17 days ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

35s hello hello testing
38s two3 hopefully everyone can hear my
43s voice we are getting the stream all
46s tidied up I'm seeing Chatters on YouTube
49s and twitch welcome
54s welcome we're getting started here in
56s about 4 three minutes
62s yeah Gary you can say hi too if you want
64s you can sneak it in hello
132s thunk no big deal just uh throwing
134s things around at my computer desk
136s everything's fine
140s [Music]
205s [Music]
274s [Music]
280s hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to
283s the official Rockfish game stream of
285s ever Space 2 I am your host your
288s community Ambassador Eric I am joined
291s today by Gary geekbite our community
295s manager we're here to serve you we're
298s going to Showcase uh at least at least
300s one new thing if RNG is kind to us we
304s might be able to show a couple more um
307s but yeah today's going to be a nice
309s chill stream cruising through our
311s incredibly challenging nightmare
313s difficulty in a late game setup um we're
316s looking to find as much loot as we
319s possibly can honestly um so we are at a
323s phase in development here with the
325s incursions uh update um getting you know
329s somewhat close sure is right I think we
332s said that it was uh going to come out in
333s the spring of this year and I I can't
336s tell but I think it's spring um so uh
340s yeah so there's exciting things that are
341s getting somewhat close-ish um and we are
344s bound to have things be seen that you're
349s not supposed to see yet it's just going
350s to happen so if you see those things uh
353s don't tell my boss cool excellent I love
356s you ah so good we got that out of the
358s way all right so we are going to be
359s moving over to uh getting a scout cu the
362s very first thing I want to do is talk
364s about some Scout changes and then we're
366s just going to use it we're just going to
367s fly it we're going to feel it we're
368s going to have some fun with it so Gary I
370s do need you to go away see you later all
372s right very good perfect and uh yeah
375s let's go get a scout so this is
377s literally picking up where we left off
379s um I think I maybe adjusted like one or
382s two things like I got rid of a bunch of
384s my inventory that I wasn't going to uh
388s didn't need honestly um we do have
390s figure of eight so I guess that's
391s something for some people who maybe
393s haven't seen that yet but our ship is
396s like exactly the same it's still this
399s bad boy uh let me know if the sound is
402s like crazy
404s low is that crazy
406s low that is really low hang on a
411s second let's try
415s that let me know if that's that's better
417s for you guys uh but we are going to
419s start things off head straight over to
421s Prescott cuz I think we can grab a scout
424s over
432s there and the chat is
435s immediately just gone in a completely
437s different direction I love it welcome
440s everybody so many wonderful faces across
443s twitch and YouTube I'm expecting a
446s couple from Facebook and maybe even
448s steam you guys are also our viewers and
451s we love to hear from you so let's see we
454s need to head over to this freelancer
456s hanger and hoping hoping hoping hoping
460s that there is a delicious looking Scout
463s to pick
464s up my guess is there probably is because
467s I probably did a test run of this
469s beforehand uh oh my gosh look at that
472s there's a nice fresh one looking super
474s clean right there let's go ahead and
476s check out its passives we've got 100%
479s increased boost energy regeneration
481s during Shadow strike nice 5 Seconds of
484s invincibility after Shadow strike that's
486s also pretty cool uh and 50% reduced
490s spread to all Primary Weapons not
493s bad gives me some ideas what I could
496s play around with some long range
497s Weaponry that's not rail gun uh but
500s let's see what our other options are
502s increased weapon range increased device
505s activation range and increas increased
507s cloaking duration we're going to keep
509s that one that's the one that we want so
511s perfect we're going to do that um let's
514s go ahead and just hover over Shadow
515s strike but not show it quite yet um and
518s look at the difference that it is by not
521s comparing it to the prior one uh what it
524s says here is that it now renders the
526s ship invisible to enemies and it grants
529s an additional critical hit chance of up
531s to 20% okay when you fire your weapons
535s or use device it will break the cloak
537s but killing an enemy will restore the
539s the cloak and extends the duration by 2
542s seconds up to 20 seconds now for those
545s of you who are familiar with the
546s previous SC excuse me for those of you
548s who aren't familiar with the previous
549s Scout ultimate uh effectively what it
552s would do is it would provide a cloak
554s permanently and over time it would build
557s up an attack
559s damage thing and if you waited for that
563s certain amount of time for it to
564s maximize then you gain a strong attack
566s and then you the idea behind it is that
568s you would not attack and you're still
570s cloaked and so the enemies couldn't find
571s you it would build up again you could do
573s an attack but there wasn't much of a
575s trade-off with that and it was also kind
577s of hard to use basically any other
579s weapon with so here we're kind of
582s reoptimizing it for many more
585s opportunities of weapon usage while also
588s having an effect of it's probably better
590s to use a rail gun because if you do uh
593s miss a shot or you uh don't take out
596s your enemy you do lose your you do lose
599s your cloak you'll have to rearn that by
601s getting another enemy killed and if you
603s do use this effectively you will extend
606s the duration of the alt itself as you
608s can see up to 20 seconds okay lots and
613s lots and lots of added benefits here
615s through this change uh but the primary
618s benefit is for uh more opportunities of
621s use and we're going to see that directly
624s once we buy this little ship uh we're
626s going to just buy and sell the current
628s one I think
630s uh yeah let's do
633s that grab this bad
636s boy
642s delightful I'm already seeing questions
644s coming in for the the Scout n that's
646s great that's great let's go ahead and um
649s ensure that we've got this thing
650s customized a little bit more to our
652s liking uh cuz you know I like I like to
655s customize uh quite a healthy bit um for
660s since it's going to be cloaking we might
661s as well make it look really super bright
664s outside of the cloak well let's see
666s let's see what uh let's see what random
668s chance gives us first just do it that's
670s not bad just a couple of different
672s options here I like that one
675s too I need a dominant color can somebody
677s just list off a a dominant color that
680s they think the ship should look just on
682s a general
683s basis just looking looking for I see red
686s all right red was the first one I saw I
689s see orange as
692s well so we we'll have to go with red and
695s orange all right the deed is done so we
699s got crimson and rust uh here let's go
702s ahead and make our third color either
705s stand out a bit more or let's see maybe
710s we
711s could even give it kind of a neutral
717s color we don't want to go too crazy you
719s know know I say that that actually kind
722s of looks cool I kind of like that you
724s know what why not let's just slap that
726s on
727s there just like
729s so uh we've got a number of window tents
732s our engine colors we still need to
733s unlock a number more um through
736s challenges but we'll just uh we'll just
738s keep these because it actually goes with
739s that last little highlight color same
741s with the emissive lights we'll keep that
743s those things the same I think we have a
745s professional decal yep yep yep that's
747s good that's good this this will work
749s this will work
750s I like it and we're going to retain our
753s devices I do think we're going to be
754s changing missile defense system out soon
757s because omn Manus is looking a little
760s underleveled here so we're going to need
762s something new to uh probably plug in
766s there so yeah it's definitely definitely
770s needing an upgrade what can we get from
772s the shop let's
774s see probably want some new armor maybe
778s cuz armor plating is nice to
781s have but that's honestly not the best
784s upgrade at this time plus a scout dies
787s in one hit anyway you know so we'll wait
789s we'll see what we'll see what drops
790s instead all right so let's take out this
794s scout for a
797s spin and I also noticed that like
800s whenever I was uh going through all of
802s the uh different details of this run
805s look at all these side missions we have
807s active we haven't been doing any of them
810s so we're probably going to maybe do a
812s side mission uh while we're doing this
815s showcase um but uh I also noticed that
819s on our map specifically in
822s cedo there were a number of locations
825s that I have yet to even 100% complete
828s what what in the world so let's start
830s that process a little bit so we'll head
832s back over
836s too and then
838s start getting
844s 100%
847s beautiful through the course of this
849s stream for anybody who has never been
851s here before welcome for
853s one we will be answering all the
856s questions that you may have pertaining
857s to whatever is shown here or even things
860s that aren't shown we'll do our best to
862s respond to all questions we will respond
865s to those questions at certain intervals
867s of the Stream So if you ask a question
869s and it feels like nobody's listening to
872s you nobody heard you uh that's incorrect
874s we absolutely did we just wait for key
876s moments during the stream to respond all
880s right so I think there was one over here
882s that I hadn't finished yet yeah 50%
884s completion so there's going to be stuff
886s to find let's just head on over that
893s direction
896s excellent plus I don't know about you
897s guys but it's like been a while since
899s I've listened to the cedo
907s music makes me
916s happy all
919s right so we want to find the rest of the
923s stuff here which means we're going to be
924s poking and prodding about while also
926s taking out some enemies to build up our
928s Alt
930s to showcase the
941s difference oh ouch ouch
946s ouch already with the pain and suffering
949s I do not like that
960s oh my
963s goodness this poor little Scout he's
969s tiny oh my gosh I think we're going to
972s blow yep all right all right
976s okay maybe I maybe I sort of uh
979s underestimated myself with a ship that
981s is made out of
984s paper try that
987s again 27 people
991s 27 thanks thanks for that Gary
999s wor now if I wanted to get super cheeky
1002s I could just craft a rail gun here but
1004s that's too easy I want to make things
1005s harder on myself but I will be using
1008s figure of eight this
1011s time see if we can get it close enough
1026s all right let's get you first cuz you're
1040s closer ow ow ow ow ow ow
1044s ow goodness
1048s gravy well that for some
1051s Nanobots but I mean In fairness that's
1053s going to be good for us if that's the
1055s way things keep going at
1057s least all right so now we want to start
1060s exploring this place that teleport drone
1062s oh my gosh I'm not excited for
1065s it but whenever he shows his face we are
1068s absolutely going to
1069s be greeting him with uh figure of eight
1079s it be nice to collect some resources cuz
1081s you know we have an overabundance of
1083s them at this point you can never have
1086s too
1087s much where are my hoarders
1099s at I definitely do need a new weapon
1102s though this pulse laser you know it's
1104s nice but it's not going to get the job
1107s done not for what we needed for at
1119s least now
1122s sometimes various loot containers will
1124s generate somewhere around these debris
