clever it's
5628s thoughtful and it's it's uh composed
5630s well
5631s so uh kudos to bradley for his
5634s submissions uh just really love how
5637s you've just immediately jumped in and
5638s started taking some nice photography
5642s next up we've got kazaa who i love how
5646s you
5647s made sure your ships the perfect color
5649s for your drones i just i love this so
5651s much and i
5652s hope that
5654s because you should not expect that it
5655s will happen but i hope that we can uh
5659s make it to where the drones are the same
5661s color as your ship regardless of you
5664s know what you choose i think that would
5665s be a really cool feature but until that
5667s point i love how you are establishing it
5669s yourself
5670s what a great shot of your drones in
5672s formation just pop in your ultimate
5674s getting ready to just go ham on this
5676s zurelia destroyer i love that
5679s i love that um
5681s really great look super cool
5684s super cool next up we've got high barf
5687s hi barf sent a bajillion screenshots and
5691s this one was very captivating because
5692s there's like this creature looking
5695s looking over the shoulder of this
5697s asteroid it's
5698s like wow
5699s it creeps you out a little
5702s it kind of it's like whoa all right
5703s didn't realize that and now i'm looking
5705s at it's like
5706s all right okay
5707s i can't unsee that thank you uh for the
5710s night terrorists i appreciate that one
5712s uh very cool very good shot
5716s oh crack in my neck during a live stream
5719s super cool
5720s all right next up we got dark chaos
5722s taking the photo of a very clean warp in
5725s uh to drake or from drake i'm not sure a
5728s lot of people liked this shot so i'm
5731s sharing it dark chaos does a really good
5732s job with environmental shots and i think
5734s this one is no different i think it's a
5736s pretty clean shot i love the ship as
5737s well that you're seeing uh appears to be
5740s flying
5741s out of the wormhole so
5745s love the way all the little wispy bits
5746s are going to this brings it together as
5749s a whole
5750s we have another one of these close-up
5752s shots from bradley i mean just look at
5753s that like what how pleasant is that what
5756s a just a great clean shot of the ship
5760s it's
5761s it's delightful it's so pleasant
5763s i love how it brings it together it's
5765s not trying to do something crazy it's
5766s just hey guys check this out boom i love
5769s it i love the share and making the
5771s background softer really helps in this
5773s regard that draws the eyes towards the
5775s big focal point that is
5777s these intricate little details
5780s makes them stand out so much more it's a
5783s clever use of that depth of field
5784s so really well done to bradley uh we
5787s have high barf who was taking a trip
5789s down memory lane and uh
5792s inspecting alex old ship i do want to
5795s put emphasis on old uh because he is
5797s getting a new one uh but uh you know
5800s it's it's a fine shot it works i love
5802s how it's it's like
5804s reminiscent of of where we get alec and
5807s all that stuff
5809s we got flory who took a shot that was
5810s pretty popular with you guys as well the
5812s space the coalition right the coalition
5816s and uh
5818s yeah
5819s it's crazy
5820s how large these assets are
5823s and when you're flying in the game it
5825s almost doesn't feel like it because
5826s you're just moving so fast like you're
5828s engaged with ships and you're going off
5829s and doing your thing if you take the
5831s time to just like evaluate and
5833s explore around these spaces these are so
5836s massive
5837s these are so massive
5839s so much going on so many little details
5842s and intricacies and and what's the who's
5844s it's
5846s uh you know
5848s and i think that capturing the whole
5850s thing as you know you're zipping away
5852s that's pretty beautiful shot i think it
5854s comes together really well so i see why
5856s you guys all voted it up a bit
5858s flory with
5860s man this reminds me of like uh
5862s what is it what is it you shine your you
5865s can like shine a flashlight into and it
5866s reflects outwards like a geode or
5868s something um
5870s what is it um
5872s prism prism
5875s prisms guys uh like this reminds me it's
5878s like you're like shining a light in and
5879s then it's like reflecting the light
5881s outwards i know it's not what's actually
5882s happening but it kind of gives that vibe
5884s and i love this shot
5887s and how simple it is and yet
5890s it invokes so much of this space and
5893s where you're at and what you're trying
5895s to accomplish it's so good it's so good
5897s is eric's new roommate one of those
5899s space-faring spiders
5903s he has not moved
5907s he's ever present though but regardless
