about 1 year ago - ROCKFISH Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
12s check one two on the mic
15s it's looking good over here
19s you see twitch YouTube and steam are all
22s connected excellent I'm gonna go fill up
23s my water guys and we're gonna get
24s started
26s whoop
29s thank you
31s [Music]
40s [Music]
55s [Music]
67s speaking chair
69s [Music]
74s foreign
77s [Music]
90s [Music]
95s [Music]
109s [Music]
126s [Music]
139s foreign
144s [Music]
149s [Music]
154s thank you
158s [Music]
169s [Applause]
169s [Music]
178s thank you
179s [Music]
188s squeaky
189s squeaky chair
192s [Music]
204s welcome ladies and gentlemen
209s all right welcome ladies and gentlemen
211s to the official Rockfish game stream I'm
215s your host and your guide through all
216s things ever space 2. my name is Eric
218s Schrader I'm your community Ambassador
220s and I'm happy to serve we've got a
222s little bit of stuff to talk about today
224s we had a newsbeat that kind of came out
227s of the blue I don't know if anybody was
228s expecting it but surprise
230s this has been something we'd like to do
232s a little bit more frequently on our home
234s stretch to 1.0 just so that you're in
236s the know of what's going on in addition
238s to you know the live streams themselves
241s to bring it all together
243s and uh yeah there's a little bit
246s information there and feel free to ask
248s questions about that if you heard I'm
251s happy to help unpacking you those
252s questions or thoughts that you have I
254s will also be giving a little bit of a
255s delivery on what that looks like and why
258s we're doing these things
260s just for setting the record straight
263s otherwise
265s continuing our our safe accordingly just
268s uh just as where we were at before I did
271s take a couple of Liberties you might be
273s able to notice uh basically in the
275s downtime between last stream and this
277s stream I just took care of some of like
278s the um
279s the little details while I was in a base
281s I sold some stuff upgraded some perks
283s you'll see you'll see
286s so uh yeah
288s the green screen also is fixed
290s accordingly so thank you for your
291s feedback on that everybody camera is now
293s properly adhered to the monitor uh
296s because last year it wasn't uh or last
299s year last week last week it wasn't so
301s yeah anyway
302s so let me accidentally click on new game
304s oh my gosh whoops all right let's go
306s ahead and load where we left off our
309s stream safe
320s oh my gosh aren't these streams fun oh
323s my gosh aren't they just the best all
325s right so uh seriously I just did a
327s little bit of housekeeping just a little
329s bit housekeeping I just want to go over
330s what I did basically I sold all the
332s garbage I put some stuff in storage
336s um I uh upgraded some perks I got my
338s tractor beam up Cruise drive repairs I
341s was just trying to push through it
343s really I don't think I got any more of
345s this which I would really like maybe I
347s got nanotech but I'm like out of credits
349s you can see that in the upper right
351s so yeah we we've been spending all our
353s money uh and uh so now we're kind of
356s poor
357s but yeah when last we were playing
360s though we got our Hive unit we got back
362s to base there was a new sort of vision
365s thing that happened that we totally did
367s not show and then we need to uh keep
369s progressing the story so that's what we
371s are going to do right the heck now so
374s for those new to these streams I am
377s effectively going to be playing you the
378s updated story all the way up until the
381s 1.0 release on April 6th okay and that's
385s what I'm about to embark on right now
387s when you guys have any sort of questions
390s about what is shown whether it's
392s intentional or not because this that
393s we're just doing this very open at this
395s point right there's going to be some
396s things that we control and some things
398s that we simply can't
399s ask questions let's engage these are
402s Game Dev Community streams this is where
405s we reach out to you you reach out to us
406s it's going to be a really good time
408s so
410s let's start having that good time
412s oh I think I also adjusted my ship color
416s ever so slightly yeah I changed I
418s changed the colors just a little bit
419s like I put the blue window tint back and
423s the tertiary color I changed to that
425s blue uh so now we have that
427s yeah so okay let's launch let's get out
430s of here
433s all right
435s engines are still orange I did I yeah
437s okay so I did change my um lateral
440s thrusters to the blue though
443s we have a couple Outlaw we have this
445s outlaw hunt one that we want to do
447s destroyed Outlaw base from an unknown
449s signal without taking any hole damage
450s and I want to show you something that
451s actually hasn't been shown so this is
453s another little new little feature look
455s at this we're all we're just getting
456s right into it we're just getting right
458s into it let's go over to the data Tab
459s and then go to challenges
464s do you see it
467s I'm looking straight at it
472s literally like it's right right in front
474s of my eyes you see it
480s so we wanted to separate some ways of
483s how you're going to develop your ship
485s customization over time because just
487s getting super crazy random stuff at
489s random can be a little bit of a drag
492s sometimes you just want to go for
493s something specific and one of the ways
495s that we are going to spice that up is
498s through these challenges
500s ship boost colors are just really nice
504s they are they're suit they're nice
505s they're very pleasant and it can help
507s you do a little bit more through your
510s ship customization they're not necessary
512s at all not not even close like you could
515s even argue that ship colors technically
517s are you know because like even like
519s faction based but anyway engine color is
522s not no so if you want those
525s head to the challenges
529s so we want to unlock this engine color
533s so we're gonna try and accomplish that
535s today all right let's let's start
537s getting out here let's do some stuff
540s one of the things that I'd really like
541s to try and go back and do is that job
543s that we keep getting wrecked at like
545s literally we we died two times
549s and uh otherwise yeah we're going to
554s clear out a little bit of pseudo before
556s going into Union because I want to I
558s want to get over to Union
560s I want to get over to Union
562s let's go over here
565s oh it's too easy
567s let's go
569s let's go here we need to go to the cold
570s Sun orbit itself that's what we need
573s let's do that
576s excellent
584s excellent
589s everyone else is noticing little details
591s as well that's good that's good
594s yeah keep your eyes peeled because I'm
595s not going to mention all of them I'm
596s gonna tease some stuff just because I
598s can't because it's fun some things
600s you're not going to hear a word so you
602s gotta keep your eyes and ears open
610s foreign
613s tetson reminds me
616s died two times Eric you I think I used
618s the term we yeah okay all right that's
620s fair
621s that's fair
622s okay
624s I see how it is
632s all right so
633s um something else you might notice is I
635s actually did a little bit of key binding
637s um intentionally so oh I need those for
640s tractor beams and energy orbs that's
642s awesome
644s um and so my consumables I'm kind of
647s blocking them now a little bit I'll hold
648s my arm up like this you can kind of see
650s that now I have kind of like almost a
652s controller Style on the right side
654s um this is just through my own
655s customization some of the markings for
658s various buttons are not a hundred
660s percent final
662s um
663s so yeah if you see a little bit of that
665s Shenanigans going on that that's why but
667s now I have this really cool ability that
669s if I ever want to use a consumable I can
671s uh push the button
673s and then look you can see that it's
675s actually in slow motion and then I would
677s just push the according button for which
679s one that I wanted to use
681s this is in fact
683s very possible on the controller it's not
687s assigned to PC at first but it's very
691s doable
692s very possible to do
694s all right as you can see and you can do
695s that to your devices as well I just have
697s my devices where I just push them
698s instantaneously because I know which
700s one's which
701s but having that little slowdown for the
703s consumables could give me just the
706s timings I need in order to perform
708s exactly what needs to happen at the
710s right time
713s but that will be the standard sort of
715s inputs um at release also if you don't
718s like how uh slow down works at all you
722s can you can just disable that
724s slow down Time When selecting equipment
726s if I disable that right here and then
728s I'm back in here look I want to hold
730s this down look game's completely working
732s normal
733s completely normal no Slowdown
737s so it's a setting that you can toggle if
739s you'd like
740s nice clean simple there's gonna be a lot
742s of little things like that today guys
744s lots of little things
752s oh and my um in my little attempt to
756s do some housekeeping prior to the stream
759s starting
760s I also did equip this
762s blood's Blood star repeater as well as a
766s fft core we had received from the big
770s bad boss guy gas mask
773s so those are gonna work in tandem with
775s one another
777s should be kind of nice all right so now
779s what I'm going to need to do is get an
780s energy sphere over there I'm trying to
782s remember I know it's close by it's on
785s one of these Corners you have to kind of
787s like navigate in this 3D space
792s there it is and you got to go fast
797s see if I can go around the right way to
801s do this
803s uh I already lost the location no it's
806s right there
807s 10 seconds
812s we got it
813s easy peasy lemon squeezy all right
819s well that didn't take long
824s ah let's pick it up you guys knew it was
826s coming right
827s [Music]
829s you guys knew it was coming
836s I'm not gonna talk too much on that one
838s but
839s you know there's more ship customization
841s to be had
847s we're also not a hundred percent done
850s with how those are dropping
855s um so for the super Keen eyes you might
856s have realized that module that just
858s dropped oh wait there's gonna be
859s conversation anyone home hang on a
861s second hang on one second
863s um for those you with the Kenai you saw
865s that it was we unlocked a module for a
867s heavy ship
868s yes yeah that's what you saw
871s um keep in mind that the unlocks are not
873s like bound right now we're probably
875s going to have it to where certain
877s modules that drop are going to be more
878s akin to what you are currently flying
880s versus uh just out of a completely
883s random pool of chance
885s anyway no more on that one don't ask
887s more on that okay done back to the story
890s huh who are you that I was just passing
894s through hoping for some quick repairs
896s and maybe some Provisions you don't
898s happen to be from the union system do
899s you no I'm uh I'm from here but you must
903s know someone in Union right you are a
905s freelancer you have a network calm down
908s okay just tell me what's wrong I've been
910s trying to contact our sister station at
912s The Gauntlet something's off I can't
915s reach them but I'm actually heading that
917s way you want me to check on them yes yes
919s definitely they were on to some very
922s important research vital in so many ways
924s you wouldn't understand here are the
927s coordinates let me know once you get
928s there all right but first let me take
931s care of my ship oh of course
934s excellent
936s all right our first mission out of cedo
940s that'll be exciting to get into I think
942s I'm gonna swap these I want these
944s destabilizer missiles instead of these
946s Shield Breakers and we're just gonna go
947s ahead and scratch this
949s love that Mainframe component though I
952s guess I could just sort those excellent
954s let's just see what he has oh we already
956s got that
958s all right
963s yeah let's keep going
966s Mission acquired location kind of
968s cleaned up
969s I think there's probably still a secret
971s or two here
973s you know like for example if we were to
975s um
976s oh let me just look over here really
977s quick
981s yeah I see these see these um
984s that's a valuable shipwreck okay well
986s I'm say I'm really scared to do this
988s right now
989s I'm just gonna leave that marker there
995s oh man guys
1002s we're having we're having fun today we
1005s are having we are having some fun today
1007s did I tell you we were highlighting some
1010s some new details and updates
1012s got a little marker over there you can
1014s see I see it
1015s that's permanently bound you can also
1016s see markers that are applied on the map
1019s it's like if we zoom in we see that
1020s there's one marker every single location
1022s this was something that we previously
1024s talked about a while back but every
1026s single location can hold up to three
1028s unique markers
1030s and you'll know if you've used markers
1032s if they're like that basically all right
1035s I guess we call them pins I should I
1037s should call them pins we can also just
1039s very quickly remove them uh I'm gonna
1041s remove this because I want the valuable
1042s shipwreck let's just get it
1046s foreign
1053s we got a cloak field and phase plating
1056s all right cool I'll take it thank you
1059s now let's get out of here
1067s literally highlighting details with
1069s markers yeah basically
1071s basically
1073s all right we're 15 minutes into the
1075s stream and we haven't made any real
1076s story progress so let's let's do that
1078s let's do that let's head on over to
1080s Union Bridge
1082s where things are going to happen
1085s things are going to happen
1088s story must progress
1091s and yeah so you guys are aware of the
1093s markers I don't believe they are bound
1096s to a key at the start much like inertia
1100s dampeners and stuff like that so if you
1101s want to have access to those you will
1103s need to assign it to a key
1107s it might get added to a key I'm not I'm
1109s honestly not 100 sure there's still a
1111s couple of