1127s fields which is why I'm kind of like
1130s going a little bit closer towards the uh
1132s the mines you know those things that
1134s could kill us because we could find
1136s incredibly worthless things like this
1138s for example we want to we want to make
1141s sure that there's no chance that it
1144s could actually be
1149s decent all right more
1159s copper
1167s woo actually what is is our okay we're
1170s at we have a level 24 it's a standard
1173s boost focused energy core all right
1176s that's interesting it's kind of
1177s wondering why our uh weapons were
1180s struggling a little bit on the
1183s maintaining of
1188s firing definitely something we'll have
1190s to probably upgrade sooner than later
1193s but I do see a couple more drones they
1195s shouldn't be too hard
1200s but they will build up our alt a little
1202s bit further so we'll appreciate those
1209s kills all
1211s right oh
1215s athum definitely want to pick those up
1218s too but yeah how goes your week
1221s everybody I want to know it's been a
1224s particularly interesting week for myself
1230s it's always nice to know how you guys
1233s are doing in these Friday
1244s streams pretty sure we've picked this
1247s site
1256s clean try going over here see what what
1259s we
1261s got Scot is the only lightweight ship in
1264s ever space one that is
1266s correct that is very
1271s true everspace 2 does have three
1274s lightweight
1281s chips let's good enough valuable
1284s shipwreck we got a sustained Jagger I
1286s think that's actually going to be
1287s slightly better yep
1290s so we'll take that and scrap this one uh
1295s ironically I kind of like how this is
1299s more
1300s balanced but because it's worse on all
1303s degrees um yeah we can't do that and
1306s we'll take the
1308s blueprint all right
1310s kala's special perk is now working it's
1314s magic we just have to find a way in here
1319s that was
1321s easy
1323s autonomous
1326s Bay Let's see we only
1329s have one of the opulence set so both of
1334s these are kind of it's
1337s 50/50 we can hold
1339s more but slightly less
1342s Firepower I do like the reduced uh
1346s Boost from the one we currently have
1349s probably doesn't matter too much but
1351s that's what we're going to do that's
1352s what we're going to stick with so there
1354s we go one
1357s territory
1358s completed let's move on to the next
1363s one let's see 100% here what do we got
1366s 50 73 Zer oh
1370s boy all
1372s right oh siren C this could be a little
1375s tricky it'll be nice
1385s I'm always uh I'm always surprised
1387s whenever I'm checking like the the
1389s forums and seeing what people are
1391s talking about pertaining to to ever
1392s Space 2 the expectations some players
1396s have it's uh it's
1398s interesting it's interesting like all
1400s Space games are the same apparently
1403s until you start playing it and then
1404s you're like why isn't this space game
1405s the same as the other space game that I
1407s was expecting it to be like
1409s and uh all hell breaks loose it's crazy
1412s it is
1416s crazy but we are happy for those who
1419s appreciate what we have concocted
1424s here especially those who will help
1428s their fellow Pilots out on the forums in
1431s the Discord Reddit wherever you're
1436s at for some reason I thought I had
1438s destroyed him we also uh speaking of
1443s destroy come here okay we want to
1445s destroy this guy with one of his own
1447s mines we've been trying to do that for a
1454s while there we
1456s go oh that's so
1459s nice
1463s excellent so let's actually
1467s um let's go to Outlaw hunt now we did
1470s that one destroy all armor plates of a
1472s Blood star overseer oh you know we're
1474s we're in the right territory for
1477s that we'll just go ahead and add it to
1479s our list and maybe we'll find something
1483s it's kind of funny I started going into
1485s everspace one
1486s mode for those of you who play everspace
1488s one when you find something like this
1490s all of these are destructible and I was
1492s like yeah I free loot excellent no wait
1494s a second no we we changed certain
1497s interactions and systems
1499s it doesn't work like that anymore oh my
1502s goodness the breakable crates look a
1504s little different
1509s now
1515s whoops H that
1518s sucks get
1520s it get it cuz cuz they're cuz they get
1534s all
1547s right going have to be a little bit more
1550s uh careful on this front
1553s ouch it' be really great as I had my
1555s ultimate right now
1565s [Music]
1566s feel like I'm not even hitting them oh
1568s my
1579s gosh there we
1582s go powerful Prime zapper that might be
1585s the trick that we are looking for
1593s not only does it have that sort of uh
1595s range
1597s benefit but you'll see that
1599s um I mean I guess it's less range than
1602s the than the uh sustained Jagger but um
1606s the damage output I think is really what
1608s we're looking for here so we're going to
1610s definitely take it on we're so close to
1613s getting this uh
1617s alt there it is
1620s so I could use it on turrets it's a
1621s little boring but why not okay so has
1625s this sort of look that you guys are
1626s familiar with now we're uncloaked we are
1630s cloaked
1632s again we have our attacks we're going to
1635s cloak
1639s uncloak oh come
1642s on now we're cloaked again every time we
1645s do that we extend the cloak duration
1647s except now I'm going to turn it off to
1649s save whatever I could which was not
1651s much so it's a very similar system to
1653s what uh it was actually used as before
1656s but now there's a bit more
1658s intentionality with its
1665s use as you can also tell that it's not
1669s just a you must use a rail gun with this
1673s situation
1679s now I have I can't remember we did all
1682s of this already so yeah I don't think
1684s we're going to need that at least not
1687s right now we might need that for another
1690s situation nearby but for now we're just
1693s going to we're just going to
1702s go also kis perk coming in clutch once
1705s again
1711s you guys enjoying the armed and
1712s dangerous
1715s update we're pretty happy with the
1717s additions and adjustments that uh free
1719s update has created for you all what do
1722s we got ooh Mainframe component and
1724s Annihilator virus well we have both of
1726s those things but another Mainframe
1728s component is always
1730s nice truth be told I thought siren SE
1733s was going to take us
1735s longer but I'll take it uh let's go
1739s ahead and finish this search area before
1742s we go to the next
1757s site wait a second I know there's a
1759s trick to
1761s this I just have to find it
1790s blood St overseer hey maybe we can get
1792s all the plates off of him or we can uh
1795s or we can die but either way it's going
1797s to be great
1806s let's try to get a little
1808s [Music]
1816s closer all right try to maintain this
1823s yes ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch
1828s where are you oh my
1831s gosh it's moving faster than I
1849s thought okay there we
1853s go probably not the best state to be
1855s trying to do this challenge but uh you
1857s know what
1865s not
1874s ow
1875s there there come on come on there no
1888s did we get it no ah he's so close to
1893s death where's the shiny bits where are
1897s they right there come on break off in
1901s there yeah we got
1903s it
1907s excellent all
1910s right that feels
1913s good wow we got some really good loot
1916s there too
1919s all right we'll finish this
1922s area we'll top off our
1927s challenge at least I
1932s hope let's actually look at that real
1935s quick cuz I know that there is a Mastery
1937s destroy an outlaw sniper drone from at
1938s least 3,000 met distance well that's
1941s perfect for us right now on the Scout we
1943s will need a real gun though
1953s no no no
1960s [Music]
1964s no oh you stop stop bragging Adam that
1967s does not help our
1973s situation
1976s a the worst part is we don't have
1979s anything to like hide
1983s behind that teleport drone that was
1987s worst timing worst timing oh my
1992s gosh all right 28 death N I believe so
1997s man two in the Stream today already all
1999s right all right maybe I should just go
2002s ahead and craft a new weapon instead of
2005s uh pretending like I can do all of this
2008s wait did we did we at least complete the
2010s challenge did it okay cool we we got the
2012s challenge taken care of it Autos saved
2013s right after that thank goodness we
2015s updated the autosave feature and the
2017s armed and dangerous update
2029s woo just going we're just leaving just
2031s leaving next next location
2036s excellent two and won stream Eric's
2038s losing his touch I guess I am you know I
2041s will actually say that like and this
2043s goes for all of you out there it's great
2045s to explore what the different ships have
2047s to offer when you first jump from ship
2052s to ship there is going to be kind of
2054s like this awkward sort of phase of what
2056s am I doing and why does this keep
2058s happening because the ships do actually
2061s operate pretty differently from one
2063s another it's not just a simple matter of
2066s oh it has a different shape and it has a
2068s different ultimate no there there's a
2071s there's a quite a bit of
2073s nuance and especially if you go from
2075s something very comfortable like a say a
2077s gunship for example to a light ship any
2081s of the light ships it's going to feel uh
2084s it's going to feel awkward at
2086s best uh we are having another core issue
2089s here cuz I'd really like to gain some
2092s health and these weapons are all close
2094s range
2099s we did get our health back so that's
2101s good all right let's
2104s see prospector
2109s H I think we want to focus him down
2119s first the good news is that we keep
2121s jamming his weapons the bad news is he's
2123s got a lot of buddies oh my gosh
2131s oh my gosh our energy our we having such
2133s a problem with energy as
2137s well I did not like that sound
2163s oh and a Raider as well oh my
2166s goodness game really is throwing
2168s everything it possibly can at
2177s us yeah
2182s seriously or give me my ultimate that
2184s would be nice
2192s another teleport
2201s drone thanks
2203s Alec oh my
2207s gosh that timing was
2210s horrendous oh my gosh Come on
2214s Scout I'm going to I'm going to cycle my
2216s weapons to where we're actually going to
2218s maintain some benefits here all right
2220s all right enough screwing
2223s around it's almost like that Scouts M of
2226s aluminium oh my
2229s gosh geez all right let's see we could
2232s go for a coil gun but honestly that
2234s hasn't really been teaching us or giving
2236s us that much benefits um we're probably
2238s going to just go straight for the rail
2240s gun here might as well make it
2242s Superior since we have the resources
2245s repair kinetic damage okay that should
2247s be nice 10% chance for each shot to
2249s increase all damage dealt to the Target
2251s that's also really nice and fully
2253s charged shots destabilize the target for
2255s 8 seconds oh my gosh these are these are
2257s actually really nice I am pleased with
2260s those
2261s results by quite a
2264s lot and honestly I'm even though this
2269s let's see we don't have any other
2270s commanders okay yeah so I think we're
2272s going to use the rail gun
2274s here just straight up but we're also
2277s going to uh complete this task where you
2281s at Outlaw sniper
2284s drone there we go challenge
2293s completed we have unlocked
2302s Aaron doesn't feel like that's doing a
2304s lot of damage
2311s move our position over a little
2318s bit we got two engine
2325s colors that might actually be a
2329s bug we should have only unlocked one
2331s there
2350s this should takeen
2353s out I forgot you have to hit the target
2356s in order to take them out silly
2360s me let's try that
2362s again there we
2364s go much better
2368s I'm also noticing that we actually have
2370s a uh damaged energy core which is
