11 months ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
29s we are technically live
33s I had a mild family emergency occur like
36s right before everything was launching so
38s give me just one moment and we'll be on
47s [Music]
78s thank you
83s okay I think everything's in place and
86s if it's not well we're gonna wing it
87s anyway uh welcome ladies and gentlemen
90s to the official Rockfish game stream I
92s am your host Eric Schrader the community
94s Ambassador for octopus games I'm joined
96s by Gary our community manager say hi
98s Gary hi Gary oh perfect as always uh let
103s me know if audio levels are wonky in
104s chat and I will adjust as quickly as I
106s humanly can
107s um but otherwise yeah we are continuing
109s our nightmare difficulty gameplay
112s experience that we left off from two
114s weeks ago uh Gary jumped in last week
117s which was an absolute pleasure so thank
118s you for doing that Gary even though you
120s made fun of me a lot
121s um and uh and I am taking your uh your
125s words of wisdom uh with me and my
128s adventure your uh your end of the stream
131s Shenanigans were wonderful and I have in
134s fact been practicing pressing the G key
136s so yeah good good
139s excellent but yeah welcome everybody
141s I've seen a bunch of people diving in on
144s YouTube and on on Twitch I love it uh
146s hello everybody over on Steam as well we
148s always stream this over to the home page
151s of everspace 2. and for those of you out
154s there who are not akin to this if you
156s are watching for the very first time
158s probably very few of you but still let
160s it be known this is a community Centric
163s stream that focuses on you so yeah I'm
166s doing a nightmare difficulty gameplay
168s experience but it's also to highlight
170s the difficulty of everspace 2 should you
172s choose to accept such a challenge as
174s well as showcase a lot of varied
176s gameplay experiences that can be had in
179s addition to that we are freely answering
181s questions that you should have you just
184s list them to the chat Gary will be
185s cataloging those and then at certain
187s intervals in the Stream we will be
188s answering slews of them to your delight
191s and I think that's it is that right is
194s that it Gary did I miss anything yeah
196s let's fly by the seat of our pants we'll
198s go with it cool I love it I love it
201s so yeah there you go
203s um we had this Striker I think we ended
205s up just changing the engine colors if I
208s recall correctly let me see if I I'm
212s going crazy yeah I know we did okay we
215s just got the Tea Leaf engine Thruster
216s which I I'm a big fan of
218s big fan of that engine Thruster those
221s maybe I want to do this as well
224s because the Orange is a little abrasive
228s that's okay you know we'll we'll
229s complement the emissive lights that's
231s fine
232s probably
234s awesome
236s so our progress today the focus what we
239s want to kind of accomplish here for from
242s a level of gameplay I want to do some of
245s the side stuff in the game I don't want
247s to just like go straight for the main
248s mission so I'm intentionally going to
249s take my time float about you're going to
252s see just authentic exploration
255s um and yeah again if you do have any
257s questions along for the ride please let
259s me know
260s um I think my equipment's in a pretty
261s decent spot this sucks we could probably
263s just build a new cargo unit
266s um let's do that actually
267s I think I have no I don't have uncommon
270s I only have common
272s it's not going to make that much of a
273s difference we'll just wait we'll just
275s wait
277s and uh yeah we'll just get right into
280s things
283s just the Stinger or the Stinger the
286s striker I think last time so we're gonna
288s keep using it I wanted to see what uh
290s our price range is okay so that's a
293s pretty hefty jump up should we should we
296s want to navigate that so yeah let's
297s let's get our
299s let's get
300s sidetracked that's what we need to do
303s let's do some missions
306s all right
310s have I done hardly anything here yet it
313s doesn't look like it actually the more
315s I'm looking at I see some power sockets
317s and the race we haven't done the race
318s yet
323s have we done the race yet
325s no we haven't
328s my goodness
330s two weeks time recovering on where we
333s left off oh my gosh
337s so let's go ahead and do the underground
339s Raceway first We're not gonna get
340s platinum I'd be surprised if we got
342s Platinum but we can at least uh
344s get something on the boards
346s and unlock the races overall so now we
348s if we go back to sedo we got two races
350s there for example
352s not an optimized build for racing but
356s let's just see how things go
364s surprised I didn't get clipped the wall
366s there honestly
371s a little bit smoother than I thought it
373s was going to my energy
377s tanks uh really kind of suck though
380s wow we almost got Platinum
383s I'm uh
385s I'm a little surprised by that I bet if
386s I would have used my energy injectors to
388s get my fuel up we could have napped that
392s it's fine though we'll come back later
395s for now let's get to unlocking some
399s stuff at this place
401s um
402s let's go down
407s to the depths of the station this is the
411s opposite of down I looked at my
412s indicator run
415s whoo all right good start good start of
418s the Stream
423s being confused on where I'm at no big
424s deal excellent
426s so there are a couple little hidden
428s secrets
429s um within this little tube at the bottom
431s I might be on the wrong side of it
433s actually I think I just saw a thing
434s that's on the other side so but one
437s side's for the mission chain regarding
438s Maddox which we've already done my gosh
442s where what what mission are we on the
444s magical Umami okay so we have to follow
446s Maddox Okay so
448s but we're on the side where you have to
450s chase down that stuff but then on the
452s other side over here let's just take a
455s quick look
456s we've got these power core sockets that
459s we need to find we've got
463s this shield and there's a destructible
466s that gets highlighted whenever you get
468s close to this area
471s let's go ahead and start just knocking
473s out some of this literally
478s so it's The Shield at least oh wow
481s whoops
488s executioner all right
491s speaking my language
504s it's an interesting predicament because
507s we have these oh that's that's a just a
509s straight upgrade
510s we have this corrosion to where it's
512s like you don't really need kinetic
513s damage you want energy damage
516s um if that
518s because with the corrosion you're just
520s bypassing all Shields anyway
524s so
525s having a kinetic based weapon if my
529s opponent has any amount of shields
531s whatsoever it's not going to matter
532s because I'm not going for Shields right
534s so I almost wonder if I just need to
536s keep Umbra and penumbra for now which I
538s think I will do
542s but let's keep kind of exploring the
545s depths of Prescott Starbase I'm sure
548s there's more than a couple of Secrets
550s down here probably
555s um got some highlighting things
558s desbres
563s some seeds a scatter gun
572s just a little
574s I need that for a perk
578s nothing can be fully constructed yet
581s I'm not too worried about any of our
584s perks this would be nice to keep going
585s up uh repair armor for half the amount
588s is huge the third tier
591s of the nanotechnology perk
593s and energy orbs I haven't even unlocked
595s yet we need Flawless atheum oh boy
598s okay okay we we really need to start
603s getting our resources up
608s maybe we'll do a little mining
609s expedition to
611s blueprints are always great
620s so a lot of what I'm finding down here
622s excuse me why what I'm finding down here
625s these are just random containers these
627s aren't necessarily applicable
630s to the 100 completion
633s of Prescott startups okay so the
636s completion totals are always bound to
640s specifically id'd items that you would
642s discover
643s this is a side mission though we'll do
645s this
648s so like valuable shipwrecks and
649s bulletproof containers are examples of
651s those
661s so here's a great example bulletproof
663s container this has very specific
665s elements to be found inside of it like
667s this Vault worthy list which is going to
670s catapult us into this side mission chain
675s surprisingly simple
677s looks like a list but it's hard to tell
679s what these numbers mean
680s I'm doing this really fast not even
682s letting the characters talk about it
686s like in and out
697s it's a little bit of a shame too because
698s like I'm just completely ignoring this
700s fun banter that Hive has with Adam but
702s um for all those who are entering the
704s stream right now we're not really
705s focusing too much on the dialogue uh
708s we're just focusing on like gameplay
710s and their voices are intentionally
712s dropped so that way you can hear my
714s voice much more cleanly
716s much more cleanly
731s I also want to get into the center here
736s keep tackling some of these little odds
738s and ends around Prescott Starbase
741s it's just a shield generator yeah
746s uh oh this one has two
753s main frame component nice
760s [Music]
771s all right
784s oh wait I don't need this yet what am I
786s doing I need to open these
792s firework course for the wall over here
795s oh
797s and I need the energy core now but it's
800s going to dissipate not a big deal get
802s another one
806s even put it right here that way it lines
810s up with all the other energy cores that
812s are plugged in
814s then it opens up a side thing as well as
818s no
820s something else over here isn't there
822s oh yeah
825s forgot to do that so we have a
827s bulletproof container here
831s we got straight credits because that was
833s a device we already had that's always
835s nice and this opened up through one of
837s the things we did one of the unlocks
842s and then we have this nice little
844s Central core position there's two secure
846s containers Within
848s this after
849s you know
851s shoot some buttons
860s there we go
873s cool and that should have opened up both
875s of them which it looked like it did
877s powerful beam laser
886s all right pretty sure that's everything
889s in here
890s maybe I'm forgetting something but
893s there's a hole
896s good good
898s just completing some odds and ends
900s around here
906s dang the stuff that we're getting is
907s just uh
908s looking better and better
911s straight upgrade
915s yeah I mean yes
919s everything about this
927s good yes
930s it's wonderful we got our a new
932s Mainframe components
934s see what do we want to do this
937s oh utility just to help with our devices
939s a little bit more
943s so much so much we're getting
946s all these green ones are for perks oh my
948s gosh I have so many perks that I need to
949s be focused on let's actually clean this
952s up a little bit I don't want to track
954s this one
956s we will track this one
958s um I kind of need to track both of those
960s but for now let's just focus in on
962s energy orbs a bit more
965s and not repairs oh we already had that
968s one disabled
969s um and let's do the tractor beam so
971s we'll just do one perk from each
973s that way when we see the greens we
975s really know we've got to focus in on
976s either startup delays energy orbs or the
979s tractor beam which I very much so want
980s we need one hadron buffer and more
983s ethereum Crystal okay
986s neat
990s Meats need meat
995s now there's still more in this area
998s I do think I kind of want to move on
1000s change up the scenery a little bit
1003s but we will
1005s drop in at this site to move voltsworthy
1008s along so here we go
1014s welcome to the golden buoyed
1017s fun little exchange there too but uh
1019s again skipping it if you want to see
1021s that Exchange
1022s purchase the game and play
1026s playoff all right
1036s all right here we are
1042s found its address
1044s maybe they're nice
1050s they're nice good fault worthy docking
1052s getting more information
1054s [Music]
1055s thanks Clarence
1057s the information has been incredibly
1059s valuable
1065s let's also see what the black market