1112s details we're going through regarding
1115s um the key bindings actually
1118s so just a couple more
1134s all right
1137s head on over to our good friend docs
1140s who'd never let us down he's going to be
1142s with us for as long as he lives
1154s cut that out just open the gate for us
1160s maybe if I connect it directly to the
1162s key module I can force a link between it
1164s and the gate it's worth a shot
1168s all right let's hack this terminal
1171s and get through the warp gate without
1173s any problems whatsoever
1187s well here we are
1188s can't see I'm keen on seeing that
1190s bastard Maddox again but compared to all
1192s that he and I have been through to get
1194s this job on the way All That Remains is
1196s just a small nudge and will be made for
1198s life hell we'll live like Intergalactic
1201s royalty for generations to come good for
1204s you guys just don't forget your promise
1206s to help me get out of this Cesspool
1207s first man you're not getting it when I
1211s say we are getting rich that also
1213s includes you
1214s forget Eden 12. once we're done you'll
1217s have enough credits to terraform your
1218s own little Homeworld
1220s are you sure about this hell yeah
1223s there's no way I'll finish this without
1225s a badass pilot like you on board
1227s you decided to trust me so I'll keep on
1229s trusting you too
1231s so are you in or not
1234s all right then Count Me In nice but
1237s let's get moving I don't want to jinx it
1239s any further
1243s nothing
1245s damn it I can't move
1249s kiss after that little talk of yours I
1251s don't need to ask if you're the right
1252s guy you have no idea how long I've been
1255s looking for you Mr Bashar now if you
1258s just let me take him there's someone
1260s who'd like to have a word with him
1261s you'll need to get through me first
1265s yes it's gonna end in Bloodshed again
1271s alrighty
1307s let's go
1314s carrying himself
1328s oh man it's a lot of repair
1347s people jump so fast
1351s if you get him before he repairs his
1352s home
1360s the gate is going haywire oh
1367s Adam listen
1369s you need to take my body back to base
1370s then find Maddox no we're doing this
1374s together yeah right oh man
1378s this is why I hate plans
1382s damn it
1386s all right
1392s look what you've done I needed that guy
1395s alive no I'm never extract the
1397s information we need
1399s you really messed this one up Adam I
1402s think
1404s we faced each other enough times haven't
1407s we
1408s yeah more than enough Hive yes Mr
1412s Roseland
1413s the state of the jump gate it cooled off
1416s and is functional again
1418s then reopen it this job is a waste of
1421s time
1426s we'll have fun mopping up your friend
1428s I'm out of here hey wait
1432s dad he was love a drought Master Batoon
1443s what's his condition it's no use he's
1446s gone
1450s but you brought him back anyway
1453s he asked me to
1455s I'd like you to run a deep bio scan look
1457s for any anomalies tattoos implants
1460s whatever okay
1462s I'll take a look around his quarters
1465s we're looking for exactly
1467s can't fully say right now
1469s this was supposed to be my ticket out of
1471s the DMZ and yours too
1473s so let's just hope we find something
1477s I'll run a post-mortem and see what
1479s turns up
1483s just as you suspected
1486s a bio chip
1488s embedded in his left shoulder
1495s half of a coated string
1497s I guess this is what everyone was after
1499s everyone
1500s I mean the Blood star boss
1502s my Reckoning is that the other half of
1504s this code is with his partner on
1505s Prescott Starbase
1507s I gotta follow this up
1509s I can trust you here by yourself for a
1511s little while right I'll keep up my end
1513s of the deal if you keep up yours
1516s Ben is already showing signs of
1517s improvement he should be conscious in
1519s talking anytime soon
1521s well I have to get going
1525s I'll make sure we all get a cut of
1527s whatever this job is
1529s after that I can take you wherever you
1530s want to go
1531s is that all
1533s what do you mean is that all
1535s I mean is that it just business are you
1539s not going to give Dax a proper burial
1541s I didn't know him long but now I realize
1544s I've lost a friend here look I don't
1546s mean to come across as insensitive
1548s maybe I need more time to process this
1550s I'm still trying to figure you out Adam
1552s and a lot doesn't add up but it's clear
1555s you're running from something
1557s you wouldn't understand
1559s look how Berry Dax near the compound and
1561s place a proper marker well that would be
1563s the decent thing to do
1565s and Adam
1566s don't get yourself killed on Prescott
1568s Starbase its reputation spreads to the
1570s home worlds and I don't relish the idea
1573s of being stranded here I'll see this
1575s through
1585s Adam
1587s where the hell am I
1589s hey buddy nice to see you back
1592s I guess I should catch you up on the
1593s situation here
1601s looks like you've inherited a hell of a
1603s mess here buddy but at least it's
1606s something we can work with and we're not
1608s alone
1609s look Ben I need to get to Prescott
1611s Starbase to take care of some unfinished
1613s business for Dax Ben is still my patient
1615s and will require some Rehabilitation yet
1617s I won't permit him leaving my care until
1619s he is ready okay I understand
1622s all the same Ben you'll need to step
1624s into dax's boots while I'm gone I guess
1627s I could take a look around the place and
1629s see what I can do but first I need you
1631s to look at that Hive unit for me I
1633s really just need it up and running so I
1634s can smoothly hack the jump gate to Union
1636s my last attempt didn't work out so great
1639s sure just need to adjust its wavelength
1642s there you go it's only the speech
1645s processor that scrambled and requires a
1647s reboot but I have no idea how it'll
1649s behave beyond that point
1651s until you talk to it Hive units are
1653s known to be irritating but the positives
1656s sometimes outweigh the negatives I'll
1658s keep frequent contacting me back before
1659s you know it just watch yourself Adam hey
1663s you guys look out for each other
1667s whoo
1671s so as you can tell we've been working on
1672s the story
1674s flushing some things out adding some
1676s clarifying details making sure
1677s everything is coming together and makes
1679s sense fully
1681s and uh yeah
1683s what'd you think
1685s you enjoying how things are progressing
1688s because I'm gonna just keep going
1691s I say that and actually we're getting
1694s close to questions I want to apply some
1696s quick information for those of you who
1699s may have some questions I'm already
1701s looking over in the chat and just seeing
1702s a little bit not too much but a little
1704s bit of
1705s um conversations about like consoles and
1707s whatnot so just to very briefly go over
1710s our February 14th announcement we're
1712s just going to summarize here in short we
1715s are bringing everspace 2 to full release
1718s on April 6th and we are going to be
1721s hitting uh Linux and Mac support
1723s um in addition to you know Windows PC
1725s right
1727s um and through that process
1729s um Linux is going to be kind of filtered
1731s in we're hoping to get it as close as
1733s possible delivered by that 1.0 same with
1735s Mac
1736s um but you know these processes can
1739s sometimes lead to hiccups and we're just
1742s saying that we're
1743s aiming for that marker as close as
1746s possible you're gonna get read more
1747s about it uh again we did have
1749s information shared the February 14th you
1751s can see it over at the steam store Page
1753s it's right there for you all to see in
1755s addition to that steam deck we will
1757s officially support as well okay it is
1760s not fully optimized it's not it's not it
1762s hasn't even been optimized at all yet I
1764s don't think if anything it's been barely
1766s tweaked and through that know that its
1770s support is after both Linux and Mac okay
1774s so it is also coming and we want to hit
1776s it as close as possible to that 1.0
1778s release date again April 6th but just
1781s keep that in mind that's kind of our
1783s timeline of events of priorities
1785s once all that has been said and done we
1788s are of course bringing everspace to as
1790s well two consoles those consoles are the
1793s 9th gen consoles now okay and those two
1797s consoles the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox
1799s series s slash X however you want to say
1802s that it's kind of weird personally it is
1805s not going to be on 8th gen consoles okay
1808s so we have communicated this it's
1810s actually a while back
1812s um but we've also been making amends
1814s with all of our Kickstarter backers as
1815s well so if you guys are out there like
1817s vouch for us too because like we are
1819s giving a hundred percent transfer
1821s requests and refund requests for any of
1824s those of you who are expecting it on the
1826s previous consoles uh in order to like
1828s satisfy your support through uh you know
1831s the entire development process as well
1833s as you know up in the game through all
1836s this expansive time that we've had to uh
1839s develop and to get where we need to go
1841s those consoles are going to be coming
1844s around the time of Summer okay so it's
1847s not going to be the same time that 1.0
1849s release schedule April 6th okay it's
1851s going to be a couple to a few more
1854s months after that space and in the
1857s summer is when we will be dropping that
1859s console release last but not least and
1861s the question that I saw in the chat yes
1863s we are also on Game Pass so you can get
1865s the game pass version to where you can
1867s play on your computer as well as on your
1871s Xbox series s slash X
1874s cool that's a lot now what we're gonna
1877s do is we're gonna transfer right over
1879s into our question and answer phase so if
1881s anything I spoke there uh was curious or
1885s you had thoughts about uh go ahead and
1887s start diving in oh there's one other
1888s really important thing
1890s one last important thing the saves the
1893s saves oh my gosh we've been preaching
1895s for the longest time saves aren't going
1897s to come through say save wipe at 1.0
1899s there's no way you can transfer your
1900s saves we've been preaching this through
1902s the entire development and in the back
1905s we've always been wondering but what if
1907s we could transfer it over what what if
1909s we could bring this over like what are
1910s the ramifications of that what are the
1912s benefits and you know you guys honestly
1915s like the community has spoken very loud
1916s about this through all development
1918s through all development we hear you and
1922s Andy was like you know what
1923s it can probably work let's let's put it
1927s in as an option so when you boot up the
1930s 1.0 release and you've played Early
1932s Access your save files will actually be
1935s there what and you can actually probably
1938s load them what
1941s yes and I also want to point out one
1943s last little detail about those things I
1945s don't think I have uh anything that
1948s would show it here no I don't uh that's
1950s unfortunate
1951s but when you are loading an old save
1953s file on this screen it's going to very
1957s clearly show you it is an old save
1960s there's going to be a marker it's going
1961s to be very distinguished from all of
1963s your other saves and this is a continual
1967s marker so if you play that old save your
1971s autosaves will be marked as old your new
1975s manual saves from the old save file
1977s specifically will be marked as old saves
1980s etc etc etc they will never be updated
1983s ever they will always have that marking
1985s on them
1986s and last but not least there's also
1988s going to be a warning thing that pops up
1990s that says hey
1993s you can use this
1994s just be aware of things there you go
1997s that's that's it
1998s now let's answer some questions
2003s all right
2006s he tells you that one there equality
2009s what an important one to clarify but
2012s yeah so ask your questions and let's
2014s let's get them knocked out for the next
2016s couple of minutes and then we'll get
2017s back into the gameplay
2018s excellent right good evening everyone
2020s welcome along welcome along right
2022s starting off way over on YouTube we've
2024s got the Bearded Frog asking uh with
2026s continued saves will there be more
2029s Mainframe expansions added in at 1.0
2032s that would be unobtainable from a fresh
2034s Stave started with the fall update is
2037s there well is there going to be actually
2039s any more added in that content so think
2041s about it in reverse if you had Mainframe
2044s expansions that you acquired from old
2045s saves those are actually going to be
2047s stripped away or it's going to
2049s invalidate the locations where other
2052s Mainframe expansions can be acquired so
2054s using an old save you'll actually have
2056s less Mainframe expansions if you've
2058s collected them all versus a new Fresh
2060s save you'll be able to get all of them
2062s furthermore it is very likely that if
2065s you're using that old save and you're
2067s going into your map
2068s the 100 completion number might not ever
2073s get to a hundred percent that's just a
2075s cause of the old save data crossing over
2078s being mitigated into the fresh new
2081s territory that it is we are not bug
2084s fixing old safes this is something that
2087s we will continue to preach as always and
2089s we will always continue to preach to use
2091s a new save anyway still
2095s we like to listen to you guys and uh you
2098s wanted to be able to use old safe so
2100s Andy was like screw it let's do it well
2102s I shouldn't say just Andy it was the
2103s whole team we decided on it so yeah it's
2106s there if you want it for probably you
2109s know
2110s I don't I don't know what percentage of
2111s users will do that but still it's there
2113s because we want you to have the option
2114s so you're no longer forced into a new
2116s save you can choose
2121s next question please
2124s next up is chicken Biffy over on Twitch
2126s uh if I remember it right the lateral
2129s thrusters in everspace one also showed
2132s the Boost color while boosting is it
2134s intentional or just not relevant that
2136s they don't see the change in everspace
2138s 2.