2372s probably why everything sucks so
2378s much actually let me rephrase that that
2381s is why everything sucks so much so we'll
2384s need to get that uh repaired
2389s ASAP that teleport drone
2392s [Music]
2400s let's answer some
2402s questions I think you people have
2404s wondered why we put teleport drones in
2406s we've just got the answer yeah well it's
2409s it's so funny because like Yeah The
2411s Heavy the one of the reasons why we did
2414s have them added is because you could
2416s play From a Distance very safe and we're
2418s like we need something to kind of like
2420s mess in that territory
2422s um
2424s yeah among other things there's there's
2426s a couple other reasons why the the tele
2427s drone was added um but yeah I'm getting
2430s a little too comfortable now I'm like oh
2432s yeah I can just cheese it no no I
2435s actually can't so all right but yeah
2437s let's answer some questions uh Gary go
2438s ahead and join me on the screen if you
2440s so desire oh perfect excellent we all
2445s right we've got a few lined up um first
2447s off over on YouTube uh hello to Fred
2450s spec he's got a question uh now that the
2453s Scout has had a a redo uh can we expect
2456s to see any similar changes to other
2459s ships we are constantly looking at how
2463s the balance and the feel of all of the
2467s ships are with the various equipments
2471s and tools at your disposal um while it
2473s is incredibly not likely that we will
2475s have any other ship changes um I suppose
2478s that it is a possibility um but as of
2481s right now I can fully say that the only
2484s ship that has received any amount of
2487s changing
2488s of any type of foundational ability um
2491s or attribute or what have you is
2494s actually the Scout and what we are
2495s showing right here right now and again a
2499s big reason for this particular change is
2502s to make the Scout more fun more usable
2505s more diverse and yeah cuz beforehand
2509s there was only one way to use the Scout
2510s that was it just one and everybody used
2513s it the exact same way we are hopeful and
2516s through our play testing uh it does seem
2518s that by alternating the ultimate into a
2521s way that increases critical hit chance
2523s across the board as well as providing
2526s benefits to your cloak based on kills
2529s it's getting more use in more ways
2532s especially with some of the new leg I
2534s suppose so
2537s yeah marvelous marvelous um I've kind of
2540s already answered this one uh to Thor of
2543s the Angel over on YouTube he was just
2545s wondering if there's any update on the
2547s uh of everspace 2 book arriving in uh
2550s the Amazon UK stock it seems to be
2551s taking a long time and I said we are
2554s kind of in the lap of the Gods with in
2556s terms of logistics we're still waiting
2558s on that to finalize but uh fingers
2560s crossed uh very very soon very very soon
2563s same for the other stores that it's not
2564s reached yet as well yep yeah as in so
2568s everybody is aware currently you can get
2570s the art book through the US market as
2572s well as the uh German Market um those
2576s are the only two uh locations uh we will
2579s let you guys know when they are
2581s expanding
2582s further um yeah there you go oh wait
2585s it's also in Canada right I for right
2588s America and Canada and Germany yes okay
2592s so but yeah we'll let you know as that
2594s expands outward because we want to get
2595s those into your hands the the art books
2597s are incredibly nice um they're yeah
2600s there's a lot there's a lot in them way
2603s more than we ever anticipated there
2604s would be so see I wonder if we can hang
2608s on I'm going to answer more questions
2610s but I want to see if I can get just make
2611s a repair kit and and fix this up do we
2613s have a repair kit we have
2617s a all right cool cool all right what's
2620s another question we
2621s have uh right we've got one from Wizard
2624s Jerry over on YouTube and he's wondering
2626s uh with the behind the scene changes to
2629s the uh to the Scout what was the
2632s thinking behind it um did you feel like
2634s it was just not good enough or maybe
2636s they could do it better
2638s yeah so the the short of it is that we
2640s just felt like the scouts ultimate was a
2642s little underwhelming for what we wanted
2645s it to be be for the player um cuz as it
2648s stands the Scout is meant to be this
2650s more ranged fighter than most of the
2652s other ships and the ultimate was there
2655s to kind of like service that but we also
2659s had this mentality in making ever Space
2661s 2 to avoid restricting options to any of
2665s the ships um so if anyone familiar with
2668s ospace one you'll know that certain
2669s ships simply cannot use certain weapons
2673s or
2675s tools uh if you are like in an
2678s Interceptor for example um you don't
2680s have the ability to cloak like at all if
2682s you are in or wait no that's is that
2684s correct I think actually I think the the
2686s cloaking is not dependent on that ship
2690s but oh my gosh now my brain is fried
2692s because there's so many different things
2694s but there's like certain weapons okay
2695s just bear with me here there's certain
2697s weapons that could only be used by
2698s certain classes of ships in ever Space 2
2700s we wanted to avoid that instead we said
2703s we want there to be purpose and use if
2705s you go a certain direction with certain
2707s ships because the ships are built that
2709s way like the Scout is going to maximize
2711s damage in the rail gun for example but
2714s you can use the rail gun to pretty great
2716s effect with any ship it's just probably
2719s best to use it on the Scout so we kind
2723s of limited the Scout a little bit by
2726s making the ultimate the previous
2728s ultimate not this one but the previous
2730s one very
2732s specific to using rail guns it was all
2735s about hey stay at range and if you're
2737s not using range then your ultimate isn't
2739s going to be nearly as good we swapped
2741s that out for something that has that
2743s more meaningful desire our intentional
2746s desire to have the ability to go more
2750s routes in different ways okay that's
2752s ultimately what our line of thinking was
2755s and why we made this change we want from
2757s it feels a little too exclusive to now
2760s there's more opportunities
2765s present
2767s nice uh right question uh from Fred spec
2771s again over on YouTube um from a
2773s technical point of view um is the
2776s upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 now complete
2779s is the quality on that from where we
2780s want it to be uh before we push out the
2783s door does it still need work do we have
2785s any kind of update on yeah I can F I can
2788s give you an update so much as I can
2790s inform you of uh no we are not done um
2794s yes we are liking the results
2797s um yes we are running into a couple
2800s little challenges but that's a natural
2802s process of migrating from one engine to
2805s another um for all intents and purposes
2808s you guys can expect what we had claimed
2811s would be the case from migrating from
2813s Unreal Engine 4 to Unreal Engine 5 to be
2815s the result okay um there may be a couple
2819s itty bitty discrepancies maybe it might
2822s not even actually be the case and if
2825s there were any going to be going to be
2826s any of those discrepancies any problems
2828s any issues whatsoever we're going to
2830s make it very clear with all of you out
2833s there knowing precisely what would be
2837s different I suppose but for all intents
2840s and purposes you guys do not need to
2841s worry whatsoever about the migration
2843s process we are on it we're going to make
2846s sure that it's doing everything that we
2847s wanted it and need it to do and so far
2851s it is
2853s MH yeah just a remind because Eric is
2856s actually playing on the Unreal Engine 5
2857s version on our Dev build so there you go
2861s you'll see it there
2863s live right last question for now uh from
2865s Ghost wraith over on Twitch uh with all
2868s the changes is there a favorite ship
2870s load out that you enjoy the most you
2873s know it's it's kind of funny we uh we
2874s have some internal testing of going
2876s different routes with different builds
2878s I'm going to give a shout out to Yan on
2880s the team he has been phenomenal in not
2883s only figuring out new sort of tricks
2885s that are possible but also um you know
2888s highlighting internally what some of
2889s that looks like and we've been playing
2892s around with more of that to see what
2895s crazier things you can do and yeah it's
2897s it's pretty satisfying it's pretty
2899s satisfying there's some clever stuff
2902s that can be had um and there's some
2905s absurdity as well now for those Min
2908s maxers out there
2910s um shoot there's there's some legendary
2913s items that are going to feel like
2915s they're just you have to have it and you
2917s might surprise yourself in finding out
2919s other routes are actually uh maybe more
2922s optimized for particular ship or device
2925s or just a general play style it's
2928s there's there's a lot coming in this
2930s incursions update that's going to
2931s diversify the endgame in particular so
2935s if you are looking for more I think
2937s you're going to be pleasantly surprised
2939s by the new opportunities that will
2941s be
2943s yeah very nice very nice yeah some
2946s builds that we've seen very very good
2948s when the uh when the players get it into
2950s their hands they're going to be good
2952s builds good builds uh that's it for the
2955s time being pilot you're ready to fly
2957s cool excellent all right well we're
2958s goingon to probably leave this area cuz
2961s I like
2963s living we're just uh we're a little bit
2966s underleveled
2967s or underprepared I'm not sure which
2970s maybe a bit of
2971s both I'm so eager to try and like finish
2974s things off oh by the way you should why
2976s are you still on the screen you should
2977s be you should okay there it is okay
2981s awesome excellent so we are going to try
2983s and finish up a couple of these
2985s locations uh Outlaw base that sounds
2988s safe let's head over
2990s there see what uh death awaits us
3003s all right so long as there's no
3005s teleporter drones I feel like I'm going
3007s to be okay but man those things really
3009s screw me
3014s up get that drone out of the
3017s oh maybe
3020s not you're too close oh too
3024s close it would also help if we could get
3027s a level up to max out our teleporter
3029s that would also be pretty
3040s beneficial there we
3042s go oh my gosh look at us being competent
3046s it's like an entirely new pilot took
3049s control crazy
3059s all
3061s right oh wave pulse analyzer let's check
3064s that out
3066s um I do like that added ship range um
3070s less structure less EMP
3072s duration we're just going to scrap it so
3074s we don't get a confused with thing oh a
3075s thermo
3077s gun would this be beneficial as a
3082s secondary we don't have to lock on or we
3084s don't have to ATT track the target
3088s might be nice since we're running away a
3089s lot in our tactical Retreat we can fire
3091s behind us so we're going
3094s to we're going to try it for now and
3097s plug these
3101s in oh we have we have three cloak field
3103s generators let's get all of those on
3104s there all
3107s right okay we can probably take this guy
3110s out pretty fast so long as we don't
3112s [Music]
3114s miss no more Shields goodbye ah a he
3117s barely survived
3119s that but that's fine here let's just go
3122s ahead and use this because it's
3124s fun so if you as you can see whenever
3127s you do get a kill um oh that was not a
3130s kill at
3131s all but when you do get a kill you'll
3136s reclo for a little bit longer I thought
3138s there were more enemies oh well
3156s surprised that Missile hit
3159s us oh
3164s well and now for the most exciting
3166s gameplay experience ever where a turret