1067s dealer is selling unlike a lot of other
1069s shops the black market dealer does have
1072s a unique element that they sell and they
1075s sell these uh signal decoders
1079s so no other station
1082s cells signal decoders Black Market
1085s dealer does
1087s so we might be able to we might be able
1089s to do that one
1091s increased movement speed kind of that
1094s could be that could be tricky
1097s and both of these are Level 11s when
1100s we're level 10 I'm not feeling that
1103s confident okay we're we're gonna take
1105s our time a little bit
1108s but um yeah none of this stuff is gonna
1110s sell very well either we do need
1113s something let's just sell off the Lesser
1116s stuffs
1118s the least
1121s yeah we'll sell this it's not a huge
1123s benefit but just to clean up the
1125s inventory a little bit more
1141s oh gosh I'm a little late to the the
1143s chat there is not a giveaway no no this
1145s is just our weekly Game Dev live stream
1147s where we're showing gameplay answering
1149s Community questions and hanging out with
1151s you all generally speaking we're pretty
1152s engaged with the chat I've just been
1154s focused on flying around here so I
1155s missed a little bit of the conversations
1156s we do have other team members in the
1158s chat though to help answer questions as
1160s well as a lot of incredibly helpful
1162s Community persons that just float around
1164s this game Space so uh yeah I think it's
1166s I think it's pretty nice
1168s pretty Pleasant
1170s if I do say so myself
1172s all right so let's get out and about
1175s let's go do some things I think do I
1178s have I do
1181s high risk area
1184s let's do the high risk area
1186s let's attempt the high risk area I
1188s should phrase that better
1192s foreign
1194s Market dealer for the signal decoders
1196s yeah I was it was a little Added Touch
1197s that we felt like you know we thought
1200s about we wanted to do something a bit
1203s more of a twist with uh certain elements
1206s of the game I'm saying this incredibly
1208s vaguely because
1210s maybe we'll make adjustments I'm not
1211s sure
1213s but uh the black market dealer was going
1215s to be kind of a
1217s Catalyst for some of the ideas that we
1220s had
1221s uh but they just didn't end up panning
1223s out for the development time and
1226s other elements of the vision that we had
1231s so trying to that's not gonna be oh it
1234s is close enough oh my gosh I'm blowing
1236s myself up already
1238s well this is this is not looking too
1241s pretty
1245s excellent good
1253s all of you are drones
1268s oh my gosh we're just destroying
1271s ourselves oh my goodness well
1275s and it attempts to try and and save face
1277s we're gonna just try and leave before
1279s dying
1280s [Music]
1281s we're not ready for that we're just not
1283s ready for it yet nope so now we know
1290s nasty
1292s let's try a hand at an unknown signal
1294s maybe that will temper us a little bit
1296s more
1303s I like how I look over the chassis come
1305s on Eric you got this as I'm just running
1307s away and it's not just running away like
1309s it dissolves the location like I can't
1311s go back there enough full on knowing
1314s that
1316s I'll go to trap perfect just what I was
1320s looking for can we can we craft uh some
1324s power unit
1328s we can craft a power unit though so hey
1331s here's a little detail that maybe you
1332s didn't know about so whenever you see
1334s this yellow
1335s versus a red which I don't have an
1338s example of if you see the yellow it
1339s means that you can actually craft the
1341s ingredients needed so if I wanted to
1344s craft the missing components I just pop
1346s this open and voila
1348s I would have a power unit hx1 now I
1351s don't want to do that because I am
1352s trying to save these Culvert crystals
1353s since they're highlighted for a perk
1355s that I need
1356s but that's what the yellow means yellow
1359s means you don't have them but you could
1362s create them if it was red it means you
1365s can't even create what you need you just
1367s need to go get more stuff
1369s that's the difference between the red
1370s Cog and the yellow if you were ever
1372s wondering
1373s and if there's no Cog whatsoever that
1375s means you can just straight up craft
1377s means you can just straight up craft it
1379s so we are going to go craft these
1382s these little guys
1383s uh oh and we have oh gosh a damaged
1386s energy core as well
1390s [Music]
1394s I I think it's time to cycle out some
1397s equipment
1398s I have this beam laser on here for
1400s mining but I'm just I'm not
1402s I'm not sure it's going to be too
1403s fruitful for us I think that maybe we
1405s just need a
1408s change things up a little bit more both
1410s of these have more energy output well no
1413s that one doesn't riper clothing okay
1415s it's real quick test here okay that's
1418s good
1421s foreign
1422s police shouldn't do this trap in fact
1425s there's a good chance that we'll die
1429s but we're gonna do it anyway
1432s this time I'm sticking around for it
1436s I'm here for the death
1438s here we go
1447s here we go
1449s it's gonna trigger any second yep
1460s oh we are dead all right all right yup
1463s yup so we need armor
1466s and we really should have our alts at
1469s the ready for that
1471s we should have our alt at the ready for
1472s that one unfortunately we didn't have
1474s our alt because I used it on the at the
1477s high risk area
1479s uh to take out three extra drones which
1482s wasn't worth it it wasn't worth it
1483s timing the alt is incredibly important
1485s with the striker uh some people say that
1487s the strike result is really bad I
1488s actually disagree I think the Striker's
1490s alt is one of the best it is very
1493s powerful you just have to have
1496s the right situation which I would
1498s actually argue is how every single alt
1500s can become the best in the right
1503s situation
1505s so yeah
1508s I'm also scrounging around for scraps
1510s here because I feel like I need them
1514s let's go ahead and whoops we need
1515s consumable
1524s nothing nothing over here and the
1527s destroyed
1528s Colonial worship
1529s none of it
1531s wow
1534s okay
1535s okay oh I forgot to equip it
1540s there we go awesome
1545s yeah we need to go somewhere else this
1547s is uh unfortunately this is not going to
1549s be too too fruitful for us we need to go
1553s back to base and repair
1555s before we get in over our heads anymore
1559s um so I think one of the side missions
1561s yeah I was at the starport here
1564s so let's just divert our course head
1566s over here get some repairs and do some
1568s exploration in a beautiful cotton candy
1570s environment
1572s and we'll move on from there
1575s hello hello everybody entering into the
1577s Stream
1579s I see timing is everything yes oh yeah I
1582s couldn't be more true
1586s also you're just gonna casually follow
1589s this debris
1590s all the way down into the clouds for no
1593s particular reason I'm sure
1598s oh would you look at that a valuable
1600s shipwreck if we just use our eyes
1603s and follow the trail
1609s not a bad dealer
1612s not bad
1618s you also see a light over there
1621s but we do want to get out of this for
1623s the moment
1625s let's get a better vantage point of our
1626s area good good
1630s we want to head over to the trading Hub
1632s here get our repairs up like I mentioned
1635s we could probably do a little more
1637s exploration in this area
1646s my guy is so jovial I almost should have
1649s kept him uh going because it's fun
1651s all right quick look at the shop we
1654s already have this pretty sure
1656s yes
1658s yeah we do okay
1668s we're getting decent value out of
1670s selling equipment now
1672s we're getting we're getting up to like
1674s making more than just 50 credits of sale
1677s that's nice
1680s hmm
1682s man I really want to use this rapid coil
1684s gun but ah it's so
1687s so fickle
1689s those are Passive by the way uh oh yes
1691s we don't have a passive
1694s uh yes because we've been doing some uh
1696s development work behind the scenes so
1699s that's that's Pleasant so we have a ship
1701s without a passive
1702s cool cool don't worry about that it's
1704s fine
1706s Dove builds are fun sometimes
1709s slight disadvantage but it's fine it's
1711s fine
1716s I think I want the powerful Auto Cannon
1719s I think I think I do
1723s I think I do I'm gonna I'm gonna swap
1725s we're gonna go Auto Cannon pulse laser
1727s with the beam laser to kind of uh
1730s keep everything else kind of in line
1738s and we'll just kind of do some poking
1739s about here
1743s pulse laser um
1747s the pulse laser and uh autocannon combo
1750s is is a classic
1752s it's a classic
1755s stems from everspace one honestly
1758s oh we can't shoot batteries you have to
1760s take them to where they need to go well
1762s now we just have to remember where the
1764s batteries go
1765s on both sides I think
1770s one
1779s two
1784s nice
1787s some random containers
1791s not going to say no to that
1793s oh damage booster
1796s that could be really good honestly
1800s that's gonna be the other side
1806s seeing more atheum but not a lot it's
1809s kind of uh it's kind of interesting more
1811s credits though a lot more credits
1813s hey you watch your language hive
1815s they're real to me
1820s a little bit more over here you know
1822s actually this is probably a good time
1823s since I'm doing just a little casual
1825s exploration
1826s um where we could start answering some
1827s of those questions that have been
1828s formulating
1829s so yeah what do we got so far
1833s right good evening everyone hope you're
1835s all well
1836s um we've got a few lined up on YouTube
1838s that's twitch yes you're slacking a
1841s little bit it's going you need to start
1842s firing some questions in uh so first up
1844s slurry tetson over on YouTube
1847s um the finding that they're not getting
1849s many drops from Redeemer inquisitors uh
1853s is that intentional or is it a bug
1856s that sounds interesting so when you say
1860s you're not getting very many drops are
1861s you talking about like
1863s dude you're saying like just at all like
1866s they're just giving you like one or two
1868s because they should be the loot drops
1870s The Loot drop ratio for inquisitors
1873s should actually be
1875s one of the higher ones in the game
1880s a healthy a pretty decent amount I
1883s suppose I shouldn't say a ton but
1885s [Laughter]
1888s uh yeah they're just saying that they're
1889s getting so little loot from uh from that
1892s particular enemy
1895s I have not heard about this
1899s I put on my radar
1903s and I'll investigate
1906s but they should be dropping decent
1909s there should be some value at all
1915s so that's that's curious
1918s that's curious
1920s let's go on to the next question
1922s right a golden Holland again on cube
1925s review will there be any extensions to
1928s the main story or are you guys just
1930s happy with where it is now
1933s so with any me sort of uh DLC offering
1936s what we would like to do is expand upon
1940s and surrounding the story as opposed to
1942s extending the story and what I mean by
1945s that is that if we were to like
1948s effectively put more story behind a like
1951s a paywall then you wouldn't really be
1954s getting 1.0 release of everspace 2 then
1958s then we're basically holding back part
1960s of the story until you get the complete
1962s version of it and you have to pay us a
1963s second time that's not our mentality so
1965s you have the full story within everspace
1968s 2 proper you've got it it's all there
1970s what the DLC is going to do in regards
1973s to the story is it's going to fill out
1975s more details it's going to add more
1977s Little Adventures along the way it's
1979s going to make some characters get
1981s developed a little bit more perhaps or
1983s promote entirely New Opportunities and
1985s territories that you maybe didn't expect
1987s because they weren't there before so
1990s that's more in line with how we perceive
1992s the development thereof a story after
1994s the main act if you will as opposed to
1997s trying like oh yeah yeah well it
2000s concluded here but then now you're
