about 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music, Engine rumble]
2s - Dax...
3s That body we just found...
6s When I saw it, it felt like
8s that was still me in there...
12s - Your DNA scans show that you're a military clone pilot.
16s No wonder you bettered my predecessor...
19s What if I broadcast your profile?
21s - You may not like who'll come looking for me.
26s - Hundreds of loose cannons like you,
28s roaming the region and causing problems.
30s Something had to be done about it.
35s - There's something of great value in the DMZ...
40s One big, easy job.
42s It could be my ticket out of here...
44s and yours too.
47s - Your authority, your treaties,
50s your lies and your filthy presence have no place here!
54s - They call themselves 'Okkar Prime'.
57s Any opportunity to trigger a new war...
61s Would suit their purposes perfectly.
64s - It is time to be clear about your allegiances.
67s We can leave you in peace,
68s or,
69s I can put you and your companions
71s on a high-priority eliminate list.
74s Which will it be?
77s - You don't understand what's at stake.
80s So...
82s Are you in?
88s - I'm still trying to figure you out Adam. It's clear your running from something.
93s - I can't help what I am.
94s All I cared about to start with was getting out of the DMZ...
98s - There's no going back now.
106s - Things are looking up, HIVE.
108s I think I see light at the end of the tunnel...
111s - So soon?