- Added extra info about the evaluation order and dependencies into the blueprint parametrisation UI.
- Fixed not being able to interact with GUI elements behind transparent parts of other windows. more
- Fixed display panels not drawing text correctly at larger GUI scales. more
- Fixed a crash related to placing cargo landing pads on space platforms. more
- Fixed a crash when rendering thrusters without fire plumes defined. more
- Fixed that fast-transfer of ghost modules did not work for out of reach entities. more
- Fixed that trains with the same top in their schedule would not move between stops even if the one it is waiting at is disabled. more
- Fixed decider combinator GUI signals tables getting squashed too much when there are a lot of conditions/outputs. more
- Fixed intro sound not respecting music-muted and master-muted settings. more
- Fixed graphical issue happening when lightning attractor's collection range boundary was touching larger range attractor's collection range boundary from the inside. more
- Fixed incorrect lightning protection visualisation when surface lightning search range was larger than attractor's protection range.
- Fixed overbuilding ghost with module requests with physical entity of different quality would not retain the module requests. more
- Fixed normal building underground belts and pipes in remote view would deconstruct rocks, trees and cliffs. more
- Fixed normal building underground belts and pipes in remote view would have missing tiles autofilled. more
- Fixed crash in latency when upgrading ghost of elevated rails to different quality (,
- Fixed crash when car would collide with 0 health entity in latency more
Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at
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