2001s getting let's add another chapter
2004s if we add the chapter it's going to be
2006s like in the middle of the book as
2007s opposed to like you know what I mean
2010s I think that I think that is well
2012s understood from all of you in general
2014s but yeah
2016s um that's that's our mentality so now
2018s you know
2019s that's a good question oh my gosh we're
2020s loaded up
2027s uh right switching back to slurring
2029s again over on YouTube
2031s um they're looking for a little bit of
2032s clarity on um the rapid and Powerful
2036s Catalyst they seem to have the exact
2038s same result in terms of damage output on
2040s a Jager at least anywhere
2043s um is that correct or incorrect
2046s somebody technical
2051s technical guessing that
2054s nation that they feel like there's no
2057s difference is that is that how I'm
2059s understanding it
2061s is it seems to be in terms of damage
2064s output yes
2065s so I mean the the big thing to note is
2067s that the rapid modifier which I'm
2069s looking at here is rapid executioner
2071s rapid does not impact
2075s energy consumption
2077s okay so if you have two of the exact
2080s same weapons side by side and one's
2082s rapid and one's not that means that this
2084s is going to fire faster the damage that
2088s it would normally do the exact same
2090s damage on both of them the rapid is
2091s going to increase the DPS
2094s specifically because of how fast it
2096s fires but your energy is also going to
2098s burn through faster an easy way to look
2100s at it is like how the gunship has two
2103s extra hard points that doesn't mean that
2105s its damage is actually doubled it means
2108s that's firing literally twice as fast
2111s because it has more hard points to fire
2112s from but to that it's also burning
2115s through its energy twice as fast
2118s so
2119s um when you're looking at powerful
2120s however powerful is a damage increase as
2123s opposed to a
2124s um a
2126s speed increase
2128s okay the fire rate increase
2131s so that's going to be your difference so
2133s in some cases certain weapons are going
2135s to perform better using the rapid prefix
2138s more than the powerful and in other
2141s cases the powerful is going to be much
2142s more ideal than the rapid it just kind
2144s of depends on the usage it depends on in
2147s some cases your play style I think
2149s um but yeah it's it's you have to be a
2151s little bit mindful about it one's not
2152s necessarily better than the other it's
2154s just dependent on the situation
2157s for example this rapid executioner is
2159s just
2160s oh I'm just oozing at this because when
2163s you have rapid on an executioner that
2166s means that your charge speed is faster
2169s it charges faster
2171s and
2173s that's nice that's that's very nice to
2175s have on a weapon like this so you can
2177s fire a lot more because because it's
2180s like pure kinetic damage output you want
2182s a weapon like this to kill your opponent
2184s faster than you get shot right that's
2187s the entire point so having this with
2189s rapid
2190s go straight into that
2193s goes straight into that okay so I need
2196s to
2197s look at some of my other elements here
2199s and keep things moving along
2202s [Music]
2207s let's get rid of you
2209s nah no thanks
2214s really like weapon output but we'll take
2216s it we'll take it
2220s cleaning up a little bit
2222s should be fine for now oh
2224s [Music]
2225s open up another container real quick I
2227s love it
2228s so yeah let's get to the next question
2230s um and if there is a follow-up to any of
2232s those questions by the way if you're
2233s like oh yeah well I actually found this
2235s out or whatever uh yeah please let me
2237s know hopefully I don't die here and
2239s trying to talk with you guys about
2240s things
2243s that was a little annoying oh I do have
2245s a challenge to destroy one of these guys
2247s with their
2248s own mind thank you for the help uh Elite
2252s GMB fighter but I wanted that that was
2254s my kill okay
2257s next question please
2260s over on YouTube
2263s um
2263s they're wondering if at some point we'll
2265s be able to sell excess crafting supplies
2268s mining gets to be fairly pointless when
2270s you have more than 500 of something for
2272s example and wondered if they could sell
2274s those off that is a lot of resources
2277s um this has been something of a
2280s conversation we've had internally and um
2282s yeah I mean I can't say that it won't
2285s ever happen but I also am not going to
2287s say that it will
2288s it's gonna be something we kind of play
2290s by ear as well
2291s the credit system we're actually really
2293s happy with it in fact when we did our
2296s sort of
2297s comparisons to other titles
2299s titles where you have to build yourself
2301s up and like find routes to earn your
2304s monies if you will we found that a lot
2307s of other open World Games tend to be
2309s completely broken and you can get an
2311s absorbent amount of cash very quickly
2313s and we didn't want to do that here we
2316s wanted the progression of credits be
2318s something of a focal point for the
2320s player so that if you want them you have
2323s to go out and earn them you have to do
2324s the jobs you have to explore the
2326s unknowns you have to you know put in the
2328s work effectively as opposed to just oh
2330s well I've been mining all of the stuff
2332s I've been collecting all of these things
2333s just in the natural progression of the
2336s game Space then when I get to a
2337s storefront it's like oh you need 5 000
2339s credits and so you just empty your
2341s pockets and get a million you know we we
2344s didn't want that to happen
2346s we didn't want that to happen that's why
2348s the Commodities have been a focal point
2350s of those credit gains and why the player
2353s is encouraged to hang on to them to
2354s maximize their profits much like I'm
2356s doing here which is also creating a
2357s little bit of a problem admittedly
2359s because I've got too much to hold
2362s but there's a lot surrounding that makes
2364s it hard to answer
2366s so is it possible yes is it going to
2368s happen
2370s can't tell you
2372s can't tell you there would be a
2374s balancing act there and
2377s we'd have to see what that looked like
2378s next question please
2380s right uh wizard Jerry on YouTube uh
2384s they're just curious about where did the
2387s hardcore uh sorry hardcore more mode
2389s rather from everspace one Adam go
2391s eventually so it's a bit of a law
2392s question for you oh yeah sure
2395s I love this this is a follow-up to this
2396s as well okay yeah so the lore answer to
2399s hardcore mode is that hardcore mode does
2401s not exist within the standard
2403s traditional lore of the everspace
2405s universe so that particular Adventure
2408s that clone if you will it's it's all a
2411s simulation it's entirely just a mock-up
2414s of whatever we wanted to make a uh more
2418s gamified run through everspace one
2421s utilizing a more Progressive system of
2425s unlocking your powers over time a much
2428s more traditional roguelike if you will
2430s so the intentionality behind the lore
2432s there not so much it's far more gamified
2435s it's like play this for the challenge if
2438s you want the story you play the standard
2439s game mode where you're building yourself
2441s up over time you're meeting the
2442s characters you're doing the things
2445s so yeah not not to not a lore Focus
2448s there
2451s so but is there a follow-up to that one
2453s you said as well yeah he was just asking
2455s is
2456s one part of the story in the everspace
2459s universe but you kind of answer that
2460s with the business not really not really
2463s so
2465s yeah I do love the question though
2468s I love it
2470s but it just isn't
2472s go ahead and scrap these two I know I'm
2474s kind of needing money but I also like
2475s the blueprint progress we're making here
2476s so
2480s but uh yeah do we have another question
2481s or is that all uh yeah we've got another
2483s couple actually from slaurine as well um
2485s I'm just wondering if Kato is going to
2488s be the only tier 4 ship vendor or and
2491s will there ever be possibly higher tier
2493s ships
2494s possible that more vendors could sell
2497s tier fours
2499s um and hopefully most of you guys know
2502s guys we are working on more tier four
2505s ships so like we want there to be tier
2508s four wings for every wing type
2511s for every single ship
2513s I'm gonna say that one more time
2515s let's make sure everyone's aware we want
2518s there to be a tier 4 wing for every
2521s single wing type for every single ship
2524s So for anybody who's doing the maths
2526s behind the scenes there are nine ship
2529s classes and a lot of the ships have two
2532s wings and some of the ships have four
2534s wings
2536s so
2537s we're doing a little bit of maths there
2539s we're going to end up with a fairly
2541s decent number of tier 4 Wing sets for
2544s you to customize yourself with so if the
2546s current tier 4 Wing just isn't striking
2548s your fancy and you want a different Wing
2550s look but still the tier 4 benefits that
2553s is in the pipe
2561s so yeah there you go and let's hear
2562s another one because I think that you
2564s said there was more questions yeah
2565s there's just one more that we've got
2566s lined up um so when you're accepting a
2568s mission in the wild so one of the jobs
2570s that do pop up randomly on the map when
2572s you're flying around uh is it possible
2574s to see the rewards before accepting
2579s I don't think we implemented that in the
2581s UI
2584s I think that that we added those in a
2587s little bit as a community request
2588s honestly
2590s um but those I think they just show up
2593s to where it's like oh you're out there
2595s flying it's close by you anyway you
2596s could pick up the job and do it without
2598s really caring about what the results
2600s could potentially be
2602s um maybe that's the wrong way of looking
2603s at it I'm not sure but that's how we
2606s kind of went about it
2607s um of course all of the applicable
2609s benefits you would have gained through
2610s your renowned would
2612s adhere to that right so like if we had
2614s the jobs will always reward an item here
2616s at the professional level by taking on a
2618s random job you would gain an item
2622s guaranteed for example
2624s but uh yeah
2626s don't necessarily know if it
2629s yeah if we really thought too hard about
2631s that it was more like we just want them
2633s to be randomly populating so you can do
2635s them I'm going to kind of like casually
2637s check
2638s my minimap here a couple of times
2640s because I want to see if I can uh
2643s find a random job for you all
2645s and just maybe explain it a little bit
2648s more
2649s but of course it's not going to show up
2651s because we're trying to do that right
2652s it's the live stream kit
2655s live stream will just live stream that's
2657s how it works
2659s nothing
2663s at least the music's jamming
2672s any
2689s still nothing not a single one that's
2692s actually that surprises me
2694s that really surprises me but it is what
2696s it is
2697s but yeah generally speaking there isn't
2699s uh there isn't a display for random jobs
2703s so but uh you said there was even
2705s another question beyond that too no
2707s that's that's it for now cool all right
2710s very good very good
2712s yeah I'm a little distracted here but I
2714s saw the twin stations and I thought oh
2715s this is a long distance surely a job
2717s will appear there it is uh it's surely a
2719s job will appear while I'm out there
2720s flying and of course it shows up when
2722s I've landed
2724s but yeah the jobs will appear here like
2726s this and whenever you accept the job
2728s what you can do is you can go to your
2730s missions and look at your job here and
2733s it will show you what the rewards would
2734s be and it would also list any sort of
2736s items but you can't see that until you
2738s accept it so it's a little bit of I
2741s suppose you could look at it as an added
2742s step if you will and if you really
2744s didn't like it then you can you know
2746s select abandon accordingly
2749s um so but yeah it just doesn't show here