5909s really like the way that this shot is
5911s used from uh just that stamp like and
5914s also the the lighting as well works
5917s wonders on this front because it's going
5919s like
5920s it's centralized yes which can sometimes
5922s be a problem but here it works so well
5924s because of the softness
5926s that it's spreading throughout the scene
5929s and you also have this incredible
5931s framing with the darkness that surrounds
5934s it so it just makes it stand out even
5935s further so i really like this one from
5937s flory really well done another one from
5939s flori given us this really a location um
5943s i i love this
5945s i love the scene
5946s so much um and i just i i can't get
5950s enough of it i love
5951s looking back at this site there's so
5953s much attention to detail that happened
5955s here and
5956s uh anytime you guys take a photo i'm
5958s just like yes i get to look at it again
5960s it's great
5961s we've got another one from dark chaos
5963s who's in a bit of chaos himself and uh
5966s this one the engine trails i felt were a
5967s lot
5968s were a bit interesting um i think a lot
5971s of you guys probably felt that as well
5973s just nice sort of action scene i do love
5975s those cockpit shots as you guys all know
5977s we have another one from bradley using
5979s that depth of field close up shot i love
5983s this one because now we're also playing
5985s around with light sources to add that
5988s additional depth just these very very
5990s soft lines coming in
5992s oh that
5994s seriously pops it is super super
5997s fantastic
5998s so
5999s great shot again bradley like goodness
6002s gravy keep them coming
6003s i dig it so much this one from highbarf
6005s i felt was
6007s pleasant because
6009s not a lot of people
6011s take photos of this so this almost seems
6013s like wow is this new content where's
6014s this from where can i find this now if
6016s you look really closely you can tell
6017s where he's at and what he's doing um
6020s some of you just kind of missed it
6022s but he goes through and he explores this
6024s with a number of screenshots actually uh
6027s which is kind of playful and fun but
6029s yeah i just i love how it's a different
6031s take on
6033s looking around at what's going on in the
6035s space of everspace 2
6038s so nice clever shot to bring in new
6041s sights and sound kaza that's a poster
6044s shot right there that's beautiful that's
6045s gorgeous that's fantastic
6048s it is every pleasant word that i can
6049s describe i love the lightning bolt and
6052s the cast
6053s like the the
6054s the light bending around the corner
6056s we've got the
6058s subtle space clouds nebula
6061s plasma field whatever you want to call
6062s it with the station and the ship like
6066s the contrast to the light in the
6068s background with the dark ship moving
6069s forward
6071s everything about this just speaks
6072s volumes of your photography skills so
6075s very well done shot like this is
6077s phenomenal honestly uh this i could see
6080s as part of the um
6083s like the the steam home page like we
6085s could add that shot as you know part of
6087s like advertising for the game that's so
6089s delightful i don't actually know if this
6091s is a michael select or not uh but we'll
6093s have to we'll have to see
6095s we'll have to see
6097s geekbytes uh you know it's kind of funny
6099s because somebody private messaged me
6101s like hey are you highlighting all the
6102s geekbytes shot because he's like a mod
6104s now and like you you're obligated to do
6106s that no no i i just highlight the shots
6108s that i think are cool and what the
6109s community thinks are cool he has no
6111s special benefits okay for being a mod
6114s it's like he shares a crappy photo i'm
6116s not going to highlight that i'm sure
6118s photos that i think are cool that you
6119s guys think are cool um my process of
6121s elimination for choosing these shots
6123s largely comes down to what was voted up
6126s using emojis and uh this one stands out
6129s so well done geekbyte i love it a lot
6132s i imagine you also had credits in this
6134s scene as well i can i just have a
6136s feeling we also have highvarf who uh who
6139s took another this was pretty clever he
6141s was like oh my gosh i didn't realize
6142s nukes were in this game
6144s nice angle nice approach that's
6147s pretty freaking cool actually how you uh
6149s put that together
6151s pretty stinking clever
6154s get off of my monitor you cheeky little
6157s splotch oh my gosh got all this white on
6159s my monitor now and i see this dark black
6161s spot get go away
6164s oh my gosh
6165s i gotta clean my monitor
6167s what's with me let me clean my monitor
6169s in like 17 years all right next up we've
6171s got
