Transcript (by Youtube)

21s [Music]
26s hello hello things are
28s active and looking good I'm seeing some
32s folks sneaking on in already kazah
35s chatwi geek bite oh of
38s course oh here thank God for
47s that we'll be getting started here in
49s just a couple minutes nursten hello
51s hello
64s my mic is picking up my squeaky
66s chair
68s gosh what a sensitive mic
149s [Music]
162s [Music]
175s excuse me
221s hello there ladies and gentlemen the
223s official Rockfish game stream I am your
225s host Eric and I am joined today by Gary
228s of course oh my goodness per usual say
231s hi Gary hi Gary wonderful oh my goodness
237s perfect so we are going straight into
240s some gameplay today and I'm doing this
242s very intentionally we are going to try
245s and accomplish some tasks that I am just
248s slacking on Frankly Speaking In This
249s save file I really want to accomplish
251s some things uh most notably I want to go
253s through the Kay nebula and complete its
255s location challenge which is going to be
258s uh this one so I need to complete that
260s fourth location challenge um it's going
263s to be uh it's going to be kind of a
265s tricky one we're going to go over here
266s to the Ascension that's our destination
270s um but yeah that's what our goal is
272s during the course of the stream while we
274s are running through it we are going to
276s be having some conversation with you
278s guys in the chat um I'm already seeing
281s so many individuals jumping in saying
283s hello happy Friday all of that already
285s said some introductions earlier but I'm
287s going to do it again I see kazah chatwi
289s I see nursten Bearded frong maximum
293s Maximus Ken O'Neal species
296s 1571 Louie long David wow
300s uh let's see am I missing magic and
302s Sparkle wonderful to have you a so great
305s Gordon Holland um I think I said Ken
308s O'Neal already but if I didn't there you
310s go doubling up um yeah as well oh yeah
314s wizard Jerry how can I miss wizard Jerry
316s but man what lovely chatter already
318s starting things off we have a collection
320s of screenshots and fan art that we will
322s be showing at the end of the stream per
324s usual but I wanted to also talk about um
327s our poll that we made live on the
329s Discord
330s uh is is rather um obvious based on the
333s title of this particular stream uh this
336s was something to see just how things
337s would go we were kind of testing the
339s waters and you guys jumped on it and
340s there's some been really cool comments
343s uh made Regarding why you've chosen the
345s ships that you have so through the
347s course of this uh gameplay session we'll
349s be collating your questions Gary will
351s mainly be doing that um but I'm going to
353s be rattling off some responses
355s pertaining to um why you guys voted for
359s the ships that that you did now this
360s poll is still open I think Gary might
363s have a link to it he can provide that in
364s the chat it's within our Discord if
366s you're not a member of our Discord well
367s you're going to have to if you want to
368s vote that's just all there is to it um
371s but uh yeah it's it should be a it
373s should be a fun little time um to just
375s see what your thoughts are on why you're
378s voting for the ships that you are and uh
381s just seeing what we get I believe it has
383s about 23 hours left to vote so it'll end
385s on this weekend um future polls are in
390s the plans we're probably going to do
391s this about every two weeks one every two
393s weeks or so uh there might be more it
395s might be less depending on um how it's
398s going um and there could be some really
399s fun little things through that um you'll
402s just have to find out so without further
405s Ado because that was a lot of talking a
407s lot of exposition for the stream um I'm
409s going to go ahead and have Gary
411s magically disappear and I'm going to get
412s right on into things see you later Gary
414s perfect absolutely Flawless so let's go
419s ahead and fly off into C nebula uh with
421s this Striker that we're still using um
424s you know the striker has been getting a
426s lot of votes um from you guys as of late
429s in the polls um it started off as one of
432s the weakest ships and then I think
434s overnight after the first 24 hours it B
438s booped up to Fourth Place rather rapidly
441s so that's pretty
443s awesome so we're going to keep flying
445s this thing but I mean I think we can all
447s agree that we need a new ship soon
451s we need a new ship soon I'm going to
455s just test out my uh Firepower
461s here also test out the uh
472s audio
477s woo really Oney is a device I just
480s wanted to do uh solo but that's
482s fine all right
484s so I can already tell we're going to
486s struggle a little bit this
488s stream but that's okay excuses in
491s already that's right 100% excuses all
494s the
495s time oh my goodness Striker for the win
498s I see excellent
500s excellent yeah so we're going to head
502s straight to our uh destination the
504s Ascension clear out this location
506s challenge to clear out our Kay nebula
509s Explorer challenge to earn ourselves a
511s new ship boost
515s color very good very
519s good there are other ships but besides
521s Strikers says beard and frog nice
525s nice ah so good yeah it'll also be nice
528s cuz once we get this Explorer uh taken
531s care of as many of you know we will then
533s have the ability to boost around kayit
535s super fast so if we want to keep picking
537s up any sort of um secrets and whatnot
541s we'll have that um increased speed
543s through super light oh yeah okay I'm
545s already feeling the pain cuz that
547s Inquisitor
550s there this is what we are this is what
553s we're doing I also have seen a couple
555s comments about Star Fox in the chat uh
557s Louis long in particular it's one of my
560s one of my very favorite games when I was
563s a kid Starfox
565s 64 good stuff
571s let's see trying to find a good angle I
573s think this is going to be good where I
574s can take out a lot of the turrets
576s without dealing with
578s Fighters guess we'll
580s see they seem to be distracted hopefully
583s they're distracted
597s enough is there only is there only the
600s one surely there's
604s more surely there's
607s more all right that's
610s fine all right so now we need to start
613s collecting the
616s goodies so let's see we've got a lot of
619s slots that we're going to have to
623s fill a lot of these ancient runes uh-oh
627s someone targeted me
636s I don't even know who it
638s was maybe we won't worry about it sure
642s I'm sure that will have zero
646s ramifications oops uh where's the other
649s ones are they over
651s here I'm trying to remember where the
653s slots are oh wait I think they're just
656s on the other sides of yeah they are
661s I'm overthinking all of this Prett
664s usual here we
667s go nope still distracted okay
671s perfect a not
681s you just been a little
684s inquisi ah I see what you did
687s there I mean all things considered this
689s has been relatively uh light so far
693s honestly thought I was going to get
696s absolutely ambushed ah this guy is
698s really not in a good
701s spot let's see quick quick check do
704s these get stronger the further their no
706s they
708s don't there's a chance to refund ammo so
711s that could be beneficial oh my gosh
713s we're Mission slots what are we what are
715s we
718s doing wait here we're going to do we're
720s going to do this Peacemaker could
722s actually come in handy here that's
724s really nice to
725s have
732s uh okay cool I don't necessarily think
735s we should take this guy on even though
737s he's kind of getting in our way we're
739s going to try and uh work around this
741s issue instead of take it on head
744s on got turn this
747s twice go
752s are you facing nope you're not there you
760s go that just leaves one
768s more
772s wonderful hopefully he can't shoot us
774s from up here can he of course that's
778s like perfect view for him oh
780s let's try the other
783s side oh goodness
787s greedy oh this is just an this is just
789s an open
791s jar all
796s right all right fine we'll do
800s it we'll do what we must
810s keep things nice and basic so
815s far
819s gosh shut down the shields shut down the
826s shields it's going to take a little bit
828s but we got
833s this honestly I'm really glad that he's
835s isolated over here if we had Fighters
838s like we did the last time we be dead in
840s the
844s heartbeat see if we can save our uh last
848s cruise missile for something
850s crazy yeah all
853s right that wasn't
857s terrible just had to play it smart which
860s is really difficult for
862s me
864s CRS there we go all right
868s [Music]
870s now we get to use the ancient
872s lens start activating all the
877s things I have a
883s idea
886s uhoh see if we can actually why not what
890s could possibly go
893s wrong nailed
896s it get the
898s drones get the drones a we didn't fire
900s it far enough
904s okay oh ouch ouch
921s pain
923s awesome I am still playing on nightmare
925s right okay all right I did not change
926s anything
928s just just making sure no I'm just
930s playing a little bit better today I like
932s that I'll I'll take that all right so
934s now let's see if we can uh keep moving
937s through this space and find all of the
944s crystals it's kind of nice having this
946s sort of more laid-back challenge if you
949s will cuz now I can actually just check
950s the chat and see what you guys are all
953s chatting about without being super crazy
959s the jinxes are piling up for me oh boy
962s is that
965s true uh I thought there was another one
967s that's not a crystal is it
969s now oh there it
976s is cool all right so we got that bit
984s [Music]
986s done good good good collecting all the
989s loot loot yeah I think we I don't
992s actually think we have all of the
995s um yeah we don't have all the rips and
997s space done yet so these particles are
999s actually going to help us out a lot
1001s since we're going to need
1005s [Music]
1012s [Music]
1015s those see glaz set okay take it
1026s all right so now we need to start
1027s figuring out ways to get these other
1030s ones and I have to have my
1034s memory come back to me cuz I can't
1036s remember feel like there was a
1040s new there a new something that appears
1043s isn't there cuz this is the one that we
1045s were
1047s using uhoh oh all right here we
1062s go not a big deal okay good
1068s good I thought there were three of
1071s them but I'll take it cool look he used
1075s a secondary weapon the ult is too much
1077s to ask for hey you know what
1080s some days are better than others all
1081s right oh that's right it opens up all on
1083s the far side that's right that's
1088s right sometimes we just got to take baby
1090s steps you know secondary then you know
1093s exactly
1095s exactly goodness guys are all
1100s jerks oh my gosh yeah I'm uh it's been
1105s really cool seeing what everyone's been
1107s saying as their favorite ship though
1110s um also a little bit
1112s surprising and there's like so much
1114s chatter regarding Interceptor and and uh
1118s bomber and even a little bit of gunship
1120s but like the other ships don't really
1121s have a lot of chatter surrounding them
1123s it's kind of
1125s interesting kind of interesting like
1126s even the striker for example the striker
1128s only has just a couple people talking
1130s about it Mame component that's right I
1132s have
1135s [Music]
1140s feel like this music's been playing
1141s really hard for a while I wonder if we
1143s broke
1144s something oh there's the turrets I knew
1147s there were more turrets in this
1155s level
1156s ow wow that was very painful
1172s ow
1174s okay
1187s fine yeah maybe that wasn't such a great
1189s idea oh my
1192s goodness hang on a
1195s second go get a turret I'm going to just
1198s go over here and cow in fear for a
1200s little bit
1204s ouch I thought for sure that was going
1206s to be everything I needed oh come on
1208s distract the fire the turret is the
1211s turret not close turret's not close
1212s enough uh I wonder if he's on this weird
1215s angle so we can't actually down those
1219s unfortunate I thought I thought it was
1221s in just the right spot nope turns out I
1223s was incorrect all right fine I'll just
1225s be patient do the nice common Circle
1229s great he is firing so maybe he
1235s is there we go there we
1237s go some nice turret action in
1241s here couldn't have done it without you
1243s buddy thanks would have been nice if you
1245s would have like deterred some of the
1247s shots
1248s though all
1251s right let's tidy up this place booster
1255s oh we also have main frame let's get
1258s some more expertise
1261s and then we're also going to need to get
1263s the energy sphere which I think is
1264s actually really
1268s close to get more expertise you need to
1271s change the
1272s [Music]
1275s Pilot oh
1277s wow oh my
1280s gosh absolute savagery but also