2148s um
2150s I I need that question one more time
2152s because I this is this is a referring to
2155s everspace one question
2157s uh it's solved yeah they're basically
2160s wondering it never space one you could
2162s see that the lateral thrusters had the
2164s Boost color while boosting
2166s uh but they're not seeing that in
2168s everspace 2 is that intentional or not
2175s um that's very strange so whenever
2178s you're using your engines you should
2179s definitely see your standard main
2181s thrusters your booster colors and then
2183s your laterals uh basically on every
2185s single ship module and type and ever
2187s space one we I don't do we have lateral
2189s thrusters even
2191s I don't even know if we did
2193s we have them I don't know if they
2195s existed yet but the colors of the
2197s engines in everspace one each ship was
2199s actually color coded
2201s um and if I recall correctly I'm not
2203s going to get it right I think the
2204s Interceptor is blue the Scouts green the
2207s gunship
2208s is I think red
2211s and then the Sentinel is yellow
2214s I could be I might be swapping one of
2217s those around but um but each of their
2219s thrusters are are bound to that color
2221s forever basically uh in everspace too we
2224s now have the ability to customize it
2227s granted right now I don't have a lot to
2228s to do on that front but uh yeah
2232s I hope I answered that question
2238s right a T3 Cube on Twitch wants to know
2242s uh will the ship modules have names in
2245s respect to the full ship name I think
2247s it's obviously because we saw the yeah a
2249s module yeah since we introduced modules
2251s they do yeah so
2253s um the wings are all they all have a
2255s very specific name then you have the
2257s body and the engine which are the latter
2259s and the number accordingly which creates
2261s this particular ship name
2264s so yeah
2267s I'm so tempted to click on this we're
2269s not quite there yet guys we're not quite
2271s there yet
2273s Michael's sweating
2276s it's fine he he knew he knew beforehand
2278s everything's fine
2280s I hope
2281s all right next question
2283s right uh super Scrapper on Twitch uh
2287s what are the chances possibilities of
2288s changing the way to release something
2290s you have have tracted or are holding
2293s onto it the number of times I've killed
2295s myself because my ship started launching
2297s missiles is very annoying oh snap um I
2300s mean that's that sounds like a very
2302s personal issue of key binding
2304s um there should be well I guess it's the
2307s the use command isn't it it's all bound
2309s to the use command
2311s um
2312s I don't think there's plans to separate
2314s those commands
2316s so that's just going to be something
2318s we're going to have to learn to work
2320s around it sounds like
2323s but yeah the the use command is the I
2326s think I have it bound to f
2328s maybe it's R shoot I can't remember what
2331s it is now
2332s but yeah
2335s so
2336s um and I do see the answer regarding
2338s controllers and it's the right button
2340s yeah it's
2341s um it's interesting because when you're
2343s using controller the use command is the
2345s a button and then to throw it you use
2348s the RB
2350s so yeah it's it's a little bit different
2352s in that respect but um
2355s yeah PC it's all bound to the use
2358s command
2367s oh right got a few uh well quite a few
2370s actually yeah it's all just come flying
2372s and playing yeah I know that's great
2374s yeah let's let's do um how many how many
2376s do you have cataloged uh I've got about
2379s another 10. let's do about five let's
2382s kind of yeah let's push through them and
2384s then we'll keep going
2385s yeah excellent right uh slowing Texan
2387s over on YouTube uh will the shipwrecks
2390s have little stories connected to them
2391s like in everspace one so the little logs
2393s that you can read there are a couple
2395s that will
2396s but we will not have them as diverse as
2399s whatever space one had um I think that
2402s there's um a couple that you will find
2404s that have stories associated with them
2406s as well as some stranded Pilots which we
2409s may actually come across in the Stream
2411s um that have a story to share as you are
2414s helping them out so yeah and those were
2417s backer submitted as well good question
2419s next question
2423s over on Twitch uh is loot quality bound
2426s to enemy level or what is the level
2428s based on
2430s loot quality is
2432s mainly bound to enemy level there is a
2435s little bit of subtle Dynamic scaling
2437s within that so that you can get
2439s something between where you and the
2441s enemy are at but generally speaking it's
2444s going to Veer far more to where they're
2446s at unless they're lower level than you
2449s in which case then it's going to kind of
2451s complement to where you are at just keep
2454s in mind that the loot pools in general
2456s are going to give you much more rare and
2458s higher grade equipment from higher level
2460s enemies and not So Much from the lower
2464s level enemies
2466s next question
2467s some good questions I like this
2469s uh Fred specvet on YouTube uh is it
2472s possible to get a small snippet of news
2475s sorry regarding anything endgame which
2478s will be alongside riffs that is going to
2481s come in a future update so yeah there's
2485s not anything to speak on that right now
2487s just know that we are still you know
2489s modifying and adding to the riffs and
2492s we'll speak on that when we're ready to
2494s speak on it when we have stuff to speak
2496s on in fact so yeah I like the question I
2499s just can't do it right now sorry next
2501s question please yeah uh this is kind of
2504s um there's two candidates had together
2505s it's regarding Hive and his uh gibberish
2508s lines first from Herman Jones uh how did
2511s you make the gibberish lines for Hive
2512s did you start with a proper sentence and
2514s put it back and forth through Google
2516s translate several times
2518s that's a that's a delightful question
2520s but I wish I knew the answer to
2523s um and I'm not even sure if Michael
2524s would know the answer to that one either
2525s but I will have to defer to Michael
2527s who's our CEO Rockfish games who's also
2529s flowed into the twitch chat uh Michael
2531s the question is if you know how the
2534s gibberish was formulated for our
2536s delightful voice over actors
2539s um that's that's the question if you
2540s have any information on that awesome if
2543s it was ad-lib if it was something that
2545s you know Bernie or UVA or
2548s shoot did I I wrote some of it did I
2550s write some of that
2551s uh but whoever uh would love to know
2556s sounds cool
2557s and just to finish up on the questions
2560s and again tied in with the hive speech
2562s module uh from Finns on YouTube the
2565s gibberish Hive speaks before his speech
2566s module is restored is there any hidden
2568s meaning to it uh why is it what it is or
2571s is it just literally gibberish oh a
2573s hundred percent there are secret
2574s messages hidden in there we fully
2576s expected somebody from the community to
2578s dive into that through hours upon hours
2581s upon hours of their lives just to
2583s extract one very simple hidden detail uh
2587s in fact whenever we first introduced
2589s Hive we had him speak fully the release
2591s date as well as uh all the content in
2594s the DLC
2596s um you can definitely tell I'm bsing
2598s right now no there's nothing
2604s oh yeah sure absolutely
2608s just fun gibberish 100 just fungiers
2612s based on a fantasy language from the
2614s English or Irish writer uh who Bernie
2616s our lead writer introduced to the team
2618s thank you for that Michael so that is
2619s the clarifying detail it is uh it is
2622s based on a fantasy language from an
2624s English slash Irish writer
2627s um who Bernie Duffy is is who's helping
2629s us a ton as our lead writer uh and yeah
2633s there you go perfect thank you for that
2635s Michael I do appreciate it so go ahead
2637s and hang on the rest of those questions
2638s geekbite and we are going to get back
2640s into this story
2642s moving into
2644s oh I don't want to go to Union just yet
2646s we can we try that I'm gonna I want to
2648s try the job one more time let's try the
2650s job one more time
2657s same to you buddy
2659s that was beautifully timed excellent I'm
2663s also really really really wanting an
2665s outlaw base to show up for an unknown
2666s signal that would be
2668s ideal
2670s I want some new Boost colors don't you
2672s guys want new Boost colors
2674s hmm
2681s [Music]
2683s oh
2686s all right so yeah a lot of information
2689s that we're dropping to you already in
2692s this stream this is going to be how it
2693s goes up until that full release oh oh is
2696s this hurt is this her base is this it
2698s this could be it
2699s this could be it give me give us an
2701s outlaw base right here please
2704s but uh yeah thank you so much for being
2706s with us while we're doing these streams
2709s up until 1.0 because we're gonna have a
2710s lot of little Trinkets and details
2711s that's not a base
2715s we might look around though oh
2719s Maybe
2722s I really don't want to get hit by that
2728s all right
2729s being a little bit better they're just
2731s drones
2732s they're just drones
2739s let's try and get up in his grill what's
2741s wrong with him there we go so I saw a
2743s couple people talking earlier in the
2744s chat about like oh my gosh is that a
2747s space shotgun it's like a rapid fire
2748s shotgun
2750s yes
2752s that's exactly what it is in fact the
2754s repeater kind of stunk a little bit
2757s um and we got a lot of feedback from the
2758s community saying we want it to be better
2759s so we also made it a little bit better
2762s the stats are higher it's more effective
2765s especially when you have it paired with
2767s its other appropriate synergies like the
2770s fft core from the bloodstar set as well
2774s [Music]
2776s all right let's try and
2779s oh that's another Weber man lots of
2782s Weber's around here oh wrong with them
2784s there we go all beautiful
2793s I'll just there we go ouch
2803s where'd that drone go did I pass it
2806s oh that's terrifying
2808s I don't know if I destroyed that
2809s Detonator drone or not
2818s Renegade plating even oh my gosh look at
2821s this
2822s actually let's just let's just pop this
2824s on right now ah it's level eight all
2826s right uh uh we're really close
2832s oh I can't modify right now because
2833s we're in combat
2837s but yeah all right
2845s there's a lot of energy boosters but
2846s that's okay that's okay
2853s all right let's find some scrap and
2855s goods and man I really want to bridge
2858s that Gap over to level eight that would
2859s be that would be amazing
2864s [Music]
2871s okay all right
2874s [Music]
2879s I think this will be enough to take us
2881s over I really want to be level eight
2883s before we Bridge into Union
2887s [Music]
2889s a little shipwreck over there that could
2891s be really useful
2892s thank you
2900s nice nice excellent more Renegade
2903s plating wow never been this fortunate to
2906s find all this Blood star stuff before
2908s it's almost like we modified the drop
2910s rates all right
2913s there we go
2918s let's get this container
2922s also yes we did all right
2928s [Music]
2929s more credits okay all right
2931s man we need just a hair we'll be fine
2934s we'll be fine
2937s [Music]
2942s oh wait we were already
2943s [Music]
2944s we already have
2946s we're gonna get planning on
2948s excellent
2951s all right all right all right
2953s let's go to Union
2956s let's go to Union
2959s for some reason I thought that was um
2962s face plating
2966s all right
2970s we got we gotta try one more okay I
2973s promise we're gonna do this one if it's
2974s not a base we'll just we're out we'll go
2976s to Union Bridge okay I really I just
2978s want to get that engine color that would
2980s be amazing
2981s [Music]
2982s I Really Wanna
2984s all right it's it's not it
2988s all right
2992s just a quick in and out
2996s we're getting our level
3004s all those resources there too ah
3008s album
3012s wow the stream Must Go On
3019s in fact we'll just wait to do some item
3021s navigation here a little bit as well
3023s heading on over to
3029s you so yeah guys continue to ask your
3030s questions we will then go through a
3032s number of them
3034s uh here in a little bit
3036s so that we can keep clarifying those
3037s details and
3039s helping you out also know that if you
3041s are asking some degree of like common
3044s questions that there are several users
3046s who are in the chat who will directly
3048s respond to you okay so that's going to
3050s include geekbite that's gonna include uh
3052s Michael that's gonna include I mean the
3054s account's going to be Rockfish games
3055s over on YouTube like you're gonna you're
3056s gonna get those responses
3058s [Music]
3061s let's hope your new wavelength does the
3063s trick just so that we can keep the
3065s conversations the questions moving along
3067s sorry
3071s foreign
3126s uh yeah nice to have you back too I am
3130s eternally damned okay okay I get it how
3133s are you handling your processes the
3136s Eterna update is taking most of my power
3138s wait oh wait wait wait wait don't do
3140s that override update update overwritten
3143s back to normal processes can I ask why
3146s you do not wish for the update
3148s have the colonial authorities knowing
3150s where I am right now I
3152s best keep disconnected