6172s uh another one from
6175s bradley you guessed it i just i love
6177s these close-up shots with depth of field
6179s this one has such an interest
6181s interesting background uh i love how it
6183s comes across you know you've got this
6185s combat sequence where you're like diving
6187s in you're cruising in you've got these
6190s little subtle details of the ship you
6192s see the labels on the ship like what in
6193s the world who needs to see that bradley
6196s does as you've got this completely
6198s wrecked bomber in the background going
6200s down in flames due to your absolute
6203s skillful play your genius wit your
6206s captivating humor
6208s uh stunning personality uh it's
6211s fantastic like just it's it's i love it
6214s i dig it so much
6215s i dig it so much that depth of field
6217s usage like that can seriously change a
6219s shot from being just average to really
6222s good
6222s just tweaking the depth of field it is
6225s nuts how much of a difference that can
6227s make guys so don't forget about your
6229s depth of field
6230s don't forget about your depth and feel
6231s bradley is speaking loudly towards it
6233s you know let me tell you what all right
6235s this next one comes from kazaa once
6237s again
6239s and uh
6240s i
6241s don't actually know what's happening
6242s here it's like this is getting ready to
6244s explode it's emanating some aura
6247s i don't get it uh but it's cool i like
6250s it and i i wanted to show it also we
6252s don't get to see a lot of
6253s [Music]
6255s uh a lot of these uh what's it called
6258s um what what is this device called a
6260s satellite
6262s we don't get to last out it's just like
6263s hybarf was showing the satellite um
6266s that's next to uh fango pango
6270s violin pango um now we've got this one
6273s that's being showcased another place in
6275s union uh but very cool like just
6278s something new to look at it's it's nice
6281s i like it
6282s i like nice things all right we got
6284s another one from kazaa this one i
6287s thought was just
6289s this this is ju he's just
6291s i mean it's a little bit like
6293s [Music]
6294s it's a little
6296s bragging i suppose
6298s but it does look really badass let's be
6300s clear
6301s let's be clear
6303s swooping in and out after a very
6306s tactical strike taking out two
6308s destroyers
6310s and one fell swoop as he's swooping
6313s around
6314s that's that's just cool that's cool this
6317s is something that i would put in my
6318s desktop wallpaper cycles so uh and i i
6322s will i actually already have all of
6324s these ones that i've chosen um
6326s so yeah i actually need to look back at
6328s that folder because it's getting pretty
6329s big
6331s anyway uh great shot i love it that's
6334s really good love the destruction
6336s uh it's it's beautiful uh next up man i
6339s i really was fascinated by satellites uh
6342s this week and choosing your shots i
6343s guess but we got dark chaos and pulling
6345s this one um i love this one because
6348s again it's like these it's these parts
6350s of the game that you're not really
6352s looking at too much
6353s that offer so
6355s much more if you just turn and take a
6357s look uh you know it could be so easy to
6360s just get lost in you know all the
6362s asteroids and be like oh yeah i've seen
6363s an asteroid that looks like that before
6365s it's a big rock in space but man like
6368s the detail like the
6372s hidden behind the corners and and
6374s you know what rewards your exploration i
6377s think a lot of this stuff
6379s deserves a bit more attention and i love
6380s that you guys are focused on this
6383s as you are taking your screenshots too
6385s and i think that's why
6386s i had such an interest in capturing
6388s these for you guys today um they're just
6390s really solid shots of
6392s what else is out there like the the sort
6394s of unseen parts of the game so really
6397s cool really nice photography dark chaos
6399s we got excel with a very simple very
6401s clean shot
6403s two planets
6405s just dancing with each other probably
6409s this is drake i'm pretty sure this is
6410s great
6412s subtle coloration
6414s so as you're flying through super light
6416s everything seems
6417s nice nice and chill like you're just
6420s kind of lounging around
6422s ready to strike
6424s and uh
6426s and yeah and then you know you get to
6427s your sights and there's a lot going on
6429s something it's frosty it's it's you know
6432s it's
6433s massive oceanic scenery or you know it's
6436s on fire and ever everything burns you
6438s know there's there's it's it's like
6441s drake is almost a secret that you pull
6443s back the veil from and the the veil is
6447s super light and this calmness that you
6449s get
6450s then surprises you as you dive in so