1284s accurate uh
1287s goodness I was
1289s that was uh yeah all right well played
1292s sir well
1294s played I think what we're looking for is
1297s in one of the islands if I'm not
1301s mistaken which I might
1312s be but otherwise we did complete the
1314s challenge that was the main thing now
1317s this is me just collecting more stuff
1319s yeah everyone else be like gosh dang
1321s that was Savage Gary is here all week
1323s folks there's sorine I was wondering
1326s where you are at good to have
1328s you oh my
1334s gosh I could probably be doing some
1337s better and more careful navigation there
1339s there it
1342s is right where I thought it was
1351s uh wait a second oh we were too high we
1353s were too high or too low excuse me all
1356s right let's try that
1370s again serine says don't refer to me as
1372s buddy I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend
1374s you
1379s all right location completed ship module
1382s unlocked got some
1386s Nanobots
1388s excellent hand all right now let's get
1391s out of here woo honestly that wasn't as
1394s bad as I thought it was going to be
1395s that's
1397s uh that wasn't that wasn't too bad all
1400s right now let's go get
1402s our engine unlock by going close to the
1407s star then we'll head to Bri biop plant
1409s right after
1414s this there we
1420s go
1422s excellent clear
1427s summer now we have the ability to fast
1429s forward
1430s woo all right
1433s [Music]
1440s arguing is such a strong
1443s word I see the YouTube chat is Lively as
1446s always
1473s Ah that's more damage than I would
1482s [Music]
1483s like a come on I know I'm faster than
1487s you there we go
1504s all right let's doc let's calm down a
1506s little bit repair our ship
1510s up let see wow we got a we got a lot of
1513s stuff from all of
1519s that we could also sell some stuff for a
1522s lot of credits like these opulence
1525s set
1526s items uh so let's go ahead and just go
1528s go over to the shop we're going to sell
1531s some let see are these also opulence oh
1534s yeah they
1535s are yeah we're going to sell these cuz
1537s it's going to be a while until we get
1538s star forged so they're just a nice
1540s credit
1541s boost a pleasant credit boost if you
1545s will uh we're getting close to level 27
1548s maybe we have reason to hang on to
1549s something like a light Monger Hazard
1551s Shield that could be really good
1553s actually
1555s um let's see
1559s sell that one Strat
1562s cumulus I do like the energy
1566s orbs distance
1569s increase uh let's see I don't think our
1572s recharge speed is
1574s actually too bad um oh yeah we have
1578s autonomous oh I totally forgot that's
1581s why our health is maxed wait no I
1583s repaired whatever um but I digress um
1592s that's just not as
1593s good man I'm being super thoughtful
1596s about what I'm keeping what I'm
1600s selling sell those for
1605s sure I like to dismantle the um the
1608s common items by the way just because I
1610s feel like having more common resources
1612s just best overall um even though we
1615s actually did fix the game with the
1617s latest update so that whenever you are
1620s scrapping materials you're getting like
1623s the equivalent for every single tier up
1626s as opposed to um in the old format where
1629s you were actually getting less of the
1631s more common resources the higher tier
1633s that item was so we did fix that um so
1636s that that would stop happening cuz it
1638s wasn't very
1640s fun um I think that was also something
1643s that you guys had observed uh and had
1645s made a recommendation for that fix and
1647s it turns out um in actuality it was a
1651s bug generating that issue because every
1654s now and then every now and then we have
1657s these numbers that are calculated in the
1658s back end of the game that don't align
1662s and when they don't align then they do
1664s their own sort of calculation of uh
1666s rounding down or up usually to uh our
1670s detriment um or yours um and then we
1673s have to go in and tweak those values
1675s accordingly so we were having some
1677s percentages
1678s uh not doing what they were told um
1683s which was making something's claim it
1685s was going to do something and say
1687s something like adds six new cargo slots
1689s and then you look at it and you're like
1691s wait that's only five can Rockfish games
1693s not math and yeah so there were there
1696s were a number of little tweaks and
1698s details like that that we did have to go
1699s back and refine it's you know something
1702s that's not necessarily uncommon but uh
1705s with your guys's help we've Tracked Down
1706s A lot of them so thank you for that
1710s let's see I'm not really too keen on
1712s having a coil gun right now even though
1714s the prime zapper is pretty fun I do like
1716s that weapon but we are going to keep
1721s scrapping and selling a couple here and
1725s [Music]
1727s there that's most of the contents let's
1730s see what we have here I do like the
1732s cruise booster quite a
1734s lot but this booster's acceleration is
1738s massive
1740s and just getting up to Max Speed could
1742s be nice
1743s but we also have the plus 20% speed on
1747s our current
1749s [Music]
1752s one
1753s man like I like this one more but I want
1758s these modifiers on
1760s it woo that's tricky I think we're going
1763s to scrap this one what oh yeah I did it
1766s I did it I scrapped it it's gone
1769s Mo Firepower mo better says Kaza yeah I
1772s think uh generally speaking a lot of
1774s people's mentality is that um it's a
1777s little bit ironic because we did try to
1779s balance the game state to where your
1781s various attributes would have a greater
1784s meaning and purpose and unique
1785s situations and some of you guys did
1787s figure that out and some of you guys
1789s just say screw it I'm going Firepower
1792s anyway and you max out Firepower and you
1794s do everything in your power to not have
1796s anything else because you just want to
1798s destroy everything as quickly as
1800s possible and you know it works out it
1801s works out um uh so yeah that's it's fine
1805s it's great working as intended through
1808s and through all right so we've been uh
1810s chopping a little bit here let's go
1811s ahead and bounce out um I want to head
1814s over to Union now cuz I know that I have
1817s a just a ridiculous number excuse me
1819s wrong button R ridiculous number of side
1822s missions that we just need to complete
1824s oh my gosh so many of them especially
1827s citizens of veloc where we have inertia
1830s dampening um that might be something we
1832s do a little bit of why
1838s not and we might even stay in the
1840s striker for that cuz the striker is
1841s actually a pretty good ship to
1843s fly uh the races in so let's
1848s see which races have I done and which
1851s ones I haven't done did you know you
1853s could do this cuz if you didn't there
1855s you go only one we haven't done is in uh
1858s um Drake it's the super long one so I
1862s guess we're going to
1863s Drake doing the super long one all
1868s right
1870s okay now did we get the spatial bypass
1873s in Drake we did not okay well nice so we
1877s get to we get to create a new Jump Point
1882s that'll be good we get to do a new
1885s race all is turning out really well I'm
1888s I'm digging in this this is good we're
1889s completing lots of things this stream
1891s makes me
1896s happy oh my gosh what do we got what is
1899s happening oh
1913s [Music]
1919s this guy is surviving longer than I
1921s thought he
1923s would I think we need more
1926s Firepower don't worry the whole audience
1928s was thinking the
1931s same oh my
1935s gosh I see or Oria says uh hey is there
1940s any content yet no game has zero content
1942s you are not allowed to fly any ships
1944s there's no items there's no story
1947s there's no locations to explore none of
1949s it does not exist everything that you
1951s see before me is actually uh a lie
1954s completely illusion based gameplay that
1957s you see here um but our trailer looks
1961s great
1965s uh welcome to the stream by the
1970s way oh my good
1974s this if you do have a legitimate
1976s question I am happy to answer
1978s uh I need a little more
1985s context you go away I don't want you
1987s giving
1988s armor there we
1990s go oh we got an explody boy here we
2006s go this will work
2019s all right I made it all
2022s right very good all right let's get back
2025s to the map we want to head to this
2027s location ripson space and that will make
2030s things quite a lot easier and just in
2033s case somebody doesn't know you can just
2036s choose where you want to go ultimately
2038s and it will track every location you
2039s need to go in order to get there um so
2042s that's why here when we have selected
2045s that over in Drake that it's chosen
2047s Drake Passage as our point of reference
2049s to go to just kind of
2051s a kind of a detail oriented element
2057s there so yeah um we are we actually
2062s reaching a good point to start answering
2064s some questions so I'm going to just um
2067s screw around in this space while Gary
2068s rejoins us on stream Gary welcome
2071s welcome back um and let's go ahead and
2073s cover some of the questions that have
2074s come in while I'm dering around in this
2076s space what do we got all right uh just a
2079s couple of questions have come in um time
2082s so first up from T3 Cube over on Twitch
2086s he just wondering uh are we likely to
2087s see any further additions to the
2089s official soundtrack such as the
2091s incursion so we don't we don't actually
2094s have any information that we can share
2096s on that front um the the official
2098s response is really just kind of it's
2101s possible but no plans at this time
2104s um yeah I it that that's it that's all
2107s we can really say on that front so uh I
2109s am really happy though with how the
2110s soundtrack has come across for everybody
2113s you know initially starting off with
2114s just the the two um albums I guess you
2119s call it then we added two more over time
2122s pretty satisfied with those results um
2125s so that definitely means it's possible
2126s for more but again there are any plans
2128s at this time what else we got uh we have
2132s a question still on Twitch this time
2134s it's kind of a technical question
2135s everybody answered this one it's from
2137s Rags uh zero uh he's just wondering and
2140s it's a very technical one is there any
2141s possibility to implement something like
2143s unit test for blueprint stuff in Unreal
2146s Engine and run them in a build
2150s pipeline I I said we'd probably have to
2152s defer to the technical department of the
2154s team on that one we would we would have
2156s to defer um
2159s so can't really answer that one for you
2163s but I do encourage you to bring that
2165s question over to our forums either on
2168s steam or on Discord uh presenting almost
2172s any sort of thought idea suggestion
2175s frustration concern praise whatever it
2178s is you plop it in there we are going to
2180s see it and it's going to invoke a
2183s conversation with our team um if it goes
2186s in that direction of Worthy
2188s so um that's definitely more intricate
2191s question that we would have to you know
2193s grab a team member on don't be shy let
2196s us know in one of those forums we will
2198s follow up with
2200s you so you're
2202s good um another question came from
2205s YouTube this time Dean was just
2207s wondering have we had any new builds
2209s surfacing uh after the Scout wework that
2212s we did um we did have a little
2214s conversation around this because we've
2215s seen quite a few builds turn up on r for
2218s all the different ships um be some good
2221s conversations on there so if you are a
2223s member of our Reddit subreddit over
2225s there do go check them out because there
2227s is quite a few um brilliant builds that
2229s are coming through a lot of corrosion
2230s builds as well I think feels very strong
2232s at the moment absolutely and and it
2235s should not surprise you guys that we do
2237s want to get back into showcasing some of
2239s those builds cuz they are really
2240s stinking cool um Gary and I have
2243s actually been talking about a couple of
2244s little different projects here and there
2246s that we could spice up our engagement
2249s with you all um one of which is actually
2251s the polls that is currently live right
2253s now about what your favorite ship is so
2255s we do encourage you to participate in
2257s these elements as they sort of come in
2259s um because I think we're going to have a
2260s lot of fun on this front um and also if
2264s you are creating content around
2266s everspace 2 um we also love sharing that
2269s as well it's not just a matter of you
2271s know going into our Discord or steam or
2274s Reddit or wherever and you know joining
2277s us there it's also a matter of what you
2279s are just doing if you are creating um