3154s we have arrived in the union system
3156s that's right and it looks like I might
3158s have some immediate problems to take
3160s care of and I'll call Patrol
3163s we're aware that this system was policed
3165s by the okam not until now so long as you
3167s don't cause any trouble they should pay
3169s you no heat this is why I need you
3171s around Hive I might have made defensive
3173s maneuvers
3180s so another quick little uh lore bits for
3185s you guys to know
3187s hang on hang on hive
3189s um actually no this is relevant we'll
3191s listen to this and then I'll I'll spew
3193s some more Deeds is unfamiliar
3199s listen I've not turned out loud but I'm
3202s also still at odds with the fleet
3204s you can process that right it's not too
3206s different from last time it is possible
3208s for us to continue on prior terms on a
3211s purely pilot AI basis
3214s AI protocols will allow this and what is
3217s our current destination if I may ask
3220s Scott Starbase that cursed den of vice
3224s and scullery and you tell me you're not
3226s an outlaw my protocols require me to
3229s initiate self-destruct five four three
3233s two there is no self-destruct wishful
3237s thinking
3238s excellent so as you can see there are
3240s hives also deducing that this is not the
3242s right craft we're not flying a colonial
3245s fighter nor is he allowed to connect to
3248s the Eternal Network so clearly he's a
3250s little bit distraught and trying to mess
3252s with uh this clone
3255s so also just fun little detail the
3258s reason why the oak are here do not
3260s engage us is because of that
3262s disassociation with the Colonials had we
3265s been flying a colonial fighter or
3268s connected to the eternum network these
3271s guys would have immediately turned
3272s hostile and come after us simply for the
3275s fact that Colonial military uh equipment
3279s and vessels are not meant to be in the
3284s DMZ
3285s most of you guys know this from
3287s everspace one but just a fun little
3289s point of fact
3290s and why the okar don't just immediately
3293s jump you
3298s hi what's that gnb General broadcast
3300s about it is to alert everyone that enemy
3303s forces have grown stronger in the Sito
3305s system
3306s so the Outlaw's armed up does that mean
3308s G and B will too yes you will have to
3312s account for this when traversing the
3313s Sito system in future
3317s all right
3319s so we've reached a critical leveling
3323s point where everything in cedo has
3326s jumped up in its level it did not impact
3329s Union whatsoever you can see the
3331s locations that are a bit higher level
3332s than us are in purple the ones that are
3334s going to be more accessible are still in
3336s Gray
3338s but if we were to turn tail and head
3340s back into sedo all of our opportunities
3342s and challenges have absolutely increased
3348s let's go ahead and head over to Prescott
3349s anyway oh whoops I got really close to
3351s that planet
3362s databanks as discussed remain out of
3365s date until I am permitted to link to
3367s Eterna how about your personality
3369s Protocols are you capable of switching
3371s you are dissatisfied with my default
3373s settings please
3375s 32 experiment I might just do that hive
3381s something that we are delightfully
3384s including in the 1.0 update are more
3386s just moments of banter between Autumn
3388s and the hive unit
3390s this is both because we wanted to just
3392s add more and also because you guys like
3395s the way that they talk to each other so
3396s there you go
3402s [Music]
3406s oh I see a quick question I'll just
3407s answer it right now does the game's OST
3409s be available somewhere it will at 1.0
3412s there will be a I think it's gonna be
3414s like a probably like some sort of
3416s package deal buying everspace 2 with the
3418s OSD or you could just buy the OSD as DLC
3421s effectively uh through
3423s um
3429s Z
3430s the Spy Freelancers as part of the
3432s concession this place is huge it is
3436s comparable to a mid-sized shopping malls
3439s it appears to have gained a veneer of
3441s legitimacy looks like the DMZ is
3444s changing hive
3445s [Music]
3447s all right I need to find this Maddox guy
3449s and I need to be subtle about it all I
3452s know is that he's here and he's
3453s expecting Dax and a ramen noodle joint
3455s there is no Medics listed in the local
3457s directory I can only suggest manually
3460s scouting the local ramen restaurants if
3463s that's what needs to be done
3465s all right so while we are floating about
3468s geekbite I would love to answer
3470s questions in our little travel sessions
3473s here while the missions are also
3474s technically going on
3476s so shoot me a question
3478s right uh we have a question from pneumo
3482s dpk over on YouTube uh will we get black
3485s laser black engine colors
3489s that does sound like it could be really
3492s cool uh but we want to make sure that
3495s the colors
3496s work incredibly well with everyone's
3498s eyesight and look nice and blah blah
3501s blah this that the other thing no as of
3504s right now we do not have plans to have
3506s black as a color for the engines or the
3510s lasers or anything like that and if I
3512s wanted to be incredibly technical uh you
3515s know it makes sense because black isn't
3516s a color so
3519s here
3520s we are having a little bit of fun with
3523s uh legendary effects however I'll just
3525s say that all right
3527s good question let's stop at unami heavy
3529s heaven
3530s and uh see what the conversation's about
3533s at least your preferences hi I've had
3536s like one ramen with an extra side of
3538s information your new air ain't you how
3541s could you tell only a Rube would be
3543s making such an amateur move you don't go
3545s asking questions on the Press go without
3547s getting questions asked about you
3549s look I'm trying to find a guy called
3551s Maddox
3553s no don't divulge Grant details now
3556s unless you're ordering something I'll
3557s suggest you up it fair enough
3560s all right
3564s so let's do another question
3567s right chicken Biffy on Twitch that will
3570s be any
3572s um sorry will there be many boss fights
3574s in the game I'm really looking forward
3575s to those
3576s um also will do boss fights have
3578s different stages like in other games oh
3580s I like that question so um we are we
3584s want to have a boss fight for each kind
3586s of like major step in the storyline and
3589s a lot of that is actually decreed but
3590s hang on a second you slow down I'm
3592s answering questions
3593s um a lot of that is decreed by which
3595s system you are in so like when we
3597s finished Sito we actually fought two
3600s bosses right we have the Blood star kind
3601s of introduction boss and also helps you
3603s learn how to Grapple which can be very
3605s important or something you don't have to
3606s use ever if you don't want to
3608s um then we have the introduction to
3610s another clone spoiler territory but you
3613s guys know that we're gonna see spoilers
3615s here because it's the dumpster
3616s um and then we have incremental bosses
3619s you know continued throughout that's no
3621s different with the additional systems
3623s that we'd like to add as well as the
3624s additional story
3625s um
3626s phased boss battles
3629s would be pretty dope
3634s all right next question I'm gonna go
3636s ahead and
3638s go to romanistas
3640s continue the story
3644s make your order on left panel wait is
3647s this restaurant fully automated Moodle
3650s is made to the best precision and
3651s highest hygiene standards in which case
3654s you have no human Management on site it
3657s is fully automated Enterprise is managed
3659s for monthly
3660s I'm looking for a guy called Maddox
3663s request does not compute no guy of name
3666s description found Joshua tonkatsu miso
3670s make your order
3671s forget it
3673s excellent we're going to launch Adam and
3676s Hive are going to say something I think
3687s by the ease of transportation and the
3690s longevity of the freeze-dried
3691s ingredients necessitating only boiled
3694s H2O and a dash of toppings to activate
3696s and okay I get it
3701s excellent let's do one more question and
3703s we'll wrap up the ramens
3706s right uh kizor and a few others actually
3708s this has been a bit of a universal
3710s question across perfect twitch and
3712s YouTube any progress with name saves now
3715s Michael has
3716s um responded to this one and then he
3719s saves on PC is not a matter of can or
3721s cannot do for our team but it come with
3724s severe technical issues when using
3726s non-latting language support yes yeah
3729s and to even add a little bit more
3731s because I've been talking with various
3732s team members about this uh one of the
3734s one big technical challenge we actually
3736s came across was using the um
3740s Chinese lexicons what oh my gosh what
3742s are they called there's a specific term
3744s and I'm I feel terrible for not
3746s remembering
3746s um but we have a tremendous number of
3749s issues uh from a technical side just
3752s incorporating basic basic symbology
3756s there okay
3757s so
3759s um yeah the long and the short of it is
3761s that if we can plug in the ability to
3765s save
3766s like your names of the saves we are
3769s gonna go that route but we are not going
3771s to bend over backwards to do it the only
3773s reason I have that access here in the
3776s dev build is because we know not to use
3778s the buttons that aren't going to work
3780s that's really what it comes down to
3782s that's like legitimately that's it so um
3786s that doesn't translate nearly as well to
3788s just giving it to All Peoples of all
3790s languages across the world as you could
3793s probably uh you know
3796s to venture further and this moment was
3800s inevitable
3802s thank you for that Hive excellent let's
3804s let's uh let's move into this
3810s what do you want uh I'll take a
3815s can't even pretend I want some Ramen
3817s honestly I can't stand this stuff
3819s I know right how do people stand it warm
3822s fatty water with slimy spaghetti and
3825s crumblets I have no idea why that goes
3827s so nuts for it
3830s it's a real mystery to me
3831s it's just discussing it with my AI
3834s yeah I'm a dumplings guy myself anyway
3836s what can I do you for
3839s I'm looking for a guy named Maddox
3842s you're looking for Medics are you
3845s I've come quite a long way to find him
3847s uh I can help you with that but uh since
3850s you're a valued customer I can lead you
3852s to someone who can
3854s a guy called Daryl he usually hangs out
3857s at the casino and I'll let him know
3859s you're coming
3860s that's obliged
3863s see you around
3864s excellent and yes that was Hive banter
3868s when you're literally not doing anything
3871s it's good stuff while we are stationed
3873s here let's go ahead and just check over
3876s oh it's just
3877s did we unlock okay we just let's just
3879s mark them all a scene and just keep
3881s going
3882s um and we'll just uh
3885s any anything else to upgrade Yes No
3888s Maybe
3888s oh we have one from hive that we can do
3890s startup delays oh this is nice I'm
3893s actually going to invest in this bad boy
3895s let's get this going
3900s start delays for those who are not
3903s familiar with it
3904s this allows you to uh use your equipment
3908s that you bind to your secondary or
3910s consumable slots when you are in the
3912s middle of combat generally speaking
3913s there's a 25 second cooldown that is in
3916s place before you can use that equipment
3917s while you're in Flight if you are out of
3919s base and you swap things around there's
3921s no penalty whatsoever this is only if
3922s you're in combat
3924s um as you upgrade this it removes the
3926s start delays when not in combat for
3928s example so
3930s um and then
3931s yeah it just keeps going down from there
3933s so it starts at 25 seconds it goes down
3936s to uh 15 through all the upgrades and
3939s what that looks like here let me just
3940s let me show you I've got one example I
3942s could do here
3943s I got one example I could do here
3946s um if I take this and put this energy
3947s injector right there it says 20 seconds
3949s because we just upgraded that from the
3951s 25 beginning start beginning start wow
3954s that's redundant 25 to start now it's 20
3957s because we upgraded
3959s all right
3965s let's head over to the casino
3971s and just kind of look around too because
3973s maybe there's improvements
3976s I don't know
3981s well there's some stuff that's still
3982s relevant
3994s all right
3996s potato palace here we go
3999s looking for a guy named Daryl it's me
4001s yeah a restaurant called ahead so you're
4004s uh you're the guy looking for Maddox is
4006s he here does it look like it I just want
4009s to get a look at the size of you before
4010s I determine what you're about uh okay
4013s I'm a friend of his former colleague
4016s whatever listen you know who I represent
4019s no should I you should asking questions
4023s about the place like a total newbie you
4026s gotta learn to go through the right
4027s channels like everyone else
4029s I wasn't looking for trouble
4031s well okay then you know for next time
4033s you know my name you know where to find
4035s me yeah sure now I know I'm gonna let
4040s you off the hook this one time no
4042s excuses next time got it
4044s you know where Maddox is or not as a
4047s matter of fact I do but he's been
4049s keeping a low profile trying to avoid
4050s people like you who is he hiding from
