about 4 years ago - Ryan Red - Direct link

Content Heroes

NEW: Morigesh ‍
Morigesh is the first combat mage coming to Fault and as such is designed to get closer to her targets than typical mages, deal good sustained damage while also having a method of prolonging her survival. While Morigesh lacks the range of other mages with both of her main abilities being close to ranged basic attack range, she does gain utility, damage and sustain with her E ability and consistent and reliable damage with her RMB, Q and Ultimate. Morigesh is not the most mechanically demanding hero, but does require smart positioning, trading and decision making in order to shine. The longer Morigesh is able to stay within range of a target and stack Poison on her target from her passive, the more damage and potential survivability she gets. Morigesh is vulnerable when she can be kept at range or when she is controlled and burst down.
Kit Overview



NEW: Sorceress Morigesh (Season Pass 0 Exclusive)


NEW: Sorceress Morigesh

Bug Fixes Heroes

Muriel Reversal of Fortune (R):
  • Can now aim at allies more easily and can cast at targets closer to her. A rework of her aiming will come in the future to improve this even further.

A review of lock-on abilities was performed with the addition of Morigesh and tweaks were made across the board. Since we want to emphasize good mechanical skill through requiring players to properly aim their abilities while also respecting the chess-like, tactical decision making of MOBAs, longer range lock-on abilities now require players to essentially click directly on their targets for the lock-on to work. These lock-ons now require roughly 75-80% more accurate aiming.

Recommended Builds
  • Sentry Ward added to recommended builds.
  • Radiant Pulse added to Support role.

  • Physical and Energy Armour gained per stack reduced from 12 to 6.

  • Out of Combat Shield timer Increased from 10 to 12 seconds.


Boris Rocket Slam (R):
Lock-on has been tuned to require more precise aiming.

Lt Belica Neural Disruptor (R):
Lock-on has been tuned to require more precise aiming.

Countess Shadow Slip (Q):
Lock-on has been tuned to require more precise aiming.

Dekker Ion Bot (E):
  • Added a 0.5 second minimum recast timer to the ability
Ion Fence (R):
  • Now allows projectiles to pass through the cage.

Gadget has been in a really good spot since release. Her artillery nature is coming through her gameplay, although her Disruptor Drone is proving to be too much of a nuisance. Since we want to keep her insistent barrage of spells as a core feature of Gadget, increasing the mana cost on her RMB will help make the use of the ability more thoughtful.

Disruptor Drone (RMB):
  • Mana cost increased from 45/50/55/60/65 to 50/60/70/80/90.

Khaimera Ambush (RMB):
  • Lock-on has been tuned to require more precise aiming.

Riktor Empalement (R):
  • Angle increased from 30 to 35 degrees.

Sevarog Colossal Blow (R):
  • Angle is now correct and is 130 instead of 180 degrees.

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