2282s you know incredible like ship runs
2285s through the courses or you're doing like
2288s lunacy 2000 runs and heavily optimized
2290s builds um or if you're creating like
2292s super powerful builds just for fun and
2295s just like annihilates a high-risk area
2297s in like two seconds share that with us
2299s share those links of your videos that
2301s you've recorded on your respective
2303s channels we love that stuff if they're
2306s animated gifts if it's art if it's you
2309s know all of that stuff by all means send
2312s it our way um cuz those are strong
2314s talking points and that just gives us
2315s more stuff to give praise to you all
2318s there's so much to give praise for you
2320s all uh regarding the the content of
2322s everspace 2 so thank you for
2326s that uh that's it for the time being
2328s plan
2330s okay cool well thank you so much for
2332s answering the questions I will see you
2333s in a little bit
2339s excellent all right so now we need to
2341s head over to the
2343s [Music]
2345s star get this activated and then we're
2348s going to go on a race with this Striker
2350s I think after the race we're going to
2351s turn in the striker we're going to see
2353s what the Coalition has for sale and
2355s we're going to swap to hopefully
2358s something that's pretty
2361s nice very very
2365s good so Sentinel needs more love see a
2368s random comment um from Daniel matey I
2372s think uh Sentinel actually does get a
2374s lot of love already um in our poll at
2376s least it's getting some pretty decent
2377s love um I'm a big fan of Sentinel
2380s myself so um
2383s yeah I think we had some people comment
2385s on why the Sentinel is like their
2388s favorite ship maybe possibly oh boy oh
2392s now I remember now everything's coming
2395s back these guys hit so hard
2401s oh my gosh please stop stop the
2405s pain I'll need more than luck to get me
2407s out of this indeed since luck is only a
2410s figment of the
2415s [Music]
2419s imagination well that went about as well
2421s as I'm sure all of you expected so let's
2422s go ahead and get a new ship first
2432s W all right yeah Brave sir Robin moment
2436s that's absolutely
2439s correct oh
2447s jeez I thought we banned you from having
2449s that perk no no no no no no no no no if
2452s you did I never validated it so I get
2455s the final say always probably I think
2462s jeez that's
2466s ridiculous buys a rental trashes it then
2468s sells it for full price uh-huh
2470s absolutely AB actual Menace
2474s yes I could repair the ship or I could
2477s just trade it in yep
2483s 100% it's
2485s fine it's fine
2489s what are you talking about oh yeah for
2492s sure for
2496s sure knew was going to I wasn't even
2499s paying attention oh my
2503s gosh I deserve that I deserve that okay
2507s all
2508s right shall I tell him he's not looking
2511s where he's going no you're fine
2513s excellent all right let's try that again
2515s this time let's pay attention to where
2517s we're flying that's probably a good
2518s thing when you're piloting
2521s something that's right folks Pro tip if
2524s you are piloting a
2526s vehicle um pay
2529s attention to how you're piloting said
2532s vehicle oh I just noticed actually hang
2535s on I need to I want to change one quick
2536s setting because I actually really like
2538s it whenever I have um the mouse dead
2541s zone shown and I like the Horizon
2543s indicator I don't know why I have those
2545s disabled now I think about it
2548s hang on did I have something else
2552s disabled okay no we're good we're good
2554s okay yeah much better I like the Horizon
2556s indicator in the center field okay let's
2558s go ahead and park before
2560s we I thought those shots were coming at
2562s me for a second you have a nice day oh
2566s thank you you guys really went in for
2567s customer service after you went merile
2569s huh that's right well sure we don't want
2572s to go back to the way things were before
2575s nobody wants to do that
2579s oh we have some great options here I was
2582s only going to look at the the tier three
2584s pluses and uh wow these are some awesome
2589s selections um I actually want to use
2591s this as a a moment just to kind of like
2593s talk very briefly about um the votes
2597s that have been going on over in the
2600s Discord um cuz right now like right now
2603s right now um let's see I'm going to see
2606s the actual active votes in the moment so
2609s if somebody in the Stream were to vote
2610s it would subtly
2612s change but The Stingers vote total is 8%
2616s of everyone's
2617s votes the bomber has 32 votes 177% of
2624s the votes it's in second place
2626s now holy cow and the Interceptor has 16%
2631s of the votes which is now fourth
2633s place wild to be looking at this uh
2637s based on the votes if we were doing it
2639s in range of the popularity we would have
2642s to choose the bomber um knowing that
2645s we're going to go
2648s race has me not want to choose this
2652s option um but just because we are
2654s looking at the bomber and how cool it is
2657s um I did want to just read off some
2659s comments that folks have made about
2661s loving on the bomber um so one of the
2665s big ones that I see
2667s uh is Icarus howling who says even
2670s though I'm currently flying oh wait no
2671s no no this one's this one's actually a
2673s vote for the Interceptor excuse me but
2674s they love the gunship and its
2678s power the big comment is actually from
2680s Gary who says why is the correct Choice
2682s gunship and everyone else is wrong uh
2686s but uh that's pretty funny Let's see we
2689s have more gunship okay I made the bomber
2692s but I voted for Interceptor look at all
2693s this this is crazy because we have so
2695s many people who voted for the bomber but
2698s then we have so many people flying the
2699s bomber but voted for something else
2701s what absolutely crazy um Avid 101 says
2706s the bomber mainly for the fact that its
2708s passive is highly encouraging and was
2710s well thought out when it comes to
2711s emphasizing its role at times depending
2713s on my mood I can switch to a stealth
2714s bomber or something can just massively
2716s spam missiles in the midst of chaos
2718s that's a great great comment there from
2721s uh Avid 101 so oh my gosh that's that's
2725s pretty cool but I do think I'm going to
2727s go
2728s yeah I mean with how much we've been
2730s dying it probably makes sense to go for
2732s something with a little bit more meat on
2733s the bones right so naturally we want to
2737s push ourselves and see what we can do
2738s with the
2740s stinker so become cloaked five seconds
2743s after Shield is depleted that could be
2749s good that could be good cuz then yeah
2753s okay so I like this combo here we could
2755s get cloaked and then use devices to
2757s restore Shields really fast so that we
2759s can get back into the combat uh the the
2762s combat while we're still cloaked third
2765s hardpoint not consuming additional
2767s energy means it's just more damage
2768s output that's good what else do we have
2770s EMP duration Warfare devices support
2774s devices yeah I feel like we want to just
2777s go for this one this one just looks
2778s really nice I'm going to go for it this
2781s is what we're choosing um so we're going
2783s to buy and sell the scrap the other one
2786s completely
2790s oh my
2791s [Music]
2792s goodness bomber for that race I see n no
2796s uhuh racing in a bomber they do say the
2799s turtle won over the rabbit oh my gosh
2801s you all do I have to go by the bomber
2803s now is that what I have to
2806s do is this is this the life we're living
2809s right now what do you think Gary should
2811s we please them I I think you should do
2813s the game save here and then come back
2815s and do the race in the bomber just buy
2816s hey that's a good that's a good call
2818s we're going to save the
2822s game game was not saved hang on a second
2825s try that
2828s again okay there we go all right and
2831s then we will load the oh wait we don't
2835s have to load it because it's already
2836s loaded that was
2838s silly that was
2845s silly all according to plan though
2848s no not not at all all right so now we're
2850s going to go over to this bomber that you
2852s guys
2859s want bunch of crowd
2862s Pleasers no matter what it's like if I
2865s don't choose it everyone's like no
2866s you're not listening if I do oh you're
2868s just letting everyone walk all over you
2870s no matter what it's fine uh let's go
2872s ahead and give it some style though uh
2875s this this this is this is good this is
2877s good for the
2879s location awesome da and da we should
2883s probably think about changing our
2884s devices for the race we do have we have
2886s teleporter that's good nanot
2893s transmitter maybe getting energized
2895s boost in here could also prove to be
2897s useful we're going to go ahead we're
2898s actually going to swap this out for
2900s energized
2901s boost that's what we're going to do
2908s um and we're going to use high pressure
2910s because there are some locations that
2911s have enemies um if we were smart about
2915s this what we would do oh nice corrosion
2917s mines perfect for a bomber um if we were
2920s smart about this we would optimize
2923s ourselves even
2925s further for
2928s um that's not bad for more
2932s speed I think the cruise
2936s boosters I think this is fine this is
2939s fine okay we have lots of storage so
2941s we're just going to we're going to take
2942s this thing for a spin what could
2944s possibly go
2945s wrong it's so
2949s wide oh my gosh it handles so poorly oh
2957s gosh Elite fighter
2960s incom guys are always trouble can barely
2964s turn all right
2968s all right well let's get out of here and
2969s by out of here I mean Into the
2972s Fire
2973s woo great mines think a light ah this
2976s guy's got jokes cuz it's a cuz it's a
2979s corrosion mine all right let's uh see
2983s where we can go from here that's not
2986s that that's not it this is it right this
2987s is right right I think the race is on
2991s this
2992s side guess we'll find out
2994s together just got a lean oh man I got my
2996s lean on I'm ready I'm so good at leaning
3000s I'm the best at
3002s leaning professional leaner
3008s here I see people saying that I need to
3011s do um no cheating in third person and no
3015s inertial dampeners this is mainly coming
3018s from Bearded Frog um I I have adhered to
3021s the request to fly the bomber in this
3023s race that is where the requests end
3029s this is how we are flying it but thank
3032s you for your
3037s recommendation actually seen a video
3039s from B frog for his bomber run with no
3042s inertia down this yeah yeah act yeah
3047s yeah Bearded Frog where's your
3050s video yeah you said that you were going
3054s to do that and you were going to make me
3055s look like a chump or something I think
3057s he even said something about my mother
3059s yeah come on come at me
3065s bro all right so let's see what we got
3069s here goodness
3072s gravy oh wow okay we just our health is
3076s just gone that's fine who needs Health
3079s am I right fine i' just i' just take
3082s your Shield MOD youle off it you it's
3083s not let you need it that's fair I mean
3086s yeah this Shield's doing nothing for me
3088s you're not
3090s wrong now we are going to rely more on
3093s our um long range materials
3097s here this is
3100s bad oh that's the oh nice all right
3104s we'll take that look at
3108s this I can't move worth crap but dang it
3111s these cruise missiles are very efficient
3113s at taking out targets from long range
3120s like I want to speed up the process but
3121s I
3122s also I don't want to be a doofus about
3127s this and this feels so appropriate to
3130s this ship class oh wait I shot at the
3133s wrong thing all right let's just me take
3135s you
3138s out this is a ship oh it's a drone
3147s I'm
3150s on I don't like you guys go
3159s away I think I missed I did
3170s miss hang on I have an idea
3181s that should have taken out a pretty
3182s decent number of
3191s them that's taking out a significant
3194s amount of me I don't like that hang on a
3197s second oh this should give us some
3199s health back come on do the work for me
3202s you are coping admirably I must say
3205s thank you Hive under is my default
3209s setting oh this is uh this is not
3216s pretty hang on I do have a
3222s strategy hide behind a big
3224s rck hey sometimes that's exactly what is
3228s needed for proper execution of
3235s Excellence wait they all went past the
3237s mines in the world oh also we need to
3239s stay away from that thing almost flew
3242s into it that would have been
3248s embarrassing oh they're destroying the
3250s mines oh how dare
3252s you see if we can get a random cruise
3255s missile to
3257s hit doesn't look like
3264s it what I'd really like to do is cluster
3267s up a bunch of corrosion mines and then
3270s get like a figure of eight oh
3273s gosh ah we we popped we popped the
