It's just me or the fight robots should kinda shutdown like its batteries ran out (then crashing in the ground) instead of exploding like they were destroyed by attacks?
It's just me or the fight robots should kinda shutdown like its batteries ran out (then crashing in the ground) instead of exploding like they were destroyed by attacks?
In the gif they were killed by damage, so they explode and die catastrophically.
When expiring there is no explosion and they fall more calmly.
I noticed the robot death animations have velocity, will they inherit the robots velocity if it's moving? Would look pretty odd if they died and suddenly went the opposite direction lol.
nope, death particle velocity is not affected by the speed of the robot
The new poison cloud looks really nice!
Now if you can apply the same love to the fugly beacons, we can call it 1.0 and move on. :P
We are applying love to the beacons, but they need a lot of it, and they are very important to us, so we are really taking our time with them.
One improvement I would like is high resolution icons throughout; some of them now look a bit 'basic' for a 'complete' game.
(The fact that this is my biggest gripe shows how polished the game is).
HR Icons is on the TODO for 1.0 :)