about 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Applause]
6s the only objects of real value are
9s ancient things
11s like the one you just brought to me
15s it calls me but not on any wavelength I
19s know
28s what do I care about another damn War
30s that's my fortune out there I've waited
33s too long for it already
35s what you see is an opportunity when I
38s see something sacred
41s if you are discovered I will deny any
43s knowledge of your existence and as a
45s fugitive Roslyn clone I will be
47s obligated to hunt you down
52s Blakemore is obsessed with her car
54s archeology
57s this goes beyond historical
74s foreign
78s here in the DMZ I call the shots
89s there are moments where I think our
91s disparities are gone
93s this is not one of those moments I love
97s you too hive