3277s passive oh this isn't looking good for
3283s us but hey maybe because they're all
3285s over there now we can go to the race
3287s completely
3291s fine whose idea was this
3295s anyway I mean at least we look pretty
3297s cool wait I need to watch where I'm
3299s going learned our lesson last
3303s time what I need is a sentinel with
3306s thunder strike seeing in the background
3310s yeah oh my gosh I do need to clear the
3314s RAC trck of Mines probably before we
3317s race it's just a just a
3324s guess we missed one where's 's the wait
3327s no we got
3330s it going to do this before the
3336s race don't know how effective using
3339s mines to get mines
3342s is seems to be working somewhat though
3345s so we'll take
3349s it just remember you gone up to level 27
3352s so you might have some different gear
3353s you could pop that's right we do have
3355s the hazard Shield it does take away from
3357s our autonomous set that's the one tricky
3360s thing about it but this is just straight
3362s better oh we can tag mines at greater
3364s range uh that's
3366s good um it's structure instead of
3371s precision and then a better Cruise
3374s booster with uh the same exact things
3377s except we have Precision instead of
3378s Firepower that's fine that's fine I'm
3381s okay with swapping Precision around for
3382s Firepower in fact I think what we're
3384s going to do is we're going to max out
3386s Firepower and just kind of have
3388s Precision uh a little bit lower that
3391s should be okay uh let's see and then a
3395s calibrated
3398s Flack not yet not yet I don't
3401s think not yet I don't think we want to
3403s put on the hazard Shield just because we
3405s would lose the um automatic
3411s regeneration wait we do we do have that
3414s right oh no we we just lost it cuz we
3416s move something
3420s else all right so I guess we'll just use
3422s the hazard Shield yeah cuz I guess we
3424s replace the sensor
3431s yeah yeah I'm looking at this now and
3433s I'm realizing that's honestly not uh
3436s that much better if at
3439s all yeah I don't think I'm ready to
3441s trade yet I think we're going to
3443s actually keep things as they
3445s are for
3447s now and we will
3449s adjust uh maybe next
3455s level gosh that is super cool and
3458s satisfying to take out mines with
3461s mines and all the time that I've played
3463s this game I'm not sure I've ever
3464s actually done that
3473s before all right let's get some
3475s regeneration going on please that would
3478s be
3479s great oh we are totally not going to
3481s survive
3487s this unless oh actually no I think it
3490s did
3491s work uh I want you to get closer you're
3493s not quite close enough yet come on a
3495s little bit
3498s closer that should work
3513s a now I got too far away from him silly
3519s me more Health more Health more Health
3521s yeah there we
3523s go all
3525s right looking a little bit better okay
3530s okay I'm not going to say all as well
3533s because it's not but you know there's
3534s some improvements going on here
3543s gosh that is so
3544s cool all right all of the mines are
3549s gone the enemies certainly aren't but
3551s you know
3552s what we'll just deal with that when that
3556s shows up or could possibly go
3559s wrong all right cloaked container
3562s excellent
3567s so now we just have to finish Hil
3575s ride let's do
3577s this so
3591s aggressive a little explosion was cool
3594s man I wish I was able to push him there
3597s ow ow ow ow ow ow ow stop it stop it
3599s stop it stop
3604s it why
3608s why
3610s woo no I might be out of my depth here I
3615s could have told you that the moment we
3616s met you be quiet
3619s jerk oh my gosh we barely survived that
3622s thank you shields for coming back
3628s W okay maybe we should you know craft
3637s anything uh some energy Shield might be
3640s nice some
3642s Nanobots uh cloak cloak for the
3645s race oh we only have two heat detectors
3648s though that's not a problem is it ah
3652s it's fine we'll we'll figure it
3653s out and we will also craft
3658s ourselves a cloak field
3661s generator all right all right so now
3664s we're totally ready for this race don't
3665s worry about the
3667s health yous yeah I'm pretty sure if we
3670s just get hit here we're
3678s dead um we need to regenerate some
3684s healthit on our favorite players ship
3687s pole you've got a tie now in second
3690s place and the
3693s bom
3702s nice all right that guy ended up helping
3705s us out quite a lot getting some health
3707s back so that's was good so the tie is
3710s now the Interceptor and the bomber yeah
3713s for second place yeah the gunship still
3715s out in front oh
3717s how much what's the percentages what do
3718s we got uh 18% for the gunship 17% for
3722s the bomber and the Interceptor very
3724s close wow guys if you have not voted yet
3728s definitely go over to the Discord and
3730s vote for your favorite ship uh there's
3732s still about 23 22 hours left in the poll
3735s itself but it's really cool to see how
3738s you guys are voting also it is important
3740s that you use the link that Gary is
3742s sending you in the chat and the reason
3743s for that is because it is a little bit
3745s buried in a discussion Channel now we
3747s recognize this our future polls because
3750s there's going to be more we will have
3752s ourselves a dedicated channel to do so
3754s so that they can't get lost in a further
3756s discussion so the discussion will be had
3757s in a separate channel the poll will
3759s maintain itself in one so that way uh
3762s everybody's happy and we all win all
3764s right here we go let's try
3770s this look at him go the infinite M man
3774s is straight out of the gate like a dog I
3776s actually I slowed down because I thought
3778s oh no I have inertia dampeners no I I
3781s everything's
3784s fine but goodness is this uh oh
3789s [Applause]
3792s no your fuzzy H friend just jumped in go
3796s get him Alec okay let's make the most of
3798s him hey Alec fear not you out of this
3803s dang it energy core socket freaking
3807s okay well
3809s uh jokes on
3811s me yep I left the race I have to open
3814s this first totally
3817s forgot let's just clear this
3825s area I can make use of this that was
3832s satisfying let's go ahead and grab
3834s ourselves a gas canister
3837s thank you let's go ahead and grab
3839s ourselves a gas gamster
3852s out
3855s Lo one
3858s more I don't actually remember if I have
3860s to do this for the race or not but uh
3862s regardless we're doing it anyway cuz
3863s we're right here
3869s should be
3878s enough excellent oh
3894s hello how are you still alive
3897s gosh dang
3900s it there we go oo a
3904s shredder let's actually look at that
3905s real
3908s quick 20% increased critical hit
3915s [Music]
3917s damage we are fighting a lot of stuff
3920s that's higher level than us so that 30%
3922s increase damage on top of it might
3924s actually be incredibly benefici here I'm
3927s going to swap this out that's right I am
3930s I'm swapping out my legendary and maybe
3932s we have space for the hunter Fang um
3936s yeah cuz that does more energy DPS so we
3938s have our kinetic and our energy line up
3942s here now we just have to figure out how
3944s to open the the door to the race um we
3949s have it needs an energy
3953s core so let's figure out if
3957s there's anything that's pointing Us in
3960s the general
3965s vicinity not seeing anything at the
3968s moment oh oh I just triggered some more
3971s ships to fly in no big
3983s deal let's do this
3989s that's not what I
4001s wanted we'll take
4005s that you know I am surprisingly getting
4007s the hang of this dang ship so much so I
4010s think we might just continue our save
4012s from here
4016s definitely enjoying the bomber in this
4020s sense all right now let's have a look
4023s see around oh there's going to be more
4025s hang on hang
4035s on look at that spin oh my
4041s gosh oh that's that's not that's not
4044s nice we don't want that
4056s no all right
4060s cool is that all of them are you gone
4063s now yes you are red we have our Arc 9000
4066s charged everything's great I think we
4068s might have to
4071s look behind I can't remember I can't
4073s remember where this dang energy
4077s that oh my goodness Hunter
4085s F we do not have
4088s quality mining equipment that's for sure
4092s all right let's see we're going to have
4093s to scr around a little bit but there's
4096s base components here so I'm not going to
4097s have to do this for too long oh I just
4099s looked over and all the
4100s time let's go ahead and uh answer some
4103s more questions as I'm kind of like an
4106s delaying the inevitable Race So Gary go
4108s ahead and join us back on the screen
4110s please wonderful uh and let's see what
4113s our lovely Chatters have been talking
4115s about
4116s today absolutely nothing they've all
4118s been waiting for you to
4120s die that doesn't surprise
4125s me sat there just think he's going to
4127s die in a second he's going to die no
4129s he's still oh he's might die now no
4130s still alive they're just they're like a
4132s vill like a cartoon villain there like
4135s Cur you f
4136s surviving how dare you have foiled my
4140s plans twirling their
4143s mustaches excellent but what questions
4147s do we have literally none oh there's no
4150s oh my gosh all right we just we join me
4153s on the stream here for a little bit this
4155s is fine let's grace us with your
4157s presence oh my gosh I see Mr Bond in the
4161s chat absolutely
4164s appropriate oh my God
4166s but uh yeah it's good it's good how are
4169s you doing Gary I'm very well very well
4172s it's uh it's all been going rather
4174s spitting you guys working very
4178s harded no if anybody does have any
4181s problems please do reach out to us uh I
4183s normally pick them up on the morning uh
4185s from the support inbox or even on the
4187s Discord or over on our steam forums uh
4190s we're more than happy to tackle all the
4193s issues uh that may come in uh you know
4196s we know the game's not perfect and we
4198s might need to s a bug here or there but
4200s uh we do need to know these things so
4201s please do let us know uh oh sling ton
4205s just asked any news on Gamescom do you
4207s both be there we've got no news on
4209s Gamescom yet uh as soon as we have any
4212s information letting you
4214s know indeed that's a great little
4217s question though I love
4219s it if you do have any more please do
4221s send them in we're always happy to
4222s answer them either myself or Eric uh
4225s we'll dive in if we know the answer if
4227s we don't might just make something I
4230s just nice yeah you you doing anything
4234s exciting this weekend
4235s Gary uh no I think we've got some decent
4238s weather here in the UK so we might spend
4240s some time out you know uh get out of the
4242s office get out you know enjoy the
4244s sunshine while we can we don't get much
4246s of it that's fair yeah I'm going to be
4249s doing some yard work myself uh though
4252s it's going to be pretty hot over here in
4254s the Midwest of the United
4256s States so we'll see how that
4259s fares but yeah speaking of the bomber
4262s actually we did have a question coming
4264s the other day and somebody was wanting
4265s some clarity on it um there was a
4267s specific Mission uh over at Gilbert
4271s where you can trigger certain little
4273s senses that fire off mindes and one of
4276s the little bonuses of flying a bomber
4278s through there as long as you're not
4279s boosting if you have the correct passive
4282s it will turn those mindes to Friendly uh
4284s and the question was an intended uh
4287s thing from us and it generally is kind
4290s of just nice little extra point just
4292s that mechanic of uh players flying
4295s through a tunnel and triggering certain
4297s things having that as a as an extra for
4300s the bombers ship with that passive he's
4303s just yeah we'll claim it as an intended
4306s thing if that is the mission related
4309s bomb that they're referring to um that
4311s does actually sound like a bug oh no
4314s it's the ones where uh in gilber where
4316s you're fing and you've got the little
4318s like laser beams and you if you clip
4320s them the the laser beams that will send
4322s out a bomb from the little bomb throwers
4324s in the tunnel okay yeah yeah yeah we got
4328s that one clarified from uh from the team
4331s yeah it's just a happy little accident
4334s at yeah that's
4336s correct nice uh to Bizzle over on
4339s YouTube uh you probably answered this
4341s already somewhere but are there any
4342s add-ons or DLCs planned for this game in
4344s the future yes there are we're working
4346s on something as soon as we have some
4348s details then we shall let absolutely
4351s that is correct and for those of you who
4353s want to know any of the details at all
4355s about what DLC that we have alluded to
4358s um we have had those conversations in
4361s smaller places of discourse like Discord
