Unique passive: Your Basic Attacks deal an additional 15 + (15% Energy Power) On-Hit Energy Damage.
75 Energy Power
45 Attack Speed
10 CDR
3000 Gold
Builds out of a Magus Bolt, Power Cell, and Inspiration.
Magus Bolt
Unique passive: Your Basic Attacks deal an additional 15 On-Hit Physical Damage.
25 Attack Speed
1000 Gold
Builds out of a Tempered Vial.
BUG FIXES Aspects General
Hunter and Queen descriptions changed to work on all minions instead of just enemy minions.
Passive lifesteal reduced from 2/4/6/8/10% to 5%.
Maximum range increased from 1700 to 1850.
No longer deals reduced damage against minions.
Kallari A vision system rework has been on our to-do list for a very long time, and until that is complete to incorporate a division between True Stealth and Camouflage, Kallari is receiving a slight rework of how her Q and ultimate abilities behave. Being an assassin with a massive global influence has resulted in an unhealthy dynamic where she had too much of an impact across the map, regardless of whether she was there or not. Combine this with the longer durations of true stealth from her Q ability and players had little security to push lanes and to not play ultra defensive. The changes to her stealth duration and ultimate range and vision requirements should help with requiring Kallari to have better positioning and tactical decision making when using her Q, while also requiring more foresight and routing when utilizing her ultimate for ganks and engagements. SHADOW VEIL (Q)
Stealth duration reduced from 6-12 to 3-6 seconds (based on levels).
Health regeneration per second increased from 4/7/10/13/16 (24-192 total HP) to 20/24/28/32/36 (60-216 total HP).
Mana cost increased from 30 to 55/60/65/70/75.
Range reduced from 950 to 750 units.
Cooldown reduced from 16/15/14/13/12 to 14/13.5/13/12.5/12 seconds.
No longer grants vision of the enemy team.
Is now a typical lock-on ability with no maximum duration between activation and cast.
Now requires the target to be visible by her team.
Now has a maximum range of 10,000/14,000/18,000 units.
10,000 units is about the distance from a side lane to just before the middle lane.
14,000 units is about the distance from a side lane to just after the middle lane.
18,000 units is about the distance from a side lane to the opposite pit.
Physical power scaling increased from 110% to 120%.
Trap deployment delay reduced from 0.8 to 0.5 seconds.
Cast range increased from 1000 to 1200.
Cast range increased from 550 to 600.
The size of the targeting reticule was made to be more representative of the size of the hit box.
Health bars were tweaked to improve aiming cross-map.
Items Purity of the Ancients SMALL ITEM REWORK
Unique active - Cleanse all Allied Heroes within 650 units of all Crowd Control effects.
Successfully cleansing an Allied Hero grants all affected Heroes 20% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.
Cooldown 120 seconds.
Shrines no longer grant missing health and missing mana from ability hit and landing basic attacks.
Shrines now grant 20% missing health and 50% missing mana to the last hitter.