3170s cannot hit
3172s us but I can hit
3175s him well ladies and gentlemen we've done
3182s it just waiting for that teleporter
3184s drone to show up be like
3190s nuh-uh all right oh we have to get our
3192s Outlaw hunt again a well hey that's fine
3195s I'm sure that we've got some uh team
3197s members in chat who would also be able
3198s to see if this is actually bugged or not
3200s um so whenever I'm saying that these
3202s challenges so that you guys are aware
3204s whenever you complete them you get an
3205s engine color that unlocks
3208s and you only you're you only get one you
3210s only get one engine color for each one
3213s uh so if this gives us two whenever I do
3214s complete this
3215s inevitably uh yeah just ignore
3219s that just a bug no big deal
3224s o I like
3229s it Bonk all right another location
3234s complete feeling good
3239s I like
3246s it see I think there was a derel yeah we
3249s have nothing there but I think this
3251s place only has one secret if I'm not
3253s mistaken so this shouldn't take very
3260s long oh kazah I love that tactic kazah
3263s says that his uh his way to take out
3266s teleporter and the Scout is to have the
3268s lock on nearest Target which is not
3270s bound by default you'd have to set that
3272s up uh but then you just basically lock
3274s it on even if it's like behind you and
3277s then whenever it gets close whenever it
3278s teleports in he uses magnetic Repulsor
3281s to push it
3282s away that's clever I like
3289s that magnetic Repulsor is actually one
3291s of my favorite devices really I didn't
3294s hit a
3295s single okay
3298s redeemers are ah great
3308s redeemers let's get some more
3311s distance and uh oh well didn't exactly
3314s want an asteroid in the way but you know
3317s there we
3320s go yeah that's a lot of damage when
3322s you're actually at
3324s range challenge completed
3327s Casper if you see two engines pop
3331s up I'm
3337s sorry okay yeah so it does look like
3339s it's triggering twice that's just a bug
3341s guys that won't be there uh when we get
3344s to the update
3348s itself oh except it only gave us one
3350s engine this time all right
3357s bug's been fixed during the live stream
3359s no big no big
3366s deal all
3374s right all
3376s right actually wait now I'm thinking
3379s about it was there were there
3381s two were there two okay I completed a
3385s different challenge
3388s I completed a different challenge which
3391s challenge did
3395s I I completed the advanced combat oh my
3397s gosh guys I'm a doofus there's no bug I
3400s just completed a different challenge
3402s everything's fine everything's working
3404s completely as intended only thing that's
3406s not working is my brain apparently all
3408s right so this one is destroying
3409s specifically a sniper drone Advanced
3412s combat is destroying any enemy from
3414s 4,000 or more oh my gosh everything's
3418s fine everything's working as
3423s intended I didn't tell you guys that
3424s it's been a week for me
3426s right apparently that week is still in
3430s effect all
3435s right goodness all right there we go we
3438s got some aium Crystal nothing else needs
3441s to be worried about here but I do see a
3444s couple containers that we might as well
3446s Pro
3450s cure cuz you know why not oh that one's
3453s in there
3459s okay good single scrap I like
3466s it all right there we
3472s go
3473s next making good progress clearing
3476s things out
3479s so I do have to ask you guys is there a
3480s specific place that you know that I can
3483s show you and not one that I can't that
3485s you would like me to go to and try to
3487s attempt at all just going to throw it
3489s out there while we are continuing to try
3491s and clear this section of
3494s cedo uh did we get all the I think we
3496s did yeah we did there might be one over
3499s here ah 90% oh my goodness we're going
3504s to have to ah we got a couple of over
3506s here we're going to have to go back to
3508s I'm pretty sure we got
3514s these uh noted from the message that I
3517s just received all
3521s right so let's see about going over to
3523s the ghost Fleet for the
3526s moment something in Keon oh all right
3530s all
3534s right I could probably do that
3539s Quest so let's first oh we haven't done
3541s the race here oh my
3543s goodness so yeah we can do the Gathering
3547s dust here the citizens of velocity and
3549s find the last secret cuz it's also
3551s highlighted look at this nice completion
3553s all over the ah ah all over the place as
3557s well as a sniper drone from over oh my
3560s gosh he's going to hit us isn't he oh my
3561s gosh
3565s [Laughter]
3567s ah I'm being so stubborn about my armor
3570s I actually just need to upgrade my armor
3572s that would that might actually help us
3574s survive um
3579s geez ladies and gentlemen this is a
3582s public announcement to make when you are
3586s a certain level in any video game like
3589s say 25 in the upper right corner it is
3592s not advised to have content on your
3596s character in any way shape or form to be
3598s six freaking levels
3601s lower than your current
3604s level because you are asking for pain
3607s and suffering all right thank you for
3609s this public service announcement we're
3612s going to continue moving
3614s on I want to get one of those sniper
3616s drones
3623s though we can do it can't wait for the
3626s next excuse oh my gosh all right well
3629s all right if you guys really want me to
3631s fine I will start playing with my hands
3632s instead of my feet jeez didn't realize I
3636s was going to have to do this but here we
3641s are all right another another engine
3643s color feels
3645s good uh that's going to miss oh we got
3649s it
3654s excellent uh Prospectors suck I don't
3658s like this I don't like this at all see
3661s if we can maximize our range a little
3662s bit
3664s more oh man they're they're all fast
3667s what Slow Down slow down
3674s you I just want the crit
3685s chance of course we didn't get like a
3687s single oh wait did that crit oh that
3689s critted we got him like that last shot
3692s that feels
3694s good we didn't get him in that
3696s one nope no thank you no thank
3706s you maybe I need to start investing in
3708s some uh energy injectors for the time
3712s being until we get a little bit better
3714s stuff
3721s thankfully we're still moving just
3725s enough there we go all right one more
3729s down do we speed up Elite overseers or
3732s something my
3739s goodness 2.2 all right let just increase
3743s the distance a healthy bit more and just
3746s start
3747s chunking
3748s away oh my
3756s gosh I think we've brought him
3759s down his health bar by half a pixel
3762s ladies and gentlemen oh
3767s boy we're fighting literally everything
3770s that just uh is not good for
3772s us all right let's try and get cheeky
3776s here pull out all the stops here we
3782s go wonder how effective this will
3785s be I'm not sure but we'll find
3788s out always use a secondary oh he did he
3791s did I'm using secondary what are you
3792s talking
3799s about now we're out of secondaries all
3802s right yeah man this is uh
3806s we need to focus in on some more armor
3809s armor
3810s damage this is fine though this is nice
3813s I like how I'm safe oh who smoke to soon
3822s oh ah
3825s no freaking energy failed me right there
3829s jeez
3841s each one of these battles is just like
3846s what and for anybody who's asking um I
3850s mean this guy is two levels higher than
3852s us we are playing on nightmare so there
3853s yes there are factors there plus some of
3855s my equipment does stink yes um that's no
3858s excuse none of those things are
3860s excuses that's just where we're at
3862s that's just what we're dealing with
3864s could I fix some of that
3866s yes am I being stubborn about this also
3875s yes sometimes you just got to work with
3877s what you got and uh what I got isn't
3879s really that
3884s great this should get him all right
3888s cool excellent a bunch of stuff we can't
3891s use that indicates just how much higher
3893s level than uh than we are so let's go
3897s ahead and start taking out some of these
3900s things we will use
3904s that um Firepower instead of structure
3908s but decreased EMP that should be
3911s fine get rid of the
3913s [Music]
3922s GS maybe we should have ourselves repair
3925s a damaged item every night
3928s seconds just for the situation we're in
3932s oh my
3934s gosh see oh I want that let's uh let's
3938s actually do that let's go ahead and
3940s modify this guy so that we can use it uh
3943s remove level
3946s restriction boom tuned energy core we
3950s basically doubled our energy guys oh my
3953s gosh
3954s that's I I feel like I should be
3958s embarrassed that's that's ridiculous um
3963s wow okay so we're going to absolutely
3965s get rid of this we're just going to take
3968s these cuz we have
3973s room doubled our
3976s energy wow all right oh that's that's a
3980s shield okay
3988s I want in how do you get
3991s in nope man this is bringing back man I
3994s don't know why but there's been a lot of
3996s things it's probably because I've also
3997s been playing a little bit of everspace
3998s one lately but there have been a lot of
3999s things that I've just like very much
4002s brought back that those core memories of
4004s everspace one like the first time you
4005s ever go into like a colonial derelict
4008s and everspace one for example oh my gosh
4010s it's a lot like this where you're like
4012s looking around you're like how do I get
4014s in there I want that
4016s I want where do I how do I get that you
4019s know like that's exactly what I'm
4020s feeling right now it's just like
4022s straight up ever space one
4024s Vibes here we are we've
4027s disco we've discovered it we know what
4029s we need to do though we just need an
4031s energy
4033s sphere that's going to be next to the
4035s race oh yeah cuz we fly all the way down
4037s the the race path to plug it in
4040s excellent all
4041s right let's do
4044s that and while we're doing this since
4046s we're poking about a bit let's go ahead
4047s and start answering some more questions
4049s that have built up so Gary go ahead and
4050s join me back on the
4052s stream perfect excellent there we go um
4057s I would ask you a question if I actually
4059s had any oh my gosh everybody's been that
4062s stunned with your ability of dying I
4065s think you've um Fen them all down and
4068s they're just you know I don't mean to
4069s brag but I'm really good at dying okay
4072s like definitely have improved since the
4075s last time
4077s I can see you've been putting in some
4078s training there some serious effort
4080s perfect perfect oh my gosh all right
4083s well away with you then I cast you away
4085s all right excellent well if you guys do
4088s have questions though by all means shoot
4090s them our way we would love to help
4092s answer otherwise continue watching me
4094s unlock things and hopefully not die as
4098s much but if I do may it be a glorious
4100s death and at least some semblance of
4103s hilarity all right
4106s so we've got this guy in now so we can
4109s get this bulletproof
4111s container scatter gun not going to use
4114s that on the uh Scout at
4118s all hopefully for obvious
4123s reasons let's go ahead and do a race
4127s this ship does not feel very fast so my
4129s guess is going to oh we need to do the
4132s mission first I I forgot about that my
4135s guess is going to be that um we are
4137s going to get gold that's my
4140s thought we'll obviously hope for for
4143s better but now isn't there where's the
4148s isn't there a thing nearby you know the
4151s thing where's the
4156s thing you know what I'm talking about
4157s though right oh there always a thing
4159s there that was the thing next to do over
4161s there yeah there it is I found it I
4163s found the thing so now it's wait no that
4165s was the thing that we're still
4170s definitely there's a hole somewhere I
4172s know it is this it is the it's