4364s for example um and uh you can kind of
4367s poke about in there and talk with others
4369s about kind of what's been said um it's
4371s not something we're really trying to you
4373s know go ham in these streams um right
4376s now so there's a lot of work still and
4379s we don't want to set some sort of
4380s incorrect expectation like it's coming
4382s out tomorrow cuz it's not so um if you
4385s do want to have more information on
4387s future DLC for the game just be patient
4390s that's going to be the big
4393s thing um wizard Jerry over on YouTube
4396s just asking a fairly specific question
4398s um I don't actually know if we know this
4400s we're not recing to the team do we know
4402s what the rate of fire for the lightning
4404s gun is um
4406s um I think it's the equivalent of a beam
4408s laser actually um so I think it's um 10
4412s ticks per
4413s second I think that's what it is um but
4416s that being said that is that is a guess
4420s um I feel like that was a conversation
4423s point that we had when we were talking
4424s about the alt
4425s balance I will get clarity from Hans
4428s Christian and provide that information
4431s to you you know in Discord or you know
4434s whatever but if you do want to ask the
4435s question on the forums in Discord um
4437s I'll follow up and you know all of that
4440s fun stuff but uh yeah it just thinking
4442s about it I I do think that it's 10 tick
4444s per second which is the same as the the
4446s beam laser but uh but i'
4449s digress uh theor and the bomber have
4452s just got an extra vote so they're
4454s creeping up still 17% uh and the gunship
4457s just couple of votes ahead nice that's
4461s good we are starting to find more things
4464s we need for this uh um racetrack to be
4467s completely open I don't know why I
4469s forgot about all these little
4470s intricacies in this area but I'm glad
4472s that we are not just dying
4474s instantaneously that's right it takes a
4476s long slow time for us long slow death
4481s so uh Pav's just asking the question on
4484s YouTube are legendary items connected to
4487s specific places I'm trying to get Hunter
4489s Fang but I'm getting everything
4491s else uh legendary items are not
4494s connected to location
4496s this was a point of contention we had
4498s internally when making various decisions
4501s um but um yeah it's not not at all so
4506s the if you are looking to get specific
4508s legendary items though one of the best
4510s ways to do it is by going through Rifts
4512s everybody everybody talks about this a
4514s lot um but the reliquary items that you
4517s can now pick up um they will tell you
4520s what type of legendary item you would
4522s get by unlocking that reliquary so if
4524s you're looking for a specific weapon you
4527s could find a weapon requ a primary
4529s weapon requ and it's going to give you a
4530s much greater chance to get that so it's
4532s never a guarantee but um but like if you
4535s get a reliquary for Shields you can just
4537s be like well I'm not using that and just
4538s try to you know get a normal legendary
4541s from the rift or otherwise um to get
4543s what you're looking for instead so there
4546s are means to kind of help get uh better
4549s chances but yeah there's not uh it's not
4553s location dependent no
4558s right uh there's a question from T3 Cube
4561s uh you may be able to answer this one um
4563s about beam lasers uh he's just wondering
4565s why does it operate on a fixed damage
4567s per second instead of waiting for an
4569s accumulated damage and then playing all
4570s at once after 1 second for example or
4574s after Target Health reaches zero uh was
4577s there any ease of use or performance
4578s related reason for this um actually yes
4581s there was so um one of the big reasons
4583s that we ended up doing this is because
4585s if you're firing a beam laser which does
4587s consistent damage and it's only doing
4590s its damage like every second as you
4592s mentioned like taking a full second's
4594s time of consistent shooting well then we
4596s have to factor in how much of the ship
4600s was actually being connected with in
4602s that one second based on that then we're
4604s going to apply that damage once in a
4607s second that says hey because you hit
4609s them for you know 3/4 of a second then
4612s you're doing 3/4 the amount of damage
4613s that you would do tick and then it would
4615s wait that whole second do it again that
4617s process is actually way more complicated
4621s than if we just say hey you know what
4623s let's see if the beam laser is
4624s consistently getting its hit in a tenth
4626s of a second and if it does we trigger it
4630s and because it's consistently hitting we
4632s just have it trigger like 10 ticks per
4634s second so it's a very constant rate of
4636s damage where you're still getting all of
4638s the application of the damage output um
4640s applied to it um based on its stats do
4643s we have a beam laser to look at I don't
4645s even I don't think I do um oh yeah we do
4648s um so that way you can make these
4650s calculations in your head of
4651s understanding um you know the DPS is
4655s exactly what it is saying that's 756
4658s damage uh per second so um every tick
4663s you could assume is um you know 7
4667s 75.6
4670s damage um and yeah there you go so yeah
4674s much better route for us to to go with
4675s the slower calculations to make the hole
4678s effective as opposed to the long
4680s calculations to over complicate the
4683s process um and make it kind of almost a
4687s burden to the player to maintain a lock
4689s on the Target or not uh so that's one of
4691s the big reasons why we did that um but
4694s furthermore if you're curious about like
4697s proc chances yes the proc Chances with
4700s the beam laser are also applicable to
4702s those ticks so the beam laser has a lot
4703s of proc chance right but because the
4707s damage is lesser for each one of those
4710s ticks it does mean your criticals are
4712s also going to technically be lesser um
4714s but if you're serving some other proc
4716s chance that enables an ability or or
4718s whatever it can be pretty useful on that
4720s front so there's a pretty strong balance
4723s of uh or a strong player agency
4725s regarding the balance of the beam laser
4727s and how you can effectively use it um a
4730s lot of things to take in mind there but
4733s it was very much done so uh with the
4736s consideration in mind of hitting
4739s constantly so yeah that was that was a
4741s lot on the beam laser was a good
4743s question though
4744s so yeah that's it for the time being I
4747s think everybody's pacified are you
4749s flying okay I do see one other question
4752s I'm going to have you go ahead and
4752s vanish though see you later goodbye
4754s toodles excellent um which T3 Cube does
4757s follow up and he says uh are there any
4759s plans to rework the beam laser um and at
4762s the moment no there's not any plans to
4766s rework the beam laser um I think with
4770s any new content that we would
4772s effectively be adding to the game in the
4774s inevitable future though does warrant a
4776s look at everything that is in play and
4778s how it's operating uh around said new
4781s content so um yeah it's there there's
4785s definitely a conversation point there
4787s that says it's possible but there's not
4790s a direct plan no um for the most part we
4793s really don't want to change much of
4795s what's been added to the game um we want
4798s the new content to speak for
4800s itself without
4802s requiring um a ton of backtracking is
4804s what I'm going to call it to make it fit
4806s the mold
4809s so yeah all right we are spending a lot
4812s of time like floating around and talking
4814s with you all which is delightful I don't
4815s mind that at all I do want to try and be
4817s productive
4818s here excuse me oh my gosh
4828s oh
4832s goodness I feel much better okay maybe
4835s did I did I just like fly past I I know
4839s that
4840s there's I know some of these tunnels
4842s have like the connecting elements nearby
4845s did I just happen to miss it is
4847s that is that
4852s possible hi hi
4857s there don't don't mind me just uh just
4861s looking
4863s around yeah I think this is looking more
4866s promising I think we have to go this way
4868s to go the other
4870s way yeah ah there it is ah
4875s hello this is probably not a good
4883s idea kind of wish I would have had a
4885s visual on
4888s that clean up on aisle
4892s five excellent all right let's grab this
4895s bulletproof
4900s container out a baron
4909s oo oh that is incredibly
4913s tempting oo
4916s for those of you unaware which most of
4918s you are but still just let me if your
4921s opponent has any amount of shields at
4923s all it could be one point of shields
4925s this weapon does zero
4927s damage okay just I'm I'm making sure
4930s everybody is aware of that this weapon
4932s the baron enforcer is so strong but your
4936s Shields of your opponent have to be down
4940s um kinetic damage is completely absorbed
4943s by Shields
4945s it only applies if that Shield is down
4947s so very very good weapon uh
4954s but has to be done in the right uh right
4958s capacity oh I just got turned around I
4959s can't remember which direction I was
4960s going
4963s crap I guess we'll just go this is the
4965s wrong way all
4970s right you know I do actually like flying
4972s in first person in these narrow
4973s passageways but I'm also thinking about
4975s the width of this ship and I just feel
4977s like I'm going to clip anything any
4982s moment are there are there bomber
4985s players out there who like fly it
4987s exclusively in first person and you're
4989s just like oh yeah I love it it's just
4990s like such a a
4994s Nuance uh okay yeah we got to oh wait no
4997s it is there it is there okay this is
4999s where we're
5000s going I'm really curious like if
5002s somebody's out there and they just
5004s really love trying another maneuver not
5006s being able to tell if they're going to
5008s clip
5010s something does anyone fly in first
5012s person exclusively actually we do have a
5014s number of pilots who do and I can tell
5016s you that because of data that we have
5018s extracted from our player base giving us
5021s uh better insight as to how valuable it
5023s would be to say customize the cockpit
5026s interior just an example
5029s um so um yeah we're really happy with
5033s the the the three cockpits by the way
5036s really happy with how those turned out
5038s um because they're both valuable from an
5041s outside perspective right you can see
5043s the difference on the cockpit
5045s itself um while also providing that
5049s customization
5050s inside that uh you know 10% of our
5054s player base gets to
5058s experience all right so that is that I
5061s can't remember if there's more but let's
5062s go ahead and get the secrets before we
5064s do the r
5065s we'll have just enough time to do the
5067s race at least once maybe twice and then
5070s we'll go into Shing some more of the
5072s details pertaining to the
5074s uh the
5076s votes and we will uh talk a little bit
5080s more about what people have been saying
5082s regarding their favorite ships and
5088s whatnot no turrets oh what do we need
5091s here is there there's not a button is
5093s there seems like you're asking for it
5097s where's the cable where are you going
5099s cable you're in here
5101s somewhere
5103s okay so the cable goes in here aha
5107s there's the cable
5115s aha anybody think we give people
5120s clueso structure and expertise versus
5123s precision and structure
5131s all right we completed the location that
5133s feels really good
5135s honestly feels really good so let's go
5138s ahead and head on over to the race gate
5155s just quick save here perfect and we are
5158s going to hopefully not die
5161s horrendously here we
5168s go I see an interesting question that
5170s just just asks if the cockpit has the
5172s damage to the hole Yeah I mean it's all
5174s there um it's technically a bug that the
5177s armor is above the shield and if you ask
5181s I think it's Andy I think it was Andy
5183s who was dealing with this UI if I'm not
5185s mistaken this is a pain in the butt bug
5188s that shouldn't exist but it does and
5189s then it doesn't go away so sorry about
5192s that but all the data is there it's all
5196s there all here yep all right let's do
5200s this
5201s race here we go death counter is ready
5204s good good excellent here we
5211s go already feeling a little bit better
5214s about this one
5215s feeling a lot better
5219s actually really getting it to move
5226s [Applause]
5231s though slowing down a little
5234s bit a lot of bit actually we lost a lot
5237s of momentum
5239s there
5242s o I think we're going to be I'm feeling
5245s pretty good about this okay I'm feeling
5246s pretty
5251s good I'm kind of wishing I had like an
5253s energy booster in my
5258s consumables give me more energy come