6452s really really cool
6453s [Music]
6456s uh next up we've got x i'm like reading
6458s some comments as i'm doing this you guys
6460s all right anyway um
6462s why why why would you do that why
6465s why is it user error yes it's user error
6468s but i'm gonna blame
6469s uh
6471s samsung
6473s because it's my it's my monitor that
6476s makes zero sense anyway uh excel
6479s bro
6482s this one's actually the thumbnail for
6484s this stream
6488s [Music]
6490s nice
6491s great shot so much time to watch i'm
6493s gonna clap again for you
6494s yeah
6495s like it's great what a great shot
6499s fantastic shot excel um i love it
6501s this adds that playful discovery that we
6504s always talk about with this storytelling
6506s of wanting to know more you're seeing
6508s this rich adventure taking place and
6510s like what's under the waves what's
6512s around the corner
6514s it's just it's clean it's great it's
6516s fantastic i love it so keep it up
6518s keep it up
6520s oh that's supposed to be the grand
6521s finale these are screenshots that i took
6525s these michael's like i did the michael
6528s selects and this one's supposed to be
6530s the grand finale okay so we're gonna
6531s come back to this one spoiler alert this
6533s one's in the michael select i'm not
6534s surprised uh but still
6538s whoops
6540s well spoiling things to her i spoiled a
6542s screenshot i'm i my apologies michael
6544s but excel clearly you know you're you're
6547s very well loved in your screenshot
6548s taking because michael chose it uh
6550s sputnik did a number
6553s when he was going through everspace 2
6555s he's been cataloging and collecting
6558s all of the everspace 2 revealed ships
6561s and their respective builds like all of
6563s their modules come together and now i'm
6566s only showing one here you want to see
6567s the rest of them you can go to the
6568s discord but he's been thoughtfully
6571s collecting them that were shown like
6573s since the prototype and rebuilding them
6575s recoloring them everything so that they
6577s look exactly like they were presented
6579s the first time this is actually i
6581s believe this is from is this is from the
6583s weight screen right
6584s is this the same ship from the weight
6586s screen yeah
6587s look at that look at that weight screen
6588s shift you see that ship
6590s see how it's passing by
6593s see how it's passing by palemon's moon
6595s right there
6599s brilliant
6600s brilliant so good so good very clever
6603s very thoughtful um i dig it so much all
6605s right i'm i'm gonna start cruising
6607s through my selects and then we're gonna
6608s get into michael's um
6611s because his are far more important than
6612s mine here's uh sputnik's new spoot
6615s mobile as he calls it he does like to
6617s sharing those i think it looks clean and
6619s look he's using that depth of field
6620s knowledge
6621s softening the blow granted there was
6623s some natural softening going on but i
6626s digress
6627s this is also a really good one that i
6629s can have as a background as i'm talking
6631s right here because i'm not blocking
6632s anything on the screen just bonus for me
6635s really
6636s excellent next up we've got another one
6638s from geekbyte he shared several more um
6640s i just like this one it's the vantage
6642s point for me
6643s uh it's you know you're it's almost like
6646s you're peering out the window of some
6649s massive freighter or ship or something
6652s uh just to see what new world you're
6654s orbiting you know that it's this almost
6657s comes from like a uh like retro
6660s drawings or man what am i trying to say
6662s the
6663s it's it's a cool shot that's what i'm
6665s saying this cool shot does good
6668s cool shot does good nice i dig it uh but
6670s seriously it brings together a lot of
6672s strong vibes from like the
6674s almost like vintage sci-fi
6677s to me for some reason i i like it a lot
6680s i like it a lot
6682s uh anyway
6684s looking out the death star about to blow
6686s up alderaan well that got dark quickly
6688s but uh sure that's definitely something
6690s else
6691s sure i like it
6693s all right uh next up we've got sputnite
6696s once again uh highlighting a ship uh
6698s this one's not so great i need to flip
6700s it so that my face would be over here
6702s basically but uh
6703s otherwise still really cool to see the
6705s emissive colors in action uh remember
6707s this is just tier three right um tier
6710s four uh man that's totally spoiler i
6713s don't care i started tier four like i
6715s think you guys are really gonna enjoy uh
6718s what happens to those ships frankly
6720s speaking you've seen a couple tier fours
6722s already so i'm not really spoiling
6723s anything it's not an alec i didn't pull
