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Mostly posting this because I was struggling with the new Spidertron remote, searched for information on it, and wanted to compile it for anyone else suffering and typing "spidertron remote" in the subreddit search bar. Despite this all being in FFFs, it wasn't super clear to me, and I didn't really register it well enough months ago to remember it now.

Remotes are no longer items, they are in the shortcut bar as "Create Spidertron Remote" or with they keybind Alt-A.

You can put the remote in your quickbar by clicking a spidertron (or dragging over a group of spiders) and then clicking a spot on your quickbar.

The confusing part (for me) is that the quickbar remote is not an item and does not act like the old item. Say you make a remote, bind it to your Red spider, then save it to your quickbar. You then take that remote and bind it to your Blue spider. When you later access that remote on the quickbar, it will still be bound to the Red spider. This behavior is good so I don't mess up my bars with a single click. The main confusing thing is this behavior differs from the item - the old item would rebind to the Blue spider, because it directly modifies the inventory item.

Ultimately this would be a lot less confusing if Spidertron remotes still changed color based on what they were bound to. I know this wouldn't work with the new group selection but it should still change color when selecting a single spider or a group of spiders with the same color. But the color of the remote would make it very obvious what it was bound to immediately. Also colored remotes just looked way cooler.

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4 months ago - /u/Klonan - Direct link

Yes its actually a hiccup we experienced ourselves, but its low priority for now, we want to make it work like you expect

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13 days ago - /u/Klonan