4053s exactly who knows maybe he's a little
4055s paranoid maybe it's real thing but the
4058s airwaves have been buzzing with rumors
4059s and he ain't taking no chances I can
4062s assure you I have no ill intent I just
4065s want to talk to him well we don't know
4068s you so we need to see if you can be
4070s trusted I'm gonna ask that you do a
4073s little job for us first so if you can
4076s carry this out then we can talk more
4078s okay then I need you to pick up a
4081s package but it's in a hard to reach
4083s location it's an old raided settlement
4086s inside the system
4087s okay I'll do this but I need assurances
4090s from you that you give me the
4091s information I need when I get back hey
4094s scoutsana
4097s excellent I think this is a really good
4099s time to pause and answer some more of
4103s those burning questions because I know
4104s that they're stacking up so uh keep
4106s quiet go ahead and take the mic let's
4108s get through a few more of these
4110s okie dokie right Bearded Frog uh on
4113s YouTube was just asking will there ever
4116s be any consideration for having have it
4119s adding rather save slots so we could
4121s keep different safe types segmented
4124s that's not planned
4126s I don't have any idea how actionable
4129s that is in our current development phase
4133s so
4135s um at best you could submit that on the
4138s forums as a suggestion and Ikea and you
4140s know relay that over to the team
4142s because I think that is a that's kind of
4144s a cool idea but I I'm not gonna I'm not
4146s gonna begin to pretend that even though
4150s that is a good idea how possible that
4152s would be in our in our home stretch Okay
4155s so
4156s yeah
4157s not planned is the best way it can
4159s respond to that
4162s cool right Flory on Twitch uh wants to
4165s know will there be a clear all data
4168s option like there was in everspace one
4172s that is not
4175s planned I don't think
4177s [Music]
4178s um but it's also
4181s I don't think it's necessary right
4183s um so because like if we if we were to
4186s just you know save our game uh like this
4189s [Music]
4190s okay
4192s um then we wanted to start completely
4195s from scratch then it's just really a
4198s matter of
4199s just hitting new game right and then all
4203s of your data has effectively been hard
4205s wiped
4207s unless you're talking about like wiping
4209s all of your saves in which case you can
4212s delete your manual ones and if you
4214s wanted to be nitpicky about it there is
4216s the save location folder you could just
4218s go in and wipe all the autosaves as well
4220s so but otherwise the only way to do that
4222s is going in here to to new game and then
4225s and then going through that
4228s there's more to come on this screen by
4230s the way anyway
4235s so I don't so there's not really a plan
4238s to white ball since you can literally
4240s start from nothing
4242s so
4244s yeah
4247s next question please and
4250s YouTube on Twitch uh just going back to
4252s the earlier question regarding the
4254s Thruster colors in addition to that
4256s question is it planned to have thrusted
4259s change between the two colors of boost
4261s and normal flight right now it seems
4264s that it's just one static color
4266s I mean I could change the color between
4268s the main Thruster and the booster color
4270s if that's what you're referring to like
4271s those these two colors are separate
4273s right there
4274s if if that's what you're kind of talking
4277s about on that front every single wing
4280s and engine type
4282s adjusts
4284s where those are shown and what those
4286s colors are
4288s that's not what you're referring to
4290s referring to super light and maybe okay
4293s super light is bound to Blue we that's
4297s not going to change the super light
4298s engines are always going to be shown in
4299s the blue
4301s um
4302s okay referring to an active change when
4304s you're depending on what you are doing
4306s so you're you're basically wanting like
4308s so how we have the uh combat mode where
4311s the visors turn red you kind of want
4312s like your engines to go from Orange to
4314s Red for example that's kind of what
4315s sounds like or you're like um you're uh
4318s um emissive lights to go from Blue to
4320s Red if you got close to danger or
4323s something like that
4324s um if that's what you are saying that
4326s has never been planned that does sound
4329s cool I can only imagine the amount of
4331s added work that would be for the team to
4334s implement right now based on what's on
4336s our plates so there's there's not a
4338s chance it's gonna happen I'm just I'm
4340s being very clear here I want to make
4341s sure that expectation uh isn't uh isn't
4345s incorrect so it does it does it really
4349s does sound really awesome but we that
4351s was never in the plans and that's just
4353s not something that is actionable
4356s so an intro that's a yeah
4360s so good question
4362s good question
4364s oh ask when you upgrade this next
4365s question please
4366s uh we have a question from Wizard Jerry
4370s and I know Michael has answered this uh
4372s just to confirm for my friend so PS5 is
4374s supported in the summer there for
4376s PlayStation 4 is not correct Michaela
4380s said um there's gonna be no 8th gen
4382s available the S5 and Xbox series X and S
4386s correct yep we have completely left gen
4390s 8 we want to focus entirely on gen 9 as
4393s well as of course PC Linux Mac
4397s steam deck
4399s boom there we go
4401s you got miles you got more yeah all
4404s right
4407s okay you got another question for a
4409s second I thought you were saying got all
4410s the questions but no keep going let's
4412s keep going I'll still go four uh sorry
4414s fives that's right
4416s uh crispy milfin on Twitch how will ship
4419s modules be accessible to you and look
4422s them right off the bat do you buy them
4424s do you need to want to ship with the
4425s module to unlock them Etc you are asking
4428s questions in a territory that is not
4432s entirely supposed to be opened up yet
4436s um
4439s and the realm of Chip customization that
4442s we have shown that we have like spoken
4443s towards
4445s um I mean in order to to get to that
4447s front of ship modules you know
4450s if we're looking at how everything else
4452s is getting unlocked you know you have
4454s certain elements that show up whenever
4457s you reach certain parts of the game for
4459s example you have certain ones that are
4462s going to be found by uh completing
4465s challenges
4466s you have other ones that are just found
4469s by exploration and through random drops
4472s rare drops uh or specific locations you
4475s can find
4477s um so it's probably somewhere in that
4480s territory is my guess because I
4482s absolutely don't know
4485s that's a terrible life that's I can't
4487s tell you right now it's just not open
4488s for discussion
4492s oh my gosh but I mean you did see us
4495s collect a module earlier in the Stream I
4498s do want to point that out so that should
4500s give you a little bit information
4502s I I want to give you so much more we
4504s just we're gonna have more to talk about
4506s on that in the near future all right
4511s all right what else we got
4513s right uh no more DBK on YouTube is
4516s asking uh are you guys gonna add a lock
4518s unlock system for the items and a
4521s transfer item system which works from
4524s ship to ship
4525s we won't have it we won't have like any
4527s sort of
4531s Okay so
4534s if I'm digesting this question properly
4537s it sounds like you're wanting to do
4539s these things with your own chips
4542s which everything you listed is already
4544s accessible and in effect at the home
4546s base you're able to swap parts and
4550s pieces from one ship to another that you
4551s own
4552s um
4556s is that is that the question that's
4559s being asked though that is I think so
4561s yeah I think it's the case of locking
4563s things down if necessary but shift to
4565s ship okay um and we have received the
4568s question about like would it be possible
4569s to like lock an item to your inventory
4571s so it doesn't accidentally get you know
4573s added to a ship or whatever or lock an
4575s item into the ship
4577s um there aren't any plans to do that
4579s okay I want to be very upfront about
4580s that as well we do not have plans to
4582s lock equipment it's just going to be a
4585s you're looking at your stuff you're
4586s figuring out where to put it that's
4589s that's all it can be adding locking
4590s would take a heck of a lot of work to do
4593s and it's got its own pros and cons if
4595s you lock stuff yes you're going to feel
4597s more secure about it but then you might
4598s actually miss opportunities through that
4601s um just inherently then there's going to
4603s be other users who don't understand the
4604s Locking System then it's gonna be it's
4606s it's basically just changing the system
4608s it's not an addition to the system so
4610s it's not a direction that we are going
4612s to take it'd just be a lot of work for
4614s not really any
4617s any addition so
4620s next question please
4622s uh right uh T3 cube is asking assets and
4626s bonuses going to be something added
4628s later into the end or are you working on
4630s them now and they're not ready to secure
4632s uh the more how many item sets are you
4635s guys planning fishing but yeah yeah
4637s that's that's really fine I like the
4639s fishing it's it's fine guys it's it's
4640s totally great um just know that the
4642s you're not going to catch much
4645s um but
4646s that being said um you know because I
4648s love you guys I don't want to give you
4649s as much information as I possibly can
4651s um know that the the set items the set
4654s bonuses and whatnot um you know that
4657s being established quite some time back
4659s and then not seeing any more of it I
4661s have actually spoken on that before and
4662s I said that more sets will come into the
4664s future right
4665s um and we have two sets as of right now
4667s right we have the Blood star set and we
4669s have the um Eclipse uh the union Eclipse
4672s sign that that's it as of right now I
4676s even I even just said as of right now so
4678s we do have plans
4681s to add more
4684s that being said set items are not a
4687s priority
4688s in our current state of development so
4693s we may or may not see more set items by
4697s 1.0 or after okay
4699s I have to make sure that expectation is
4702s set
4703s it's possible
4705s but it's not guaranteed
4709s hopefully Hans Christian can get through
4710s his 1 billion items
4713s [Laughter]
4716s um and uh you know
4718s have some more fun in that territory
4720s we would love to
4723s we gotta finish this game first
4725s we gotta finish this game
4728s next question please
4730s uh wizard Jerry on YouTube wants to know
4733s will there be more primary weapon
4735s categories in 1.0 oh categories
4739s that's a curious question
4742s um you know we could see more types of
4744s equipment show up definitely in the
4746s future
4749s next question please
4753s uh Finn's on YouTube here is it possible
4756s that sometime after 1.0 release
4758s difficulty modes harder than very hard
4761s would be added uh we are not pandering
4764s to the top point zero one percent of
4768s skilled Pilots out there uh who go
4770s absolutely insane in all the games that
4773s they play so unfortunately
4775s um no we are not going to be adjusting
4777s the difficulty systems to go towards
4780s users who uh have no understanding of of
4784s basic video gaming at all to those who
4787s know how to crack apart and completely
4789s destroy anything that they ever approach
4791s we are going to a specific demographic
4794s we are very satisfied with the results
4796s that we've received through Early Access
4798s as of right now and most of you guys
4800s seem pretty thrilled about where that is
4802s at
4803s um yes there are still more balancing
4805s adjustments that certainly need to be
4806s made we want the Rifts to be that really
4808s ultimate Challenge in the end game as
4811s well as a couple other features that
4812s will come to pass but aside from that
4815s and through those modifications editions
4817s adjustments Etc there's we're not going
4820s to we're not going to bend over
4821s backwards I've used that phrase already
4822s but I'm going to say it again when I've
4823s been over backwards for
4825s um
4826s but such a slim part of our audience for
4829s a tremendous amount of work that would
4831s require from a balancing standpoint we
4833s we can't devote that time and we don't
4835s want to so very want to be very clear
4837s about that I want to be very clear about
4839s that
4841s so
4842s it's a good question just know that
4845s we're not we can't do that that would
4848s literally be the worst thing we could do
4851s for developing this game so all right we
4854s got another question
4855s I've got two more two more and then
4858s we're close we're through right Mr Jerry
4860s again uh will there be a complete auto
4863s tractor beam a complete auto tractor
4866s beam an auto traffic yes oh no I don't
4872s think that's in the plans that's an
4874s interesting concept um I'm pretty sure
4876s that we nipped that in the bud like a
4879s couple years ago in fact we were having
4881s that discussion saying what does it look
4883s like to just have this Auto scoop up
4885s feature and we had to like go back to
4887s our roots and our other action RPGs and
4889s looter Shooters and Etc where you don't
4892s want everything that drops in fact that