6724s an alec anyway uh i digress love the
6728s ship love the colors keep rocking it
6731s we're almost done i promise we've got uh
6737s crispy muffin who has taken several
6739s shots uh i love this use the depth of
6741s field right here look at that you can't
6743s see anything because that's not the
6744s focal point the focal point is what's
6746s out there oh my gosh driving that
6748s forward
6749s dig it very clean very good stuff crispy
6752s muffin had a number of shots i also
6753s enjoy this one again it's that depth of
6755s field usage comes in a pinch
6758s takes the eyes off of this corner where
6760s my body resides so that you focus in on
6763s the primary goal of the shot and that
6766s derelict ship is super cool
6768s very very nice we've got kazaa who loves
6771s us it's showing this heart also look at
6774s that depth of field man the theme of
6776s these screenshots is depth of field guys
6779s depth of field clever usage love the
6781s heart it's wonderful thank you very much
6784s for your appreciation love and then
6785s crispy muffins snuck this in because he
6787s was looking for a new lock screen i
6789s think
6790s crispy muffin is that what you said for
6791s your phone um i dig it i think it looks
6793s really clean
6794s solid work solid work might do
6797s also depth of field
6803s bradley says depth of field yeah do it
6805s right like
6807s it's wonderful okay so now my monitor is
6809s probably gonna do the thing again
6810s excellent excellent so i i don't really
6813s care at this point you can look at my
6814s desktop all you want there's nothing to
6816s really evaluate um so what i'm gonna do
6820s uh i'm gonna just
6825s so i don't have these screenshots um
6828s normally i was i was sneaking some
6830s messages to michael because i was trying
6832s to get get a hold of these normally i
6834s have these screenshots but um it's oh
6836s can i is there a way i can make that go
6839s oh i don't want that to get larger i
6840s just want the screenshot to
6842s oh my gosh guys everything is terrible
6844s but this is go this is good enough for
6846s the moment
6847s oh my gosh oh my goodness uh
6851s because you can't even like why in the
6852s world i can't even like save the image
6855s i can't like i can't save the image out
6858s absolute bull crappery let me tell you
6860s what but i don't care whatever so uh
6863s let's just go through and talk about
6864s each one of these um
6867s so this one comes from dark chaos i know
6869s it's a little bit smaller i mean i don't
6871s like this hang on a second i want to see
6873s one more time michael if you're there is
6875s there any way that you can send me
6877s uh like a collection of these because i
6879s i don't i send it to you uh over on
6882s slack
6883s a request but if there's any way i would
6885s love to get rid of all this white
6887s ah
6888s ah
6890s is the one thing
6892s this is what happens when you add to the
6894s stream right before the stream starts
6895s guys oh my gosh
6897s but it's a process that we love
6899s and uh we love doing this for you
6903s so uh michael says hang on so um i'm
6906s gonna start talking about them and then
6907s we're gonna see them in big picture okay
6909s because we don't have a lot of time so
6911s this first one which we will again we're
6913s gonna maximize all these this one's dark
6915s chaos underground tunnels
6917s i'm basically gonna read aloud what
6918s michael has written his thoughts okay um
6922s so i can't hide anything if you said
6924s something funky or weird or rude you get
6926s you get straight up we're going raw all
6928s right it's great so dark chaos
6930s underground tunnels
6932s nice capture of the murky and slightly
6934s horrific side of everspace 2 adding
6936s quite some suspense to the scene it's a
6938s welcome change to the otherwise bright
6939s and colorful open space and planetary
6941s environments in our game couldn't agree
6943s more this one is so good i even think
6946s that we spoke on this one before in the
6948s past uh it's
6950s such a delight this next one look at
6952s this guy this comes from excel
6955s it's gonna be weird uh uh going back and
6958s forth so i'm gonna cheat yes i am
6961s so excel uh this one's called symmetry
6965s as the title says great symmetry in this
6967s shot with the planet its moon and the
6969s sentinel perfectly aligned veteran
6970s mobile gaming space pilots will also
6972s recognize what the virtual photographer
6973s did here
6975s much appreciated so very clever very
6977s clean uh this comes together so well
6981s so well so keep it up
6983s excel
6984s bringing it all together
6986s next up we've got oh all right next up
6989s we got another one from dark chaos
6992s davina gas orbit a shot very close to
6994s the original concept art for this lofty
