almost 6 years ago - /u/FactorioTeam - Direct link


  • When a train performs path finding while in a chain signal sequence, the pathfinding will have a constraint to not go through reserved block before exiting the chain sequence. This solves a problem of train intersections being possible to be deadlocked even with proper chain signals usage in cases of using temporary stops or when path is changed because of station is being enabled/disabled by a circuit network. ( This also allowed us to to let train recalculate path spontaneously even in chain signal sequence, as it shouldn't break anything now.
  • When a temporary blueprint(e.g. blueprint from copy) is placed in the quickbar, the blueprint won't be destroyed when clearing the cursor and instead moved to the inventory. more
  • Separated incompatible mods from dependencies in browse mods GUI.


  • Fixed a crash when trying to build locomotives near water/edges of the map. more
  • Fixed players getting a new player character when they connect twice to a paused game. more
  • Fixed that entity tooltips did not show negative emissions. more
  • Fluid assembler ghosts now show correct pipe connections.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to write auto trash filters with not-a-table.
  • Fixed possible fluid mixing from reviving fluid assembler ghost by higher version. more
  • Disabled areas of new map GUI are set correctly on exchange string import. more
  • Fixed that script rendering sprites loaded from files would disappear on save/load. more
  • Fixed that LuaForce::reset_technology_effects() wouldn't preserve things in the research queue. more
  • Fixed that using an upgrade planner on a blueprint wouldn't upgrade configured modules. more
  • Fixed cross-platform issues related to the Lua bit library. more
  • Fixed crash when changing controller in multiplayer and changing your selection at the same time.
  • Fixed that blueprint shortcuts in action bar would become magically available when they are destroyed, if they originated from the blueprint library. more
  • Fixed that technology tooltips could sometimes end up behind the technology screen. more
  • Fixed that target leading would not take into account any slowdown modifiers on units. more
  • Fixed that the favorite button for servers wouldn't work correctly if the server was already selected. more
  • Fixed that rocket silos would show an unhelpful status in the tooltip. more
  • Fixed PvP crash when loading save games before "player" -> "character" rename. more
  • Fixed PvP crash when importing old configs. more
  • Fixed that only some parts of the current research info panel would open the technology tree when clicked. more


  • Added LuaTechnology::visible_when_disabled read/write.

Use the automatic updater if you can (check experimental updates in other settings) or download full installation at

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