4896s can make it hard to get the most
4898s important stuff so sometimes it is kind
4900s of valuable to just leave stuff
4902s um or just to provide it to where it's
4904s like if you want to like go in and scrap
4906s all of it we're leaving that up to you
4909s there was a conversation at one point
4911s about an automatic range for picking up
4914s credits for example because there's no
4916s reason to not pick those up
4918s um but I don't think that discussion
4920s really developed further from
4923s a couple of years ago so it's probably
4926s not likely to happen
4929s just gonna need to point and click or
4932s hold to gather everything in that
4934s territory
4938s so there you go
4941s let's get how many more questions do you
4942s have how many I've got the one just the
4944s one oh perfect let's do it and then I
4946s want to fly forward let's get I want to
4948s get a little more game playing and then
4949s we're gonna go to the community
4949s challenge segment oh Dominic Troy on
4952s YouTube uh will there be more than level
4955s 30 hostiles
4957s level 30 hostiles
4960s level three when you're at level 30 in
4963s 1.0 release level 30 hospitals
4968s um well I would say
4971s um that's there's a chance
4976s all right thanks for all the questions
4978s [Laughter]
4980s oh my gosh there's people that are
4982s either loving this stream or they want
4984s to murder me I'm not sure which but uh
4986s thanks for being here and asking these
4988s questions seriously these are so good
4990s and so healthy for everybody to know
4992s where we're coming from and what we're
4993s doing and why so everyone who's asking
4996s those questions thank you it's sincerely
4998s appreciated I know some of them are not
5000s the answers that you wanted I know that
5003s some expectations still need to be even
5004s further clarified so if you have those
5007s questions if you're just a little unsure
5009s about
5010s literally anything in this game and its
5014s development please ask if it's a simple
5017s question again we'll address it in the
5018s chat directly if it's a little bit more
5020s complicated and complex I am happy to
5023s serve you alright guys
5025s cool so I'm going to continue this
5027s Mission chain for about 20-ish more
5029s minutes then we're going to jump over
5030s and highlight some really cool stuff
5031s from the community so let's get cracking
5042s well that Daryl guy had some attitude I
5045s am no judge of human behavior much less
5048s swamped life Behavior I mean I should
5050s check out the lead otherwise I'm at a
5052s dead end killing this Prospect slip
5054s through my fingers or I'll be stuck in
5055s the DMZ forever it would appear your
5058s iteration is exhibiting a questionable
5060s level of gullibility now come on hive
5063s sometimes you gotta trust a little in
5065s life you saying the DNC has changed but
5069s it appears to me you have changed
5071s somewhat more
5073s observations all right we're gonna take
5075s this uh we're gonna take this side
5078s mission hi
5080s how about this guy
5082s correctly oh there's a difference it's
5084s an extraction
5087s a client who was willing to pay
5088s handsomely Yahweh that's Outlaw
5091s territory right multiple gangs have
5094s banded together and settled there to
5096s stand in bed a chance against oakheart
5097s raids
5098s they don't trust each other much we
5101s still have each other's backs if anyone
5103s comes in another life
5105s and the job involves extracting what
5107s data from Outlaws that too is correct
5111s there is just one problem my client
5114s didn't give me much information on the
5116s exact nature of this data
5118s or do we know which of the outlaw gangs
5120s has it so to be on the safe side I need
5123s someone to hack all their stations
5125s separately and download whatever they
5127s can find
5128s like pointing an auto cannon in the dark
5131s anything else I need to know only that
5133s once you've started the hacking process
5135s you'll need to stay close to the server
5137s until it's done
5138s otherwise the connection with the seven
5141s will start from scratch
5146s so
5147s about it let's say I return with all the
5149s data what if none of them contain the
5152s file your client is looking for
5153s they will pay nonetheless
5155s that is the deal
5157s better be all right I'll look into it
5160s good
5161s stay safe out there
5164s excellent and we are getting into the
5165s part of the story where we're gonna
5168s spend a little bit more time doing side
5169s missions and stuff in Union not a lot
5172s but a little bit because we do need to
5174s beef ourselves up for the main uh
5176s missions the the main levels of those
5178s are going to be a bit harder to perform
5180s that is a very pretty shift oh my
5184s goodness
5185s I just want to scoop that up right now
5187s that is I I love it
5190s I love it what else we got Titan okay
5194s good good uh one of the things I did not
5197s check before the stream was if any new
5199s Wings have been added so if that happens
5200s uh oops but you're welcome let's just
5203s keep going
5205s what could possibly go wrong we got a
5208s Vanguard good good excellent
5212s nice
5214s do you like that one the Scout oh he's
5217s so cute
5218s I also want him
5223s gosh why are they so exciting gunship
5225s yes excellent
5228s very good and this poor little tier one
5232s Hawk
5234s yeah this is the only thing that I could
5236s afford right now
5238s because I have 644 credits I really need
5242s to be focused on making credits somehow
5245s hmm how will I ever do that that'll
5248s definitely be a topic for another day
5251s um but uh for right now I think what
5253s we're gonna do is we're just going to go
5254s ahead and launch on out of here
5256s with the ship we got
5259s and maybe we'll try to finish this
5262s outlaw base maybe that's what we can do
5264s in the next 15. let's see if we can find
5266s a base and mess it up
5298s [Music]
5301s let's do a distress call I really well
5303s no you know
5304s I'm being indecisive I want to I really
5306s want to get an unknown signal
5308s sorry sorry whoever that was distress
5310s call nope unknown signal while I am kind
5312s of loitering here
5314s if there's another question let's answer
5316s it
5318s I got nothing now
5321s please another distress call oh my gosh
5324s we don't want a distress call we want an
5325s unknown signal command
5328s come on
5333s wait a second what did we allow changing
5335s weapons in super light
5338s I wasn't even notified about this change
5339s but I love it
5344s Michael did you know they did this I was
5346s not informed I didn't see it in the
5347s change statement
5348s I really I really appreciate that oh
5350s secondaries work as well another
5352s distressed
5354s okay all right okay
5358s all right
5360s fourth time's the charm as they say come
5362s on
5363s there we go
5364s here we go
5367s [Music]
5370s okay all right now the game's just
5372s making fun of me
5378s thank you
5384s oh oh oh oh
5389s we're actually getting pulled there a
5391s little bit all right
5401s come on give me an unknown signal please
5405s oh I should probably also make sure I'm
5408s not oh I'm in a I'm in a bad spot for
5410s that because these are higher level
5411s regions there's a higher level region so
5414s I might go up to this unknown region up
5416s here
5417s that might help me out a little bit
5419s let's do that
5422s but maybe it's not going to matter
5423s because we only get distressed calls
5429s all right come on no whammies no whammys
5432s oh my goodness
5442s I'm loving the chats going on right now
5444s guys you guys are so lovely you guys are
5446s so great
5448s [Music]
5449s all right screw it we're doing this
5451s distress call
5453s wow maybe the distress call is I got my
5456s ship is stuck next to this outlaw base
5458s that I need you to destroy that would be
5459s great let's hope that's that's how it
5461s works right
5469s all right
5473s back up there we go
5478s oh midnight all right oh I just flew
5481s right through that corrosion
5483s Reisterstown
5484s all right
5486s numbers to me
5491s looks like that was it thanks for your
5493s help you're welcome
5496s wow we got 2 000 credits for that we
5498s need to be stopping at these distressed
5501s calls more frequently holy cow I just
5503s doubled our money
5510s let's see oh wow we're way out there all
5513s right
5514s maybe we'll do like one more and if it's
5516s just it's still not doing it for us then
5518s we'll start heading over to the mainline
5520s Mission and save their
5523s come on unknown signal please
5526s please
5528s come on RNG
5534s Michael we need to schedule a team
5536s meeting with Andy
5540s really important
5546s can you help me I'll see what I can do
5550s all right
5552s what does he need one nanobot that's
5554s small we have it we have it we got them
5557s right there
5558s have one give me your money
5569s look at that we're gaining Renown just
5572s picking up random
5575s jobs
5576s effectively
5578s look at that isn't that Pleasant
5584s yes that is a change by the way this is
5586s something that I am highlighting for you
5588s right now to know it is something that
5590s we adjusted
5593s important to the renowned system let's
5595s go ahead and collect our goods for that
5596s by the way uh because we got a Jaeger
5599s medium 2 000 credits that's nice and
5602s then that decal
5603s we'll go ahead and grab that
5606s Jaeger might be good for us
5610s uh yeah it it actually yeah we're gonna
5613s just we're gonna replace our Synchro
5614s pulse
5616s excellent
5623s [Music]
5625s that's that's you love to see it you
5629s love to see it
5630s oh that's great all right and uh we'll
5634s just keep the rest of this stuff over
5636s here some of you folks are probably
5639s noticing how I'm moving my mouse
5642s there are secrets you must not know yet
5646s in our development
5648s oh goodness all right let's check this
5650s uh these crystals out maybe there's
5653s something over here oh yeah look at that
5655s it's just like an everspace one you see
5657s crystals you see a large asteroid you
5658s see crystals it's like oh yeah there's
5660s something to mine there's something to
5661s be something to take
5664s these are the first time we're
5666s encountering Culver crystals too so
5668s that's really nice for us
5670s pockets of that oh yes some copper
5675s what else we got atheum Crystal
5677s delightful I mean give me all the goods
5681s and just straight credits all right man
5683s we went from what was it like 700-ish
5686s credits and now we are almost at 10K
5688s just from stopping and smelling the
5691s space flowers
5693s holy crud that feels good
5697s that feels really good
5699s all right we're gonna we're gonna do
5700s like maybe one more
5702s if it's if it's another distress call
5704s I'm just gonna
5705s I mean what are the odds it's like
5707s flipping a coin and having it land on
5709s Tails like 12 times
5715s crazy and that is actually pretty close
5717s to Accurate by the way because
5724s um because unknown signals and distress
5727s calls there's there's like a
5729s that is amazing I I can't even be mad at
5732s that we're doing another distress call
5734s um
5735s because there is like uh there's the
5736s number of like tasks that are done from
5739s each
5743s let's let's uh let I'm in Hive banter
5746s insist although the method of delivery
5748s does not alter the message it might be a
5751s little more pleasant let's just give it
5752s a try
5758s yeah I can get your point let's just
5760s stick to default for now that's yours
5762s excellent
5769s oh ouch
5771s okay we gotta be mindful of that
5773s there was a pun there
5774s I'm sorry but also that was that was
5777s brilliant Maybe
5784s [Music]
5792s oops wasn't being very mindful was I Ah
5796s that's sniper drone I ran out of energy
5798s right there oh my gosh isn't this isn't
5802s it great to see
5804s um
5805s I don't I don't know what to say I have
5807s nothing all right we're gonna do this
5808s again
5810s yes sir
5812s right away sir
5814s let's do this again
5818s now these are Level tens
5820s um so I'm oh that's a little
5823s ouch oh my gosh
5825s we are
5826s not in the best position to do this but
5829s you know sometimes you just gotta do it
5831s anyway take a mine
5833s dish it back out when life gives you
5835s Minds
5836s make
5837s excellent
5840s complete three distress calls I might
5842s even change the mission there weren't
5843s there weren't follow-up attackers okay
5845s all right that's nice that's neat
5850s let's see what those challenge details
5852s were by the way uh what was what was
5854s that one that was um
5856s Advanced combat
5858s [Music]
5861s no it wasn't Advanced combat it was uh
5863s unit Explorer oh yeah complete three
5864s distress calls okay excellent okay cool
5870s something over here yes please yeah
5872s there we go that's what I like to see
5876s copper energy injector Crystal geode all
5878s right
5882s we're actually making good time going
5883s through all of these
5885s um not unknown signals
5893s whoo
5896s we got killed again Eric yeah we we gosh
5899s you guys I really need you to step up
5901s your game this is getting embarrassing
5906s excellent fantastic
5911s yes Laureen could you stop could you
5913s stop fiddling with those wires on the
5914s dash could you knock that off all right
5916s quit pushing buttons
5921s but um I feel like it's I feel like
5924s we're never going to oh my gosh uh hang
5926s on
5936s oops