5266s on I will be absolutely shocked if we
5270s get platinum on
5272s this but uh you know
5276s know my goal is gold I really want to
5279s get
5285s gold I feel like this is about the
5287s halfway point oh my gosh we might
5289s actually we might actually do it holy
5295s crap we might do
5299s it coming
5309s okay all
5315s [Music]
5323s right oh it's going to be close come
5333s on oh I think we got it
5341s oh you have completed all the rest
5344s tracks I congratulate you
5346s felicit of course you can always return
5349s and better your performance will always
5352s be available to you I'll do it with in D
5355s off shut up you
5358s just oh my gosh that was that was
5362s incredibly satisfying thank you
5363s everybody for recommending that
5365s challenge for us to complete another
5367s side mission man we actually
5368s accomplished quite a lot uh today we got
5372s another location uh completed in Drake
5375s which I think is going to be our next
5376s challenge yeah Drake Explorer six
5379s locations and two high-risk areas um
5382s that's definitely going to be on our
5384s list o Ruddy sky is actually a really
5385s nice engine color too uh so yeah making
5388s really good progress here I love it oh
5391s man we haven't gotten a lot of
5392s daredevils oh that's why
5395s we need to focus on
5397s those but uh gosh dang that's that's
5400s satisfying we do need a base to start uh
5402s wheeling and dealing we've got a lot of
5404s stuff we had a nice level up uh shoot
5408s guys this is good this is really
5412s good oh Hans Christian's here Hans
5414s Christian I have a question for
5417s you um do you know how many ticks the um
5422s the um Sentinel alt has the lightning
5427s gun per second is it is it the same as
5429s the beam laser is it 10 do you
5433s know putting him on the spot he's
5435s probably like oh my gosh Eric stop it
5437s I'm here it's not even time for me to
5440s work I'm just enjoying the
5444s stream well he say watching the stream I
5446s don't know enjoying it that's what Fair
5450s that's fair uh but you know to that um
5453s I'll also say though that h Christian
5454s has an incredibly beautiful family oh my
5457s gosh inde they are great
5462s people and of course spirited frogs
5464s asking about when we were getting the
5465s arc 9000 fishing mini game of course of
5469s course
5471s jeez but uh yeah so guys if Hans
5474s Christian goes silent and he doesn't
5475s respond anymore that's that's fine
5477s that's that's how it's going to be um I
5478s will follow up with you guys whenever I
5480s do get that information um if you can
5482s sneak it into the chat H Christian
5483s definitely appreciate if you can't I get
5485s it enjoy your evening uh let's see if we
5488s can let's see if we can get our Drake
5491s transport
5492s up in the bomber perhaps this time of
5496s War what was the question from H
5497s Christian I think he missed it oh how
5499s many ticks um how many ticks are there
5503s in the um sentinel's alt the lightning
5506s gun per second is it the same as a beam
5508s laser I felt like it's the same as the
5510s beam laser and I just wanted to get
5512s clarity on what it actually is
5519s so far things aren't looking too bad
5524s here all right we might we might
5528s actually be able to do
5532s this apparently the answer is yes they
5535s are the same okay they are the same
5537s excellent thank you for that
5538s confirmation I had thought that they
5539s were but uh I who was asking was that is
5542s that T3 Cube was that Bearded Frog was
5544s that Kaz uh no I think it was Wizard
5548s Jerry was Wizard Jerry oh that was my
5550s next
5551s guess excellent that was the last one
5554s perfect for now yes you mean there will
5556s be more if I have my way we just need to
5560s see what kala can rustle up if there is
5563s an afterlife as some humans used to
5566s believe expect yours to be an eternity
5568s of classic era physicists lining up to
5572s slap you across the face
5576s it's my favorite Hive line honestly
5578s that's so
5581s good ah so good man such good progress
5586s today gosh we have like do we have okay
5589s yeah we have we have all of them yeah oh
5592s oh the convenience of fast travel oh now
5596s we're going to start being able to
5597s Champion more of these side missions
5598s even faster look at
5600s that oh so good you know on celebration
5604s swapping to this bomber and actually
5605s having a good time with it what um we're
5608s going to go destroy a base let's just
5611s Let's Go destroy a base why not and then
5614s we'll move into the last segment of the
5616s stream and talk more about the favorite
5617s ship uh voting which is still alive uh
5621s and talking a little bit about what you
5623s guys enjoy from those ships and whatnot
5626s as well as some really cool fan art and
5628s some screenshots from the last couple of
5630s weeks so gosh you guys really make the
5633s Stream thank you all for being here this
5635s has been a lot of fun you've asked some
5637s really solid questions you've had some
5639s uh really playful responses
5642s here so so
5647s good so
5658s good all right oh
5660s wow that felt wonderful
5666s so this is the base that's been causing
5667s problems time to put it out of
5672s commission all right let's see if we can
5674s get a pretty solid shot here going to
5677s call that good think that should do the
5681s trick maybe oh my gosh if we survive
5684s goodness gravy
5695s a
5696s a great AR 99000 and then I thought it
5700s looked great I thought everything was
5702s going so smoothly and I was like oh look
5704s at me I'm super cool everybody's tuning
5707s in to the stream cuz like man this guy's
5708s awesome no big deal and then kapow right
5711s in my
5714s face I think what happened is I launched
5717s a
5719s mine wait no no figure of eight can't be
5725s intercepted how did I
5730s die oh I fired a cruise missile wait no
5733s that but that can't be wait but that one
5735s can't be intercepted did my cruise
5736s missile hit a mine did my cruise missile
5739s hit one of my
5741s mines I think that's what happened
5744s somebody clip it play back the tapes we
5746s have to find out I think that's what I
5748s did I was trying to cycle my weapons and
5749s I was just holding fire because um cuz
5752s I'm a bomber and I just thought you just
5754s bomb things and yeah I think that's what
5756s happened I think that I launched a mine
5757s I cycled over the cruise missile
5759s launched it and it hit the
5760s mine oh cuz that was a ton of damage
5763s that makes sense
5764s actually jeez so this is the place I got
5767s to take offline yeah let's try that
5769s let's try this one more time one more
5772s time here let's just get this out of the
5775s way so that that doesn't become an
5776s accident we'll do
5780s this I don't think I actually need the
5782s figure of eight there but wait are these
5784s guys aren even coming at me oh my gosh
5786s all right well we'll just
5788s wait yeah that's that's a good that's a
5790s good kill all right so let's just take
5792s our time
5795s here no reason to rush things just nice
5799s and they're not even coming at me yet
5800s what in the oh my gosh all right what do
5802s we have
5803s here they thought we don't need to
5805s intercept you do a good enough job at
5807s killing
5808s yourself basically either that or they
5811s saw the ark 9000 and are just like nope
5813s oh no just I just did it again oh that's
5816s definitely what happened I launched the
5817s cruise uh cruise
5821s missile
5830s jeez all right let's just try
5833s to well that probably wasn't the
5836s smartest thing see you later
5839s Health woo
5850s whoopsies we got a little bit
5852s back oh we can't pick stuff up yet we
5855s have to
5856s wait
5861s jeez let's just do that should take care
5864s of the rest of the oh no there's more
5866s turrets on the other side oh no they're
5868s right
5869s there okay well that should do the trick
5872s cool
5879s nice all right what do we
5882s got oh bomber versus bomber all right oh
5886s that was much more painful than I would
5887s have liked it to be oh figure a doesn't
5890s work on
5895s them and I did I did it again what am I
5900s doing really don't want to be behind
5902s this guy
5908s I am having some struggles facing off
5910s with this
5912s guy let's try this this will be
5920s better yes done with the job excellent
5924s Mr
5926s Roslin I love this set but I'm not
5929s actually sure if this is a good item
5931s for for the bomber so I think I think
5934s we're actually going to just scrap it
5935s straight up oh my gosh another enforcer
5940s jeez game's trying to tell you
5944s something
5946s Perhaps
5948s Perhaps all right I think we also that
5951s that uh job did that have yeah that had
5954s reward Flawless fium oh yes I think
5958s that's actually why we took that job now
5960s I'm thinking about
5961s it very good yeah jobs are a great way
5964s to get the some of more rare Resources
5966s by the way I don't know how many of you
5967s guys knew that I think I talked about
5969s that in the previous stream I hope I
5974s [Music]
5976s did they're a little bit more rare to
5978s show up though I will say that all
5982s right so I don't think we can actually
5985s auto save here yeah so oh they they came
5988s out at just the worst time let me let me
5990s leave please okay good good all right
5992s we're going to go um back to to letho
5994s starport I think and then once we park
5999s ourselves there we are going to move
6001s into the last uh bit of this stream so
6004s um yeah goodness gravy it's been a lot
6006s of fun been a lot of fun today we got a
6008s lot unlocked woo very
6018s goodoo I can't believe how many times I
6020s used my ultimate today
6024s have you been
6025s practicing slow down there all right all
6030s right but yes I
6034s have you got a post it not on the bottom
6037s of your monitor haven't
6040s you oh man I legitimately wish that I
6043s did now so I can just like pull it and
6044s be like look oh but no I do not that's
6048s great I took the protective film off my
6050s gy yeah it caught me that's what it was
6053s never used the key before never had to
6056s it's
6058s crazy
6069s jeez yeah my my two deaths today one was
6073s from me not paying
6075s attention and then the other one was me
6078s uh firing a cruise missile into
6080s myself yeah all right that checks out
6083s that checks out
6084s but I am I'm really I'm really proud to
6086s say that I did not succumb to the
6089s destruction of the foes firing down upon
6093s me I did not let them have that glorious
6095s Victory nay I say to thee I destroyed
6100s myself that's right that's how it's
6102s going to be so uh guys take a quick
6105s break we will be right back and we're
6107s going to talk more about the poll and
6109s we're going to share some cool
6110s screenshots and some fan art and like
6114s uh two minutes is yeah so just quick
6117s break quick break real quick super duper
6119s quick be right back
6123s [Music]
6151s [Music]
6178s I said 2 minutes but it's actually going
6179s to be shorter than that we're going to
6180s we're going to get right back in here I
6181s think get right back in here so boom
6185s there we are so I actually took a
6186s screenshot of the poll results here um
6190s not just a moment ago but actually at
6192s the start of the stream okay so this is
6195s what it was at at the start of the
6196s stream um uh Gary I'm I'm wondering if
6199s you can look at the new version of what
6201s we have and compare really quickly to
6204s this I'm really curious yeah the
6207s Vanguard shifted up yeah yeah wow on 11
6211s votes now for the Vanguard so he's still
6213s got 6% the Scout has six votes so but
6217s still on 3% okay uh the Stinger uh 14
6221s votes
6222s 7% the Interceptor 34 votes and
6226s 177% okay all right Sentinel 23 votes
6230s 12% wow okay the Aker 21 votes and 11%
6236s it's gone down
6238s what yeah the gunship still out in the
6241s lead currently 18% 36 votes that's gone
6244s up a tick it's got closer yeah the
6247s bomber 33 votes 17% so that's been
6251s pushed out slightly to third place and
6253s The Vindicator uh only got 10% 19 votes
6257s wow that is wild to me so while we're
6260s staring at this version of the stream
6262s actually no no no I think what we're
6264s going to do is we're going to we're
6265s going to go over to the uh the fun fan
6268s art portion here um and uh we'll just
6272s talk I want to talk to you guys about
6274s some of the comments that have been made
6275s about their favorite ships and whatnot
6277s um also I like this photo cuz in the
6280s corner it says activate Windows go to
6281s settings to activate Windows I love that
6283s this shot comes from uh B
6287s pler um it's just a nice shot first
6290s entering the K nebula um got a couple of
6292s shots today I didn't want to go too
6293s crazy just so that we could talk about
6295s other things um but uh some of the
6298s comments that were being made about