2752s on the map
2753s just doesn't show here on the map it
2755s just wasn't something we felt was
2756s necessary honestly that's what it comes
2758s down to
2764s foreign
2771s oh my goodness
2778s man our ship
2780s we need some upgrades
2784s I also need I need a better Thruster
2786s that's I'm identifying that very quickly
2794s take out this Weber drone and then
2798s wow
2802s goodness gravy
2813s nightmare can be a pain
2817s all right
2823s oh come on come on
2825s come back here
2828s fine
2832s foreign
2837s let's try to get over to the twin
2838s stations now
2841s there's still some enemies nearby I
2842s don't like it
2848s I think we just have to get around to
2849s the back
2854s we did open up all of these details
2863s oh no we have to break into it okay
2869s well before we just go absolutely
2872s destroy ourselves
2876s we're gonna just do a little quick save
2878s there
2881s so oh that's the socket whoops other
2884s side
2904s how many device upgrades do we have just
2905s one okay
2909s the opt to put on a Mobility device
2928s excuse me
2939s there we go
2942s these Wide Wings
2950s it was actually kind of funny there was
2951s a conversation I think on the Discord uh
2953s like last week about
2955s hardpoint locations on the various ship
2957s classes were like does that have an
2958s effect
2959s on like the game at all like is that is
2962s that really something that matters too
2963s much and my response is like not really
2965s like you kind of maybe a little bit and
2967s then there you have a very clear example
2970s of the difference between having your
2972s hardpoints in a centralized location and
2974s one that's out on the wings
2976s it's a little bit harder to shoot into
2978s tight spaces
2990s all right where's the other one there
2993s you are
2994s let's just uh
3005s eventually we'll get it beautiful
3007s nailed it
3008s all right
3012s Oh I thought you were biomass I Don't
3014s Want You to Breathe
3037s man it is hot in my office today
3040s whoo I really need to think about some
3043s ventilation in here if you start seeing
3045s me sweating it's uh it's not because I'm
3047s nervous
3048s because it's just freaking hot in here
3058s now I would be inclined to explore a
3062s little bit more over here
3063s um I just don't want to like insta death
3065s I'm feeling like I just I feel so under
3068s leveled even though I'm about where I
3070s need to be for these locations
3078s I was too close to a little Outlaw base
3081s establishment okay
3083s that explains a lot
3085s let's head back to sudo complete this
3088s side mission that way we're making more
3090s progress I mean our credits are going up
3092s slowly but truly
3093s oh wait no we need to go here
3098s slowly but surely
3101s and let's complete this job too so we
3103s get our next level of renown
3107s so I'll be nice
3119s I see some conversations surrounding
3121s like a new game plus as well and um
3124s yeah I just wanted to talk very briefly
3126s on that one uh the short of it is that
3128s in order for us to go in and create
3131s effectively a new game plus style of
3134s game we would actually have to rebalance
3137s the entire story progression and all the
3138s location
3140s um levels and and all that stuff uh not
3143s exactly a small feat I don't know I'm
3145s sure some of you out there are like well
3147s all you guys have to do is just scale
3149s everything up to level 30 and you're
3151s done
3152s um well
3153s sort of but also no
3156s um
3157s it's it unfortunately isn't that
3160s conveniently easy because if it was I
3162s mean we could slap in New Game Plus
3164s probably fairly easily I say that and
3167s somebody on the team is like why would
3169s you say such a thing
3170s um but yeah it's it's not something that
3173s would be technically feasible for where
3175s we are at with what we want to do to
3177s everspace too
3180s so if you are looking for like an added
3182s challenge of course when you do complete
3184s the base game you unlock nightmare
3187s difficulty and I started a new game at
3189s nightmare which is more or less your New
3191s Game Plus
3193s so you don't get all of your stuff that
3194s you had unlocked which I think is
3196s probably a strong Allure of new game
3198s plus I get that but for a greater
3201s challenge to overcome what you're facing
3204s yeah this definitely provides it if you
3207s haven't been able to tell that from all
3209s my uh absolute pain
3217s let's go protoscop first
3220s we also need a better Shield I'm
3221s discovering
3228s meat
3233s not sure if we need to spend any more
3235s time here I am glad we got that job done
3238s so that we can do
3240s this
3244s cool
3245s so a nice little bump with credits got
3248s some free equipment which I think we're
3250s even gonna Yap oh yeah straight up
3253s replacing
3255s that's just better
3257s we still need a better booster though
3259s um
3262s all right
3264s yep okay yep build is starting to come
3267s together we're getting something
3270s I've got some feelings
3272s they are good feelings
3278s and this poor Striker without a passive
3283s foreign
3292s let's go ahead and grab this randomized
3294s loot in this randomized debris
3299s what we got medicine
3302s super duper
3304s all right moving on let's go somewhere
3308s uh let's go back to cedo actually we're
3311s gonna go to cedo we're gonna complete
3312s that side mission
3313s and then we're gonna come back to Union
3315s and keep being sidetracked
3322s hello hello everybody sneaking in
3328s get fomo every time I watch an aerospace
3330s 2 stream I know right oh my gosh
3343s yeah sometimes I get that way too like
3345s I'll uh I'll have like uh just a random
3347s person who's playing everspace two on in
3349s the background sometimes I'll engage in
3350s the chat and pretend like I don't know
3351s anything about the game and it's kind of
3352s fun to get the interactions of what they
3355s say sometimes I don't say anything and I
3357s just lurk
3358s but there's a a lot of times I'll start
3360s doing that and be like man I just want
3362s to I just want to play
3372s [Music]
3375s noise
3379s we'll just move on through here we're
3380s gonna let's let's finish this side
3382s mission let's do that first sneaky
3385s sneaky yes I'm a little bit of a sneak
3392s you missed me last week
3394s but Garrett but Gary's awesome what
3400s uh everybody loves you Eric they always
3401s miss you when you're not here
3404s everyone misses whatever it is that's
3405s missing that's how it works that's
3412s but I I appreciate thank you thank you
3415s for missing me I missed you guys too
3416s honestly I was not in the chat as much
3419s as I would have liked to have been last
3420s week was a a personal uh adventure of
3423s sorts
3426s how to navigate some interesting
3427s Watchers
3430s Oswald
3433s stuff comes up you know you know how
3435s life works it just keeps going
3438s crazy crazy
3443s I want to romance Fallon Pango
3446s you know listen
3449s um
3450s if that's your dream
3452s you know
3453s um get better dreams
3465s look
3466s teach their own I suppose it just sounds
3469s very strange to me uh you know if you
3471s want to write your own fanfic do it I'd
3474s say share it in the fan art section of
3476s our uh Discord but I'm hesitant to tell
3478s you that
3480s laughs
3483s jeez
3488s Alexandra like I'm obviously we're
3490s having fun here uh but yeah you do you
3503s let's go ahead and Mark all the C to go
3505s through our inventory I thought I had
3506s something yeah there it is oh it wasn't
3508s as high as I thought
3511s oh well
3514s some Ramen we can get rid of Madison's
3517s okay clothes yeah let's just liquidate
3520s our assets yeah that's a little bit
3522s better
3524s um wait what did we pick up an energy
3525s Shield that's awesome
3527s definitely need that
3531s um oh
3533s yes please
3539s and I think that's all we're gonna focus
3541s on there
3544s since we are going back to Union this
3548s could actually be a pretty solid
3549s investment
3551s um the best place to sell this is not in
3554s Union but we'll make something more uh
3557s cybermatic implants are actually like
3559s one of the better
3561s um trade routes in the game honestly so
3564s we're gonna go we're gonna go ahead and
3565s pick up all of these spend a lot of our
3568s our monies on that and we're gonna make
3570s it back
3572s I don't I don't want repairs
3575s I don't have that highlighted
3577s but that's fine all right
3579s you keep telling me about that it's fine
3587s enemies yeah so they did level up over
3590s here in sudo we do have a couple of
3593s back-end systems from the progression of
3596s where you're at and what you're doing
3598s and based on that
3600s the enemy can level up in certain areas
3603s over others
3605s and we did make the appropriate uh level
3609s up position
3611s to where it does impact me here
3617s gosh that was so much more fluid than
3620s basically any other engagement we've had
3621s today
3629s we have some Blood star
3631s never know what you're gonna get from
3633s them but it's a of course a better
3635s chance to be uh no you go away
3639s a better chance to be blood Star
3640s Equipment
3641s much better chance
3644s like a decimator for example
3649s oh yeah it's much better okay now we can
3652s face this Detonator drone I just didn't
3653s want him up in my face first you know
3655s what I'm saying
3658s there we go not so tough without your
3660s buddies huh
3663s got him on that one
3671s neat
3681s nice mic Peak oh am I am I too close to
3683s the mic it's about
3686s calm down there Mike all right there we
3687s go everything's better
3690s I think it was just when you did the ha
3694s is that better
3698s mic check one two
3702s and there was one more loot here but uh
3704s that's okay I can't actually remember if
3706s we've 100 completed this location or not
3708s but that's fine we'll find out later
3710s let's head back over to Union sell our
3712s cybernetic implants for a little bit of
3714s credit gains it might not be much it
3716s might be
3717s uh it might be just what we need
3720s it might be exactly what we were looking
3721s for that's
3733s yeah selling uh selling Ramen
3738s yeah it's pretty good it's pretty good
3740s Outlet I think
3741s um I like the ramen side missions from
3744s Cato Palace but you know it's later down
3746s the line I don't have that unlocked yet
3747s floor AC I should probably invest in one
3749s or I could just knock a hole in the wall
3752s over here because my AC unit's actually
3754s right on the other side of it but then
3756s the piping goes to the rest of the house
3758s it doesn't it doesn't stop here it just
3761s leaves it's like oh hey you want some
3762s cold air sorry peace out uh
3767s be a light modification
3769s pulling the wall add some duct
3772s but uh yeah
3783s I probably should be using the auto
3785s Cannon instead like this
3787s tends to be a little bit faster like
3790s that
3795s look at all of these
3799s delightful actually
3802s oh
3804s Evolution's not as hard if you can just
3807s like if you have great Focus fire I am
3810s just not very confident right now with
3812s my equipment
3815s hmm
3821s let's get back to the union
3823s let's focus this in here we go
3835s my brother is an HVAC engineer so I
3837s would just hire him to do all the work
3838s basically
3844s which admittedly would be it's a bit of
3846s work I said it would be easy but you
3847s know
3848s knocking a hole in the wall is never
3850s just a said and done sort of thing well
3852s maybe it is for some of you guys maybe
3854s some of you out there are like oh yeah
3855s that's actually not a big deal I mean it
3857s depends there's a lot of factors behind
3859s it
3860s foreign
3880s all right let's see there's more vault
3882s worthies
3884s oh the data fishing one ah it's level
3886s 12. yikes
3890s um all right let's stay on target let's
3891s sell our guts um I think
3896s trying to remember the best spot to sell
3901s Scott I think it was Noah Damaris
3905s we're gonna go to Prescott
3908s I can't remember where it sells higher
3910s but
3914s what we can do is we can kind of cruise
3916s around and then we can uh oh oops wrong
3919s button we can look at the price oh it's