6996s location a great sense of depth and
6998s surreal feel with the massive gas
6999s harvesters floating in the sky
7002s the fighter is a tad too close to the
7003s edge of the shot to make it perfect but
7005s that's very nitpicky indeed and uh with
7008s how dark chaos does use his shots almost
7010s like panoramic style i can kind of
7013s understand why the ship is all the way
7015s over here um
7017s yeah i mean if i was being nitpicky
7018s about it
7019s too michael i would say yeah it's a
7020s little too close but that's okay at the
7023s same time i think that uh what you're
7025s bringing together as a whole you know
7026s moving this image
7028s across the field uh does a great job of
7030s drawing your eyes through it
7032s um as a reminder as i'm going through
7034s these i know we got all this white on
7036s the the page like boo
7038s uh you know it just is what it is
7040s just zoom in a bit more yeah i i want to
7042s but then this bar
7044s takes up the whole screen it's like go
7045s away bart is there a way i can hide this
7047s can i
7050s [Laughter]
7052s asking you shall receive all right so uh
7055s we're going to
7056s get in a little bit further
7059s so we got this one from med bed here
7060s let's copy pasta
7062s uh can we get nope that's a little too
7065s little too close too close all right so
7067s this one's from med bed
7069s the observers fantastic lighting with
7071s the blue star standing for the cold
7073s empty and deadly environment of our
7074s outer space while the warm interior
7076s lights of the space station indicate an
7078s artificial island of life
7081s that was a lot of words but basically
7083s it's beautiful
7084s it's thought provoking very powerful and
7087s as that reminder that i was gonna say
7089s and then i got distracted probably um
7092s all of these shots that michael chooses
7093s like all of these very much have the
7096s potential for being used and our
7099s promotions for everspace too like when
7101s michael chooses these it's because they
7103s are
7103s outstanding shots
7106s they are shots that draw people in to
7109s want to know more about the game because
7111s it's exciting it's tempting it's telling
7114s a story
7115s that's the beauty of these shots this
7117s one i know we've we've shown this one
7119s before as a one of my selects dark chaos
7122s sato orbit tunnel
7124s another great tunnel shot almost with
7126s some
7127s uh
7128s [Laughter]
7130s geiger
7131s is that geiger vibes
7134s making you expect to bump into an alien
7136s creature around the next band oh my gosh
7138s why why do i not understand that
7140s reference i feel like a doofus for not
7142s getting that is that geiger
7145s 125 and google doc wait
7148s change the view change the view mode
7151s what
7156s how do you how do
7158s i don't know how to operate
7160s this machine
7163s like
7164s oh my
7171s guys
7174s would you believe michael pays me to do
7177s this
7181s all right so now we're getting we're
7182s getting even more maximized goodness all
7185s right
7186s oh my gosh press f11 press press f11 oh
7190s my gosh it's even better guys we're
7192s making progress it just keeps getting
7193s better
7196s i look over at the chat and so many
7198s people have said f11 oh my gosh
7203s i love you all so much thank you for
7206s bearing with me oh goodness all right
7209s next next up we got kazaa
7212s every day's an education oh man every
7214s minute is an education
7217s all right next up we got we got kazaa
7220s here let's uh copy pasta this so you
7222s don't have to read it i'm gonna say it
7226s this is kaza's crystal gap uh getting
7228s some destiny 2 vibes from this not
7230s surprised because michael loves destiny
7232s 2. spoiler alert not really you all know
7235s this already like a loading animation
7237s for a new raid maybe great dynamic
7239s coming from the boosting ship and tilted
7241s horizon while the fields of crystals
7243s stretch all the way from the foreground
7244s to the background adding depth into the
7246s and the two planes being so close to
7249s each other leaving just a little space
7250s to navigate through without ending up in
7252s a massive field i gotta go into super
7254s fast mode because i got two minutes
7256s until uh
7258s two minutes i got two minutes
7260s so next up we've got excel oh my gosh
7263s beautiful shot here as well
7265s look at us going
7268s space haze love the hazy atmosphere in
7270s this shot as a contrast to the otherwise
7272s crisp open space environments we
7273s typically see in aerospace do the small
7277s the small striker feels small next to
7280s the massive blocky asteroids adding a
7282s great sense of space exploration
7284s excellent wallpaper material couldn't
7285s agree more 10 out of 10.