6300s their favorite ships um we had titchy
6303s say they just love the Aesthetics of the
6305s Interceptor that was the reason why they
6307s voted over on the Interceptor side the
6308s Kraken says the Interceptor mostly due
6311s to its ability to just keep firing I
6313s don't like having to retreat to
6315s replenish my primary weapon energy feels
6317s like a ship where I can play however I
6320s want without being forced in close or
6323s snipe from far away Etc it opens up a
6325s lot of options to play around with in a
6327s fight for me I feel less pigeon hold
6329s like I do in other ships it's a great
6331s response from the Kraken
6334s honestly really cool response um and
6336s then I also wanted to share this one
6338s from cargo Jacker who says the
6340s Interceptor has a nice balance between
6342s Firepower armor and speed and the alt is
6345s absolutely monstrous it's predatorial
6347s which is the biggest appeal for me so
6350s I'll keep reading off more uh from you
6353s guys um as we continue through our
6355s screenshots as well um Gary if you do
6357s have questions go ahead and sneak them
6358s in because I am going to be talking an
6360s awful lot and showing an awful lot just
6362s because there's a healthy bit here so
6364s this shot comes from cargo Jacker uh
6366s that we just heard uh their favorite
6368s ship uh being the Interceptor by the way
6370s got one question coming from yes indeed
6373s over on Twitch um it kind of relates
6375s back to our Kickstarter campaign
6376s actually so during the kickstarter
6378s campaign the legendary Creator here gave
6380s dons the opportunity to design a
6382s legendary equipment with us here at rock
6386s games are there any plans to open up
6388s est2 content Commissions in the future
6391s uh no there's no plans to do that um the
6394s a lot of the kickstarter exclusive
6396s material um to work alongside us and and
6399s build content of the game is just that
6400s it was very exclusive um we don't really
6403s have a means to take that exclusivity
6405s Away by opening up the doors into that
6408s territory um so uh there I mean I yeah
6413s there's just no plans there's no plans
6415s to do that we've definitely been
6416s inspired by some of the comments and and
6418s uh discussions that you guys have all
6419s had um about like how certain set items
6422s came to be um certain modifications and
6425s balancing acts and I think we even have
6427s a legendary that we implemented based
6429s off of an idea that a lot of people
6431s commented on I'd have to backtrack and
6433s figure out which one it is but I do
6434s think we have notes on that um
6436s so sort of it's like it's it's just not
6440s something where we're going to like open
6441s up the doors and say hey if you give us
6442s 1,000 you can design something that's
6445s that's very much the territory of the
6447s kickstarter that time has passed to
6449s support development um and where we're
6452s at now that's it's we're just in a
6453s different spot so so once again no plans
6456s uh but it's a clever question I will say
6458s that a clever question this shot also
6460s comes from cargo Jacker by the way and
6462s uh I wanted to read a couple more
6464s people's responses towards their
6465s favorite ships and then we'll go into
6468s more questions so fusil 97 or fuse l97 7
6473s uh says the Interceptor is still one of
6475s their favorite ships especially with the
6477s new homing legendary thermogun you
6479s dropped with incursions which we were
6481s using today Hunter Fang um but I voted
6484s for bomber because it's too satisfying
6486s nuking everything in front of my face
6488s with ritual Rockets oh man we need to
6490s get ritual oh that'd be so good on the
6492s bar it's a great point then steiny says
6495s oh gosh this is a really tough choice I
6497s like to vary it from time to time and
6499s just get stuck in a particular ship's
6501s play style too many good ships
6504s uh last but not least we have the Oracle
6506s of lyanna even though I haven't flown it
6508s since armed and dangerous dropped I'm
6510s voting Stinger I love the idea of a
6511s light ship that hits like a medium ship
6514s and I fell in love with the Stinger ever
6516s since it dropped in Early Access we will
6518s continue reading more um as we continue
6521s sharing screenshots and answering more
6524s questions this shot comes from Excel we
6526s have a number of shots from Excel just
6527s some very gorgeously colored ones um
6530s these are all highres shots these were
6532s not doctored um they're just they're
6535s they're crazy good looking though we
6538s have a question from twitch uh this time
6541s is from good guy Goku what's your
6543s favorite obscure bit of law that the
6546s average player would miss on a typical
6548s playthrough you are the law King so
6551s obscure lore oh
6558s man you know it's it's that's I love
6561s that question so much
6565s um you know there's a lot that we could
6567s talk about regarding the okar and their
6570s physiology their diet their age all of
6574s those fun things which we took great
6576s care in crafting because we wanted this
6579s alien race to be like to feel like they
6583s would exist on the opposite side of a
6586s solar system that you're meeting for the
6588s first time right um and for those of you
6590s who don't know the oakar do live much
6592s longer than human
6593s they also don't require much water at
6595s all in fact um they don't habitat places
6600s that have water all of their um home
6603s planets multiple home planets are desert
6606s worlds um this was this a little bit of
6609s lore is actually shared in ever space
6610s one believe it or not but because they
6612s have expanded lifetimes and they don't
6615s need much water I mean you can kind of
6617s already tell that their metabolism is a
6619s lot slower they have to be more gentle
6621s in how they're approaching things they
6622s don't have to eat as much
6623s um all of these things I think are kind
6625s of obscure lore like nobody cares it's
6628s not even relevant to like I'm in a
6630s spaceship blowing stuff off PE but like
6633s this is this is the stuff that gets me
6634s excited okay because this this entire
6636s alien race we took such great care and
6639s detail over to ensure it's like you know
6641s they're meeting a hostile force and they
6644s go into negotiations first because they
6646s have incredibly long lifespans they have
6648s to figure things out right and then
6650s negotiations fail and then they hit you
6652s hard with everything they have that's
6654s why the ocar colonial conflict was so
6656s short it wasn't that uh Humanity zooming
6660s in just like tried their best to do
6662s everything the okar actually initiated
6664s this very tactical response that's why
6666s it was over so fast and so as that
6669s diminished because of the okar and their
6671s long Lifestyles and their wisdom their
6674s knowledge etc etc um that's how this
6677s kind of all panned out it's also why you
6679s don't see um a tremendous number of
6681s extremist oakar because living a life
6684s like that means they're going to die
6686s like in their early 100s if you will um
6690s so uh yeah there's a there's a lot to
6693s speak on about just the okar alone and I
6697s just love the intricacies that they have
6699s as their alien species I think that um
6702s there was a lot of great detail work
6705s involved there um to even where when
6707s we're building out new engagements with
6711s the okar we ensure it makes sense
6713s pertaining to all of those obscure
6715s details I just listed right um even the
6717s freaking mochar right the the imitation
6721s okar forces like the reason why that was
6724s such a strange side mission in the game
6727s is because the okar design their ships
6730s using a completely different energy
6731s source and has a completely different
6733s form to where you would actually enter
6735s into the ship itself and sit in it a
6737s human can't just go into that there's
6740s many different nuances and subtleties
6743s pertaining to how a ship is designed by
6745s a completely different alien race that
6747s sits differently that has a different
6749s posture that knows how to activate
6751s deactivate different tools all of this
6753s stuff is the stuff that we've thought
6755s about going into how this applies like
6758s the obscurity is so cool to me oh I'm
6760s I'm getting so excited about this I'm
6762s still on the same image let's let's
6764s let's show another picture from Excel
6766s but like you can like it's just it's so
6767s cool it's it's so that's kind of the
6770s detail work that I really enjoy is is
6772s the Oar as a whole and also why um Adam
6775s roslin's clone has become such a uh
6779s pivotal character in all of this because
6782s he was the one like the original Adam
6785s was the one who unlocked the okar
6788s genome um understanding how their DNA
6791s was structured and earned the ability to
6794s replicate that he was able to clone okar
6798s this is not something that anyone else
6801s in our universe has been able to
6804s accomplish he's the only one now his
6807s data was taken by Admiral kren gork
6809s spoilers forever space one um but uh so
6813s it's likely that that data is can be
6815s split around everywhere else but but
6817s Adam Roslin was the only person to have
6820s accomplished that feat right oh my gosh
6822s I'm I'm like seriously nerding out but
6824s you asked the question you got the
6826s answer there you go um but yeah we had
6828s we had a number of really great shots
6830s though from Excel here's a third one
6832s from him
6833s and then from that I do want to respond
6835s with a couple more comments on why you
6838s guys chose the ships you did in the
6840s votes and then we'll go into more
6841s questions so T3 Cube says both the
6844s Vanguard and Stinger are super
6846s skill-based ships with amazing bonuses I
6848s think the Vanguard is just slightly more
6850s fun to become Neo with but Striker puts
6853s up a really good fight too I I really
6856s agree with that honestly like I think
6857s that our opinions are very similar T3
6859s Cube um the Vanguard and singer are just
6862s so fun because they're skill-based and
6864s so when you're pulling off the the
6866s tricks and the the um the moves when it
6869s comes together it's just it's so
6871s satisfying is so incredibly satisfying
6874s much like this
6875s screenshot that Excel pulled off as well
6880s peral um enjoys the Stinger uh with its
6884s permanent Nano Nano recom plus MDS
6888s uptime might as well be an honorary
6890s bomber with how much ammo I refill
6893s then uh Icarus howling this is the last
6895s one that we'll go into questions uh even
6898s though I'm currently flying a gos gun
6899s gunship with vigilante set so I can
6902s carve up lunacy 500 to a thousand
6905s without having to think too much I did
6908s much of the campaign on an Interceptor
6910s and my heart still belongs there it's a
6912s pretty ship the old girl is still in the
6914s hanger and it's probably time I beefed
6916s her up with some nicer gear and took her
6918s out again for a run that alt Al Auto
6921s Cannon was a thing to behold very nice
6924s very nice so we're going to cycle over
6927s to this shot from kazah and we're going
6930s to look at another question what do you
6931s got Gary uh it's just a followup
6934s actually uh regarding the law um because
6936s of you talking about the the desert kind
6938s of planets that the Oar live on um frog
6942s would like to know are the okar classes
6944s cold
6945s blooded um I believe they are cold
6948s blooded yes I believe they are cold
6950s blooded I will have to double check my
6952s sources because I don't actually know
6953s that directly but based on our
6957s physiological research and execution of
6960s the Oar species it would very much make
6962s sense because they are they're similar
6964s to that of uh lizards that live in
6967s desert territories um so yeah I'm I'm
6971s rather rather certain that they have
6974s cold blood uh they're cold blooded
6976s rather um but yeah so yeah nice nice
6979s little uh detail I can follow up with
6981s you on that if I'm how wrong but I'm
6984s pretty sure that's pretty sure that's
6986s correct yeah I think it is as well cuz
6988s at one point Maddox just referen to a
6991s certain uh
6992s terine uh as a lizard yeah oh yeah no
6996s that's it's an insult to okar to just
6998s call them lizards um so yeah it's it's a
7002s a degrading term for them so all right
7005s this next shot comes from the chemical
7007s bro looking absolutely spiffy in that
7011s flaming ship right there that Sentinel
7015s gosh that's so cool very nice
7017s customization on that front uh here's a
7020s couple more comments of the votes going
7023s on and why people have chosen what they
7025s did um I did read this one a lot but I'm
7026s going to read it again Gary says why is