3922s not going to show us specifically we
3923s have to go into it
3926s smart game design is smart
3929s trying to be cheeky and circumvent the
3932s information nah nah we didn't do that
3934s you have to be at the place to know the
3937s value
3939s data fishing is it's a challenging one
3942s it's a challenging one
3944s yeah I like its design though where you
3946s have to like defend a point
3949s we added a lot more of those sort of um
3951s events a little bit later in development
3955s there was so much like dog fighting
3956s we're like well what about like staying
3958s power like we need to we need to add
3960s some love to you know defensive
3962s positioning so yeah that was Data
3965s fishing was kind of a result of that as
3966s the number of things were a result of
3968s that also the traps that you encounter
3971s um just like randomly where you're
3972s effectively destroying the signal you're
3974s kind of defensing a position so there's
3976s that
3978s um but yeah
3983s can I can I see this yet or is it still
3984s hidden oh so that's pretty good actually
3987s that's pretty good
3988s um I would say that's a worthwhile yeah
3992s okay we're gonna make like about 15K if
3995s my maths is correct
3997s so let's sell this let's sell it at Cato
4000s it's all Kato
4010s okay my maths was off but we did make we
4014s made money that's the important thing I
4016s guess we actually only made like seven
4018s seven-ish k
4020s but I'll take it free 7K just because I
4023s was in the route to complete a side
4026s mission ain't too shabby
4028s that's for sure
4041s let's go for more Monies
4045s ah man
4056s too many options too many
4063s you know what we're gonna replace the
4064s beam laser I know that we were kind of
4065s saving it for mining but we're gonna
4067s we're gonna replace it I want this Goss
4069s Cannon for emergency situations where we
4071s truly have to focus down uh individual
4073s and we're gonna otherwise we're just
4075s gonna kind of like yeah let's just clear
4076s this out you know what we're just gonna
4078s I never encourage you guys to like
4081s blindly sell but we're just gonna
4082s blindly sell
4083s just get our credits up that feels good
4087s it feels good
4091s well remember when you've got to the
4093s remaining Mainframe component could you
4096s just talk through that so people can
4097s understand how you combine them and and
4100s assign the points because you've got two
4102s so when you get the next one oh yeah
4105s oh yeah for sure
4112s I'm just trying to remember
4114s actually it might be right here
4118s yeah I think this is it
4122s so that's convenient
4124s oh no there wasn't one oh dang it
4128s um but I do see a destructible so let's
4130s go follow that
4133s damn I'm so hopeful
4137s uh does this one ever made from
4139s component I actually don't think this
4141s one does but you know maybe because I
4144s thought the last one did and it didn't
4145s maybe I'll be wrong again and it'll be
4147s it'll balance itself out
4150s that's the hope
4158s no whammies no whammies
4163s oh well it's fine everything's fine
4166s all according to plan
4170s you always blindly sell says Flory I
4173s think it's you know so in my normal game
4176s like if you just play a normal mode like
4178s I think that's more than acceptable like
4179s you don't really have to worry too much
4180s about it
4182s um if you want to maximize trades then
4183s yeah of course like it can feel nice
4186s but um a nightmare for my my
4189s playthroughs of nightmare specifically
4191s um I feel like you have to maximize
4193s everything as much as possible otherwise
4196s you just constantly Get Wrecked and you
4197s don't have any means to grow
4200s and it starts feeling like you're just
4201s throwing your face up against a wall
4203s smashing your face up against the wall
4207s why are you shooting at me attack the
4209s people that you're raiding jeez these
4212s Outlaws
4215s come back thank you
4219s wasn't close enough to use it
4245s you saw
4249s Shields are not looking good
4253s I don't like this
4266s we're gonna Peacemaker those guys that
4268s way we can focus on some of these other
4271s nonsensical happenings
4274s all right
4278s come on regenerate
4282s come on engines thank you
4287s Energy Management whoa what a doozy can
4290s be I'm really glad we haven't gotten
4292s Weber uh left yet because that would be
4295s absolutely painful
4303s okay
4305s you should you should just come explode
4307s yourself right
4309s he didn't he didn't come back he's just
4312s running he saw the mines and he's like
4313s nope
4315s I don't blame him
4318s this does look to be a nice haul we got
4320s some good drops around here look at this
4331s more oh boy
4340s did you lie to me how have you liar why
4344s are you lying
4346s foreign
4348s [Music]
4353s look at all these unlocks this is nice
4356s all this loot
4359s feels good
4362s do we have some uh questions lining up
4364s Gary
4365s uh I've only got two at the moment from
4368s twitch okay yeah let's do it look at
4370s that fine tables have turned
4373s sorry you'd be slacking now come on
4376s crack them
4377s uh right first up from twitch we've got
4380s below average pilot and they were asking
4383s at one of the set bonuses for the
4385s bloodstar gear is a 15 chance to drop
4388s drop Blood star gear from any enemy uh
4390s this seems to only work for them in Sito
4393s they didn't know if that was intentional
4394s or if they're just kind of in the hands
4396s of the RNG Gods on that one um during
4399s the course of the stream I found some
4401s blood start gear while I was
4406s star over
4408s and back
4409s I do believe it's working as intended I
4412s mean I can check that stat out but um I
4415s have not heard any sort of reports of uh
4418s that failing to operate correctly
4423s so yeah I think it's probably RNG yeah
4426s it might just be yeah it might just be
4428s unfortunate RNG too yeah
4430s which is never fun but uh it can happen
4434s it can happen to you
4437s no one's immune
4440s let's do this one
4442s it's another job look at this
4444s well they're all popping up yeah all
4446s right but let's answer that last
4447s question you got right uh Sergeant
4449s Grimlock again on Twitch uh it's just
4452s wondering will we see a return of the
4454s ancient weapon from everspace one
4458s oh we've had this question before so it
4460s technically speaking it has returned
4461s it's just going by a different name and
4463s it has a little bit of a different
4464s functionality to it but the devotion uh
4468s is it a railgun or Coy gone
4472s the devotion legendary is uh a play off
4476s of what the ancient uh shock rifle used
4479s to be
4481s um so yeah it's it's very much powered
4484s by the ship except instead of it
4485s utilizing your health now it absorbs
4488s your Alt
4490s energy
4492s um so a little bit of a foundational
4493s change
4496s but uh yeah it's very much the ancient
4499s weapon
4502s if you are wondering if we're gonna have
4504s any
4505s weapons that oh look at that we got a
4507s raid booster from a natural
4510s um Outlaw so this is definitely working
4511s as intended because we are totally in
4513s Union and that was not bloodstart
4516s um
4517s but um
4524s I'm glad we got that drop actually I was
4526s like hey let's listen it is actually
4528s Orange
4530s sucks
4531s um for for you if you haven't been
4532s finding it but uh yeah
4535s it is in fact working as intended
4543s more
4545s obsidium
4546s incidium
4549s any more resources none
4551s aluminum
4553s aluminum yes
4555s oh yes
4557s yes oh
4559s I'm really looking for Clover
4564s so all right I guess we'll take what we
4567s can find I mean I could I could scrounge
4569s up a location that I've been to that
4571s legitimately has it populating you know
4574s like here we have atheum Crystal
4577s oh wait that's what we're looking for
4578s we're looking for atheum not Culvert
4581s what am I doing why am I doing I want to
4584s upgrade this
4586s I need more atheum I want to upgrade
4588s this I need more Flawless ethium and I
4591s want to upgrade this uh which actually
4593s needed Culver so that's fine this is
4595s acceptable this is fine all right
4598s all right
4600s perfect
4602s a weapon using whole points yeah I I
4604s guess I should finish that uh line of
4606s thought thank you Sergeant Grimlock if
4608s you are wondering if we were going to
4609s have any weapons that do damage to you
4611s uh in order to like do damage out
4614s um we have actually contemplated what
4616s that would look like as like a modifier
4618s for example
4620s It's Tricky territory It's Tricky
4622s territory because if there's a sacrifice
4624s to the player then the benefit needs to
4626s be really stinking good right because
4628s otherwise there's a lot of really
4629s stinking good modifiers out there
4630s already that don't require any sacrifice
4633s on the player's part
4635s so
4636s there would be a balancing act that we
4639s would have to sneak in there a rather
4641s delicate one to make sure it would truly
4644s be valuable and also that it's not
4647s overthrowing all the other situations
4650s that you are currently facing should it
4653s feel a bit more overpowered if it were
4655s damaging yourself yes I would absolutely
4658s agree that it should
4659s um but uh yeah can't say that that will
4662s occur or not
4664s um through a modifier or an item or
4666s whatever in the future but it has been
4669s something of a
4671s discussion point if you will internally
4677s those were a lot of notices
4683s sometimes it is easier to abandon a film
4690s let's go ahead and paste these guys what
4693s could possibly go wrong especially when
4695s we're completely out of boost when we
4696s engage
4698s um you know what let's let's focus down
4701s this guy
4710s oh man he got too far away from everyone
4712s else
4716s it's a little it's a little deflating
4724s damn it
4725s damn it there we go
4733s not a lot of loot there that's a little
4734s unfortunate
4741s let's head over here to this asteroid
4751s City I'm more in city of that so much
4758s I like a recharge booster ooh ooh what
4761s do we got what do we got
4766s I'm taking it oh that's gonna help so
4767s much oh that's a huge huge
4770s huge
4772s I am happy
4775s also I don't think I need I think I need
4778s the repair per kill here instead bring
4781s it with Firepower we're just gonna get
4782s rid of the Blood star raid set bonus
4785s somebody out there is dying but I'm just
4787s not for it I would rather gain my armor
4789s back since that seems to be something
4791s I'm losing quite a lot of
4801s oh I should have had the volume up for
4804s that oh I wasn't thinking guys whenever
4807s you complete that mission that side
4809s mission there's a drone that sounds a
4811s lot like GLaDOS
4813s um say thank you because it's been
4817s Desiring somebody to come collect it for
4820s a very long time oh my gosh I should
4821s have turned that up
4822s I should have turned that up
4824s oh well
4827s is what it is
4831s all right so we got everything out of
4833s this site
4834s um we're gonna get this incidium though
4838s we
4846s are not actually sure if I ever asked at
4848s the start of the stream how dare I
4850s how is everybody how are you guys how is
4853s your week going
4855s how how are you
4857s I wanna I wanna see some stories in the
4860s chat I want to know like
4862s what you've been up to
4864s I mean you keep coming to your stream so
4865s there's something what we're doing
4866s that's engaging and I'm glad I love
4868s having you here you give me energy
4869s you are my lifeblood
4871s and as such I want to know what my
4873s lifeblood's up to what you doing
4876s how's it going
4878s stay alive
4885s not better now that it's dream time okay
4887s that's that's a fair response that's a
4889s fair respawn
4895s response so many side missions to do
4899s too many actually let's let's go to Noah
4901s Demars I think we're ready for this
4903s Damaris I said Damaris
4908s first driving lesson on the highway
4915s palms are sweaty all the way so that's
4917s fair yeah
4918s driving is scary
4922s it's scary it becomes for second nature
4924s when you've done it so much of course