4176s definitely definitely not
4178s it I feel like we're getting
4183s warmer
4186s yeah all right
4189s fine let's see cables running this way
4198s where are you
4200s going can I
4204s no nope we already looked at the side my
4209s gosh I'm feeling I'm
4214s feeling feeling
4218s off there should be a hole right am I
4222s thinking of the wrong location or maybe
4224s these there's connect C to a shield
4227s generator on the outside over here
4230s somewhere let's look all the way down
4232s here let's just go all the way
4235s down let's just have ourselves a little
4240s lsy there's nothing there
4244s aha
4246s aha get out of
4250s here all
4253s right follow the cable ladies and
4256s gentlemen follow the
4259s cables all right let's hack this
4276s terminal all right now let's complete
4278s this race or attempt to complete it
4282s again my guess is going to be gold what
4283s are your guys's guesses think I can get
4286s platinum think I'm barely going to
4288s scratch silver what do you think what do
4290s you
4297s think oh my gosh I look over the chat
4301s and like just making sure I haven't
4302s missed anything and everyone's just
4303s saying I'm full of excuses today all
4305s right that's fine if that's the way you
4306s want to be guys no problem no problem
4310s Michael we need to uh hold back the uh
4312s incursions update uh by three months
4316s uh the reason is because I feel like it
4320s thank you very
4325s much not how development works at all
4328s ladies and
4329s gentlemen oh okay maybe we're not even
4332s going to get gold oh come on please no I
4334s just want
4335s gold no we missed it we got
4343s silver the pain the pain Michael says
4348s sure but I know that was a very
4350s sarcastic
4351s sure oh my gosh all right well we're
4354s going to call that completed for
4356s now cuz we got 100% in this area too I'm
4359s making good progress on completion I'm
4363s making bad progress in the realm of
4366s survival uh but you know it happens it
4369s happens Let's see we got 100% here good
4371s good excellent wait there's another
4374s gathering dust oh that's P's wound okay
4376s for a second I thought that was also in
4378s the ghost Fleet what in the
4384s world zip on over
4387s here excuse me I do have a couple of
4390s questions that have come in in the in
4392s the interim if you want to answer them
4395s yeah why don't you go ahead and join us
4396s on stream and uh let's uh again
4399s definitely let's cover it cool right uh
4402s tiberious Assyrians over on Twitch uh is
4405s just been read on the uh Kickstarter
4407s update that's just gone out with regards
4409s to the new Scout um it's a more engaging
4412s Al but to clarify the expertise is going
4415s to remain at percentage damage bonus for
4417s the
4419s range uh yes that is that is correct oh
4422s no can we get him before he gets us
4425s oh and that explosion is going to be
4427s painful let's answer that question very
4429s directly by just showing you the special
4431s is still Ranger deals 4% increased
4434s damage per 100 m distance to Target so
4437s that is not changing it is just the
4439s ultimate that has received the update uh
4441s to get grant that critical hit chance
4444s and by getting kills you will extend the
4446s duration of the cloak itself so happy to
4449s clarify that as we are going to have our
4450s Shields shut down right now oh they
4453s missed cool excellent next question uh
4457s next question is from sline over on
4459s YouTube and he's just wondering did the
4461s choice to not release the game on
4462s previous uh generation consoles have
4465s anything to with the planned move to
4466s Unreal Engine 5 now I have kind of given
4468s him an answer but I think it'd be good
4471s to clarify it to everybody else yeah I
4473s mean the no it it it's not like the the
4476s main reason why we are doing the upgrade
4480s the uh the move the migration is because
4483s we want to continue supporting the game
4485s we want to continue supporting you the
4487s community this helps build our
4489s relationship with epic in a much greater
4490s way as well because if we were still in
4493s Unreal Engine 4 it's going to be a lot
4495s more more difficult to get that support
4497s since everyone at Epic is on Unreal
4498s Engine 5 and that's their Focus right so
4501s by us moving over that means that we can
4504s not only stabilize everything that is to
4506s come in our space 2 it also means that
4508s we can continue supporting it it means
4509s that we can continue not only listening
4511s to you guys but also subtly implementing
4514s uh elements that would be best for you
4515s guys as well in all those powerful and
4517s prominent ways now I do want to stress
4520s in all of the things that I just said
4522s here it does not mean that we are taking
4525s every Space 2 to a whole new level no
4528s not no no we want everspace 2 to retain
4531s as rich and as deep as possible as it is
4534s right now and keep everything about that
4537s almost exactly the same as we move it
4540s over to Unreal Engine 5 we're not using
4542s this as some sort of like souped up
4545s experience sort of thing this is
4547s entirely about maintaining that focus
4550s and direction of Aerospace 2 with the
4552s rich support behind it okay if there was
4556s some new tool feature whatever that
4559s could be utilized from Unreal Engine 5
4561s that we simply couldn't have an Unreal
4563s Engine 4 we're going to take every
4565s precaution known to man to see if that
4568s would be a functional route and then if
4572s that is we would communicate it to you
4574s guys to know what to expect and since
4576s you guys haven't heard anything you
4578s probably know that it's very unlikely
4581s that we're going to move into new
4582s territories because that's never been
4584s the intent of this migration it's
4588s possible but that's never been the
4591s intent so thank you for asking that
4594s question so I can provide that Clarity
4596s what else we got uh we've got a question
4599s from Axel over on YouTube uh he's not
4602s sure if this has been asked before but
4603s you mentioned in the blog that light
4605s fight is of an extremely low percentage
4607s of use uh ties into a question we did
4610s answer earlier but does that mean that
4611s other light classes will receive a touch
4614s up as well no not not particularly um
4617s the Scout is the one that we saw has an
4620s incredible Niche to it whereas the other
4623s two fighters have a lot more flexibility
4626s so what I mean by that is that whenever
4628s you're looking at the core functionality
4630s of the Vanguard the
4632s Vanguard is a close range light fighter
4635s which sounds counterintuitive but
4637s because it's so fast it can actually
4638s gain a lot of benefits from a lot of
4642s different equipment a lot of different
4644s equipment and there's also a lot of
4646s tools to help it get out of those
4647s situations to get into those situations
4649s you know all of these different aspects
4651s of it make it a very well rounded light
4654s fighter with that Direction moving
4657s forward then you look at the stinger and
4659s the Stinger's like oh hey you like using
4661s devices of course you do you have a
4662s spaceship that has devices so you're
4664s inherently going to use them and it
4666s enhances those features by giving you
4669s greater Firepower which everybody loves
4671s hence why there are so many people who
4673s also use the gunship and so the Stinger
4675s also isn't very much affected by any
4678s sort of properties being in a niche
4681s place cuz it's not it's also very
4684s allaround it can use any weapon and
4686s increase any of those firw and it also
4689s can use any of the devices and increase
4692s the effectivity on all of those then we
4695s move over to the Scout and the Scout's
4697s like I'm kind of a one trick pony and
4702s oops Yeah so not a lot of people want to
4706s change even fluctuate from a play style
4710s that they know can kind of be modified
4712s or adjusted in some unique way here and
4714s there cuz when you move over to the
4716s Scout now it's like oh I have to adjust
4719s to this very specific play style and we
4723s wanted to kind of scale that back at
4725s least a little bit by making the
4727s ultimate more appropriate for more play
4730s Styles okay so we also kind of talked
4733s about that but that is one of the
4735s biggest reasons why we are updating the
4737s ultimate on the Scout it's to make the
4740s Scout more flexible while still having
4744s the advantage when it does come to
4745s ranged Weaponry so those of you who love
4748s that ranged play style the Scout is
4750s still going to probably be your go-to I
4752s mean I could see some advantages in the
4754s gunship as well blah blah blah but like
4756s the Scout is absolutely the king of that
4759s but by updating the alt you still have
4762s that Advantage as well as
4765s all of these other opportunities with
4768s other sort of play Styles and tactics
4770s that couldn't really be that effective
4772s if at all with how the ultimate was
4775s designed
4779s prior so yeah just tweaking the Scout
4783s just tweaking the
4786s Scout you uh one quick question coming
4789s from Crimson uh when you intended to
4792s balance the ship's weapons and modules
4794s what are you Balan ing for they see a
4796s strong meta in the wrist for example AOE
4798s is doing so much better than single
4800s Target in their opinion yeah no and
4802s that's that's generally going to be an
4804s effect of most Shooters actually um
4806s crowd control equipment is almost always
4809s like preferable in in games because you
4811s can stack them all right and they get
4813s really really crazy that's where you're
4815s at okay I don't need to worry about you
4818s um uh and we don't really want to take
4820s away from that because it's fun so if
4824s you want to have this very heavily
4825s focused build that can do a lot of
4828s damage to a single Target there are
4830s opportunities to do that generally
4832s speaking they are mixed into having
4834s crowd control effects and yeah that's
4837s okay we don't really want to Nerf that
4839s we don't want to make it to where it's
4840s like oh yeah you use an EMP generator it
4842s only lasts for half a second good luck
4844s you know like that that would suck we
4846s want to have these sort of crazy
4847s combinations that are still possible and
4850s very much still viable in a lot of
4851s different ways and we take a lot lot of
4855s things into consideration not just the
4857s fact that oh crowd control does a lot of
4859s damage sometimes the answer is well how
4862s do we make it to where we could do a lot
4863s more single Target damage through this
4867s sort of way or means so instead of that
4870s nerfing this we say oh well let's just
4872s bring this up to kind of the same level
4874s if we can that's our that's the
4876s overarching
4881s mentality right that is definitely it
4883s for now pilot you're free to play
4885s okay cool all righty well hopefully we
4888s can uh find the other server over here
4891s cuz I think one's going to generate oh I
4893s forgot about these guys warping
4899s in oh I want to get the armor drone come
4902s on
4906s please ah we missed
4915s all right under level oh sorry Gary
4917s you're still you're still on screen
4918s aren't you sorry go away you go away
4921s there you're just like hanging out you
4923s silly goose because I didn't push a
4925s button yeah I think we're going to die
4930s again wait I have I have a I have an
4933s idea I can
4939s cloak all right let's see um let's try
4942s to get this guy
4951s should probably be more mindful of the
4952s devices that I'm using in
4956s retrospect but you
4960s know what can you
4966s do there one more let's just get a
4969s little up close and personal here CU I
4971s want to ow you got to be kidding me
4977s me
4983s first none of these shots are hitting
4986s okay all right all right maybe we don't