5943s who was who was touching the dash over
5945s here who's what why are there Cheetos
5947s all over the controls what
5951s come on guys you knock it off never eat
5954s and fly all right that's
5959s all right
5960s I got it this time you guys just take
5962s your hands back
5971s let me show you how this is done
5982s it was
5985s oh
5988s that was me that was me that was up
5991s that's um
5992s that's a beautiful segue
5995s um
5997s into not dying perhaps all right last
6000s chance I am registering above average
6002s deposits of resources in the area
6005s thank you
6011s all right
6013s see how they are dying and I am not this
6015s is a this is a new trend right now in
6018s this stream
6019s it's an elite oh my gosh an elite level
6022s 10 of course we are getting Savage
6026s ouch calibrated pulse laser for the
6028s goods though that's not too shabby
6031s registering Blood star signatures in the
6033s vicinity okay are there any Elites do I
6037s need to be concerned ah Prospectors
6041s here we're gonna we're gonna do our a
6043s classic everspace one maneuver
6046s and we're gonna head over to the ocar
6051s because I I don't I don't want to fight
6053s no more
6057s stop it go away where are you wow
6059s they're really far away
6063s all right cool
6066s hello guys
6068s how's it going
6070s just uh hanging out with you all no big
6072s deal
6073s oh GMB are also here oh that's great
6075s that's that's so good we are power cell
6078s we got some Anthem Crystal some credits
6080s excellent look you guys are all level
6082s 10. I'm kind of I'm a little low on
6085s experience gains right now and this area
6087s is kind of it's kind of rough uh if you
6090s could just you know yeah that's great
6092s you yeah you you know what you know what
6095s the needs are it's just a lot of all bad
6098s stuff in this territory DMZ needs
6099s cleaned up you know the drill so that's
6102s that's really appreciated
6104s uh I want that
6107s ah you
6109s I think we're just gonna leave
6112s why did you jump in that was silly of
6114s you oh well at least you got out of
6116s there
6120s nice this really does give me some ever
6123s ever space one Vibes like I'm not even
6124s joking
6125s it feels feels like I'm at home
6129s oh gosh I love that just
6136s I really shouldn't use AOE damage right
6141s they could turn on me so fast
6147s I'm getting so close to this combat all
6148s right
6149s we're just gonna we're gonna bow out of
6152s this one guys we're this this little is
6154s a little hot
6155s it's a little too much but hey you know
6158s what this containers available now
6165s all right
6167s railgun all right
6169s that could come in useful
6172s that could come and useful all right so
6174s we are gonna head on over to the main
6176s story location for an auto save we're
6179s just gonna let it auto save then we're
6181s going to jump into our community segment
6183s if more questions are pouring in I'm
6185s again delighted to help add any
6187s clarifying details any uh adjust
6190s expectations accordingly because you
6191s know if you guys aren't happy with
6193s something and you think something's
6195s going to change and then it doesn't that
6197s sucks that's that's totally lame we
6199s don't want that to happen if something's
6201s not going to happen we want to tell you
6202s that it's not going to happen we'll be
6204s as clear as possible it helps you it
6206s helps us
6207s that's how it works so keep asking those
6209s questions we will dive into them uh as
6212s well as doing this Community Showcase we
6214s had a really nice Community challenge
6216s this time around uh very pleasant
6218s screenshots from you all really Pleasant
6221s so want to take that moment and uh oh
6225s Michael oh no I haven't been using my
6227s alt
6228s oh gosh
6232s oh no oh gosh
6235s guys Michael and I had a conversation
6237s after the street last week
6242s oh gosh I'm so sorry oh my God man
6251s thanks for coming
6261s oops
6271s let's go to the really cool segment of
6273s this stream
6275s let's highlight some seriously awesome
6277s screenshots okay I'm serious these are
6280s delightful they are wonderful they give
6282s me energy they should give you energy uh
6285s after this very brief moment
6288s cool
6296s should I use my alt
6304s [Music]
6310s [Music]
6319s [Music]
6325s [Applause]
6328s thank you
6333s [Music]
6350s [Music]
6363s thank you
6369s [Music]
6373s okay all right we're back ladies and
6375s gentlemen we are back
6377s my goodness wait
6380s where's the picture where hang on a
6382s second
6384s where did where did our
6387s where did our picture go
6391s where'd it go
6393s why isn't it showing up
6400s hello
6404s there it is that was weird
6408s that was weird uh that that new
6410s background was plugged in uh quite some
6413s time ago crispy muffin we've been using
6414s the same background so she'd never see
6416s it because there's usually a picture in
6418s front of it that was so weird why it
6420s didn't show up so anyway
6422s uh but yeah so we've got about 15-ish
6425s minutes left in the Stream I want to
6426s give you guys as much love and attention
6427s as possible as we're going through this
6429s so let's do it
6431s the theme for the community challenge
6433s over the course of the last week was
6435s love we had Valentine's Day I hope that
6438s you all had a really fantastic one
6440s whether that's you celebrating it with a
6442s significant other whether that's you
6444s celebrating it buy yourself and
6446s appreciating your friends or if you
6448s didn't celebrate at all because you
6450s don't want to I hope that you had a
6452s blast whatever it looked like in regards
6454s to that these screenshots are all trying
6457s to be symbolic of love in some way shape
6460s or form and it's also very clear to us
6462s that love can be interpreted in
6465s different forms as we see from sboq to
6470s Redeemer inquisitors
6473s smashing into each other excellent thank
6475s you so much for that
6478s um I also think that it's rather
6480s hilarious I'm gonna point this out and
6482s it's incredibly juvenile I don't care
6485s wow
6488s just amazing capture this got zero votes
6491s from the community uh but honestly keep
6494s it up great work guys great work it's
6497s it's a lot of fun we're having fun
6498s around here and that's the important
6500s part we got one vote for this one this
6502s is crispy muffin shot highlighting two
6504s of his favorite chips for those of you
6506s who don't know how to do this by the way
6508s you customize the ship to your liking
6510s you sell it at the ship vendor it will
6512s be present at the ship vendor then you
6513s use your new ship and customize it
6515s accordingly
6518s that's that's how that works and just
6520s showcasing some love of his ships I dig
6523s it I really appreciate that next one
6525s comes from high barf we get one vote for
6529s this one showing the Coalition some love
6532s I do like that color scheme on The
6534s Vindicator as well makes it look kind of
6537s like a heart definitely hitting those
6539s vibes so nice work there next one up
6542s we've got from Kaza this was a late
6544s submission but he still managed to sneak
6547s one in while also highlighting an Easter
6550s egg have you found it do you know where
6552s this is at can you identify the location
6555s but that Easter egg was actually cleaned
6557s up I think I think Kaza you actually
6559s found that as well but uh I digress I
6562s digress
6564s um
6565s yeah next one up we've got from Flory
6568s showing the love between these shadow
6569s creatures all right this one got three
6572s votes from the community now we're
6574s starting to get into that theming we're
6575s starting to understand
6578s oh my gosh but sincerely thank you
6580s everyone who's contributed to this it's
6581s it's very pleasant it's very enjoyable I
6584s also like the um the audio uh symbology
6587s on your ship I think that one's a very
6589s cool ship coloration or excuse me decal
6592s um and yeah it really comes across well
6594s so I dig that a lot but yeah given the
6597s shadow creature some love because they
6599s need love too right we got Phantom Lord
6601s who had actually found a shot like this
6603s was it like two weeks ago or something
6605s uh where there was like a heart inside
6608s of the asteroid and I think it was very
6609s clever for him to go back there take the
6611s shot because I did request new shots I
6613s didn't want to see old shots being
6615s carried over so thank you for that
6616s everybody
6617s um and yeah I think it comes together
6619s really well this one netted three votes
6621s two
6623s the next two shots come from medbed from
6627s everspace one I love this shot probably
6630s too much just look at this adorable Boop
6632s right on the nose
6635s two clones
6637s that's that's great this is everspace
6639s one for the record and anybody's like
6641s wait you can do none of this ever space
6644s one but still it just need to be in the
6646s everspace franchise I love that that is
6648s and that's very good that's perfect Boop
6651s the boopening is on point so very good
6654s on that um I haven't listed the votes
6656s for it yet because I also need to show
6658s this shot where you're booping the wings
6660s they somehow the hitbox uh collided
6663s there
6664s um
6666s we're not going to question any more
6667s than that but a nice juxtaposition of
6670s the player ship which is this one
6673s you're gonna got some uh got some
6675s Nanobots there sir you're gonna need
6677s them versus the Clone that is being
6679s fought
6680s very very nice uh positioning and
6682s whatnot both of these shots combined
6685s because they were submitted together got
6687s three votes now when you're doing these
6690s submissions for the screenshot
6691s challenges I always recommend that you
6693s submit the images separately because
6696s what that means is that effectively both
6698s of these shots got one and a half votes
6700s and that doesn't it doesn't feel right
6703s that doesn't feel good so um next time
6705s you submit med bed uh separate them out
6707s submit one and then submit the other one
6710s because if you submit about the same
6711s time you can only vote on both of them
6714s at the same time so just just a little
6716s point there but yeah you got three votes
6719s next one comes from Bill Farson we got
6722s four votes on this one he had he had
6724s something to say uh about like love is
6727s opening new doors or passageways or
6730s something like that and uh yeah there
6732s you go you see the the very needing
6735s loved uh shadow creature all the way
6737s down at the end of this bone structure
6740s from a leviathan I think there's a
6742s there's a smart shot there and four of
6744s you at least agreed so clever use of
6747s that shot also I don't know why that's
6748s so small that's weird
6750s next one comes from dark chaos crystals
6753s because who doesn't love crystals right
6755s symbolic of you know diamonds blah blah
6758s whatever uh but yeah
6761s excuse me wow that came out of North uh
6765s lots of crystals though a beautiful
6767s location and also ties in with the Love
6770s Theme because
6772s you know yeah we explain that already I
6774s also like your ship it's really hard to
6776s see but I dig it I like the silhouette
6779s way to bring it together now we're going
6781s to get into another case of a submission
6784s of two uh shots at the same time
6787s wizard Jerry Wizard Jerry you also
6789s submitted them both at the same time so
6791s your votes you got four votes for both
6793s of your shots which are very clever
6796s shots I it's it's like obnoxious in the
6801s best way possible and so thank you for
6803s that thank you so much uh both of these
6806s shots you got four votes
6807s [Music]
6809s um and I love it it's it reminds me of
6811s like Power Rangers like way back in the
6813s day I'm just I want to see them
6815s transform into something greater uh so
6818s spot on approach definitely enjoying
6820s that very very good so just a reminder
6822s wizard Jerry whenever you're submitting
6824s to community screenshot challenges
6826s specifically you'll want to submit one
6827s and then you'll want to submit another
6829s one so they can get their respective
6830s votes cool next one comes from the user
6834s Adam Rosslyn he's that's his name uh
6838s that's how he's joined the Discord
6840s um and yeah they touched this one up a
6843s little bit but I'll allow it it works
6845s really well here that in fact looks
6848s better than some of the Valentine's Day
6850s cards that my children got I don't know
6852s if you guys have seen the Valentine's
6853s Day cards that are out now for like kids
6855s they're garbage what in the world
6857s absolutely awful Michael we needed we
6860s need to do Valentine's Day cards next
6861s year because seriously this is so much
6862s better uh anyway
6865s but I love it I think that acts together
6867s really well and six of you guys agree I
6870s think it does such a fantastic job of
6873s you know just sharing the love
6876s it's it's it's perfect thank you Adam
6878s rosson for sharing that with us very
6880s good now we're moving into another six
6884s vote territory
6885s and this one comes from high barf once
6888s again we've got him sharing the love
6890s with his uh Vindicator once again as
6893s well as that heart-shaped rock that we
6894s did see earlier
6896s and really capitalizing on that red
6899s heart formula so very nicely Donna I
6902s think that came together super well and
6904s six others also agreed out