4926s but like
4927s learning how to drive gosh I remember my
4929s first driving test I'm pretty sure I hit
4931s all four cones in the parallel parking
4933s section
4935s um
4935s yeah
4937s good stuff good stuff
4942s what kind of drinks do they serve at the
4943s sanity bar
4946s the question
4956s who can help maintain peace in the DMZ
4960s might be something where can I find them
4966s there's so much to do in this site but
4969s we can also accrue a lot of credits if
4972s we were to take our time
4974s if
4981s but uh we might be able to start getting
4983s some of them oh my gosh there's so much
4985s I got like this I got like this wave of
4988s just being overwhelmed going oh there's
4990s so many things to do on this side like
4993s it's it's a good thing but also like
4995s I've done this a lot through play
4997s testing and uh you know experimentation
5002s there's a little bit of redundantness
5004s here there's like oh man here we go
5006s again you know
5009s oh boy
5027s now I'm forgetting where everything is
5029s at here was there not did we move
5031s something again oh my goodness I'm on
5033s the wrong side that's what's going on
5040s yep here it is
5043s looking in the wrong spots is all no big
5045s deal
5048s yeah we do have a few more minutes of
5050s gameplay here and then we are going to
5051s be transitioning over to the community
5053s section not that I haven't been
5056s basically communitying this entire
5060s stream but do note that if there is a uh
5063s any more questions on what we're going
5065s to keep doing that but we're also going
5066s to highlight screenshots uh stuff like
5068s that
5070s so it'll be nice and fun
5072s this is what I was looking for uh
5073s beforehand by the way
5075s this for God was on the shielded side
5077s and that's the glowing one so it's the
5080s other one right
5083s I guess so maybe
5089s I think it's here yes
5102s close
5104s energy core plug on Shield breaker
5108s missiles oh that's actually showbreaker
5110s missiles might be something I need to be
5112s using
5113s of course now that I have an auto firing
5116s um uh what's it called a destabilizer
5118s missile
5120s that's such a such a convenient modifier
5124s is it too good of a modifier maybe are
5127s we going to remove it or adjust it and
5129s not probably not
5130s we already have a number of times as I'm
5132s sure a lot of you guys know through
5134s Early Access of scene it used to just be
5136s a 100 missile
5138s and it would fire infinitely so it
5141s didn't matter if there was like um
5144s there wasn't a timer on it so as many
5147s times as you could proc it would just go
5148s uh we had to fix that that was too much
5150s the cruise missiles are so cool yeah I
5152s like the cruise missiles too
5161s can't create the bypass the spatial
5164s bypass yeah it does require a health
5165s healthy bit of resources you might check
5168s and make sure you've got them
5170s and you can of course like highlight the
5172s mission
5173s um if you haven't
5175s um so like whenever there's a mission
5176s that has a specific need and you're in
5179s the location for it of course like if we
5181s have it here I just like choose it right
5185s um speaking of choosing I wanted to
5186s probably choose this one
5188s um but it would give you all the details
5190s on your screen when you're at the site
5192s so it says oh you need to collect this
5193s that and the other thing otherwise you
5194s can just read it on this page here
5196s that's just a really easy way to just
5198s check and confirm if your needs are met
5200s regarding the mission chain or not
5204s let's do this Vault wordy worthy bit too
5212s have to do them in order ah you don't
5214s have to do the spatial bypass in order
5218s you don't have to do the spatial bypass
5220s in order you you have to get the first
5222s one
5224s um established at the home base but then
5226s beyond that pretty sure you can
5228s get them however you want
5231s isn't that one of those
5233s the opening
5239s [Music]
5248s it was convenient to charge me up
5251s I'll take it
5254s a single iron
5261s G why did you do this to me
5277s I'm gonna poke about this site a little
5279s bit more
5280s oh that's the socket oh shoot where's
5282s the
5283s trying to remember where to get all the
5285s things oh
5292s so much stuff I know that we should also
5294s travel down this path this is an easier
5296s one to follow
5298s then you can also go and nope wait there
5301s it is go in here
5304s that's the dispenser excellent
5307s I knew it was close by I just couldn't
5309s remember where
5312s but then that goes okay no that that
5315s just okay all right neat
5319s venturing through these locations
5322s so much
5324s somehow makes it harder to remember how
5325s to venture through the locations
5328s I don't know how that works but that's
5329s what happens
5336s but whoops wrong side
5338s [Music]
5341s open sesame
5345s now we can go in here
5350s okay okay
5357s all right
5359s oh
5365s yeah let's do that one
5368s foreign
5369s the calibrated pulse laser it's nice
5372s don't get me wrong I want the Jaeger so
5374s the Jaeger believe it or not is one of
5376s the few weapons in the game that has no
5379s spread that would normally have spread
5381s so I'm using a system here let me just
5384s show you on the shuttings uh right uh
5387s down here show detailed weapon stats
5391s this is not currently available in your
5393s game this is probably going to be just
5395s like added in
5397s um probably when we get to like the the
5399s console release probably maybe
5402s um is my guess
5405s um so hopefully we'll have just like a
5406s little bit of a little something added
5409s um once we get to that point but do know
5411s that we are working on a more
5413s official sort of like content pack this
5415s is just one of those little itty bitty
5417s quality of life things uh that both the
5419s community and frankly we wanted to do
5422s um and so like you can see here uh it
5424s has zero spread completely zero degrees
5427s of spread on the Jaeger for pinpoint
5431s precision
5433s something that is not
5435s common
5436s in the weapons across
5439s the everspace franchise
5442s all right let's also go down this
5443s particular way
5466s I don't know why I chose to use this
5468s Weapon It's not accurate at all
5474s there we go oh level up
5478s that's uh that's a good level up we we
5480s actually need that boost
5483s start outfitting ourselves with some
5485s better gear
5491s so doing all these little odd jobs
5493s inside missions is proving to be
5495s valuable
5502s nightmare tends to have a little bit
5504s more gear check
5507s in its story progression
5512s so if you start falling behind you will
5514s feel feel it immediately
5534s it's over there I think it is
5536s I want you
5538s but I need this the thing
5557s sure I can help
5560s I guess we'll help him it's fine
5567s if I can remember how to get to him
5569s there you are as a stranger
5589s how dare
5597s smells awkward silence Adam's ever had
5600s to endure
5602s tell me what happened
5604s by scoundrels
5610s okay
5627s excellent I think you can put them
5630s wherever whichever location yes okay
5633s cool
5634s I am humbled by your generosity of
5638s spirit say nothing of it I like the
5642s bovis
5644s I got some fans in the chat too
5646s regarding the bowvis hayo
5649s Let's uh
5651s gets uh get ourselves a little bit more
5655s solidified here let's let's just start
5657s scrapping some of the lighter things
5660s make room for this
5664s Transit support this is actually
5666s probably a good spot to stop
5669s Maybe
5671s um oh I forgot to put the Camden enzymes
5673s oh these sell so well this is also
5676s another really good item if you're
5677s looking for trade routes buy these
5679s suckers Venture around see what
5681s opportunities await uh they can be this
5684s probably isn't the best spot to buy them
5685s uh I can't actually remember the best
5686s spot to buy them but uh very very cost
5690s effective trades that you can get with
5692s the Camden enzymes
5694s all right let's go ahead and start
5695s selling some stuff off I'm gonna sell
5697s the solar panels
5699s mining equipment the medicine yeah we're
5701s we're selling off most of the stuff
5702s basically if it's orange I'm gonna say
5704s it's acceptable uh if it's red we're
5706s gonna wait
5708s um we are not gonna do the shield
5709s breaker missiles but we do want to get
5711s the blueprint so we're going to
5713s dismantle one
5715s got some sticky turret fun
5719s oh those are so good I think I would
5722s rather have those than the peacemakers
5725s and I think I'd rather have the damage
5728s limiters than the Nanobots
5731s is this a bad idea
5733s doesn't matter I'm doing it all right
5737s let's uh let's see blueprint progress oh
5739s we want to get the blueprint there too
5741s going for the blueprints
5743s this blueprint's already unlocked
5746s blueprints unlocked
5750s yeah I think I'm just gonna sell these
5752s levels I'm just gonna you know
5756s and
5759s enemies drop mines when destroyed that's
5761s not too bad that might be something we
5763s can do
5766s sure why not
5768s Let's Line that up
5770s line that up
5773s we're gonna Mark all as seen
5777s and we still don't have purchasing
5779s options over there like I want them to
5781s be ah oh my gosh
5784s as a mic check for y'all
5787s I'm gonna go to one other site because I
5789s think this is a ship dealer yup I want
5791s to see what ships are available we're
5793s probably gonna cycle our ship out for
5795s another one uh next stream
5799s the start of next stream depending on
5800s what's here and what the cost is we have
5803s grown in our credits not as much as I
5805s thought we were going to honestly but um
5808s ooh
5812s that might be fun that might be
5816s I I almost want to just like flat out by
5818s that right the heck no
5823s I do like the Vanguard
5826s The Harbinger wings are probably my
5827s favorite
5829s um
5830s yeah unfortunately I don't want to
5833s downgrade I just want to go up
5836s still about 50k short
5840s 60k short technically but
5842s yeah you know what we're just gonna go
5844s ahead and we're gonna straight up
5845s purchase this right the heck now we're
5846s gonna swap
5847s swap our ship
5849s peace out Striker your days
5852s are complete
5854s we're gonna get a ship that actually has
5856s passives
5857s has some Mobility to boot let's take
5859s this for
5860s first that's right
5862s you know it
5863s and uh just just to top off before we
5866s get into the last section we are going
5868s to see what our color options are
5871s um
5872s see just looking at what we can do okay
5874s all right
5877s okay
5878s foreign
5880s something
5886s a little more like that we've got
5891s yeah it's a little too much we could do
5892s that one I don't mind that engine colors
5895s that's gonna be a little bit off I need
5899s a purple engine Trail we don't have one
5901s yet so for now we'll just make it all
5902s green it's fine right I know that it's
5905s not the same color don't worry about
5906s that okay don't be that picky it's fine
5911s sort of we also need a green here
5914s so I guess we'll just do purple instead
5917s wait maybe we're looking at this wrong
5918s way maybe what we need to do is
5920s Celestial flare here and then the purple
5922s is the highlight
5928s not bad
5932s all right okay
5935s I think we'll do that
5938s I know it doesn't match okay
5941s we'll just we'll work with it uh
5945s we're a veteran now so let's slap that
5947s bad boy on as well
5952s foreign
5962s [Music]
5967s actually you know what this one's gonna
5969s be this is going to be the celestial
5970s fire we're
5972s is it legible no does it add a little
5975s bit more to like the the contrasting
5978s colors I think so baby
5981s I don't think we ooh we do have some
5983s alternate engine or the front options
5985s excuse me
5987s we could be
5990s recessed or we could be out there
5993s I think I want to be recessed I like
5995s that one a little bit more
5997s so yep
5999s neat so that's going to be our ship
6002s starting next time and we have another
6004s device slot
6006s Mobility
6007s Mobility time do we want teleporter do