4988s want to be up close and
5001s personal all
5003s right looks like the miss actually
5007s concluded let's just leave let's just
5012s go let's just go I think we got 100%
5015s completion
5017s right oh crap I don't think we got stuff
5021s oh no we have to go back no do we have
5023s to go back no we have to go
5027s back well we don't we don't have to go
5031s back
5033s but okay all right all right let's uh
5036s let's also get some oh whoops we don't
5038s want to pause during the the screen cuz
5041s then it does not
5044s that all right let's just let's do a
5047s quick double check on challenges okay we
5048s have all of that 100 as well as the
5050s thing okay so we do need to go elsewhere
5053s now craft an energy
5057s core all right well we can do this one
5060s we have the technology let's craft an
5062s energy core
5065s energy core
5067s crafted accept
5072s perfect what else do we have uh unlock
5075s all common module blueprints perfect new
5078s color just like that easy peasy uh
5082s highrisk areas uh with Daredevil oh my
5085s goodness next up is going to be Cay
5087s nebula completing four location
5089s challenges we're just going to mark that
5091s maybe we just need to go right now yeah
5093s that's definitely what we should do
5098s y don't want to be here
5104s anymore all
5105s right I'm still hopeful that we'll get a
5108s legendary to uh show its
5112s face but uh if we
5115s don't that's just the way that it's
5117s going to be but if we don't get a
5119s legendary guys even though Michael's
5120s here I'm still going to teas something
5126s close your eyes Michael close your eyes
5129s it's not going to be anything that he uh
5130s isn't expecting at least I
5133s hope guess we'll find out it'll be a
5135s surprise for everyone including my
5140s paycheck oh
5143s goodness all right so we're back at
5145s rodia I don't think we need to
5149s dock yeah I think this is just a matter
5151s of warping over where we need to go oh
5153s Michael don't worry about it I'm just
5154s screwing around you know the usual all
5156s right so we want to go to Cay nebula
5159s right right right that's what that's Kay
5161s nebula explore okay good good good all
5163s right so let's head on over to Cay
5166s nebula to the Brie bioplant which also
5169s needs more stuff unlocked I don't really
5171s want to do that chain of events here
5174s right now I want to unlock another
5176s engine color we're getting a lot of
5177s engine colors getting some really cool
5179s engine colors actually
5189s um I am going to answer a question that
5191s I do see in chat just right now um so
5194s because I think it is pretty relevant so
5196s I saw the question from Gordon Lyn who's
5199s asking is there an idea to have the
5200s Scout's ultimate charge faster to use
5202s more frequently to ensure better
5203s survivability um so I am not actually in
5206s a great uh space to recharge my perks
5210s very fast um cuz my ultimate is
5215s let's see yeah my ALT is upon um using
5221s it I gain
5223s armor as opposed to other ways to
5226s increase my ALT gain and I also have no
5229s modifiers I don't think that help any
5231s amount of alt gain
5234s whatsoever also thinking about that I
5236s don't think you guys have modifiers that
5240s would help any type of alt
5243s gain anyway so we don't have a means to
5246s increase those details at this
5249s time sure would be great if we added
5253s something like
5257s that oh my gosh I'm sure you guys are
5261s pretty well aware of the fact that with
5264s any update we're not just adding a
5267s couple of items there is a strong
5269s intentionality to look across everything
5272s that we've done so far and see territory
5275s and room for improvement right so it
5278s should not come as a surprise that there
5280s could be other means or abilities for
5283s that
5287s stuff all right we want to complete
5289s location challenges here so we've
5291s completed that one uh clear the
5294s racetrack okay uh what else we
5298s have we've completed a number of
5301s location challenges even though the data
5304s says we we've only completed
5307s one that's a little concerning but I
5310s guess we'll see what happens
5357s all right I saw an interesting comment I
5359s just want to read it aloud it says
5361s sounds like Scout shouldn't use a fast
5363s firing weapon then and then there's a
5364s Kappa face um so I know it's a joke but
5368s honestly what is nice and forgive me for
5371s responding to a Kappa like it's a
5373s serious comment but sincerely like part
5376s of this change and I'm putting a lot of
5377s emphasis on this because like this is a
5379s big part of this stream to help you guys
5382s understand this um this ultimate was
5384s redesigned so you can much more maximize
5388s fast firing weapons as opposed to only
5391s those single shot rail guns Okay so
5394s there's a much greater effect here um
5398s whenever you have that additional
5399s critical hit chance um and being able to
5404s extend cloaks by getting those kills
5407s too so yeah thanks for permitting me to
5411s take that comment more seriously than it
5413s should have
5416s been cruise
5419s missiles that could be super nice
5425s especially considering the uh other
5427s missiles were completely
5429s depleted can I also get an audio check
5431s really quick I was make sure the game
5433s sounds fine
5435s right right everybody just looking over
5438s and it's it looks like it's quiet to me
5440s but I just want to I'm just
5445s checking just making
5448s sure all right so we need to uh clear
5451s the racetrack of an enemies
5460s um the race track's over
5472s here right wait where is the
5476s racetrack it's right there
5479s okay all right so we're just going to
5481s follow the racetrack we're going to do
5483s the race but we're going to take it
5493s slow I'm seeing that the game audio is
5496s quiet all right hang on let me adjust
5542s yeah you've turned yourself down Eric we
5544s I hear you
5555s [Music]
5581s I think my oh are we
5584s back yep I think you're back it's back
5587s I'm going to do one
5589s [Music]
5590s quick
5597s okay well that was very strange uh I
5600s think something about my audio
5603s application just decided to completely
5605s uh fail just
5608s died not sure why that happened I'll
5611s have to look into that after the
5613s stream I didn't get any popups or
5615s notifications or any weird Windows
5618s update anything like that so uh yeah
5620s definitely we'll need to explore that
5622s sorry
5623s guys but is the game audio
5627s better is it still too quiet you want it
5631s higher
5643s only okay here we go so we want to
5646s destroy all these
5657s guys
5660s perfect we don't technically have to
5662s finish the race but why not wait
5665s I can scan that too
5670s what oh whoops all right that's fine why
5673s are we scanning them
5676s twice all right
5678s whatever let's get some
5685s copper all right location challenge
5687s complete let's go to the next one I
5689s really want to try and finish this
5690s before we move into our last segment of
5691s the Stream
5695s game sound is very quiet all
5696s right all right I'm going to try and
5699s boost it too much and you guys tell me
5700s if it's too much or not
5705s okay um in the meantime we're going to
5707s [Music]
5708s go why do all these say they're
5712s completed oh here we go I haven't been
5715s to the ancient Citadel yet oh this one's
5717s a big
5720s one I don't know if we're going to be
5722s able to finish this in time
5725s we have to
5732s try everyone's giving the thumbs up now
5734s it seems on the
5743s sound all right yeah it's
5746s interesting thank you guys for your
5748s feedback I'll make sure that you I'm
5750s going to take a lot of notes actually
5751s cuz my my audio
5754s admittedly was doing something a little
5756s funky which is why at the start of the
5757s stream I was asking those questions
5761s but all right yeah investigate the
5764s secret oh my gosh we have to we have to
5766s do all of these things oh my
5769s gosh this is definitely going to be
5771s where we end the stream cuz
5773s there's no chance that we're going to
5775s finish this but we'll start doing a
5778s little bit of it so as we are moving
5780s through this Territory go ahead and keep
5782s thinking of the questions you want
5784s answered guys cuz we will have another
5786s question answer
5793s segment so all the was a crusader
5803s ah let's just do
5810s this supposed to get around his shield
5813s we're having a lot of
5816s trouble getting around a
5819s shield
5821s o okay all
5825s right
5827s 32 thanks for that appreciate
5833s it all right so we need to uh focus in
5837s on finding the ancient pieces scattered
5842s about also going to pick pick up this
5844s fium so I have a feeling I'm going to
5847s need that for some uh upcoming
5851s upgrades actually how am I doing on my
5854s perk with
5855s terine oh yeah we need we need lots of
5858s things lots of things I want to get a
5861s tier four specifically before we finish
5864s up the mainline Mission here cuz it's
5867s just it's just
5870s better we're flying at tier three right
5872s okay
5877s I was about to cry if it was like a tier
5879s two just
5885s like
5889s one that's not a
5893s hole it's good to see that the stream
5895s has become much more fluid though I did
5898s tweak some settings since the last time
5900s which was admittedly a while back but um
5904s things seem to be operating much better
5906s that's not a simple effect of being an
5908s Unreal Engine 5 um as much as we would
5911s love to say oh yeah optimization is
5913s going to be so much better we've seen
5915s some improvements um but it's not you
5917s know like if any of you guys are waiting
5920s on unreal Legend 5 to be this sort of
5922s magical transformation for your um for
5925s your gameplay experience please don't uh
5927s we never claimed it was going to be we
5929s have been looking into some of the
5932s features and abilities of that could
5934s potentially make it better but uh
5936s remember that's not the overarching goal
5939s if we can we will but uh do not expect
5949s miracles uh oh we need to do this so we
5953s can
5954s add wow I didn't realize our Precision
5956s was so bad I haven't even looked over at
5958s the right side of the screen
5961s poof woof all right let's let's maybe
5964s just increase our expertise
5968s here I mean honestly we've actually been
5970s fighting so many enemies up close how
5973s much different is this going to be not
5974s much we're going to increase our
5976s Precision
5978s instead we want to do that
5982s instead all right kind of keeping tabs
5985s on the time we're going to be
5986s transferring over to highlighting a lot
5988s of really cool
5990s screenshots um and uh answering
5994s questions here in about 5 to8
6003s minutes all right let's start finding
6006s some more oh nope you need
6009s to is it through here I don't remember
6012s gosh I love the Aesthetics of this game
6015s so not I just want to like turn the HUD
6016s off and
6018s just so
6022s nice also get my face out of way bye wo
6025s oh look at
6028s that goodness it's
6034s just I saw a comment the other day I
6038s can't remember if it was on the Forum or
6039s readit or whatever but somebody was like
6041s why does everyone say this game looks so
6042s great it looks awful like and I'm trying
6044s to understand where they got that from
6048s like what are they comparing this to and
6050s it just gosh I'm just always flooring by
6054s what we've been able to accomplish
6057s here I think our I I think our team has
6060s done a a tremendous job with our level
6062s design and the
6064s visualization it's Pretty stinking cool
6068s all right look at me getting distracted
6070s not making progress but you know it is
6072s what it is
6084s all right so there's that one let's just
6088s kind of follow the trail oh it goes down
6091s there was it is it is it that pathway oh