7028s the correct Choice gunship and everyone
7030s else is wrong it's always solid we have
7033s we have Rolo deck say bomber my beloved
7036s we have bage gunship and Interceptor are
7039s nice but the bomber is my comfy ship it
7042s it tanks for days and the missile slm
7045s spam is
7046s glorious um yeah I mean I'm going to
7048s actually have to agree with that my
7050s playthrough today I think the mind's
7052s kind of saved my butt a number of times
7054s uh pretty satisfying we have Gordon
7057s Holland who says my beloved Interceptor
7059s even though I like Striker equally and
7062s BW lamri tough call but Striker got to
7065s go fast we only have a couple more
7068s comments on that front um and only a
7070s couple more images I really want to make
7071s sure that we're getting through them
7072s this shot comes from TR and this was one
7075s that they had captured during early
7076s access it was just a throwback shot I
7079s think it looks really cool so I figured
7080s I would just grab it uh and post it on
7082s here just to show that off a bit just
7084s because it's fun and last but not least
7087s we do have some fan art that we
7090s absolutely have to highlight there were
7091s a number of you guys who posted some fun
7094s stuff so we're going to just toggle it
7096s over here to bearded frogs magazine
7099s entry of everspace today uh I'll let you
7102s guys let's go ahead and read that on the
7103s screen while we uh answer any more
7106s questions that we have coming in uh
7108s nothing at the moment although uh Patty
7110s say over on YouTube is asking are there
7113s any story plans for that kind of genetic
7115s data that you've just been talking about
7116s in the law in any further
7119s DLCs um I mean that would be very
7121s telling um the the lore of the game is
7124s something that we had to enrich and
7127s establish uh I say that in the opposite
7130s way we had to establish and enrich it
7132s and in order for the game sake to have
7134s meaning and purpose in this world um
7137s it's very backwards logic if the story
7140s entirely and the story and the world
7142s entirely revolves around the protagonist
7144s so we took great care in building the
7146s world first um before we dove into even
7149s having the story of everspace and
7152s everspace 2 uh reach its fruition so and
7155s telling you all of this stuff about the
7157s Oar you don't actually need to know any
7160s of it to play the game it's not Rel to
7163s you the only time it would be relevant
7165s is If You Were Somehow becoming an okar
7167s and walking along in their society and
7169s having to adhere to their norms and
7170s their customs and and like then piloting
7173s your own ship and being part of the okar
7176s you know forces like but that's that's
7179s not what you're doing in our game that's
7180s not it's not relevant so it's just um
7184s yeah it's just a bunch of information to
7186s have a better understanding of this
7188s alien species that you've encountered uh
7190s and that's what we do with a lot of the
7192s alien species that you encounter a lot
7193s of the locations like Prescott Starbase
7196s uh it's this is like the last uh modular
7200s space station in the DMZ because all the
7203s other ones were either destroyed or
7205s abandoned um and like there there's so
7208s much lore as to why these things are
7210s based on account of when the gmbb showed
7213s up to this area started their mining
7215s prospects encountered the Oar had
7217s conflict uh tried to reconvene and and
7220s allocate resources and you know the
7222s various conflicts that occurred through
7224s there the the political Intrigue and uh
7226s you know like even Drake Drake's entire
7229s story is a clash of two separate
7231s factions because they had two different
7233s ideas of what the Colonials should be
7235s doing during the wars and because of
7238s that Clash they then were then vying for
7240s power against each other over the entire
7242s system that started during the colonial
7245s wars uh so lots of different things uh
7249s like that so lots and lots and lots uh
7251s this screenshot is another um art piece
7255s from Excel this time I love the Fire and
7259s Ice Motif I think that comes together so
7261s incredibly well very cool very cool
7264s indeed so all right I'm going to read
7266s off a few more um the last bits of the
7270s comments because we are getting really
7271s close to the end of the stream and then
7273s we'll answer more questions and there's
7274s going to be a couple more screenshots to
7275s show or art pieces to
7277s show Johan says gunship because Mobility
7280s is a defensive tactic
7283s we have typed Kibbles who's been in the
7285s chat although I m the bomber I voted for
7288s Interceptor since the gameplay of it is
7290s very much engaging and fun bomber is
7292s cool but I mainly just Spam Minds while
7295s swapping them all right all right so
7297s typed Kibbles once more of a challenge
7298s and likes that satisfaction of
7300s accomplishing something I I dig that so
7303s um we have chaos
7306s 53925 says the Interceptor because I can
7309s take part in very long fights without
7310s running out of energy too quickly and I
7312s can also deal more damage with my
7314s primary weapons and I'm also quite agile
7317s this is particularly helpful in the
7318s incursion events that's actually a
7320s similar response that we had as um uh
7322s somebody else regarding the flexibility
7324s of the Interceptor that's that's awesome
7326s that's great to hear yeah it's it's
7328s funny because we actually changed the um
7330s sort of um Middle Ground jack of all
7333s trades master of none ship from the
7335s Interceptor in everspace one to The
7336s Sentinel in everspace 2 The Sentinel is
7338s much more of an energy fighter in
7339s everspace one is a bit harder to use you
7341s can ask players of everspace one that
7343s and they'll tell you the same but in
7345s everspace 2 The Sentinel has been kind
7346s of like pulled back to put more emphasis
7349s on energy of course where it's much more
7352s flexible and then the Interceptor um
7354s it's much more aggressive this time
7356s around um but everybody seems to be
7358s loving on that and I love that you're
7359s getting so much versatility from it I
7362s got three more and then we're going to
7364s answer any more questions and show more
7365s fan art like this one coming from the
7368s chemical bro um I'm not sure if it's
7371s supposed to be a Transformer or a Power
7373s Ranger uh megaz but either way looking
7377s pretty awesome there we have voidless
7379s 7125 says the gunship to me looks the
7381s best I love maximum damage all the time
7385s me too voidless me too we got Grant who
7389s says I've only played the starter
7391s Sentinel and a striker they're more re
7394s they're new to the game I should preface
7396s that aesthetically I love the strikers
7398s as they look like x-wings I think my
7400s play style leans more toward an
7402s Interceptor or gunship but I'm all about
7405s fun rather than super competitive I'm
7407s playing at easy level so to heck with
7409s the best combo I went with what was cool
7412s thanks cat I'm glad you're enjoying the
7413s game I'm just getting started that's
7415s awesome last but not least um just so
7417s happens to be last one list it's from
7419s Wizard Jerry who says they voted for the
7422s Interceptor just because I can't say no
7424s to Orion A3 This ship's outfit is really
7428s my type that's awesome thank you
7431s everybody for your comments that you
7433s were dropping in regards to all of these
7436s you know facets of of ships and and why
7439s you chose them it's really cool to be
7441s able to share that all and the very last
7444s but not least of our art pieces comes
7447s from the chemical bro once again
7449s evertron 2
7452s um pretty clever screenshot I think it
7454s comes together very well oh my gosh so
7459s good well Gary we we have we actually
7461s ended this stream like right on time did
7463s we have any more questions to you know
7465s delay you know just one it was kind of
7468s wrap up around the whole um law thing
7471s from Patty saying again is would there
7472s be a way to see more of the law or like
7474s where do we find hints at these kind of
7476s things in the game they've read the
7477s codec and want to know more yeah no I
7480s mean more of that more of that
7481s information the the only source you're
7483s going to get it from is me that's that's
7485s really where it's going to come down to
7486s I'm not even joking like a lot of the
7488s stuff that I'm telling you is just stuff
7489s that we've spoken about and you know on
7492s the on the team side and um and like has
7495s helped fill out the game world and I
7498s also do stop myself at certain points
7500s because you can only know so much but
7502s you know telling you more about the oar
7504s is a lot of fun there's a lot there um
7506s and maybe you will learn more about that
7508s in game based on uh what else could
7510s possibly be added to it I'm not sure I
7513s guess we'll find out together in the
7514s future but uh long story short I just
7517s think it's so cool that we've taken a
7519s lot of this care and attention to detail
7521s behind the scenes of the everspace world
7524s so that when you dive into it as a
7526s unique character with a particular
7528s purpose you're encountering these other
7531s things that exist for a reason they're
7533s not just there for you because I'm the
7537s main character but rather they have
7539s their own subtleties and intricacies and
7541s going on that if you do certain things
7544s for of course it's going to disrupt them
7546s or it's going to build trust with them
7548s or it's going to do X Y and Z right um
7551s I'm really really proud of this team for
7553s for how we've laid that groundwork and
7555s have approached that space because now
7557s it makes anything else inside of the
7559s entirety of the everspace franchise if
7560s you will uh be more than possible to
7562s continue forward um very very cool so
7567s but uh yeah I think that's going to
7569s conclude everything I'm going to show
7570s this screenshot one last time just
7572s because this was before the stream it
7573s has shifted from this again if you want
7576s to play a role into these votes you're
7579s going to have to get onto our Discord
7581s that's the only place to go it is kind
7582s of buried in a discussion Channel
7584s there's going to be another link that
7585s Gary provides right the heck now where
7587s you can go in there and uh vote um it
7590s will be ending in approximately 22 hours
7593s from now I think and we'll see and share
7595s all of those fun details more polls are
7598s coming we will have a dedicated channel
7599s for it uh so if you do join the Discord
7602s stick around we'll have some fun
7604s together all right so all right well you
7607s guys have been awesome I have been Eric
7610s Gary did you want to say anything
7612s uh just quickly if you or any of your
7614s friends are on the fence about diving
7616s into ever space to it's 50% off
7618s currently on humble good old games and
7621s also on Steam for the games in Germany
7623s which is superb and if you are on Steam
7625s you can grab a free alien wear ship skin
7627s as well if you finally diving in there
7630s do so right now for a nice discount aha
7634s great point enjoy absolutely fantastic
7637s so don't stop being awesome and have a
7640s fantastic weekend everybody toodles
7656s [Music]
7687s [Music]
7693s I know you want me to do to do the thing
7697s you want me to do the thing all right
7698s let me get some more water give me a
7700s second
7703s guys this was an awesome stream today
7704s thank you so much for coming out
7705s seriously it's been a lot of fun
7716s today I need a beat hang
7720s on that's a little too fast we'll go
7723s with it all
7726s right oh man my throat's kind of sore I
7728s spoke too much guys we had too much good
7731s conversation today
7733s today this POS this won't go wrong at
7736s all all right here we
7746s go no that's not working hang
7760s on
7780s [Music]
7790s for for
7796s [Music]
7809s [Music]
7818s [Music]
7825s there we go nice pleasant conclusion for
7827s the day uh hope that you have a fastic
7831s fastic phenomenal fantastic it works
7834s we're gonna go with it fastic weekend
7837s guys and uh yeah it's it's been great
7841s seeing you uh Just One Last Time
7842s mentioning 50% off right now go get on
7845s it tell your friends it's a great deal
7847s honestly um and furthermore we're going
7850s to have more polls if you have not dove
7853s in yet at this point I don't know what
7854s you're doing but definitely get involved
7856s we're going to have a lot of fun with
7857s you guys over the course of the next
7858s couple of months okay so uh yeah that's
7861s all I got don't stop being awesome and
7864s uh we'll catch you next time toodles
7866s again
7876s [Music]
7907s [Music]