6011s we want energized boost
6014s oh goodness
6016s being able to have Mobility through a
6018s device is going to be
6019s such a good adjustment
6023s such a good adjustment I think we're
6024s gonna go with teleporter for now we're
6026s going to go ahead and start leveling it
6028s up
6029s let's go a bit more cool down a little
6031s more range and another charge so that'll
6034s be nice uh we want to get all the way so
6037s probably Scurry Scurry is an incredible
6039s benefit here on this one oh I don't want
6041s the time to get away from me let's uh
6043s let's go ahead and uh stop the stream
6045s here but this is going to be where we
6047s start next time
6050s so plop but honestly that was a lot of
6054s solid progress we grew in a level uh we
6057s did a number of side missions we have
6059s way too many side missions but uh we got
6062s a number of side missions done we
6064s completed some areas got some Secrets
6065s maybe something you haven't found yet so
6067s you know that's that's hopefully going
6070s to help you in your sort of Adventures
6072s but otherwise yeah feeling pretty good
6074s about that so give me one second to set
6075s up this next segment and we'll start
6077s having some screenshots and answer some
6079s more questions
6090s thank you
6093s and we're back oh welcome to the end of
6098s the stream where we highlight
6100s screenshots from the community and
6102s answer questions that continue to show
6104s up in the chat ah what a delight what a
6107s delight I died again progress thank you
6109s for that reminder Bearded Frog really do
6111s appreciate
6114s so this first screenshot comes from
6116s Excel uh it's a it's a pleasant
6119s screenshot honestly um it's fun because
6121s it's ever space one but it has The Vibes
6125s of an average Space 2 style of
6126s experience I love the use of the
6128s Sentinel here along the alpha skin I
6133s think it's a pretty popular one
6135s it looks so crisp even when I zoom in
6138s here look at that
6139s oh that's so good
6142s I love that and the fact that you lined
6145s up the black hole in front of a star
6148s while still having a proper alignment of
6150s plants giving it more playfulness in the
6153s background goodness Excel that was it
6155s was a wonderful shot very nicely done
6157s very nicely done I love it uh
6161s Gary let's go ahead and start going
6163s through some questions as I highlight
6166s wizard Jerry at your face
6169s Scout very nice I actually showed that
6172s one last week but it's worth a shot oh
6174s yeah it is yeah
6180s he was that good a shot yes um
6182s definitely not Sith that I think that
6184s was the title I gave it as well
6190s scripture over on YouTube uh funnily
6192s enough with that last screenshot from
6194s Excel and will there be more black hole
6197s Tech equipment like one main villain has
6200s and a legendary uh laser weapon in the
6204s future
6205s totally possible um we're not going to
6207s rule out any sort of like
6210s crazy sci-fi Tech because I think that
6212s stuff is cool it's interesting it's can
6215s promote new play Styles and whatnot but
6217s I also can't say it's guaranteed right
6219s um it's something the note that we did
6223s have black holes in everspace one and we
6226s intentionally did not add black holes in
6227s everspace too it was an intentional
6229s design decision and how we wanted the
6231s progression of the systems to go and
6233s where certain celestial objects are
6235s found but regarding to equipments and
6238s and black holes Shenanigans and stuff I
6240s mean there is a possibility
6242s um but uh yeah I'm not gonna rule it out
6245s I also don't know if it should be
6247s something that's expected I in fact I
6249s think that that might be something of a
6251s disappointment uh in certain ways based
6255s on what you what like General sci-fiing
6258s black hole Shenanigans kind of look like
6261s um so yeah we'll see we'll see time will
6264s tell
6265s in the meantime uh sput night is telling
6268s some Outlaws to get lost I love this
6271s shot I am rather confident comes from
6273s the Drake system I think that there's a
6275s lot of playful created bases over there
6278s both handmade as well as randomly
6282s generated and this is just a really nice
6284s little Showcase of something that you
6287s can find just a bit different than what
6288s you would encounter in Union or in cedo
6292s and I love house boot nights also decked
6295s out with his beautiful flyer over here
6297s one of his favorites good use of depth
6301s of field as well so the focal point
6302s isn't necessarily on the ship I'm just a
6305s little bit more depth
6307s good good good stuff
6309s so let's go ahead and answer another
6311s question as we transition over to a shot
6314s from Kaza in a moment
6316s I'm Gonna Be Right silent wolves on
6319s YouTube I was just wondering will we see
6322s the cult of the Redeemer weapons uh
6325s become available as drops within the
6327s game that's a curious question so the
6329s shot comes from Kazar
6331s um explosive so yeah I mean this is
6333s something that we've also talked about
6335s internally and it's one of those things
6336s where it's like
6338s yeah I think that you could say there
6340s was an idea at one point saying
6343s um this faction's unique to this
6344s location
6346s um what could this faction offer from
6348s account of like itemization right
6351s um so there's again a possibility there
6353s it's incredibly hard to confirm uh these
6356s things happening right because like we
6358s do want to add more content into the
6359s game but something like
6361s Redeemer set let's phrase it like that a
6365s redeemer set we'd have to be very
6367s careful with what that looks like and
6369s not only from what it looks like but
6371s also how that's bound to like the lore
6373s inside of the game as it stands the
6376s redeemers are the only faction the only
6379s known source where they are utilizing
6382s ancient technology through their very
6385s ships and we also know that they're
6388s crazy
6389s could that be a correlation there maybe
6391s maybe not is there a way that we could
6393s isolate that and utilize ancient
6395s Technologies for the player maybe maybe
6397s not but there would need to be a gentle
6399s approach to something like that so once
6402s again the possibility is technically
6404s there
6406s um it's hard to say it's hard to say but
6408s I like your guys curiosity and thinking
6410s about well this is in the game so could
6412s the player have such and such probably
6415s yes likely not sure it's a possibility
6418s right it's such a toss-up such a toss-up
6420s so uh we've got this shot from BW
6423s Lambert it's actually a lower resolution
6425s than I thought it was what in the world
6426s maybe I downloaded it wrong I'm sorry BW
6428s whatever but it's just a classic shot of
6430s going through
6431s um you know your your Wharf gate or not
6434s not a warp Cape this is um
6436s uh the uh the other the thing the thingy
6439s the thingy that does the you know
6441s um Wormhole there it is
6444s but I honestly wanted to show this one
6445s to highlight his ship and this is why
6447s I'm sad that it's lower resolution
6448s because uh that was all pixely whoops
6452s I'm sorry BW Lambert but I do like the
6454s way that he's colorized this the engines
6455s are nice the colors on the ship there's
6457s nothing that's screaming out loud but
6459s this the gentle coloration like the Reds
6461s I think they stand out like I don't know
6463s if that's orange or red but whatever it
6465s is it seems to pair really well and it's
6468s it just it looks solid it looks like
6470s something you would actually design
6472s so Neato super duper let's transition
6476s over to dark chaos and answer another
6478s question dark chaos always has a nice
6480s Viewpoint of various environments and
6483s this one is no different
6484s indeed it is fantastic show
6487s um Valerie Valera over on YouTube
6490s um is there any plan for new weapons in
6493s the future like maybe a multi-target
6494s rocket launcher I know we've had this
6496s one quite a lot yeah so I mean the uh
6499s the uh Seeker missile battery is
6502s definitely a thing in everspace classic
6504s everspace and we have mentioned that we
6506s would love to create uh all of the
6509s equipment that was in everspace into
6511s Aerospace too
6512s um so I I would I would love to say that
6516s that's going to happen I would love to
6518s I can't say that
6520s but do know that that is an item that we
6523s have on our mind and would be cool to
6527s add to everspace too definitely
6529s definitely something that's there
6531s definitely exists in The Ether something
6533s that we think maybe could find a slot if
6536s there's time appropriate consideration
6538s balance blah blah blah blah technical
6541s reasonings balancing reasonings you know
6544s all of that stuff
6547s um I'm noticing a trend with these
6548s questions because they're all asking
6550s about like upcoming content and like and
6552s I I know that you're excited about like
6553s what we're working on and you know
6554s what's behind the scenes uh because it's
6556s going to be more than just quality of
6557s life we do want to add new items I'll
6560s just say that straightforward you will
6561s see new items in these content updates
6565s in the future of everspace too it's not
6567s just going to be oh you can adjust the
6569s setting here or you can adjust the color
6570s there or you can do blah blah no no like
6572s we want to add more content into the
6576s game okay so I can guarantee you guys
6578s there will be more items 100 guaranteed
6582s all right
6583s assure you of that I can't get into the
6586s specifics of what those look like
6588s because Frankly Speaking we want some of
6590s them to be a surprise because they are
6592s fun and they are exciting and some of
6594s them are interesting and we'll twist the
6597s way that you kind of approach the game
6598s Space probably
6599s and we kind of have to leave it at that
6601s so I'll keep answering questions but
6602s just know that if you have a question of
6604s like will X be coming to the game or
6606s this was in this particular territory
6609s will the player have X the answer is
6612s almost always going to be the same where
6613s I'm saying well it's a possibility but I
6615s can't guarantee anything and it's boring
6617s to say that over and over again so I'm
6619s just wanted a blanket statement that in
6621s general I don't like saying it there are
6624s lots of possibilities of what new
6625s equipment could look like right
6628s so let's go into this next shot from
6630s Flory and I I also love how you're
6633s asking those questions again one more to
6635s just affirming all of you asking that
6636s question affirming all of you asking
6638s those questions because you clearly have
6639s a desire for more equipment and more
6642s situational events and abilities for the
6646s player we do too so I am validating you
6649s I am validating your curiosity I just
6651s can't be more specific okay that's all
6653s so this shot comes from Floyd I'm
6655s exploring an outlaw base
6658s um I actually don't know which system
6660s this is it looks like Union based on the
6662s background
6664s um pretty sure it is but I could be
6666s wrong
6666s but I love the way that you've taken the
6669s photos it's like an explorative
6670s adventure through the base you know you
6672s go all the way down here and you know I
6675s don't know if you moved this uh fuel
6677s tank or if it was just floating there
6678s like that it almost looked like a ship
6679s coming in for a landing which I enjoy
6681s and then you have all of the little
6683s intricacies and doodads and Watsons and
6686s Wahoos over on this site which I was
6690s looking for a couple that I wanted to
6691s talk about but I don't see any
6694s um it's I have noticed in streams that
6696s some people forget to shoot at the radar
6699s on basis those things are providing a
6702s damage boost to their nearby allies by
6704s the way so if you see a radar on an
6705s enemy base blow it the heck up and it
6708s will reduce the damage output of all of
6710s the enemies in the near vicinity all
6712s right let's go ahead and answer another