6095s my gosh I think it is this pathway I had
6096s my Hut off it's my own
6099s fault yeah okay follow the lights it's
6104s like it was designed that way or
6106s something jeez all
6112s right okay
6118s okay there we go might actually finish
6122s this off no I'm probably going to cut it
6124s short a little bit I will have to leave
6125s like right as the stream ends so I can't
6128s really do too much
6130s Ridiculousness um I just remember where
6133s I'm facing ah there you
6135s are yep y there we go very good very
6140s good D is done
6153s I think it's up here where am I going
6156s nope oh y nope it's over here all
6159s right
6161s beautiful all coming
6167s together I suppose if we wanted to sneak
6170s in uh answering a question or two we
6172s could do that right now Gary do you have
6174s any questions I've got a couple lined up
6179s ready um right we' got one from Crimson
6181s came again over on YouTube um what's
6185s your personal opinion on the current
6186s balancing State especially looking at
6187s the endgame content and the upcoming
6190s incursion there how do you feel it is
6192s going I'm not sure you understand the
6195s weight of that
6197s question um but to simplify I am pleased
6203s with the results of where things were at
6207s and how things are going what it's
6209s looking to do um across the board um if
6213s we wanted to get like super specific you
6215s know I could say oh yeah you know like I
6219s really don't like X and I'm really happy
6221s with Y guys there's so much that changes
6226s when you add one little thing in a pool
6230s of even if it's five you know because
6233s there's this
6234s multiplicative uh expansion to
6236s everything that's occurring
6238s right and when that
6241s happens some stuff goes exactly the way
6243s you want it to and some doesn't and then
6246s you find other ways to tweak and refine
6249s and balance but uh sincerely I'm just
6251s going to go back and say like for the
6253s most part no no not even for the most
6255s part it's just it's a resounding it's a
6257s resounding yes things are much better
6260s things are much more clear things are
6262s much more fair and things are much more
6264s enjoyable based on how we've been moving
6267s into this phase of the endgame uh
6269s content within the incursions update
6272s just across the board truly it has been
6275s very much a pleasure to see our team
6278s working together with our ideas and you
6280s know exploring what some new ideas might
6283s be even if they do sound ridiculous
6285s sorry Hans Christian um and uh yeah like
6289s we've really made
6290s some yeah it's yes yes
6294s yes is the
6295s answer so it's
6298s good excent right uh we've got
6301s a question you might be able to answer
6303s uh from kazor over on Twitch um does the
6306s lock Target impact how a assist performs
6310s I.E if there's two Targets on top of
6312s each other will aist prioritize the
6315s locked Target um that's a great question
6318s that I actually don't know the technical
6320s answer of I would have to get back to
6322s you on that one
6324s um with a response from actually I'm not
6326s sure who would have those specific
6328s details if Cas I saw Casper in the chat
6330s earlier if Casper is still in the chat
6332s maybe he would have that response um but
6335s no that's a that's a very technical
6337s question and I love it but I uh I do not
6340s know I do not know I don't think it does
6344s but that's not that's not an answer I
6348s don't know I don't think now no I I want
6350s to give you the proper response so if
6353s you would be so kind as to message me on
6356s Discord or write in the uh Forums on
6358s Discord or on Steam for that matter with
6360s that question I would be very happy to
6363s follow up with you on that to give you
6365s the 100% response to
6368s it so great
6370s question great question no h Christian
6373s didn't get burned I was burning
6374s myself I come up with crazy ideas
6377s sometimes and then Hans Christian has to
6378s entertain me um and Marco then says no
6382s stop it
6384s it's great it's we we have a beautiful
6386s Dynamic
6393s here you're supposed to give
6395s 110% I mean that's true but when you're
6398s when you're ideas need to be centralized
6401s here and you're over there uh sometimes
6404s you got to rain it in right that was
6406s good don't worry we've refined that
6408s process over time and things have gone
6410s much more smoothly
6413s oh my goodness all right I'm going to
6415s enter this location uh we are getting a
6417s little bit tight on time um but uh Gary
6420s did you have another question to answer
6422s nothing currently nothing okay well you
6424s can stay on the screen with me because I
6425s mean we're going to we're going to jump
6426s over to that other screen in just a
6428s moment it'll be super
6430s duper no big deal all right so yeah just
6434s I know that cool
6439s jness and before we uh go through here I
6441s just wanted to just have a nice little
6443s look around Z it's no big
6446s deal we're probably going to die again
6448s cuz I did that oh gosh all right we're
6450s going to save here I'll be right back
6452s don't
6455s leave it's going to be
6458s great super
6468s duper it's almost like we switched there
6471s just before you died again oh my my gosh
6473s I know right it was totally uh
6475s completely
6481s planned all right here we are I found
6485s the
6487s things except I lost the chat chat where
6489s did you go come back to me
6491s chat come back to
6494s me there you are a one big happy family
6498s here we are welcome welcome look there's
6501s Gary oh oh my goodness so delightful so
6506s good all right so we've got some photos
6509s to go
6510s through uh ranging from I mean all of
6514s these were actually taken from Discord I
6515s have seen some of these actually posted
6516s on Steam you guys can submit screenshots
6519s to our Discord specifically or on steam
6520s or anywhere honestly and you just want
6522s to tag us we love highlighting
6524s screenshots they are delicious they are
6526s gorgeous uh so don't be shy it is
6529s wonderful to have you so uh this first
6532s shot comes from eight bit Vic they I
6535s believe they were starting over a new
6537s save they were just like yeah I'm just
6539s going to go for it and I love it I love
6540s that mentality it's a great shot uh it's
6544s you know it's that very early game into
6548s the unknown feeling and I I think it's
6550s just it's it's beautiful it's beautiful
6552s we're going to be cycling through photos
6553s a little bit faster just so that we can
6555s ensure all everyone's photos do get seen
6558s um geekbite or Gary if anything does
6560s show up in the questions wise I'm going
6562s to count on you to interrupt and ask so
6565s we can keep moving forward certainly sir
6568s certainly excellent so this shot comes
6570s from Excel I think the alignment here is
6572s what really brings this home um I think
6574s it was done expertly love the colors as
6577s well just bringing everything together
6580s uh to make it seriously Pop um Excel is
6583s one of our Galactic photographers for a
6585s reason and this definitely shows that uh
6588s anyone can obtain the galactic
6590s photographer role they are mostly
6592s approved through myself but I generally
6594s get a second uh individual that uh will
6597s approve that uh for you guys Michael has
6600s uh I think at one point chosen a couple
6602s Galactic photographers because sometimes
6603s he will choose your screenshots as
6605s marketing material that's how good they
6607s are so of course we're going to
6608s highlight you and make you a galactic
6610s photographer this shot comes
6613s from uh XC XC ex siie a couple of nice
6619s Scenic shots I this is the first time
6620s I've seen shots from this user but
6623s definitely appreciate them love the
6625s shots that are just kind of like going
6627s out into the wild blue yonder or
6630s purplish pink in this case uh but it's a
6633s classic shot looks good feels
6635s good you know you know the drill guys
6638s you know the drill this next one also
6640s comes from
6643s xie um I'm not sure if this was their
6645s first rift this was just like a very
6647s climactic moment for them they really
6649s liked the um ancient details in the back
6653s and thought it was a captivating shot of
6655s intensity to which I do
6659s agree excuse me my
6663s goodness makes me happy seeing the shots
6667s from the rift and
6669s keoni um I think that the Keon riffs
6673s have some of the greatest backdrop
6675s because of that sharp Blue from the Star
6677s you can see in the background here um
6680s intertwining with the ancient Rift
6683s effects those orangey glows this has a
6687s STK contrast I think it pops really like
6690s it we have a number of shots from an
6694s absolutely Stellar photographer it's yfp
6698s um this individual has actually been
6700s featured by us before in um several uh
6703s pieces um and the every shot is stunning
6707s I was trying to limit the number of
6709s shots um from the user that they had
6712s posted and I worked it down to five so
6716s so the next five shots yeah the next
6718s five shots are all from it's yfp keep
6721s doing what you're doing cuz it's
6723s incredible um what a beautiful Showcase
6725s of everspace 2 um very Scenic Gordon is
6730s leaving bye Gordon
6733s excellent jeez next shot as well it's
6738s yfp such such a powerful way to
6743s tell a narrative without speaking a
6745s word that's what I love about these
6748s composed
6749s shots there's a story to be told here
6753s there's an adventure to be had and you
6755s can feel it just based on the
6760s proximity the scale the color usage
6764s everything it's done so well and that's
6769s the big reason why I always shout out
6771s it's yfp
6773s because he's mastered those techniques
6775s to tell this story so good here's
6779s another one great shot of letho
6785s starport all the way out in the Drake
6790s system it's crazy cuz like when you when
6794s you look at the starport in game in most
6795s of the cases it doesn't you know like
6798s you're up close you're inside of its
6800s territory and so you don't sometimes you
6802s don't get a sense of its scale
6803s ironically because like you're so up
6805s close to it you know you know what I
6808s mean and he intentionally pulls back to
6812s get this
6814s lavish
6816s scene that paints the whole
6819s picture even seeing like the cargo units
6822s in comparison like it's just so
6824s beautifully done so keep it up it's yfp
6828s cuz you keep on rocking it I also wanted
6830s to choose this particular shot since we
6832s did did highlight a light chip today and
6835s I thought oh light chips could use some
6836s more love um just yeah I'm I'm a big fan
6840s of uh the Stinger here um I also noticed
6843s interestingly enough there isn't a
6845s weapon equipped in this shot I don't
6848s know if that was intentional or not
6849s maybe it was uh but uh maybe like to get
6852s the weapons out of the the scene I do
6855s think it kind of cleans up the shot a
6857s little bit more so clever very clever um
6861s also enjoy those color that color scheme
6863s quite a lot I always try to get like a
6866s goldish sort of effect at times uh or
6869s even like a bronish one it's hard to get
6871s a bronze coloration but um I think it
6875s kind of gets pulled off here it's kind
6876s of
6877s nice very pleasant this was the last
6880s shot that I chose from its yfp that
6883s depth of field usage does make this look
6885s like it's a shot from a movie or even a
6888s real life shot like that's I don't know
6890s how to better explain that you guys can
6892s see it for yourself I mean I I think
6894s that you probably would all agree with
6895s that it's just like wowing it's so good
6899s so great how he puts the emphasis on the
6902s various targets Within These
6905s shots very very
6908s impressive and we hope that its yfp will
6912s take the Deep dive into the incursions