6914s uh if it's gonna transition for me there
6917s we go Bill Farson
6919s everybody loves Alec
6922s everybody loves Alec
6924s Marianne and Alec and those little
6927s pixelated hearts
6929s [Music]
6931s seven votes has netted you third place
6934s in our love competition it's very well
6938s done
6940s Alec don't stop being adorable
6942s so good so number two we jump from Seven
6946s votes
6947s to 13 votes guys look at this and
6951s appreciate this
6954s this is RNG generation
6957s okay wow I just are in generation
6966s my gosh you know
6969s you know some
6970s wow Wynton found this bad boy on the
6973s side of my asteroid in the shape of a
6975s heart
6976s what a lucky fine flurry seriously
6978s absolutely fantastic shot
6982s very clever find very good use I
6985s remember Flory also said that they tried
6987s to like doctor It Up by shooting parts
6988s of it and it didn't work out that's fine
6990s but still like that is so cool
6993s that is so cool
6996s rfg games yeah oh gosh I did the thing
6999s but
7000s um but Flores seriously 13 votes in
7003s second place you guys voted a lot more
7005s this this competition so thank you for
7007s that your contributions are wonderful
7009s and also your engagement it just makes
7011s this so much more fun because we have
7014s Excel who stole that first place
7017s position with 14 votes
7021s getting number one with the heart-shaped
7026s Quantum tether
7028s from the striker very very nice so good
7033s so enjoyable it's clear that you guys
7036s had a lot of fun capturing these
7038s elements and bringing it all together so
7041s um yeah that's that's fantastic that's
7043s wonderful thank you everybody for these
7046s submissions because they they filled me
7048s with joy absolutely it was a lot of fun
7051s and you guys uh knocked it out of the
7054s park this time so good so big shout out
7056s once again to excel you have achieved
7058s that number one status you will have
7061s bragging rights on the Discord if you
7063s didn't have Galactic photographer you'd
7065s be receiving that but you already have
7067s it so uh nicely done uh Flory seriously
7072s that's amazing you did such a great job
7074s uh Bill Farson everyone loves it nice
7078s work High barf Adam rosslin as those
7081s great contenders following it up so
7084s really really good stuff
7086s and uh
7088s yeah that was super cool
7090s so I think I also pointed out that when
7092s we were going through these I was going
7094s to answer questions and I didn't answer
7095s a single question geekbai do we have any
7097s questions
7098s okay yeah I uh you're in full flow I
7101s didn't like to stop you but we've got
7102s two questions oh yeah sure to finish up
7103s yeah let's let's answer the questions
7105s and then I'll give you the next
7106s Community challenge that we have so yep
7109s right both from T3 Cube actually uh very
7112s good questions over on Twitch
7114s um one of them is a prefix extraction
7117s still planned basically the ability to
7119s remove prefixes is a real violent to
7122s other items
7124s [Music]
7130s there was a discussion about the
7132s possibility
7133s of having
7135s um stuff like a prefix be the term was
7139s used extracted right
7141s um
7141s yes like
7143s through catalysts that can add new uh
7146s prefixes and whatnot
7148s um so I can't necessarily say that it
7151s was planned per se
7155s but I know that it was something we were
7156s looking into it was something that we
7158s wanted to see about what that direction
7160s looked like that is a bit tight on our
7163s timetable right now so if we were to go
7165s in that direction uh that would
7169s man I I would not expect it I wouldn't
7174s expect that
7175s um but do know that we have had those
7177s conversations and said it would be
7179s really cool if but um
7182s yeah we'll have to see we'll have to see
7184s so good question
7187s I if I said that it was planned in the
7189s past my apologies because that was the
7191s incorrect response
7194s um it is something that we would like to
7196s do but in this home stretch with other
7198s priorities like just getting the game
7200s finalized it's just not something I
7203s think is going to be a reality
7205s but let's hear that second question from
7207s t3tube right a bit of a technical one
7210s this one but uh how are you planning to
7212s keep loot available for players should
7215s an unexpected event happen I.E complete
7218s in the HRA and then your game decides to
7220s crash with a third letter now my loot is
7223s different is this just going to be an
7225s acceptable loss oh yeah that's rough
7228s that that's just rough I mean no no
7230s gamer ever
7232s wants to have that game crash in the
7235s middle of doing something you're just
7236s like oh my gosh when's the last time I
7238s saved where what was the auto say that
7240s did I manually say oh my gosh is my safe
7242s all going to be corrupt oh my gosh what
7244s am I going to lose the Thousand hours I
7245s invested in this like I hear you there
7247s as a gamer myself I've been there and it
7250s hurts of course we want to avoid that as
7253s much as we possibly can that's why we're
7255s going through and optimizing it's why
7256s we're balancing systems it's why we are
7258s approaching the auto save feature
7260s whenever you're moving into a new
7262s territory or at Key Parts of certain
7264s jobs missions Etc so that if you were to
7268s say complete a high risk location that
7271s right after that you've collected your
7272s loot and you hit super light there's an
7274s auto save right so we want to ensure
7278s that the you got the greatest chance of
7281s preserving what it is that you found
7282s what it is that you've done but there
7285s always is that chance of having to redo
7288s where you were at and what you were
7289s doing in order to pick up those pieces
7291s and it may or may not be kind to you so
7296s that's just one of those things we can't
7298s 100 control
7301s that the game should just display a
7304s message that's rough buddy yeah
7308s Nolan questions oh gosh all right well
7310s that's that's great guys that was
7312s awesome uh what a fantastic little time
7314s together that we've had now I do have a
7317s kind of a unique challenge for you uh
7319s over the course of the next week did I
7320s say week I'm at two weeks two weeks oh
7323s oh a two-week challenge it's gonna be a
7326s little bit more uh invested here so we
7330s have a
7332s 20 second
7334s showpiece challenge oh what's this
7338s what's this this is interesting this is
7340s new yeah so
7343s along the way going through everspace
7346s two you guys have come across your own
7347s little Trinkets and findings that you
7350s succeed at specifically maybe you're not
7353s the best racer but you found something
7356s really cool in a race maybe you're not
7358s the best in combat but you found an
7361s incredibly fun combination that just
7364s works really well and it looks awesome
7366s in the process maybe you found a trick
7368s to completing a job in an incredibly fun
7371s and interesting and unique way that
7373s nobody else has done we're not
7375s necessarily looking for your top skills
7378s of performance here but what we want to
7380s see is you capturing a video clip of 20
7383s seconds
7385s of an incredible feat of strength and
7388s those Feats of Strength can be a lot
7390s like the things that I've listed it can
7392s be something as playful as you know just
7394s doing like a really cool freaking
7395s maneuver and that's it it could be a
7397s combat sequence that comes together
7399s really well etc etc I'm sure that you
7401s guys are already brewing in your minds
7403s something that you do well or something
7405s that you think would be interesting to
7406s share you doing in the course of 20
7409s seconds now there are a couple of added
7412s little details pertaining to this one
7413s I'm sure some of you are going well wait
7415s how do we submit the video like do we
7416s have to upload it somewhere yup yup okay
7418s so there's going to be details that are
7419s posted on the Discord we're going to
7421s make it nice and easy okay so upload
7423s limit on Discord is 100 megabits and
7426s that's probably not enough for a video
7428s but if it is you can squeeze it in there
7430s otherwise we would support the idea of
7433s uploading the video to a video site such
7435s as YouTube and then embedding the link
7437s into the challenge uh Discord okay so
7441s YouTube's free you can like sign up for
7444s free like there's nothing that you have
7446s to uh you should not be spending money
7448s on this challenge whatsoever the only
7450s caveat is that you will need to capture
7453s the clip also try to avoid copyrighted
7456s music so that we can play it with all
7458s the sounds on uh as well
7461s I think that's all the details of it is
7463s that right gig bite you checked me yeah
7465s I think that's pretty much covered
7467s everything yeah people were just asking
7468s if they needed to record microphone
7470s audio and I said no just generally it's
7472s game sounds leave it at that
7474s um are memes allowed guys if you want to
7476s have fun with it that's why we do these
7478s that's why we do these these this is a
7481s community challenge we want you to have
7483s fun we want to highlight that we want to
7484s share that if you guys want to share
7487s memes and like with 20 seconds of a feat
7491s of strength mind you it needs to be
7492s within that territory if you want to do
7495s that and other people enjoy it and they
7497s like it that will be our winner that
7499s will be showcase so you have two weeks
7502s okay a 20 second video
7506s of a feat of strength something that you
7509s are specifically good at something you
7511s have a lot of fun with it's something
7512s that you just want to share with others
7514s that's what the challenge is oh
7517s all right so
7519s that is that's it
7522s that's that's the stream guys man we
7524s covered so much today we got a lot of
7526s little sneaky looks at things that are
7529s in development and there were still some
7530s more that I did not cover because
7532s reasons oh my gosh this home stretch man
7537s we hope that you are enjoying it as much
7539s as we are because it is uh
7541s it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun
7543s hanging out with you all and showing you
7545s what we've been up to
7546s and there's still so much more how how
7549s is this possible Michael how how are we
7551s doing this
7554s it's nuts April 6th here we come whether
7557s we like it or not all right
7560s it's good good stuff guys seriously your
7564s questions today have been awesome
7567s and I have been Eric Schrader your
7569s community Ambassador for Rockfish games
7571s don't stop being awesome and we will
7574s catch you next week
7576s for more Shenanigans for more story
7579s content more updates and maybe some more
7581s teasers as well it's it's it's bound to
7583s happen they're they're getting plugged
7585s in you're gonna see them so keep having
7587s fun keep showing up and we'll have a
7589s good time
7590s um
7591s geekbite do we have a do we have a
7594s transition to Corbin do we have is he on
7598s he is I believe he's not playing
7600s everspace too but he is on how dare he
7603s that's all right well we're gonna go
7605s ahead and jump over to uh him in just a
7607s moment uh but yeah I did I forget
7610s anything no we're good all right toodles
7629s [Music]
7635s [Music]
7640s thank you
7642s everyone's asking if we have Shenanigans
7644s oh my gosh I love it all right we really
7646s do try to like do something every single
7649s after the stream sort of thing because
7651s you know it's fun right it's fun we like
7654s to hang out with you all
7655s um my time is limited here you guys know
7658s that but I do want to just share with
7660s you one more time how much we Rockfish
7663s games
7664s really does appreciate everything that
7666s you've done for us the support that
7668s you've given us to breathe life into
7670s this game in the direction it needs to
7671s go there are a lot of things that we
7673s probably wouldn't have done unless your
7676s voice was out there in The Ether and we
7679s picked it up and we've made the game for
7681s the better because of it so again thank
7683s you so much for being a part of this
7684s early access process and also for all of
7686s you who support us financially in the
7689s kickstarter it has helped us take this
7692s to another level
7694s oh my gosh and speaking of another level
7696s there is another level of payment that
7699s is going to be happening very soon ever
7700s space two in three days if I'm not
7703s mistaken the 20th of February everspace
7706s 2's price is gonna go up so if you have
7710s friends if you have co-workers if you
7712s have loved ones your grandma your dad
7713s your dog I don't know if they are
7716s wanting to dive in and they are wanting
7719s to uh save a quick buck in the process
7722s we totally get it we totally approve of
7725s that by all means make sure they know
7728s the price is going to increase on the
7731s 20th all right that's all I got for now
7734s uh I'm gonna rest my voice tonight all
7737s right uh and maybe next week we can we
7740s can do a little bit of the we can do a
7741s little bit you know what I'm talking
7742s about all right guys seriously
7746s share the love have a great weekend and
7749s we'll see you next week work on those 20
7752s second Clips it'll be a good time
7755s toodles again huh
7772s [Music]
7777s [Music]