6713s question while we are still staring at
6715s Floyd's little beauty here
6717s uh we've got a question from
6719s slaughtering Texan and again it's just
6721s about possible future content but it's
6723s the free content drop that's upcoming uh
6726s is it still on schedule for release uh
6730s later this summer well we have it really
6733s really set a time
6736s um so true that I would say it's very
6739s much still on schedule
6742s um so we have been going through a
6745s couple of different elements internally
6746s about like what development needs to
6748s look like for everspace 2 in order to
6749s hit all the things that we are wanting
6751s to do right because for those who don't
6753s know if you're just joining the stream
6754s or you're just like learning more about
6755s everspace too we are adding free content
6758s update we are adding a premium DLC which
6761s is scheduled for mid to late 2024 the
6764s DLC
6766s um
6766s is that locked in stone
6770s ah it could possibly change and I have a
6772s feeling that
6774s um once we get more of the pipeline the
6777s timeline sort of worked out with how
6779s things are going for our space 2 which
6780s have been good so that everyone's aware
6782s everything's been really great support
6784s has been wonderful on your part so keep
6786s it up love it very much I'm sure that
6789s Michael might have some things to talk
6791s about
6792s um as to what the timeline looks like
6793s with more official dates and details all
6796s type of fun stuff
6797s um maybe even as early as like uh the
6801s console launched this summer right so we
6804s might be seeing more of that information
6806s shared with you so you can have a more
6807s definitive understanding of where those
6810s elements in the pipeline are scheduled
6812s right
6814s um
6815s Michael says we'll share more details
6817s about our roadmap very soon
6819s so I just want to put emphasis on the
6821s adjective there that says very so hold
6824s it holding it to it Michael but yeah
6827s it's it's good stuff it's good stuff so
6829s fun fun
6831s next shot we have from high barf there
6834s is a lot of high barf shots and and
6836s Frankly Speaking my eyes kind of started
6837s hurting at a point I thought well this
6839s one looks nice because it's different
6840s from the other ones
6842s oh
6843s but this also reminds me of the um I
6846s think the ship is called the Providence
6849s I think
6850s from Star Wars
6852s um in Rogue one uh where it has the the
6855s it's the I think it's an mc75
6860s I think
6862s um
6862s uh and it has like the the really
6864s somebody knows what I'm talking about I
6866s hope I please Admiral Radice on board
6870s the ship you know what I'm talking about
6872s oh my gosh ah anyway if you if you don't
6877s see it I don't know what else to say but
6878s obviously it's not that because it's
6881s sideways instead of like up and down but
6882s uh regardless the Tormentor is going
6884s down to blaze of glory and I love how
6886s there's this shimmering legendary in the
6889s background too
6891s that's fun that's exciting I wonder what
6893s that dropped very neat super duper
6898s let's go ahead no not the Hammerhead no
6900s no not the hammer the the big ship I
6902s think it's called the Providence oh my
6904s gosh I now I want to know what that
6906s freaking ship is called in Star Wars oh
6910s hang on a second no I'm not gonna look
6912s it up it's not relevant okay somebody
6914s out there can look it up you have the
6915s internet capabilities
6917s you'll know what you'll know it when you
6918s see it um we're gonna move on over to
6920s this shot from strayed which is just
6923s I'm slapping out of my wall boys
6925s that's that's a beautiful little shot
6927s there let's answer a question while
6929s we're staring at the beautiful streets
6931s yeah that is an amazing shot quite right
6935s um the question about flighty um that we
6938s saw earlier who rescued in the ship uh
6941s do we actually know what species he is
6943s yeah he's about yeah he is a blue line
6945s yeah in the various um Pilots that you
6948s do encounter the the stranded Pilots
6950s that was a backer tier so no I should
6954s say most of them were designed to buy
6956s backers
6957s um so they said what race they wanted to
6959s be and what their name was and kind of
6961s what their story was and then like added
6963s a little bit of whimsical dialogue
6965s accordingly
6966s um and some you know they're like
6968s straight on point and some we kind of
6970s had to fluff them up a little bit more
6972s or less depending on what was provided
6974s uh but yeah those are backer supported
6976s characters that you are encountering so
6978s good good stuff profundity not the
6981s Providence oh my gosh thank you
6982s profundity thank you Sergeant Grimlock
6985s for correcting my Star Wars uh
6987s understanding it is an mc75 though I got
6989s that one right dork
6992s all right next shot we got from crispy
6996s and this is actually the last shot of
6998s the stream look at that I'm pairing
7000s things up with the timeline of events
7001s for the stream wow amazing this one
7005s comes from crispy muffin
7007s trying to get back into his screenshot
7009s goodness and I do think that this one
7011s delivers I'm such a huge fan of these
7013s environmental shots and so baby whenever
7015s I'm doing the streams and I'm picking
7017s the shots you're going to see a little
7018s bit more of that but gosh dang it I just
7020s love these these Vistas space Vistas
7025s um and how they come together just like
7027s seeing all these like little glowy bits
7029s around it's like I wanna what's there
7031s what it's so enticing it's leading me
7033s into like this adventure in my Minds
7035s like I want to be there I want to see
7037s what's going on it's like get this red
7039s glow what is going on and that's that's
7042s what I love about these shots they're
7044s telling a story they're invoking a story
7047s even more so they're invoking a story
7050s and like even with this wreckage right
7052s over here I'm kind of like blocking my
7053s body a little bit like everything has
7056s something to share something to tell
7059s and whenever you do this capture
7061s properly in your and you're getting this
7064s composition that's
7066s unifying the space that's presented to
7069s you like gosh dang I just want to I just
7071s want to keep playing every space too now
7073s I just want to turn back around all
7074s right see you later guys I'm gonna go
7075s play uh Michael can you hit all the post
7078s stream event stuff uh like it's it's
7081s wonderful so thank you for sharing that
7083s shot love that shot crispy muffin uh
7085s let's go ahead and answer how many more
7086s questions do we have oh we just got the
7088s one lined up perfect
7091s let's do it right cheeky picky over on
7093s YouTube
7094s um have you considered to make some
7096s unique ships without changeable modules
7098s maybe available from like level five
7101s really early game
7103s there was a consideration for something
7106s along those lines where it was like a
7109s specific ship to buy
7111s um but that idea was canned oh shoot
7115s that was I'm gonna say that it was
7117s fairly early in development honestly
7119s because it just wasn't
7122s congruence to the vision
7125s it wasn't working in tandem in fact it
7128s was kind of taking away from certain
7129s aspects of it like we get the desire to
7131s fly a very specific ship like we
7133s understand that like some people are
7134s like I want to fly an oak our ship or I
7136s want to fly you know whatever that's
7138s cool that's just not what we want to
7140s offer that's not what we want to do
7142s right our vision is that you are
7144s creating your specific ship that no one
7147s else has that's what we want so it would
7150s be counterintuitive to that vision of
7152s wanting you to have your own to make
7154s your own ship if other if you're just
7157s flying what is already out there right
7160s like that's it doesn't work right so I'm
7163s not saying that it's a bad idea or it's
7165s you know it's not whatever this is what
7167s our vision is
7168s and that's what we're going to hold true
7169s to it so that's why we haven't gone that
7171s particular direction
7174s so uh yeah Oak our ships would be dope
7176s yeah like everyone loves the idea right
7179s everyone loves the the thoughts behind
7181s it but um
7184s it's just not the direction that we
7185s wanted to take the game that's all
7187s that's all it's just a difference of you
7189s know ideas
7190s not a big deal so guys
7192s that's gonna wrap up the stream so thank
7194s you so much everybody for coming out
7196s here and supporting us and all the
7197s little chatter oh my gosh you guys are
7199s going ham I'd look over at the chat and
7201s be like I should probably just focus on
7202s the gameplay because it's just like
7204s going at it I love it I love it but
7205s thank you so much for being here uh and
7208s just being who you are thanks for those
7210s of you who are kind of engaging a little
7211s bit more on what's going on in your week
7213s I really do hope for the best of any
7215s situations that you are facing whether
7217s it's joyful I hope it brings more praise
7219s if it's something that's a struggle
7220s something that's you know really
7222s challenging right now that you're
7223s working through stay strong dude or
7225s ma'am whatever hope that you make it
7228s because I know you will because I
7230s believe in you I believe in your Victory
7232s and you should too
7233s you got this
7235s so guys
7236s don't stop being awesome
7238s I won't stop being Eric Trader your
7240s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
7242s and we'll catch you next week same time
7245s this stream
7247s doodles
7266s foreign
7333s let's have some fun
7335s where are the glasses um
7337s they actually broke
7339s any more glasses
7342s I'll put that on my uh to-do list
7348s seriously guys thank you so much for
7350s being a part of the stream it's it
7351s really is our pleasure being able to
7353s highlight what we're offering answer
7354s questions clarifying any details out
7357s there it's huge and just one one more
7359s one more little note honestly
7362s I hope I truly hope that you guys don't
7365s see me picking on you whenever I'm
7368s referring to like some of those repeat
7369s questions right like I know you have
7371s that desire for the content that's up
7373s and coming and we do too like we we want
7376s to share it all with you
7377s it just does come down to like the right
7380s timing right so thank you for your
7382s patience on that uh and supporting us
7384s through this process so that we can get
7386s there because we're gonna get there
7388s okay
7391s so now let's do some shenanigans
7394s I didn't I didn't break them
7396s I I shouldn't blame my kids I broke them
7399s it was my fault it's oh anyway
7403s shenanigan time
7406s ah
7412s I feel like I need to brush my teeth
7415s also none of you guys posted in the meme
7417s Channel your beatbox Shenanigans come on
7421s do it too sound ridiculous to everyone
7423s okay
7430s it's dry
7435s [Music]
7441s [Music]
7455s okay
7459s [Music]
7468s Roblox videos
7472s [Music]
7479s [Music]
7498s [Music]
7512s that's fun I like that one
7514s my throat is so dry though why did my
7517s throat so dry today
7519s anyways okay seriously
7521s don't be awesome this weekend do
7524s something awesome and if you're doing
7525s something super cool even if it's not
7527s like a hundred percent Rockfish related
7529s like share it in our Discord I love
7530s knowing what you guys are up to all
7532s right I love it just post it in like the
7534s general rfg chat you know something if
7536s it's like gaming related obviously the
7537s gaming chat share your memes and fan art
7540s with us I could do with more memes do
7543s something dumb with my face here let me
7544s go like take that use it like let's have
7548s fun oh my gosh I want more I want more
7550s from you so that I can give you more of
7552s me
7554s no
7559s have a great weekend
7569s did you want to say anything Gary you're
7570s still on Mike
7573s just just be awesome
7577s what do you said