6915s update that is launching this very
6917s spring I we're in spring so that's got
6920s to mean that it's you know sometimes
6923s somewhat soon right I don't know
6926s probably hope he takes that dive to get
6928s even more incredible screenshots from
6930s more uniques and uh situations that
6933s couldn't be done uh so really looking
6936s forward to that keep up the great work
6938s it's yfp it is
6940s awesome I do see a couple of questions
6943s possibly did we have one that we wanted
6945s to
6945s answer um there's a question about how
6948s well the uh Xbox series s version of the
6952s game runs uh people are giving
6954s comparatives to the X version um how it
6957s turned out on that on the slightly
6959s lesser strong Hardware of the S yeah
6962s yeah I mean if you're comparing the S to
6963s X I mean generally speaking you guys
6965s know that the S is a more affordable
6967s piece of software software Hardware so
6971s any comparison it's going to be like oh
6972s yeah well it's not as good right you
6974s know just across the board um but that's
6976s also the point it's meant to be a more
6978s affordable piece of Hardware um so if
6980s you are playing off of the Xbox series s
6984s um I believe it is I think it's locked
6988s to 30 frames if I'm not mistaken um but
6992s it still has the 1080p like it still um
6996s goes up to you know the resolution that
6998s you need it to um and through our
7000s testing the results were still pretty
7002s sound like it's it is a quality uh
7006s experience through the game um you know
7009s some people are very particular about
7011s their frames they have to have have 60
7013s frames per second if that's you you
7015s probably didn't buy an Xbox series s in
7017s the first place um but uh yeah of course
7020s the Xbox series X does have 60
7023s frames um but uh I digress that's the
7026s that's the big comparison point that I
7027s always throw out there but uh the game
7030s is exactly the same there's no
7032s differences between the versions uh they
7035s run very similar um aside from the the
7039s frames
7041s so uh this shot comes from Kowalski by
7044s the way which is an incredibly
7046s satisfying shot you love to see it
7048s whenever you come out of your Rift to
7050s see that beautiful little legendary
7052s there shining its incredible golden
7055s light at you as well as a nice
7059s assortment of superiors that is a that's
7062s a good drop so congratulations to you
7065s Kowalski be happy with that yeah that's
7067s a that's a good good
7070s drop um next shot comes from
7074s camro I think is how to pronounce that
7076s username and I chose a couple from them
7079s I think that they had some really good
7080s ideas here I like this action shot that
7083s also kind of highlights their custom
7084s ship I always like highlighting custom
7086s ships you guys know that um it's cool to
7088s be able to show what you kind of do to
7091s everybody
7093s else this shot also comes from
7098s camro just kind of a
7100s nice centralized shot I guess you guys
7103s liked it on Discord so I decided to
7105s share it here too but anything it's
7109s Pleasant I do think it's
7114s Pleasant we're also going to jump over
7116s to kazah another light ship that I
7119s wanted to highlight because again you
7121s know light ship today I think he's done
7123s a great job here um in the Sun or not
7128s the Sun the uh star in Keon pouring out
7132s its
7133s harmful
7136s Rays it's also nice that there isn't any
7138s of that um oh I forget the term but it's
7141s like the the Border effects um so it's a
7144s very clear shot we wanted to make sure
7146s that was possible through the use of the
7148s um screenshot
7150s tool so love how it's a nice clear shot
7153s on that front we also have this shot
7156s from
7158s Lon very pleasant as well
7164s if you haven't noticed I enjoy the shots
7167s that are disembarking somewhere that
7171s highlight a powerful means to explore or
7176s discover and here's no different as well
7179s as the fact that it's highlighting their
7181s ship it's good good
7188s good oh I Michael made a statement and
7191s of course of course this this is true um
7193s the graphics settings are a little bit
7194s lower on the Xbox series S as well yes
7197s absolutely um very thank you for that
7200s point Michael so yeah so there's an
7202s adjustment to the graphics um on the
7205s Xbox series s versus the Xbox series
7208s X but again most of you guys know that
7211s cuz you know the the difference between
7213s the hardware is truly that one operates
7216s more uh efficiently and one operates
7218s with greater performance
7220s right all right next shot here comes
7223s from Phantom Lord Phantom Lord had a
7226s couple different shots I chose this one
7229s I think that they uh did a really good
7231s job with this interior space as well as
7233s highlighting their ship I love this ship
7235s because it's it's it's very Colonial
7237s looking very
7239s Sleek the color choices are nice and
7242s clean you have a good sense it's it's
7244s like Smooth like a lot of the ships in
7248s the game are kind of like Jagged and
7250s there's like lots of these mechanical
7251s Parts but here it's you you've designed
7254s like a fighter like this thing is ready
7256s to just go through a slipstream of space
7260s I don't even know how that would work
7263s dip into the Waters of of Gilbert uh and
7267s not have any Mobility impaired
7269s whatsoever love the way that that comes
7273s across that is an Interceptor
7275s yes yep yep
7279s yep then we got this one lots of bright
7282s yellow colors from Sly Cooper reload
7288s coded highlighting all of that glorious
7290s yellow I do also appreciate how the ship
7295s is just coated in this black to make it
7298s a very prominent foreground figure where
7301s the background is just kind of its own
7302s sort of there's things going on and
7304s stuff to look at but check this ship out
7307s uh and it's nice I think that he's done
7310s a really good job of customizing and
7311s making this
7312s pretty cool looking
7315s vessel nice nice
7320s nice just a couple more we've got steiny
7324s looking to protect his little bitty ship
7327s from those horrendous
7330s race I love this it it's it's kind of
7334s like how I played all day
7337s today and uh it's great it's great I
7340s think that this captures a a strong
7342s feeling of uh despair
7346s uh perhaps cowardice this is not a
7349s disgrace to this capture I okay it's
7352s like seriously steiny I love this shot
7355s I'm I'm dogging on myself okay uh but
7358s sincerely I I appreciate how this comes
7360s together very very
7362s good yes it's steiny no
7364s okay so yes thank you for that
7367s clarification we also have this shot
7370s from uh the chemical bro who always
7372s loves those deep rich colors um and uh
7376s yeah I mean it's quality shot can't go
7379s wrong I do want to take this moment to
7381s ask um if there are any questions that
7383s are lingering because I got two more
7385s left and then we have to conclude the
7387s stream nothing yet so if you've got a
7390s question dive in now um forever hold
7393s your tongue until at least the next
7395s stream excellent oh steiny says this
7399s area gave me dread glad you indell yeah
7401s no seriously absolutely absolutely agree
7403s absolutely agree all right we the last
7405s two shots come from typed Kibbles who
7407s also is kind of on a roll for taking
7409s some pretty cool shots uh this one I
7413s very much enjoy it I love how the colors
7415s all kind of
7417s like blend together while you still have
7421s that important contrast between the
7422s orange and the blue um it's it's very
7426s well done
7431s shot and last but not least this one
7434s also comes from typed Kibbles kind of
7436s exploring that territory of uh depth the
7439s field bringing it all home and uh does
7443s so pretty well love that little love
7446s that little
7449s drone love that little drone just
7452s hanging out repairing all the things
7456s so but yeah ladies and gentlemen um I do
7459s believe that is going to be the
7460s conclusion of the stream um um Gary
7462s thank you so much for answering
7463s questions and thank you for all of you
7465s for just being incredibly awesome
7467s because that's how you are oh it's so
7471s good I'm really happy that we were able
7472s to highlight and discuss the Scout alt
7475s so everybody has an incredibly firm
7478s understanding as to why we would do
7479s something like that um pretty sure
7481s there's not going to be anybody who's
7482s upset by the change um if you are upset
7486s uh tough we're not reverting it um but
7488s also uh there's very much points to be
7493s had as to why we're doing this right we
7494s want everything to be more accessible
7496s more enjoyable more customizable and
7498s more fun that's what we're going for so
7500s the incursions update guys we're getting
7503s closer and closer and closer oh my
7506s goodness so uh thank you so much for
7509s your patience as we are working through
7511s building all this Rich content out for
7512s you as well as the migration from Unreal
7514s Engine 4 to Unreal engine5 we should be
7517s having more information for you soon I'm
7520s pretty sure oh we just we just posted
7523s the the the Scout uh details actually so
7525s there's a new article that posted at the
7527s same time in the Stream so you should go
7529s read that it's about the Scout and but I
7532s think we'll also will have more
7533s information somewhat soonish so uh don't
7536s stop being awesome we won't stop being
7538s uh Eric and Gary your community
7540s Ambassador and manager uh did you have
7542s any last things to say Gary no it's been
7545s a pleasure I keep those questions coming
7547s on the Discord and steam and everywhere
7549s else uh we're happy to answer them and
7551s uh yeah we're getting closer we're
7552s getting closer hold ons great all right
7556s well guys have a fantastic weekend
7558s toodles
7569s [Music]
7600s [Music]
7611s [Music]
7618s guys I realized I don't actually have
7620s like a scene to just be a dork with you
7622s all so um Gary's going to be up here
7624s while I be a dork cool we haven't done
7626s this in a long time so I have no idea
7627s how this is going to go um but
7639s enjoy can't think of a beat a
7644s good stuff that kind of works all right
7645s hang on all right let's do this
7656s [Music]
7662s [Music]
7681s [Music]
7691s [Music]
7701s d
7705s [Music]
7717s [Music]
7727s all right thank you for letting me be a
7729s dork for you all you've been wonderful
7732s it's great remember we do appreciate
7734s your support across the board whether
7736s it's in our Discord on Reddit on Steam
7738s on YouTube twitch Facebook also is
7742s definitely there and exists uh it's
7745s wonderful uh by all means keep
7747s supporting us in all the ways that you
7749s can even if that's just watching the
7750s stream it seriously means a lot it
7753s really does uh because we want to inform
7755s you guys let you guys know on all the
7757s things I've got a question for you all
7759s I've got a question for you all for this
7761s weekend we did have somebody at the
7762s start of the stream I believe it was at
7764s the start of the stream who was asking
7765s about having more information shared to
7768s them so that they knew if something like
7769s a stream cancellation was in effect my
7772s question to you is where would you like
7774s that information to be
7775s shown nice simple question what channels
7779s are you watching that you would find out
7782s the everspace 2 News in a single
7784s instance let us know by way of however
7788s you want whether it's a Reddit post in a
7791s Discord on steam wherever let us know
7794s cuz we want to make sure our
7796s communication is as best it can possibly
7798s be all right I'm overtime you're still
7802s awesome and we'll catch you in two weeks
7805s probably with some information all right
7809s toodles
7819s [Music]