7288s wonderful hey we've seen this one this
7290s is the floory freeze
7292s i love it the flurry freeze a little bit
7295s about this what michael had to say what
7296s an action shot you can almost feel the
7298s stress of the pilot taking trying to
7301s battle a massive drone carrier while
7302s dealing with frost damage and being
7304s under turret fire everspace 2 action at
7306s its finest what chef's kiss to that
7310s all right we got some ace of blades
7311s which is another popular photographer in
7314s the community really really good stuff
7315s we're totally going overtime i'm sorry
7317s wife in advance
7319s all right ace ablaze fiery damnation
7321s fantastic shot of the lava dam
7324s at uh the drake system within the drake
7326s system at the zorulia compound
7329s really has the perfect field of view
7331s with the uh
7333s interceptor uh the lava falls and the
7336s lava eruption evenly scattered across
7337s the scene also notice the incredible
7339s detail of the lava texture at the lava
7341s lake at the bottom like seriously we
7343s talk about it all the time but it's so
7345s good
7346s it's so good feels great uh kazaa you're
7349s getting a lot of praise it seems
7352s and we've got another one from you this
7354s is the derelict station another
7356s fantastic space exploration shot and a
7358s hazy location of drake perfectly
7360s captures the feel of entering a new
7362s place for the very first time wondering
7364s about what one might find inside of that
7366s derelict space station broken into
7369s several massive chunks with lots of
7370s small debris floating around you can
7372s immediately sense how fast this place
7374s is a serious store page shot contender
7378s very much so love the energy that this
7381s is creating
7383s all right we are nearing the end folks i
7385s know the stream is technically over but
7387s we're gonna just keep going and uh hope
7389s i don't get murdered all right here we
7391s are we've got dark chaos space debris
7395s extremely well composed shot with an
7396s outlaw bomber showing great hard surface
7398s and engine trail details in the
7401s foreground some signature aerospace
7402s style debris that make for great cover
7404s during combat another bomber in the
7405s distance adding dynamic and depth while
7407s the gigantic purple planet and a clear
7409s clear space sky in the background set
7411s the perfect stage for an interesting
7413s location top marketing material
7416s absolutely
7418s super cool super cool this uh we're
7421s getting so close to the end we got
7422s another one from kazaa dude because i
7425s saw quit taking fantastic shots no keep
7427s doing it it's fantastic
7429s frosty lines again great shot with a
7432s vanguard entering the scene with frosty
7434s mine's about to go off making for a nice
7436s hot cold feeling in an otherwise empty
7438s location so that the threat becomes even
7440s more imminent
7441s that seriously that's a lot of frost
7443s mines that's that's terrifying
7445s they're not frost mines but frost
7446s detonator drones you know what i'm
7448s saying
7449s all right and then our last one the the
7452s the final showcase the final hang on
7455s hang on
7456s hang on
7459s uh
7460s the the final
7463s the final showcase we
7466s we've got uh from excelsior uh ice hunt
7469s finishing with today's thumbnail for the
7471s stream yup yup all right perfect
7474s nailed that super synced up really
7476s digging this shot for his unusual
7477s perspective a tilted camera with a
7479s striker shooting over our heads through
7481s a narrow gap between two massive
7482s icebergs under a cold blue sky screaming
7484s sci-fi like there's no tomorrow
7487s consequently the shot has been added to
7489s our steam store page including image
7492s credits of course so yeah
7493s congratulations excel for getting your
7495s shot selected posted directly on a steam
7498s survey you can go see that right now in
7499s fact that's pretty stinking cool this is
7501s something that we started doing through
7503s the michael select process we just want
7504s to honor you guys you take so much time
7507s and carry over so much attention to
7509s detail um it's awesome and we want to
7512s reward that so yeah like some of these
7514s best shots that we've been collecting
7515s they get posted on that steam store page
7517s keep it up you guys freaking rock
7520s all right uh you know what else rocks
7524s the fact that everspace 2 is totally uh
7528s uh
7529s that transition was awful you guys you
7531s guys know the spiel i do actually have
7533s to go you have been awesome thank you so
7535s much for uh teaching me how to full
7537s screen uh
7539s google documents
7542s oh gosh
7544s it's beautiful sincerely
7547s you have been awesome i have been eric
7549s schroeder your community ambassador for
7551s all things everspace too don't stop
7554s being awesome and hey if i missed a
7556s question sneak on the discord ask in the
7558s ask dev questions channel ask rfg and i
7561s would be delighted to follow up with you
7563s there otherwise uh
7566s toodles
7567s [Laughter]
7570s where's my button
7586s [Music]
7588s freaking f 11.
7592s [Music]
7601s [Music]
7607s [Applause]
7609s [Music]
7610s for those over on twitch we are going to
7613s go surprise
7615s corbin78 who is vr streaming half life
7619s 2. there's no post stream shenanigans
7622s here i am over time be safe have fun
7624s y'all
7626s [Music]
7632s [Music]
7635s you